IFOOD FOR THOUGHT: ARE YOUR GROCERIES SAFE? - Serious food recalls are all too common, and this country doesn't have a good system to alert us

IFOOD FOR THOUGHT: ARE YOUR GROCERIES SAFE? - Serious food recalls are all too common, and this country doesn't have a good system to alert us
            GROCERIES SAFE?
                     Serious food recalls are all too common,
      and this country doesn't have a good system to alert us
IFOOD FOR THOUGHT: ARE YOUR GROCERIES SAFE? - Serious food recalls are all too common, and this country doesn't have a good system to alert us

            Serious food recalls are all too common,
     and this country doesn't have a good system to alert us

                             WRITTEN BY:

                           TERESA MURRAY
                      U.S. PIRG EDUCATION FUND

                              MAY 2022
U.S. PIRG Education Fund thanks our donors for supporting our work on consumer
protection and public health issues and for making this report possible.

The author wishes to thank the following for their insights and suggestions:
     • Gale Prince, certified food scientist and founder of SAGE Food Safety, LLC in
       Cincinnati, and former corporate director of regulatory affairs for Kroger Co.
     • Dr. Ben Chapman, professor and food safety specialist in the Department of
       Agricultural and Human Sciences at North Carolina State University.
     • Dr. Hilary Thesmar, chief science officer and senior vice president, food safety,
       at FMI, the Food Industry Association, and Matt McKinney of FMI.
Thanks also to Consumer Watchdog Associate Jacob van Cleef for editorial support.

The author bears responsibility for any factual errors. Policy recommendations are those of U.S. PIRG Education
Fund. The views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of our
funders or those who provided review.

2022 U.S. PIRG Education Fund. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
With public debate around important issues often dominated by special interests pursuing their own narrow
agendas, U.S. PIRG Education Fund offers an independent voice that works on behalf of the public interest. U.S.
PIRG Education Fund, a 501(c)3 organization, works to protect consumers and promote good government.
We investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public and offer meaningful opportunities for civic
participation. For more information about U.S. PIRG Education Fund or for additional copies of this report, please
visit www.uspirgedfund.org.

Design: Teresa Murray
Cover Image: ElasticComputeFarm via Pixabay

You remember last year’s big           infections in young children under
onion recall because of an             5, pregnant women, elderly people
outbreak of Salmonella. Looking        and those with weakened immune
back, it’s an infuriating example of   systems. Even among healthy
how our country’s food recall          folks, Salmonella can get into the
system often doesn’t work well.        bloodstream and cause issues
Ultimately, more than 1,000            such as infected aneurysms,
people got sick. One-fourth of         endocarditis and arthritis.
them were hospitalized.
                                       The next day, Oct. 22, the FDA
On Oct. 21, 2021, the Food and         said its investigation identified
Drug Administration said it and the    Keeler Family Farms as an
Centers for Disease Control and        additional supplier of onions from
Prevention, along with state and       Chihuahua, Mexico, for many of
local partners, were investigating     the restaurants where sick people
an outbreak of Salmonella              reported eating. Keeler also
infections linked to whole, fresh      agreed to a voluntary recall of
onions and identified ProSource        onions imported during July and
Produce LLC of Hailey, Idaho as a      August 2021.
source of potentially contaminated
onions imported from Chihuahua,        By Oct. 29, the CDC reported 808
Mexico. The day before,                illnesses across 37 states and
ProSource had announced it was         Puerto Rico. The FDA posted a list
voluntarily recalling red, yellow      of additional recalls being
and white onions imported from         conducted by retailers that may
Chihuahua, Mexico from July 1,         have received recalled onions
2021, through August 27, 2021.         from ProSource and Keeler and
                                       used them as ingredients or
The onions had been distributed in     repackaged them. By Nov. 12,
35 states, to retail stores,           2021 the CDC reported 892
wholesalers and restaurants and        illnesses in 38 states and Puerto
other foodservice customers.           Rico.
                                       On Feb. 2, 2022, the CDC said the
Healthy people infected with           outbreak was over. It tallied 1,040
Salmonella often experience fever,     illnesses in 39 states, plus
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and         Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico.
abdominal pain. Salmonella can         Among those, 260 people were
cause more serious and fatal           hospitalized. Fortunately, no one
died. As it turns out, the first       to this was actually reported seven
illness connected to the outbreak      years earlier, on Aug. 16, 2014.
was reported May 31, 2021, nearly      The last illness was reported on
five months before the first recall.   Jan. 15, 2022, more than three
Investigators rely on genome           weeks after the initial recall was
sequencing technology to connect       announced.
pathogens from sick patients and
then trace them to a food.             Listeria symptoms usually start
                                       within 24 hours, but can start up to
The CDC said the last illness          four weeks after eating
onset was Jan. 1, 2022, two            contaminated food. Symptoms
months after the last recall. The      include diarrhea, high fever,
incubation period for salmonellosis    muscle aches, abdominal pain,
is generally 12 to 72 hours, but it    diarrhea and vomiting. As with
can be longer.                         Salmonella, Listeria can cause
                                       serious and sometimes fatal
How many of those illnesses and        infections in young children,
hospitalizations could have been       elderly people and others with
prevented through a more efficient     weakened immune systems.
food recall system that notifies       Listeria infection can cause
consumers more quickly?                miscarriages and stillbirths in
                                       pregnant women.
“I have no idea why it takes that
long. It’s a black box,” Dr. Ben       The FDA said the recalled salad
Chapman, a professor and food          items from Bessemer City, N.C.,
safety specialist in the Department    and Yuma, Ariz., were distributed
of Agricultural and Human              in nearly 30 states. At the time, the
Sciences at North Carolina State       FDA said no products produced
University, said in an interview       from Dole facilities in Springfield,
with U.S. PIRG Education Fund.         Ohio, or Soledad, Calif., were
“We have an inconsistent,              included in the voluntary recalls.
fragmented system. No one really       The FDA also said no other Dole
owns recalls.”                         products, including “ready-to-eat”
                                       salad products were part of these
Then there was the Dole lettuce
                                       recalls and “are safe to consume.”
recall right before Christmas.
The first announcements from the       Two weeks later, on Jan. 7, 2022,
FDA and Dole came on Dec. 22,          the FDA said Dole was recalling
2021. The CDC investigation later      all Dole-branded and private label
showed the first illness connected     packaged salads containing
iceberg lettuce that were               from foodborne diseases. Among
processed at its Springfield, Ohio,     those, 128,000 wind up in the
and Soledad, Calif., facilities – the   hospital and 3,000 die. Those
ones whose products were “safe          illnesses are just the ones that
to consume” two weeks before.           regulators find out about. The
The recall affected dozens of           CDC says most people who get
additional products, with               some type of mild stomach bug
distribution in a total of 36 states.   that could be food poisoning don’t
                                        seek medical care or report their
The outbreak ultimately infected        case for investigation.
18 people; 16 were hospitalized.
Three people died: one each in          Last year there were 270 food and
Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.           beverage recalls from the FDA
                                        and the U.S. Department of
These two major recalls from the        Agriculture Food Safety and
last seven months showcase the          Inspection Service (USDA FSIS).
weaknesses in our food recall           For the last five years, the average
system: It often takes too long for     has been 325 recalls a year. For
companies and regulators to notify      the last four years, the
grocers, consumers, restaurants         overwhelming majority have come
and food packagers, particularly        from the FDA.
with Class I recalls. These are
ones where the FDA says there’s         Clearly, a goal of our food
a “reasonable probability” that         production and distribution system
exposure or use of the product          must be reducing the need for
could cause “serious adverse            recalls in the first place. That’s the
health consequences or death.”          difficult part. This report looks at
                                        the easier part – the logjams once
And once grocers find out, they         the need for a recall is identified
aren’t required to contact              and how grocers and other
customers who already purchased         retailers notify customers who may
contaminated products. While            have a contaminated product in
many stores do quickly notify           their home.
customers one way or another, the
practices aren’t uniform and aren’t     We contacted 50 of the largest
always timely. Meanwhile, people        grocery and convenience store
continue to get sick.                   chains to learn how they get the
                                        word out to customers. Some take
The CDC estimates that one in six       several steps. Some do very little.
Americans become ill every year

