ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

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ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

PAPER          Special Section on the Architectures, Protocols, and Applications for the Future Internet

ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate
Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery∗
                                                                                 Kazuaki UEDA†a) and Atsushi TAGAMI†b) , Members

SUMMARY           A global content delivery plays an important role in the    (PEP) [9], [10]. PEP has an advantage that it does not re-
current Internet. Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a future internet   quire end nodes’ modification and can be resolved only by
architecture which attempts to redesign the Internet with a focus on the
                                                                              the intermediate node in the network. It can promote the in-
content delivery. However, it has the potential performance degradation in
the global content delivery. In this paper, we propose an ICN performance     crease in congestion window size and mitigate the negative
enhancing proxy (ICN-PEP) to mitigate this performance degradation. The       effects of long RTTs. Proxy servers are installed on both
key idea is to prefetch Data packets and to serve them to the consumer with   sides or one side of LFN and terminate TCP connection by
the shorter round trip time. By utilizing ICN features, it can be developed   sending ACKs on behalf of the remote server and/or clients.
as an offline and state-less proxy which has an advantage of scalability. We
evaluate the performance of ICN-PEP in both simulation and experiment on
                                                                              In this case, the node can receive ACKs at a lower RTT and
global testbed and show that ICN-PEP improves the performance of global       increase its window size quickly.
content delivery.                                                                   Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a promising
key words: Information-Centric Networking, performance enhancing              future Internet architecture which addresses the content de-
proxy, middlebox
                                                                              livery at the center of the communication [11], [12]. Due to
                                                                              its rich features such as in-network caching and name-based
1.   Introduction                                                             forwarding, ICN has advantages in terms of scalability, ef-
                                                                              ficiency and availability over IP-based networks. Although
Internet traffic is forecasted to increase continuously, espe-                  ICN provides efficient content delivery, we should state that
cially for the video traffic [2]. As the video streaming ser-                   the current ICN transport layer technique has the potential
vices are available in many countries, traffic demand in-                       performance degradation in the content delivery on a global
creases rapidly. This drives the capacity update of the in-                   scale. A number of ICN congestion control schemes have
ternational backbone network. Recently many content hold-                     been proposed [13], [14]. Most of them follow the design
ers, such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft, have invested                    of existing TCP congestion control schemes which control
in deployment of submarine cables to improve the network                      the number of request packets in flight, and thus they have a
capacity of their platform [3], [4]. This trend means that                    similar performance degradation in LFN.
the Internet content and services are consumed on a global                          In order to overcome such performance degradation, it
scale, and efficient global content delivery will play an im-                   is natural to convert existing solutions of TCP to ICN. How-
portant role in the future Internet.                                          ever, we cannot apply an above PEP solution directly to ICN
      A long fat network (LFN) is defined as a network which                  because of the difference in the communication principle be-
has a large bandwidth-delay product. A global long distance                   tween TCP and ICN. TCP follows the sender-driven con-
network is a typical example of LFN. From the past, TCP is                    gestion control, and handling ACKs can control the sender’s
reported to have a performance degradation in the LFN [5].                    congestion window size. On the contrary, ICN follows the
One of the most remarkable characteristics of LFN is a long                   receiver-driven congestion control, and only the Data pack-
round-trip time (RTT) between end nodes. In such an en-                       ets can control the consumer’s congestion window size. In
vironment, it takes long time to get a large congestion win-                  other words, a TCP sender can increase its window size af-
dow size so as to utilize the available bandwidth, and this                   ter receiving an ACK from a proxy server. However, an ICN
leads to low throughput. In order to mitigate such perfor-                    consumer increases its window size only after receiving a
mance degradation, several solutions have been proposed,                      Data packet that can only be created by the origin producer.
e.g. customized TCP variants [6], [7], parameter tuning of                    Therefore, proxy server cannot be realized in ICN unless it
congestion control [8], and performance enhancing proxy                       stores all the Data packets requested from the consumer.
     Manuscript received August 20, 2020.
                                                                                    The main aim of this paper is to propose and to eval-
     Manuscript revised December 14, 2020.                                    uate an ICN-PEP [1] in details, which shortens the content
     Manuscript publicized February 22, 2021.                                 download time for the global content delivery. A key idea of
     The authors are with KDDI Research, Inc., Fujimino-shi,                  ICN-PEP is prefetching and storing only a small portion of
356–8502 Japan.                                                               Data packets which will be requested by consumers shortly.
     The material in this paper was presented in part at the IEEE             Even if the producer is located remotely, this can increase
Global Communications Conference 2019 (GLOBECOM) [1].
  a) E-mail: kz-ueda@kddi-research.jp                                         the congestion window size quickly without having a large
  b) E-mail: tagami@kddi-research.jp                                          amount of Data packets at ICN-PEP. To this end, we intro-
     DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2020NTP0007                                        duce the short-term prefetch technique under the assump-

