Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design

Page created by Justin Lyons
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
made in Italy

                                  collection 2020

          Iconic and poetic collection
              re-invented objects
        between nostalgia and modernity

Slow objects are notes of the memory that survive in our daily lives and get a second
                              wind and renewed energy.

      The collection is designed by Roberto di Filitto and Nathalie Schneider.
                  he is a graphic designer, she comes from fashion.
They collaborates with local craftsmen in tuscany, to design new objects with classical
                             techniques and antique skills.

               www.slow-design.it - info@slow-design.it
            tel it +39 335 442816      fr +33 0981623688
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
Alice mirror brings you into a magical universe with effects of colours and shape.

Made with the traditional technique of grisaille used for sacred art, this round-shaped or square mirror with colored effects is
handmade and available in various colours, such as grey/brown and gold/yellow, and in various grade of intensity.

Each piece is unique and can also be realized upon request and in different sizes.

Whether it’s a darker mirror or a square mirror with a colored frame and golden effects, the Alice mirror offers infinite variations
and possibilities for reflection.

colour : gold / grey / moss green or blue on clear mirror – grey
on black mirror.
material: glass
technique: grisaille.
hanger: metal
size: ø 60 cm – available in ø 35 cm
other size upon project

made in Italy

   alice gold               alice grey           alice moss green                 alice blue                     alice gold                  alice blue
     ø cm 60                 ø cm 60                  ø cm 60                      ø cm 60                         ø cm 60                    ø cm 35

                                                                   wall mounting
                                                                   Metal fixing + accessory for wall mounting.
                                                                   The eccentric disc with adjustment scale for dowel replaces the L-shaped nail and
                                                                   allows to adjust the height of the mirror with precision.
                                                                   The necessary height adjustment can be taken directly from the front of the disc.

                                                                   FIXATION MURALE
                                                                   Retro miroir avec fixation metal + accessoire pour fixation mural Le disque
                                                                   excentrique avec échelle de réglage pour cheville remplace le clou à L et permet de
                                                                   regler la hauteur du miroir avec precision .
                                                                   Le réglage nécessaire de la hauteur peut être relevé directement sur la face avant du

                                                                   FISSAGGIO A PARETE
                                                                   Fissaggio in metallo + accessorio per fissaggio a parete.
                                                                   Il disco eccentrico con scala di regolazione per tassello sostituisce il chiodo a forma di
                                                                   L e permette di regolare l’altezza dello specchio con precisione.
                                                                   La regolazione in altezza può essere presa direttamente dalla parte anteriore del disco.
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
A composition of 4 mirrors for endless possibilities.
A set of handcrafted aged mirrors in gold and grey tones to create your own composition.
material: glass
technique: grisaille
hanger: metal
size: 2 clear mirrors / grey finish cm 52x 30
+ 1 clear mirror / grey finish cm 33x 30 + 1 clear mirror / gold finish cm 33x 30

other size upon project

made in Italy
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design

Heavy aged mirrored tray with oxidized details.

material: glass
available in 2 sizes, Gold or Grey finish.
each piece is unique

made in Italy

        alice tray 34                         alice tray 24
        Large 26 x 34 cm                      Small 24 x 19 cm
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
LIBRI MUTI (mute books)                                                                                                                                    “Without words, without writing, and without books there would be
Bound notebook - Hand coloured border
Size: cm15x21                                                                                                                                                              no history, there could be no concept of humanity.”
160 sheet - 320 PP
PEFC + Acid Free paper
Made in Italy                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hermann Hesse

The Mute books collection (Libri Muti) re-interprets classical titles, playing with our memories.
A mix of traditional printing and binding techniques together with a fresh spirit, added by the handcoloured slice.
Symbolic titles by authors such as Jules Verne, Dante or Flaubert were transformed in a colored note book to fill with your own stories.
Each cover is an invitation to discover an author - or read gain the book.

