Page created by Brittany Meyer
JUNE 2019, PAGES 36         VOL. 2, ISSUE. 5


    The new addresses for your next MICE trip


y o u s t e p b a c k t h r o u g h g a l leries

of time in a universal museum

stretching over the sea.

You are moved by the story

of humanity under a floating

d o m e o f l i g h t wh e r e t h e r e

is no end to art in sight.


Louvre Abu Dhabi
Publisher’s Note

              PUBLISHER & CEO
                 Varun Malhotra

                  Pranav Khullar

                Gagneet Kaur                                 Dear Readers,

                 ASST. EDITOR                                With the advent of summer in India, the
                  Sayanti Halder                             country progressively witnesses the rise in              escape from the scorching heat and that is
                                                             the temperature of MICE tourism and how                  where, we brought a tactfully-crafted list of
                   REPORTER                                  it’s business flows. Providing state-of-the-             places one may get lost to at the “Land of
                                                             art convention centers, unparalleled hotels              Temples”, Uttarakhand. From ice-capped
                    Kritika Dua
                                                             and resorts and class-apart technological                mountain peaks to the flower bed on the
                                                             facilities, India, unquestionably, can become            valley below, the state of Uttarakhand is a
                                                             one of the top global MICE tourism players               “must-visit” for a quick escapade, at any
              Lokesh Tuli                                    for fetching the maximum number of                       time of the year.
                                                             convention and business travellers, in no
                BUSINESS HEAD                                time. And to heighten this status, the top               Followed by which, we talk business!
                  Shilpi Sharma                              metro cities of India aren’t leaving a single            As the convention season emerges, the
                                                             stone unturned in giving the best-of-the-                tour operators must be scratching their
  AGM SALES & MARKETING (MUMBAI)                             best MICE amenities, especially through                  heads and notepads in order to provide
            Aarti Rajkhewa                                   its hotels. The metro cities have already                an uniqueness in their tour planning,
                                                             seen their fair share of the business and                henceforth. As today travellers are more
          MARKETING EXECUTIVE                                are now nothing but saturated in terms of                experimental, possessing the hunger of
             Bhavini Srivastava                              development and expansion. Filling this                  newness, we give to you a list of the lesser-
                                                             very deficit and bolstering the hospitality              known yet wonderfully suitable convention
                CONSULTANT                                   business, are the emerging cities/ states if             centres from around the world that is all
          Anindya Malhotra, Jitin Mann                       India that are leveling their presence with              set to host your next planned meeting and
                                                             that of the big bosses of MICE hospitality. In           therefore, offering a whole new destination
                ART DIRECTOR                                 our July issue of MICEInsiders, which is also            to explore.
                 Rakesh Kumar                                our ‘Hospitality Special’ issue, we exchanged            Other than this, we bring to you the latest
                                                             thoughts and opinions with representatives               and on-going news from across the
                   ACCOUNTS                                  of some of the leading MICE hotels in the                segments of the industry including the
                                                             developing sites in India, understanding how             names that join the travel and tourism clan.
                   Saroj Thakur
                                                             these respective destinations have geared
                                                             up to take hold of a major chunk of the                  I thank you all again for your kind support.
                  ADMIN HEAD
                                                             disseminating and rewarding business.                    We value your feedback and suggestions
                   R Prem Lata                                                                                        so please do write to us at varun@
                                                             Speaking of summer, there would be not         
         EXECUTIVE-CIRCULATION                               a single individual who would seek a slice
             Hari Puri, Raja Rari                            of repose in this tedious weather. Business              Happy Reading!
                                                             traveller or not, every tourist deserves an

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All information in MiceInsiders is derived from sources we consider reliable. It is passed on to our readers without any responsibility on our part. Opinions/views
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Owned and published by: Varun Malhotra, Editor & Publisher, EB-63, Maya Enclave, Hari Nagar, New Delhi - 110064 and printed on his behalf at Acme Tradex India
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Spotlight                       Page No. 8



    MICE Industry in India is well-equipped to cater to the upward demand of business travellers seeking all-inclusive destinations. There’s a reason to rejoice
    as recent reports indicate that the Indian MICE industry is estimated at USD 1.3 Billion. The Union Government has set an ambitious target for MICE
    INDIA to achieve two per cent of the global MICE market share by 2025. With that vision, we have to also address the fact that the hospitality industry
    is impacted by business tourism to a large extent and the same is witnessed in the evolution of the urban centres such as Delhi and Mumbai. They
    are already attracting a large sum of business travellers, however, the emerging states have upped their ante and are catching up to them to bolster
    the business tourism in India. We get in touch with the spokespersons of the leading MICE hotels in the developing Indian states to discern how these
    respective destinations are prepared to take hold of a chunk of the rewarding meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions business

OVERSEAS                                                                                                                           IN CONVERSATION
16 UNCONVENTIONAL CONVENTIONS                                                                                                      12 SECURE HOME WITH HOLIDAY
                                                                                                                                   HOME PROTECTION
                                                                                                                                   With travelling being a pivotal part of a
                                                                                                                                   majority chunk of people’s everyday lives, Vivek
                                                                                                                                   Chaturvedi, Head of Marketing, Digit Insurance
                                                                                                                                   elaborates on the importance of having home
                                                                                                                                   insurance while you are travelling

                                                                                     REGULAR NEWS
                                                                                    14...................................................................................................................... Inbound
HOMEWARD                                                                            20...................................................................................................................Outbound
26 UTTARAKHAND                                                                      24................................................................................................................ Hospitality
                                                                                    32...................................................................................................................... Aviation

4                   JUNE 2019
Preferred Sales Agent

                   Effective Sailing Dates:    From11 Feb 2019 To 20 Oct 2019

                   Effective Booking Period:   From28 Apr 2019 To 20 Oct 2019

                   Black Out date:             14 July 2019

                           We are pleased to announce
“Pay 3 Go 5” offer on Genting Dream Ex Singapore.
 Terms & Conditions
 • 1st & 2nd guests will be charged as below promotional rate:
     Cabin Category                  INR (Per Guest)
       BDA-BDS                            43000
       BSA-BSS                            37600
       OSA-OSS                            33900
       ISA-ISS                            28900
 •   3rd and 4th guests will be charged at 50% of promotional rate of 1st guest
 •   Single occupancy pays 150% of Promotional twin share rate.
 •   Infant pays 25% of promotional twin share rate upon 2 paying guests.
 •   Above rates are for low sailing                                       *T & C Apply

