Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021

Page created by Susan Guzman
Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming
Equipment Identification Register

      Effective Date: January 2021
Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
The marine farming equipment identification asset register has been developed by Huon Aquaculture in order to
meet the proposed variance to its current marine farming licence. The variance to the marine farming licence has
been proposed by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Marine Farming
Branch. The two new conditions include:

         1. The licence holder must ensure that all floating marine farming equipment is identifiable or uniquely
            marked as the property of the licence holder.
         2. The licence holder must ensure that all marine farming equipment used under this licence is recorded in
            the approved marine farming equipment register form and submitted as required by the Secretary.
Huon Aquaculture has previously developed an equipment asset register to aid the Marine Farming Branch in
identifying the types of assets that Huon Aquaculture has on its marine leases. The asset register will be updated and
managed by Huon Aquaculture as required and will be used to track Huon’s equipment and assets that are present
on its marine leases. This information will be valuable to minimise risks associated with lost farming equipment and
to identify company specific farming materials.

Unbranded and/or Grandfathered Equipment Plan
This equipment plan is designed to address any equipment that is currently unbranded and located on Huon’s marine
farming leases. It will outline the type of equipment, the lease in which it is present, how the equipment will be
branded or easily identifiable, the timeline for branding and the estimated date of replacement. This register will be
updated as required.

Table 1. Unbranded Equipment Plan

 Equipment Type          MFDP area /          Current or Interim    Planned Branding Feature        Estimated
                         lease(s) present     Identifying           and Timeline                    Completion
 Grid cans               Macquarie            Black grid can        HAC     branding      above     20 January
                         Harbour                                    waterline                       2021
 Black    venturation    MF 281 (Yellow       125mm diameter        HAC branding at welds           30 January
 pipe                    Bluff)                                                                     2021

Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Tracking of Farming Equipment and Devices
Huon currently utilises an asset management system to assist with asset maintenance, works scheduling and asset
location with the tracking of assets being a manual process. Satellite tracking tags and position tracking are used on
large pieces of its marine farming equipment such as crowd mambas and navigation marker buoys to improve work
health and safety for marine staff while also providing tracking for any assets which may move outside the leased
farming area. Examples of Huon’s current tracking devices are below:

      Image A: Grid Can GPS                Image B: Mamba Line GPS                       Image C: Corner Marker GPS

Table 2. Huon Aquaculture Tracking Devices

  Equipment item         MFDP                  Tracking Device (type)    # items with           % total on-water
                         area/lease(s)                                   tracking device
  Grid can/moorings      Storm Bay             Telematics/Tasmanet       29 mixed between       100%
                                                                         grid can and pen
                                               GPS (eg. Image A)
  Grid can/moorings      Yellow Bluff          Telematics/Tasmanet       49                     100%
                                               GPS (eg. Image A)         48 x grid can
                                                                         1 x pen mooring
  Grid can/moorings      Zuidpool              Telematics/Tasmanet       2 x grid can           100%
                                               GPS (eg. Image A)
  Grid can/moorings      Storm Bay (Kelp       Telematics/Tasmanet       8                      100%
                         Farm Trials)
                                               GPS (eg. Image A)
  Mamba Lines            Flathead Bay          Tracer Track              1 x 168m mamba         100%
                                               GPS (eg. Image B)         1 x 240m mamba
  Mamba Lines            Zuidpool North        Tracer Track              1 x 168m mamba         100%
                                               GPS (eg. Image B)         1 x 240m mamba
  Mamba Lines            Zuidpool South        Tracer Track              1 x 168m mamba         100%
                                               GPS (eg. Image B)         1 x 240m mamba
  Mamba Lines            Storm Bay             Tracer Track              1 x 168m mamba         100%
                                               GPS (eg. Image B)         1 x 240m mamba

Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Corner Markers      Zuidpool Sth    Star2M S                  4                  100%
                                    SeaLite SL410, SL415 or
                                    SL75 units
Corner Markers      Zuidpool Nth    Star2M                    4                  100%
                                    SeaLite SL410, SL415 or
                                    SL75 units
Corner Markers      Flathead Nth    Star2M                    4                  100%
                                    SeaLite SL410, SL415 or
                                    SL75 units
Corner Markers      Storm Bay       Star2M                    Storm Bay 1 x 4    100%
                                    SeaLite SL410, SL415 or   Storm Bay 2 x 4
                                    SL75 units