ALICE’S                   BEAUTY AND THE            BELLA DONNA               THE BLACK CAT             BREAKFAST AT              DANDYSME
ADVENTURES                BEAST                     pink border               lime green border         TIFFANY’S                 orange border
lilac border              gold border                                                                   gold border

DIVINA COMMEDIA           DON QUIXOTE               DR JEKYLL                 LE EPISTOLE               HAMLET                     IL GATTOPARDO
red border                Red Border                & MR HYDE                 blue border               black border               gold border
                                                    black border

IL PIACERE                JOURNAL DE BORD           JUNGLE BOOK               L’EDUCATION               LES FLEURS DU MAL          LES REVERIES
pink border               cielo blue border         orange border             SENTIMENTALE              cielo blue border          salvia border
                                                                              lilac border

LES LIAISONS              LOLITA                    MADAME BOVARY             METAMORPHOSIS             MOBY DICK                  NATURALIS
DANGEREUSES               pink border               cipria border             gold border               blue border                HISTORIAE gold border
coral border

ODYSSEY                   ONCE UPON A TIME          THE ORIGIN OF             PRIDE & PREJUDICE         ROBINSON                   ROMEO & JULIET
black border              gold border               SPECIES                   iris Border               blue border                Pink Border
                                                    lime border

TENDER IS THE             TOUR DU MONDE             1984                      1001 NIGHTS
NIGHT                     blue border               black border              black border
cielo blue border

mute books (libri muti)                                                                                                                                                                                        mute books (libri muti)
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
MUTE books XS (pocket)                                                                                             CANVAS books
Bound notebook - Hand coloured border                                                                              Bound notebook - Hand coloured border - canvas cover
Size: cm10,5x15,5                                                                                                  Size: cm15x21
120 sheet - 240 PP - 80gr                                                                                          160 sheet - 320 PP
PEFC + Acid Free paper                                                                                             PEFC + Acid Free paper
Made in Italy                                                                                                      Made in Italy

4 pocket note books dedicated to the Opera, with visible binding and a handcoloured slice.                         Mute Book with a canvas cover , visible binding and a handcoloured slice.

DON GIOVANNI                   LA BOHÈME                       CARMEN                        THE TEMPEST                                                                                                      #12
lilac border                   blue border                     coral border                  salvia green border
                                                                                                                   #1                           #2                            #10              #11
                                                                                                                   Botanical/                   Flower /                      Flower /         Tree /         Birds /
                                                                                                                   Purple                       Blue                          lilac            orange         blue

                                                                                                                   #6                          #7                             #8               #9
                                                                                                                   Flowers/                    Passionflower/                 Lady/            Man /
                                                                                                                   A. Mignon                   E. Van den Broeck              A.Pollaiolo      Pisanello
                                                                                                                   coral pink                  moss green                     cielo blue       Salvia green
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
GALLERY 4 books                                                                                  GALLERY 2 books
4 Bound notebooks - Hand coloured border                                                         2 Bound notebooks - Hand coloured border
Size: cm15x21                                                                                    Size: cm15x21
160 sheet - 320 PP                                                                               160 sheet - 320 PP
PEFC + Acid Free paper                                                                           PEFC + Acid Free paper
Made in Italy                                                                                    Made in Italy

A composition of 4 Mute Books to compose a painting                                              A composition of 2 Mute Books to compose a painting

set of4 Mute Books   cm15x21      set of4 Mute Books   cm15x21   set of4 Mute Books    cm15x21   set of   2 Mute Books   cm15x21                set of   2 Mute Books   cm15x21   set of   2 Mute Books   cm15x21
#G41                              #G43                           #G42
Flowers in a Vase,                Flowers on Marble              Flowers in a glass              Limoni,                                        Flowers                           Landscape
A.Bosschaert -1619                Rachel Ruysch                   Jan Brueghel -1625             Jacob Van Hulsdonck -about 1620-1640           anonymous, about    1700-1799     Hendrik Voogd, 1807
©Rijksmuseum                      ©Rijksmuseum                   ©Rijksmuseum                    ©Rijksmuseum                                   ©Rijksmuseum                      ©Rijksmuseum
yellow border                     coral border                   pink border                     blue border                                    light blue border                 gold border
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
BIBLIOTECA MUTA ( THE MUTE LIBRARY )                                                                                             “Scrivere è sempre nascondere qualcosa in modo che venga poi scoperto”.
Bound notebook cm 17 x 12 x 2,5 – 320 pg
Hot foiled printed title on a colored binding gauze                                                                                                            Writing is always hiding something so that it will be discovered later.
PEFC Acid free paper
Handmade in Italy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Italo Calvino
Biblioteca Muta ( Mute Library ) is a collection of 10 precious notebooks, superb object books inspired
by the classics of literature. Hot foiled printed title on a colored binding gauze on the back, hand-
painted edge. The cover has an aged aspect and a relief stamp. Each notebook is handcrafted in a color
gradation, in our Florentine laboratory.