TCEB holds roadshows in                                                           Qrius Connect to organise its
Hyderabad and Jayapura                                                            MICE CONNECT 2019 in Colombo
Thailand Convention & Exhibition           During March to April, two road           Qrius Connect recently announced
Bureau (TCEB) taps into secondary       shows were held. The first show           its MICE CONNECT 2019 Sri Lanka
MICE cities in India with the herald    was in Hyderabad and Jayapura,            edition, which was scheduled to be
of MICE roadshows, eyeing to attract    as these two are big cities with the      held on May 9 and 10, is now going to
over 13,000 visitors into Thailand to   readiness of MICE travel agents. Also,    be held on July 2 and 3, 2019 at the
boost meetings and incentives market    these two cities are distinct with        Hilton, Colombo. The re-scheduling
by which they can generate over 1,000   high potentiality and tendency to         has been considered due to the recent
MB of revenue. Chiruit Isarangkun Na    encourage working people to have          bomb attacks that took place in Sri
Ayuthaya, President,TCEB disclosed      their meetings and incentives events      Lanka on April 21. Since the incidents,
that TCEB has been thinking highly      in Thailand. The second roadshow          authorities have moved quickly to
of MICE markets in India, which is      happened in Kolkata and Lucknow,          strengthen the security situation
considered a MICE market with the       which are secondary cities with a         in Colombo and across the country           confidence booster among all the
second largest number of MICE           small number of MICE travellers.          and according to security officials,        participating sellers and buyers. I
travellers after China. As a market     Interestingly, there are a good number    everything is being done to ensure the      wish to urge everyone to be united
with high potentiality in terms of      of travel agents with high potentiality   safety of all visitors in the future.       and promote Sri Lanka as a beautiful
population and economic growth,         qualified to develop as MICE travel          “I firmly believe that this show will    destination as always. I share the
TCEB recognised the cities and thus     agents in the future. TCEB realises       be utmost beneficial to build and           immense gratitude to our official
joined forces with Thai entrepreneurs   that the preparation of networking        strengthen the relations between            partners who have been with us as
to hold roadshows that expect to        with agents at the early stage in         the Indian buyers and the hospitality       our strength,” said Nishant Gulliya,
promote meetings and incentives in      secondary cities will help to form a      brands from Sri Lanka who will be           Managing Director and CEO, Q’rius
secondary cities of India.              long-term business relationship.          participating and it will also be a         Connect, the organisers of the show.

                                                                                  Ithaka Travel adds eight European
                                                                                  countries to its list
                                                                                  Ithaka Travel, which offers
                                                                                  personalised travel planning
                                                                                  platform has added European
                                                                                  countries to its list of destinations.
                                                                                  So far, the platform has catered
                                                                                  to users travelling to Thailand,

    ICPB’s Conventions India
                                                                                  Bali, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia
                                                                                  and Turkey. With the addition of

    Conclave will be held in Kochi                                                Europe, it will now cover eight
                                                                                  more countries, namely France,             from a web portal. Realising that
    The India Convention Promotion      2X growth in just four years” - A         Netherlands, Germany, Austria,             there was a greater need for Visa
    Bureau (ICPB) is set to organise    Hard talk with Joint Secretary,           Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic         and Forex related services for
    its flagship ICPB is headed by      Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India       and Spain. The platform has                travellers going to Europe, Ithaka
    Suman Billa, Joint Secretary –      and Secretary Tourism, Govt. of           officially launched its Europe             launched their Europe services
    Tourism, Government of India. As    Kerala. The official statement            offerings with their Travel                in partnership with Thomas Cook
    the theme of the 2019’s conclave    revealed that Ministry of Tourism,        Influencer community from May              India. Rahul Singh, Co-Founder
    is ‘Mapping the sustainable         Govt. of Kerala is the ‘Platinum          20, 2019.                                  and CEO, Ithaka Travel said, “We
    MICE future of India’, the focus    Sponsor’ of the event as a ‘State            In 2018, over a million                 are thrilled to have added Europe
    area during the conclave will       Partner’ and Hotel Grand Hyatt            applications were filed in India for       to the list of destinations Ithaka’s
    be on India aiming to be the top    Kochi is the ‘Venue Partner’              short-stay visas to the continent’s        travellers can plan for. We had run
    10 meeting destinations in the      for the forthcoming CIC. The              Schengen Area, a 17 per cent               a survey of our customers asking
    world by 2023. The two-day          conclave will provide the perfect         increase from the previous year.           which destination they would want
    event will witness sessions and     forum of opinions, views and              The number has almost doubled              to travel next and Europe was the
    panel discussions on various        standpoints on India’s meeting            since 2014, almost 1.2 million             overwhelming favourite choice so
    topics, “Can India spearhead this   and convention industry.                  travellers annually, as per data           we knew where we had to go next.”

6                  JUNE 2019
JUNE 2019   7


MICE Industry in India is well-equipped to cater to the upward demand of business       tourism to a large extent and the same is witnessed in the evolution of the urban
travellers seeking all-inclusive destinations. There’s a reason to rejoice as recent    centres such as Delhi and Mumbai. They are already attracting a large sum of
reports indicate that the Indian MICE industry is estimated at USD 1.3 Billion. India   business travellers, however, the emerging states have upped their ante and are
occupies the 31st position in the world among global MICE organisers, according to      catching up to them to bolster the business tourism in India. We get in touch with
the list of global ranking published by ICCA (International Congress and Convention     the spokespersons of the leading MICE hotels in the developing Indian states to
Association). The Union Government has set an ambitious target for MICE INDIA to        discern how these respective destinations are prepared to take hold of a chunk of the
achieve two per cent of the global MICE market share by 2025. With that vision, we      rewarding meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions business.
have to also address the fact that the hospitality industry is impacted by business

By Kritika Dua

                                             MICE tourism in Odisha stands for a well-                        Swosti Group, the first choice for any mega- or
                                             strategic deal                                                   mini-conferences held in Odisha
                                             The Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions            Swosti Group (Hotels-Resorts-Travels-Education) has
                                             (MICE) segment has shown a growth route across the               become the epicentre of MICE business in Odisha with the
                                             globe. Corporates from all sectors are now willing to shell      largest convention hall (Chanakya) at Swosti Premium
                                             out the extra money required to travel out of their home         Bhubaneswar, which is now classified as five-Star and
                                             space to host an event in a destination that offers state-       Swosti Chilika Resort is an exclusive MICE venue in one of
                                             of-the-art facilities, new experiences and added value of        the most pristine locations in the country on the banks
                                             travel.                                                          of the largest lake in Northern Hemisphere (Chilika Lake).
                                                As far as MICE tourism in Odisha is concerned, it stands      Swosti Chilika Resort is the perfect venue for planning
                                             for a very successful and well-strategic deal. In Odisha,        your conferences, meetings, corporate get-togethers, MICE
                                             numerous hotels have come up with different five-star and        events or other business meetings. Its conference hall and
J K Mohanty                                  deluxe to luxury and budget hotels in different cities and       meeting room is furnished with modern amenities and
CMD, Swosti Group                            these renowned hotels and resorts are also known for the         accompanied by our dedicated team, promises to create
                                             best MICE facilities in Odisha where new wings can be given      all your corporate events seamless and successful. Swosti
                                             to the business growth.                                          Group has remained the first choice for any mega- or mini-
                                                                                                              conferences held in Odisha.

