Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM

Page created by Carolyn Chambers
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
 local real estate , home builders ,
           and design trends

home style
volume 2, issue 13   August 11 – August 17, 2017

                                                                home trends

                                                   end of summer real estate

                                                   open houses this weekend

greater albuquerque & santa fe                           AlbuquerqueJournal
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
hs 2         AlbuquerqueJournal

Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
homestyle • august 11 – august 17, 2017                                                                                                                                  hs 3

table of contents
                 4               floor maintenance
                                  Tips to keep floors shining

                 6               home trends
                                  Trends that are growing in homes

                 8               an unknown lawsuit
                                  Local broker shares a real estate lawsuit

                 9               about the cover
                                  2408 Via Villegas NW

            10-11                end of summer real estate
                                  Feature story

            12-18                open houses

 homestyle is brought to you by the marketing and advertising
 departments at the albuquerque journal.

 We are proud to partner with The Greater Albuquerque
                                                          haneen khatib
 Association of Realtors® (GAAR), Commercial
 Association of Realtors® New Mexico (CARNM) and          business development
 Home Builders Association of Central New Mexico          becca price
 (HBACNM) and Santa Fe Association of Realtors®           lois maldonado
 (SFAR). We welcome your comments and opinions            design
 for publication in HomeStyle. Please send them to        byron hughey
 HomeStyle@abqjournal.com.                                monica schwartz
                                                          nancy chavez

 for advertising, more information                      albuquerque journal                         500 Unser Dr, Suite 101                 Carol & Anthony Martinez
                                                                                                                                            Mortgage Loan Originators
 or additional copies                                   7777 jefferson st. ne                       Rio Rancho, NM 87124                            Legacy Mortgage
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 Contact Becca Price at                                                                                  susansedoryk@gmail.com               Albuquerque NM 87109
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 rprice@abqjournal.com                                  homestyle@abqjournal.com   1364461-01
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
hs 4                                                                                                                                                                                AlbuquerqueJournal

                                                                                                        looring should last for       brush rolls scratch or damage the      flooring cleaners and polishes are
                                                                                                        years. The online home        flooring. Laminate can scratch         oil-based to condition the wood
             indoor flooring                                                                            improvement resource          easily and hardwood flooring           in the process. Whenever making

                                                                                                        HomeAdvisor estimates         is not impervious to dings and         one's own solution, test a small
                                                                                                that the average cost of a flooring   scratches. Quite often a dry mop       amount in an inconspicuous spot
                                                                                                project ranges from $357 for vinyl    or a static-charged mopping cloth      to make sure it will not damage

                                                                                                or linoleum flooring to $4,240        effectively picks up debris left       the flooring.
                                                                                                for wood flooring. Homeown-           behind on many flooring surfaces.
                                                                                                ers investing in new flooring do                                             protection
                                                                                                not want to replace floors too        cleaning solutions
                                                                                                frequently, and keeping floors                                                   Another way to prolong the
                                                                                                looking like new takes effort            Although many commer-               life of flooring is to protect it from
                                                                                                and maintenance.                      cial cleaners can clean flooring,      wear and tear. Removing shoes
                                                                                                                                      homemade mopping solutions             before walking indoors can help.
                                                                                                sweep                                 are sometimes just as effective.       Avoid high heels and athletic
                                                                                                                                      Keep in mind that wood, laminate       cleats, which can create divots in
                                                                                                    Restoring shine to flooring       and vinyl should not be soaked in      hardwood and some other types
                                                                                                involves making sure the floor        water. A little liquid can go a long   of flooring. Be sure to place indoor
                                                                                                is clean. Dirt and grime can          way on these surfaces. Water and       and outdoor mats at the entrances
                                                                                                diminish the color and look of        other liquids can seep between         of the home to catch any dirt.
                                                                                                flooring. Homeowners are urged        laminate and wood boards, po-          Furniture protectors will help
                                                                                                to use products designed for their    tentially contributing to swelling     prevent scratches from furniture
                                                                                                particular flooring material, such    and damage over time. Also, resist     feet while moving pieces around a
                                                                                                as wood, laminate, stone, or vinyl.   the urge to use too much soap.         room. Remember to wipe up spills
                                                                                                Products oftentimes are not inter-    Soap can leave behind a residue        when they occur to prevent the
                                                                                                changeable. Begin by thoroughly       that dulls the finish of the floor.    formation of stains. These steps

             tips to make floors at                                                             sweeping or vacuuming the floor.
                                                                                                Clean along all surfaces of the
                                                                                                                                      Vinegar-based solutions can work
                                                                                                                                      well on a wide variety of floor-
                                                                                                                                                                             can keep floors in top form and
                                                                                                                                                                             prevent premature aging or dam-

             home look shiny and new                                                            floor, including under furniture
                                                                                                where dust and dirt tends to accu-
                                                                                                                                      ing types and help cut through
                                                                                                                                      any sticky residue left behind
                                                                                                                                                                             age. Floors that are in especially
                                                                                                                                                                             bad shape may need professional
                                                                                                mulate. Use the hard-floor setting    from cooking, cleaning and the         restoration or replacement.
                                                                                                on a vacuum to avoid having the       activities of daily life. Many wood-

          RAND OPENING

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                                 HAKESBROTHERS.COM                                                                                                 visit abqjournal.com/homestyle for interactive listings
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
 homestyle• •august
              august11 11––august
                                         2017                                                                                                                                       hs55
                                                                                                                                                            paid advertisement

           homestyle profile

         choosing your new home
          how much home can you afford?

               nce you’ve made the decision      The last question will be answered by        may also be allowed a higher ratio.          wish list. It might be a good idea to have
               to become a homeowner,         your mortgage lender, who will deter-               Remember that you are in control of      your family members score each house
               you’ll have many important     mine your maximum allowable purchase            how much you actually spend. Let your        you see on a scale of one to 10 to help
               decisions to make. What type   price. The lender must follow standard          lender know what monthly payment             reach a final decision.
   of home is best for you and your family?   qualification guidelines for your mort-         amount is comfortable for you, and they          When you find a house you like, care-
   Can you find a suitable home in a neigh-   gage loan: FHA, VA, USDA, or Conven-            can translate that into a home price.        fully consider the neighborhood. Are the
   borhood you like? And perhaps most         tional. Generally, your monthly house               Oftentimes, a high amount of debt        homes in good repair? Is it close to work
   importantly, how much home can you         payment should not exceed 30 percent of         makes it difficult for first-time buyers     and school? Are the streets congested? Be
   afford to buy?                             your gross income.                              to save for a down payment. MFA has          sure to drive by several times to see what
                                                 Your lender will set your sale price         programs available to help cover down        the neighborhood is like in the evenings,
                                              limit by calculating your debt-to-in-           payment and closing costs. The buyer         weekends and during rush hour.
                                              come ratio. Debt includes your total            must invest at least $500 from their own         The home-buying process is much
                                              monthly housing cost (principal and             funds, meet certain income guidelines        easier with the help of an experienced
                                              interest payment, mortgage insurance,           and have a minimum credit score of 620.      Realtor®. Your Realtor® can show you
                                              property taxes and hazard insurance),           Only MFA-approved lenders can make           any property that is for sale, even if it is
                                              car payments, credit cards, student             these programs available to you. Go to       listed by another agent. A Realtor® is
                                              loans and child support. Utilities are          the homebuyers section of MFA’s website      paid by the seller of a property – not you,
                                              not considered debt obligations.                at housingnm.org for program infor-          the buyer.
                                                 A general guideline for a borrower’s         mation and to find an MFA-approved               To find a Realtor®, go to realtor.com.
                          housingnm.org       total debt ratio is 45 percent of their gross   lender.                                      For more information about MFA’s home
                                              income. However, a borrower who has                 The other home buying questions are      buying programs, go to housingnm.org.
       For more information about down
                                              very little debt other than their housing       yours to answer. Do you need a fenced-in
    payment assistance or buying a home,      cost may be allowed to have a high-             backyard? Do you want a fireplace? How
        go to housingnm.org or call an        er housing ratio. Borrowers who have            many bedrooms do you require? Make a
    MFA homeownership representative at       demonstrated a consistent ability to save       list of the “must-have” items as well as a
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
             hs 6 |       home design

