How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents' Low-Wage Jobs - Fall 2012 - Lisa Dodson, Boston College
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How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs Lisa Dodson, Boston College Randy Albelda, University of Massachusetts Boston with Diana Salas Coronado and Marya Mtshali Fall 2012 Center for Social Policy University of Massachusetts Boston
About the Center for Social Policy The Center for Social Policy provides expertise on policies and practices that reduce social and economic inequities. The Center accomplishes this through active engagement with policymakers, researchers, service providers, and those affected by the policies and policy analyses. The Center for Social Policy is part of the John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. In carrying out its projects, the professional staff collaborates with faculty and graduate students from the University. © 2012 Randy Albelda and Lisa Dodson
Contents Acknowledgements................................................................................. ii Executive Summary................................................................................. 1 Overview ................................................................................................ 3 Introduction ........................................................................................... 3 Parenting and Low-Wage Work ................................................................ 4 Low earnings make it hard to provide for children and youth............. 5 Low-wage parents face a time squeeze but have a hard time paying for substitutes for their time at work..................................... 6 Low-wage work conditions conspire to make it very hard for parents to juggle family needs and employment.............................. 6 Low-wage work creates more job instability and fewer opportunities for upward advancement for parents than for other workers........................................................................... 8 Not all alike: Single parents, parents of color, and immigrant working parents face particularly acute work/family problems that affect their children................................................................ 8 How Youth Are Affected by Parents’ Low-Wage Work ............................... 9 High dropout rates among lower-income youth can be linked to parents’ low-wage jobs............................................................... 9 Young people’s health can be harmed by parents’ low-wage work.... 12 When there is no time or money, low-income youth become adultified, having to grow up fast to fill adult shoes........................ 13 Conclusions and Future Directions......................................................... 16 References ........................................................................................... 18 How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs i
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the members of our advisory committee for their thoughtful and helpful feedback: Ellen Bravo, Wendy Luttrell, Davida McDonald, Alejandra Marchevsky, C. Shawn McGuffey, Linda Nathan, and Dorothy Smith. Our ability to do this work was greatly enhanced by the support of Donna Haig Friedman, Françoise Carré, and Sheila D’Alessandro at the Center for Social Policy at University of Massachusetts Boston, Anna Wadia at the Ford Foundation, and Beadsie Woo at the Annie E. Casey foundation. Thanks to Kenneth Cooper, Patricia Peterson, and Cynthia Metallides for their assistance with editing and production of the report. Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to the Ford Foundation and the Annie E. Casey Foundation for their generous funding of this report. The findings and conclusions presented in this report are those of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of either foundation. ii How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs
Executive Summary How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs It has been well documented that growing up poor wellbeing. They are seven times more likely to drop is deeply harmful to children and youth. While out of school than are higher income youth, are more some countries use social programs to reduce child likely to be among the one in five American teens poverty, US government policy has increasingly who are obese, and are far more likely to become focused on employment of low-income parents as a parents in their teen years. It is vital that we address key route to reduce the nations’ high rate of family the effect of parents’ low-wage, low-quality work on poverty. In particular, government programs have the future of millions of the nation’s young people. focused on jobs for single mothers whose children In this report, we present a first-ever overview of experience the worst economic hardships of all. Yet what is known about the relationship between the jobs as the solution to young people’s poverty depend status of youth and their parents’ low-wage jobs. Of on the kind of work available to their parents. With the 20 million adolescents with working parents, the 30-year decline in higher-paying manufacturing 3.6 million (one out of every six) are in low-income jobs and, simultaneously, significant growth in low- families where parents have low-wage jobs. We wage service employment, many jobs do not provide identify several ways that young people are harmed the wages or flexibility that any parent needs to by their parents’ low-wage, low-quality jobs that point raise a family in safety and stability. In fact, there is to the urgency of this issue. This report examines the evidence that low-wage jobs can cause harm to young following key findings. people’s health, education, and overall development. Today, there are 16 million families headed by working Parents’ low-wage jobs: parents in jobs that pay low wages. These workers • Many low-wage parents’ earnings are so low they are cashiers, nurses’ aides, janitors, salespeople, food cannot cover the basics, and certainly cannot pay servers, and elder care attendants, and, along with for after-school or other programs that protect other low-wage workers, they struggle to protect and promote the development of children and adolescents. and care for their families. Further, low-wage work is projected to account for two of every three new • Low-wage jobs often have inflexible schedules jobs in the United States over the next decade. Beyond that conflict with or disrupt family time. Parents the low pay, many of these jobs are also considered are thus denied the critical time to monitor and encourage their children and adolescents. “low quality,” with few if any job benefits, unreliable schedules, and little flexibility that would allow Effects on young people: parents to tend to their children’s needs. Additionally, • Youth in low-wage families are more likely to most of these jobs do not offer career ladders that drop out of school. might build family stability and result in future • Low-income youth have a greater