8                    JUNE 2019

                                              Hyatt Place Hampi caters to the ever                                For any other activities such as outdoor team building
                                              discerning clientele looking for a meeting                       games, cricket, volleyball and basketball and more, our
                                              space with a difference                                          guests are free to make requests and we accommodate
                                              Hyatt Place Hampi caters to the ever discerning clientele        them in our lawns spread across the hotel. We also provide
                                              looking for a meeting space with a difference. Our Meeting       excursions to the majestic ruins of Hampi or boulder
                                              Places offer flexible spaces and support from our Gallery        climbing experiences. Our biggest advantage is the location
                                              Host to make meetings and events a success. We have              itself, as the hotel is situated right next to Vidyanagar
                                              two Meeting Places, wherein Meeting Place 1 is a banquet         Airport connecting directly to Bengaluru and Hyderabad
                                              hall spread over 3,300 sq. ft and can accommodate up to          which in turn is well-connected with all major cities in India
                                              200 people in a theatre setup. The hall has an adjacent          making this a perfect destination for conferences across
                                              Banquet Patio Lawn spread over 4,000 sq. ft and is ideal for     India.
                                              weddings or corporate dinners overlooking the lush green
                                              gardens. On the other hand, Meeting Place 2 is a dedicated       Achieving guests’ loyalty by delivering
Shalabh Verma                                 conference room with a boardroom setup that measures             uncomplicated experiences, purposeful service
General Manager, Hyatt Place Hampi
                                              470 sq. ft, equipped with the finest hi-tech accessories and     and being business casual
                                              can accommodate up to 18 persons.                                Hampi has now become one of the must-visit global
                                              Besides the Meeting Places, we have four banquet lawns           destinations and we aim to achieve our guests’ loyalty by
                                              ranging from 5,000 to 12,000 sq. ft, which are the largest       delivering uncomplicated experiences, purposeful service
                                              banqueting spaces in Hampi. Whether it is a group of 20          and being business casual. With the help of our guests, we
                                              or 500 attendees, our team will coordinate every last            have reimagined the select service experience and focus
                                              detail and will provide all the support to organisers and        on creating a place that offers 24 / 7 convenience, stylish
                                              attendees for a successful and productive meeting or             spaces and casual, modern comforts; a place inspired by a
                                              social experience.                                               conversation with our guests- imagined by them, for them.

                                              The Fern- An Ecotel Hotel, Ahmedabad                             Environment-friendly celebrations, the
                                              presents one of the best options for hosting                     surfacing trend
                                              mid-size functions                                               A popular business hotel in Ahmedabad, The Fern- An
                                              The Fern- An Ecotel Hotel, Ahmedabad is the city’s only          Ecotel Hotel, Ahmedabad is the ideal choice for all your
                                              environment-friendly property. We are also Gujarat’s first       meetings, events, conferences, banquets and gala affairs
                                              ecotel hotel. The hotel does a lot of MICE business due          from presentations to celebrations. The hotel offers the
                                              to its strategic location as well as the kind of services        additional USP of hosting the most environment-friendly
                                              provided by the hotel. Ahmedabad has been recognised as          celebrations, meetings and conferences in Ahmedabad
                                              a UNESCO World Heritage Site, making it the first Indian         courtesy the award-winning environment sensitive
                                              city to be added to the coveted list. Ahmedabad as a             practices we undertake that reduces tons of garbage
                                              location boasts of some of the biggest events of pharma,         from local landfills and contributes to the city’s water
                                              technology, F&B industry and more. For events of very large      and electricity resources. The hotel delivers exceptional
                                              scale, the city has a few bigger venues including Mahatma        service, artful decor and an array of luxury amenities with
Rakesh Dogra                                  Mandir Convention and Exhibition Centre, GMDC Ground             unparalleled environment responsibility. The hotel’s award-
General Manager, The Fern- An Ecotel Hotel,   and Helipad Ground. However, we present one of the best          winning experience includes an exclusive club service,
                                              options for hosting mid-size functions. The Fern- An Ecotel      executive lounge, spa and indoor swimming pool which
                                              Hotel, Ahmedabad has three modern and classy venues              attracts a major chunk of business travellers.
                                              for hosting these events. Conference halls in our hotel are      We believe in not only handling any event organised at our
                                              equipped with all the latest services and facilities including   hotel in the best possible way but also try to give them
                                              easy internet connectivity, projector for slide show             a different experience. Food is our strength due to our
                                              presentation and other crucial means of communication,           professional team of the two award-winning speciality
                                              among others. Our conference halls can accommodate               restaurants. We offer theme-based lunches and hi-teas
                                              delegates ranging from 25 to 250 persons coming here             during such events. We also have a location advantage as
                                              to attend the conferences. You can easily rely on us for         almost everything including some of the biggest landmarks
                                              holding key corporate meetings and conferences of the            of the city are within the vicinity. Gujarat Science City,
                                              business travellers.                                             ISKCON Temple, Gandhi Ashram at Sabarmati, Ahmedabad
                                                                                                               One Mall, Sunset Drive-In-Cinema are very close to the
                                                                                                               hotel. Once the business traveller has finished his work,
                                                                                                               he can explore the city in the evening as most of the
                                                                                                               attractions are close by.

