Impact of shark-feeding tourism on surrounding fish populations off Moorea Island (French Polynesia)

Page created by Bob Jacobs
CSIRO PUBLISHING                                                      Marine and Freshwater Research, 2010, 61, 163–169

     Impact of shark-feeding tourism on surrounding fish
     populations off Moorea Island (French Polynesia)

     Matthias VignonA,B,E , Pierre SasalA,B , Ryan L. JohnsonC,D and René GalzinA,B
     A UMR   5244 CNRS EPHE UPVD, Biologie et Écologie Tropicale et Méditerranéenne,
       Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, 66860 Perpignan cedex, France.
     B USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE, Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire

       de l’Environnement (CRIOBE), BP 1013, Papetoai Moorea, French Polynesia.
     C Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002, Republic of South Africa.
     D Oceans Research, PO Box 1767, Mossel Bay, 6500, Republic of South Africa.
     E Corresponding author. Email:

     Abstract. Shark feeding is widespread throughout tropical, subtropical and temperate marine ecosystems and gives rise to
     controversy because there is little consensus regarding its management. There are few comprehensive reports that consider
     how shark feeding with bait might impact local fishes, despite the development of this practice during the last few decades.
     Although shark feeding might theoretically have parasitological effects on local non-target fish species in the vicinity of
     feeding areas, this aspect has never been investigated. During an extensive parasitological survey conducted between 2005
     and 2007, a total of 1117 fish belonging to six common grouper and snapper species were sampled throughout the entire
     north coast of Moorea Island (French Polynesia), encompassing three localities where feeding has occurred frequently
     since the 1990s. Parasites exhibited no spatial patterns except for the infections on the blacktip grouper (Epinephelus
     fasciatus). On this species, the prevalence of larval cestodes that parasitise sharks as adults and the intensity of their
     infestation were significantly higher around shark-feeding localities compared with non-shark-feeding localities. Our
     results suggest for the first time that although long-term shark feeding has parasitological implications, the impacts appear
     limited, only involve cestode larvae from one host species and do not seem to affect the health of the fish we studied.

     Additional keywords: cestode, fish health, hepatosomatic index, Lutjanidae, Pacific, parasites, Serranidae.

Introduction                                                           facilitate close observation and predictable interactions with fish
Marine and coastal tourism is one of the fastest growing indus-        species (including elusive predators). Shark feeding is probably
tries (Miller 1993), with most of the associated underwater            one of the most impressive activities that tourists can experience
activity concentrated around the world’s reefs where leisure           underwater, and yet it is a controversial issue with little consen-
tourism primarily comprises fishing and diving (Hall 2001).            sus regarding its management, because feeding is suspected to
Yet, despite an increased awareness of the economic and envi-          impact local ecosystems. Although some studies conclude that
ronmental significance of tourism, data on the environmental           moderate levels of shark feeding have only a minor impact on
impact of tourism remain scarce in the majority of coastal regions     the behaviour of sharks (Laroche et al. 2007), deliberate and
of the world. Adverse effects that have been reported include          long-term shark feeding is suspected to alter natural behaviour
damage from small boat anchors, boat groundings and the activ-         patterns and populations, engender dependency and habituation
ities of snorkellers and SCUBA divers, who cause deliberate            and increase aggression towards humans (Orams 2002). Yet tour
and accidental reef damage by souvenir taking, divers’ fins and        operators defend the practice as a means to spread awareness,
reef walking (Tratalos and Austin 2001; Zakai and Chadwick-            promote conservation and generate economic benefits for the
Furman 2002). This is especially relevant in the Pacific Islands       non-consumptive utilisation of wildlife (Kiss 2004; Topelko and
(Harrison 2004).                                                       Dearden 2005). Despite this controversy, there are few stud-
    Wildlife interaction occurs in a wide variety of settings          ies that consider the impact of shark feeding, even though the
throughout the world and has become increasingly popular dur-          practice is widespread and growing.
ing recent years (Duffus and Dearden 1990; Orams 2002). This               Ecological studies on shark feeding have focussed primarily
is especially true in reefs where the diversity of fishes in shallow   on how provisionisation directly affects the behaviour patterns
waters is very high. The dive industry, as a whole, recognises         of sharks (Johnson and Kock 2006; Laroche et al. 2007). In con-
the significant value of such interactive marine experiences. The      trast, little is known about the indirect effects of shark feeding,
practice of fish feeding (provisionisation) has recently become        including how parasites may increase in abundance, affecting
a popular means by which tourists and tourism operators can            non-target species in the vicinity of shark-feeding areas. Fish

