Home energy efficiency policy in Germany and the UK
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Home energy efficiency policy in Germany and the UK Jan Rosenow, University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute Manuscript of paper to be published, please quote as following: Rosenow, J. (forthcoming 2013): Energy efficiency policy in Germany and the UK. In: Urban, F., Nordensvard, J. (Ed) Low Carbon Development: Key Issues. Earthscan, Oxford. Link to book Abstract Energy efficiency recently has experienced a revival as part of the attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, global energy demand has not fallen so far and is projected to increase even further. There is a need for ambitious energy efficiency policies if energy demand reduction is to play an important role for achieving low carbon development. This chapter looks at the approach taken in Germany and the UK, two countries that are internationally recognised for their innovative energy efficiency policies. More specifically, the principal policy instrument targeting energy use in homes in each country is analysed. 1 Introduction A path of low carbon development inevitably needs to address two key issues related to energy: The carbon intensity of energy production as well as the level of energy consumption (Urban, 2010). These are the main two options to reduce the carbon emissions in the energy system which are the focus of national and transnational climate policy. For example, the 2007 EU climate and energy package (European Commission, 2010) sets a reduction target for EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels by 2020 and a reduction of 80% by 2050. Part of the policy package is a binding target to achieve a 20% share of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources by 2020 (to reduce the carbon intensity of energy production) and an indicative target to reduce primary energy use by 20% by 2020 compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency (to reduce energy consumption). The paper focuses on the issue of reducing energy consumption through energy efficiency measures in industrialised countries. The issue of energy production is addressed by other chapters in the book (see the chapters by Bloomfield and Yadoo, Tawney, Byrne, and Urban et al.). While discussing some of the key issues around energy efficiency, this chapter looks in more detail at two prominent energy efficiency policies in the household sector as a case study for industrialised, high income countries. The two examples are chosen because they are widely considered as blueprints for successful energy efficiency policies. However, the policy instruments are very distinct in the way they address energy efficiency improvements and show two possible options for tackling energy use in residential buildings. The first example is the Energy Savings Obligations in the United Kingdom (UK), also known as the Supplier Obligation (SO). Today the SO is the most important policy instrument to deliver energy and carbon savings in the residential sector in the UK (OFGEM, 2005). The second example is the German CO2 1
Buildings Rehabilitation Programme (CBRP). In Germany the CBRP is the principal policy instrument to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from residential buildings (BMU, 2007). Both policy instruments focus on residential buildings only, a sector that is particularly important for greenhouse gas mitigation as will be demonstrated below. The value of contrasting the two cases is manifold: It shows the very different architecture of the two policy instruments discussed and showcases two prominent examples of energy efficiency policy. The approach of the instruments is very different even though they both focus on residential energy efficiency improvements. This enables the reader to get a better understanding of the potential range of energy efficiency policy instruments. Also, the analysis provides an evaluation of the achieved carbon savings and discusses why the two programmes generate different results. The critical discussion of the contextual factors that need to be considered when drawing conclusions helps the reader to get a better understanding of the difficulties around sound comparative evaluations in this area. The structure of this chapter is as follows: The chapter starts with an outline of the methodology. This is followed by a section presenting the case study findings for the UK and for Germany including a comparative analysis of the achieved energy and carbon savings as well as a more general comparison of the architecture of the two systems and the actors involved. Finally, the chapter draws some conclusions, highlights areas for future research, and makes some recommendations. Text box 1 indicates the definitions of key concepts and terms relevant for this chapter. Text box 1: Definitions of key concepts and terms Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency is frequently referred to as the ratio of the useful energy output of a process and the energy input in a process (Patterson, 1996). The higher the energy