Human White Adipose Tissue Displays Selective Insulin Resistance in the Obese State
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1486 Diabetes Volume 70, July 2021 Human White Adipose Tissue Displays Selective Insulin Resistance in the Obese State Enrichetta Mileti,1 Kelvin H.M. Kwok,1 Daniel P. Andersson,2 Anthony Mathelier,3,4 Amitha Raman,5 Jesper B€ackdahl,2 Jutta Jalkanen,2 Lucas Massier,2 Anders Thorell,6,7 Hui Gao,1 Peter Arner,2 Niklas Mejhert,2 Carsten O. Daub,1,5 and Mikael Ryden2 Diabetes 2021;70:1486–1497 | Selective hepatic insulin resistance is a feature of obesi- Excess white adipose tissue (WAT) mass is linked to a ty and type 2 diabetes. Whether similar mechanisms op- number of cardiometabolic complications, including insu- erate in white adipose tissue (WAT) of those with lin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerotic vascu- obesity and to what extent these are normalized by lar diseases (1). While this likely depends on several weight loss are unknown. We determined insulin sensi- mechanisms, recent data from both animals and humans tivity by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp and insulin suggest that reduced insulin sensitivity in adipocytes is an response in subcutaneous WAT by RNA sequencing in early event in the development of disturbed WAT func- OBESITY STUDIES 23 women with obesity before and 2 years after bariatric tion and whole-body insulin resistance (2,3). Insulin ex- surgery. To control for effects of surgery, women post- erts a complex action on its target cells by triggering surgery were matched to never-obese women. Multidi- several pathways controlling glucose and lipid homeosta- mensional analyses of 138 samples allowed us to sis (4), and the short-term effects in liver and skeletal classify the effects of insulin into three distinct expres- muscle have recently been reported in mice (5). Despite sion responses: a common set was present in all three this, it remains unclear to what degree and at what level groups and included genes encoding several lipid/cho- white adipocytes become insulin resistant in the obese lesterol biosynthesis enzymes; a set of obesity-attenu- (OB) state. ated genes linked to tissue remodeling and protein Bariatric surgery is the most efficient treatment to re- translation was selectively regulated in the two nonob- store insulin sensitivity, reduce type 2 diabetes risk (6), ese states; and several postobesity-enriched genes en- and normalize WAT function in individuals with obesity coding proteins involved in, for example, one-carbon (7). Given the large number of pathways regulated by in- metabolism were only responsive to insulin in the wom- en who had lost weight. Altogether, human WAT dis- sulin, identifying how pronounced weight loss normalizes plays a selective insulin response in the obese state, WAT insulin signaling at the cellular level requires global where most genes are normalized by weight loss. This analyses (e.g., [phospho]proteomics, metabolomics, or comprehensive atlas provides insights into the tran- transcriptomics). Using an RNA sequencing technology scriptional effects of insulin in WAT and may identify tar- termed 50 cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE), we re- gets to improve insulin action. cently demonstrated that obesity is a major determinant 1 Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Corresponding author: Carsten O. Daub,, and Mikael Sweden Ryden, 2 Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, Received 19 February 2021 and accepted 14 April 2021 Stockholm, Sweden 3 Clinical trial reg. no. NCT01727245, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, Nordic European Molecular Biology Laboratory Partnership, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway This article contains supplementary material online at 4 Department of Medical Genetics, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of figshare.14414495. Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway 5 © 2021 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden 6 as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, profit, and the work is not altered. More information is available at https:// Stockholm, Sweden 7 Department of Surgery, Ersta Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden Diabetes Publish Ahead of Print, published online June 21, 2021 Mileti and Associates 1487 of the transcriptional response to insulin in human WAT infusion rate, hepatic glucose output is completely inhib- (8). ited, and the glucose infusion rate reflects peripheral (pri- The cross-sectional design of our previous (8) as well as marily skeletal muscle) glucose uptake (11,12). Plasma other studies (9) only provides interindividual compari- glucose values were measured in duplicate every fifth mi- sons and cannot provide insights into how insulin resis- € nute (HemoCue, Angelholm, Sweden). Euglycemia was tance is normalized by weight loss. To this end, we maintained between 4.5 and 5.5 mmol/L (81 and 99 mg/ followed women with obesity 2 years after bariatric sur- dL) by a variable intravenous infusion of glucose (200 gery and performed new WAT biopsies and CAGE when mg/mL). The mean glucose infusion rate (glucose dispos- they had reached a nonobese state (herein termed postob- al) between 60 and 120 min was determined (M value; ese [PO]). Because all patients underwent Roux-en-Y mg of glucose uptake per kg body weight per minute) and gastric bypass surgery, a technique that may in itself in- was also expressed corrected for mean plasma insulin dur- fluence hormonal responses, we included additional nev- ing steady state. During the clamp, serum samples were er-obese (NO) control women who were matched for age, collected at 15, 5, 15, 45, 75, and 115 min and main- BMI, and whole-body insulin sensitivity with the PO indi- tained at 70 C for subsequent analyses. Insulin was de- viduals. By comparing the OB, PO, and NO women, we termined at all time points, while FFA levels were were able to dissect to what extent the effect of insulin determined at 5 and 115 min. The antilipolytic effect of was influenced by obesity and whether it was partly or insulin was calculated as the quotient between FFA value fully restored by weight loss. at the end of the clamp (115 min) and the baseline value (5 min). The average values of plasma glucose and insu- RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS lin at steady state during the clamp were 4.95 ± 0.13 Cohort Selection mmol/L and 210 ± 47 mU/L, respectively. Mean FFA level Participants were enrolled in a clinical trial studying out- was 0.64 ± 0.16 mmol/L before and 0.03 ± 0.03 mmol/L comes of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Baseline data at the end of the clamp. The second WAT biopsy was ob- from part of the cohort have been reported (8). Given tained from the contralateral paraumbilical side during that pronounced weight loss and surgery themselves may the last 5 min of the clamp. As discussed (8), this time influence hormonal responses, we compared the insulin point was chosen because the glucose infusion rate has effect in the same women who had reached a nonobese reached a steady state, and it allows detection of direct state 2 years after bariatric surgery with that in age-, transcriptional responses rather than the secondary ef- BMI-, and M value–matched NO women. Because the pri- fects induced by insulin signaling (e.g., changes in tran- mary outcome measure was the transcriptomic response scription factor [TF] expression) that may influence the to insulin, it was important to obtain balanced group sizes results. The study was approved by the regional ethics to avoid statistical power issues that could influence data board. Informed written consent was obtained from all interpretation. We therefore recruited 23 healthy NO participants before enrollment. women who were matched to PO individuals, resulting in a balanced cohort of 23 OB women, 23 PO women, and 50 CAGE Profiling and Data Processing 23 NO controls. Gene transcripts were analyzed by high-throughput se- Clinical investigations were performed in the morning quencing of the 50 ends of RNAs using CAGE. This tech- after an overnight fast. Height, weight, and hip and waist nique assesses the start sites of transcripts and their circumferences, resting pulse rate, and blood pressure respective expression with high resolution. Protein coding were determined. Venous blood samples were obtained as well as noncoding transcripts are identified by CAGE and analyzed by the accredited routine clinical chemistry tag clusters (TCs). One gene can be described by more laboratory of the hospital, except for insulin and free fatty than one TC, reflecting