Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -

Page created by Rita Gibson
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
Helmut Brath
Diabetes- und Fettstoffwechselambulanz
Gesundheitszentrum Favoriten, Wien

               Impfen bei Diabetes –

                                         ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021   Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
1. Diabetes & Infektionen: ein wichtiges Thema?
2. Warum?
3. Verlaufen Infektionen laufen bei Diabetes anders
4. Diabetes & Influenza
5. Diabetes & Pneumokokken
6. Diabetes & HPV
7. Diabetes & COVID-19
8. Wirken Impfungen bei Diabetes?
9. Snopsis
10. Diskussion                                        Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
Diabetes & Infektionen:
 ein wichtiges Thema?

                          Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
Zeitliche Veränderungen der Komplikationsraten
                Participants with T2DM from the Fremantle Diabetes Study Phases I (n=1291
                         recruited 1993-1996) and II (n=1509 recruited 2008-2011).
                       Age-, sex- and zip code-matched 1:4 to people without diabetes.

                YLL: years of lost life
Wendy A Davis, Edward W Gregg, Timothy M E Davis:
Temporal trends in cardiovascular complications in people with or without type 2 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, dgaa215,, Apr. 30, 2020         Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
T2DM & ambulant behandelte Infektionen
                    69.318 Pat. mit neuer Dg. DM2 zw. 2000 - 2012 in Nord Dänemark
                        Inzidenz ambulant erworbener Infektionen: 394/1.000 py
                                Vergleich HbA1c ≥ 10,5 % vs. 5,5 – 6,5 %

                                                                   HR: 1.19 (95% CI: 1.14, 1.26)

                                 Adjust. HR ratios, by baseline (dotted-dashed line), updated mean (solid line),
                      updated time-weighted mean (dashed line), and latest updated (dotted line) hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
Anil Mor et al, Am J Epidemiol 2017;186(2):227-236                                                                        Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
T2DM & stationär behandelte Infektionen
                    69.318 Pat. mit neuer Dg. DM2 zw. 2000 - 2012 in Nord Dänemark
                        Inzidenz ambulant erworbener Infektionen: 394/1.000 py
                                Vergleich HbA1c ≥ 10,5 % vs. 5,5 – 6,5 %

                                                                HR: 1.64 (95% CI: 1.51, 1.79)

                          Adjust. HR ratios, by baseline (dotted-dashed line), updated mean (solid line),
               updated time-weighted mean (dashed line), and latest updated (dotted line) hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
Anil Mor et al, Am J Epidemiol 2017;186(2):227-236                                                                 Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
Serumglukosespiegel & Sterberisiko an CAP

                                                                              b  e Prospektive
                                              te n H  y p e r g ly k ä m   ie
                  “A usm aß der aku                               r ta li tä ts r is
                                                                                     ik o ,
                                 h m  e In d ik a to r fü r  M  o                      studie
               Spita ls a u fn a                                            T h  e r a p ie .”
                                         b e s o nders     in te n  s iv  e
             Patien te n b r a u c h e n

                                                                CAP: Community acquired pneumonia
Lepper P et al, BMJ. 2012; 344: e3397. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e3397                                       Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -

         Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
Ursachen f. ↑ Infektmorbidität bei DM
  Glykosilierung von Antikörpern
  ↓ d. zell. Immunität    -   Geerlings SE, Hoepelman AIM. Immune dysfunction in ptx
                               with DM. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 1999;26(3-4):259-
  ↓ d. Phagozytose        -   Mohan V, Unnikrishnan R, Thomas N, Bhansali A,
                              Wangnoo SK, Thomas K. Pneumococcal infections and

  ↓ d. T-Zell Immunität
                              immunization in diabetic patients. J Postgrad Med.
                          -   Alves C, Casqueiro J, Casqueiro J. Infections in patients
                              with DM: A review of pathogenesis. Indian J Endocr Metab.