Equipment item      MFDP            Tracking Device (type)    # items with       % total on-water
                    area/lease(s)                             tracking device
Wave Buoys (used to Storm Bay       EagleOI                   Yellow Bluff – 1   100%
monitor pen                                                   Storm Bay – 1
movement on grid)                                             Cape Canella – 1

Pens (used to       Storm Bay       GPS - Remora              9                  Adhoc (up to 48
monitor pen                                                                      hrs - during storm
movement on grid)                                                                events only)

Hamster Wheel       Channel         GPS – Tracer Track        4                  Adhoc (as needed
Towing                                                                           for example, when
                                                                                 under tow)

Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Huon Aquaculture Equipment List

                                                                 Feed Systems
 Equipment                     Description                                      Image

Feed Bins    Use: Feed bins are used to store and
             distribute fish feed to the fish inside the pens.

             Huon Specific: Yes

             Marking: Solder mark with HAC and build
             date number (details tracked by Huon).
Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Feed Spinner   Use: This spinner is used to feed fish
               from within the pen. The float is
               attached to the frame with 16 bolts,
               and will not detach unless removed
               from in the workshop.

               Huon Specific: Yes

               Marking: Spinners are numbered

Feed Pipe      Use: Feed pipe to deliver feed to the pens.
               Used across all of our lease sites (including
               Macquarie Harbour).

               Huon Specific: Yes

               Marking: All Huon feed pipe is Zezt branded
               and has been marked with the date of
               manufacture, the pipe size and Huon text.
               The label is marked on every metre length of
               the pipe and coloured white as of February

Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Feed Pipe   Use: 90mm Pipe couplings used to join
Couplings   90mm feed pipe. Huon now uses
            electrofusion couplings.

            Huon Specific: No

            Marking: No marking – legacy equipment

Feed Pipe   Use: Protecting Huon’s feed pipe
Backbones   infrastructure from vessels mooring
            alongside the barge at Zuidpool farming
            lease. A 25m and 50m length is present.

            Huon Specific: Yes

            Marking: Stanchions are marked with Huon
            Aquaculture branding.

Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Water Pipe   Use: 50mm in diameter pipe to aid in feed
             delivery to Huon’s feed spinners. Photo of
             legacy black water pipe can be seen on the
             old backbones that has been removed from
             marine farming leases.

             Huon Specific: Yes – white pipe. Black – no.

             Marking: The white pipe has been marked
             with the date of manufacture, the pipe size
             and Huon text. The label is marked on every
             meter-length of the pipe.

Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Sea Pens and Framework Support
  Equipment           Description                                   Image

Fortress Pens   Use: Huon’s Fortress
                Pens come in two sizes –
                168m      circumference
                pens that have 68
                stanchions      (picture
                above)     and    240m
                circumference pens that
                have 96 stanchions
                (picture below). These
                are used to house both
                Atlantic salmon and
                Rainbow trout.

                Huon Specific: Yes                                          168m circumference pen

                Marking: Fortress Pens
                are branded with Huon
                Tasmania (as opposed to
                Huon Aquaculture) on
                each stanchion.

                                                                            240m circumference pen

Huon Aquaculture Marine Farming Equipment Identification Register - Effective Date: January 2021
Hamster      Use: Constructed from
Wheels       HDPE pipe. They are
             used inside the Fortress
             Pens to keep the bird net
             out of the water and off
             the feed spinner.

             Huon Specific: Joiners
             are Huon specific.

             Marking: Marked with
             white plate detailing the
             unit number.

Stanchions   Use: Provide structure
             to Huon’s Fortress Pens.
             Triple collar injection
             moulded and made
             from HDPE or nylon.
             They also hold the nets,
             sealpoles and handrail
             T’s in place.

             Huon Specific: Yes

             Marking: Stanchions are
             marked with Huon
             Aquaculture branding.

