Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...

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Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
Hydrology of
                            Central Florida Lakes
                                       —A Primer

In cooperation with the                     U.S. Geological Survey
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
                         BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary

                            U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY

                           Mark Schaefer, Acting Director

The use of firm, trade, and brand names in this report is for identification purposes only and
                  does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Government

                  U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1998

                              Free on application to the
                               U.S. Geological Survey
                            Branch of Information Services
                                      Box 25286
                              Denver, CO 80225-0286

                   Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

           Schiffer, Donna M.
                Hydrology of central Florida lakes : a primer /
             by Donna M. Schiffer : illustrations by Rafael Medina.
                   p. cm. — (U.S. Geological Survey circular : 1137)
                “In cooperation with the St. Johns River Water Management District
             and the South Florida Water Management District.”
                Includes bibliographical references.
                Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.42: 1137
                1. Lakes—Florida. I. St. Johns River Water Management District.
             II. South Florida Water Management District. III. Title.
             IV. Series.
             GB1625.F6S35 1997
             551.48'2'09759—dc21                                         97–822

                                                            ISBN 0–607–88561–0
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................................    1
Classification of Lakes ..........................................................................................................................................................          4
The Hydrologic Cycle ...........................................................................................................................................................            5
      Rainfall ........................................................................................................................................................................     7
      Evaporation and Transpiration ....................................................................................................................................                    8
      Surface Runoff.............................................................................................................................................................          10
      Infiltration and Ground-Water Recharge and Discharge .............................................................................................                                   10
Geology of Central Florida....................................................................................................................................................             10
Ground Water.........................................................................................................................................................................      12
Geomorphology and the Origin of Central Florida Lakes.....................................................................................................                                 13
Physical Characteristics of Lakes ..........................................................................................................................................               19
What Causes Lake Water-Level Fluctuations........................................................................................................................                          20
      How Rainfall and Evapotranspiration Affect Lake Water Levels ...............................................................................                                         20
      How Surface Water Affects Lake Water Levels ..........................................................................................................                               21
      How Ground Water Affects Lake Water Levels ..........................................................................................................                                21
      How Human Activities Affect Lake Water Levels......................................................................................................                                  24
      Examples of Lake Water-Level Fluctuations...............................................................................................................                             25
      Artificial Control of Lake Water Levels ......................................................................................................................                       27
Quality of Water in Central Florida Lakes ............................................................................................................................                     28
      Lake Water-Quality Classification Systems ................................................................................................................                           29
      Water Quality: A Function of the Source Water..........................................................................................................                              30
      Water Quality: A Function of Residence Time ...........................................................................................................                              31
      Water-Quality Problems ..............................................................................................................................................                31
      Water-Quality Solutions ..............................................................................................................................................               32
Summary................................................................................................................................................................................    35
Selected References ...............................................................................................................................................................        36

    1.    Approximate geographic area covered by this report and distribution of lakes in Florida ........................................                                                 2
    2.    Lakes and weather stations in this report....................................................................................................................                    3
    3.    Illustration summarizing hydrologic characteristics of seepage and drainage lakes ..................................................                                             4
    4.    Hydrologic cycle.........................................................................................................................................................        6
    5.    Major components of the hydrologic budget for a central Florida lake in a ground-water recharge area..................                                                           7
    6.    Mean monthly rainfall at DeLand and Orlando for the period 1961–90 and lake evaporation based on
          pan evaporation (1960–88) .........................................................................................................................................               8
   7.     Annual rainfall at Jacksonville, the station with the longest record in Florida ..........................................................                                        9
   8.     Ground-water movement in recharge and discharge areas .........................................................................................                                  10
   9.     Generalized summary of geologic and geohydrologic units in central Florida..........................................................                                             11
  10.     Geology and major aquifers in central Florida ...........................................................................................................                        12
  11.     Major physiographic regions of central Florida .........................................................................................................                         14
  12.     Formation of a collapse sinkhole ................................................................................................................................                15
  13.     Formation of a subsidence sinkhole............................................................................................................................                   16
  14.     Present-day lakes formed when sea level fell and freshwater filled depressions in the sea floor
          (Upper St. Johns River chain of lakes) .......................................................................................................................                   18
  15.     Lakes formed by solution processes (Ocklawaha River chain of lakes) ....................................................................                                         19

                                                                                              iii                                                                                Contents
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
16. Water level in Lake Umatilla, Lake County, and the cumulative difference between rainfall and
     lake evaporation..........................................................................................................................................................   21
 17. Interactions between ground-water and lake water levels..........................................................................................                            22
 18. Cross section through a sinkhole lake showing ground-water seepage......................................................................                                     23
 19. Surficial-aquifer spring flow and Floridan-aquifer spring flow to a lake...................................................................                                  24
 20. Water-level fluctuations in a drainage lake (Lake Apopka) and a seepage lake (Lake Francis) ................................                                                 25
 21. Water level in Sand Hill Lake, Brooklyn Lake, and in a well near Brooklyn Lake ...................................................                                           26
 22. Water levels in Lake Apopka and Lake Apshawa illustrating the effect of seiche on water levels ...........................                                                   27
 23. Examples of lake water-level control devices ............................................................................................................                    28
 24. Examples of an oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic lake..................................................................................                               29

Contents                                                                                 iv
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...

