Impacts on biodiversity of exploitation of renewable energy sources: the example of birds and bats

Page created by Jeffery Gutierrez
Hermann Hötker, Kai-Michael Thomsen,
Heike Jeromin

Impacts on biodiversity of
exploitation of renewable
energy sources: the example
of birds and bats
Facts, gaps in knowledge, demands for further research,
and onithological guidelines for the development of
renewabe energy exploitation
Impacts on biodiversity of exploitation of
  renewable energy sources: the example of
  birds and bats - facts, gaps in knowledge,
       demands for further research, and
 ornithological guidelines for the development
        of renewable energy exploitation

Hermann Hötker, Kai-Michael Thomsen, Heike Jeromin

Translated by: Solveigh Lass-Evans

                                      Supported by:


Unchanged traslation of: Hötker, H.; Thomsen, K.-M. & H. Köster (2005):
Auswirkungen regenerativer Energiegewinnung auf die biologische Vielfalt am
Beispiel der Vögel und der Fledermäuse - Fakten, Wissenslücken, Anforderungen
an die Forschung, ornitologische Kriterion zum Ausbau von regnerativen
Energiegewinnungsformen. BFN-Skripten 142, Bonn.

Recommended citation:
Hötker, H., Thomsen, K.-M. & H. Jeromin (2006): Impacts on biodiversity of
exploitation of renewable energy sources: the example of birds and bats - facts,
gaps in knowledge, demands for further research, and ornithological guidelines
for the development of renewable energy exploitation. Michael-Otto-Institut im
NABU, Bergenhusen.

Solveigh Lass-Evans

Kai-Michael Thomsen

Dr. Hermann Hötker, Kai-Michael Thomsen

Supported by:
Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Support No. Z1.3-684 11-5/03)
and Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit

Michael-Otto-Institut im NABU, Goosstroot 1, D-24861 Bergenhusen

Published by:
Books on Demand GmbH, Gutenbergring 53, D-22848 Norderstedt


        Preface .................................................................................................... 5

        Summary ................................................................................................ 6

1       Introduction .......................................................................................... 8

2       Material and Methods ........................................................................ 10

3       Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates .......................................... 14
3.1     Non-lethal impacts (disturbance, displacement, habitat loss) on birds .... 1 4
3.1.1   Change in distributions due to wind farms ......................................................... 1 4
3.1.2   Minimum avoidance distance of birds to windfarms ....................................... 1 4
3.1.3   Barrier effects of wind farms on birds ................................................................... 2 4
3.3     Collision of birds and bats with wind farms ....................................................... 2 7
3.3.1   Collisions of birds with wind farms ....................................................................... 2 7
3.3.2   Collisions of bats with wind farms ......................................................................... 3 3

4       Collison effects on population dynamics ...................................... 36
4.1     Application of the population simulation model ............................................... 3 6
4.2     Results of the population simulations .................................................................. 3 9
4.3     Discusion of the simulations calculations ........................................................... 4 0

5       Measures to reduce the impacts of wind farms .......................... 42
5.1     Coice of site ..................................................................................................................... 4 2
5.2     Design of the environment around wind farms .................................................. 4 2
5.3     Configuration of wind turbines within a wind farm ......................................... 4 3
5.4     The operation of wind farms ..................................................................................... 4 3
5.5     Design of individual wind farms .............................................................................. 4 3
5.6     Measures transferred on the conditions/circumstances in Germany ........ 4 4

6       Estimation of the impacts of ‘repowering’ ................................... 45
6.1     Repowering and disturbance of birds ................................................................... 4 5
6.2     Repowering and collisions of birds and bats ..................................................... 4 7
6.3     Summary of the assessment of repowering ........................................................ 4 7

7       Impacts of other types of renewable energy ............................... 49

8       Research requirements ..................................................................... 51

9       Acknoledgements ............................................................................... 54

10      Literature ............................................................................................. 55

Impacts on biodiversity of exploitation of renewable energy sources: the example of birds


    The Federal Government of Germany aims                 The publications used in this study allow
to increase the proportion of energy generated        conclusions to be drawn on the impacts wind
by renewable sources to at least 12.5% by 2010.       farms have on breeding, roosting, foraging and
The regulations of the „renewable-energy-bill“        migrating birds and bats. Furthermore, some
(EEG) offer incentives to do this. For the first      conclusions can be reached about the impacts
time, in the first half of 2004, 10% of the power     of wind farms on these taxa throughout the year.
supply in Germany was generated from re-              Simulation models assess the additional morta-
newable sources and a substantial proportion          lity rate caused by wind farms and the effects
(5.8% of total) is provided by wind energy. At        of repowering on the bird and bat populations.
the same time, the associated impacts on eco-
logical balance and landscape caused by wind              However, note that the data are limited and
farms construction is a controversial topic.          open to a wide range of interpretation and there-
                                                      fore only tentative conclusions can be reached
    The aim of this study „Impacts on biodiversi-     on the impacts of wind farms on birds and bats.
ty of exploitation of renewable energy sources:
the example of birds and bats - facts, gaps in            The results presented here should objecti-
knowledge, demands for further research, and          vise the nation-wide discussions about the ex-
ornithological guidelines for the development of      tent to which nature conservation is compatible
renewable energy exploitation“ compiled by the        with renewable energy development (in particu-
Michael-Otto-Institute in NABU, is to analyse         lar with wind farms). While the report was in pro-
national and international studies of the impacts     gress, the results have been already discus-
of wind farms on birds and bats and to access         sed with administrative bodies, with represen-
their statistical significance. The results give an   tatives of nature conservation associations as
overview of the available data, as well as gaps       well as the operating companies.
in knowledge and future research needs.
                                                      Prof. Dr. Hartmut Vogtmann
                                                      President of the Federal Nature Conservation

