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Lessons Learned 1, 1&2 (2021) Submitted: 31.05.2021 Accepted: 03.06.2021 DOI: ISSN: 2749-1293 (Print); 2749-1307 (Online) Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed E. Schoop1, R. Sonntag2, M. Altmann1, W. Sattler3 1 Chair of Business Information Systems,, especially Information Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, TU Dresden 2 Chair of Marketing, especially Multimedia Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration, HTW Dresden 3 Chair of Operational and Strategic Controlling, Faculty of Business Administration, HTW Dresden Abstract Der deutschsprachige „Ableger“ der seit 20 Jahren im Regellehrangebot der Professur Informa- tionsmanagement an der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften der TUD fest verankerten, inter- nationalen Gruppenlernprojekte im virtuellen Raum (VCL – virtual collaborative learning) [1] hat sich längst emanzipiert. Im Wintersemester 2020/21 fand mit der 66. VCL-Veranstaltung im Ba- chelor-Modul „Fallstudienarbeit im virtuellen Klassenraum“ eine bereits bewährte, hochschul- typ-übergreifende Lehrkooperation zwischen der TU Dresden und der HTW Dresden [2] zum vierten Mal ihre erfolgreiche Fortsetzung – trotz „Corona“. Das etablierte didaktische Format ei- nes selbstgesteuerten, fallorientierten Lernens in standortübergreifend gemischten Kleingrup- pen unter tele-tutorieller Begleitung konnte aufwandsarm an die pandemiebedingten Restrikti- onen angepasst werden. Die langjährigen Vorarbeiten haben sich gelohnt! The German-language "offshoot" of the international group learning projects in virtual space (VCL – virtual collaborative learning) [1], which have been firmly anchored in the regular teaching programme of the Chair of Information Management at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the TUD for 20 years, has long since emancipated itself. In the winter semester 2020/21, the 66th VCL event in the Bachelor's module "Case Study Work in the Virtual Classroom" was the fourth successful continuation of an already proven, cross-university teaching cooperation be- tween TU Dresden and HTW Dresden [2] – despite "Corona". The established didactic format of self-directed, case-oriented learning in mixed small groups from different locations under tele- tutorial guidance could be adapted to the pandemic-related restrictions with little effort. Many years of preparatory work have paid off! *Corresponding author: This article was originally submitted in German. Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2 1/2.33-1
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed 1. Preliminary remark collaboration, digital and intercultural compe- tence, which are central components of 21st Case-based learning as a student-centred, au- Century Skills [9]. VCL projects such as the thentic offer for the realisation of situational course presented here are based on a complex learning environments has a long tradition in framework developed iteratively in several dis- economics. Defined by the Association for sertation projects with four interlocking com- Case Teaching as "a means of participatory ponents (see Figure 1). and dialogical teaching and learning by group discussion of actual events" [3], this didactic approach is ideally suited for the combination of theoretical/methodological knowledge with practical practice (transi- tion from the second to the third compe- tence level of Bloom's Taxonomy [4]), linkage of individual learning with joint (col- laborative) problem solving, developing so- cial competences, and enabling of situational learning by using au- thentic scenarios with open-ended prob- Fig. 1: Four interlocking components of the VCL frame- lems to bring the learning environment work closer to a typical later professional context of action and to facilitate the transfer of "in- Component 1: An essential feature of VCL pro- ert knowledge" from studies to practice [5]. jects are small groups that span locations (of- ten international) and are as interdisciplinary In addition, case-based learning is very well and heterogeneous as possible. Their repre- suited to be mapped in a digitalised arrange- sentatives work together exclusively online ment, even under the intensified "Corona con- (virtually) and in a self-organised manner and ditions" (fully online learning and social dis- bring various individual competences into the tancing). collaboration for the jointly responsible result. In the following, we present the arrangement The participants receive support in this com- in the form of a modified, collaborative flipped plex setting from learning process facilitators classroom format, go into the course sequence (e-tutors [10]) who have been specially trained and the associated subject-specific and inter- for this purpose at the TUD's Chair of Infor- disciplinary learning objectives, discuss the mation Management. In order to be able to business case study and the work assignments check the intended development of interdisci- in detail and finally reflect on our lessons plinary competences (teamwork, self, time and learned. project management, media competence and, in international projects, also intercultural and foreign language competence), the e-tutors 2. Digitised didactic format apply concrete indicators for formative use in The foundation of the didactic format behind the supervised learning groups. On the basis the cross-location learning project presented of these indicators, they provide orientation here was laid as early as 2001 to 2004 in a dis- and interpretation aids for the tasks, feedback