Page created by Ross Ingram


Usdaw is looking for its best activists to nominate
themselves or a colleague for this year’s prestigious
Organising Awards.
The Usdaw Organising Awards recognises and
celebrates the hard work of Usdaw reps nationwide
and is a unique event in the trade union movement.
Any Usdaw member can make a nomination in each
category. Nominations must be received at your local
Usdaw office by Friday 24 September.

There are nine award categories:
n Individual organising                   n Equalities rep
n Individual recruitment                  n Most promising new activist
n Campaigns                               n Outstanding achievement
n Health and safety rep                   n Team recruitment and
n Union learning rep                        organising
For more information about the different
categories and to download the nomination form
visit the Usdaw website or contact your area organiser.
Welcome | NETWORK

                                                      WORKPLACE SAFETY
        Network is published bimonthly and
          distributed to Usdaw activists.
                                                      IS OUR PRIORITY
                                                             n 19 July the Government
                 PUBLISHED BY:                               ended mandatory safety
                Usdaw Head Office                            measures in England
         Voyager Building, 2 Furness Quay,            despite concerns from medical
                  Salford Quays,                      professionals, workers and
                      M50 3XZ
                 t: 0161 224 2804
                                                         As a union the health and
            e: network@usdaw.org.uk
                 w: usdaw.org.uk                      safety of our members is of
                                                      upmost importance therefore,
      HEAD OF MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS                  we will continue to work with
                    Mike Glover                       employers to ensure that
                                                      they promote existing safety
                 Saiqa Khushnood                      measures in stores as well as
                                                      asking the public to wear face
                                                      coverings and to observe social
                 Sarah Sherborne
              EDITORIAL ASSISTANT                        Also high on our agenda
                    Paula Barke                       is our Freedom From Fear
             OTHER CONTRIBUTORS                       campaign. From 24 August
      Tom Foster, Chris Morris, Ann Murphy,
                                                      2021, a ground-breaking
    Debra Blow, Ruth Cross, Adam Kaczmarek,           new law will come into effect
     Jakob Rolls, Doug Russell, David Williams        in Scotland which makes it         Retail Trades Conference,
                                                      a specific offence to abuse,       Young Workers’ Weekend, a
                                                      threaten or assault a retail       Respect Shopworkers Week
Della Batchelor; Lee Boswell, Peter Lawson; SWNS.
                                                      worker. The UK Government          and the Organising Awards.
                 Via Getty Images:
                                                      has rejected a similar law         However, because of the times
   georgeclerk; FG Trade; Chris Hepburn; Darren
                                                      for the rest of the country        we live in they are all subject to
Rogers; FatCamera; industryview; Geber86; asiseeit;
        digitalskillet; kang053; TigercatLPG;
                                                      therefore we will continue our     Government guidance.
        ClarkandCompany; SteveDebenport               campaign by raising awareness          The last few months has also
                                                      and garnering further cross-       seen Usdaw finalise its move
                                                      party support.                     to its new headquarters in
             Century One Publishing
         Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam Road,
                                                         Although many recruitment       Salford Quays. Although many
               St Albans, AL3 4DG                     activities were halted or looked   of us have fond memories of
                                                      very different during the height   the old building in Fallowfield,
               ACCOUNT MANAGER
                                                      of the pandemic, as restrictions   in recent years it had become
                  Paul Heitzman
                                                      ease, the union will once again    apparent that we had outgrown
                 t: 01727 739 196
         e: paul@centuryonepublishing.uk              look towards recruitment.          the building and we needed a
                                                         It is vital that we maintain    space that could accommodate
       ©Usdaw 2021 reproduction in whole
      wor part by any means without written           our membership levels so that      the union for decades to come.
          permissions of the publishers               we can continue to be a strong     I look forward to hosting our
               is strictly forbidden.                 and influential voice for our      reps there for meetings and
                                                      members.                           conferences.
      This publisher accepts no responsibility
            for errors, omissions or the
                                                         As the country returns
              consequences thereof.                   to some kind of normality
                                                                                               Usdaw General Secretary
                                                      Usdaw has started planning
                                                      a number of activities for the
                                                      coming months including
                                                      Summer School1, a virtual

                                                                                                        July/August 2021   3

Usdaw’s Home Study
course consists of several
online modules which
members can complete in
their own time at home.
It’s not about tests or
lots of writing - but aims
to help members find out
more about Usdaw.

Unit 1: Unity is Strength
Unit 2: Democracy in Usdaw
Unit 3: Collective Bargaining
Unit 4: Pensions
Unit 5: Vulnerable Workers

Get started now at:

Contents | NETWORK

                    COVID UPDATE
                    12 | A n update on how to manage risk in the workplace
                          as Government ends mandatory safety measures.

                    CONFERENCES CATCH-UP
                    18 | Usdaw delegates attend Labour Women's
                          Conference and STUC Youth Conference.

                    LEARNING AT WORK
                    20 | L
                          ifelong learning is for reps too! Check out the new
                         courses and how Tesco Goole tackles upskilling.
                    STAND DOWN
                    24 | R
                          efresh your recruiting knowledge and look
                         towards an increased membership.

                    RECRUITMENT & ORGANISING
                    28 | T
                          his handy reps guide answers FAQs about
                         breaks, holidays, working part-time and more.

                    DYING OF EMBARRASSMENT
                    32 | Prostate cancer is now the most commonly
                          diagnosed cancer. Network looks at the facts.
                    BLACK AND LOW PAID
                    36 | Usdaw's black members share their experiences of
                          living and working on low pay.

                    LAW CHANGE FOR LORRY DRIVERS
                    44 | W
                          hat you need to know about the temporary rule
                         changes and the concerns around it.