Summary & Introduction


   Impacts on biodiversity of exploitation of          significant evidence of negative impacts on po-
renewable energy sources: the example of               pulations of breeding birds could be found. The-
birds and bats – facts, gaps in knowledge,             re was a tendency waders nesting on open
demands for further research, and ornitho-             grounds to be displaced by wind farms. Some
logical guidelines for the development of              passerines obviously profited from wind farms.
renewable energy exploitation                          They were probably affected by secondary im-
                                                       pacts, e.g. changes in land management or aban-
    The purpose of this report is to compile and       donment from agricultural use next to the wind
to evaluate the available information on the im-       plants.
pacts of exploitation of renewable energy sour-
ces on birds and bats. The focus is on wind                The impact of wind farms on non-breeding
energy as there is only little information on the      birds was stronger. Wind farms had significant-
impact on birds and bats of other sources of           ly negative effects on local populations of gee-
renewable energy. The report aims at better un-        se, Wigeons, Golden Plovers and Lapwings.
derstanding the size of the impact, the potential
effects of re-powering (exchanging small old wind          With the exceptions of Lapwings, Black-tailed
turbines by new big turbines), and possible            Godwits and Redshanks most bird species used
measures to reduce the negative impact on bir-         the space close to wind turbines during the
ds by wind turbines. In addition the need for          breeding season. The minimal distances obser-
further research is highlighted.                       ved between birds and pylons rarely exceeded
                                                       100 m during the breeding season. Some pas-
     The evaluation is based on 127 separate stu-      serines showed a tendency to settle closer to
dies (wind farms) in ten countries, most of them       bigger than to smaller wind turbines.
in Germany. Most studies were brief (not more
than two years) and did not include the pre-               During the non-breeding season many bird
construction period. Before-After Control Impact       species of open landscapes avoided approa-
studies that combine data collection before and        ching wind parks closer than a few hundred
after, in this case construction of a wind farm,       metres. This particularly held true for geese and
on both the proposed development site and at           waders. In accordance with published informa-
least one reference site were rare. In only a few      tion disturbance of geese may occur at least up
cases, would the design of the study and the           to 500 m from wind turbines. For most species
length of the study period theoretically allow sta-    during the non-breeding season, the distances
tistically significant effects of wind farms on bir-   at which disturbance could be noted increased
ds and bats to be found at all. Assessments of         with the size of the wind turbines. For Lapwings
impacts, therefore, are usually based on few           this relationship was statistically significant.
studies only. This report includes all studies rea-
dily available to the authors, irrespective of the         There was no evidence that birds generally
length of the study period and the quality of the      became „habituated“ to wind farms in the years
study design. In order to base the assessments         after their construction. The results of the few
on as many independent samples as possible             studies lasting longer than one season revealed
even rather unsystematic observations were in-         about as many cases of birds occurring closer
cluded. The information of the data was redu-          to wind farms (indications for the existence of
ced to a level that justified the application of       habituation) over the years as those of birds
sign tests. The compilation of many different in-      occurring further away from wind farms (indica-
dividual studies gave the following results:           tions for the lack of habituation).

    The main potential hazards to birds and bats           The question whether wind farms act as bar-
from wind farms are disturbance leading to dis-        riers to movement of birds has so far received
placement or exclusion and collision mortality.        relatively little systematic scientific attention.
Although there is a high degree of agreement           Wind farms are thought to be barriers if birds
among experts that wind farms may have nega-           approaching them change their flight direction,
tive impacts on bird populations no statistically      both on migration or during other regular flights.

Summary & Introduction

There is evidence for the occurrence of a barri-      capacity) on birds and bats is assessed by the
er effect in 81 bird species. Geese, Common           available data and by simple models. There is
Cranes, waders and small passerines were af-          no information, however, on the effects of the
fected in particular. However, the extent to which    newest generation of very large wind turbines.
the disturbances due to wind farms of migrating       According to current knowledge, repowering will
or flying birds influences energy budgets or the      reduce negative impacts on birds and bats (dis-
timing of migration of birds remains unknown.         turbance and mortality) if the total capacity of a
                                                      wind farm is not changed (many small turbines
     Collision rates (annual number of killed indi-   are replaced by few big turbines). In a scenario
viduals per turbine) have only rarely been stu-       in which the capacity of a wind farm is increa-
died with appropriate methods (e. g. with cont-       sed 1.5 fold, negative impacts start to domina-
rols of scarvenger activities). In particular, such   te. In case of a doubling of wind farm capacity,
studies are missing for Germany. Collision rates      repowering increases the negative impacts of
varied between 0 and more than 50 collisions          the wind farm. Repowering offers the chance to
per turbine per year for both birds and bats.         remove wind farms from sites that are associa-
Obviously the habitat influenced the number of        ted with high impacts or risks for birds and bats.
collisions. Birds were at high risks at wind farms    New turbines could be constructed on sites that
close to wetlands where gulls were the most           are likely to be less problematic with respect to
common victims and at wind farms on mountain          birds and bats.
ridges (USA, Spain), where many raptors were
killed. Wind farms in or close to forests posed           Effective methods of reducing the negative
high collision risks for bats. For both birds and     impacts of wind energy use on birds and bats
bats, the collision risk increased with increasing    include:
size of the wind turbine. The relationship, howe-
ver, was not statistically significant.               ·   choice of the right site for wind farms (avo-
                                                          idance of wetands, woodlands, important
     Gulls and raptors accounted for most of the          sites for sensitive non-breeding birds and
victims. In Germany the relatively high numbers           mountain ridges with high numbers of rap-
of White-tailed Eagles (13) and Red Kites (41)            tors and vultures),
killed give cause for concern. Germany hosts          ·   measures to reduce the attractivness of wind
about half of the world population of breeding            farm sites for potential collision victims,
Red Kites and has a particular responsibility for     ·   configuration of turbines within wind farms
this species. Bird species that were easily dis-          (placement of turbines parallel to and not
turbed by wind farms (geese, waders) were only            accross the main migration or flight direc-
rarely found among the victims. Bats were struck          tions of birds),
by wind turbines mostly in late summer or au-         ·   construction of wind turbines: replacement
tumn during the period of migration and disper-           of lattice towers, wire-cables and overhead
sal.                                                      power lines.

    Population models created by the software             Measures to increase the visibility of wind
VORTEX revealed that significant decreases in         turbines and to reduce the effects of illuminati-
size of bird and bat populations may be caused        on remain to be studied.
by relatively small (0,1 %) additive increases in
annual mortality rates, provided they are not             In spite of many publications on windfarms
counter acted by density dependent increases          and birds there still is a great demand for furt-
in reproduction rates. Short-lived species with       her research. First of all there is an urgent need
high reproductive rates are more affected than        for reliable data on collision rates at wind turbi-
long-lived species with low reproductive rates.       nes of birds and bats in Germany. This holds
The latter, however, are less able to substitute      true particularly for the new and big turbines
additional mortality by increasing reproductive       which will replace the present generation of wind
rates.                                                turbines.

    The effects of „repowering“ (substitution of         It is still unclear whether these big and ne-
old, small turbines by new turbines with higher       cessarily illuminated turbines pose a high colli-

