Impact of SARS-COV-2 pandemic on medical education: "compulsory" migration for elearning modality, preliminary insights from medical education ...

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Experience Report

Impact of SARS-COV-2 pandemic on medical education:
"compulsory" migration for elearning modality,
preliminary insights from medical education managers

Impacto da pandemia do SARS-COV-2 na educação médica:
migração "compulsória" para o modelo remoto, uma visão
preliminar de gestores da educação médica

                                                                                                    Luiz Fernando Quintanilha1
                                                                                                       Katia de Miranda Avena2
                                                                                       Lucélia Batista Neves Cunha Magalhães3
                                                                                                     Bruno de Bezerril Andrade4
                                        Centro Universitário UniFTC, Universidade Salvador (Salvador). Bahia, Brazil.
                                           Centro Universitário UniFTC (Salvador). Bahia, Brazil.,
                               Corresponding author. Centro Universitário UniFTC, Universidade Salvador, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública,
                                                                                   Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Salvador). Bahia, Brazil.

ABSTRACT | INTRODUCTION: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic affected the                     RESUMO | INTRODUÇÃO: A pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 impactou os
educational models offered in medical courses. In this context, with              modelos educacionais ofertados nos cursos de Medicina. Nesse contex-
the authorization to offer courses remotely, there is an unprecedented            to, com a autorização para oferta de disciplinas remotamente, evidencia-
acceleration in the migration from the traditional model to the eLearning         -se uma aceleração sem precedentes na migração do modelo presencial
model, which was already occurring gradually in the Brazilian higher              para ensino remoto, o que já vinha ocorrendo gradativamente no siste-
education system. Due to the social isolation to face the crisis, this            ma de educação superior brasileiro. Devido ao isolamento social para
model is being applied in full in many Higher-educational institutions            enfrentamento da crise, este modelo está sendo aplicado integralmente
(HEIs) in the country and may have repercussions on methodological                em muitas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) do país, podendo reper-
changes in medical education. OBJECTIVES: To discuss the impact                   cutir em mudanças metodológicas na educação médica. OBJETIVOS:
of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on medical education, analyzing the                    Discutir o impacto da pandemia do SARS-CoV-2 na educação médica,
migration to eLearning Modality. METHOD: A reflection was made                    analisando a migração para o modelo remoto. MÉTODO: Baseado na ex-
from management meetings at two private universities based on the                 periência dos autores na gestão da educação médica, foi realizada uma
authors' experience in medical education management. RESULTS: The                 reflexão a partir de reuniões gerenciais de duas IES privadas. RESULTA-
global pandemic context has impacted teaching within the scope of                 DOS: O contexto de pandemia global promoveu impactos no ensino no
students, professors, and HEIs. The high investments in the migration             âmbito do corpo discente, docente e IES. Os altos investimentos na mi-
of the teaching model and the high dropout rate have impacted the                 gração do modelo de ensino e a alta taxa de evasão vêm repercutindo
suspension of contracts for teachers from private HEIs. The inequality            na suspensão de contratos de docentes de IES privadas. A desigualdade
of technological access, unsuitable environments, and the poor                    de acesso tecnológico, ambientes não propícios e a má qualidade da
quality of telephony/internet in the country can impact on academic               telefonia/internet no país podem impactar no desempenho acadêmico.
performance. CONCLUSIONS: It is undeniable that medical education                 CONCLUSÕES: É inegável que a educação médica está sendo profunda-
is suffering a profound transformation by this global health crisis.              mente transformada por essa crise global de saúde. Entretanto, ainda
However, it is too early to say with certainty the size of this impact.           é cedo para afirmar com segurança o tamanho desse impacto. Futura-
In the future, it will be necessary to adapt the concept of evidence-             mente, será necessário adaptar o conceito de Ensino Médico baseado
based medical education to assess the practical repercussions of this             em evidências para avaliar com clareza as repercussões práticas dessa
pandemic in medical education.                                                    pandemia no ensino da Medicina.

KEYWORDS: Coronavirus. eLearning. Medical Education.                              PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Coronavírus. Educação a Distância. Educação Médica.