efficiency of a given technology, the more output one gets from one unit of energy used to run that technology. Hence, energy efficiency focuses on how much energy is consumed relative to a service. Energy conservation: Energy conservation focuses on total energy use and is aimed at energy demand reduction (Moezzi, 1998). While energy efficient technologies may be part of that, it also includes energy sufficiency, i.e. doing without a service altogether and changing consumption behaviour. The distinction to energy efficiency is important, particularly when considering issues such as the rebound effect (see text box 2). Energy efficiency gap: Even though there are multiple cost-effective energy efficiency technologies, take up remains far below what would be possible. This discrepancy is called the energy efficiency gap or the energy paradox. This term was first coined by Hirst and Brown (1990). 2 Methodology Case selection The area of energy efficiency policy covers multiple policy instruments across different sectors (domestic, commercial, and industrial). It would be a herculean task to cover all of this in one chapter. Hence, only two policy instruments have been chosen for more detailed analysis. The case selection followed a simple logic: 2
First, the focus of the policy instrument should be among the key areas with the highest potential for energy demand reductions. Second, the countries examined should play an important role in energy efficiency policy. Third, within the countries and the sector chosen the instruments should be the principal policy instrument. With regard to the three conditions the case selection is as following: 1) The sector with the largest potential for energy efficiency improvements is the buildings sector: Of particular importance for energy demand reduction are residential buildings. Studies indicate that buildings alone (both residential and commercial) contribute about one third to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (figure for year 2009), most of which stems from residential buildings (UNEP, 2009). The picture looks similar in the UK where almost 30% of carbon emissions come from just the energy use in residential buildings (DEFRA, 2010) and Germany where residential buildings contribute about one third to total carbon emissions (BMWi and BMU, 2010). According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), energy efficiency in the building sector plays a key role for climate change mitigation policy and can deliver significant reductions of GHG emissions. The IPCC estimates that at least 29% can be reduced cost-effectively in the residential and commercial building sectors by 2020 compared to the projected baseline emissions, the highest reduction potential among all sectors studied in the latest IPCC mitigation report (IPCC, 2007). Unfortunately the IPCC does not list separate estimates for residential and commercial buildings, but the largest proportion of the potential is likely to be within the residential building sector (UNEP, 2009). 2) In terms of the significance of national energy efficiency policy, both Germany and the UK are often cited as examples for innovative and ambitious energy efficiency policies. For example, the IEA describes both policy instruments as particularly innovative in its assessment of IEA members’ energy efficiency policies (IEA, 2009). Also, the currently debated EU Energy Efficiency Directive proposes that all member states implement Energy Savings Obligations similar to the British SO. The German CBRP is frequently cited internationally as a blueprint for loan and grant programmes to finance energy efficiency improvements (e.g. UNEP, 2011). 3) The criterion applied to identify the principal policy instrument is its contribution to carbon emission reductions in the domestic sector compared to other policy instruments targeting the housing sector, i.e. the one with the largest effect on reducing carbon emissions is deemed the principal policy instrument. According to Rosenow (2011), in the UK this policy instrument is the Energy Savings Obligations, the SO. Germany’s key policy instrument is the CBRP, a loan and grant scheme run by the bank KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau), the German Reconstruction Loan Corporation. Because the two policy instruments have a slightly different focus it is useful to define the system boundaries of the analysis. System boundaries Both policy instruments target solely energy end-use in residential buildings. There are some differences though: 3