                               c 2021 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

tion that most of the incoming Interest packets follow the se-
quential access pattern and segment-based naming scheme.
This allows us to predict the name of Interest packets which
will be issued shortly only from the current incoming In-
terest packet. According to this prediction, ICN-PEP can
prefetch the Data packets. In this case, many Interest pack-
ets can be satisfied with the in-network cache, and this re-
sults in shortening the content download time.                                     Fig. 1   Overall of the TCP-PEP
      The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Sect. 2 analyzes the performance degradation in the global
                                                                  dow upon reception of the Data packets in order to reflect
content delivery with the current ICN transport layer tech-
                                                                  the network statistics from received packets. In this design,
nique. Section 3 explains our idea of ICN performance
                                                                  increase speed of congestion window is directly influenced
enhancing proxy. Section 4 evaluates the performance of
                                                                  by the RTT of received Data packet. And it yields delay
our proposed ICN-PEP with both simulation and experi-
                                                                  in the longer RTT environment, i.e., in LFN. Although con-
ments, and we clarify that our scheme performs much bet-
                                                                  sumer can retrieve the Data packets with closer intermediate
ter under the realistic conditions. Through the experiments
                                                                  router’s cache in ICN, many communication patterns cannot
at global testbed, our ICN-PEP can achieve better QoE in
                                                                  be satisfied with router’s cache such as downloading unpop-
video streaming in terms of reduced start-up delay. Sec-
                                                                  ular content, initial download for the content, and live video
tion 5 discusses details of ICN-PEP and other solutions
for improving performance of global content delivery, and
Sect. 6 finally concludes this paper.
                                                                  2.2 Performance Enhancing Proxy
2.    Related Work
                                                                  TCP is reported to have a performance degradation in an
                                                                  environment that has longer propagation delay and broader
2.1    Pull-Based Communication in ICN
                                                                  bandwidth, called as LFN [5]. International communication
                                                                  and satellite communication are typical examples on LFN.
NDN [15] and CICN [16] are popular ICN architecture and
                                                                  PEP improves performance of such communication without
actively investigated from both industry and academia. In
                                                                  end nodes’ modifications. Figure 1 shows an example of
this paper, we use NDN/CICN as a typical ICN architec-
                                                                  PEP processing. Network operator who knows the link con-
ture. In ICN, a simple communication is established be-
                                                                  nected with LFN, i.e., overseas link or satellite link, installs
tween a producer and a consumer, i.e., a content sender and
                                                                  the PEP servers at both sides or one side of the link. PEP
a content receiver, compared to the TCP/IP. The producer
                                                                  server terminates TCP connection between a sender and a
does not have any state for the communication and only
                                                                  receiver and sends a pseudo ACK packets to the sender on
replies a Data packet corresponding to a received Interest
                                                                  behalf of the receiver. This allows the sender to receive ACK
packet issued by a consumer. This pull-based communica-
                                                                  packets earlier than the actual RTT and to increase the con-
tion scheme has benefits in scalability of producer and uti-
                                                                  gestion window size rapidly, since the window size grows
lization of in-network cache. On the other hand, the amount
                                                                  up each time an ACK packet is received. In the example
of traffic is controlled by the amount of Interest packets is-
                                                                  shown in Fig. 1, the congestion window has increased three
sued by consumers. This consumer-driven congestion con-
                                                                  times during one original RTT, t1 + t2 .
trol is opposite to the TCP’s sender-driven congestion con-
                                                                       Since PEP is a stateful solution, it has scalability is-
                                                                  sues. PEP must keep track of all sessions and perform
      There exist many prior studies about congestion con-
                                                                  packet relaying, packet retransmission and flow control for
trol in ICN. The NDN team proposed a congestion con-
                                                                  them. Inline proxy, which is placed in the middle of the
trol scheme named PCON [14] used in a download tool nd-
                                                                  communication path, is frequently used in the commercial
ncatchunks [17] by default. PCON follows the TCP-like
                                                                  networks since it can work without any modifications of
congestion control scheme which controls the congestion
                                                                  the end nodes. However, such proxy has to monitor all in-
window in AIMD manner upon reception of Data packet.
                                                                  coming packets and pick up appropriate packets to be ac-
In order to detect an early stage of congestion, PCON reacts
                                                                  celerated by the proxy. And it has a severe problem that
not only a packet loss event but also a congestion marker
                                                                  a proxy failure leads to stop the entire communication. As
stored in the Data packet header. When a link becomes con-
                                                                  mentioned above, although PEP is a powerful solution for
gested, the router’s queue starts to be filled with packets and
                                                                  LFN, it has challenges in scalability. We can say that ICN
queuing delay becomes longer. The congestion marker is set
                                                                  has a potential to improve communication performance at
when the queuing delay at a router exceeds threshold, and
                                                                  LFN with PEP while overcoming these performance issues
upon reception of the marked packets, a consumer decreases
                                                                  of PEP with its rich network features such as in-network
the congestion window to avoid the heavy congestion.
                                                                  caching and name-based forwarding.
      Similar to PCON, most of the congestion control
schemes in ICN changes the consumer’s congestion win-
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

