Hurricane Damages to Mangrove - and Post-Storm Restoration Techniques and Costs - The Nature Conservancy
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Hurricane Damages to We gratefully acknowledge the funding of AXA XL and Builders Initiatve. In Mangrove Forests and addition, we’d like to thank our thoughtful Post-Storm Restoration colleagues at The Nature Conservancy Techniques and Costs (TNC) who provided technical expertise and insightful comments in the drafting Jorge A. Herrera Silveira2 of this report. These colleagues include Claudia Teutli Hernandez3 Lianna McFarlane-Connelly, Eric Roberts Fernando Secaira Fajardo1 and Mark Way. Rod Braun1 Janet Bowman1 This report is the first of three reports to Laura Geselbracht1 be released by TNC in collaboration with Marcia Musgrove1 our partners at AXA XL, CINVESTAV, and Martha Rogers1 the University of California, Santa Cruz. Joseph Schmidt1 The reports are part of a year-long project Pedro Javier Robles Toral2 aimed at assessing the feasibility for a Jesús Andrés Canul Cabrera2 mangrove insurance project in the Gulf of Lucia Guerra Cano2 Mexico and Caribbean. In this first report, we document the types of mangrove 1. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA damages that may result from hurricanes, 2. Department of Marine Resources CINVESTAV-Merida, the appropriate restoration techniques to Yucatan, Mexico adequately restore damaged mangroves, 3. Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad and the costs of these restoration efforts. Méreida, UNAM In the second report, we document the protective value of mangrove forests in the Photograph on the cover: study region. Finally, in the third report we Defoliation and damages to mangrove struc- aggregate information from the first two tures in Sian Ka´an, Mexico reports and identify specific areas where following Hurricane Ernesto a mangrove insurance product would be @ Fernando Secaira. most cost-effective. We also summarize the efforts of our market analysis in Mexico, Graphic Design: Florida and The Bahamas and identify .Puntoaparte Editores specific locations where a mangrove insurance product could be piloted. As Suggested Citation: Herrera-Silveira, J. A., described in this report, tropical storms and Teutli-Hernandez, C., Secaira-Fajardo, F., Braun, hurricanes can cause significant damages R., Bowman, J., Geselbracht, L., Musgrove, to mangroves and restoration costs can be M., Rogers, M., Schmidt, J., Robles-Toral, P. J., high. Financing these restoration activities, Canul-Cabrera, J. A., & Guerra-Cano, L. 2022. through innovative solutions like an insur- "Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests and ance product, will be critical to ensuring Post-Storm Restoration Techniques and Costs." that the protective benefits of mangroves The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA. are sustained in the future.
Table of Contents Introduction 1 4 Mangrove ecosystems 6 Hurricanes 8 Hurricane frequency and intensity in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean 9 Influence of climate change in tropical storms 11 2 Damage caused by hurricanes to mangroves 12 Types of damage 13 Severity of damage caused by hurricanes 18 Extent, location and severity of the damage 19 3 Species susceptibility 20 Forest structure: trunk size and tree height 21 Ecological type of mangrove 21 Mangrove fragmentation or degradation 21 Location of mangroves in relation to hurricane path and distance to the sea 22 Frequency of hurricanes 23 4 Actions to restore or repair damages 24 Hydrological rehabilitation 26 Topographic rehabilitation 29 Reforestation 31 Cost to restore mangroves 5 32 Identifying mangrove restoration costs in Mexico 34 Identifying mangrove restoration costs in Florida 35 Identifying mangrove restoration costs in The Bahamas 36 Mangrove restoration costs by approach or action 37 6 Final considerations 39 References 41 Appendix 46
Introduction Mangrove forests provide important eco- grove forests dissipate wave energy and Mangroves in Alligator Creek, Cat Island, Bahamas. system services, such as habitat for fish and slow storm surge penetration, which can © Shane Gross. crustaceans, water filtration, carbon seques- lower flood damage and minimize erosion tration, soil formation and protection against (World Bank, 2016). Globally, mangroves coastal erosion through soil stabilization, provide coastal protection services that sediment accumulation and amelioration of avert $65 billion USD in damages and storm surge (Cohen-Shacham et al., 2016; flooding for more than 15 million people Herr and Landis, 2016; IUCN, 2020). each year (Menéndez et al., 2020). Protection against tropical cyclones, which Around the world, there are numerous can be called typhoons or hurricanes de- examples of coastal communities that have pending on where they occur in the world, been devastated by these storm events (see is one of the most beneficial environmental Figure 1). In 2004, an Indian Ocean tsunami services provided by mangroves to human caused major damage to infrastructure and settlements near the coast. It is estimated the death of more than 200,000 people that approximately two-thirds of the world’s (Check, 2005; Danielsen et al., 2005). human population lives within 40 miles of Hurricane Katrina devastated the United the coast, which are highly vulnerable to States’ Gulf of Mexico coastline in 2005 tropical cyclones (UN Atlas of the Oceans, and was considered the most expensive 2016). Recent research shows that man- hurricane to date (Costanza et al., 2006; Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 4
2005 2019 2017 2013 Hurricane Hurricane Hurricane Typhoon Katrina Dorian Maria Haiyan Arctic Ocean North Europe America Asia 30°N Africa Pacific Atlantic Ocean South Ocean America Indian Ocean 30°S Tropical storms (2000-2021) 2015 2020 2020 2016 Hurricane Hurricanes Cyclone Cyclone Patricia Eta and Iota Amphan Winston Day et al., 2007). Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 coastal erosion and rising mean sea level Figure 1. Track of was among the deadliest typhoons to hit have exacerbated the impact of tropical tropical cyclones and historic storm events. the Philippines. cyclones (Nicholls and Casenave, 2010). Note: Graphic includes tropical cyclone and The degradation and loss of mangrove In this report, we characterize the damages hurricane tracks globally ecosystems as a result of deforestation and caused by tropical cyclones to mangroves from 2000 to 2021. Earth’s changing climate has decreased their and recommend actions to reduce or repair Source: NOAA’s Interna- ability to provide these ecosystem services damages to the mangroves. Although we tional Best Track Archive (MEA, 2005; Costanza et al., 2014; Zhao focus on post-storm restoration activities for for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) data, accessed on et al., 2016). Moreover, mangroves can damaged mangroves, many of the mangrove January, 2022. Made with suffer great damage from tropical cyclones restoration actions described can be applied Natural Earth. (Uriarte et al., 2019), which further limits in other settings. We describe the range of their capacity to provide these ecosystem costs to repair mangroves in three priority services. Larger economic losses have been regions: Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas. reported as mangroves degrade and coastal Mangrove restoration in these three regions protection is compromised (Pendleton et al., has previously been shown to be highly 2012). In addition to mangrove degradation, cost-effective (Beck et al., 2020). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 5
