House, contents and vehicle insurance - This is your policy document. Keep it in a safe place. House, contents and vehicle insurance

Page created by Mark Olson
House, contents and vehicle insurance - This is your policy document. Keep it in a safe place. House, contents and vehicle insurance
House, contents and
                       vehicle insurance

This is your policy document.
Keep it in a safe place.
House, contents and
vehicle insurance
Welcome3                                         b) Everyday cover                          23
Our guarantee                                4   What your vehicle is insured for           23
What you must tell us                        4   What special benefits you are insured for 23
Some of your other important obligations     5   Optional special benefits                  24
Section 1 – House                            6   Liability protection                       25
What your house is insured for               6   What special benefits you are insured for
                                                  under liability protection                 25
What special benefits you are insured for    6
Optional special benefits                    9   Section 4 – Other important
                                                  information                                26
Liability protection                        10
                                                  What you are not insured for               26
What special benefits you are insured for
under liability protection                  10   a) Extra cover                             28

Section 2 – Contents                        11   b) Everyday cover                          29
                                                  How to make a claim                        31
a) Extra cover                              12
                                                  How we will look after your claim          31
What your contents are insured for          12
                                                  How we will settle your claim              32
What special benefits you are insured for 12
                                                  What your vehicle will be used for         36
Optional special benefits                   14
                                                  Modifications to your vehicle              36
Liability protection                        15
                                                  Replacement parts                          36
What special benefits you are insured for
under liability protection                  15   Cancelling this policy                     37

b) Everyday cover                           16   Making changes to this policy              37

What your contents are insured for          16   Inflation protection                       37

What special benefits you are insured for 16     Leaving your house unoccupied              38

Optional special benefits                   17   Other insurance                            38

Liability protection                        18   Automatic reinstatement                    38

What special benefit you are insured for          Assignment38
under liability protection                  18   Other parties with a financial interest    38
Section 3 – Vehicle                         18   Jurisdiction38
                                                  Currency and taxes                         38
a) Extra cover                              19
                                                  If you have a concern                      39
What your vehicle is insured for            19
                                                  Meanings of words                          40
What special benefits you are insured for 19
Optional special benefits                   21
Liability protection                        22
What special benefits you are insured for
under liability protection                  23
This is your house, contents and vehicle
insurance policy, which consists of this wording,
proposal, authorisation and declaration and the
certificate of insurance completed on the basis
of information which you have provided to us.
We’ve been helping New Zealanders protect the
things they value for over 140 years and look
forward to doing the same for you.

Cover is only provided for the sections of this policy that you have
selected as shown in the certificate of insurance.
If you have selected cover under two or more sections of this policy
you will receive a package discount.
Please read this wording and the certificate of insurance. If there is an
error of any sort, if your needs are not met or if you are in doubt then
please call the Insurance Helpline on 0800 222 491. We are happy to
help at all times.
The extra cover provided under the special benefits and Optional
special benefits for each section is also subject to the general
conditions, exclusions, obligations and limits of this policy.
In this policy some words are in bold, e.g. you. This indicates that the
words have a special meaning. To find out the meaning, please refer to
the section – Meanings of words on page 40.

Our guarantee                                      ▪▪ any modifications or changes to your
                                                          vehicle that are different from the
    If you are not completely happy with this             manufacturer’s standard specifications
    policy, please tell us within 30 days of its       ▪▪ if anyone becomes a new regular driver of
    commencement date. We may agree to                    your vehicle
    change this policy to suit you. If not, and you    ▪▪ if you or any person who lives at the
    wish to cancel this policy, you can as long as        situation or who may drive your vehicle,
    you have not made any claims. We will then            is charged with, convicted of, or commits
    refund any premium you have paid and we will          any criminal offence or traffic offence.
    both regard this policy as never commencing.
                                                       These examples are a guide only. If you are
                                                       in any doubt you should disclose information,
                                                       whether or not we have asked questions
    What you must tell us                              that relate to it. We may change the terms
                                                       on which we insure you, or the premium, to
    We would like to point out some of the             reflect the change in circumstances that you
    important obligations you have.                    have disclosed to us.
    The correctness of all statements made in          If you do not comply with your obligations
    relation to this policy or any claim under this    under this section ‘What you must tell us’,
    policy is essential before we have any liability   we have the option to decline any claim (and
    under this policy or pay your claim. It is         recover any claims payment already made).
    important we receive all relevant information.     We may also cancel or avoid this policy. If we
    This means that we need you to tell us             cancel we will give you 14 days’ notice sent
    everything you know or could reasonably be         or emailed to your last known address on
    expected to know, that may influence our           our records. If we do this, we will refund your
    decision to insure you or the terms on which       unused premium.
    we insure you.                                     If we avoid your policy, it will be treated as if
    If any circumstances change or may change          it had never been taken out, and you may be
    during the time we provide your insurance          required to refund any claims payments we
    it is important you tell us. This applies at       have previously paid to you under your policy
    inception and renewal of your policy and also      (if any). If we do this we will send notice or
    during the term of your policy.                    an email to your last known address on
    Examples of a change in circumstances or           our records and we will refund your entire
    any other information may include:                 premium paid.

    ▪▪ if the use or occupation of your house or       If you have any questions about this policy,
       land at the situation changes to include        wish to change it or need other information
       any business use or your house becomes          please call the Insurance Helpline on
       tenanted                                        freephone 0800 222 491.

    ▪▪ if any structural alteration or addition is
       made to your house

Some of your other                                 ▪▪ provide us immediately with full particulars
                                                      of any claims made against you by another
important obligations                                 person and all legal documents served on
                                                      you and allow us to instruct a solicitor of
You and any person in charge of your property         our choice to conduct your defence. You
with your permission must:                            must follow the recommendations of that
▪▪ allow us to complete all necessary                 solicitor as to the conduct or continuation of
   documents and authorities in respect               your defence. That solicitor shall be entitled
   of any claims under this policy as your            to confer with us when necessary as to
   authorised agent                                   the details of the case and the conduct or
                                                      continuation of your defence
▪▪ allow us to inspect the loss or damage and
   deal with any salvage in a reasonable manner.   ▪▪ take all steps that we consider reasonable
   No property may be abandoned to us                 to prevent further loss or damage and see
                                                      that any rebuilding or repairing is carried
▪▪ allow us to take over for our own benefit
                                                      out promptly
   and settle any legal right of recovery you
   may have and you must cooperate fully in        ▪▪ take reasonable care to protect your vehicle
   any recovery action                             ▪▪ tell us if any lost or stolen property which
▪▪ comply with all our requests relating              was part of any claim is found or recovered
   to your claim including providing all              and hand it over to us or at our option
   cooperation, information and assistance            refund any money paid by us if we request it