                                                                Data packet with segment number i in t1 + t2 , but next Data
3.    ICN Performance Enhancing Proxy                           packets (i + 1 to i + N) are already stored in the cache. Thus,
                                                                next Interest packets are satisfied with the cache and RTT
3.1    Design Overview                                          for these packets is reduced to t1 .
                                                                      The most remarkable point of this design is that ICN-
In this section, we design the ICN-PEP that improves the        PEP does not manage any state. It only prefetches Data
ICN communication performance in the LFN. The essential         packets according to the received Interest packet and stores
point of the current TCP-PEP is to increase sender’s conges-    the response Data packets in its cache.
tion window size rapidly by handling ACKs on behalf of the
receiver. We divert this point to the consumer-driven ICN       3.2 Offline Proxy with Name-Based Forwarding
communication. In order to increase consumer’s conges-
tion window size rapidly, ICN-PEP prefetches Data packets       As described in Sect. 2.2, TCP-PEP is installed as a inline
which will be requested in the next round and stores them       proxy and has scalability issues in forwarding and monitor-
in its cache. Since these packets are cached at closer loca-    ing all packets. Moreover, inline proxy has a performance
tion to the consumer, consumer can retrieve these packets       degradation by its processing delay and becomes a single
in a shorter RTT, and its congestion window size can be in-     point of failure in the system. By making use of the ICN fea-
creased rapidly.                                                tures, we can set up the ICN-PEP as an offline proxy which
      Figure 2 shows a segmentation and a naming process        can avoid these issues.
at a producer. ICN name consists of routable name, con-               Figure 4 shows the network configuration of the of-
tent name, and protocol-dependent name like segment num-        fline ICN-PEP. We assume that the content which requires
ber and version number [18]. Due to the limitation in pay-      the PEP processing can be identified by its name pre-
load size of Data packet, a content is divided into mul-
tiple segments. Each segment is identified by a segment
number in its name starting from 0 and incrementing by
1. When downloading a content, a consumer first fetches
a Data packet whose segment number is 0 and continues
to fetch Data packets sequentially. After fetching a Data
packet of the final segment, the consumer reassembles the
whole content from them.
      We use such sequential communication pattern and
naming of ICN for prefetching Data packets which will
be requested in the next round. ICN-PEP monitors Inter-
est packets forwarded to a LFN link, and estimates Data
packet’s name requested in the next time from the conti-
                                                                                    Fig. 3   Overall of the ICN-PEP
nuity of segment number. Based on the above estimation,
ICN-PEP creates and issues next N Interest packets instead
of the consumer. Although consumer retrieves a first Data
packet from an origin producer, the next N Interest packets
are satisfied from in-network cache, and thus RTT of these
Interest packets can be dramatically reduced.
      Figure 3 illustrates an example of the proposed ICN-
PEP’s sequence diagram. ICN-PEP is installed on the con-
sumer side of LFN. t1 is an RTT from the consumer to ICN-
PEP, and t2 is an RTT from ICN-PEP to the producer. Upon
receipt of an Interest packet whose segment number is i,
ICN-PEP creates and forwards Interest packets with seg-
ment number i + 1 to i + N. The consumer receives a first