expression from more than one acids (FFAs), which were analyzed by ELISA (Mercodia, promoter. In comparison with microarrays, CAGE is not Uppsala, Sweden) and a colorimetric kit method (FUJI- biased for a preselected set of target transcripts; it has FILM Wako Chemicals Europe GmbH, Neuss, Germany), higher sensitivity and a larger dynamic expression range respectively. Adipose tissue insulin resistance was calcu- and provides quantitative data that are reliably mirrored lated as fasting serum insulin fasting serum FFAs (10) by, for example, quantitative polymerase chain reaction and correlated with M value (r 5 0.74; P < 0.0001). Ab- (8,13). dominal subcutaneous WAT biopsies were obtained from Total RNA from WAT was extracted using the RNeasy the paraumbilical region by needle aspiration under local Lipid Tissue Mini Kit (QIAGEN), and the RNA concentra- anesthesia. Thereafter, a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic tions were measured using Nanodrop ND-1000 (Thermo clamp was performed as described (8). An intravenous bo- Fisher Scientific). Total RNA quality was determined using lus dose of insulin (1.6 units/m2 body surface area) the Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Pico Kit (Agilent Technolo- (Actrapid; Novo Nordisk, Copenhagen, Denmark) was ad- gies). Total RNA with an RNA integrity number greater ministered, followed by continuous intravenous infusion than seven was used for CAGE profiling. RNA samples of insulin (120 mU/m2 · min) for 120 min. At this insulin were randomized to minimize batch effects, and a barcode
1488 Adipose Insulin Response in Humans Diabetes Volume 70, July 2021 was assigned to each. CAGE libraries were prepared indi- To predict TFs acting upon active regulatory regions, vidually with a total RNA input of 1,000 ng as mentioned we performed genomic region set enrichment analyses us- previously (14). Linker dimer contaminations were proc- ing TF binding sites (TFBS) from the UniBind database essed with the E-Gel 2% Starter Kit (Invitrogen) and puri- (20) with the LOLA R package (version 1.12.0) (21). A fied using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (QIAGEN). LOLA custom database was created following instructions Library quality control was performed with Bioanalyzer (, with the sets of TFBS for using the DNA 1000 Kit (Agilent Technologies). Four bar- 231 TFs in 315 cell lines and tissues downloaded from coded CAGE libraries were pooled and loaded onto one se- the UniBind database (; 23 April quencing lane. Libraries were sequenced using the 2019). Note that a TF can be associated with many TFBS Illumina Hi-SEq 2500 or 2000. The obtained FastQ files data sets derived from different ChIP-seq experiments. All were split into four FastQ by barcodes (ACG, ATC, GAT, differentially expressed CAGE TCs were extended by 500 and CTT) using the FastX Toolkit. The data were filtered nucleotides upstream and downstream using the bedtools as previously described (14). Reads that passed the filter- (version 2.26.0) (22) slop subcommand to obtain active ing steps were cross-mapped using Bowtie (15). First, regulatory regions. We considered active regulatory re- reads were mapped on the human genome (version 19; gions in the NO, OB, and POB sets. Active regulatory re- hg19) and subsequently mapped on the Schizosaccharomy- gions in each of these three sets were merged using the ces pombe genome (ASM294) to obtain uniquely mapped bedtools (version 2.26.0) sort and merge subcommands hg19 reads. Before merging the resulting CAGE transcrip- and lifted over to the hg38 version of the human genome tion starting site (CTSS), we excluded CTSS with expres- with the liftOver tool (23). The same steps were per- sion Mileti and Associates 1489 glucose at a variable rate. Given that complete suppres- NO group (Fig. 1G). In all three groups, a vast majority of sion of hepatic gluconeogenesis is achieved, the glucose TCs (OB 93%; POB 91%; NO 91%) were upregulated by infusion rate at steady state (M value) corresponds to insulin. A principal component analysis of these insulin-- the glucose disposal rate and is therefore a direct mea- responsive transcripts showed that NO and POB women sure of peripheral insulin sensitivity. By performing displayed an overall similarity in insulin response, which CAGE on biopsies from subcutaneous abdominal WAT differed from that in OB