Alkalinity: A measure of the capacity of the water to                 Hydrologic budget: An accounting of the inflow to, outflow
     neutralize acids.                                                      from, and storage in a drainage basin.
Aquifer: A geologic formation, group of formations,                   Hydrologic cycle: A term denoting the circulation of water
     or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated,             from the ocean, through the atmosphere, to the land;
     permeable material to be able to yield significant                     and then, with many delays, back to the ocean by
     quantities of water to wells and springs.                              overland and subterranean routes, and in part by way
Artesian: A condition in which ground water in a well rises                 of the atmosphere; also includes the many paths by
     above the top of the water-bearing formation that is                   which water is returned to the atmosphere without
     tapped by the well.                                                    reaching the ocean.
Buffered: The resistance of water to a change in pH.                  Hydrology: The science of the water of the Earth.
Carbonates: Rock composed chiefly of carbonate minerals               Hydrostatic pressure: The pressure exerted by the water at
     (calcium, magnesium); examples are limestone and                       any given point in a body of water at rest.
     dolomite.                                                        Infiltration: The flow of water into the surface of the Earth
Condensation: The process by which water changes from                       through the pores of the soil at land surface. Distinct
     the vapor state into the liquid or solid state.                        from percolation (see definition).
Conductivity: See specific conductance.                               Interception: The process and the amount of rain stored
                                                                            on leaves and branches of vegetation that eventually
Dissolved oxygen: Atmospheric oxygen that is dissolved
                                                                            evaporates back to the atmosphere.
     and held in solution in water. Only a fixed amount of
                                                                      Limnology: The branch of hydrology pertaining to the study
     oxygen can be dissolved in water at a given tempera-
                                                                            of lakes.
     ture and atmospheric pressure.
                                                                      Overburden: The loose soils, sand, gravel, or other
Dissolved solids: The sum of all the dissolved constituents
                                                                            unconsolidated materials overlying a rock stratum.
     in a water sample. Major components of dissolved
                                                                      Nitrogen: An essential plant nutrient. High concentrations
     solids are the ions of the following: calcium,
                                                                            can lead to excessive plant growth and water-quality
     magnesium, sodium, postassium, bicarbonate, sulfate,
     and chloride.
                                                                      Pan coefficients: Mathematical ratios that relate lake
Drainage basin: A part of the surface of the Earth that
                                                                            evaporation to measured pan evaporation.
     drains to a body of water by way of overland flow or
                                                                      Percolation: Flow of water through a porous substance,
     stream flow.
                                                                            usually in a vertical direction (downward). Rainfall, as
Drainage lake: A lake that has a surface-water outlet.                      it reaches the land surface, first infiltrates the surface,
Evaporation: The process by which water is changed from                     then percolates downward.
     the liquid state into the gaseous state through the              pH: A measure of how acidic or alkaline water is, based on
     transfer of heat energy.                                               the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water.
Evapotranspiration: The sum of water lost from a given                Phosphorus: An essential plant nutrient. High concentra-
     land area during any specified time by transpiration                   tions can lead to excessive plant growth and water-
     from vegetation and building of plant tissue; by                       quality problems.
     evaporation from water surfaces, moist soil, and snow;           Potential evapotranspiration: The maximum amount of
     and by interception (rainfall that never reaches the                   water that would be evaporated and transpired if there
     ground but evaporates from surfaces of plants and                      was no deficiency of water in the soil at any time for
     trees).                                                                the use of vegetation.
Flushing rate: The rate (volume per unit time) at which               Potentiometric surface: An imaginary surface that
     water leaves a lake, either through a surface-water                    represents the height to which water will rise in a
     outlet or through ground-water seepage.                                tightly cased well.
Geomorphology: The study of the configuration and                     Precipitation: The discharge of water, in liquid or solid
     evolution of land forms.                                               state, out of the atmosphere, generally upon a land or
Ground water: Water below the land surface in the zone of                   water surface. It is the common process by which
     saturation.                                                            atmospheric water becomes surface or subsurface
Hydraulic gradient: The difference in water levels at two                   water. Precipitation includes rain, hail, sleet, and snow.
     points divided by the distance between the two points.           Residence time: The time necessary for the total volume of
     Either horizontal or vertical hydraulic gradients can be               water in a lake to be completely replaced by incoming
     measured.                                                              water.

                                                                  v                                                          Glossary
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
Retention pond: A pond constructed for the purpose of                 Spring: Site at which ground water flows through a natural
     retaining stormwater runoff. Water in retention ponds                 opening in the ground onto the land surface or into a
     evaporates or infiltrates the bottom of the pond,                     body of surface water.
     eventually recharging the underlying ground water. If            Surface runoff: That part of precipitation that does not
     there is a surface outlet to another body of water, the               infiltrate the land surface, but travels along the land
     pond is called a detention pond.                                      surface.
Seepage: The process of water moving slowly through the               Surface water: Water that is present on the land surface,
     subsurface environment, or the actual water involved                  generally referring to lakes and streams.
     in the process of seepage.                                       Transpiration: The process by which plants take water from
Seepage lake: A lake that has no surface-water outflow; a                  the soil, use it in plant growth, and then transpire it to
     landlocked lake.                                                      the atmosphere in the form of water vapor. Evaporation
Seiche: The free oscillation of the bulk of water in a lake                and transpiration are often combined in one term,
     and the motion caused by it on the surface of the lake.               Evapotranspiration.
Sinkhole: A funnel-shaped depression in the land surface              Unsaturated zone: The zone between land surface and the
     that connects with underground passages or caverns.                   water table where the pores in the soil matrix are filled
Solution processes: The chemical processes by which rock                   with air and water.
     is dissolved by interactions with water.                         Water table: The upper surface of the zone of saturation in
Specific conductance: A measure of the property of water to                the ground. The water table commonly is at
     conduct a current of electricity. Specific conductance is             atmospheric pressure.
     commonly used as an indicator of the dissolved solids            Zone of saturation: The zone in which the soil or rock is
     content of water.                                                     saturated with water under hydrostatic pressure.

           Sources: Langbein, W.B., and Iseri, K.T., 1966; Fernald, E.A., and Patton, D.J., 1984; and Lane, Ed, ed., 1994

Glossary                                                         vi
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer
By Donna M. Schiffer

INTRODUCTION                              Polk (Hughes, 1974b). Lakes add to      primer was prepared by the
                                          the aesthetic and commercial value      U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in
                                          of the area and are used by many        cooperation with the St. Johns River
               akes are among the
                                          residents and visitors for fishing,     Water Management District and the

               most valued natural
                                          boating, swimming, and other types      South Florida Water Management
               resources of central
                                          of outdoor recreation. Lakes also       District. The USGS has been
               Florida. The land-
                                          are used for other purposes such as     collecting hydrologic data in central
               scape of central
                                          irrigation, flood control, water        Florida since the 1920’s, obtaining
               Flo rida is r iddle d
                                          supply, and navigation. Residents       valuable information that has been
               with lak es—w he n
               viewed from the air, it    and visitors commonly ask ques-         used to better understand the
almost seems there is more water          tions such as “Why are there so         hydrology of the water resources of
than land. Florida has more natu-         many lakes here?”, “Why is my lake      central Florida, including lakes. In
rally formed lakes than other south-      drying up (or flooding)?”, or “Is my    addition to data collection, as of
                                          lake spring-fed?” These questions       1994, the USGS had published
eastern States, where many lakes
                                          indicate that the basic hydrology of    66 reports and maps on central
are created by building dams across
                                          lakes and the interaction of lakes      Florida lakes (Garcia and Hoy,
streams. The abundance of lakes on
                                          with ground water and surface           1995).
the Florida peninsula is a result of
the geology and geologic history of       water are not well understood by the         The main purpose of this primer
the State. An estimated 7,800 lakes       general population.                     is to describe the hydrology of lakes
in Florida are greater than 1 acre in         Because of the importance of        in central Florida, the interactions
                                          lakes to residents of central Florida   between lakes and ground- and
surface area. Of these, 35 percent
                                          and the many questions and              surface-waters, and to describe how
are located in just four counties
                                          misconceptions about lakes, this        these interactions affect lake water
(fig. 1): Lake, Orange, Osceola, and
                                                                                  levels. Included are descriptions of
                                                                                  the basic geology and geomor-
                                                                                  phology of central Florida, origins
                                                                                  of central Florida lakes, factors that
                                                                                  affect lake water levels, lake water
                                                                                  quality, and common methods of
                                                                                  improving water quality. The
                                                                                  geographic area discussed in this
                                                                                  primer is approximate (fig. 1) and
                                                                                  includes west and east-central
                                                                                  Florida, extending from the Gulf of
                                                                                  Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean coast-
                                                                                  lines, northward into Marion,
                                                                                  Putnam, and Flagler Counties, and
                                                                                  southward to Lake Okeechobee.
                                                                                  The information presented here was
                                                                                  obtained from the many publica-
                                                                                  tions available on lakes in central
                                                                                  Florida, as well as from publica-
Many lakes in central Florida are used for recreation. (Photograph provided by    tions on Florida geology, hydro-
St. Johns River Water Management District.)                                       logy, and primers on ground water,

