HY22 interim results presentation - 24 FEBRUARY 2022 - Vital Healthcare Property ...
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Contents Presenters Aaron Hockly Fund Manager Overview3 Michael Groth Chief Financial Officer HY22 highlights 8 Financial results & capital management 11 Richard Roos Portfolio & acquisitions 18 Exec. Director, Portfolio Developments24 Future focus 30 Chris Adams Exec. Director, Projects Appendices33 All amounts are in NZD unless otherwise shown VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 2
Overview of Vital VITAL IS THE ONLY SPECIALIST HEALTHCARE LANDLORD LISTED ON THE NZX V I TA L HEALT HCARE PROPERT Y T RU ST (V ITAL) IS: 17.8 year ~$3bn WA L E 43* PROPERTIES The owner of a ~$3 billion healthcare property ( AU S & N Z ) portfolio in New Zealand (27% of assets) and Australia (73%); NORTHERN The only NZX-listed specialist healthcare T E R R I TO RY landlord (NZX ticker: VHP); QUEENSLAND Externally managed by a subsidiary of W E ST E R N 6 AU ST R A L I A Toronto-listed, global healthcare real estate SOUTH owner and manager, NorthWest Healthcare 4 AU ST R A L I A NEW SOUTH Properties REIT (TSX ticker: NWH); 3 WA L E S 12 Underpinned by rental income that tracks 12 inflation with ~86% of lease income indexed V I C TO R I A to CPI in some way; and 6 Targeting 2–3% AFFO and DPU growth per ~$2.2bn 31* P R O P E R T I E S ( AU S ) TASM A N I A ~$0.8bn 12 * P R O P E R T I E S ( N Z ) annum over the medium term, whilst retaining a conservative pay-out ratio. VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 3 *Excludes strategic assets held for development
Vital’s 2-year progression despite COVID-19 P O R TFO LI O E N H A N C E ME NTS SU PPO R T TA R G E T OF G RO WING AFFO AND D ISTRIBUTIO NS BY 2–3% P ER UN IT PER AN N UM TOTAL PRO PERT Y VA L U E WA L E AV E R AG E BUI L D I NG AG E 1 N ET PROPERT Y IN COME (AN N U AL) ~$2bn ~$3bn 17.9 years 17.8 years 14.0 years 10.7 years $98.8m $113.4m (AUS:75%, NZ:25%) (AUS:73%, NZ:27%) 2019 2021 2019 2021 2019 2021 C Y19 CY21 52.6% Maintenance of market leading WALE Younger buildings reduce current and future maintenance 14.8% growth capex requirements increase WEIG HTED AVERAG E CA P R ATE D E VE LO P M E NT P I P E L I NE LARGEST SINGLE TENANT EXPOSURE SECTOR SPLIT Hospital:86% Hospital: 82% 5.52% 4.67% ~$200m >$1bn2 46% 20% Ambulatory Care: 11% Ambulatory Care: 13% 2019 2021 2019 2021 2019 2021 Aged Care: 3% Aged Care: 5% 2019 2021 Reduction demonstrates: (1) Enhance earnings quality of assets and tenants; and valuation growth Diversity of assets reduces Concentration risk reduced and (2) value added by leasing and supports portfolio risk and enhances earnings and development undertaken development Portfolio enhanced through acquisitions, development and disposals to: (1) increase diversity of assets and tenants, (2) reduce age of building and (3) maintain long WALE. This helps to reduce income risk for Vital’s unitholders 1 Average building age = the later of the date of construction or the last significant capital works 2 Includes $161.4m of committed development spend remaining and ~$1bn of developments being considered. Development VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 4 timing and therefore spend expected to be over a staged and lengthy period (at least 10 years)
Vital’s 2-year progression despite COVID-19 (cont’d) BAL ANC E S H E E T ST R E NG TH E NE D NTA PER UNIT B A L A N CE S H E E T G E A R I NG AV E R AG E D E BT D UR AT I O N 35.1% 33.2% 1.7 years 4.4 years3 2019 2021 2019 2021 $2.36 $3.12 2019 2021 Conservative gearing Significantly expanded maintained A F FO (P E R UNI T) D I ST R I BUT I O NS (P E R UNI T) 10.451 11.902 8.751 9.752 32.2% FY20 FY22 FY20 FY22 growth 13.9% growth 11.4% growth Balance sheet strengthened through raising $351m of new equity and extending debt whilst supporting portfolio growth as a means to grow AFFO and distributions 1 FY20 actual 2 FY22 upgraded guidance (annualised) 3 Pro-forma as at 31 December 2021 including terms agreed post- 31 December 2021 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 5
Delivery of strategy DELI VERI N G FOR VI TA L' S U NIT H O L D E R S IN AC C ORDANC E WITH STRATEGY Vital’s manager has continued to deliver for Vital’s unitholders: Growth in earnings Raising new equity primarily from Increased distributions existing unitholders on a pro-rata basis Continued portfolio improvement Reduction in base management fees relative to assets Expansion of development pipeline Focus on sustainability Extension of debt duration profile Renewal of Vital’s board 16.3% per annum Recent achievements build on longer term Total Return for 10 years ended 31 December 2021 record Source: Forsyth Barr VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 6
HY22 highlights – capital & transactions TRANSAC T I ON S U N D E R TA K E N TO G R O W F U T U R E EARNING S & S UP P O RT FUTURE P O RTFO LIO G RO WTH $168m $315m 8.0% equity raised1 debt extended increase in NTA per unit 33.2% $328m 86% balance sheet gearing property transactions2 of leases (by income) $314m acquisitions & $14m disposals linked to CPI 1 omprising placement, UPP, DRP and incentive units issued to the Manager C 2 Includes $181m of committed post 31 December 2021 acquisitions of The Hills Clinic Land (AUS), Campbelltown Health Hub (AUS), Hutt Valley Health Hub (NZ) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 8