The SO in the UK focuses on heating, warm water provision, electricity use for domestic appliances, and lighting. The measures promoted by the programme may increase the energy performance of the building fabric (for example through wall insulation), reduce the energy consumption from appliances (for example through replacement of inefficient appliances such as fridges with more efficient ones), improve the heating system (for example through the installation of an energy efficiency boiler) or reduce electricity consumption from lighting (for example through the replacement of incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs). While of low significance in terms of the contribution to the overall savings measures may also decarbonise the energy used for example by installing solar thermal. In contrast, the CBRP in Germany has a narrower focus and mainly targets energy use for heating and warm water provision. Measures include insulation (for example solid wall insulation), renewal of the heating system (for example by replacing stand-alone heating devices), and replacement of windows (for example double glazed windows with triple glazed windows). Similar to the SO the CBRP also allows the promotion of micro-renewables such as solar thermal. To sum it up, the SO historically targeted energy use from a wider range of end-uses whereas the CBRP mainly focused on heating and warm water provision. Analysis The two policy instruments are compared with regard to their carbon and energy savings as well as the financial resources spent. This comparison is undertaken by using annual evaluations of the policy instruments by government departments, government agencies, the regulators, and consultants. Note that this can only be an indicative evaluation due to the different methodologies used in the various studies that have been analysed for the purpose of this chapter. The effectiveness of policy instruments aiming at improving the energy efficiency of the building stock may be constrained by barriers to energy efficiency and rebound effects as illustrated in text box 2. Furthermore, the architecture of the two policy instruments is compared based on differences in the key features of those instruments. This comparison is based on document analysis and interviews with experts. A more detailed analysis of the differences between the two policy instruments is provided in Rosenow (2011). Text box 2: Key issues Barriers to energy efficiency: The energy efficiency gap, i.e. the fact that cost-effective energy saving opportunities are not exploited, can be explained with obstacles that energy users face – the literature frequently uses the term 'barrier' or 'market barrier' to explain the low uptake of cost-effective measures. There have been numerous attempts to develop taxonomies of barriers to energy efficiency (e.g. Brown, 2001; Hirst and Brown, 1990; Sorrell et al., 2004). According to Eyre (1997), the barriers commonly named are: imperfect information to energy consumers; perverse incentives (e.g. the landlord/tenant barrier); limited availability of capital; price volatility; externalities such as the social and environmental cost of carbon (such as the cost of climate change, air pollution, health hazards etc.) are not sufficiently internalised and reflected in energy prices; and 4
bounded rationality (individuals may not have the cognitive ability to assess the costs and benefits appropriately). Often energy efficiency programmes only address one or two of these barriers. While it is unlikely that a single policy instrument can incorporate all of the barriers named above, attention needs to be paid to the effect of not addressing them. For example, improving access to capital may help to overcome the lack of financial means of households, but those in the private rented sector are unlikely to be able to benefit from such measures because only the landlord can make decisions for or against energy efficiency measures. Rebound effect: The rebound effect describes the phenomenon that energy efficiency measures make the consumption of energy services cheaper and hence more attractive to consumers resulting in an increase of total energy demand (Brookes, 1990; Inhaber and Saunders, 1994; Khazzoom, 1980). This phenomenon is called the rebound effect or the Khazzoom-Brookes Postulate (Saunders, 1992). The rebound effect is frequently broken down in three different types: direct, indirect and economy-wide rebound effects. Direct rebound effects refer to the phenomenon that energy efficiency improvements make it cheaper for consumers to use an energy service and as a result they use more of that service (Greening et al., 2000, Sorrell, 2007). For example, if driving a car uses less fuel due to a more efficient engine people might simply drive their car more and offset some of the energy savings by doing so. Indirect rebound effects might occur when consumers spend the money they save due to energy efficiency measures on other energy consuming services. To stick to the previous example, if driving a car becomes cheaper consumers might decide to pay for a flight with the money they saved due to higher fuel efficiency (Barker et al., 2007, Sorrell, 2007). Economy-wide rebound effects refer to the effects of falling prices for energy services on the economy as a whole. If the cost of energy services decreases the price of intermediate and final goods in the economy decreases too. This has the effect that more energy intensive goods become more competitive. Lower cost for energy services might also stimulate economic growth leading to a higher demand for energy services (Barker et al., 2007). Based on a review of over 500 papers and reports, a study for the UK Energy Research Centre provided estimates of the direct, indirect and economy wide rebound effects. For household heating, household cooling and personal automotive transport the direct rebound effect is estimated to be less than 30% (Sorrell, 2007). 