                                                             1                                              Introduction
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
characteristics. Lakes typically
                                                                                     have emergent vegetation along the
                                                                                     shoreline with a large expanse of
                                                                                     open water in the center. Swamps or
                                                                                     wetlands, on the other hand, are
                                                                                     characterized by a water surface
                                                                                     interrupted by the emergence of
                                                                                     many varieties of plant life, from
                                                                                     saw grasses to cypress trees.
                                                                                         Lakes may be naturally formed
                                                                                     or manmade; however, the distinc-
                                                                                     tion between naturally formed and
                                                                                     manmade lakes is not always clear.
                                                                                     For example, retention ponds,
                                                                                     which are required for the treatment
                                                                                     of stormwater, can be constructed
                                                                                     so that they serve multiple purposes
                                                                                     of stormwater treatment and
                                                                                     aesthetic enhancement of property.
                                                                                     Larger retention ponds sometimes
                                                                                     are used by residents for boating
                                                                                     and fishing and are considered by
                                                                                     some to be lakes.
                                                                                         In addition to aesthetic value
Figure 1. Approximate geographic area covered by this report and distribution of
lakes (dark blue) in Florida. Outlined counties contain 35 percent of the lakes in   and recreational uses, lakes in
Florida.                                                                             central Florida are extremely
                                                                                     important as habitats for fish, alliga-
                                                                                     tors, turtles, and birds such as
surface water, and water quality.          in the land surface could be              hawks, eagles, ducks, and herons.
Many publications are available            considered a lake. Lakes differ from      Because Florida lakes are used and
that provide more detailed informa-        swamps or wetlands in the type            enjoyed by many, they need to be
tion on lake water quality, and this       and amount of vegetation, water           ap pre ciate d, un de rsto od, a nd
primer is not intended as an exten-        depth, and some water-quality             managed for the benefit of all.
sive treatise on that subject. The
reader is referred to the reference
section of this primer for sources of                                                                      Alligators are
more detailed information on lake                                                                          common in
water quality. Lakes discussed in                                                                          Florida lakes,
                                                                                                           although their
this report are identified in figure 2.                                                                    population
Technical terms used in the report                                                                         varies from
                                                                                                           one lake to
are shown in bold italics and are                                                                          the next.
defined in the glossary.                                                                                   (Photograph
    The classification of some water                                                                       provided by
                                                                                                           South Florida
bodies as lakes is highly subjective.                                                                      Water
What one individual considers a                                                                            Management
“lake” another might consider a                                                                            District.)
“pond.” Generally, any water-filled
depression or group of depressions

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                   2
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
Figure 2. Lakes and weather stations in this report.

                                                       3   Introduction
Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes -A Primer - In cooperation with the ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT ...
CLASSIFICATION                           water quality). Residents of and
                                          OF LAKES                                 visitors to central Florida have
                                                                                   added their own classification
                                              Lakes are classified according       system by describing a particular
                                          to different criteria including loca-    lake as a good fishing or water-
                                          tion, origin, drainage characteris-      skiing lake.
                                          tics, trophic state (a measure of the
                                                                                       Lakes in Florida and elsewhere
                                          amount of nutrient enrichment of
                                                                                   commonly are classified by
                                          the water), and water chemistry.
                                                                                   drainage characteristics; it is these
                                          Lakes commonly are classified by
                                          geologists according to the physio-      characteristics that differentiate
                                          graphic region in which the lakes        Florida lakes from lakes in other
                                          are located. Many lakes in Florida       parts of the country. This general
                                          were formed by sinkhole activity         classification divides lakes into one
                                          and thus are called sinkhole lakes.      of two major types—seepage and
                                          Environmental scientists may             drainage lakes. Although there are
                                          classify lakes according to the state    many other hydrologic characteris-
                                          of water quality (this classification    tics associated with each type
                                          system is described in the section on    (fig. 3), perhaps the most easily
    Hydrologic characteristics of
central Florida lakes vary widely.
The surface areas of lakes can range
from several hundred square miles,
such as Lake Okeechobee, to less
than an acre. Water levels in some
lakes may vary by 10 feet or more,
whereas in other lakes, the water
level may vary by only 1 or 2 feet.
The quality of water among lakes in
central Florida also is variable, from
pristine lakes such as Lake Butler in
west Orange County to the pea-
green-colored waters of Lake
Apopka, a short distance to the
north in Orange and Lake Counties
(although the clarity of water is not
necessarily an indication of the
quality of the water). Some lakes
have natural surface-water inlets
and outlets. Other lakes are land-
locked, receiving water only from
rainfall and losing water only from
evaporation and seepage into the
surrounding soils. This great variety
in hydrologic characteristics is one
of the reasons why water levels vary
among lakes and why lakes respond
differently to rainfall.                           Figure 3. Hydrologic characteristics of seepage and drainage lakes.