women (Fig. 1H). before and 2 h into the clamp, we determined the tran- Our primary analysis could not inform to what extent scriptional response to insulin in vivo in women before the insulin responses of the three groups were facilitated and 2 years after weight loss by bariatric surgery. Of by the same or different genes. To address this, we com- the OB women who were recruited, all attained a POB pared insulin responses at the level of individual tran- state (i.e., BMI 90% at the obesity-attenuated genes. Additionally, smaller gene sets end of the procedure (Supplementary Table 2). Fat cell (Fig. 2A) were enriched in NO women (NO specific; 44 volume was associated with FFA suppression (r 5 0.34; TCs corresponding to 24 genes) or were observed only in P 5 0.0062), but the correlation became nonsignificant one or two of the subgroups (17 TCs corresponding to 13 after correction for BMI (results not shown). genes) and were not further studied. Insulin Induces Distinct Transcriptional Responses in Distinct Transcriptional Regulators and Pathways Are OB and Nonobese States Selectively Controlled by Insulin In total, we performed CAGE on 138 WAT biopsies de- To determine putative upstream regulators and categorize rived from the fasting and hyperinsulinemic conditions in the observed insulin-regulated genes into pathways, we OB, POB, and NO participants. Using a 5% FDR, we ob- defined overrepresented TFBS (Fig. 3A–B and served significant insulin-mediated expression changes of Supplementary Table 4) and gene sets (Fig. 3C–D and 427 CAGE TCs corresponding to 274 genes (218 protein- Supplementary Table 5) that were either shared or specific coding and 56 noncoding genes) (Supplementary Table 3). to the three groups. From this, we identified common ac- The three groups displayed clear differences in the num- tivities (PPARg, C/EBPb, SREBP, RELA, and LXRa (Fig. ber of insulin-responsive transcripts; we identified 105 in- 3B) linked to anabolic pathways (e.g., lipid and cholesterol sulin-responsive TCs (70 genes) in the OB group, 372 biosynthesis and adipogenesis and nutrient sensing) (Fig. (242 genes) in the POB group, and 257 (163 genes) in the 3D), obesity-attenuated activities (androgen receptor,
1490 Adipose Insulin Response in Humans Diabetes Volume 70, July 2021 A B C 50 80 50 40 40 60 Age (years) BMI (kg/m2) BMI (kg/m2) 30 30 40 20 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 0 1 2 OB POB NO OB POB NO years D E F 10 16 10 (mg/kg*min*mean P-insulin) 8 M-value (mg/kg*min) 12 7.5 M-value/I 6 HOMAIR 8 5.0 4 4 2.5 2 0 0 0 OB POB NO OB POB NO OB POB NO G H 400 Number of insulin responding (hi/f) 339 (220) 10 tag clusters (and genes) 300 PC2 (7%) 235 (148) 200 0 98 (64) 100 -10 OB(f) OB(f) POB(f) NO(f) OB(hi) POB(hi) NO(hi) 0 POB(f) NO(f) 7 (6) OB(hi) 22 (15) 33 (22) POB(hi) NO(hi) OB POB NO 0 20 40 PC1 (45%) Figure 1—Study design and overview of the insulin response transcriptome in the fasting (f) and hyperinsulinemic (hi) states. A: Twenty- three women with obesity underwent bariatric surgery resulting in significant weight loss after 1 year, which remained stable ( Mileti and Associates 1491 Figure 2—Insulin-induced expression response in NO, OB, and POB groups. A: Insulin-responsive TCs and corresponding numbers of genes (in parentheses) in the three groups. TCs are color coded as those common among all three groups (orange), shared between NO and POB (yellow), shared between NO and OB (white), shared between OB and POB (blue), and specific to NO (pink), OB (red), and POB (green). B–D: Volcano plots of the insulin-induced response in the NO (B), OB (C), and POB (D) groups depicting expression response sig- nificance (FDR) of individual TCs on the y-axis in relation to fold-change (expressed as hyperinsulinemic/fasting [hi/f]) on the x-axis. Indi- vidual TCs are color coded as defined in panel A. glucocorticoid receptor, CEBPa, and RUNX2) associated Integrative Analyses Identify Insulin Responses with adaptive responses and tissue remodeling pathways Present or Lost in the OB State (e.g., kinase activity and angiogenesis, TGFb signaling, By mining this comprehensive transcription atlas, we pro- and ribosomal protein subunits) (Fig. 3D), and POB-en- vide examples of common, obesity-attenuated, and POB- riched activities (EBF1, estrogen receptor a, and SMAD3) enriched insulin responses. As outlined in Fig. 