▪▪ ensure that your vehicle(s) and / or            ▪▪ tell us if any person is ordered to make
   building(s) and house(s) are securely              reparation to you for any loss or cost which
   locked when left unattended                        was part of any claim and reimburse us for
                                                      that payment as soon as you receive any
▪▪ establish that you have complied with all of
   your obligations under this policy and that
   none of the exclusions apply                    Otherwise we may decline your claim and
                                                   recover any payment already made.
▪▪ inform the Police if it appears that there
   has been arson, theft, burglary or malicious    All premiums must be paid in full by the due
   damage                                          date for payment of such premiums. If any
                                                   premium payable by you remains unpaid
▪▪ not cause or facilitate loss or damage to
                                                   28 days following the due date for payment
   any property covered by this policy or incur
                                                   of that premium, we may cancel this policy
   liability by any unreasonable, reckless or
                                                   (effective from the first day of the period to
   wilful act or omission
                                                   which the unpaid premium relates).
▪▪ not discuss a claim made on you by another
   person with them. Instead, refer them to us
▪▪ not make a claim that is false or fraudulent
   in any way or make any false or incorrect
   statement in connection with any claim
▪▪ not start rebuilding or repairs to your
   property without our prior approval

If your house is rented to a tenant, you and / or   Section 1 – House
    any person responsible for your house must:
    ▪▪ when rent is at 21 days in arrears, make
       application to the Tenancy Tribunal for
       vacant possession of your house in               What your house
       accordance with the provisions of the
       Residential Tenancies Act 1986
                                                        is insured for
    ▪▪ collect:                                         Sudden and accidental physical loss or
      ▪▪ at least one week’s rent in advance            sudden and accidental physical damage
                                                        that occurs during the period of insurance,
      ▪▪ at least three weeks’ rent in the form
                                                        unless excluded by this policy.
         of a bond which will be registered with
         Tenancy Services.

                                                        What special benefits
    ▪▪ complete an internal and external inspection
       of your house at a minimum of three
       monthly intervals and document any new
       damage or concerns
                                                        you are insured for
    ▪▪ exercise due care in the selection of            The amounts payable under these special
       tenants including obtaining satisfactory         benefits are paid in addition to the sum
       written or verbal references in all cases        insured, unless the special benefit states
    ▪▪ have a written tenancy agreement and             otherwise.
       ensure that you and the tenant complete a
       pre and post tenancy inspection including        Demand surge protection
       documenting any existing or new damage
                                                        We may, at our sole discretion, increase the
       to your house
                                                        sum insured on the following basis, if:
    ▪▪ monitor rent payments regularly and send
                                                        ▪▪ your house has suffered sudden and
       written notification to the tenant when
                                                           accidental physical loss or sudden and
       rent is 14 days in arrears. You must also
                                                           accidental physical damage that is covered
       visit your house to ascertain if the tenant
                                                           by this policy, and
       remains in residence.
                                                        ▪▪ that loss or damage was caused by
    Otherwise we can decline your claim and
                                                           a natural disaster, flood or storm that
    recover any payment already made.
                                                           occurred at, or in the vicinity of, your house
                                                           causing widespread loss or damage, and
                                                        ▪▪ as a direct result of that widespread loss
                                                           or damage, building costs have increased
                                                           by a verified statistical percentage due
                                                           to a surge in the demand for labour and
                                                           materials, and
                                                        ▪▪ the actual cost to repair or rebuild your house
                                                           is higher than the sum insured noted on the
                                                           certificate of insurance due solely to that
                                                           increase in building costs as a consequence
                                                           of the widespread loss or damage.
If we determine this benefit applies, the most     Illegal substances decontamination
we will pay is the lower of:
                                                   If your house is rented to a tenant and suffers
▪▪ the actual cost to repair or rebuild your       accidental physical damage resulting from:
   house; and
                                                   ▪▪ chemical contamination,
▪▪ the sum insured noted on the certificate
                                                     ▪▪ that first occurred and continued to occur
   of insurance, plus that verified statistical
                                                        over the time that we have insured your
   percentage increase in building costs, up
                                                        house, or if this does not apply,
   to a maximum of 10% of the sum insured.
                                                     ▪▪ to the extent it has occurred over the period
This benefit will not apply if we offered to pay
                                                        that we have insured your house, and
for the actual replacement cost as those
costs are incurred, but you have chosen to         ▪▪ your house is insured with us when you
receive a cash payment instead of repairing           claim for that contamination, or
or replacing your house.                           ▪▪ explosion during the period of insurance, or
                                                   ▪▪ fire during the period of insurance,
Full replacement for fire                          arising from the manufacture, storage, use or
If the loss or damage to your house for which      distribution at your house of any ‘controlled
a claim is accepted is caused by fire (but not     drug’ as defined in the Misuse of Drugs Act
fire following natural disaster damage), the       1975, we will pay:
cover under the policy has no sum insured            a) up to $30,000 for the cost of repairing or
limit.                                                  rebuilding the physical damage resulting
Where this applies, the following do not apply:         from chemical contamination, or

