How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY

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How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
How to Help Grow Your Practice with
        Holistic Wealth Planning
        Month DD, YYYY

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                                                                          Speaker Title

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For investment professional use. l © 2022 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
Control your own destiny,
                                            or someone else will.
                                            JACK WELCH

2   For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
Today, We Plan to…

              Illustrate the importance of embracing a holistic wealth planning
              approach in your practice

     ◼        Demonstrate how to apply a planning approach to your practice

              Develop an action plan to identify clients to start with and ideas on
              integrating planning into your overall marketing and business
              development plans

3   For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
Embracing a Holistic Wealth Planning Approach

For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
Let’s Face It, to Grow Over the Long Term,
    Advisors Should Consider…

            Avoiding                     Providing an        Meeting the
         commoditization               “offense” against   shifting dynamic
           and pricing                    competitive        of customer
           pressures                   business models       needs AND
                                                           exceeding their

5   For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
To Help Clients Realize the Life They Envision, You Must
    Provide High Levels of Value

                                       THE ADVICE VALUE STACK®


                                             PEACE OF MIND

                                            ACHIEVING GOALS

                                          MANAGING THE MONEY

6   For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
The Advice Value Stack®

                                                                      Accomplishing life’s purpose             Leaving a legacy

                                                                               Taking care of         Organized and               More                 Freedom
                                                                                loved ones              in control          discretionary time        from worry
                                        PEACE OF MIND

                                                                                         College        Health Care       Retirement        Estate         Charity
                                     ACHIEVING GOALS

                                                                                                Money manager selection          Asset allocation      Security selection   Insurance

                                  MANAGING THE MONEY                                                Income generation                  Taxes                  Debt          Cash flow

    Third-party marks are the property of their respective owners; all other marks are the property of FMR LLC. Third parties referenced herein are independent
    companies and are not affiliated with Fidelity Investments. Listing them does not suggest a recommendation or endorsement by Fidelity Investments.
7   For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
Where Do You Mostly Find Yourself on the Advice Value Stack®?


                                         PEACE OF MIND

                                        ACHIEVING GOALS

                                       MANAGING THE MONEY

8   For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
Did You Know…Investors Will Pay More for More Value

                                             56%                      45%

                  of investors would be willing to        of investors would be willing to
                   pay more for an advisor who          pay more for an advisor who can
                provides a clearly defined road map   develop a holistic plan that is inclusive
                of how they can financially achieve    of their financial needs and the goals
                    their goals/dreams/ambitions           of them and their entire family

    Source: 2019 Fidelity Investor Insights Study.
9   For investment professional use.
How to Help Grow Your Practice with Holistic Wealth Planning - Month DD, YYYY
What Services Do Investors Value From an Advisor?

                                                                              11%                                                         Gen X/Y/Z investors: Did You Know?

                                                                              16%                                                                 58% would like their financial
                                                                                                      20%                                      advisor3 to provide comprehensive
                                                                              19%                                                                services (vs. 23% of boomers+) 1
                        PEACE OF MIND
                                                                                                      29%                                    45% would like to consolidate more
                                                                                                                                                     assets with their primary
                      ACHIEVING GOALS                                                                                                              advisor (vs. 15% of boomers+)1
                                                                                                                                         They are focused on maximizing savings so
                                                                                                                                           they can retire early and pursue passions
                   MANAGING THE MONEY                                         54%                     36%
                                                                          Boomers+1               Gen X/Y/Z2

     Source: 2019 Fidelity Investor Insights Study.
     1 Boomers+ includes baby boomers and the greatest generation.
     2 Gen Z includes those born from 1997–2012. This study included only those born from 1997–1998 or those who were at least 21 in 2019. This group was included with millennials

       and Gen X/Y for analysis.
     3 Definition of Advisor: When we refer to the term “paid financial advisor," we mean someone who is paid fees and/or commissions for providing financial and investment

       advice (for example, a broker at an investment firm or an advisor in the trust department at your bank).
10   For investment professional use.
Untapped Opportunities to Move Up the Advice Value Stack®

                                Percent of investors who say they turned to their financial advisor during these life events:

     Divorce                                             Loss of a Job/Job Change                     Legal Issue

                                                  8%                                  8%                                          13%

     Marriage                                            Significant Health Issue/Serious Illness     Death of a Spouse/Loved One

                                                  9%                                  8%                                          22%

     Birth/Adoption of a Child                           Child Beginning College                      Major Gain or Loss of Income or Assets

                                                  8%                                  10%                                         26%

     Purchase/Sale of a Home                             Started, Bought, or Sold a Business          Inherited Money

                                                  8%                                  13%                                         43%

     Source: 2019 Fidelity Investor Insights Study.
11   For investment professional use.
Advisors Realize the Qualitative Benefits of Financial Planning

