Holiday - Star News Group

Page created by Stephen Coleman
Holiday - Star News Group

 A SUPPLEMENT TO       NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021
Holiday - Star News Group
PAGE 2 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                                    WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

            The Historic Village at Allaire
                  4263 Atlantic Avenue, Farmingdale
                           Located within Allaire State Park

                  “Christmas at Allaire”
     Sunday, December 5 • Sunday, December 12
               Sunday, December 19
                12pm-4pm Each Day
        Stroll through the Decorated Village which includes…

     Roaming Carolers, Storytelling & Surprise Visits by Santa
     12 Days of Christmas Scavenger Hunt to a Candy Cane Reindeer Craft
     Historic Holiday Demonstrations by the Villagers
     Vintage Model Train Display
     Musical Program in the Chapel
     Ornament Making & Traditional Holiday Games
     Gift Shopping in the General Store
     (drop off your Christmas cards at the General Store to have them
     hand cancelled with an Allaire postmark and mailed)
     Savory Sweets in the Bakery
     Pilsen Gourmet Food Truck on site for lunch

    PRE-PURCHASE TICKETS NOW! – These events sell out!
         Go to for tickets under the Events Tab or
               $8.00 per person (children 2 and under Free)
              Tickets at the door $10 per person (if available)
       Masks must be worn in historic buildings. No strollers permitted in historic buildings.
                               Dress warm for outdoor weather.
Holiday - Star News Group
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                               NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 3

West Coast
     to the
East Coast.

                                                                                brands to
                                                                                make you feel

                     219 Morris Avenue, Spring Lake 07762
                • @shopwarmsl • Open Daily 10-5
                                           Shop Online
Holiday - Star News Group
PAGE 4 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                                        WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

       Bay Head to offer holiday cheer for all
STAR NEWS GROUP               excited about,” said Ms.     light up the Scow Ditch           “After the tree lighting              A Santa's Workshop                           cessfully found the item.
                              Feehan.                      bridge.                         everybody roams around                event will be held at The                      Business owners will
  BAY HEAD — Bay Head            From 5:30 to 8 p.m.,         At 5:30 p.m. there will      to the different activities           Bay Head Fire Company                          then change the location
will transform into a         all shops and business-      be a bell choir perfor-         – they go shopping ear-               on Dec. 4 from 10 a.m. to                      of the decahedron for
winter wonderland as          es in the borough will       mance at Andi’s on Lake         ly for the holidays, they             12 p.m. There will be a                        the next participants to
the Bay Head Business         be open for visitors to      Avenue.                         may have hot cocoa and                variety of arts and crafts                     come in and find.
Association [BHBA]            stop in to get a start on       At the Bay Head Fire         they may go see the Boy               for children, a $5 mini-                          Zsa Zsa Stackles, sec-
kicks off their holiday       their holiday shopping.      Company, located at             Scouts for a hot dog,” ex-            mum donation is being                          retary of the BHBA and
festivities for all ages to   Some businesses will be      81 Bridge Ave., the Bay         plained Ms. Feehan.                   asked of participants.                         owner of ReFind bou-
enjoy on Dec. 3.              serving food and bever-      Head School music pro-            From 6 to 8 p.m. there                                                             tique located at 43 Mount
  Allison Feehan, vice        ages. The Boy Scouts of      gram will perform at 6          will be a holiday brass                HOLIDAY SCAVENGER HUNT                        St. will be participating
president of the BHBA,        Ocean County will place      p.m. and there will be          band performance out-                    The third annual town-                      in the Christmas Walk
shared that the associa-      sandwich bag luminaries      hot cocoa and hot dogs          side Diane Turton Real-               wide holiday scavenger                         and the scavenger hunt.
tion has been planning        along the Christmas walk     courtesy of the Bay Head        tors on Bridge Avenue.                hunt organized by The                             Ms. Stackles explained
the borough’s upcoming        outside of the businesses.   Yacht Club and the Boy            Beginning at 7 p.m. on              Bay Head Historical So-                        that each side of the
holiday activities since         All Saints Church will    Scouts.                         Mount Street and Lake                 ciety will kick off on Dec.                    decahedron will have a
September. “Last year         also open its doors from        Santa will arrive by         Avenue will be the “Nut-              4, and will last until Dec.                    different picture of art-
with COVID we had             5:30 to 8 p.m. for hands-    firetruck for the bor-          cracker in the Sky” per-              22.                                            work and scenes from
some restrictions, so this    on activities, crafts and    ough's municipal tree           formance presented by                    Each participating                          old Bay Head. “It's pretty
year we’re pretty excited     snacks. The New Jersey       lighting at 6:30 p.m.,          the students of the Bay               business will be given                         traditional and nostal-
to have the Boy Scouts        Chamber Singers choir        which will be held in the       Head School of Ballet &               a 10-sided decahedron,                         gic,” she said.
back again and Santa          will perform and the St.     borough hall parking lot        Violin. For the past 26               which they will hide                              “Bay Head is a won-
Claus will meet with the      Nicholas' exhibit will       located at 83 Bridge Ave.       years this performance                throughout their store                         derful little town to
children personally this      be available for viewing     Mayor William Curtis            has been a highlight of               for participants to find.                      stroll, the streets will be
year, as last year he was     from Dec. 3 to 6. Ms. Fee-   will light the tree, kick-      the Christmas Walk. “It’s             Once found, participants                       illuminated and if the
on the firetruck - so there   han noted that All Saints    ing off the official start of   really adorable, and it               will have the business
are some changes since        Church also plans to help    the holiday season in the       looks like a giant snow               owner sign off on their
last year that we’re really                                borough.                        globe,” said Ms. Feehan.              hunt card that they suc-                       SEE BAY HEAD PAGE 15

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Holiday - Star News Group
Holiday - Star News Group

                                                                          The Perfect Fit
              2ND GENERATION WINE MERCHANT                               for Holiday Gifts

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                                                                      732-552-7777             (732) 513-2259

            H Fresh Cheese & Paté for Entertaining
           H Custom Gift Baskets with Wines & Foods
         H Highly Rated Collectibles in Stock & On Sale!
      H Complimentary Wrapping H Gift Bags & Wine Totes
         Follow us:       BottleShopWine
   1400 Third Avenue, Spring Lake • 732.449.5525

Holiday - Star News Group
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                        NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 7

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Holiday - Star News Group
PAGE 8 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                                                                        WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

 Craft fair marked start of holiday shopping season in Manasquan
STAR NEWS GROUP                                                                                                                                                                        have enjoyed getting
   MANASQUAN — Resi-                                                                                                                                                                     Ms. Patullo added that
dents and visitors got                                                                                                                                                                 many were shopping for
a head start on holi-                                                                                                                                                                  the holidays, and were
day shopping at the                                                                                                                                                                    “very supportive of small
most recent craft fair in                                                                                                                                                              business.”
Manasquan on Sunday,                                                                                                                                                                     Kim       Greenblatt
Nov. 14.                                                                                                                                                                               and Tricia Pierro, of
   Some 40 vendors were                                                                                                                                                                Manasquan, who stopped
set up in Squan Plaza,                                                                                                                                                                 by to browse at the event.
selling a variety of items                                                                                                                                                               “It’s nice to know that
such as jewelry, home                                                                                                                                                                  this is here and there’s
decor, clothing and art,                                                                                                                                                               things going on in the
as well as produce and                                                                                                                                                                 community,” Ms. Green-
baked goods.                                                                                                                                                                           blatt said, noting that
   “It’s going good. A lit-                                                                                                                                                            craft fairs are frequently
tle cool, but we’re sur-                                                                                                                                                               held in Squan Plaza.
viving,” said event orga-                                                                                                                                                                Ms. Pierro agreed, add-
nizer Pam Patullo, of the                                                                                                                                                              ing that she was happy to
sponsoring Manasquan                                                                                                                                                                   support local vendors.
Chamber of Commerce.                                                                                                                                                                     Tina Longo, of Wall,
“A lot of locals are com-                                                                                                                                                              said she was enjoying the
ing out … We’ve had a
nice day. We’ve had good                                                                                      DANIELLA HEMINGHAUS STAR NEWS GROUP

traffic flow and people The Manasquan Chamber of Commerce hosted a holiday craft fair in Squan Plaza on Sunday, Nov. 14.
                                                                                                                                                                                        SEE CRAFT PAGE 24

