Page created by Marshall Miles
National Research Programme for Environmental and
                                    Occupational Health
                                   2020 Call for Projects

                            Deadline for submitting letters of intent: 20 December 2019
                          Deadline for submitting the complete proposals: 26 March 2020

                        Note that in case of difference between English and French version,
                                             the latter is the correct one

      The French National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR-
      EST) is financed by ANSES with funds from the Ministries of the Environment, Agriculture and
      Labour, and also involves several co-funding partners1, including ADEME and ITMO Cancer
      from the AVIESAN alliance, with funds managed by INSERM. It also benefits from funds under
      the Ecophyto II Plan. For this 2020 call for research projects, the Ministry of the Environment
      has once again allocated additional funds dedicated to projects on endocrine disruptors.
      Moreover, further financing from the Ministry of the Environment will fund projects on the health
      effects of radiofrequencies.

      The French National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health
      (PNR-EST) promotes the production of knowledge in support of public policymaking for
      environmental and occupational health and safety, and disseminates this knowledge to
      stakeholders. This programme has a leading role in fostering interactions within the scientific
      community, which helps ANSES mobilise researchers for its collective expert assessments of
      health risks.

      This programme organises calls for research projects. Two calls will be funded in 2020: this
      one, of a general nature, covering a wide area and including, for the third year running, a
      budget devoted to research on endocrine disruptors; and a second call dedicated to the theme
      “radiofrequencies and health”.

      This call for research projects (CRP) is issued each year to motivate scientific communities in
      the fields of environmental and occupational health to develop new methods and tools at all
      stages of the risk assessments for health or ecosystems, particularly in order to document
      research issues raised by the relevant ministries and government agencies. Particular
      interest is given to research topics whose results can be used rapidly by public
      policymakers and will lead to sustainable progress in the area of human health, in the general
      population or in the workplace, or in the quality of different ecosystems. These research
      projects should be able to contribute to a better understanding of issues that are now identified
      as critical and important: those of multiple exposure, the exposome, impacts related to climate
      change, biodiversity, and the improvement of risk assessment methods.

      Research projects are selected based on their originality and scientific quality and should
      strengthen knowledge, in particular, on critical points in the assessment or management of

          This funding scheme plays a significant role in determining the way projects are selected, with regard to the
           criterion “impact on public policies”. Project managers are advised to consult Annex I.

      PNR-EST 2020                                                                                             Page 1
risks to health or ecosystems, with the ultimate goal being to inform decision-makers in support
   of public policymaking in the field.

   At the national level, this call for research projects supplements other calls published in 2019
   or for 2020. These include:
             ANR calls for projects (see the 2020 ANR action plan)
             Ecophyto calls for projects
             ADEME calls for projects:
             ADEME calls for research projects (CRPs): https://www.ademe.fr/en/research-and-
              - IMPACTS, impact of interactions between pollutants on humans and their
                environment: second edition planned for the second half of 2020
              - GRAINE – managing, producing and making use of biomass – with a component on
                environmental impacts: issued at the beginning of October 2019
              - CO3, co-construction of knowledge for ecological and supportive transition
                (participatory action research scheme): call open until 25/10/2019 with an
                environmental health topic
              - PRIMEQUAL on air quality, climate change and energy: call open until 8/11/2019
              - AQACIA, improving air quality: understanding, innovating, acting (new CRP on air,
                replacing PRIMEQUAL, CORTEA and AACT’AIR R&D): to be issued in June 2020
              - Call for thesis applications: scheduled to open in the first quarter of 2020

   The programme concerns the assessment and analysis of environmental risks to
   human health, in the general population or in the workplace, as well as risks to
   ecosystems or to the quality of different environments.

              It encourages researchers to include concepts, methods and tools from different
               disciplines within the same approach: biological and health sciences (genetics, cellular
               and molecular biology, physiology, immunology, epidemiology, neurosciences, etc.),
               physical and chemical sciences (biochemistry, materials science, agrochemistry,
               biophysics, industrial chemistry, microchemistry, atmospheric physico-chemistry, etc.),
               engineering sciences (especially those concerning radiation, noise, measurement
               systems, etc.), environmental sciences (ecology, geosciences, ecotoxicology, etc.),
               toxicology, microbiology, human and social sciences (ergonomics, sociology,
               economics, demographics, analysis of public policies, law, health geography, urban
               planning, etc.).
              Social phenomena related to health, whether in the occupational (organisation of work)
               or general environment, are also a significant part of the Environmental and
               Occupational Health Programme. The call strongly encourages proposals that
               establish links between a biological and/or health and/or environmental approach, and
               one based on socio-economics, geography, urbanism, or drawing on the political
              The scope of the CRP covers a wide range of risks from emerging risks through to
               known risks, including complex risks that are still scientifically controversial. The
               themes covered by the CRP in 2020 are listed in Annex 2. Each of them is accompanied


   PNR-EST 2020                                                                                 Page 2
by a list of research questions that potential users of the research work can refer to
            during risk assessment or development of risk management measures.