Mangrove ecosystems 13.8 million hectares of mangroves globally as of 2010 Asia Europe North America 30°N Atlantic Africa Ocean Pacific Ocean South America Indian Ocean 30°S Mangroves Mangroves are distributed in the intertidal In 2010, due to the alarming rate Figure 2. Global zone, along tropical and subtropical coasts, of loss, the International Union for distribution of mangroves as of 2010. between 30° N and 30° S latitude (Giri et al., Conservation of Nature (IUCN) added 2011); about 75% of the world’s mangroves 11 of the world’s 70 mangrove species Source: Global Mangrove Partnership Dataset, are found in only 15 countries. The global to the Red List of Threatened Species, World Atlas of Mangroves coverage of these ecosystems is estimated and six as Vulnerable Species (FAO, (Spalding, 2010). Made with at 13.8 million hectares (see Figure 2), 2007; Polidoro et al., 2010). The Natural Earth. however, deforestation of land for agriculture, condition of a mangrove forest and aquaculture, urban settlements and hotel or extent of loss is strongly related to the port infrastructure and changes in climatic incidence of extreme weather events and environmental processes (Thomas et al., (intense storms, tropical cyclones, or 2017) are rapidly degrading and destroying tsunamis), oceanic processes (chang- mangroves. Since 1980, more than 3.6 million es in mean sea level or climate of hectares of mangroves have been lost, marine circulations) (Gilman, Ellison, accounting for more than 20% of the global Duke and Field, 2008), and a variety of mangrove coverage (FAO, 2007). human activities. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 6
Mangroves are traditionally located in areas (some Pacific islands and Central America’s Oysters grow on the mangrove coastline of exposed to disturbances (Lugo et al., 1981); Pacific coasts), structural biomass and Charlotte Harbor Estuary therefore, they are considered ecologically complexity increases over time (Allen et al., near Punta Gorda, Florida stable communities (Alongi, 2008) with the 2001; Simard et al., 2019). located on the Gulf of Mexico. © Carlton Ward Jr. capacity to recover from damages caused by tropical cyclones. The frequency and The characteristics of mangrove forests magnitude of tropical cyclones plays a role in reflect the effect and recovery of previous determining the composition and structural disturbances and, in turn, influence the complexity of a mangrove forest. For ex- extent of the impact and the ecosystem ample, in places where the tropical cyclone response to future disturbances (Peters et season is especially intense, the structural al., 2011). Tropical cyclones could potential- complexity of mangroves is characterized by ly have greater impact on populated areas shorter trees and few emergent taller trees (Vogt et al., 2012; Lewis et al., 2016) where (Lugo and Snedaker, 1974), whereas in areas mangrove forests have been degraded or where tropical cyclones are less frequent destroyed as a result of human activities. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 7
Hurricanes 5 4 157 mph or higher >252 km/h 130-156 mph 209-251 km/h 3 111-119 mph 178-208 km/h 2 Cyclone Storm Surge > 5.5 m (Meters) 96-110 mph 154-177 km/h 4–5.5 m 5 3–4 m 4 1 1.8–2.4 m 3 74-95 mph 119-153 km/h 1.2–1.5 m 2 1 0 Tropical cyclones are natural phenomena ricanes when referring to tropical cyclones as Figure 3. that typically develop in warm waters. we focus our discussion on mangroves in the Classification of hurricanes on the Depending on their maximum sustained Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, where tropical Saffir-Simpson scale one-minute wind speed, they can be named cyclones are referred to as hurricanes. (NPS, 2019). and categorized as a tropical depression Adapted from Lucia (low wind speed, less than 38 miles per The Saffir-Simpson scale classifies hurri- Guerra Cano. hour), a tropical storm (moderate wind canes into five groups, with category five speed, between 39-73 miles per hour) or a being the most severe hurricane category hurricane (severe wind speed, greater than (NPS, 2019) (Figure 3). Hurricanes catego- 74 miles per hour) (NPS, 2019). The term rized as three and above are termed major “hurricane” is used for the most powerful hurricanes. tropical cyclones that develop in the Atlantic Ocean and the Eastern Pacific Ocean, while Conditions that are favorable for hurricane tropical cyclones that develop in the West- formation typically include a surface water ern Pacific Ocean are called “typhoons.” For temperature greater than 26°C, atmospheric the remainder of the report, we will use hur- humidity greater than 85%, and intense wind Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 8
North America Hurricane frequency and intensity in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Atlantic Ocean Gulf of Mexico Pacific Ocean Central Caribbean America Sea N Mangroves South Tropical storms America (2000-2021) 400 km circulation due to the thermal difference Over time, hurricane seasons have Figure 4: Track of between the ocean and the atmosphere followed a polynomial tendency, where a hurricanes, tropical depressions, (Yáñez-Arancibia et. al., 2014). In the Atlan- considerable decrease in the number of and tropical and tic and Caribbean, the hurricane season is storm events occurs every four to six years. subtropical storms from June to November, while in the Pacific it However, since 2016, the number of major in Gulf of Mexico begins in May and ends in November. hurricanes has increased, in part due to and Caribbean an increase in sea surface and subsurface (2000-2021) In the last 15 years, 250 hurricanes, tropical temperatures and a decrease in atmospher- Source: NOAA’s Interna- depressions, and tropical and subtropical ic circulation during the summer in the tional Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship storms have impacted the Gulf of Mexico and tropics (Taillie et al., 2020). This increase (IBTrACS) data, accessed on Caribbean (Figure 4). Up to 2019, the average in major hurricanes, together with other January, 2022. Made with number of named storms per season was 15, effects of climate change such as sea level Natural Earth. including six hurricanes, of which three were rise, could cause even more severe damage major hurricanes (Taillie et al., 2020). The to mangroves due to higher rates of coastal 2020 season was extremely intense with 31 erosion, more severe flooding, and stronger storms, far above the average and surpassing storm surges with more extensive inland all recorded seasons (Figure 5). impact (Woodruff et al., 2013). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 9