Under the FDA, only two                  from their suppliers or
notifications of a recall are            manufacturers, usually before the
currently required: One, a posting       information is provided by FDA or
on the FDA’s recall website. Two,        via the reportable food registry
a news release from the company          (RFR),” Dr. Hilary Thesmar, chief
that’s actually initiating the recall.   science officer and senior vice
No one has to contact grocery            president of food safety for FMI,
stores. No one has to notify             the Food Industry Association, told
consumers.                               U.S. PIRG Education Fund.

Despite that, many grocers and           As a result, she said, retailers
retailers have clauses in their          often, within two hours, remove
contracts with suppliers that they       affected items from store shelves,
must be notified in a timely             halt sales and hold products in
manner by the supplier when a            stores or warehouses. They also
recall is initiated, Gale Prince, a      start trying to notify customers.
certified food scientist and founder
of SAGE Food Safety, LLC in              The FDA often takes a day or two
Cincinnati, told U.S. PIRG               or even a week after a company
Education Fund in an interview.          issues a notice to put out its own
Prince previously was corporate          public announcement.
director of regulatory affairs for
Kroger Co. and oversaw retail and        In one recent example, Fresh
food manufacturing, product              Express on Dec. 20, 2021,
recalls, food labeling, consumer         announced a massive recall
complaints, corporate inspection         affecting 225 salad products in 18
programs for food safety and other       states under the brand names
issues.                                  Fresh Express, Bowl and Basket,
                                         Giant Eagle, Marketside and
In fact, grocers often learn of a        others. The concern was potential
recall from their supplier before        Listeria contamination, which can
the FDA even posts a public              cause serious and sometimes fatal
notice online or sends out emails        infections in children, frail or
to those who’ve signed up for real-      elderly people and others with
time alerts.                             weakened immune systems. It
                                         can also cause miscarriages and
“Retailers primarily receive             stillbirths among pregnant
product recall notification requests     women.
One week after Fresh Express’          discovered as part of routine
recall announcement, the FDA           sampling by the Michigan
posted the recall to its web site on   Department of Agriculture and
Dec. 27. The investigation showed      Rural Development.
illnesses started as far back as
July 26, 2016, through October 19,
2021.The contamination was
Fortunately, many retailers already    in 49 states which also sells
knew and were pulling products         limited grocery products, it
from their shelves and notifying       requires suppliers to notify their
customers in some cases.               CVS category or product
                                       development manager of “a defect
“We do not wait for the FDA to         or issue which results in a product
post a notification,” said Kristal     recall … within one business day
Howard, spokeswoman for Kroger,        of recall determination,” the
one of the nation’s largest grocers    company says. Details must
with more than 2,700 stores under      include the risk level, UPC, lot
various banners in 35 states. The      numbers, etc.
recall policies also exist at
subsidiaries Harris Teeter, King       Chapman said many retailers and
Soopers, Ralphs, Roundy’s and          food service providers subscribe
Smith’s Food and Drug. “Once we        to other services that crawl for
are informed by a firm that they       online alerts ahead of any FDA
have distributed a product subject     announcements. In addition, he
to a Class I recall to us, we strive   said that once one product is
to initiate a recall and               recalled, some large companies
communicate to customers as            like Amazon do a good job of
soon as possible … to maintain         anticipating additional, related
consumer safety.” The company          recalls, using software to comb
places automated calls to loyalty      databases. In these cases,
card holders who actually bought       Amazon may hold products and
the product, Howard told U.S.          wait to sell them in case additional
PIRG Education Fund.                   recalls are announced, he said.
                                       However, policies and practices
Other large retailers say they too     are inconsistent in how various
rely on their manufacturers, not       companies nationwide are notified
regulators.                            and how they contact their
At CVS, one of the nation's largest
retailers with nearly 10,000 stores

