Identification of ZG16B as a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer
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Open Medicine 2021; 16: 1–13 Research Article Haotian Lu#, Chunying Shi#, Xinyu Liu, Chen Liang, Chaochao Yang, Xueqi Wan, Ling Li*, Ying Liu* Identification of ZG16B as a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer received September 10, 2020; accepted October 14, 2020 1 Introduction Abstract: Zymogen granule protein 16B (ZG16B) has been Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in identified in various cancers, while so far the association women, which is one major cause of cancer death espe- between ZG16B and breast cancer hasn’t been explored. cially in young women, second only to lung cancer [1–4]. Our aim is to confirm whether it can serve as a prognostic Based on the expression of estrogen receptor (ER), pro- biomarker in breast cancer. In this study, Oncomine, Cancer gesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE), Ualcan, and STRING data- factor receptor 2 (HER2), breast cancer is divided into base analyses were conducted to detect the expression level Luminal A, Luminal B, Basal-like, and HER2-positive of ZG16B in breast cancer with different types. Kaplan–Meier subtypes [5]. Many therapies have been developed and plotter was used to analyze the prognosis of patients with used to detect and treat breast cancer [6–8]. However, high or low expression of ZG16B. We found that ZG16B was due to the complex interactions between the environment significantly upregulated in breast cancer. Moreover, ZG16B and hereditary factors, it’s still difficult to diagnose or was closely associated with foregone biomarkers and crucial prevent breast cancer at initial stage [9]. It has been factors in breast cancer. In the survival analysis, high reported that the abnormal increase of biomarkers in expression of ZG16B represents a favorable prognosis in tumorigenesis can be detected in blood, urine, and tissue patients. Our work demonstrates the latent capacity of and then help predict tumor’s grade malignancy, beha- ZG16B to be a biomarker for prognosis of breast cancer. viors, and prognosis [10]. In previous studies, multiple Keywords: ZG16B, breast cancer, database, biomarker, kinds of conventional biomarkers related to early diag- prognosis nosis and prognosis for breast cancer have been devel- oped, such as uPA [11], Rs/DJ-1 [12], and PAI-1 [13]. And recently, circulating miRNAs [14], serum uPAR [15], KiSS1 [16], CD24 [17] etc. also have been recognized as strongly associated with breast cancer development. In order to improve the early detection, diagnosis, and prognosis or # Two authors contributed equally to this work as co-first author. even discover therapeutic targets of breast cancer, more specific biomarkers need to be identified. Zymogen granule protein 16A (ZG16A), also known as * Corresponding author: Ling Li, Department of Human Anatomy, ZG16 or ZG16p, is a soluble lectin expressed in pancreatic Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medicine, College of Medicine, Qingdao University, Qingdao, 266071, China, acinar cells and digestive tract, which mediates the con- e-mail: densation of pancreatic enzymes to the zymogen granule * Corresponding author: Ying Liu, School of Basic Medicine, College membrane [18,19]. Zymogen granule protein 16B(ZG16B), of Medicine, Qingdao University, Qingdao, 266071, China; Institute also identified as Pancreatic adenocarcinoma upregulated for Translational Medicine, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, College of Medicine, Qingdao University, Qingdao, factor, is a paralog of ZG16A which has a 65.5% of simi- 266071, China, e-mail: larity and 36% identity, first found to be overexpressed in Haotian Lu, Xinyu Liu, Chen Liang, Chaochao Yang, Xueqi Wan: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma [19–21]. Both of these School of Basic Medicine, College of Medicine, Qingdao University, two zymogen granule proteins exist in human alimentary Qingdao, 266071, China system and have the same structures such as β-prism Chunying Shi: Department of Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medicine, College of Medicine, fold and glycosaminoglycan-binding site, suggesting their Qingdao University, Qingdao, 266071, China potential functional similarity [19,21]. Open Access. © 2021 Haotian Lu et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2 Haotian Lu et al. ZG16A has been recognized as a mucus ingredient 2 Materials and methods in colon fluid which blocks bacteria and upregulates in colorectal cancer as a biomarker [22,23]. ZG16B was 2.1 Ethics statement first discovered to act as a growth factor overexpressed in pancreatic cancer, which enhances tumor prolifera- Our work has been approved by the Ethics Committee