IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society

Page created by Miguel Howard
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
IMPRESSIONS               Publication of the Orange County Dental Society

§ Message From Our President
§ OCDS “Building” Memories
§ Night Out with the Angels!
Summer 2021
Volume 45 / Issue No. 3
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
Orange County Dental Society                                                                        COVER PHOTO
              BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                                    The Orange County Dental
President                    Robert J. Passamano, DDS                                               Society (OCDS) was established
President-Elect              David R. Telles, DDS
Immediate Past President     Ramesh A. Gowda, DDS
                                                                                                    in 1919 with just seven members
Vice-President               Carol L. Daderian, DDS                                                 and on April 14, 1948 OCDS was
                             Esther L. Chen, DDS
                             Christina T. Do, DDS
                                                             ORANGE COUNTY                          officially incorporated as a
                                                                 D E N TA L S O C I E T Y           501(c)6 nonprofit organization.
Member-at-Large              Jeffrey M. Caputo, DDS
Member-at-Large              Tushar P. Doshi, DDS          Advancing dental excellence and ethics   OCDS now has over 2,200
Member-at-Large              Jone Kim, DDS                   for our members and community.         members and is the largest of the
Member-at-Large              Ramesh Kothari, DDS                                                    32 dental components in
Member-at-Large              Noha Nour, DDS                                                         California.
Ethics Chair                 Eugene J. Schmidt, DDS
Peer Review Chair            Joseph J. Henry, Jr., DDS

Senior Delegate              Samira Shafaee, DDS
Senior Delegate              Brian B. Toorani, DDS

                 CDA TRUSTEES
 Nicholas Caplanis, DMD / Bijan Modjtahedi, DDS
           Impressions Editorial Board
          Editor Denise A. Habjan, DDS
          Managing Editor Megan Francis                               5    President’s Message         19     Milestones

                   Megan Francis                                      7    Editor’s Desk               20     Night Out With
                                                                                   The Angels
                                                                     9     Musings from Megan
           Membership Relations Manager                                                                23     Calendar
                  Shalyn Robers

        Marketing Communications Manager
                                                                    12     New Members
                                                                                                       26     Advertisers Index
            Dental Health Foundation
                Stephanie Franklin
                                                                    16     Member Spotlight            26     Classifieds

             Client Relationship Manager
                    Diana Alcazar

              Phone: 714.634.8944
               BUSINESS HOURS
       Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 4:30 pm

  The Orange County Dental Society (OCDS)
  welcomes advertising in our Impressions magazine.
  Such advertising must be factually accurate, not
  be deceptive or misleading, and must not conflict
  with or appear to violate OCDS Bylaws and
  Policies or the CDA Code of Ethics. OCDS reserves
  the right to accept or reject advertising, at its sole
  discretion, for any product or service submitted for
  publication. Acceptance of advertising by OCDS
  does not in any way constitute endorsement or
  approval by OCDS of the advertised service or
  product, and advertisers may not make such claims
  in any way. ©2016 Orange County Dental Society.
  Layout and Printing by Press Print, 888-463-3102.

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                                                            3
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
President’s Message
                                             Robert J. Passamano, DDS

                                      As my term as OCDS President is entering the second half, I am reflecting on
                                      OCDS's accomplishments so far this year and feeling positive about the future of
                                      our organization and profession. Although COVID-19 continues to impact us
                                      today, we are still managing to accomplish a great deal as an organization.

                                      As you may have already heard, WE ARE MOVING! We have sold our building
                                      on Flower Street and are moving just a couple miles down the road near The
Outlets at Orange (formerly The Block at Orange). The new OCDS Headquarters is located in a professional high-rise
building with easy access to the 5, 22, and 57 freeways. This building is able to accommodate our social events with
an outdoor courtyard as well as Continuing Education lectures with a large lecture hall. It has 24/7 security, plenty of
free parking and a professional appearance that represents our society’s vision. The Board of Directors and I are proud
to present our new headquarters to our membership. We plan to be moved by the end of this year.