                                                                                                                                        JUNE 2019                         9

                                         JW Marriott Kolkata is the ultimate                             trainings and sessions, through the philosophy of Meetings
                                         destination to host larger than life MICE                       Imagined concept.
                                         events, conferences and dream weddings
                                         JW Marriott Kolkata, located 16 km away from Netaji             Compiling distinctive services which are
                                         Subhash Chandra Bose Airport, equidistant to the city           appropriate for the substance of their
                                         centre and old business district that embodies luxury and       gathering
                                         elegance. The hotel offers personalised service, coupled        JW Marriott Kolkata, renowned for its extensive splendid
                                         with one of the largest banqueting facilities of 38, 370 sq.    ballroom, also offers a 3200 sq. ft. Living Room. This is
                                         ft. area, making it the ultimate destination to host larger     a residential-style venue comprising multifunctional
                                         than life MICE events, conferences and dream weddings.          meeting studios, dining areas and an open kitchen, enabling
                                         With major locations in proximity to the hotel, the venue is    guests to seamlessly accommodate business meetings,
                                         easily accessible by the guests and vendors enhancing the       casual breaks, wedding rituals or host the multifarious
                                         utilisation of the area to host various gatherings and events   occasions.
Gaurav Singh                             under the same roof.                                               We believe in strong marketing attributes of our
General Manager, JW Marriott Kolkata
                                             The magnanimous pillarless grand ballroom, Sangam is        products and facilities achieving greater awareness and
                                         spread across an area of 13,450 sq. ft. and accommodates        visibility globally through various MICE forums helping us in
                                         up to 1,500 to 2,000 guests approximately. The hotel also       generating queries on a wider scale. We engage with local
                                         has 281 spacious rooms with luxury amenities, which make        tourism bodies and associations to bring our offerings to
                                         it a remarkable accommodation or venue choice for large         the forefront through roadshows in various source markets.
                                         scales residential conferences and weddings. Also, the          As business travellers are mostly running on a schedule,
                                         banquet spaces can offer voluminous work areas with             we compile distinctive services which are appropriate
                                         wireless high-speed internet access enhancing the quality       for the substance of their gathering. In-house dedicated
                                         of stay of our guests at the hotel.                             culinary team to design bespoke menus, meeting planners
                                             Our culinary expertise lies in captivating guests with      supporting the event with the Meetings Imagined concept,
                                         tailor-made bespoke menus to suit the guest palate              distinctive meeting set-up fulfilling guest expectations,
                                         and event type. We have speciality chefs from myriad            video wall with multiple LED panels for multi-dimensional
                                         experiences with Marriott brand strength to fly in chefs        presentations, events team help in elevating themed set
                                         from across the globe, crafting every delicacy to perfection    up and decor elements, state-of-the-art video conferencing
                                         in absolute par with the choice of the patrons. The hotel       facilities for vast audiences and dedicated concierge team
                                         ensures thematic set up planed intuitively for different        to organise heritage walks of the city.

                                         Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade                       to our focus on food quality and hygiene, all guests are
                                         Gateway is considered to be amongst the                         treated with our fabled Indian Hospitality, which is an
                                         choicest destinations for large scale events                    experience, we’ve learned, they have held dear over the
                                         Bengaluru is the MICE destination to be looked at in            years.
                                         India. The city has a large number of convention spaces
                                         that can host events to the tune of 8,000 to 10,000 plus        Creating themed experiences for our
                                         people. These convention spaces have the infrastructure         customers to suit the mood of the event and
                                         to cater to all needs from high-speed internet and parking      the flavour profile of the attending guests
                                         to other house-keeping and hygiene facilities as well.          Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gateway, being
                                         Bengaluru also has the room inventory in and around             part of the Marriott family has been instrumental in driving
                                         these convention centres ensuring accommodation for all         a lot of business travels into the city as we cater largely
                                         delegates with multiple budget options.                         to the IT and financial conglomerates that have set up
                                            Some five-star hotels also provide catering services,        their base in Bengaluru. We offer a gamut of services on
Rishi Kumar                              among which Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade           the property which include accommodation in tastefully
Director of Operations, Sheraton Grand
                                         Gateway has carved itself a niche, earning recognition          appointed rooms and suites, variety of delectable cuisines
Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gateway
                                         in the market owing to expertise honed over four years          in dining options, large banqueting options for guests to
                                         of outdoor catering experiences at large format outdoor         host conferences and social gatherings to the tune of 1000
                                         catering events, at these convention centres. Our Grand         guests.
                                         Ballroom is among the largest pillarless ballrooms in              In addition to our above mentioned on property features,
                                         the city and is considered to be amongst the choicest           we create themed experiences for our customers to
                                         destinations for large scale events. We are also among          suit the mood of the event and the flavour profile of the
                                         the only hotels to have a pre-function area as large as         attending guests. These experiences include but are
                                         our grand ballroom in addition to nine break-out venues,        not limited to, curated menus, flamboyant displays and
                                         making it an ideal MICE venue, adding to the Bengaluru          impeccable service to ensure unforgettable events for both
                                         MICE landscape in our signature Grand way. In addition          the host as well as their guests.

10                        JUNE 2019

                                            Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty’s location and                        Offering curated destination experiences to
                                            event venues are the distinguishing factor                       our guests
                                            With Kochi being a prime destination, new flights are            The large conferences and meetings hosted at the
                                            being added to Goa, Guwahati, Bhubaneshwar, Hubli,               convention centre make it possible for us to act as
                                            Kolkata, Lucknow, Nagpur, Trichy, Ahmedabad and Jaipur.          aggregators for the city’s other five-star hotels contributing
                                            Very recently Air Arkia has connected Israel and Cochin          to the overall healthy growth of hospitality in Cochin.
                                            with direct flights to and from Tel Aviv. The destination is     We have flexible indoor and outdoor event spaces. There
                                            connected to all major cities of India and abroad. We are        are curated destination experiences suited for families
                                            purpose-built for destination weddings and large events.         with kids, couples and women travellers such as sunset
                                            Our location and event venues are our distinguishing factor      cruises on the traditional houseboats, treks to Thattekad
                                            for MICE owing to the backwaters, large lawns, indoor            Bird Sanctuary, private visit of the majestic Athirapally
                                            spaces and more. The hotel is simply a 45-minute drive           waterfalls and customised heritage tours of Fort Kochi and
                                            from the airport. We have customised activities, dedicated       Mattancherry. There are customised activities for groups
                                            food tasting sessions, expansive cuisine options, detailed       and business meets.
Anish Kuttan
Director of Operations, Grand Hyatt Kochi   packages and curated menus for the guests. A multi-
Bolgatty                                    cultural team contributes to the overall experience of
                                            event planning and execution.