sertation at the Chair of Information Manage- on team performance and determine learning ment at the TU Dresden (TUD) [6]. It was itera- progress at group and individual level to sup- tively developed further in the following years port the final assessment of performance. and adapted to international contexts [7, 8]. Component 2: For VCL projects, authentic, Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) is project- complex case scenarios are developed that are oriented and primarily addresses the develop- specifically adapted to the learning objectives ment of soft skills such as self-organisation, of the course and the respective knowledge 1/2.33-2 Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed levels of the participants. The cases should be can be relieved and a higher range of support only weakly structured in order to leave the be arranged, to justify the decisions for certain learning groups as much room as possible for didactic interventions more clearly and ulti- interpretation and independent decisions on mately. Furthermore, the documentation of procedure, methodology and the negotiation the intended competence development can be of alternatives. So the interdisciplinary collab- objectified. This data-driven information sup- oration and project management skills [11] are ports two sides: strengthened. For the case-based, collabora- tive learning, which takes place over approxi- The e-tutors can be made aware of mis- mately two to four months depending on the takes in project management, but also of in- setting, weekly tasks are usually provided teraction deficits in the groups they accom- whose solution paths are predominantly open pany (example: indicating the exclusion of a (not predetermined), but require punctual group member from the communication submission of result artefacts (protocols, doc- processes triggers an intervention to check umentations, analyses, calculations, prototype whether it is possibly bullying by the others websites or apps, etc.). In the form of realistic or social loafing by a "free rider"). work assignments, these tasks link the case scenario with the methodological compe- The individual learning groups can be tences to be deepened (subject-specific learn- shown their performance progress over ing objectives of the course) and at the same time or their position in relation to the time integrate the use of suitable digital tools other groups (competitive gamification ele- from the technical platform (interdisciplinary ments as extrinsic motivators). digital competence). Component 3: In order to make interactive, The international VCL projects in the Master's case-based learning in cross-location, mixed and Diploma programmes at the TUD usually small groups in virtual space as smooth as pos- consist of an intensive six- to eight-week virtual sible and to grant participants flexibility in project work with subsequent separate addi- terms of temporal (synchronous, asynchro- tional examination performances adapted to nous) and local (mobile, stationary) access, a the respective local module requirements of powerful collaboration platform is required. the international partners involved. At the This should provide suitable functional mod- TUD, for example, an individual written reflec- ules for communication and coordination of tion phase follows in the second half of the se- group work, as well as for the implementation mester in the Master's/Diploma module "Col- of individual work assignments. In order to laboration in the Virtual Classroom" to com- strengthen the situative nature of the learning plete the 150 h workload, which is supple- environment, we have been using for a year mented by surveys, individual interviews or fo- now the Microsoft 365 platform under the col- cus group workshops in the context of re- laborative MS Teams interface, which is widely search-oriented learning by evaluating the set- adopted in the professional environment. It is ting. provided as a cloud service on European serv- For the implementation of the "Corona" course ers in compliance with the relevant regulations discussed in this article for advanced Bache- according to the General Data Protection Reg- lor's students of different business pro- ulation. grammes at the TUD and HTW Dresden, the Component 4: Since 2019, the didactic indica- VCL concept discussed here was modified. tors used as intervention tools have been grad- Each university integrated the joint event into ually processed on the basis of social learning already existing modules, based on local ex- analytics, mapped as dashboards and, since amination regulations (TUD Bachelor module: 2020, additionally supplemented by chatbots, "Case study work in virtual space", HTW Bach- which provide relevant information in dialogue elor module: "Business models and digitalisa- form as active conversational agents [12]. tion"). Thus, the daily, time-consuming learning pro- In order to meet the restrictions caused by cess support by e-tutors in terms of resources pandemic and at the same time not to leave Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2 1/2.33-3