                      99%                                            97%                  90%                      89%
             of advisors believe                              believe it enables     believe it is critical     believe it is a way
              financial planning                                more client           to an advisor’s           to differentiate a
               enables deeper                                  collaboration        long-term success         firm’s offering from
            client relationships                                                                              those of competitors

     Source: 2019 Fidelity Financial Advisor Community, Financial Planning Study.
12   For investment professional use.
They Also See an Economic Benefit

              67%                                      26%                                      87%                                     79%                  71%

     captured between                         realized an asset                         sold 10–40%                               realized                   believe it
      10–20% more                               increase of at                         more products                         10–40% growth in             augments their
       held assets1                               least 30%1                             per client1                          revenue profits1           revenue stream2

     1 Data compiled from eMoney survey of 5,400 customers, conducted and verified by an independent, third-party research organization, TechValidate.
     2 Source: 2019 Fidelity Financial Advisor Community, Financial Planning Study.
13   For investment professional use.
Your Role and Goal

                                                 Become your clients’
                           Proactive plan
                                                   first call during
                           for the life stages
                                                  life’s big moments

14   For investment professional use.
What Is Financial Planning?

                          Financial planning is a process, not a product.
                          It is the long-term method of wisely managing your
                          finances so you can achieve your goals and dreams,
                          while at the same time negotiating the financial
                          barriers that inevitably arise in every stage of life.
                          FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION

15   For investment professional use.
Life Paths Are Changing

                                                                        Get divorced                Cohabit with                Change
                                                                                                     a partner                  career
                                       Travel                                                                                                                 Live
                                       abroad           Cohabit                                                                                              abroad
                                                         with a
                    Move in with                        partner                           Get
                      friends                                                            married
                                                                        Get                                     Work at one            Work part-
                                                                       married                                   company                 time

       Live with             Get an                Start a                                   Have                                                                     Retire
        parents             education              career                                   children
                                                                                                                                         Kids go to
                                                                     Buy a home                                   Raise                   college

                                                                                              Sell home                                                     Multigenerational
                                 Move back with                                                                                                                   living
                                    parents                                                                                   Add to
                                                      Change jobs                                                             family
                                                                          Go back to                                                     Care for elderly
                                                                          education                                                         relatives

     Inspired by The Futures Company, Millennials Monitor Download, 2015.
     1 Fidelity Investments 2016 Life Decisions Research.

     Millennials: born 1981-96; Gen X: born 1965-80; Boomers: born 1946–64; Greatest Generation: Born 1928–45
16   For investment professional use.
Ways Planning Can Add Value

                                                              • Understand and organize their complete financial picture
                                                                – Investments    – Estate needs
                                                                – Insurance      – Etc.
                                A holistic wealth plan is       – Debts

                            a financial plan calibrated to    • Clarify goals and priorities
                           your client’s life circumstances   • Understand the options available for achieving their desired
                                    and helps them:             goals, along with the implications of their decisions
                                                              • Address transitions when “life happens”
                                                              • Be accountable

17   For investment professional use.
Applying a Planning Approach to Grow Your Business

For investment professional use.
Planning in Action

                                        1         2              3
                                 Fidelity’s   Let’s meet    How planning
                                framework     our clients   tools can help
                               for planning

19   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                           Review progress against goals.                         Holistic Wealth
                           Actively support clients through life                                               3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           transitions, making adjustments to
                                                                                    Planning                        Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

20   For investment professional use.
Let’s Meet Our Clients

                             Tim and Katie Stevens
                             ABOUT THE COUPLE
                             • Young and busy professionals
                             • 2 kids–10 and 7 years old (Eva and Jack)
                             • Opened a brokerage account with you 5 years ago as well as a term life policy
                             • Diligent savers, make monthly contributions to their account
                             • Meet with you once a year to review their brokerage account

                                                 You have your annual meeting with Tim and Katie to
                                                  review the performance of their brokerage account

     For illustrative purposes only.
21   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                                                                                  Holistic Wealth
                           Review progress against goals.                                                      3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           Actively support clients through life                    Planning
                           transitions, making adjustments to                                                       Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

22   For investment professional use.
Conduct Intelligent Discovery

                                        Client goals may be similar,
                                         but individual values and
                                        priorities are likely different.

23   For investment professional use.
Conduct Intelligent Discovery

                                        By conducting intelligent discovery to understand
                                           client’s values and priorities, you can then:

                                                                                 Explain the rationale behind the
                           Build a plan unique to their needs
                                                                              plan—it helps them adhere to the plan

                                            Ultimately clients see what the plan means for their life.