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Holiday - Star News Group
Holiday - Star News Group
PAGE 10 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                                                         WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

       g ht U p Yo u r H oli days!                                                                                Craft fair, tree lighting,
    L i         Give the Gift
        of Light this Holiday Season
                                                                                                                   Santa visit planned
                                                                                                                     in Point Pleasant
                                                                                                                STAR NEWS GROUP

                                                                                                                   POINT PLEASANT — Sev-
                                                                                                                eral happenings are
                                                                                                                planned to make the
                                                                                                                season brighter in Point
                                                                                                                Pleasant this holiday sea-
                                                                                                                   The Point Pleasant
                                                                                                                Boro High School Band
                                                                                                                Boosters will present
                                                                                                                their 46th annual Hol-
                                                                                                                iday Craft Fair & Gift
                                                                                                                Auction from 9 a.m. to 4
                                                                                                                p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 4.
                                                                                                                The location is Memorial                                          STAR NEWS GROUP FILE PHOTO
         126 Main Street, Manasquan • 732-223-6114                                                              Middle School, 808 Lau-      Children visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus during a previous
                          Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm                                                               ra Herbert Drive.            Old-Fashioned Christmas at Bennett’s Log Cabin in Point
                                                                                                                   All proceeds bene-        Pleasant.
     • Gift Certificates Available
                                                                                                                fit the band, which will
                                                                                                                perform instrumental
                                                                                                                holiday music during the       CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING     the home of decoy-carv-

                                                                                                                event.                         AND MARKET IN THE PARK      er Herman Bennett and
                                                                                                                   The event will include       Then, at 5 p.m. on Sat-    is located at Riverfront
                                                                                                                breakfast and lunch of-      urday, Dec. 4, residents      Park, 2303 River Road.
                                                                                                                ferings, a bake sale, a      may join Mayor Robert           The cabin features
                                        Catering for All Occasions                                              super 50/50 raffle and       Sabosik and the borough       antique trains and dolls,
                                    Our extensive menu is perfect for                                           games of chance includ-      council for the annual        and there will be photo
                                      every event from Cocktails &                                              ing a birthday board and     Christmas Tree Lighting       opportunities with Santa
                                       Holiday Parties, Weddings,                                               stocking stuffers with a     and Help for the Holi-        and Mrs. Claus.
                                           Showers, Birthdays                                                   surprise gift and Santa's    days Drive at Communi-
                                                                                                                corner.                      ty Park, 2255 Bridge Ave.     SANTA ARRIVES ON FIRETRUCK
                                        Penne Vodka • Chicken Francese • Salads                                    Over 80 vendors will         From 5 to 8 p.m., the         The word in town is
                                    Fresh Mozzarella Platters • 3 & 6 foot subs • Wings
                                                                                                                offer holiday shopping,      Point Pleasant Chamber        that Santa Claus will be
                                    • Meatballs • Chicken Tenders • Sausage & Peppers
                                                                                                                including chocolate, cro-    of Commerce will host         making a pre-Christmas
                                           • Wraps • Shrimp Cocktail & More!
                                                                                                                chet, handmade jewelry,      Market in the Park, fea-      visit on Saturday, Dec.
                                                                                                                Scentsy, Norwex, Color       turing family photo op-       18. Point Pleasant Fire
                                            $5 OFF                             10 % OFF                         Street and local artists.    portunities with Santa,       Department Station 75
                                         Buy 1 Large Pizza                     CATERING                            The gift auction will     ice carvings, a bounce        will escort the man in
                                         Regular Price Get                      ORDER                           be back in person this       house, food trucks and a      the red suit throughout
                                          2nd Large Pizza                       Must be from
                                            $5.00 OFF!                                                          year. There is no need       variety of local vendors      all neighborhoods. Santa
                                                                                Catering Menu
                                               With this coupon.                    With this coupon.           to be present to win gift    providing a chance to do      has made the decision to
                                        No Combo orders. One coupon          No Combo orders. One coupon
                                        per visit. Offer Expires 12/31/21   per visit. Offer Expires 01/06/22   baskets (changed due to      some holiday shopping.        remain on the fire truck
                                                                                                                Covid restrictions so to                                   again this year and will
                                                                                                                not have a large crowd        OLD-FASHIONED CHRISTMAS      not be making stops into
                                        We promise you the highest quality products
                                       and family prices in a clean, casual atmosphere                          during ticket drawing)          AT BENNETT’S LOG CABIN     houses (until everyone
                                                                                                                but participants must           Families are invited to    is asleep on Christmas
                                       EAT IN • PICK UP • FREE DELIVERY                                         write their full name and    celebrate an Old-Fash-        Eve, of course). This also
                                                   Everything’s Homemade                                        phone number on each         ioned Christmas at Ben-       gives everyone in town a
                                                                                                                ticket. Winnings must be     nett’s Log Cabin from 2 to    chance to get a glimpse
                                     301 Union Ave., Brielle • 732-528-5566                                     picked up by 6 p.m. at the   5 pm. on Saturday, Dec. 11    of Santa. More informa-
   Online ordering                   201 Broadway, Point Beach • 732-206-6040                                   school.                      and Sunday, Dec. 12. The      tion will be released a bit                                 FREE DELIVERY!                                                                          cabin, circa 1920, was        closer to his visit.
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                     NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 11

                                                                                                              Weston Gallery

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                                                                                                                Unique Designer Jewelry      Original Artwork

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   To Place an Order, call 732.681.7755
  HOLIDAY HOURS                                             NEW YEAR’S EVE:
   MARKET OPEN                                                10 AM till 9 PM
  CHRISTMAS EVE                                             NEW YEAR’S DAY:
     (Friday, December 24th)
              9AM - 6PM                                       10 AM till 9 PM
For Platters, Catering & Market ONLY!                      NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS
*NO RESTAURANT SERVICE                                     CATERING STILL AVAILABLE
    OR TAKE-OUT ON                                         “Hot” Pre-ordered Food for Christmas Eve             Holiday hours begin Monday November 29th
    CHRISTMAS EVE*                                          Can Be Picked Up Between 1 PM & 6 PM
                                                                                                                     Open 7 days a week in December!
 CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY                                        GIFT CARDS AVAILABLE

      From Friday, Nov. 26th thru Friday, Dec. 24th
For Every $100 in Gift Cards Purchased,                                                                      79 Main Street, Manasquan • 732-292-1664
     Receive a FREE $25 Gift Card                                                                                   visit
             (In-store only, no limit, can purchase multiple gift cards totaling $100 or more.)