  Proposals will be designed as research projects with a clearly identified goal and duration. This
  excludes projects that may only appear as contributions to larger research programmes and
  projects without specific deliverables identified under the terms of the work.
  These research projects may be conducted by a single team or a consortium involving several
  partners. Each team shall have a clearly identified scientific leader. The project shall be
  presented as a single proposal, with its manager being the scientist in charge of one of the
  teams. Funding is requested to complete the study or project. The rules are set out in Annex

  Two types of research projects are expected:

  Feasibility studies:
  Their purpose is to explore an innovative approach whose feasibility has not yet been
       Funding shall not exceed €50,000.
       The maximum duration for such a study will be two years.
  Complete projects:
  These rely on an established methodological approach so that there is a reasonable level of
  assurance that the objectives will be met.
      Financial support will lie between €40,000 and €200,000. It can exceed these limits
        under exceptional circumstances if this is required by the project's nature, and provided
        the request is justified.
      The duration for a complete project will be between two and three years.

  The selection procedure relies on two committees:
           The research programme’s scientific committee (RPSC). It is made up of renowned
            researchers, who will assess the scientific value of the submitted projects.
           The programme’s steering committee (COPR). It is made up of sponsors3 and
            ministries involved in the scope covered by the call, as well as the ANR. The steering
            committee chooses the projects to be funded from the list drawn up by the scientific

  The selection process will be divided into two stages as defined below:
           an initial selection on the basis of letters of intent,
           a second selection based on complete applications, from among the shortlisted letters
            of intent.

      As defined in Annex 1

  PNR-EST 2020                                                                              Page 3
The submission timetable and procedures are described in Section IX.

  Stage 1: Selection based on the letters of intent
  Letters of intent that do not meet the eligibility criteria defined in Section VI will not be
  evaluated. The scientific committee will assess the letters of intent. This will take into account
  the scientific assessment criteria defined in Section VII. Members of the steering committee
  may also be consulted regarding the third assessment criterion and the closeness of the project
  to their priorities. Special attention should be paid to the quality of the letters of intent, which
  need to contain enough information, in a small amount of space, to allow the scientific
  committee to evaluate the relevance of the proposal. Only proposals whose letters of intent
  are shortlisted will be eligible to submit a complete application.

  Stage 2: Selection based on the complete applications
  To be eligible, complete proposals must meet all of the eligibility criteria described in Section
  VI. Applications that do not meet all of these criteria will not be evaluated. The projects will
  then go through the following selection process:

      1. Collective scientific assessment of the projects by the scientific committee, on the basis
         of the opinions of at least two independent experts per project, according to the criteria
         described in Section VII. A list of projects will then be submitted to the steering

      2. Collective opinion of the steering committee on the projects selected by the scientific
         committee, according to the criteria described in Section VII. This collective opinion
         also takes into account the budgets and priorities of the sponsors concerned, which
         are highlighted in the research questions in Annex 2. The steering committee can also
         give advice on appropriateness of requested funds with regard to the planned tasks.
         Under exceptional circumstances, it may recommend project modifications or even
         consolidation to incorporate several approaches or disciplines likely to improve the
         project’s overall quality and relevance in relation to the programme’s objectives.

      3. The final decision to support a project is made by the funding entities. The list of
         selected projects and the sponsors’ identities is published at the end of the selection
         process on the ANSES website.

  A project’s eligibility will be examined at both selection stages, firstly through the letter of intent
  and secondly through the complete application, on the basis of the information that is available
  at each stage. Research projects must meet the same conditions at each stage:

  Proposal characteristics

      1. The projects must fall within the research domain covered by the call as defined in
         Section III.
      2. The proposals’ characteristics must be compatible with those listed in Section IV.
      3. The project must not contain actions that have already been funded under another call
         for projects. If there is any ambiguity, project managers should describe which parts of
         the project interact with other sources of funding.

  PNR-EST 2020                                                                                    Page 4
Conditions regarding the participating teams

        1. The partnership must be clearly identified at the letter of intent stage.

        2. This call for projects is open to all research teams, irrespective of the institution to which
           they belong4 (higher education and research establishments, research organisations,
           other public establishments with a research mission, technical centres, private
           establishments with R&D activity, etc.). Partners other than research teams are
           welcome insofar as their added value in the project has clearly been established.

        3. The project must involve one French academic partner (higher education and research
           establishments, research organisations, other public establishments with a research

        4. The call for research projects is open to foreign teams or to teams from international
           organisations. To facilitate foreign partnerships and the independent appraisal of
           projects, the text of the CRP is available in English on the ANSES website and
           applicants are encouraged to write their proposals in English.

        5. A scientific committee member cannot hold any management role in a project (scientific
           leader of any team involved in the research project).

   Administrative conditions
        1. Letters of intent and complete applications must be submitted in accordance with the
           procedures listed in Section IX. They must contain all of the requested information and
           be submitted by the deadline.

        2. The project must be authorised by the institutional leader of the coordinating research
           team and signed by the manager of each partner team.