Rotomolded   Use: Provide structure
Stanchion    to Huon’s pens and
             backbones. This is
             legacy equipment and
             may be found on some
             water liner pens but
             have been phased out
             from Fortress Pens and

             Huon Specific: No

             Marking: No marking

HDPE            Use: Stops the
Stanchion       stanchion from sliding
Blocker         along the collar.

                Huon Specific: Yes

                Marking: No marking

HDPE Handrail   Use: Used to connect
Plug            handrails on Huon’s
                Fortress pens.

                Huon Specific: Yes

                Marking: Handrail plugs
                are marked with a ‘H’.

HDPE Handrail    Use: Used to connect
T-joiner         handrails on Huon’s
                 Fortress pens.

                 Huon Specific: Yes

                 Marking: No marking

Walkway Plates   Use: Walkway for Huon
                 staff to access the
                 Fortress Pens in a safe

                 Huon Specific: Yes

                 Marking: Walkway
                 plates are marked with
                 ‘Huon’ on the poly pipe
                 sleeve that runs
                 through the centre of
                 the walkway plate.

Walkway         Use: Walkway spacer
Spacer          used to join the
                walkways to Huon’s
                fortress pens. Made
                from HDPE. 909mm x
                1.09mm x 15mm

                Huon Specific: Yes

                Marking: No marking

Nylon Pin and   Use: Pin lockers were
Locker          used on all Fortress
                Pens for securing snake
                ropes and endless ropes
                but they’ve been
                removed and ropes are
                tied up instead –
                included here in case of
                legacy find

                Huon Specific: Yes

                Marking: No marking

Door Pin Lock   Use: Door pin used to
                secure the Fortress Pen
                access doors.

                Huon Specific: Yes

                Marking: No marking

HDPE Rings      Use: HDPE rings are
                250mm and are stitched
                into waterlines on
                predator nets so a
                mooring bridle can pass
                through them and not
                rip the net.

                Huon Specific: Yes

                Marking: No marking

Cotton Reels   Use: Cotton Reels (used
               to anchor inner
               predator net).
               Framework support

               Huon Specific: Yes

               Marking: Branded with
               Huon Tasmania.

Fortress Pen   Use: HDPE doorways
Doorways       with mesh that are used
               on the access ways of
               our pens. Hinged and
               pinned into place.

               Huon Specific: Yes

               Marking: No marking

Fortress Pen   Use: Plastic netting used
Mesh Doorway   on access ways on the
               Fortress pen doors
               22/25mm black plastic

               Huon Specific: No

               Marking: Mesh doorway
               is attached to the
               Fortress Pen HDPE
               doorway. This is
               uniquely identifiable.

Harvest and Mortality Retrieval Systems
Equipment                 Description                                      Image

Harvest Bins   Use: 1000 litre polyethylene bins
               used to carry harvest fish,

               Huon Specific: No

               Marking: Huon logo badge

Mamba         Use: Mamba lines are used to crowd
Lines         fish during harvest and bathing

              Huon Specific: Orange mambas are
              Huon specific

              Marking: Mamba lines are marked
              with Huon, its lease name acronym
              i.e. FB = Flathead Bay and meter
              length i.e. 240m.
              Legacy mambas have been marked
              with HAC as opposed to Huon.
              Asset numbers are assigned to each
              GPS unit and are tracked on the
              TasmaNet Telematics portal.
LiftUp Mort   Use: Cone is used on the bottom of
Retrieval     the inner fish net to collect and suck
System        fish to the surface. The blue lay flat
              hosing is used to pump the dead fish
              up to the surface of the pen. The
              flexible pipe is the connection
              between the pen and service vessel
              to remove the dead fish from the

              Huon Specific: Yes

              Marking: Mort Collector plates,
              marking denote the manufactured
              unit number and weight of plate.

LiftUp Floats   Use: Lift up floats keep the mort
                cone facing upright in the water

                Huon Specific: Yes

                Marking: Lift Up floats are uniquely
                identifiable and Huon specific.

LiftUp Pipe   Use: Lift up clamp floats to keep the
Floats        mort pipe on the surface of the

              Huon Specific: Yes

              Marking: Marked with ‘multi float’

Floats and Buoys
Equipment               Description                                    Image

Grid Can    Use: Grid can for mooring grid
            Huon Specific: No

            Marking: Marked in an area visible
            from the surface either as a white
            poly plate (HAC), or using a branding
            iron (Huon Aquaculture logo or with
            the letter H)

Mussel    Use: Mooring floats for vessels
          Huon Specific: No

          Marking: Marked with mooring ID
          information and Huon branding.
          Internal mooring register kept.