likelihood of opportunity for children. The recent recession has experiencing health problems, including obesity, put increased pressure on parents to keep or take and they are more likely to bear children at a this type of job, even though they sometimes create young age. untenable conflicts with family needs. • Youth in hard-pressed low-wage families who have Researchers only recently have started to examine younger siblings are likely to grow up very fast poverty dynamics in working families, primarily and take on adult roles thus diverting time and focusing on the impacts of low-wage work on attention from their schooling, extracurricular young children — clearly the most vulnerable of activities, and personal development. all. Yet without a doubt, adolescents also need We identify three core approaches to addressing resources, stability, and parental attention to the important link between youth development support their wellbeing, do well in school, be safe, and parents’ low-wage work. First, focusing on and move on to pursue healthy lives. In fact, today policy-makers and advocates, this report points there is ample evidence that low-income youth are out that parents’ work and young people’s lives are facing disproportionate challenges to their overall profoundly linked. Leaders in research, public policy, How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs 1
and advocacy for low-income workers and those who academic progress and health, and also protects promote investment in youth development should them from growing up too fast. Finally, we point to seek opportunities to collaborate, and thus increase specific groups of low-wage youth and families who their effectiveness. Second, we identify specific, face higher risks and who need focused attention and current policy initiatives that could improve outcomes opportunities. for children and youth, including current efforts to For decades, the U.S. policy solution to lowering promote parental job benefits and sick leave; efforts family poverty has been to promote parental — to allow more flexibility for all working parents; particularly maternal — employment. Yet, as it and efforts to increase hourly wages. In terms of stands, the fastest-growing jobs do not fulfill the youth policy, there is a critical need for programs promise of work as the way out of harmful poverty and resources for low-income youth including after- because they do not provide working parents with the school programs, summer programs, mentoring pay or flexibility necessary to protect and promote initiatives and other opportunities that ensure that the nation’s millions of young people. young people get adult attention that supports their 2 How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs
How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs Overview Yet there is ample evidence that adolescents too need economic stability and parental attention There is a great deal of research documenting the to develop their strengths and interests, do well in complex and long-lasting harm that children and school, be safe, and move on to pursue satisfying youth experience when they grow up in conditions and economically stable work. We know very little of economic scarcity. Yet researchers only recently about how youth are affected by their parents’ have started to examine poverty dynamics in working employment in low-wage jobs. It is vital that we families. In fact, for decades employment was posed address the effect of parents’ low-wage, low-quality as the solution to the harms of poverty in America. work on the future of millions of the nation’s young Employment-promotion has been highly successful people. This paper summarizes key attributes of low- in that today more mothers are employed than ever wage work that affect family life as well as existing before, including low-wage mothers. But the success knowledge about the disproportionate challenges of jobs as the solution to economic hardship for facing low-income youth. The crux of this report is families depends on the kinds of work available. the intersection between parents’ low-wage work Today, one out of four workers is in a low-wage job, and young people’s development. We point out that and there are 16 million families headed by low-wage these two pivotal aspects of family life are deeply working parents. These workers are cashiers, nurses’ linked and constantly interactive. Creative new lines aides, janitors, salespeople, food servers, and elder of research and advocacy that directly connect these care attendants and, along with other low-wage key elements of family life promise more coherent workers, they struggle to protect and care for their and effective programs for low-income youth and families. Low-wage work is projected to account for responsive policy for their working parents. We two of every three new jobs in the United States over the call for research, advocacy, and policy efforts that next decade. Beyond the low pay, many of these jobs address the link between parents’ work and young are also considered “low quality,” with few if any job people’s futures. benefits, unreliable schedules, and little flexibility that would allow parents to tend to children’s Introduction needs. Additionally, most of these jobs do not offer Policy, advocacy, and research foci about the well- career ladders to build family stability and future being of low-income youth are rarely linked to policy opportunity for children. The recession has put discussions, advocacy, or research on parental increased pressure on parents to keep or take these employment in low-wage jobs. Traditional research types of jobs, even though they can create untenable on adolescents has focused on school achievement, conflicts with their family needs. early childbearing, risky behaviors, and pathways Given the percentage of workers holding low-wage to employment. But, beyond noting youth jobs, it is not surprising that a large proportion of U.S. socioeconomic status and pointing to the need for children are low-income. In 2012, the National Center parental engagement and supervision, there has been for Children in Poverty reported that 44 percent of all very little attention paid to the interaction between children live in families that are poor or low-income. youth status and the nature of parents’ employment. In response, social scientists and public policy Over the last two decades a growing body of social makers have begun to pay attention to interactive science research has investigated young children’s relationship between low-wage work and children’s well-being with the increase and permanency well-being. Foremost, there has been considerable of women’s employment. Initially, this literature research and policy discourse about how parents’ focused on dual-earning couples and the effects of low-pay/low-quality work affects young children, maternal employment on the child development as recognized as the most vulnerable family members. How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs 3