   A project will be examined at both selection stages, through a letter of intent and then a
   complete application, on the basis of the information that is available at each stage. The
   selection criteria are as follows:

   Letter of intent stage

   Letters of intent are reviewed according to the following four criteria:

       1) The subject’s scientific significance for the research topics of environmental health
          and/or occupational health and/or risks for ecosystems. Impact on French public
       2) Scientific novelty: proposals shall be justified with regard to research undertaken at
          French, European and international levels.
       3) Connection to research questions. The considerations mentioned in the “Research
          questions” annex will play an important role in the prioritisation of projects, particularly
          by the steering committee.

       Regarding the eligibility of ANSES teams, refer to the recommendation of its Ethics Committee

   PNR-EST 2020                                                                                   Page 5
4) Methodological quality, in particular, relevance of the choice of methods and scientific

    Complete application stage

    Projects are assessed based on the following criteria:

        1) The subject’s scientific significance for the research topics of environmental health
           and/or occupational health and/or risks for ecosystems. Impact on French public
        2) Scientific novelty: proposals shall be justified with regard to research undertaken at
           French, European and international levels.
        3) Connection to research questions. The considerations mentioned in the “Research
           questions” annex will play an important role in the prioritisation of projects, particularly
           by the steering committee.
        4) Methodological quality, in particular, relevance of the choice of methods and scientific
        5) Organisational and partnership excellence (the project must include a provisional
           project timetable).
        6) Consortium excellence. Scientific output of the applicants, in particular of the
           coordinator, distribution of activities among teams.
        7) Appropriateness of the project length and allocated resources (financial request, human
           investments). Quality of the supervision of non-permanent staff.
        8) For projects that could be the subject of scientific controversy, measures adopted to
           ensure the quality of the results (e.g. traceability of data, presence of information that
           could be used to reproduce experiments or analyse data, inter-partner trials, multiple
           points of view held by partners, involvement of stakeholders in methodological design,
           participatory sciences, etc.).

    The funding terms for the selected projects will be specified in the agreement between the
    sponsor and the coordinator's establishment (or the establishments involved in the project, in
    the event of funding by ADEME). The main rules are listed in Annex 3.

    For all funding parties, in exchange for financial support, the research teams shall:
     Commit to participate in actions to promote the results obtained during and/or at the end
       of the project (publications in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at conferences
       organised by the sponsor, contribution to summary reports, etc.).
     For complete projects, supply a mid-term report and, in all cases, at the end of the project,
       a final report and a popular scientific summary that can be used by ANSES and the
       sponsor in their missions.
       Mention the support provided by the National Research Programme for Environmental and
        Occupational Health and the sponsor on appropriate occasions, in particular in
        publications, as stipulated in the agreement.

    Considerable importance is attached to the rigour with which the scientific project manager
    leads the project, which means that the contractual commitments for the timing of deliverables
    should be fully respected.

    PNR-EST 2020                                                                                Page 6
  Letters of intent must be submitted online by the scientific project managers no later than 20
  December 2019 at noon (12:00), French time. Projects shall be submitted using the
  Research and Scientific Watch (“Recherche et Veille”) platform available via the websites
  of ANSES and the co-sponsors of the call for projects. The platform will be operational at the
  beginning of November 2019.

  Important: The project manager should carefully read the eligibility rules listed in this
  call for projects, including at the letters of intent stage.
  All compulsory sections must be completed before the deadline. Incomplete applications will
  not be considered. Applicants are therefore advised to prepare in advance.

  The letters of intent will then be evaluated and the result (“authorised to submit a complete
  project or not”) will be sent to the project manager by email.

  For those whose letters of intent are shortlisted, complete applications must be submitted by
  the scientific project managers:

             1) Online, on the same platform, no later than 26 March 2019 at noon (12:00), French
                time. Acknowledgement of receipt of electronic applications will be automatically
                sent to the project managers. All compulsory sections must be completed before
                the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applicants are advised
                to prepare in advance.

             2) By sending ANSES the certificate published by the platform after the application
                has been submitted. One printed copy5 of this certificate, with all the required
                signatures, must be sent by post no later than 18 May 2020 at midnight (00:00),
                to the following address:

                      APR EST 2020
                      14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
                      F-94701 MAISONS-ALFORT Cedex, France

                                                Provisional key dates

      November 2019                   Opening of the call
      Beginning of November           Opening of the platform for letters of intent
      20 December 2020 at             Deadline for submitting letters of intent
      February 2020                   Dissemination of the first selection results, based on the letters of
                                      intent, to project managers
      26 March 2020 at noon           Deadline for submitting the complete proposals
      18 May 2020 at                  Deadline for returning certificates

      Coordinators are advised to gather all signatures on a single certificate. Nevertheless, one copy per signature will
       be accepted, in the event of difficulty. Scanned signatures are not accepted.

  PNR-EST 2020                                                                                                    Page 7
End of September 2020        Transmission of the steering committee’s results on final selection to
                                  the project managers

 Members of the Research Programme's scientific committee, as well as experts consulted for
 the scientific evaluation of projects, are subject to strict confidentiality regarding the content of
 the projects submitted to the call.