24   For investment professional use.
Conduct Intelligent Discovery

     After a warm intro and asking how things are going,
                                                                                                      “I know what you mean—most of my clients are
                                        “Like most people, just balancing life—two
                                                                                            ADVISOR   balancing all that life throws at them—and then some!
               TIM & KATIE              careers and raising kids, trying to stay ahead
                                        of the madness—you know, the usual!”                          That’s why I am doing more planning now as opposed to
                                                                                                      just investing—I’ve found that achieving goals and
                                                                                                      having more peace of mind is just as important to them
                                                                                                      as providing investment advice.”

                                        "Wait, what's the difference between planning and             “Well, it’s about focusing on ‘life’ concerns. For
               TIM & KATIE              investment advice?"                                 ADVISOR   example, planning for retirement, college planning,
                                                                                                      making sure loved ones are protected and cared for
                                                                                                      in case something should happen to you, and
                                                                                                      maintaining cash flow to live the lifestyle you want.”

                                        “That sounds pretty good—I know we have                       “If you think that would help you, let me ask a few
               TIM & KATIE              thought about those things…”                        ADVISOR   questions to find out what types of goals or concerns
                                                                                                      you have. Then, based on those answers, I can offer
                                                                                                      some suggestions about the types of financial planning
                                                                                                      that can help you gain clarity and the confidence to
                                                                                                      make some wise financial decisions so that you
                                                                                                      achieve what matters most to you.”

25   For investment professional use.
Conduct Intelligent Discovery
     Ideas on opening the conversation

     To learn more about what’s going on in Tim and Katie’s
     lives, consider leading your meetings with a warm                      This approach will help you identify the issues,
     introduction that builds upon a series of open-ended                   challenges, and goals your clients are
     questions.                                                             focused on. And help you identify and
                                                                            introduce the opportunity to deliver financial
     “It’s wonderful to see you again. Before we dive into the details of   planning.
     our meeting, tell me:
     • How is life treating you and your family?                            Be genuine in your engagement.
     • How are your kids doing just now?
     • Tim, what’s new with the company you are working for?                Listen more than you talk.
     • Katie, congratulations on the recent promotion, tell me about your
       new role.
     • How do you typically spend your summers, with the kids
       out of school?”

26   For investment professional use.

       What do you do to                What language     Can you share a time
      help clients open up               do you use?     when you got a client to
      about their concerns                              open up about themselves
          and goals?                                       and their situation?

27   For investment professional use.
Conduct Intelligent Discovery
     Sample Discovery Questions

                                                       Needs, concerns, and          Finances and
            Views on money                             goals                         investments
            • What does money mean                     • Describe the vision for     • How have you, (and how
              to you?                                    your life—five, ten and       do you plan) to address
            • What worries you most                      15 years from now?            any unforeseen financial
              about money?.                            • What concerns do you          emergencies?
            • What’s more important to                   have as you age (e.g.       • How long do you plan to
              you, beating the market,                   health, financial,            continue working?
              or meeting your life                       caregiver availability,     • Have you thought about
              goals?                                     outliving money)?             your income needs in
                                                       • What impact do you want       retirement?
                                                         to make with your family,
                                                         community, causes
                                                         important to you?

     Screenshots are for illustrative purposes only.
28   For investment professional use.
Best Practices: Conduct Intelligent Discovery

     The most effective discovery processes

             Start by asking open-ended questions that provide a picture                                                         Client Portal
             of the client’s personal and professional life                                                                      Provide a collaborative and consolidated view of each
                                                                                                                                 client’s complete financial picture.
                                                                                                                                 • Onboarding tool—a virtual, streamlined workflow
             Ask permission to help                                                                                                that asks clients the questions necessary to help bring
                                                                                                                                   their financial situations to life.
                                                                                                                                 • Integration & Aggregation tools—Sync eMoney
             Leverage Emotional Quotient (EQ) questions to learn more                                                              with many of the industry’s best financial apps and
             about clients’ life, current concerns, and goals                                                                      software through open architecture access to receive
                                                                                                                                   and process data.

             Take notes and record client answers during meeting
                                                                                                                                 Unlimited, secure storage of important client
                                                                                                                                 documents, including shared documents, that are
                                                                                                                                 accessible 24/7 from both the advisor and client
             Document findings in CRM                                                                                            portals.

     eMoney Advisor LLC is a Fidelity Investments company and an affiliate of Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and National Financial Services LLC.
29   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                                                                                  Holistic Wealth
                           Review progress against goals.                                                      3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           Actively support clients through life                    Planning
                           transitions, making adjustments to                                                       Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

30   For investment professional use.
Translate Discovery Findings into Planning Opportunities

                                        Here’s What We Know                                        What We Uncover during Discovery

                    • Tim and Katie have 2 children, Eva (10) and Jack (7).                  • They are contributing monthly to a 529 plan held elsewhere.
                    • They have mentioned saving for college in the past.                    • Eva is a special needs child and they are unsure of what
                                                                                               high school will look like, or even if she will go to college -
                                                                                               this is very stressful for them.
                                                                                             • Jack is a typically developing child and they have no
                                                                                               educational concerns for him.