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                4
recognized property used to
distinguish between seepage and
drainage lakes is the absence or
presence (respectively) of surface-
water outflow. Lakes that have no
surface-water outflow lose water
primarily through the ground-water
system or through evapotranspira-
tion and are called seepage lakes.
Lakes that lose water primarily
through a surface-water outlet are
called drainage lakes (Wetzel,
1975). Most Florida lakes are
seepage lakes—nearly 70 percent of
the lakes in Florida have no surface-
water streams flowing into or out of
them (Palmer, 1984). The drainage
basin of a seepage lake commonly
is referred to as a closed basin
because of the lack of surface-water
outflow from the basin; however,
there is outflow from the basin
through ground-water seepage. The
drainage basins of drainage lakes
are commonly referred to as open-
drainage basins.                             Florida has numerous wading birds that make use of the many
                                             lakes here. (Photographs provided by South Florida Water Management District.)
    The dominance of ground-water
flow over surface-water flow in
much of Florida makes the
hydrology of lakes here different
from that of lakes in other parts of         contributing drainage basin. Ulti-      THE HYDROLOGIC CYCLE
the country. The well-drained                mately, however, the most signifi-
porous soils and rocks that are              cant difference between seepage             Wa t e r in th e e n v i r o n m e n t
characteristic of the karst landscape        and drainage lakes is not the source    moves from the atmosphere, to the
of Florida are what make this                of the water, but the controlling       land surface, to the ground-water
difference. One difference between           factors affecting lake water volume     system, and back to the atmosphere
Florida lake hydrology and that of           (ground-water or surface-water          in a cycle called the hydrologic
o th e r p ar t s o f th e c o u n tr y is   outflows).                              cycle (fig. 4). In this section, the
expressed in the classical definition                                                components of the hydrologic cycle
of a drainage basin. A drainage                                                      are described to provide the neces-
b as i n o r w a te rs h e d (t h e a re a                                           sary background for an under-
contributing water) of a lake                   Most Florida lakes are               standing of lake hydrology.
commonly refers to the land surface             seepage lakes—nearly                     The primary components of the
area draining to a water body as                70 percent of the lakes              hydrologic cycle in central Florida
defined by topography. However,                   in Florida have no                 are rainfall, runoff, infiltration
because most of the inflow to                   surface-water streams                (including recharge), evaporation,
seepage lakes in Florida is from                    flowing into or                  transpiration, and condensation.
ground water, the ground-water                        out of them.                   When rain falls, some of the water
basin must be considered part of the                                                 infiltrates the ground and recharges

                                                              5                                         The Hydrologic Cycle
Figure 4. Hydrologic cycle. (Modified from Fernald and Patton, 1984.)

aquifers, some of it is intercepted by        Some of the components of the       water from rain falling on the
plants, and some of it flows over the     hydrologic cycle can be quantified      surface of the lake, from surface
land surface (surface runoff or           by using measuring devices to           runoff within the drainage basin,
overland flow). Beneath the land          collect data, and a “water budget” of   from streamflow, and from ground
surface, water moves through the          a lake (an accounting of the total      water entering the lake (labeled as
aquifers toward areas of discharge        volume of water entering and            lateral seepage in fig. 5). Lakes lose
such as the ocean or streams. Water       exiting the lake) can be determined     water to evaporation, seepage
                                          from these data. Much of the
returns to the atmosphere through                                                 through the bottom, and streamflow
                                          research on Florida lakes has
the processes of evaporation and                                                  (in lakes with surface-water
                                          focused on water budgets in an
plant transpiration (collectively                                                 connections). Rainfall and stream-
                                          effort to better understand the
labeled “evapotranspiration” in           complex hydrologic system of a          flow are relatively easy to measure,
fig. 4). Once in the atmosphere as        lake and to determine how each          but recharge, evaporation, and
water vapor, the hydrologic cycle is      component of the hydrologic cycle       seepage are much more difficult to
completed when this vapor                 affects lake water levels and water     determine accurately. The compo-
condenses and forms rain droplets         quality. A schematic of the compo-      nents of the hydrologic cycle are
that subsequently fall on the land        nents of a lake water budget is         discussed in more detail in the
surface again.                            shown in figure 5. Lakes receive        following sections.

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                  6
Rainfall                                significantly more rain in some          monthly rainfall during a 30-year
                                        areas than in others, whereas            period (1961–90) at two rainfall
    The climate of central Florida is   rainfall during the dry season           stations in DeLand and Orlando
subtropical, with warm, wet             affects larger geographic areas.         (fig. 6, locations shown in fig. 2).
summers and mild, fairly dry            Some of the differences in lake          Both stations are inland and are
winters. The wet season, which          water levels, particularly during        only about 30 miles apart, so one
begins in June and ends in              summer months, can be the result of      might expe ct similar rainfall
September, accounts for more than       local differences in rainfall amount     amounts. Total rainfall at these two
half (56 percent) of the rainfall                                                stations is similar for some months,
                                        or intensity.
during the year (Schiner, 1993).                                                 but the rainfall at DeLand tends to
                                             Total monthly or annual rain-
Rainfall during the wet season                                                   be greater than the rainfall at
generally is associated with local      fall also is variable from location to
                                                                                 Orlando, particularly during the
showers and thunderstorms.              location. For example, the average       months of August, September, and
Rainfall during the dry season          annual rainfall, based on 30 years       October, illustrating regional vari-
(October through May) generally is      of record (1961–90), ranges from         ability. Mean annual rainfall at
associated with frontal systems         4 3 . 9 2 i n c h e s i n Ta m p a t o   DeLand (56.05 inches) is nearly
moving from northern latitudes          54.09 inches in St. Leo (see fig. 2      8 inches greater than mean annual
southward. Rainfall during the wet      for station locations). The              rainfall at Orlando (48.11 inches)
season can be highly localized with     variability from one location to         for the period 1961–90, indicating
heavy thunderstorms producing           another is indicated by the average      that long-term rainfall patterns can
                                                                                 differ significantly even at locations
                                                                                 that are relatively close and in
                                                                                 similar settings.

                                                                                   Some of the differences
                                                                                     in lake water levels,
                                                                                      particularly during
                                                                                    summer months, can
                                                                                    be the result of local
                                                                                    differences in rainfall
                                                                                    amount or intensity.

                                                                                     The annual rainfall for
                                                                                 Jacksonville, the site with the
                                                                                 longest rainfall record in Florida, is
                                                                                 shown in figure 7. Rainfall record-
                                                                                 keeping started in 1851, but there is
                                                                                 a break in the otherwise continuous
                                                                                 record for 1861–66. Total annual
                                                                                 rainfall is shown in the upper graph
                                                                                 of figure 7. In the middle graph, the
                                                                                 difference between the rainfall for
                                                                                 each year and the long-term average
                                                                                 is shown (based on the period
                                                                                 1866–1993). Just as daily rainfall
                                                                                 varies from one day to the next, total
                                                                                 annual rainfall varies from one year
Figure 5. Major components of the hydrologic budget for a central Florida lake
in a ground-water recharge area.                                                 to the next. The difference between