 Sponsors and state agencies serving on the programme steering committee are bound to strict
 confidentiality on the content of submitted projects. For mapping purposes or to manage
 multiple funding requests, however, they may share information on the laboratories or
 organisations active in the research topics covered by this call for projects.

 For projects that could potentially be funded by Ecophyto, this plan's “Research and
 innovation” scientific committee will be consulted by the ministries responsible for the plan for
 a final funding decision (see Section V - SELECTION PROCEDURE).

 For projects not selected for funding, the files will remain confidential.

 For projects selected for funding, the research content will be kept confidential. However,
 ANSES will publish the summary of the project as submitted to this call for projects, and the
 name of the partners. In addition, each funding organisation that has signed the agreement
 with the managing organisation appointed by the project coordinator may use this work for its
 internal needs according to the terms defined in the agreement signed with the project
 manager. Finally, the scientific reports issued on completion of the work will be submitted to
 the reviewers, who therefore have access to their content.

 All publications resulting from funded projects will be deposited on an open archive platform
 as required in the long term by national guidelines on open science, while complying with the
 rules on intellectual property (literary and artistic property and industrial property), and the
 confidentiality rules inherent in research. This will be specified as necessary in the agreement.

     For all questions or requests for administrative or scientific information, please contact the CRP

     Scientific issues             Laetitia Dubois     recherche@anses.fr
     Administrative issues         Delphine Lascar     recherche@anses.fr +33 (0)1 56 29 18 88
                                   Aurélie Pajon       recherche@anses.fr +33 (0)1 56 29 52 86

 PNR-EST 2020                                                                                         Page 8
ANNEX 1: Sponsors
      ANSES and its co-funding partners for the call for projects are seeking to implement their
      research priorities in a common framework, thereby improving this programme's visibility and
      transparency to the relevant scientific communities.

 I.      ANSES
      The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety is an
      administrative public establishment accountable to the French Ministers of Health, Agriculture,
      the Environment, Labour and Consumer Affairs.
      Its principal mission is to contribute to the protection of human health with respect to the
      environment, the workplace and food. It also helps to ensure:
           - protection of animal health and welfare;
           - protection of plant health;
           - assessment of the nutritional and functional properties of foods.
      Lastly, it conducts missions relating to veterinary medicinal products.
      ANSES undertakes independent and pluralistic scientific expert appraisals. Moreover, in
      its area of expertise, the Agency defines, implements and funds scientific and technical
      research programmes, particularly through the National Research Programme for
      Environmental and Occupational Health (PNR-EST). These research programmes contribute
      to its missions in the areas described below.
      In the field of environmental health, ANSES assesses the impact of the environment on health,
      so as to better identify health risks associated with pollution of the living environment (air,
      water, soil) or with physical agents (fields and waves). The Agency therefore intervenes on
      major issues (exposure to biological, chemical and physical agents, electromagnetic fields,
      cancer and the environment, etc.) in order to provide society and the public authorities with the
      latest scientific knowledge at all times.
      In the field of occupational health, ANSES's primary mission is to provide the authorities with
      the information needed for making decisions on occupational risk prevention and to support
      the main public policies in this area. The Agency provides scientific knowledge useful for the
      formulation of national and European regulations, and develops reference values to protect
      Since 1 January 2018, ANSES has been entrusted with providing expertise in risk assessment
      and scientific and technical support in the field of vectors, at the request of the Ministries of
      Health and Agriculture. A number of research projects on this topic may be funded by the PNR-
      EST as part of the support provided by the Directorate General for Food on the "vector control"
      theme, primarily in the fields of animal and plant health.

      The Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition allocates part of its research budget to the
      research programme managed by ANSES. The PNR-EST is the descendant of the
      Environment & Health programme that was launched by the Ministry of the Environment and
      delegated to AFSSE when it was created in 2002. This budget gives the programme a broad
      spectrum in the field of environmental health. In addition to ANSES's missions, the Ministry of
      Ecological and Inclusive Transition also aims to address emerging issues in the field of

      PNR-EST 2020                                                                              Page 9
research, to anticipate and act in support of the ministry's public policies. ANSES's programme
   and activities for the coordination and application of the research it undertakes contribute to
   this objective.
   The Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition is a major contributor to the funding of this
   call for projects on many issues. Its choices are determined by its scope of action. The
   Ministry's responsibilities include health risks related to chemical and physical agents, as well
   as risks to ecosystems. On the other hand, it does not deal with contamination through food
   and drinking water.
   Furthermore, this Ministry manages other programmes that are subjected to regular calls for
   projects in the environmental health field on more targeted themes, to broaden work on these
   issues and help structure the scientific community in this field. In particular, the PRIMEQUAL6
   programme on air quality is implemented by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition
   (Research Division of the General Commission for Sustainable Development) and ADEME. It
   aims to provide decision-makers and environmental risk managers with the necessary
   scientific background and tools to monitor and improve indoor and outdoor air quality, in order
   to reduce health and environmental risks.