Lokale Faktoren:              2012;16(7):27–15

  Pulmonale Mikroangiopathie
  ↓ mukocil. Clearance    -   Yue WL. Nasal mucociliary clearance in patients with
                              diabetes mellitus. J Laryngol Otol. 1989;103(9):853-855.
                          -   Thomsen RW, Hundborg HH, Lervang H-H et al: Diabetes &
  ↓ Lungenfunktion            outcome of community-acquired pneumococcal
                              bacteremia: a 10-year population-based cohort study.
                              Diabetes Care. 2004;27(1):70-76
                                                                                Brath: DM
Impfen bei Diabetes - warum? - ÖGIT, 21. 6. 2021 -
Weitere Ursachen

                -      Hyperglycemia is associated with an increased
                       susceptibility to viral infections1

                -      cell-mediated immune deficiencies2

                -      disturbances in innate immunity, including humoral
                       immunity (low complement factor 4, decreased
                       cytokine response after stimulation) and cellular
                       immunity (chemotaxis, phagocytosis, killing)3

1.   Mor A et al: Impact of glycemic control on risk of infections in ptx with T2D: a population-based cohort study. Am J Epidemiol.
2.   Abu-Ashour W et al: The association between DM & incident infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis of
     observational studies. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2017;5(1):e000336.
3.   Geerlings SE et al. Immune dysfunction in ptx with DM. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 1999;26:259–265.                               Brath: DM
Infektionen könnten bei älteren
                 Patienten mit Diabetes zumindest so
                viel Einfluss auf Lebensqualität haben
                wie makro- & mikrovasculares Risiko.

Pearson-Stuttard J, et al. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2016 Feb;4(2):148-58   Brath: DM
Verlaufen Infektionen bei Diabetes anders?

                                             Brath: DM
Klinische Symptome* sind unterschiedlich
                    akuter Beginn, Husten, gelber Auswurf,
                    intrahospitale Komplikationen
                  Patienten mit Diabetes & Organschäden:
                    mehr kardiale Komplikationen & höhere
                                                   * Community acquired pneumonia
Silvana Di Yacovo et al , Medicine 2013;92:42-50                               Brath: DM
Infektionen führen zu gravierenden

                    Häufigsten auslösenden Ursachen von
                       diabetischer Ketoazidose (DKA)
                           und hyperglykämischen
                       hyperosmolarem Status (HHS):
                                      30 – 60 % der Fälle von HHS

                                      15 – 58 % der Fälle von DKA
Umpierrez G, Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2016 Apr;12(4):222-32               Brath: DM
Diabetes und Influenza

                         Brath: DM
Influenza: Risikofaktoren f. schwere Verläufe
                    Multicenter, retrospective, observational study
    Zhejiang, China during a severe influenza epidemic in August 2017-May 2018
   Multivariate analysis for risk factors assoc. with Influenza A pneumonia severity

Zou Q et et:
Influenza A-associated severe pneumonia in hospitalized ptx: Risk factors & NAI treatments. Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Mar;92:208-213   Brath: DM
Österr. Impfplan: Influenza

2021                                       Brath: DM
Diabetes und Pneumokokken

                            Brath: DM
Diabetes & Inzidenz v. Pneumokokkeninfekt.

Shea KM et al, Open Forum Infect Dis. 2014 May 27;1(1):ofu024. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofu024   Brath: DM
Risiko f. invasive Pneumokokkenerkr.
                                             z. B. Sepsis, Meningitis

Hoek AJ et al, Journal of Infection (2012) 65, 17-24                    Brath: DM
Österr. Impfplan: Pneumokokken

2021                                          Brath: DM
Österr. Impfplan: Pneumokokken

2021                                          Brath: DM
Diabetes & HPV

                 Brath: DM
Diabetes & Inzidenz v. HPV assoz. (Prä-)Karzinome
  Register-based cohort study, estimation of incid. of HPV-related anogenital precancer & cancer in women with & without
  diabetes. Subjects: all women living in DK born 1916 - 2001 (n = 2 508 321). Used (individual-level) information: diabetes
     (Type 1 or 2), diag. of cervical, vaginal, vulvar & anal intraepithelial neoplasia Grade 2 or 3 and cancer. Adjusted for
       attained age, subsequently further adjusted for educational level, HPV vaccination status and calendar period.