© CSIRO 2010                                                                               10.1071/MF09079          1323-1650/10/020163
164     Marine and Freshwater Research                                                                                     M. Vignon et al.

aggregations (larger shoal size and density) caused by artifi-         were collected in two successive years: February–April 2006
cial provisionisation have been recorded in the Mediterranean          and February–July 2007. Supplementary samples of C. argus
Sea (Milazzo et al. 2005), Atlantic Ocean (Ilarri et al. 2008)         were caught in March 2005. All fish were speared on the out-
and Pacific Ocean (Cole 1994; Sweatman 1996), suggesting               side slope of the barrier reef at a depth ranging between 5 and
that long-term feeding might indeed affect the natural com-            40 m. To prevent any loss of ectoparasites, particularly those
munities and behavioural dynamics of fish populations. Such            not permanently attached (Grutter 1995), each fish was imme-
high host densities generally favour transmission efficiency of        diately enclosed within an individual plastic bag, underwater at
directly transmitted parasites (Arneberg et al. 1998; Sasal 2003).     the point of capture, until dissection. To evaluate the effect of
Moreover, several studies report that fish fed with inappropriate      spatial distribution and number of sampled fish, the north coast
food, such as that typically provided by tourists, can result in an    was arbitrarily subdivided into 16 localities (Fig. 1) ranging in
increase in fat deposits in the liver and a modification of several    length from 100 m to 2 km, with narrower localities around the
physiological indices (GBRMPA 1993; Luo et al. 2005; Jamil             two main shark-feeding areas (localities 9 and 12).
et al. 2007). Such physiological alterations may favour infection
by parasites by increasing host susceptibility (Barber 2005). Ulti-    Parasite collection
mately, sharks are definitive hosts for several parasite species
                                                                       For each individual, standard length (SL) and total length (TL)
and therefore a source of parasites that can spread their eggs
                                                                       were measured to the nearest millimetre. Both total (W) and
and/or larvae in the surrounding areas, affecting a wide variety
                                                                       eviscerated weight (We ) were measured to the nearest gram.
of local organisms as intermediate hosts and compromising their
                                                                       Fulton’s condition index (K) is believed to be a good indica-
health (Caira and Reyda 2005), altering their behaviour (Barber
                                                                       tor of a fish’s general well being (Bolger and Connolly 1989),
et al. 2000; Thomas et al. 2005) and significantly reducing their
                                                                       and was calculated as: K = We /SL3 . In addition, the hepatoso-
marketability (Caira and Reyda 2005).
                                                                       matic index (HSI ) was calculated as an indirect index of energy:
    Although feeding might have ecological effects on local
                                                                       HSI = Wi /We , where Wi is the liver weight. All of the parts of the
non-target species in the vicinity of shark-feeding areas, the par-
                                                                       fish (including the gut cavity, internal organs, tissue, gills, oral
asitological aspects of this practice have never been investigated.
                                                                       cavity and fins) were examined for parasites under a binocular
Thus, we specifically studied the effects of shark feeding at three
                                                                       microscope. Parasites were counted and fixed for identification.
localities around Moorea Island, where shark feeding has been
                                                                       Individual cestodes were moderately flattened by coverslip pres-
occurring since the 1990s. The two main shark-feeding localities
                                                                       sure and fixed with a drop of Bouin’s solution, stained with
are popular and receive divers twice a day, almost 365 days per
                                                                       alcoholic chlorhydric carmine and then mounted in Canada bal-
year. The remaining locality is less visited. The aim of the study
                                                                       sam. Cestode larvae were undifferentiated and thus possessed
was to test if shark attraction due to feeding is correlated with
                                                                       none of the morphological features of adults, on which tax-
parasite distribution in six local non-target species of common
                                                                       onomy is usually based, making species, genus or family-level
grouper and snapper along the north coast of Moorea Island.
                                                                       identification difficult or impossible. Epidemiological indices
On the basis of published studies, we tested for a local increase
                                                                       (prevalence, abundance and intensity) were used according to
of parasites in the vicinity of shark-feeding areas. Moreover,
                                                                       Bush et al. (1997). Prevalence is the number of hosts infected
we tested if provisionisation alters the health (characterised by
                                                                       with one or more individuals of a particular parasite species.
decreases in Fulton’s condition index and hepatosomatic index)
                                                                       Abundance is the number of individuals of a particular parasite
of six common species in the vicinity of shark-feeding areas.
                                                                       in a single host regardless of whether or not the host is infected.
                                                                       Intensity (of infection) is the number of individuals of a par-
Materials and methods                                                  ticular parasite species in a single infected host. Cestode larval
Site and host collection                                               terminology used by Chervy (2002) was followed here.
During an extensive parasitological survey, 1117 fish were
sampled on the outer slope along the entire north coast                Data analyses
of Moorea Island (17◦ 30 S, 149◦ 50W, Society Archipelago,           Multivariate regression trees (MRT; De’ath 2002) were pro-
French Polynesia), encompassing three shark-feeding local-             duced for each fish species. Six factors were included as potential
ities (17◦ 29 56 S 149◦ 55 38W; 17◦ 29 08 S 149◦ 51 32W;   explanatory variables of individual parasite loads: individual fish
and 17◦ 28 36 S 149◦ 50 41W) (Fig. 1) and involving several      length (SL, cm), sampling depth (m), sampling month, sam-
shark species: mainly the blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus            pling year, distance from shark-feeding area (m) and distance
melanopterus), the grey reef shark (C. amblyrhynchos), the sil-        from closest channel (m). This multivariate discrimination tech-
vertip shark (C. albimarginatus), the lemon shark (Negaprion           nique constructs a hierarchical tree by repeatedly partitioning
acutidens) and, occasionally, the whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon      the dataset into two mutually exclusive groups, each of which
obesus). Six abundant long-lived fish-predator species found in        has similar values to the multiple response variables. Each split
the shallow waters were selected: four groupers (Cephalopho-           is defined by a simple rule, based on a single explanatory vari-
lis argus n = 195, C. urodeta n = 249, Epinephelus fasciatus           able minimising the sum of squares of the multivariate mean
n = 213 and E. hexagonatus n = 122) and two snappers (Lut-             within each group. The splitting procedure is then pruned back
janus fulvus n = 193 and L. kasmira n = 145) with contrast-            to the desired size by cross-validation using the minimum rule of
ing ecological habits (i.e. feeding habits, territorial and social     Breiman et al. (1984). The MRT technique does not require any
behaviour between families as well as between species within           assumptions about the form of the relationships between obser-
each family; Allen 1985; Heemstra and Randall 1993). Samples           vations and explanatory variables and is robust to collinearity
Impact of shark-feeding tourism                                                                                Marine and Freshwater Research    165