                                        Planning conversations give the ongoing opportunity to answer
                                               Tim and Katie’s questions and explore solutions
                  Educate Tim and Katie on a variety of                Connect Tim and Katie with a                        Run analysis to determine
                    educational savings vehicles and                  college planning professional—                      monthly savings necessary for
                  options to remain flexible depending             ideally one specializing in planning for                     education needs
                       on Eva and Jack’s situation                          special needs children

31   For investment professional use.
Translate Discovery Findings into Planning Opportunities

                                        Here’s What We Know                                       What We Uncover during Discovery

                    • Tim and Katie are diligent savers and contribute monthly to            • Katie is happy at work and doing well with the company she
                      their account.                                                           works for, and recently got promoted.
                    • However, they are too busy to organize their financial matters.        • Tim is not happy with his job and had been thinking about
                                                                                               starting his own business.
                    • Both Tim and Katie work full time.

                                        Planning conversations give the ongoing opportunity to answer
                                               Tim and Katie’s questions and explore solutions
                   Review retirement savings strategies                Run cash flow analysis to reflect                 Provide full net worth picture
                   and ensure they align with how Tim                  new income and spending due to                       and organize finances
                    and Katie envision their retirement                       Katie’s promotion

32   For investment professional use.
Translate Discovery Findings into Planning Opportunities

                                        Here’s What We Know                                         What We Uncover during Discovery

                    • Katie is originally from the area having moved back after               • Katie's mom has been having health issues.
                      college to be closer to her parents                                     • Katie is the only family member in the area—her brother
                                                                                                lives in CA and Tim's family is in MA.
                                                                                              • It is falling on Katie to help with her mom if she needs it.
                                                                                              • This is causing Tim and Katie to think about their own situation
                                                                                                if something were to happen to them and is a will enough.

                                        Planning conversations give the ongoing opportunity to answer
                                               Tim and Katie’s questions and explore solutions
                         Review fundamental estate                   Review any existing estate planning                Re-run life insurance analysis to
                            planning documents                      documents or facilitate a referral to an         ensure it reflects their current needs as
                                                                          estate planning attorney                   well as ensuring guardians are named
                                                                                                                       in the estate planning documents

33   For investment professional use.
Receive Permission and Agree on Next Steps

                                  After your conversation, Tim and Katie gave you permission to do the following:

            Put together a full financial                 Analyze their           Review current           Revisit their
               picture of their assets,                  college saving          estate planning        insurance needs
              liabilities, and cash flow                    strategy               documents
             based on the information
                they provided to you

34   For investment professional use.
Best Practices: Translate Findings into Planning Opportunities

     The most effective discovery processes
             Summarize and repeat back what you’ve heard online                  eMoney’s Basic Facts allow for an intuitive and
                                                                                 virtual experience while entering and reviewing
                                                                                 client’s planning opportunities.
             Discuss and agree on financial planning areas to address

             Clarify priorities order for each area of financial planning work

             Document it in the FP agreement

35   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                                                                                  Holistic Wealth
                           Review progress against goals.                                                      3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           Actively support clients through life                    Planning
                           transitions, making adjustments to                                                       Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

36   For investment professional use.
How to Enter Data into eMoney

     For illustrative purposes only.
     eMoney Advisor LLC is a Fidelity Investments company and an affiliate of Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and National Financial Services LLC.
37   For investment professional use.
How to Enter Data into eMoney

     For illustrative purposes only.
38   For investment professional use.
How to Enter Data into eMoney

     For illustrative purposes only.
39   For investment professional use.
How to Enter Data into eMoney

     For illustrative purposes only.
40   For investment professional use.
How to Enter Data into eMoney

     For illustrative purposes only.
41   For investment professional use.
Best Practices: Develop Financial Plan

     Help make data gathering process easier for a client
                                                                                        eMoney’s Comprehensive Software Suite
             Create plans using financial planning software
                                                                                        of interactive planning tools coupled with our other
                                                                                        technologies, enable you to start and scale financial
                                                                                        planning and serve the evolving needs of a diverse
             Utilize any built-in tools of the software package to generate financial   and growing client base.
             planning reports and leverage presentation templates to improve scale
             and plan development efficiency

             Leverage staff to help simplify and scale data entry—outsource if you
             need to

42   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                                                                                  Holistic Wealth
                           Review progress against goals.                                                      3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           Actively support clients through life                    Planning
                           transitions, making adjustments to                                                       Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