                                                                                  How to cite this article: Quintanilha LF, Avena KM, Magalhães LBNC,
                                                                                  Andrade BB. Impacto da pandemia do SARS-COV-2 na educação
Submitted 09/18/2020, Accepted 01/14/2021, Published 04/29/2021                   médica: migração "compulsória" para o modelo remoto, uma visão
Inter. J. Health Educ., Salvador, 2021 October;5(1):xx-xx                         preliminar de gestores da educação médica. Inter J Health Educ. | ISSN: 2594-7907              2021;5(1):xx-xx.
Background of the situation                                     moments of urgent demands with the presence of
                                                                         members of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus and
The global crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic                      representatives of the maintainer.
has impacted societies around the world in several
ways. Changes in the economy, professional, family,                      From these meetings, the group of authors met for
health, and education relationships have been                            the development of the present work to discuss
intensively discussed. All these spheres have already                    the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in medical
suffered important impacts and will certainly continue                   education, analyzing the "compulsory" migration to
to be impacted in the course of the crisis and for a                     the remote model and its short and medium-term
considerable period after pandemic control.                              perspectives for managers, teachers, and students,
                                                                         the main actors in this process. In this context,
Faced with the pandemic scenario, the Ministries                         the historical pre-pandemic and post-pandemic
of Education (MEC) and Health (MS) have been                             movements were highlighted, and from that, the
capitalizing on a series of measures whose impacts                       construction of reflections about the impacts of these
reflect directly or indirectly on the entire Brazilian                   changes in the view of the authors.
society. For example, in the field of medical education,
eLearning classes from the first to the fourth year                      However, due to the characteristics of the analysis,
in the undergraduate medical program, except for                         this work has a national scope for describing the
internship and laboratory professional practices, have                   current medical education scenario based on MEC
been legally made possible for the time being. That                      and MS resolutions and performing prognostics
generates significant changes in medical education                       based on current observations and evidence in
and can greatly influence the modus operandi of                          the context of remote teaching in undergraduate
medical courses and the actions of the main players                      medical courses.
involved in the very near future.

In the educational field, the scenario of adaptation to
the crisis will no longer be an exclusively emergency                                         Summary of results
and will impact the way medical education is
managed in the country, including the adoption of                        General aspects of higher education in Brazil
remote teaching on a larger scale and its practical
implications. In this context, from the perspective of                   According to the Higher Education Census published
managers of two private medical courses in the state                     by the National Institute of Educational Studies and
of Bahia, this article proposes to discuss the impact                    Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) in 2019, the average
of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on medical education,                         age of teachers working in public and private higher
analyzing the "compulsory" migration to remote                           education institutions (HEIs) is 38 years. This age
education, the strategies in the context of changes in                   group assumes that these teachers had contact with
the migration of teaching models, and the impacts on                     technological advances in an incipient way and were
the modus operandi of medical schools in Brazil.                         educated in traditional teaching models. On the
                                                                         other hand, students who enter higher education
                                                                         classrooms currently have an average age of 19 years
                                                                         (face-to-face education) and 21 years (eLearning).1
              Abstract of the work                                       Therefore, they belong to the so-called Z-generation,
                                                                         digital natives, globalized, used to interactive
Based on the authors' experience in educational                          environments, and, due to these characteristics,
management in the medical area and considering                           have great difficulty in belonging to more traditional
the moment of a health crisis with profound impacts                      teaching models. At the same time, they are very
on the educational sector, a case report was made                        receptive to new teaching and learning strategies.2
from organizational meetings of two private higher                       Recent studies have shown that this generation is
education institutions (HEIs) in the state of Bahia,                     highly receptive to online tools and the insertion
carried out from March to June 2020. These meetings                      of active teaching methodologies and, therefore,
took place weekly and, in an extraordinary way, in                       extremely adaptable to the remote teaching model.3,4

                                        Inter. J. Health Educ., Salvador, 2021 October;5(1):xx-xx
                        | ISSN: 2594-7907