HY22 highlights – portfolio & developments ENHANC E D P OR T FOL IO ME T R IC S IN A L IG NME NT WITH STRATEGY 8.8% 3.7% 17.8 years increase in underlying average rent reviews WALE; market leading income (ex. FX) completed (annualised) 10 developments $50m $44m underway $161.4m spend of development and of developments moved from remaining with a further ~$1bn1 capital expenditure “potential” to “committed” being actively considered works undertaken2 1 Development timing and therefore spend expected to be over a staged and lengthy period (at least 10 years) 2 Includes $42m of developments ~$6m of value-add capex and ~$2m maintenance and tenant incentive capex VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 9
Financial performance P RO P ERT Y E A R N I N GS G R O W TH HAS FAC IL ITATE D AFFO G RO WTH ($) (%) HY22 HY21 C HA N GE C HA N GE Contribution from structured Net property income 57.9 54.2 3.7 6.9% rent reviews, acquisitions and All expenses ex. finance 16.9 11.7 5.2 44.8% development rents Realised (gains) / losses on FX derivatives (0.5) 0.7 (1.2) N/A Net finance expenses 13.7 13.6 0.1 0.5% Operating profit before tax and other income 27.8 28.2 (0.4) (1.5%) $153m of revaluation gains Property revaluations and other income 169.6 75.0 94.6 126.1% during HY22 Profit before income tax 197.4 103.2 94.2 91.3% Adjusted funds from operations (AFFO) 32.0 28.1 3.9 14.0% Adjusted funds from operations (cpu) 5.91 5.87 0.05 0.8% Distributions per unit (cpu) 4.75 4.38 0.38 8.6% All values shown as $m Average NZD/AUD exchange rate in the period 0.9535 0.9320 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 11
Net property income 8.8% NPI GR O WT H (E XC L. F X) A ID E D BY AC Q U ISITIO NS, D EV ELO PM ENTS AND RENT REV IEWS Acquisitions – income from late FY21 N E T P R O P ER T Y IN C O M E B R ID GE ($M) and HY22 acquisitions +6.9% growth (incl FX) / +8.8% (excl. FX) Development income – rentalisation of capital expenditure and holding 65 1.0 (2.6) income from strategic site acquisitions 5.6 0.9 (1.0) 60 57.9 Disposals – Strategic disposal of three 55 54.2 regional hospitals in FY21 for ~A$100m 50 and sale of Gold Coast Surgical Centre for ~A$13m in HY22 (before selling costs) 45 Capex – remains modest due to 40 HY2021 Acquisitions 1 Development Rent Reviews & Disposals 3 Foreign HY2022 long term leases, minimal upcoming Income 2 Leasing Activity Exchange expiries, young building age and ability to capitalise or rentalise 86% of Vital's leases (by income) are indexed to CPI in some way upgrades as part of developments 1 Acquisitions of Grace Hospital, Epworth Camberwell, Tennyson Centre & Nelson Rd Box Hill. 2 Incremental development income contributed from Wakefield, Royston, Eden & Sth Eastern. Disposals of regional Healthe Care (Mayo, North West & Dubbo) and Gold Coast Surgical Centre. HY22 property income growth of +1.9% 3 (like-for-like, same currency basis) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 12
Balance sheet STRENGT H E N E D BY SIG NIF IC A NT R E VA LUATIO N GAINS, NEW EQ UIT Y AND D EBT EX TENS IO N ($) (%) HY22 FY21 C HA N GE C HA N GE Increase due to: Investment properties 2,941.2 2,634.6 306.6 11.6% Development and capital Other assets 55.4 28.0 27.4 97.6% works expenditure of $50m2 Acquisitions totalling $133m Bank debt 995.5 932.4 63.1 6.8% Revaluation gains of $153m Disposals of $12m (after Other liabilities 201.5 226.7 -25.2 (11.1%) selling costs) Debt to gross assets 1 33.2% 35.0% (5.1%) F/X impact of $18m Unitholder funds 1,799.5 1,503.5 296.0 19.7% Units on issue (m's) 577.4 519.8 57.6 11.1% New equity of 155.1m Net tangible assets ($/unit) 3.12 2.89 0.23 8.0% raised via placement, UPP All values shown as $m and two DRP's Period end NZD/AUD exchange rate 0.9411 0.9309 1 Calculated in accordance with Vital's Trust Deed 2 Includes $42m of developments ~$6m of value-add capex and ~$2m maintenance and tenant incentive capex VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 13
Movement in investment property WELL -LEAS E D H E A LT H C A R E ASSE TS C O NT INU E TO EX P ERIENC E C AP RATE C O M P RESS IO N I N VE STM ENT PROPERT Y B RI DG E (H Y22) K EY HY22 RESULTS (N Z MI L L I O N S) $3,200 ~77% of Vital’s portfolio independently 153 (12) (18) 2,941 valued (by number of properties) 50 $2,800 2,635 133 at 31 December 2021 $2,400 Revaluation gains include ~$50m $2,000 from rental increases, leasing activity, $2,170 development margins and other $1,600 $1,934 valuation adjustments. The balance $1,200 comes from 21 basis points of Cap Rate compression since 30 June 2021 $800 $400 $700 $771 $0 30-Jun-21 Acquisitions1 Capital additions2 Property revaluations Disposals3 Foreign exchange4 31-Dec-21 $1m gross profit realised AUS Assets NZ Assets on disposals5 1 $133m of acquisitions, including $94m for The Tennyson Centre, and the balance for strategic / development sites. All values shown in NZ$, pre costs 2 Includes development expenditure and capitalised interest costs 3 Net proceeds (after selling costs) 4 Period end NZD/AUD exchange rate moved from 0.9309 at 30 June 2021 to 0.9411 at 31 December 2021 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 14 5 Compared to 30 June 2021 book value
Net Tangible Assets REVALUAT I ON GA I N S HAV E L E D TO ST R O NG NTA G RO WTH P ER UNIT NTA P ER UNIT BRIDG E Revaluation gain of $153m; 5.8% increase from June 2021 $3.20 $0.02 $0.01 ($0.02) ($0.02) $0.24 $3.12 $3.10 70% of gain from Australian $3.00 portfolio and 30% from $2.89 $2.90 New Zealand $2.80 $2.70 Revaluation gains include $2.60 ~$40m from rental increases $2.50 and leasing activity and $2.40 ~$7m of development margins $2.30 $2.20 FY21 Property revaluations Interest rate swaps Retained earnings New units issued Currency translation HY22 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 15