▪▪ all references to the cover being limited a       b) up to the sum insured for the cost
   maximum of the sum insured                           of repairing or rebuilding the physical
                                                        damage resulting from explosion, or
▪▪ the Demand surge protection benefit.
                                                     c) the cost of repairing or rebuilding the
This special benefit does not apply to Sum
                                                       actual area of your house for physical
insured Present day value policies.
                                                       damage resulting from fire.
                                                   You must make a formal complaint to the
Gradual damage                                     Police about the manufacture, storage, use
If your house suffers accidental physical          or distribution of the controlled drug at your
damage through gradual deterioration, mildew,      house before this cover applies.
mould or rot as a result of the leaking of:
                                                   Once we have paid a claim under this
▪▪ a permanent and hidden internal water           special benefit, cover under it ceases until an
   supply pipe,                                    approved contractor certifies that your house
▪▪ a permanent and hidden internal waste           has been satisfactorily decontaminated.
   disposal pipe, or                               This special benefit is only available if the
▪▪ an internal water supply tank                   contamination occurs while your house is
installed at the situation, we will pay up to      rented to a tenant, and you and / or any
$5,000 to repair any resulting damage (but         person responsible for managing your house
not the cost of locating and repairing the leak)   meet the obligations set out in the section
provided that the leak first occurred during       ‘Some of your other important obligations’.
the time that we insure your house.
Keys and locks                                       ▪▪ there is no cover for any amount the
                                                            Earthquake Commission can legally refuse
    If your house keys or remote door opener(s)
                                                            to pay for any reason in relation to your
    are stolen or believed on reasonable grounds to
                                                            cover under EQCover
    have been illegally duplicated or it is reasonable
    to believe that the combination number of an         ▪▪ where the cost of repairing or rebuilding
    electronic keypad for external doors may have           the natural disaster damage to your
    become known to someone else without your               house exceeds your cover under EQCover
    permission, we will pay up to $1,000 free of any        (or would do but for the Earthquake
    excess or excess refund to replace the keys,            Commission’s refusal to pay) the most we
    remote door opener(s) and locks or change the           will pay is the difference between your cover
    combination number of the electronic keypad.            under EQCover and the sum insured less
    We will also pay for the reasonable additional          any applicable excesses.
    cost of opening any safe following theft or loss     In relation to those parts of your house that
    of its key or combination.                           do not come within the cover available under
    If you have this benefit with us under any           EQCover there is cover under this ‘special
    other policy or section of this policy then          benefit’. However, the most we will pay for
    the maximum amount we will pay under all             natural disaster damage to your retaining
    policies is $1,000.                                  walls is $25,000.
                                                         A $5,000 excess will apply in place of the
    Landscaping                                          excess or excess refund that would otherwise
                                                         apply for claims for natural disaster damage
    If your house suffers damage as a result of
                                                         to any driveway (other than an unsealed one),
    fire, or impact by a vehicle for which a claim
                                                         path (other than an unsealed one), fence,
    is accepted and at the same time your lawn,
                                                         swimming or spa pool.
    flowers, trees, hedges or shrubs are also
    damaged, we will pay up to $2,500 for their          The amount payable under this special benefit
    replacement.                                         is included within the sum insured.
                                                         If you would like more information about
                                                         EQCover please ask us for a brochure,
    Natural disaster damage
                                                         or phone the Earthquake Commission on
    This section covers natural disaster damage
                                                         freephone 0800 508 765.
    occurring during the period of insurance to
    your house and your retaining walls subject
    to the following:                                    No claims bonus
    In relation to those parts of your house that        If you have not had any claims with us or with
    come within the cover available under EQCover:       your previous insurer for the last year you will
                                                         receive a no claims bonus. If during the next
    ▪▪ there is cover under this special benefit
                                                         two years you also don’t have any claims you
       for the costs incurred to rebuild or repair
                                                         will qualify for an extra no claims bonus.
       natural disaster damage above the
       level of cover provided under EQCover             Should you make a claim, the no claim bonus
       (although you are still liable for the excess     or extra no claims bonus will be reduced at
       under EQCover)                                    the renewal following the claim. However, we
                                                         will increase your no claims bonus at the next
                                                         renewal if no further claims are made.

One event – one excess                           Temporary accommodation
If your house suffers loss or damage for         expenses
which a claim is accepted and at the same        If your house suffers loss or damage for
time we accept a claim as a result of the same   which a claim is accepted under this policy
event for loss or damage to your contents        or which is covered under EQCover and
or your vehicle that are also insured by us,     it is uninhabitable as a result, we will pay
we will only apply one excess or excess          your reasonable temporary accommodation
refund and that will be the highest excess or    expenses up to $25,000. This includes
excess refund applicable.                        kennel or cattery fees for your domestic pets.
                                                 No temporary accommodation expenses will
Property security after loss                     be paid after repairs have been completed or
If your house suffers loss or damage for which   your claim has been paid.
a claim is accepted under this policy, we will   If you have this benefit with us under any
pay up to $2,000 to temporarily secure it to     other policy or section of this policy then the
prevent further loss or damage, while it is      maximum amount we will pay for any one
unoccupied.                                      claim under all policies is $25,000.

Retaining walls
This section covers sudden and accidental        Optional special
physical loss or sudden and accidental
physical damage during the period of
insurance to your retaining walls. We will pay
                                                 The amounts payable under these Optional
up to $25,000 for their repair or replacement.
                                                 special benefits are paid in addition to the
The amount payable under this special            sum insured, unless the Optional special
benefit is included within the sum insured.      benefit states otherwise.

Swimming and spa pool pumps                      House under construction
and motors                                       or alteration
This section covers sudden and accidental        If you have selected this benefit, this section
physical loss or sudden and accidental           is extended to cover your house for sudden
physical damage during the period of             and accidental physical loss or sudden and
insurance to your swimming or spa pool           accidental physical damage while under
pumps and motors for their current value,        construction or structural alteration occurring
other than loss or damage caused by fire or      during the period shown for this Optional
impact when cover is for replacement.            special benefit in the certificate of insurance.
                                                 The most we will pay under this Optional
                                                 special benefit is the sum insured shown in
                                                 the certificate of insurance for this Optional
                                                 special benefit.

Loss of rent and landlord’s
 contents and chattels
                                                    Liability protection
 If you have selected this benefit and your         We will cover you for up to $1,000,000 for your
 house is rented to a tenant, we will pay you:      liability as the owner of your house for claims
                                                    made against you as a result of an accident at
 ▪▪ up to $20,000 or six months’ rent,
                                                    the situation which causes physical damage to
    whichever is less, which is lost due to your
                                                    property during the period of insurance.
    house being made uninhabitable as a
    result of suffering loss or damage for which    If you have liability cover with us under any
    a claim is accepted under this policy or        other policy or section of this policy then our
    which is covered under EQCover. No loss         maximum combined liability for any one claim
    of rent will be paid after repairs have been    and during any one period of insurance
    completed or your claim has been paid           under all policies is $1,000,000.
 ▪▪ the current value up to $10,000 for
    sudden and accidental physical loss or
    sudden and accidental physical damage
    during the period of insurance to your
                                                    What special
    home appliances, furniture and chattels         benefits you are
    (including drapes) that are contained in
    your house.                                     insured for under
                                                    liability protection
 No excess
 If you have selected this benefit and your         The amounts payable under the special
 house is owner-occupied, we will not deduct        benefits under Liability protection are included
 any excess or excess refund in the event           within the Liability protection cover of
 of a claim.                                        $1,000,000 and are not in addition to it.

 Rental properties – excess buy out                 Bodily injury
 If you have selected this benefit the additional   Liability protection is extended to cover
 excess of $400 if your house is rented to a        your liability for up to $100,000 arising from
 tenant is deleted.                                 bodily injury occurring in New Zealand
                                                    during the period of insurance.
                                                    If you have this cover with us under any
                                                    other policy or section of this policy then our
                                                    maximum combined liability for any one claim
                                                    under all policies is $100,000.