3 Case study findings 3.1 Energy Savings Obligations in the UK In 1994, the UK introduced an obligation on electricity suppliers to deliver a certain amount of energy savings at the customer end, known as the Supplier Obligation (SO). Although the initial obligations where set at a low level and covered only electricity suppliers at the beginning, the instrument became one of the key features of UK energy efficiency policy. In 2000, the SO was extended to both gas and electricity suppliers, which is still the case today (Rosenow, 2012b). The basic concept of the SO is that Government imposes a savings target on energy companies that has to be achieved at the customer end i.e. not via increasing the efficiency of energy production but through the improvement of the efficiency of energy 5
consumption. The target may relate to energy consumption or carbon emissions. In the UK, the target is set by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) for a defined period of time (usually 3-4 years). The energy regulator, OFGEM, is responsible for administering the SO and enforcing it. It defines individual savings targets for each energy company. The energy companies then contract installers of energy saving measures that carry out the work in homes according to a defined standard and with a certain benchmark for energy and / or carbon savings. Alternatively, energy companies may choose to work with homeowners directly. In the past, energy companies have for example promoted the use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) via mass mail-outs of free light bulbs, although this is now prohibited. Figure 2 summarises the mechanism of the SO. Figure 1: Mechanism of the Supplier Obligation in the UK Source: Rosenow (2012b) While there was a succession of different SO schemes, the basic logic remained the same. The first SO scheme was called Energy Efficiency Standards of Performance (EESoP) and ran from 1994 to 1998. Its successors, EESoP 2 and EESoP 3, ran from 1998 to 2000 and 2000 to 2002 respectively. In 2002 the scheme’s name was changed to Energy Efficiency Commitment (EEC). EEC 1 was in place from 2002 to 2005 and EEC 2 from 2005 to 2008. EEC was eventually renamed in 2008 to the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) that runs from 2008 to 2012. The following graph shows annual energy savings target for the different periods: 6
Figure 2: Changes to the energy savings target Source: Rosenow (2012b) It is evident from the data that the ambition of the SO changed significantly over time. The main drivers of this process include climate change policy, rising energy prices, increasing fuel poverty, and a number of institutional changes. A detailed analysis of the different drivers and the politics can be found in Rosenow (2012a). 3.2 The German CO2-Building Rehabilitation Programme As outlined above, the CBRP is the most important policy instrument in Germany for reducing carbon emissions of buildings. The CBRP provides low interest loans and grants to households for specified refurbishment measures including energy efficiency. The Federal Government funds the scheme and enables the bank KfW to issue loans with an interest rate lower than the market rates. In addition, some of the funding provided is used to issue grants. Making use of both federal funding and national as well as international capital markets KfW offers financial products to finance housing refurbishment. Home owners, housing companies, and public bodies can apply for loans and grants at an intermediary bank which assesses the financial circumstances of the application. The intermediary bank forwards the application to the KfW which then approves the loan or grant (Rosenow, 2011). Figure 3 summarises the model described above. 7
Figure 3: Architecture of the CBRP Source: author While the CBRP has been modified over the years since its inception in 2001, the basic principles are still the same. One notable change, however, is the introduction of grants in 2007 (not covered in the graph above), although most of the funding goes into low interest loans. 3.3 Comparison 3.3.1 Brief evaluation of policy instruments This section provides a brief evaluation of the two policy instruments in terms of their effectiveness, i.e. the carbon emissions and energy saved compared to the financial resources spent. A comparison of the data derived is subject to various limitations for a number of reasons: First, the energy and carbon savings accounting methodology differs in the UK and Germany and the figures are not like-for-like. Second, there is no reliable estimate of free rider effects, i.e. how much of the energy efficiency improvements initiated by the policy instrument would have happened anyway, and rebound effects in Germany, whereas in the UK free rider effects (called ‘deadweight’) and rebound effects (called ‘comfort taking’) are taken into account. Finally, the figures are based on modeling studies rather than monitoring real energy use and the effects of the policy instruments. Therefore the following remarks have to be taken with a pinch of salt. Figure 4 is based on various evaluations and presents the energy and carbon savings for both programmes. 8