                                                                                              149°54W              149°46W

                                                                      5 km
                                                                      1 km



             Fig. 1. Mean abundance (±s.d.) of (a) tetraphyllideans and (b) trypanorhynchs found throughout the north coast of Moorea
             in the blacktip grouper (Epinephelus fasciatus). Data are provided by locality (number of sampled hosts per locality: 10, 10, 10,
             10, 10, 10, 10, 13, 25, 20, 20, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10 from west to east); the pictograms correspond to shark-feeding areas.

of explanatory variables (De’ath 2002). These analyses were                     sampling month, sampling year, distance from shark-feeding
performed using the mvpart package in R statistical software                    area and distance from closest channel) plus parasite intensity,
(Therneau et al. 2004).                                                         as explanatory variables of individual Fulton’s condition indexes
    MRTs with distance from shark-feeding area explaining                       and HSI.
more than 5% of the variability in individual parasite loads                        A Mann–Whitney U-test was performed to compare the mean
were selected and the Dufrêne–Legendre index (Dufrêne and                       Fulton’s condition index between potentially impacted individ-
Legendre 1997) was used to identify the parasites that were char-               uals (hosts collected within 100 m from the point directly below
acteristic of clusters involving distance from shark-feeding area.              the feeding buoy) and non-impacted individuals (using the aver-
The statistical significance of the index was assessed using a ran-             age for the three feeding areas). In addition, ANCOVAs using
domised permutation procedure (Dufrêne and Legendre 1997).                      fish length as a covariate were used to test for the differences in
Those parasites characteristic of clusters involving distance from              HSI between impacted and non-impacted locations. Fish length
shark-feeding area were analysed by a second MRT using the                      was selected because HSI was correlated with host size. Data
same six factors to assess their specific effect. The arbitrary sub-            were log10 (x + 1) transformed to satisfy the assumptions of the
division of the north coast was not taken into account during the               ANCOVA.
statistical analysis using MRT but was used to display spatial
distribution of parasites (abundance, Fig. 1).
   To test the potential effect of the parasites characteristic of              Results
shark-feeding areas on the health of the fishes, we performed a                 Sampled fish were infected with highly diverse parasite com-
final MRT using the same six factors (length, sampling depth,                   munities: cestodes, copepods, isopods, leeches, monogeneans
166     Marine and Freshwater Research                                                                                       M. Vignon et al.

