Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA

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Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
EPA 601/K-15/001 | November 2015 | www.epa.gov/research

                                     Homeland Security
                                                                    2016 – 2019

Office of Research and Development
Homeland Security
Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
EPA 601/K-15/001

    Homeland Security
Strategic Research Action Plan 2016–2019

        U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                   November 2015
Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
Table of Contents

List of Acronyms�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ii
Executive Summary��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Environmental Problems and Program Purpose������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
		     Problem Statement�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
		     Program Vision��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Program Design���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
		     Building on the 2012–2016 Research Program�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
		     EPA Partner and Stakeholder Involvement�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
		     Integration across Research Programs��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
		     Research to Support EPA Strategic Plan������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
		     Statutory and Policy Context���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Research Program Objectives���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Research Topics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
		     Topic 1: Characterizing Contamination and Assessing Exposure���������������������������������������������������� 12
		     Topic 2: Water System Security and Resilience������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17
		     Topic 3: Remediating Wide Areas�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
Anticipated Research Accomplishments and Projected Impacts��������������������������������������������������������� 23
Conclusions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
Appendix: Table of Proposed Outputs, Homeland Security Research Program FY16–19��������������������� 27

Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
List of Acronyms
ACE 		     Air, Climate, and Energy
BOTE 		    Bio-Response Operational Testing and Evaluation
CBR 		     Chemical, Biological, and Radiological agents
CBRN 		    Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear
CIPAC 		   Critical Infrastructure Protection Advisory Committee
CSS 		     Chemical Safety for Sustainability
DHHS 		    Department of Health and Human Services
DHS 		     Department of Homeland Security
DOD 		     Department of Defense
EPA 		     Environmental Protection Agency
ERLN 		    Environmental Response Laboratory Network
FSMA 		    Food Safety Modernization Act
HHRA 		    Human Health Risk Assessment
HSRP 		    Homeland Security Research Program
NSTC 		    White House’s National Science and Technology Council
OAR 		     Office of Air and Radiation
OCSPP      Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
OECA 		    Office of Enforcement and Compliance
ORD 		     Office of Research and Development
OSWER      Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
OW 		      Office of Water
SAM 		     Selected Analytical Methods
SCADA      Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCID 		    Sample Collection Information Document
SHC 		     Sustainable and Healthy Communities
SPORE      Scientific Program on Reaerosolization and Exposure
SSWR 		    Safe and Sustainable Water Resources
USDA 		    United States Department of Agriculture
VSAT 		    Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool
WCIT 		    Water Contaminant Information Tool
WLA 		     Water Laboratory Alliance

Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
Executive Summary
EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s (ORD) Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP)
aims to help increase the capabilities of EPA and communities to prepare for and respond to
chemical, biological, and radiological disasters. Enhancing these capabilities will lead to improved
resiliency of our nation to environmental catastrophes. Disasters resulting in environmental threats
to public health and the ecosystem may be manmade or naturally occurring incidents including,
for example, terrorist use of anthrax spores in 2001, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, and
Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

The Homeland Security Strategic Research Action Plan, 2016–2019 (StRAP FY16–19) is a four-year
research strategy designed to meet the following objectives:

		 •    Improve water utilities’ abilities to prepare for and respond to incidents that threaten
			     public health; and
		 •    Advance EPA’s capabilities to respond to wide-area contamination incidents.

EPA’s homeland security research is organized into three topic areas that support these objectives:
(1) characterizing contamination and assessing exposure; (2) water system security and resilience;
and (3) remediating wide areas. Short- and long-term aims within the topics outline a strategy for
addressing the objectives.

HSRP carries out applied research that aims to deliver relevant and timely methods, tools, data, and
technologies to those who carry out EPA’s homeland security mission. To accomplish this aim, we
engage our Agency customers throughout the research life cycle – identifying scientific capability
gaps, performing research to address the gaps, and formulating and delivering the products that fill
the gaps.

HSRP scientific products will improve the resilience of water systems to terrorist attacks or other
manmade and natural disasters. Specifically, utilities will have improved tools and strategies
to manage contaminated systems and approaches to make these systems inherently resilient.
HSRP products also provide the EPA with systems-based approaches for site characterization, risk
assessment, and clean up, including waste management. Such information will help federal, state
and local decision makers select cost-effective, timely options while minimizing the impact to the

Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
The Homeland Security Strategic Research             leading-edge research to provide a solid
Action Plan, 2016–2019 (StRAP FY16–19)               underpinning of science and technology. The
is a four-year strategy to deliver research          HSRP StRAP is one of six research plans, which
results and solutions needed to support EPA’s        each support one of EPA’s national research
overall mission to protect human health and          programs in ORD. The six research programs
the environment, fulfill the EPA’s legislative       are:
mandates, and advance the cross-Agency
priorities identified in the FY 2014–2018 EPA        • Air, Climate, and Energy (ACE)
Strategic Plan1. This strategy outlines how          • Chemical Safety for Sustainability (CSS)
EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s
                                                     • Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP)
Homeland Security Research Program (HSRP)
aims to meet the homeland security science           • Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA)
needs of EPA partners and stakeholders.              • Safe and Sustainable Water Resources
As the science arm of the EPA, EPA’s Office of
Research and Development (ORD) conducts              • Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC)


Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
EPA’s six strategic research action plans are
designed to guide a comprehensive research
portfolio that delivers the science and
engineering solutions the Agency needs to meet
                                                        Problems and Program
its goals and objectives, while also cultivating
a new paradigm for efficient, innovative, and
responsive government and government-                   HSRP’s mission is to conduct research and
sponsored environmental and human health                deliver scientific products to improve EPA’s
research.                                               capability to carry out its homeland security
                                                        responsibilities. Since the 2001 attack on the
Historically, HSRP has focused on filling               World Trade Center and subsequent mailing
science gaps associated with EPA’s work on              of letters containing anthrax, EPA’s homeland
terrorist attacks involving chemical, biological,       security efforts have focused on preparing for
radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) contamination.         and responding to purposeful deployment by
EPA, along with other federal agencies, now             terrorists of toxic CBRN substances. HSRP has
recognizes that the activities associated with          supported the agency by conducting a broad
preparing for a response to non-terror disasters        program of CBRN research for over a decade.
(e.g., chemical accidents, hurricanes) and acts
of terror (e.g., ricin or anthrax spores in the         The U.S. Government has recognized that
mail, contamination of a water system) are              preparing for and responding to most disasters,
often the same. Thus, although terror-related           manmade or natural, have common elements
research remains its core, HSRP is beginning to         (The White House, 2011). Recent major
address a broader set of disasters.                     disasters in the United States (the Deepwater
                                                        Horizon oil spill in 2010, Superstorm Sandy in
In this way, HSRP carries out work in the core          2012, the Oklahoma tornados in 2013, the
areas of EPA’s disaster response mission. These         West Virginia water contamination incident in
areas include developing standardized sample            2014, and the avian flu outbreak in the poultry
collection, analysis methods, and strategy              industry in 2015) and abroad (Fukushima
options for characterization of contamination           Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011) illustrate
so that risk can be assessed and cleanup                the critical need for rapid recovery after all types
approaches considered; developing approaches            of disasters. The federal government’s view of
for preparing water systems for disasters and           homeland security now includes “all hazards”
successfully responding to catastrophes so              as described in Presidential Policy Directive 21:
that access to drinking water by the public
and business operations are maintained or               “The Federal Government shall…take proactive
restored quickly; and developing approaches             steps to manage risk and strengthen the
for cleanup of outdoor areas and buildings so           security and resilience of the Nation’s critical
that the impact of disasters on commerce and            infrastructure, considering all hazards that
personal lives is minimized. Finally, following a       could have a debilitating impact on national
disaster, the program provides expert technical         security, economic stability, public health and
advice and hands-on assistance as needed by             safety, or any combination thereof.“
the response community.                                                       (The White House, 2013)

Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
Communities, therefore, call on EPA to assist          nities to prepare for and more rapidly recover
them in preparing for and recovering from the          from these incidents. Figure 2 illustrates how
environmental aspects of “all hazards” or “all         EPA research related to resilience ultimately
disasters.” The HSRP embraces this broader             supports sustainability.
view of EPA’s homeland security mission and
is evolving its program from strictly addressing
terrorism incidents to the broader set of all

HSRP supports EPA’s responsibilities to prepare
for and respond to acute disasters by conducting
short-term, applied scientific research. The base
of the program focuses on CBRN contamination
resulting from intentional or unintentional
incidents; however, the HSRP also works to find
multiple uses of its research by applying, when
appropriate, its products to gaps in EPA’s ability
to effectively respond to all hazards. Finally,
“all hazards” capability gaps exist that are not
addressed by HSRP’s core program. HSRP will
collaborate with other ORD research programs
and with other federal agencies to address the Figure 1. HSRP’s approach to addressing
most pressing of these gaps. Figure 1 illustrates “All Hazards” capability gaps.
this strategic approach, emphasizing that
terrorism-related work is the foundation of the
program and the “all hazards” efforts are built
on that foundation.

Ultimately, EPA’s efforts to improve communi-
ties’ ability to face and recover from disasters
helps build resilience in these communities.
Improving community resilience is especially
critical for populations that have greater ex-
posure to disasters and are more vulnerable
to their impacts. Developing resilience at the
community level is a critical aspect of building
sustainability. Communities that “prepare for,
absorb and recover” (NRC, 2012) from disasters
will, in turn, have more sustainable economic,
environmental, and social systems. Developing
and transitioning effective tools and guidance                  Figure 2. How EPA research supports
to community decision makers, including water                   sustainability.
utility owners and operators, enables commu-

Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
The following Problem Statement and Program Vision guide the research program:

    Problem Statement
    Natural or manmade disasters often result in environmental pollution that can threaten the
    health of populations and the ecosystems and commerce on which they rely. The United
    States is regularly affected by natural disasters and industrial accidents. It is very difficult for
    communities to be resilient in the face of such acute environmental catastrophes, especially
    if scientifically sound information to make difficult decisions is not readily available.

    Program Vision
    EPA and communities, including water utilities, have the scientific tools they need to prepare
    for and respond to disasters, thereby helping communities achieve resilience to catastrophes.

Program Design
The HSRP StRAP 2016–2019 provides a vision                    that products maximize response and cleanup
and blueprint for advancing homeland security                 efforts and minimize unintended consequences
research in ways that meet legislative man-                   of decisions. This in turn minimizes the overall
dates, while addressing the highest priorities of             cost and recovery time. Figure 3 illustrates a
Agency partners and stakeholders. Accordingly,                simplified systems diagram for the prepared-
it was developed with considerable input and                  ness – response – decontamination/waste man-
support from EPA program offices and regions,                 agement cycle associated with an environmen-
as well as outside stakeholders including sister              tal disaster. The red explosion indicates the
federal agencies, state and local agencies, and               beginning of the incident and the text boxes in-
colleagues across the scientific community.                   dicate the various activities conducted pre- and
Building on the 2012–2016
Research Program
The current HSRP builds on the 2012–2016
StRAP2 (U.S. EPA, 2012). StRAP FY12–16 intro-
duced the idea that EPA’s homeland security
responsibilities are comprised of interconnect-
ed systems of activities: actions taken for one
activity could impact, negatively or positively,
another activity. Thus, a “systems approach”3
requires consideration of these interdependen-
cies prior to making decisions and taking action.
This “systems” view is furthered in the StRAP
FY16-19 and continues to guide research so
                                                              Figure 3. Systems diagram for response and remediation
                                                              after an environmental disaster.
 Systems approaches, including systems-based solutions, aim to understand a system in totality through analyzing its various
components while still understanding how these components interact. These approaches also aim to understand the system at
many levels. In this context, the “system” here is the incident response and recovery efforts composed of many interconnected
activities such as constructing a sampling strategy, selecting a cleanup technology, and managing wastes.