well as on women’s careers (e.g., Hochschild 1997; children that call for family rather than individual Perry-Jenkins, Repetti, and Crouter 2000; Smolensky strategies. and Gootman 2003). Recent research, particularly in The issues outlined in this paper are taking the aftermath of welfare reform, increased attention place within the larger landscape of growing to employment dynamics in poor single-mother national inequality that is shaping conditions and families and the effects on children’s well-being constricting the opportunities of tens of millions of (Duncan, Huston, and Weisner 2006; Furstenberg et families in the United States. The well-documented al. 1999; Kalil and Dunifon 2007). The most robust disparities in health and education correlated and systematic of these studies followed samples of with young people’s socioeconomic status, like families after they left welfare and entered the fast- the persistence and growth of low-wage work, is expanding low-wage labor market (e.g., Gennetian part of this larger context of escalating economic and Miller 2002; Johnson et al. 2010; Yoshikawa, inequality. Illuminating the connections between Weisner, and Lowe 2006). The findings reveal both ever-more stratified earnings and the future of our negative and positive effects among children and young people calls for policy makers, children and youth when parents entered the labor market—the youth advocates, labor supporters, and work/family outstanding goal of welfare reform (Quane, Rankin, advocates to link their efforts, redoubling support for and Joshi 2009; Chase-Lansdale et al. 2003). Most lower-income families. of these studies, however, focused on younger children with a small number of post-welfare studies suggesting that low-wage employment of Parenting and Low-Wage Work mothers may have some negative outcomes for teens “It’s your child or your job, (Gennetian and Miller 2002; Johnson et al. 2010). and no one’s gonna get that but you…” In this report we outline major characteristics of Young people are deeply affected by the quality of contemporary, low-wage parental employment as their relationship with their parents. Not surprisingly a critical context for youth development and well- then, the contours of low-wage work, which dictate being. We start by describing the scope of the issue the ways in which parents spend a good portion of and draw out the elements of low-wage work known their days, have access to income, and can spend to affect parenting. We then turn to the status of low- time with children are an important factor in the income youth and explore the interaction between characteristics of these relationships. parental employment and well-being of young people, In 2010, there were 41 million low-wage workers, with a particular focus on youth schooling, health, accounting for over 28 percent of all workers. One- and early adultification through family care work or quarter of low-wage workers are parents and, of those, employment that young people do to fill in for adults two out of every three are also low-income (i.e., with (Burton 2007; Dodson and Dickert 2004). Here we family income less than 200 percent of the federal also integrate some early research into how parents, poverty income threshold) (authors’ calculations youth, and young children try to cope and attempt using the March 2011 Current Population Survey).1 to meet mainstream expectations. In this vein we Relative to other countries, the United States has a draw out family strengths as well as hardships, very high share of workers in low-wage jobs (Schmitt emphasizing “positive youth development” as well 2012) and provides fewer employment-based and as the disproportionate challenges (Damon 2004). government protections for families with children The paper closes with a focus on areas in need of (Gornick and Meyers 2003), leaving many families additional study and understanding, emphasizing supported by low-wage parents with low levels of the necessity of policies and programs to integrate resources. the deep connections between parents, youth, and 1 We define low-wage as earning an hourly wage that is less than 2/3rd the state median hourly wage. 4 How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs
Almost one out of every five children (18 percent) physically- or mentally-rewarding. Performing ages 12-17 lives in a low-income family supported by one’s job well provides a sense of accomplishment a low-wage parent (authors’ calculations). While a and dignity, and these effects may spillover into large share of these low-wage, low-income parents of family life in positive ways. Employment, however, adolescents are single mothers (36 percent), they are also means less time and energy for other things, certainly not the only parents who find themselves including time with children, friends, and relatives. increasingly in this position. The share of single Furthermore, some jobs are stressful, some are mind- mothers and fathers as well as married mothers and dulling, and some are even dangerous. All parents fathers who earn low-wages and have low income has face various tradeoffs when deciding whether, where, steadily increased over the last thirty years (Albelda and how many hours to do paid work. But the choices and Carr 2012). Two trends help account for this available, and with them the consequences, differ increase: employment-promoting changes to welfare by the gender, marital status, and income levels of programs and falling or stagnating wages for those parents (Williams 1990). Here, we primarily focus at the bottom of the labor market, especially among on the specific issues that parents in low-wage work men. The scale of this issue promises to persist face. without improvements to jobs in the lower rungs of the occupational ladder. Yet such improvements will Low earnings make it hard to provide for be difficult to achieve, given that it is predicted two children and youth. of every three new jobs in the United States over the Low-wage work provides employment income, next decade will not require more than a high school but often it is not sufficient to stave off high levels diploma (Lockard and Wolf 2012). of financial stress. Researchers consistently find Against the advent of an expanding low-wage that low-wage workers have difficulty paying their workforce and the growing likelihood that a large monthly bills, making needed home and car repairs, share of adolescents will be raised by a low-wage and paying for the things they feel would enrich parent or parents, we briefly identify and summarize their children’s lives (e.g., Dodson, Manuel, and key elements of parents’ low-wage jobs that interact Bravo 2002; Osterman and Shulman 2011). Studies of with family life and thus the development and well- women who left welfare for employment, even those being of young people. These elements include low that see incomes improve, point to a very substantial levels of family income, a time squeeze created by proportion of them experiencing a low-level of employment, and the quality and stability of low- income and with that financial stress (e.g., Kalil wage work. It is this