tion and helps escape from innate immune system and Institutional Review Board of Qingdao University, by intriguing TLR-mediated ERK signaling, inhibiting China. Informed consent for publication was not required, TLR-mediated NF-kappa B signaling and keeping β-catenin as all patient data used in the study were obtained from stable through phosphorylation [21,24,25]. Furthermore, publicly available databases. ZG16B enhances angiogenesis and vascular permeability and then promotes tumor progression and metastasis of pancreatic cancer by stimulating CXCR4 expression and FAK activation [26–28]. Additionally, ZG16B helps pan- 2.2 Oncomine database analysis creatic cancer cells to resist oncolytic parvovirus H-1 infection via IFNAR-mediated signaling [29]. As a special Oncomine database (, which pro- factor in pancreatic cancer, ZG16B promotes activation vides 715 datasets and 86,733 samples, was referred to analyze and maturation of DCs through TLR4 signaling pathway the expression pattern of ZG16B mRNA in different types of to mediate immune system activation; meanwhile, it cancers. Pooled meta-analysis in different subtypes of breast could also increase and activate MDSCs to benefit cancer and gene co-expression analysis of ZG16B were con- tumor formation, showing a double-sided effect on ducted by Oncomine. The threshold of p-value was fixed to the immunotherapy [30,31]. And in chemotherapy, 1 × 10−4. The threshold of fold change was fixed to 2. ZG16B enhances the effect of gemcitabine and 5-FU in pancreatic cancer [32,33]. In addition, ZG16B has been identified as a bio- marker highly expressed in colorectal cancer and 2.3 CCLE analysis enhancing the migration and invasion, leading to a poor prognosis [20,34–36]. ZG16B is also confirmed to The expression level of ZG16B in different cell lines was ana- exist in HeLa cells and upregulates in cervical cancer lyzed by Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE, https://portals. [37,38]. Moreover, ZG16B can also have effect and be a, a database offering the expression biomarker for early diagnosis and prognosis of pros- level sorting of 84,434 genes in 1,457 cancer cell lines. tate cancer [39], oral squamous cell carcinoma [40], and especially ovarian cancer [41–43]. Besides, ZG16B is correlated with the prognosis of atherosclerosis and 2.4 Ualcan analysis acute coronary syndrome [44], and it is demonstrated to be abundant in the reflex tears as the key point in the Ualcan ( is a user- ocular surface protection, maintaining the tear film stabi- friendly cancer database based on TCGA database. Data from lity [45,46]. ZG16B has been detected as a biomarker in TCGA database were obtained through Ualcan to analyze the various malignant tumors; however, the association be- expression discrepancy of ZG16B in diverse molecular sub- tween ZG16B and breast cancer has not been noticed yet. types of breast cancer, as well as gender, age, cancer In this report, we found that ZG16B expressed stages, and node metastasis status. The promoter methyla- highly in breast cancer, and depth analysis was con- tion status of ZG16B was also analyzed using Ualcan. ducted further to clarify the possible effect of ZG16B in breast cancer through public medical databases. Expression levels in different conditions, possible me- 2.5 STRING analysis chanisms of action and the effect of prognosis of ZG16B in breast cancer were presented, demonstrating its STRING ( is a database that collects potential value to be a biomarker for breast cancer in known and predicted protein–protein physical and func- clinical practice. tional interaction information, the data of which originate
Identification of ZG16B as a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer 3 from computer prediction, knowledge sharing between high expression of ZG16A in breast cancer (Figure 1a). organizations, and other databases. A protein network We analyzed the datasets uploaded by Ma [49] and Curtis was drawn by STRING to find the interaction between [47]. No significant difference of ZG16A expression was ZG16B and other proteins. observed between breast cancer tissue and normal tissue (p = 0.088) (Figure 1b), while the fold change of ZG16B expression was 3.898 (p = 1.03 × 10−29) (Figure 1c), which showed high significance. 