       Fig. 2   Segmentation and naming process at a producer              Fig. 4     Offline proxy configuration with ICN
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

fix. For example, content with name that starts from              bottle neck. In order to shorten the duration of slow start
/youtube.com/movie/ is a video content served by the re-          phase, ICN-PEP only prefetches first N s Data packets to
mote producer, and it needs to be processed by PEP. Net-          each consumer. And it does not prefetch the Data packets
work operator has a list of such target prefixes and con-         whose segment number exceeds N s to ensure fairness among
nects ICN-PEP to network by applying the name-based for-          large content download and small content download. The
warding rules. As shown in the Fig. 4, network operator           main point of acceleration strategy is how to determine N s .
constructs the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) of ICN           N s needs to be sufficient to increase consumer’s congestion
router which stores both LFN link and ICN-PEP (Face#1             window, but setting too large value results in congestion.
and Face#2 in Fig. 4, respectively) as the next hop for the            The aim of our strategy is to prefetch enough Data
target name prefix. And multicast strategy [19] is registered     packets to complete the consumer’s slow start phase. We
as the forwarding strategy for the target prefix. When the        assume that ICN-PEP knows the link capacity w and the
ICN router receives an Interest packet with the target prefix,    propagation delay d of the LFN link. These parameters are
the router forwards the Interest packet to both ICN-PEP and       configured by the network operator or retrieved by the mea-
LFN link. Upon reception of an Interest packet, ICN-PEP           surement, and ICN-PEP can calculate the bandwidth-delay
performs prefetch by creating and forwarding Interest pack-       product of the LFN link. ICN-PEP also retrieves the infor-
ets as described in Sect. 3.1. In order to avoid Interest loop,   mation of available bandwidth from the network nodes so as
ICN router does not forward a packet to its incoming face;        not to put too much load with its prefetch traffic N s . When
therefore, prefetch Interest packets from ICN-PEP are only        LFN is the bottleneck, the theoretical congestion window
forwarded to the LFN. In response to the prefetch Interest        size ct is as follows:
packets, Data packets are sent back to the both ICN router
and ICN-PEP. These prefetched Data packets are stored in               ct = α (w/8s) 2d
the cache of both ICN router and ICN-PEP in this configu-
                                                                  where s is the maximum Data packet size in Bytes and α
                                                                  means a filling factor, i.e., how many flows are sharing the
      There are two benefits in this configuration. First,
                                                                  LFN link. In the slow start phase, the congestion window
ICN-PEP works in a state-less manner since it only re-
                                                                  size doubles when receiving the same number of Data pack-
ceives the Interest packets which is not yet prefetched. In
                                                                  ets as the current window size. Assuming that the initial
order to reduce redundant communication, ICN router has
                                                                  congestion window size is ci , the maximum step number m
two data structures, cache and Pending Interest Table (PIT).
                                                                  for the congestion window size which does not exceed ct is
PIT keeps track of the Interest packet which is waiting for
                                                                  derived as follows:
the Data packets, and ICN router suppresses the forward-
ing of Interest packets which is already stored in the PIT.                              
                                                                        m = log2 (ct /ci ) .                               (1)
By making use of the cache and PIT, Interest packets for
the prefetched Data packets are always satisfied with the         Then, the number of Data packets N s required to complete
ICN router. And after the consumer retrieves all prefetched       the slow start phase is:
Data packets, next Interest packets may be forwarded to the
ICN-PEP, and prefetch event will be launched. Second, this                        
                                                                       N s = ci         2i .                                       (2)
offline proxy configuration can provide better service con-
tinuity than the inline proxy services. By making use of
the name-based forwarfing, we can separate the PEP pro-           When ICN-PEP receives an Interest packet with segment
cessing from the normal forwarding processing. Even if            number 0, i.e., the consumer starts the slow start phase, it
ICN-PEP goes down with a node failure, it only loses the          requests the next N s Data packets instead of the consumer.
prefetch features, and consumer can continue to download          When s × N s is larger than the current available bandwidth,
contents. Therefore, our proposed offline proxy configura-          ICN-PEP should decrease N s . Detailed protocols for retriev-
tion for ICN-PEP can overcome issues of TCP-PEP, i.e., a          ing available bandwidth and adjusting N s to its value are our
scalability issue and a single point of failure of the system.    future works.

3.3   Acceleration Strategy                                       4.   Evaluation

In general, a congestion control scheme consists of two           4.1 Evaluation Environment
phases, i.e., the slow start and the congestion avoidance. In
this paper, we only focus on an acceleration strategy for the     We evaluated an ICN-PEP performance with both simula-
slow start phase since it requires several round trips to get     tion and experiments over the ICN global testbed. Fig-
enough congestion window and results in longer delay at           ure 5 shows the evaluation environment which we used in
LFN. In the congestion avoidance mode, congestion con-            the evaluation. This network topology consists of three
trol algorithm can rapidly recover the congestion window,         ICN routers at Japan and three ICN routers at Europe, and
and thus we put the strategy for this mode as out of focus        this is constructed on the global ICN testbed service named
in this paper. We assume the scenario where LFN link is a         CUTEi [20]. A link between routers in Osaka and Rome is
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