Once retailers learn of a recall,          •   For eight companies, we
they have myriad ways of sharing               didn’t get information from
that information with customers.               them after multiple emails
Some immediately send out                      and phone calls over a
automated phone calls, text                    period of six months and we
messages or emails to customers                also couldn’t find any
who are loyalty card holders or                information about recall
who’ve opted in to learn that                  notifications or recall policies
products they’ve actually                      on their websites.
purchased have been recalled.
Other companies post notices in          One of the industry leaders in
stores or push out alerts through        alerting customers is Pittsburgh-
social media or their websites.          based Giant Eagle, which has
                                         nearly 500 grocery stores in
We reached out to 50 of the              Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia,
largest retailers that sell groceries,   Indiana and Maryland. As a matter
based on the number of locations         of policy, Giant Eagle makes
nationwide. Virtually all have some      automated phone calls to
type of policy to alert customers,       customers who have
but the methods and timing often         loyalty/shoppers’ cards and a
aren’t as helpful as they could be.      phone number on file with the
Of the 50 companies we
                                         The store will customize the calls
   •   Half of the retailers told us     to target only customers who
       they notify affected              purchased the product being
       customers by phone, text or       recalled. For example, after Jif
       email within one business         peanut butter announced a large
       day.                              recall late on May 20, Giant Eagle
   •   One-third of the retailers put    placed automated phone calls the
       the onus on customers to          next day to customers who bought
       check the store’s website or      affected items using loyalty cards.
       social media accounts for
       recall notices.                   On Dec. 19, 2020, when the
                                         USDA and Nestle announced that
92,206 pounds of Lean Cuisine         Osco, Safeway, Tom Thumb and
Baked Chicken meals were being        Vons.
recalled because they may be
contaminated with extraneous          “At Albertsons Companies, the
materials, Giant Eagle placed         health and safety of our customers
automated phone calls to              is of the highest priority, and a key
customers the same day the recall     component of that is ensuring that
was announced by Nestle and the       our customers are promptly
USDA. It was the same with last       notified of food recalls, often well
December’s recall of Fresh            before the FDA posts a notification
Express lettuce. The recall alert     on its website,” Cardosi said.
phone calls from Giant Eagle went
out the same day to customers         “As such, Albertsons utilizes
who’d actually purchased one of       multiple methods for consumer
the 225 products being recalled.      notification: Posting in-store
                                      signage at the primary point of
Giant Eagle has been alerting         display for both national brand and
customers through automated           private label brand Class I and
calls since at least 2010, said       Class II recalls within 24 hours of
spokesman Dan Donovan, often          notice from supplier.”
within a few hours after the
company learns of a recall. “We       Albertsons companies also send
want to make sure we're notifying     e-mail notifications about Class I
our guests of what we know,” he       recalls (the most serious) within
said. Some recalls can affect more    one business day to loyalty card
than 100,000 customers, he said.      members, for both in-store and
Donovan added that customers          online purchases. And they post
express appreciation. “With the       and send out news releases.
busy lives we all have, this direct
outreach is a key way we show
our commitment to guest safety.”      Others that aim to notify
                                      customers even before a federal
Albertsons Cos., which has more       announcement because they’re
than 2,200 stores in 34 states and    notified by suppliers include:
Washington D.C., also is
dedicated to customer notification,      •   Costco, with about 600
said spokeswoman Amanda                      stores, contacts shoppers by
Cardosi. Albertsons stores operate           phone and email if on
under a number of banners,                   record.
including Acme Markets, Jewel-
•   Food Lion, with about 1,100     six other Southern states. The
      stores, contacts shoppers by    company says on its website: “We
      email.                          take our responsibility … for our
  •   Amazon, online nationwide,      customers' safety very seriously.
      contacts customers who          We vigilantly monitor regulatory
      bought the recalled product,    agencies, so we're among the first
      as well as sellers that may     to know when a product recall or
      have offered such products.     food safety warning is issued. If a
  •   Whole Foods, with about         recall or warning occurs, we
      500 stores nationwide,          immediately alert store locations to
      notifies customers through      remove the product from the
      email and store signage         shelves (if sold there). We post
      immediately, before a post      details here on Publix.com to keep
      by regulators.                  you informed.”
  •   Trader Joe’s, with about 500
      stores nationwide, allows
      shoppers to sign up for email
      alerts of any purchases that
      are recalled.
  •   Winn-Dixie, with about 500
      stores, notifies customers by
      email and text, based on
      purchase data.