We are excited to announce that social events are back! We recently brought back “A Night Out With The Angels” on
July 17th. This sold-out event was our first social event in over a year. It was great to see everyone coming together
again (photos from this event in this issue). On August 21st, OCDS is hosting a breakfast at Knott’s Berry Farm for
family, friends and staff followed by entrance into the park. We are excited to announce that we have over 267 people
registered for this event.

We had such a demand for online CE as well as great feedback regarding our Continuing Education events that we
added 2 additional lectures in 2021. We now have 4 more CE events remaining this year! On August 26th, Dr. Steven
Danney is presenting “Sleep Dentistry 101: Basics of Sleep, Sleep Medicine and Sleep Disorders.” On September
14th, Kirk Behrendt is presenting “The Top 10 Secrets to Make Your Practice Thrive”. Registration for both of these
online webinars are open. On October 8th, we are hosting an in-person lecture at Glidewell in Newport Beach with
Dr. Steve Carstensen on “Simplifying Dental Sleep Medicine: Helping Sleepy Patients Now”. Our final CE event is
scheduled for November 18th with Dr. Ben Curtis. We are proud to offer our membership 10 CE lectures for 2021 all at
no additional cost to our members. With the success of online lectures this year, we plan to offer both in-person and
online lectures going forward.

These are just a few of the activities that have kept us very busy this year – you’ll see more details and photos in the
pages that follow including a tribute to our dental museum and former headquarters. I am honored to serve you as
OCDS President, and I look forward to my last half year in office being just as productive as the first half year has been!

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                                                5
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
Ed ors Desk
                                         Denise Habjan, DDS

                   OCDS “Building” Memories
Like many of us, our experience with organized                best. The food was usually in the dental museum and
dentistry started with the Orange County Dental Society       looking around at all of the museum items was
and the building.                                             awesome. Santa would usually be in the staff office area
                                                              and the board room was loaded with donated gifts for
Many of the requirements to belong to OCDS have               children.
changed, and while some may say that it has made
applying easier, some will say that they miss the old         Many smaller CE meetings were held in the museum or
requirements and importance of membership.                    the board room over the years.

When I joined OCDS, you actually had to go to the             I spent many late nights at board and other meetings at
OCDS building and meet the executive director and             the old OCDS building; in fact, my year as president we
staff. I remember it well, (this was pre Laura and Megan).    had some of the longest meetings, due to updating
The frame of the building was the same, but the set up        bylaws and standing rules. The staff provided great
was different. The staff offices were in what was the          catered meals and it was always a surprise to see what
current board room and the board room was where the           we were going to have.
staff offices are now.
                                                              I have had the privilege to have worked with amazing
Dr. Robert Hirst was president when I began, and I was        dentists, executive directors, and staff over the years.
fascinated by the Board proceedings. I guess I got            OCDS is the best. We are so fortunate to have Megan,
hooked then and there, and as they say, the rest is           Shalyn, Stephanie, and Diana. They are helping us
history.                                                      usher in a new chapter at OCDS.

Soon I was on the Board of Directors and there would be       We have been fortunate to be one of only a few
several work parties to “clean up the place.” We were         components to have had our own building. Times and
painting cabinets in the kitchen and I thought I was          neighborhoods change and sometimes we have to
being a “great help” and painted the cabinets shut. I was     move on.
never invited to paint again.
                                                              I have many fond memories of our OCDS building but
OCDS was noted for the fabulous Christmas parties. The        change is necessary.
staff would decorate for months. The building was so
festive, and the smells of the fresh trees and food was the   The best is yet to come.