4A (and linked to pathways involved in epigenetic regulation of further expanded in Supplementary Fig. 4), a prominent gene expression (e.g., chromatin remodeling and one-car- signature in the common class was the ability of insulin bon metabolism) (Fig. 3D). The expression of the individ- to induce multiple genes encoding proteins regulating the ual TFs in response to insulin in OB, POB, and NO biosynthesis of fatty acids de novo (ACC, ACLY, and groups is shown in Supplementary Fig. 3. Overall, with FASN), glycerolipids (GPAM and LPIN1), and cholesterol the exception of SREBF1 and CEBPB, the genes encoding (HMGCS, HMGCR, and MVD) as well cholesterol transport the corresponding TFs were not significantly regulated by (ABCA1, ABCG1, and LDLR). These are all well-established insulin at the transcriptional level, suggesting that the ob- target genes of SREBPs, PPARg, and/or LXRs, indicating served TFBS activities were due to posttranscriptional that the activities of these TFs are present even in the OB events. state (Supplementary Fig. 4). In support of this, these TFs in NO, OB, and POB groups. The changes are expressed as hi/f, implying that TCs above the zero line are induced during insulin stimula- tion, whereas those below the zero line are attenuated by insulin. Note that a majority of TCs are induced by insulin and that the total num- bers differ between the three groups. H: Principal component analysis of all 427 insulin-responding TCs (274 genes) in OB (blue), POB (green), and NO (pink) groups, in the f (lighter colors) and hi (darker colors) states. Principal component 1 (PC1) explained 45% of the total variance and reflected the insulin effect as well as the differences between the groups. Overall, the two nonobese groups (NO and POB) were similar in both f and hi states and clearly different from the OB group. Asterisks denote the difference in BMI between baseline (0 years) and 1- and 2-year follow-up, respectively, by paired Student t test (A), the difference between OB and NO/POB by Student t test (paired for OB vs. POB or unpaired for OB vs. NO and POB vs. NO) (C–F), and the difference between OB vs. POB or NO in the same con- dition (hi or f) (H). **P < 0.01, ****P < 0.0001.
1492 Adipose Insulin Response in Humans Diabetes Volume 70, July 2021 A C Number of enriched WIKI Pathways 15 Number of enriched TFBSs 4 60 2 27 1 3 10 10 4 4 40 3 1 1 1 7 15 15 3 1 1 5 20 7 7 7 23 23 23 0 0 OB POB NO OB POB NO B D 6 Lipid and cholesterol LDLR OB Common HMGCR NR1H3 biosynthesis NSDHL RARA CEBPB WNT3 SREBF1 Notch-Wnt signaling WNT9A 4 SREBF2 AXIN2 LHX2 RELA Stress response and GADD45B GATA3 PPARG GADD45G cell growth regulation Enrichment of transcription factor binding site sets [log2(odds ratio+1)] TEAD4 EOMES MYC PPARG 2 CEBPB MYC CEBPB Adipogenesis and LEP CEBPB CEBPB CEBPB SCL2A4 CEBPB nutrient sensing PPARGC1A GATA6 Cell fate specification TBX3 0 SNAI1 6 Kinase activity VEGFA POB OB-attenuated TYMP and angiogenesis PRKCD NR1H3 ACSS2 SREBF1 SMAD3 Fatty acid metabolism ACSL1 4 SREBF2 IRS1 AR SREBF1 CEBPB TGFBR1 CEB PA NR1H4 TGFB signaling TGIF1 TEAD4 LHX2 AR NR3C1 RELA SMAD7 PPARG ESR1 TEAD4 AR 2 AR AR NR3C1 ESR1 PPARG BHLHE41 NR3C1 CEBPB AR RUNX2 AR Circadian rhythm KLF10 AR AR CEB PA EBF1 USP2 CEBPB CEBPB ESR1 CEB PA AR RPL15 CEBPB Ribosomal subunits RPS3 0 RPL18A 6 H3C1 (HIST1H3A) NO Chromatin remodeling POB-enriched RNF2 PCGF1 NR1H3 TIMP3 ECM remodeling FGFR1 SREBF1 SERPINH1 4 CEBPB JAG1 SREBF2 Notch ligands JAG2 TCF7L2 DLL1 CEB PA RELA SLC19A1 NR3C1 IRF4 PPARG One carbon metabolism GART 2 NR3C1 TEAD4 PPARG MTRR AR AR NR3C1 RUNX2 MYC Cytokine signaling TNF CEBPB AR TRAF3 CEBPB CEBPB and immune response MAPK13 G-protein couple LTB4R2 SMO 0 receptors S1PR1 0 2 4 6 8 -2 0 2 Significance (-log10 p-value) mean NES Number of genes 10 40 80 Set OB POB NO Mileti and Associates 1493 were all classified as common in our TFBS enrichment We observed that part of the insulin response in WAT, analysis (Fig. 3B). characterized by an increased expression of multiple Among TCs that were enriched only in the nonobese genes encoding de novo lipogenesis and cholesterol bio- state (obesity attenuated), we identified 65 genes encod- synthesis enzymes, also remains present in severely OB ing small (n 5 27) and large (n 5 38) ribonucleoproteins women. This is similar to findings in murine 3T3-L1 adi- (RNPs) that were coordinately