Others take a different approach.

At Illinois-based Aldi, which has
nearly 2,000 stores in 36 states,
customers are advised to check
the company’s web site. “For your
information In addition to visiting
this page for recall
announcements or updates, ALDI
shoppers can access more
information at

Shoppers are also directed online
at Florida-based Publix, which has
nearly 1,300 stores in Florida and

As mentioned, there are currently      The nonprofit Center for Science
only two recall notifications          in the Public Interest (CSPI) is
required by federal law: a posting     among those calling on the FDA to
on the FDA’s recall website, and a     do more. “The Food and Drug
news release issued by the             Administration has unduly delayed
company that’s conducting the          issuing guidance to implement a
recall. Players in all corners         recall notification system beyond
realize that’s not enough.             the statutory deadlines in Section
                                       211 of the Food Safety
Let’s look at the Food Safety          Modernization Act (FSMA),” the
Modernization Act, which became        CSPI wrote to the FDA in 2015.
law in 2011. It says stores that
have 15 or more locations must         “Recent recalls highlight the high
“prominently display” a recall         cost for public health when
notice within 24 hours after it’s      consumers lack information, and
provided by the FDA. The notice        demonstrate why (the) FDA must
must be posted inside their stores     act quickly to improve food safety
for 14 days in a “conspicuous          by issuing a list of conspicuous
location,” as defined by the FDA.      locations and manners for posting
The choices:                           notices in grocery stores and
                                       revising guidance on the
   •   At or near the check-out        Reportable Food Registry as
       register.                       required by Section 211.
   •   The location where the food
       was sold.                       “Further delay harms consumers,
   •   Targeted recall information     leaving them exposed to recalled
       provided to customers who       products because of inadequate
       bought the food.                notification,” the CPSI said.
   •   Another location or method
       “considered appropriate” by     Just last month, the nonprofit
       the FDA.                        Association of Food and Drug
                                       Officials (AFDO) released a 22-
The FDA, however, has yet to           page advocacy paper that made
issue final guidelines on that         the same point. The association is
provision. So stores aren’t actually   made up of professionals
required to post the notices.          representing government,
industry, public health, university
research departments and
consumer advocacy organizations.

“Consumers continue to become ill
from recalled products that are
consumed after the issuance of a
recall announcement,” AFDO
wrote, “and the issuance of a
recall and communication around
it is typically done too late in the
outbreak investigation to prevent
additional illnesses.”

Prince, the food safety consultant,
sums it up this way: ‘There are a
number of glitches in the system.”

        Source: U.S. PIRG Education Fund research of food recalls in 2021

You could argue that any kind of      section or aisle the next time
direct notification to consumers      they visit.
would be better than what’s
currently required – nothing. Yes,    In-store notices also do no
news media generally do a good        good for shoppers who order
job alerting consumers to major       their groceries online and
recalls once they’re announced.       have them delivered or pick
                                      them up curbside, which
But people don’t watch TV, listen     became increasingly popular
to radio news or read newspapers      during the pandemic.
as regularly as they used to.
Clearly, many consumers miss          Thesmar of FMI, the Food
important recall stories at the top   Industry Association, said
of a TV newscast or on the front      “flexibility is key” to get
page of a newspaper.                  information to customers as
                                      quickly and effectively as
The different notification methods    possible. Contacting
have pros and cons:                   customers electronically
                                      works best for those who’ve
  •   Notices posted in the           shopped online because the
      store, near where the food      store knows exactly what
      was sold. These can reach       they bought and knows how
      people who are regular          to reach them, she said.
      shoppers who are buying
      related products. Shoppers      She added that loyalty card
      can take their time to read     programs provide retailers
      them and write down             with a “highly effective tool”
      information.                    to track specific purchases
                                      and use customers’ contact
      But the notices take time to    information to reach them
      print and post. And they do     quickly.
      no good for someone who
      doesn’t go back to that store   Mid-Atlantic powerhouse
      for days or a week or more      Giant Food Stores, which
      after the purchase, or isn’t    has about 190 stores
      shopping in that particular     spanning Maryland, Virginia,
Delaware and Washington,         •   Posts to a grocer’s social
    D.C., has the same policy for        media accounts, such as
    online shoppers as in-store          Twitter or Facebook. These
    ones. All customers who              can be near real time and
    shop online and are                  may reach people who are
    members of the store’s               customers but aren’t loyalty
    loyalty program will get an          card holders. And the
    automated phone call if they         platforms are often on
    bought an item that falls            people’s phones, so they’re
    under a Class I recall.              readily accessible
                                         throughout the day.
    Food Lion, which has 1,100
    stores in 10 states, also            But these reach only those
    contacts online shoppers             customers who follow the
    just like in-store ones. It          grocery on social media
    uses email messages.                 platforms and check them in
                                         a timely manner. There is
•   Notices posted at or near            also the possibility of users
    the checkout register.               spreading misinformation if
    These notices would                  they share posts from
    potentially be noticed by all        unofficial sources that look
    shoppers checking out,               legitimate.
    regardless of what they
    bought.                          •   Posts to a retailer’s
                                         website. It’s good to have
    But Prince, the former               one central place with a list
    Kroger executive and food            of current and historic
    safety expert, said if you           recalls. But these are of
    kept each notice up for a            limited benefit unless
    couple of weeks, you might           customers can sign up for
    have 20 or 30 notices at             email or text alerts about
    each register at any given           new listings. What grocery
    time. How would you fit them         shopper is going to be
    all? And if you did, what            diligent enough to check
    shopper, who might be                their grocer’s online recalls
    wrangling kids or trying to          list every day or even every
    unload their shopping cart, is       week?
    going to take time to read
    them all?                        •   Direct messages to
                                         customers who bought the
recalled product, through               aren’t fail-safe. Notifications
automated phone calls, text             to loyalty card customers will
messages or emails,                     reach only those who have
obtained through loyalty card           the card membership and
memberships or other                    used it for that purchase and
information provided                    have current contact
voluntarily. These are the              information on file with the
most timely – particularly the          store.
phone calls or text
messages.                        It would seem the best approach
                                 would be for grocery stores to use
Thesmar of the FMI, the          as many tactics as possible. If
Food Industry Association        shoppers hear about a potentially
said direct phone calls, texts   dangerous or even life-threatening
or emails can be better than     food recall more than once, great.
posting a notice in a store,
because they’re faster and       At FMI, the Food Industry
will cover shoppers who          Association, which represents
bought items online or may       retailers who sell to consumers,
not be back in the store for     producers who supply the food
days. “For instance,             and companies in between,
electronically contacting        officials agree with a multi-layered
consumers who have               approach.
purchased food via the
internet is often the best       “When it comes to notifying
choice for purchases that        customers of product recalls,
occur over the internet          shoppers tell us they want to
because the retailer knows       receive this information in a variety
exactly what the consumer        of ways,” said Thesmar, the
purchased and has reliable       executive with FMI, the Food
information to contact them,”    Industry Association. Consumer
she said, “and because           surveys have shown here’s how
those consumers may never        they want to be notified, she said.
see a posting in a store
location.”                          •   Email (56%).
                                    •   In-store notifications (39%).
Direct notifications to             •   Text messages (26%),
shoppers is the best strategy       •   Information at the checkout
and have the best chance of             register (25%).
success, but even these             •   Social media updates (18%).
“Communication preferences vary
generationally and regionally;
therefore, there is not a one size
fits all and retailers utilize multiple
methods of communication
depending on the circumstances
to communicate recalls to their
customers,” Thesmar said.