30 25 20 15 10 5 category 3 and above Major hurricanes of 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 The number of tropical storms that have affected man- Figure 5: Number Tropical Deppresions groves in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean from 2009 to and intensity of tropical storm events Subtropical Storms 2017 was 116, of which 46 were classified as hurricanes per season in the (Taillie et al., 2020). In 2017 alone, over one million Tropical Storms Gulf of Mexico and hectares of mangroves were affected by tropical storms Caribbean. Hurricanes or hurricanes, the largest mangrove area to be affected by Source: SMN, 2021. storms in the last four decades (Taillie et al., 2020). Major Hurricanes Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 10
Influence of climate change in tropical storms As climate change intensifies, conditions These projections show that the negative The island of Petit St. Vincent, Grenada. © Marjo Aho. in the Atlantic Ocean become more effects of storms and hurricanes on favorable for the formation of hurricanes. mangrove ecosystems will also increase in Some authors predict large changes in the next several decades. Negative effects tropical storm dynamics as a result of could include a reduction of organic matter climate change, including an increase in and the replacement of mangroves by the frequency of severe tropical storms; an open water. However, on a regional scale, increase in rainfall from the hurricane; and future changes to mangrove ecosystems an increase in the number of tropical storms are more complicated to predict (Krauss and hurricanes that reach northeastern and Osland, 2020), since changing storm United States, Canada, and even Europe dynamics interact with other global change (Knutson et al., 2010, 2015; Christensen processes, such as sea level rise, erosion, et al., 2013; Sobel et al., 2016; Kossin et al., and altered nutrient cycling (Osland et al., 2017; Patricola and Wehner, 2018). 2018; Sippo et al., 2018). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 11
Damage caused by hurricanes to mangroves Around the world, there are regions where canes, such as Australia, Mexico, Myanmar, Remnants of old pier and mangroves are seen in mangrove forests are not affected by the Philippines, Bangladesh, Cuba, and the the erosion, Grenville Bay, hurricanes because the climatic conditions United States. Small countries, such as The Grenada. © Marjo Aho do not favor storm formation; for example, Bahamas, Guadalupe, Honduras, Belize hurricanes rarely affect mangroves in Africa, and Haiti, which are home to large areas of South America, Indonesia, and Papua New mangrove forests, are located in some of Guinea. However, there are other regions the most active hurricane zones (Krauss where mangroves are impacted by hurri- and Osland, 2020). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 12
Types of damage Changes in structure, Changes in composition and hydrology biomass of mangroves Changes in Changes in topography: sediment elevations, channels characteristics and outlets Mangrove forests are an important barrier canopy, resulting in the modification of to hurricanes along tropical and subtropical sediment dynamics, succession patterns, coasts. Hurricanes impact mangroves nutrient cycles, and a deterioration of with strong winds, storm surge, sediment forest structure and functions, and a deposition, excessive flooding, and coastal decrease in biodiversity (Baldwin et al., erosion (Rodríguez-Ramírez et al., 2008; 2001; Herbert et al., 1999). The impact of Islebe et al., 2009). hurricanes can be classified by damages to the structure and composition of the forest, Hurricanes affect the structure and changes to the topography (elevation, composition of the forest by uprooting and channels, and outlets) of the area, changes killing trees, breaking and knocking down to the hydrology, and changes to the stems and branches and defoliating the characteristics of sediments (Figure 6). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 13
Changes in structure, composition and biomass of mangroves • Defoliation • Decrease in distribution and abundance of species • Loss of biomass (branches and trunks) • Change in species dominance • Loss of mature trees by • Change in frequency distribution uprooting and death of mature and juvenile trees • Reduction of the • Opening of clearings in the forest forest complexity Changes in topography: elevations, channels and outlets • Trees, branches and • Storm surge opens sediments obstruct storm outlets in dunes channels and outlets and barrier islands • Influx of sediments raises • Storm surge erodes and/ the ground level of lagoons, or accretes the coastline channels and flooded areas Changes in hydrology • Disruption of water flow • Change in salt/ due to fallen trees or freshwater balance branches and/or sediment • Change in the hydroperiod erosion and accumulation • Increase in flood level Changes in sediment characteristics • Sediment salinization • Suspended particles in the water column • Changes in texture and composition of Figure 6. Hurricane damage to mangrove organic matter forests. Adapted from Lucia Guerra Cano. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 14
Root detachment. Wind gusts flooding period, salinity, nutrient caused by major hurricanes can availability and sediment deposition cause individual trees to be uproot- (which interferes with the exchange ed partially or completely and die. of gases between the root and the The survival of partially uprooted sediment) (Lewis et al., 2016). trees will depend on the conditions Tree distribution can be affected of the sediments and hydrological when changes in the environmental Changes in regimen post-storm. conditions affect mangrove species structure, differently, favoring some species to Reduction of complexity. The the detriment of others. composition complexity of a forest refers to the structural and floristic characteris- Change in species dominance. and biomass tics and the degree of development Severe damage to dominant species of the system. The impact to any in the mangrove forest facilitates of mangroves of these characteristics will cause the establishment of new species a decrease in the complexity or growth of species whose domi- Damages to structure, composition of the forest. Variables used to nance was lower. This replacement and biomass of mangroves are the evaluate changes in complexity are is caused by structural damage most evident impact of hurricanes. the “value of importance” index (uprooting or death of individuals) The damages consist of: (which measures the dominance and the change in environmental of species), abundance, and the conditions that may favor the less Defoliation. Strong gusts of wind distribution of different trunk sizes dominant species. during hurricanes cause leaves to and average tree height. These detach (i.e., defoliation). same characteristics should be Change in the distribution and monitored over time to determine frequency of mature/juvenile trees. Branch breakage. Strong winds the trajectory of recovery and the Mature