This observation is in accordance with data released                      Several advantages are reported in this teaching
by the Brazilian Association of Higher Education                          model, such as flexibility, universal access, cost
Maintainers (ABMES), which finds that, despite the                        reduction, and geographical reach. All these factors
pandemic, there has been a substantial increase in                        are considered positive characteristics of the
the number of students considering entering higher                        eLearning model, making this teaching modality
education early 2021.5 Besides, ABMES also projects                       have positive perceptions and gain more and more
that the number of enrollments in eLearning will                          adepts in Medicine and other health courses.11
exceed the number of enrollments in person before                         However, despite the substantial increase in courses,
the predicted time and that hybrid education will                         the eLearning modality in Brazil still lacks better
continue with a strong trend of expansion.6                               preparation by teachers and tutors involved in the
                                                                          process12,13, and some resistance is still identified on
eLearning in Brazilian Higher Education                                   the part of teachers.14,15 That may be related to factors
                                                                          such as traditional training, resistance and fear of
Although they are not synonyms and have                                   change, scarcity of resources, time for training, and
characteristics that differentiate them, in this work,                    inability with technological resources.15
the terms "EaD" and "remote teaching" are used as
such for their functional similarities in terms of the                    eLearning Brazilian Regulation
use of technology in the teaching-learning process.
eLearning is understood as the educational modality in                    The MEC has been clearly in favor of the expansion
which didactic-pedagogical mediation in the teaching-                     of eLearning in the country. The Brazilian decree
learning processes occurs through technological                           9,057/2017, for example, allows the HEIs to offer
"bridges" between the teacher and students who are                        exclusively undergraduate and postgraduate lato-
geographically separated.7 Temporally, this modality                      sensu courses at a distance without the need to
can be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on                          offer face-to-face courses simultaneously. In 2018,
whether the interaction occurs in real-time or not.8                      eLearning courses also contemplated academic and
                                                                          professional postgraduate programs stricto-sensu
The eLearning modality grows in alignment with                            (Master and Doctorate).
changes in social contexts, such as access to
the internet, the scarcity of free time, and other                        The expansion of eLearning vacancies universalizes
factors related to modernity. Also, because of the                        access, allows students from the countryside to take
characteristics of the student, eLearning has gained                      their undergraduate and graduate courses, and, with
strength in the country in recent years. From 2008 to                     this, increases the possibility of continuing education
2018, the number of students enrolled in eLearning                        in more distant locations, in addition to facilitating
courses jumped from 463,093 to 1,373,321 students,                        the achievement of educational goals in the country
an expressive increase of almost three times that                         in the area of higher education enrollment. Another
allows us to predict that in the next few years, this                     indication in this direction came with a recent MEC
modality will surpass the number of registrations in                      resolution increasing the limit of subjects offered in
the face-to-face model.6                                                  the eLearning modality for undergraduate courses.
                                                                          The Brazilian ordinance 1,428/2018 doubled the limit,
Specifically, in the undergraduate medical program,                       from 20% to 40%, for the offer of eLearning subjects
there are still restrictions, as will be demonstrated                     in face-to-face courses. According to this ordinance,
below. On the other hand, for continuing education,                       however, this rule does not apply to courses in the
the eLearning courses' existence has always been                          health area. It is not known how this scenario will
considered beneficial and can reach professionals                         evolve in the country nor the speed with which this
who live far from the large centers and/or with a                         will occur, but it is coherent to think, by evidence, that
shortage of time.9,10 Currently, there is a wide range of                 there will be a generalized increase of the offer of this
options for refresher courses in the country, covered                     teaching modality, besides the quality and efficiency
by renowned teaching and research institutions                            of the technologies used by it. The migration to the
offered in this modality.                                                 remote model in the current SARS-CoV-2 crisis can
                                                                          contribute immensely to this scenario.

                                         Inter. J. Health Educ., Salvador, 2021 October;5(1):xx-xx
                         | ISSN: 2594-7907

What lessons were learned                                       On the other hand, there was a crueler impact on the
                                                                           teaching staff that revealed itself more visibly at the
The impact of the pandemic on medical                                      turn of the school semester. In addition to the already
education                                                                  documented impact on quality of life18,19, due to the
                                                                           possibility of maintaining remote classes regulated by
The new coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) is                               the MEC, with the high investments in the migration
imposing changes in relationships in the social, family,                   of the teaching model and the high evasion rate in
work, health, and education spheres. In this current                       the eLearning modality20,21, private HEIs suspended
scenario, the MEC has authorized eLearning for HEIs                        contracts. They carried out dismissals of many
but has prohibited the medical course from doing                           teachers throughout the country.
the same. Shortly after, it changed its positioning
and allowed the Medicine course to offer the online                        Public HEIs, on the other hand, paused their activities,
modality in the theoretical-cognitive disciplines from                     and their teachers were prevented from teaching.
the first to the fourth year.                                              Many arguments were used for the suspension, the
                                                                           most widespread being the inequality of technological
This way, the HEIs, especially the private ones,                           access of their academic communities. Even in the
the majority in the country, could guarantee the                           medical course, usually with more affluent social
fulfillment of the academic schedule and the entrance                      characteristics, studies show a lack of Internet access
of resources from the tuition and enrollment. Data                         at home and environments not conducive to better
from the Union of Higher Education Institutions in                         student performance.22,23 Add to this the known poor
the State of São Paulo (Semesp) pointed out that                           quality of telephony and internet in the country. In
in August 2020, 99% of private HEIs had already                            this scenario, some institutions have mitigated these
migrated to remote education.16 In turn, despite                           inequalities with various strategies such as offering
the controversies generated, the students were                             chips, lending notebooks to students with greater
guaranteed the right to finish the semester, in general,                   difficulties, and assigning spaces on their campus by
without delays. However, only the theoretical content                      appointment.
of their subjects was contemplated. Although there
are already alternative virtual tools17, it is forbidden                   Future perspectives in medical schools
to use them for subjects that contemplate practical
activities in the pedagogical plan until the moment of                     Just as the world's main centers have been practicing
the elaboration of this work.                                              teaching through technological bridges, MEC has
                                                                           been encouraging the eLearning modality for some
When analyzing the impact on the teaching staff, it is                     time. With the changes imposed by the pandemic, a
observed that the teachers, mostly accustomed to the                       good part of the teachers has become, necessarily,
face-to-face teaching model, had to adapt quickly and                      more used to the modality. In this context, future
compulsorily to this new format. Without time for the                      perspectives point to the increasing use of this
setting and training of the "new" technologies, it was                     modality by HEIs. That is the scenario that teachers
clearly noticed a strong movement of the HEIs to train                     and students must adapt to.
their teaching staff to virtualize activities promptly. The
tools for this, in general, already existed but were not                   For HEIs, investing in remote and distance learning
used or were underused. Thus, the remote model that                        is advantageous because of the possibility of cost
was gradually gaining strength in numbers suddenly                         reduction and greater gains by staggering their regional
reached most of the private medical teaching offered                       presence. For students, despite the disadvantages
in the country's main centers16, and teachers had to                       mentioned above, it is more convenient, economical,
suddenly migrate all their class material to one or                        and usual, as they are tools that are already part of
more online platforms. In this sense, institutions that                    this generation's daily routine. In this context, this
had already made this migration suffered less impact                       model brings flexibility, economy, and respect to the
since their academic community was already at least                        student's learning time without being well organized
partially set up with the eLearning model.                                 and losing interactivity.