                    03 FOREWORD
                    06 NEWS

                    14 CAMPAIGN NEWS

                    26 ACTIVIST-IN-DEPTH

                    34 PENSIONS

                    38 HEALTH & SAFETY

                    42 MEMBER OFFERS
              36    45 PUBLICATIONS UPDATE

                                                           July/August 2021   5

                               IN THE NEWS
       Don’t forget to email the editor your view network@usdaw.org.uk

       sdaw has welcomed
       early indications
       that retailers are
keeping important safety
measures to help reduce
the spread of Covid-19,
despite the Government
lifting the rules in
England on 19 July.
    The union is calling
for the whole retail
industry to follow these
leads, to avoid customer
confusion, and for the
shopping public to abide
by the rules and respect
    Usdaw general
secretary Paddy Lillis said:   assurances for staff or        face unacceptable levels        “Wearing a face covering
“It is deeply disappointing    employers, it is a real        of abuse and making          in crowded public areas
that the Government            mess. Protection for           Covid safety measures        like shops is not merely
has ploughed on with           retail workers through         guidance only, instead of    a personal choice, it is
ending mandatory safety        customers wearing face         having the force of law      an important measure
measures within shops on       coverings and maintaining      behind them, could put       to help protect workers
19 July, despite concerns      social distancing should       more shopworkers at risk.    who have no option but
from shopworkers.              be backed up by the law        We need more retailers       to interact with large
    “Usdaw successfully        and not left to individual     to keep their covid safety   numbers of people as
lobbied for the mandatory      choice.                        measures in place to avoid   a part of their job. We
wearing of face coverings         “Without clear direction    confusion and send a clear   are asking the public
in shops in Scotland and       from the Government, we        message to shoppers.         to show their support
Wales and urges retailers      continue to ask employers         “The Government           for shopworkers by
to promote face coverings,     to think about their duty of   should not be weakening      continuing to wear face
hand hygiene and social        care to staff and promote      safety measures in shops     coverings when they shop.
distancing in their stores     existing safety measures       at the same time as             “These key workers
in England. Therefore,         to the shopping public.        opening up other venues.     must be valued, respected
we welcome the early           We also ask customers to       There is no reason why       and protected.”
responses from the retail      show their support and         requirements to wear face
industry and we hope all       respect for shopworkers        coverings and maintain
stores will continue to put    by continuing to wear face     social distancing in busy          @UsdawUnion
staff and customer safety      coverings, observe hand        public areas like shops
first.                         hygiene and maintain           cannot continue and it             UsdawUnion

    “The Government’s          social distancing.             should be backed up by
guidance provides no               “Retail staff already      the law.

6 July/August 2021



Usdaw is calling for a legal maximum     uncomfortably high temperatures.        to 24°C. As the temperature rises
workplace temperature to protect            “Outdoor workers need sun            above this zone, heat exhaustion
workers’ health and safety.              and heat protection, some sort of       starts. People start to suffer loss of
   In July the Met Office issued a new   shade if possible, suitable clothing,   concentration, there are increases
amber weather warning for extreme        sunscreen of factor 30 or above,        in accidents and loss of productivity.
heat. Extreme temperatures, both         water to prevent dehydration and        Symptoms include irritability,
very hot and very cold, are a familiar   frequent breaks. Indoor workers         dizziness, headaches, nausea and
problem for workers. While there         need cool drinks, more frequent         fainting.
is a legally enforceable minimum         breaks, relaxed dress code, along          Usdaw produces a helpful advice
workplace temperature, there is          with opportunities to remove and        leaflet on this issue - Keep Your Cool
not a corresponding maximum              replace face coverings.                 Tackling Heat Stress at Work.
enforceable temperature.                    “Usdaw wants to see a legal             Usdaw is promoting a TUC
   Usdaw general secretary Paddy         maximum working temperature             petition calling for a maximum
Lillis said: “As temperatures peak       introduced of 30°C – or 27°C for        working temperature:
this week and in the midst of the        those doing strenuous work – with       www.megaphone.org.uk/
first ever amber weather warning         employers obliged to adopt cooling      petitions/we-need-a-maximum-
from the Met Office for extreme          measures when the workplace             working-temperature
heat, we want workers to know            temperature hits 24°C.                     More information on this and
that employers are expected to              “Experts say the comfort zone        other health and safety mattters can
take reasonable steps to deal with       is normally in the region of 16°C       be found at www.usdaw.org.uk


   £100                                            gift vouchers

         Sponsored by UsdawProtect. www.usdaw.org.uk/Usdawprotect Closing date 30th August 2021. Terms apply.

                                                                                                    July/August 2021   7



Usdaw members at BCM Fareva, the      90 per cent of Usdaw members at          been condemned by politicians from
Nottingham based manufacturer         the site after BCM Fareva proposed       across the political divide. Even the
of consumer pharma and beauty         slashing members’ terms and              current Prime Minister has said that
products for leading brands           conditions, including sick pay and       it is ‘unacceptable as a negotiating
including Boots, took part in a       redundancy payment provisions,           tactic’. So we very much welcome
24-hour stoppage on Thursday 22       while threatening to ‘fire and           the messages of support from local
July 2021. They received messages     rehire’ staff if agreement cannot be     Labour MPs and urge the company
of support from local MPs Lilian      reached on the proposed changes.         to withdraw their threat to fire and
Greenwood and Alex Norris.               Daniel Adams - Usdaw National         rehire.”
   The action was backed by almost    Officer said: “Fire and rehire has       www.usdaw.org.uk/news


The Co-operative Group is offering        Usdaw National Officer John          and make special leave provisions
paid leave and time off for medical   Gorle said: “Losing a baby is very       are welcome, but the Government
appointments as part of measures      distressing for both parents and we      should ensure that paid leave
to help staff suffering from a        welcome the Co-op taking a lead in       rights are available to all workers,
pregnancy loss. The union is asking   offering enhanced support for staff      regardless of their employer.
the Government to follow this         going through this. We know that            “We also need to see reform of
welcome lead and extend support to    conversations with an employer on        Statutory Sick Pay, which many
all working parents.                  such personal issues can be difficult    mothers rely on when suffering a
   The new policy has been created    and we’d urge our members to             loss in pregnancy. We have long
in partnership with the Miscarriage   speak to the union, particularly their   called for significant improvements
Association and Usdaw. It supports    workplace rep, to ensure they are        in SSP, which plunges many workers
both parents and includes flexible    fully supported.                         into poverty. Low-paid workers
paid leave, a guide for managers         “In the case of a still birth         should be helped to take the
to help offer support, time off       maternity leave and pay applies,         necessary time-off by ensuring there
for medical appointments and          however there are no statutory           is no loss of income.”
emergency leave for workers if a      rights for those who suffer a               More Usdaw news stories can be
member of their family suffers a      miscarriage. So businesses like          found at:
pregnancy loss.                       the Co-op who do the right thing         www.usdaw.org.uk/news