43   For investment professional use.
Best Practices: Deliver the Plan

     Help make data gathering process easier for a client
                                                                                   Interactive tools that allow advisors to
             Review facts and assumptions with client before presenting a plan
                                                                                   • Collaborate with their clients
                                                                                   • Run different real world scenarios
                                                                                   • Show clients in real time how their financial
             Present plan results in order of importance vs. chronological order     decisions today may affect their financial future

                                                                                   Presentation center
                                                                                   • Allows creation and editing of client materials
             Pause after each topic and ask for clients’ thoughts
                                                                                   • Option to print or store in a client’s eMoney Vault
             or questions

             Be open to make changes and brainstorm ideas

             Communicate carefully when plan results show that goals can not be
             met with the current approach

44   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                                                                                  Holistic Wealth
                           Review progress against goals.                                                      3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           Actively support clients through life                    Planning
                           transitions, making adjustments to                                                       Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

45   For investment professional use.
Implement the Plan

                                   After reviewing the potential outcomes through scenario planning,
                        Tim and Katie decided (with your partnership and assistance) to take the following actions:

                         • Transfer two 529 plans currently with another                                • Have Tim and Katie determine primary and
                           provider to you                                                                contingent guardians for the kids

                         • Increase contributions to Eva’s 529 Plan with the                            • Offer to work with their attorney, or recommend
                           goal that this account will fund a private school                              one from your centers of influence (COI), to update
                                                                                                          their estate planning documents
                         • Keep Jack’s 529 contributions the same
                                                                                                        • Allow you to adjust their current asset allocation in
                         • Increase limits on Katie’s term life policy to reflect                         the brokerage account to ensure the overall asset
                           a change in her income level                                                   allocation is in line with Tim and Katie’s new goals
                                                                                                          and life circumstances

     If the designated beneficiary is not a resident of the state sponsoring the 529 college savings plan, they may want to consider, before
     investing, whether their state or the designated beneficiary's home state offers its residents a plan with alternate state tax advantages or
     other state benefits, such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors.

     Units of the Portfolios are municipal securities and may be subject to market volatility and fluctuation.
46   For investment professional use.
Best Practices: Implement the Plan

             Have clients sign planning agreement once they agree with your                  eMoney
             proposed strategy
                                                                                             Observations and Next Steps
                                                                                             • Tools to communicate action items
             Provide a list of action items that they will take care of                      • Can include calculated, smart text from the plan

                                                                                             • Set completion due dates
             Provide a list of action items that you will take care of                       • Assign to yourself, members of your team, or
                                                                                               your client

             Set expectations for how you plan on implementing and monitoring their          • Provides secure, private, and shared space for
             plan (e.g., you will follow up quarterly on checklist items and whether there     you and your clients
             have been any changes in life circumstances with periodic meetings)             • Send, receive, and collaborate over documents

47   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                                                                                  Holistic Wealth
                           Review progress against goals.                                                      3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           Actively support clients through life                    Planning
                           transitions, making adjustments to                                                       Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

48   For investment professional use.
Delivering Value During Life’s Big Moments
        Sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan

For investment professional use.
Next Scheduled Meeting

                                        Prior to your next meeting, you shared your proposed agenda and asked:

                                        If there was anything they                        If there were any important changes
                                        would like to add to the agenda                   in their lives since you last met

                                                                 Tim and Katie responded:
                                               • Katie's mom's health is             • How can they balance her
                                                 deteriorating, and they are not       care responsibilities with their
                                                 sure how that impacts their plan.     own savings goals?

50   For investment professional use.
Caring for an Aging Loved One?

                                                                     of caregivers for adults agree
                                                                     being employed makes
                                                                     providing care extra difficult
                               69%                                   AMONG CAREGIVERS FOR ADULTS:
                                                                     • 9% left their job
                                                                     • 17% reduced hours from full- to part-time
                                                                     • 3% took a leave of absence of 6 months+
                                                                     • 1-in-5 (19%) report giving up work opportunities (turning
                                                                       down promotions/offers, or choosing not to pursue them)
                                                                       due to caregiving responsibilities

     Source: 2021 Fidelity Investments® American Caregivers Study.
51   For investment professional use.
Help Clients Realize They Are Not Alone

                       79%                                                 32%                           75%

           Caregivers report their                                    Less than 1/3 took the         Three-quarters of all
          responsibilities have led                                    time to consider the        caregivers wish they had
         to financial, social, mental                                impact on their financial   done more planning ahead of
          or professional setbacks                                            future                 taking on caregiving

     Source: 2021 Fidelity Investments® American Caregivers Study.
52   For investment professional use.
Adjust the Plan…

                                         Back to goals—
                                        add in taking care
                                         of Katie’s mom

     For illustrative purposes only.
53   For investment professional use.
Implementation and Adjustment to the Plan

                          After reviewing plan outcomes and thinking through the implications of taking care of
                       Katie’s mom, Tim and Katie decided (with your partnership and assistance) that they should:

                                  • Meet an elder care specialist in their area   • Hold off at the moment on increasing their
                                    that you know through your COI                  contributions to savings given that they will
                                                                                    need to contribute to Katie’s mom’s elder
                                  • Provide any materials to help them              care expenses
                                    understand and locate any important
                                    documents such as health care proxy,
                                    power of attorney, insurance coverage, etc.