Homeland Security STRATEGIC RESEARCH ACTION PLAN 2016 2019 - EPA
The 2012–2016 StRAP outlined the HSRP’s initial         In addition, because the EPA is designated by
focus for its water-system-related research,            the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
supporting Homeland Security Presidential               as a Support Agency to the Department of
Directive/HSPD-9 (The White House, 2004). This          Agriculture for response to a food or agriculture
directive established a national policy to defend       emergency, the HSRP is developing methods for
the agriculture and food system (including              cleanup (including carcass disposal) after these
water systems) against terrorist attacks, major         incidents with USDA (FSMA, 2011). Lastly, in
disasters, and other emergencies. For this              support of the Agency’s broadened definition
reason, a significant portion of the program            of homeland security, the program is also
focused on development of contamination                 looking to assist in addressing the needs related
warning strategies for water systems. HSRP              to other environmental disasters through
developed software tools for sensor placement           application of its research products to a broader
and evaluated sensors to support contamination          set of incidents.
monitoring systems. These tools were piloted in
five cities and some are now used in many other         The 2012–2016 StRAP highlighted both field
cities4. As the contaminant warning system              scale demonstrations of remediation and
program has matured, the HSRP has moved                 chemical warfare agent-focused research.
its focus towards methods for response to               While these areas remain important, declining
contamination incidents and science to support          resources and additional partner needs have
development of resilient water systems. This is         led to scope reduction for planned research in
reflected in the current StRAP.                         these areas.

Initial efforts related to building community           EPA Partner and Stakeholder
resilience to disasters, including indoor/              Involvement
outdoor cleanup research outlined in the                Numerous Agency program offices and
previous StRAP, were focused on remediation             regions carry out EPA’s homeland security
of buildings contaminated with traditional              responsibilities while EPA’s Office of Homeland
chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR)            Security coordinates the activities. The primary
agents. Recently, the program completed a               partners for the HSRP include the EPA’s Office
full-scale evaluation of three decontamination          of Water (OW), the Office of Solid Waste and
methods for remediation of a facility                   Emergency Response (OSWER), and each of
contaminated with anthrax surrogate spores              the Agency’s ten Regional Offices across the
(US EPA, 2013). The results from this evaluation        country. In addition, other stakeholders of
were incorporated into a facility remediation           the HSRP also provide critical contributions to
decision support tool (US EPA, 2014a).                  the program, including the Office of Chemical
                                                        Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP), the
Remediation and recovery exercises (e.g., U.S.          Office of Air and Radiation (OAR), the Office of
DHS, 2012), however, have highlighted that              Enforcement and Compliance (OECA), the Office
incidents impacting large portions of cities or         of Policy’s Office of Sustainable Communities,
entire communities will require remediation of          State and local laboratories, and water utilities.
numerous outdoor and semi-enclosed areas (e.g.,
subways) in addition to buildings. The research         The HSRP believes that the end users of our re-
program is now examining clean up methodologies         search will receive the scientific products they
and strategies for these wide areas.                    need only if they are closely involved with the

research program. The HSRP-partner engage-                   others to leverage their homeland security/
     ment involves working together diligently on                 environmental disaster science efforts. These
     each step of product development: identifying                interactions range from high-level strategic
     and prioritizing research needs, implementing                planning and coordination managed by the
     research studies, and designing and delivering               White House’s National Science and Technology
     useful products. To succeed in these efforts,                Council (NSTC)5 to staff-to-staff collaboration
     staff and management in HSRP work together                   on individual research efforts. Figure 4 shows
     continuously with partner organizations.                     these agencies and their response roles in
                                                                  dark blue and light blue boxes, respectively.
     HSRP collaborates extensively with the other                 Directly below, the white boxes describe the
     federal agencies whose missions support                      areas of research collaboration with these
     response to environmental disasters. HSRP                    agencies (described in more detail in the
     works closely with Department of Homeland                    Topics section). HSRP also leverages DOD’s
     Security (DHS), Department of Defense (DOD),                 research to support the warfighter, specifically
     Department of Health and Human Services                      their CBRN decontamination and fate and
     (DHHS), Department of Agriculture (USDA) and                 transport research.

Figure 4. HSRP research collaborations with federal partners in the environmental response context.

      ORD HSRP participates in both the Environment, Natural Resources, and Sustainability and Homeland and National
     Security Committees under the NSTC.

Using the systems understanding of disaster            To accomplish formal integration of research on
preparedness and response, and identifying             significant cross-cutting issues at a high level,
high priority research needs, the program is           EPA developed several research “roadmaps”
organized by topics, under which there are             that identify both ongoing relevant research
specific research areas or projects. The work          and science gaps that need to be filled. The
in the projects produces bodies of data, tools,        roadmaps serve to coordinate research efforts
models, and technologies (“Outputs”) to address        and to provide input that helps shape the future
the capability needs expressed by our partners.        research in each of the six programs. Roadmaps
The anticipated FY16–19 Outputs, organized             have been developed for the following areas:
by project area, are listed in Appendix A.
                                                         • Nitrogen and Co-Pollutants
Integration across Research                              • Children’s Environmental Health
                                                         • Climate Change
Because many of the other ORD programs
conduct research that can be leveraged to                • Environmental Justice
support homeland security research, the HSRP
works closely with the other five programs on          Table 1 indicates that HSRP has research
topics that support the needs of its partners.         activities and interest in identified science gaps
Figure 5 shows the research areas that the             within the Climate Change and Environmental
program leverages in the other five programs.          Justice Research Roadmaps. Specific research
Specific research activities are discussed             integration activities are described in the
further in the Research Topics section, and they       Research Topics section.
range from information sharing to conducting
integrated research efforts.

Figure 5. Areas of research in other ORD programs that are leveraged by HSRP.

Table 1. HS Research Program Contributions to Critical Needs Identified by ORD Roadmaps
Checkmarks indicate a contribution of HSRP activities and interest in the identified science gaps
of the Roadmaps; a blank indicates no substantive role. The research program provides significant
contributions to two of the roadmaps as shown in the table.