“Since there’s no one way that
consumers obtain information,
grocery stores must leverage
multiple channels when
communicating recall information
– traditional media, social media,
websites, loyalty cards, phone
calls, customer emails or in-store
notifications,” she said. “As
technology and the way we
communicate evolve, retailers
have, and will continue to, develop
more effective and efficient ways
to notify customers about product
recalls that meet the shopper’s
When you have hundreds and              huge risk to most people. If an
sometimes thousands of people           individual were to get email or text
getting sick every year from food –     alerts about every single recall –
many of them after recalls have         one almost every day on average
been announced – then you have          – they’d suffer from “recall
to look at what more can be done.       fatigue,” Prince said. Many people
There is no single solution that will   would stop noticing or would get
reach everyone who has                  annoyed by all of the alerts and
purchased a particular product for      stop reading them.
their family or business. And while
more communication is needed,           Prince proposed customized alerts
there’s also the risk of inundating     to the FDA years ago. “Nothing
consumers with so much                  has ever happened with it,” he
information that they become            said.
                                        Food producers should
Here are some steps that would          leverage technology so
help:                                   consumers can easily learn
                                        whether an item in their home has
The FDA in particular should            been recalled, Chapman said. If
develop a way for consumers and         every product contained a QR
businesses to receive direct alerts     code, for example, you could scan
of all Class I recalls and any          it with your phone and find out
allergens they care about, said         about any recalls in real time.
Prince, the former Kroger
executive. “This would be so            “I can scan a product and get its
easy,” he said.                         nutritional value but I can’t scan
                                        whether something has been
Products with undeclared                recalled? We have the technology
allergens such as peanuts or milk       to do this,” he said.
make up more than 40 percent of         This would also help address the
recalls, but only 4 to 10 percent of    issue of recalled foods at food
the population has some kind of         pantries and soup kitchens. They
food allergy and would care             don’t have the computer systems
significantly about those recalls.      a grocery store has, so volunteers
The FDA and USDA combined               have to go through products by
post an average of a half-dozen         hand. “That’s a big challenge we
recalls a week. Many aren’t a           have,” Chapman said.
Retailers need to do more. Even         Consumers should do more to
though it’s not required by             be informed, particularly if their
regulators, more stores should          home includes people with severe
offer shoppers a way to be              food allergies, or young children,
contacted by phone, text or email       senior citizens, pregnant women
in case of recalls involving items      or others who are medically more
they bought, whether that’s             vulnerable. Consumers should be
through a loyalty card or some          proactive to make sure they have
other system. Retailers are             multiple ways to find out about
inconsistent here; remember only        recalls through their grocers, free
half of the large chains we             apps, government alerts and news
surveyed offer a way for                alerts.
customers to be contacted directly
about recalls.                          The FDA should “create a culture
                                        of recalls being a real emergency,”
Retailers are also inconsistent with    Chapman said. The AFDO report
posting recall notices in stores –      also noted there’s a “lack of
where they post them or whether         urgency to notify states of a
they even post them at all. Some        pending recall and request
large groceries prefer to contact       assistance” and that recall notices
customers directly because they         are sometimes “delayed or contain
fear customers won’t see in-store       conflicting information.”
notices, particularly if they’re not
regular shoppers or buy their           In addition, the government should
groceries online and pick them up       have one body that oversees the
curbside or get them delivered.         recall process from start to finish,
But grocers should ask                  Chapman said. “It would be
themselves whether posting              phenomenal if we had one
notices of Class I recalls would        agency,” not all of the state and
reach some people who otherwise         local ones that each have a piece.
wouldn’t find out. A multi-layered      “It would be a radical change.”
approach to communication can
help.                                   The FDA in the past asked the
                                        non-profit STOP to create a
The FDA needs to adopt this part        workgroup focusing on recall
of the Food Safety Modernization        process improvement. The
Act so that retailers are required to   communication is only one part of
post recall notices in a consistent     it. “There is no one agency,
manner.                                 stakeholder or node in the food
chain that controls these
processes,” STOP said. “An
effective recall of a product means
that a risky item has been rapidly
identified, traced, and
communicated about to
downstream buyers and,
ultimately, to consumers.