Defence costs                                     Section 2 – Contents
We will cover you for the reasonable costs
and expenses incurred by you with our             You have a choice of two types of contents
approval in defending liability potentially       insurance:
covered under this Liability protection section
                                                  a) Extra cover
that occurs during the period of insurance.
                                                  b) Everyday cover

Forest and rural fires                            Please check the certificate of insurance
                                                  to ensure you have selected the cover you
Liability protection is extended to cover your
liability for up to $100,000 for claims made
against you that occur during the period of       If you would like to amend this policy please
insurance under the provisions of sections 43     contact the Insurance Helpline on freephone
or 46 of the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977.     0800 222 491.

If you have this cover with us under any
other policy or section of this policy then our
maximum combined liability for any one claim
under all policies is $100,000.

Resource Management Act fines
and legal defence costs
Liability protection is extended to cover
your liability for up to $100,000 for the cost
of defending any charge and any fine or
monetary penalty imposed upon you by law
as a result of an occurrence at the situation
during the period of insurance.
An additional excess of $500 will apply for
claims under this special benefit.
If you have this cover with us under any
other policy or section of this policy then our
maximum combined liability for any one claim
under all policies is $100,000.

a) Extra cover                                Frozen food deterioration
                                               If your refrigeration equipment accidentally
                                               stops during the period of insurance and
 What your contents                            your frozen food deteriorates to the point
                                               where it is not fit to eat, we will pay you up
 are insured for                               to the value of that loss. In addition, we will
                                               pay the cost to repair any physical loss or
 Sudden and accidental physical loss or        physical damage caused by the spoiled food.
 sudden and accidental physical damage
 that occurs during the period of insurance,
                                               Gradual damage
 unless excluded by this policy.
                                               If your contents suffer accidental physical
                                               damage through gradual deterioration, mildew,
                                               mould or rot as a result of the leaking of:
 What special benefits                         ▪▪ a permanent and hidden internal water

 you are insured for                              supply pipe,
                                               ▪▪ a permanent and hidden internal waste
                                                  disposal pipe, or
 Business tools                                ▪▪ an internal water supply tank
 This section is extended to cover you for     installed at the situation, we will pay up to
 sudden and accidental physical loss or        $5,000 to repair any resulting damage (but
 sudden and accidental physical damage that    not the cost of locating and repairing the leak)
 occurs during the period of insurance to      provided that the leak first occurred during
 your property for up to $2,000.               the time that we insure your contents.

 Credit or debit card fraud                    HomeWise®
 If during the period of insurance you         You have access to the HomeWise
 suffer loss from the fraudulent use of your   Programme. This programme does not
 credit and / or debit card and you cannot     form part of this policy and its terms and
 reasonably recover that loss from anyone      conditions are contained in the separate
 else, we will pay you up to $1,000.           document – HomeWise Programme.

 Fatal injury                                  Jewellery
 If you die as a result of injury caused by:   If you suffer sudden and accidental physical
 ▪▪ fire at your house, or                     loss or sudden and accidental physical
                                               damage that occurs during the period
 ▪▪ anyone who has unlawfully entered your
                                               of insurance to your jewellery including
                                               watches, we will replace the items or pay
 during the period of insurance we will pay    for their repair up to $2,500 for any one item
 your estate $5,000. Your death must be        or set unless the item or set is individually
 within three calendar months of the injury.   shown in the certificate of insurance with
 We will not pay more than $10,000 during
 any one period of insurance.
a higher limit. If you choose not to replace         New for old
or repair, we will pay the present day value
                                                     We will pay the replacement or repair costs
up to a maximum of 50% of the items
                                                     of your domestic furniture, furnishings and
replacement value.
                                                     home appliances irrespective of age and the
                                                     present day value of your other contents.
Keys and locks                                       This benefit does not apply to computers and
If your house keys or remote door opener(s)          their accessories.
are stolen or believed on reasonable grounds to
have been illegally duplicated or it is reasonable   No claims bonus
to believe that the combination number of an
                                                     If you have not had any claims with us or with
electronic keypad for external doors may have
                                                     your previous insurer for the last year, you will
become known to someone else without your
                                                     receive a no claims bonus. If during the next
permission, we will pay up to $1,000 free of any
                                                     two years you also don’t have any claims you
excess or excess refund to replace the keys,
                                                     will qualify for an extra no claims bonus.
remote door opener(s) and locks or change the
combination number of the electronic keypad.         Should you make a claim, the no claims bonus
We will also pay for the reasonable additional       or extra no claims bonus will be reduced at the
cost of opening any safe following theft or loss     renewal following the claim. However, we will
of its key or combination.                           increase your no claims bonus again at the
                                                     next renewal if no further claims are made.
If you have this benefit with us under any
other policy or section of this policy then
the maximum amount we will pay under all             One event – one excess
policies is $1,000.                                  If your contents suffer loss or damage for
                                                     which a claim is accepted and at the same
Natural disaster damage                              time we accept a claim as a result of the
                                                     same event for loss or damage to your
If your contents suffer natural disaster
                                                     house or your vehicle that are also insured
damage occuring during the period of
                                                     by us, we will only apply one excess or
insurance and the cost exceeds your cover
                                                     excess refund and that will be the highest
under EQCover (or would do but for the
                                                     excess or excess refund applicable.
Earthquake Commission’s refusal to pay) the
most we will pay is the difference between your
cover under EQCover and the sum insured              Security alarms
for your contents shown in the certificate of        If you have installed a passive infra-red
insurance less any applicable excesses.              security system that protects all the important
If you would like more information about             areas of your house, we will give you a
EQCover please ask us for a brochure,                discount off your premium. We will also pay
or phone the Earthquake Commission on                up to $500 for the reasonable cost to reset
freephone 0800 508 765.                              or reprogram your passive infra-red security
                                                     system if it was activated during a break in or
                                                     attempted break in.

Stress benefit                                    residence, a boarding school hostel or a private
                                                   home as a boarder. We will pay up to $5,000.
 If you suffer a total loss of your contents for
                                                   However, if in university halls of residence, an
 which a claim is accepted, we will pay you an
                                                   additional excess of $400 will apply.
 additional $1,000 for the inconvenience this
 may cause you.