Summary & Introduction

sion risk to nocturnal migrants which have not       anwhile, losses of raptors were also recorded
yet been greatly affected by smaller turbines.       at wind farms in Germany (Dürr, 2003a; Dürr,
The high collision rates of Red Kites in Germany     2004). New studies in America and Europe show
also merit urgently study. The aim of the research   that bats as well as birds are be killed by wind
has to be a quick reduction of the collision ra-     farms (Ahlén, 2002; Bach, 2001; Dürr & Bach,
tes. The sensitivity to wind farms of many other     2004; Johnson et al., 2000; Keeley, Ugoretz &
bird species that are of particular nature con-      Strickland, 2001).
servation interest (storks, raptors, Cranes) has
not yet been sufficiently studied.                       Despite numerous studies the extent of eco-
                                                     logical impacts of wind farms is controversial.
   There is hardly any information on the im-        One possible reason might be the heterogeneity
pacts of arrays of solar panels on birds and         of the available studies. They differ in recorded
bats. Studies should be initiated as soon as         parameters (number of killed and injured birds,
possible.                                            disturbance), in their analytical design (collec-
                                                     tion of data before or after construction, use of
                                                     control areas), in their extent, duration and in
                                                     their applied analytical methods. Many studies
1      Introduction                                  are either published in barely assessable
                                                     places, or not published at all („grey“ literatu-
    The Federal Government of Germany intends        re). In only a few cases have studies been vali-
to set targets to develop further renewable en-      dated by independent experts (as is common
ergy generation (BWU, 2004) in order to minimi-      in peer-reviewed journals). Therefore, in these
se emissions of gases with damaging effects on       circumstances, many specific questions could
climate. Germany generates more electricity          not be answered concretely or scientifically. It
from wind than any country, followed by the USA      has not been possible to forecast what sort of
(BIOCENOSE & LPO Aveyron- Grands Causses,            impacts a wind farm in specific location might
2002; BMU, 2004). Even during the early phase        have on birds or bats. The same applies to other
of wind energy development, worries were ex-         forms of renewable energy sources, particular-
pressed mainly in the USA, but also in Europe,       ly as considerably fewer research results exist.
that wind farms could have a harmful impact on
the animal world, particularly on birds. In the          Popular discussions in wind farm energy are
USA, these apprehensions were confirmed by           not based on objective facts but rather on as-
experiences from the first large-scale wind farm,    sumptions. However, informed debate is re-
where at the Altamont Pass in California, roughly    quired for a popular consensus about the usa-
5000 wind turbines have been responsible for         ge of wind energy. Along with the database de-
the death of hundreds of raptors per year since      veloped at the same time, this study should help
their construction. Protected species such as        to objectivise these discussions.
golden eagles are among the species affected
(Orloff & Flannery, 1992). Due to high mortality         This report attempts to summarise clearly
of raptors, there has been no further extension      the contemporaneous datasets that might be
of this wind farm and overall the development of     classified as „effects of renewable energy de-
wind energy in the USA has slowed down (Hunt,        velopment on birds and bats“. The main em-
2000). In contrast to the USA, discussions in        phasis was on wind energy, as other forms of
Europe focused on more indirect impacts, such        renewable energy (with the exception of hydro-
as disturbance, habitat loss during the bree-        electric) are not so well established and there-
ding season and on migration, as well as barrier     fore relatively few observations have been made
effects for migrating birds (AG Eingriffsregelung,   (see chapter 7).
1996; Crockford, 1992; Langston & Pullan, 2003;
Percival, 2000; Reichenbach, 2003; Schreiber,            The statements made in this report are
2000; Winkelman, 1992b). Collisions of birds with    based on bibliographic references and inter-
wind turbines were also significant in Spain,        views with experts. The documented results of
where griffon vultures were particularly affected    many studies were not only summarised, but
(Acha, 1998; Lekuona, 2001; SEO, 1995). Me-          also analysed. In this way, a wide range of ob-

Summary & Introduction

servations and data on this topic were available    The following questions have been considered
to answer questions, which individual analyses      in detail:
would not be capable of solving. The numerous
studies on the impact of wind energy enabled a      ·   do wind farms cause changes in the distri-
search for connections, which identify, explain         bution of animal populations?
and maybe even help to diminish the negative        ·   how big is the distance animals keep to wind
impacts. The analysis of the data presented here        farms?
from reports and publications about wind po-        ·   do wind farms have a barrier effect on mi-
wer should contribute                                   grating birds?
                                                    ·   to what extent are wind farms responsible
·   to assess better the extent of impacts (if          for mortality and what are the implications of
    possible at the level of populations of spe-        the losses for population dynamics?
    cies)                                           ·   how can the negative impacts of wind farms
·   to estimate the potential impact of repowe-         be mitigated?
    ring (replacement of the old, small wind tur-
    bines by bigger, more powerful (but possib-         The questions have been as far as possible
    ly fewer) turbines)                             treated for both birds and bats. In order to con-
·   to identify possible measures to reduce ne-     sider the consequences of mortality on wind
    gative impacts of wind farms on birds and       farms, populations have been modelled with help
    bats.                                           of a computer simulation program. Because ex-
                                                    tensive studies about possible impacts of off-
                                                    shore-wind energy usage on the marine envi-
                                                    ronment are at present still in progress (Kut-
                                                    scher, 2002), this report is restricted mainly to
                                                    land and coastal areas The literature study was
                                                    focused on central Europe, while from other
                                                    areas, only comprehensive published studies
                                                    were included.

Material and Methods

2      Materials and Methods                          ning, 1999; Sinning & Gerjets, 1999; Smallwood
                                                      & Thelander, 2004; Sommerhage, 1997; Steiof,
    The database and the presented results are        Becker & Rathgeber, 2002; Still, Little & Law-
both based exclusively either on published or         rence, 1996; Strickland et al., 2001b; Stübing &
„grey literature“ reports. No new data were col-      Bohle, 2001; Thelander & Rugge, 2000; Thelan-
lected for this project. Within the project more      der, Smallwood & Rugge, 2003; Trapp et al.,
than 450 literature references have been ana-         2002; van der Winden, Spaans & Dirksen, 1999;
lysed, i.e. checked and if necessary added to         Vierhaus, 2000; Walter & Brux, 1999; Winkel-
the tables. Cross-checking showed that these          man, 1989; Winkelman, 1992a; Winkelman,
references are derived from 127 different stu-        1992b; Young et al., 2003a; Young et al., 2003b
dies. Data from each wind farm was treated as
a single study, even if the data was gathered in          Because the intention was to produce a re-
different years and from different observers.         port primarily relevant to Germany, the main em-
This was done in order to ensure the indepen-         phasis was on research from Germany. Howe-
dence of the data and to avoid using the same         ver, the number of studies included from other
study more than once. The following sources           countries also reflects the scale of the research
were used to derive the baseline data for this        carried out in each country (Tab.1).