                                            ITC Gardenia has the city’s largest MICE venue                   MICE Promotional Offers are personalised
                                            which is the key USP                                             according to the ever-changing demands of
                                            ITC Gardenia is an extremely MICE friendly hotel and             the corporate or social segments
                                            our banquet offerings have been designed keeping the             ITC Gardenia offers the best-in-class facility and features
                                            target consumers’ requirement in mind. The hotel takes           that the city has to offer. We have undertaken certain
                                            its inspiration by the Garden City that Bengaluru is             initiatives under our Responsible Luxury umbrella, each of
                                            referred as and conceived architecturally as a distinct          which is unique to the brand and the city of Bengaluru, to
                                            building set in a garden atmosphere, with the interiors          cater to the ever-growing MICE requirement. Alert Meets
                                            and exteriors amalgamating onto each other within the            is a signature menu offering for Meetings & Conventions,
                                            realm of aesthetics and landscaping sensibilities. The           is aimed at enabling guests with the luxury of making
                                            property is also Asia’s first LEED PLATINUM certified hotel,     informed choices from a signature menu that focuses
                                            located centrally in the heart of Bengaluru’s central and        on delicious, hearty and healthful, revitalising gourmet
Debopriyo Sen                               commercial business district. We present our guests with         preparations that use seasonal produce and the finest of
Sales and Marketing Manager, ITC Gardenia   distinctive rooms, culinary offerings and overall safety and     ingredients. One Bite Wonder is bite-sized snacks, which
Bengaluru                                   security.                                                        are unique, small tastings of ‘Caringly sourced; mindfully
                                               We take pride in our large and versatile range of             prepared’ snacks that underscore a well-being philosophy.
                                            banqueting facilities over two levels with independent           MICE Promotional Offers personalised according to the
                                            access and the largest MICE venue in the city, The Mysore        ever-changing demands of the corporate or social segment
                                            Hall, spread across an area of 5885 sq. ft. with five breakout   we cater to, while offering the best of culinary showcase
                                            rooms, among which two are spacious boardrooms                   and signature service. Botania, The Terrace Garden sized
                                            equipped with the best audio-visual facility.                    at 732 sq. m is an outdoor banqueting venue offering
                                                                                                             beautifully manicured gardens that emphasise upon the
                                                                                                             true beauty of Bengaluru.

                                                                                                                                     JUNE 2019                        11
In Conversation

                                                           Intended towards further establishing Dubai’s repute as a premier
                                                           business event destination, Dubai Business Events (DBE) is constantly
                                                           working on raising the benchmark for hosting business events in
                                                           the emirate. Steen Jakobsen, Assistant Vice President, DBE
                                                           speaks about the convention bureau’s focus on attracting regional
                                                           and international associations as they gear up to host a robust
                                                           portfolio of business events in the year ahead. He also highlights that
                                                           DBE while moving forward in tandem with an ever-evolving landscape
                                                           of Dubai, has also ramped up efforts for its top source market India
                                                           By Gagneet Kaur

                                                           meetings, conferences and incentive programmes to             market for visitors for the 4th consecutive year, with
                                                           the emirate. We are constantly working on raising the         over two million overnight visitors. This position is also
                                                           benchmark for hosting business events in the city. A          reflected in business events visitation, with India being
                                                           few years ago, DBE established the Dubai Association          the number one source market.
What are the main aims and objectives                      Centre (DAC) as a joint initiative of the Dubai Chamber           DBE has a dedicated representative office and team
of DBE for strengthening the MICE                          of Commerce and Industry, the Dubai Department                in India that is constantly working and connecting
landscape in Dubai?                                        of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) and                  with planners, buyers and industry professionals
Dubai Business Events (DBE), the city’s official           Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC). DAC’s aim is to              from across the country to extend our efforts. Over
convention bureau and a division of the Dubai              become a gateway for international associations that          the course of 2019, the DBE team and stakeholders
Corporation for Tourism and Commerce Marketing,            are looking to tapping into the rapidly transforming          from Dubai is visiting cities in India including
aims to attract business events from around the            city and establish regionally headquarters in Dubai.          Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai,
globe. Our aims and objectives include partnering with     This December, DAC will host the second Dubai                 Pune, Ahmedabad and New Delhi. In addition, DBE
local stakeholders, hosting international planners and     Association Conference.                                       participates in several industry specific conferences
decision makers from the business events industry,                                                                       and workshops across India to promote the emirate as
attending relevant international trade and business        Kindly elaborate on DBE’s newest                              host city for meetings and incentive programmes.
events and enhancing our network globally. DBE also        initiative of online venue finder. How is it
offers corporations and associations, guidance and         supposed to assist travel trade fraternity?                   What all do you look forward to from 2019?
support in planning international business events in       We are currently developing an online venue directory         2018 was a record year for DBE with a 62 per cent
the emirate.                                               for the city. The directory will offer a new city-wide tool   increase in the number of delegates that will come
   To reach out to Indian meetings industry                for meeting and conference planners to search for             to Dubai over the next few years as a result of bid
professionals, we have both inbound study missions,        suitable venues for events of all kinds and sizes across      wins. A 13 per cent growth in bids won indicated a
giving planners and agents an opportunity to explore       Dubai. In addition to standalone venues, it will also         shift towards larger-scale events, and the estimated
the latest offerings in Dubai, as well as roadshows        incorporate meetings spaces across the city’s hotels.         economic impact these successful bids are set to have
across key cities in India itself, allowing us to engage   The development of this tool will give stakeholders           will be AED 1.2 billion over the coming years. Dubai won
with them in their home market. In addition, we have       across the city a new way of keeping their offerings on       major bids last year including the World Congress of
offices in India to ensure we are at hand to offer         the radar of business event professionals while at the        Gastroenterology set to take place in 2021 with a total
advice and support to meeting and event planners           same time giving the planners themselves a simple way         of 6,000 delegates in attendance and many more.
based in India who are interested in bringing their        of finding options that meet their needs.                        Dubai is set to host a robust portfolio of business
events to Dubai.                                                                                                         events in 2019 which include: World Conference on
                                                           What is the current position of India as                      Desalination and Water Re-use from October 20th to
What are the new projects that DBE is                      a source market for DBE? What share of                        24th, World Congress of Neurology from October 27th
working on, in order to raise the benchmark                revenue does India offer, at present?                         to 31st, International Academy of Astronautics Human
of doing MICE business in Dubai?                           During the first quarter of 2019, Dubai welcomed              in Space Symposium from November 11th to 14th,
As the city’s official convention bureau, Dubai Business   565,000 overnight visitors from India. This built on the      IFHIMA International Congress November 17th to 21st,
Events’ main goal is to position Dubai as the premier      15.92 million international overnight visitors in 2018,       as well as the Amway APAC Expo from December 9th
host city for international business events and attract    with India retaining its position as the largest source       to 14th, among others.