                                                           7                                       The Hydrologic Cycle
One way that lake evaporation
                                                                                     is estimated is from evaporation
                                                                                     measured using a standard 4-foot
                                                                                     diameter, shallow metal pan. Pan-
                                                                                     evaporation rates are greater than
                                                                                     lake-evaporation rates and must be
                                                                                     corrected using pan coefficients,
                                                                                     which are mathematical ratios
                                                                                     that relate lake evaporation to pan
                                                                                          Annual lake evaporation for
                                                                                     the central Florida area was esti-
                                                                                     mated to be about 51 inches, based
                                                                                     on 28 years (1960–88) of pan-
                                                                                     evaporation data recorded at the
                                                                                     Lisbon and Gainesville weather
                                                                                     stations (locations shown in fig. 2)
Figure 6. Mean monthly rainfall at DeLand and Orlando for the period 1961–90         and pan coefficients determined in
and lake evaporation based on pan evaporation (1960–88).
                                                                                     studies at Lake Hefner, near Lake
                                                                                     Okeechobee, by Kohler (1954).
annual rainfall and the long-term         Evaporation and                            Other estimates of annual lake
average annual rainfall is called the     Transpiration                              evaporation reported by researchers
“departure” from average for that                                                    in central Florida have ranged from
year. These annual departures from            Most of the rain that falls is         47 inches (Phelps and German,
the average can have a cumulative         returned to the atmosphere by evap-        1 9 9 6 ) t o 5 8 in ch es ( L e e a n d
effect on lake water levels. For          oration and by transpiration from          Swancar, 1994). The annual lake-
example, a series of years with less      plants. Commonly, evaporation and          evaporation rate of 51 inches is
than average rainfall may result in       transpiration are considered               greater than the average yearly
lake water levels that are lower than     together and called evapotranspira-        rainfall at Orlando (48.11 inches,
                                          tion. Water that is in the soil near the   based on rainfall from 1961–90);
the long-term average level for that
                                          land surface can return to the atmo-       however, lake evaporation repre-
lake. The bottom graph of figure 7
                                          sphere through evaporation. The            sents the maximum possible rate of
illustrates how the difference
                                          highest evaporation rate is from           evaporation. The actual evapora-
between annual rainfall and the
                                          open water surfaces such as lakes.
average rainfall, when accumulated                                                   tion rate over a large region is
                                          Evaporation from a lake surface is
from one year to the next, can                                                       considerably lower than the lake-
                                          referred to specifically as lake evap-
produce trends of excess or deficit                                                  evaporation rate because the water
                                          oration. The evaporation rate is
rainfall. Excess rainfall early in the                                               is evaporating from land surfaces as
                                          affected by several variables such as
period, from 1866 through about           the amount of moisture in the air          well as water surfaces. Although the
1889, produced enough of a cumu-          (humidity), the amount of sunlight,        actual evaporation in the drainage
lative surplus of rainfall (bars          wind, and temperature. Thus, evap-         basin of a lake can be estimated for
shown above the zero line) that it        oration rates are variable; in central     a water budget, the computation can
was 25 years before lower-than-           Florida, evaporation rates have            be complex because it requires
average annual rainfall produced a        been estimated to be as low as             information about land use, depth to
deficit (bars shown below the zero        25 inches per year and as high as          the water table, and other hydro-
line, beginning in 1917).                 50 inches per year (Tibbals, 1990).        logic variables.

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                  8
Figure 7. Annual rainfall at Jacksonville, the station with the longest record in Florida.

                                                               9                             The Hydrologic Cycle
Surface Runoff

     Rainfall that has not infiltrated
the soil and has not been returned
to the atmosphere by evapotranspi-
ration flows over the land surface
and eventually reaches a lake or
stream. Surface runoff refers to
water flowing over the land surface
and to water in streams and rivers.
Surface runoff is a significant
com ponen t of the hy drologic
budget of drainage lakes. In seepage
lakes, however, ground-water
inflows and outflows dominate the
hydrologic budget, and the compo-
nent represented by surface runoff
is relatively small.

Infiltration and Ground-
Water Recharge and                                 Figure 8. Ground-water movement in recharge and discharge areas.

     Part of the rainfall that reaches             Florida are located in discharge               have been deposited, rather than
the land surface infiltrates the soil,             areas. Lakes in central Florida are            marine carbonates. Subsequent
where it gradually percolates                      pr ese nt in b o th re ch arge a nd            fluctuations of sea level during
downward until it reaches the surfi-               discharge areas.                               episodes of glaciation have eroded,
cial aquifer system (fig. 8). This                                                                reworked, and transported the
water replenishes the surficial                                                                   unconsolidated sand, silt, and clay
aquifer system, which in turn                      GEOLOGY OF                                     sediments.
r e p l e n i s h e s o r r e c h a rg e s t h e   CENTRAL FLORIDA                                    The Florida peninsula is a
Floridan aquifer system. This                                                                     product of sedimentary processes,
downward movement can occur                             The Florida peninsula is                  and Florida’s geology reflects these
only where the water table of the                  composed of carbonate rock (lime-              processes. The geology of central
surficial aquifer system is higher (at             stone and dolomite) that was                   Florida is shown in figure 9, which
a greater altitude) than the potentio-             deposited over a period of about               also shows the hydrogeologic units,
metric surface of the Floridan                     1 0 0 m i ll i o n y ea r s . F o r ab o u t
                                                                                                  or aquifers and confining units,
aquifer system. The areas in the                   75 million years, during the
                                                                                                  corresponding to the geology.
State where ground water is replen-                Cretaceous Period (138 to
ished are referred to as recharge                                                                 Underlying the deepest rocks
                                                   63 million years ago), Florida was
areas. In areas where the potentio-                                                               shown in the diagram in figure 9 are
                                                   covered by relatively deep oceans.
metric surface of the Floridan                     Later, from about 63 to 38 million             several thousand feet of igneous,
aquifer system is at a higher altitude             years ago, the Florida peninsula was           metamorphic, and sedimentary
than the water table of the surficial              a shallow carbonate reef. Sea level            rocks that form the foundation of
aquifer that overlies it, water moves              then receded and rose several times,           the peninsula. Above these rocks
upward toward the land surface.                    eroding and depositing carbonates,             are the Cedar Key, Oldsmar, and
These areas are referred to as                     until about 5 million years ago.               Avon Park Formations, and the
discharge areas or areas of artesian               Since that time, land-derived sedi-            Ocala and Suwanee Limestones
flow (fig. 8). The many springs in                 ments such as sand, silt, and clay             (fig. 9). These formations consist of