                                                  Brick Children’s Theatre to
                                                  present ‘A Christmas Carol:
                                                    The Broadway Musical’
                                                 STAR NEWS GROUP
                                                                                   However, as they say,          construction and cos-
                                                   BRICK — The Brick            the show must go on.              tume design and count-
                                                 Children’s Community           BCCT began their “The-            less rehearsals, it became
                                                 Theatre [BCCT] will fi-        ater in the Park” program         evident that this was not
                                                 nally return to indoor         during lockdown, which            meant to be,” Ms. Zarrilli
                                                 performances when they         consisted of outdoor,             said. “We were momen-
                                                 put on ‘A Christmas Car-       socially distanced per-           tarily paralyzed; it felt
                                                 ol: The Broadway Musi-         formances at Windward             like March of 2020 all
                                                 cal’ at Stafford Township      Beach Park in Brick. Au-          over again.”
                                                 Arts Center from Dec. 3        diences were finally able            However, the versatile
                                                 to Dec. 5.                     to see Moana Jr., as well         theater program began
                                                   The BCCT is a                as Frozen Jr., A Charlie          “knocking on doors,” and
                                                 non-profit organization        Brown Christmas, Matil-           this led it to the Stafford
                                                 that puts on a variety of      da Jr. and Disney’s De-           Township Arts Center,
                                                 plays and musicals and         scendants in a safe, out-         where the musical retell-
                                                 “strives to be the best        side environment.                 ing of the Dickens classic
                                                 community theater by              Due to BCCT’s quick            will be performed.
                                                 enriching, entertaining        thinking and creative re-            The Stafford Town-
                                                 and educating our com-         sponse to the pandemic,           ship Arts Center is at
                                                 munities through out-          the Ocean County Her-             1000 McKinley Avenue,
                                                 standing theatrical expe-      itage Commission and              in Manahawkin. Tickets
                                                 riences featuring youth        the NJ Theater Alliance           for the show, which are
                                                 actors,” according to          awarded the organization          $19.50, can be purchased
                                                 BCCT Board President           with the 2020 Cultural            on BCCT’s website at
                                                 Kendra Zarrilli.               Response Award.          The show
                                                                                                                  times are as follows; Dec.
                                                   PANDEMIC PERFORMANCES            A CHRISTMAS CAROL             3 at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 4 at 2
                                                    At the onset of the           Initially, the BCCT was         p.m. and Dec. 5 at 2 p.m.
                                                 COV I D - 1 9 pa n d e m -     planning its triumphant              BCCT asks for au-
                                                 ic, BCCT was just two          return to indoor theatre          dience members over
                                                 weeks away from per-           with A Christmas Carol            the age of two to wear
                                                 forming “Moana Jr.” at         at Strand Theater, how-           facemasks to the perfor-
                                                 Lakewood’s Strand The-         ever, there were some             mances. Also, all parties
                                                 ater when it was post-         hiccups along the way.            will automatically have
                                                 poned for much longer            “Unfortunately,                 empty seats on either
                                                 than expected.                 mid-production plan-              side to allow for distanc-
                                                                                ning, after auditions, set        ing between parties.

                                                      Brielle Chamber of Commerce
                                                           The Perfect Holiday Gift
                                                                                                                              Available to
                                                         2021 BRIELLE                                                       purchase at the
                                                         CHAMBER OF                                                       following locations
                                                          COMMERCE                                                  FOLK AGENCY REALTORS,
                                                                                                                       Higgins Avenue, Brielle
                                                          ORNAMENT                                                 BRIELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY,
                                                                                                                       South Street, Brielle

                                                           Gift Certificates Available for Purchase - to be Redeemed at Chamber Member Businesses
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                        NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 13

      Shoppers support
   local business at Allaire
      holiday craft show
STAR NEWS GROUP               ations, which had a table
                              set up at the event, said
                                                            er Priscilla Miller and
                                                            friend Reka Szabo, said
                                                                                                    Get in to the
Historic Village at Allaire
                              he also felt that more
                              people were buying from
                                                            the holiday craft fair is
                                                            an annual tradition in her          Christmas spirit and
                                                                                                 come shop with us!
hosted its annual holiday     small, local businesses.      family
craft show recently, with        “It would probably be a       “We come to the holi-
hundreds in attendance        better idea to come here      day craft fair every year
to get a head start on the    and get something that’s      and it’s the best because                      B&B DEPT. STORES
holiday shopping season.      homemade, cheaper and         you get ahead on Christ-
                                                                                            Shop Surf & California Style Fashions for Juniors & Women
   There was an empha-        is actually in stock versus   mas stuff,” Ms. Riddle
sis on shopping local         going to the big stores       said. “It’s a great turn-        • Swimwear • Sportswear Accessories • Jewelry & Gifts!
with more than 130 ven-       where everything’s out        out. It’s the best stuff I’ve                         732.428.7664
dors spread throughout        of stock and you have to      seen since before COVID
the state park, selling       pay double the price,” he     and everybody’s so hap-                      BRIELLE PET SALON
a variety of craft items      said.                         py that we’re back to                Professional all-breed grooming for dogs & cats
from jewelry to candles          Raquel Scalzo, of Man-     normal.”                              New customers receive $10 off with this ad
and soap to Christmas         ahawkin, said her goal           Ms. Miller, with her                                732.449.2322
decorations.                  this year was to shop         hands full of Christ-
   Rob Suazo and Jody         small and support local       mas decor, joked that                     BENCHMARK APPRAISAL
Smith, of Massapequa,         businesses.                   the group still had more                          Real Estate Appraisals
New York, made a near-           “I’m trying to get away    shopping to do before                   Litigation Specialists/Statewide Coverage
ly two-hour drive to Wall     from big box stores,” Ms.     they left.
for the craft show.           Scalzo said, adding that         Some vendors, howev-
   “We’re mainly Christ-      she was using the event       er, like Jessica Jacobs of           SAYERS FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC
mas shopping, and shop-       as an opportunity to buy      Pupsibilities, said she has
                                                                                             Honest, Affordable Wellness Care for the Entire Family
ping for ourselves, be-       gifts for other people.       not had a rush in sales
cause it’s local vendors         “It's very busy. I’m       yet, but expects business                 Free Consult with mention of this Ad
and we like to support        shocked there’s so many       to pick up once around                               732.449.8083
that,” Mr. Suazo said.        vendors, it’s awesome,”       Black Friday.
   Ms. Smith added that       she said.                        Cindy Dupre of Bags-                           OMG! YOGURT
they frequently attend           For Stephanie Erhard       ByMona echoed a sim-                        Fill it! Top it! Weigh it! Love it!
the flea markets at Allaire   of Homemade NJ Can-           ilar sentiment, stating           Self-Serve Frozen Yogurt • 14 Flavors • 60 Toppings
and were happy to make        dle, she said customers       that people seemed to be                               732.359.8164
the trip to Wall on Sun-      began Christmas shop-         browsing more than they
day. As a history teacher,    ping in October to avoid      were spending.                               SHEAR MAGIC SALON
she added that she also       the holiday rush.                “There seems to be an           Where magic happens. Call for appt. 732.449.1322
likes to support Allaire’s       Meredith Riddle, of        apprehension to spend              20% off your 1st visit when you mention this ad
history and mission.          Bradley Beach, who was        money,” Ms. Dupre said.
                                                                                                        Please follow us on Facebook
   At h e r ta bl e fo r      shopping with her moth-
Catskill Coasters and                                                                                   LOVELY NAILS SALON
Crafts, owner JJ Russo
                                                                                                     Let us pamper you from hand to foot!
said Sunday’s event was
the second holiday show
                                 Christmas tree and                                          Deluxe Spa Pedicures • Manicures • Gel Nails • Waxing
she’s participated in this
season.                        menorah lighting set for                                           PINNACLE REHABILITATION &
   “I think that people are
definitely becoming more       Nov. 28 in Bradley Beach                                                SPORTS MEDICINE
inclined to buy smaller,                                                                             The practice that treats you like family.
local items, knowing that     STAR NEWS GROUP               and a Menorah lighting                                732.359.6916
they can’t necessarily get                                  at 5:30 p.m. in Riley Park
something from overseas
or a big box store.”
   Ryan Lenihan, a co-art-
                                Bradley Beach will
                              kick off the holiday sea-
                              son with a Christmas
                                                            on Nov. 28.
                                                               Hot chocolate and
                                                            cookies will be served to
                                                                                            Fountain 9 Mall
ist with Stay Fresh Cre-      tree lighting at 4 p.m.,      all attendees.                          2153 HWY 35, SEA GIRT, NJ
PAGE 14 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                             WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