                                                                  vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2/3 (IRR = 1.63; 95% CI: 1.41-1.88)

                                                                   anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2/3 (IRR = 1.18; 95% CI, 0.88-1.58)

                                                                   cervical intraep. neoplasia grade 2/3 (IRR = 0.79; 95% CI, 0.74-0.84)

                                                                   vaginal intraep. neoplasia grade 2/3 (IRR = 0.79; 95% CI, 0.44-1.43)

                                                                                             Incidence/100.000 patient years
                                                                                                 IRR: incidence rate ratio
                                                                                               HPV: human papilloma virus
K Reinholdt et al, Int. J. Cancer. 2021;148:2090–2101 (Unit of Virus, Lifestyle, and Genes, Danish Cancer Society Research Center)   Brath: DM
Diabetes & Inzidenz v. HPV assoz. Karzinome

                                                        Vaginal cancer (IRR = 1.69; 95% CI: 1.20-2.39)

                                                        Vulvar cancer (IRR = 1.72; 95% CI, 1.45-2.04)

                                                        Cervical cancer (IRR = 1.13; 95% CI, 1.00-1.28)

                                                          Anal cancer (IRR = 1.17; 95% CI, 0.92-1.48)

                                                             Incidence/100.000 patient years
                                                                 IRR: incidence rate ratio

K Reinholdt et al, Int. J. Cancer. 2021;148:2090–2101                                              Brath: DM
Diabetes & Inzidenz v. HPV assoz. (Prä-)Karzinome1
                                             Weitere relevante Aussagen
      1) Patterns generally similar in women with T1D and T2D, although cancer
         rates were higher in women with T2D

      2) Women with T2D participated less in screening than women without T2D
         (all ages: 75.8% vs 63.6% unscreened person years)

          Women with T1D vs. without diabetes: no difference
          (all ages: 62.9% vs 63.6% unscreened person-years).

      3) Frühere Metaanalye (19 Studien): sign. erhöhtes Risiko für Zervixkarzinom
         für Frauen mit Diabetes, wenn Alters- und BMI adjustier:
         RR: 1.34 (95% CI, 1.10-1.63)

1.   K Reinholdt et al, Int. J. Cancer. 2021;148:2090–2101 (Unit of Virus, Lifestyle, and Genes, Danish Cancer Society Research Center)
2.   Starup-Linde et al. CARING (CAncer Risk & INsulin analoGues): assoc. of DM & cancer risk with focus on possible
     determinants - a syst- review & meta-analysis. Curr Drug Saf. 2013;8(5):296-332. https://doi. org/10.2174/15748863113086660071       Brath: DM
Diabetes & Inzidenz v. HPV assoz. (Prä-)Karzinome1

        1) Efforts should be made to promote cervical cancer
                    screening in women with diabetes,

         2) Implementation of HPV vaccination for adolescent
              girls remains an important priority to prevent
                          HPV-related cancers.

K Reinholdt et al, Int. J. Cancer. 2021;148:2090–2101                Brath: DM
Hyperglykämie & Karzinome

                            Brath: DM
Cancer risk
                          in Diabetes
                     (results of different

Nicolucci A, Acta Diabetol 2010;47:87-95
Possible causal relations betw. T2DM & Cancer

  1    Insulin Resistance, Hyperinsulinemia


       Common Causes: Obesity, Smoking,
  3      Nutrition…

       Special, with Diabetes
  4      assoc. Pathomechanisms
                                                Brath: DM
Studies performed

                   DIAPLANT – Studie

                                      Oxidative stress
Dietary intervention               Oxidative DNA damage
                                    Genomic instabilities

                   MIKRODIAB – Studie

   Oxidative stress
Oxidative DNA damage             Glycemic control (HbA1c)
     DNA repair                     Diabetes Duration
 Genomic instabilities                 Medication
Studies performed
                      DIAPLANT – Studie