and nematodes belonging to a minimum of 19 families and                  that host individuals collected within 108 m of the point directly
mainly parasitising the mouth, gills, stomach, intestine and mus-        below the feeding buoy had higher HSI compared with the previ-
cle. Owing to a lack of description of parasites from French             ous arbitrary expectation (used in the ANCOVA) that individuals
Polynesia, species-level identification was not possible. In total,      collected within 100 m of the feeding buoy might be potentially
45 parasite taxa were identified (see Accessory publication,             impacted by shark feeding.
available on the Marine and Freshwater Research website, for
global summary statistics of epidemiological data). All but one
of the MRTs revealed that distance from shark feeding explained
less than 5% of the variability in individual parasite loads. Only       Local parasitological effects
the pruned tree performed for Epinephelus fasciatus used the dis-        The life cycle of cestodes lacks free-living stages and relies on
tance from shark-feeding area as an important factor (49% of the         the direct ‘food web’ transfer between hosts, parasitising sharks
total variability for the overall parasite community) and discrim-       as adults. Their life cycles typically involve two to three inter-
inated parasite assemblages characterised by tetraphyllidean             mediate hosts in which larval stages develop (Caira and Reyda
plerocercoids and trypanorhynch plerocerci. Both groups are              2005) plus several paratenic hosts (i.e. hosts with no effect on
larval cestodes. Trypanorhynch plerocerci were found encysted            the completion of the life cycle). Thus, there are several non-
in muscle or mesentery surrounding the posterior part of the             exclusive ways that shark feeding can locally increase prevalence
intestine. Tetraphyllidean plerocercoids were found free in the          and/or intensity of cestode larvae, and these may vary between
caecum, intestine and occasionally in the stomach. These para-           trypanorhynchs and tetraphyllideans.
sites also occurred in other host species (C. argus, C. urodeta,             First, deliberate and long-term feeding is suspected to alter
E. hexagonatus, L. fulvus and L. kasmira) but parasitological            natural behaviour, engendering conditioning, dependency and
indices were not explained by distance from shark-feeding area.          habituation of animals (Orams 2002). Although natural aggre-
In those fish, trypanorhynch plerocerci were occasionally found          gations have been reported for numerous elasmobranchs (i.e.
but none of them had an overall prevalence greater than a few            sharks and rays), acoustic telemetry studies suggest a higher
per cent and infections usually consisted of a single individual.        degree of residency in the area where sharks gain a noticeable
In contrast, tetraphyllidean plerocercoids were frequently found         amount of food rewards over months or years (Shackley 1998;
in all sampled species with a high overall prevalence (between           Johnson and Kock 2006; Laroche et al. 2007). In Moorea, shark
60 and 90%) and a basal individual intensity ranging from 5 to           feeding has occurred at three localities on the outer slope off the
100.                                                                     north coast since the 1990s. The two main shark-feeding local-
    Among the six factors included in the second MRT (using ces-         ities receive divers twice a day, almost 365 days per year. The
tode larvae exclusively), only the distance from shark-feeding           remaining locality is less visited. Therefore, sharks in Moorea
area and fish length were relevant and explained 90% of total            are probably conditioned to artificial provisionisation and may
variance of cestodes between individuals throughout the entire           spend a substantial amount of time at feeding localities (Johnson
north coast of Moorea Island, with only five splits (Fig. 2). The        and Kock 2006).
prevalence and intensity of trypanorhynchs increased with host               Because adult cestodes parasitise the spiral intestine of almost
size and decreased with distance from shark-feeding localities.          all orders of elasmobranchs, artificial aggregation and increased
Indeed, in parts of the reef distant from shark-feeding localities,      site fidelity may result in a local facilitation of the life cycle
trypanorhynchs were absent from samples. In contrast, tetraphyl-         of natural cestodes; eggs are locally released in faeces and then
lideans are ubiquitous throughout the north coast (100% mean             infect nearby intermediate hosts with low mobility. Groupers are