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed the students without guidance for too long in provided online (e.g. e-lectures), three their independent online group work, the con- phases of case-based, collaborative learn- tinuous, four-month case-based learning in ing in online working groups composed VCL format presented here was divided into across locations and disciplines. three compact phases from October 2020 to Phases of knowledge consolidation: in- January 2021 by two workshops, each of which stead of small group work in 90-minute took place for 4 hours as online conferences, classroom sessions in real seminar rooms, according to the flipped classroom principle four-hour synchronous online confer- [13], and concluded by a third workshop with ences with presentations of the group re- short synchronous online group work in break- sults and an online workshop at the end out rooms. The resulting modified flipped with synchronous group work. classroom thus differed from the usual stand- ard in two respects: Phases of knowledge acquisition: instead Figure 2 depicts the resulting arrangement in of individual learning by means of materials its temporal and thematic progression. Fig. 2: Timeline of the course "Case Study Work in Virtual Space" according to the modified Flipped Classroom Format 3. Course of the project under the professional and didactic direction of the authors of this article . As part of our competence-oriented VCL pro- In 4 months of virtual collaborative work, the ject approach, almost 80 students from TU participants - Bachelor and Diploma students Dresden and HTW Dresden worked exclusively of both universities in their 5th or higher se- online in a common collaborative environment mester - created new platform business mod- in 12 mixed teams of 6-7 participants each on els which were to be presented and reflected a case study on the topic of e-mobility in Dres- upon in two online pitches in front of a jury den in the winter semester 2020/21. They were consisting of the authors of this paper, result- accompanied by three experienced e-tutors ing in sharpened project outlines at the end. 1/2.33-4 Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed The collaborative work was based on three an exploration of pitches and the presentation roles to be assigned independently in the or structuring format canvas in preparation for teams (project manager, project reporter, pro- the first interim presentation. ject members). In the next phase, the participants had to re- search pricing models and legal forms and were able to use as guidance impressions from a presentation given by the start-up Africa GreenTec. The teams then prepared for the sec- ond workshop and pitch at the beginning of January. This phase was interrupted by the Christmas and New Year break. At the end of the project, the students dealt with motivation theories, revenue models, col- lective agreements and advertising concepts. In the final third workshop at the end of Janu- Fig. 3: Logo of the fictitious company as case scenario ary, the teams worked on a "transfer task" in (cover story) for collaborative case-based learning 12 break-out rooms, in which they used the soft and hard skills they had acquired as well They organised their teamwork independently as the tools provided. By means of a "customer and made ample use of the functionality pro- journey", they had to put themselves in the vided by the collaborative platform MS Teams. customer's perspective of their start-up ap- The small groups held numerous virtual video proach to e-mobility in Dresden developed in meetings with each other, used shared calen- the project. Their journey along the business dars, communicated via chats and threads and contacts with the projected company had to be edited files (partly synchronously). The partici- visualised collaboratively on the virtual white- pants independently divided the processing of board Miro using various "touchpoints" and their weekly tasks according to their assumed then explained in the plenary. Numerous inno- roles. The teams developed comprehensive vative ideas emerged. Under intensive super- platform business models on the topic of e- vision by the teachers and close monitoring by mobility in Dresden. They were introduced to the e-tutors they were developed with great the topic via a total of 9 work assignments and commitment by the students (almost) to the were able to present their ideas in 2 work- point of start-up maturity and defended with shops in 10-minute pitches per team. heart and soul. First VCL phase: At the end of October, after the synchronous online kick-off conference, 4. Case-based learning in detail the teams began to draw up group contracts in which they defined their forms of collabora- The selected complex case study Dresden NRG tion, defined the distribution of roles and tasks served the acquisition and development of and also addressed appropriate solutions for professional and interdisciplinary compe- any problems that might arise in the collabora- tences. The subject-specific business compe- tion. Furthermore, they were given the oppor- tences were in detail: tunity to ask their e-tutors initial organisational Business models: In a world characterised by or technical questions in a virtual get-to-know- digitalisation, the modelling of adapted and you meeting. So they were prepared for the new business models is becoming increasingly online monitoring and moderation, taking important. There are many examples of busi- place on a daily basis during the 4 months. Af- ness models that are based on platforms or ter the teams had familiarised themselves with serve two markets, so-called two-sided mar- the platform, they prepared a PESTLE analysis kets. For example, Uber as a mobility platform on the topic of e-automobility. The participants brings drivers and passengers together, or then applied their knowledge of platform busi- AirBnB brings accommodation providers and ness models to their case scenario, followed by demanders together. There are also examples Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2 1/2.33-5