12                     JUNE 2019

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Kerala records seven pc rise in tourist                                                                            Goa embraces India’s first
                                                                                                                   Electric Vehicle Tourism
arrivals in January to March 2019
                                                                                                                   As Goa welcomes India’s maiden Electric
Tourist arrivals in Kerala shot                                                                                    Vehicle initiatives, the tourism sector in the
up by 6.82 per cent in the first                                                                                   state witnesses a surge. Samarth Kholkar,
quarter of 2019, as compared                                                                                       CEO and Co-founder, B: Live explains the
to the statistics recorded last                                                                                    idea behind the initiative. B: Live is India’s
year. The total number of tourist                                                                                  first Electric Vehicle tourism venture.
arrivals (both domestic and foreign)                                                                               “Our objective is to create a scalable and
during January to March 2019, was                                                                                  profitable business by driving sustainable and
46,12,937 as compared to 43,18,406                                                                                 Experiential tourism on electric Vehicles. We
during the same period in 2018.                                                                                    are in the business of creating remarkable,
The number of domestic tourists                                                                                    authentic and unique experiences through
arriving in the state was 41,90,468     swathes of the state, affecting its   the confidence of tourists,” said    sustainable mobility on electric vehicles.
as against the figures of 38,77,712     infrastructure that had a bearing     Tourism Minister Kadakampally        Our company offers experiential tours on
during the corresponding period         on the tourism sector. There          Surendran. “The uptick in domestic   electric cycles for tourists who are looking
in 2018, registering an increase of     was rampant apprehension that         tourist arrivals is a strong         for authentic and immersive experiences in
8.07 per cent. However, the arrival     Kerala’s tourism would take a         testimony to it.” Ernakulam, with    Goa. This service has unique curated routes
of foreign tourists suffered a dip      long time to recover. But we were     an increase of 108,169 domestic      and experiences which allow the tourists to
of 4.14 per cent. “Last year’s floods   able to allay these apprehensions     tourists, registered the highest     discover the hidden gems with well-qualified
were unprecedented in fury and          by swiftly putting in place an        growth among the 14 districts of     tourist guides. The Electric Cycles ensure the
devastation and it battered large       effective action plan to win back     the state.                           service is more inclusive,” said Kholkar.

   IRCTC offers affordable Shillong,                                                  Orchha makes it to tentative list of
   Guwahati Tour Package                                                              UNESCO World Heritage sites
   IRCTC Tourism offers a                   a visit to Don Bosco Museum,              The historical town of Orchha
   range of tour packages to                Lady Hydari Park and Wards                in Madhya Pradesh has been
   destinations within the                  Lake. On the second day,                  included in UNESCO’s tentative
   country and abroad. IRCTC or             travellers will proceed for a             list of World Heritage Sites.
   Indian Railway Catering and              day trip to Cherrapunji. Visits           Surendra Singh Baghel,
   Tourism Corporation Tourism              can be made to Elephanta                  Minister of Tourism & Narmada
   is offering Splendour North              Falls, Nawkhalikai Falls,                 Valley Development Authority
   East Air Package - to Guwahati           Mawsmai Caves Dwan Syiem                  (NVDA) shared in a statement
   and Shillong from Kolkata at             View Point, Eco Park, Seven               that a detailed proposal
   a starting tariff of INR 19,819          Sisters Falls and Ramkrishna              was made by the tourism
   per person, according to its             Mission. Day three will include           department in collaboration         palaces: Jahangir Palace, Raj
   website. The tour will be for            a visit to Mawlynnong. In the             with Archaeological Survey of       Mahal, Sheesh Mahal, and Rai
   four nights and five days and            evening, travellers will return           India (ASI) and was sent to the     Praveen Mahal -- and for its
   will commence from Kolkata               back to Shillong for dinner               UNESCO in this regard. Mandu        concept of open bungalows,
   on August 10. The package will           and an overnight stay. On                 is already included in UNESCO’s     stonework windows, and
   include economy class flight             the fourth day, they would                tentative list.                     animal statues depicting the
   bookings of IndiGo.                      be taken to Guwahati and                     Orchha near Jhansi is one of     culture of Bundelkhand. It is
      On the first day, passengers          checked-in to the hotel. The              the biggest tourist attractions     the only place in India where
   will be flown to Guwahati on             passengers can go for local               in Madhya Pradesh and home to       Lord Ram is worshipped as a
   an IndiGo flight from Kolkata            sightseeing on this day. On               some unique architecture and        king with a dedicated temple
   and transferred to Shillong              the fifth day, travellers would           buildings. Nestled on the banks     in his name called Sri Ram
   upon arrival at Guwahati. On             check out from the hotel and              of river Betwa, it was founded in   Raja Mandir. The majestic River
   way to Shillong, the travellers          will be taken to visit Kamakhya           the 16th century by the Bundela     Betwa flows through the town
   will be taken to Umiam Lake              Temple. Later, they will be               Rajput Chief, Rudra Pratap.         of Orchha, enchanting visitors
   in Shillong, following check-in          transferred to the airport for            The town is also famous for its     with a picturesque sunset view
   to the hotel, after which, the           the return flight to Kolkata,             two elevated minarets called        while they explore the ruined
   individuals will be taken for            according to IRCTC Tourism.               Saavan and Bhadon and its four      settlement.

14                     JUNE 2019

     The new addresses for your next MICE trip
One of the most significant facets of MICE tourism, today, is the need of discovering an accurately-suited
 convention centre. To accommodate this demand in today’s revived economy and a growing need for
 venues with widely accessible technology, convention centres across the globe are expanding to stay
 ahead of the curve. Incredible convention centres aren’t limited to the frequently-visited destinations
        anymore; MICEInsiders shares a few of the favourites that are emerging yet making it big
                                                                       By Sayanti Halder

 Fira Barcelona Gran Via Conference Centre, Spain
 It is a fact that Spain is beyond Churros, Paella, museums and flamingo dancing and the Fira Barcelona Gran Via Conference Centre is a perfect example of this
 fact. The Fira Barcelona Gran Via Conference Centre is located in a new business development area, very close to Barcelona airport and connected to the public
 transport network. It is a huge building with interesting modern designs and is one of the largest and most modern venues in Europe, designed by the Japanese
 architect Toyo Ito. Its outstanding features are its architecture, functionality and commitment to sustainability; it has one of the largest rooftop photovoltaic
 installations. The eight pavilions, connected by a walkway that channels the flow of visitors, provide cutting-edge services and logistics.

16                  JUNE 2019

Milano Congressi or Milano Convention
Center, Italy
Milano Convention Centre (MiCo) or the popularly-
known Milano Congressi is the congress centre in
Milan, Italy. MiCo is home to the most important
international association and corporate events
that choose it for its features of 18.000 seats, 65
conference rooms and 50,000 square meters of
exhibition space, organisational skills and the
expertise, the cutting-edge technology, the variety
and flexibility of the offer and the services. The
spaces covering an area of almost 80,000 square
meters are designed for maximum flexibility and the
most intuitive connection of the areas, which is why
all the rooms are modular and can accommodate
from 20 to 4000 people in theatre style of seating.