 Temporary accommodation                           Optional special
 If your contents suffer loss or damage for
 which a claim is accepted under this policy or
 which is covered under EQCover and your           Business tools
 house is uninhabitable as a result, we will pay
                                                   If you have selected this benefit, we will increase
 your reasonable temporary accommodation
                                                   the limit to $10,000 for property from which you
 expenses up to $25,000. This includes
                                                   obtain financial return whether for profit or not.
 kennel or cattery fees for your domestic pets.
 No temporary accommodation expenses will
 be paid after repairs have been completed or      Children’s contents
 your claim has been paid.                         If you have selected this benefit, this section
 If you have this benefit with us under any        is extended to cover sudden and accidental
 other policy or section of this policy then       physical loss or sudden and accidental physical
 the maximum amount we will pay under all          damage that occurs during the period of
 policies is $25,000.                              insurance to your children’s contents, which
                                                   are left with you at the situation while they live
                                                   outside New Zealand, up to the sum insured
 Temporary storage after loss                      shown for this Optional special benefit in the
 If your house suffers loss or damage for          certificate of insurance.
 which a claim is accepted, we will pay up to
 $2,000 for the reasonable costs of storing
 your contents if required. This includes
                                                   Contents in storage
 moving your contents to a secure storage          If you have selected this benefit, this section
 facility, storage costs while you are in          is extended to cover sudden and accidental
 temporary accommodation and returning             physical loss or sudden and accidental
 your contents to your house.                      physical damage to your contents while
                                                   temporarily stored in a securely locked and
                                                   well maintained building away from the
 University and boarding school                    situation during the period shown and up
 extension                                         to the sum insured shown for this Optional
 This section is extended to cover sudden          special benefit in the certificate of insurance.
 and accidental physical loss or sudden and        An additional excess of $500 will apply.
 accidental physical damage that occurs during
 the period of insurance to your children’s
 contents while they are attending university
 or school and staying in university halls of

Contents in transit                                  Liability protection
If you have selected this benefit, this section is
extended to cover your contents for sudden           We will cover you for up to $1,000,000 for
and accidental physical loss or sudden and           your liability for claims made against you as a
accidental physical damage that occurs               result of accidents anywhere in New Zealand
during the period of insurance caused by             which cause physical property damage.
fire, collision or overturning of the conveying      We will only pay for claims made against you
vehicle while they are in transit during the         relating to accidents which happen during the
period shown and up to the sum insured               period of insurance.
shown for this Optional special benefit in the
                                                     If you have liability cover with us under any
certificate of insurance.
                                                     other policy or section of this policy then our
                                                     maximum combined liability for any one claim
House under construction                             and during any one period of insurance
or alteration                                        under all policies is $1,000,000.
If you have selected this benefit, this section is
extended to cover your contents for sudden
and accidental physical damage while your
house is under construction or structural
                                                     What special
alteration occurring during the period               benefits you are
                                                     insured for under
shown for this Optional special benefit in the
certificate of insurance.

No excess
                                                     liability protection
If you have selected this benefit and your           The amounts payable In relation to the
house is owner occupied, we will not deduct          special benefits under Liability protection are
any excess in the event of a claim.                  included within the Liability protection cover
                                                     of $1,000,000 and are not in addition to it.

Rental properties – excess buy out
                                                     Bodily injury
If you have selected this benefit, the additional
excess of $400 is deleted if your house is           Liability protection is extended to cover your
rented to a tenant.                                  liability for up to $100,000 arising from bodily
                                                     injury occurring in New Zealand during the
                                                     period of insurance.
Spectacles, contact lenses, hearing
                                                     If you have this cover with us under any
aids and dentures
                                                     other policy or section of this policy then our
If you have selected this benefit and you suffer     maximum combined liability under all policies
loss or damage to your spectacles, contact           is $100,000.
lenses (but not disposable contact lenses),
hearing aids or dentures for which a claim is
accepted, we will pay for their replacement or
repair free of any excess or excess refund.

Resource Management Act fines                       b) Everyday cover
 and legal defence costs
 Liability protection is extended to cover your
 liability for up to $100,000 for the cost of
 defending any charge and any fine or monetary
                                                     What your contents
 penalty imposed upon you by law as a result         are insured for
 of an occurrence at the situation, during the
 period of insurance.                                Sudden and accidental physical loss or
                                                     sudden and accidental physical damage
 An additional excess of $500 will apply to
                                                     that occurs during the period of insurance,
 claims under this special benefit.
                                                     unless excluded by this policy.
 If you have this cover with us under any
 other policy or section of this policy then our
 maximum combined liability under all policies
 is $100,000.                                        What special benefits
 Tenant’s liability
                                                     you are insured for
 Liability protection is extended to cover your
 liability for sudden and accidental physical loss   Frozen food deterioration
 or sudden and accidental physical damage            If your refrigeration equipment accidentally
 that occurs during the period of insurance          stops during the period of insurance and
 caused by fire, explosion, impact, water            your frozen food deteriorates to the point
 damage, accidental breakage of fixed glass,         where it is not fit to eat, we will pay you up to
 hand basins, sinks, toilet pans and cisterns,       the value of $500 for that loss.
 forming part of the house where it is occupied
 but not owned by you.
                                                     You have access to the HomeWise
                                                     Programme. This programme does not
                                                     form part of this policy and its terms and
                                                     conditions are contained in the separate
                                                     document – HomeWise Programme.

                                                     Natural disaster damage
                                                     If your contents suffer natural disaster
                                                     damage occuring during the period of
                                                     insurance and the cost exceeds your cover
                                                     under EQCover (or would do but for the
                                                     Earthquake Commission’s refusal to pay) the
                                                     most we will pay is the difference between your
                                                     cover under EQCover and the sum insured
                                                     for your contents shown in the certificate of
                                                     insurance less any applicable excesses.

If you would like more information about
EQCover please ask us for a brochure,
                                                   Optional special
or phone the Earthquake Commission on
freephone 0800 508 765.
New for old                                        Bicycles
We will pay the replacement or repair costs        If you have selected this benefit and you
of your domestic furniture, furnishings and        suffer sudden and accidental physical loss
home appliances under five years old and the       or sudden and accidental physical damage
present day value of your other contents.          that occurs during the period of insurance
                                                   to your bicycle, we will pay the present
                                                   day value up to the sum insured shown in
No claims bonus                                    the certificate of insurance. No cover is
If you have not had any claims with us or with     provided for burglary or theft unless your
your previous insurer for the last year you will   bicycle is secured to an immovable object by
receive a no claims bonus. If during the next      a recognised anti theft device or is contained
two years you also don’t have any claims you       in a securely locked building when it is stolen.
will qualify for an extra no claims bonus.
Should you make a claim, the no claims bonus       Computers
or extra no claims bonus will be reduced at the
                                                   If you have selected this benefit and you
renewal following the claim. However, we will
                                                   suffer sudden and accidental physical loss
increase your no claims bonus again at the
                                                   or sudden and accidental physical damage
next renewal if no further claims are made.
                                                   that occurs during the period of insurance
                                                   to your computer (including laptops) and
Temporary accommodation                            their accessories, we will pay:
expenses                                           ▪▪ for your laptop and accessories, the present
If your contents suffer loss or damage for            day value irrespective of age and
which a claim is accepted under this policy or     ▪▪ for your desktop computer and
which is covered under EQCover and your               accessories, the replacement value if it is
house is uninhabitable as a result, we will pay       less than five years of age and present day
your reasonable temporary accommodation               value if it is more than five years of age.
expenses up to $5,000. No temporary
accommodation expenses will be paid after
repairs have been completed or your claim          Spectacles and contact lenses
has been paid.                                     If you have selected this benefit and
If you have this benefit with us under any         you suffer loss or damage that occurs
other policy or section of this policy then        during the period of insurance to your
the maximum amount we will pay under all           spectacles or contact lenses (but not
policies is $25,000.                               disposable contact lenses), we will pay the
                                                   present day value free of any excess.