combination of low income, time and Dunifon 2007; Scott et al. 2004). Public benefits poverty, and poor job quality that makes juggling directed toward poor and near-poor families are employment and family responsibilities particularly intended to help improve family resources, but many difficult for low-wage parents. low-wage workers do not benefit, in part, because eligibility for many of these programs phase out with Of course, all parents make complex decisions about relatively low levels of earnings and also because the employment. They weigh the various benefits and program benefits can be difficult to get and retain costs of employment in light of the implications when employed or are just not funded at sufficient for their children. In addition to income earned, levels to meet the demand for them (e.g., Albelda and depending on the type of job held, there are several Boushey 2007). benefits often associated with employment, such as elevated self-esteem and economic independence. Monetary resources are important far beyond merely Workplaces can provide networks of support and the ability to purchase basic needs. They are also interaction, just as some jobs are stimulating and necessary for parents to purchase children’s safety How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs 5
and opportunity, out-of-school lessons and activities • Parents leave young people to “self-care” that for young adolescents, and supplemental materials results in a lower likelihood of adolescents needed for school, after-school activities, books, participating in structured activities (enrichment athletic equipment, computer software, etc. (Carlson as well as employment) after school (Smolensky and Magnuson 2011). Moreover, economic security and Gootman 2003). not only provides material well-being, but also • Work less and reduce family income even further. reduces parental and child stress (Magnuson and Some low-income mothers, trying to find ways to Votruba-Drzal 2009). Financial stress is associated construct family time, creatively infuse parenting with depressive symptoms in mothers. Depression into other activities and even overlap work with leads to more difficulty in parenting (Gupta and family time “under the table” (Dodson, 2007). Parents Huston 2009; Jackson et al. 2000). In addition, low who cannot set aside or “craft” time specifically levels of income are associated with lower school to nurture family relationships find themselves achievement and attainment, higher rates of squeezing parenting into moments that are not criminal behavior among boys, and higher levels of optimal or while doing other tasks, and sometimes non-marital births compared with other children pass parenting to other family members (Tubbs, Roy, (Magnuson and Votruba-Drzal 2009). and Burton. 2005). Low-wage parents face a time squeeze but Low-wage work conditions conspire to have a hard time paying for substitutes for make it very hard for parents to juggle their time at work. family needs and employment. For many parents, time spent at work crowds out All employed parents face the difficulties associated time at home. Unlike higher-income parents, low- with juggling family and work responsibilities, but income employed parents find themselves less able to the characteristics of low-wage work make that purchase their way out of their time squeeze through task much harder. We identify three, sometimes buying time substitutes like high quality out-of- overlapping, aspects of low-wage work that create school care or quick but healthy meals. Since the particular burdens on low-wage parents as they seek 1990s employment-promoting changes to welfare, to take care of children and youth. These job qualities low-income parents, especially mothers, have fewer are non-standard work hours, inflexible work times, opportunities to “opt-out” of employment altogether and few employer-based benefits. While not all low- to take care of family needs, without very severe wage jobs have these qualities, unfortunately, many financial consequences. The inability to substitute do. We know this, in part, because low-wage work money for time promotes several strategies among is concentrated in particular industries in which low-income employed parents, often with costly employers require working nights or weekends and trade-offs: provide those workers with very little control over • Low-income dual-earning couples are more their time at work (Henly, Shaefer and Waxman likely to do “tag-team” parenting (i.e., work 2006; McCrate forthcoming; Osterman 2006; Presser different shifts), which allows for more parental and Cox 1997). These same jobs are the least likely to time with children, but places stress on a couple’s provide employer benefits like paid time off for illness relationship (Presser 2004). or vacation and employer-sponsored retirement • Some low-income parents work long hours, plans or health insurance. but rely heavily on relatives to help take care For those who have access to them, standard of younger children, including pressing older children into this role (Gennetian et al. 2008; work hours and flexible work schedules facilitate Laird et al. 1988; Williams and Boushey 2010). managing work and family. These work attributes 6 How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs
allow parents to work around children’s schedules numerous national women’s and workers’ research and enable them to more easily attend to and advocacy groups (including the Institute for emergencies or perform routine yet vital tasks like Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) the Center for Law children’s dental or doctor’s visits, without missing and Social Policy (CLASP), the National Partnership work. Yet low-wage workers are the least likely to for Women and Families, the Center for American enjoy either of these job attributes. One-third of all Progress (CAP), and Family Values at Work) have low-wage parents are in just 10 occupations (of 456 provided mounting evidence of the positive family detailed occupations used by the Census Bureau), impacts of paid time, including fewer visits to the many notorious known for their non-standard and emergency room and fewer sick children at school. unpredictable hours. For example, one out of every The choices facing parents without paid time off five low-wage parent works in one of the following are stark and stressful. On the one hand, there may occupations: cashier, maid, cook, home health aide, be serious consequences for families when parents and janitor (authors’ calculation using the CPS). who lack access to sick days or who can ill-afford to take extended family leave do not leave work for There are some advantages to non-standard work a host of health-related or other reasons (Williams hours if they are intentionally chosen by parents in 2010). On the other hand, parents who do take order to spend time with children at crucial times time off of work and receive no compensation face of the day (such as when they get home from school). serious economic consequences. It means even less But if parents do not choose