Vancouver Convention Center, British
Located on Vancouver’s waterfront with a dramatic
mountain backdrop, the award-winning Vancouver
Convention Centre offers one of the most beautiful
settings in the world and convenient access to all
the major visitor amenities in the downtown core.
As British Columbia’s flagship convention centre,
the facility hosts over 500 events and welcomes
thousands of attendees each year. Since its opening,
their mandate has been to generate economic and
community benefits for British Columbia through
the management and marketing of the province’s
premier convention and exhibition facility. To elevate
Vancouver as the preferred convention destination,
the Vancouver Convention Center is creating
inspiring and sustainable experiences for its clients
and visitors.

Tivoli Congress Center, Denmark
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center is designed by
Kim Utzon Architects and is one of Copenhagen’s
largest congress and conference venues. The
impressive Tivoli Congress Hall can accommodate
up to 2,400 people and is particularly suitable for
meetings, exhibitions, lectures and large company
parties. An additional 52 conference rooms and
two auditoriums of varying sizes can be combined
in a myriad of ways and thus cover every need for
events with a total of up to 5,500 participants. With
a location in the heart of Copenhagen, Tivoli Hotel &
Congress Center can give the meeting participants
direct access to shopping, rides, museums,
architecture and nature with minimal transport

                JUNE 2019                        17

Indian groups to visit Ireland with Thomas Cook and Tourism Ireland
Thomas Cook India is set to bring        purposes spending almost three
650 Indian visitors to Ireland over      times more than a leisure visitor – so
the coming weeks. Four groups,           we are delighted that Thomas Cook
totalling 650, will travel to Ireland    India has chosen Ireland for the
here between now and early July.         2019 reward trip for these business
The visiting groups represent MICE       executives,” said Huzan Fraser
professionals and are made up of         Motivala, Tourism Ireland-India. “We
top performing senior business           know that companies such as Thomas
executives, who travel to different      Cook India are looking for truly
overseas destinations each year, as a    unique experiences for their reward
reward for their performance over the    programmes, so this visit is good
previous year. In 2018, an estimated     news indeed and presents us with an      delighted with the amazing support       handpicked unique inclusions and
45,000 visitors from India visited       excellent opportunity to showcase        from Huzan and Team Tourism              engaging experiences that showcase
Ireland.                                 Ireland as a premier destination.”       Ireland, that has been invaluable in     Ireland to this critical segment of
   “Business tourism is one of the          Rajeev Kale, President & Country      our successful pitch and confirmation    decision makers and travel influencers
most lucrative forms of tourism, with    Head- Holidays, MICE & Visa Services,    of four prestigious corporate MICE       and we look forward to sending many
visitors travelling here for business    Thomas Cook India, said, “I am           groups to Destination Ireland. We’ve     more such groups in future.”

   Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
   reaches 15,000 events’ milestone
   As the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre gears        report also saw Kuala Lumpur climb to 34th
   up to open its expansion in July, the venue is     for international meetings - up to four spots on
   proud of its contribution to Malaysia jumping      the previous year and retain its 10th position
   one place to ninth in the Asia-Pacific and the     in the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East region.

                                                                                                             Hong Kong registers a
   Middle East region according to the latest         According to the Centre’s GM, Alan Pryor, “We
   ICCA (International Convention & Conference        are delighted that, of the 68 meetings held in the

                                                                                                             growth of 7.3 per cent
   Association) Country and City Rankings 2018.       city, 32 per cent or 22 were held at the centre,
   Malaysia held 134 meetings in 2018, which          attracting more than 20,000 participants to

                                                                                                             from India
   moved the country up four places to 33rd           Kuala Lumpur that contributed over RM 147
   position in the overall ICCA rankings. The         million in economic impact to Malaysia.”

                                                                                                             Hong Kong had registered a growth of 7.3 per cent
                                                                                                             from India as close to 83,000 Indian visitors arrived
   Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+) 2019                                                                     into Hong Kong in Q1 2019. While Delhi, Mumbai and
                                                                                                             Bengaluru continue top three source markets; there

   concludes in Pattaya                                                                                      is a growing demand from Ahmedabad, Cochin
                                                                                                             and Pune. In 2018, 50 per cent of overnight visitor
   Thailand’s most important B2B travel trade         new sense of direction in a rapidly evolving           arrivals were from the young mid-career segment
   show, the Thailand Travel Mart Plus ‘Amazing       and highly competitive global environment.             and we also saw growth in a family segment that
   Gateway to the Greater Mekong Subregion’           The overall focus of the show was Thailand’s           contributed close of 34 per cent of overnight visitor
   (TTM+) 2019, kick-started on June 5. Under         emerging destinations nationwide, 55                   arrivals from India with an average length of stay of
   the theme of ‘New Shades of Emerging               provinces with spectacular beauty, heritage,           four nights.
   Destinations’, TTM+ 2019 has attracted a total     cultural and culinary attractions.                        Puneet Kumar, Director, Market Development
   of 351 buyers (including 50 Indian buyers),           Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor said, “This         (India) at Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) shared,
   371 sellers, and around 130 international and      year’s theme reflects a strong continuation            “We want Hong Kong to stay on top of mind among
   domestic media. For the second consecutive         of our long-standing strategy to promote our           Indian travellers and to continue building their
   year, the event is being held at the Ocean         emerging destinations with the aim of creating         affinity towards Hong Kong. In 2019, our focus is to
   Marina Yacht Club, Pattaya, the biggest marina     jobs and distributing revenue nationwide,              efficiently communicate and engage with the young
   in Southeast Asia. The mart that lasted for        from major cities to local communities, while          affluent Indian travellers to bring alive Hong Kong’s
   three days, came back this year in a bigger        creating sustainability by balancing the               core experiences such as living culture and festivals,
   and brighter format that clearly reflects the      number of visitors to the destinations.”               rejuvenated local neighborhoods, soft adventure
                                                                                                             and more.”

18                   JUNE 2019

Oman Tourism conducts three-city India roadshow
Continuing its outreach in India, the     and inbound arrivals from India have
Ministry of Tourism, Oman conducted       significantly increased in the last few
roadshows in Bengaluru, Pune and          years. India represents a substantial
Mumbai. As part of this exercise,         and vast market for Oman, given the
the Ministry along with destination       high percentage of travellers willing
management companies, hotels,             to travel abroad and experience new
attraction operators and Oman Air         destinations. We have been observing
connected with over 200 notable           a steady year-on-year increase in
travel and tour companies. The            tourist arrivals to Oman from India
interactive platform, with pre-fixed      and are extremely pleased with the
meetings, allowed trade partners          consistent growth. While Mumbai is
s to network and learn more about         one of our primary source markets,        and Oman fits the bill perfectly.” In       Keeping up with this growth trajectory,
the diverse product offerings and         Bengaluru and Pune have shown             2018, Oman recorded 12.37 pc growth         Oman has already witnessed a 17 per
experiences that Oman has to offer.       immense potential as we see a rise        in Indian tourist arrivals with 357,147     cent increase in the period of January
   Lubaina Sheerazi, India                in the number of outbound travellers      travellers visiting the country vis-à-      to April 2019 with 130,011 Indian
Representative, Ministry of Tourism,      from these cities. They are constantly    vis 317,844 in 2017 making India as         visitors to Oman in comparison to
Oman said, “Tourism is on the rise        on the lookout for unique destinations    the second highest source market.           111,123 during the same period in 2018.