             home trends
              growing trends in newer homes

            lthough the heydays of the real            prior. In fact, in May 2017, home sales in   2015 that new construction homes have         able for several years, even less expensive
            estate boom of the early 2000s             Canada increased to their highest level      already begun to shrink by 40 square feet.    models are now available.
            have not quite returned, things            in more than five years, according to the    There seems to be a slight trend toward
            look positive. In the United               Canadian MLS® Systems. Low interest          more modest homes as people consider          smarter technology
States, 1,226,000 new homes were built in              rates on mortgages and more confidence       affordability and maintenance on larger
2016, according to data from Consumer                  in the economy has driven many people        properties. The National Association of           Many homeowners are embracing smart
Reports. That was the most since 2007.                 to make improvements to their existing       Home Builders states buyers are now           technology throughout their homes, but
                                                       homes. As is typical, the things home-       looking for smaller, more livable homes       it's not just lights that turn on with voice
resale                                                 owners are looking for in 2017 have          with flexible floor plans, energy-efficient   command or more efficient thermostats.
                                                       evolved from years past. The following       appliances and plenty of storage space.       Innovative technology includes toilets that
    The National Association of Realtors®              are some trends that are helping to steer                                                  can autonomously stay clean and sanitized,
says the median number of days a home                  the real estate market further.              matte finishes                                refrigerators equipped with cameras so
was on the market in April 2017 reached                                                                                                           homeowners can see the contents inside
a new low of 29 days. However, low                     smaller homes                                   Stainless steel and luster have been       and indoor food recyclers that can turn
supply levels did stanch existing home                                                              popular for years. However, the next big      food waste into fertilizer. Staying abreast of
sales somewhat. By mid-2017, the market                   Home sizes in the United States           thing is matte finishes on faucets, appli-    the ever-changing trends in home improve-
was a seller's market, with more people                steadily increased for decades, eventu-      ances and even in countertops. These less     ment and real estate can help consumers
in the market for homes than properties                ally leading to an average of 2,453 square   flashy finishes are prized for their warmth   make the best choices with regard to buy-
available. But sales during that time were             feet in 2014, according to U.S. Census       and elegance. While some high-end mod-        ing and building their homes.
still outpacing sales figures from a year              figures. However, Realtor.com reported in    els with matte finishes have been avail-

              SenSational outdoor living
             12 Vista De Oro Road
             3 Bed + Office | 4 Bath | 2979+ sq. ft
             $579,000                    MLS: 884354

                       Cathy M Olson CRS
1363592-01                                                                                          1351698-01
                                                                                                                                  visit abqjournal.com/homestyle for interactive listings
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
homestyle • august 11 – august 17, 2017                                                                                                                                                                  hshs
                                                                                                                 paid advertisement

        homestyle profile
                                                                                                                              By mindy abramson                                   Distinguishing Style

        once for
                                                                                                                          ellers often opt to handle proj-     inate items ideal for Showcasing. They

        the money
                                                                                                                          ects on their own to prepare         will later pay for the additional time
                                                                                                                          their homes for sale. They deter-    required for the pro to rummage through
                                                                                                                          mine the need to paint, carpet,      storage units and boxes. Homeowners
                                                                                                                 and declutter, for example, and are           who sell or donate furnishings that
                                                                                                                 concerned about a professional seeing         would be good for Showcasing can place
                                                                                                                 their property in its original condi-         themselves in a worse position.
                                                                                                                 tion. Others tackle bigger projects like         After these costly mistakes, home-
       averting self-created obstacles                                                                           resurfacing and renovating, feeling they
                                                                                                                 have seen enough home improvement
                                                                                                                                                               owners are less able and interested to
                                                                                                                                                               spend more money and time fixing the
                                                                                                                                                               problems they created.Yet, if left uncor-
                                                                                                                 shows to know what to do.
                                                                                                                                                               rected, their choices could significantly
                                                                                                                    Once they are ready for help, we ar-
                                                                                                                                                               affect a sale.
                                                                                                                 rive to evaluate the situation only to find
                                                                                                                                                                  How should sellers maximize their
                                                                                                                 that homeowners, in their effort to save
                                                                                                                                                               budget and avoid costly errors? Call for
                                                                                                                 money, have wasted money and creat-
                                                                                                                                                               expert advice when they first consider
                                                                                                                 ed more obstacles to a sale. Common
                                                                                                                                                               selling. Delay is time; time is money.
                                                                                                                 examples include selecting paint colors
                                                                                                                 and finishes that are less desirable and
                                                                                                                                                                  To see available options of furnishings
                                                                                                                 do not coordinate, resurfacing areas we
                                                                                                                                                               from which to Showcase this home as
                                                                                                                 would recommend eliminating, over-
                                                                                                                                                               well as more before and after photos,
                                                                                                                 spending, and buying unnecessary items
                                                                                                                                                               visit https://www.houzz.com/proj-
                                                                                                                 and materials. These errors also increase
                                                                                                                 the amount of professional time required
                                                                                                                 to do the job. Budgeting for creative solu-
                                                                                                                 tions to the right projects from the start       Call today to use your time and money
                                                                                                                 is more cost effective.                       wisely and distinguish your property from
                                                                                                                    As they declutter, sellers often elim-     the rest.

     Reflects compensating for the seller
     selected dark carpeting and Showcasing
     with the seller’s belongings. This property
     is in an aviation community, and thus the
     use of airplane accessories.


                                                         Mindy Abramson, CSP, RESA-PRO
                                                                               The only Certified Staging
                                                                             Professional in New Mexico
                                                   505.506.5033 | distinguishing.style@gmail.com
                                                           Changing the comps, one property at a time.
                                                              © 2017, Mindy Abramson, CSP, all rights reserved
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
hs 8                                                                                                                                                                          Albuquerque  Journal
                                                                                                                                                                                   in partnership
                                   A REAL ESTATE LAWSUIT NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT                                                                                                            with
                   e s tat e
                                   local broker shares insight on a dangerous lawsuit in the business

 By Ray Regan / JD, Qualifying Broker                                                                                                                                             Realty ONE of New Mexico

            wo digital information provid-         about the commercial real estate world.                      and present facts that clients use to make     CoStar’s patents and copyrights, and its
            ers are locked in a titanic lawsuit    Why is that a big deal? Because the com-                     decisions to buy, sell, lease, trade, etc.     numerous algorithms, secure exclusivity
            claiming rights to provide the         mercial real estate market is a $17 trillion                 Much of the germane information is             by CoStar? These and a host of related
            public with commercial real            -- repeat, $17 trillion -- industry. Every                   housed in CoStar’s platforms (although         issues will be litigated.
   estate data. CoStar, a $9 billion company,      month CoStar draws 24 million visitors to                    often inaccurate, but that’s another story).
   claims exclusive rights under copyrights        its information resources. The company                                                                      restrictions
   and patents to collect and disseminate          went public in 1998 at $9 per share; it                      case in court
   information about commercial real estate.       now trades at about $261 per share.                                                                             Earlier, when CoStar bought LoopNet,
   Xcelligent claims that CoStar is an unlaw-                                                                      The court’s decision in CoStar vs.          another information provider, for almost
   ful monopoly. So far, the litigation has        the big deal                                                 Xcelligent will decide if another com-         a billion dollars, the Federal Trade
   been a study in stealth, attracting little                                                                   pany, Xcelligent, will also be allowed         Commission imposed restrictions on
   public attention.                                  If the court grants CoStar an exclusive                   to gather and disseminate information          CoStar to preclude CoStar from becoming
                                                   monopoly to provide buyers, sellers, bro-                    about commercial properties nationwide.        a monopoly. Xcelligent alleges CoStar has
   a public problem                                kers, investors, lenders and others infor-                   Competition, we are told, helps control        failed to comply with those restrictions.
                                                   mation about commercial real estate, the                     costs, and compels improvements in the         So the battle is on. The outcome could
       Because these days life is all about        cost of obtaining information likely will                    delivery of services, another reason why       determine not only who “owns”
   information: its source, reliability, imme-     increase. Why are commercial real estate                     the case is a big deal. The litigation is a    commercial real estate information, but
   diacy and accuracy. CoStar vs. Xcelligent       brokers and their clients closely watch-                     classic intellectual property versus free      also who will have access to reliable,
   is testing whether only one company             ing the case? Today’s commercial real                        market battle to the death: presumably,        immediate and accurate information
   will be allowed to provide to the public        estate brokers are information providers.                    only one company will prevail. Will            about commercial real estate -- and
   and to commercial real estate brokers           Selling and salesmanship, always useful,                     the courts rule in favor of monopoly,          at what cost. As an African proverb
   information about commercial proper-            no longer are the defining traits of com-                    or in favor of open markets? Is CoStar         indicates, “When elephants fight it is the
   ties. As reported by Bisnow on June 28,         mercial brokers. Their clients want and                      engaged in anti-competitive behav-             grass that suffers.”
   2017, CoStar “has maintained a dominant         expect data, particularly comparative                        ior? And oh, by the way, who actually
   perch as the gatekeeper” for information        data. Today’s commercial brokers gather                      “owns” commercial real estate data? Do

                Enjoy A Private Backyard Oasis
             MLS: 896628
                                                          7101 Santa Rita Place NE,
                                                          Albuquerque, NM 87113

              Enjoy A Private Backyard Oasis              4 Bed | 4 Bath | 2,622 Sq Ft
                                                          Price - $354,000
                                                          Beautiful home with two Master Suites, one
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                                                          areas, cherry wood floors, tile and corian counters
                                                          plus granite in master bath. Great outdoor living
                                                          space and great for all ages to enjoy.

