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Historical Collections - proquest.com To talk to the sales department, contact us at 1-800-779-0137 or .
Historical Collections


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Historical Collections - proquest.com To talk to the sales department, contact us at 1-800-779-0137 or .
Table of Contents
        HISTORY & SOCIAL CHANGE................................................................3
          Black History ..............................................................................................................................3
          Cultural History...........................................................................................................................6
          Early Modern History.................................................................................................................7
          Global Issues ..............................................................................................................................7
          Indigenous Peoples...................................................................................................................9
          Latino History..............................................................................................................................9
          Military & Diplomatic History...................................................................................................9
          U.K. History................................................................................................................................11
          U.S. History................................................................................................................................12
          Women’s History......................................................................................................................16

        SOCIAL SCIENCE................................................................................19
          Gender Studies.........................................................................................................................19
          Political Science & Public Policy.......................................................................................... 20
          Religion & Philosophy .............................................................................................................22

        NEWSPAPERS & PERIODICALS ..........................................................23
          Other Related Databases........................................................................................................23

2   Historical Collections
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BLACK HISTORY                                                         HISTORY VAULT: Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century
                                                                      ProQuest History Vault’s coverage of the Black Freedom
From the fight for liberation under slavery to the struggles          Struggle offers the opportunity to study the most well-known
for civil and labor rights of the 20th century to the continuing      and unheralded events of the Black Freedom Struggle in the
pursuit of racial equality, proquest’s black history collections      20th Century from the perspective of the men, women and even
provide students and researchers with a virtually endless wealth      children who waged one of the most inspiring social movements
of knowledge from diverse perspectives, including firsthand           in American history. Taken with the NAACP Papers Collection,
accounts from black voices who lived through the tribulations and     these ten modules offer an extremely strong combination of
triumphs.                                                             resources on the civil rights movement with major collections
Proquest’s expertise in digitization and indexing has made it the     of records from the NAACP, Southern Christian Leadership
first choice of museums, libraries and organizations who want to      Conference (SCLC), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
share their collections with researchers. As a result, proquest has   (SNCC) and Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).
a unique combination of resources:                                      • Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Federal
                                                                           Government Records (Black Freedom 1)
HISTORY VAULT: Civil Rights and the Black Freedom                       • Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century, Organizational
Struggle in the 20th Century                                               Records and Personal Papers, Part 1 (Black Freedom 2)
ProQuest History Vault’s coverage offers the opportunity to             • Black Freedom Struggle of the 20th Century: Organizational
study the most well-known and unheralded events of the Black               Records and Personal Papers, Part 2 (Black Freedom 3)
Freedom Struggle in the 20th century from the perspective of
                                                                        • Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Federal
the men, women and even children who waged one of the most
                                                                           Government Records, Supplement (Black Freedom 4)
inspiring social movements in American history. This category
consists of the NAACP Papers and Federal Government Records,
Organizational Records and Personal Papers regarding the Black
Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century. Taken together, these ten
modules offer an extremely strong combination of resources
on the civil rights movement with major collections of records
from the NAACP, Southern Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).

           HISTORY VAULT: NAACP Papers
           The NAACP Papers collection consists of 6 modules
           containing internal memos, legal briefings and detailed
           activity summaries from national, legal and branch
           offices throughout the country. With a timeline that
runs from 1909 to 1972, NAACP Papers documents the realities
of segregation in the early 20th century to the triumphs of the
passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act
of 1965 and beyond. The files provide a comprehensive view of
the NAACP’s evolution, policies and achievements during this era.
  • NAACP PAPERS: Board of Directors, Annual Conferences,
     Major Speeches, and National Staff Files (NAACP 1)
  • NAACP PAPERS: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Education,
     Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces (NAACP 2)
  • NAACP PAPERS: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Scottsboro,
     Anti-Lynching, Criminal Justice, Peonage, Labor, and                 “An essential acquisition for libraries
     Segregation and Discrimination Complaints and Responses
                                                                          serving scholars in civil and human rights
     (NAACP 3)
                                                                          American history, criminal justice, social
  • NAACP PAPERS: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Legal
                                                                          choice and political theory, military history,
     Department Files (NAACP 4)
                                                                          and sociology. A tremendously significant
  • NAACP PAPERS: Special Subjects (NAACP 5)
                                                                          historical resource.”
  • NAACP PAPERS: Branch Department, Branch Files, and Youth
     Department Files (NAACP 6)                                           — Cheryl LaGuardia, Library Journal review of NAACP Papers