                                       Oxidative stress
    Dietary intervention            Oxidative DNA damage
                                     Genomic instabilities
DNA Strand breaks

                         % DNA in tail

                                                    -19%     -23%   -20%             +2%      +4%   +4%
                                             wk 0   wk 4     wk 8   wk 16     wk 0   wk 4    wk 8   wk 16
                                                     Intervention                     Information

Müllner E, Brath H, …., Wagner KH, Mol Nutr Food Res. 2013 Feb;57(2):328-38
Switzeny OJ, Müllner E, Wagner KH, Brath H et al, Clin. Epigenetics 2012:4:19   Brath: DM
Glycemic Control & Chromosom. Damage (Micronuclei)

Müllner E, Brath H, …., Wagner KH: Genome damage in periph blood lymphocytes of diabetic and non-diabetic individuals
after intervention with vegetables and plant oil. Mutagenesis. 2013 Jan 21. [Epub ahead of print]                       Brath: DM
Studies performed

                       MIKRODIAB – Studie

       Oxidative stress
    Oxidative DNA damage             Glycemic control (HbA1c)
         DNA repair                     Diabetes Duration
     Genomic instabilities                 Medication
Mikrodiab-Study –
                                                                       Chromosomal Damage

                        20                                                                    20                                                                 20
                                 r = 0.529***                                                                                                                             HbA1c > 7.5 %                HbA1c ≤ 7.5 %
                                                                                                       r = 0.356***
                                                                                                                                                                          r = 0.735***                 r = 0.247*
                        15                                                                    15                                                                 15
                                                                               FPG [mmol/L]

                                                                                                                                                     HbA1c [%]
            HbA1c [%]

                        10                                                                    10                                                                 10

                                                                                              5                                                                  5

                                                                                              0                                                                  0
                        0                                                                          0        1         2        3         4   5   6                    0      1           2        3         4       5   6
                             0       1          2        3         4   5   6
                                                                                                                          Total MN [‰]                                                       Total MN [‰]
                                                    Total MN [‰]

Grindel A, Brath H….. Wagner KH. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 2;7:41985. doi: 10.1038/srep41985
Oxidative Stress & DNA-Damage in T2DM
             Oxidative Stress

                                         Cell Death

 Healthy                    Cell with
  Cell                      damaged
                                          Cell with
               DNA Repair
                                                      Brath: DM

! Oxidative          damage to DNA/RNA
  o   Comet Assay (Lysis, FPG-sensitive sites, 100 µM H2O2)
  o   8-oxodG and 8-oxoGuo in urine (UPLC with tandem MS)

! Chromosomal                 damage
  o   BMCyt Assay in buccal cells
  o   CBMN-Assay in lymphocytes

                                                              Brath: DM
Diabetes & COVID-19

                      Brath: DM
Probability of COVID-19 – positive hospitalization by age,
      categorized by diabetes type, adjusted to a BMI of 26 kg/m2

JM Gregory et al: COVID-19 Severity Is Tripled in the Diabetes Community: A Prospective Analysis of the Pandemic’s Impact in
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2020 Dec; dc202260.                                 Brath: DM
OR plot displaying adjusted ORs and 95% CIs for independent
      variables associated with hospitalization with COVID-19 within
      14 days of a positive test.

JM Gregory et al: COVID-19 Severity Is Tripled in the Diabetes Community: A Prospective Analysis of the Pandemic’s Impact in
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2020 Dec; dc202260.                                 Brath: DM
Unrecognized diabetes in critically ill
                             COVID-19 patients in Tyrol
                        N = 44, 4 ICUs d. Uni Klinik Innsbruck, 11. 3. – 29. 4. 2020

                             24 (54.5%): Diabetes mellitus (HbA1c ≥ 6.5%)
                            16 (36.3%): Prädiabetes (HbA1c ≥ 5.7% < 6.5%)
                                 4 (9%): kein Diabetes (HbA1c < 5.7%)