Debt BAL ANC E S H E E T GE AR ING R E D U C E D D U R ING H Y22 TO S UP P O RT FUTURE G RO WTH HY22 overview Strategic priorities delivered: Strong balance sheet available to support Vital’s value adding Financier diversification further enhanced with additional lender secured; acquisitions and developments 33.2% DEBT / ASSETS First tranches of long term debt secured (A$175m Vital’s all-in weighted average Calculated in accordance of 7 year facilities in Sept 2021); cost of debt was 3.14% as at 31 with Vital’s Trust Deed December 2021 1 Post 31 December 2021: Debt levels considered conservative Facility limits increased by A$150m, including an given cashflow security: high quality additional A$75m tranche of 7 year debt tenants, long leases, high quality properties and defensive asset class Near term expires refinanced (earliest maturity now Oct 2023) Focus on maintaining weighted average debt duration of 4+ years Weighted average debt term increased to 4.4 (terms agreed post 31 December years (pro-forma) 2021 to extend to 4.4 years) Weighted average cost of debt improved 1 Based on drawn debt only VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 16
Debt duration INCREAS E D WE I GH T ED AV E R AG E D E BT D U R AT IO N AND AVAIL ABLE H EAD RO O M FO R UTILISATIO N B A NK FAC ILITIES 31 D EC 20213 31 DEC 2020 Debt to gross assets (Trust Deed)1 33.2% 32.4% Bank loan to value ratio – actual 2 35.0% 35.0% Bank loan to value ratio – covenant 55.0% 50.0% Headroom available Weighted average duration to expiry 4.4 years 1.3 years under existing facility to Undrawn facility limit (A$) $291m $284m support future growth DEBT DU R AT I ON P R O F IL E – 31 D E C E MB E R 20213 (A$) 400 350 300 250 VALUE ($M) 200 Increased the weighted 150 average debt duration from 100 1.3 years to 4.4 years3 with no 50 expiries until October 2023 0 Dec-23 Jun-24 Dec-24 Jun-25 Dec-25 Jun-26 Dec-26 Jun-27 Dec-27 Jun-28 Dec-28 Jun-29 1 Trust Deed debt ratio is based on total borrowings to gross asset value of the Trust 2 Bank LVR is based on total indebtedness to secured property value as determined by external valuers 3 Proforma including post 31 December 2021 agreed extension VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 17
Portfolio & acquisitions
Portfolio update ~$3BN I N VE ST E D I N 4 3 C O R E H E A LTH C A R E PR O PERTIES WITH OV ER 2,800 BED S AND OV ER 140 UNIQ UE T EN AN TS INCO M E TENANT D IV ERS IFIC ATIO N GEOGRAPHIC DIVERSIF ICAT ION (% O F RENT) (BY VALUE) CY21 NPI of $113.4m despite COVID-19 Strong positive rent growth achieved during HY22 through a combination of CPI and fixed rent increases 20% 20% NT 2% 12% DI VERS IFI C AT I ON 3% QLD 3% 17% 4% Vital has a diverse portfolio and income 4% WA 8% 4% stream by location and tenant 4% SA 25% 10% 13% Seeking to continuously improve N SW 24% diversity of income Aurora Healthcare 20% Sportsmed 4% VIC TAS Healthe Care Surgical 17% Bolton Clarke 3% Epworth 13% Mercy Ascot 3% Evolution Group 10% Ramsay 2% Continued investment in people to support portfolio Hallgrowth & Prior 4% Other Tenants 20% 27% NZ Norfolk Southern 4% Cross Limited Largest single tenant exposure reduced significantly over past two years, now lowered to 20% Growth focused on core health precincts typically anchored by a public hospital, university and/or large private hospital VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 19
Hutt Valley Health Hub, Wellington, NZ VITAL ACQUIRED A PREMIUM CO-LOCATED AMBULATORY CARE FACILITY TO COMPLEMENT EXISTING INVESTMENTS ACQ UI S I T I ON S UM MA RY $46.5m ~4.0% ~3,300 sqm acquisition price initial yield net lettable area Feb 2022 ~14.2 years 7 Tenants settlement WALE focused on primary care and outpatient services Sustainable features Sustainable and seismically resilient building FUTUR E D E V E LOPM E N T SU MMA RY ~3,200 Key precinct Future expansion land Co-located with Hutt Hospital and available for development1 Boulcott Hospital (also owned by Vital) Includes existing adjoining holding and development land expected to be settled shortly 1 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 20
The Tennyson Centre, Adelaide, SA VITAL AC QUI R E D ON E O F A D E L A ID E’S L E A D ING “C ANC ER C ENTRES O F EXC ELLENC E” ACQUISI T I ON S U M M A RY ~A$93m1 4.8% 12,700 sqm acquisition price Initial yield site area 6,568 sqm 3.5%–4% Oct 2021 net lettable area fixed annual rent reviews settlement Quality Tenants Several key leases Icon Cancer, GenesisCare, Nexus renewed since acquisition Day Hospitals, Dr Jones & Partners The Tennyson Centre DEVELOPM E N T L AN D SU MMA RY Development Land A$2.75m 1,900 sqm acquisition price site area Includes development acquisition cost listed below 1 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 21
Development land to expand The Hills Clinic, Sydney, NSW VITAL AC QUI R E D A ST R AT E G IC L A ND H O L D ING A DJ O INING EX ISTING P REM IUM ASS E T FO R FAC ILIT Y E XPAN SION ACQUISI T I ON S UM M A RY A$50m Feb 2022 MCC acquisition and estimated settlement development costs AUS LAN D PL 4,340 sqm 25 years AC E site area in line with existing lease The Hills B L I N K TO F O R M AT Clinic ~4,340sqm ~5% 100% yield on cost pre-committed to Aurora Healthcare M EM O RI A L AV EN U E VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 22