                                                                                                                   Historical Collections 3
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HISTORY VAULT: African American Police League Records
In recent years, cases such as the shooting of Michael Brown in
Ferguson, Missouri, and the Black Lives Matter movement have
brought the issue of police brutality onto the front page of the
news. Looking back through history shows that the issue of police
brutality has a long and troubled history. This module documents
how African American policemen in Chicago, beginning in 1968
attempted to fight against discrimination and police brutality by
the Chicago Police Department and to improve relations between
African Americans and the police department. On May 10,
1968, five Black Chicago policemen founded the Afro-American
Patrolmen’s League (AAPL; renamed the Afro-American Police
League in 1979 and later, the African American Police League).
The stated purpose of the AAPL was to establish a greater degree       HISTORY VAULT: Reconstruction and Military Government
of professionalism in law enforcement, to elevate the image            after the Civil War
of the African American police person in the African American          From heart-wrenching personal letters to bills of lading for office
community, and to eliminate police brutality in law enforcement.       supplies, this module offers remarkable insight into the early
                                                                       Reconstruction period. The correspondence of the U.S. Army’s
HISTORY VAULT: Southern Life, Slavery and the Civil War                Office of Civil Affairs reveals efforts to foster democracy and rebuild
                                                                       communities in the war-torn former Confederate states. Another
            HISTORY VAULT: Slavery and the Law                         prominent subject is the fair administration of the election process.
             This collection of petitions on race, slavery and free    Troubles often arose as African Americans prepared to exercise
             blacks submitted to state legislatures and county         their newly won rights to vote and run for office; many letters in call
             courthouses 1775–1867 reveal amazing candor.              for military intervention to secure these rights.
             Collected by Loren Schweninger from hundreds of
courthouses and historical societies, the petitions document           HISTORY VAULT: Slavery in Antebellum Southern Industries
the realities of slavery at the most immediate local level. The        Industry never rivaled agriculture as an employer of slave labor
collection includes the State Slavery Statutes collection, a           in the Old South, but because of the kinds of records industrial
comprehensive record of the laws governing American slavery            enterprises kept, and because of the survival of superb collections
from 1789–1865.                                                        in depositories like the Duke University Library, University of North
                                                                       Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Virginia, and Virginia Historical
            HISTORY VAULT: Southern Life and African                   Society, a window is opened on the slave’s world that no other type
            American History, 1775–1915: Plantation                    of primary documentary evidence affords. Slavery in Antebellum
            Records                                                    Southern Industries presents some of the richest, most valuable,
             Plantation Records is a two-part collection rich          and most complete collections in the entire documentary record
             in primary sources. Business records include              of American slavery, focusing on the industrial uses of slave labor.
ledger books, payroll books, cotton ginning books, work rules,         The materials selected include company records; business and
account books and receipts. Personal papers include family             personal correspondence; documents pertaining to the purchase,
correspondence, diaries and wills.                                     hire, medical care, and provisioning of slave laborers; descriptions
  • Southern Life and African American History, 1775–1915,            of production processes; and journals recounting costs and
     Plantations Records, Part 1                                       income. The work ledgers in these collections record slave earnings
    • Southern Life and African American History, 1775–1915,          and expenditures and provide extraordinary insight into slave life.
       Plantation Records, Part 2                                      The collections document slavery in such enterprises as gold,
                                                                       silver, copper, and lead mining; iron manufacturing, machine shop
    • Southern Life and African American History, 1775–1915,          work, lumbering, quarrying, brickmaking, tobacco manufacturing,
       Plantation Records, Part 3 – Coming in Q4 2021!                 shipbuilding, and heavy construction; and building of railroads and
                  HISTORY VAULT: Confederate Military
                  Manuscripts and Records of Union
                  Generals and the Union Army
                  This module delivers manuscripts sourced                “History Vault is an absolute first-rate research
                  from Virginia Historical Society; Louisiana State       tool, the single best on-line resource in 20th
                  University; University of Texas at Austin; and the      century and African American history I have ever
University of Virginia. Several previously unpublished collections
of records include papers of spies, scouts, guides and detectives;
records on military discipline from courts-martial; and records of        — Eric Arnesen, Professor of History, George Washington University
the U.S. Colored Troops.