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed of platform economies and two-sided markets Dresden NRG case scenario in the subsequent in the business-to-business (B2B) sector, e.g. first VCL phase. the Zentrada network for the wholesale of con- Project management: The central cross-sec- sumer goods. These examples provide pre- tional competence for all requirements and ac- cisely the impetus to critically question and fur- tivities in the professional world is project ther develop existing business models with re- management. It reflects the dynamics of busi- gard to the changing framework conditions in ness field and project implementation in prac- order to map new opportunities in new mar- tice. In the current digital transformation of kets through new products and services. business and social processes, agile project Today, business model development is the management methods are generally of great standard method for exploring and developing importance as a basis for future developments future strategy options. Business Model Can- in companies and for the rapid generation of vas is a proven model for this purpose, which competitive advantages, not only as a method presents the fields of action for the develop- in the area of IT and digitalisation. ment of business models in a structured way. The core of every business model is the gener- In the course, the students were familiarised ation of added value for target groups through with the Scrum method, a simple method of value creation within the company. The Busi- not only producing results quickly by means of ness Model Canvas thus serves as a guideline iterative, time-interleaved cycles (sprints), but for the targeted development of business also being open to spontaneous internal and models. The nine key factors represented in it external changes. The resulting transparency and their interdependencies can be seen in ensures a better assessment of the develop- Figure 4. ment process [14]. Through feedback from the In preparation for the course, the students al- lecturers in the two pitches between the VCL ready had worked out the basics of business project phases, the students were able to ex- modelling on their own. In the online KickOff perience the inherent dynamics of the project workshop, the lecturers deepened this central and learned to react in an agile manner and expertise using illustrative examples and thus adapt their modelling in iterative coordination prepared the teams for its application to the processes in the learning groups. Fig. 4: Business Model Canvas as depicted by (Source: sources/the-business-model-canvas.pdf) 1/2.33-6 Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed Marketing: A customer journey describes the parallel break-out rooms with the help of the individual purchase experience process of tool Miro integrated in MS Teams. In order to each customer. The goal of marketing is to de- segment and describe the target groups, they scribe this process and to measure and map it created so-called personas in the sense of rep- within the framework of performance market- resentative customers with socio-economic ing. A customer journey consists of so-called characteristics, with attitudes, values as well as customer touchpoints. These touchpoints are with information on media use. In addition, the points of contact between companies and cus- students created an advertising concept for tomers. They are often referred to as "mo- the platform or the project based on this. ments of truth". These touchpoints also stand In addition to the central business skills in the for proximity, familiarity and a knowing under- field of entrepreneurship, the students were standing. Touchpoints are changeable and in- also able to deepen their soft skills. The self- dividual for each person, each customer. Mar- directed negotiation processes in the learning keting must therefore strike a balance be- groups strengthened self- and social skills, and tween (cost-intensive) contacts as touchpoints the intensive work with a start-up idea for a with potential or existing customers and per- digital platform promoted entrepreneurial formance in the sense of performance-ori- thinking and digital competence. The partici- ented management of customer relationships, pants were also able to establish social con- based on key performance indicators. tacts across university boundaries and demon- The teams realised the implementation of the strate their ability to work in a team. Through customer journey for their target groups in the several months of dealing with MS Teams as a concrete case context in orientation to Figure complex collaboration platform widely used in 5 in the synchronous online final workshop in business practice, they were able to acquire or Fig. 5: Customer Journey Map. (Source: Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2 1/2.33-7