                            Katie's mom situation has shown them the importance of planning for their own estate
                                           and making sure a they have a plan for their own family.

54   For investment professional use.
Best Practices: Monitoring and Adjusting

     Monitoring techniques
              3-4 weeks prior to meeting, send an agenda to clients about topics
              you plan to cover Ask for feedback on any items on their mind that   Alerts
              they would like to add to the agenda                                 • Set by the client or advisor
                                                                                   • Ability to receive automated email notifications
              Remind clients of planning items they had agreed to take care of       for important dates, reminders, and account and
              after your last meeting                                                investment changes

              Inquire about any changes in circumstances that need to be           Spending
              reflected in the plan update                                         Help clients track spending habits, monitor cash
                                                                                   flow, and stay on the right financial path to meet
                                                                                   their overall goals
              Review updated financial plan before reviewing investment
              performance with a client                                            Advanced Analytics
                                                                                   • Deep insight into your book of business,
              Review an updated financial planning checklist to see if there are     Client Portal usage, and client engagement
              any outstanding items from the last meeting                          • Help to uncover target segments where an
                                                                                     advisor should consider focusing their efforts

55   For investment professional use.


             How much financial support can I provide my aging
             parent? Can I afford to stop working or dial back my
             profession in order to provide care myself? How do I take
             control of my parents’ finances when they are no longer
             capable to do so?

56   For investment professional use.
Caretaking: Ways You Can Add Value

                                                                         Educate clients on the importance   Knowing that these important
        Introduce client/parents                                         of ensuring critical forms are      documents are secure and where
        to COIs:                                                         documented and updated:             they are located:
        • Eldercare consultant                                           •   Beneficiary forms               •   Fireboxes
        • Estate planning attorney                                       •   Power of Attorney               •   Safe Deposit box
        • Etc.                                                           •   Health care Proxy               •   FidSafe®
                                                                         •   Etc.                            •   eMoney Vault

     FidSafe is a service of Fidelity Wealth Technologies LLC, a Fidelity Investments company.
57   For investment professional use.
Use Annual Reviews to Create Stickiness

                    Annual Reviews are an opportunity to enhance the client experience. Regularly analyze your book,
                                 determine who needs an Annual Review, and proactively schedule them.

                                                            ANNUAL REVIEW FORMAT

                                 Plan                               Investments                          Experience
        •   Life events                                 • Market and portfolio performance   • Awareness of tools
        •   Review existing financial plan              • Alignment to goals                 • Feedback on interactions
        •   Potential changes to a client’s situation   • Ease of account access             • Preferred mode and frequency
        •   New goals                                                                          of communication
                                                                                             • COI connections
                                                                                             • Future events

58   For investment professional use.
Showing Value for Peace of Mind

                                        We adjusted your plan to provide   Your critical documents to be
                                        support for Katie’s mom.           updated:
                                        We coordinated with an             • Will/Trust
                                        education counselor to help with   • POA
                                        options for Eva.
                                                                           • Guardianship
                                                                           Who has access to these
                                        We discussed the markets on        documents:
                                        the following dates:               • Person/group 1
                                        MM/DD/YYYY       MM/DD/YYYY        • Person/group 2

                                        We reviewed life insurance         Your portfolio could go down 15%
                                        needs on the following dates:      and you would still meet your
                                        MM/DD/YYYY       MM/DD/YYYY        retirement goal by 2029.

59   For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                           Review progress against goals.                         Holistic Wealth
                           Actively support clients through life                                               3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           transitions, making adjustments to
                                                                                    Planning                        Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

60   For investment professional use.
10-Minute Break

For investment professional use.
Developing a Road Map to Planning

                                   1          2                 3
                      Find the next                        Integrate
                                       Hone and test
                       best clients                      planning into
                                       your message
                        to engage                      your growth plan

For investment professional use.
Create a Personalized Road Map

                             Find the next
                                             Identify the qualitative and quantitative
                              best clients   characteristics that represent an ideal
                               to engage     planning client

63   For investment professional use.
Identifying Opportunities in Your Practice

     Ideas on where to start:

                What clients do I have that value my advice and whom I have a
                strong relationship with?