trees with larger diameters break or partially detach the resilience of the system. are more susceptible to damage, branches of trees. Mature trees are so after a hurricane, juveniles may affected the most as they have less Decrease in distribution and dominate the forest and mature flexibility than younger trees. abundance. The impact of a individuals may be less frequent. hurricane can rapidly transform the Trunk breakage. The severity of the distribution and abundance of trees, Opening of clearings. A clearing is disturbance is a function of the age generating conditions different an open area with no trees within a of the community and size of the from those prior to the storm. The forest. Generally, they form natu- trees. Older trees grow tall, strong, abundance can decrease due to the rally; however, this phenomenon is solid and lack the flexibility to death of individual mangrove trees. exacerbated by hurricanes when withstand wind forces. Individuals Trees may die immediately because trees are felled or uprooted. with trunk diameters more than 20 of total detachment from the sub- to 30 centimeters are susceptible strate or may die several months to breakage during wind gusts later due to defoliation, partial (Islebe et al., 2009). Younger and uprooting, and changes in environ- smaller individuals or those with mental conditions that exceed the smaller crowns are more flexible tolerance of each species. Condi- and resilient. tions that are likely to be altered are Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 15
intense rains can cause erosion can block channels, disrupting the inland and transport sediments hydrological regime of the area. downstream to interior lagoons and channels. In addition, strong Changes in topography could cause hurricanes often breach barrier three effects: (i) higher elevation, islands and open new storm which reduces water flow and the Changes in outlets, allowing salty water to exchange of salts and nutrients, topography: enter the system. resulting in changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of elevations, This sediment transport can sediments; (ii) lower topographic channels and produce significant changes in topography, such as raising the level, which raises flood levels to exceed the height of the seedlings, outlets bottom of lagoons and mangrove preventing their establishment areas, blocking natural channels and survival (Flores-Verdugo et Hurricanes can transport large where water used to flow, and al., 2010); and (iii) opening of new amounts of sediments into the even blocking outlets to the sea. outlets/inlets between the sea and coastal zone. Storm surge and Hurricanes can also produce huge wetlands, which can last for months currents can transport and relocate amounts of debris, such as dead or years, affecting the salinity of sediments along the coast, and trees and broken branches that mangrove forests. pre-storm balance and changing cycles. (Paling et. al., 2008; Taillie the chemistry of the marshes and et. al., 2020). When inlets are lagoons as well as the amount of opened by the storms, saltwater will water in the area. flow inland and permeate marshes, lagoons, and other low-lying areas. Changes in the hydroperiod. This Mangroves will survive or perish, can occur due to the blockage of depending on the tolerance of the existing outlets or the opening of species to these variations in water Changes in new outlets. The period and level of characteristics. flooding can increase or decrease hydrology depending on whether outlets are Increases in flood periods and blocked or opened. levels. The increase in tide and As a consequence of topographic precipitation during storms can and physical changes, the hydro- Changes in water characteristics. cause areas near the coast to logical regime on which mangroves Obstructed channels and new increase their flood periods and depend can be impacted in the outlets/inlets generally alter and levels, which impact a mangrove’s following ways: reduce hydrological flows, which natural hydroperiod. The can cause an increase in water consequences of these changes Changes in the freshwater and salinity, an increase in sediment, an can range from the “drowning” marine water balance. New con- increase in water temperature, a of seedlings or shrubby adults to nections between sea and wetlands reduction in oxygen concentrations, increases in sulfide concentrations will increase the flow of salty water an increase in sulfide concentra- and negative oxidation-reduction into the wetlands, modifying the tions and/or variations in nutrient levels (>-350 millivolts). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 16
accelerated degradation of vegeta- the composition and type of sedi- tion, affecting the forest structure ments. Heavy rains and increases in and loss of ecosystem functions. tide level can cause the deposition of sediments and organic matter Burial of propagules. Accretion in mangroves. In addition, winds caused by storm surge can increase and waves can loosen underground the elevation of the soil and bury biomass, resulting in the reduction Changes in propagules. of soil consistency, favoring its sinking and causing changes in sediment Hypoxia. Sediment deposition the topography and hydroperiod can change water flows, which (Mazda et al., 2002; Teutli-Hernán- characteristics subsequently may cause hypoxia dez and Herrera-Silveira, 2016). (Cahoon et al., 2002; Smith et Sediment salinization. In areas al., 2009). Tidal sediment depo- where the water flow is interrupted, sition can limit the exchange of Mangroves along the coast of Warderick the concentration of salts can per- gases between soil and roots, also Wells Cay in the Bahamas Exuma Cays Land meate the sediment. Inlets opened causing hypoxia. & Sea Park. © Mark Godfrey/TNC. by the storm can allow greater intrusion of seawater, thus modify- Changes in texture and organic ing the physicochemical conditions matter composition. The deposi- of the sediments. This can result in tion of new sediments can change Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 17
Severity of damage caused by hurricanes MINIMUM 1. Slight defoliation 2. Breakage of small branches 3. Suspended particles in water column MODERATE 1. Small and medium branch breakage 2. Moderate flooding (up to 2.5 meters) 3. Moderate channel sedimentation EXTENSIVE 1. Breakage of large branches 2. Large volumes of fallen woody material 3. Extensive flooding (2.7 to 3.6 meters) 4. Hydrological flow disruption 5. Sediment salinization EXTREME 1. Large trees downed/uprooted 2. Change in structure and composition (height and size) 3. Extreme flooding (3.9 to 5.5 meters) 4. Sea water intrusion 5. Opening of inlets through barrier islands or dune systems CATASTROPHIC 1. No presence of seedlings or juveniles 2. Large trees downed/uprooted 3. Decrease in density and complexity 4. Catastrophic and prolonged flooding (higher than 5.5 meters) 5. Sediment salinization 6. Opening of inlets through barrier islands and dune systems The severity of damage caused by hurricanes to mangroves depends on Figure 7. Extent of damage to mangroves the condition of the mangroves and on the characteristics of the hurricane based on hurricane intensity, using the Saffir-Simpson scale. Modified from (intensity, wind speed, storm surge, size). Krauss and Osland (2020) Krauss and Osland, 2020. propose a description of damages by hurricane intensity (Figure 7). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 18