Figure 4: CO2-emissions in Mt lifetime emissions and TWh saved per year in the UK (SO) and Germany (CBRP) Source: Rosenow (2011) From 2002 to 2008 about 1.3 billion Euros were spent by energy suppliers as a result of the SO (based on Lees, 2006; Lees, 2008). According to the BMVBS (2010), in the same period federal funding for the CBRP amounted to more than three times as much (about 4.5 billion Euros). In case of the SO the energy customers paid for the scheme with their bills, while the CBRP funding was based on taxpayers’ money. The carbon savings achieved over the same period amount to 109 million tonnes of lifetime CO2-emissions for the SO and to 91 million tonnes of lifetime CO2-emissionsfor the CBRP (Rosenow, 2011). The ‘dips’ that occur in some years in case of the CBRP are the result of varying funding for the programme from year to year. Considering that both programmes led to comparable carbon savings, the question remains why the CBRP required significantly more funding. One reason is the different energy efficiency performance of the building stock; dwellings in Germany are much more energy efficient than buildings in the UK, a result of laxer energy performance requirements for new buildings in the past and the older building stock in the UK (BPIE, 2011). Hence energy savings are more costly as the low hanging fruits have already been picked. However, a more detailed analysis would be required in order to answer that question confidently and there are several factors that need to be considered: the CO2 emissions from residential energy use per household are broadly similar (around 5 t CO2 per year) (DEFRA, 2010; Diefenbach, 2008), even though British buildings are less energy efficient. A more moderate climate and less living space per person offset the lower energy efficiency though resulting in similar levels of emissions. Therefore it is difficult to draw quick conclusions without further analysis. Text box 3 presents a critique of mainstream energy efficiency policy. Text box 3: Critique of mainstream energy efficiency policy Most energy efficiency programmes are still pursued from a perspective that puts technological efficiency and financial aspects centre stage – it, intentionally or unintentionally, aims at improving nominal efficiency of energy services leading to relative savings. This helped to trigger remarkable technological innovations with regard to efficiency in many areas. However, at an aggregate level enhanced efficiency just does not seem to add up. In order to employ energy efficiency as a means (rather than an end in itself) to reduce carbon emissions on a large scale, a different approach is needed. While it is unlikely that the focus on efficiency as it stands will change significantly in the foreseeable future, there is potential to re-calibrate existing policy instruments with an increasing orientation towards achieving total energy savings. Similar thoughts have been explored by others, who also highlighted the need to realign energy 9
efficiency efforts with total energy savings (Harris et al., 2008; Wilhite and Nørgård, 2004). Harris et al. (2008) developed the concept of progressive efficiency, which proposes that as the scale of energy use or service increases, the level of required efficiency should be higher to make sure total consumption is accounted for. This concept could potentially be applied to buildings, appliances, heating systems etc. 3.3.2 Comparison of architecture of the policy instruments While having a similar effect in terms of delivering energy efficiency measures across the housing stock, the two policy instruments are very different with regard to their general architecture. Actors involved In both countries the level of ambition is set by a government department, although it is the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in the UK and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) in Germany. The two departments have a very different focus: DECC’s main remit is reducing carbon emissions and setting the framework for a low carbon energy system whereas BMVBS primary task is the development of infrastructure, although this has a climate change and energy efficiency component. The CBRP channels funding for energy efficiency retrofits through the bank KfW. The SO, in contrast, utilises energy suppliers as a vehicle for delivering energy efficiency, a model quite distinct to the German approach. It also relies on the regulator, OFGEM, to administer the scheme. In Germany, the regulator is not involved in the CBRP. Finance The CRBP is funded out of the public budget and total funding may change every year depending on the overall budgetary considerations. While funds have been projected for three years in the future, those projections