                  7 (15.9%): anamnestisch bekannter Diabetes
                 5 (11.4%) hatten zuvor antidiabetische Therapie
                          Keiner zuvor insulinpflichtig
          Höhere HbA1c Werte: höhere maximale CRP and IL-6 Spiegel
          Höhere HbA1c Werte: tendentiell höhere intramurale Mortalität
Klein, S.J., Fries, D., Kaser, S. et al. Unrecognized diabetes in critically ill COVID-19 patients.
Crit Care 24, 406 (2020).                                  Brath: DM
Brath: DM
Other laboratory tests of patients with and without diabetes

                                                                                      A. Blood test results of the patients
                                                                                      with and without diabetes

                                                                                      B. Inflammation-related laboratory
                                                                                      results of the patients with and
                                                                                      without diabetes

                                                                                      C. Coagulation-related laboratory
                                                                                      results of the patients with and
                                                                                      without diabetes

Glukosespiegel & COVID-19-Verlauf
    Blood glucose levels on admission to hospital and after 24 h for patients with
     (n = 60) and without severe disease (n = 72) at 20 days after hospitalisation.

C Sardu et al: Hyperglycaemia on admission to hospital and COVID-19. Diabetologia volume 63, pages2486–2487(2020)   Brath: DM
Glukosespiegel & COVID-19-Verlauf
    Blood glucose levels on admission to hospital and after 24 h for patients with
     (n = 60) and without severe disease (n = 72) at 20 days after hospitalisation.

                                               o n tr o l m  a y b  e a  s u  it able
                “Early glycaemic c                              p o o r  o u tc  o m  e s in
                             o p ti o n  to  r e d u ce th   e
            therap e u  ti c                                              p a ti e n ts  w ith
                                       g ly c a e m  ic C  O  V ID  -1 9
           hospita li s e d  h y p e r
                                                      d ia b e te s  d ia g n o  s is ”
                 or without a previou

C Sardu et al: Hyperglycaemia on admission to hospital and COVID-19. Diabetologia volume 63, pages2486–2487(2020)   Brath: DM
Pre-infection HbA1c and risk of developing severe
        COVID-19 among patients with T2DM

                                                CI, confidence
                                                interval; COVID-
                                                19, coronavirus
                                                HbA1c, glycated
                                                T2DM, type 2

Samah Hayek et al, doi: 10.1111/dom.14393                     Brath: DM
COVID-19 fatality prediction in people with diabetes and
    prediabetes using a simple score upon hospital admission

Sourij H et al: COVID-19 fatality prediction in people with diabetes and prediabetes using a simple score upon
hospital admission. DOM 23, Issue: 2, p 589-598, First published: 16 November 2020, DOI: (10.1111/dom.14256)     Brath: DM
Krankheitsverlauf bei Menschen mit DM1 und COVID-19

                                                         r e H y  p e r g ly k ä m ie is t
                  e r w e it ig  n ic h t e  r k lä rba
             An d                                                  fe  k ti o n u n d s ollte
                                ic h e n  e in  e r aku   te n In
           wichtig s te s  Z  e
                                     r A  b  k lä r u n g  fü h r e n .

OA Ebekozien et al: Diabetes Care Publish Ahead of Print, published online June 5, 2020         Brath: DM
ÖDG, Nationales Impfgremium:
                Menschen mit Diabetes sind
                   Hochrisikopatienten                                  Brath: DM
Covid-Schutzimpfung bei Diabetes

Rimesh Pal et al: COVID-19 vaccination in patients with diabetes mellitus: Current concepts, uncertainties and challenges
Diabetes Metab Syndr. Mar-Apr 2021;15(2):505-508. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2021.02.026                                            Brath: DM
Wirken Impfungen bei Diabetes

                                Brath: DM
Impfung gegen Influenza wirkt
                           bei Personen mit Diabetes gleich gut
 Results of influenza vaccination measured by hemagglutination inhibition assay (HIA)
                  among healthy elderly and elderly patients with T2DM

Janet E McElhaney et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2015;3:e000140                 Brath: DM
Impferfolg unabhängig von metabol. Parametern
        Comparison of clinical and functional parameters among non-responders
         and responders among healthy elderly and elderly patients with T2DM.