8 July/August 2021

                               CELEBRATING AMAZING ACTIVISTS
Recent figures from the
British Retail Consortium
show that one in 7 stores
is sitting empty across the
UK at the end of March
2021. Furthermore, with
around 530,000 retail
workers still on furlough
there are growing
concerns that there will be
more job losses and store     Download a nomination form at:
closures in the coming        www.usdaw.org.uk/nominate
                              Nominations for Usdaw’s 2021              their families and the union during
SHOPPING CENTRES              Organising Awards are taking place        these unprecedented times.
Up to 70 out of 700           with the deadline for receipt of             “Unfortunately due to the
shopping centres across       nominations on Friday 24 September        pandemic we had to cancel last year’s
the UK could be forced        2021.                                     Organising Awards but I hope we
to close as the effects of       There are nine different awards        can hold this important event in the
the Covid-19 pandemic         which will be presented at a special      union’s calendar again in January
continue to manifest in the   awards ceremony on Saturday 15            2022. Therefore, we are now seeking
retail sector. At least 30    January 2022.                             nominations that will recognise
shopping centres in the UK       Any Usdaw member can make one          outstanding achievement during 2020
are now at least half empty   nomination in each category:              and 2021. This event is unique in the
including five with more      n Outstanding Achievement Award           trade union movement and it helps to
than 80 per cent of their     n Health and Safety Rep Award             properly recognise the hard work put
shops vacant following        n Individual Organising Award             in by our army of reps nationwide.
months of lockdowns.          n Individual Recruitment Award               “There is always a very high
                              n The Campaigns Award                     standard of nominations recognising
GAP                           n Most Promising New Activist Award       the work of our newest reps, the
Following a strategic         n Team Recruitment and                    tireless work of our health and safety
review of its European           Organising Award                       reps, members working hard on
business, Gap has             n Union Learning Rep Award                the equalities agenda and lifelong
confirmed it plans to         n The Equalities Award                    learning and some exceptionally high
close all its 81 stores in       All reps should have received a        quality, innovative work in organising,
the UK and Ireland and go     nomination form in July. However, you     recruiting and campaigning across the
online-only. The company      can request extra forms from your         seven regions.
has seen a rapid uptake       local Usdaw office or download from          “So I would encourage every union
of internet shopping for      the Usdaw website.                        rep to look around and think about
its clothes in the UK since   The nomination forms need to be           which category you could make a
the pandemic-enforced         returned to your regional secretary by    nomination for that recognises the
lockdowns.                    Friday 24 September 2021.                 work you and your colleagues do on
                                 Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis   behalf of Usdaw members.
JOHN LEWIS AND                said: “I have always recognised Usdaw        “The Organising Awards ceremony
WAITROSE                      has fantastic reps doing amazing          will be in Manchester on Saturday 15
Plans to cut 1,000 jobs as    things in their workplaces all over the   January 2022.
part of a shake-up of store   country. The pandemic has shone a            “We are asking for your help
management follow the         light on the key role our members play    in making sure we have another
closure of eight John Lewis   in the economy and our reps have          exceptionally high-quality group of
shops earlier this year.      selflessly battled to support members,    nominations.”

                                                                                            July/August 2021   9
NETWORK | First Series Summer School

Usdaw is encouraging reps to put themselves forward for this year’s Summer
School which focuses on helping them become more active and informed

      s the country returns to some      taken advantage of the union’s          will be less than 18 years of age or
      kind of normality, Usdaw has       educational activities, particularly    to members who have attended this
      started planning its calendar of   the Home Study Course, or who           school on a previous occasion.
events. The first major event to be      can demonstrate a degree of
held in person will see the return of    commitment to the union.                Costs
First Series Summer School.                Members attending will join a         The union will pay board and
   This will take place on 5-10          small work group of approximately       accommodation fees and members
September (these dates are subject       14 members, each with its own tutor.    awarded a place will be entitled
to Government guidance).                 Everyone will be encouraged to          to claim travelling fares and any
   Summer School will take place         participate fully in the activities.    appropriate allowances.
at Wortley Hall, a stately home
nestled in Sheffield’s surrounding       Aims                                    How to apply for 2022
countryside.                             The basic aim of the school is to       Each branch can nominate up to two
   Although nominations have closed      develop the ability to play an active   members for each Summer School.
for this year’s Summer School and        and informed part in increasing         Successful nominees will be selected
successful candidates notified, we       trade union organisation and            by the national executive council
are encouraging you to think about       involvement at the workplace and        from the shortlists submitted by
applying for Summer School 2022.         at the branch. This is achieved by      each regional council. Please contact
                                         helping members to:                     your branch secretary if you wish to
Who can apply?                           n Develop their understanding           be nominated for 2022 or speak to
Usdaw’s First Series Summer School          of union aims, objectives and        your area organiser if you would like
has been designed for members               policies.                            to know more.
who have already shown some              n Develop their understanding
commitment to the union and are             of the challenges facing trade       This year’s event
keen to play a more active part in          unions.                              Arrangements for this event will be
union affairs in the future.             n Develop their self-confidence.        confirmed in due course and will
  Nominees need not be union             n Improve their organising and          follow the Government’s coronavirus
representatives but priority will           communication skills.                guidelines.
be given to nominations from                Please note that consideration       www.usdaw.org.uk/
those members who have already           cannot be given to nominees who         summerschool

                                                                                                        Wortley Hall 2019
       nion rep elections will be         In which case, you’re already doing     Come Forward! Speak-up and
       taking place across Tesco in       the role unofficially, so why not get   make a difference!
       September/October of this          the extra support that we could give    Whether you are hourly paid,
year, and Usdaw, along with Tesco,        you as a rep. Or maybe, you see         or salaried, Usdaw/Sata is the
want to encourage members to              things done wrong but aren’t sure       recognised trade union for Tesco
stand for election/re-election. All       how to challenge this – as a rep you    staff.
Usdaw reps in stores and CFCs             would receive expert training to help      Tesco encourages membership of
(except health and safety reps and        you resolve issues in the workplace.    the union and positively supports
ULRs) will be up for election.                                                    members becoming union reps,
   With the launch of the new             Sata reps                               because they recognise the positive
Sata agreement, there will also be        Sata reps from across the business      impacts of reps in the workplace.
elections taking place for Sata reps      have been in discussions with              Usdaw/Sata will be there every
in all areas of the business. We’d        Tesco to update and improve the         step of the way, with expert training,
encourage all salaried members to         recognition agreement covering          support from your area organiser,
consider stepping up and taking on        salaried staff in all areas of Tesco,   and access to our legal, H&S,
a rep role.                               up to and including Work Level 3,       pensions and Equalities experts, as
   As well as new reps coming             and the agreement was signed off in     well as the union’s dedicated Tesco
forward, we hope that existing reps       January.                                support team!
will stand again to carry on the great       Existing Usdaw reps and members         Look out for the election materials
work that you do supporting our           who are team or line managers           in September, but if you have any
members every day.                        now come under the updated Sata         questions on either set of elections
                                          agreement. Your experience of being     in the meantime, contact your local
Usdaw reps                                a member/rep won’t change, but          Usdaw office on 0800 030 80 30.
Usdaw already has lots of dedicated       the new agreement gives the union
and talented reps across Tesco            and salaried staff their own salaried
stores – nearly 4,000 in total.           forum and much improved facilities          Remember, you can make
We know that they find the role           to consult, negotiate, communicate          a real difference, and we
incredibly rewarding and hope that        and engage with the business on              encourage you to stand
existing reps will stand again to         matters that are important to you.
                                                                                             for election.
continue the hard work they do on            These elections are a great
behalf of members.                        opportunity for you to get involved           ELECTION TIMETABLE
   There are still stores, particularly   and to contribute in making the              Communication period:
in the convenience format, that don’t     most of our agreement. Sata reps                  6-19 September
have a rep, or where we need more         will play a central role in the new            Nomination period:
                                                                                       20 September – 3 October
reps – so please think about putting      Salaried Forum, meeting senior
                                                                                             Ballot period:
your name forward.                        business leaders and representing
                                                                                            4 – 17 October
   Maybe you are the person in store      the views and interests of salaried
that everyone comes to for advice?        colleagues across the business.