are mere statements of what the government would like to spend on the CBRP rather than binding figures. The CBRP was subject to austerity measures in 2010 when the responsible minister announced that funds would be cut by half for the year 2011 (Rosenow, 2011), although additional funds were made available later in the year. The volatility and risk of funding cuts trigger considerable uncertainty in the market leading to a stalling of orders for energy efficiency retrofits. In Britain the SO is paid for by the energy companies, but energy suppliers are permitted to pass the costs through to households via energy bills. Therefore, the treasury has no involvement in the financial transactions taking place and does neither benefit directly from nor contribute to the SO. Hence even substantial spending cuts as seen at the moment cannot affect the SO as it is not based on public expenditure. Taking into account that larger targets and the promotion of more expensive measures increase the total cost of the programme it comes as no surprise that every household in the UK contributes about £50 to the SO through their annual energy bill. This puts a burden on some households who do not benefit from the SO (for example the fuel poor living in private rented accommodation). This means that there are limits to how far the costs of the scheme can expand if paid via energy bills. 10
Focus The SO incentivises energy suppliers to use the cheapest measures available in order to deliver their obligation. In a competitive market where energy companies compete on price it is assumed that the suppliers will try to minimise the cost of the delivery of the SO. This is probably one of the reasons why micro-generation measures never had a significant share of the SO measures and why most of the activity has been in loft and cavity insulation as well as lighting. In a nutshell, the SO is a scheme that incentivises the picking of low hanging fruits.1 In contrast to the SO, the CBRP focused on packages of measures from the beginning on taking the view that doing many measures at once would be advantageous. The so called ‘whole house approach’ where all of the building fabric is upgraded to a higher energy efficiency performance has played an important role for the calibration of the CBRP. In order to be eligible for support from the CBRP, a defined standard in terms of the buildings energy use compared to the basic energy performance standard for new buildings has to be achieved. However, the CBRP also promotes single measures and combinations of measures, so it is not just about the whole house approach. 4 Conclusion The path of low carbon development includes ‘using less energy, improving the efficiency with which energy is used’ (Urban, 2010: 93). This chapter focused on precisely this issue and presented two high profile case studies in the area of energy efficiency policy. Both instruments resulted in significant energy and carbon savings over time and it is difficult to judge which instrument is ‘more effective'. They are both examples of successful energy efficiency policy and will probably continue to do so. Based on the above a number of recommendations can be made: Funding: The CBRP was funded by the public budget – there was some volatility in the past in terms of funding levels and there is the risk that the budget may continue to vary in the future. This is unhelpful for the long-term certainty in the energy efficiency market. Similar loan and grant programmes should be designed in a way that is less prone to budgetary changes. The SO is currently focusing on low cost measures. As discussed above, larger targets and the promotion of more expensive measures increases the premium paid via the energy bill. There are limits to how much consumers are willing and able to pay and for deep retrofits additional resources will be required. Loan schemes similar to the CBRP might be a sensible option. Scale: In order to achieve significant refurbishment rates of 2% or more of the building stock every year, the current ambition of both policy instruments does not suffice. Therefore additional instruments, for example building regulations setting minimum standards for existing buildings, are likely to be required to increase the refurbishment activity. Social equity: Some segments of consumers did not benefit as much as others from the two policy instruments. Particularly poorer households are negatively 1 By ‘low hanging fruits’ the cheapest options for improving energy efficiency are meant. 11