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                                                                                                                                           visit abqjournal.com/homestyle for interactive listings
1363871-01                                                                                                      1363757-02
Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
2408 Via Villegas NW
                                                                                                                                               Albuquerque, NM 87104
press release                                                                                                                                  $499,990
      mls 89805
                                                                                                                                               2,107 sq ft
                                                                                                                                               3 bed/ 2.5 bath
                                                                                                                                               Joe Maez
                                                                                                                                               Keller Williams Realty

                                                 about the cover
                                                                                              elcome to 2408 via villegas nw. A    it in this modern kitchen, with white cabinetry,
                                                                                              contemporary Roku Development        granite countertops and a marble backsplash.
                                                                                              home, this property is located in         A few steps lead to the dreamy master
                                                                                              the Via Villegas neighborhood        bedroom and en-suite with lush upgrades and a
                                                                               near the North Valley. Every inch of this 2,107     walk-in closet with grey shelving. An additional
                                                                               square foot home has details of a high-end mod-     two bedrooms and two bathrooms offer ample
                                                                               ern farmhouse build. A modern wood and glass        space and offer just as much of a contemporary
                                                                               front door opens to high ceilings, wood floors      touch as the rest of the house. Little accents of
                                                                               and non-stop windows surrounding the home.          wood covered walls give a farmhouse feel, while
                                                                               The great room has a floor-to-ceiling tiled fire-   other home features give a sleek and modern
                                                                               place and opens to the dining room and kitchen.     look to this new build property.
                                                                               Those who don’t like cooking will begin to love


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Home style - AlbuquerqueJournal home trends end of summer real estate open houses this weekend - CARNM
hs 10                                                                                                                  a t u r e s Journal
                                                                                                                   f eAlbuquerque   tory

   end of summer real estate

                                                                                                             By Glen Rosales / HomeStyle Writer

    the back to school
                                   raditional thinking was that     summer is the best time to buy or        summer market
                                   when school began at the         sell a house. “I don’t see a signifi-
    norm in real estate            end of summer, the home
                                   real estate market would
                                                                    cant change because school is going
                                                                    back,” she said. “I’m not sure that
                                                                                                                This whole summer has kind of
                                                                                                             defined expectations, said Cathy
    is becoming a thing   slow down. Well, with APS students
                          hitting the classrooms again on Mon-
                                                                    the market is that dependent on the
                                                                    families that are moving around.”
                                                                                                             Colvin, who works under Kurstin
                                                                                                             Johnson at Vista Encantada Realtors.
    of the past           day, it might be time for traditional
                          thinking to take a time out.
                                                                       John Kynor, owner of Q Reality,
                                                                    said he’s used to seeing a slowdown
                                                                                                             “For me, it’s strong and I’ll have a
                                                                                                             crazy two weeks, then it slows way
                                                                    as school approaches, but so far, that   down,” she said. “There’s no rhyme
                          changing demographics                     does not appear to be materializing      or reason to it.” Still, the back-to-
                                                                    yet. “We’re still having a fair amount   school issue hasn’t really been a
                              There’s no lull in sight, said        of closings, they’re kind of late        factor in her business for some time.
                          several local Realtors. “The mar-         stragglers who started later in the      “Recently, back to school hasn’t
                          ket in the last week has just gone        summer. They didn’t start the pro-       affected business as much,” Col-
                          wild,” said Marg VanKlasen, a Santa       cess early on in the school vacation,”   vin said. “The only thing is, people
                          Fe Realtor who also has a rental          he said. “But we haven’t noticed a       who have kids, they’re the only
                          company. “It just happened like           sizeable decrease in the amount of       ones that try to make the moves
                          in the last week. I wish I could say      closings and we haven’t seen a lot of    in the summer. But everybody else
                          why, but I really just don’t know. I’ve   slowdown in buyer traffic or sellers     sometimes wait until now. It’s been
                          been in it so long, I used to think I     closings.” As a matter of fact, Kynor    a very strange market. I haven’t been
                          knew it all and now I know I don’t        said, “we’ve seen a heavy amount of      able to pinpoint what’s going on. It’s
                          know anything.” Missy Ashcraft,           buyer traffic and phone calls. Just on   been very unusual.” Avoiding the
                          who works under the Keller Wil-           my street two new homes came up          summer sales market can actually
                          liams’s banner, said the changing         for sale.”                               be a smart move, Ashcraft said, zag-
                          demographics of buyers and sellers                                                 ging, as it were, as most others are
                          is changing the perception that                               visit abqjournal.com/homestyle for interactive listings
homestyle • august 11 – august 17, 2017                                                                                                                                                                       hs 11

                                                                                                                                                    8 Benefits of Owning a Home

                                                                                                  Owning a home is often referred to as the                  substantially more than just paying monthly rent
                                                                                                  “American Dream.” There are many obvious                   to a landlord, however, over time owning a home is
                                                                                                  benefits of owning a home and some that are not            cheaper than renting which is a great benefit.
                                                                                                  so obvious. One of the first steps to buying a home
                                                                                                  is to determine whether owning a home is the               4.) Owning A Home ProvidesTax Advantages
                                                                                                  right fit for yourself. It’s important when making         A great benefit of owning a home are the tax
                                                                                                  any decision that you strongly consider both the           advantages that it provides. Buyers who have a
                                                                                                  PROs and CONs of what you’re deciding on. If               strong understanding of important real estate tax
                                                                                                  you’re currently living with family, friends, or renting   tips quickly realize that owning a home provides
                                                                                                  a property and you’re considering the purchase             some solid tax advantages.
                                                                                                  of a home, below are some of the best benefits of
                                                                                                  owning a home.                                             5.) Freedom to Make Changes
                                                                                                                                                             A huge benefit of owning a home is the ability and
                                                                                                  1.) Stable Monthly Payments
                                                                                                                                                             freedom to make changes. Whether it’s something
                                                                                                  If you’re going to be buying a home by obtaining           as simple as painting a bedroom or something
                                                                                                  a mortgage, it’s highly likely that the mortgage           complex such as a complete kitchen remodel,
                                                                                                  product you’ll use for the purchase will be a fixed        when you own a home you can make changes as
zigging. “I don’t think people need to fa-     like someone switches the light on for             rate mortgage since they’re the most popular type          you see fit.
cilitate or adapt to that specific condition   real estate. I want to beat the rush, and I        of mortgage. With a fixed rate mortgage comes
of summer selling or buying,” she said.        want to beat all the other sellers. I know         stable monthly payments, which is one of the best          6.) BuildYour Credit
    “A lot of people say the month to put      absolutely it has nothing to with the Su-          benefits of owning a home.                                 There are many factors that impact a person’s
a house on the market is May, and I don't      per Bowl, but that’s the last benchmark            One of the wildcards to renting a property is the          credit score, one of the most important being the
                                                                                                  unknown that comes with the monthly payments,              length of credit history. A great tip for improving a
necessarily agree. People buy houses           that I wait for before the market starts
                                                                                                  year over year. It’s very plausible that the monthly       credit score is to improve average length of credit
every day of the year, even Christmas.         to return. It is a seasonal thing with the                                                                    accounts and owning a home can accomplish this.
                                                                                                  rent payments for a property can change from year
From a marketing standpoint, it’s about        weather starting to warm, up, now the
                                                                                                  to year upon the renewal of a lease agreement.             7.) Solid Investment
supply and demand.” The key is to get          grass is starting to get green.” One thing
your house on the market when it’s ready.      is clear, however, is that right now the           2.) Opportunity to Build Equity                            In most cases real estate will appreciate, depending
“If you feel like nobody is buying a house     market is bursting, Ashcraft said. “The            Equity in real estate is the probable market value of      on the local market conditions. Real estate markets
                                                                                                  a home minus any liens against the property, such as       are different even if they are close in proximity and
in the middle of winter, that’s really the     important distinction is the market as a                                                                      it’s critical before buying a home you have an idea
wrong approach,” Ashcraft said. “If the        whole, across the board is up month over           a mortgage. One of the great advantages of home
                                                                                                  ownership is the opportunity to build equity.              what to expect in terms of potential appreciation
house is priced right, if it’s in excellent    month to last year and year-to-date over                                                                      over the years.
condition and you have a proper market-        last year, it’s significant. It’s conspicu-        The longer that you own a home, the more you’ll
                                                                                                  pay towards the principle balance of any liens. As         8.) Improved Stability
ing campaign, it will sell.” It’s all about    ously increased both by percentage and             the balance of any liens against a property gets           One common trend among people who rent a
making sure you’re ready as a buyer or         volume. The important thing is, al-                lower and hopefully the value of the property              home or apartment is they’re frequently on the
seller, she said. “If I have sellers looking   though the market is certainly healthy             increases, the larger the equity.                          move to new places. It’s uncommon for people
to put their house on the market in Oc-        with two to three months of inventory,             3.) CheaperThan Renting Overtime                           to remain in one apartment for 5, 10, or 15 years.
tober or November, that’s what we do,”         an important distinction is that the                                                                          Owning a home improves stability for many
                                                                                                  There are many costs to buying a home, such as             people, which is a nice reward. Since buying a
Ashcraft said. “It all boils down to their     under $250,000 range that is still the
                                                                                                  the down payment, appraisal fee, and homeowners            home is a long-term commitment and rather large
need, especially if they’re not in a huge      stronger part of the market.”                      insurance. The upfront cost to buy a home is               investment, moving every few years is unlikely.
hurry, let’s get it on the market. My favor-       That ties into where our biggest sales
ite time to put a house on the market is in    demographic is and may also explain why
February. My business takes a significant      the back-to-school mantra may be in the
increase in February.”                         past. “I would say, at least in my experi-
                                               ence, a lot of my business are people who
seasonal changes                               want to downsize, people that are either
                                               retiring or leaving their big houses and
   Part of that can be in a way tied to the    moving into smaller houses,” Ashcraft
Super Bowl, Kynor said, as it’s kind of        said. “People are moving down from
unofficially seen as the final holiday of      4,000 square feet or 5,000 square feet
the season. “I don’t think it has anything     homes and moving into one-story, 2,000
to do with the Super Bowl,” he said. “But      square feet homes. So that market isn’t
in my 14 years in the business, I’ll take      affected by the school year, with the ex-
this opportunity to relax and then as          ception maybe of seeing families moving
soon I go to my last super bowl party, it’s    into those larger houses.”                    1363604-01
hs 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AlbuquerqueJournal

    open houses
       southwest mls                                                                                         open house listing information was derived from the southwest multiple                                                          117 listings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               feature story
                                                               southwest mls
                                                               this friday - thursday
                                                                                                             listing service properties (swmls) as of 6pm on monday. open houses are
                                                                                                             run as space allows. information is accurate, but not guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             low: 82k
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             high: 1,800m
    ABQ Acres West                    ABQ Acres West                     ABQ Acres West                       ABQ Acres West                                 Academy West                                                           Academy West
8909 Signal Pointe NE              7216 Hawthorn Avenue NE            8600 Coppell Court NE               8724 Desert Fox Way NE                          7404 Arroyo Del Oso Avenue NE                                         6624 Beck Drive
$699,999|3251 sq. ft.|4bdr|4ba     $530,000|3088 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba     $325,000|2267 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba      $275,000|1522 sq. ft.|2bdr|3ba                  $380,000|2463 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba                                        $285,000|2514 sq. ft.|5bdr|4ba
Rio Grande Realty & Invest LLC     Berkshire Hathaway Home Services   Coldwell Banker Legacy              Keller Williams Realty                          Re/Max Select                                                         Keller Williams Realty
(505) 250-8135                     New Mexico Properties              (505) 898-2700                      (505) 271-8200                                  (505) 265-5111                                                        (505) 271-8200
Todd Kruger                        (505) 798-6300 Carina Cozby        Carol J Bouloy                      Shirley Rich                                    Ruben A Ortega                                                        ABQ Houses 2 Homes
MLS # 889995                       MLS # 896008                       MLS # 898818                        MLS # 890381                                    MLS # 895679                                                          MLS # 898069
08/12 1 PM-4 PM,08/13 1 PM-4 PM    08/12 12 PM-2 PM                   08/13 2 PM-4 PM                     08/13 1 PM-3 PM                                 08/13 1 PM-4 PM                                                       08/12 1 PM-4 AM

    Academy West                       Academy West                       Belen                              Belen                                           Bernalillo/Algdones                                                    Bernalillo/Algdones
6833 Kelly Ann Road NE             4705 Norma Drive NE                908 Chavez Avenue SE                315 14Th Street                                 916 Paseo los Coyotes                                                 1206 San Luis Street
$230,000|1627 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba     $175,000|1400 sq. ft.|2bdr|1ba     $124,900|1243 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba      $82,600|1200 sq. ft.|2bdr|1ba                   $297,300|1665 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba                                        $210,000|2102 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba
Keller Williams Realty             Ida Kelly Realtors                 Circle A Investments LLC            Signature Southwest Properties                  ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate                                      Keller Williams Realty
(505) 271-8200                     (505) 888-1000                     (505) 944-6266                      (505) 332-8838                                  (505) 296-1500 Sonnie N Martinez                                      (505) 271-8200
Shirley Rich                       Channing L Kelly                   Anwar Amlani                        Tonya L Bush                                    MLS # 891145                                                          ABQ Houses 2 Homes
MLS # 898815                       MLS # 895272                       MLS # 898883                        MLS # 897224                                    08/11 1 PM-5 PM,08/12 1 PM-5                                          MLS # 898512
08/12 11 AM-1 PM                   08/13 12 PM-2 PM                   08/12 10 AM-2 PM,08/13 10 AM-2 PM   08/12 12 PM-2 PM                                PM,08/13 1 PM-5 PM                                                    08/12 11 PM-1 PM

   Bosque/Peralta                      Corrales                          Corrales                            Corrales                                        Corrales                                                              Downtown Area
1195 Calle Del Oro                 205 Tierra De Corrales             3372 Corrales Road                  1321 Yippee Calle Court                         449 Camino Sin Pasada                                                 606 16Th Street NW
$390,000|3138 sq. ft.|5bdr|3ba     $775,000|2856 sq. ft.|3bdr|4ba     $499,900|1540 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba      $399,000|3152 sq. ft.|3bdr|4ba                  $248,000|1655 sq. ft.|2bdr|1ba                                        $375,000|1775 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate   Keller Williams Realty             EXP Realty LLC                      Re/Max Select                                   Karsten & Associates and One Stop                                     Re/Max Elite
(505) 296-1500                     (505) 897-1100                     (505) 554-3873                      (505) 265-5111                                  Realty (505) 315-1564                                                 (505) 798-1000
Michael J Vernon                   Joseph Maez                        Stephanie M Brown                   Christopher M Lucas                             Karsten & Associates                                                  Jane A Knap
MLS # 896505                       MLS # 898587                       MLS # 896976                        MLS # 897994                                    MLS # 898032                                                          MLS # 896608
08/13 12 PM-2 PM                   08/13 1 PM-3 PM                    08/12 1 PM-4 PM,08/13 1 PM-4 PM     08/13 1 PM-4 PM                                 08/12 2 PM-4 PM                                                       08/13 1 PM-3 PM

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                                                       ALBUQUERQUE, NM                                                             card and mailed within 6 weeks of rebate claim receipt. Funds do not expire. Subject to applicable law, a $2.00 monthly fee will be assessed against
                                                                                                                                   card balance 6 months after card issuance and each month thereafter. Additional limitations may apply. Ask participating dealer for details and rebate