Multi-stage development site in South West Sydney VITAL ACQUIRED A PRE-COMMIT TED GENESIS CARE CANCER CENTRE AND MULTI STAGE DEVELOPMENT SITE IN SYDNEY GRO WTH CATCHMENT STAGE 1 – FU N D-T H RO U G H D E V E LO PME NT OV ERV IEW A$52m 1 ~4.0% 2 Feb 2022 acquisition price & initial yield settlement development costs for stage 1 3% 2,713 sqm 15 year annual rent reviews net lettable area WALE Mental STAGES 2 & 3 – A D D ITIO NA L D E V E LO PME NT SU MM ARY Health Ca Health md UP TO en Facility Rd 23,000 sqm 40,000 sqm A$24.6m Cancer rle yS t Centre Hu site area additional GFA acquisition price Excludes adjoining development land but includes fund-through construction costs for stage 1 1 After deducting ground rent costs and allowing for benefit of stamp duty savings via fund-through structure 2 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 23
Development strategy & value-add TAR GE T I N G 10–15% O F T H E PO R T F O L IO (BY VA LUE) TO BE UND ER D EV ELO PM ENT DEVELOPM E N TS A R E K E Y F O R: FO C US CORE PART OF STRATEGY PIPEL IN E Current focus on growth In addition to immediate $303.8m of committed catchments including financial benefits, developments, South East Queensland, developments enable Vital representing ~10% of Sydney and New to continue to improve the total Portfolio Value; Earnings & Improving Meeting the needs Zealand portfolio through: $161.4m of spend capital growth the portfolio of our operator Strategy driven by Lowering average remaining partners healthcare needs building age (reduced ~$1bn1 of potential analysis Capex) development Precinct and ambulatory opportunities identified care strategies to meet (subject to business modern healthcare needs cases, due diligence and NorthWest has a market approvals) Meeting tenant and leading development team patient demand with an unmatched depth of particularly in light experience in the sector of operating model changes 1 Development timing and therefore spend expected to be over a staged and lengthy period (at least 10 years) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 25
HY22 development milestones T erms agreed with Evolution Healthcare ompletion of ~A$24m Stage 1 of C MoU signed with Calvary Health Care and Southern Cross for $74m of Playford Health Hub. The development is for new private hospital in Adelaide expansions and upgrades to five 70% leased (by income) providing a yield on (Stage 3, Playford Health Hub). Construction NZ Hospitals1. cost of 6.8%2 and also provides ~200 car is expected to commence in 2024. bays for the future Stage 2 development. A$96.5m Epworth Eastern Progressions of design (commenced Commencement of construction development partially completed. in 2021) specialist medical centre in for Stage 2 of Wakefield Clinical floors 1–10 handed over in Adelaide (Stage 2, Playford Health Hub). Hospital redevelopment. Stage November 2021; balance expected to This is ~55% pre-leased3. Construction is 2 is expected to cost ~$91.5m and be handed over in early 2022. targeted to commence late-2022 and to complete in late-2024. Stage 1 be complete in late 2023. completed mid-2021 for $49.9m. 1 Refer to slide 29 for more detail 2 Stabilised year 3 yield VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 26 3 Includes heads of agreement
Committed developments – Australia & New Zealand DEVELOPM E N TS E N H A NC E E A R NING S G R O W T H AND IM P ROV E ASS E T Q UALIT Y ALL VALUES SHOWN IN $M DESCRIPTION OF WORKS DEVELOPMENT SPEND COST TO FORECAST FORECAST STATUS COST TO DATE COMPLETE NET RETURN COMPLETION DATE Epworth Eastern (VIC) New 14 storey tower incorporating 5 operating theatres, 60 A$96.5 A$92.5 A$4.0 5.3% Early-22 Clinical levels (1–10) complete and leased to Epworth. Levels beds, 7 levels of consulting and refurbishment of the existing 11–14 due for staged completion across the 1H of CY22. Minor civil medical centre works ongoing. Eden Rehabilitation (QLD) Conversion of an existing rehabilitation ward to mental health A$4.8 A$3.0 A$1.8 5.8% TBA Works paused pending tenant review due to Covid impacts. including 6 additional beds Abbotsford Private (WA) 47 beds, parking, therapy rooms and admin A$18.6 A$7.0 A$11.6 6.1% Mid-22 Structure well advanced. Services installation commenced. Belmont Private (QLD) 48 new inpatient beds, 13 private practice consulting suites A$22.6 A$7.3 A$15.3 5.8% Late-22 Internal refurb areas complete. Main structural works underway. and 70 new car parks Total Australian Developments A$ A$142.5 A$109.8 A$32.7 5.5% Total Australian Developments NZ$ NZ$151.5 NZ$116.7 NZ$34.8 5.5% Wakefield Stage 2 (Wellington) Second stage of hospital rebuild delivering 8 operating NZ$91.5 NZ$15.5 NZ$76.0 5.6% Late-24 Structural demolition complete. Design finalisation in progress. theatres, 42 beds, new Day Surgery Unit and additional expansion capacity Royston DSU (Hastings) New standalone two theatre day surgery unit NZ$8.8 NZ$8.8 NZ$0.0 6.0% Early-22 Nearing completion with practical completion expected end of February. Boulcott Hospital (Wellington) Two new theatres, PACU expansion and conversion of double NZ$7.7 NZ$0.0 NZ$7.7 6.2% Early-23 Design work ongoing with lodgement of building permits expected in rooms to singles early March. Grace Hospital Stage 1 Fitout of two theatres, new endoscopy room, additional 10 NZ$31.7 NZ$1.0 NZ$30.7 5.3% Mid-23 Theatre fitout works commenced along with alterations to the day (Tauranga) beds and redevelopment of existing clinical areas surgery unit. Main works to be tendered mid-year. Royston Hospital Stage 2 Fitout of two theatres and reconfiguration of pre and post NZ$6.3 NZ$0.0 NZ$6.3 5.3% Mid-22 Minor demolition complete. Design work progressing. (Hastings) operative clinical areas Bowen Hospital OT5 Fitout of one theatre, new sterile stores and expansion of NZ$6.3 NZ$0.4 NZ$5.9 5.3% Mid-23 Theatre fitout works commenced with balance of work out to tender. (Wellington) consulting suites Total New Zealand Developments NZ$152.3 NZ$25.7 NZ$126.6 5.6% Total Projects in NZ$ NZ$303.8 NZ$142.4 NZ$161.4 5.5% 31 December 2021 period end NZD/AUD exchange rate of 0.9411 adopted VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 27