   AWEX, Visit Brussels and Wallonia Belgium Tourism organised an
   educational workshop
   Wallonia in India (AWEX Mumbai), Visit Brussels and Wallonia Belgium             Introducing Wallonia to the audience, Emmanuelle Timmermans, Trade and
   Tourism jointly organised a destination training workshop in association         Investment Commissioner from AWEX said, “We realised that even regular
   with Maratha Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture and TAAP in            visitors to Belgium are not always aware of some of the hidden gems of
   Pune, recently. The presentation highlighted the hidden gems of Belgium.         Belgium. One of those is the new sensational city of Dinant, which was voted
                                                                                    one of Europe’s Best Destinations in 2019.”
                                                                                       She highlighted the most popular tourist attractions in Wallonia. Talking
                                                                                    on Belgium’s promotional goals for 2019 and 2020, Timmermans said,
                                                                                    “We would like to attract an increased number of visitors from India to our
                                                                                    Region. Wallonia tourism is truly hidden as many truths are unknown to the
                                                                                    world. Tourism trends are changing now, tourists believe more in unique
                                                                                    experiences such as amazing activities, beautiful memories and mysterious
                                                                                    places. Wallonia is one destination for all generation group and for all type
                                                                                    of tourism interests let it be, FIT, Luxury, family, MICE or educational tourism,
                                                                                    Wallonia has lots to offer to everyone.”

Botswana implored to adopt the MICE
strategy for the development
According to a recent report, MICE can make             its potential benefits for Botswana is not only
Botswana a leading tourism destination, an African      desirable, but also needful,” she added while
diamond capital and contribute to sustainable           commenting that the growth of such segment had
tourism development, African Tourism Partners,          made the development of MICE tourism relevant.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kwakye Dankor                Botswana was strengthened revenue could
has said. Speaking during the MICE symposium            be earned and unemployment would be solved.
in Gaborone on June 3, 2019, Dankor said that           Dankor pointed out that there was a lack of
worldwide practice showed that every fourth             appreciation and understanding for the tourism           trends in tourists’ demands created possibilities
individual out of tens of millions people goes abroad   industry saying other countries especially the           for many countries to be competitive in the
on a business trip once in a while. “International      Asian and European countries had made the                international market, adding that business travel
practice in Meetings, Incentives, Congresses,           tourism industry a priority hence they received          managers expected business travel to increase in
Exhibitions (MICE) tourism development and              more arrivals of tourists. She stated that the new       the coming years.

20                    JUNE 2019
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Redefining Purpose
and Partnerships
The worldwide exhibition for incentive travel,
meetings and events return to Frankfurt that
recreated a wider platform for the top MICE
players across the globe between May 21 and 23
2019, bringing together destinations, venues, tech
providers and more, recently at Messe Frankfurt,
Germany. Among the many exhibitors, New Zealand,
Senses of Cuba, Barcelona Convention Bureau, Visit
Brussels, Kempinski Hotels, Melia Hotels and Latvia.
During the three days of the trade show, planners
met with more than 3,500 suppliers from every
sector of the global meetings and events industry.
   The event has been hailed as a success with
over and above 300 international key MICE players      concern that greenwashing and the perception of          preshow education day, ‘EduMonday’ that took
attending. Guests enjoyed networking with key          events as wasteful and could decrease demand             place on May 20 included ‘She Means Business’ - a
industry professionals and also experience a real      for events in the future, particularly if these issues   conference celebrating the role of women in the
hologram in action, sharing thoughts on the present    become a political focal point around the world. A       meetings industry. EduMonday began with a keynote
as well as the future MICE event technologies,         common refrain across IMEX Frankfurt has been            speaker after which, the programme offered
as well as win unique round trip to Oman.              not only the value of events to destinations but also    learning opportunities in the industry in both
IMEX Frankfurt 2019 was hosted at the Mantis           the narrative that the sector will continue to grow      German and English. Also, on May 21, Ovation Global
Roofgarden, Frankfurt.                                 quickly in a time of relative economic uncertainty.      DMC, Marriott International, Dorier Group and Oman
   At IMEX Frankfurt this year, the usual parade of    Not everyone buys into this narrative, though.           Tourism Board (Ministry of Oman) hosted the second
promotion and celebration was on display around           The four-day event of 2019’s edition of IMEX in       edition of ‘TechnOvation’, the only tech after work
the show floor. Concern about the industry’s           Frankfurt also featured many of the content ideas        event at IMEX Frankfurt. Marriott International
future, though, was common in discussion with          and feedback, received this year. Reflecting current     together with Oman Tourism also offered a prize
leaders, particularly in the areas of sustainability   trends within the events industry and the world          of direct flight and accommodation for three-days
and the health of group bookings overall. This year,   at large, topics such as diversity and inclusion,        and night stay in the fabulous W Muscat in Oman,
sustainability became a stronger focus for the         collaboration and co-creation plus the circular          part of Marriott International. This prize enables the
meetings and events sector but some raised the         economy were explored. In addition to this, IMEX’s       winner to experience first-hand one of the premium
                                                                                                                destinations offered by Ovation Global DMC.
                                                                                                                   IMEX Chairman Ray Bloom described the 2019
                                                                                                                show in Frankfurt, which drew to a close on 23
                                                                                                                May, as “an outstanding week of business, learning
                                                                                                                and experiences to stir the imagination”. The
                                                                                                                IMEX Chairman claimed the show as the largest
                                                                                                                ever IMEX. “There had been approximately 4,500
                                                                                                                exhibitors and 3,800 hosted buyers”, he said. IMEX
                                                                                                                CEO Carina Bauer picked that the experiences in the
                                                                                                                new Discovery Zone and fresh ideas in the Red Lab
                                                                                                                and the new technology as show standouts. The
                                                                                                                social side of the show included a five-kilometre
                                                                                                                IMEXrun, Association Evening and SITE Nite, while
                                                                                                                the gala dinner saw major industry awards handed
                                                                                                                out. The dates for 2020’s version of IMEX Frankfurt
                                                                                                                got announced as on May 12 to 14, 2020.

22                   JUNE 2019
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