   The Ministry of Labour has made research in occupational health one of its priority areas,
   through its 2016-2020 Occupational Health Plan. It aims to mobilise the scientific community
   on research questions related to occupational risk assessment for worker health.
   As a co-funding partner of the environmental and occupational health research programme led
   by ANSES since 2005, the Ministry of Labour aims, through the research questions it proposes,
   to deepen and extend knowledge of factors that impair the physical or mental health of workers,
   and better prevent health risks in the workplace.
   The priority themes that can be financed in response to the research questions for the 2020
   call are studies that aim to:
       •   identify/evaluate toxicological mechanisms that are still little known but have a high
           probability of occurrence in an occupational context (example: multi-exposure);
       •   identify/evaluate occupational health risks that are known or emerging but in sectors that
           are not well documented (for example: the non-auditory effects of noise for workers
           exposed via their workplaces, the exposure of workers to low frequencies, or a chemical
           agent that has not yet been widely studied in the context of occupational risks);
       •   develop innovative analytical techniques to facilitate/clarify the monitoring of occupational
           exposure (e.g. new biomarkers for medical monitoring);
       •   develop innovative techniques to facilitate/clarify the prevention of occupational health
           risks (examples: substitution of chemical agents, new collection systems, etc.);
       •   develop knowledge on the health impacts of new technologies, new forms of work
           organisation, situations of insecurity, gender-based work situations, etc.;
       •   develop knowledge on socio-cultural barriers to acceptance of and compliance with the
           regulations, for the sake of effective prevention, by employers as well as employees,
           especially in micro-businesses and SMEs.

       Inter-organisational research programme for better local air quality

   PNR-EST 2020                                                                                 Page 10
  The Ministries of Agriculture, the Environment, Health and Research are jointly running the
  Ecophyto Plan, which aims to reduce the use of plant protection products and the associated
  risks and impacts, in line with qualitative, quantitative, economic and technical production
  requirements. It also mobilises the Ministries responsible for the Overseas Territories and
  Consumer Affairs.
  The Ecophyto Plan is funded in part by the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB) with a share
  of the diffuse pollution fee levied by water agencies on the sale of plant protection products.
  The AFB's financial support for certain projects selected in this call will depend on the
  resources planned in 2020 for this plan’s theme dedicated to research and innovation.

      As part of the National Research and Innovation Strategy (SNRI) developed at the end of
      2016, for the implementation of this theme, priority research needs have been identified, aimed
      at producing knowledge on plant protection products, to help reduce their use and prevent
      their impacts (see the Ecophyto II National Research and Innovation Strategy -

      The research may address the particularities of the French overseas territories.

  In the case of substances that have been withdrawn from the market, the choice of
  compound(s) must be justified (persistence in the environment, public health benefits, etc.).

V.       ADEME
  The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) is a public establishment
  under the joint authority of the Ministries of Ecology and Higher Education and Research. It
  implements public policies related to the environment, energy and sustainable development.
  ADEME makes its expert assessment and consulting capacities available to businesses, local
  and state authorities, and the general public and helps them fund projects in various areas
  (waste management, soil conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, air quality)
  and make progress with regard to sustainable development. ADEME’s activities aim to offer
  prioritised responses to offset the impact of environmental nuisances. They lead to the
  promotion of novel practices and new economically and socially acceptable processes. The
  social acceptance of projects largely depends on the safety to health and the environment of
  the solutions that are recommended or implemented.
  ADEME’s mission therefore includes assessing the environmental and health risks related to
  new technologies and development projects in its areas of expertise.
  In addition, the Agency issues calls for projects related to the social and environmental health
  impacts of human activities. In particular, it manages the research programmes IMPACTS
  (Impact of interactions between pollutants on humans and their environment), GRAINE
  (Managing, producing and making use of biomass), CO3 (Co-construction of knowledge for
  ecological and supportive transition), Modeval-Urba (Modelling, urban cooling and assessment
  for stakeholders of the cities and regions of tomorrow) and TEES (Ecological, economic and
  social transitions), as well as the new CRP on air, AQACIA (Improving air quality:
  understanding, innovating, acting).

  PNR-EST 2020                                                                               Page 11
  The National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health (AVIESAN) has entrusted the Multi-Agency
  Thematic Institutes (ITMOs) with coordinating the national research operators. Nine ITMOs are
  currently operational, including the Multi-Agency Thematic Institute for Cancer (ITMO Cancer
  The goal of ITMO Cancer Aviesan is to bring together the research teams working on cancer
  pathologies, regardless of their affiliation. Its purpose is to propose concrete actions to improve
  the performance and competitiveness of French research, to ensure effective coordination
  between all the organisations and institutions involved in cancer research, to stimulate debate
  and facilitate interdisciplinary exchanges in the cancer community. It was responsible or jointly
  responsible for the implementation of 17 actions of the Cancer Plan III (2014-2019) including
  Action 12.5: “Develop observation and monitoring and improve knowledge about cancers
  related to environmental exposure in the general population”.
  ITMO Cancer Aviesan works in partnership with the actors of the various cancer research
  organisations in order to:
         develop a national strategic vision in the field of cancer
         develop innovative and ambitious projects meeting a real scientific or medical need
         organise cross-cutting contacts between thematic areas
         coordinate the action of public research actors, particularly research organisations,
          universities, university hospitals and funding agencies
         work to improve the value of research by facilitating interactions and partnerships with
          industry and patient organisations
         make French research more visible and attractive on the European and international
  ITMO Cancer Aviesan is therefore a facilitator of cross-cutting debate and actions.
  As part of the PNR-EST call for projects, ITMO Cancer Aviesan is likely to finance, with funds
  managed by INSERM, studies that deal with the identification, mechanisms of action, effects
  and ways to protect against the risk factors of cancer (chemical, physical, biological or
  behavioural) in the private or professional sphere.