                                                              HSRP Topic Area
 ORD Roadmap                       Characterizing
                                                               Remediating       Water System Security
                                 Contamination and
                                                               Wide Areas           and Resilience
                                 Assessing Exposure

 Climate Change                                                                          
 Environmental Justice                                             
 Children’s Health
 Nitrogen & Co-Pollutants

Research to Support EPA Strategic Plan
                                                            EPA Strategic Plan (FY2014–2018)
In support of EPA’s mission to protect human
                                                             Goals and Cross-Agency Strategies
health and the environment, the EPA Strategic
Plan identifies five strategic goals and four cross-
                                                           EPA Strategic Goals
agency strategies (Figure 6). Homeland Security
Research significantly supports Goal 2, “Pro-              Goal 1: Addressing Climate Change and
                                                           			 Improving Air Quality
tecting America’s Waters,” and Goal 3 “Clean-
ing Up Communities and Advancing Sustainable               Goal 2: Protecting America’s Waters
Development.” Under Goal 2, HSRP’s research                Goal 3: Cleaning Up Communities and
supports the “Protecting Human Health” objec-              			 Advancing Sustainable Development
tive by providing scientific products that help            Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals
communities “protect and sustainably manage                			 and Preventing Pollution
drinking water resources.” The HSRP supports               Goal 5: Protecting Human Health and the
the Goal 3 objective to “Promote Sustainable               			 Environment by Enforcing Laws and
and Livable Communities and Restore Land” by               			 Assuring Compliance
providing tools and information to help com-
munities “prepare for and respond to acciden-              Cross-Agency Strategies
tal or intentional releases of contaminants and              • Working Toward a Sustainable Future
clean up.” Homeland Security Research is cata-              • Making a Visible Difference in
logued in this Strategic Plan under Goal 4, “En-           		Communities
suring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing                • Launching a New Era of State, Tribal,
Pollution.” Its research also supports the cross-              Local, and International Partnerships
agency strategies within this plan, specifically            • Embracing EPA as a High-Performing
“Working Toward a Sustainable Future” and                  		Organization
“Making a Visible Difference in Communities”
through research that will “advance sustain-               Figure 6. Summary of EPA Strategic Plan:
                                                           Goals and Cross-Agency Strategies.
ability science, indicators, and tools” (U.S. EPA,
Statutory and Policy Context                                    Research Program
EPA has clearly defined responsibilities
associated with responding to disasters or                      Objectives
acts of terrorism. These responsibilities are
established through a set of laws, Homeland                     The HSRP StRAP FY16–19 is aligned around two
Security Presidential Directives, Presidential                  major research objectives as were described
Policy Directives, Executive Orders, and national               briefly above: (1) improve water utilities’
strategies.6                                                    abilities to prepare for and respond to incidents
EPA’s disaster-related responsibilities can be                  that threaten public health; and (2) advance
summarized into three areas:                                    EPA’s capabilities to respond to wide area
                                                                contamination incidents. These objectives
1. Water systems:
                                                                are directly in line with the EPA’s primary
   (a) Protect water systems from inten-
   tional or unintentional contamination and                    homeland security responsibilities and overall
   (b) Detect and recover from attacks and the                  strategic directions (U.S. EPA, 2014b). These
   effects of disasters by leading efforts to pro-              objectives also allow the program to determine
   vide States and water utilities with guidance,               the needs of its EPA partners related to these
   tools and strategies to enhance resilience,                  responsibilities.
   detect disruptions (including contamina-
   tion), mitigate impacts and efficiently return               Objective 1: Improve water utilities’ abilities
   the systems to service;                                      to prepare for and respond to incidents that
2. Indoors/outdoors:                                            threaten public health.
   Remediate environments contaminated
   with CBRN agents or materials, including                     Disasters, manmade or natural, can impact
   buildings and outdoor areas impacted by
                                                                water utilities’ ability to function. To support
   terrorist attacks or by inadvertent disasters
                                                                disaster preparedness, the HSRP develops
   by leading efforts to establish clean-up goals
   and remediation strategies; and,                             modeling tools that support the design and
3. Laboratories:                                                operation of water systems to decrease their
   Develop a nationwide laboratory network                      vulnerability to disasters. HSRP also builds tools,
   with the capability and capacity to analyze                  technologies, and data to support post-incident
   for CBRN agents during routine monitoring                    responses. Following an incident, HSRP research
   and in response to terrorist attacks and                     helps water utilities detect contamination,
   other disasters.                                             take mitigative actions, determine extent of
The HSRP provides the scientific basis for                      contamination, assess risk, treat water, and
these strategies, tools, guidance, and cleanup                  decontaminate infrastructure. Collectively,
levels, as well as a continual effort to provide                these efforts help improve the resiliency of
laboratories with verified analytical methods.                  water systems faced with inevitable disasters.

 Bioterrorism Act, Presidential Policy Directive-8 National Preparedness, Presidential Policy Directive-21 Critical
Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Homeland Security Presidential Directive-7 Critical Infrastructure Identification,
Prioritization, and Protection, Homeland Security Presidential Directive-9 Defense of United States Agriculture and
Food, Homeland Security Presidential Directive-22 Domestic Chemical Defense, Executive Order-13636 Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity, National Response Framework, and elements of Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking
Water Act, Oil Pollution Act, Clean Air Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

The research that is striving to meet this            The research that is striving to meet this
objective can be summarized to address the            objective can be summarized as work to address
following science questions:                          the following science questions:

Can water systems models be designed                  What social and environmental variables
to enable utilities to be more resilient to           affect a community’s environmental resilience?
disruptions while enhancing daily operations?         What are indicators and metrics of resilient
What technologies, methods, and strategies
for detection and mitigation of contamination         What are the standardized sample collection
in water systems best minimize public health          and analysis methods and strategies for
consequences?                                         characterization of contamination that enable
                                                      an expedient remediation?
What are the standardized sample collection
and analysis methods and strategies for               Can exposure pathways and models be
characterization of contamination that allow a        improved to better inform risk assessment and
water utility to quickly return to service?           risk management decisions after a wide area
                                                      contamination incident?
Can exposure pathways and models be
improved to better inform risk assessment and         What technologies, methods, and strategies
risk management decisions for water-related           are effective for mitigating the impacts of the
exposures?                                            contamination and for reducing the potential
What methodologies and strategies are most
effective (minimize cost while protecting             What technologies, methods, and strategies
human health and the environment) for water           are best suited (minimize cost while protecting
infrastructure decontamination and water              human health and the environment) for
treatment?                                            cleanup of indoor and outdoor areas (including
                                                      management of waste)?
How can HSRP place its research in a decision-
maker-friendly format for use by EPA water            How can HSRP place its research in a decision-
partners and water utilities?                         maker-friendly format for use by EPA partners
                                                      and State and local decision makers?
Objective 2: Advance EPA’s capabilities to
respond to wide area contamination incidents.         Because this program supports time-critical
                                                      response to disasters, our results must be
Terrorist incidents or natural disasters can          available in quickly accessible, usable, and
result in wide area contamination with CBRN           concise formats for decision makers. As
agents or materials. EPA needs effective and          evidenced by the science challenges within
affordable cleanup strategies and methods             each of the two objectives outlined above,
to enable successful recovery by affected             HSRP aims to deliver science synthesis products
communities. After a wide-area contamination          into the hands of end users by making this
incident occurs, HSRP products can be used to         information available through existing, widely
assist in determining the nature and extent of        used information databases and supporting
the problem, assessing risk, choosing the best        this work with technical assistance. The primary
cleanup approach, and managing the resulting          metric of the program’s success is the use of its
contaminated wastes. Communities are also             research in databases, guidance, and training
looking for ways to holistically assess their         developed by its EPA partners and external
environmental resilience to disasters.                stakeholders.

Research Topics                                               Remediating Wide Areas
                                                              Fill critical gaps in science and technology to
                                                              inform selection and implementation of con-
The Research Objectives described above serve
                                                              tamination mitigation and cleanup technolo-
as the overarching framework for more focused
                                                              gies, remediation monitoring approaches,
research topics that guide specific research and
                                                              treatment and disposal tactics for contaminat-
development activities. The research topics are:
                                                              ed wastes, and strategies for confirmation of
                                                              successful cleanup.
Characterizing Contamination and Assessing
                                                              Each of the three research topics and
Develop sample collection and analysis meth-
                                                              corresponding science questions are listed
ods that increase the capability and capacity of
                                                              in Table 2 along with their related near- and
the Agency’s Environmental Response Labora-
                                                              long-term aims.
tory Network (ERLN) (which includes the Water
Laboratory Alliance (WLA))7 to respond to both
                                                              Topic 1: Characterizing
water-related and wide area contaminations.
Provide the science needed to establish sam-
                                                              Contamination and Assessing
pling strategies for indoor and outdoor areas                 Exposure
that provide the maximum amount of infor-                     Following a chemical, biological, or radiological
mation regarding the extent of contamination                  incident, EPA will oversee site characterization
while minimizing the sampling and laboratory                  and remediation of contaminated water sys-
resources required. Develop methods to assess                 tems and indoor and outdoor areas. Additional
exposure pathways and utilize exposure model-                 contamination characterization may be re-
ing for CBRN contaminants to support risk as-                 quired during the cleanup operations to assess
sessment.                                                     progress and to characterize waste streams,
                                                              and may inform clearance decisions. EPA’s OS-
Water System Security and Resilience                          WER constructed the ERLN to establish the ca-
Develop water systems models that enable util-                pability and capacity for site characterization
ities to design and operate their water systems               and remediation after national scale incidents.
so that they are more resilient to intentional at-
tacks or natural disasters including understand-              Because site characterization data informs de-
ing the implications of various operational and               cisions regarding remediation, including deter-
design decisions on the overall resilience of                 mining the efficacy of the cleanup efforts, it is
the system. Develop approaches for detecting                  important to understand how to relate these
and responding to a water system contamina-                   data to risk assessment. Using these data in risk
tion event or other system disruptions. Develop               assessment is not straightforward, particularly
methods to decontaminate water systems and                    for microbial contamination. This is due to the
treat contaminated water. Includes drinking                   uncertainty and variability in the field data as
water and wastewater systems.                                 well as the uncertainty of how to estimate ex-

 A nationwide laboratory network with the capability and capacity to analyze for CBRN agents during routine monitoring
and in response to terrorist attacks and other disasters. The WLA includes water utility laboratories.

Table 2.  Research topics, science questions, near-term aims, and long-term aims for the
Homeland Security Research Program

HSRP Research Topics   Science Question           Near-Term Aim             Long-Term Aim
Characterizing         What are the               Innovative                Verified sampling
Contamination and      standardized sample        sample strategy           strategy options to
Assessing Exposure     collection and             options, sample           maximize needed
                       analysis methods           collection methods,       characterization
                       and strategies for         and analytical            information and
                       characterization of        protocols. Improved       methods that improve
                       contamination?             understanding             laboratory capability
                                                  of sampling data          and capacity.
                                                  management and
                       Can exposure               Evaluation/               Exposure assessment
                       pathways and models        modification of           models incorporated
                       be improved to better      existing exposure         into water security
                       inform risk assessment     models for water-         and resilience tools.
                       and risk management        related exposures.
                       decisions for water-
                       related exposures?
                       Can exposure               Evaluation/               Modeling tools to
                       pathways and models        modification of           support exposure
                       be improved to better      existing exposure         assessment
                       inform risk assessment     assessment models for     for biological
                       and risk management        CBRN contaminants         and chemical
                       decisions after a wide     for inclusion into        contaminants.
                       area contamination         modeling tools.
                       How can the program        Incorporation of          Use of HSRP
                       place its research in      research results into     developed models and
                       a decision maker-          widely used databases     methods by the ERLN
                       friendly format for use    and guidance              and EPA.
                       by EPA partners, water     documents.
                       utilities, and State and
                       local decision makers?
Water System           Can water systems          Water systems models      Water systems models
Security and           models be designed         that allow water          for water utilities to
Resilience             to enable utilities        utilities to evaluate     improve their security
                       to be more resilient       their security and        and operational
                       to disruptions while       operational resilience.   resilience.
                       enhancing daily