affected if the energy efficiency of their buildings is not improved and energy prices continue to rise in the future. In order to cover a wider range of households there needs to be additional support, particularly for the private rented sector. Future policy initiatives for energy efficiency and low carbon development in industrialised, high income countries should draw on the experiences with the two policy instruments and carefully assess the limitations of them. What is likely to be required is a sensible mix of different policies rather than one silver bullet. 5 References BMU. 2007. Das Integrierte Energie- und Klimaprogramm der Bundesregierung [Online]. Available: http://www.bmu.de/files/pdfs/allgemein/application/pdf/hintergrund_meseberg.pdf [Accessed 06/05 2010]. BMVBS 2010. Wohnen und Bauen in Zahlen 2009/2010. Berlin, Bonn: BMVBS. BMWi & BMU 2010. Energiekonzept für eine umweltschonende, zuverlässige und bezahlbare Energieversorgung. Endfassung. 28. September 2010. Berlin: BMWi. BPIE 2011. Europe's Buildings under the Microscope. A country-by-country review of the energy performance of buildings. Brussels: BPIE. Brookes, L. 1990. The greenhouse effect: the fallacies in the energy efficiency solution. Energy Policy, 18, 199-201. Brown, M. A. 2001. Market failures and barriers as a basis for clean energy policies. Energy Policy, 29, 1197-1207. DEFRA. 2010. Measuring progress: sustainable development indicators 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions [Online]. Available: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110223093550/http://defra.gov.uk/sustainable/governm ent/progress/data-resources/documents/02_greenhouse_gas_emissions.xls [Accessed 01/05 2012]. Diefenbach, N. 2008. Deutscher Gebäudebestand: Basisdaten und Modellrechnungen bis 2020 [Online]. Available: http://www.iwu.de/fileadmin/user_upload/dateien/energie/ake44/IWU-Tagung_17-04- 2008_-_Diefenbach_-_Basisdaten.pdf [Accessed 01/05 2012]. European Commission. 2010. EU energy and climate package [Online]. Available: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/package/index_en.htm [Accessed 25/08 2012]. Eyre, N. 1997. Barriers to energy efficiency more than just market failure. Energy and Environment, 8, 25- 43. Harris, J., Diamond, R., Iyer, M., Payne, C., Blumstein, C. & Siderius, H.-P. 2008. Towards a sustainable energy balance: progressive efficiency and the return of energy conservation. Energy efficiency, 1, 175. Hirst, E. & Brown, M. 1990. Closing the efficiency gap: Barriers to the efficient use of energy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 3, 267-281. IEA 2009. Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies: are IEA Member Countries on Track: Edition, Paris, OECD Publishing. Inhaber, H. & Saunders, H. 1994. Road to nowhere: Energy conservation often backfires and leads to increased consumption. The Sciences, 34, 20-25. IPCC 2007. Climate change 2007. Mitigation of climate change : contribution of Working Group III to the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Khazzoom, J. D. 1980. Economic implications of mandated efficiency standards for household appliances. Energy Journal, 1, 21-40. Lees, E. 2006. Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Commitment 2002-05. Wantage: Eoin Lees Energy. 12
Lees, E. 2008. Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Commitment 2005-08. Wantage: Eoin Lees Energy. Moezzi, M. The predicament of efficiency. ACEEE 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 1998 Washington DC. ACEEE, 4.273-4.282. OFGEM 2005. A review of the Energy Efficiency Commitment 2002 – 2005. London: OFGEM. Patterson, M. G. 1996. What is energy efficiency? Concepts, indicators and methodological issues. Energy Policy, 24, 377. Rosenow, J. Different Paths of Change: The Case of Domestic Energy Efficiency Policy in Britain and Germany. ECEEE Summer Study 2011, 2011 Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France. 261-272. Rosenow, J. 2012a. Energy Savings Obligations in the UK – A History of Change. Energy Policy [Online]. Rosenow, J. Understanding policy change: Energy Savings Obligations in the UK. World Sustainable Energy Days 2012, 2012b Wels, Austria. Saunders, H. 1992. The Khazzoom-Brookes postulate and neoclassical growth. Energy Journal, 13, 131- 148. Sorrell, S. 2007. The rebound effect: an assessment of the evidence for economy-wide energy savings from improved energy efficiency. London: UK Energy Research Centre. Sorrell, S., O'Malley, E., Schleich, J. & Scott, S. 2004. The Economics of Energy Efficiency - Barriers to Cost- Effective Investment, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. UNEP 2009. Buildings and Climate Change. Summary for Decision-Makers. Paris: UNEP. UNEP. 2011. Towards a green economy: pathways to sustainable development and poverty education [Online]. Available: www.unep.org/greeneconomy [Accessed 01/05 2012]. Urban, F. 2010. The MDGs and Beyond: Can Low Carbon Development be Pro‐poor? IDS bulletin, 41, 92. Wilhite, H. & Nørgård, J. S. 2004. Equating efficiency with reduction: A self-deception in energy policy. Energy & environment, 15, 991-1009. 6 Further readings Eyre, N. 1997. Barriers to energy efficiency: more than just market failure. Energy & Environment, 8(1), 25-43 Jaffe, A. B. & Stavins, R. N. 1994. The energy-efficiency gap What does it mean? Energy Policy, 22, 804-810. Moezzi, M. The predicament of efficiency. ACEEE 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 1998 Washington DC. ACEEE, 4.273-4.282 Wilhite, H. & Norgard, J. S. 2004. Equating efficiency with reduction: A self-deception in energy policy. Energy & Environment, 15, 991-1009 13
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