                Clients where there’s an opportunity to expand your relationship
                beyond products (e.g., insurance, brokerage)

                Segment your book by demographics to evaluate life transitions

64   For investment professional use.
Example: Segmenting Your Book by Demographics to
     Evaluate Life Transitions
     Life transitions drive the need for financial planning and advice

                                                                     EXAMPLE LIFE EVENTS

            20s                         30s           40s               50s                60s              70s              80s               90s
       Graduate college             Marriage          Divorce        Kids to college        Retire        Health event   Death of spouse       Move to
                                                                                                                                            assisted living
            First job              First home     Start a business   Sell business     Lose a loved one                      Move to
                                                                                                                          assisted living
         Move out from              First child   Second marriage     Manage an        Renovate home
           parents                                                    inheritance
                                 Change career      Take care of
         Back to school                            elderly parents   Long vacation
                                  Second child

65   For investment professional use.
Consider Your Existing Clients

          Think carefully about who in your client base you want to serve:

             Find the sweet spots in your practice by focusing on the biggest, most prevalent needs

             Uncover specific areas in your practice where planning opportunities exist

             Determine which planning areas to initially focus on

             Identify which specific clients you will focus on first:
             • Demographic
             • Product only
             • High value client

             What type of planning areas can you help them with?

66   For investment professional use.
Uncover Untapped Opportunities in Your Practice

                                        I’m constantly worried about running out of money in retirement.

                                        I’m worried about health care costs.

                                        I’m going through a divorce. I don’t want to give up the house.
             Clients may ask for help
             without using the words    My wife and I are worried that our adult children are in over their heads financially.
              “financial planning”
                                        I hate my job. Can I retire at the end of the year?

                                        I want to sell (fill in the blank) but I don’t want to pay the taxes.

                                        My biggest concern is how my spouse is going to handle the finances after I’m gone.

     For illustrative purposes only.
67   For investment professional use.
Identifying Opportunities: Best Practices

                  Find the sweet spots in       Review your CRM and         You may want to start
                 your practice by focusing   think carefully about who       with a small group of
                   on the biggest, most        in your client base you   clients with select services
                     prevalent needs               can best serve        and expand your planning
                                                                            capabilities over time

68   For investment professional use.
Create a Personalized Road Map

                                            • Communicate to existing clients why you
                            Hone and test     are making this shift within your practice
                            your message
                                            • Position yourself to prospects

69   For investment professional use.
Exercise: Craft and Test Your Message

                                                                                Write out 2–3 bullet points as to how you will
                                                                                position this to clients:
             Ways to prepare for client conversations
             • Determine the incremental value you add to your client
               relationships by offering planning

             • Translate these thoughts into a story to tell clients when you
               introduce your new working approach

             • Strive to create an emotional connection with clients when       What analogies or stories will you use to help paint
               telling your story                                               the picture for the client:

70   For investment professional use.
Craft and Test Your Message

          Sample points to consider including in your message:

             I want to dedicate more time to helping you achieve your   Our planning work is intended to result in better risk
             goals. I’m committed to helping you achieve your goals.    management, since it further informs us for how we manage
                                                                        your investments and plan for liquidity needs. Clients are
             My team/practice is committed to helping you enjoy         less concerned about beating the market and are focused on
             financial confidence.                                      making certain they achieve their goals.

             Our value is empowering you with the right information,
             at the right times, so you can make the best possible      I’m not sure if you’re aware, I provide a range of planning to
             decisions for you and your family.                         many of my clients who have complicated lives. They find
                                                                        that the planning experience I provide helps them take
             Our approach entails building a deeper relationship that   control of their lives. They tell me it gives the confidence in
             helps us better understand not only your goals, but your   making informed decisions that are in their very best interest.
             values and priorities.

71   For investment professional use.
Craft and Test Your Message: Best Practices

                                                Practice your delivery with

                          A select group of                                          A trusted friend or
                                                    A client advisory board,
                        clients you are most                                        family member who
                                                    if you have one in place
                          comfortable with                                            knows you well

                                         Refine your message based on their feedback.
                                         Remember: Your message is a work in progress.

72   For investment professional use.
Delivering Value During Life’s Big Moments

                              Integrate      Remember to consider your expanded
                            planning into    service offering (planning) into your
                          your growth plan   marketing and business development efforts

73   For investment professional use.
Ensure Planning Is Integrated into Your Marketing and
     Business Development Activities


                                                           MARKETING            Webinars
                                                          AND BUSINESS

                                           Email                             In-Person

                                                     Sources        COIs

74   For investment professional use.
Who Is in Your COI network?

                                                                 Estate Planning
                                   CPA      ⚫                ⚫      Attorneys

                                                                                         It’s a partnership:
                                                                                         • Understand each other’s value proposition
              Mortgage            ⚫                                  ⚫      Elder Care   • Understand the types of clients each are
                                                                                           interested in and work best with
                                                                                         • Look to potentially deliver joint events