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HISTORY VAULT: Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Law and                    Black Studies Center
Order in 19th Century America                                           This in-depth resource supports Black Studies and other
This module documents the international and domestic traffic            disciplines that benefit from a more detailed coverage of the Black
in slaves in Britain’s New World colonies and the United States,        experience such as history, literature, political science and religion.
providing important primary source material on the business             At its core is Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience™, a
aspect of the slave trade. Collections in this module on the slave      series of topical studies that help define the development of Black
trade are sourced by ProQuest from the Rhode Island Historical          Studies as an academic field.
Society, Southern Historical Collection at the University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, and the U.S. National Archives. In addition      African American Biographical Database
to records on the slave trade, this module also includes a series       By curating biographies, rare books and historical information on
of letters received by the Attorney General on law and order in         thousands of African Americans—many not found in any other
nineteenth century America. These letters cover the slave trade,        reference source—this database proves invaluable to scholars,
general slavery matters including runaway slaves and rights of          librarians, political and social historians, genealogists and anyone
slaves, and other legal issues. This module will be of value to         interested in the rich cultural heritage of the African American
students of the slavery and the slave trade, the Early Republic and     community. Besides having direct access to diverse text, users
the road to the Civil War.                                              can view thousands of photographs and illustrations.

Black Historical Newspapers
Black newspapers were on the frontlines of the civil rights
movement. Organizing boycotts and nationwide protests, fighting
discriminatory housing and employment practices, launching
community clean-up campaigns, and advocating for improved
health services for minorities, they gave voice and strength to
communities often ignored by other media.
The newspapers in this collection provide unique perspectives on
local, national, and international events:
Black Newspapers Titles and Coverage:
  • Atlanta Daily World (1931–2003)
  • The Baltimore Afro-American (1893–1988)
  • Chicago Defender (1910–1975)
  • Cleveland Call & Post (1934–1991)
  • Los Angeles Sentinel (1934–2005)
  • Michigan Chronicle (1939-2010)                                      African Diaspora, 1860–Present
  • New York Amsterdam News (1922–1993)                                 From the mid-19th century to today, much of the African diaspora
  • The Norfolk Journal and Guide (1921–2003)                           was dispersed throughout the Caribbean, Brazil, India, United
  • The Philadelphia Tribune (1912–2001)                                Kingdom and France. Now their contributions, struggles and
  • Pittsburgh Courier (1911–2002)                                      identities will come to life for scholars. African Diaspora, 1860–
                                                                        Present allows scholars to uncover never-before digitized primary
These titles are part of and cross-searchable with ProQuest
                                                                        source documents, including books, government documents,
Historical Newspapers, the definitive full-run archive that delivers
                                                                        personal papers, organizational papers, journals, newsletters,
25 million pages of searchable U.S. and international content.
                                                                        court documents, letters and ephemera.
 In June/July 2021, ProQuest will be extending the years of
                                                                        Black Thought And Culture
 coverage for the following titles:
                                                                        Black Thought and Culture is a landmark electronic collection of
   • Chicago Defender (1976-2010) – 35 years                            approximately 100,000 pages of non-fiction writings by major
   • Atlanta Daily World (2004-2010) – 7 years                          American black leaders—teachers, artists, politicians, religious
   • Pittsburgh Courier (2003-2010) – 8 years                           leaders, athletes, war veterans, entertainers, and other figures—
                                                                        covering 250 years of history.
Black Abolitionist Papers, 1830–1865                                    Black Studies In Video
This extraordinary primary-source collection is the first to            “The Video Encyclopedia of Black Culture”— allowing students
comprehensively detail the work of African Americans to abolish         to learn, research, and understand the politics, art and culture,
slavery in the United States prior to the Civil War. Researchers will   sociology, and history of African Americans. Black Studies in
discover the massive international impact                               Video is an award-winning black studies portfolio that brings
of activism in the writings and publications of the activists           together seminal documentaries, powerful interviews, and
themselves. Some 15,000 articles, documents, correspondence,            previously unavailable archival footage surveying the black
proceedings, manuscripts and literary works show the full range         experience. The collection contains 500 hours of film covering
of Black abolitionist activities in the United States and several       African American history, politics, art and culture, family structure,
other nations.                                                          gender relationships, and social and economic issues.