ZADIG OU LA DESTINEE           FAUST                         L’AMOUR FOU                   PARADISO             INFERNO
gold border                    orange border                 coral pink border             powder pink border   red border

green border                   green border                  blue border                   blue border          gold border
Iconic and poetic collection re-invented objects between nostalgia and modernity - Slow Design
LEATHER mute book                                                                        “A pelle si sentono cose a cui le parole non sanno dare un nome.
Black Leather cover cm 13 x 18,5
vegetable tanning leather                                                                                                                       Alda Merini

inside: Bound note book
cm 12 x 17 Bound notebook
96 Sheets - 320 pp - PEFC paper
handcoloured border

PEFC paper + Acid free paper
packed in single cotton bag

made in Italy

The Leather version of our Mute Books, a notebook that ages beautifully.
to personalize by choosing the slice color of the note book inside.


L’AMOUR FOU              INFERNO                 PARADISO                  ULYSSES
coral pink border        red border              powder pink border        blue border
JEWEL pochette                                                                                                 JEWEL notebook
Black Leather pouch cm 24 x15                                                                                  Black Leather cover cm 12 x 16 x 2,5
vegetable tanning leather                                                                                      vegetable tanning leather
handwork                                                                                                       handwork

made in Italy                                                                                                  inside: Bound note book
                                                                                                               cm 10,5 x 15,5 Bound notebook
                                                                                                               96 Sheets - 160 pp - PEFC paper
Leather Pochette and notebooks with a minimal design.                                                          handcoloured border
Hand crafted from soft leather.
                                                                                                               PEFC paper + Acid free paper
Closed with a bronze jewel shaped from a tormaline stone,
                                                                                                               made in Italy
a oval handmade shibuishi jewel (copper + silver),
or a shibuishi jewel shaped from a seashell.
Each piece is hand crafted upon order
and limited in availability.

Made in Italy

                                                                                                               + BLUE BORDER NOTEBOOK ( refl la boheme )   + CORAL PINK BORDER NOTEBOOK ( refl carmen )
CARBON BLACK LEATHER relief pochette                                                        CARBON BLACK LEATHER relief pochette
Adonis                                                                                      Omnia Vincit Amor
Black Leather pouch cm 17 X 24                                                              Black Leather pouch cm 17 X 24
vegetable tanning leather                                                                   vegetable tanning leather
relief motif, raw aspect                                                                    relief motif, raw aspect
handcrafted                                                                                 handcrafted

made in Italy                                                                               made in Italy

Leather Pochette with a minimal design
Neoclassical inspiration, Adonis profile, or latin relief letters
shaped and carved by hand in a soft black vegetable tanned leather
Each piece is hand crafted upon order
and limited in availability.

                                                                     ADONIS leather pouch                                    OMNIA VINCIT AMOR leather pouch
SLOW was created by Roberto di Filitto and Nathalie Schneider.

                                                              He is a designer, she comes from fashion.

                                       They have been working together in their graphic and design company in Tuscany,

                                         Italy, until they began to collaborate with local craftsmen, to design new objects

                                                             with classical techniques and antique skills.

                                   Our mirrors are handmade in Tuscany, by art craftsmen, using ancient and traditional techniques
                                    (glaziers of cathedrals). Our mirrors are not industrial: they are worked from glass plate, Then
                                                                   baked in high temperature ovens.

                                      Our notebooks and paper products use Acid free certified raw materials - The EU Ecolabel
                                     FI / 11/002 - ISO 9001-ISO 14001-ISO 50001- OHSAS 18001-FSC® CoC, license code FSC®
                                   C015932 - PEFC ™ CoC, license code PEFC / 02-31-86 Renewable fiber - Recyclable paper. They
                                     are realized in a small artisanal unit in Tuscany and hand coloured at the edge. Much of the
                                                                             process is manual.

                                   The leather we use comes from France, vegeatble tanning is done in Italy, we only use vegetable
                                                     dye, leather products are made and sewn entirely by hand.

                                   The metal pieces that decorate our leathers are made by a Florentine craftsman, one by one. Each
                                                                            piece is unique.
2020 © Slow - all right reserved

                                                                             made in Italy

                                                                 www.slow-design.it - info@slow-design.it
                                                              tel it +39 335 442816      fr +33 0981623688
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