                                          Inter. J. Health Educ., Salvador, 2021 October;5(1):xx-xx
                          | ISSN: 2594-7907

For teachers, despite the benefits of having their                                                      Conclusions
classes recorded and/or being able to teach from
anywhere, the fact that it can be used exponentially                       It is possible that, except for the curricular units with
brings a worrying consequence: the dispensability of                       the obvious need for practical content and, therefore,
the teacher's figure. It is not being stated here, in any                  with indispensable face-to-face and laboratory
way, that the teacher is not essential in the process,                     activity, other disciplines can migrate to the remote
but that a single teacher may be responsible for the                       model in a short period, with the constant quality
classes of a given curricular unit for a larger number of                  increase due to the availability of new technological
students/classes which, on-site, would be unfeasible.                      tools, the adaptation of HEIs and teacher training. As
Therefore, this configuration may generate dismissals                      in other professions due to technological innovation,
of other professionals involved in the same curricular                     the time has come for teachers to undergo profound
unit, a phenomenon that is already clearly presented                       changes in their work configuration. Will it cause
at this moment.                                                            layoffs and a reduction of income? It is not possible
                                                                           to say. Can it open new perspectives? Nobody knows
Despite the advantages already described, much                             for sure. Will it impact the quality of the trainees? It is
is still discussed about the quality of remote and                         still too early to say because although it is expanding,
distance learning. As an example, the use of active                        there are still few studies in the area.
methodologies, so debated and used today, lacks
better adaptations and evidence of effectiveness in                        It is undeniable that medical education is being
this model. eLearning evaluation is another obstacle                       profoundly transformed from this global health crisis.
that needs to be better discussed. On the other hand,                      However, it is still too early to affirm with certainty the
although there is a need for deeper, broader, and                          size of this impact. In the future, it will be necessary
better methodological studies on the subject24, the                        to adapt the concept of evidence-based medical
literature brings evidence of equal effectiveness or                       education to assess the practical repercussions of
even superior to face-to-face teaching as long as there                    this pandemic on medical education.
is the use of methods that allow the achievement
of the objectives of the discipline/course, student
interaction and teacher feedback.25 The quality
barriers that may still exist will probably be solved very                                        Author contributions
soon as the eLearning modality gains more followers,
the competition increases, and the technologies                            All authors contributed to the conception, development, and
                                                                           writing of the scientific article, having approved the final version
evolve. In this sense, the universalization of this model
                                                                           forwarded for publication.
in Brazil, problems of access (connection), and the
inability of teachers and tutors with the technological
                                                                                                      Competing interests
tools used are unfavorable factors.
                                                                           No financial, legal, or political conflicts involving third parties
This change in the educational paradigm experienced,                       (government, companies and private foundations, etc.) have been
imposed, and accelerated by the current pandemic                           declared for any aspect of the submitted work (including, but not
may mean substantial changes in the working                                limited to grants and financing, participation in the advisory board,
relationship. Migration to the work model by contract                      study design, preparation of the manuscript, statistical analysis, etc.).

or legal entity? Opportunities for teachers to develop
new skills and tools with a financial return? It is not yet
possible to say. However, it is past time for reflection
on this topic.

                                          Inter. J. Health Educ., Salvador, 2021 October;5(1):xx-xx
                          | ISSN: 2594-7907

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