prevalence in all parts of the outer slope) and their intensity          locally infected by cestode larvae as paratenic hosts via feeding,
increased about four to 6-fold at shark-feeding localities.              requiring that intermediate invertebrate hosts should also have
    None of the sampled host species exhibited significantly             low mobility. This hypothesis could explain the local increase
different Fulton’s condition indexes (Mann–Whitney U-test,               of ubiquitous tetraphyllideans, which remain present even far
P > 0.1) for those collected near the feeding buoy. Four species         from feeding areas with a low basal intensity. This hypothesis
(C. argus, C. urodeta, L. fulvus and L. kasmira) exhibited no            could also explain the local presence of trypanorhynchs, whose
differences in HSI near the buoys (ANCOVA, P > 0.1). Only                intensity is reduced 2-fold over 100–200 m and which remain
E. fasciatus and E. hexagonatus exhibited slight, but significantly      absent or are not found far from feeding areas (Fig. 1).
higher HSI when collected near the feeding buoy (ANCOVA,                     The second hypothesis differs from the first by the origin of
F1,210 = 94.85, P = 0.00001 and F1,119 = 12.89, P = 0.0004               cestode larvae. During each feeding session, massive baits of
respectively).                                                           local pelagic fish (i.e. dolphinfish, jacks and tuna) are used. Typ-
    Ultimately, none of the pruned trees performed on individ-           ically, the occurrence of cestodes is more pronounced in benthic
ual Fulton’s condition indexes and HSI used cestode intensity            species than in mesopelagic or bathypelagic species (Campbell
as an important explanatory factor. When using total cestode             et al. 1980; Caira and Reyda 2005); however, bait species can
intensity (all larval stages together) as well as tetraphyllidean ple-   be infected by cestode larvae (Williams and Bunkley-Williams
rocercoids and trypanorhynch plerocerci independently, only the          1996). These larvae are naturally transmitted to pelagic sharks
distance from shark-feeding area and fish length were relevant           and may not occur in reef-associated shark species, such as those
and explained 38% of total variance of individual Fulton’s con-          attracted to baiting in Moorea. Thus, feeding of reef-associated
dition indexes and HSI between individuals, with only three              sharks with unusual or only occasional natural food may lead to
splits. HSI decreased with host size and increased with distance         the local food-borne infection observed around Moorea. Once
from shark-feeding localities. Splits in the pruned tree revealed        sharks are infected, the remaining parts of the parasitic life cycle
Impact of shark-feeding tourism                                                                                                               Marine and Freshwater Research   167

                                        FD  660.5 m                  FD  660.5 m

                                                                          SL  24.5 cm             SL  24.5 cm
                                   n  115                                                    2

                              14             1400

                              10             1000

                               6             600

                               2             200

                                               SL  21.5 cm SL  21.5 cm                           FD  199 m              FD  199 m
                                                                      5                                                3
                                                         n  16               n  31                          SL  28.5 cm SL  28.5 cm
                                                    14            1400 14              1400        n  27                             4
                                                                                                                       n  16                 n8
                                                    10            1000 10              1000 14              1400
                                                     6            600     6            600    10            1000 14             1400 14             1400
                                                     2            200     2            200     6            600 10              1000 10             1000
                                                                                               2            200    6            600       6         600