    Ahlén, 2002; Albouy et al., 1997; Albouy,
Dubois & Picq, 2001; Anderson et al., 2000b;          Table 1. Countries of the 127 studies
Bach, in Druck ; Bach, 2001; Bach, 2002; Bach,              evaluated in this report.
Handke & Sinning, 1999; Barrios & Rodriguez,
2004; Bergen, 2001a; Bergen, 2001b; Bergen,
2002a; Bergen, 2002b; Bergh, Spaans & Swelm,           Country         Number of studies
2002; Boone, 2003; Böttger et al., 1990; Braun-        Belgium                  4
                                                       Germany                 75
eis, 1999; Brauneis, 2000; Clemens & Lammen,
                                                       Denmark                  2
1995; De Lucas, Janss & Ferrer, 2004; Dulas
                                                       France                   2
Engineering Ltd, 1995; EAS, 1997; Erickson,            Great Britain            6
Kronner & Gritski, 2003; Everaert, 2003; Evera-        Netherlands              5
ert, Devos & Kuijken, 2002; Förster, 2003; Ger-        Austria                  2
jets, 1999; Gharadjedaghi & Ehrlinger, 2001;           Spain                   10
Guillemette & Larsen, 2002; Guillemette, Larsen
& Clausanger, 1999; Hall & Richards, 1962; Hor-        USA                     27
mann, 2000; Hydro Tasmania, ; Isselbächer &            Australia               2
Isselbächer, 2001; Janss, 2000; Johnson, 2002;
Johnson et al., 2003; Johnson et al., 2000; Kaatz,
2000; Kaatz, 2002; Kerlinger, 2000; Ketzenberg
et al., 2002; Koop, 1997; Koop, 1999; Korn &
Scherner, 2000; Kowallik & Borbach-Jaene,
2001; Kruckenberg & Borbach-Jaene, 2001;
                                                          More than 2/3 of the analysed data was col-
Kruckenberg & Jaene, 1999; Leddy, Higgins &
                                                      lected only during the operation of the wind farm,
Naugle, 1999; Lekuona, 2001; Meek et al., 1993;
                                                      therefore no information about the situation be-
Menzel, 2002; Menzel & Pohlmeier, 1999; Müller
                                                      fore the installation of thewind farm is provided
& Illner, 2002; Musters, Noordervliet & Keurs,
                                                      and consequently also no information about
1996; Orloff & Flannery, 1996; Osborn et al., 1996;
                                                      changes due to the construction. Results from
Pedersen & Poulsen, 1991a; Percival, 2000;
                                                      separate control areas, which are used to dis-
Phillips, 1994; Reichenbach, 2002; Reichen-
                                                      tinguish influences of wind farms from more ge-
bach, 2003; Reichenbach & Schadek, 2003;
                                                      neral factors (e.g. higher mortality caused by a
Reichenbach & Sinning, 2003; Sachslehner &
                                                      cold winter), were only available in a small num-
Kollar, 1997; Scherner, 1999a; Schmidt et al.,
                                                      ber of studies (Tab. 2). Nineteen of the 127 stu-
2003; Schreiber, 1992; Schreiber, 1993a;
                                                      dies included the construction period of the wind
Schreiber, 1993c; Schreiber, 1999; Schreiber,
2002; SEO, 1995; SGS Environment, 1994; Sin-

Material and Methods

 Number of                                                           Phase                             Table 2. Designs of studies
 studies                                                                                                     (study in pre-
     8                              pre-construction       during operation        and with separate         construction period,
                                                                                   control site              control sites) on the
                       23           pre-construction       during operation                                  impact of wind farms.
                       9                                   during operation        and with separate
                                                                                   control site
                       87                                  only during operation

   Nearly all studies refer to wind farms, only a                                     As expected, most of the data relate to bir-
few to single wind turbines. There was not                                         ds of the open habitats (Tab. 3); woodland bir-
enough material to distinguish between wind                                        ds were rarely recorded. Even so, 39 species
farms and single wind turbines.                                                    appear at least 10 times in the data tables.

    The average duration of the 127 studies was                                        The 127 studies analysed differ considerably
2.8 years, where one year counts as one season                                     both in their approach to and their extent of ob-
(breeding time, autumn migration etc.) and stu-                                    servation. The survey intensity ranged from ca-
dies which continued into a new calendar year                                      sual observations to very well-founded, long-
were counted for pragmatic reasons as two ye-                                      running (several years) projects. Overall, only a
ars. The range was 1 to 17 years. 51 studies,                                      few of the studies are scientifically robust enough
more than a third, only covered one season (Fig.                                   in their own right to withstand statistical tests for
1).                                                                                effects of wind farms on bird populations. The
                                                                                   minimum requirements for such studies are at
    Most of the studies apply to several bird or                                   least two years (or two seasons) of pre-
bat species. Often for each species several                                        construction monitoring of the wind farm site and
parameters (for example, minimal distance to                                       at least the same amount of monitoring once the
wind farms and change in the resting population                                    wind farm is operating. In addition, contempor-
after the installation of a wind farm; for further                                 aneous parallel studies on control areas with no
details see below) were analysed. A compari-                                       wind farms are necessary, so that further fac-
son of species and parameters led to a data                                        tors (for example land use) may be taken into
matrix with 1789 data sets. Only around a third                                    account. These standards apply to the scienti-
are quantitative analyses, the remaining data                                      fic evidence of impacts of a single wind turbine
sets are „single observations“. Many of these                                      on bird populations. It should not be confused
„single observations“ had their source in syste-                                   with investigations to prove whether a particular
matic surveys, but within the framework of which                                   area might be suitable for wind energy develop-
certain bird species were only rarely observed.                                    ment, as other criteria apply here.

                                                                                       References were only suitable for a formal
                      60                                                           meta-analysis (Fernandez-Duque & Valeggia,
                                                                                   1994), if the observation lasted at least four ye-
  Number of studies

                                                                                   ars, or if they use an appropriate number of
                                                                                   control areas. Because this was only the case
                      30                                                           for a few studies, alternative methods needed
                      20                                                           to be used: (1) restricting the analysis to the
                      10                                                           studies with statistically significant results; or
                                                                                   (2) evaluating data from all studies, irrespective
                            1   2    3   4   5   6     7     8   9   10       17   of their quality and scope. For reasons given
                                                 Years                             above, only a few studies were suitable for sta-
                                                                                   tistical analysis (alternative (1)), therefore, for
                                                                                   further interpretation, alternative (2) has been
Figure 1. Number of study years of 127 wind                                        chosen.
       farm impact studies

Material and Methods

     In this procedure, all available results were      large and therefore the results are less depen-
included in the analysis, whether or not they           dent on single, well-researched, but possibly
were derived from systematic survey, or were            atypical studies. The independence of the data
based on only a few casual observations. The            is also guaranteed. With a large number of stu-
disadvantage of using all available studies is          dies the chances are improved that confoun-
that both casual observations and extensive             ding factors cancel each other out.
research are in statistical terms treated equal-
ly. It cannot be ruled out that „extreme“ obser-            Unless stated otherwise, the statistical tests
vations have been recorded more frequently              in this report use the „null-hypothesis“ that wind
than less spectacular events. Additional factors,       farms have no influence on the parameter under
which could be important in individual cases,           consideration (such as population size before
also may not have been fully considered. Ho-            and after the wind farm installation). The alter-
wever, the advantage of this method is that the         native hypothesis is that wind farms do have an
number of studies included in the analysis is           influence. The tests determine how many stu-

                       Species                       Number of records   Table 3. Bird species with at
 Lapwing                Vanellus vanellus                   80                 least 10 records in the
 Skylark                Alauda arvensis                     55                 database .
 Black-headed gull      Larus ridibundus                    47
 Starling               Sturnus vulgaris                    40
 Golden plover          Pluvialis apricaria                 39
 Mallard                Anas platyrhynchos                  37
 Buzzard                Buteo buteo                         35
 Carrion crow           Corvus corone corone                35
 Curlew                 Numenius arquata                    33
 Kestrel                Falco tinnunculus                   32
 Meadow pipit           Anthus pratensis                    28
 Herring gull           Larus argentatus                    26
 Oystercatcher          Haematopus ostralegus               25
 Linnet                 Carduelis cannabina                 25
 Blackbird              Turdus merula                       22
 Woodpigeon             Columba palumbus                    22
 Reed bunting           Emberiza schoeniclus                20
 Common gull            Larus canus                         18
 White wagtail          Motacilla alba                      15
 Grey heron             Ardea cinerea                       15
 Chaffinch              Fringilla coelebs                   14
 Whitethroat            Sylvia communis                     14
 Yellowhammer           Emberiza citrinella                 14
 Red kite               Milvus milvus                       14
 Redshank               Tringa totanus                      14
 Yellow wagtail         Motacilla flava                     13
 Griffon vulture        Gyps fulvus                         12
 Cormorant              Phalacrocorax carbo                 12
 Marsh warbler          Acrocephalus palustris              12
 Black-tailed godwit    Limosa limosa                       12
 Jackdaw                Corvus monedula                     11
 Wigeon                 Anas penelope                       11
 Grey partridge         Perdix perdix                       11
 Tufted duck            Aythya fuligula                     11
 Reed warbler           Acrocephalus scirpaceus             11
 Fieldfare              Turdus pilaris                      11
 Blue tit               Parus caeruleus                     10
 Whinchat               Saxicola rubetra                    10
 Swallow                Hirundo rustica                     10