                                                                                           Spring Lake to start holiday
                                                                                            season with tree lighting
                                                                                    BY HOPE PATTI                    The beloved Spring           Santa Claus will make
                                                                                    STAR NEWS GROUP               Lake Christmas Train         another stop in Spring
      WELCOME KALLI FROM SALON ON MAIN IN BELMAR                                                                  Village will open its        Lake a week after the
                                                                                       SPRING LAKE — The Bor-     doors on Nov. 27 at noon     official start of the hol-
                Complimentary Face Frame of highlights                              ough of Spring Lake is        at the Duggan building,      iday season to visit the
                with a single process touch up & haircut                            getting ready to kick off a   located at 309 Washing-      borough’s boys and girls.
                           (with Kalli ONLY, toner not included)                    season of holiday events.     ton Ave. The display is      Mr. Claus will arrive on
                                                 600 main street                       The tree lighting, pre-    organized each year by       Sunday, Dec. 5 at Spring
                                               avon by the sea, nj                  sented by Spring Lake         Rich Clayton and Pete        Lake Fire Company No. 1
                           Complimentary Haircut with a Cezanne                     Recreation and the            Casagrande of Clayton’s      at 1007 Fifth Ave.
                              smoothing keratin  treatment
                                                     Spring Lake Communi-          Limousine Service.              Children can stop by
                                                                                    ty House, is slated for          Mr. Clayton and Mr.       from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for
                                            Full Body Airbrush Tan - $25            Saturday, Nov. 27 at 6        Casagrande have orga-        lunch with Santa and fire
                                                                                    p.m. at Third and Morris      nized the display for more   truck rides.
                                                     10% OFF                        avenues. A rain date is       than 20 years around            Another holiday favor-
                                                                                    scheduled for the follow-     Christmastime. The dis-      ite will also return this
                                             the purchase of 2 or more              ing day, Sunday, Nov. 28      play featuring 400 trees,    year at the Spring Lake
                                                  R+Co Products                     at 5 p.m.                     nearly 100 buildings and     Community House and
                                               (All promotions expire 12-31-21.)       Festivities include mu-    20 animated attractions      Theatre. The theater’s
                                                                                    sic, dancing and a visit      is surrounded by six sets    annual production of
                                                                                    from Mr. and Mrs. Claus.      of Lehmann Gross Bahn        “Scrooge” is set for Dec.
                                                 Call Us Today 732.502.9520         Following the tree light-     [LGB] trains and trolleys,   2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12,17, 18 and
                                                                                    ing, residents are invited    water fountains, carnival    19. For more information,
                                                 600 Main Street, Avon-by-the-Sea   to visit with Santa at the    rides and more.              visit https://www.spring-
                                                   Community House.                                 

                                                                                           FARM MARKET
                                                                                          Quality Fruits & Vegetables Since 1969
                                                                                      2810 Allaire Road, Wall, NJ • 732-449-1928
                                                                                                       Open 7 Days 9am-5pm
                                                                                                 Starting Dec. 10th 9am-7pm Daily

                                                                                                      1308 Third Ave., Spring Lake
                                                                                      Open Saturdays & Sundays 10am-4pm thru Dec. 12th

                                                                                                    CHRISTMAS TREES!
                                                                                                            Premium Fraser Fir
                                                                                                           • $59 for All 6 to 7 Foot
                                                                                                          • Larger Trees Available
     2101 Atlantic Avenue, Manasquan                                                           Plus Handmade Blankets, Wreaths,
               732-612-3737                                                                  Kissing Balls and Other Specialty Items

  Heights will have third
  annual holiday house
   decorating contest
                                The three catego-          value of about $50,” he
                             ries include best house,      said.
  The borough of Spring      Christmas spirit and            Residents of the bor-
Lake Heights will hold       winter wonderland. Sig-       ough are encouraged to
their third annual holiday   nups will be available        observe holiday decora-
house decorating contest     on CommunityPass until        tions during the event,
on Dec. 18 sponsored by      midnight on Dec. 17.          which will begin at dusk.
the Spring Lake Heights         John Capristo, a mem-      For more information re-
Recreation Department.       ber of the borough coun-      garding the contest, res-
Three categories will be     cil said winners will re-     idents should email rec-
judged for the reward of     ceive a similar reward as     reation@springlakehts.
a gift card from a local     last year.                    com.
business.                       “The winners will re-
                             ceive a gift card in the

        Bradley Beach Alliance
        to host pop-up market

   The Bradley Beach
                             shopping as there will be
                             an array of vendors at the
                                                              The BBBCA, a non-
                                                           profit organization, was
Business Community Al-
liance [BBBCA] will host
                               “We hope the town
                                                           formed in 2020. The al-
                                                           liance brings businesses,
a holiday pop-up market
in Riley Park on Dec. 4
                             will come out to support
                             the alliance as well as our
                                                           residents and the mu-
                                                           nicipality together to                         GIFT of
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.       vendors and be together       enhance and strength-
   Attendees can en-
joy live music, food and
                             to celebrate the holi-
                             days,” said Paula Gavin,
                                                           en Bradley Beach, Ms.
                                                           Gavin said.
                                                                                                        LOCAL ART
warm beverages and
even get in some holiday
                             president of the BBBCA
                             board.                                                                        this
      Holiday cheer in Bay Head
BAY HEAD                     fun. People who have          the Manasquan Savings
FROM PAGE 4                  done it in the past have      Bank on Bridge Avenue.
                             really enjoyed it.”             Ms. Feehan told The
weather permits, it's a        Interested partici-         Ocean Star, “we real-
really lovely evening,”      pants of all ages may         ly feel like we're con-
said Ms. Stackles. “It’s     pick up a “hunt pass-         necting Mount Street to
exciting because it          port” from participating      Bridge Avenue to Route
brings people around to      businesses in the bor-        35 and to all the busi-
Bay Head and it gives an     ough. Two winners of a        nesses in between, so                   131 Main Street, Manasquan
objective to why they're     generous gift certificate     I’m hoping this year it's                      732.223.1268
in town and it makes it      will be announced on          going to feel a little bit
fun for families because     Dec. 22 at 12:30 p.m. at      more Christmassy.”               
you're on a hunt. It is
PAGE 16 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                                         WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

                                                                                                     An Intimate Apparel Store
                                                                                                    Offering Everything You Need
                           A Full Service Salon                       Ink.                                 to Feel Beautiful
    Must present coupon. All specials expire 12/31/21 and are not to be combined.