Liability protection                                Section 3 – Vehicle

 We will cover you for up to $1,000,000              You have a choice of two types of vehicle
 (including your defence costs) for your liability   insurance:
 for claims made against you as a result of
                                                     a) Extra cover
 accidents anywhere in New Zealand which
 cause physical property damage.                     b) Everyday cover
 We will only pay for claims made against you        Please check the certificate of insurance
 relating to accidents which happen during the       to ensure you have selected the cover you
 period of insurance.                                require.
 If you have liability cover with us under any       If you would like to amend this policy please
 other policy or section of this policy then our     contact the Insurance Helpline on freephone
 maximum combined liability for any one claim        0800 222 491.
 during any one period of insurance under all
 policies is $1,000,000.

 What special
 benefit you are
 insured for under
 liability protection
 The amount payable in relation to the special
 benefit under Liability protection is included
 within the Liability protection cover of
 $1,000,000 and are not in addition to it.

 Tenant’s liability
 Liability protection is extended to include cover
 for your liability for sudden and accidental
 physical loss or sudden and accidental
 physical damage that occurs during the
 period of insurance caused by fire, explosion
 or water damage to the house, which is
 occupied but not owned by you.

a) Extra cover                                     Completion of journey
                                                   We will pay up to $500 towards your
                                                   reasonable costs of accommodation and /
What your vehicle                                  or travel to complete your journey or return
                                                   home following an accident with your vehicle
is insured for                                     or where your vehicle is stolen for which a
                                                   claim is accepted. In addition, we will pay to
Sudden and accidental physical loss or             return your vehicle home after it has been
sudden and accidental physical damage              repaired or recovered.
that occurs during the period of insurance,        This benefit also extends to the driver,
unless excluded by this policy.                    passengers and domestic pets travelling in
                                                   your vehicle if they are not the insured.

What special benefits                              Fatal injury
you are insured for                                If you die as a result of injury following an
                                                   accident to your vehicle for which a claim
                                                   is accepted, we will pay the deceased(s)
                                                   estate $10,000. Such death must be within
Child car restraints
                                                   three calendar months of the accident. We
If your vehicle suffers loss or damage for         will not pay more than $10,000 during any
which a claim is accepted and at the same          one period of insurance. If more than one
time your baby capsule or child car seat or        person is entitled to this benefit, this benefit
child restraint which you own or is in your        will be applied proportionally between them.
control and while it is fitted to your vehicle
also suffers loss or damage, we will pay its
present day value, provided it is not covered      Hire vehicle
by any other policy.                               If your vehicle is stolen or becomes a total
                                                   loss and we have accepted your claim, we
                                                   will pay for the reasonable expenses of hiring
Choice of repairer
                                                   a similar vehicle, limited to a maximum of
If your vehicle suffers loss or damage             seven days or $500 whichever is less. No hire
for which a claim is accepted (other than          charges will be paid after:
windscreen or window glass) and we choose
                                                   ▪▪ the recovery of your vehicle in a drivable
to repair your vehicle, you can nominate a
                                                      condition, or
repairer of your choice to complete the repairs.
                                                   ▪▪ we have paid your claim.
                                                   This benefit does not apply if you have selected
                                                   the Optional special benefit – Rental vehicle.

Medical expenses                                   No claims bonus protection
 If you suffer injury following an accident with    Should you have a claim we will maintain
 your vehicle for which a claim is accepted,        your No claims bonus following that claim,
 we will pay your medical or dental costs up        provided you have:
 to $600 provided you have been unable to           ▪▪ held comprehensive motor vehicle
 recover any of those costs from anyone else.          insurance with a full No claims bonus with
                                                       us for a continuous period of two years or
 Natural disaster damage                               more immediately prior to your claim, and
 This section is extended to cover natural          ▪▪ had no claims during this period where
 disaster damage occuring during the period            your bonus would have been lost had it
 of insurance to your vehicle.                         not been for this benefit.

 New vehicle                                        One event – one excess
 If your vehicle becomes a total loss within a      If your vehicle suffers loss or damage for
 year of its original registration from new and     which a claim is accepted and at the same
 we have accepted your claim, we will replace       time we accept a claim as a result of the
 your vehicle with a new vehicle of the same        same event for loss or damage to your
 make and model, subject to current local           house or your contents that are also insured
 availability.                                      by us, we will only apply one excess or
                                                    excess refund and that will be the highest
                                                    excess or excess refund applicable.
 No claims and no blame bonus
 If you have not had any claims with us or
 with your previous insurer for the last year       Repair guarantee
 you will receive a no claims bonus.                We provide you with a lifetime guarantee on
 In addition, we will not penalise your no claims   any repairs to your vehicle carried out by our
 bonus at renewal of this policy or impose          recommended panelbeaters.
 your excess if you have been involved in an
 accident during the period of insurance, and:      Replacement vehicle
 ▪▪ you have identified the party at fault          If you replace your vehicle, we will
    (i.e. name, address, phone number, make,        automatically cover the replacement vehicle,
    model, registered number of that other          subject to the terms and conditions of
    party’s vehicle), and                           this policy, for 30 days from the date of
 ▪▪ it is proven that the other party was more      replacement.
    than 50% at fault.                              If you purchase an additional vehicle, we
 Otherwise your no claims bonus will be             will automatically hold the additional vehicle
 reduced at the renewal following the claim.        covered subject to the terms and conditions
 However, we will increase your no claims           of this policy, for 30 days from the date of
 bonus again at the next renewal if no further      purchase.
 claims are made.

Road clearing costs                                    Temporary repairs
We will pay up to $1,000 for the reasonable            If your vehicle requires temporary repairs
costs of removing debris from any road or              following an accident, in order for you to get
parking area for which you are liable following        your vehicle to your destination or repairer and
an accident to your vehicle for which a claim          we have accepted your claim, we agree to pay
is accepted.                                           the reasonable cost of the temporary repairs.