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                                             7
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
8   Impressions Summer 2021
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
Musings from
                                              Megan Francis

It is so great to have in-person events back at OCDS! We     that were being sent to us, nor the ability to properly
have missed your faces and the comradery.                    maintain it. To find a space in Orange County that could
                                                             fit staff and the museum (especially our large items) just
On July 17th, we welcomed 157 OCDS members to an             wasn't feasible in today's market, nor were there any
Angels game (article and photos within this issue).          locations that could house both for a reasonable price.
                                                             The Museum Committee called all over the United
We are planning other in-person events such as:              States to find good homes for our pieces – dental
   • August 21 – Breakfast with OCDS at Knotts               schools, other museums; I found collectors in the
       Berry Farm (Sold Out)                                 Midwest and contacted antique television shows, but
   • October 7 – 2022 Board Installation at the              there just wasn't an interest in any of our items, and
       Hyatt Regency and Resort Huntington Beach             many places were downsizing as well.
   • October 8 – CE Course “Simplifying Dental
                                                                                              continued on page 11
       Sleep Medicine: Helping Sleepy Patients Now”
       with Steve Carstensen, DDS at Glidewell
   • November 18 – CE Course regarding Pediatrics
       with speaker Ben Curtis, DDS at Biolase

OCDS is watching the rise of the Delta strain and if we
are forced to change plans due to venues cancelling in-
person events, we will let membership know.

Nearly two years ago, OCDS Board of Directors, along
with our Building Committee and Museum Committee,
began the journey of finding a new home for the Orange
County Dental Society.

This was not a task that any of our board and committee
members took lightly. They spent an enormous amount
of time vetting different options and what was best for

Our building and location had numerous issues,
es p ecially with s afety/s ecu rity an d o n go in g
maintenance and upkeep. Our little museum was no
longer a draw, as it is such a small, niche market, and no
one had come in the years since I have been ED. We
didn't have the space to properly exhibit all the items

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                                             9
IMPRESSIONS - Message From Our President OCDS "Building" Memories Night Out with the Angels! - Orange County Dental Society
10   Impressions Summer 2021
Musings from Megan                                                            continued from page 9

While we are sad to close our museum and it was a tough decision on all of us, I want to stress that this decision was
carefully planned every step of the way for an entire year. We sought to make it work, however as we have all seen in
the past year, things change, and it was the best decision to move on. The new OCDS office will have quite a few
valuable items displayed, including George Washington's dentures.

The OCDS building has served such a great importance to our society; it served as a place where ideas flourished, new
members became leaders and people could gather and feel welcomed. There were many special people that made the
old OCDS building and museum great, particularly past board members and staff. I would like to thank them for all
that they did. They made a very special place for me to start my journey with OCDS almost three years ago.

Our new building is located just a few minutes from our old office, located near The Outlets at Orange and
neighboring freeways, within a set of 3 high rises. It has 24/7 property management onsite and security, a large
classroom to hold our CE meetings and get togethers, a smaller classroom to hold board and committee meetings, and
an outside reception area (perhaps a pre-Angels or Ducks game reception).

I look forward to continuing seeing our members at OCDS events and hopefully at the new office in 2022.

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                                           11
Welcome New Members
The following dentists have completed the necessary requirements, paid current dues, and have been
accepted as Regular Active Members.

The following dentists have
completed the necessary              William Chakar, DDS                  Alec Garoian, DDS
requirements, paid current dues,     Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry    Herman Ostrow School of
and have been accepted as            of USC/2021                          Dentistry of USC/2021
Regular Active Members.              General Dentist                      General Dentist