“Our current recall processes have
evolved into a patchwork of
approaches … To be more
effective, recalls must be quicker,
more coordinated, better utilize
technology,” STOP said, “and
ensure that consumers better
understand and act in response to
recall communications by
disposing of or returning recalled

                 Number of
Store/chain      locations       States           Customer notification            Comments
                                 Delaware,                                         "At Albertsons Companies, the health and safety of our customers is
                                 Maryland, New                                     of the highest priority, and a key component of that is ensuring that
                                 Jersey, New                                       our customers are promptly notified of food recalls, often well before
                                 York and                                          the FDA posts a notification on its website. As such, Albertsons
Acme (Albertsons)
               About 160         Pennsylvania     Email within one business day    utilizes multiple methods for consumer notification."
                                 New Mexico
                                 North Dakota
                 About 390       Oregon                                            "At Albertsons Companies, the health and safety of our customers is
                 Albertsons      Texas                                             of the highest priority, and a key component of that is ensuring that
                 among 2,250     Utah                                              our customers are promptly notified of food recalls, often well before
                 total under     Washington                                        the FDA posts a notification on its website. As such, Albertsons
Albertsons       parent          Wyoming          Email within one business day    utilizes multiple methods for consumer notification."
                                                                                   "For your information In addition to visiting this page for recall
                                                                                   announcements or updates, ALDI shoppers can access more
                                                                                   information at http://www.recalls.gov or the CPSC (Consumer
Aldi             About 2,200     38 states        Company website                  Product Safety Commission) at http://www.CPSC.gov."
                                                                                   "We also contact customers that bought such products and sellers
Amazon           Online          Online           Email                            that may have offered such products, to tell them about the recall."
                                 New Hampshire
                                 New Jersey
                                 New York
                                 North Carolina
                                 South Carolina
                                 Rhode Island                                      "BJ’s believes in keeping consumers informed on product recalls
BJ's Wholesale Club
                About 220        Virginia       Company website                    and other important news."
Brookshire's     About 180       Texas            Company website                  xx
                                                  Unknown; company didn't          Didn't respond. No recall or notification information on its website.
                                                  respond; no information
Circle K/Holiday (Couche-Tard)
                  About 7,100    47 states        discovered on website
                                                                                   Notifications go out as soon as Costco is made aware of a problem.
                                                                                   Oftentimes this happens before a recall is even announced by
                                                                                   the FDA, USDA, or CPSC.
Costco           About 570       47 states        Automated phone calls, emails    “We know what the right thing to do is and we do it.”
                                                                                   Not specific how customers are notified. From Website. https:
                                                  Unknown; company responded       //cvssuppliers.com/sites/launch/files/2021-10/Recall%20Supplier%
CVS              About 9,900     49 states        but didn't supply information.   20Notification%C2%A0.pdf
Dollar General   About 17,300    46 states        Company website
                                 10 states