Material and Methods

dies had negative or positive effects (e.g. de-           It is assumed that animals which are compa-
crease or increase of the population). As menti-      ratively bounded to their breeding areas react
oned above, neither the strength of effect, nor       differently to wind turbines from the ones pas-
statistical significance have been considered.        sing through areas outside the breeding season,
Neutral results (e.g. constant population) have       when they are less dependent on the resources
been classified as positive, in order to avoid        of a single area and lack local knowledge. There-
any false association of wind energy with nega-       fore, it has been distinguished whether studies
tive impacts. At the same time, statistically sig-    were carried out during or outside the breeding
nificant negative effects shall be made more          season (definition varies, depending which spe-
convincing and safer, and are not „diluted“ by        cies is looked at). Most studies did not indicate
the inclusion of neutral results. If wind farms       which activities the animals were carrying out at
have no influence on bird populations, one would      the time of the observation (e.g. foraging, res-
expect roughly equal proportions of positive and      ting, roosting) and therefore, this factor could
negative effects. If the frequency of positive and    not be considered in this report.
negative effects differs strongly, an impact of
wind energy can be assumed. In these cases,               The results have been divided into the follo-
the statistical test used is the binomial test        wing categories: „impact on bird population“;
(Sachs, 1978). Because not all of the available       „disturbance effects“; „barrier effects on migra-
information is used in this procedure (for ex-        ting and flying birds“; and „collision rates“, be-
ample the strength of the effects), it is very con-   cause the studies analysed suggested such a
servative, meaning that differences and trends        division and because other parameters have
are only classed as significant when they are         been rarely studied.
very strong. The statistical tests were carried
out using SPSS 7.5 statistical software.                  The category „disturbance effects“ analy-
                                                      ses bird and bat activity on the ground and its
    Because the individual bird and bats spe-         minimum distance from wind farms; the catego-
cies differ greatly in their biology and their use    ry „barrier effects“ refers both to migration and
of habitat, the evaluation was carried out whe-       to regular flights of birds, for example between
never possible for separate species. In cases         feeding and roosting places.
when such differentiation was not possible spe-
cies were grouped.

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

3       Impacts of wind farms on
                                                      bird species. Only waders and gamebirds dis-
3.1     Non-lethal impacts (disturbance,              played reduced numbers in connection with
        displacement, habitat loss) on birds          wind farms. Positive or neutral effects predomi-
3.1.1   Change in distributions due to wind           nate for the remaining species. Two species,
        farms                                         which breed in reeds (marsh warbler and reed
                                                      bunting) even showed significantly more positi-
    In order to test if wind farms have an impact     ve or neutral reactions towards wind farms than
on bird populations, only activity taking place       negative reactions.
on the ground or in the vegetation has been in-
cluded. Migrating birds or birds on regular mig-          Studies carried out outside the breeding
ration movements will be considered in section        season show a very different picture. The nega-
3.1.3. Because only relatively few studies inclu-     tive impacts of wind farms predominate and
de a before-after-control impact comparison,          geese (bean goose, white-fronted goose, greylag
studies comparing bird populations on the wind        goose and barnacle goose), wigeons, lapwings
farm site with bird populations at similar sites in   and golden plovers display significantly more
the surrounding area have also been used. The         negative than positive effects. The main excep-
studies are not suitable each in their own right      tion is starling, for which significantly more posi-
to prove effects of wind farms, because the ha-       tive (or neutral) effects were recorded.
bitat composition of control areas is never the
same as the analysed areas. Even a before-               Overall, this study confirms statistically the
after-comparison is not conclusive, because           results of others (Langston, 2002; Reichenbach,
other factors, e.g. weather or supra-regional         2003), namely than wind farms have less impact
trends, could be responsible for changes in           on breeding birds, but more impacts on non-
population size. As the analysed studies differ       breeding birds.
greatly from each other, for the purposes of in-
terpreting the data only positive or negative ef-
fects of wind farms have been taken into ac-
count. Negative effects are (1) population decli-     3.1.2   Minimum avoidance distance of
ne after installation of the wind farm or (2) redu-           birds to wind farms
ced numbers of birds within the wind farm or
the surrounding area in comparison to control             Many studies report the avoidance of wind
areas. Positive effects are accordingly popula-       farms by birds, as well as distances involved.
tion increase after the construction of the wind      For 28 species, with at least five studies each,
farm, or increased bird numbers around the            the median and mean values of the minimum dis-
wind farm. The strength of the effects has not        tances were calculated (Tab. 5). Some of the
been considered. If no population differences         studies are the same as those used in the pre-
were detected, the effects were classified as         vious chapter („impacts of wind farms on popu-
positive in order to avoid falsely inflating the      lations“).
impact of negative effects (see above).
                                                         The data show much variation, which may
    If there are no impacts of wind energy, equal     be seen by comparing results between species
ratios of positive and negative effects are ex-       and „within“ species. Therefore, in some cases
pected. Statistical significance has been tested      standard deviations are very high (Tab. 5). Fi-
using a binomial test (for which the null hypothe-    gures 2 to 13 confirm high variances for some
sis is that data are randomly distributed) (Table     results. This may be explained either by the use
4).                                                   of casual observations, which naturally show
                                                      higher dispersion, or by large differences
    Data from 40 species which were included          between individual wind farms (see below).
in at least six studies were good enough to be
included in statistical tests (Tab. 4). Negative          Despite the high degree of variation, some
population impacts of wind farms during the           trends are clearly noticeable. Avoidance dis-
breeding season could not be verified for any         tances during the breeding season were smal-

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

Table 4. Impacts of wind farms on bird populations as revealed from literature. The figures show
       the numbers of studies with positive or negative effects. Positive effect: 1) Density of
       birds higher or equal after construction of the wind farms or 2) density of birds close to
       wind farm higher or equal to density of control sites. Grey shadings indicate predomina-
       ting negative effects. The last column gives the result of sign tests.