  Fig. 5    Evaluation environment constructed on the CUTEi testbed

Table 1    Consumer’s parameters for testbed and simulation environment
                                                                                      Fig. 6   Average goodput for content size
              Parameter            ndncatchunks    ConsumerPcon
          Initial congestion
                                             10                10
           window size ci
      Data packet payload size s      4000 byte         1024 byte
         # of consumers 1/α                   1                 4

an overseas link and we assume this as an LFN link. We
measured the average bandwidth and average RTT of each
link in the testbed which are illustrated in Fig. 5. We use
half of measured average RTT as the approximated value of
propagation delay d in this evaluation. We constructed and
used the same environment in the simulation.
      Consumers and producers were placed at Japan and Eu-
rope respectively, and ICN-PEP is installed on an ICN router
                                                                                      Fig. 7   Congestion window of a consumer
in Osaka. The consumer is standard implementation, nd-
ncatchunk for experiments and ConsumerPcon for simula-
tion evaluation on ndnSIM [21], without any modifications.                content than when downloading large content. When the
The number of prefetched Data packets N s is calculated by                content size is 20MB or larger, the slope of the graph is al-
Eqs. (1) and (2) with measured parameters, i.e., propagation              most equal. The gain is stable in this area, and it achieves
delay d = 0.1 sec the link capacity w = 50 Mbps, and con-                 about 35% gain with N s = 300.
sumer’s parameters shown in Table 1. The filling factor α                      Figure 7 shows the congestion window size of a con-
is the reciprocal of the flow number in evaluation scenario.              sumer which starts downloading at t = 2 sec. Without ICN-
Under these parameters, m and N s have the same value in                  PEP, it has to wait an elapse of 1 RTT for producer, i.e.,
both cases as follows:                                                    250 msec, to get each Data packet. On the contrary, as de-
                                                                          signed in Sect. 3.1, ICN-PEP provides the small RTT to the
      m = 4, N s = 300.
                                                                          consumer with the prefetched Data packets, and the con-
In order to investigate the influence of N s , various N s values,        sumer increases its congestion windows size rapidly. Al-
e.g. N s = 60 (m = 2), 620 (m = 5), are also used in the                  thogh N s = 60 is not enough to complete the slow start
following evaluation.                                                     phase, when we use N s = 300 or more, slow start phase
                                                                          is completed quickly. This is also reflected in the perfor-
4.2    Performance Analysis with Simulation                               mance difference shown in Fig. 6. With N s = 620, the aver-
                                                                          age goodput is lower than that of N s = 300. When N s = 620,
First, we evaluated the impact of N s for the performance of              the congestion window size exceeds the theoretical conges-
downloading content with simulation. The evaluated topol-                 tion window size ct , and the congestion is occurred by the
ogy and link parameters are the same as those shown in                    prefetched Data packets.
Fig. 5. Four consumers and four producers are connected                        Figure 8 shows the fairness among the four consumers.
to the edge routers in Japan and Europe, respectively. Two                We used Jain’s fairness index [22] obtained from
consumers start to download at t = 0 and the others start at                                      2
t = 2 sec. Each consumer downloads different content from                                            i xi
the different producers.                                                        Fairness Index = k 2 ,
                                                                                                  k i xi
      Figure 6 shows the average goodput of consumers with
various content size. ICN-PEP always improves the good-                   where k and xi are the number of consumers and the good-
put of communication. Especially when the content size is                 put of the consumer i, respectively. The fairness index is
small, the gain becomes large. This is because the ratio of               clearly reduced when N s = 620. This is because that the
slow-start phase duration is higher when downloading small                congestion occurred from too large congestion window, and
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

                         Fig. 8    Fairness index                             Fig. 9   Congestion window of a consumer in the experiment