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed deepen important technical skills and thus ide- Then the circle closes and the positive insights ally prepare themselves for the later require- gained from earlier projects1 regarding syn- ments in professional practice. chronous appointments interspersed in VCL Through the combined addressing of subject- projects to deepen knowledge and reflection specific (moderated by the HTW) and interdis- via personal group work in face-to-face semi- ciplinary/social goals (accompanied by the nars come into play again. However, this new TUD), the module provided the participants of modified flipped classroom will be hybridised the TU Dresden with a lively contribution to the to the extent that the data and functionality of focus area "Learning and Human Resource the collaboration platform and its tools can be Management", in which it is structurally ar- accessed on a mobile basis and participants ranged. who are unable to attend can be integrated without friction. Of course, all participants at both locations/in- stitutions received their achievements re- warded in the form of 5 ECTS points and task- Literature specific weighted grades according to the ex- [1] Schoop, E.; Clauss, A.; Safavi, A. A. (2020): A Frame- amination formats anchored in the respective work to Boost Virtual Exchange through Internation- modules (at TUD: project work). al Virtual Collaborative Learning: The German-Ira- nian Example. In: Virtual Exchange – Borderless Mo- bility between the European Higher Education Area 5. Our Lessons Learned and Regions Beyond. Selection of Conference Papers Presented on December 11, 2019, S. 19–29. Overall, we were able to determine that the VCL format, which has been established for daadkonferenzband/#18 [2] Clauss, A.; Lakhmostova, I.; Leichsenring, A.; Hau- years and is embedded in a flipped classroom bold, A.-K.; Schoop, E. (2019): Personalwirtschaft in- architecture, proved to be excellent (espe- tegrativ und virtuell: Werkstattbericht. In: HDS.Jour- cially) in the context of the restrictions caused nal /2018 Tagungsbeiträge, HDS.Journal 1+2, Nr. I/II by the pandemic. For reliable planning, the 2018, S. 63–70 three project milestones, originally intended to qucosa2-332319 be organised as face-to-face workshops to [3] Dunne, D., & Brooks, K. (2004): Teaching with cases. deepen knowledge via pitch presentations and STLHE. joint discussions, were already in September [4] Bloom, B. S. (1956): Taxonomy of Educational Objec- tives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. David 2020 transformed into synchronous online McKay Co Inc., New York. conferences via MS Teams. Due to this power- [5] Zumbach, J. (2002): Goal-Based Scenarios, in: U. ful platform, the conferences seamlessly inte- Scheffer & F. W. Hesse (Hrsg.): E-Learning: die Revo- grated into the collaboration environment. lution des Lernens gewinnbringend einsetzen. Stutt- gart: Klett-Cotta, S. 67-82. As a lesson learned for the "time after Co- [6] Balázs, I. E. (2005): Konzeption von Virtual Collabora- rona", we can state that the arrangement of- tive Learning Projekten: Ein Vorgehen zur systemati- fers the possibility of a flexible return to a hy- schen Entscheidungsfindung. Dresden, Technische Universität, Dissertation. brid format. The milestone workshops be- [7] Tawileh, W.; Bukvova, H.; Schoop, E. (2013): Virtual tween the interactive, exclusively online pro- Collaborative Learning: Opportunities and Chal- ject phases and, if necessary, the supplemen- lenges of Web 2.0-based e-Learning Arrangements tary professional consultation windows with for Developing Countries. In: Cases on Web 2.0 in De- veloping Countries: Studies on Implementation, Ap- the teachers will certainly be moved back into plication, and Use, S. 380-410. the real space due to the additional potential [8] Tawileh, W. (2017): Virtual Mobility for Arab univer- that can be realised through the usual, flexible sity students – Design principles for international Vir- personal communication. tual Collaborative Learning environments based on cases from Jordan and Palestine. Dresden, Tech- nische Universität, Dissertation. 1 2015-16 SMWK-funded project "MigraFlipScale" [15], part of a VCL teaching project between TU Dresden and 2017-18 funded project "LiT-PIV" of the Saxon university Shiraz University, Iran [1]. network "Teaching Practice in Transferplus (LiTplus)" [2], 2019 DAAD-funded international student exchange as 1/2.33-8 Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2
E. Schoop et al. / Imagine it's "Corona" - and no one has noticed [9] Trilling, B. & Fadel, C. (2009): 21st century skills: learn- ing for life in our times. San Francisco, CA, John Wiley & Sons. [10] Jödicke, C.; Teich, E. (2015): Konzepte für den Ein- satz von E-Tutoren in komplexen E-Learning-Szena- rien – Ein Erfahrungsbericht. In: Wissensgemein- schaften in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft – Konfe- renzbeiträge der 18. GeNeMe, S. 45–53. qucosa-181473 [11] Altmann, M.; Clauss, A. (2020): Designing Cases to Foster Virtual Mobility in International Collaborative Group Work. In: EDULEARN20 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Online Conference, S. 8350–8359. [12] Clauss, A.; Lenk, F.; Schoop, E. (2019): Enhancing In- ternational Virtual Collaborative Learning with So- cial Learning Analytics. In: 2019 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS 2019). [13] Lerche, J. (2020): Theorie und Praxis des Flipped Classrooms – Modell, Design und Evaluation. Dres- den, Technische Universität, Dissertation. [14] Schwaber, K., & Sutherland, J. (2014). Software in 30 Tagen: wie Manager mit Scrum Wettbewerbsvorteile für ihr Unternehmen schaffen. dpunk. verlag. [15] Brauweiler, C.; Bärenfänger, O.; Busch-Lauer, I.; Claus, Th.; Grimm, F.; Schoop, E.; Sonntag, R. (2016): Verbundvorhaben MigraFlipScale: Migration zum Flipped Classroom als skalierbares Blended Learning Arrangement: Framework, Leitfäden und Implemen- tierung als mediendidaktisches Gesamtkonzept sächsischer Hochschulen zur Erweiterung der Infor- mations- und Medienkompetenz in der Lehrpraxis. Abschlussbericht zum 31.12.2016. content/uploads/2018/04/berichte_e_learning_2016.pdf Lessons Learned | Volume 1 (2021) | Issue 1&2 1/2.33-9
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