                                                                                                                    Historical Collections 5
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CULTURAL HISTORY                                                            EIMA 1: Music, Radio and The Stage
                                                                            Key titles include Billboard (1894–2000), Musician (1976–1999), The
Art and Architecture Archive (1854–2005)                                    Beat (1988–2000), The Stage (1880–2000), and Vox (1990–1999).
Scholars of the 20th century history of art and design/architecture         EIMA 2: Film and Television
need to consult highly visual consumer and trade magazines. Key             Key titles include American Film (1975–1992), Boxoffice (1920–
developments, industry news, and artworks are often charted in              2000), Broadcast (1960–2000), Screen International (1976–2000),
these publications rather than in scholarly journals. The Art and           and Variety (1905–2000).
Architecture Archive offers an amazing array of titles, including
Architectural Review, British Journal of Photography, Graphis, Print, and   EIMA 3: Film and Television, Part 2
many others previously unavailable in digital form, scanned cover           Key titles include The Hollywood Reporter, American Cinematographer,
to cover as full-page color images, with searchable text and article        and Kine Weekly.
level indexing. Users can search the full text, browse and retrieve         EIMA 4: Music – Folk, Rock & Hip Hop
articles and advertisements, and view illustrations, photographs,           Coming Q3 2021! The backfiles of over 40 magazines devoted to
and technical plans in detail and in context, from every page of            major genres of 20th/21st-century popular music – rock, folk, and
every issue to gain new insights and inspiration.                           hip hop.
Previous purchasers of Art & Architecture 1:
                                                                            Health & Fitness Magazine Archive
Art and Architecture 2                                                      Health & Fitness Magazine Archive is the next discipline-specific
Brings an additional 21 trade and consumer publications with                collection to join the ProQuest Historical Periodicals collections.
850,000 pages of searchable, full-page color images to the archive.         The collection contains the backfiles of nine major US and UK
Includes highly-demanded international titles such as Goya, Popular         men’s consumer magazines, including several of the leading
Photography, Building Design, ID and Preservation and many others           titles of this type, including Prevention (launched in 1950), Men’s
available digitally for the first time.                                     Health, Women’s Health, and Flex. Topics pertaining to health, body
New customers can purchase by subject area:                                 image, exercise, and related themes are major research areas for
                                                                            scholars in men’s/women’s/gender studies, 20th century social
Art and Architecture Archive: Art & Photography                             history, public health and other fields.
Includes 22 titles including British Journal of Photography, American
Craft, Apollo, and Popular Photography.
Art and Architecture Archive: Architecture & Design
Adds 17 titles including Architectural Review, ID (Industrial Design),
Graphis and House Beautiful.

Artforum Archive
Coming Q4 2021! The backfile of Artforum (later Artforum
International), the leading magazine for coverage of international
contemporary art, from its launch in 1962 to 2020. The archive
spans six decades of reporting on art in all media, from painting,
sculpture, and installation, through to body art, video/audio art,
and performance art. Artforum contains features, reviews, and               Rolling Stone Magazine Archive
interviews relating to artists, exhibitions, publications, and other        Coming Q2 2021! The backfile of Rolling Stone magazine, from
aspects of the art world. It has notably published original art,            its launch in 1967 to the present. One of the most influential
photography, and essays by major practitioners, such as Robert              consumer magazines of the 20th-21st centuries, it initially sought
Smithson, Jasper Johns, Nan Goldin, Laurie Anderson, Bruce                  to reflect the cultural, social, and political outlook of a generation
Conner, and Robert Mapplethorpe. It has equally been renowned               of students and young adults. It soon became a leading vehicle
throughout its history for featuring leading critics, many of whom          for rock and popular music journalism, shaping and chronicling
– for example Michael Fried and Barbara Rose – wrote for the                new trends and movements. Also notable for its commitment to
magazine early in their careers.                                            reporting on controversial topics that were largely absent from
                                                                            mainstream media, Rolling Stone was closely identified with a
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive                                     multifaceted 1960s–70s counter-culture. Major journalists and
This vast digital archive of 36 key titles offers unparalleled insights     authors to have contributed include Hunter S. Thompson, Patti
into the behind-the-scenes activities of the music, film and                Smith, and Tom Wolfe.
entertainment industries. By providing the complete runs of major
trade and consumer magazines, from their inception to 2015, it arms         Youth and Popular Culture Magazine Archive
students and researchers with primary source material to develop a          Youth and Popular Culture Magazine Archive, when complete, will
contextual understanding of the entertainment and media industry            provide 250,000 pages of unique digital access to the backfiles of
as it evolved into the 21st century, and defined popular culture,           13 magazines originally published for a teen/pre-teen audience.
attitudes, ideas and aspirations. Each magazine can be browsed              Coverage spans the years 1940–2020 and sheds light on a host
cover-to-cover in full-page, full-text format. Users can search for         of trends and topics in the history of youth culture, including
original reviews, interviews, industry news, listings, charts, and          fashion, rock and roll, sports, sexuality and dating, as well the media
features relating to the full range of popular media using advanced         portrayal of youth. Alongside major titles like Teen, the collection
search and retrieval functionality.                                         features many hard-to-find titles such as Clarity from the 1940s and
                                                                            Petticoat from the 1960s.