Salvage and storage costs                              Windscreen and window glass
If your vehicle is unable to be driven and we          If your vehicle suffers accidental breakage
have accepted your claim, we will pay for the          of its windscreen, window glass or sunroof
reasonable cost of removing it to the nearest          during the period of insurance, we will pay
repairer or place of safety. We will also pay for      for their repair or replacement. We will not
the reasonable cost for the temporary storage          deduct any excess and you will not lose your
of your vehicle once we have accepted                  No claims bonus.
your claim.                                            This benefit does not extend to lights, indicators,
                                                       their covers or mirrors.
Security alarm
If your vehicle is stolen and at the time of
the theft it has an activated security alarm
or electronic engine immobiliser, we will not
                                                       Optional special
deduct any excess and you will not lose                benefits
your No claims bonus.

Stolen keys                                            Agreed value
                                                       If you have selected this benefit and your
If your vehicle remote, vehicle keys, vehicle
                                                       vehicle was first registered after 1984, we will
entry card or vehicle key codes are stolen or
                                                       pay you the agreed value, if your vehicle is
believed on reasonable grounds to have been
                                                       a total loss.
illegally duplicated, or it is reasonable to believe
that the combination number of electronic key
codes may have become known to someone                 No excess
else without your permission, we will pay up           If you have selected this benefit and your
to $500 free of any excess to replace them or          vehicle is being driven by any driver aged
the locks and it will not affect your No claims        25 or over or is stolen we will not deduct any
bonus, provided that we are satisfied that the         excess in the event of a claim.
identity or location of your vehicle is known
to any person who may have the keys or
entry card.

Rental vehicle                                   Liability protection
 If you have selected this benefit and your
 vehicle is involved in an accident, stolen or    We will cover you for up to $25,000,000 for
 becomes a total loss and we have accepted        your liability for claims made against you
 your claim, we will pay for the reasonable       for physical property damage as a result of
 costs of hiring and insuring a similar vehicle   accidents in New Zealand involving your
 up to $2,500 while you are without your          vehicle, or any trailer or caravan attached to
 vehicle. No hire charges will be paid after:     your vehicle (provided the trailer or caravan
 ▪▪ your vehicle is recovered in a drivable       is not otherwise insured) or any vehicle not
    condition, or                                 owned by you that you are using with the
                                                  owner’s permission.
 ▪▪ repairs have been completed, or
                                                  We will not cover your liability for any vehicle
 ▪▪ we have paid your claim.
                                                  that you are hiring or leasing (unless the
                                                  leasing company is named as an interested
 RoadWise®                                        party).
 If you have selected this benefit you have       We will only pay for claims relating to accidents
 access to the RoadWise Programme. This           which happen during the period of insurance.
 programme does not form part of this policy      We will also cover any other person using
 and its terms and conditions are contained       your vehicle with your permission provided
 in the separate document – RoadWise              that person:
                                                  ▪▪ was not insured under another policy,
                                                  ▪▪ has not been refused vehicle insurance in
 Trailers and caravans                               the last five years
 If you have selected this benefit we will
                                                  ▪▪ has not had a policy cancelled or claim
 cover your trailer and / or caravan and its
                                                     declined by any insurance company in the
 permanent fixtures and fittings free of any
                                                     last five years.
 excess up to the sum insured shown in the
 certificate of insurance for each item.          If you have liability cover with us under any
                                                  other policy or section of this policy involving
                                                  your vehicle, or any trailer or caravan attached
                                                  to your vehicle (provided the trailer or caravan
                                                  is not otherwise insured) or any vehicle not
                                                  owned by you that you are using with the
                                                  owner’s permission, our maximum combined
                                                  liability under all policies is $25,000,000.

What special                                       b) Everyday cover

benefits you are
insured for under                                  What your vehicle
liability protection                               is insured for
The amounts payable under the special              Sudden and accidental physical loss or
benefits under Liability protection are included   sudden and accidental physical damage
within the Liability protection cover of           caused by fire, theft or illegal conversion
$25,000,000 and are not in addition to it.         that occurs during the period of insurance,
                                                   unless excluded by this policy.

Bodily injury

                                                   What special benefits
Liability protection is extended to cover your
liability up to $100,000 for bodily injury
occurring in New Zealand during the period
of insurance.
                                                   you are insured for
If you have this cover with us under any
other policy or section of this policy then our    Choice of repairer
maximum combined liability under all policies
                                                   If your vehicle suffers loss or damage
is $100,000.
                                                   for which a claim is accepted (other than
                                                   windscreen or window glass) and we choose
Legal expenses                                     to repair your vehicle, you can nominate a
If you are charged with manslaughter or            repairer of your choice to complete the repairs.
dangerous driving causing death arising out
of an accident with your vehicle for which         Damage by an uninsured vehicle
a claim is accepted, we will pay your legal
                                                   We will pay up to $3,000 for repairs to your
costs of defence up to $1,200.
                                                   vehicle if it is damaged in an accident and
                                                   we have accepted your claim if:
Marine general average                             ▪▪ you have identified the party at fault
We will pay for any costs which you may               (i.e. name, address, phone number, make,
become liable to pay as a result of deliberate        model and registered number of that other
loss or damage during the period of                   party’s vehicle), and
insurance incurred in time of danger to            ▪▪ it is proven that the other party was more
prevent the loss of a ship and / or cargo while       than 50% at fault and their vehicle was
your vehicle is being carried by that ship            uninsured.
between ports in New Zealand.

One event – one excess                              Optional special
 If your vehicle suffers loss or damage for
 which a claim is accepted and at the same
 time we accept a claim as a result of the
 same event for loss or damage to your
 house or your contents that are also insured        No excess
 by us, we will only apply one excess or             If you have selected this benefit and your
 excess refund and that will be the highest          vehicle is being driven by any driver aged
 excess or excess refund applicable.                 25 or over or is stolen we will not deduct any
                                                     excess in the event of a claim.
 Replacement vehicle
 If you replace your vehicle, we will                RoadWise®
 automatically cover the replacement vehicle,        If you have selected this benefit you have
 subject to the terms and conditions of this         access to the RoadWise Programme. This
 policy, for 30 days from the date of replacement.   programme does not form part of this policy
                                                     and its terms and conditions are contained
 Salvage and storage costs                           in the separate document – RoadWise
 If your vehicle is unable to be driven and we
 have accepted your claim, we will pay for the
 reasonable cost of removing it to the nearest       Windscreen and window glass
 repairer or place of safety. We will also pay for   If you have selected this benefit and your
 the reasonable cost for the temporary storage       vehicle suffers accidental breakage of its
 of your vehicle once we have accepted               windscreen, window glass or sunroof during
 your claim.                                         the period of insurance, we will pay for their
                                                     repair or replacement. We will not deduct any
 Security alarm                                      excess and you will not lose your No claims
                                                     bonus. This benefit does not extend to lights,
 If your vehicle is stolen and at the time of
                                                     indicators, their covers or mirrors.
 the theft it has an activated security alarm
 or electronic engine immobiliser, we will not
 deduct any excess and you will not lose
 your No claims bonus.