                                                                                                                   2            200       2         200

                             Fig. 2. Multivariate regression tree based on cestode intensities of 213 blacktip groupers
                             (Epinephelus fasciatus). The overall tree explained 90% of total variance of cestode intensity
                             between individuals: trypanorhynchs shaded and tetraphyllideans unshaded. Branch lengths
                             are proportional to percentage of explained variance and splits are numbered in descending
                             order of importance. Among the six factors included in the analysis, only fish length (SL,
                             cm) and distance from feeding area (FD, m) were statistically significant.

can readily occur. Moreover, it is likely that long-term territo-                                  Non-target fish aggregations (caused by artificial provisionisa-
rial E. fasciatus individuals act as opportunistic scavengers on                                   tion) may favour transmission efficiency of parasites with direct
bait scraps that typically fall to the bottom during a feeding ses-                                life cycles, and inappropriate food supply may favour infection
sion, and therefore become infected. In addition, this unusual                                     by parasites with either direct or indirect life cycles. Moreover,
food supply may explain the significantly higher HSI of E. fas-                                    sharks are definitive hosts for several parasite species and are
ciatus and E. hexagonatus in the immediate vicinity of feeding                                     therefore a potential source of larval parasites for other fishes.
areas. This hypothesis could explain the local increase of try-                                    However, collected data suggest specific and limited impact on
panorhynchs, which are almost absent in groupers more than a                                       local non-target fish species with no evidence that artificial pro-
few dozen metres from the feeding area because groupers hunt                                       visionisation affects physiological health of surrounding hosts
and feed on live prey. Even though we found numerous ces-                                          (except HSI for E. fasciatus and E. hexagonatus within 100 m
tode larval stages in baits commonly used to attract and feed                                      of the feeding buoy) or their susceptibility to parasites (except
sharks, we recognise that evidence that these stages are viable and                                parasites with indirect life cycles parasitising sharks as adults
can infect groupers remains to be collected. One of the remain-                                    for E. fasciatus).
ing questions is to know whether and how frequently sharks                                             Through their indirect life cycles, parasites are functionally
eat infected groupers and thus complete a cestode’s life cycle.                                    coupled with the surrounding free-living diversity, providing
Otherwise, groupers may just accumulate larvae as a develop-                                       potential bioindicators of diversity and abundance of animal
mental dead-end.                                                                                   communities (Hechinger et al. 2007). Manipulating the spa-
                                                                                                   tial distribution of one upstream host in a complex life cycle
Specific and limited impact                                                                        may alter the distribution of parasites in downstream hosts
Theoretically, shark feeding might have parasitological effects                                    (which carry the subsequent stages of parasites) (Hechinger and
involving both parasites with direct and indirect life cycles.                                     Lafferty 2005). In one study, more shark tapeworms on paratenic
168     Marine and Freshwater Research                                                                                              M. Vignon et al.