such schedules, non- family income, but taking too many unpaid days in standard work hours make it exceptionally difficult low-wage jobs leaves, as Joan Williams (2010) puts to attend to a host of arrangement necessary for it, places many low-wage parents “one sick child children, forcing parents to rely heavily on other away from being fired.” In a similar vein, parents family members (Henly and Lambert 2005; Perry without health care coverage for themselves face Jenkins 2005; Presser 2004). Many low-wage physical and financial risks. Healthy adults are occupations, including those listed above, not only better parents, yet almost one-third of low-wage require non-standard hours but are also part-time, parents (32 percent) do not have any form of health temporary, or have variable hours even on a week- insurance (authors’ calculations). to-week basis (Henly and Lambert 2005). Especially in retail and some service industries, employers Though less easy to measure and thus correlate seek to schedule workers only at high volume with family outcomes, the quality of work also has times, which vary over the year.2 Variable hours an important impact on the quality of family life. over which you have no control can play havoc with Research examining relationships between work family budgets, but also with family time. and depression indicate that the kinds of jobs to which low income parents are constrained are Employer benefits that make working and caring for associated with higher rates of depression (Link, family members easier, such as vacation time, paid Lennon, and Dohrewend 1993). While all parents sick days, paid family and medical leave, and health are affected by their work and some of that effect— insurance are all much less available to low-wage positive and negative—will spill over into family workers (Ross Phillips 2005; Williams, Drago, and life and parenting, the dramatic rise of low-wage Miller 2011). In particular, paid time off for parents, and low-quality jobs filled by millions of parents especially low-wage parents, is an important family suggests that low-wage jobs may represent an safety valve. Reflecting this, over the last decade important and erosive effect on children and youth. 2 McCrate (forthcoming) finds that finds 11 percent of all workers say that their start and stop time varies and they have no control over those times, with the highest percentages working in leisure and hospitality services and wholesale and retail trade. How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs 7
Low-wage work creates more job Researchers often report that many jobs held by low- instability and fewer opportunities for income mothers after leaving welfare are stressful, upward advancement for parents than for demanding, and provide little autonomy or control. Those work-related conditions are associated other workers. with maternal depression, unresponsiveness, and Parenting makes certain type of jobs hard to hold inconsistent parenting (Gennetian, Lopoo, and or pursue other career opportunities. Most people London, 2008; Kalil and Ziol-Guest 2005 ). Thus, aside do not perform low-wage work for their entire work from the elevated work and family conflicts that low- life, however, in the current job market, increasingly wage parents face, they also face work that is more this work will be long-term. For many parents in likely to be demoralizing, affecting their emotional low-wage work, moving up the job ladder is a long status as they head home to care for family. and uneven process. During the boom of the mid- 1990s, Andersson, Holzer, and Lane (2005) looked at Not all alike: Single parents, parents of a set of adults who had been low-wage workers for at color, and immigrant working parents least three years. They found that only half of them face particularly acute work/family showed modest improvement in their earnings over problems that affect their children. the following six-year period. Many mothers adjust Subgroups of low-wage working parents face work hours as well as occupations to accommodate particular challenges. Low-wage single parents— attending to their children. But this accommodation largely mothers—are typically the main or sole comes at a cost: low-wages and fewer avenues for earner, so being low-wage almost always means promotion. It is not only lawyers who need to work heading a low-income family. 3 Single mothers also long hours to move up in their firm. For example, account for the majority of low-wage parents of Carré and Tilly (2010) find that retail clerks moving adolescents. Single parent families not only have into manager positions not only need to work more low income, but also less capacity to earn more than hours, but also must be willing to work variable workers in households with other adults. Because hours to fill in for workers who do not come to work. single parents are primarily responsible for earning Many parents might like to take advantage of these and assuming family responsibilities, they are most types of opportunities but find doing so interferes likely to suffer from time poverty (Vickery 1977). too much with family responsibilities. Seefeldt (2008) interviewed women six years after they left Furthermore, it is well documented that low- Michigan welfare rolls and found many of them wage parents of color—particularly African had the opportunity to advance but did not take American and Latinos—have historically faced higher- paying jobs because it would require more workplace discrimination and less opportunity for or different hours that conflicted with the times they advancement, and are more likely to have greater needed to be available to their children. Similarly, levels of unemployment and employment instability Williams (2010) finds many women leave their jobs than white workers (e.g., Darity and Nembhard 2000; because they cannot combine work demands with Lui 2007; Pager, Western, and Bonikowski 2009; Price family ones, losing their line in the job-ladder queue. 2003; Royster 2003). In addition, African-American Henly and Lambert (2005) report that low-wage low-wage parents are more likely to be single parents workers in part-time jobs are not afforded the same than are white, Hispanic, or Asian low-wage parents job training and skill development opportunities (Kids Count 2010). Immigrant low-wage parents, as full-time workers. Further, they report very high especially non-citizens and those who are learning rates of turnover in low-wage jobs, some of which is English, face greater challenges at work. Immigrants because of the nature of non-standard employment. are much more likely to be in low-wage work than 3 In 2010, just below 40 percent of all employed single mothers earned low wages and, of those, 94 percent were also low-income. One quarter of all fathers were low-wage, with 93 percent of those also being low-income. Conversely, 12 percent of married fathers are low-wage, while 25 percent of married mothers are. Of all low-wage married fathers, 68 percent were also low- income, while 41 percent of low-wage married mothers were also low- income (authors’ calculations from March 2011 CPS). 8 How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs
native-born workers.4 Almost two-thirds of low-wage physical health, overall development, schooling, and immigrant workers are not proficient in English and emotional well-being (Duncan and Brooks-Gunn two out of every five are undocumented (Capps et 1997; Ludwig and Sawhill 2007; Schroeder 2007). al. 2003), which makes them subject to worse work Furthermore, while the worst effects are seen among conditions than other low-wage workers. the poorest children, all low-income children are undermined by the welter of stresses and hardships In examining the low-wage employment of working that low-wage families face every day (ASPE Research parents, not all are alike and some face more obstacles Brief 2009; Redd et al. 2011). than others. Sole-parenting, race, and citizenship or immigrant status are critical considerations for fully Beyond the ways in which low-income children and understanding the challenges these families face. youth are harmed by economic hardship, a small body of research has sought out “lived experience,” or how How Youth Are Affected by parents, children, and communities try to manage, move ahead, and take care of one another despite Parents’ Low-Wage Work the litany of obstacles (Chaudry 2004; Dodson 2010; “You grow up fast” Edin and Kefalas 2005). Thus, to derive a full picture Researchers looking at youth and child well-being of low-income families in the United States there is and development consistently identify “family much to learn from in-depth research and the more environment,” communication, and the parental intimate portraits of parents’ and children’s efforts relationship with children and adolescents as major and interactions. We draw on a combination of influences (Aufseeser, Jekielek, and Brown 2006; quantitative as well as ethnographic and qualitative Zarrett and Lerner 2008). Elements of parenting accounts to explore the interaction between parents’ documented as important contributors to a positive work and children’s well-being. From diverse and relationship with youth include respect, listening interdisciplinary youth research, we identify three to youth, eating meals together, and attentiveness key areas that have to varying degrees included some to young people’s social lives and school days examination of the link between parents’ low-wage (Waldfogel 2006). Yet parents’ own emotional health, employment with young people’s development and sense of efficacy, and optimism are also intrinsic opportunities. These include: schooling progress, to their capacity to provide young people with the health status, and youth adultification, both family support, patience, and engagement that promote care work responsibilities and youth employment. child well-being. Interestingly, while other factors High drop-out rates among lower-income affecting parenting quality in low-income families have received a good bit of attention (including youth can be linked to parents’ low-wage authoritative parenting, harsh discipline, single jobs. parenthood, family conflict and violence, etc.), the Low-income youth face far more challenges than effects of parents’ employment have been largely do higher-income youth staying connected to and overlooked. graduating from high school, continuing on to Youth development is negatively influenced by low post-secondary school, and becoming consistently levels of monetary resources. A wide and diverse body engaged in the labor market—all essential to future of scholarship has established that constant material opportunity and economic stability. In fact, each scarcity—often associated with family instability— year about 1.3 million students do not graduate has several acute as well as long-lasting effects on the from high school and, of these, more than half are developing child. Research across disciplines reveals students of color and most are low-income (Alliance the effects of economic deprivation on children’s for Excellence 2010). 4 Thirty-two percent of foreign-born parents are in a low-wage job versus 19 percent of native-born parents. How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs 9
Across the socioeconomic class spectrum, this to eventually dropping out. Completion of high disparity in graduation rates is considerable. school, however, is a multi-faceted process, and National research estimates that about one third of patterns of disengagement are a complicated mix of youth from low-income families (29 percent) failed relationships between student, family, school, and to graduate from high school, a rate almost three community, all of which affect the decision to leave times the dropout rate of middle-income families (10 school early. Research suggests that disruption in percent) and six times that of higher-income youth schooling is generally not a sudden or isolated event, (5 percent). In post-high school years, less than half but rather a confluence of factors unfolding in the of low-income young people remain consistently lives of low-income youth (Bridgeland, DiIulio, and connected to school and/or the labor market between Morison 2006; Rumberger 2004). ages 18 and 24. In contrast, youth from middle- and Parent involvement in youths’ schooling high-income families were connected at a rate, One factor consistently identified as being of great respectively of 67 percent and 75 percent. In fact, significance in young people’s schooling success about one in five youth from low-income families is the context and involvement of their families. (18 percent) never connect consistently to the labor Researchers, education scholars, and young people market, while only one in 50 youth from higher- reference communication with family and “parent income families face this kind of future. (Office of involvement” as influential in students’ progress in Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation school. Yet this important ingredient for student (ASPE) 2009). success is often framed as a matter of parental The effects of non-high school completion are awareness and choice. In examining parent profound. In 2008, the median annual income of involvement in children’s schooling, scholars have people 18-67 who had not obtained a high school analyzed “parental role construction” and “parental diploma was about $23,000, while those who had sense of efficacy” as influencing the decision to get done so was almost twice that (Chapman, Laird, and involved (Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler 1995). This KewalRamani 2010; U.S. Department of Commerce perspective frames involvement as a parent’s personal 2009). Furthermore, not completing high school commitment to monitor homework, meet regularly is associated with worse health (Pleis, Lucas, and with teachers, and volunteer for school activities. Ward 2009). The combination of lifelong income These actions are identified as aspects of positive loss, diminished health, and more likely reliance parental involvement, but seldom is the nature and on publicly-funded services results