                           Species                            No negative   Negative   Significance
                                                              effect        effect
                                                  Breeding season
    Mallard               Anas platyrhynchos                          6         5            ns
    Common buzzard        Buteo buteo                                 3         3            ns
    Grey partridge        Perdix perdix                               4         5            ns
    Quail                 Coturnix coturnix                           1         5            ns
    Black-tailed godwit   Limosa limosa                               5         6            ns
    Redshank              Tringa totanus                              2         9            ns
    Oystercatcher         Haematopus ostralegus                       6         7            ns
    Lapwing               Vanellus vanellus                          11        18            ns
    Skylark               Alauda arvensis                            15        15            ns
    Meadow pipit          Anthus pratensis                           15         7            ns
    Yellow wagtail        Motacilla flava                             7         3            ns
    White wagtail         Motacilla alba                              4         4            ns
    Whinchat              Saxicola rubetra                            2         6            ns
    Stonechat             Saxicola torquata                           5         1            ns
    Blackbird             Turdus merula                               5         4            ns
    Wren                  Troglodytes troglodytes                     5         1            ns
    Willow warbler        Phylloscopus trochilus                      4         2            ns
    Chiffchaff            Phylloscopus collybita                      4         2            ns
    Sedge warbler         Acrocephalus schoenobaenus                  8         0           0.05
    Reed warbler          Acrocephalus scirpaceus                     6         1            ns
    Marsh warbler         Acrocephalus palustris                      6         4            ns
    Whitethroat           Sylvia communis                             8         4            ns
    Blue tit              Parus caeruleus                             4         3            ns
    Yellowhammer          Emberiza citrinella                         4         5            ns
    Reed bunting          Emberiza schoeniclus                       10         2           0.05
    Linnet                Carduelis cannabina                         2         6            ns
    Carrion crow          Corvus corone                               6         2            ns
    Blackbird             Turdus merula                               5         4            ns

                                              Non-breeding season
    Grey heron            Ardea cinerea                              5          1            ns
    Wigeon                Anas penelope                              0          9           0.01
    Mallard               Anas platyrhynchos                         3          7            ns
    Tufted duck           Aythya fuligula                            2          6            ns
    Red kite              Milvus milvus                              3          4            ns
    Common buzzard        Buteo buteo                               10         10            ns
    Kestrel               Falco tinnunculus                         13          7            ns
    Curlew                Numenius arquata                          11         19            ns
    Oystercatcher         Haematopus ostralegus                      4          3            ns
    Lapwing               Vanellus vanellus                         12         29           0.05
    Golden plover         Pluvialis apricaria                        8         21           0.05
    Common gull           Larus canus                                3          5            ns
    Herring gull          Larus argentatus                           2          4            ns
    Black-headed gull     Larus ridibundus                          14          5            ns
    Woodpigeon            Columba palumbus                           1          6            ns
    Skylark               Alauda arvensis                            4          2            ns
    Fieldfare             Turdus pilaris                             1          5            ns
    Starling              Sturnus vulgaris                          17          5           0.05
    Jackdaw               Corvus corone                             12          7            ns
    Goose spp.                                                       1         12           0.01

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

ler than outside the breeding season. Only a                                         tercatcher, gulls, starling and crows, which were
few wader species avoided close contact with                                         frequently observed close to or within wind
wind farms at all times of year. The unusually                                       farms.
high breeding season avoidance distance for
black-tailed godwit may be due to chance, be-                                            The sensitive species roosted at least 400-
cause this species is relatively rare. There is no                                   500m from wind farms (Tab. 5). Greater avo-
direct evidence so far that the population of                                        idance distances are likely to cause negative
black-tailed godwit has been reduced by wind                                         effects only in exceptional circumstances. To a
farms (Ketzenberg et al., 2002). The diagrams of                                     large extent, the results correspond with the
the breeding skylark and reed bunting demons-                                        conclusions of single studies on this topic (Kru-
trate that distances of more than 200m were                                          ckenberg & Jaene, 1999; Reichenbach, 2003;
exceptional; the majority of birds were present                                      Schreiber, 1993b; Schreiber, 1999).
in the immediate vicinity of wind farms.
                                                                                          When assessing the results, it should be re-
    Higher avoidance distances from wind farms                                       membered that it was only possible to analyse
were generally observed outside the breeding                                         a large number of studies for a small number of
season. As expected, birds of open habitats,                                         species. Many species were hardly ever or even
e.g. geese, ducks and waders, generally avoi-                                        never examined. This is particularly so for the
ded turbines by several hundred meters. Gee-                                         more controversial species (storks, birds of
se were particularly sensitive. Remarkable ex-                                       prey, cranes). Therefore, the list of species sen-
ceptions were grey heron, birds of prey, oys-                                        sitive to disturbance is not complete.

                                  Geese, non-breeding season                                                      Common buzzard, non-breeding season

                      4                                                                                     12
                                                                                       Anzahl der Studien
  Number of studies

                      2                                                                                     6
                      0                                                                                     0
                           50   150   250   350   450    550       650   750   850                               50   150   250   350   450    550   650   750   850
                                              Distance (m)                                                                          Distance (m)

Figure 2. Minimal distances to wind farms of                                         Figure 3. Minimal distances to wind farms of
       geese during the non-breeding season.                                                Common Buzzards during the non-
       The heights of the columns show the                                                  breeding season. The heights of the
       numbers of studies. The minimum                                                      columns show the numbers of studies.
       distances to wind farms (or the dis-                                                 The minimum distances to wind farms
       tances up to which disturbances could                                                (or the distances up to which distur-
       be noticed) are shown on the x-axis.                                                 bances could be noticed) are shown
                                                                                            on the x-axis.

                                                                                     Figure 4. Minimal distances to wind farms of
                                  Kestrel, non-breeding season
                                                                                            Kestrels during the non-breeding
                      14                                                                    season. The heights of the columns
                                                                                            show the numbers of studies. The
  Number of studies

                      10                                                                    minimum distances to wind farms (or
                                                                                            the distances up to which disturbances
                      4                                                                     could be noticed) are shown on the x-
                      2                                                                     axis.
                           50   150   250   350    450       550   650   750   850
                                              Distance (m)

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

                                            Lapwing, breeding season                                                         Lapwing, non-breeding season

                      7                                                                                            12

                                                                                               Number of studies
 Number of studies

                      6                                                                                            10
                      5                                                                                             8
                      1                                                                                             2
                      0                                                                                             0
                              50      150     250   350      450    550    650   750   850                              50   150   250   350   450    550   650   750   850
                                                      Distance (m)                                                                         Distance (m)

Figure 5. Minimal distances to wind farms of                                                 Figure 6. Minimal distances to wind farms of
       Lapwings during the breeding season.                                                         Lapwings during the non-breeding
       The heights of the columns show the                                                          season. The heights of the columns
       numbers of studies. The minimum                                                              show the numbers of studies. The
       distances to wind farms (or the dis-                                                         minimum distances to wind farms (or
       tances up to which disturbances could                                                        the distances up to which disturbances
       be noticed) are shown on the x-axis.                                                         could be noticed) are shown on the x-

                                    Golden plover, non-breeding season                                                        Curlew, non-breeding season

                      10                                                                                           10
 Number of studies

                                                                                              Number of studies

                      8                                                                                            8

                      6                                                                                            6

                      4                                                                                            4

                      2                                                                                            2

                      0                                                                                            0
                              50      150     250   350       450    550   650   750   850                              50   150   250   350   450    550   650   750   850
                                                      Distance (m)                                                                         Distance (m)

Figure 7. Minimal distances to wind farms of                                                 Figure 8. Minimal distances to wind farms of
       Golden Plovers during the non-bree-                                                          Curlews during the non-breeding
       ding season. The heights of the co-                                                          season. The heights of the columns
       lumns show the numbers of studies.                                                           show the numbers of studies. The
       The minimum distances to wind farms                                                          minimum distances to wind farms (or
       (or the distances up to which distur-                                                        the distances up to which disturbances
       bances could be noticed) are shown                                                           could be noticed) are shown on the x-
       on the x-axis.                                                                               axis.