Mooring   Use: Mooring floats for grid. Asset
System    numbers are assigned to each GPS
Floats    unit are tracked on the TasmaNet

          Huon Specific: No

          Marking: Marked in an area visible
          from the surface either as a white
          poly plate (HAC), or using a branding
          iron (Huon Aquaculture logo or with
          the letter H)

Surface    Use: Surface floats for mooring and
Floats     grid ropes.

           Huon Specific: No

           Marking: Marked in an area visible
           from the surface either as a white
           poly plate (HAC), or using a
           branding iron (Huon Aquaculture
           logo or with the letter H)

Boundary   Use: Marking the lease boundaries
Markers    for Huon’s marine leases. Two
           types – rigid poles and HDPE
           moulded floats.

           Huon Specific: No

           Marking: HDPE yellow moulded
           versions are marked with a White
           Plate detailing HAC


MF 093

MF 281

Ropes and Netting
Equipment                  Description                                    Image

Mooring        Use: Mooring rope for securing
Ropes –        pens, anchors and vessels. Eight
Eight Strand   strand (mm) superflex rope made
Superflex      from polyprop. The eight stand
               ropes have the same colour of fleck
               in the to determine size. Comes in a
               variety of sizes ranging from:
                   •   85, 95, 105, 110 and
                   •   44, 48, 55, 64 and 75mm

               Huon Specific: No

               Marking: No marking

Mooring    Use: Three strand polyprop
Ropes –    mooring ropes are also used. These
Three      ropes are used for mooring lines
Strand     and sinker tube retrieval lines.
Polyprop   Comes in sizes:
              •   32, 36 and 40mm

           Three strand polyprop farm ropes
           are also used. Used for farm nets
           and cage set-ups. Comes in sizes:
               • 12, 16, 20, 32 and 40mm

           Huon Specific: No

           Marking: No marking
Mooring    Use: Mooring rope for securing
Ropes -    pens, anchors and vessels. Made
Dyneema    from Dyneema. Comes in a variety
           of sizes ranging from:
              •   28 and 48mm

           High strength Dyneema ropes for
           mamba and tie up rope for barges:
              •   17, 27, 22 and 28mm

           Huon Specific: No

           Marking: No marking

Farm Net      Use: Predator nets and framing
Rope -        ropes on the inner nets. The
Dyneema       predator net Dyneema rope comes
              in sizes:
                  •   8, 10, 14 and 22mm

              Dyneema framing rope in the inner
              nets are green in colour and come
                  •   10 and 14mm

              Huon Specific: No

              Marking: No marking

Farm and      Use: Polyester three strand rope for
Feed Rope –   cages and nets. Comes in sizes:
Nylon and
                  •   12, 20, 32 and 40mm

              Nylon feed bin rope - white colour

              Huon Specific: No

              Marking: No marking

Polyester   Use: Nets and cage rigging. The
Double      fleck in the braided rope are the
Braided     same as the polyprop ropes.
Rope        Comes in a variety of sizes:
                •   5, 7, 12, 14 and 18mm

            Endless cage ropes used on the
            farm. Recommendation from MFB
            for Huon to move towards a pink
            and black rope instead of yellow.
            Comes in sizes:
                • 17 and 22mm

            Huon Specific: No

            Marking: No marking

Fish Pen   Use: Huon utilises both Dyneema
Netting    and polyester mesh netting for its
           inner fish netting, predator nets
           and bird nets. The polyester netting
           comes in:
               •   15, 25 and 35mm

           The Dyneema netting comes in:
               •   10, 12, 19 and 40mm

           The predator nets use black netting
           (top right). The bird nets (bottom
           left) comes in 60mm and 100mm
           size. All nets are cleaned with net
           washing at Huon’s net slab site
           before being checked for holes and
           sent back out to sea. Inner fish nets
           and predator nets are washed in-
           situ by net washing devices.

           Huon Specific: No

           Marking: No marking

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