             NEW                    20%   ACRYLIC                                                        New PJ’s from PJ Confidential
            CLIENTS                  Off    FILL                              $35                                 Bridal options by, The Rya collection,
                                                                                                                        Cosabella and b.tempt’d
      SINGLE PROCESS               $45 SINGLE PROCESS                         $65                                         Post Surgical bras by
        W/BLOWOUT            Reg. $60, long hair extra    W/HAIRCUT    Reg. $70, long hair extra                      Antonio, Wacoal and Cosabella
                                                                                                                 Maternity bras and tanks by Bravado
       FULL HIGHLIGHTS $140                               KERATIN           $199                                     Bras and undergarments by
     BALYAGE W/BLOWOUT      Reg. $200, long hair extra
                                                         TREATMENT    Reg. $250, long hair extra                    Wacoal, Cosabella, Louisa Bracq,
                                                                                                                         Montelle and Natori
         REGULAR                                             GEL

                       $30                                                     $25
     MANICURE/PEDICURE                                    MANICURE               Reg. $30

        • A Family Hair Care and Nail Salon
         • Brazilian Blowout Certified Salon
                              Walk-ins Welcome
                                                                                                                    642 Arnold Ave., Point Pleasant Beach
                        CORNER OF 7TH AVE. & MAIN ST.                                                                               732-573-8016
                          611 MAIN STREET • BELMAR                                                         Tuesday-Saturday 11am to 5pm ~ Sunday 11am to 3pm
                       OPEN TUES. - SAT.                   - 732-280-8585                                             Special fittings by appointment
                                                                                                        OPEN LATE ON THURSDAYS UNTIL 7PM FOR HOLIDAY SHOPPING

               Hallmark Cards • Gift Wrap
        Gifts • Candy • Calendars • Stationery
           Kids Stuff • Other Great Gift Ideas                                                        Use your Flexible Spending Account for all your
                                                                                                            vision needs before December 31st
            The area’s largest selection
                                                                                                               EYE EXAMS • CONTACT LENSES
            of Nautical Christmas Cards                                                                   SUNGLASSES • EYEGLASSES • ACCESSORIES
                and Jigsaw Puzzles!!                                                               DIETRICH OPTICIANS SHORE FAMILY EYECARE
                  CALL FOR HOLIDAY HOURS!                                                             Peter A. Goetz, LIC. TD1852           Drs. Harvey & Maria Richman and
                                                                                                                                        Dr. Kathleen Kinzley LIC.# 5114/5063/6490
                                609 Arnold Avenue,                                                    “Providing Family Eyewear To
                               Point Pleasant Beach                                                The Shore Area For Over 50 Years.”            Optometric Physicians
                                                                           732-223-2020                            732-223-0202
                                                                                                    134 -136 MAIN STREET, MANASQUAN, NEW JERSEY
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                      NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 17

                                                               HO! HO!
                                                                    HTOO !
     SATURDAY NOV. 27TH                                                                          OPEN
          AND ENJOY                                                                            TUES. 12/21
                                                                                                FRI. 24TH

                                                                                                     MR. PRIME WE GO!
                                                                                       •                 Prime Ribs of Beef
                                                                                       •                 Prime Filet Mignon
     *Excludes accessories, socks and shoes                                            •                 Crown Roast of Pork
                                                                                       •                 American Lamb
                    NOV 27
                                                                                       •                 Crown Roast of Lamb
        2100 HWY 35 AT                                     OLD TYME BUTCHER            •
                                                                                                         Racks of Lamb
                                                                                                         Prime Dry-Aged Steaks
                                                             75 MAIN STREET
         (SEA GIRT SQUARE MALL)                                                        •                 Tomahawk Steaks                                     MANASQUAN
                                                                                       •                 Jones Whole Hams
                                                           908-489-3061 • 908-489-3063
      732-223-0444                                               CLOSED 12/25 - 12/28
                                                                                       •                 Spiral Hams • Fresh Hams
     HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10:30-5
          SUNDAY 12-4                                       GIFT CERTIFICATES •                          Pheasant • Quail • Duck

                                                               SANTA BABIES
                                                           Girls Size 4-12
                                                           and Boys
                                                           Toddler to 8
                                                                Now thru Dec. 11

                                                                25% OFF
                                                            Pajamas & Outerwear (Excludes Widgeon)

                                                           602 Union Ave.
                                                           (Rt. 71) Brielle
                                                           Store Hours:
                                                           Mon-Fri 10-5:30
                                                           Sat 10-5 • Sun 11-4

                                                       This Holiday Season
                                                              Shop Local…

                                                 Mystery Discount Weekend
                                                 FRI. SAT. SUN.
                                                 11/26, 11/27, 11/28
                                                  10, 15, 20, 25 OR 30%
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                                                  HOURS: Monday thru Saturday 10-5:30 • Sunday 11-4
                                         • Find us on Facebook
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                       NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 19


      Unlimited Washes
    Get 1 Additional
      Month FREE                                            Oceanfront Dining
                                                             7 Days a Week
  BUY 12 MONTHS                                                                ~
                                                      MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY RESERVATIONS
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    Get 2 Additional
                                                                 In one of our Private Rooms

                                                                 CATERING AVAILABLE
     Months FREE                                                  for all your Holiday Events

                                                            HOLIDAY GIFT CARD SPECIAL
                                                      Purchase a $100 Gift Card, Receive a $20 Bonus Card

   FREE VACUUM                                                     Now thru December 24th

  WITH ALL WASHES                                    OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE & NEW YEAR’S EVE
                                                                           at Noon
 600 Ocean Road, Point Pleasant                                OPEN NEW YEAR’S DAY
         732-892-9160                                            Serving Dinner starting 2pm
        (Located next to McDonald’s)
      Open 7 Days at 8 a.m.                                 400 Ocean Avenue, Belmar                          732-749-3177 •
PAGE 20 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                           WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

 Point Pleasant Band Boosters plan 46th annual fundraiser
                           urday, Dec. 4. The loca-   holiday music during the    day board and stocking      Scentsy, Norwex, Color        not have a large crowd
  POINT PLEASANT — The     tion is Memorial Middle    event.                      stuffers with a surprise    Street and local artists.     during ticket drawing],
Point Pleasant Boro High   School, 808 Laura Her-        The event will include   gift.                         The gift auction will       but participants must
School Band Boosters       bert Drive.                breakfast and lunch of-        Over 80 vendors will     be back in person this        write their full name and
will present their 46th       All proceeds bene-      ferings, a bake sale, a     offer holiday shopping,     year. There is no need        phone number on each
annual Holiday Craft       fit the band, which will   super 50/50 raffle, San-    including chocolate, cro-   to be present to win gift     ticket. Winnings must be
Fair & Gift Auction from   perform instrumental       ta’s Corner and games of    chet, handmade jewelry,     baskets [changed due to       picked up by 6 p.m. at the
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat-                              chance including a birth-                               COVID restrictions so to      school.

                                                                                                                                          MARK R. SULLIVAN STAR NEWS GROUP

                                                                                                                                TURKEY DRIVE FOR
                                                                                                                                 DREAM CENTER
                                                                                                                              The Wall Intermediate School Parent
                                                                                                                              Teacher Organization teamed up
                                                                                                                              with students recently donations in
                                                                                                                              a Thanksgiving drive for the Jersey
                                                                                                                              Shore Dream Center.
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                            NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 21

    Tree lighting to welcome                                                                wild bird       SEEDS & SUCH
    the holidays in Lavallette                                                                   Gift Ideas for Bird Lovers!
STAR NEWS GROUP               Brooklyn Avenue, Laval-        upstairs then the lights       Give the bird                                roof
                                                                                                                                   rel P                      GIFTS
                              lette and are being pro-       will go on.”                   lovers in your life a           SquFireeders
   LAVALLETTE — The bor-      vided by the Lavallette           Santa will also be com-                                                                                 eed
                                                                                            gift that they will                                                  Bird S
ough-wide holiday tradi-      Business Association.          ing to the Borough of La-                                             l Feede
                                                                                            enjoy all year long.                           rs
                                                                                                                                                                      le ts
tion of the tree lighting        For the carolling por-      vallette on Dec. 3 to take                                                                             men
                                                                                            Wild Bird Seeds                       Bat Houses                   Orna
for all residents will take   tion of the evening,           pictures with anyone that      & Such’s unique                                                       Candles
place Friday, Dec. 3 at 7     Council President Anita        would like to.                                                                 Cakes
                                                                                            products make                            Suet
p.m. at the Lavallette Mu-    Zalom will be bringing            The borough suggests                                                                       Bird s         GIFTates
                                                                                            great gifts that                Window                        House        Certif
nicipal Building at 1306      her keyboard and invites       if you’d like a picture                                        Feeders
                                                                                            will surprise and                                                         Hanging
Grand Central Avenue,         all residents and inter-       with Santa, that you bring
                                                                                            delight everyone on                                      Nyjer
Lavallette, keeping with      ested parties to come out      a camera along with you                                              Heaters
local tradition.              and join in the carolling.     to the event.
                                                                                            your shopping list.        Birdbath                                        gbird
                                                                                                                                                                   Feed s
   During the event that         According to Ms. Za-           According to borough                                                     Heataths
will run from 7 to 9          lom, “If we sing O Christ-     officials, the night will be     Happy
p.m., refreshments will       mas Tree right and we do       a fun time for everyone         Holidays!
be served at Lavallette       it the way someone likes       in the family.
Elementary School, 105
                                                                                                                Gift Certificates Available
                                                                                                  Call ahead for curbside pick-up 732-528-4633
      Musicians tuning up for                                                                    Dec. 1st - Dec. 23rd: TUES thru FRI 10-5 • SAT 9-5 • SUN 12-5
                                                                                                 Friday Christmas Eve: 9-2 Most Major Credit Cards Accepted