Extent, location and severity of the damage The extent and severity of mangrove forest When a hurricane makes landfall, it trans- Vegetation and mangrove crowd the shoreline of damage that results from a hurricane is fers its energy to the coastal system, where the Sian Ka’an Biosphere not homogeneous and varies depending on the fringing mangroves along the coastline Reserve in the Pez Maya several factors. During the 2009 to 2017 receive the most violent impact (Carrillo area of eastern Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. © hurricane seasons, Taillie et al. (2020) et al., 2008). The proportion of damaged Edward Porter/TNC estimate mangrove damage to range from trees is higher in areas where there is a 86,439 to 133,662 hectares across the Gulf connection to open water. of Mexico, Caribbean, Central America, and South America. Other studies have Below, we describe well-documented found that the biomass of dead mangroves factors that have contributed to the extent following a hurricane can reach 150 tons and severity of mangrove damage in the per hectare (Sánchez and Islebe, 1999). Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 19
Species Laguncularia susceptibility Conocarpus racemoza erectus Avicennia germinans Rhizophora mangle The susceptibility of different mangrove defoliated and uprooted by strong winds. species to strong winds has been widely Similar to Avicinia germinans, it can grow discussed by several authors. Kovacs et back if pore water salinity is below 40 al. (2001) found that Rhizophora mangle ups. When L. racemosa´s trunk is fallen is more resistant to hurricane winds but roots remain alive, it will grow back than Avicennia germinans; however, and spur branches that will grow vertically Smith et al. (1994), Imbert et al. (1996) as new trunks, as witnessed by Herrera´s and Ross et al. (2006) had the opposite field experience. However, when major conclusion. And finally, Sherman et al. hurricanes occur, there are no significant (2001), Milbrandt et al. (2006) and Smith differences between species because the et al. (2009) could not find differences wind gusts and storm surge are so violent. in wind susceptibility between the two species. Several authors have reported Krauss and Osland (2020) conducted an that Rhizophora mangle is more damaged analysis in the Caribbean and suggest that than Avicennia germinans and Conocarpus the tolerance of each mangrove species to erectus when a low category hurricane hurricanes is influenced by the conditions of occurs (Imbert et al., 1996; Galeano et al., each site, the ecological type of mangrove, 2007). Another species present in the and the wind, rain, waves, and sedimentation Caribbean, Laguncularia racemosa, can be generated by the particular storm. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 20
Forest structure: trunk size and tree height Individuals whose trunks have a diameter greater than 20 centimeters suffer more damage than individuals with smaller diameters since the wider the trunk the less flexible they are to resist wind gusts With basin mangrove forests, storm Figure 8. Impact of In mature mangrove forests, smaller trees surge deposits sediments which raises hurricane winds in can resist strong winds more effectively, soil elevation, potentially drowning the mangrove forests, as opposed to taller trees, which are more vegetation and/or altering the salinity of the where the tallest trees likely to suffer breakage (Islebe et al., 2009; system (Smith et al., 2009; Imbert, 2018). are the most affected Roth, 1992). Imbert (2018) reported that in It has been observed that basin mangroves by the passage of a hurricane. mixed forests, the tallest species, R. mangle, are more affected by tropical storms than suffered more lethal damage (80% of basal riverine, marginal and insular mangroves. Adapted from Javier Robles Toral. area loss) compared to A. germinans (20% of However, basin mangrove forests present a basal area loss) (Figure 8); the latter suffered faster natural recovery because their primary lethal damage only when impacted by winds productivity is higher (Imbert and Portecop, above 77 miles per hour. 1986; Imbert and Rollet, 1989). Ecological type Mangrove of mangrove fragmentation or degradation The ecological type of mangrove plays an important role in the severity of damage caused by storms and hurricanes. Hydrolog- ical and geomorphological characteristics of Coastal development and aquaculture have the site determine the mangroves ecological fragmented coastal ecosystems, including type, which in turn determines the structure mangroves. Fragmentation affects the and composition of the ecosystem (Lugo structure of the vegetation and hydrological and Snedaker, 1974). flows, making them more susceptible to damage caused by natural phenomena such Fringing mangroves are located parallel as tsunamis and hurricanes. In the Caribbean, to the coastline and next to the sea and mangroves located near populated areas and are the first to be impacted by hurricanes within the usual path of storms and hurri- (Carrillo et al., 2008). They suffer more canes are more prone to damage due to the damage than other mangrove types. weakening of their structure (MEA, 2005). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 21
Location of Trajectory mangroves in relation to hurricane path and distance Left front quadrant Right front quadrant to the sea Moderate Intensive rains and winds rains Hurricane The vulnerability of mangroves to loss or Eye Some tornados temperatures damage from hurricanes is influenced by Maximum hurricane and high winds H u rr their location in relation to the path of the icane eye wall hurricane, their exposure to the open sea, and the distance from the center of the hurricane Left Right posterior posterior (Baldwin, Egnotovich, Ford and Platt, 2001; quadrant quadrant Platt, Doren and Armentano, 2000). The position of mangroves in relation to the path of the hurricane has a significant effect on the intensity of damage to the vegetation. In the Northern Hemisphere, the pressure exerted by wind and waves on the right side of a hurricane can be up to 25% greater Trajectory than on the left side (Stanturf et al., 2007). Therefore, most hurricanes cause more damage on the right and front sides of the path of the eye. It has been observed that in the quadrants to the right of the hurricane The location of mangroves in relation to the Figure 9. Hurricane path, the damage caused by Category 1 open sea is also a determinant of damage. zoning diagram. In the northern hemisphere, hurricanes are similar to those caused Mangroves located on the shoreline and the right quadrants by Category 4 hurricanes (NASA, 2017). adjacent to open water will suffer the represent the According to Novlan and Gray (1974), in the greatest damage from waves and storm hurricane’s strongest Caribbean, the most affected mangroves surge (Carrillo et al., 2008; Long et al. 2016). rainfall and winds. will be those located in the eye walls and Mangroves located on the landside of the Adapted from Javier in the front and rear right quadrants during system are generally composed of species Robles Toral. the passage of the hurricane (Figure 9). with poorly developed root systems, such as The severity of damage decreases with Conocarpus erectus and Laguncularia racemo- increasing distance from the path of the eye sa. They are, therefore, more vulnerable to of the hurricane (Dahal et al., 2014; Carrillo strong winds and severe damage has been et al., 2008; Long et al., 2016). observed (Long et al. 2016). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 22