                                                                                                     July/August 2021   11

 Despite rising infections of the Delta variant, the Government ends mandatory
 safety measures in England and puts the onus on employers to manage the risk

       rom 19 July the Government         businesses must still mitigate         concerned that having to challenge
       removed all legal restrictions     the risk by reducing the number        customers, without the back-up of
       to manage Covid-19. Despite        of people workers come into            the law, could add to already rising
 the lifting of legal restrictions, the   contact with. Measures to help         levels of abuse in stores during the
 Government has clarified that            reduce contact between people,         pandemic.
 all businesses should follow the         ‘particularly between customers
 principles set out in the working        and workers’ should be considered,     Other Mitigations
 safely guidance.                         such as:                               The Government guidance outlines
 www.gov.uk/guidance/working-             n Reducing the number of people        several other mitigations that
 safely-during-covid-19                      each person has contact with by     could help to manage the risk in
                                             using ‘fixed teams or partnering’   workplaces of Covid-19. Usdaw
 Managing Risk after 19 July                 (so each person works with only a   would expect employers to put
 Employers must by law protect               few others).                        these mitigations in place including
 workers and others from risks to         n Screens or barriers to separate      the following measures:
 their health and safety. This includes      people from each other, or          n Cleaning surfaces that people
 risks from Covid-19. As such, the           using back-to-back or side-to-        touch regularly.
 guidance from Government sets out           side working, instead of face-to-   n Advising customers and workers
 several key priority actions.               face (screens are only likely to      to wash their hands or use hand
    The first is to complete a health        be beneficial if placed between       sanitiser frequently.
 and safety risk assessment that             people who will come into close     n Identifying poorly ventilated areas
 includes the risk from Covid-19.            proximity with each other).           in the venue (such as changing
 The working safely guidance clearly                                               rooms in retail stores) and taking
 states that the risk assessment must     Face Coverings                           steps to improve air flow.
 be done in consultation with unions      From 19 July there is no longer a      n Ensuring that staff and customers
 or workers. This consultation should     legal requirement for staff and          who are unwell do not attend the
 include:                                 customers to wear face coverings         workplace or venue.
 n Risks arising from the work/           in retail or close contact services
    workplace.                            settings. However, the Government      Self Isolation
 n Proposals to manage and/or             still ‘expects and recommends that     In July, the Government announced
    control these risks.                  people (workers or customers)          a new scheme to allow some ‘critical
 n The best ways to provide               continue to wear a face covering in    workers’ to attend work with daily
    information and training.             crowded, enclosed spaces’.             testing, when they have been a
                                              In light of this, Usdaw would      close contact of someone who
 Social Distancing                        expect employers to encourage, for     tests positive for Covid-19. The
 While from 19 July there are no          example through signage, the use       Government has still not published
 longer legal requirements to socially    of face coverings where they have      the full details of the scheme. Where
 distance, the union would still          previously been legally required,      any employers are looking to take
 expect employers to maintain social      such as retail stores. However,        part in the scheme Usdaw will work
 distancing measures in stores, such      if customers are going to be           hard to protect the health and well
 as physical distancing markers/          challenged over not wearing a mask,    being of our members.
 screens at tills and counters.           we would expect this to be covered     www.usdaw.org.uk/Help-Advice/
   The guidance states that               by trained security staff. We are      Coronavirus-Update

12 Juy/August 2021
Self isolation from 16 August
From 16 August, people who have
been fully vaccinated (who have
received their second dose of the
vaccine at least two weeks ago) will be
exempt from the legal requirement
to self-isolate if they are a contact of
a positive case. They will instead be
advised to take a PCR test as soon as
   People who are under 18 will also
be exempt from self-isolation from
16 August if they are a contact of a
positive case. They will also be advised
whether a PCR test needs to be taken.

Clinically Extremely Vulnerable
Individuals who are clinically extremely
vulnerable are no longer advised to
shield. However, they should continue
to follow the guidance for people who
are clinically extremely vulnerable.
   The Government is advising that
clinically extremely vulnerable people
continue to take extra precautions
to protect themselves. This includes
practical steps such as avoiding
people who are unvaccinated, meeting
outdoors and asking family and friends
to take lateral flow tests.
   The guidance from the Government
states that businesses should give
extra consideration to people at higher
risk and to workers facing mental and
physical health difficulties.