fish hosts were found at an island with lots of sharks compared            Although shark feeding might theoretically have parasitolog-
with another island with few sharks (Lafferty et al. 2008). In that    ical effects on local non-target fish species in the vicinity of
study, shark depletion was due to extensive fishing, emphasising       feeding areas, this aspect has never been investigated. For the
that the natural (not due to shark feeding) occurrence of sharks       first time, here we suggest that deliberate and long-term shark-
can affect parasites in local fish populations. However, it remains    feeding has very limited and focussed impacts. Fortunately,
possible that other environmental differences between islands          parasitological effects of shark feeding in Moorea Island appear
could also affect parasite communities. In the present study, the      very localised (within a few hundreds of metres), only con-
occurrence of shark feeding in three distinct localities throughout    cern cestode larvae from one host species and do not noticeably
the north coast of Moorea Island provides a convenient and pow-        impact the health of intermediate hosts.
erful means to replicate local effects of shark feeding using local        Both tourists and management agencies have an obligation to
gradients in distance from shark-feeding areas and minimising          carefully consider the impact of tourism on wildlife (Duffus and
other environmental effects. As a consequence, abundance of            Dearden 1990; Orams 1995). For the responsible management of
cestode larval stages in suitable teleost fish might be a conve-       shark-feeding operations, any potential direct or indirect impact
nient method for assessing spatial variation in shark abundance        needs to be considered. Further research is required to determine
(reviewed in Lafferty et al. 2008). This is especially relevant        whether the results of the present study were an isolated case and
as reef shark populations are already heavily depleted (Robbins        to what extent they apply to other localities (both tropical and
et al. 2006), most sharks remain elusive and their abundance is        temperate) and other taxa (e.g. ray feeding is especially popular
difficult to quantify.                                                 with snorkellers and provisionisation frequently alters their nat-
    Among all host species investigated, only parasites from the       ural behaviour) (Shackley 1998; Newsome et al. 2004; Gaspar
blacktip grouper (E. fasciatus) exhibited an obvious spatial struc-    et al. 2008).
ture. In either hypothesis, differences between hosts may involve
specific host ecology: territoriality, microhabitat, feeding habits,
etc. Although snapper (Lutjanus spp.) can temporarily aggregate
                                                                       We would like to thank K. Lafferty for revising this manuscript as well as
in shark-feeding areas, it is unlikely that they exhibit spatial
                                                                       other anonymous reviewer, who made valuable suggestions to improve the
fidelity because they freely move throughout the outer slope
                                                                       manuscript. Financial support for this research was provided by CNRS (UMR
of Moorea Island. The use of highly vagile (and thus tempo-            5244). CRIOBE facilities (UMR2978 CNRS EPHE) were used during this
rally variable) hosts in a given locality is not representative and    field expedition. Sampling was carried out according to Polynesian guide-
does not provide a suitable basis for use as local bioindicators       lines and policies of PGEM (Marine Space Management Plan) of Moorea.
(Hechinger et al. 2007). In contrast, groupers, including E. fas-
ciatus, are long-lived and territorial within a restricted area of
only a few square metres (Heemstra and Randall 1993) and
constitute potential suitable indicators. While C. argus and E.        Allen, G. R. (1985). Snappers of the world. An annotated and illustrated
                                                                           catalogue of lutjanid species known to date. FAO Fisheries Synopsis
hexagonatus coexist with E. fasciatus around feeding areas, the
                                                                           125(6), 1–208.
former species was rarely infected, probably due to their feed-
                                                                       Arneberg, P., Skorping, A., Grenfell, B., and Read, A. F. (1998). Host densi-
ing habits, which result in avoiding the consumption of infected           ties as determinants of abundance in parasite communities. Proceedings
prey species or avoiding opportunistic scavenging on baits. The            of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences 265,
remaining grouper, C. urodeta, tends to live in more shallow               1283–1289. doi:10.1098/RSPB.1998.0431
water, not in the vicinity of feeding sites and may not be able to     Barber, I. (2005). Parasites grow larger in faster growing fish hosts. Inter-
consume infected prey species or baits. Because cestode larvae             national Journal for Parasitology 35, 137–143. doi:10.1016/J.IJPARA.
generally exhibit low host-specificity in the teleost intermediate         2004.11.010
host (Palm and Caira 2008), other long-lived teleost fish with low     Barber, I., Hoare, D., and Krause, J. (2000). Effects of parasites on fish
mobility that live close to shark-feeding areas might be affected.         behaviour: a review and evolutionary perspective. Reviews in Fish
                                                                           Biology and Fisheries 10, 131–165. doi:10.1023/A:1016658224470
    Parasites generally impose an energetic cost on their hosts.
                                                                       Bolger, T., and Connolly, P. L. (1989). The selection of suitable indices for
However, thus far, we have no evidence that larval cestodes
                                                                           the measurement and analysis of fish condition. Journal of Fish Biology
in paratenic hosts (i.e. tetraphyllidean plerocercoids and try-            34, 171–182. doi:10.1111/J.1095-8649.1989.TB03300.X
panorhynch plerocerci in E. fasciatus) have negative effects.          Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H., Olshen, R. A., and Stone, C. J. (1984). ‘Clas-
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