Table 2. (continued) Research topics, science questions, near-term aims, and long-term aims
for the Homeland Security Research Program

HSRP Research Topics   Science Question          Near-Term Aim              Long-Term Aim
                       What technologies,        Evaluations                Effective technologies
                       methods, and              of detection               and methods for
                       strategies for            and mitigation             detection and
                       detection and             technologies and           mitigation for water
                       mitigation of             methods for water          systems.
                       contamination in          systems.
                       water systems best
                       minimize public health
                       What methodologies        Assessments of             Verified customizable
                       and strategies are        methodologies              approaches for
                       most effective for        and strategies for         water infrastructure
                       water infrastructure      water infrastructure       decontamination and
                       decontamination and       decontamination and        water treatment.
                       water treatment?          water treatment.
                       How can the program       Incorporation of           Use of HSRP water
                       place its research in     research results           security and resilience
                       a decision maker-         into widely used           tools and data by EPA
                       friendly format for use   databases and              partners and water
                       by EPA water partners     guidance documents         utilities.
                       and water utilities?      (e.g., Office of Water’s
                                                 Water Contaminant
                                                 Information Tool).
Remediating Wide       What are indicators       Determination of           Tool to support
Areas                  of community              the coupled human          community
                       environmental             and natural system         resilience to risks
                       resilience and how        variables that             from environmental
                       can existing tools        affect community           disasters.
                       incorporate these         environmental
                       indicators?               resilience.
                       What technologies,       Evaluations of              Effective methods for
                       methods, and             mitigation methods.         mitigation.
                       strategies are effective
                       for mitigating the
                       impacts of the
                       contamination and for
                       reducing the potential

Table 2. (continued) Research topics, science questions, near-term aims, and long-term aims
for the Homeland Security Research Program

 HSRP Research Topics      Science Question           Near-Term Aim               Long-Term Aim
                           What technologies,         Development of              Informed decision
                           methods, and               effective cleanup           support tools for wide
                           strategies are most        methodologies and           area response and
                           effective (minimize        strategies (including       remediation (including
                           cost while protecting      waste management)           waste management).
                           human health and           for complex
                           the environment)           environments.
                           for cleanup of             Improving capability,
                           indoor and outdoor         capacity, and
                           areas (including           scalability of
                           management of              remediation methods.
                           How can the program        Incorporation of            Use of HSRP tools and
                           place its research in      research results into       data by EPA partners
                           a decision maker-          widely used databases       and State and local
                           friendly format for        and guidance                planners.
                           use by EPA partners        documents.
                           and State and local
                           decision makers?

In this topic, the HSRP develops standardized             for wide area contamination incidents. This
sample collection and analysis methods and                topic also addresses optimal approaches for
strategies for characterization of contamina-             translating research to enable urgent decision
tion to support the ERLN and other Agency                 making by EPA’s response community. Priorities
partners. Specifically by filling gaps in the sci-        in this area are identified through discussions
ence needed to: (1) improve the capability by             with EPA and external partners who are part of
developing, standardizing, and verifying sample           the ERLN.
collection, sample preparation, and analytical
methods for CBRN agents; and (2) increase the                 Assessment of existing exposure
capacity by enhancing the efficiency of these                   assessment methodology for
methods. Additionally, the program conducts                 microbial data - connecting exposure
research that assists in establishing sampling                 assessment to sampling data
strategies and data management options for
indoor and outdoor areas that provide the                    After an anthrax release, the potential for
                                                             human exposure will be considered when
maximum amount of information regarding
                                                              response and remediation decisions are
the extent of contamination while minimiz-                   made. Research is underway to determine
ing the sampling and laboratory resources                       how sampling data can be related to
required. Research also supports risk assess-                human exposure and if existing exposure
ment and risk management decisions, specifi-                    assessment methods (developed for
cally addressing the science questions related               chemical contaminants) are appropriate.
to exposure pathways and models. Over time,
this topic will evolve to focus more on science
to inform sampling strategies, a key challenge

Some specific areas of research are:                             methods to characterize a site contaminated
                                                                 with CBRN materials and to monitor cleanup
• Sampling Strategy for Anthrax                                  activities. HSRP ensures that SAM and SCID
  Sampling strategies that employed proba-                       include methods for the highest priority
  bilistic and/or judgmental sampling exist to                   contaminants and are updated with the most
  support site cleanups of chemical and radio-                   recent methods. To support these documents,
  logical contaminants in the U.S. and abroad.                   the program develops novel sample collection
  Previous interagency efforts have discussed                    techniques and evaluates existing sample
  these strategies at length as well as poten-                   collection and analysis methods for traditional
  tial new options. Research conducted under                     environmental matrices (air, water, soil, and
  this StRAP reviews these traditional sampling                  surfaces). In addition, sample collection and
  strategies, assesses these strategies for esti-                analysis methods for solid waste media and
  mating exposure to B. anthracis, and devel-                    matrices relevant to wastewater systems are
  ops innovative sampling strategy options.                      being developed.
  This includes evaluating composite sam-
  pling approaches and existing EPA modeling                   • Exposure modeling tools to support
  tools to support judgment-based air sampler                    site-specific responses
  placement after a wide area outdoor release                    Exposure-based modeling is a mature field
  of B. anthracis.                                               for traditional chemical contaminants like
                                                                 pesticides, but modeling efforts for biological
• Data management and usability                                  agents to help plan sampling strategies
  Data management during response to a wide                      are not available.      Research conducted
  area contamination incident can be daunting.                   under this StRAP develops or modifies
  In addition, the usability of microbiological                  existing exposure-modeling tools to support
  data is not thoroughly understood, particu-                    development of these strategies. Models
  larly at low concentrations. The HSRP assess-                  for water-based exposures are also being
  es and modifies existing software systems                      developed and incorporated into systems
  that will integrate characterization data and                  modeling consequence estimation tools.
  its geospatial metadata to meet the needs of
  Agency partners. In addition, a standardized                 Integration and Leveraging
  approach for assessing the usability of micro-
  biological data is being developed.                          Beyond the ERLN and EPA partners, the
                                                               interagency workgroup, Scientific Program
• Development and testing of sampling                          on Reaerosolization and Exposure (SPORE)8,
  and analysis methods and update of the                       continues to inform the work in this topic related
  Selected Analytical Methods (SAM) and                        to biological agent exposure. Additionally,
  Sample Collection Information Document                       analytical methods developed by EPA ORD’s
  (SCID)                                                       SSWR (Topic 4 - Water Systems) and CSS (Topic
  These documents are intended to provide                      1 - Chemical Evaluation) are examined for their
  EPA responders and the ERLN with the most                    applicability to CBRN contaminants. HSRP
  current sample collection and analytical                     also leverages DHS-funded analytical method