Pregnant Employees
Employers have particular
responsibilities towards workers who
are new mothers or pregnant women.
Further guidance can be found
on the Government website or by
contacting Usdaw’s equalities section

NI, Wales and Scotland
Separate guidance is in place and can
be accessed via the links below:
n www.gov.scot/
n www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/
n gov.wales/coronavirus
NETWORK | Campaign News

                        Keeping you up-to-date on Usdaw’s priorities

       he last 18 months have been        Usdaw has stepped up its Freedom        Scottish Parliament.
       extremely challenging for Usdaw    From Fear message, and as a result         Ahead of the new law coming
       members and reps.                  of our members’ excellent campaign      into effect, Usdaw is now working
 Despite the heroic efforts of retail     work we have achieved some              with employers to highlight the
 workers and delivery drivers during      significant achievements in the last    new provisions and encourage
 the pandemic, the crisis resulted in a   12 months.                              retail workers to report all crimes
 significant and disturbing increase in                                           committed under the new law. For
 abuse, threats and violence towards      New law protecting                      the law to be effective, it is essential
 retail workers.                          shopworkers in Scotland                 that members record and report
    Last year, the union surveyed         From 24 August 2021, a ground-          all instances of threats, abuse and
 over 2,700 retail workers on their       breaking new law will come into         violence.
 experiences of threats, abuse and        effect in Scotland. From this point,
 violence during 2020. This survey        across Scotland, it will become a       Parliamentary petition
 showed that almost 9 in 10 retail        specific offence to abuse, threaten     In 2020, Usdaw launched a petition
 workers were verbally abused during      or assault a retail worker, sending a   to the Government, seeking a new
 the crisis. 60 per cent reported         clear message that abuse is not part    law to protect retail workers right
 threats of physical violence and 9 per   of the job.                             across the UK from violence and
 cent said they had been physically          This legislation, which was passed   abuse at work.
 assaulted.                               in January this year, came about as a      The petition was the most
    Abuse should never be part of the     result of significant campaigning by    successful ever run by the union;
 job. It is unacceptable that nearly      Usdaw and the Scottish Labour Party.    securing over 100,000 signatures.
 1 in 10 retail workers were physically   As a result of our Freedom From         The petition showed clear public
 assaulted simply as a result of going    Fear campaign, the legislation was      support for a new law and was also
 to work.                                 supported right across the sector       backed by major retailers and bodies
    In response to this alarming trend    and by all political parties in the     such as the British Retail Consortium.

14 July/August 2021
Campaign News | NETWORK

   As it secured over 100,000              declined to offer support for a                and in retail settings.
signatures the petition triggered a        change in the law to better protect            Usdaw fully supports these
parliamentary debate on the issues         shopworkers.                                 proposals.
behind the Freedom From Fear                 However, the positive debate
campaign.                                  helped to build momentum and                 Police and Crime Sentencing Bill
                                           raise awareness of the issues Usdaw          As direct result of the parliamentary
Parliamentary debate                       members are facing.                          debate triggered by Usdaw’s petition
In June this year the union’s petition                                                  and the report published by the
was debated in Parliament. Ahead of        House of Commons report                      Home Affairs Select Committee,
the debate, thousands of members           Following Usdaw achieving 100,000            an amendment was tabled for the
emailed their MPs, sharing their           signatures on its petition, the              Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts
experiences of violence and abuse          influential Home Affairs Select              Bill which was in the committee
at work and ensuring that the              Committee launched an inquiry                stage at Parliament.
campaign to protect shopworkers            into violence and abuse towards                 The amendment to the bill would
was top of the agenda.                     retail workers. The report identifies        see new laws passed so that violence
   The debate and Usdaw’s Freedom          that violence and abuse towards              and abuse against retail workers
From Fear campaign was supported           shop workers is becoming endemic             would finally become a specific crime
by MPs from all major political            in British society and the policing          in the UK – similar to the new law
parties.                                   response is failing to match the scale       passed by the Scottish Parliament.
   On the same day as the debate,          of the problem. The Committee                   Unfortunately, MPs voted down a
Parliament’s influential Home Affairs      therefore called for urgent changes          protection of shopworkers law.
Committee published the findings           including:                                      Usdaw general secretary
of their own survey highlighting the       n A new criminal offence to send a           Paddy Lillis said: “MPs had the
scale of the problems faced by retail         powerful message that assaults            opportunity to back a new law
workers. This survey, which received          on retail workers will not be             to protect shopworkers. We are
over 12,000 responses, many from              tolerated.                                deeply disappointed that they let
Usdaw members, found that only 12          n The expansion of neighbourhood             that opportunity pass them by at a
per cent of incidents reported to the         policing teams.                           time when our members are facing
police led to an arrest. Furthermore,      n Proper recording of violence               unprecedented levels of violence,
only one in five shopworkers who              against shopworkers.                      threats and abuse.”
reported incidents of abuse or             n Police to provide local leadership            “However the Minister promised
violence were satisfied with how the          in giving greater priority to retail      that they would bring forward an
police or their employer responded.           crime.                                    amendment in the House of Lords
   Ultimately, the Government’s            n An Employers Charter setting out           and we urge the Government to
response to the debate was                    how they should support and               keep to their word and ensure that
disappointing. Despite overwhelming           protect staff.                            the measure they bring forward will
evidence and support from MPs,             n Safer Streets Fund resources to            be substantial and deliver much
the Government’s spokesperson                 support measures on high streets          needed protections.”

What next?
Usdaw’s campaign has ensured             unions – because it can never be            ‘HELP US SORT IT. REPORT IT!’
that the issue of violence and           acceptable to tolerate this. Abuse
abuse towards retail workers             is not part of the job.                     The union is planning campaign
                                                                                     activity across the UK during the
remains at the top of the political         The support from Usdaw
                                                                                     week commencing 23 August. Reps
agenda. Our extensive research,          members for this campaign is
                                                                                     in retail should have already been
and the incredible efforts of our        what has always driven it forward.
                                                                                     contacted about this to see what
reps in delivering this campaign         The Union remains committed to
                                                                                     activity can be run in their store.
in workplaces and communities            delivering the campaign through             If you have not yet got anything
across the country, has shown            our annual respect week and                 planned, please contact your area
that the Government needs to             other initiatives. We will continue         organiser.
take urgent action.                      to fight for the safety of our
   This campaign goes right to           members.                                          23-29 AUGUST 2021
the heart of why workers need

                                                                                                           July/August 2021   15
NETWORK | Campaign News



                                                                                IF EVERY REP ENCOURAGES
                                                                                         JUST 10 MEMBERS
                                                                                         TO COMPLETE THE
                                                                              CONSULTATION, THAT WILL BE
                                                                               THOUSANDS OF RESPONSES.
                                                                                    THE LOUDER WE SHOUT,
                                                                                          THE MORE LIKELY
                                                                                      THEY ARE TO LISTEN.