Playford Health Hub, Adelaide, South Australia STAG ED H E A LT H P R E C INC T U ND E R D E V E LO PME NT A$170m SITE CONTEXT & MASTERPLAN COMPLETED STAGE 1 MULTI-DECK CAR PARK & RETAIL total projected cost Lyell McEwin Public Hospital of all stages1 Playford Health Hub 8,000 sqm of NLA to be delivered Artist’s impression in Stage 1 and Stage 2 OVERVIEW OF STAGES 1–3 in addition to the private hospital Stage 1: Retail precinct & multi-deck car park. Construction completed S3 S1 S1 S2 and operational from end of 2021 Stage 2: ~6,500sqm Specialist Medical Centre. Construction Tender Stage 1 S2 Q2 2022 complete S3 Stage 3: 120 Bed (staged) Private Hospital to be operated by Calvary Healthcare & delivered in stages. Concept planning in progress Artist’s impression 1 This represents Vital's estimated investment. Tenants, particularly Calvary Healthcare, are expected to invest significant amounts in addition to this. VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 28
~NZ$74m of new brownfield development funding approved VITAL C ON T I N U E S TO INV E ST F U R T H E R INTO NE W Z EAL AND Development summary Highlights the strength of Vital’s relationships in the New Zealand market Developments enhance condition and functionality of existing assets Developments immediately accretive to earnings and value of assets Works either direct result of existing demand, or future proofing for near term expansion requirements of operators Further update on the previously approved new and expanded brownfield developments with Evolution Healthcare and Southern Cross announced at Vital’s 2021 Annual Meeting: VALUE (N Z D) Y I E L D S C OP E Wakefield Hospital 1 $28.7 5.3% (1) Shell for additional level for future expansion; (2) dedicated day surgery; and (3) increased overall funding Royston Hospital $6.3 5.3% Fitout of two shell theatres and expansion of admission and recovery areas Royston Day Surgery2 $0.7 5.9% Upgrade of second theatre Bowen Hospital $6.3 5.3% Fitout of fifth theatre, upgrade to inpatient rooms, expansion of consulting and support areas Grace Hospital3 $31.7 5.3% Fitout of existing theatre shells, improved day surgery and expansion of inpatient wards TOTAL $73.7 5.3% 1 Stage 2 increase only 2 Additional scope to previous works VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 29 3 Operated in JV between Evolution Healthcare and Southern Cross
Ko ngā tahu ā ō tapuwae inanhi, hei tauira mō āpōpō. The footsteps we lay down in our past create the paving stones on which we stand today. Future focus
FY22 Sustainability targets and HY22 achievements ALL TARGE TS U N DE R WAY: People Practice Places Continue to improve Establish baseline Participate in third-party diversity on the Board environmental reporting assessments through GRESB and in Management Meet distribution guidance and CDP Focus on mentoring and and AFFO target Improve our CDP score career progression Maintain prudent AFFO pay- Deploy sustainability initiatives with Encourage greater out ratio key stakeholders including tenants community involvement Continue charitable and Continue to progress investigation Continue existing community support programme of additional solar installations professional development Extend and diversify debt NWH released its first Sustainability Report for its global operations including Vital. View the report at: www.nwhreit.com/mailers/sustainability/nwh-sustainability-report.pdf VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 31
Outlook & guidance C ONTINU E D DE LI V E RY A ND F O C U S O N E A R NINGS G RO WTH Upgraded FY22 AFFO guidance Significant development pipeline Future asset recycling strategies of at least 11.9 cpu; up at least continue to be considered to $303.8m committed 3.2% on FY21 partially fund new developments $161.4m remaining cost to complete and acquisitions pgraded FY22 distribution U guidance of 9.75 cpu (annualised); ~$1bn1 potential pipeline Targeting maintaining weighted actual payments expected to be opportunities identified average debt duration >4 years 8.5% above FY21 Further value-add acquisition Sustainability achievements Conservative ~80% pay-out ratio and development opportunities to be built on including ongoing retained being considered submissions to both CDP and GRESB 1 Development timing and therefore spend expected to be over a staged and lengthy period (at least 10 years) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 32
