History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference

Page created by Eddie Gordon
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference

Guthrie Grove Church of God

Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference
Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference
                             OF THE
                    PELZER, SOUTH CAROLINA
                             ROUTE 1
                            1896 - 1971

Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference
Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference

       To me History is exciting especially the history of a church organization. We can

trace the beginning from a small seed planted, watered by prayer, preaching, work and

faithfulness until there is a growth.

       In this history we see the small beginning and then the growth that the Lord gave.

       Today we are enjoying the fruits and labors of many faithful ones who have gone

before us.

       The next step in our history is our looking to the future. God has thus far given us

increase and there is no reason to doubt that He will continue to do so.

       It is my prayer, that if the Lord Tarries, this church will continue to grow, continue to

maintain its strong stand for the doctrines of the Church of God and also continue to produce


       It has been a pleasure to serve this church during a time of growth both spiritually,

numerically and in our physical buildings. God has been with us. God is with us. God will

be with us. Let us keep pressing on.

                                          Pastor Kenneth Milne

 Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference

       I take pleasure in presenting this history commemorating the seventyfifth anniversary of the
Guthrie Grove Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith. It has been my desire to write this history
in such a way that it will focus our attention on the wonderful work that God has done at this

      “Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hath done, and thy thoughts
which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak
of them, they are more than can be numbered.” Psalms 40:5

      When 1 think of the past and the present as they relate to the future, 1 think of how God has
so wonderfully blessed this people during these seventy-five years. He has called us out of the
world to serve Him and to reward us according to our works.

       No one can say that any one person built the church. The early members laid the
foundation. Since then, many have laboured for the work of Christ and have helped to strengthen
the congregation and to erect the buildings where the people through the years have met to
worship God.

        Many people have served their generations, and have fallen asleep in Christ, but the work
of the church still continues under the guiding hand of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The church
will never fail even though the “gates of hell shall prevail against it.”

       In this history I have tried to stick to facts as they have been collected from individuals, the
Clerk of Court’s Office for Anderson County, South Carolina, the minutes of church conferences
and board meetings as recorded by church secretaries, newspaper clippings, copies of The
Restitution Herald, and from my own recollections. Like the Psalmist, David, 1 hope that “the
words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart might be acceptable.”

       I wish to express my gratitude to all who have helped to make this history possible. I
especially wish to thank “Bud” Melton for making all the pictures and my daughter-in-law,
Debbie S. Martin for typing.

                                                               Bonnie D. Martin
                                                               The Author

      Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference

    The Guthrie Grove Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith was organized by Elder
Enoch M. Anderson and a few other people who were interested in the gospel message, on
August 12, 1896 with Monroe Reams, J. W. Garrett and W. T. Dickerson as trustees.
    About the year 1893, Elder E. M. Anderson, an evangelist and church organizer,
moved with his family from western North Carolina to Piedmont, South Carolina. He
began to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God, the regathering of the Jews to their
homeland, and the final establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth with Jesus Christ as
King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He found the people very receptive to the Bible doctrine
and hungry for the words of eternal life. He was a leader, who showed much zeal in
serving God and spreading the gospel. He preached in homes and schoolhouses for some
time. He gained a number of converts, who made a public confession of their faith by
putting on Christ by baptism.
    The minutes of the organizational meeting state that the Guthrie Grove Church of God
was organized with the following membership: E. M. Anderson, J. H. Anderson, R. L.
Anderson, Monroe Reams, W. M. Pack, Jesse Garrett, James Hammond, J. Douthit, W. T.
Dickerson and B.Z. Chandler.
    These members desired a meeting place and the formation of a working body unified
by common beliefs and immersion into Christ. Unable to finance a permanent structure,
these converts helped to erect an arbor constructed of branches from trees and placed a
pulpit under the arbor. To this improvised meeting place, men and women came and were
converted. Sometimes the arbor did not provide enough protection from winds and rains.
The people desired a building for a meeting house. W. David Guthrie gave one half acre of
land for the site of a building. This land was about one quarterof a mile from the present
church near the Hurricane Creek.
    Some people thought this land unsuitable for the location of a permanent building. This
one half acre was traded by David Guthrie to his sister Mrs. Sarah E. Durham for a one
half acre at the site of the present church. Mrs. Sarah E. Durham deeded this one half acre
to Monroe Reams, J. W. Garrett and W. T. Dickerson as trustees of Guthrie Grove Church
of God on October 1 3, 1896. This deed is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for
the County of Anderson. State of South Carolina, in Deed Book 3-P, Page 117. The deed
reads as follows:
Sarah E. Durham                                 The State of South Carolina
       to                                       Anderson County
M. R. Reams                                     October the thirteenth in the
J. W. Garrett                                   Year of our Lord 1 896.
W. T. Dickerson
    This is to certify that I, Sarah E. Durham for and in consideration of having one dollar
to me in hand paid by M. R. Reams, J. W. Garrett and W. T. Dickerson, they being the
Trustees of the body known as the Church of God, to them and their successors in office
for time as hereinafter provided, do release unto them, for a location on which to worship
God, one half acre of land known as Guthrie Grove being a part of a tract known as the

Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference
E. Durham tract adjoining land of E. A. Clardy, Benj. Riley and others: beginning at a
   stone between the above tract and E. A. Clardy’s, thence directly on a square from the line,
   thence parallel with the line, thence back to the line, thence along the line to the beginning
   corner, length of lines being equal so as to form a square containing one-half acre near the
   road leading from Pelzer to Easley, in Williamston Township. Anderson County, South
   Carolina, to hold for the purpose of free worship where all may worship God according to
   the dictates of their own conscience, unmolested or hindered. In no case shall any creed be
   formed or established thereon whereby or wherein any person or persons may usurp
   authority over others. There is to be budded thereon a house, which building shall be the
   property of those placing or causing the same to be placed thereon. And by a majority of
   vote of the owners thereof, the house may be removed from the said ground at such time as
   they think best. The said land to remain for the use above mentioned so long as used for
   free worship, but in case such services should be discontinued, or the owners of said house
   remove the same from the said land or the house should rot so no services should be held
   therein and no other house be budded thereon, the land shall immediately become the
   property of the said Sarah E. Durham, her heirs, assigns, executors, or administrators.
 As witness my hand and seal this October 17th, 1896.

                                       S/ Sarah E. Durham
 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:
 S/ W. D, Guthrie
 S/ P. A. Guthrie
 State of South Carolina,
 County of Anderson
 Personally, appeared before me W. D. Guthrie who being duly sworn says that he saw the
 within named Sarah E. Durham, sign, seal, and deliver the within deed and that himself and
 P. A. Guthrie witnessed the execution thereof.
 Sworn to before me this 13th day of May 1897
 R. V, Acker, Magistrate                      Recorded and Certified July 16,
 To                                           1897
 W. T. Dickerson                              John C. Watkins
 January 10, 1898                             C.C.C.P

    The next minutes of the church records read, “Since the church was organized there have
been additions by baptism from time to time. Some have died to wit: W. T. Dickerson,
Morgan Pack, Mary Pack, Mary Howard, and Veney Gentry.”

  Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference
We have no record as to the size of the building erected on this original one-half acre
 of land. Older members recall it as a small one room building with wooden shutters. It is
 believed that the building was 18x24 feet. The minutes of the church meeting state that
 “Mr. David Guthrie gave the church one-half acre of land on which we have built a house
 for worship, where we meet every first Sunday to hear a sermon by the pastor, Elder E.
 M. Anderson, and every third Sunday to hear a sermon by Elder J. H. Anderson, the
 assistant pastor. We have a Sunday School presided over by Joseph Brewer, and a singing
 choir led by Brother Paran Guthrie. The trustees of our church property are Monroe
 Reams, W. W. Moore and Franklin Smith.” Franklin Smith had been elected after the
 death of W. T. Dickerson and W. W. Moore succeeded J. W. Garrett.
      “The following brethern have been ordained to the gospel ministry to wit J. II.
 Anderson, Jesse Garrett, Barter Fleaton and A. N. Durham. The following brethern have
 been elected to serve as deacons: John Pack, Jesse Fowler and Franklin Smith.”
      The first members were cradled in the conviction that there is one God, who is the
 Father of our Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ, and that repentance and faith in the gospel
 and baptism by immersion for the remission of sins were the only means by which one
 may please God. The belief held by the Founders was that men should give recognition
 and honor to Him who is the creator of the world and all that therein is, and to Him, who
 “is the Source of all truth and Wisdom.” The Founders of the church believed that the
 Bible was given by the inspiration of God and that it was the source of Divine Wisdom
 from which men derives the wisdom which will make him “Wise unto salvation.”
      They were characterized by their Christian qualities. They were grounded in Christian
 doctrine (Bible), and noted for their fidelity, constancy, simplicity, unity, sincerity and
      Brother B. Z. Chandler would walk from Liberty to Guthrie Grove. He usually came
 on Saturday afternoon, spent Saturday night with relatives, went to church on Sunday
 morning and then walked back to Liberty that afternoon. This was a distance of more than
 fifteen miles. Mr. R. M. Williamson and his son, Oliver, walked from Pelzer, a distance of
 four miles. Many others walked, rode horseback or came in horse-drawn buggies or
      This first congregation adopted certain rules of faith, called “Articles of Faith.” 1 give
 them as taken from the original copy dated August 12, 1896.

Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
History of - Guthrie Grove Church of God 1896-1971 - Church of God General Conference

    “We believe in one God. the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We
believe in repentance and faith in the gospel and baptism by immersion for the
remission of sins. We believe that the Kingdom of God will be established on the
earth with Christ as King of Kings and the immortalized saints as joint heirs with Hun
in the government of the nation. We believe in the literal resurrection of the dead, the
immortalization of the righteous, the final destruction of the wicked, and eternal life
only through Christ.
    We as members of the Church of God, who through obedience to the gospel, are
to be made participants in the Abrahamic Covenant: ‘In thee and in thy seed shall all
the nations of the earth be blessed We recognize that this can only be accomplished
by a government established and supported by God in the person of his Son, the Lord
Jesus Christ, whose personal advent is now imminent and upon His return. He will set
up His Divine government over all the earth. We, owing allegiance to this the earth's
rightful King, under the present government are but aliens, subject to the laws of this
country and faithfully obey these laws refraining only from that which commands to
take part in war, strife or conflict leading to the taking of life which we hold is against
the laws of God; but that we may live quiet and peaceable lives following out as far as
possible the command to “Recompense to no man evil for evil and to provide things
honest in the sight of all men.”
      The pioneers al Guthrie Grove knew what they believed, and they put it
 into writing as well as to practice in their daily living. Those who believed
 these “Articles of Faith” were baptized and received into the fellowship of
 the church. Fellowship was withdrawn from any member who failed to live
 up to the gospel way of life. Minutes of church meetings reveal several
 cases where fellowship was withdrawn.
      On January 16, 1908. the pastor Elder E. M. Anderson, as moderator
 called the church in conference to elect deacons. J. S. Brewer, R. M.
 Williamson and P. A. Guthrie were elected deacons. A. N. Durham served
 as clerk for the meeting, then resigned and J. N. Guthrie was elected clerk.
      That was the last recorded conference meeting held before the death of
 the pastor.
      Elder Enoch M. Anderson served the church as pastor for thirteen
 years. Under his capable leadership, the church grew. The church record
 shows that at the time of his death on July 9, 1908, there were about one
 hundred and seventeen (117) members.
      On the same day that the pastor was buried. July 10, 1908, the church
 called a conference. J. S. Brewer, Sr. was moderator, pro tern. They went
 into an election for pastor. J. H. Anderson, who had been serving as
 assistant pastor was elected pastor. A. N. Durham was elected assistant
      A collection was taken to defray the burial expenses of the former
 pastor. Total collection was $26.50. Burial expenses were $23.00.

 Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
The church met and called conference August 6, 1908. Brother J. N. Guthrie
 resigned as clerk and treasurer. The church elected Brother M. O. Williamson as
 treasurer and clerk. Brother Guthrie turned books over to M. O. Williamson with a
 balance in treasury a- mounting to $3.10. This was paid to the chairman of the “pool
 committee” together with a small collection of $ 1.65 taken that day, August 6, 1908.
 The expenditures amounted to $4.35. This left a balance of 30 cents. A windowpane
 and putty were purchased for 15 cents. This left a balance of 15 cents. Just prior to the
 death of the first pastor, the church building had been doubled in size, painted white
 and had new pews and glass windows. A picture made of a singing school in 1913 in
 front of the building shows these changes.
     The pastor, J. H. Anderson, called the church in conference on September 6,
 1908. A motion was made to relieve the building and painting committee. The motion
 was made and seconded and the committee relieved by the yeas. They also received
 Brother and Sister T. W. Picklesimer into fellowship.
     The church met in conference September 26, 1908 and opened service with
 singing and prayer. Minutes were read and approved. A motion was made to make an
 effort to secure more land for the church. The move was carried, and Brothers A. N.
 Durham and A. L. Hicks were appointed to assist deacons in securing same.
     As a result of the efforts of the above committee named to secure more land, one-
 half (1/2) acre of land, was deeded unto the Trustees, M. R. Reams, J. W. Garrett and
 W. W. Moore by E. A. Clardy for the sum of thirty (30) dollars on the 7th day of
 December, 1908.
     An additional one-half (14) acre of land was bought on December 18, 1908, from
 J. W. Dickson for the sum of twenty-five (25) dollars, and it was deeded to the same
 trustees of the church, M. R. Reams, J. W. Garrett, and W. W. Moore. This now gave
 the church one and one-half (1 !4) acres.
     The church met in conference July 17, 1910 with J. S. Brewer as moderator. A
 motion was made to elect a committee to secure a tomb-rock for the deceased pastor
 and for the committee to stand for same. Committeemen elected were: J. D. Pack. J.
 S. Brewer, P. A. Guthrie and R. M. Williamson.

Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
The following is a list of those who contributed to the tomb-rock:

   NAMES                    AMOUNT              NAMES                    AMOUNT
   A. N. Durham              $1.00              R.M. Williamson          S2.00
   M.O. Williamson            2.00              T.W. Picklesimer            1.00
   J.D. Pack                  1.00              P.A. Guthrie                1.00
   J.H. Anderson               .50              W.H. Stone                  1.00
   B. Z. Chandler             1.00              G.M. Pack                    .50
   C. Lovie Williamson         .50              J.R. Browning               1.00
   J.D. Gentry                 .10              M.C. Elrod                   .25
   Ruthie Chandler             .10              W.M. Martin                 1.00
   J.B. Hogg                   .50              John Brewer                  .25
   W.T. Garrett               1.00              Rosana Williamson            .25
   Ida Guthrie                 .25              Ila Williamson               .50
   E.A. Williamson             .50              W.J. Hammond                1.00
   J.N. Guthrie               1.00              J.S. Brewer                  .50
   W.J. Ballard                .50              Thos. Durham                1.00
   W.M. Hall                   .10              E.W. Gaillard                .10
   R.W. Watson                 .25              M.R. Reams                  1.00
   W.W. Moore                 1.00              A.M. Moore                   .50
   M.R. Reams                  .50              George Durham                .50
   Ernest Bowen                .25              C.E.Vaden                    .50
   W.E. Chandler               .50
                                                TOTAL                    S26.40

    The church met in conference August 13, 1910. A motion was made to grant licenses
to W. H. Stone and M. O. Williamson to preach the gospel. Motion was carried
     On January 6, 1911. the church was called in conference by Moderator, J. H.
Anderson. The church adopted and passed a resolution to hold quarterly conference and
also agreed to give pastor his rent or sixteen (16) dollars.
    The church met in conference September 30, 1911. It was called to order by Brother
Joe Brewer. Minutes were read and approved. Unfinished business called for agreement to
give pastor his rent or sixteen (I 6) dollars. The motion was defeated and put off until
September I, 1912. New business elected J. S. Brewer, Sunday School Superintendent, B.
Z. Chandler, Assistant Superintendent, M. O. Williamson, teacher. Brother J. H. Anderson
was elected pastor for life or at his pleasure.
    The pastor, after being elected pastor for life, served only a few months. He resigned
and moved to Ohio to accept a pastorship there. However, for several years he returned to
Guthrie Grove every three months and delivered sermons for one week. Then he found it
inconvenient to leave the church of which he was pastor, so he came every August as
guest speaker for the annual meeting.
    The church unanimously elected the assistant pastor, Elder A. N. Durham, as pastor in
the fall of 191 1.

  Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
On November 2, 191 3, conference was called again by J. S. Brewer, moderator. A.
N. Durham was re-elected pastor. M. O. Williamson resigned as church clerk and
treasurer. A. F. Smith was elected church clerk and treasurer. Amount of money in
treasury was SI.20 and it was turned over to A. F. Smith. A collection of S2.85 was
turned over to the new treasurer, making a total of $4.05. Expenses were 45 cents for
stove pipe, 35 cents for coal, 5 cents for postage. This left a balance of S3.20 in treasury.
    The Sunday School grew during these years. In 1914, J. S. Brewer, superintendent,
was assisted by W. H. Stone; P. A. Guthrie, as teacher of adults, was assisted by G. W.
Durham. Mrs. A. M. Moore, as teacher of the children, was assisted by Mrs. Ruthie
Chandler. Miss Ida Guthrie, organist, was assisted by Miss Emmie Pack, and P. A.
Guthrie was song leader. It seems these officers served until 1922.
    No mention is made of money in the minutes for the year 1914, but on January 2,
1915, conference was again called by J. S. Brewer, moderator, for the purpose of
granting letters to Brother Jesse Garrett and his wife, Martha. These letters were granted.
The report of the treasurer was the same as in 1913 namely $3.20. Expenses were fifty
cents for coal and fifteen cents for windowpane. This left a balance of $2.55.
    It was decided that the church building needed repairs. A committee was appointed
to solicit funds for the necessary repairs. The committee members and the amount
turned in by each was as follows:

Emmie Pack ............................................................................. $9.05
Lula Chandler ............................................................................ 3.50
Veny James ............................................................................... 1.65
R. M. Williamson ....................................................................... 8.25
Balance on hand in treasury                                                                  2.55
Total ................................................................................... $ 25.00

It is evident that the repairs were a new roof and some steps. The materials purchased
indicate this.
Shingles                                                                                   $17.20
Nails                                                                                         .90
Lumber .................................................................................... 3.20
Cement .................................................................................... 1.65
G.W. Durham - work on church & hauling materials.                                            2.00
Total Cost                                                                                 $24.95
    After the repair debt was paid, there was a balance of five cents in the treasury. But
it was immediately replenished by contributions from W. M. Martin and W. W. Moore
of $2.50 and $2.00 respectively, and the selling of left-over shingles for $1.23. This now
gave the treasury a new balance of $5.78.


 Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
Brother J. S. Brewer continued to serve the church conferences as moderator until
October 8, 1916. On this day he called a conference to consider matters pertaining to the
cemetery. A committee was appointed to mark off the cemetery in sections. B. Z.
Chandler, A. F. Smith, P. A. Guthrie, Manning Pack, J. H. Pack and Hoke Smith made
up the committee. J. H. Pack was appointed sexton of the cemetery and power was
given unto him to say who should bury here and who should not if they were outside the
church families. The church families were to bury here as before.
     At this convention it was reported that song books and Testaments had been bought
from money contributed. The expenses, other than above, were eighty cents for a stove
pipe and windowpane. This left a balance of S6.98 in treasury.
     The November Conference of 1917 confirmed the re-election of all officers. B. Z.
Chandler was moderator. There is no mention of a conference in 1918, but one was held
on September 7, 1919, to elect a deacon to take the place of Brother John Pack,
deceased deacon. A. W. McCoy was elected to fill the place. At this time A. F. Smith,
treasurer reported a balance of $13.03.
     Sometime between 1915, and the early twenties, the members realized that the
church needed to be enlarged. An L-shaped room was added to the original building that
had been doubled in size. Two windows on the side of the building opposite the
cemetery were removed and the addition placed there. The pulpit, which heretofore had
been in the back of the church, was now placed in the center of the wall adjacent to the
cemetery. This addition just about doubled the seating capacity of the church.
     From the records, it appears that most of the officers elected in 1913 served through
     There is no written record of any conference or expenses for the years 1920 or
1921. However, conferences were held for the years 1922 - 1925. During this time, B.
Z. Chandler served as Sunday School Superintendent; W. H. Stone and James H. Pack
served as assistants. P. A. Guthrie, as teacher of adults, was assisted by M. O.
Williamson. Miss Ida Guthrie was teacher of the Juniors while W. D. Bowen served as
secretary. A. F. Smith was treasurer for the year 1922. For 1923, Weldon McCoy served
as treasurer. Then in 1924 and 1925 James Pack was treasurer.
     It appears from the records that regular church collections began in 1924. Previous
to this, money was contributed when needed to meet the needs. It was often stated by
the pastor, Brother A. N. Durham, that the people of Guthrie Grove never failed when
something needed to be done. Six collections are mentioned during 1924. During this
year more song books were purchased. The church was lighted with gas lamps. At the
end of the year there was a balance of $13.81 in the treasury.


 Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
The church met in conference on October 4, 1925, for the purpose of elect mg
officers. Brother A. N. Durham was re-elected pastor. B. Z. Chandler was re-elected
superintendent of the Sunday School and Ira Guthrie was elected assistant
superintendent and singing clerk. W. D. Bowen was elected to fill the offices of both
church secretary and Sunday School clerk. Adult Bible class teacher was W. H. Stone
and his assistant was M. O. Williamson.
     Mrs. A. M. Moore was teacher of the Juniors. Miss Ida Guthrie was organist. The
treasurer was James Pack.
     During 1 925, the need for a new organ was realized. Collections were taken on
March 1 5th. May 3rd, June 7th and July 15th. These, with the previous balance, gave a
total of S55.1 6. The organ was purchased on July 21, 1925, for thirty (30) dollars. New
steps were built to the old part of the church. New song books were bought, as well as
gas for the new lamps. These expenses amounted to $29.76. The balance in the treasury
at the end of 1925 was S15.40.
     On May 5, 1926. the church suffered another great blow. The pastor, A. N. Durham,
who had served as pastor since 1911, was killed in an automobile accident on South
Carolina Highway 8. However, God always provides for His own. After the death of the
first pastor, the assistant pastor took over the duties of the pastor. In the October
conference of 1926, no pastor was elected. However, the church did not fail to have
preaching services. On August 13, 1919, two members of the church. Brother M. O.
Williamson and W. H. Stone had been granted licenses to preach. These two brethren
served the church well and brought inspirational messages. Brother Williamson
preached on the first and third Sundays and Brother Stone preached on the second and
fourth Sundays.
     At this same October 3, 1926 conference, all previous officers were re-elected with
the exception of the teachers. Brother G. W. Durham was elected teacher of the adult
class. He was assisted by Weldon McCoy. Miss Annie Kate Durham was elected
teacher of the Juniors.
     Collections were taken on January 3rd, February 20th. March 14th. 1926. The old
organ was sold for $6.00. More song books were bought, and expenses of J. H.
Anderson were paid. At the end of 1926. the balance in the treasury was $24.55.
     The Church of God at Guthrie Grove met in conference on October 16, 1927. to
elect church officers for the following year. These were elected: pastor. M. O.
Williamson; Sunday School superintendent, B. Z. Chandler; assistant superintendent, B.
F. Chandler: teacher of adult Bible class, Weldon McCoy; assistant teacher. S. O.
Jewel; organist. Miss Ida Guthrie; singing clerk. Ira Guthrie; treasurer. James Pack;
sexton, Hoke Smith; secretary, W. D. Bowen. The treasurer’s report for 1927 was as


Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
Balance brought forward                                                                        $24.55
Collection, March 6.1927                                                                         5.90
Collection                                                                                       4.79
Total                                                                                          $35.24
Expenses for 1927
March 13th bought 2 dozen song books ......................                                     $4.50
August 9th bought song books ..................................................                  3.00
August 9th gas lamp ..................................................................           8.10
October 19th paid sexton ...........................................................             3.58
TOTAL............................................................................              $19.18

    Balance ..................................................................................... $16.06
A note under this report states: All money paid out to pay sexton.
     The church held two conferences during the year 1928. The first was held on April 1,
1928. and elected the following officers: James Pack, trustee and assistant Sunday School
superintendent; (G. W. Stone and J. R. Browning, trustees: Hoke Smith and J.R.
Browning, deacons.
     The above meeting was necessary to replace some officers whose office had been left
vacant by death. John Pack, a deceased deacon, had been replaced by A. W. McCoy in
1919. Jesse Fowler, another one of the first deacons, was deceased in 1907. Monroe
Reams, one of the first trustees died February 19. 1923. B. Z. Chandler, Sunday School
Superintendent, died January 2, 1928. Brother A. F. Smith had been elected deacon in
1908 to replace Jesse Fowler.
     The second conference for the year was held on October 7, 1928. to elect church
officers for the following year. These were elected: pastor, M. O. Williamson; Sunday
School Superintendent. S. O. Jewel; assistant superintendent, G. W. Stone; adult class
teacher. G. W. Durham; assistant teacher. Ira Guthrie; treasurer. James Pack; singing
clerk, church clerk and secretary. Ira Guthrie; organist. Ida Guthrie, assistant organist,
Bonnie Durham; sexton, G. W. Stone.
     On October 6, 1929, the Church of God at Guthrie Grove met in conference to elect
officers for the following year. These were elected: pastor, M. O. Williamson; Sunday
School Superintendent. S. O. Jewel; assistant Sunday School Superintendent, A. F. Smith;
teacher adult class. George W. Durham; assistant teacher, E. F. Williams; treasurer. James
Pack; singing clerk. Ira Guthrie; church clerk and secretary, Ira Guthrie; organist. Ida
Guthrie; assistant organist. Bonnie Durham; sexton, C. E. Vaden.
     On October 5, 1930, the Church of God at Guthrie Grove met in conference to elect
officers for another year. Pastor, M. O. Williamson: Sunday School Superintendent, S. O.
Jewel; assistant Sunday School Superintendent and teacher of adult class. G. W. Durham;
assistant teacher, A. F. Smith; treasurer, James Pack; singing clerk. Ira Guthrie; Sunday
School clerk, Hulon Durham; organist, Ida Guthrie; sextons, George Smith and Ezekiel
Durham. A class for the youth had been organized with Bonnie Martin as teacher. These
officers served for many years.

  Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
In the late twenties and early thirties, the sills under the original structure began to
give way. The members talked about what should be done. They discussed the possibility
of remodeling the old building or building a new one. The trustees approached Mr. S. A.
McAlister to see if they could buy some land. On the eighth day of November. 1930. Mr.
McAlister sold to the church two small tracts for eighty-two (82) dollars. These were
deeded to A. F. Smith. J. R. Browning, and G. W. Stone as trustees of the church.
    After the land was purchased, it was decided to renovate the old building. A contract
was awarded to Brother Walter James. The entire roof and the L-shaped part were
completely removed. The building, a 36 by 40 feet structure, was completed in 1936 The
membership now totaled 372.
    In 1946. the active deacons were E. F. Williams. J. A. Smith. Jones Henson. S. O.
Jewel G. H. Durham and B. F. Chandler. As a deacon became inactive due to his health,
he was made an honorary deacon and was replaced by one who could serve. Two of the
honorary deacons during the late forties and early fifties were S. O. Jewel and J. A.
Smith. J. A. Smith died in 1951 and S. O. Jewel died in March 1953.
    Since the organization of the Guthrie Grove Church on August 12. 1896. n had been
the custom of the church to have the pastor preach on the first and third Sundays and to
have the assistant pastor preach on the second and fourth Sundays.
    The assistant pastor, Brother Harper Stone, died on July 17. 1940. This left the church
without an assistant pastor. Brother A. Weldon McCoy often assisted the Pastor after this.
    Brother John Anderson, who came annually to carry on a week’s meeting, developed
diabetes. His last visit to South Carolina was in 1941 or 1942. He died on December 4,
    Brother M. O. Williamson, the pastor, was serving two churches at this tune. He
preached at Guthrie Grove on the first and second Sundays and preached at the Church of
God near Hendersonville. North Carolina on the second and fourth Sundays.
    In the early forties. Willard Waggoner a well-read student of the Bible and a preacher
of the gospel, came to South Carolina on a visit. He was a member of one of the Churches
of God of the Abrahamic Faith in another state. He visited Guthrie Grove and took an
active part in the services. He was well received by the church, and later he and his wife.
Peggy moved to South Carolina.
    He began to preach on the second and fourth Sundays. Just after the middle forties
(specific year unknown), he was elected assistant pastor. The membership of the church
now numbered close to 500.
    Things went well for some time. Later it was apparent that there were two groups in
the church. One of these groups leaned toward unity with other Churches of God in the
General Conference and toward the organization of a local conference in the southeast.
The other group opposed any affiliation. Visiting speakers from other places visited the
church. This led to conflict.

 Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
One group attended church on the first and third Sundays, while a different group
attended on the second and fourth Sundays. This sad situation prevailed for some time. In
1951, Mr. Waggoner and his followers, bought land and erected a church within close
proximity to the Guthrie Grove Church.
    In 1951, the active deacons were: J. O. Pack, Ellis Smith, B. F. Chandler, E. F.
Williams, G. H. Durham, Jones Henson and S.O. Jewel.
Other officers in 1951 were as follows:
M. O. Williamson, Pastor; R. L. Jones, Assistant Pastor; A. F. Smith, G. W. Stone and
Thomas Picklesimer, Trustees; Dewitt Stone, Treasurer; G. H. Durham, Church Clerk; E.
A. Durham, Sunday School Superintendent; John Henry Stone, Assistant Superintendent;
Teachers: G. W. Durham, Adult Class; G. H. Durham, Assistant of Adult Class; Bonnie
Martin. Young People’s Class; Dewitt Stone, Assistant Young People’s; Tina Picklesimer,
Children’s Class; Sara Williamson. Assistant Children’s; Mrs. Mattie Harvey. Pianist; Miss
Joyce Smith, Assistant; Alonzo McCoy, Song Leader.
     Brother A. F. Smith, a trustee, died on April 20, 1 953. He was replaced by his son,
George Smith, in October 195 3.
     On January 25, 1953, a conference was called. It was proposed and approved by
majority that trustees would be elected to serve three years each. Each year one would be
elected. This was done so that at no time would there be a completely new set of trustees. It
was agreed that Thomas Picklesimer would serve three years. George Smith would serve
two years, and Dewitt Stone would serve one year in order to put the new plan in operation.
At this same January 25, 1953, a conference, it was resolved that the deacons elected would
serve as follows: the three men with the highest votes would serve two years and the two
with the fewest votes would serve for one year if not re-elected. The results of the deacon
election was as follows: Three year terms: J. O. Pack, G. H. Durham, Thompson Smith.
Two-year terms: E. F. Williams, Elias Smith. One-year term: John Henry Stone, S. O.
Jewel. Other officers elected were as follows:
M. O. Williamson, Pastor; R. L. Jones. Assistant Pastor; E. A. Durham. Treasurer; Guy
Bagwell, Clerk; Thelma Griffith, Secretary; E. A. Durham, Sunday School Superintendent;
Velmer Smith, Assistant Superintendent; Mrs. Mattie Harvey, Pianist; Mrs. Bonnie Martin,
Assistant Pianist; Alonzo McCoy, Song Leader; Joe James, Assistant Song Leader; Leon
Kay, sexton. It was agreed to retain all Sunday School officers. It was resolved to give
    Brother M. O. Williamson, the pastor, the collection every first Sunday for his services,
and if found to be insufficient to meet his requirements, the deacons will have the treasurer
to write a check for the balance. This was voted on and approved by the members of the
church the 25th day of January 1953.
     On July 5, 1953, the deacons appointed, with the approval of the church, Noah T.
Anderson to serve until October 4, 1 953, as deacon to take the place of S. O. Jewel,

   Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
At the election on October 4, 1953, all officers were re-elected to the same office
with the exception of the singing clerk and assistant singing clerk. They reversed
positions. Ushers were added to the list on the recommendation of the nominating
committee. Il was also recommended that all announcements that were to be made
during Sunday School, be given to the superintendent who would then make them. All
announcements to be made during the church services would be given to the clerk who
would make them. All songs were to be selected before services. It was also
recommended that preaching services be held on the second and fourth Sunday nights in
addition to the customary first and third Sunday night services.
    In May 1 954. the pastor. M. O. Williamson, appointed Mrs. Kate Bagwell to act as
clerk in the absence of Guy Bagwell who had been called into service.
    The church, after weathering the troubles of the forties, decided to build a
completely new building. The old building was sold to Bro. Jabus Elrod for a sum of six
hundred (600) dollars. He was to remove it from the premises as soon as the new
building could be occupied.
    On July 27, 1954, Mr. E. A. Clardy sold to the church another small tract of land for
two hundred fifty (250) dollars. A well was dug on the property and a contract was
awarded to Mr. W. T. Smith to build a completely new brick sanctuary and Sunday
School rooms. This building was completed in March 1955. at a total cost of
    On October 3. I 954. when conference assembled, the motion was made, seconded,
and carried by a majority vote that all present officers be retained.
    At the annual election on October 2. 1955. a few changes were made. Trustees
elected were George Smith and B. A. Guthrie. Deacons were G. H. Durham and D. D.
Durham. J. O. Pack. Thompson Smith and Ellis Smith. Noah T. (Doc) Anderson was
elected superintendent of the Sunday School with E. A. Durham as assistant. Emmie
Lee Jones replaced Mrs. Bonnie Martin as assistant pianist and John T. Pack replaced
the sexton. The adult and young people's Sunday School classes kept the same teachers,
but changes were made in the other classes. Teacher for the Primaries was Mrs. Mollie
Barnwell assisted by Mrs. Jessie Belle Leopard. Teacher for the Intermediates was Mrs.
Louise Durham assisted by Mrs. Willie Pearle Gaillard. Teacher for the Juniors was
Jones Henson assisted by Mrs. Tina Picklesimer.
    On December 18. 1955. another special election was held. Death had invaded the
church again. Brother Noah T. (Doc) Anderson was deceased on December 5, 1955.
John Henry Hicks was elected Sunday School Superintendent and B. A. Guthrie was
elected deacon to fill the unexpired term of Brother Anderson.
    A motion was made and carried at the annual election on October 7. 1956. that a
person could hold two offices in the church if the members saw fit to elect him. Dewitt
Stone was re-elected trustee and B.A. Guthrie and Willie James were re-elected
deacons. E. A. Durham asked to be relieved as treasurer. He was replaced by Joe James.
John Henry Stone became assistant Sunday School Superintendent and Margaret


Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
became assistant pianist. Doyle Martin was made assistant song leader and Margaret
 Durham was assistant primary teacher. All other church and Sunday School officers
 were re-elected. More ushers were added. The list of ushers were: Jack Martin. Don
 McCoy, Milton Pack, Harold Durham, Doyle Martin, Billy Joe Durham, Marshall
 Durham, and Lloyd Bagwell.
     The Board of Deacons called a special meeting on September 3, 1 957, to rescind a
previous resolution which permitted dual offices. "Be it resolved that no member can
hold but one office of deacon, trustee, or superintendent at any one time after present
term expires.”
     “Be it resolved that any visiting minister meet the approval of the board of deacons
before being invited to carry on a series of meetings.”
     “Be it resolved that the Board of Deacons have the authority to finance through the
church treasury any minor necessities or emergencies that may arise.”
     “Be it resolved that the Board of Deacons meet the first Tuesday night after first
Sunday of each two months beginning the first Tuesday in October.”

    The above resolutions were approved by the majority vote of the congregation on
 September 15, 1957.
    With few exceptions all officers and teachers were re-elected on October 6, 1957.
 Brother Guy Bagwell had returned from service. He was again elected clerk. Wallace
 Stone was elected assistant superintendent. Dean Smith and Jimmy Capps replaced Don
 McCoy and Billy Joe Durham as ushers. The Juniors were divided into two classes.
 Annie Burrell and Willie Pearle Gaillard were teacher and assistant for the 10-12 years
 while Jones Henson and John Henry Stone were teacher and assistant for the 12-14
 years. Sara Williamson assisted Mollie Barnwell with the Primaries and Willie Smith
 assisted Louise Durham with the Intermediates. All other teachers and officers
 remained the same. M. O. Williamson - Pastor; R. L. Jones - Assistant Pastor; Wallace
 Stone - Trustee; Earl Elwell, John T. Pack and Thompson Smith - Deacons; Guy
 Bagwell - Treasurer; Donald Durham - Sunday School Superintendent; Lowell Holt -
 Assistant Superintendent; Dan Burriss.
 — Clerk; Thelma Deadwyler — Secretary; Mattie Harvey — Pianist; Carol Smith -
 Assistant Pianist; Margaret Durham - Organist; Emmie Lee Chandler - Assistant
 Organist; Joe James - Singing clerk; Doyle Martin — Assistant Singing Clerk; John T.
 Pack - Sexton; Joe Pack, Jack Martin, Dean Smith, Hugh Durham, George Martin,
 Jimmy Capps, Leon Kay and Earl Martin - Ushers. Sunday School Teachers: Mollie
 Barnwell - Primary; Margaret Durham - Assistant; Annie Kale Bagwell
 - Intermediate; Louise Durham,- Assistant; John H. Stone - Junior; Dewitt Stone -
 Assistant; Joe James - Teen-age; Annie Burrell - Assistant , R. L. Jones - Young
 Married; Doyle Martin - Assistant; George Durham - Adults; Bonnie Martin -


Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
In the election on October 4. 1959. the pastor, assistant pastor, trustee. B A. Guthrie
and deacons Willie James and D. D. Durham were retained. Guy Bagwell was elected clerk
and treasurer. D. D. Durham was elected Sunday School Superintendent with G. II.
Durham as assistant. Other officers were as follows: Thelma Deadwyler - Secretary; Mattie
Harvey - Pianist: Frances Pack - Assistant Pianist ; Margaret Durham - Organist. Virginia
Browning - Assistant Organist: Joe James - Song Leader. Alonzo McCoy - Assistant Song
Leader: Bonnie Marlin - Choir Director: Virginia Browning - Assistant Choir Director.
Teachers: Willie Pearl Gaillard - Primaries: Mollie Barnwell - Assistant: Bonnie Martin -
Juniors: John Henry Stone - Assistant. G. W. Durham - Adults: Bonnie Marlin - Assistant.
John T. Pack - Sexton.
The trustees. George Smith. Wallace Stone, and B A. Guthrie, agreed to raise the sexton's
pay to thirty-five (35) dollars per month. This raise to be effective January 17.I960.
    On July 3, I960, it was recommended by the Board of Deacons and voted on and
approved by the majority present that the trustees be authorized to pay up to the amount of
ten ( 10) dollars per month for cleaning and maintaining the grounds and cemetery.
    The following is the results of the election of officers held on October 2. I960. M. O.
Williamson - Pastor: R. L. Jones - Assistant Pastor. George Smith - Trustee: Othell Pack.
Ellis Smith - Deacons: Guy Bagwell - Treasurer; Donald Durham -Sunday School
Superintendent: John Henry Hicks - Assistant Superintendent. Guy Bagwell - Clerk: Carol
Smith - Secretary: Mattie Harvey - Pianist: Frances Pack - Assistant Pianist: Margaret
Durham - Organist: Virginia Browning - Assistant Organist: Alonzo McCoy - Singing
Clerk John David Durham - Assistant Singing Clerk. Jack Martin. John David Durham.
Bruce Elwell. Dean Smith. Keith James. Earl Marlin. George Martin, David Martin, and
Joe Pack - Ushers. Teachers: Willie Pearl Gaillard - Primary: Sara Williamson - Assistant:
Annie Kate Bagwell - Junior. Willie Smith - Assistant; Bonnie Martin - Intermediates:
Annie Burrell - Assistant: George Durham - Adult: George Smith - Assistant.
    In the 1961 election. Wallace Stone was elected trustee. Earl Elwell and John T. Pack
were elected deacons. Thelma Deadwyler replaced Carol Smith as treasurer. Mattie Harvey
was pianist and Frances Pack assistant. Singing clerk was Don McCoy and he was assisted
by Earl Marlin. Loie Jones assisted with the adult class. All other officers remained the
    The 1962 election brought a few changes. E. A. Durham was elected trustee. D. D.
Durham and Willie James were re-elected deacons. Norman Chandler was elected clerk
and treasurer and Kale Bagwell was elected secretary. G. H. Durham and John Hicks were
elected as superintendent and assistant superintendent. Other changes were some ushers:
Kent Picklesimer. Carlton Craft Keith James. Bruce Elwell. Dean Smith. George Martin.
Danny Durham. Walter Manning Young and Johnny Pack. The


  Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
Primary teacher changed to Ellie Pierce with Vonnie Thompson as assistant. Margaret
Durham became assistant teacher to the Juniors and Tina Picklesimer became teacher for
the Intermediates. Bonnie Martin served as youth director with Mary Pack assisting.
    Annual election was usually held on the first Sunday in October. However, on April 28,
1963, the deacons proposed a change and asked that elections be held on the second Sunday
in May instead of October. This was voted on and approved by the majority.
    The annual election in May 1963. resulted in a new pastor. T. M. Ferrell. Thelma
Deadwyler was elected secretary. Loie Jones and Dewitt Stone were elected new deacons.
The following other officers were elected. B. A. Guthrie - Trustee; Norman Chandler -
Treasurer; D. D. Durham- Sunday School Superintendent; J. D. Pack - Assistant
Superintendent; Virginia Browning - Pianist; Mattie Harvey - Assistant Pianist. Margaret
Durham - Organist; Virginia Browning - Assistant Organist; Earl Martin - Song Leader;
Dewitt Stone - Assistant Song Leader. Teachers: Ellie Pierce, Tina Mulligan - Primary;
Sara Williams - Assistant; Kate Bagwell - Junior; Annie Burrell - Assistant; Willie Smith -
Intermediates; Edith Smith - Assistant ; Bonnie Martin - Young People; Dewitt Stone -
Assistant ; G. W. Durham - Adults; G. H. Durham - Assistant ; Loie Jones - B. Y. F.; Mary
Pack - Assistant.
     In 1964, the following were elected to serve: T. M. Ferrell - Pastor; Earl Elwell, John
T. Pack and Thompson Smith - Deacons; George Smith - Trustee; Thelma Deadwyler -
Secretary; Norman Chandler - Treasurer; Margaret Durham - Organist; Joyce Blanken -
Assistant; Virginia Browning - Pianist; Frances Pack - Assistant; Earl Martin - Song
Leader; D. D. Durham - Sunday School Superintendent; John H. Hicks - Assistant; Vonnie
Thomason - Secretary. Teachers: G. W. Durham - Adults; R. L. Jones - Assistant; Bonnie
Martin - Youth; Norman Chandler - Assistant; Willie Smith - Intermediates; Frances Young
- Assistant; Kate Bagwell - Juniors; Willie Pearl Gaillard - Assistant; Martha Jones -
Primary; Tina Mulligan - Primary; Ellie Pierce - Assistant; Joyce Blanken - Assistant;
Loie Jones - B. Y. F. Director; Mary Pack - Assistant.

 The following is a list of officers and teachers that served in the years so indicated.

 1965                      1966                        1967               Office
 T. M. Ferrell             T. M. Ferrell              T. M. Ferrell       Pastor
 D.D. Durham              R.L. Jones               Earl Elwell            Deacons
 Joe James                Clayton Browning         John T. Pack
 Earl Elwell              D.D. Durham              T. A. Smith
 T.A. Smith               Joe James                Loie Jones
 John T. Pack             Earl Elwell              Clayton Browning
 J.O. Pack                T.A. Smith               D.D. Durham
 R.L. Jones               John T. Pack             Joe James
 E.A. Durham              Douglas Sprouse          George Smith           Trustees
 George Smith             E.A. Durham              Douglas Sprouse
 B.A. Guthrie             George Smith             E.A. Durham


  Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
Vonnie Thomason     Iva Mae Holt          Thelma Deadwyler -Secretary
Guy Bagwell         Norman Chandler       Willie Smith       -Treasurer and_
                                                                _ Clerk__
Margaret Durham     Same                  Same               Organist
Joyce Blanken       Same                  Same               _Assistant _
Virginia Browning   Same                  Same                Pianist
Frances Martin      Same                  Same                _Assistant_
Joe James           Same                  Same                Singing Clerk
Earl Martin         Sherrell Fuller       Walter Young        Assistant __
R. L. Jones         Joe James             Joe James           B.Y.F. Director
Dewitt Stone        R.L. Jones            Douglas Sprouse        Assistant _
D.D. Durham         B.E. Holt                        Norman Chandler Sunday School-
Norman Chandler     John Hicks            Velma Smith         Assistant—
R. L Jones          Same                  Same                Adult Teacher
G.W. Durham         G.H. Durham           Joe James           Assistant-
Bonnie Martin       Same                  Louise Durham       Young People
Norman Chandler     Joe James             Douglas Sprouse     Assistant
Not                 T.M. Ferrell          T.M. Ferrell        Ambassadors T.
Organized           B.E. Holt             T.A. Smith          Assistant-
Willie Smith        Sa me                 Same                Intermediates T.
Annie Burrell       Jessie Leopard        Same                Assistant
Kate Bagwell        Same                  Jessie Leopard      Juniors
Edith Smith         Emmie Lee Chandler    Willie Smith        Assistant-
Martha Jones        Same                  Same                Primary Teacher
Virginia Browning   Same                  Same                Primary Teacher
Emmie Lee Chandler Frances Young          Annie Burrell       Assistant
Tina Mulligan       Same                  Janet Ferrell       Assistant_
Ronnie Elwell       Sherrell Fuller       Steve Young         Ushers
Johnnie Pack        Geo. Martin           Danny Durham
Sherrell Fuller     Carlton ('rail        Truman Durham
Danny Durham        Steve Young           Marty Fuller
Carlton Craft       Keith James           Paul Martin
Gary Smith          Kenny Smith           Ronnie Elwell
Walter Young        Danny Durham          Greg Elwell
Steve Young         Truman Durham         Tommy Smith


   Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
On April 15, and 16, 1967, Paul Shaw, Leota Foster, W. 11. Turner. Charles Pryor and
Brother Paul Overholser came from Oregon, Illinois for a spring conference. They taught
classes on: “How to Organize and Maintain A Good Sunday School," “How to Start New
Sunday Schools and Churches," and “Variety of Teaching Methods and Outreach Through
     Clayton Browning resigned as deacon on March 24, 1968 and was replaced by Wilton
     At the regular board meeting on February 11. 1968, Brother Ferrell reported to the
board that he would not be available to serve as pastor the next year because he had
accepted the editorship of “The Restitution Herald", the official Church of God publication
with headquarters in Oregon. Illinois. He announced that he would like to be released in
May. This request was granted, and he was presented with one hundred (100) dollars as a
love gift.
     The members of the congregation hated to see Terry and his wife, Orpha, leave. Both
had worked very hard during his pastorate here. The church had made much progress both
in numbers and accomplishments.
     He held discussions as early as October 1 967, on the value of having deacons,
trustees, secretary, treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent. B.Y.F. Director, and pastor
meet together. Because of his devoted efforts this was to be the beginning of the
organization of a church board.
     Prior to their leaving, a farewell party in their honor, was held in the Rowell Club
Room at Piedmont. A bountiful supper, games and fellowship were enjoyed by all who
attended. Bonnie Martin, Martha and Loie Jones had charge of the entertainment. As a
climax to the party, the membership of the church presented the Ferrell’s with a lovely
silver tea and coffee service.
     After Brother Ferrell’s leaving, the pulpit was filled by supply pastors until September
     Realizing that they must have a pastor, the church voted unanimously with the
exception of one vote to extend an invitation to James Mattison of Hammond, Louisiana,
to be the pastor. Because of a previous commitment, he declined.
     An invitation was then extended to Pastor Kenneth Milne. He accepted the pastorship
at Guthrie Grove and resigned the service of the Blessed Hope Church of God at
Rockford, Illinois. In August 1968, he moved here with his wife, Mary, and her mother,
Mrs. Ruby Railton. He took over the duties of the pastor on the first Sunday in September.
     The board voted for the church to join the Church of God Minister’s Voluntary
Retirement Association where . . . “Each member church agrees with membership to
contribute at least one per cent (1%) of its gross operating income per quarter for the
retirement of pastors.” This went into effect October 1, 1968 and the first payment was
due January 1, 1969.


  Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
In addition to election of the new pastor, Kenneth Milne, the following officers were
elected. Loie Jones, Joe James - Elders; Joe Pack, Kent Picklesimer - Deacons; E. A.
Durham - Trustee; Ann Watson, Secretary; Willie Smith - Treasurer; Norman Chandler -
Sunday School Superintendent; Velmer Smith - Assistant Superintendent. Margaret
Durham - Organist; Joyce Blanken - Assistant; Virginia Browning - Pianist; Frances
Martin - Assistant; Earl Martin - B.Y.F. Director; Douglas Sprouse - Assistant; Joe James -
Song Leader, Earl Martin - Assistant. Teachers: Loie Jones - Adult. Bonnie Martin -
Assistant; Joe James - Ambassadors; Earl Elwell - Assistant; Douglas Sprouse - Young
People; Earl Martin - Assistant; Willie Smith - Junior; Frances Young - Assistant; Becky
Durham - Primary; Carol James - Assistant; Martha Jones, Bobbie Pack - Pre-School;
Virginia Browning, “Peaches” Melton - Assistant.
    On March 2, 1969, Kenneth Milne was re-elected to a two-year term as outlined tn the
Constitution. The following were also elected. Joe James, Elder. Wilton Leopard, Trustee;
Lewis Browning. J. O. Pack, Deacons; Ann Watson, Secretary; Willie Smith, Treasurer;
Earl Martin, B.Y.F. Director; Danny Durham. Assistant; Virginia Browning, Pianist;
Frances Martin. Assistant; Margaret Durham, Organist; Brenda Holt, Assistant; Joe James,
Song Leader; Earl Martin. Assistant; Norman Chandler. Sunday School Superintendent;
Guy Bagwell, Assistant Superintendent; Teachers: Martha Jones, Pre-School; Virginia
Browning, Pre-School. Amelia Melton. Mary Picklesimer. Assistants; Becky Durham.
Primary; Emmie Lee Chandler. Assistant; Willie Smith. Juniors; Denise Elwell, Assistant;
Joe James. Young People; Joe Pack, Assistant; Kenneth Milne, Ambassadors: Kent
Picklesimer, Assistant; Loie Jones. Adults; Annie Mae Reid, Assistant.
    Dr. William D. Lawrence, chairman of the General Conference Board, visited Guthrie
Grove in November 1969. This was Jubilee year of the General Conference. The
conference theme was “Building the Local Church". Dr. Lawrence showed films taken on
his mission trips to India and other places.
    The pastor, after serving satisfactorily for one year was then elected for a two-year
term. On July 19, 1970, another annual election came with the following results. Elected to
serve were the following: Loie Jones, Elder; Dan Burriss, Earl Elwell. Thomas Henry
Burris, Deacons; Guy Bagwell. Trustee; Earl Martin, B.Y.F. Director; Walter Young,
Assistant; Virginia Browning, Pianist; Frances Martin. Assistant; Margaret Durham.
Organist; Susan Bagwell, Assistant; Joe James, Song Leader; Earl Martin, Assistant; Ann
Watson, Secretary; Willie Smith. Treasurer; Norman Chandler, Sunday School
Superintendent; John David Durham, Assistant Superintendent. Teachers: Pat Smith,
Toddlers 1-3 years; Sara Smith, Assistant; Virginia Browning. Pre-School over 3;
“Peaches" Melton, Assistant; Martha Jones, Grades 1 &2; Nancy Holt. Assistant; Bobbie
Pack, Grades 3 & 4; Vonnie Thomason, Assistant; Denise Elwell. Grades 5 & 6; Willie


  Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
Assistant; Kent Picklesimer. Grades 7, 8 & 9; Douglas Sprouse. Assistant; Joe James. Grades
10. II & 12: Bonnie Martin. Assistant; Kenneth Milne, Ambassadors; Earl Elwell. Assistant.
Loie Jones, Adult; Annie Mae Reid. Assistant. Berean Teachers: Mary Picklesimer, Pre-
School; Ginnie Young, Assistant: Nancy Leopard. Primary; Andrea McMinn. Assistant;
Mary Milne, Juniors; Kate Bagwell. Assistant; Henry McMinn. Senior Grades 8 & up;
Walter Young, Assistant.
     The following is the results of the election of July 18. 1971. Joe James, Elder: E. A.
Durham. Trustee. Norman Chandler, Sunday School Superintendent; John David Durham,
Assistant Superintendent; Earl Martin, B. Y. F. Director; Steve Ferrell, Assistant; Margaret
Durham. Organist; Brenda Holt Burchett, Assistant; Virginia Browning, Pianist; Frances
Martin, Assistant; John T. Pack. Kent Picklesimer. Deacons; Nancy Holt, Secretary; Willie
Smith. Treasurer; Joe James, Song Leader; Earl Martin, Assistant.
     This year 1971, it was resolved to elect Sunday School teachers and then let the teachers
and Sunday School Superintendent get together for assignments to the various classes. This
was thought best since some teachers feel that they can teach one age group better than
     These teachers were elected. Sara Smith. Joe James, Bobbie Pack, Virginia Browning.
Pat Smith, “Peaches" Melton, Nancy Holl, Vonnie Thomason, Emmie Lee Chandler, Willie
Smith. Jessie Belle Leopard. Kent Picklesimer. Earl Martin and Bonnie Martin. The adult
class re-elected Loie Jones as its teacher.
     The teachers of the Bereans for Wednesday night are Joe James, Danny Stone, Mary
Milne. Kate Bagwell, Martha Jones, Virginia Browning, Becky Durham. Debbie Fuller,
Mary Picklesimer, Shelia Young, and Nancy Leopard. The pastor conducts the adult class on
Wednesday nights.
     This sums up the elections and officers for the years 1 898 - 1971.
     As these elections brought changes from year to year, just so have other things changed.
From early days it has been the custom of the church to partake of the emblems of the Lord’s
Supper. The wives of the deacons would bake the unleavened bread in thin round cakes.
Then, when the services began, the pastor and the assistant pastor would break the bread.
After this they asked the Lord to bless this bread and also the ones that partook of it. The
deacons then proceeded to serve the bread to the congregation.
     After serving the bread, the deacons sat down, and the pastor filled one goblet with
wine. The assistant pastor then invoked the Lord’s blessing on the wine. This one goblet was
passed throughout the congregation until everyone had partaken of its contents. When it was
emptied, the deacons refilled it and continued to serve the congregation.
     This custom prevailed until 1941 when the Ladies’ Circle purchased two communion
trays with individual glasses.


   Church of God General Conference: McDonough, GA; https://coggc.org/
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