Frequency of hurricanes, as has been observed in of hurricanes recent years (Kossin, 2020), can disrupt mangroves’ natural recovery and lead to an accumulation of damage (Taillie, 2020). Mangroves in the Gulf of Mexico and Frequently impacted mangroves will have Caribbean adapted to be resistant and higher tree mortality, broken branches and resilient to Category 1 and 2 hurricanes and defoliation, resulting in greater organic mat- can naturally recover in less than five years ter decomposition, increased soil formation (Danielson et al., 2017), but recovery may and more compact soil (Snedaker, 1995; Aerial photography of Punta take longer (up to 20 years) when man- Lang’at et al., 2014). These layered soil Gorda, on Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coast at the north groves are impacted by major hurricanes of conditions, along with standing water, can end of Charlotte Harbor Category 3 and above (Imbert, 2018). An hinder the mangroves´ natural regeneration near the mouth of the Peace increase in the frequency and/or severity (Sherman et al., 2000; Cahoon et al., 2003). River.. © Carlton Ward Jr.
Actions to restore or repair damages Key deer crossing Coupon As noted above, mangroves can naturally The type of mangrove restoration and Bight to forage on mangrove recover following a hurricane event. repair needed will depend on the type island in Big Pine Key, Florida. © Valerie Preziosi. This recovery, however, can take several and magnitude of the disturbance, as well years leaving the mangroves vulnerable as the environmental context in which it to additional storm damage while they occurs. In all scenarios, it is recommended are in the process of recovery. Active to apply a suite of actions and procedures restoration and repair of mangrove to ensure successful mangrove recovery forests following hurricane damage can (Twilley and Rivera, 2005). There are four quicken their recovery and enhance main steps in the design phase (Field, their resilience to future hurricanes. 1999, Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020): In this section, we describe common techniques for repairing and restoring 1 Characterize the physical mangroves. While we discuss mangrove and ecological conditions restoration and repair in the context of addressing hurricane damage, many of of the site. the techniques described in this section 2 Identify the factors can also be applied to restore mangroves regulating the dynamics of that were not specifically damaged by a hurricane event. Indeed, there is growing the site. interest and investments in ecological 3 Identify the causes of restoration of mangrove ecosystems degradation. (REM) (Mckee and Faulkner, 2000; Balke 4 Locate the source of seeds et al., 2014; Dittmann et al., 2019). and seedlings. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 24
Mangrove Restoration Approaches Hydrological rehabilitation Removal of sediment, creation and maintenance of channels for water flow recovery. Topographic rehabilitation Modification of ground level according to sea level. Reforestation Planting mangrove seedlings. Recommended only when hydrological and topographic conditions are suitable for mangrove growth. Figure 10. Common approaches to mangrove restoration. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 25
The restoration actions commonly carried out can be grouped into three approaches, summarized in Figure 10. Actions involved in hydrological rehabilitation DREDGING REHABILITATION OF OPENING NEW CHANNELS WATER CHANNELS CHANNELS The objectives of hydrological and water salinity, temperature, turbidity and Figure 11. Actions topographic rehabilitation are to initiate or dissolved oxygen concentrations, as well as involved in the hydrological accelerate the recovery of environmental, to the dispersion of propagules and seeds rehabilitation of hydrological, and physicochemical con- from healthy areas to the restoration site. mangrove forest ditions that enable the establishment of Hydrological rehabilitation includes clearing (Teutli-Hernández et vegetation and the return to an ecologically of waterways and natural channels, exca- al., 2020). and functionally stable ecosystem (SER, vation of new channels and maintenance of Photos courtesy of 2002). However, natural regeneration existing channels (Teutli-Hernández et al., Primary production has an important role to play. Mangroves 2020) (Figure 11). laboratory-CINVESTAV. recovered naturally in Guanaja, Honduras, 20 years after the impact of Hurricane Mitch Hydrological rehabilitation begins by in 1998 with similar results to reforestation characterizing the site using aerial images projects in the same area (Fickert, 2020). It and topographic assessments to identify is recommended that all restoration projects areas where water flows have been altered, involve local stakeholders in the restoration the routes of natural flows (freshwater as community understanding of the purpose or marine), possible trajectories for new and value of the project enhances long-term channels, and channels that need mainte- project success (TNC, 2021). Conversely, nance (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). poor management and limited consideration of ecological factors are the main reasons for failed restoration projects (Teutli-Hernández, Dredging Channels 2017; Beck et al., 2020). Dredging is the removal of sediments Hydrological and debris deposited during the storm to recover the drainage capacity and optimize the circulation of water from one site rehabilitation to another. It is necessary to remove all organic and inorganic material that obstructs water circulation, maintaining the original The main objective of hydrological reha- characteristics of the channels (width, depth, bilitation is to reestablish the hydrological extension, and direction, among others). It flows, which are essential to maintain is essential to keep all the material removed Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 26