in considerable pattern of parent engagement juxtaposed with other societal expense (Levin and Belfield 2007). Yet, intractable demands, foremost, the demands of arguably, the greatest cost to society is the loss of parents’ employment. As examined above, much low- talents, abilities, and affiliation of millions of young wage work requires work at non-standard hours with people who, without a high school diploma, are inflexibly and sometimes unpredictable schedules. barred from almost every traditional pathway to a Time-use studies find that parents who work non- satisfying and self-sufficient adulthood. standard shifts are less likely to eat the dinner meal Given what is at stake, not surprisingly, there is with children and provide less help with homework extensive research that seeks key variables associated than other parents (Connelly and Kimmel 2010; with retention and success in secondary school. It is Presser 2004). In ethnographic research with low- clearly established that disengagement from high income families, a constant concern voiced by school is affected by attending inconsistently, falling parents is that their jobs do not permit leave-time, behind in classwork, and doing poorly academically. making involvement in children’s schools unfeasible. Being left back a grade (or more) is a major precursor Rather than a matter of “choice,” these data reveal 10 How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs
that the interaction of low pay with non-standard Gennetian 2008). Ample parental presence gives work schedules and no flexibility determine parents’ preadolescents and adolescents the knowledge they availability at home, at children’s schools and, in fact, are being observed, are valued, and have a source of to monitor youth at all. As the mother of a 13-year-old support as they start to navigate the outside world. boy in Boston told researchers, “I know they think I If parents cannot be present in teens’ everyday lives, can’t be bothered to come in and call them [referring even if youth understand and are proud of their to school administrators who requested she arrange parents’ work for the family, their absence can have meetings when her son’s grades began to decline]. eroding effects. But I have this job by a string and if I lose it, we’re Another study with a diverse sample of students on the street” (Dodson 2010). With a younger child examined factors that affected students’ leaving with health problems who consumed all her leave- high school before graduating (Bridgeland, DiIulio, time from work, she could not comply with her the and Morison 2006). Various forces were identified school’s expectations of parent involvement in her as influencing dropping out patterns, including son’s education. disengagement from school and demands outside of Despite the obstacles in their way, families are high school that eventually interrupted attendance. identified as crucial support for young people in Yet interestingly, 38 percent of the young people their planning for college and post-secondary lives. queried thought they had too much freedom or not The 2010 paper, Hear Us Out: High School Students in enough structure. While some of this may include Two Cities Talk About Going to College, reports that, lack of structure within schools, increased and “Families are the biggest source of motivation for consistent parental availability during the hours that students when it comes to college and the place they students are home—as well as parents’ availability to turn most for help. Three-quarters of the students in meet with teachers—might have an effect on these our survey put family as their top source for college schooling outcomes, as parent involvement research support, even when parents or guardians have not has documented. In fact, 71 percent of the young been to college themselves.” Yet, particularly among people who left school early said that there needs parents who do not have college experience or social to be more communication between parents and capital that higher income families possess, having schools and more parental involvement in children’s time and resources to support their youth’s post- schooling experiences (homework, grades, tardiness, secondary ambitions is critical. These are precisely and advances) and not just in crises or disciplinary the resources that low-wage parents are without. problems (Bridgeland, DiIulio, and Morison 2006). Maternal hours of work and youth school The need for focus on young people’s education is performance not lost on most low-income parents, as exemplified Some research has revealed that when low-income by a single father in Boston. Federico explained that mothers increase hours of work— often a critical he quit a successful career development program way to try to supplement low wages—it may have a because he found he could not keep up with the negative effect on their adolescents’ education. One program activities—despite the gains he was multi-city study following families post-welfare making—and keep up with the lives of his teens, who find a statistically significant relationship between “need a lot of attention when they start going out into increased maternal hours of work and an increased the world” (Dodson 2010). Seefeldt (2008) found that, likelihood that youth will skip school (boys more than like Federico, many mothers refused promotions or girls); that parents are more likely to be contacted by stayed in otherwise undesirable jobs because they school for behavioral issues; and that youth are less knew the cost would be not being home when school- likely to perform well, although no more likely to aged children got home from school. perform poorly (Gennetian, Lopoo, and London 2008; How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs 11
Employment research with low-wage parents reveals al. 2009). There is also some evidence that an increase that the non-standard schedules and rigidity in the in maternal work decreases children’s physical low-wage labor market preclude the kind of attentive activity (Anderson and Butcher 2006). Another theory involvement that these young people need—and linking maternal employment to obesity among higher-income youth receive. This consequence has children and youth is the likelihood that youngsters been documented in earlier ethnographic research. will stay inside and watch more television, a version Urban education scholars Michelle Fine and Nancie of self-care when there are no adults available (Fertig Zane (1989) quote a high-school age girl saying that et al. 2009). While higher-income youth are likely to she is “wrapped too tight” because of all the family be engaged in organized (and often expensive) after- and school demands she juggles. The researchers school activities, these are not an option for young conclude that many low-income youth, and people in low-wage families (Lareau 2003). particularly girls, may drop out primarily in response One study that used data from the National to family context. Longitudinal Study of Youth points to an association Young people’s health can be