downregulated by insulin pocytes (35,36) as well as liver, where insulin resistance is only in the POB and NO groups (Fig. 4B). These genes en- selective in different models of obesity (37,38). Thus, code structural components of the large and small subu- while the suppressive effects of insulin on hepatic glucose nits of the ribosomes. Given that the response included production are attenuated, the stimulatory effects on de many genes and was distinct in the nonobese groups com- novo lipogenesis and lipid storage remain largely intact. pared with the OB group, we performed a separate TFBS Together with the data presented herein, we suggest that analysis on this gene set. This identified an enrichment of insulin-induced transcriptional effects on genes involved TFBS for TFs belonging to the ETS family (e.g., ETS1, in energy storage are universal features present in the OB ETV1, ELK1, ELK4, and ERG), GABPA, and YY1 insulin-resistant state across multiple tissues. Clinical ob- (Supplementary Fig. 5 and Supplementary Table 6), fac- servations align with this notion, as common adverse ef- tors that have been shown to regulate RNP expression in fects of insulin treatment in people with obesity and type both humans and other species (31,32). 2 diabetes include weight gain and lipid accumulation in Regarding the POB-enriched class, the insulin-induced peripheral organs (39). That selective insulin resistance effects were on average less pronounced than those in has pathophysiological importance is also supported by common and obesity-attenuated gene sets. Nevertheless, animal models, where a complete block of insulin signal- we identified several genes encoding enzymes catalyzing ing by liver-specific insulin receptor knockout results only different reactions in one-carbon metabolism (RFK, in hyperglycemia, whereas the selective insulin resistance SHMT1, GART, MTRR, and MTHFS) to be upregulated by induced by high-fat diet also induces hypertriglyceridemia insulin in the POB state (Fig. 4C). Accordingly, the motif and hepatic steatosis (38,40). activities in the POB-enriched class included EBF1 and In contrast to the common lipid synthesis signature, ESR1, two TFs that have been shown to regulate one-car- the insulin-induced response observed only in the two bon metabolism in other cell systems (33,34). nonobese groups was characterized by an increased activi- ty of pathways regulating extracellular matrix composi- tion and vascularization. This suggests that insulin in DISCUSSION nonobese individuals can affect WAT expansion not only Our major finding is that the overall insulin-induced tran- via increased lipid storage but also through effects on fac- scriptional response in human WAT is selective and can tors involved in tissue remodeling and angiogenesis. be disentangled into at least three distinct patterns in NO Based on this, we speculate that obesity results in an im- and OB individuals before and after long-term weight balance between insulin-induced lipid synthesis/storage loss. A common set of insulin-regulated genes is shared in and tissue remodeling, which in turn promotes ectopic all three groups and is therefore also present in the OB lipid deposition. This notion is in line with results in both insulin-resistant state. Another gene set displays a re- humans and mice demonstrating WAT expansion mecha- sponse to insulin only in the nonobese groups and is nisms are disturbed in obesity (41). largely lost in obesity. A third group of genes responds to Another signature specifically linked to the nonobese insulin to a more significant degree specifically in women state was the coordinated insulin-mediated downregula- who have lost weight after bariatric surgery. tion of genes encoding multiple RNP subunits. Data from Figure 3—TF activities regulating state-specific insulin responses and gene set enrichment analysis of insulin-responsive genes. A bioin- formatic analysis of the gene sets in NO, OB, and POB groups enabled identification of the corresponding TFs underlying the observed ex- pression responses. A: The numbers of TFs for the overrepresented (P < 0.01) TFBS sets in the different groups were subdivided using the same colors as in Fig. 2A. B: Graphs provide the Fisher exact test P values (x-axis) and odds ratios (y-axis) for the enrichment of TFBS sets from UniBind (see “Research Design and