1 2 Identify water flows Obstacle release Through aerial imagery, Removal of material on-site survey and obstructing the flow of knowledge of local water and rehabilitation communities. of the channels according to the characteristics. 3 Organic matter relocation Relocation of organic material within project site. Organic material shall continue decomposing and provide nutrients. from the channels within the area to be has been one of the main causes of man- Figure 12. Process restored, since this dredged material makes a grove degradation and decreased resilience for the dredging of natural canals (Teutli- considerable contribution to carbon storage to hurricanes, mainly due to the loss in Hernández et al., (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020) (Figure 12). hydrological connectivity and limited fresh- 2020). Place the dredged organic and inorganic water inputs (Lewis III, 2005; Wemple et al., Photo courtesy of material on the sides of the channels to 2017; Teutli-Hernández and Herrera-Silveira, Primary production minimize erosion, improve the flow of water, 2018). Properly designed culverts allow laboratory-CINVESTAV. and improve the dispersion of propagules. water flows to connect wetlands. However, most culverts do not meet the minimum In some cases, dredging is sufficient to requirements to allow an adequate exchange recover the hydrology of the site and the of water. Adapting these already existing physical and chemical characteristics of the culverts to allow an adequate exchange of water and sediments, allowing the survival of water from well-preserved mangroves to individuals and facilitating the establishment disturbed mangroves may be sufficient. of vegetation (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). Teutli-Hernández et al. (2020) suggest that Rehabilitation of culverts have an “approaching” V shape in both sides, widening immediately below the water crossings road towards the channels. The diverging lines of the “V” should have a length of at Road construction that disrupts the hydro- least five meters, a minimum depth of one logical characteristics of coastal wetlands meter, and connect with new or natural Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 27
5m OUTLETS WITH SIDES WITH INTERCONNECTION V SHAPE 5 METERS IN Y SHAPE channels, resembling a “Y.” This adaptation For the excavation of these flow ways, it is Figure 13. Structural in the structure of the culvert allows for recommended to use a system of “networks,” characteristics in the rehabilitation of water better water circulation, as well as a greater which allow the water to be conveyed more crossings (Teutli- range of water flow, even when there are efficiently from one site to another. The use Hernández et al., low tides or increases in the hydroperiod, as of networks ensures the continuous flow 2020). in the case of hurricanes (Figure 13). of water without causing a new overflow Photos courtesy of (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). Preferably, Opening new Primary production this system of networks would follow a laboratory-CINVESTAV. “zig-zag” arrangement, with a system of channels main channels excavated at an angle of 45° to 90° with respect to the water source and a The opening of new channels in degraded system of secondary channels, which should areas should be considered only when originate at an angle of 30° to 45° with dredging natural channels is insufficient for respect to their main channel. (UNEP-Nairobi the recovery of hydrological flow, or when Convention, USAID and WIOMSA, 2020) Figure 14. New natural channels were not identified. For (Figure 14). The depth and slope of the chan- channels enable hydrological example, the opening of a new channel may nels will depend on the tide level, preferential rehabilitation (Teutli- be appropriate when the topography of the flows, and information obtained during site Hernández et al., terrain was raised by sediment deposition characterization. Again, it is recommended 2020). resulting in existing channels becoming that the sediment and material removed Photos courtesy of silted in (Ramasubramanian and Selvam, be kept within the perimeter of the project Primary production 2011; Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). laboratory-CINVESTAV. The positioning and Deposit the extracted Combine in “zig-zag“ distribution of the channels material on the banks of the arrangement with other should resemble the natural canals to avoid the expansion of channels to increase configuration of the site the canals heterogeneity Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 28
SEDIMENT CONDITIONING OF CONTROL DISPERTION CENTER Topographic allow the establishment of seedlings Figure 15. Actions involved (Teutli-Hernández et al., 220) (Figure 15). in topographic rehabilitation rehabilitation of Sediment removal mangrove forests (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). The hydrological characteristics of The removal of sediment and organic Photos courtesy of mangroves are closely related to the mi- and inorganic material aims to level the Primary production crotopography of the site and, in turn, both site by reducing the ground elevation laboratory- CINVESTAV. determine the establishment of species and (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). When the structure of the vegetation (Pérez-Ce- combined with the maintenance of water ballos et al., 2017). As explained in section passages, the dredging of natural channels, 2 changes in topography could cause two and the creation of new channels, this effects: (i) higher elevation, which reduces action increases the resilience of the man- water flows and the exchange of salts grove system and encourages repopulation and nutrients, resulting in changes in the by different species, favoring functional physical and chemical characteristics of diversity, the process of secondary succes- sediments and (ii) lower topographic level, sion, and providing a greater probability of which raises flood levels that will then more recovery after a natural or anthropogenic easily exceed the height of the seedlings, impact (Zedler, 2005). preventing their establishment and survival (Flores-Verdugo et al., 2010). It is recommended that the removed sediment be used to create dispersion The objective of topographic rehabilitation centers or to fill sites with lower levels. is to adapt the level of the land in relation These sites receiving the sediment should to the mean sea level. In most cases, it is be identified by a topographic survey possible to use a nearby body of water and of the field that is then used to create mangroves that are in good condition as ref- a digital elevation model (DEM). The erences. Leveling can be done by removing DEM can be used to create a network of sediments to reduce the height of the preferential flows and to identify historic terrain or by the establishment of dispersal flow ways (Figure 16) (Teutler, 2005; centers—raised platforms or terraces—to Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 29