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                            10
limestone, dolomite, anhydrite, and       land surface are unconsolidated            Later in geologic time, the sedi-
gypsum and were deposited when            sediments generally consisting of          ments of the Hawthorn Group were
most of the Florida peninsula was         quartz sand, clay, and some organic        deposited on top of this irregular,
below sea level. The total thickness      material.                                  eroded limestone surface. There-
of these formations ranges from               The thickness of the Hawthorn          fore, the thickness of the Hawthorn
5,500 to 12,000 feet (Tibbals,            Group, which varies greatly in             Group varies depending on the
1990). The overlying Hawthorn             central Florida, is a key element in       original altitude of the surface
Group, deposited about 25 million         the lake formation process                 where it was deposited. In those
                                          (described in a later section). When       areas where the sediments of the
years ago, represents a transition
                                          rocks of the marine-formed Ocala           Hawthorn Group are thin, more
between marine-derived and land-
                                          Limestone and Suwanee Limestone            surface water can penetrate to the
derived sediments. The lower layers
                                          Formations were exposed at land            underlying rock of the Ocala and
of the Hawthorn Group generally
                                          surface, the rock was eroded by            Suwanee Limestone Formations
are marine-derived and contain                                                       and continue the erosional process.
                                          wind, rain, flowing water, and
limestone, whereas the upper layers       thermal changes (expansion and             These are areas prone to sinkhole
of clay, fine sand, and silt are land-    contraction due to seasonal temper-        development. In those areas where
derived. These upper layers of the        ature change). Because the                 the Hawthorn Group is thicker, the
Hawthorn Group generally restrict         erosional process is not necessarily       underlying rock is more shielded
ground-water movement. Over-              uniform from one location to               from the effects of continued
lying the Hawthorn Group and              another, the eroded surface of the         erosion, and sinkholes are less
continuing upward to the present          limestone can be very irregular.           common.

Figure 9. Generalized summary of geologic and geohydrologic units in central Florida. (Modified from Miller, 1986; Tibbals,
1990; Bradner, 1994; Phelps, 1987; Lopez and Fretwell, 1992.)

                                                            11                                    Geology of Central Florida
GROUND WATER                               term “system” is used to indicate        refers to water below the water
                                           the presence of more than one            table. The water table is in contact
    In this section of the primer,         water-bearing layer or aquifer; for      with the atmosphere through the
the ground-water system in central         regional analysis these multiple         unsaturated zone; therefore, the
Florida is described to provide the        layers of aquifers are collectively      water table is at atmospheric pres-
background for understanding lake          considered as a single geohydro-         sure. The depth to the water table
formation, water levels in lakes, and      logic unit (fig. 9).                     can range from 50 feet or more
th e qu ali ty o f w a ter in lak es            In central Florida, the aquifer     below land surface to above land
discussed in subsequent sections.          nearest the land surface is the surfi-   surface in wetlands and lakes.
Florida’s ground water is contained        cial aquifer. The water table refers     (Because the water surface of a lake
in aquifers. An aquifer is a layer or      to a surface below which all the         is the water table, and the land
a combination of several layers of         openings or spaces in the soil or        surface is actually the submerged
permeable soils or rocks that yield        rock are filled with water (satu-        lake bottom, the water table is
usable quantities of water. The            rated). Pores in the soil between the    above land surface in lakes.)
major aquifers in central Florida are      land surface and the water table are         Beneath the surficial aquifer
identified in figure 9 under the           filled with both water and air; this     system lies the intermediate
column labeled “Geohydrologic              uppermost layer above the water          confining unit, which is composed
Unit” and in the generalized cross         table is referred to as the unsatur-     of layers of clays, fine silts and, in
section shown in figure 10. The            ated zone. The term ground water         some areas, limestone beds. The

Figure 10. Geology and major aquifers in central Florida.

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                 12
materials that make up the interme-                water (thus the name “intermediate       Central Highlands region range
diate confining unit in most of                    confining unit”). This condition is      from about 40 to 325 feet above sea
central Florida generally are not                  commonly called artesian because         level. The Coastal Lowlands border
very permeable, thus, this unit                    water levels in wells drilled into the   the entire coast of Florida, and land
restricts the movement of water                    aquifer rise above the top of the        elevations generally are less than
from above and below. In some                      aquifer and, in some places, above       100 feet (Cooke, 1945).
areas, the lower part of the interme-              land surface (fig. 10). The level to          The central Florida area is char-
diate confining unit may consist of                which the water rises is referred to     acterized by discontinuous high-
highly fractured limestone and                     as a potentiometric surface. Wells       lands separated by broad valleys.
dolomite, which can produce usable                 that tap the Floridan aquifer system     One of the effects of the rise and fall
quantities of water; however, in                   in ground-water discharge areas are      of sea level was the formation of
m o s t a r e a s , t h e i n t e r m e d ia t e   commonly referred to as artesian         relict shoreline features such as
confining unit is not used for water               wells, particularly if the potentio-     beach ridges, which parallel the
supply.                                            metric level in the well is greater      present-day Atlantic coastline
    The Floridan aquifer system                    than the land surface; where this        (fig. 11). These beach ridges have
underlies the intermediate con-                    occurs, water will flow out of the       had an effect on the shape, location,
fining unit and is the primary source              well as shown in figure 10. In areas     and orientation of lakes in central
of nearly all the drinking water in                where the limestone of the Floridan      Florida. Swales between the beach
central Florida. The rock that                     aquifer system is at or near land        ridges (shown as plains in fig. 11)
contains the Floridan aquifer                      surface and there are no confining       are areas where surface water
system generally consists of highly                sediments, water in the aquifer is       collected when sea level dropped,
permeable limestone and dolomite.                  not under pressure; in these areas,
                                                                                            causing a decline in the water table
The top of the aquifer is at or near               the aquifer is not artesian.
                                                                                            and increasing the downward
land surface in west-central Florida                                                        movement of water. This increase in
(including Marion and Sumter                                                                vertical water movement in turn
Counties) and can be as deep as                    GEOMORPHOLOGY AND                        accelerated the lake formation
several hundred feet below land                    THE ORIGIN OF CENTRAL                    processes, which partly explains the
surface in other areas of central                  FLORIDA LAKES                            abundance of lakes in central
Florida. The Floridan aquifer
                                                       The geomorphology of the             F l o r i d a . Wi t h i n t h e C e n t r a l
system is further divided into
                                                   Florida peninsula provides clues to      Highlands of the Florida peninsula
the Upper Floridan and Lower
                                                   geologic history and the origin of       is the most extensive area of closely
Floridan aquifers (fig. 9). The
                                                   lakes. Physical features of the land     spaced lakes in North America. The
Upper Floridan aquifer is the
                                                   surface of central Florida have been     nearest counterparts to the lake
primary source of drinking water,
                                                   used to define p hysiog raphic           district of Florida are in Canada and
al tho u gh t he L o we r F lor id an
                                                   regions, some of which are associ-       in the northern United States from
aquifer is used in some areas.
                                                   ated with the abundance of lakes.        Minnesota to Maine.
                                                   The physical features of Florida are          Lakes in Florida were formed
      The Floridan aquifer                                                                  by several processes. The lime-
                                                   quite varied, although compared
     system is the primary                         to other parts of the country the        stones and dolomites that underlie
      source of nearly all                         State is rather flat and featureless.    central Florida are “soft” rocks that
     the drinking water in                         Physical features of central Florida     are easily dissolved by rainwater
        central Florida.                           range from highlands, ridges, and        entering the subsurface environ-
                                                   upland plains to lowlands and            ment from the land surface and by
    Water in the Floridan aquifer                  coastal marshes. Cooke (1945)            the ground water moving through
system is under pressure in much of                described two major physiographic        the rock matrix. The chemical
central Florida because the over-                  regions in central Florida: the          processes by which rock is
lying clays and silts of the                       Central Highlands and the Coastal        dissolved by interactions with water
Hawthorn Group act to confine the                  Lowlands. Land elevations in the         a r e c o m m o n l y r e fe r r e d to a s