Adjusted funds from operations (AFFO) CO NS ERVAT I VE PAY-O U T R ATIO HY22 H Y21 ($) CHA NG E (%) CHA NG E Operating profit before tax and other income 27.8 28.2 (0.4) (1.5%) Add/(deduct): Current tax expense (4.4) (7.6) 3.2 42.6% Current tax expense on net of gain on property disposals and lease incentive transaction - 3.4 (3.4) - Incentive fee 6.8 3.1 3.7 120.4% Realised and unrealised fx on borrowings (net of tax) (0.1) 0.5 (0.6) 124.7% Amortisation of borrowing costs 0.6 0.3 0.2 65.2% Amortisation of leasing costs & tenant inducements 1.2 1.1 0.1 12.5% Strategic transaction expenses 0.3 - 0.3 - IFRS 16 operating lease accounting (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) (20.9%) Funds from operations (FFO) 32.2 29.0 3.2 11.0% Add/(deduct): Non-recurring corporate costs - - - - Actual capex & leasing from continuing operations (0.1) (0.9) 0.7 85.1% Adjusted funds from operations (AFFO) 32.0 28.1 3.9 14.0% AFFO (cpu) 5.91 5.87 0.05 0.8% Distribution per unit (cpu) 4.75 4.38 0.38 8.6% AFFO pay-out ratio 80% 75% All values shown as NZ$m Units on issue (weighted average, 000s) 541.9 479.2 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 34
Interest rate hedging profile CO ST O F D E BT W E LL H E D G E D, MA NAG ING R ISK RATE S 31 D E C 2021 31 DEC 2020 H ED G ING M ATURIT Y P RO FILE ($A) Weighted average cost of debt1 3.14% 3.62% 450 3.50% Weighted average fixed rate 2.94% 3.01% 400 (excl line and margin) 3.00% 350 Weighted average fixed rate 5.0 years 5.9 years 2.50% 300 duration VALUE ($M) 250 2.00% % of drawn debt fixed 45% 64% 200 1.50% 150 1.00% 100 0.50% 50 0 0.00% 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 22 2 c- c- c- c- c- c- c- c- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- De De De De De De De De Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Maturity date Average interest rate NOTE: Fixed rates exclude line fees and margin 1 Drawn debt (excludes line fees on undrawn facility) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 35
Real estate returns HEALTHCARE REAL ESTATE CONTINUES TO PERFORM STRONGLY AGAINST CORE PROPERT Y INVESTMENT SECTORS Returns by real estate asset class in Australia versus Vital’s real estate level returns (non-compounding) year ended 31 December 2021 100% 88.3% 83.7% Vital continues to 80% outperform Retail and Office real estate asset 60% 57.4% 56.8% classes in Australia over the 40% 40.7% proceeding 1 year, 3 year 26.3% 28.2% and 5 year periods. 16.1% 18.2% 20% 9.0% 6.4% 0.9% - 0% -20% 1 year 3 year 5 year 1 year 3 year 5 year 1 year 3 year 5 year 1 year 3 year 5 year OFFICE RETAIL INDUSTRIAL VITAL Source: MSCI & Vital, December 2021 Returns shown are on a nominal, unlevered “all asset” basis (inclusive of development and transaction activity). Vital's returns include Australian and New Zealand Portfolio VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 36
Comparative returns VITAL MA I N TAI N S LO NG-TE R M O U TPE R F O R MA N C E VS BENC H M ARK O N A TOTAL RE TURN 1 BAS IS TOTAL RETURN 1 TO 31 DECEMBER 2021 1YR 5YR (P.A.) 10YR (P.A.) SINCE 2004 (P.A.) 2 V H P VS S&P NZ X REAL ESTAT E IN DEX Vital -0.9% 13.2% 16.3% 13.7% 1,000 S&P/NZX All Real Estate Index 2.9% 11.8% 12.3% 9.4% 900 S&P/NZX 50 Index S&P/NZX 50 Index -0.4% 13.6% 14.8% 8.9% 800 Vital’s performance vs NZX REIT -3.8% 1.4% 4.0% 4.3% Vital 700 Vital’s performance vs NZX 50 -0.5% -0.4% 1.5% 4.8% 600 S&P/NZX All Real Estate Index 500 Under-performance over last 12 months driven primarily by a high 400 Vital unit price (absolute and relative) on 31 December 2020 300 200 5.3% outperformance versus NZX REIT benchmark over last 24 100 months and 2.4% outperformance versus NZX 50 0 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- n- Outperformance against both the S&P/NZX All Real Estate Index Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju Ju and S&P/NZX 50 Index since December 2004 Source: Forsyth Barr Long-term outperformance highlights the defensive nature of healthcare real estate compared to other real estate classes 1 2 Total returns measured by change in unit price plus post-tax distributions to 31 December 2021 S&P/NZX All Real Estate Index and S&P/NZX 50 Index data from 31 December 2004, being the inception date of the NZX All Real Estate Index VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 37
~$2.2bn Australian portfolio overview G EO GR A P H I C A LLY D ISPE R SE D AU ST R A L IA N PO R TFO LIO C O NTINUES TO P ERFO RM WELL PRIVAT E HOSPITALS – AU ST RALIA 17 hospitals (acute and specialty – mental health, rehabilitation) Four hospital operators AG E D C A R E 80% of AUS portfolio value; A M B U L ATO RY 77% of AUS rent CARE 6% WALE: 18.9 years 14% AMB U L ATORY CARE – AU ST RALIA 20% ER 6 assets, multiple tenants H OT 14% of AUS portfolio value; 13% of AUS rent 45% WALE: 6.9 years % 80 L AGED CARE – AU ST RALIA TA 35% HOSPI 8 facilities (all in AUS ) S P E C I A LT Y AC U T E 2 operators 16.9 years H O S P I TA L H O S P I TA L 6% of AUS portfolio value; 10% of AUS rent WA L E WALE: 14.5 years S U B S E C TO R D IV E R SIT Y (BY VA LU E) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 38
~$0.8bn New Zealand portfolio overview K EY NE W Z E A L AN D M A R K E T PE R F O R MING STR ONG LY PRIVATE HOSPITALS – NEW ZEALAND 9 hospitals (all acute) 6 hospital operators A M B U L ATO RY CARE 87% of NZ portfolio value; 86% of NZ rent 13% WALE: 22.1 years 3% ER 1 TH O AMBULATORY CARE – NEW ZEALAND 3 assets, multiple tenants 7% 8 AL 13% of NZ portfolio value; HOSPIT 14% of NZ rent 87% AC U T E WALE: 8.1 years 20.2 years H O S P I TA L WA L E S UB S E C TO R D IV E R SIT Y (BY VA LU E) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 39