Identification of areas with a low Filling and transfer of sediment The organization of community topographic level by topographic and organic material to areas members is recommended for modeling and mappimg with a low topographic level this activity Preparation of other actions since they promote greater dispersion centers Figure 16. Sediment survival at a lower economic cost (Febles- removal during topographic Patrón et al., 2009; Thivakaran et al., 2018). rehabilitation (Teutli- The creation of dispersion centers consists It is important to consider that the number, Hernández et al., of the construction of raised platforms to spacing and characteristics of the dispersal 2020). counteract periods of high flooding and tidal centers will be a function of the conditions Photos courtesy of flows (Thivakaran, 2017). The shape of these of the area to be restored and the objectives Primary production platforms can be circular, square or irregular and goals of the restoration (Teutli-Hernán- laboratory-CINVESTAV. and should be built with sediment dredged dez et al., 2020). at the site. These platforms facilitate the establishment of seeds and propagules with The heights of the dispersion centers should the goal of inducing natural regeneration or be varied to allow for the establishment of Figure 17. lllustration of setting the stage for artificial reintroduction different species. The dispersion centers dispersion centers with different topographic (Figure 17) (Teutli-Hernández et al., 2020). can be created, in part, through the reuse levels to generate of material from other areas of the site, as heterogeneity in the The use of dispersal centers for ecological long as it is permeable and not washed away landscape (Teutli- restoration can produce better results than (Figure 18) (Thivakaran et al., 2018). Hernández et al., 2020). Rhizophora sp. Rhizophora sp. Avicennia sp. Avicennia sp. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 30
Geotextile mesh or shade cloth Backfilling with sediment from the site Heterogeneity among dispersion centers Additionof sand (20% or 30%) to loamy Minimun spacing of one mether between Stakes (1 or 2 meters high) or clayey soils dispersion centers Reforestation Nurseries are an expensive alternative to support reforestation since they involve raising seedlings year-round Figure 18. Conditioning of dispersion centers (Teutli-Hernández et One of the most widely used techniques regardless of the natural cycle of the al., 2020). for mangrove forest restoration has species. Additionally, it has been Photos courtesy of been reforestation using propagules or observed that seedlings from nurseries Primary production nursery-grown seedlings. However, much can suffer physiological stress, reducing laboratory-CINVESTAV. of the information generated to date their survival. comes from trial and error focused on limited species. Guidelines for reforesting The seedlings and plantings should mangroves under different conditions are be maintained and monitored for not clear, which has made it challenging at least five years due to relatively to measure its effectiveness against other high mortality among newly planted approaches (Elster, 2000; Teutli-Hernán- nursery-raised seedlings. The first year dez, 2017; Fickert, 2020). is the most critical for survival as the roots are not yet firmly established Reforestation should only be used when and the seedlings can be dislodged natural seed and propagule dispersal by modest waves or wind and float is insufficient (Teutli-Hernández et al., away. In certain cases, newly planted 2020), as it may decrease the chances of seedlings may need protection from survival. Also, reforestation efforts should waves and currents until they grow only be carried out after assessing and strong roots and stems, especially ensuring the hydrological, sedimentologi- when they are on the outer edges cal and topographical conditions at the site of the mangrove area or exposed are adequate to sustain the ecosystem. to more open water. This can be If these conditions are not adequate, accomplished through the construc- appropriate rehabilitation actions must be tion of a temporary breakwater. A carried out prior to planting, as survival of temporary breakwater should only be the new seedlings and plantings requires constructed after confirming the site a functioning ecosystem. These rehabilita- characteristics are suitable for it and tion actions may be sufficient to allow the should be removed once the seedlings recovery of the ecosystem, in which case are established to avoid altering the reforestation would not be necessary. hydrology and topography of the site. Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 31
Cost to restore mangroves Understanding the costs typically associated • distance and accessibility of the Black Mangrove seedlings, soon to be transplanted with actions to restore mangroves is im- mangrove restoration site; to a nursery area, Haiti. portant for determining how best to allocate • land ownership of the site and local © Tim Calver. money to mangrove restoration projects. The permit requirements; cost of mangrove restoration varies widely • whether or not the restoration across project types and geographies due to requires specialized machinery; and different factors such as: • the scope of monitoring and maintenance implemented • type of restoration action (e.g., dredg- post-restoration, as in most ing vs. reforestation); cases, the cost of monitoring is not • cost of materials and labor, which vary included in mangrove restoration widely from country to country; costs (Narayan et al., 2019). Hurricane Damages to Mangrove Forests 32
We focused on identifying the range of more strongly influenced by the action costs of mangrove restoration projects than the broader approach and objectives. in three regions: Mexico, Florida and There is also considerable overlap between The Bahamas. For each of these regions, project approaches since they are often we categorize restoration projects in as interrelated and synergistic, and one or much detail as possible. In the case of more of the identified actions could be Mexico, mangrove restoration projects are used to achieve one or more of the project categorized by one or more of three broad approaches. For example, reforestation by approaches to mangrove restoration: (i) mangrove plantings could be combined hydrological rehabilitation; (ii) topographic with other methods such as regrading rehabilitation; and/or (iii) reforestation. In areas to the proper elevation (topographic the case of Florida and The Bahamas, man- rehabilitation) or creating channels grove restoration projects are categorized through an area to improve tidal flows by one or more of five specific actions taken (hydrologic rehabilitation). In the case of to restore or repair mangroves: (i) break- restoration projects in Mexico, however, waters/revetments/riprap; (ii) channels/ information on the restoration action was conveyance/culverts; (iii) excavation/fill; not available and, thus, we categorized (iv) mangrove/wetland plantings; and/or projects by restoration approach. Before (v) regrading/leveling. presenting a summary of mangrove A wooden path winds restoration costs in each region, we briefly through mangroves in Lucayan National Park In Florida and The Bahamas, the categori- summarize the process used to identify on Grand Bahama Island, zation of projects is based on restoration relevant projects in each of the three Bahamas. © Shane action because the cost of restoration is regions below. Gross. Shane Gross.
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