                                        ⚫                        ⚫
               Health Care                                               Counselors



75   For investment professional use.
Road Map to Planning Recap

              Target ideal planning client candidates in your book by identifying
              qualitative and quantitative characteristics

              Craft and test your message to introduce your clients and prospects
              to your planning capabilities

              Ensure your marketing and business development efforts reflect your
              new approach to planning

76   For investment professional use.
Workshop Wrap-Up

For investment professional use.
Embrace Holistic Wealth Planning: An Ongoing Process

                          1 Conduct discovery                                                        2 Translate facts into
                                Ongoing intelligent discovery helps                                      planning opportunities
                                you become fully aware, at all times,                                    Findings from discovery provide a way
                                of client needs, concerns, values,                                       to uncover ongoing advice opportunities.
                                and behavioral patterns as life
                                circumstances evolve.

                     6 Monitor and adjust
                           Review progress against goals.                         Holistic Wealth
                           Actively support clients through life                                               3 Develop financial plan(s)
                           transitions, making adjustments to
                                                                                    Planning                        Create comprehensive plans that
                           investments and the plan as needed.                                                      are regularly updated using best-in-
                                                                                                                    class technology.

                                        5 Implement
                                          Deploy the investment strategy in
                                          coordination with the plan. Implement                     4 Present the plan
                                          outstanding planning activities that                         Share the plan and supporting
                                          also support goal achievement.                               investment strategy.

78   For investment professional use.

              Holistic wealth planning can deepen client connectivity
              and help grow your practice

              Technology can be a dynamic tool to help clients understand where
              they are now, where they are headed, and how to pivot when life

              Having a plan to target clients and integrate planning into conversations
              should be a part of your business development plan

79   For investment professional use.
Additional Resources
                         Strengthen Your Planning Practice                                       Discuss Life's Big Moments

                                              Visit to access additional resources

     Screenshots are for illustrative purposes only.
80   For investment professional use.
Important Information
     For investment professional use. Not for distribution to the public as sales material in any form.
     Information provided in this document is for informational and educational purposes only. To the extent any investment information in this material is deemed to be a recommendation, it is not
     meant to be impartial investment advice or advice in a fiduciary capacity and is not intended to be used as a primary basis for you or your client’s investment decisions. Fidelity and its
     representatives may have a conflict of interest in the products or services mentioned in this material because they have a financial interest in them, and receive compensation, directly or
     indirectly, in connection with the management, distribution, and/or servicing of these products or services, including Fidelity funds, certain third-party funds and products, and certain
     investment services.
     The 2019 Fidelity Financial Advisor Community – Financial Planning Study was an online blind survey (Fidelity not identified) and was fielded from December 19, 2019 through January 2,
     2020. Participants included 393 advisors who manage or advise upon client assets either individually or as a team, and work primarily with individual investors. Advisor firm types included a
     mix of banks, independent broker-dealers, insurance companies, regional broker-dealers, RIAs, and national brokerage firms (commonly referred to as wirehouses), with findings weighted to
     reflect industry composition. The study was conducted by an independent firm not affiliated with Fidelity Investments.

     The 2021 Fidelity Investments® American Caregivers Study presents findings from a nationwide survey of 1,008 U.S. adults ages 18+ who are current or past (within last five years)
     caregivers to children or adults. This survey was fielded in April 2021 by Versta Research, an independent research firm not affiliated with Fidelity Investments. Caregivers to adults provided
     at least five hours of care per week. Caregivers to children must have left the workforce to do so or reduced to part-time hours. The results of this survey may not be representative of all
     adults meeting the same criteria as those surveyed for this study.
     The 2019 Fidelity Investor Insights Study was an online, blind study conducted from August 6 , 2019, through August 26, 2019. It involved a total of 2,026 25-minute (on average) online
     interviews, with the sample provided by Brookmark, a third-party research firm not affiliated with Fidelity. The study was focused on understanding affluent investors’ attitudes, goals,
     behaviors, and preferences related to investing, wealth management, and advice. Target sample included respondents across affluence levels, from $50,000 to more than $10 million in total
     investable assets, excluding any real estate or investments in 401(k), 403(b), pensions, or other employer-sponsored retirement plans.
     eMoney Advisor LLC is a Fidelity Investments company and an affiliate of Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and National Financial Services LLC.
     Third party marks are the property of their respective owners; all other marks are the property of FMR LLC. The third parties referenced herein are independent companies and are not
     affiliated with Fidelity Investments. Listing them does not suggest a recommendation or endorsement by Fidelity Investments
     Fidelity Institutional® provides investment products through Fidelity Distributors Company LLC; clearing, custody, or other brokerage services through National Financial Services LLC or
     Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC (Members NYSE, SIPC).
     © 2022 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.

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