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The World of Archie Comics Archive                                       Early European Books
An unprecedented digital collection offering access to the runs          As the definitive resource in its category, Early European Books
of more than 100 publications from Archie Comics. This is one            (EEB) allows unlimited access to thousands of pre-1701 books and
of the longest running, best-known comic stables, spanning the           rare incunabula printed in Europe.
early 1940s to 2020. Alongside the flagship title, Archie, other         It embraces the centuries following Gutenberg’s invention of
prominent titles, which have pervaded wider popular culture,             movable type, which witnessed an unprecedented proliferation and
include Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, Josie and the Pussycats, Betty &     dissemination of literature throughout Europe. In keeping with the
Veronica, and Jughead.                                                   tenor of the time, religious works dominate, but there is no shortage
                                                                         of secular material concerning every field of human thought and
                                                                         Drawing from a diverse array of primary sources in their original
                                                                         languages, this acclaimed series opens the door to in-depth
                                                                         scholarship that was once limited to fragile manuscripts housed in
                                                                         far-flung institutions.
                                                                         Developed and produced in collaboration with scholars, rare book
                                                                         librarians, bibliographers and other experts, Early European Books
                                                                         offers millions of fully searchable pages scanned directly from the
                                                                         original printed sources in high-resolution full color. Each item is
                                                                         captured in its entirety, complete with binding, edges, endpapers,
                                                                         blank pages and any loose inserts. The result is a wealth of
                                                                         information about the physical characteristics and histories of the
                                                                           • Detailed descriptive bibliographic metadata accompanies each
                                                                              set of document images to support browsing and searching.
                                                                           • ProQuest’s partnership with the Universal Short Title Catalogue
The Early Modern Period is defined by historians as roughly
                                                                              (USTC) further improves access and discoverability of materials
the time between the late Middle Ages and the end of the 18th
                                                                              essential to researchers of the early modern era.
century (approximately 1500–1800). Both the Early English Books
Online (EEBO) and Early European Books (EEB) collections focus             • Sophisticated scatter map technology provides immersive
exclusively on the period between the late 1400s and 1700 for a               perspectives on this material.
closer examination of a period that marked enormous scientific,
philosophical and cultural changes for Europe and the continent’s
relationship with the rest of the world.                                 GLOBAL ISSUES
Early English Books Online™                                              As the result of globalization, we live in an increasingly smaller
More than a decade ago, 146,000 works, microfilmed over                  world which has produced new challenges and opportunities
70 years from more than 200 libraries worldwide, were made               across many facets of modern life. It can be difficult to discover
available online by ProQuest in one collection. Early English            and navigate resources that provide students and researchers
Books Online (EEBO) is now one of the most successful research           the full scope of global integration – from both historical and
collections ProQuest has ever produced, and it is used by                contemporary perspectives – and support deeper scholarship
students and scholars in over 1,000 institutions worldwide.              into areas such as politics, law, immigration, human rights,
                                                                         environmental studies, business and culture.
No other resource for early modern scholarship is as
comprehensive as Early English Books Online. Users can explore           ProQuest provides comprehensive, interdisciplinary, multiformat
complete, digitized images of all the works listed in these key          collections to simplify collection building for librarians, and
bibliographic records of English literature: The Short-Title Catalogue   simplified discovery for users, enabling better learning and
(Pollard & Redgrave, 1475–1640); The Short-Title Catalogue II            research in global studies.
(Wing, 1641–1700); The Thomson Tracts; and the Early English               • Aggregated collections like ProQuest Central and ProQuest
Books Tract Supplements, as well as original almanacs, pamphlets,             One Academic including global news, periodicals, scholarly
musical scores, prayer books and other intriguing primary                     journals, documentaries, dissertations and more, cross-
sources.                                                                      searchable on a single platform for breadth of perspective
To accompany page images, the Text Creation Partnership has                • Curated collections like Global Issues Library combine primary
created accurate transcriptions of many thousands of the works,               source content, ebooks, video, journal articles and more
helping researchers of all levels to discover more from within the            salient to research in topics like security, human rights, protest
EEBO corpus.                                                                  and revolution, immigration and the environment
The TCP collection is now integrated into the newly migrated             Relevant primary source content from both national and
instance of EEBO on the ProQuest Platform.                               international governments and agencies, organizations and
                                                                         leaders for micro and macro perspectives of global conflict,
                                                                         resolution, law and relations is available from such collections as:

                                                                                                                     Historical Collections 7
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Visual History Archive                                                   Engineering Case Studies Online
This remarkable streaming video collection delivers some 55,000          This comprehensive and authoritative resource provides in-depth,
primary-source testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the             impartial analysis of key engineering failures including 250 hours of
Holocaust and other crimes against humanity, including the               video and 50,000 pages of text resources. The collection provides
Armenian, Cambodian, Guatemalan, and Rwandan Genocides as                in-depth coverage for more than 50 of the most frequently taught
well as the Nanjing Massacre. The largest digital collection of its      and seminal case studies around the world together.
kind in the world, Visual History Archive interviews were conducted
throughout 62 countries and in 41 languages, providing an unedited,      Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies
personal narrative of life before, during, and after the interviewee’s   Curated by an international board of advisors and part of the Global
experience with genocide. Roughly 65,000 keywords make it easy for       Issues Library. Organized around a selection of key historical and
researchers to surface specific segments and then save and share         contemporary events and mixing a case and thematic approach,
content. The video archive also contains over 719,000 images, 1.9        this resource will look at the history of incarceration in the United
million names, 2500 recitations of literary works, and 2100 musical      States, Russia, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and others.
recitals. Spanning 116,00 total hours of film, the Visual History        The main themes and events related to mass incarceration and
Archive provides researchers with multiple pathways to learn across      the history of prisons are easily explored by providing multiple
time, locations, cultures and sociopolitical circumstances.              perspectives and points of entries: court cases; prison experience:
                                                                         first-hand accounts; law and government documents; rehabilitation;
                                                                         training materials; policing and law; prison and identity and theory.
Global Issues Library
Human Rights Studies Online                                              Food Studies Online
                                                                         A first-of-its-kind database, bringing together rare and hard-to-
Combines documentation for analysis an interpretation of major
                                                                         find archival content with visual ephemera, text, and video. Food
human rights violations and atrocity crimes of the 20th and early
                                                                         studies is a relatively new field of study, and its importance is felt in
21st centuries, with 75,000 pages of text and 150 hours of video.
                                                                         many major disciplines. It has social, historical, economic, cultural,
Primary and secondary materials across multiple media formats
                                                                         religious, and political implications that reach far beyond what is
and content types teach about each event.
                                                                         consumed at the dinner table. Includes 100,000 pages of primary
Border and Migration Studies Online                                      archival materials, images, and secondary works, plus 110 hours of
Understand today’s world through primary-source documents,               documentaries and series.
archives, films, and ephemera related to significant border events
around the world from the 19th to the 21st centuries—U.S. and                              Disability in the Modern World: History of a
Mexico, India and Pakistan, the EU, Eastern European borders, and                          Social Movement
dozens of others. At completion, the collection will include 100,000                      One person in seven experiences disability, yet
pages of text, 175 hours of video, and 1,000 images.                                      the story of this community and its contributions
                                                                                          is largely absent from the scholarly record.
Environmental Issues Online                                                               Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social
Multimedia materials (text, archival primary sources, video and          Movement is a landmark online collection that fills the gap, with a
audio) around key environmental challenges, including climate            comprehensive and international set of resources to enrich study in
change, water/air pollution, biodiversity, conservation, agriculture,    a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy.
deforestation and more.

Security Issues Online
A case/issue-focused, curated, and curriculum-driven collection
looking at key international security issues—terrorism, nuclear
threats, cyber-security; human trafficking—with historical
perspectives on events from the late 19th century to today.

Revolution and Protest Online
The most studied and key events and themes related to revolution
and protest from the 18th century through the early 21st century—
from the French Revolution to the Arab Spring.

“It is a fantastic commentary on the
inhumanity of our times that for thousands
and thousands of people a piece of paper with
a stamp on it is the difference between life
and death.”
— Dorothy Thompson, American journalist and radio broadcaster

8    Historical Collections
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                                                                        North American Indian Thought and Culture
                                                                        This collection brings together more than 100,000 pages, many of
                                                                        which are previously unpublished, rare, or hard to find. The project
                                                                        integrates autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral
                                                                        histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files
                                                                        for the first time.