Investment properties AS AT 31 D EC EM BER 2021 ~$3BN P OR T FOLI O O F H E A LTH C A R E R E A L E STATE C O M P RIS ING 4 3 INV ESTM ENT P RO P ERTIES AND 2,800+ BEDS Western Australia (4) Queensland (6) New South Wales (12) Auckland (5) Abbotsford Private Hospital Baycrest Aged Care Clover Lea Aged Care Apollo Health & Wellness Centre Hamersley Aged Care Belmont Private Hospital Darlington Aged Care Ascot Central Marian Centre Eden Rehabilitation Fairfield Aged Care Ascot Carparks Rockingham Aged Care Palm Beach Currumbin Clinic Grafton Aged Care Ascot Hospital & Clinics Tantula Rise Aged Care Hirondelle Private Hospital Ormiston Hospital The Southport Private Hospital Hurstville Private Hospital Lingard Day Centre Lingard Private Hospital Northland (1) NORTHERN Maitland Private Hospital Kensington Hospital T E R R I TO RY Mons Road Medical Clinic QUEENSLAND The Hills Clinic WESTERN 6 Toronto Private Hospital AU S T R A L I A Bay of Plenty (1) SOUTH 4 AU S T R A L I A Grace Hospital NEW SOUTH 3 WA L E S 12 12 Hawke's Bay (2) V I C TO R I A Napier Health Centre 6 Victoria (6) Royston Hospital Ekera Medical Centre TASM A N I A Epworth Eastern Hospital & Medical Centre Wellington (3) South Australia (3) 120 Thames Street Boulcott Hospital Sportsmed Hospital, Clinic, Consulting & Office Epworth Camberwell Bowen Hospital T E NNYSO N CE NT R E, The Tennyson Centre Epworth Rehabilitation Hospital Wakefield Hospital Playford Health Hub – Retail & Carpark South Eastern Private Hospital A DE L A I DE, SA VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 40
Lease expiry profile LO W RIS K E XP I RY P R O F IL E SU PPO R TS SU STA INA BLE, P RED IC TABLE AND D EFENS IV E C AS H FLO WS Lease expiries in CY22 primarily reflect smaller tenancies at multi-tenant properties C Y22 EX P I R I E S — 10-year average annual lease expiry of only 1.9% (as % of total portfolio income) Total potential expiries of $1.6m or 1.2% of annual 10% rent through to December 2022 7.5% 5% 2.5% 1.9% 0% Dec-22 Dec-23 Dec-24 Dec-25 Dec-26 Dec-27 Dec-28 Dec-29 Dec-30 Dec-31 Total expiry Largest single rent expiring 10 Year Average VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 41
Rent reviews HIG H P E R C E N TAGE O F TOTA L R E NT IS R E V IE W E D ANNUALLY WITH STRUC TURED 1 REV IEW M EC H ANISM S Rent reviews – HY22 (“LIK E-F OR-LI KE” E XC LU D E S D E V E LO PME NTS, AC Q UIS ITIO NS AND D IS P O SALS) Rent reviews have been Jun-21 Rent p.a. Dec-21 Rent p.a. Increase Annualised Growth completed for 43 leases # (NZD) (NZD) (NZD) (Stable currency) Australia AUS 18 11,666,281 12,147,752 481,471 4.1% in FY22 to date New Zealand NZ 25 23,948,037 24,793,974 845,937 3.5% Total 43 35,614,318 36,941,726 1,327,408 3.7% Structured reviews represent 94%1 of leases by income as at 31 Jun-21 Rent p.a. Dec-21 Rent p.a. Increase Annualised Growth # (NZD) (NZD) (NZD) (Stable currency) December 2021 CPI CPI 28 26,128,013 26,883,139 755,126 2.9% Fixed Fixed 9 6,202,618 6,523,727 321,109 5.2% Significant uplift via Market Market 5 2,356,572 2,508,877 152,305 6.5% market rent reviews Turnover Turnover 1 927,115 1,025,982 98,867 10.7% across Portfolio Total 43 35,614,318 36,941,725 1,327,408 3.7% Includes fixed percentage and CPI reviews 1 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 42
Core portfolio metrics 5 Y EAR T R E N D S H I GH L IG H T PO R TF O L IO STR E NG TH AND UND ERP IN LO NG-TERM P ERFO RM ANC E O C C UPANC Y WAL E 19.0 100% 19 99.3% 99.4% 99.5% 18.6 99.1% 99.0% 99% 18.0 17.9 17.8 18 98% 17 97% 16 96% Long-term track record of maintaining 95% 15 >99% Occupancy 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 AV ERAG E 10 YR LEAS E EX P IRY 1 TOTAL IN COME SUBJEC T TO ST RUC T URED REN T REVIEWS 6% 100% 94.0% 94.0% PERCENTAGE OF INCOME 85.8% 90.0% PERCENTAGE OF INCOME 82.9% 5% 80% 4% 60% 3% 2.1% 40% High degree of confidence that 2% 1.8% 1.7% 1.3% 1.9% 20% future expiries will be renewed 1% 0% or replaced with new tenants in 0% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 advance of expiry 1 Reflects the average % of total portfolio income that expires over the next 10 years VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 43
Vital’s strategy VITAL INVE STS I N H E A LT H C A R E E C O SYST E MS IN NEW Z EAL AND & AUSTRALIA EAR NI N GS GR O WT H LOCAT ION Portfolio designed to support Portfolio allocation 1 Australia or New Zealand AFFO target growth of 2–3%/ Focus on metropolitan assets with unit per annum growing populations H O S P ITALS AG ED C ARE Actual: 82% Actual: 5% QUALI T Y Target: 50%–70% Target: 10%–20% ACUIT Y Continuously improve portfolio Higher acuity quality Investments in core health ecosystem Aiming to maintain or improve Regulated and health precinct2 (lower) average building age offerings preferred INVESTME N T C H A R AC TE R ISTIC S SUB-SEC TOR Screened by a range of Reduction in hospital allocation metrics including internal rate AM BUL ATO RY LIFE S C IENC ES indicates an expectation that future of return, impact on overall C ARE / RES EARC H growth opportunities are more likely portfolio, earnings growth and Actual: 13% Actual: 0% to come from the other sub-sectors, management capability Target: 10%–20% Target: 5%–10% rather than a desire to reduce Focus on high quality, well exposure capitalised operators Based on total portfolio value and includes allocation of strategic assets to their respective property types. 1 A health precinct is typically anchored by a public hospital, university and/or large private hospital. 2 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 44