Sara Aghayan, DDS                    Hye Ryun Choi, DDS                   Renee Greene, DDS
UCSF School of Dentistry/2021        UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School of       UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School
General Dentist                      Dentistry/2020                       of Dentistry/2021
                                     General Dentist                      General Dentist
Maria Bartolome, DMD                 Nicholas Chiu, DDS
Western University of Health         UCSF School of Dentistry/2021        Danielle Goodman, DDS
Sciences College of Dental           General Dentist                      Herman Ostrow School of
Medicine/2021                                                             Dentistry of USC/2017
General Dentist                      Hoyong Choi, DMD                     Herman Ostrow School of
                                     1961 W Malvern Ave                   Dentistry of USC/2019
Zainab Bhagat, DMD                   Fullerton, CA 92833-2177             Pediatric Dentist
Western University of Health         Boston University/2017
Sciences College of Dental           General Dentist                      Viviana Han, DDS
Medicine/2021                                                             Herman Ostrow School of
General Dentist                      Mehrzad Dalaei, DDS                  Dentistry of USC/2021
                                     Loma Linda University/2021           General Dentist
Brittany Bhagia, DDS                 General Dentist                      Sara Jahangiri, DDS
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry                                         UCLA School of Dentistry/2021
of USC/2021                          Kevin Dietiker, DDS                  General Dentist
General Dentist                      Herman Ostrow School of
                                     Dentistry of USC/2021                Ashley Jan, DDS
Umaima Bharmal, DMD                  General Dentist                      Herman Ostrow School of
Midwestern University/2020                                                Dentistry of USC/2019
General Dentist                      Haleh Fazeli, DDS                    General Dentist
                                     University of Maryland Baltimore
Joseph Bui, DDS                      College of Dental Surgery/2012
UCLA School of Dentistry/2021        General Dentist
General Dentist

12                                                                                       Impressions Summer 2021
Austin Kim, DDS                 Golnaz Mahmodieh, DDS           Ryan Nguyen, DDS
UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School     UCSF School of Dentistry/2012   UCSF School of Dentistry/2021
of Dentistry/2021               General Dentist                 General Dentist
General Dentist
                                Amanda Maitino, DDS             Teresa Nguyen, DDS
Sun Hyoung Kim, DMD             Herman Ostrow School of         Herman Ostrow School of
Western University of Health    Dentistry of USC/2020           Dentistry of USC/2021
Sciences College of Dental      General Dentist                 General Dentist
General Dentist                 Armine Martirosian, DDS         Thomas H. Nguyen, DDS
                                Herman Ostrow School of         Herman Ostrow School of
Arsany Labib, DDS               Dentistry of USC/2021           Dentistry of USC/2021
13132 Newport Ave Ste 220       General Dentist                 General Dentist
Tustin, CA 92780
Univ del Bajio A C/2012         Andrew Najem, DDS               Thucdan Nguyen, DDS
General Dentist                 Loma Linda University/2021      UOP Arthur A. Dugoni
                                General Dentist                 School of Dentistry/2021
Khoa Le, DMD                                                    General Dentist
University of Nevada, Las       Heba Nassar, DDS
Vegas/2020                      Loma Linda University/2021      Linda Pearce, DMD
General Dentist                 General Dentist                 5731 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd
                                                                Anaheim, CA 92807
Yen Le, DDS                     Quang Ngo, DDS                  Tufts University School of Dental
UCLA School of Dentistry/2021   UCLA School of Dentistry/2021   Medicine/1994
General Dentist                 General Dentist                 General Dentist

Juan Gilberto Lozano, DDS       Jenny Nguyen, DMD               Alisa Pham, DDS
Universidad De La Salle/2013    Western University of Health    UCSF School of Dentistry/2020
General Dentist                 Sciences College of Dental      General Dentistry
Tony Ly, DMD                    General Dentist                 Johnny Pham, DDS
Western University of Health                                    UCLA School of Dentistry/2021
Sciences College of Dental      Kristin Nguyen, DDS             General Dentist
Medicine/2021                   UCLA School of Dentistry/2021
General Dentist                 General Dentist
                                                                           continued on page 15

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                      13
Lan Su, DMD, PhD
              Diplomate, American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
                     Diplomate, American Board of Orofacial Pain

                              We provide the following services for your patients:
     ·   Microscopic diagnosis for the biopsies submitted      ·   Diagnosis of ambiguous white/red lesions (oral
         by dentists                                               cancer/precancer) and clinical follow-up
     ·   Clinical diagnosis and therapeutic management
         of oral mucosal lesions, such as chronic ulcers,      ·   Radiographic consultation of intrabony lesions
         vesiculobulous disorders, burning or dry mouth, etc
                                                               ·   Comprehensive care of prior/post radiotherapy
     ·   Diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of                    for head/neck cancers
         neuropathic pain and TMJ disorders