Janet E McElhaney et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2015;3:e000140              Brath: DM
Grippeimpfung reduziert Mortalität deutlich
         Danish register data: ptx with DM during 9 consecutive influenza seasons 2007–2016.
            241,551 patients monitored for a 4 seasons (range: 2 - 8); 425,318 personyears.
    Vaccine coverage: 24% - 36%. 8,207 patients died of all causes (3.4%), 4,127 of CV causes (1.7%).
                                      Adjustment for confounders.

D Modin et al. Diabetes Care 2020;43:2226–2233;             Brath: DM
Impfung gegen Pneumokokken wirkt
               bei Personen mit Diabetes zumindest gleich gut
  4 Publikationen: Vergleich d. Immunantwort auf Pneumokkenimpfungen +/- Diabetes

Janet E McElhaney et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2015;3:e000140              Brath: DM
Impfung gegen Pneumokokken & Morbidität/Mortalität
        bei Personen sehr hohem Risiko od. etablierter CV-Erkrankung
 Systematic review & meta-analysis of impact of pneumococcal vaccination in adults with a history
 of at a very high risk (incl. Diabetes with organ damage) for CV disease. Prim. Outcome: all-cause
  mortality. No RCTs were found. 7 observational studies were included for analyses. N = 163 756.

MM Antunes et al. Eur Heart J - Quality of Care & Clin. Outcomes, Vol 7, Iss 1, Jan 2021, 97–106,   Brath: DM
Impfung gegen Hepatitis B abgeschwächt
                    15 von 16 Studien: reduzierte Immunogenität (4% bis 60% )
                   der Hepatitis B Impfung bei Personen mit vs. ohne Diabetes B

Janet E McElhaney et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2015;3:e000140                    Brath: DM
Impfung gegen Hepatitis B abgeschwächt
                   Warum? Klinische Bedeutung?fung bei Personen mit vs. ohne
                                          Diabetes B

               -      Altersabhängig: 4/4 Studien mit Kindern,
                      aber “nur” 5/12 Studien mit Erwachsenen

               -      Keine Studie über klinische Wirkung von
                      Hepatitis B vorliegend im Vergleich mit und ohne
                      Diabetes vorliegend

Janet E McElhaney et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2015;3:e000140                 Brath: DM
Impfung gegen Varicellen-Zoster wirkt
                             bei Personen mit Diabetes gleich gut

                   “Finally, we identified one study which assessed the
                 effectiveness of a varicella-zoster vaccine by DM status
                              and found no difference [54].”

1. Janet E McElhaney et al. BMJ Open Diab Res Care 2015;3:e000140
2. Langan S et al. Zoster vaccination is associated with a reduction of zoster in elderly patients with chronic kidney
disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016;31:2095–2098                                                                      Brath: DM

           Brath: DM
Menschen mit Diabetes sind eine sehr wichtige
Risikogruppe für (respiratorische) Infektionen, da
                    Diabetes häufig
              Erkrankungsrisiko erhöht
              Komplikationsrate erhöht
             Hospitalisierungsrate erhöht
           Sterbewahrscheinlichkeit erhöht
Infektionen: wichig(st)e Ursache f. akute Hyperglykämie
                   und deren Folgen
                                                          Brath: DM
Impfungen bei Menschen mit Diabetes:

                      sind sicher
           reduzieren Mortalität beträchtlich
    alle Impfungen lt. österr. Impfplan zu empfehlen
besondere Erwähnung: Influenza, Pneumokokken, COVID

                                                       Brath: DM
Diabetes –
         Was sind die heutigen Therapieziele

   Optimierung der                    Zusätzlicher
glykämischen Kontrolle:               Organschutz
                               (SGLT-2 I, GLP-1 RA, Pioglitazon)
     -  Infektionen
  - mikrovask. Schäden Impfungen!    - Herzinsuffizienz
                                     - renale Insuffizienz
        - Kognition
                                             - KHK
 - langfristig makrovask.                   - Insult
          - Lunge
                                                             Brath: DM
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