Vital’s structure VITAL IS A UNIT TRUST LISTED ON THE NZX, EXTERNALLY MANAGED BY A LEADING GLOBAL HEALTHCARE REAL ESTATE INVESTOR AND MANAGER Vital’s Manager and largest unitholder ~27% Management of Vital in accordance with the Trust Deed >250 ~NZ$11bn 7 healthcare assets under number of New Zealand’s largest specialist and real estate management countries NorthWest only listed owner of healthcare real estate professionals operates in Vital Unitholders ~73% ~$3 billion portfolio healthcare Majority NZ based institutions and retail investors real estate in AUS and NZ VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 45
Why invest in vital VITAL IS T H E ON LY S PE C IA L IST NZ X-L IST E D O W N ER O F H EALTH C ARE P RO P ERT Y; NO ASX-LISTED EQ UIVAL EN T DEF ENSIVE SEC TOR H IGH D E M A N D H I G H Q UA L I T Y P O R T FO L I O E A R NI NG S G R OW T H DEV ELOPMEN T U PSIDE Private healthcare is typically Ageing demographics and Landlord to some of New Targeting 2–3% AFFO $161m of remaining spend a non-discretionary or high growing population in both Zealand and Australia’s and DPU growth with a on existing developments priority discretionary spend Australia and New Zealand leading private healthcare conservative pay-out ratio and ~$1bn+2 of identified, operators potential pipeline to be Less impacted by economic Rising life expectancy 94% of leases increase by partially funded by asset or business cycles than other ~$3bn portfolio CPI or fixed % Improvements in science, recycling and existing debt property sectors technology and healthcare 99.0% occupancy Embedded earnings growth facilities increase service offerings enhanced by acquisitions and WALE: 17.8 years Weighted average project developments Average building age : 1 yield of 5.5%; provide value 10.7 years creation and earnings growth Vital seeks to deliver stable and growing total unitholder returns, including an attractive risk-adjusted income distribution, sourced from healthcare property 1 Average building age = the later of the date of construction or last significant capital works 2 Development timing and therefore spend expected to be over a staged and lengthy period (at least 10 years) VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 46
Glossary AFFO Adjusted Funds From Operations is an alternate measure used for assessing distributable income. Essentially adjusts net profit after tax for all non-cash items (i.e. NDI) then makes adjustments for items such as maintenance capex and lease incentives paid. Cap Rate Capitalisation Rate. Generally calculated as net operating income / current market value of investment property. CPI Consumer Price Index. An index that measures the change in the cost of a ‘basket’ of basic goods and services, showing how the cost-of-living changes over time. The most widely accepted indicator of inflation. FX An abbreviation for ‘foreign exchange’ used where there is a transaction in a currency other than the local currency. NPI Net Property Income. NTA Net Tangible Assets. The total assets of the Trust less total liabilities. NTA is normally divided by the number of units on issue and expressed as an annual amount per unit. WALE Weighted Average Lease term to Expiry. The weighted average lease term remaining to expire across a portfolio, sometimes also referred to as WALT. VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 47
Disclaimer This document has been prepared by NorthWest Healthcare Properties Management Limited (the Manager) as manager of the Vital Healthcare Property Trust (the Trust). This document provides general information only and is not intended as investment, legal, tax, financial product or financial advice or recommendation to any person and must not be relied on as such. You should obtain independent professional advice prior to making any decision relating to your investment or financial needs. All references to $ are to New Zealand dollars unless otherwise indicated. This document may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements can include words such as “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “believe”, “continue” or similar words in connection with discussions of future operating or financial performance or conditions. Any indications of, or guidance or outlook on, future earnings or financial position or performance and future distributions are also forward- looking statements. The forward-looking statements are based on management's and directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Trust’s business, assets and performance and other future conditions, circumstances and results. As with any projection or forecast, forward-looking statements are inherently susceptible to uncertainty and to any changes in circumstances. The Trust’s actual results may vary materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. The Manager, the Trust, and its or their directors, employees and/or shareholders have no liability whatsoever to any person for any loss arising from this document or any information supplied in connection with it. The Manager and the Trust are under no obligation to update this document or the information contained in it after it has been released. Past performance is no indication of future performance. The information in this document is of general background and does not purport to be complete. It should be read in conjunction with Vital’s market announcements lodged with NZX, which are available at www.nzx.com/companies/VHP. 24 February 2022 VITAL HEALTHCARE PROPERTY TRUST | INTERIM RESULTS 2022 | 48
Thank you www.vitalhealthcareproperty.co.nz Wakefield Hospital, Wellington Recently completed Stage 1 (Right) and Artist’s impression of Stage 2 (Left)
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