           1310 West Stewart Dr., Suite 202 • Orange, CA 92868 • Telephone: (714) 856-3349

14                                                                                                 Impressions Summer 2021
Welcome New Members
Nam Phung, DMD                  Nikita Shams, DDS               Joe Wang, DMD
Western University of Health    UCLA School of Dentistry/2021   Western University of Health
Sciences College of Dental      General Dentist                 Sciences College of Dental
Medicine/2021                                                   Medicine/2021
General Dentist                 Thomas Shinmoto, DDS            General Dentist
                                22972 Moulton Pkwy Ste 106
Veronica Pintor, DDS            Laguna Hills, CA 92653          Simon Youn, DDS
Loma Linda University/2021                                      Herman Ostrow School of
General Dentist                 Herman Ostrow School of         Dentistry of USC/2021
                                Dentistry of USC/1967           General Dentist
Nelson Poliran, DDS             General Dentistry
UCLA School of Dentistry/2021                                   Anthony Yu, DDS
General Dentist                 Hanaa Selim Gobriel, DMD        UCLA School of Dentistry/2021
                                Western University of Health    General Dentist
Liza Pomerantz, DDS             Sciences College of Dental
UOP Arthur A. Dugoni            Medicine/2021                   The following dentists have
School of Dentistry/2017        General Dentist                 transferred as Active Members
Herman Ostrow School of                                         to OCDS.
Dentistry of USC/2022           Peter Tafesh, DDS
Pediatric Dentist               Loma Linda University/2021      Muna Almoayad, DDS
                                General Dentist                 16100 Sand Canyon Ave Ste 270
Jeries Qoborsi, DDS                                             Irvine, CA 92618
Loma Linda University/2021      Saakshi Tandon, DDS             Univ of Khartoum/1987
General Dentist                 Loma Linda University/2021      General Dentist
                                General Dentist
Riad Ramez, DDS                                                 Jasmine Flake, DDS
UCLA School of Dentistry/2021   Micah Tanikawa, DMD             UOP Arthur A. Dugoni School
General Dentist                 Western University of Health    of Dentistry/2019
                                Sciences College of Dental      General Dentist
Wendy Rocha, DDS                Medicine/2021
UCLA School of Dentistry/2021   General Dentist                 Jonggoo Park, DDS
General Dentist                                                 Loma Linda University/2018
                                Zoe Tsai, DDS                   General Dentist
Sophia Sawires, DDS             Herman Ostrow School of
UCLA School of Dentistry/2021   Dentistry of USC/2021           Raymond Wright, Jr., DDS
General Dentist                 General Dentist                 1001 Avenida Pico Ste K
                                                                San Clemente, CA 92673
                                Ki Um, DDS                      University of Illinois at
                                New York University/2021        Chicago/1974
                                General Dentist                 University of Illinois at

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                        15
Member Spo ight
                                 Charles M. Fischer DDS, MS, EdD
                                 FACD, FAGD, FADI