      Table 2   Average download time until the start-up buffer is full
   Buffer size n           2 sec             5 sec            10 sec
                                                                         and with the number of prefetched Data packets N s . This
  w/o ICN-PEP          1944.2 ms         2998.5 ms         5139.4 ms
                                                                         result shows the benefit of ICN-PEP on the real LFN envi-
    ICN-PEP            1338.2 ms         2204.1 ms         4359.0 ms     ronment. Figure 9 shows the congestion window size at the
     (N s =60)         (−31.2%)          (−26.5%)          (−15.2%)      consumer, and it also shows the similar behavior to that in
    ICN-PEP            1158.6 ms         2092.2 ms         4181.0 ms     the simulation.
   (N s =300)          (−40.4%)          (−30.2%)          (−18.6%)
                                                                         5.   Discussion
consumers starting download at t = 2 sec could not increase              5.1 Avoiding Self-Induced Congestion at ICN-PEP
their congestion window sufficiently.
      The results of our evaluation clearly show that ICN-
                                                                         ICN-PEP introduces additional traffic into the network, and
PEP improves the communication performance on LFN, and
                                                                         we should carefully design not to cause severe congestion
that the acceleration strategy described in Sect. 3.3 can de-
                                                                         with prefetch. As designed in the Sect. 3.3, ICN-PEP ob-
termine the appropriate number of the prefetched Data pack-
                                                                         tains the information of available bandwidth of LFN link
ets N s .
                                                                         from the network node and performs prefetch when the
                                                                         prefetch data rate is within the available bandwidth. How-
4.3     Experiments of Realistic Use Case with CUTEi
                                                                         ever, even if ICN-PEP performs prefetch in consideration of
                                                                         the available bandwidth, burst traffic may create temporary
                                                                         congestion at the bottleneck link. To avoid temporary con-
As a realistic use case, we tried the PEP-enabled video                  gestion from the prefetch traffic itself, we add pacing feature
streaming experiments over the CUTEi testbed. In this                    to the ICN-PEP that takes advantage of the characteristics
experiment, we focus on reducing start-up delay of video                 of prefetch. ICN-PEP does not need to forward N Interest
streaming in order to improve user’s QoE with ICN-PEP. We                packets at once. As shown in the Fig. 10, the prefetch of N s
constructed a simple linear topology that connects one con-              Data packets should be finished within t2 +m×t1 . Therefore,
sumer at Tokyo, one ICN-PEP at Osaka, and one producer                   a last Interest packet for the prefetch should be forwarded
at Rome shown in Fig. 5. We used the video content that is               within m × t1 . By scheduling the forwarding Interest packets
open to the public at [23], and we fixed video resolution to             evenly, the prefetch traffic can be smoothed to
480p in order to ignore the influence of the rate adaptation.
The video content is divided into multiple fragmented files                       Ns
and stored on the producer. The consumer downloads these                         m × t1
fragmented files sequentially, and the video client starts to
play video after n files are downloaded in order to prevent              In our evaluation setting, where t1 = 10ms, m = 4, N s =
the video playback from stalling.                                        300, and payload size is 1 KB, prefetch data rate is 7.5
      We used ndnputchunks and ndncatchunks [17] as the                  Mbps. This rate is also used to determine whether prefetch
producer and the consumer, respectively. The start-up buffer              can be performed by comparing it to the available band-
size n is configured to increase robustness of video stream-             width.
ing in case of the throughput fluctuation. In this evalua-
tion, we used n = 2 sec (4 MB), 5 sec (10 MB) and 10 sec                 5.2 Analyzing Scalability and Requirement of ICN-PEP
(20 MB).
      Table 2 shows the average download time until the                  5.2.1     Scalability Analysis of ICN-PEP
start-up buffer is full. ICN-PEP can reduce the start-up de-
lay of video streaming around 15-40%. Although this result               As stated in the Sect. 3.2, scalability is one of the benefit
is slightly inferior to the simulation result, it shows almost           of ICN-PEP. To validate this benefit, we analyze the scal-
the same tendency on the relationship with the content size              ability and requirement of ICN-PEP. First, we describe the
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