2.6 Survival analysis Furthermore, in order to verify the high-level expres- sion signal of ZG16B in breast cancer, we used CCLE The Kaplan–Meier plotter ( analysis to detect the transcription level of ZG16B in is an online graph plotter including the survival data of multiple cancer cell lines. The results demonstrated patients with multiple types of cancers to draw survival that the transcription level of ZG16B was the highest curves. The effect of ZG16B on prognosis in breast cancer among all types of cancer cell lines (Figure 2). These was analyzed by Kaplan–Meier plotter on the scale of results indicated the special role of ZG16B in breast relapse-free survival (RFS). ZG16B Affy ID: 228058_at. cancer. The Probe set option is the user selected probe set. The In consideration that the evidences described above cut-off value is determined by the median. indicate ZG16B expresses highly in breast cancer tissues and cell lines, we have done a further pooled meta- analysis including 2,780 samples from all the 18 researches of breast carcinoma in Curtis’ [47], Finak’s [48], and TCGA 2.7 Statistical analysis databases to confirm the high expression in general situa- tion of breast cancer. The pooled meta-analysis confirmed Students t-tests were performed to detect the statistical that the mRNA upregulation of ZG16B was extremely difference of ZG16B mRNA expression between breast significant in breast cancer (p = 5.97 × 10−4) (Figure 3). cancer and normal tissues, as well as the mRNA expres- Persuasive testament was presented explaining the con- sion level and promotor methylation level in different nection between the overexpression of ZG16B and breast clinical indicators. Log-rank test and hazard ratio (HR) cancer. analyses were conducted to examine the statistical differ- ence of survival curves in different subtypes of breast cancer with low or high expression of ZG16B. Data were presented as the mean ± standard error of mean, and P < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. 3.2 Analysis of ZG16B expression in different clinical features of breast cancer 3 Results Since it showed that ZG16B indeed upregulated in breast cancer, in order to expound the expression pattern of ZG16B in breast cancer, Ualcan analysis was conducted 3.1 ZG16B expression in breast cancer to compare the expression level of ZG16B in different clin- ical indicators. The expression level of ZG16B increased in Two kinds of zymogen granule proteins have been both female and rare male patients as shown in Figure 4a. recognized in human body cells, including ZG16A and Although ZG16B expression level is higher in all patient ZG16B. However, no report has announced their func- groups with different ages compared with normal groups, tion and correlation in breast cancer yet. Oncomine no significance could be found between groups (Figure 4b); database was used to analyze the different expression and the situations could be classified in similar way by in- levels of ZG16A and ZG16B between multiple types of dividual cancer stages and nodal metastasis status as shown cancer and the corresponding normal tissues. Among in Figure 4c and d. Intriguingly, ZG16B expression level is all kinds of cancers, it was significant that the expres- significantly higher in luminal-like subtype (p = 1.624 × sion of ZG16B was upregulated in 7 analyses of 3 data- 10−12) and triple-negative subtype (p = 4.632 × 10−2) than in sets from Curtis’ [47], Finak’s [48], and TCGA database normal tissues, whereas no significance was shown in HER2- which met the threshold. And yet no dataset showed positive subtype (Figure 4e).
4 Haotian Lu et al. Figure 1: Analysis of ZG16A and ZG16B mRNA expression in different types of cancer (Oncomine). (a) The mRNA expression pattern of ZG16A and ZG16B in various cancers. The number in the grid represented the number of datasets that meet the fixed threshold (p < 1 × 10−4, fold change >2). The color of the grid represented if the gene expressed higher (red) or lower (blue) (cancer vs. normal). The color depth of the grid depended on the best gene rank percentiles in all genes detected in each analysis. Box plots derived from gene expression data in Oncomine comparing the mRNA expression of ZG16A (b) and ZG16B (c) in normal and breast cancer tissues. 3.3 Hypomethylation of ZG16B promoter suggested that the overexpression regulatory mechanism in breast cancer of ZG16B in breast cancer might be the consequence of promoter demethylation. It has been reported that abnormal promoter hypomethyla- tion induces irregular gene upregulation and then affects tumor progression [50–52]. Unsurprisingly, by the way of Ualcan, we found that the promoter methylation level of 3.4 Protein interactions and gene ZG16B significantly downregulated in primary breast tumor co-expression analysis compared with that in normal tissues (Figure 5a). Patient groups with different gender, age, and nodal metastasis STRING analysis was performed to extrapolate the pos- status showed similar results, when compared with the sible mechanism of ZG16B action in breast cancer and normal group; however, no significance was confirmed find the interaction between ZG16B and other proteins. for within group comparison (Figure 5b–d). These results The protein network showed that UBAC1, LYZ, and