                                                                                                                                   form. **The PowerView App is available on Apple® iOS and Android™ mobile devices, and requires the PowerView Hub for operation. ©2017 Hunter
                                                                                                                                   Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas or their respective owners. 17Q3NPDSSC2
                                                                                                                                                         visit abqjournal.com/homestyle for interactive listings
homestyle • august 11 – august 17, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                      hs 13

  open houses
   southwest mls                                                                                                      open house listing information was derived from the southwest multiple           117 listings
                                                                                                                                                                                                         feature story
                                                                    southwest mls
                                                                    this friday - thursday
                                                                                                                      listing service properties (swmls) as of 6pm on monday. open houses are
                                                                                                                      run as space allows. information is accurate, but not guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       low: 82k
                                                                                                                                                                                                       high: 1,800m
   Downtown Area                       Downtown Area                              Downtown Area                        Fairgrounds                          Fairgrounds                              Far NE Heights
602 Arno Street SE                  305 16th Street NW                         1203 Iron Avenue SW                 1810 La Veta Drive NE                2117 Palomas Drive NE                   11525 Sky Valley Way NE
$344,900|2500 sq. ft.|5bdr|5ba      $240,000|1726 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba             $179,900|850 sq. ft.|2bdr|1ba       $156,000|1180 sq. ft.|3bdr|1ba       $155,000|1619 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba          $569,000|3929 sq. ft.|4bdr|4ba
Karsten & Associates and One Stop   Century 21 Unica Real Estate               Mercury Properties                  Keller Williams Realty               Keller Williams Realty                  Keller Williams Realty
Realty                              (505) 293-8400                             (505) 819-0120                      (505) 897-1100                       (505) 897-1100                          (505) 271-8200
(505) 315-1564                      Sutter Sugar                               Joseph Corso                        Will Beecher                         Silesha M Montano Naden                 Billingham Team
Karsten & Associates                MLS # 898746                               MLS # 888964                        MLS # 898298                         MLS # 896594                            MLS # 898577
MLS # 864596                        08/13 2 PM-4 PM                            08/12 12 PM-2 PM,08/13 11 AM-1 PM   08/12 12 PM-2 PM                     08/12 2 PM-4 PM                         08/12 2 PM-4 PM
08/13 2 PM-4 PM

   Far NE Heights                      Far NE Heights                             Far NE Heights                      Far NE Heights                        Far NE Heights                         Far NE Heights
5825 Mimosa Place NE                6620 Cypress Point Way NE                  9600 Rosas Avenue NE                9526 Academy Hills Drive NE          11200 Baja Drive NE                     7517 Union Street NE
$398,000|2600 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba      $365,000|2400 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba             $355,000|2338 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba      $345,000|2427 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba       $285,000|1850 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba          $247,000|1973 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
Sandia Realty Inc.                  Coldwell Banker Legacy                     Realty One of New Mexico            Realty One of New Mexico             Rio Vista Realty, Inc                   ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate
(505) 363-7653                      (505) 292-8900                             (505) 554-2213                      (505) 883-9400                       (505) 269-1476                          (505) 296-1500
Ed Cohen                            Adrian Martinez                            Lisa Guggino                        Ruth Lucero                          Suzanne M Fields                        Sharon L Stovall
MLS # 898292                        MLS # 898295                               MLS # 891047                        MLS # 897552                         MLS # 897520                            MLS # 893442
08/13 12 PM-4 PM                    08/12 11 AM-1 PM                           08/12 12 PM-3 PM,08/13 1 PM-4 PM    08/12 1 PM-3 PM,08/13 1 PM-3 PM      08/13 2 PM-4 PM                         08/13 11:30AM-1:30PM

   Far NE Heights                      Far North Valley                            Foothills North                    Foothills North                      Foothills North                          Foothills North
9019 San Francisco Road NE          803 Alameda Road NW                        6104 Buffalo Grass Court NE         13009 Sand Cherry Place NE           4900 Glenwood Hills Drive NE            6351 Cliffbrush Lane NE
$230,000|1724 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba      $432,500|2500 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba             $1,049,900|4978 sq. ft.|6bdr|6ba    $950,000|4850 sq. ft.|4bdr|5ba       $575,000|3756 sq. ft.|4bdr|5ba          $530,000|2385 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
EXP Realty LLC                      Coldwell Banker Legacy                     Re/Max Elite                        Coldwell Banker Legacy               24K Real Estate Group, INC.             Ida Kelly Realtors
(505) 554-3873                      (505) 828-1000                             (505) 798-1000                      (505) 898-2700                       (505) 292-2424                          (505) 888-1000
Richard Cederberg                   Steve Petersen                             Sharon M McCollum                   Brian M Steudle                      Boverie Team                            Channing L Kelly
MLS # 897713                        MLS # 894737                               MLS # 883486                        MLS # 875354                         MLS # 895017                            MLS # 889526
08/12 10 AM-12 PM                   08/13 12 PM-4 PM                           08/13 1 PM-3 PM                     08/13 2 PM-4 PM                      08/13 2 PM-4 PM                         08/12 2 PM-2 AM

                                               BARBARA MADARAS                             CRS • GRI • GREEN                                                      jack jenkins, MSgt (ret)
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                                               Coldwell Banker Legacy                                                                                             Coldwell Banker Legacy
                                               www.barbaramadaras.com                                                                                             jackjenkins.cblegacy.com/

              feature yourself or your listings by uploading your information at
              abqjournal.com/listing and abqjournal.com/broker
              Contact Lois Maldonado
              505.823.3363 or
hs 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AlbuquerqueJournal

      open houses
             southwest mls                                                                                             open house listing information was derived from the southwest multiple                                                   117 listings
                                                                 southwest mls
                                                                 this friday - thursday
                                                                                                                       listing service properties (swmls) as of 6pm on monday. open houses are
                                                                                                                       run as space allows. information is accurate, but not guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                low: 82k
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                high: 1,800m
   Foothills North                       Foothills North                     Foothills South                 Foothills South                                                Foothills South                                            Foothills South
13304 Silver Peak Place NE           6124 Purple Aster Lane NE           14312 Oakwood Place NE           12700 Hugh Graham Road NE                                      12801 Hayley Court NE                                      13121 Argon Avenue NE
$518,000|2710 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $400,000|2086 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba      $330,000|2300 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba   $299,000|2282 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba                                 $209,000|1419 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba                             $194,500|1184 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
Coldwell Banker Legacy               Ida Kelly Realtors                  Keller Williams Realty           Coldwell Banker Legacy                                         Coldwell Banker Legacy                                     Coldwell Banker Legacy
(505) 828-1000                       (505) 888-1000                      (505) 271-8200                   (505) 898-2700                                                 (505) 292-8900                                             (505) 293-3700 Norm McBee
Michelle Smith                       Channing L Kelly                    ABQ Houses 2 Homes               Sue Trevor                                                     Greg Lobberegt                                             MLS # 897769 - 08/11 4 PM-6:30PM,
MLS # 897098                         MLS # 893973                        MLS # 897986                     MLS # 896094                                                   MLS # 898857                                               08/12 2 PM-4:30PM, 08/13 12 PM-3 PM,
08/13 12 PM-3 PM                     08/12 11 AM-1 PM                    08/13 2 PM-4 PM                  08/13 1 PM-3 PM                                                08/13 1 PM-3 PM                                            08/13 4 PM-6:30PM

    Four Hills Village                  Four Hills Village                  Four Hills Village                Four Hills Village                                            Ladera Heights                                             Ladera Heights
20 Silver Hills Road SE              828 Rio Arriba Avenue SE            1632 Soplo Road SE               927 Calle Coronado SE                                          935 Tambora Street NW                                      6102 Summer Ray Road NW
$440,000|3298 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $349,900|2913 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba      $349,000|2880 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba   $235,000|1577 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba                                 $255,000|2595 sq. ft.|5bdr|3ba                             $230,000|2042 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba
Realty One of New Mexico             ABQhomes                            Re/Max Select                    Ida Kelly Realtors                                             Re/Max Select                                              Coldwell Banker Legacy
(505) 883-9400                       (505) 299-2580                      (505) 265-5111                   (505) 888-1000                                                 (505) 265-5111                                             (505) 292-8900
Penny N Howard                       Fred&Sandra Creek                   Sarah Black                      Channing L Kelly                                               Aaron Burnett                                              Wanda Morrill
MLS # 893580                         MLS # 890649                        MLS # 890178                     MLS # 894990                                                   MLS # 892143                                               MLS # 898764
08/13 2 PM-4 PM                      08/13 1:30PM-4 PM                   08/13 1 PM-3 PM                  08/13 2:30PM-4 PM                                              08/12 12 PM-2 PM                                           08/13 1 PM-4 PM