                                                                        LATINO HISTORY
                                                                        Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration
                                                                        Coming in June 2021! This collection gives rich insight into
                                                                        the efforts of the Executive Branch of U.S. government to reach
                                                                        out to the burgeoning Latino population during the last 2 years
                                                                        of the Carter Administration. In the summer of 1979, the Carter
                                                                        Administration created the White House Office of Hispanic Affairs
                                                                        in order to address issues of critical importance to the Latino
                                                                        community. The coming decade of the 1980s was being hailed
                                                                        as “the Decade of the Hispanic,” and many were looking to the
                                                                        president and Congress to show more respect for Latinos and their
                                                                        manifold contributions to the United States. Major topics covered in
                                                                        this collection include inflation, bilingual education, police brutality,
                                                                        political unrest in Latin America, Haitian refugees, and immigration
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES                                                      (legal and otherwise), Puerto Rican self-determination, and the U.S.
Exploration into the histories, cultures and issues facing native       Navy’s use of Vieques Island.
populations span various disciplines, perspectives and periods
of time. ProQuest offers a sweeping array of intersectional,
multiformat and cross-searchable materials for both brief               MILITARY & DIPLOMATIC HISTORY
overviews and in-depth examinations of specific people, places          These collections deal with the history of international relations.
and events, as well as broader, more comprehensive research of          ProQuest offers documents covering key episodes, issues and actors
on-going topics as they continue to evolve.                             in military and diplomatic history of several key conflicts, including
As concerns about the decolonization of libraries and resources         the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World Wars I, II, Vietnam War
become increasing critical, this content is expertly curated to         and conflicts in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia.
include multiple points of view, ensuring the voices of historically
marginalized people are heard.                                          HISTORY VAULT: U.S. Military Intelligence Reports
                                                                        Over the years, military attachés reported on internal politics, social
HISTORY VAULT: American Indians and the American West,                  and economic conditions, and foreign affairs of the countries in
1809–1971                                                               which they were stationed. This module contains Intelligence
Collections from the U.S. National Archives and the Chicago History     reports for seven foreign nations, plus Biweekly Intelligence
Museum join first-hand accounts on Indian Wars and westward             Summaries and Combat Estimates.
migration. Coverage includes Records of the Bureau of Indian
Affairs and Records from the Major Council Meetings of American         HISTORY VAULT: U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, 1914–1945
Indian Tribes. Researchers will also find excellent collections, many   Diplomatic post records—those kept at the embassies or
previously unpublished, on Native Americans in the 19th century,        legations rather than in Washington—contain the messages
with a focus on the interaction among white settlers, the U.S.          from Washington, retained copies of outgoing dispatches, locally
federal government and indigenous tribes.                               gathered information and background material on decision making.
                                                                        Represented in this module are Japan, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras
Indian Claims Insight                                                   and nine more nations.
Research the history of U.S. Indian claims from 1789–present.
Trace the history of Indian claims by Indian Nation, geography,
or case docket number. Includes comprehensive Indian Claims
Commission collection 1948–1978, with briefs, docket books,
decisions, expert testimony, oral transcripts; content related to
pre-1948 claims presented to Congress and/or brought before the
Court of Claims; content related to post-1978 claims brought before
the US Court of Claims (through 1982) and US Court of Federal
Claims (through 2006); documents related to post-2006 settlement
of claims; and treaties and claims-related statutes. Includes
congressional publications directly related to Indian claims, indexed
by docket numbers and claims-related maps.

                                                                                                                     Historical Collections 9
Historical Collections - proquest.com To talk to the sales department, contact us at 1-800-779-0137 or .

                                                                       HISTORY VAULT: Creation of Israel: British Foreign Office
                                                                       Correspondence on Palestine and Transjordan, 1940–1948
                                                                       The British Foreign Office Political Correspondence files on
                                                                       Palestine and Transjordan, 1940–1948 are essential for
                                                                       understanding the modern history of the Middle East, the
                                                                       establishment of Israel as a sovereign state, and the wider web of
                                                                       postwar international world politics. Early records in the collection
                                                                       focus on events in Palestine, Britain’s policy toward Palestine, and
                                                                       how the situation in Palestine affected relations with other nations.
                                                                       The files also survey the contours of Arab politics in the wider
                                                                       Middle East. Since the interests, rivalries, and designs of various
                                                                       Arab leaders were often played out with reference to Palestine,
                                                                       the documents provide insight into the complex and sometimes
                                                                       bloody Arab world. In the 1947–1948 period, this module explores
HISTORY VAULT: World War I: Records of the American                    the tensions within Anglo-American relations over the creation and
Expeditionary Forces, and Diplomacy in the World War I Era             recognition of Israel as a sovereign state. A large section of the
Documentation on the American Expeditionary Forces during World        material is devoted to United Nations deliberations on the Palestine
War I includes correspondence, cablegrams, operations reports,         question.
statistical strength reports and summaries of intelligence detail
troop movements and operations of Allied and enemy forces.             The records also illuminate the political, philosophical, and
                                                                       personal fractures within and between both the Jewish and Arab
HISTORY VAULT: World War II: U.S. Documents on Planning,               communities from 1940–1948.
Operations, Intelligence, Axis War Crimes, and Refugees
Pres. Roosevelt’s files reveal the innermost workings of military      HISTORY VAULT: World War I: British Foreign Office
planning during World War II. Firsthand accounts cover the             Political Correspondence, 1914–1920
internment of Japanese civilians. Primary sources from soldiers        Records from military attaché and diplomatic and consular
in the D-Day invasion deliver valuable context. Documentation on       personnel describe the political situation in European countries at
civilians in Europe focus on Jewish refugees. Other collections        the outbreak of the war. They cover the financial position of the
include FBI files on Tokyo Rose, Manhattan Project and more.           warring countries and examine the technological innovations of
                                                                       World War I, particularly in air and naval warfare. This formerly
HISTORY VAULT: Office of Strategic Services/State                      confidential correspondence also includes a wide range of other
Department Intelligence and Research Reports, 1941–1961                wartime issues.
During World War II and the early years of the Cold War, the Office
of Strategic Services and the State Department assigned leading
scholars to write classified reports about Asia, Europe, the Soviet
Union, Latin America and Africa.
Over 3,500 reports—not contained in the State Department’s
foreign relations series or the armed forces’ official histories—are
an excellent source for studying the major areas of the world from
1941 to 1961.