                                                                           cording to the datasets of this paper, average number of
                                                                           name components is 4.65 and average component length is
                                                                           4.56 byte. Therefore, average name length of routable name
                                                                           is 21.204 byte. Even if we add the content name to the pre-
                                                                           fix, total size will be within the order of O(102 ) byte. When
                                                                           we allocate only the 100MB memory for storing name, it
                                                                           can support O(106 ) concurrent prefetch operations. Further-
                                                                           more, the duration of storing each name is limited. Since
                                                                           ICN-PEP flushes the stored names after forwarding all N s
Fig. 10   Required duration for storing prefetch Data packets at ICN-PEP   Interest packets, it only stores the names within m×t1 . These
                                                                           analyses show that ICN-PEP can perform prefetch in a scal-
                                                                           able manner.
            Table 3    Average processing time of ICN-PEP
                 Operation                   Average processing time
                                                                           5.2.2   Requirement of ICN-PEP’s Cache size
   Retrieve a name from an Interest packet          0.527 us
    Create a name for a prefetch segment            3.643 us
    Create an Interest packet for a name            1.331 us               ICN-PEP satisfies the users’ Interest packets from the
                                                                           prefetched Data packets stored in its cache. Therefore, if
                                                                           its cache size is too small, the prefetched Data packets may
detailed prefetch operation of ICN-PEP to clarify the bot-                 be replaced, and ICN-PEP cannot satisfy Interest packets.
tleneck which has impact on scalability. Upon received an                  However, the requirement can be relaxed since ICN-PEP
Interest packet, ICN-PEP first checks the name of received                 stores prefetched Data packets only for the limited duration
Interest packet and performs prefetch if it requests the initial           defined by the m × t1 (Fig. 10). Where m is the step number
Data packet. ICN-PEP stores the name of an Interest packet                 defined in 1 and t1 means a RTT from consumer to ICN-
which passed the above check and creates Interest packets                  PEP. The requirement of ICN-PEP’s cache size S c in byte
from stored name. According to the pacing schedule, ICN-                   can be roughly estimated as follows:
PEP creates and forwards an Interest packets sequentially.
                                                                                       m × t1 × L
Therefore, it is not required to create N Interest packets at                   Sc =
once and store them in memory. The forwarded Interest                                      8
packets and returned Data packets are stored in the Pending                where L means the link speed in bps which represents the
Interest Table (PIT) and Content Store (CS), respectively.                 maximum incoming traffic of ICN-PEP, and we use FIFO
These are all data structures that NDN routers have by de-                 for cache replacement logic. In the case where L = 40Gbps,
fault and will be expected to support the line-rate traffic in               t1 = 20ms, and m = 4, S c should be larger than 400 MB.
the commercial NDN router. Since they are not specific data                Therefore, ICN-PEP can be realized with reasonable mem-
structures of ICN-PEP, they are not the target of this scala-              ory size.
bility analysis. Therefore, in this scalability analysis, we
focus on the processing overhead of prefetch and memory                    5.3 Feasiblity of Consumer-Based Approach
consumption of storing name.
      First, we discuss the processing overhead of ICN-PEP.                5.3.1   Applying LFN-Specific Parameters
As designed in the Sect. 3.1, ICN-PEP works as an offline
proxy and does not require line-rate processing. Although                  In this paper, we focused on the middlebox-based approach,
this can relax the requirement of processing time, it is better            ICN-PEP, for improving performance at LFN. On the other
to have low processing delay for prefetch. We measured the                 hand, modification of congestion control parameters such
processing time of name-related operations of ICN-PEP. We                  as increasing initial congestion window size ci will be an
executed 500 iterations, and the average processing delay of               alternative approach. And this may work similar to exe-
each operation is shown in the Table 3. Although creating a                cute prefetch at the consumer. However, such approach has
new name is the most time-consuming operation, it only re-                 a fundamental challenge due to the communication princi-
quires 3.643 us. ICN-PEP generates a name and an Interest                  ple of ICN. In ICN, content can be delivered anywhere of
packet sequentially, it requires about 5 us in total. There-               the network, and the location of content is essentially un-
fore, ICN-PEP can support 200K pps prefetch traffic, which                   known to consumers. When the content is stored at the
is enough capacity in the current NDN implementation.                      nearby cache or server, setting large initial congestion win-
      Next, we discuss the memory consumption of storing                   dow yields too much traffic to network and results in unfair
name of an Interest packet. As shown in the Fig. 2, NDN                    bandwidth allocation.
name is constructed by the routable name, content name,                          To verify the feasibility of this approach, we evaluated
and protocol-dependent name. Although NDN name is de-                      the performance impact of initial congestion window size
fined to be variable length, we can estimate its length from               for downloading content over the both local and global net-
the current dataset. [24] estimates the length of routable                 work with simulation. We used the same network environ-
name from the trace data of URLs in current Internet. Ac-                  ment shown in Fig. 5 as the global network and used the
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

Fig. 11    Average goodput for various initial congestion window size ci            Fig. 13   Average goodput of CUBIC and AIMD