                                                                                             Figure 9. Minimal distances to wind farms of
                                   Black-headed gull, non-breeding season
                                                                                                    Black-headed Gulls during the non-
                      14                                                                            breeding season. The heights of the
                                                                                                    columns show the numbers of studies.
  Number of studies

                      10                                                                            The minimum distances to wind farms
                                                                                                    (or the distances up to which distur-
                          4                                                                         bances could be noticed) are shown
                          2                                                                         on the x-axis.
                               50     150     250   350       450    550   650   750   850
                                                          Distance (m)

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

                                      Skylark, breeding season                                                              Reed bunting, breeding season

                      12                                                                                         10
  Number of studies

                                                                                     Number of studies
                      10                                                                                         8
                      2                                                                                          2

                      0                                                                                          0
                           50   150     250   350   450    550   650   750   850                                      50    150    250   350      450    550    650   750   850
                                                Distance (m)                                                                               Distance (m)

Figure 10. Minimal distances to wind farms                                         Figure 11. Minimal distances to wind farms of
       of Skylarks during the breeding                                                    Reed Buntings during the breeding
       season. The heights of the columns                                                 season. The heights of the columns
       show the numbers of studies. The                                                   show the numbers of studies. The
       minimum distances to wind farms                                                    minimum distances to wind farms (or
       (or the distances up to which                                                      the distances up to which disturbances
       disturbances could be noticed) are                                                 could be noticed) are shown on the x-
       shown on the x-axis.                                                               axis.

                                 Starling, non-breeding season                                                             Carrion crow, non-breeding season

                      14                                                                                         14
  Number of studies

                                                                                             Number of studies

                      10                                                                                         10
                      8                                                                                           8
                      6                                                                                           6
                      4                                                                                           4
                      2                                                                                           2
                      0                                                                                           0
                           50   150     250   350   450    550   650   750   850                                      50     150   250   350       450    550   650   750   850
                                                Distance (m)                                                                                   Distance (m)

Figure 12. Minimal distances to wind farms of                                      Figure 13. Minimal distances to wind farms of
       Starlings during the non-breeding                                                  Carrion Crows during the non-breeding
       season. The heights of the columns                                                 season. The heights of the columns
       show the numbers of studies. The                                                   show the numbers of studies. The
       minimum distances to wind farms (or                                                minimum distances to wind farms (or
       the distances up to which disturbances                                             the distances up to which disturbances
       could be noticed) are shown on the x-                                              could be noticed) are shown on the x-
       axis.                                                                              axis.

Habituation of birds to wind farms                                                 on“ is not used here in the strict behavioural
                                                                                   sense, but rather colloquially. In ethology, habi-
    Animals can become accustomed to certain                                       tuation means the capacity of an animal to be-
types of repeated disturbance. In the case of                                      come accustomed to and no longer react to-
wind farms this could mean that distances by                                       wards repeated disturbance, related neither to
which birds avoid turbines slowly reduce du-                                       positive nor to negative consequences (Immel-
ring the years after installation. The negative ef-                                mann, 1976). The term is used here to describe
fects would get less and fewer birds would be                                      a [hypothetical] phenomenon whereby the dis-
displaced from their area. The term „habituati-                                    tribution of birds becomes closer to wind farms

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

Table 5. Minimal distances to wind farms in studies of different bird species.
                           Species                                Number of   Median   Mean       SD
                                              Breeding season
 Mallard                    Anas platyrhynchos                         8        113       103       56
 Black-tailed godwit        Limosa limosa                              5        300       436      357
 Oystercatcher              Haematopus ostralegus                      8         25        85      113
 Lapwing                    Vanellus vanellus                         13        100       108      110
 Redshank                   Tringa totanus                             6        188       183      111
 Skylark                    Alauda arvensis                           20        100        93       71
 Meadow pipit               Anthus pratensis                           9         0         41       53
 Yellow wagtail             Motacilla flava                            7         50        89      107
 Blackbird                  Turdus merula                              5        100        82       76
 Willow warbler             Phylloscopus trochilus                     5         50        42       40
 Chiffchaff                 Phylloscopus collybita                     5         50        42       40
 Sedge warbler              Acrocephalus schoenobaenus                 7         0         14       24
 Reed warbler               Acrocephalus scirpaceus                   11         25        56       70
 Marsh warbler              Acrocephalus palustris                     9         25        56       68
 Whitethroat                Sylvia communis                            9        100        79       65
 Reed bunting               Emberiza schoeniclus                      13         25        56       70
 Linnet                     Carduelis cannabina                        5        125       135       29

                                            Non-breeding season
 Grey heron                 Ardea cinerea                              6         30        65       97
 Wigeon                     Anas penelope                              9        300       311      163
 Swan spp.                                                             8        125       150      139
 Goose spp.                                                           13        300       373      226
 Mallard                    Anas platyrhynchos                         9        200       161      139
 Diving ducks                                                         12        213       219      122
 Common buzzard             Buteo buteo                               15         25        50       53
 Kestrel                    Falco tinnunculus                         14         0         26       45
 Curlew                     Numenius arquata                          24        190       212      176
 Oystercatcher              Haematopus ostralegus                      6         15        55       81
 Lapwing                    Vanellus vanellus                         32        135       260      410
 Common snipe               Gallinago gallinago                        5        300       403      221
 Golden plover              Pluvialis apricaria                       22        135       175      167
 Woodpigeon                 Columba palumbus                           5        100       160      195
 Common gull                Larus canus                                6         50       113      151
 Black-headed gull          Larus ridibundus                          15         0         97      211
 Skylark                    Alauda arvensis                            6         0         38       59
 Starling                   Sturnus vulgaris                          16         0         30       54
 Carrion crow               Corvus corone                             16         0         53      103

over time. There was no evidence to show if            around wind farms some year after installation),
habituation is founded on an individual basis.         it could not be completely ruled out that these
                                                       were due to other factors, e.g. changes in habi-
    11 studies provided data with at least two         tat. Because of the variable quality of the data,
years of observation after the installation of the     the method, used elsewhere in this report has
wind farm. Each study analysed several spe-            also been used here. The number of cases sug-
cies, which altogether resulted in 122 data sets.      gesting habituation (see above), have been coun-
Only a few studies explicitly referred to „habitu-     ted and compared with the number of cases,
ation“. Even if observations suggested habitua-        which do not suggest habituation. If cases of
tion (closer distribution in relation to wind farms    habituation strongly predominate, one could talk
after a few years; population increase in the area     of a widespread phenomenon. If this is not the