                                At first glance, Chuck's   deal of scholarly research in the area of drug abuse and
                                professional life seems   psychoactive drugs. He was one of the small founding
                                normal and straight       team that started the famous Haight-Ashbury Free
                                forward….UCLA grad        Medical Clinic. And, as a matter of fact, Timothy Leary
                                in Public Health,         and his wife were Chuck's dental patients! Chuck's
                                graduating from dental    radio series, The History of Drug Abuse, was chosen as
                                school, with honors,      the number one FM educational radio program in the
from UCSF followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in oral   US in 1970.
medicine, orofacial anomalies and maxillo-facial
reconstruction. Then off to private practice in the Bay   Desiring to focus on dentistry rather than the field of
Area coupled with a part time teaching position at        pharmacology, Chuck, over the years, grew a large and
UCSF.                                                     successful dental group practice in the East Bay of San
                                                          Francisco. Though preferring challenging clinical cases
However, a closer look at Chuck's career reveals a        and full mouth reconstruction, he was forced to develop
much more unconventional path. While in dental            a new skill set—practice and business management—to
school, he lived close to UCSF in the Haight-Ashbury      effectively run a practice with 25 staff and four dentists.
district in San Francisco from 1964 to 1969. The famous   When his associate dentists indicated that they would
“Summer of Love” erupted there in 1968 and Chuck was      be interested in buying his practice, Chuck was not
caught in the middle of the “hippy era”. As a             initially interested, but then, after much consideration,
consequence, he became fascinated with what was           eventually agreed. It was time to untether himself from
happening within the emerging drug culture and            the demanding admin duties of the practice and embark
entered graduate school at UCSF to study pharmacology     upon a new adventure.
and toxicology, receiving his Master's degree in the
field. During this time he was responsible for a good

16                                                                                           Impressions Summer 2021
Once more Chuck returned to school, got an MBA, and         Education and Psychology and earned his doctorate in
started a consulting company, advising clients across       organizational leadership and now exclusively consults
the country about dental practice management matters        in this arena. As a member of the CDA's Leadership
and clinical delivery of care. His consulting firm           Development Committee for four years, he conducted
ultimately expanded its scope of business into the larger   profile studies on doctor-leaders of the association.
field of health services management, working in
addition with hospitals, insurance companies, medical       In May of this year, Chuck presented some of his
group practices, and biomedical companies.                  research findings at the International Leadership
                                                            Association's Health Care Leadership Conference. His
A group of dentists in Hawaii contracted with Chuck's       study revealed that leaders in dentistry display
company to design and create the State's first large         characteristics that are somewhat different than the
multi-office dental group practice. After completing the     ones we observe in other groups (such as business and
project, he was asked by another large Hawaii group to      politics). Leader stereotypes often manifest strong
be their dental director. He also served as the dental      dominant behaviors that are usually mitigated by
director of several dental insurance companies as well      charm and people skills (as measured by the DISC
as co-owned two dental laboratories. For several years      psychometric assessment), whereas dental leaders
he flexed his skills as a regional director for a large      generally have strong compliance behaviors, also
national corporate dental practice.                         mitigated by adept people skills. Of particular note was
                                                            that the assessed leadership styles of female and male
During his consulting years, Chuck had lived in a           dentists are surprisingly very similar. Furthermore,
number of states, but ultimately planted his roots in       there is also minimal generational variation in dentist
Hawaii for 18 years. He returned to Southern California     leadership styles between Baby Boomers,
in 2000 to care for his ageing father and mother. He then   Traditionalists, and Generation X/ Millennials.
again joined the faculty at UCSF as an associate
professor.                                                  Chuck, his wife, Denise, and daughter, Aubrey, reside
                                                            in Coto de Caza. As a family they enjoy traveling,
Over the years, his consulting experience taught him        cinema and the performing arts, classic car shows,
that understanding organizational psychology was a          outdoor sports and activities. Chuck has served as a
key to effective organizational development. In 2004,       Board member of OCDS and continues to serve on the
he entered Pepperdine University's Graduate School of       OCDS Leadership Development Committee and as a
                                                            HOD Delegate.

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                                         17

                           CUONG LE, CPA
                                (310) 450-5708

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18 . Impressions                                                  Impressions Summer 2021
                                                                  July-August-September 2021