                                                                           5.3.2   Impact of Congestion Control Algorithm

                                                                           In the Sect. 4, we used a simple AIMD-based congestion
                                                                           control algorithm, but using congestion control algorithm
                                                                           which is more resilient to the LFN is also an alternative ap-
                                                                           proach. We evaluated the performance of CUBIC in our
                                                                           simulation to see the impact of congestion control algo-
                                                                           rithm. In TCP/IP, CUBIC is reported to achieve higher
                                                                           throughput in LFN [25]. We changed the consumer’s con-
                                                                           gestion control algorithm from AIMD to CUBIC and eval-
      Fig. 12   Fairness index for initial congestion window size ci
                                                                           uated the same scenario of Sect. 4.2 with simulation. Fig-
                                                                           ure 13 shows the average goodput of this simulation, and the
same one except the RTT between Osaka and Rome is 20                       results of AIMD are also plotted as a baseline. We can see
ms as the local network. The simulation scenario is almost                 that CUBIC with NDN can achieve higher throughput in the
same as one described in Sect. 4.2, i.e., two consumers start              LFN compared to the AIMD. When we disabled ICN-PEP,
downloading at t = 0 and others start downloading at t = 1                 CUBIC achieves almost 38% goodput improvement com-
sec. Figure 11 illustrates the impact of the initial congestion            pared to the AIMD. Moreover, we can see that ICN-PEP can
window size for the average goodput of downloading con-                    improve goodput of the CUBIC. CUBIC with N s = 300 can
tent. Although setting large initial congestion window can                 improve goodput around 9.9-72.3% compared to the CUBIC
increase the goodput in global network, it has negative effect              without ICN-PEP. ICN-PEP can provide more performance
on the goodput in local network. In the global network, in-                gain when downloading small content, and this is the same
crease speed of the congestion window size is very slow, and               trend in the Sect. 4.2.
setting large initial congestion window size can shorten the                    This result shows the possibility to improve the perfor-
time to get enough congestion window size for the available                mance in the LFN by using more sophisticated congestion
link capacity. However, in the local network, the congestion               control algorithms in NDN, such as CUBIC. However, even
window size increases rapidly, and the large initial conges-               if we use CUBIC, it takes several round-trips to get suffi-
tion window size creates aggressive traffic which results in                 cient congestion window in the longer RTT environment,
congestion and decreasing goodput. Figure 12 shows the                     and this results in lower goodput in the small content down-
fairness index of this evaluation. When we set ci ≥ 50, al-                load. ICN-PEP, which executes prefetch as an in-network
thogh fairness index is stable in the global communication,                function of LFN, can work complementarily with the so-
it starts to decrease in the local communication. And we                   phisticated algorithm. It can reduce download time even for
see relatively high average goodput in global communica-                   the small content download. By using ICN-PEP together
tion with ci = 30, but its low fairness index indicates that               with CUBIC, we can achieve higher goodput in download-
this is caused by the unfair bandwidth allocation.                         ing both small content and large content.
      As shown in the above results, setting large ci has nega-
tive performance impact in case of misuse for the local com-               5.4 Security Considerations of ICN-PEP
munication. Following the ICN principle, we can say that it
is hard for consumer to use parameters specific to the loca-               As shown in Sect. 3.1, ICN-PEP creates N Interest packets
tion of the content, which is unknown to the consumer. On                  for prefetch. When the segment numbers of generated Inter-
the contrary, our middlebox-based approach, ICN-PEP, can                   est packets are larger than the end of file, which is defined
perfectly identify the traffic for LFN, and it is more suitable              as finalSegmentNumber in NDN [18], these Interest packets
for ICN.                                                                   request non-existent Data packets. This causes redundant
ICN Performance Enhancing Proxies Intended to Mitigate Performance Degradation in Global Content Delivery

packet transmission which is known as DDoS attack in ICN,          showed about 35% goodput improvement on the simulation
interest flooding attack [26]. Since ICN producer responds         and 15 - 40% reduction in video buffering time on the real
such Interest packets with NACK packets, this does not cre-        testbed. This study shows the feasibility and usefulness of
ate any wrong states at ICN routers. However, this yields          ICN-PEP.
additional processing at producer and routers, and thus we
should avoid such occasion as much as possible.                    References
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                         Kazuaki Ueda           received the B.E. degree
                         in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and the
                         M.E. degree in Informatics from Kyoto Univer-
                         sity, Japan in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He
                         joined KDDI Corp. in 2013. He is currently
                         a research engineer at Future Communication
                         System Laboratory, KDDI Research, Inc. His
                         research interests include Information-Centric
                         Networking and emerging network protocols.

                         Atsushi Tagami             received the M.E.
                         and Ph.D degrees in Computer Science from
                         Kyushu University, Japan in 1997 and 2010, re-
                         spectively. He joined KDDI R&D Laborato-
                         ries Inc. in 1997, where he has been engaged
                         in research and development on Performance
                         Measurement of Communication Networks and
                         Overlay Networking. He is currently a senior
                         manager at Future Communication System Lab-
                         oratory of KDDI Research, Inc. He received the
                         Excellent Paper Award from IEICE in 2015.
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