         sdaw has been campaigning for         to work on New Year’s Day or 2       even though stores are generally
         14 years for large retail stores      January.                             very quiet on the day..
         in Scotland to close on New        n 48 per cent of members said that
         Year’s Day. Hogmanay and New          working on New Year’s Day was        CONSULTATION LAUNCHED
 Year is a special holiday, but this is        not voluntary in their store.        With the launch of the consultation,
 not reflected in the experience of         n 76 per cent said that working over    the Scottish Government has finally
 many retail workers, with three-              New Year affected their ability to   agreed to listen to the opinions
 quarters saying they spend too little         enjoy the holiday.                   of those most affected by stores
 time with friends and family.              n 74 per cent said they spend too       trading on New Year’s Day – shop
    Scottish ministers have the power          little time with their loved ones    workers. That’s why it’s really
 to prohibit large retail stores from          over New Year.                       important that as many Usdaw
 opening on New Year’s Day. They            n 47 per cent were unable to spend      members as possible respond to the
 have chosen not to implement                  time with family who live further    consultation, so that the Scottish
 this, preventing our members from             away during the period.              Government hears loud and clear
 having a decent break over the             There’s no surprise that Usdaw          that stores should close on New
 Christmas period.                          members feel this way. As key           Year’s Day to give shop workers a
    With your help in signing               workers delivering the essential        well-earned break.
 the petition last year, we have            service of keeping the nation fed,         If you are an active rep, speak to
 managed to persuade the                    shopworkers deserve a decent            your members about this campaign,
 Scottish Government to launch a            break over the festive period. They     and encourage them to take just a
 consultation on closing large stores       have worked long hours in difficult     couple of minutes to respond to the
 on New Year’s Day.                         circumstances throughout the            consultation.
    This is a really big step, but there    pandemic, faced unprecedented              If every rep encourages just
 is still work to do to persuade the        levels of abuse and worried every       10 members to complete the
 Scottish Government to act, so we          working day about catching the virus    consultation, that will be thousands
 need all of our members in Scotland        and taking it home to their families    of responses.
 to respond to the consultation.               However this is not just a              This really is a case of, the louder
    We know that this is an issue that      campaign for the pandemic, Usdaw        we shout, the more likely they are
 is important to our members. Our           members have for many years             to listen.The consultation can be
 survey results couldn’t be clearer:        demanded a proper break after           found here: https://consult.gov.
 n 99 per cent of members agree             the extremely busy and stressful        scot/economic-development/
    that large stores in Scotland           shopping period in the run-up to        new-year-s-day-trading-for-large-
    should close on New Year’s Day.         Christmas. Workers throughout           retailers/ or by searching online
 n 72 per cent said that they or their      Scotland get to enjoy a day off, yet    for ‘new year’s day trading for large
    colleagues come under pressure          our members have to go into work,       retailers’.

16 July/August 2021
Campaign News | NETWORK



      he PM’s so-called ‘levelling up’    Government is merely managing the        to deal with the immediate crisis
      falls way short of the much         decline of high streets instead of       and a longer term strategy to deal
      needed and long overdue             fundamentally reforming the retail       with some of the more fundamental
industrial strategy for retail to help    industry, by tackling the structural     structural issues facing the industry.
save our shops.                           issues that leave ‘bricks and            Usdaw is calling for the Government
   The Government’s high street           mortar’ retailers at a competitive       to adopt an urgent recovery plan for
strategy, which was launched as part      disadvantage to online. We of course     the retail sector.”
of the Prime Minister’s ‘levelling up’    welcome investment in high streets,         Usdaw has called on the
speech in July, doesn’t deliver the       but it is not enough on its own.         Government to immediately:
industrial strategy that the union           “Usdaw is deeply concerned that       n Extend the business rates holiday
was campaigning for before the            the end of full business rates relief       at 100 per cent until the end of
pandemic or the now much needed           in June will lead to additional cost        the financial year, as has already
recovery plan to help save our            pressures that could push many              happened in the devolved nations.
shops.                                    non-food retailers to scale back, cut    n Fundamentally reform business
   This comes against the backdrop        jobs or collapse completely. This           rates. Despite the recent interim
of the Government’s decision to           also coincides with reductions in           report, following last year’s call
reduce business rates relief.             furlough support.                           for evidence, the Government is
   In April last year, the Government        “With over 180,000 jobs lost             yet to take the clear and decisive
paused business rates for hard-hit        across the industry last year and           action that retailers need to
retail, leisure and hospitality firms,    200,000 predicted for this year,            reform/reduce this outdated and
with almost 400,000 benefitting           we needed to hear from the                  imbalanced commercial property
from the tax break over the past 15       Government immediate action to              tax. The call for some form of
months. However, the holiday came         reduce rents and rates for high             online sales tax is getting stronger,
to an end in June, in its current form,   street retailers, alongside levelling       particularly in light of the rapid
reducing to a 66 per cent discount        the playing field with an online sales      growth in online shopping. A levy
for companies with a £2 million cap       tax. The coronavirus pandemic has           set at 1 per cent of online sales
on the support they can receive. This     pushed many retailers and retail            would raise around £1.5bn. This
reduced package is due to continue        workers to breaking point, so we            could fund a cut in business rates
until April 2022.                         needed government action to be              of around 20 per cent.
   Usdaw general secretary                equally significant.                     More information at:
Paddy Lillis said “We fear that the          “Retailers need urgent measures       www.usdaw.org.uk/sos

                                                                                                       July/August 2021   17
NETWORK | Conferences

 Usdaw delegates call for greater support for parents and carers and to highlight
 the job inequality young workers experienced during the coronavirus crisis

       sdaw delegates attended two        and working parents.                     precarious, has become even more
       virtual conferences to call for       Usdaw general secretary Paddy         destabilised as discrimination,
       family-friendly employment         Lillis said: “Research over the past     redundancies and the intensification
 rights as well as calling for a scheme   year consistently shows that women       of unpaid care responsibilities
 to support young workers who are         have been disproportionately             threaten their employment, financial
 on low pay and experiencing job          affected by the social and economic      security and mental health.
 insecurity.                              impacts of Covid-19. Those with             “The Government’s response to
                                          caring responsibilities are one of the   the pandemic has not only failed
 LABOUR WOMEN’S                           groups of women that have been           to protect the needs of women,
 CONFERENCE 2021                          particularly badly affected as the       particularly those combining
 An Usdaw delegation attended             pandemic has imposed new and             paid work with unpaid care, but
 this year’s online Labour Women’s        additional unpaid care and childcare     has further entrenched women’s
 Conference in June. The delegation       responsibilities.                        inequality, and put women’s
 called for greater support for              “Even before the onset of the         continued economic participation
 working parents and carers               coronavirus crisis, reconciling          at grave risk. We are calling on the
 including paid carers and parental       paid work with unpaid care placed        Labour Party, working with trade
 leave, improved sick pay and             women under significant pressure.        unions, to bring forward more
 maternity pay, along with stronger       Since then women’s attachment            effective family-friendly employment
 protections for pregnant workers         to the labour market, already            rights.”