Methods”) for OB, POB, and NO groups, where individual TFs are indicated (with highest signifi- cance) and colored using the same annotation as in panel A. The highlighted TFs were common (PPARg [encoded by PPARG], C/EBPb [CEBPB], RELA [RELA], SREBPs [SREBF1 and SREBF2], and LXRa [NR1H3]), obesity attenuated (androgen receptor [AR], glucocorticoid receptor [NR3C1], CEBPa [CEBPA], and RUNX2 [RUNX2]), or POB enriched (EBF1 [EBF1], estrogen receptor a [ESR1], and SMAD3 [SMAD3]). C: The insulin-responding genes corresponding to TCs identified in Fig. 1 were analyzed by gene set enrichment analysis, where the corresponding pathways were grouped using the same color code as in Fig. 2A. D: Pathways enriched in the common, OB-attenuated, and POB-enriched states were grouped to reduce redundance, and three representative ranked genes are indicated. Even if Gene Ontolo- gy terms were shared, all the individual genes in the respective pathways differed among the three groups. ECM, extracellular matrix; NES, normalized enrichment score.
1494 Adipose Insulin Response in Humans Diabetes Volume 70, July 2021 A Lipid and cholesterol biosynthesis sample group gene INSIG1 OB POB NO Citrate SREBF1 score ACLY -2 0 2 Acetyl CoA Palmitate ACACA HMGCS1 FASN HMGCR GPAM MVD IDI1 LSS LPIN1 MSMO1 HSD17B7 NSDHL Triglyceride SC5D Cholesterol ABCA1 efflux Cholesterol ABCG1 LDLR MYLIP LDL uptake B Ribosomal protein pathway Large (60S) Subunit Small (40S) Subunit sample group gene RPL3 RPL22 RPS15 RPSA OB POB NO RPL4 RPL23 RPS2 RPS15A RPL7 RPL23A RPS3 RPS17 score RPL7A RPL24 RPS3A RPS18 RPL8 RPL26 RPS4X RPS19 -1 0 1 RPL10 RPL27A RPS7 RPS20 RPL10A RPL28 RPS8 RPS21 RPL11 RPL29 RPS9 RPS23 RPL12 RPL30 RPS10 RPS24 RPL13 RPL31 RPS11 RPS25 RPL14 RPL32 RPS12 RPS27 RPL15 RPL35 RPS13 RPS28 RPL17 RPL35A RPS14 RPS29 RPL18A RPL36 FAU RPL21 RPL37 RPL37A RPL38 RPLP0 RPL39 RPLP1 RPL41 RPLP2 RPL36A C One carbon metabolism sample group gene OB POB NO Folate transport score Purine biosynthesis Folic acid SLC19A1 -1 0 1 Dihydrofolate Folate DHFR SHMT1 GART Methionine Tetrahydrofolate (THF) MTR 5-formylTHF 5,10-methyleneTHF SAM MTRR SHMT1 Vitamin B12 DNMT DNA methylation MTHFS Homocysteine 5,10-methyleneTHF 5-methylTHF MTHFD1 MTHFR FAD Riboflavin RFK Mileti and Associates 1495 cell/animal models and human ribosomopathies have The combined cross-sectional and prospective compari- linked RNP expression to metabolism by altering, for ex- sons of carefully matched women allowed us to study the ample, glycolysis and mitochondrial function (42). The dynamic transcriptional response to insulin in vivo. A ca- underlying mechanisms are less well understood, but in veat in interpreting our data is that they were obtained the current paradigms, both increased and decreased ex- under hyperinsulinemic conditions, which may exaggerate pression of RNPs alter the affinity of ribosomes to specific the observed transcriptional events. We could have used a mRNAs, which in turn affects the translation of individual lower insulin dose during the clamp, but this would not proteins (43). In addition, ribosomal subunits interact di- have been sufficient to inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis in rectly with metabolic enzymes and may therefore affect the OB group and would therefore have affected cross- metabolic pathways such as glycolysis (44). However, group comparisons. Also, insulin was infused via a periph- while it is clear that short-term hyperinsulinemia downre- eral vein and not (as endogenous insulin) via the portal gulates RNP expression, it remains to be shown how this vein, where insulin clearance is observed via a first-pas- affects WAT function downstream of insulin in the non- sage effect in the liver. However, the clamp approach en- obese state. abled us to determine the effects of insulin under Among the pathways attenuated in OB individuals was normoglycemic conditions. This is important, given that also circadian rhythm. Recent results show that insulin both hyper- and hypoglycemia induce counterregulatory controls the core clock machinery in both cell models and hormonal responses that in turn affect transcriptional mice and thereby plays a role in synchronizing gene ex- regulation in multiple tissues, including WAT. Finally, pression upon food intake (45). It is therefore tempting that some of the observed transcriptional results may be to speculate