                                 North Carolina
                                 South Carolina                                    "We are able to identify customers who purchased the affected
                                 Tennessee                                         product if they used their Food Lion MVP Customer Rewards
                                 Virginia                                          account to make the purchase and have a valid email associated
Food Lion        About 1,100     West Virginia    Emails                           with their account."
Yes. The safety of our Team Members and guests is always our top
                                Indiana, Ohio,                                      priority. When a product is recalled due to an imminent health risk,
                                Maryland,                                           guest notification – primarily via our automated phone call method
                                Pennsylvania,                                       and posting on our GiantEagle.com website - is an important part of
Giant Eagle      About 470      West Virginia.      Automated phone calls           our recall process.
                                Virginia and
Giant Food       About 190      Washington DC Automated phone calls                 Yes, we notify customers of all Class 1 recalls.
                                Idaho, New
                                Jersey, Nevada,
Grocery Outlet   About 420      Washington      Social media                        xx
                                                    Unknown; company didn't
                                                    respond; no information
H-E-B            About 350 in US Texas              discovered on website           xx
                                New York,
Hannaford        About 180      Vermont        Emails                               We notify customers of all Class 1 recalls.
                                Seven states
                                and Washington
                                DC: Delaware,
                                Florida,                                            Yes, we have an internal policy in place to notify customers when
                                Georgia,                                            products sold in stores are recalled. We notify customers in the
                                Maryland, North                                     event of Class I recalls ... once all relevant information related to the
                                Carolina, South                                     recall has been obtained. This allows us to communicate to
                                Carolina,                                           customers effectively and efficiently and notify them of recalled
Harris Teeter    About 250      Virginia        Automated phone calls               product to maintain consumer safety.
                                                    Unknown; company didn't
                                                    respond; no information
Houchens Markets
               About 330        14 states           discovered on website           None found
                                8 Midwestern
                                states: Illinois,
                                Iowa, Kansas,
                                South Dakota
Hy-Vee           About 280      and Wisconsin       Company website                 xx
                                                 Unknown; company didn't
                                                 respond; no information
IGA              About 800      More than 40 states
                                                 discovered on website              None found.
Ingles Market    About 200      6 states: Alabama,Social
                                                            North Carolina, South Carolina,
                                                                                   xx       Tennessee, Virginia
                                                                                    At Albertsons Companies, the health and safety of our customers is
                                                                                    of the highest priority, and a key component of that is ensuring that
                                                                                    our customers are promptly notified of food recalls, often well before
                                                                                    the FDA posts a notification on its website. As such, Albertsons
Jewel-Osco       About 190      Indiana, Illinois, Iowa
                                                     Emails                         utilizes multiple methods for consumer notification:
                                                                                    Yes, we have an internal policy in place to notify customers when
                                                                                    products sold in stores are recalled. We notify customers in the
                                                                                    event of Class I recalls as required by regulatory authorities once all
                                                                                    relevant information related to the recall has been obtained. This
                                                                                    allows us to communicate to customers effectively and efficiently
                                                    Automated phone calls and       and notify them of recalled product to maintain consumer safety.
Kroger           About 2,700    35 states           receipt tape messages.
                                6 states:
                                Indiana, Illinois,
                                Michigan, Ohio
Meijer           About 260      and Wisconsin. Company website                      xx
17 states:
                                 North Carolina,
                                 New York,
                                 South Carolina,
                                 Texas, Virginia Unknown; company declined
                                 and West        comment; no information found
Piggly Wiggly   About 500        Virginia        on website                          xx
                                 Hampshire,                                          In addition to phone calls, "whenever a manufacturer or the
                                 New York,                                           government takes action on a product and initiates a recall due to
                                 Pennsylvania,                                       some unsafe issue, we will list them on this page for your referral."
Price Chopper   About 130        Vermont,       Phone calls and website
                                 7 states:
                                 Florida,                                            We take our responsibility to for our customers' safety very seriously.
                                 Georgia, South                                      We vigilantly monitor regulatory agencies, so we're among the first
                                 Carolina, North                                     to know when a product recall or food safety warning is issued. If a
                                 Carolina,                                           recall or warning occurs, we immediately alert store locations to
                                 Tennessee and                                       remove the product from the shelves (if sold there). We post details
Publix          About 1,300      Virginia.       Company website                     here on Publix.com to keep you informed.
                                                                                     Yes, we have an internal policy in place to notify customers when
                                                                                     products sold in stores are recalled. We notify customers in the
                                                                                     event of Class I recalls as required by regulatory authorities once all
                                                                                     relevant information related to the recall has been obtained. This
                                                                                     allows us to communicate to customers effectively and efficiently
Ralph's         About 190        California       Automated phone calls              and notify them of recalled product to maintain consumer safety.
                                 18 states:
                                 Nevada, New
                                 New Jersey,
                                 New York,
                                 Ohio, Oregon,
                                 Pennsylvania,    Unknown; company didn't
                                 Vermont,         respond no information on food
                                 Virginia and     recalls discovered on website or
Rite Aid        About 2,500      Washington       product recalls page               xx
                                                                                     Yes, we have an internal policy in place to notify customers when
                                                                                     products sold in stores are recalled. We notify customers in the
                                                                                     event of Class I recalls as required by regulatory authorities once all
                                                                                     relevant information related to the recall has been obtained. This
                                                                                     allows us to communicate to customers effectively and efficiently
Roundy's (Pick 'n About
                  Save, 160
                        Copps, Metro
                                     Market and Illinois
                                                    Automated phone calls            and notify them of recalled product to maintain consumer safety.
17 states and
                                   DC: Alaska,
                                   Hawaii, Idaho,
                                   Nevada, New
                                   Oregon, South                                  At Albertsons Companies, the health and safety of our customers is
                                   Dakota,                                        of the highest priority, and a key component of that is ensuring that
                                   Virginia,                                      our customers are promptly notified of food recalls, often well before
                                   Washington and                                 the FDA posts a notification on its website. As such, Albertsons
Safeway          About 900         Wyoming        Emails                          utilizes multiple methods for consumer notification:
                                   45 states (https:
Sam's Club       About 600         com/locator)      Emails                       All shoppers are members, so we have everyone's emails.
                                   More than 200
                                   stores. 191 are
                                   in California. A
                                   handful are in
Save Mart (Also Lucky
                       200        FoodMaxx)
                                   Nevada.            Company website             Web site. https://www.savemart.com/tags/recalls
                                                      Unknown; company didn't
                                                      respond no information
Save-A-Lot       About 900         32 states          discovered on website       xx
                                   6 states:
                                   Delaware, New
                                   Jersey, New                                    Yes, customer health and safety is always a priority at ShopRite, we
                                   York, Maryland,                                make sure customers are notified promptly when there is a Class 1
Shoprite         About 300         Pennsylvania    Automated calls and emails     product recall.
Smart & Final    About 250         California, NevadaCompany
                                                      and Arizona
                                   7 states:                                      Yes, we have an internal policy in place to notify customers when
                                   Arizona, Idaho,                                products sold in stores are recalled. We notify customers in the
                                   Montana,                                       event of Class I recalls ... once all relevant information related to the
                                   Nevada, New                                    recall has been obtained. This allows us to communicate to
                                   Mexico, Utah       Automated phone calls and   customers effectively and efficiently and notify them of recalled
Smith's Food andAbout
                Drug (Kroger)
                      140          and Wyoming        receipt tape messages.      product to maintain consumer safety.
                                 9 states:
                                 Indiana, Iowa,
                                 North Dakota,
                                 Ohio, South
                                 Dakota and
SpartanNash (Family
                                  Super Markets and
                                                    D&W Fresh
                                   23 states:
                                   Nevada, New
                                   Jersey, New
                                   Mexico, North
                                   South Carolina,
                                   Texas, Utah,
                                   Virginia and
Sprouts Famers Market
               About 370           Washington.     Company website                xx
Company website. Can subscribe
                                                 to online community for emails
Stater Bros. Market
                 About 170    Californiahttps://www.staterbros.com/history-of-stater-bros-markets/
                                                 about various topics.              Can subscribe to online community for emails about various topics.
                              5 states:
                              Rhode Island,
                              New York and
Stop & Shop     About 420     New Jersey     Automated phone calls and post to company
                                                                               We notify website.
                                                                                         customers of all Class 1 recalls.
                                                                                   At Target, our purpose is to help all families discover the joy of
                                                                                   everyday life. It is who we are, how we work, and what we value.
                                                                                   Our guests, your safety, is our highest priority. For this reason, we
Target          About 1,900   50 states        Company website                     maintain a comprehensive list of our recalled products.
Tops            About 160     3 states: New York,
                                                                   Vermont         Yes, based on FISMA FDA USDA model
                              42 states. All
                              except Alaska,
                              Montana, North
                              Dakota, South
                              Dakota, West                                         Our recall-related communications go well beyond regulatory
                              Virginia,                                            requirements: we share news through in-store signs, on our website,
                              Wyoming                                              and through email alerts. Only consumers who have a purchase
Trader Joe's    About 530                      Emails                              history that includes the recalled product are notified.
                                                                                   At Albertsons Companies, the health and safety of our customers is
                              Nearly all in                                        of the highest priority, and a key component of that is ensuring that
                              California; a                                        our customers are promptly notified of food recalls, often well before
                              handful in                                           the FDA posts a notification on its website. As such, Albertsons
Vons            About 200     Nevada           Emails                              utilizes multiple methods for consumer notification.
                                                                                   This page captures recall notifications issued by government
                                                                                   agencies and manufacturers for certain products sold to consumers
                                                                                   at Walgreens.