18 July/August 2021
Conferences | NETWORK

                                       economy resulting in thousands of
                                       workers facing redundancy.                LABOUR WOMEN’S
                                           Usdaw regional secretary for          CONFERENCE
                                       Scotland Tracy Gilbert said: “Young       Each year the conference
                                       workers in Scotland have been             brings together hundreds of
                                       disproportionately impacted by            Labour women, politicians
                                       the Covid-19 crisis and are more          and activsits from across the
                                       likely to work in sectors, such as        country.
                                       retail, hospitality and leisure, which    The conference enables
                                       have been most affected by the            Labour women to better
                                       pandemic.                                 participate in policy making
                                           “Recent research by IPPR Scotland     and offers the opportunity
                                       suggests that youth unemployment          to share ideas with delegates
                                       could peak with over 100,000 young        from across the UK.
                                       people facing unemployment by             Due to Covid-19 the decision
                                       the end of the year – over one in         was taken to have an online
                                       three of Scotland’s young workers.        conference to ensure that
                                       It is clear that employers find it too    women had the chance to
                                       cheap and too easy to make young          participate in a conference
                                       workers redundant.                        especially following the
                                           “In Scotland the Government           cancellation of the conference
                                       has launched the Youth Guarantee          in 2020.
                                       Scheme to support young people            The weekend included
                                       into education and work following         speeches from senior
                                       the effects of the coronavirus crisis.    politicians, policy debates,

                                       While this is a welcome step in           and a range of workshops and
                                       the right direction the provisions        training.
                                       do not go far enough to support
                                       young workers, whose experience           STUC YOUTH
                                       of the job market has long been           CONFERENCE
                                       characterised by low pay and job          The STUC Youth Committee
                                       insecurity. Work experience is not        is made up of young
                                       enough – we need jobs.”                   workers under 27 years of
  Usdaw’s call for a better deal for       Usdaw is calling on the STUC to       age from across Scotland
women workers includes:                campaign for:                             and campaigns on a range
n Introducing a statutory, day one     n Employment rights to start from         of issues including climate
  right to ten days paid carers’ and       day one of employment.                change, fair work for young
  parental leave.                      n Stronger redundancy rights,             people, housing and poverty.
n Ending the qualifying periods for        including increases to                It represents young workers’
  basic rights such as sick pay and        statutory redundancy pay, a           views and opinions to a
  parental leave and improving             levelling up so that young            number of bodies including
  access to and increasing rates of        workers have the same                 Government and ensures a
  statutory parental payments such         entitlement as older workers and      young workers voice is heard
  as maternity pay.                        qualification for redundancy pay      at the STUC General Council.
n Strengthening protection against         from day one.                         STUC affiliates are encouraged
  redundancy and health and safety     n A jobs guarantee element to             to send delegates to the Youth
  rights for pregnant women and            the Youth Guarantee Scheme to         Conference and nominate
  new mothers.                             ensure that young workers are         young members to the STUC
                                           able to quickly access high quality   Youth Committee. Affiliates
STUC YOUTH CONFERENCE                      employment.                           nominating delegates are also
An Usdaw delegation attended           n Employers to be under legal             able to submit motions for
this year’s Scottish Trades Union          duty to assess the impact their       debate and consideration by
Congress Youth Conference in               policies, practices and procedures    the conference.
June, where they highlighted how           (including working conditions)
the coronavirus crisis has had a           have on workers’ mental health
devastating impact on the Scottish         and act upon the findings.

                                                                                                 July/August 2021   19
       ep development is really         Member Quotes                            through and was easy to follow.
       important to Usdaw that’s        Tracy White, Tesco York                  The course guided you through
       why the union has expanded       “The SST CPD courses have been           the different aspects of an agenda
 its learning with the ‘New skills      very useful during the pandemic as       by means of a video which is
 Academy’ to provide a range of         they helped me with some mental          accompanied by written dialogue
 online accredited Continuing           health issues I was having. Working      underneath. The videos were
 Personal Development (CPD)             through the mental health courses        noticeably clear and concise which
 modules for reps through their Staff   highlighted what I need to focus on      helps you to absorb the information
 Skills Training programme (SST).       to get my head in the right direction.   easily. There is a quick test at the
 (Reps who sign up also get access to   The computer course was very             end of the module to make sure that
 the XO student discount card which     helpful in gaining extra knowledge       you have taken the info in. Once
 provides discounts on a whole range    and sign language has been a good        completed you can download your
 of offers.) Courses are completely     distraction as well as helping me        printable certificate of completion.
 free to reps and include a range of    build on the skills I was learning       I’d rate the course 10/10.”
 subject areas such as:                 before the pandemic. I would highly
                                        recommend reps take a look.”             Michelle Whitley, Argos Widnes
 n Computing/Technology                                                          I have really enjoyed the course on
 n Health & Safety                      Gavin Watson                             Assertiveness Skills. It has shown me
 n Health & Wellbeing                   Co-op Birtley DC ULR coordinator         a lot of best practice in all areas of
 n Human Resources (HR)                 “I found the agenda setting              both my role as a rep and also within
 n Medical & Mental Health              certification quite easy to navigate     my life outside of work”.

 The most popular CPD certificated
 courses for our reps include:          Go to the Rep Development section on the learning gateway for a full
 n Staying Safe Online                  course list www.usdaw.org.uk/learninggateway and contact the
 n How to Write Better Emails           Lifelong Learning team to enrol: LifelongLearning@usdaw.org.uk
                                           There is a limited number of places available per year, so make sure
 n Equality & Diversity
                                        you don’t miss out. Once you’ve signed up for a course however you can
 n IT Certification Level 2
                                        access as many modules as you like.
 n Basic Maths Certificate
                                           Members too can benefit from Usdaw’s New Skills Academy offer with
 n Mental Health Awareness
                                        a massive discount of 74 per cent on every course by using the Usdaw
   Certificate.                         code. For further information go to the learning gateway page of the
 xostudentdiscounts.co.uk/sign-         website: www.usdaw.org.uk/learninggateway