      ‘A Bluegrass Christmas’                                                                 500 Union Ave., Rt. 71, Brielle
STAR NEWS GROUP               the show starts at 7:30          Ms. Phillips and Mr.
                              p.m.                           Strout will be joined by
  Spring Lake native             “Several years ago, I       world-renowned fiddler,
Karen Phillips and lo-        had this idea of an Amer-      Gary Olyear, and Glim-
cal band, The Glimmer         icana Christmas concert        mer Grass Band mem-
Grass Band, have collab-      that celebrates tradition-     bers Dave Plewa, John
orated to produce a blue-     al Christmas songs in          Dickson, Tommy Steven-
grass holiday show this       bluegrass style. I men-        son and Bob Engler.
December.                     tioned it to Gordon ‘Bun-        Tickets may be pur-
  “A Bluegrass Christ-        ker’ Strout. He thought it     chased online at https://
mas” will be performed        was a great idea too, and      mcloones.ticketbud.
at Tim McCloone’s Sup-        finally, this fall we decid-   com/a-bluegrass-christ-
per Club in Asbury Park       ed it was time to make it      mas-52538856-85bc7b-
on Thursday, Dec. 2.          happen,” said Ms. Phil-        7f2c14.
Doors open at 6 p.m. and      lips, a theater director,
                              actress and songwriter.

                                      Shop our great selection of
                                      designer clothing for your
                                         holiday gatherings.
                                                     We have new and
                                                     gently used clothng
                                                     and accessories.

                                     75 Main St., South Street Plaza
                                       Manasquan • 732-722-7670
PAGE 22 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                                                                                            WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

                                                                                                                                                   Holiday house-decorating
                                                          Sight Saver Optical
                                                                                                                                                    contest makes a return
                                                                                                                                                   STAR NEWS GROUP

                                                                                                                                                                                   will receive $100 Squan         of all winning homes will
                                                                                                                                                                                   Bucks and the third and         be taken and posted in
                                                                                                                                                     MANASQUAN — The               fourth place winners will       The Coast Star and on

 Spread Joy this Holiday Season!
                                                                                                                                                   Manasquan Recreation            receive $50 Squan Bucks.        the Manasquan Recre-
                                                                                                                                                   Department will be host-           Residents may register       ation website at www.
                                                                                                                                                   ing its second annual           for the contest online via The rec-
                      Bring a new unwrapped toy                                                                                                    Holiday Home Decorat-           CommunityPass by visit-         reation department asks
                                                                                                                                                   ing Contest this Decem-         ing the borough website         that contestants not have
                  at your time of purchase and receive                                                                                             ber.                            at www.manasquan-nj.            their homes profession-
            20% OFF A COMPLETE PAIR                                                                                                                  Prizes will be award-         gov. A CommunityPass            ally decorated.
                                                                                                                                                   ed for first, second,           account is required. Only          Residents can begin
                OF RX GLASSES!*                                                                                                                    third and fourth place.         those homes that are reg-       touring all the decorat-

    Sight Saver Optical
                                                                                                                                                   Manasquan Recreation            istered through Commu-          ed homes in the borough
                                                                                                                                                   Committee members               nityPass will be eligible       on Dec. 17 when a list
                                                                                                                                                   will select the second,         to be judged and receive        of participants will be
                                                                                                                                                   third and fourth place          prizes. Judging will take       posted on the recreation
        600 Union Ave., Brielle                                              1362 Hooper Ave., Toms River                                          winners and Manasquan           place between Friday,           department’s website.
                                                                                                                                                   residents will vote for         Dec. 17 and Thursday,           Votes are due by Dec. 23
            732-223-4242                                                            732-505-4444                                                   the first place, grand          Dec. 23.                        and should be emailed
                                                                                                                prize winner.                      Winners will be noti-        to Recreation Director
 *Excludes Maui Jim. Not valid on prior orders or purchases. Cannot be combined with any other offer or insurance plan. Promotion ends 12/21/21.     The first place winner        fied by the email address       Steve Antonucci at san-
                                                                                                                                                   will receive $100 Squan         used to register the home       tonucci@manasquan-nj.
                                                                                                                                                   Bucks and one 2022              on CommunityPass.               gov. For more informa-
                                                                                                                                                   Manasquan Beach Badge,          Prizes will be dropped at       tion, contact Mr. Anto-
                                                                                                                                                   the second place winner         each home and pictures          nucci.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       High School
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2407 Highway 71,                       Tailgate
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Spring Lake Heights

                                                                                                                                                             Open Thanksgiving
                                                                                                                                                             Order an assortment of bagels with a variety of cream cheese and
                                                                                                                                                                          spreads, fresh meats & cheeses for your
                                                                                                                                                                         Thanksgiving Weekend holiday breakfast!
                                                                                                                                                            • Breakfast & Lunch
                                                                                                                                                            • Open Daily 6am-2:30pm
                                                                                                                                                            • Every Bagel Mixed, Hand-Rolled,
                                                                                                                                                              Boiled & Baked in Our Store

                                                                                                                                                                      Weekend Special                              16 BAGELS
                                                                                                                                                              Any Breakfast $ 99
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for the
                                                                                                                                                                  Sandwich                                          PRICE
                                                                                                                                                               Expires 11/29/21. With coupon. Cannot be combined
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    OF 12
                                                                                                                                                                            @bagelstationnj                         Expires 12/31/21
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                          NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 23

  Holiday Cooks Tour
 set for Dec. 4 in Point                                                                       Deck the Halls
    Pleasant Beach                                                                                with Handcrafted
                              ementary PTO ... creates         thousands of dollars each           Holiday Florals!
   POINT PLEASANT BEACH —     an incredible night of           and a chance to purchase
The G. Harold Antrim          immersive holiday fun,           tickets for a 50/50 raffle                         Poinsettias • Wreaths
Elementary School PTO         with each guest having           that is sure not to disap-
will present its 21st annu-   the opportunity to visit         point.                                                 Centerpieces
al Holiday Cooks Tour,        painstakingly decorated             “The Antrim PTO                                    Grave Blankets
on Saturday, Dec. 4, from     tour stops and sample            Holiday Cooks Tour is
4 to 9 p.m.                   mouthwatering dishes             one of Point Pleasant                              Gourmet Chocolates
   This year's theme is "A    from some of the best            Beach's greatest holiday                               & Gift Cards
Storybook Christmas,"         chefs around,” the PTO           traditions and enables
and the night will be         stated in a press release.       the PTO to provide sig-
spent celebrating some           This year's tour, which       nificant support to Ant-
of the most beloved           is expected to draw more         rim students and teach-
Christmas stories of all
time. The tour pairs 10
                              than 500 guests, will fea-
                              ture dishes from Joe Le-
                                                               ers, funding things from
                                                               a new playground, to
local restaurants with 10     one's Italian Specialties,       books, classroom seating,
                                                                                                                                  2505 Route 88
homes, each decorated         Jimmy's Cucina, Top              school technology, and                                            Point Pleasant, NJ
to represent a famous         That! Donuts, Offshore           everything in between,”                           
Christmas story. Guests       BBQ , Shore Fresh Sea-           the PTO stated.
tour the homes, view the      food, Martell’s Tiki Bar,           Mo re i n fo r m at i o n
incredible decorations        Chef Meg Lamana, NJ              about the tour, including
and taste delicious small     Poke, Shore House, Chef          how to buy tickets and
plates from each featured     Mike's ABG and MOGO              donate to the event, can
restaurant.                   Korean Fusion Tacos.             be found online at www.
    “The Cooks Tour,             Guests will also have
which is the largest fund-    the opportunity to win
raiser for the Antrim El-     prize baskets worth