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

case, (e.g. the cases with or without habituation          Only in a few cases were sufficient data avai-
are balanced or those without habituation pre-         lable for individual species. During the breeding
dominate), then it is questionable whether birds       season, results of six studies on lapwing indi-
can get used to wind farms on a large scale.           cate no habituation while two cases assume
                                                       habituation. Outside the breeding season, three
    For breeding birds, 38 out of 84 cases indi-       out of five studies suggest habituation. There
cate habituation (45%, so less than half). For         were six studies for both skylark and meadow
resting birds, the corresponding numbers are           pipit; in each case, three studies indicated ha-
25 out of 38 cases. More than half of the resting      bituation.
birds (66%) therefore seem to get used to wind
farms. None of the results differ significantly from       The observed degree of habituation was in
random, effectively a balance between cases            most cases very small. Even if it cannot ruled
with and without habituation.                          out that birds actually become habituated to
                                                       wind farms, the data clearly indicate that this is
                                                       neither a widespread nor a strong phenome-

Table 6. Number of studies with or without indications of habituation of birds to wind farms. A
       decreasing minimal distance between birds and wind farms in the course of study years
       is considered as an indication of habituation, the reverse is considered as the lack of

                                 Species                                  Number of       Number of
                                                                          cases without   cases with
                                                                          signs of        signs of
                                                                          habituation     habituation
                                                                          (increased      (decreased
                                                                          distance to     distance to
                                                                          wind farm)      wind farm)
                                            Non-breeding season
 White-fronted goose                Anser albifrons                             1               0
 Wigeon                             Anas penelope                               0               1
 Mallard                            Anas platyrhynchos                          0               1
 Eider                              Somateria mollissima                        0               2
 Common scoter                      Melanitta nigra                             0               2
 Red kite                           Milvus milvus                               1               0
 Common buzzard                     Buteo buteo                                 1               1
 Kestrel                            Falco tinnunculus                           1               1
 Coot                               Fulica atra                                 0               1
 Oystercatcher                      Haematopus ostralegus                       0               1
 Curlew                             Numenius arquata                            4               0
 Lapwing                            Vanellus vanellus                           2               3
 Golden plover                      Pluvialis apricaria                         1               3
 Common gull                        Larus canus                                 1               1
 Herring gull                       Larus argentatus                            1               0
 Black-headed gull                  Larus ridibundus                            1               1
 Woodpigeon                         Columba palumbus                            1               1
 Starling                           Sturnus vulgaris                            1               0
 Carrion crow                       Corvus corone                               1               2

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

                       Species                           Number of       Number of
                                                         cases without   cases with
                                                         signs of        signs of
                                                         habituation     habituation
                                                         (increased      (decreased
                                                         distance to     distance to
                                                         wind farm)      wind farm)
                                     Breeding season
Mallard                   Anas platyrhynchos                  0                2
Grey partridge            Perdix perdix                       0                4
Quail                     Coturnix coturnix                   0                1
Pheasant                  Phasianus colchicus                 0                1
Moorhen                   Gallinula chloropus                 0                1
Oystercatcher             Haematopus ostralegus               2                2
Common snipe              Gallinago gallinago                 0                1
Curlew                    Numenius arquata                    1                0
Black-tailed godwit       Limosa limosa                       1                2
Redshank                  Tringa totanus                      3                1
Lapwing                   Vanellus vanellus                   6                2
Woodpigeon                Columba palumbus                    1                0
Skylark                   Alauda arvensis                     3                3
Meadow pipit              Anthus pratensis                    3                3
White wagtail             Motacilla alba                      1                0
Yellow wagtail            Motacilla flava                     0                2
Red-backed shrike         Lanius collurio                     0                1
Dunnock                   Prunella modularis                  0                1
Wheatear                  Oenanthe oenanthe                   0                1
Whinchat                  Saxicola rubetra                    1                2
Stonechat                 Saxicola torquata                   1                1
Redstart                  Phoenicurus phoenicurus             1                0
Spotted flycatcher        Muscicapa striata                   1                0
Wren                      Troglodytes troglodytes             0                1
Mistle thrush             Turdus viscivorus                   1                0
Blackbird                 Turdus merula                       1                0
Song thrush               Turdus philomelos                   1                0
Grasshopper warbler       Locustella naevia                   1                1
Sedge warbler             Acrocephalus schoenobaenus          1                2
Reed warbler              Acrocephalus scirpaceus             0                2
Marsh warbler             Acrocephalus palustris              1                0
Icterine warbler          Hippolais icterina                  1                0
Blackcap                  Sylvia atricapilla                  1                0
Garden warbler            Sylvia borin                        1                0
Whitethroat               Sylvia communis                     1                0
Chiffchaff                Phylloscopus collybita              1                0
Willow warbler            Phylloscopus trochilus              1                0
Great tit                 Parus major                         1                0
Blue tit                  Parus caeruleus                     1                0
Yellowhammer              Emberiza citrinella                 1                0
Reed bunting              Emberiza schoeniclus                2                0
Greenfinch                Carduelis chloris                   0                1
Chaffinch                 Fringilla coelebs                   1                0
Tree sparrow              Passer montanus                     0                1
Starling                  Sturnus vulgaris                    1                0
Nutcracker                Garrulus glandarius                 1                0

Impacts of wind farms on vertebrates

    If the impacts of individual wind farms ap-       oystercatcher and redshank, are less affected
pear to increase over the years, this could be        by tall turbines than by small ones. Only lap-
explained by the reluctance of breeding birds         wing and black-tailed godwit clearly avoid lar-
to give up their territory immediately after the      ger turbines.
installation of the wind farm. As territories with
wind farms become less attractive to future ge-           Resting birds show a different picture. With
nerations in this area, in time this results in a     a few exceptions (grey heron, diving ducks,
thinning population density around the wind           oystercatcher and common snipe), the higher
farms. It was not possible, on the basis of exis-     the turbines, the greater the avoidance distance.
ting data, to determine if such a phenomenon          It may be that differences between breeding and
actually occurs.                                      non-breeding seasons are in fact the result of
                                                      observing different suites of species at these
                                                      different times of year. Breeding season obser-
Avoidance distance and height of turbine              vations were mainly of songbirds, whereas non-
                                                      breeding observations tended to be of larger
    As mentioned above, impacts on bird popu-         species of open habitats.
lations differ between wind farms. The height of
wind turbines appears to be at least partly re-
sponsible for these differences. The question of                                             120

how the height of wind turbines relates to avo-                                              100
idance distances is also highly relevant to „re-                          Hub height (m)      80

    Turbine hub height is perhaps the most sig-                                               40
nificant factor influencing birds. Hub height is                                              20
closely correlated with the capacity (wattage) of
the wind turbine. The studies analysed in this                                                     0,0        0,5              1,0              1,5        2,0
report show the following significant statistically                                                                 Power capacity (MW)
relationship (regression function, Fig. 14):

   Hub height (m) = 65.22 * power (MW) 0.457          Figure 14. Relationship between tower height
   R 2 = 0.73 (n = 78; p
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