    Ladera Heights                      Ladera Heights                      Ladera Heights                   Ladera Heights                                                  Los Lunas                                                 Los Lunas
7305 Inwood Court NW                 2309 Kafka Place NW                 9405 Ashfall Place NW            6319 Bluewater Road NW                                         1750 Camino Rustica SW                                     435 Simpson Avenue SW
$225,000|2570 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $215,000|1820 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba      $179,900|1543 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba   $115,000|857 sq. ft.|1bdr|1ba                                  $185,000|1839 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba                             $168,000|1785 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
Keller Williams Realty               EXP Realty LLC                      Coldwell Banker Legacy           Realty One of New Mexico                                       Keller Williams Realty                                     ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate
(505) 271-8200                       (505) 554-3873                      (505) 898-2700                   (505) 883-9400                                                 (505) 897-1100                                             (505) 296-1500
Venturi Realty Group                 Andrea A Romero                     Francisco R Hernandez            Delilah M Valdez                                               Joseph Maez                                                John Lucero
MLS # 897314                         MLS # 898599                        MLS # 896335                     MLS # 898690                                                   MLS # 896342                                               MLS # 898198
08/12 11 AM-1 PM,08/12 12 PM-3 PM    08/12 1 PM-3 PM                     08/12 11 AM-3 PM                 08/12 12 PM-2 PM                                               08/13 1 PM-3 PM                                            08/13 12 PM-2 PM

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                         Santa Fe, NM 87505                                                                         * Manufacturer’s mail-in rebate offer valid for qualifying purchases made 7/1/17 – 9/11/17 from participating dealers in the U.S. only. For certain rebate-eligible
                                                                                                                     products, the purchase of multiple units of such product is required to receive a rebate. Rebate will be issued in the form of a prepaid reward card and mailed
                                505.820.7872                                                                       within 6 weeks of rebate claim receipt. Funds do not expire. Subject to applicable law, a $2.00 monthly fee will be assessed against card balance 6 months after
                                                                                                                       card issuance and each month thereafter. Additional limitations may apply. Ask participating dealer for details and rebate form. **The PowerView App and
                   www.formplusfunction.com                                                                           additional equipment required for programmed operation. ©2017 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter
                                                                                                                                                                                    Douglas or their respective owners.

1362027-02                                                                                                1362864-03
homestyle • august 11 – august 17, 2017                                                                                                                                                            hs 15

  open houses
   southwest mls                                              southwest mls
                                                              this friday - thursday                                                                        NewMexicoHomeSearch.com
   Los Lunas                         NE Edgewood                          Near North Valley
871 Gallahad Street SW           38 Dunkin Road                        3509 Avenida Charada NW                      Your journey home starts here.
$148,000|1588 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba   $163,000|1411 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba        $625,000|3298 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba
EXP Realty LLC                   Coldwell Banker Legacy                360 Ventures Real Estate
(505) 554-3873                   (505) 281-0000                        (505) 750-3360
Andrea A Romero                  Daniel J Linden                       Lucillle E Shaw
MLS # 898616                     MLS # 887236                          MLS # 898240
08/13 1 PM-3 PM                  08/12 12 PM-4 PM                      08/13 3 PM-5 PM

   Near North Valley                 Near North Valley                     North ABQ Acres
1820 La Poblana Road NW          601 Menaul Boulevard NE               11801 Coronado Avenue NE
$205,000|2042 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba   $165,000|1347 sq. ft.|2bdr|2ba        $1,050,000|4717 sq. ft.|4bdr|5ba
SSP Real Estate                  Coldwell Banker Legacy                Signature Southwest Properties
(505) 620-0068                   (505) 292-8900                        (505) 332-8838
Cornelia Schloss                 Gilbert P Gonzales                    Clarissa D Smith
MLS # 896301                     MLS # 898772                          MLS # 898131
08/12 1 PM-3 PM                  08/12 11 AM-3 PM,08/13 11 AM-3 PM     08/12 1 PM-3 PM

   North Valley                     North Valley                          North Valley
6004 Tomas Court                 1000 Fox Hollow Place NW              1308 Bernardo Court NE
$799,000|3528 sq. ft.|4bdr|4ba   $425,000|2549 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba        $275,000|2250 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba
Coldwell Banker Legacy           Century 21 Unica Real Estate          Rush Home Real Estate
(505) 898-2700                   (505) 293-8400                        (505) 620-0767
                                                                                                                        Powered by local New Mexico
Carol Sauder                     Valerie R Burkett                     Leah E Rush                                                                       newmexicohomesearch.com
                                                                                                                        Realtors® – your expert guides
MLS # 891591                     MLS # 898714                          MLS # 895166
                                                                                                                        on your journey home.
08/13 2 PM-4 PM                  08/13 11 AM-1 PM                      08/12 1 PM-3 PM

                                                           1723 Avenida Los Griegos NW                                                                   9652 Redmont Rd. NE
                                                           Albuquerque, NM 87107                                                                         Albuquerque, NM 87109
                                                           $599,000                                                                                      $379,900
                                                           far North Valley                                                                              ne heights
                                                            4 bed / 3 bath / 3,720 Sq. Ft.                                                               4 bed / 2.5 bath / 2,457 Sq. Ft.
                                                            Joe Maez                                                                                     Linda Martinez
                                                            Keller Williams Realty                                                                       Coldwell Banker Legacy Realty
                                                            office: 505.897.1100 cell: 505.515.1719                                                      office: 505.828.1000 cell: 505.385.2117

                                                            MLS# 896163                                                                                  MLS# 895103

                                                           50 Wind NW
                                                           Albuquerque, Nm 87120
                                                           $389,000                                                          feature yourself or your
                                                           La Luz del Sol
                                                                                                                             houses here, every friday.
                                                            2 bed / 3 bath / 2,196 Sq. Ft.
                                                            Missy Ashcraft                                                    Contact Lois Maldonado
                                                            Keller Williams                                                   505.823.3363 or
                                                            office: 505.271.8200 cell: 505.362.6823                           rep70@abqjournal.com

                                                            MLS# 892250
hs 16                                                                                                                                                                                AlbuquerqueJournal

  open houses
   southwest mls                                                                                           open house listing information was derived from the southwest multiple           117 listings
                                                                southwest mls
                                                                this friday - thursday
                                                                                                           listing service properties (swmls) as of 6pm on monday. open houses are
                                                                                                           run as space allows. information is accurate, but not guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                                                            low: 82k
                                                                                                                                                                                            high: 1,800m
    Near North Valley                  Near North Valley                 Near North Valley                 Northeast Heights                    Northeast Heights                       Northeast Heights
1723 Avenida Los Griegos NW        2021 Gabaldon Road NW             1615 Arcadia Trail NW              3712 Glen Canyon Road NE             12313 Eastridge Drive NE                10800 Fort Point Lane NE
$599,000|3720 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba     $575,000|3607 sq. ft.|4bdr|5ba    $220,000|2107 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba     $220,000|1457 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba       $220,000|1883 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba          $189,900|1646 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba
Keller Williams Realty             Keller Williams Realty            Keller Williams Realty             Realty One of New Mexico             Berkshire Hathaway Home Services        Ridge Pointe Realty
(505) 897-1100                     (505) 897-1100                    (505) 897-1100                     (505) 883-9400                       New Mexico Properties                   (505) 398-3610
Joseph Maez                        Joseph Maez                       Daniel W Martinez                  Penny N Howard                       (505) 798-6300                          Shelby Vering
MLS # 896163                       MLS # 898338                      MLS # 880794                       MLS # 894281                         Nyshalynn B Livingston                  MLS # 898344
08/12 1 PM-3 PM                    08/13 1 PM-3 PM                   08/13 12 PM-3 PM                   08/11 1:30PM-4 PM                    MLS # 898718 - 08/13 1 AM-3 PM          08/12 12 PM-3 PM

    North of I                         North of I                        North Valley                       Northwest Heights                   Northwest Heights                       Northwest Heights
11 Concha Court                    44 Magic Valley Road              5425 Eakes Road NW                 4400 La Paloma Road NW               5315 Kettle Road NW                     7705 Wells Fargo Trail NW
$425,000|2439 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba     $324,900|1848 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba    $1,800,000|6800 sq. ft.|3bdr|6ba   $234,900|1948 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba       $190,000|1755 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba          $189,500|1641 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
RE/MAX PROS                        RE/MAX PROS                       Keller Williams Realty             Keller Williams Realty               Coldwell Banker Legacy                  Realty One of New Mexico
(505) 281-7767                     (505) 281-7767                    (505) 897-1100                     (505) 983-5151                       (505) 292-8900                          (505) 883-9400
Lindsay Schwebke                   Casa Dream Team                   Joseph Maez                        Hardern & Associates Team            Wanda Morrill                           James C Angus
MLS # 897352                       MLS # 895486                      MLS # 871425                       MLS # 895801                         MLS # 898749                            MLS # 888560
08/12 11 AM-1 PM                   08/12 2 AM-4 PM                   08/13 1 PM-3 PM                    08/13 11 AM-1 PM                     08/13 1 PM-4 PM                         08/12 10 AM-1 PM,08/13 1 PM-3 PM