Liability protection                                 What special
We will cover you for up to $500,000 for             benefits you are
your liability for claims made against you
for physical property damage as a result of          insured for under
accidents in New Zealand involving your
vehicle, or any trailer or caravan attached to
                                                     liability protection
your vehicle (provided the trailer or caravan        The amounts payable under the special
is not otherwise insured) or any vehicle not         benefits under Liability protection are included
owned by you that you are using with the             within the Liability protection cover of
owner’s permission.                                  $500,000 and are not in addition to it.
We will not cover your liability for any vehicle
that you are hiring or leasing (unless the           Bodily injury
leasing company is named as an interested
                                                     Liability protection is extended to cover your
                                                     liability up to $100,000 for bodily injury
We will only pay for claims relating to accidents,   occurring in New Zealand during the period
which happen during the period of insurance.         of insurance.
We will also cover any other person using            If you have this cover with us under any
your vehicle with your permission provided           other policy or section of this policy then our
that person:                                         maximum combined liability under all policies
▪▪ was not insured under another policy              is $100,000.
▪▪ has not been refused vehicle insurance in
   the last five years                               Marine ‘general average’
▪▪ has not had a policy cancelled or claim           We will pay for any costs which you may
   declined by any insurance company in the          become liable to pay as a result of deliberate
   last five years.                                  loss or damage during the period of
If you have liability cover with us under any        insurance incurred in time of danger to
other policy or section of this policy our           prevent the loss of a ship and / or cargo
maximum combined liability under all policies        while your vehicle is being carried by that
is $500,000.                                         ship between ports in New Zealand.

Section 4 – Other important                       ▪▪ handling, transportation, storage,
                                                          installation, removal, treatment or use of
                                                          asbestos, asbestos products or asbestos
                                                          contained in any products or materials
                                                       ▪▪ hydrostatic pressure to swimming or spa
 What you are not                                         pools

 insured for                                           ▪▪ insects, rodents or vermin (other than
                                                          opossums), marine growth or marine
                                                          borers. However, resulting physical loss or
 General exclusions (applies to all                       physical damage other than that caused
                                                          directly by them is covered
                                                       ▪▪ liability which arises only because you have
 The excess or excess refund.
                                                          agreed to take liability upon yourself
 An additional excess of $400 if your house
                                                       ▪▪ lifting or shifting the house or structural
 is rented to a tenant unless you have
                                                          alterations or repairs including the removal
 selected the Optional special benefit – Rental
                                                          or alteration of the roof unless you have
 properties – excess buy out.
                                                          selected the Optional special benefit –
 Loss or damage to:                                       House under construction or alteration
 aircraft or other airborne devices                    ▪▪ mechanical or electrical breakdown
 animals, fish or birds.                                  unless burning out occurs. However,
                                                          resulting physical loss or physical damage
 Loss, damage, liability or claims for or
 arising from:                                            other than the mechanical or electrical
                                                          breakdown is covered
 ▪▪ aggravated, punitive or exemplary damages,
    fines and / or other penalties or reparation       ▪▪ mildew, mould, rot, corrosion, rust or gradual
    orders, other than the cover provided in the          deterioration other than the cover provided
    special benefit – Resource Management Act             in the special benefit – Gradual damage
    fines and legal defence costs                      ▪▪ natural disaster damage other than the
 ▪▪ any activity for financial return (other than         cover provided by:
    domestic rent) whether for profit or not             ▪▪ the special benefit – Natural disaster
 ▪▪ any event or occurrence outside New Zealand             damage, and

 ▪▪ any process of cleaning, repairing or restoring      ▪▪ the Optional special benefit – House
                                                            under construction or alteration in
 ▪▪ any unreasonable, criminal, reckless or wilful
                                                            which case this exclusion is deleted for
    act or omission or any disregard for, or failure
                                                            any time during which, because of the
    to comply with any provision in or notice or
                                                            construction or alteration, your house is
    order under any Act of Parliament by you
                                                            not a ‘dwelling’ as defined in EQCover.
 ▪▪ confiscation, nationalisation or requisition
                                                       ▪▪ nuclear weapons material or ionising radiation
    by an order of Government, Local Authority,
                                                          or contamination by radioactivity from any
    the Courts or any public authority unless
                                                          nuclear waste or from the combustion of
    it is to prevent loss or damage covered by
                                                          nuclear fuel, including any selfsustaining
    this policy
                                                          process of nuclear fission or fusion

▪▪ personal injury as defined in and / or          Liability for:
   for which cover is provided under the           ▪▪ bodily injury to you
   Accident Compensation Act 2001, or
                                                   ▪▪ loss of or damage to property belonging to
   any amendments or Act(s) passed in
                                                      you or under your care or control
   substitution of the Act
                                                   Loss, damage or liability arising directly or
▪▪ settling or cracking or movement or
                                                   indirectly from or occasioned by or through
   compaction of land                              or in consequence directly or indirectly of
▪▪ subsidence, erosion or underground water        or a claim for:
   pressure or landslip (other than the cover      war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies,
   for natural landslip under the special          hostilities or war-like operations (whether
   benefit – Natural disaster damage)              war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny, civil
▪▪ the cost of remedying or repairing any          commotion assuming the proportions of or
   inherent fault, defective workmanship,          amounting to a popular rising, military rising,
   materials or design                             insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or
▪▪ the engagement by you of any contractor         usurped power, martial law, confiscation or
   to dispose of or handle materials in other      nationalisation or requisition or destruction
   than a lawful manner                            of or damage to property by or under the
                                                   order of any government or public local
▪▪ the manufacture, storage, use or distribution
                                                   authority, or any act of any person or persons
   at your house of a ‘controlled drug’ as
                                                   acting on behalf of or in connection with any
   defined in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
                                                   organisation the objects of which include the
   (other than the cover under Section 1:
                                                   overthrowing or influencing of any de jure or
   House special benefit – Illegal substances
                                                   de facto government by terrorism or by any
                                                   violent means.
▪▪ the ownership, use or possession of any
   mechanically propelled vehicle (other than
   domestic garden implements or mobility
   scooters), trailer, caravan, watercraft,
   aircraft or other airborne devices other than
   the cover provided in Section 3 Vehicle
▪▪ theft or deliberate damage caused directly
   or indirectly by you, or anyone who normally
   lives at the situation or is lawfully at the
   situation. This exclusion does not apply
   to deliberate damage by fire by tenants or
   their guests
▪▪ vibration, removal or weakening of support
▪▪ water or dampness entering your house
   because of structural defect, defective
   design, defective materials or defective
▪▪ wear and tear, or action of sunlight.

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