 Wreaths Across America
 will honor our veterans
                              of veterans throughout             In addition, all are wel-
  SPRING LAKE — The Gov-      the nation.                      come to help support the
ernor William Livingston        This year, the Spring          program by making a $15
Chapter of Daughters          Lake-based Governor              donation by check, pay-
of the American Revo-         Wi l l i a m L iv i n g s to n   able to the William Liv-
lution is again honoring      Chapter of Daughters of          ingston Chapter NSDAR,
veterans by inviting the      the American Revolution          and mailing it to Sue Van
community to participate      will hold a wreath-place-        Schoick, 88 McLean Ave.,
in the annual Wreaths         ment ceremony at noon            Manasquan, NJ 08736 by         990 Cedar Bridge Ave.                      3209 Sunset Ave.
Across America pro-           on Saturday, Dec. 18 at          Nov. 28.
gram.                         the Atlantic View Cem-             For more information,              Brick, NJ                             Ocean Twp., NJ
  Wreaths Across Amer-        etrry in Manasquan.              go to https://wreathsac-          732-477-1515                             732-898-7100
ica honors military ser-      Members of the general 
vice to the nation each       community are welcome
                                                                                                ••• GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ~ BUY ONE GET ONE FREE •••
holiday season by plac-       to participate in that
ing wreaths on the graves     event.                                                        
PAGE 24 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                                         WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

                                                                                                     Squan craft fair gives head
                                                                                                      start to holiday shopping
                                                                                                CRAFT                         owner of Medusa’s Halo,      unique items to give as
                                                                                                FROM PAGE 8                   said “I guess because it’s   gifts.
                                                                                                                              November and not De-            “It’s not like this is
                                                                                                craft fair and joked, “It’s   cember people are not        cookie cutter, everything
                                                                                                fun. I had no idea I was      freaking out.”               I make is totally different
                                                                                                planning to spend mon-           Ms. Ramsay added that     from the next thing,” she
                                                                                                ey.”                          come December there          said.
                                                                                                  Jamie Walter, of Wall,      is more of a demand for         Ms. Haberlin said,
                                                                                                who was shopping with         gifts, especially some-      however, that selling
                                                                                                Ms. Longo, said she           thing that is one-of-a-      craft items has become
                                                                                                likes to frequent the         kind.                        more difficult since the
                                                                                                Manasquan craft fairs to         “I love shopping home-    start of the coronavirus
                                                                                                support local vendors         made crafts and I think      pandemic. In the begin-
                                                                                                and those who return for      everyone else does too,”     ning the issue was a lack
                                                                                                each event.                   she said. “During the        of craft fairs to sell at, but
                                                                                                  Debbie Wiener, who          holidays … I make more       now, she said, craft mate-
                                                                                                runs Reese and Rose           money because people         rials have become pricier
                                                                                                Jewelry, said those stop-     want to buy something        and harder to come by
                                                                                                ping by her table were        unique and personal for      and people aren’t spend-
                                                                                                buying gifts for others,      their family members or      ing the way they used to.
                                                          DANIELLA HEMINGHAUS STAR NEWS GROUP   but a good portion were       friends.”                       “I’ve been doing this
The Manasquan Chamber of Commerce hosted a holiday craft fair in Squan Plaza on                 also buying for them-            Joann Haberlin, of        for many years, but it’s
Sunday, Nov. 14. The Woman’s Club of Manasquan was also on hand with a gift suggestion          selves.                       Jo’s Treasure, said most     definitely different since
of it own: Squanopoly.                                                                            Another vendor near-        that stopped by her ta-      COVID,” she added.
                                                                                                by agreed. Paige Ramsay,      ble were also looking for
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                              NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 25

Sea Girt Tree Lighting
                       Holiday Season
scheduled for Dec. 10     Savings!
                                                                                                                                                                 Order Online
                                                                                                                                                              Pick-up in Store or
                                                                                                                                                             Free Home Delivery*
BY ANTHONY ROSSICS                                                                                                                                                 *within 20 miles
                               ations of families singing,     Ms. Yodakis believes that
                               smiling and celebrating         it varies from individual
                               the holiday as the lights       to individual.
   SEA GIRT — The bor-         on the tree are illuminat-         “We have some folks
ough-wide tradition of         ed for the event.               who can't wait to enjoy
the Sea Girt Tree Light-          This year’s tree light-      that first cup of hot choc-
ing returns after a year       ing will also feature a         olate, children who can't
off due to COVID-19 on         surprise performance by         wait to see Santa, parents
Friday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m.      the Sea Girt Elementary         who can't wait to see
   The tree lighting will      School students and staff       their children's eyes light
take place in front of the     and performances from           up when that big, red fire
Sea Girt Library at The        The East Coast Dance            truck carries Santa to
Plaza.                         Company.                        town and of course we
   Sea Girt Recreation            “This is a town that         have some folks who just
Director Janeen Yoda-          naturally comes togeth-         can't wait to sing "Silent
kis said, “The best part       er, be it good times or         Night," said Ms. Yodakis.
about holding the Christ-      bad, so It feels absolutely        Ms. Yodakis men-
mas Tree Lighting is           wonderful to celebrate          tioned that her favorite
bringing the communi-          Christmas by gathering          part of the event is, “See-
ty together during such        together; sharing the joy       ing, hearing and feeling
a hopeful and beautiful        and hope of the holiday,”       the joy that Christmas
celebration.”                  said Ms. Yodakis.               brings!”
   Ms. Yodakis men-               When it comes to resi-
tioned that she is looking     dents favorite portion of
forward to seeing gener-       the tree lighting event,
                                                                                                     CRAFTSMAN TOOLS
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                                                                                                                                   WHERE OUR PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE

                                                                  MARK R. SULLIVAN STAR NEWS GROUP           201 Hwy. 71, Spring Lake Heights • 732-449-0100
Participants of all ages throughout the history of the tree lighting have enjoyed the various              626 Ocean Rd. (Rt. 88), Point Pleasant • 732-295-4800
                                                                                                                  442 Brick Blvd., Brick • 732-262-9300
elements of the event.
PAGE 26 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                         WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