Identification of ZG16B as a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer 5 Figure 2: Analysis of ZG16B mRNA expression in cancer cells. ZG16B mRNA expression levels in 40 types of cancer cell lines were measured by Affymetrix gene chips and arranged from the highest to the lowest (CCLE analysis). ZG16B mRNA expression level was the first highest in breast cancer cells among all cancers. CXCR4 are experimentally determined to have interac- SPINT1 (r = 0.828), TFAP2A (r = 0.826), and FOXA1 (r = 0.826) tions with ZG16B, while ZBTB42 and LYZ co-expressed as shown in Figure 6b. These demonstrate that ZG16B has with it. In addition, STRING computationally predicted strong interactions with various proteins involved in breast ZG16B might have physical or functional relation with cancer formation, indicating the special role of ZG16B in DUSP15, ZBTB42, S100PBP, PRR4, GTPBP10, FAM96B, breast cancer from another point of view. and ANKEF1 (Figure 6a). In order to obtain more detailed information at genetic level, we have detected the co-expression genes of ZG16B in breast cancer through Oncomine database. As reported 3.5 Overexpressed ZG16B represents in Turashvili’s research [53], the expression of ZG16B is favorable prognosis of breast cancer highly related to EPCAM (r = 0.946), SPDEF (r = 0.918), patients KRT8 (r = 0.918), SCNN1A (r = 0.918), KRT19 (r = 0.918), ERBB3 (r = 0.918), AP1M2 (r = 0.904), CLDN4 (r = 0.879), We further examined the impact of ZG16B on the prog- AGR2 (r = 0.879), CA12 (r = 0.853), KIAA1324 (r = 0.839), nosis of distinct molecular types of breast cancer by
6 Haotian Lu et al. Figure 3: The pooled meta-analysis of gene expression profiling for ZG16B gene across 18 analysis. The color of the grid represented if the gene expressed higher (red) or lower (blue). The color depth of the grid depended on the median gene rank percentiles. The rank of ZG16B was the median rank across each of the analyses. The p-value of ZG16B was for the median-ranked analysis. Kaplan–Meier plotter using the RFS as an indicator. only to predict the invasiveness [57], recurrence, distant Interestingly, higher expression of ZG16B represented metastases, and prognosis [58,59], but also to predict the a longer RFS for all breast cancer patients (HR = 0.77, response to chemotherapy [60], monitor the use of medi- p = 0.00095) (Figure 7a). The RFS of PR-positive patients cine [61], and being the target of therapy [62] to earn time also had a longer RFS as ZG16B expressed higher (HR = and quality of life for patients. Fortunately, consensus has 0.62, p = 0.014) (Figure 7d), but there is no significance in been reached by biomedical researchers to establish bio- other types of breast cancer (Figure 7b, c and e–k). These informatics database such as Oncomine [63], TCGA data- data indicated that ZG16B might be a general factor to base [64], CCLE database [65], and so on to discover and mark a relatively favorable prognosis in breast cancer. predict potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets which could be verified by experiments furthermore. ZG16B as a biomarker of pancreatic cancer, ovarian 4 Discussion cancer, etc. has no research correlated to breast cancer yet. In our work, we specially noticed in Oncomine data- Currently, breast cancer threatens the health of women base that ZG16B was also upregulated in several reports. around the world [3,54]. Various traditional early detec- In order to further verify the observation, CCLE analysis tion methods including X-ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound and pooled meta-analysis have been explored and con- have been used to diagnose breast cancer [55,56]. In recent firmed that ZG16B indeed has high expression in tissues years, biomarkers in breast cancer are found and used not and cell lines of breast cancer, as shown in Figures 1–3.
Identification of ZG16B as a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer 7 Figure 4: Analysis of ZG16B expression patterns in breast cancer patients with different clinical-pathologic features. Ualcan analysis showed the mRNA expression level of ZG16B in breast cancer patients with distinct gender (a), age (b), cancer stages (c), node metastasis status (d), and molecular subtypes (e). Asterisks were marked to show the significance of each breast cancer group compared with normal group (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). Figure 5: Analysis of ZG16B promoter methylation status in breast cancer patients with different clinical-pathologic features. Ualcan analysis showed the methylation level of ZG16B promoter in primary tumor of breast cancer (a) and in breast cancer patients with distinct gender (b), age (c), and cancer stages (d). Asterisks were marked to show the significance of each group compared with normal group (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001).