 Scientific Program on Reaerosolization and Exposure aims to understand the degree to which B. anthracis spores
reaerosolize from surfaces, ways to mitigate this reaerosolization and the potential exposures resulting from this
reaerosolization. This research informs public health decisions and sampling, mitigation, and decontamination strategies.
DOD, HHS, and DHS participate in this group.

development, which is primarily focused on                  Regional Offices. The water utilities convey
biological agents and emerging chemical                     their needs through the water sector’s Critical
threats. Lastly, as HSRP moves further toward               Infrastructure Protection Advisory Committee
addressing all hazards, it will begin to explore            (CIPAC), managed out of the DHS and co-led
integration of its applications in cumulative               by EPA’s OW. This group periodically releases
risk assessment methods, in collaboration with              research priorities and these also inform HSRP’s
HHRA (Topic 3 – Community and Site-specific                 research in this topic.
Analysis), to the impacts of disaster-related
chemical contamination and non-chemical                     This topic includes development of tools that
stressors on the environment and public                     (1) enable water systems to detect and respond
health. These approaches, once mature, will                 to a contamination event and other system
be incorporated into the cross-ORD resilience               disruptions; (2) assess the vulnerabilities of the
research activities and tools discussed under               systems to contamination; and (3) understand
the Remediating Wide Areas topic section                    the implications of operational and design
below.                                                      decisions on the overall system resilience. HSRP
                                                            also develops methods for decontaminating
Topic 2: Water System Security and                          water infrastructure and treating contaminated
Resilience                                                  water. Decision-support tools for response to
                                                            source water contamination and for assessing
The public can be seriously harmed by ingest-               vulnerabilities due to critical infrastructure
ing contaminated drinking water caused by ac-               interdependencies are also within this topic.
cidental or intentional introduction of harmful
substances into our water systems. Contamina-               This research supports the science questions
tion of drinking water can occur through the di-            related to: 1) design of water systems models;
rect introduction of CBRN substances into the               2) technologies, methods, and strategies for
distribution infrastructure, through compro-                detection and mitigation of contamination
mises in the integrity of the distribution lines, or        in water systems; 3) water infrastructure
via contaminated raw water supply entering a                decontamination and water treatment; and
treatment plant. Direct distribution system con-            4) delivering research in a user-friendly format
tamination can result from acts of terror or in-            for use by EPA water partners and water utility
advertent distribution system disruptions such              owners and operators. As the research in this
as main breaks or cross connections. Acciden-               area progresses, the focus will move towards
tal or natural contamination can enter drinking             more field-scale assessments and additional
water supplies via contaminated stormwater                  focus on improving the overall resilience of
runoff, wastewater and industrial outfalls, or              water systems to disasters.
transportation or industrial incidents.
                                                            Some specific examples of this research are:
EPA supports water utilities by providing
tools and guidance that help harden their                   • Support innovative design and operation of
infrastructure to respond to and recover from                 water systems and technologies for resiliency
contamination incidents and other disasters.                  To reduce the vulnerabilities of their sys-
Priorities in this area are determined through                tems to contamination and other disasters,
conversations with the EPA’s OW, OECA, and                    water utilities need to better understand