5 years              Amy Durisin               Stacey Lowman                    25 years
Jessica Cho          Patricia Gusti            Shirin Shery Mansouri            Richard Botzbach
Lena DeBaz           Seokwon Jang              Shabnam Nejati                   Phuong-Ly Bui
Angela Fang          Matthew Johnson           Kaveh Niknia                     Susan Caldwell
Sangita Hablani      Sheida Khazaii-Tabari     Scott Niven                      Naushil Desai
Christopher Hagen    Julie Kim                 Jessica Oliver-Castillo          Steve Irwin
John Kim             Ho Jung Kim               Sanghoon Park                    Youngjoon Kim
Juyoung Lee          Richard Koh               Amandeep Singh                   Jose Lomboy
Carla Lidner         Sharon Lu                 Neeta Somani                     Ned Nakatsuka
Ehsan Mossavi        Maria Lourdes Morato      Huy Than                         Josanne O'Dell
Hiroko Murotani      Amitiss Nasiri-Ansari     Hanh Tran                        Ishani Shah-Dhillon
Jeffrey Nguyen       Mary Pham                 Scott Watanabe                   Thomas Tran
Mark Olson           Sarah Pham                Samuel Wu                        Mark Yano
Lydia Park           Valentia Redden
Won Park             Shirley Santos            20 years                         30 years
Soon Shim            Alvand Zinabadi           Shellaine Alonsagay-Del Campo    Elizabeth Bernos
Jake Sylwanowicz                               David Datu                       Claire Cho
Jeffrey Takai        15 years                  Thanh Dinh
Lisa Tran            Louis Amendola            Raed Fawaz                       40 years
Katy Vu              Sarah Belderes            Faye Hazrati-Sarshar             Paul Sheffield
                     Robert Cadalso            James Hong                       Judy Tiffany
10 years             Anna Chandsawangbhuwana   Amir Mohseni
Siamak Abai          Dorothy Chao              Carey L. Penrod                  45 years
Karim Bouhairi       Michael Dugas             Glenn Yanagi                     Paul Clarke
Kristi Chiang        Lawrence Eckl                                              Douglas McGavin
Adam Clark           Andrew Harner                                              Craig Olson
Vicky Duong          Sang Lee                                                   Robert Sloan
                     Kyuyoung Lim
                                                                                50 years
                                                                                S. Crandall

Impressions Summer 2021                                                                            19
                        D E N TA L S O C I E T Y

                   night out with the

                   On July 17, members of OCDS and their
                   staff and families came together for our first
                   in-person event since March 2020 at
                   Angels Stadium, to see the Angels play the
                   Seattle Mariners.

                   OCDS lucked out on a hot summer day and
                   had our event in the shade under the trees
                   of Courtyard 5. Guests dined on typical
                   baseball fare and had a full bar.

                   Those that attended sat in the club seats and
                   were able to watch the Angels beat the
                   Mariners! Those that stayed enjoyed the
                   fireworks show after the game.

                   Thank you to all that came and our

                          Repair Makers- Pate Savage
                   Fullerton Oral Surgery- Steven Miyamoto
                             Citi Bank- Bob Affleck

20 . Impressions                         Impressions Summer 2021
Impressions Summer 2021   21
Calendar 2021
                                21       Knotts Berry Farm and Breakfast with OCDS
                                26       Webinar: Sleep Dentistry 101 with Steven Danney, DDS

                                6        Labor Day - OCDS Closed
                                9-11     CDA Presents - The Art and Science of Dentistry in San Francisco
                                14       Webinar: The Top 10 Secrets to Make Your Practice Thrive
                                         with Kirk Behrendt
                                28       OCDS Board Meeting

                                7        Installation of Officers
                                8        CE Meeting: Simplifying Dental Sleep Medicine:
                                         Helping Sleepy Patients Now with Steve Carstensen, DDS
                                11-13    SmileCon - ADA Convention in Las Vegas

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Impressions Summer 2021                                                                              23
Impressions Summer 2021   25
Need your dental
     staff CPR cer fied                                  Classifieds
   and want to schedule the                            JOBbank
    class sooner than later?                           Are you looking for a new employee? Do you have space to
                                                       lease or a practice to sell? Let us help!
                        Hello, my name is
                        Sco Lehnkering and             OCDS has a new website with a new and improved Job
                                                       Board! You may post a job and review resumes on the
                        the owner of A Hero for Life
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