harmed by between non-standard hours and young adolescents’ parents’ low-wage work. increased body mass index (Miller and Han 2008). Some child development researchers conjecture Increased obesity associated with maternal work that when mothers work non-standard hours, they in low-wage jobs are not available during key periods of the day when The Centers for Disease Control (2010) report that children are not in school. These periods include childhood and adolescent obesity has more than early morning, after school, dinnertime, post-dinner tripled in the past 30 years. By 2008, the percentage times, bedtime, and weekends. of adolescents aged 12–19 who were obese increased from 5 percent to 18 percent. Nationally, obesity has Early sexual activity and childbearing become a leading health problem, and socioeconomic Lower-income adolescents, who are more likely to status is correlated to rates of obesity, with higher initiate sex early and less likely to have access to rates among lower-income families (Black and birth control, have a higher rate of early childbearing Macinko 2008). “For adolescents ages 12 to 19, non- relative to higher-income teens (Moore, Kinghorn, Hispanic black girls and Mexican-American boys and Bandy 2011; Singh, Darroch, and Frost 2001). have the highest rates of obesity, 29.2 percent and While the U.S. teen birth rate had been declining for 26.7 percent respectively. In 2007, the prevalence of years, it recently increased by 3 percent. The National overweight and obesity was greater among publicly Center for Children in Poverty identifies early sexual insured children ages 10 to 17 than their privately activity as being associated with dating abuse insured peers” (National Center for Children in that can lead to unintended pregnancy, sexually Poverty 2011). Aside from undermined health and transmitted diseases, and HIV infections. About well-being throughout life, the morbidity and 10 percent of adolescent females experience non- mortality associated with increased, early obesity voluntary first sex (Schwarz 2010). will become a major healthcare cost in the years to In a synthesis of research on early sexual activity come. and childbearing, among other important variables, Recent research has established a relationship parental presence and involvement in teens’ daily between maternal employment and children’s lives were identified as an important factor (Miller body mass index (Institute of Medicine 2004). et al. 2001). The National Campaign to Prevent Furthermore, there is some direct evidence that the Teen Pregnancy recently pinpointed parental intensity of maternal employment (or hours worked) involvement and availability to monitor teens as is associated with poorer nutritional intake (Fertig et a critical prevention strategy. Parental closeness, 12 How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs
connectedness, and presence to supervise and When there is no time or money, communicate with young people are established low-income youth become adultified, ingredients to support young people as they seek having to grow up fast to help take care of out peers and establish dating behavior (Miller et al. 2001). An alternative to parents’ presence, research their families. has indicated, is participation in programs and In many low-income families, youth may be called opportunities after school that may reduce teen upon or feel compelled to fill what is generally births (Manlove et al. 2004). considered adult roles in providing large amounts of family care or working long hours in a job to Yet parents working in low-wage jobs often cannot help meet family expenses. Family researchers and be present nor easily afford to purchase alternative youth development scholars point out that young sources of attention, structure, and engagement. As people who must provide significant care to others a result, young people may be left unsupervised for or work long hours may lose opportunities to engage many hours each day and on weekends. Thus, aside in extracurricular activities, expand their social from other opportunities and advantages that higher networks, and pursue individual interests towards income teens enjoy and that emerge as protective in personal development. In some cases, they may even avoiding early childbearing, simply having access to lose critical time and focus to do well in school and parents is a critical protective element for youth. develop a pathway to post-secondary options. Yet If teens do become parents, they face a tough road. these working-class youth may also gain a sense of Early parenthood is associated with education self-reliance, maturity, an awareness of other people’s disruption. In one study, 26 percent of students needs, and their importance in a family network, dropping out of high school had become parents with and avoid negative peer influences. In fact, this is care obligations (Bridgeland, DiIulio, and Morison an element of working-class youth development 2006). Research also indicates that early family that, it could be argued, contrasts with the intense formation, coupled with the low job quality that “self-cultivation” or self-interest-only culture that accompanies limited schooling, increases the work- dominates upper-income youth development (Lareau family conflicts among young families (Ammons and 2003). Some scholarship points out that an ethic of Kelly 2008). This is not only the case for young mothers. mutual caring and shared responsibility—when it Research indicates that teen men who are fathers are does not stifle individual development—may enrich less likely to graduate from high school and continue young people, their families, and communities to college, and more likely to experience long-term (Burton 2007; Dodson and Luttrell 2010; East 2010). poverty (Smeeding, Grafinkel, and Mincy 2011). Research that has examined family outcomes post- Currently, teen fathers experience unemployment at welfare found negative schooling outcomes among levels comparable to those during Great Depression adolescents in the state welfare-to-work programs, and, overall, more than half of men fathering a child which also entailed increased the use of sibling care before age of 25 are unmarried (Smeeding, Grafinkel, among families with adolescents and a younger and Mincy 2011). There is very little research that sibling (Hsueh and Gennetian 2011). Earlier research singles out the presence of low-income fathers and examining children’s work in families reveals that in impact on early childbearing among teens. Yet it is low-income families, some mothers “…claimed they reasonable to argue that, as with mothers, fathers’ could not manage the household without inducting positive and engaged relationship with their teenage children into house/family labor…” and thus there children could be a protective factor in delaying was no choice in the matter (Goldscheider and Waite childbearing and promoting alternative venues for 1991, p. 814). transitioning to adulthood. How Youth Are Put At Risk by Parents’ Low-Wage Jobs 13
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