8 Haotian Lu et al. Figure 6: Protein interactions and gene co-expression analysis of ZG16B. (a) The protein interaction network of ZG16B was drawn by STRING analysis. The colored nodes in the network represented ZG16B and its first stage of interactors, and the white nodes represented the second stage of interactors. The physical or functional relations between these proteins are interpreted in the conventional signs. (b) The gene co- expression analysis of ZG16B in Turashvili’s work was conducted by Oncomine. The co-expression genes of ZG16B in breast cancer and their coefficients were marked by red rectangles. To figure out the expression pattern of ZG16B in breast ZG16B has significantly high expression in luminal and triple- cancer, Ualcan database analysis confirms that ZG16B up- negative molecular subtypes of breast cancer, while this high regulates in different clinical classifications, including gender, expression is not found in HER2-positive subtype (Figure 4). In age, and nodal metastasis status; it also demonstrates that addition, the mechanism of demethylation epigenetic factor
Identification of ZG16B as a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer 9 Figure 7: Prognostic value of ZG16B expression in different subtypes of breast cancer. The RFS curves were drawn by Kaplan–Meier plotter in all breast cancer patients (a) and different subtypes of breast cancer, ER-positive (b), ER-negative (c), PR-positive (d), PR-negative (e), HER2-positive (f), HER2-negative (g), Basal (h), Luminal A (i), Luminal (j), and HER2+ (k).
10 Haotian Lu et al. has been represented by Ualcan to explain the upregulation of PR-positive subtype ZG16B seemingly don’t show apparent ZG16B in breast cancer (Figure 5). effect, ZG16B does represent a long RFS and good prog- In order to explore the possible role of ZG16B in nosis for all kinds of patients. Patients with PR-positive breast cancer, STRING analysis and Oncomine co-expres- breast cancer had the most favorable prognosis among sion analysis have been performed successively and we breast cancer subtypes with ZG16B high expression, sug- found that ZG16B had close relationships with UBCA1, gesting its special role in PR-positive breast cancer. All the DUSP15, ZBTB42, S100PBP, PRR4, CXCR4, LYZ, GTPBP10, data discussed above confirm that ZG16B might be a poten- FAM96B, ANKEF1, EPCAM, SPDEF, KRT8, SCNN1A, KRT19, tial biomarker of breast cancer which represents a favorable ERBB3, AP1M2, CLDN4, AGR2, CA12, KIAA1324, SPINT1, prognosis. TFAP2A, and FOXA1 (Figure 6). Among these proteins In conclusion, ZG16B upregulates in breast cancer and related to ZG16B, LYZ [66] and PRR4 [67] have protective represents a favorable prognosis in patients. Furthermore, function in tears and various body fluids, which are corres- ZG16B has correlations with various biomarkers and factors ponding to Perumal’s research [45,46]. S100PBP [68], PRR4 of breast cancer, some of which have precisely inhibitory [69], ANKEF1 [39,70], EPCAM [71], SPDEF [72], KRT8, effect on breast cancer. More work and experiments are KRT19 [73], KIAA1324 [74,75], CXCR4 [76,77], AGR2 needed in order to further reveal more fundamental [78–80], SCNN1A [81], AP1M2 [82], CLDN4 [83], and mechanism for its role in breast cancer. ERBB3 [84,85] have been reported to have correlations with breast cancer or have been identified as biomar- Acknowledgments: This study is supported by National Key kers for diagnosis, metastasis, and prognosis of breast R&D Program of China (2016YFC1000808), the National cancer and even as therapeutic targets. Interestingly, Natural Science Foundation of China (81470926, 81702785), FAM96B is reported to inhibit VEGF receptor 2 pro- Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province moter to restrain endothelium activity through the (ZR2017PH013), Key R&D Program of Shandong Province control of E2-2 expression [86]. SPINT1, which is one (2019GSF107037), the Science and Technology Project of of the Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitors and also Qingdao, China (18-6-1-88-nsh), and Qingdao Postdoctoral known as HAI-1, can inhibit hepatocyte growth factor func- Application Research Funded Project (2016067). 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