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ANNEX 2: Research questions
This annex provides a list of research questions in relation to which the research projects should be
defined. These research questions should be understood as relevant to the area covered by the call as
defined in Section III. Their order does not reflect any priority. However, within some themes, the
questions in red are regarded as priorities. Applicants are also advised to refer to Annex 1
presenting the sponsors.

                                         Physical agents
  Noise pollution

  1. Evaluation of extra-auditory effects for the general population and/or workers.
  2. Assessment of auditory effects due to occupational exposure to low-frequency and high-intensity
  3. Evaluation of the health benefits of noise control measures.

  Non-ionising radiation

  1. Investigation of the impact of new energy technologies on general population exposure (e.g.
     wind turbines, smart grid, electric vehicles, etc.).
  2. Characterisation of workers' exposure to solar UV radiation: identification of the industry sectors
     concerned, quantification of individual exposure and assessment of the health impact.
  3. Characterisation of workers' exposure to artificial optical radiation (wavelength between 100
     nanometres and 1 millimetre).
  4. Characterisation of exposure to electromagnetic fields (from static to 8 kHz) and possible
     association with disease occurrence.

  Light pollution

   1. Characterisation of exposure and impacts of light pollution for the general population and the

                                 Fibres and nanomaterials
  Mineral fibres

  1. Measurement protocols, assessing exposure and health effects of elongate mineral particles of
     interest (EMPi as defined by ANSES).
  2. Short asbestos fibres: mechanisms of action, biopersistence, genotoxicity and studies of
     occupational exposure.
  3. Characterisation of workers' exposure to asbestos fibres in the case of underground work sites
     (tunnelling) passing through veins of asbestos ores, or in cases of potentially asbestos-bearing
     mines and quarries.
  4. Comparison of emissivity between chrysotile-containing materials and amphibole-containing
     materials, particularly of the amosite type.

PNR-EST 2020                                                                                    Page 13
Nanomaterials and nanoparticles

 1. Distribution and fate, in environmental compartments, of nanomaterials to which the general
    population and living organisms are exposed.
 2. Emission potential of nanoproducts under normal or predictable conditions of use.
 3. Assessment of human exposure (including via the oral route) to manufactured nanomaterials
    (measurement, modelling), taking the whole product lifecycle into account.
 4. Ecotoxicology and toxicology of nanomaterials. Methodological research, reference methods,
    reference materials. Comparison of studies.

  Studies may be based on a variety of data: clinical, biological, behavioural and socio-economic.

  1. Study of cancer risks related to environmental and/or occupational exposure to potentially
     carcinogenic substances (including a “lifelong” approach).
  2. Effects on humans and the environment of low doses of CMR agents (Categories 1A and 1B of
     the CLP Regulation) and/or cumulative exposure.
  3. Identification of environmental or occupational risk factors for cancer.
  4. Gene/environment/behavioural interactions.
  5. Development of cost/benefit quantification methods applied to the prevention and/or
     management of cancer.
  6. Identification and/or validation of biomarkers to assess risks in environmental or occupational
     exposure situations.

                                           Chemical agents
 This topic encompasses all chemical agents (including plant protection products): substances authorised on
 their own or in formulation, metabolites and degradation products, and substitutes for substances that are
 prohibited or whose use is restricted. It also covers all compartments likely to be impacted by these chemical
 agents: aquatic environments, soil, air, foodstuffs, consumer goods, etc.
 However, research on prohibited substances shall be justified: major challenges related to persistent
 compounds in the environment, scientific contributions to anticipate the management of other compounds, etc.

 1. Effects on ecosystems and human health: in particular low-dose effects, cocktail effects.
 2. Quantification of exposure levels in the general population and for vulnerable or sensitive
    populations. Development of methods for measuring biological concentrations in populations
    exposed to chemicals.
 3. Impacts of exposure to chemical substances in the workplace, particularly multi-exposure or
    cumulative exposure to chemicals and other types of nuisances (physical, biological, stress,
 4. In vitro and in vivo animal models: development of global “cocktail effect” indicators for assessing
    the toxicity of substance mixtures for chronic exposure assessment. Identification of sentinel
    species for the impacts of chemical pollution.