                                                                    13         Geomorphology and the Origin of Central Florida Lakes
areas wh ere the interm ediate
                                                                                   confining unit between the uncon-
                                                                                   solidated materials of the surficial
                                                                                   aquifer system and the underlying
                                                                                   limestone of the Floridan aquifer
                                                                                   system is thin, breached, or absent.
                                                                                   With few exceptions, sinkholes
                                                                                   form in areas of recharge to the
                                                                                   Floridan aquifer system. In these
                                                                                   areas, ground water easily moves
                                                                                   downward from the land surface to
                                                                                   the limestone. Carbon dioxide from
                                                                                   the atmosphere and soil zone is
                                                                                   carried with the ground water and
                                                                                   forms carbonic acid, a weak acid
                                                                                   th at d iss ol ve s th e lime sto n e,
                                                                                   eventually forming cavities and
                                                                                   caverns. In contrast, in areas where
                                                                                   the intermediate confining unit is
                                                                                   intact and water in the aquifer is
                                                                                   confined, less water from the
                                                                                   surface reaches the limestone and
                                                                                   sinkholes are not as common.

                                                                                        By far, the most
                                                                                   common origin of Florida’s
                                                                                          lakes is by
                                                                                      solution processes.

                                                                                       The three general types of
                                                                                   sinkholes—subsidence, solution,
                                                                                   and collapse—in central Florida
                                                                                   generally correspond to the thick-
                                                                                   ness of the sediments overlying the
                                                                                   limestone of the Floridan aquifer
Figure 11. Major physiographic regions of central Florida. (Modified from Cooke,
1945.)                                                                             system. The sediments and water
                                                                                   contained in the unsaturated zone,
                                                                                   surficial aquifer system, and inter-
solution processes. The past and          of sinkholes (depressions in the         mediate confining unit collectively
                                                                                   are termed overburden in the
continuing solution of the limestone      land surface), springs, circular-
                                                                                   following description of sinkhole
beneath the land surface by ground        shaped lakes, and large cavities in
                                                                                   formation. Collapse sinkholes are
water results in a landform called        the limestone and dolomite rocks.
                                                                                   most common in areas where the
karst. Common characteristics of a            By far, the most common origin       overburden is thick, but the inter-
karst landform include a lack of          of Florida’s lakes is by solution        mediate confining unit is breached
surface drainage (nearly all the          processes. Solution processes are        or absent. Subsidence sinkholes
rainfall infiltrates into the ground      the underlying cause of sinkholes,       form where the overburden is thin
and few drainage channels or              which over time become lakes.            and only a veneer of sediments is
streams develop) and the presence         Sinkholes are most common in             present overlying the limestone.

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                 14
Solution sinkholes form where the
overburden is absent and the lime-
stone is exposed at land surface.
     Collapse sinkholes are the most
dramatic of the three sinkhole
types; they form with little warning
and leave behind a deep, steeply
sided hole. Collapse occurs because
of the weakening of the rock of the
aquifer by erosional processes and
is often triggered by changes in
water levels in the surficial and
Floridan aquifer systems. The
progression of a collapse sinkhole is
shown in figure 12. A small cavity
in the limestone of the Floridan
aquifer system gradually grows
larger as the rock is dissolved by the
ground water flowing through it.
The weight of the overburden above
the cavity is supported by the roof
of the cavity and is partly supported
by pressure from the water in the
aquifer. As the cavity grows larger,
the rock that forms the roof of the
cavity becomes progressively
thinner. As water levels decline
during dry periods or because of
pumping, water pressure in the
limestone cavity decreases and the
weight of the overburden over-
comes the structural integrity of the
cavity roof. At this point, the roof
and overburden collapse into the
c a v i t y, f o r m i n g t h e s u r f ic i a l
“pothole” that is associated with
sinkholes and karst terrain. The
Winter Park sinkhole that formed in
M a y 1 98 1 (s ee ph o to , p . 1 7)
probably is the best known collapse
sinkhole in central Florida.
     Although collapse sinkholes
generally form during dry periods,
they also can form as a result of
heavy rainfall during an extended
                                                    Figure 12. Formation of a collapse sinkhole.
period of time. The rise in the water
table of the surficial aquifer system
as a result of the increased rainfall
causes an increase in the weight of                 on the roof of a limestone cavity         partially supporting the cavity roof
the overburden. A collapse occurs                   increases more rapidly than the           and exceeds the structural strength
when the weight of the overburden                   water pressure in the cavity that is      of the roof.