    Northeast Heights                 Northeast Heights                 Northeast Heights                  Paradise West                        Paradise West                           Paradise West
12224 Palm Springs Avenue NE       1205 Paisano Street NE            3613 Holiday Court NE              6523 Cliff Dweller Road NW           5909 Soria Avenue NW                    10115 Calle Bella Drive NW
$245,000|1650 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba     $239,900|2209 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba    $230,000|1948 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba     $273,000|1907 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $259,900|2017 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba          $259,000|2721 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices    Signature Southwest Properties    Re/Max Select                      Realty One of New Mexico             Karsten & Associates and One Stop       ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate
Allstar, REALTORS(r)               (505) 332-8838                    (505) 265-5111                     (505) 883-9400                       Realty (505) 315-1564                   (505) 296-1500
(505) 994-8585 Juan F Duran        Jennifer L Wilson                 The Braden Team                    JJ & Janis Lynch                     Karsten & Associates                    Leonard C Tartaglia
MLS # 898855                       MLS # 898360                      MLS # 897554                       MLS # 892706                         MLS # 897840                            MLS # 898571
08/12 12 PM-2 PM                   08/12 1 PM-3 PM                   08/13 12 PM-2 PM                   08/13 1 PM-4 PM                      08/12 2 PM-4 PM                         08/12 12 PM-4 PM

   Northwest Heights                  Northwest Heights                 Northwest Heights                  Paradise West                        Paradise West                            Placitas Area
6823 Mete Sol Drive NW             7612 Sunrose Drive NW             8108 Fairmont Drive NW             7516 Breckenridge Road NW            6155 Park South Place NW                17 Tierra Madre Road
$325,000|3334 sq. ft.|5bdr|3ba     $315,000|2717 sq. ft.|5bdr|4ba    $275,000|2553 sq. ft.|4bdr|2ba     $185,900|1633 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $185,000|1880 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba          $469,900|2562 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba
ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate   Re/Max Elite                      Realty One of New Mexico           PS Properties                        Coldwell Banker Legacy                  Keller Williams Realty
(505) 296-1500                     (505) 798-1000                    (505) 883-9400                     (505) 553-2640                       (505) 898-2700                          (505) 897-1100
Michelle Rohl                      Dirce P Grauke                    Aaron Sandoval                     John C Woods                         Carol J Bouloy                          Joseph Maez
MLS # 895678                       MLS # 897046                      MLS # 892430                       MLS # 895438                         MLS # 897119                            MLS # 898627
08/13 10 AM-12 PM                  08/13 2 PM-4 PM                   08/13 1 PM-3:29PM                  08/11 3 PM-6 PM                      08/13 2 PM-4 PM                         08/13 1 PM-3 PM

   Paradise East                       Paradise East                    Paradise West                       Rio Rancho Central                  Rio Rancho Central                      Rio Rancho Mid
5311 Lehr Place NW                 10131 Taft Court NW               9640 Monolith Drive NW             601 Soothing Meadows Drive NE        1748 Lee Loop NE                        1271 Sonora Road NE
$425,000|4000 sq. ft.|5bdr|5ba     $225,000|2072 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba    $349,900|3005 sq. ft.|5bdr|4ba     $190,000|2649 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba       $109,900|815 sq. ft.|2bdr|1ba           $385,000|3300 sq. ft.|4bdr|4ba
Coldwell Banker Legacy             Keller Williams Realty            Century 21 Unica Real Estate       Keller Williams Realty               Coldwell Banker Legacy                  Realty One of New Mexico
(505) 898-2700                     (505) 271-8200                    (505) 293-8400                     (505) 271-8200                       (505) 898-2700                          (505) 883-9400
Richard C Kraft                    Judith Shaw                       Kenneth H Sears                    Brandon M McCain                     John M Long                             David S Torres
MLS # 898561                       MLS # 893143                      MLS # 887704                       MLS # 896038                         MLS # 897848                            MLS # 892106
08/13 12 PM-2 PM                   08/12 1 PM-3 PM                   08/13 11 AM-1 PM                   08/13 12 PM-2 PM                     08/13 2 PM-4 PM                         08/13 1 PM-3 PM

   Paradise West                      Paradise West                      Paradise West                     Rio Rancho North                     Rio Rancho North                        Rio Rancho North
9555 Sun Dancer Drive NW           7000 Brindisi Place NW            10443 Bilboa Street NW             2313 Audh Court NE                   6453 Freemont Hills Loop NE             3645 Pole Loop NE
$247,900|1605 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba     $230,000|2490 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba    $189,900|1654 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba     $510,000|3189 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $284,500|2684 sq. ft.|5bdr|3ba          $245,900|2172 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
RE/MAX Finest                      Coldwell Banker Legacy            Keller Williams Realty             Coldwell Banker Legacy               EXP Realty LLC                          Realty One of New Mexico
(505) 792-2255                     (505) 292-8900                    (505) 897-1100                     (505) 892-1000                       (505) 554-3873                          (505) 883-9400
Donna S Valdez                     Barbara Madaras                   Ronald B Valencia                  Katherine Matthews                   Aviva M Schear                          James C Angus
MLS # 886994                       MLS # 892321                      MLS # 897490                       MLS # 888894                         MLS # 898283                            MLS # 889651
08/13 12 PM-2 PM                   08/12 2 PM-4 PM,08/13 1 PM-3 PM   08/12 1 PM-4 PM                    08/13 2 PM-5 PM                      08/12 2 PM-4 PM                         08/12 1 PM-3 PM,08/13 1 PM-3 PM

                                                                                                                                             visit abqjournal.com/homestyle for interactive listings
homestyle • august 11 – august 17, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                         hs 17

  open houses
   southwest mls                                                                                                         open house listing information was derived from the southwest multiple             117 listings
                                                               southwest mls
                                                               this friday - thursday
                                                                                                                         listing service properties (swmls) as of 6pm on monday. open houses are
                                                                                                                         run as space allows. information is accurate, but not guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            low: 82k
                                                                                                                                                                                                            high: 1,800m
    Placitas Area                     Rio Rancho Central                   Rio Rancho Central                   Southeast Heights                             Southeast Heights                       UNM
45 Calle Del Norte                 3810 Desert Pinon Drive NE           3333 Zia Court NE                   11923 Pocono Road SE                           12104 Dan Patch Road SE                 3620 Monte Vista Boulevard NE
$455,000|2721 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba     $225,000|2575 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $204,000|2265 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba      $330,000|2694 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba                 $327,022|2651 sq. ft.|4bdr|4ba          $332,500|1597 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
Coldwell Banker Legacy             Enchanted Homes Realty               Karsten & Associates and One Stop   Keller Williams Realty                         Century 21 Unica Real Estate            ForSaleByOwner.com Referral
(505) 292-8900                     (505) 944-2490                       Realty (505) 315-1564               (505) 897-1100                                 (505) 293-8400                          Services, LLC(866) 946-2662
Mark Parker                        Susan R Agostini                     Karsten & Associates                Joseph Maez                                    Kenneth H Sears                         Randal Newhouse
MLS # 894941                       MLS # 895883                         MLS # 898613                        MLS # 898755                                   MLS # 898345                            MLS # 887226
08/13 1 PM-3:30PM                  08/13 1 PM-4 PM                      08/13 2 PM-4 PM                     08/13 1 PM-3 PM                                08/12 11 AM-2 PM                        08/12 11:30AM-2 PM

   Rio Rancho MiD                     Rio Rancho MiD                       Rio Rancho MiD
108 Paseo Vista Loop NE            3517 Newcastle Drive SE              328 Pecos Loop SE
$344,900|3151 sq. ft.|5bdr|3ba     $325,000|3134 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba       $129,500|1050 sq. ft.|2bdr|2ba
ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate   Coldwell Banker Legacy               Realty One of New Mexico
(505) 296-1500                     (505) 898-2700                       (505) 883-9400
Jacqueline E Rodriguez             Carol J Bouloy                       Chris J Rivera
MLS # 894527                       MLS # 883730                         MLS # 894488
08/13 12 PM-3 PM                   08/13 1 PM-4 PM                      08/12 1 PM-3 PM