PNR-EST 2020                                                                                           Page 14
5. Assessment of the effectiveness of preventive measures for contaminants posing a risk to
    human health and biodiversity.
 6. Support for the optimisation of assessment protocols for chemical substances: improvement of
     methods, especially in terms of speed, while maintaining the representativeness of impacts on
     human health and ecosystems.

                                       Endocrine disruptors
 Research questions on endocrine disruptors will focus on the health or environmental impacts, in the general
 or occupational population, of all substances for which such an effect is suspected or proven: phthalates, flame
 retardants, cosmetics, drug residues, plant protection products.
 Research on compounds that are still authorised will be given greater attention.

 1. Development of methods for investigating mechanisms of action (including epigenetic).
 2. Study of modes of action with a view to identifying possible endocrine disruption related to the
    development of metabolic and hormonal diseases, including from the perspective of
    trans/intergenerational effects.
 3. Study of low-dose toxicity and dose-response relationships.
 4. Study of cocktail effects (especially for mixtures of chemicals in the same class).
 5. Development of biomarkers of exposure and/or effects for known or suspected endocrine-
    disrupting substances.
 6. Studies on exposure levels and risk assessment for workers (direct exposure) and for the
    general population (direct and indirect exposure, for example via food), in particular for
    vulnerable or sensitive populations (children, pregnant women, people with diseases, etc.).
 7. Construction of tools to link biomonitoring and exposure assessment; determination of possible
    critical exposure windows.

                                          Biological agents
 1. Exposure of the general population and/or workers to bioaerosols and to various biological
    agents (micro-organisms, toxins, viruses, pathogenic bacteria). Behaviour of pathogens in
    various compartments of the environment, particularly aquatic environments, and potential
    effects on human health.
 2. Associations between biological agents and disease (cancer and respiratory or skin

PNR-EST 2020                                                                                             Page 15
Human and social sciences approaches to health7 and
                             environmental risks
     Particular attention will be paid by the scientific committee to the presence and quality of projects with an HSS
     team (coordinator or partner).

     1. Citizen contributions (knowledge of laypersons, whistleblowers, scientific watch, vigilance
        schemes, use of open data, participatory research):
         to expert appraisal processes and to the production of environmental health knowledge,
         to processes for managing health and environmental crises.
     2. Lobbying and interest groups in the production of standards and in risk governance.
     3. Strengths and limitations of risk information and communication activities and mechanisms.
     4. Factors of unequal exposure to environmental and health risks including the impact of situations
        of insecurity (e.g. posted workers, temporary workers) on occupational health and
        understanding of the different physiological impacts of work situations depending on gender.
     5. Social networks, public mobilisation and risk representation.
     6. Socio-cultural and socio-economic barriers to acceptance of and compliance with the
        regulations on risk prevention (in particular by employers and employees, especially in micro-
        businesses and SMEs).
     7. Health impact and prevention issues associated with new technologies and new forms of work
     8. Regimes for producing and validating scientific knowledge and controversies in the governance
        of health and environmental risks.
     9. Impacts of economic and organisational factors (intra- and inter-company, such as the “safe by
        design” approach) on the consideration of health dimensions in product manufacture (exposure
        of workers) and marketing (exposure of consumers).
     10. The place of health and environmental issues in innovation strategies and in corporate social
         responsibility policies. Approaches and methodologies for socio-economic analysis of health
         and environmental impacts, particularly in the field of the circular economy and recycling.
     11. Law and risks (including focus on the protection of whistleblowers).

                          Environmental media and contamination
     Emerging contaminants

     1. Case of micro-plastics: metrology of micro-plastics in various environmental compartments (soil,
        air, aquatic environments, biotope, etc.); characterising the dynamics of micro-plastics between
        these various compartments; associated risks to humans and the environment.
     2. Emerging issues: chemical, physical and biological risks to humans and the environment,
        exposure characterisation.

    HSS questions can also be addressed under other sections.

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  1. Assessment of exposure and of the risks associated with hazardous chemical pollutants,
     pathogens and particles in air:
     - in poorly studied places (shops, offices, means of transport),
     - near sources of emissions (highways, ports, airports, agricultural activities, etc.).
  2. For emerging pollutants (as defined by ANSES): fate and health impacts of particles emitted by
     transport and their inclusion in air pollution models.
  3. Studies or development of tools to identify the effect of airborne contaminants – particularly
     allergenic – in the workplace.
  4. Relevant indicators for assessing chronic and/or cumulative exposure to air pollution


  1. Exposure to waste and its effects on ecosystems and health in the general population and at
     work, regardless of the study environment (marine waste, soil, fresh water, etc.).
  2. Health and environmental risks during the waste lifecycle:
     - related to the practice of local composting,
     - associated with the presence of contaminants in recycled waste.

        Vectors, climate change and health: Management measures

 Vectors and vector control
 1. Vectors and animal or plant health, vectors and human health: biology, ecology, vector
    distribution, host-pathogen relationships, vector surveillance, detection (pathogen-pathogenicity
    relationships; sentinel vectors, etc.), differential exposure, resistance.
 2. Vector control: new active substances and biocidal products, development of innovative
    technologies (biological control, genetic control, etc.) without excluding the optimisation of
    trapping and broad-spectrum methods; effectiveness of vector control (cost-effectiveness or
    benefit-risk indicators; consideration of factors relating to cultivation practices).