20 July/August 2021
Lifelong Learning | NETWORK

REPS DEVELOP A                         including Cancer Support, Diabetes,      TAKE A BITESIZE CHUNK OF
LEARNING CURVE                         Common Health Conditions and             LEARNING WITH LITMOS
For a number of years now Usdaw        Nutrition and Health.                    Usdaw’s partnership with Litmos
reps have benefitted from the          www.learningcurvegroup.co.uk/            specialises in offering online bitesize
union’s partnership with the           landing/usdawcourses                     courses for reps and members.
‘Learning Curve Group’ which                                                    These vary in length, from a few
provides fully funded Level 2          ‘SKILLS NETWORK’ - A NEW                 minutes, to a few hours.
qualifications for all our reps and    ONLINE LEARNING OFFER FOR                   Some short courses are organised
members. Reps in particular have       REPS AND MEMBERS                         in to themed pathways which include
found the 40+ courses on offer, have   Usdaw have gone in to partnership        such topics as:
helped develop them as a rep and an    with a new learning provider ‘Skills     n Coaching & Mentoring
individual, the most popular courses   Network ‘ to deliver free online Level   n Reducing Stress
being:                                 1 English, maths and ICT courses and     n Workplace Hygiene
n Digital Skills                       qualifications.                          n Equality & Diversity
n Climate Change & Environmental       Level 1 English and maths are            n Excel
   Awareness                           a mandatory requirement for              n First Aid
n Domestic Abuse                       accessing any Level 2 apprenticeship,    n Mental Health
n Equality & Diversity                 as well as being an important            n Handling Conflict
n LGBT Inclusion in the Workplace      foundation for developing a range        n Cyber Security
n Mental Health Awareness              of other skills, but up until now,       n Microsoft Office
n Mental Health First Aid and          members have struggled to find           n Redundancy Support
   Advocacy                            suitable online, flexible provision.     n Rep Skill
n Information Advice and Guidance         The new offer will be available to    n Workplace Discrimination &
n Team Leading                         members and reps from 12 July but           Harassment
n Workplace Violence & Harassment      there are a limited number of free       www.usdaw.org.uk/Members/
   A range of health-related           places so make sure you sign up          Training-Development/Online-
qualifications are also available      ASAP.                                    Learning-Resources/eCareers

                                                                                                   July/August 2021   21
NETWORK | Lifelong Learning

The hard work of Usdaw learning reps pays off with a
brand new learning centre opening its doors

     ifelong learning has been taking    new found enthusiasm from the
     place at Tesco Goole for over a     ULR team for the learning projects
     decade but it’s since 2017 that     ahead.
 the site really took off.                  “The new room has been received
    After launching a successful         well by the ULRs and other reps on
 learning programme with Profound        site. The space’s primary function is
 training (and then learning curve       for the members to access learning,
 group) the site offered a rolling       but it is a great promotional tool to
 programme of maths and English          use at inductions for new starters,
 classes with over 50 colleagues         a resource centre for leaflets and
 enrolled at any one time, attending     advice and an additional room
 classes depending on what shift         to hold meetings if it’s not in use.
 they were on, both English and non-     Located just at the end of the
 English staff took up the offer and     canteen it’s a visible example of the
 at one stage there were 11 different    Usdaw/Tesco partnership in action
 nationalities taking part.              and a clear benefit of joining the
    Prior to lockdown Usdaw secured      union.”
 funding to create an Usdaw learning        Sean Dixon, an experienced
 centre within the warehouse and it      ULR coordinator who has been
 was agreed the union could create       supporting the Goole site said: “The
 two large rooms facing directly onto    site and the offer will be greatly
 the canteen in a prime location.        improved with the new centre,
                                         not only will it provide storage for
 GREAT RECEPTION TO CENTRE               equipment and resources, but it will
 Martyn Warwick, regional lifelong       also allow colleagues to complete
 learning project worker said: “The      courses in a space dedicated to
 hard work and patience of the           learning. It will also be a place where
 Usdaw union learning reps (ULRs)        you can discreetly pick up Usdaw
 over the last 5 years is really going   resources as well as information
 to pay off with the new dedicated       around mental health and general
 Usdaw learning centre at Goole.         wellbeing.”
 The space will have two rooms,             Tesco managers throughout the
 one focused on IT delivery while        DC are also enthused by the new
 the second will be a more relaxed       learning suite, the site has always
 information/learning space where        been supportive of the whole
 learners can pick up resources,         lifelong learning project and recently
 use the book library or take part in    they featured the Usdaw learning
 classes.”                               offer and centre as part of the site’s    The new Usdaw learning centre at
     Union learning coordinator Keith    promotional recruitment video,            Tesco Goole DC will offer IT based
                                                                                   learning and a more relaxed space
 Springate said “After a long wait the   demonstrating the importance of
                                                                                   where learners can pick up resources,
 learning centre is finally in place.    the learning agenda as a key benefit      use the book library or take part in
 It’s looking great, and there’s a       of working at the site.                   classes.

22 July/August 2021
Lifelong Learning | NETWORK


Recent months saw yet more success in English
and maths for staff at the Tesco Goole Distribution
Centre when more than 30 members of staff
received their English and maths certificates. They
are the latest beneficiaries of a lifelong learning
partnership at the site that has seen over 140
people take part in English and maths courses.
   Usdaw union learning rep Keith Springate said:
“Usdaw and Tesco have been working together with
Profound Services for a while now. We have a team
of ULRs who promote the courses and help to set
them up. Profound’s tutors do the rest, and they
have an excellent record of success.”
   Profound’s operations manager Barry Nelson
said: “We are proud to be involved with this
project. For a lot of these workers, English is a
second language so to have 142 completions is
really fantastic and shows the commitment of the
students. It’s also been a success story for Profound
and a privilege to work with a union management

Andy Rowley
ULR Andy Rowley was one of those who took the
class. “I took the English course to see how it worked
and to gain a better qualification than I received
at school. The course was fun and interesting, I
learnt new skills and understood the work better. I
progressed to the next level of English and passed
both levels. I also learnt maths with great success.
I recommend everyone to take up the learning

Marian Viscol
Marian Viscol said: “I took this course help me speak
and write better English. Our teacher Joanne was
great and was always ready to help when we needed
her. I’m grateful to everyone involved; Usdaw, Tesco
and Profound Group for this fantastic opportunity
to improve my English.”

Katazyna Stanislawa Wegrzn
Katazyna Stanislawa Wegrzn said: “I took the English
course because I wanted to feel more comfortable
while speaking with my workmates. I was surprised
how quickly I stopped being stressed and joined
conversations with everyone around me. I improved
my English and built self-confidence, so I’ve achieved
two goals at once.”

                                      July/August 2021   23
You can also read