                                                                                   The following Walgreens recall list is not comprehensive, but
                                                                                   specifically identifies Walgreens and Walgreens Boots Alliance
                                                                                   owned brand OTC (over-the-counter) drug and general merchandise
                                                                                   products sold in Walgreens stores.

Walgreens       About 9,000   50 states        Company website
                                                                                   Customers opt-in automatically when buying online. Walmart and
                                                                                   Sam’s Club are committed to the health and safety of our customers
                                                                                   and members and to providing products that are safe and compliant,
                                                                                   all supported by our health and wellness, product safety, and food
                                                                                   safety professionals. In the event of a product recall, we work swiftly
                                                                                   to block the item from being sold and remove it from our stores and

Walmart         About 4,700   50 states        Emails to online customers
                                                                                   Not only is food safety a concern for Weis Markets, it is a priority
                                                                                   from our corporate offices to our warehouses so fresh food is always
                                                                                   a guarantee for our customers. We have been serving our
                                                                                   community with quality food products since 1912 and we have no
                                                                                   interest in stopping. That's why we let our customers know about
                                                                                   recalls when they happen, so you can be sure we are giving you and
                                                                                   your family quality food every day.

                              7 states:                                            A food recall is issued to protect the customers from a product or
                              Delaware,                                            products that have been delivered to stores but are potentially
                              Maryland, New                                        unsafe or harmful to consume or use. A recall is also issued if a
                              Jersey, New                                          product has been labeled incorrectly and/or is packaged incorrectly.
                              York,                                                This process is initiated by the manufacturer or distributor. As soon
                              Pennsylvania,                                        as a product is recalled by the manufacturer or by the United States
                              Virginia, West                                       government, our stores are alerted and the product is immediately
Weis Markets    About 200     Virginia         Company website                     removed from the shelves.
                              44 states: All
                              except Alaska,
                              Montana, North
                              Dakota, South
                              Vermont, West                                        Email through Prime Membership. Customers can receive email
                              Virginia                                             alerts by purchasing online or by scanning their Prime QR code for
Whole Foods     About 500                      Emails                              each in-store transaction.
5 states:
                         Alabama,                                       Customers are automatically enrolled for recall notifications when
                         Florida,                                       they have our loyalty program. We reference transactional data to
                         Georgia,                                       ensure we know every store in which a recalled item was purchased,
                         Louisiana and   Emails and texts and company   and we can additionally narrow down the purchase by person using
Winn-Dixie   About 500   Mississippi     website                        data from our store loyalty program.

Types of food recalls:

Class I recall: a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure
to a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.

Class II recall: a situation in which use of or exposure to a violative product may cause
temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the probability of
serious adverse health consequences is remote.

Class III recall: a situation in which use of or exposure to a violative product is not likely to
cause adverse health consequences.
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