                                                                                                                Who wouldn’t love a
                                                                                                                little Sweet Revenge
                                                                                                                    for Christmas?
                                                                                                                  Celebrate the sweetest
                                                                                                                      season with a
                                                                                                                     gift of chocolate!
                                                                                                               • Delicious chocolates handcrafted in
                                                                                                                 Point Pleasant Beach
                                                                                                               • Order your holiday gifts now; we’ll have
                                                                                                                 them fresh and ready for your requested
                   NATURAL, GENTLE HAIR REMOVAL                                                                • Wrapped boxes and treats always
                                                                                                                 available for grab & go
          We’ve cast aside the hair removal methods of the past, namely hot wax, in
                                                                                                               • Cocoa bombs are back and made on site
          favor of a more comfortable technique called “sugaring.” It’s the removal
           of unwanted body hair by applying a proprietary sugar paste that goes                                 Order online or by phone, or visit us for the
               on cool, comes off easily, and leaves skin unbelievably smooth.                                                 best selection!
                   MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!                                                                    527 Bay Ave., Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742
                                        Brook 35, 2150 Route 35, Sea Girt                                                        848.232.1017
                                    (732) 401-8390                                            @ sweetrevengechocolate

                                  M-W 9am-7pm; Th-F 9am-8pm; Sat 9am-5pm; Sun Closed
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                     NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 27

 Valentine House in                                                                                                                         Everyday
                                                                                                                                           Low Prices
                                                                                                                                            and Fine

Point Pleasant Beach                                                                      SELLING WINES & OTHER SPIRITS

                                                                                          GOURMET DELIGHTS, QUICHES,
 seeks gift donations                                                                     HOMEMADE SOUPS & COFFEE
                                                                                          Imported & Domestic Cheeses
THE OCEAN STAR                                                                            Homemade Hors d’oeuvres
                              nations that we receive       earn by actions such as       Gift Baskets for All Occasions
   POINT PLEASANT BEACH       helps our residents when      keeping good hygiene or
– Once again, the Joan        times are good and es-        helping other residents
                                                                                          Specialty Foods
Valentine House, which        pecially when times are       around the house.             Cheese Dips
provides housing and          bad," she said.                  Staff members then         Cheese Cakes
support for adults with         Gifts may be donat-         help the residents to         Cheese Platters
mental illness, is seeking    ed by local businesses        wrap the gifts, which
donations of gifts that       and individuals. Items        they give to their loved
its residents may give to     sought include new pa-        ones.
their families and friends    jamas, sweaters, slippers,       Donations should be
for Christmas.                candles, books, costume       dropped off Valentine
   "This pandemic has         jewelry and ordinary          House, 605 Bay Ave., by
been very difficult for       household items that are      Dec. 6.
everyone," said Diana         unused. Gift bags, rib-          The holiday store
Farrell, executive direc-     bon and gift tags also are    event is two days later.
tor of the Ocean Housing      sought. The only items        For many of the resi-
Alliance, which operates      not accepted are any          dents, the holiday store
                                                                                                       Open 7 Days • We Ship!
the house. "It is especial-   type of food.                 is their only opportunity
ly difficult for someone        Residents of the home       to buy presents and par-
who already suffers from      then attend a holiday         ticipate in the Christmas     732-892-7585 • 91 Bridge Ave., Bay Head, NJ
mental illness."              store at the house and        shopping experience.         
   "The kindness that is      buy the gifts with “Val-
shown through the do-         entine Bucks” that they

 Avon garden club to host
 holiday luminary project                                                                               …Catch It…Watch It
                              with Santa riding around      away, the Garden Club
STAR NEWS GROUP               town visiting the chil-       has recommended add-             Come See Our New Collection
                              dren, it was a very festive   ing two to three inches of
  The Garden Club             occasion,” said Laurie        sand, kitty litter or dirt.
of Avon-By-The-Sea is         Schoenhut, President of         Residents are asked to
holding a second annual       The Garden Club.              put their luminaries in
luminary project on Dec.        The luminaries will be      front of their house as
23 and 24 meant to illu-      sold at the Garden Club       Santa Claus rides around
minate the town for the       shed behind the munic-        town.
holiday season.               ipal building located on        “The candles will be
  The Garden Club is          301 Main Street from 11       brighter this year and we
selling white paper bag       a.m. to 1 p.m. on Nov. 27     hope as many families
luminaries with bat-          and 28 as well as Dec. 4      as possible will partici-
tery-operated candles to      and 5.                        pate by placing them on                                        OPEN 7 DAYS
participate in the lighting     Each packet contains        their property,” said Mrs.
event. This year, the can-    10 bags and 10 candles at     Schoenhut.
dles will be brighter, ac-    the cost of $15. There is       If any residents have
cording to the event flyer.   a limit of three packets      questions, they can reach
  “Everyone last year         per household. To add         the Garden Club by call-
participated in lighting      weight to the bag pre-        ing 732-988-0173.
up their luminaries and       venting them from flying
PAGE 28 STAR NEWS GROUP NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021                                       WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM

                                                                                Heights kicks off holiday
  Open 7 Days                                              732.295.9243
    At the Intersection of Arnold & Bay Ave. in the ♥ of Pt. Pleasant Beach
                                                                                season with tree lighting
                                       STAR NEWS GROUP
                                                                                                           lighting there to spread     including hot chocolate
                                                                                                           holiday joy.                 and coffee for all to enjoy.
                                                                                 The borough of Spring        In addition, the Spring      Last year, there was no
                                                                              Lake Heights will kick off   Lake Heights Elementary      tree lighting ceremony
                                                                              the holiday season with      school band will be per-     in the borough, but this
                                                                              a tree lighting on Thurs-    forming holiday songs.       year Mr. Barrett is ex-
                                                                              day, Dec. 2. The tree        Light refreshments will      pecting the event to be
                                                                              lighting will take place     be offered after the cer-    well attended
                                                                              in front of Borough Hall     emony.                          After the holiday tree
                                                                              with festivities beginning      Borough administrator,    is officially lit, children
                                                                              at 7 p.m.                    John Barrett, said there     will have the opportunity
                                                                                 Borough Clerk, Janine     will be cookies, candy       to sit on Santa’s lap and
                                                                              Gillis said that Santa       canes and refreshments       get their picture taken,
                                                                              Claus will be at the tree                                 said Mr. Barrett.

                                                                                Drug prevention alliance to
                                                                                host holiday craft-making
                                                                                   event in Spring Lake
                                                                              STAR NEWS GROUP
                                                                                                           No. 2 located at 311 Wash-   High school students
                                                                                                           ington Ave.                  will be available to help
                                                                                 The Spring Lake Drug         Elementary and high       the younger children as
                                                                              P revention Alliance         school students are invit-   needed. Doughnuts and
                                                                              will present a holiday       ed to attend, and make a     apple cider will be avail-
                                                                              craft-making event on        craft for a special person   able to those in atten-
                                                                              Saturday, Dec. 4.            such as parents, siblings,   dance.
                                                                                 The free event will be    friends or themselves.         For more information,
                                                                              held from 10 a.m. to 1          The Alliance will         contact Rev. Ray Dubois
                                                                              p.m. at Goodwill Fire Co.    provide crafts suitable      at 732-449-8272 or Dick
                                                                                                           for children of all ages.    Mercora at 732-449-2450.

                                                                                 Winter Wonderland set
                                                                                for Dec. 11 in Point Beach
                                                                              STAR NEWS GROUP              holiday book readings          The festival is spon-
                                                                                                           and more fun activities.     sored by the borough
                                                                                 Bring the whole fami-       Winter Wonderland          recreation department
                                                                              ly to enjoy the borough’s    festival is set for 4 to 8   and the Point Pleasant
                                                                              annual Winter Wonder-        p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 11.   Beach Chamber of Com-
                                                                              land, to include holiday     The rain date is Dec. 12.    merce.
 Make your house a home this holiday season!                                  music, s’mores and hot         The location is Plea-
                                                                              cocoa, ice sculptures,       sure Park, 702 St. Louis
                          Free Delivery in NJ                                 craft and food vendors,      Ave.
WWW.STARNEWSGROUP.COM                                        NOVEMBER 25 & 26, 2021 STAR NEWS GROUP PAGE 29


  Open Thursday thru Tuesday 7am-2pm

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