that the ability of insulin to regulate the in- specifically related to bariatric surgery is unlikely, given ternal clock is impaired in the OB state. In support of recent data demonstrating that weight loss induced by this, we also identified additional obesity-attenuated fac- bariatric surgery or diet alone provided similar metabolic tors, including the TGFb pathway, which has been shown effects in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes (50). to reset diurnal rhythm (46). However, given that our re- In summary, we identify how insulin-regulated genes, sults only provide a snapshot of the transcriptome after 2 pathways, and TFs respond to changes in body weight. h of hyperinsulinemia, we cannot establish whether the This comprehensive resource may further our under- observed effects on gene expression affect the phase and/ standing of the pathophysiology of WAT insulin resis- or amplitude of circadian rhythm. tance in obesity and identify novel targets to improve Among the POB-enriched transcripts, we identified sev- insulin action. eral genes encoding one-carbon metabolism enzymes to be upregulated by insulin. Because the one-carbon cycle pro- Funding. This work was supported by grants from the Margareta af Uggla vides substrates for many processes, including DNA meth- Foundation (M.R.); the Swedish Research Council (M.R., P.A., N.M.); SPHERES/ ylation, this suggests that epigenetic mechanisms may be European Research Council Synergy Grant 856404 (M.R.); the Knut and Alice Wal- promoted by insulin in the POB state. Previous studies lenberg Foundation (Wallenberg Clinical Scholar to M.R. and grant nr 2018.0094 have shown that the global adipocyte DNA methylome is to M.R. and C.O.D); Tripartite Immuno-metabolism Consortium grant significantly altered in OB women after weight loss (47). NNF15CC0018486, Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Consortium grant The overlap between differentially methylated genes in NNF15SA0018346, and MeRIAD Consortium grant 0064142 from the Novo Nordisk the latter study and the insulin-induced genes identified Foundation (M.R.); Novo Nordisk Foundation grant NNF20OC0061149 (N.M.); the herein was, however, limited (results not shown). Several Swedish Diabetes Foundation (M.R.); the Stockholm County Council (M.R., D.P.A.); of the POB-enriched genes showed similar regulation by Research Council of Norway grant 187615; Helse Sør-Øst; and the University of insulin to NO and OB genes, but the effects were less pro- Oslo through the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (A.M.), Research Council nounced and did not reach statistical significance. We of Norway grant 288404 (A.M.), Norwegian Cancer Society grant 197884 (A.M.), Erling-Persson Family Foundation grant 140604 (A.T.) and the Strategic Research therefore interpret these results with some caution. Never- Program in Diabetes at the Karolinska Institutet (M.R., P.A., D.P.A., H.G., C.O.D.). theless, they may reflect that the POB state displays an in- The computations and data handling were enabled by resources from project creased WAT response to insulin. This is in line with 2017/7-412 provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing at UP- previous studies demonstrating that PO individuals differ PMAX, partially funded by the Swedish Research Council through grant agreement from NO individuals at both the whole-body (e.g., attenu- 2018-05973. D.P.A., P.A., N.M., and M.R. are supported by CIMED. ated resting metabolic rates/whole-body fat oxidation Duality of Interest. K.H.M.K. was funded by a Novo Nordisk Postdoc (48,49)) and WAT levels (fat cell volume, adipokine secre- Fellowship. No other potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were tion, and lipolysis) (7,29). reported. Figure 4—Differentially regulated pathways in the OB and nonobese states. Representative examples of pathways identified in the gene set enrichment analysis that were common, obesity attenuated, or POB enriched. A: The lipid and cholesterol biosynthesis pathway, the corresponding genes, and their S-score (see “Research Design and Methods”) in OB, POB, and NO groups are shown. An expanded ver- sion of this panel is detailed in Supplementary Fig. 4. B–C: The same analyses are shown for ribosomal proteins (B) and one-carbon me- tabolism (C).
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