 Climate and management measures

 1. Health impacts of climate change:
    - Direct impacts (immediate and long-term health consequences of heat and exceptional
       climatic events, especially on vulnerable populations and workers).
    - Indirect impacts through quality of environments and food, and the development of emerging
    - Economic consequences.
    - Development of measurement tools and development of indicators.
 2. Epidemiological studies on “health and adaptation” in the French overseas territories.
 3. Quantifying the health and environmental benefits of management measures.

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ANNEX 3: Chargeable expenses

      Most selected applications are managed directly by ANSES (when funding comes from
      ANSES or ITMO Cancer, which has delegated management to ANSES). The financial rules
      that will be applied by ANSES are presented in this Annex. They help define the expenses that
      may be covered in the submitted projects.

      However, some applications will be directly managed by other co-sponsors (ADEME, French
      Agency for Biodiversity). ADEME has its own specific funding rules. ADEME's general rules
      for allocating and paying financial aid, as well as its system of aid for research, development
      and innovation (RDI), are available for information at:
  ADEME contact           Hélène Desqueyroux         helene.desqueyroux@ademe.fr
      To simplify the process, the rules applicable at ANSES are taken into account on the CRP
      submission site. If a project is managed by a co-funding partner, this partner may negotiate
      modifications with the project managers.

      Chargeable expenses should correspond to actual expenditure and be strictly linked to the
      project's execution, exclusive of any profit margin. In particular, only expenses incurred
      between the start and the end of the project, as stipulated in the agreement, will be taken into
      account. It should be possible at any time to prove the genuine nature of the expenses
      incurred. Receipts and all documents justifying the expenditure incurred under the project shall
      be kept by the beneficiaries (coordinator or participating team) for four years and submitted to
      ANSES if requested.

      Personnel expenses
      The only expenses accepted are: wages of fixed-term contract personnel and professional
      fees, including social contributions and taxes on wages.
      With the exception of public industrial and commercial entities, the personnel expenses taken
      into account in the amount of the financial contribution made by ANSES cannot, under any
      circumstances, involve the permanent personnel of public entities.

      Overhead expenses and small-equipment expenses
      The following expenses are accepted, including non-recoverable VAT:
         - laboratory costs (procurement of products or consumables),
         - office supplies,
         - purchase of patents or licences,
         - publication costs,
         - travel expenses of permanent or temporary personnel assigned to the project,
              particularly for participation in ANSES communication and dissemination events,
         - conference registration fees related to the project,
         - outsourced work (photos, computing, etc.),

      PNR-EST 2020                                                                            Page 18
-   maintenance of equipment purchased for the project,
       -   procurement of small equipment whose unit cost is less than €1,600 excl. tax,
       -   allowances for trainees.

   Equipment expenses
   Equipment expenses are regarded as expenses incurred for equipment whose unit value is
   greater than €1,600 excl. tax. ANSES will take into account:
         - all or part of the cost of purchasing this equipment, if it is not reusable after the project's
           completion (which should generally be the case);
         - the share of depreciation calculated pro rata to the period of use if the equipment is
           reusable after the project’s completion, unless an exception is made by ANSES.

   General management fees
   Part of the general administrative fees linked to the project can count as expenses. These fees
   are limited to 4% of total expenses, unless an exception is made by ANSES on the express
   request of the recipient (coordinator or participating team), with justification.

   Service provision
   Regardless of their legal status, recipients (coordinator or participating team) can contract work
   to or lease equipment from entities outside of the project. The cost of this work shall remain
   marginal in relation to the programme's total cost (less than 30% of this total cost), unless an
   exception is made by ANSES on the express request of the recipient, with justification. The
   costs of these services shall appear individually as overhead expenses.
   ANSES does not enter into commitments with service providers, who therefore have no
   grounds upon which to make any claim to ANSES if the recipient (coordinator or participating
   team) of a grant fails to comply with its obligations. Services are provided exclusively for and
   under the supervision of the grant’s recipient (coordinator or participating team). In accordance
   with the rules in force, the recipient (coordinator or participating team) must pay for services
   as they are delivered, irrespective of the date of the payment expected from ANSES.

   Internal invoicing case:
   These expenses must be related to services traceable in accounting, carried out by another
   entity (department) of the grant recipient (coordinator or participating team). The costs of these
   services must be identified analytically.
   In addition, these services must be proportionate to their actual use for the purposes of the
   project and must not have been taken into account in the structural costs and/or management
   fees. They must be invoiced exclusive of any profit margin.
   These expenses must comply with the eligibility rules described in this Annex.

   The following expenses cannot be paid by ANSES:
    Financial fixed assets and routine expenses to replace equipment;
    Expenses related to marketing, sales and distribution fees;
    Expenses related to land and buildings.

   PNR-EST 2020                                                                                  Page 19
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