their system’s vulnerabilities and operational             • Decontamination of water infrastructure
    conditions. The research that supports this                  Once a water system is contaminated, it is im-
    need includes:                                               portant to have effective, scalable decontam-
                                                                 ination methodologies for the infrastructure.
      ° Examining the effectiveness of
        cybersecurity standards,                                 HSRP collects data on the persistence of pri-
                                                                 ority CBR contaminants on water infrastruc-
     ° Developing systems modeling tool                          ture (including wastewater infrastructure and
       that allows utilities to use their su-                    premise plumbing9) and develops effective de-
       pervisory control and data acquisi-                       contamination procedures to remove persistent
       tion (SCADA) data to model their                          contamination.
       system in real time, allowing them
       to assess operational conditions (in-
       cluding identifying disruptions) and                              Homeowner Decontamination
       model the spread of contamination                                  of Post-Service Connection
       in their system; and,                                               Plumbing and Appliances
      ° Developing a framework that allows                              The persistence of high priority
        the study of operational and design                             contaminants on home plumbing
        decisions on overall system resilience                        infrastructure is studied as well as
        to disasters. Because this includes                            the effectiveness of flushing as a
                                                                    decontamination method. As evidenced
        disasters resulting from climate                           by the West Virginia water contamination
        change, this research is covered                             incident in 2014, this information is
        under the Climate Change Roadmap.                           needed for response to a water system
                                                                            contamination incident.
• Fate and transport of contaminants and by-
  products in water and wastewater systems
  Understanding the fate and transport of con-
  taminants and their degradation or decon-                    • Treatment, disposal, minimization and handling
  tamination by-products provides information                    of contaminated water
  that is relevant to sampling, mitigation, and                  A contaminated water system may be flushed
  decontamination methods and strategies.                        or decontaminated, generating large volumes
  Experimental data is collected and predictive                  of contaminated water. Indoor/outdoor area
  models are developed to address fate and                       decontamination activities may generate
  transport for a range of potential contami-                    large volumes of decontamination wash wa-
  nants and infrastructure design features.                      ter. Containment and treatment technologies
                                                                 exist, but these activities will likely result in
• Detection and mitigation methods and strategies
                                                                 volumes of water that cannot be easily han-
  Detecting contamination in water is critical
                                                                 dled with existing capabilities. Existing ap-
  for mitigating its impacts. Research efforts
                                                                 proaches for collecting, minimizing, treating,
  in this area include testing emerging water
                                                                 and disposing of large volumes of contami-
  contaminant sensors and developing ways
                                                                 nated water are being modified and assessed.
  to quickly mitigate impacts. Water systems
  modeling efforts in this area aim to inform
  mitigation strategies (e.g., flushing and
 The customer’s portion of the potable water distribution system, which is connected to the main distribution system via
the service line.
• Development and enhancement of                         • Systems analysis and demonstration of
  decision-making tools                                    approaches for response to a contaminated
  The HSRP is developing an Emergency                      or disrupted water system
  Management Decision Support Tool that                    Approaches developed and tested at the
  allows utilities to identify upstream hazards            laboratory and pilot scale require testing at
  (e.g., barges, railroad infrastructure adjacent          the field scale in real time to understand their
  to drinking water sources) and model spills              true cost and performance under real-world
  from these or above-ground storage tanks                 operating conditions. For these reasons,
  to determine time of travel to downstream                full-scale distribution system evaluations of
  drinking water intakes as well as the leading            cyber-based disruptions, in-line contaminant
  edge, peak, and trailing edge contaminant                detectors, decontamination methodologies
  levels. This modeling will provide guidance              (including automatic flushing), wash water
  on emergency response sampling locations,                treatment methodologies, and the water
  methods, and drinking water utility options              system modeling tools are being conducted
  to treat the contaminant, close the intakes,             at a full-scale simulation of a municipal water
  or provide alternative sources of water.                 system (the Water Security Test Bed).
  In addition, an operational and design-
  decision support tool for water systems                • Inform Agency tools and standards
  is being developed that factors in the                   Information developed in this topic is being
  interdependencies between different critical             included in widely available databases such
  infrastructure and water systems.                        as OW’s Water Contaminant Information Tool
                                                           (WCIT). HSRP’s water systems modeling tools
                                                           can potentially inform OW’s tools for utilities,
                                                           including the Vulnerability Self-Assessment
                                                           Tool (VSAT).

Figure 7. Aerial picture of the water security test bed.

Integration and Leveraging                                   public re-occupation. The HSRP activities in this
                                                             topic aim to fill the most critical scientific gaps
The Climate Change Roadmap integrates                        in the capabilities of EPA’s response community
HSRP’s research on resilience of water                       so that, when needed, EPA can make the
systems with other climate-related research.                 most informed mitigation and remediation
As a part of this integration, ACE and HSRP                  (decontamination and waste management)
will partner to develop a set of the scenarios               decisions.
for water systems resilience research. The
program also continues to collaborate with                   The ultimate aim of EPA’s tools, methods,
SSWR (Topic 4 - Water Systems) on sustainable                and technologies for disaster preparedness
water infrastructure modeling as well as on                  and response is to improve our communities’
methods for communities to achieve Net                       ability to recover from a disaster successfully.
Zero conditions10, specifically treatment of                 Therefore, EPA and communities need
decontamination wash water. In addition,                     tools to assess their current state of
HSRP leverages findings from SSWR studies of                 resilience to environmental disasters.
technologies for the collection and treatment                HSRP aims to address science gaps related
of water after a water system contamination                  to community environmental resilience
incident (Topic 4 - Water Systems). The program              assessment. Priorities in this topic are
is also working with DOD’s Army Corps of                     determined through interactions with EPA’s
Engineers to develop and operationalize water                OSWER, OCSPP, OAR, OW, and Regional Offices.
treatment technologies at the full scale. Lastly,
to ensure that the capabilities of the Water                 The research in this topic addresses the science
Security Test Bed are fully realized and used,               questions related to indicators of community
the program collaborates with federal partners               environmental resilience; technologies,
(DOE, DHS, DOD) and water utilities to plan and              methods, and strategies for mitigating the
execute research at this Test Bed.                           impacts of the contamination and for cleanup
                                                             of indoor and outdoor areas; and providing
Topic 3: Remediating Wide Areas                              research into decision maker-friendly formats
                                                             for use by EPA partners and other stakeholders.
EPA has a long history and extensive expertise
                                                             Over the period of this plan, the research in
in cleaning up contamination associated with
                                                             this topic will evolve to focus on scalability
accidental spills and industrial accidents.
                                                             of cleanup methods and application of the
However, remediating CBRN contamination
                                                             research to additional hazards outside of the
released into wide areas, such as outdoor
                                                             CBRN paradigm.
urban centers, is a responsibility for which
the EPA lacks substantial experience. The U.S.
                                                             Some specific examples of this research are:
Department of Defense has expertise in the
tactical decontamination of equipment in                     • Environmental fate and transport of CBRN
battlefield situations, but this expertise is not              contaminants
directly applicable to the decontamination of                  Understanding the fate and transport of
public facilities and outdoor areas that have                  these contaminants is critical for informing
a variety of porous surfaces and, potentially,                 risk reduction, sampling, and remediation
must meet more stringent clean-up goals for                    activities. Examples of research in this area
  By definition, this means “consuming only as much energy as produced, achieving a sustainable balance between water
availability and demand, and eliminating solid waste sent to landfills.”

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