                                                                      15        Geomorphology and the Origin of Central Florida Lakes
The progression of a subsidence       unconsolidated sediments above the     depression at the land surface. As
sinkhole is shown in figure 13.           limestone are carried downward         the depression enlarges with time,
Rainwater percolates through              with the percolating water and         water begins to collect in the
overlying sediments and reaches           occupy the spaces formed by the        depression. Sand and clay are
the limestone, dissolving the rock        dissolving limestone. With time, the   carried to the newly formed
and gradually weakening its               movement of sediments into the         s i n k h o l e i n r u n o ff f r o m t h e
structural integrity. As the lime-        openings in the limestone causes       su rro un di ng la nd , ev en tua lly
                                                                                 settling, lining the bottom of the
stone continues to dissolve, the          the formation of a bowl-shaped
                                                                                 depression, and restricting the flow
                                                                                 of water through the bottom. As
                                                                                 water continues to accumulate in
                                                                                 the depression, a lake is formed. An
                                                                                 example of a lake formed in this
                                                                                 way is Lake Tsala Apopka, in Citrus
                                                                                 County (see photo, p. 17). In this
                                                                                 area of central Florida, the lime-
                                                                                 stone is covered with a veneer of
                                                                                 unconsolidated sediments or is
                                                                                 exposed at the land surface. Lake
                                                                                 Tsala Apopka is actually a series of
                                                                                 lakes and marshes; the aerial view
                                                                                 shows the many depressions that
                                                                                 together form the lake.
                                                                                       With the passing of time, the
                                                                                 difference in appearance of lakes
                                                                                 formed by these different types of
                                                                                 sinkholes is less distinct. For
                                                                                 example, the photograph of the
                                                                                 Winter Park sinkhole was taken in
                                                                                 1994, 13 years after the sinkhole
                                                                                 formed. In the photo, the steep sides
                                                                                 of the sinkhole are no longer visible
                                                                                 because the water level has risen in
                                                                                 the sinkhole and the “sink” looks
                                                                                 very much like nearby lakes that
                                                                                 may have been formed by other
                                                                                 processes. Thus the specific type of
                                                                                 sinkhole that caused the lake to
                                                                                 form is not readily apparent.
                                                                                       Not all lakes in central Florida
                                                                                 were formed by solution processes.
                                                                                 Some central Florida lakes origi-
                                                                                 nally were natural depressions in
                                                                                 the ancient sea floor. These depres-
                                                                                 sions formed as a result of scouring
                                                                                 and redepositing of material by
                                                                                 wave action and water currents.
                                                                                 Freshwater eventually filled these
 Figure 13. Formation of a subsidence sinkhole.                                  depressions when sea level fell.

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer               16
Lake Tsala-Apopka in west-central
                                        Florida is an example of a lake
                                        formed by solution processes. The
                                        limestone in the area near this lake
                                        is commonly seen at land surface.
                                        (Photograph by L.A. Bradner,
                                        U.S. Geological Survey.)

The top photograph shows the
Winter Park sinkhole shortly
after it formed in May 1981.
(Photograph by A.S. Navoy.)

                                        In the bottom photograph, the
                                        sinkhole is shown 13 years later,
                                        in October 1994. (Photograph by
                                        L.A B r adne r, U . S. Geo logi cal

                               17   Geomorphology and the Origin of Central Florida
Figure 14. Present-day lakes formed
                                                                                          when sea level fell and freshwater filled
                                                                                          depressions in the sea floor (Upper
                                                                                          St. Johns River chain of lakes).

                                                                                            Lakes formed in ancient
                                                                                          sea floor depressions or by
                                                                                          riverine processes differ in
                                                                                              shape, grouping, and
                                                                                            orientation of inlets and
                                                                                           outlets from lakes formed
                                                                                             by solution processes.

                                                                                          direction of the river flow, so that
                                                                                          the lakes appear to be threaded
                                                                                          together by the river (fig. 14). The
                                                                                          inlet and outlet of each lake line up
                                                                                          with the river and are oriented along
                                                                                          the long axis of the lake. Solution-
                                                                                          formed or sinkhole lakes tend to
                                                                                          appear in groups or clusters, rather
                                                                                          than in linear chains as in the Upper
                                                                                          St. Johns River lake chain. An
                                                                                          example of solution-formed lakes
                                                                                          are the lakes of the Ocklawaha
                                                                                          chain: Apopka, Harris, Griffin,
                                                                                          Dora, Eustis, and Yale (fig. 15). The
                                                                                          inlets and outlets of these lakes tend
                                                                                          to be randomly oriented with
                                                                                          respect to their long axes. Regard-
Examples of lakes that were formed                processes to enlarge or change the      less of the orientation of inlets and
in this way are the lakes that form a             shape of lakes. Fo r ex ample,          outlets of central Florida lakes, a
chain along the Upper St. Johns                   although Lakes Harney, Monroe,          group of connected lakes are
River, including Lakes Helen                      and George (fig. 2) all originated      commonly referred to as a chain of
Blazes, Washington, Winder, and                   from depressions in the ancient sea     lakes.
Poinsett in Brevard County                        floor, riverine processes have              Manmade lakes in Florida often
(fig. 14). These lakes, through                   continued to enlarge these lakes.       are created for practical as well as
which the Upper St. Johns River                       Lakes formed in ancient sea         aesthetic reasons. Sometimes these
flows, are remnants of an ancient                 floor depressions or by riverine        lakes are referred to as “real-estate
estuary (White, 1970, p. 103).                    processes differ in shape, grouping,    lakes,” and are used in housing
    Probably the least common                     and orientation of inlets and outlets   developments for stormwater treat-
origin of lakes in Florida is by                  from lakes formed by solution           ment and for enhancement of the
fluvial, or riverine, processes. More             processes. For example, the lakes       natural landscape. Lakes of this
c o m m o n l y, f l u v i a l p ro c e s s e s   that form the Upper St. Johns River     type usually are not named, even
combine with other lake-formation                 chain of lakes are elongated in the     though some are quite large. One

Hydrology of Central Florida Lakes—A Primer                        18
                                                                                        OF LAKES
                                                                                             Some of the physical character-
                                                                                        istics of lakes include shape (length,
                                                                                        width), depth, surface area, and
                                                                                        total volume. As described in the
                                                                                        last section, the shape of a lake,
                                                                                        which may be circular, elliptical, or
                                                                                        irregular, is the result of the process
                                                                                        by which it was formed and the
                                                                                        environment in which it has existed
                                                                                        since it was formed. Because the
                                                                                        environment of a lake is dynamic,
                                                                                        physical characteristics may change
Although the unnamed lake in this aerial photograph taken in an area near               with time, either as a result of
Sebring, Florida, has a nearly perfect circular shape indicating its sinkhole origin,
most solution-formed lakes do not have this perfect a shape! (Photograph by
                                                                                        natural environmental processes or
E.P. Simonds, U.S. Geological Survey.)                                                  because of human activity.

type of manmade lake is formed by
building a dam across a river.
Examples of this type of lake are
Lake Rousseau in west-central
Florida (located along the county
lines of Levy, Marion, and Citrus
Counties), which was created when
the Inglis Dam was built in 1969,
and Lake Ocklawaha in Putnam
County, which was created when
the Rodman Dam was built in 1968
(fig. 2). Both of these impound-
ments were created as part of the
Cross-Florida Barge Canal, which
was partially constructed in the
1960’s to connect the Atlantic
Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico for
shipping purposes but was halted
after concerns about environmental
impacts arose.

Figure 15. Lakes formed by solution
processes (Ocklawaha River chain of

                                                                 19                            Physical Characteristics of Lakes
You can also read