                                                                                                                                                            The Rio Grande, Santa Fe Trail, watermelon sunsets
    Rio Rancho South                  Rio Rancho Southwest                 Sandia Heights                                                                   and the great Sandias...
2840 Abeto lane SE                 1025 Daffodil Drive SW               2143 Black Willow Drive NE
                                                                                                                                                            The Old West has taken us many places.
$389,000|2859 sq. ft.|4bdr|4ba     $152,900|1400 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba       $320,000|1771 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba
Keller Williams Realty             Coldwell Banker Legacy               Coldwell Banker Legacy                                                              At Old West Realty...we take you to SOLD!!
(505) 897-1100                     (505) 892-1000                       (505) 892-1000
                                                                                                                         Robin Ulman, Qualifying Broker
Valerie Almanzar
MLS # 895808
08/13 12 PM-2 PM
                                   Ronnie M Lovato
                                   MLS # 898002
                                   08/12 12 AM-2 PM
                                                                        Dan L Warnock
                                                                        MLS # 889673
                                                                        08/12 11 AM-3 PM
                                                                                                                         OldWestRealtyABQ@gmail.com                        505.385.8522

                                                             46 nature pointe dr                                                                                                     3810 Desert Pinon Drive NE
                                                             tijeras, NM 87059                                                                                                       Rio Rancho, NM 87144
                                                             $129,000                                                                                                                $225,000
                                                             tijeras                                                                                                                 rio rancho
                                                             2.0 acres / 87,120 Sq. Ft.                                                                                               3 bed / 3 bath / 2,575 Sq. Ft.
                                                             patsy spellman                                                                                                           Susan Agostini
                                                             infinity real estate                                                                                                     enchanted homes realty
                                                             office: 505.281.2596 cell: 505.321.8848                                                                                  office: 505.400.3307

                                                             MLS# 757372                                                                                                              MLS# 895883

                                                             20 Silver Hills SE                                                                                                      4900 Glenwood Hills Dr NE
                                                             Albuquerque, Nm 87123                                                                                                   Albuquerque, Nm 87111
                                                             $450,000                                                                                                                $575,000
                                                             Four Hills Village                                                                                                      North Foothills
                                                             3 bed / 3 bath / 3,298 Sq. Ft.                                                                                           4 bed / 4.5 bath / 3,756 Sq. Ft.
                                                             Penny Howard                                                                                                             Phyllis and Robert Boverie
                                                             Realty One of New Mexico                                                                                                 24K Real Estate Group
                                                             office: 505.883.9400 cell: 505.205.3012                                                                                  office: 505.292.2424 cell: 505.710.2086

                                                             MLS# 893580                                                                                                              MLS# 895017
hs 18                                                                                                                                                                                                  AlbuquerqueJournal

  open houses
   southwest mls                                                     southwest mls
                                                                     this friday - thursday                             open houses
                                                                                                                         southwest mls                                                      santa fe mls
                                                                                                                                                                                            this friday - thursday
open house listing information was derived from the southwest multiple listing service properties (swmls) as of 6pm   open house listing information was derived from the santa fe multiple listing service properties as of 5pm on
on monday. open houses are run as space allows. information is accurate, but not guaranteed.                          monday. open houses are run as space allows. information is accurate, but not guaranteed.

   UNM                                    UNM                                     Uptown                                  NW Quadrant                           SF City Limits NE                        SF City Limits NE
1005 Bryn Mawr Drive NE                1511 Solano Drive NE                   2929 Wyoming Boulevard NE               28 Hereford Lane                       806 Paseo de la Cuma                     807 Camino del las Trampas
$300,000|1921 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba         $219,000|1312 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba         $325,000|3370 sq. ft.|4bdr|3ba          $1,395,000| sq. ft.|4bdr|6ba           $999,000|3783 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba           $599,000|2080 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
24K Real Estate Group, INC.            24K Real Estate Group, INC.            Keller Williams Realty                  Sotheby’s Int. RE/Grant II             Sotheby’s Int. RE/Washington             Santa Fe Properties
(505) 292-2424                         (505) 292-2424                         (505) 271-8200                          505-982-6207                           505-988-8088 Ashley Margetson            505-982-4466
Barbara K Blount                       Sandra L Domeny                        Robert Sutton                           Team Lehrer & Earley                   MLS # 201700030                          Dermot Monks
MLS # 897053                           MLS # 891843                           MLS # 874650                            MLS # 201702326                        08/11 12 PM-4 PM,08/12 1 PM-4            MLS # 201702506
08/12 1:30PM-3:30PM                    08/13 1 PM-3:30PM                      08/13 2 PM-4 PM                         08/13 1 PM-3 PM                        PM,08/13 12 PM-4 PM                      08/16 10 AM-1 PM

   Uptown                                 Uptown                                 W Los Lunas                              SF City Limits NE                      SF City SE North                         SF City SE North
2929 Texas Street NE                   7710 Pennsylvania Place NE             2275 Stallion Drive SW                  870 Alameda E                          415 CALLE BONITA                         1500 CALLE PRECIOSA
$214,900|1690 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba         $210,000|1803 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba         $194,900|1761 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba          $1,450,000|2320 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $611,000|2168 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba           $475,000|1376 sq. ft.|3bdr|2ba
Realty One of New Mexico               ERA Sellers & Buyers Real Estate       Coldwell Banker Legacy                  Sotheby’s Int. RE/Washington           Keller Williams                          Keller Williams
(505) 883-9400                         (505) 296-1500                         (505) 898-2700                          505-988-8088                           505-983-5151                             505-983-5151
David S Torres                         Michele Lane                           Sue Trevor                              Team Stedman/Kehoe/Hirsch              Aaron Borrego                            Aaron Borrego
MLS # 895998                           MLS # 898409                           MLS # 876439                            MLS # 201703358                        MLS # 201604155                          MLS # 201604191
08/13 4 PM-6 PM                        08/12 11 AM-1 PM,08/13 2 PM-4 PM       08/13 1 PM-3 PM                         08/16 1 PM-3 PM                        08/11 10 AM-5 PM,08/12 10 AM-5 PM        08/11 10 AM-5 PM,08/12 10 AM-5 PM

                                                                                                                          SF City SE North                      SF City SE North                         SF City SE North
                                                                                                                      506 San Antonio                        1012 Marquez Pl 103A-104A                319 Cordova Lane
                                                                                                                      $1,498,000|3052 sq. ft.|3bdr|3ba       $525,000|1450 sq. ft.||2ba               $995,000|3483 sq. ft.|6bdr|5ba
                                                                                                                      Sotheby’s Int. RE/Grant II             Adobe Realty of SF, Inc.                 Sotheby’s Int. RE/Washington
                                                                                                                      505-982-6207                           505-988-2806                             505-988-8088
                                                                                                                      Darlene Streit                         Roseanna Gonzales                        Robert Cardinale
                                                                                                                      MLS # 201701901                        MLS # 201702539                          MLS # 201703794
                                                                                                                      08/13 1 PM-4 PM                        08/11 11:30AM-1 PM                       08/13 3 PM-5 PM

                                                                  9000 Alameda Blvd NE                                                                                                  2021 Gabaldon Road NW
                                                                                                                         Million Dollar Views,                                          Albuquerque, NM 87104
                                                                  Abuquerque, NM 87122
                                                                                                                         Gated, Covenants!                                              $575,000
                                                                  north albuquerque acres                                                                                               near north valley
                                                                                                                                                                                        4 bed / 4 bath / 3,607 Sq. Ft.
                                                                   4 bed / 4.5 bath / 4,350 Sq. Ft.
                                                                                                                                                                                        marty stribling
                                                                   Robert Devine                                                                                                        marty stribling brokerage
                                                                   Switch Realty                                                                                                        office: 505.379.1706
                                                                   office: 505.596.0606 cell: 505.515.5800
                                                                                                                                                                                        MLS# 898338
                                                                   MLS# 876458                                                                                                          http://www.realestatenewmex.com/

                                                                  7000 Brindisi pl nw
                                                                  Albuquerque, NM 87114
                                                                  $230,000                                                      feature yourself or your
                                                                  paradise west
                                                                                                                                houses here, every friday.
                                                                   3 bed / 2.5 bath / 2,490 Sq. Ft.
                                                                   Barbara Madaras                                               Contact Lois Maldonado
                                                                   coldwell banker legacy                                        505.823.3363 or
                                                                   office: 505.292.8900 cell: 505.301.1033                       rep70@abqjournal.com

                                                                   MLS# 892321
                                                                                                                                                             visit abqjournal.com/homestyle for interactive listings
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