HISTORY VAULT: Confidential U.S. State Department
Central Files, 1960–1969
Student demonstrations, political unrest, coups d’etat,
assassinations, political trials, meetings and visits of foreign       HISTORY VAULT: Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on
leaders, economic and agricultural assistance, disputes over the       the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942–1998
use of international waters, international trade, military conflicts   This expert module focuses on the diplomatic, legal and political
- these are just some of the subjects covered by Confidential U.S.     maneuvering during and after World War II regarding German
State Department Central Files on the turbulent 1960s around the       art looting in Europe and subsequently the recovery of cultural
world. History Vault’s U.S. State Department Central Files on the      objects dispersed during World War II. As an art-focused historical
1960s are offered in three modules, organized by geographic region     collection, it also documents the efforts by the U.S. and other Allied
of the world: Europe and Latin America; Africa and the Middle East;    Powers to prevent the secreting of Axis assets in Latin America and
and Asia.                                                              other regions.
HISTORY VAULT: Vietnam War and American Foreign                        Unique features include:
Policy, 1960–1975                                                        • The looted art documents which disclose the negotiations and
In 1975, as Saigon was falling to the communists, Peter Arnett              litigation for return of items to legitimate owners
saved the records of the AP’s Saigon Bureau, which ProQuest
now makes available to all. Key collections include records of the       • Paramount cases, including Swiss claims for property seized
Military Assistance and Advisory Command, Vietnam; General                  by the U.S. in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, and
Westmoreland Papers, and National Security Files from the                   the Interhandel Case involving Interhandel-owned stock in the
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Ford administrations.                           General Aniline & Film Corporation

10 Historical Collections

HISTORY VAULT: CIA Cold War Research Reports and Records
on Communism in China and Eastern Europe (1917–1976)
This module consists of two major series of records: CIA
Research Reports from 1946–1976 and records collected by
Raymond Murphy on Communism in China and Eastern Europe
from 1917–1958. Beginning in 1946 with reports of the CIA’s
predecessor, the Central Intelligence Group, CIA Research Reports
reproduces over 1,500 reports on eight areas: Middle East; Soviet
Union; Vietnam and Southeast Asia; China; Japan, Korea, and
Asian security; Europe; Africa; and Latin America. This series deals
with international questions and biographical reports, offering
profiles of relatively unknown leaders. The Murphy Collection
provides information on war recovery efforts, international aid,
and the formation of countries and substantial information on the
Chinese Communist Party.
                                                                       British Periodicals
Trench Journals and Unit Magazines of the First World War              Almost 500 multidisciplinary periodical runs published from the
This unparalleled research resource contains more than 1,500           1680s through to the 21st century, comprising more than 7.5
periodicals from 1914 to the end of 1919. Magazines have been          million keyword-searchable page images and forming an unrivalled
scanned cover-to-cover, in full color or gray scale, with granular     record of three centuries of British history and culture.
indexing of all articles and specialist indexing of publications.
                                                                         • British Periodicals Collection I: 162 journals that comprise the
Digital National Security Archive                                           UMI microfilm collection Early British Periodicals. Topics covered
Winner of the 2018 ACRL Choice Outstanding Academic Title                   include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and
Award, the Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) offers access           the social sciences.
to primary documents from the National Security Archive It is the
                                                                         • British Periodicals Collection II: More than 310 journals from
most comprehensive collection available of significant primary
                                                                            the UMI microfilm collections English Literary Periodicals and
documents central to US foreign and military policy since 1945.
                                                                            British Periodicals in the Creative Arts (with some additional titles).
This is a growing collection of the most important, declassified
                                                                            Topics covered include literature, music, art, drama, archaeology
documents with two new collections added each year. Many are
                                                                            and architecture.
published for the first time. Each collection is compiled under the
direction of a scholar at the National Security Archive.                 • British Periodicals Collection III: The full runs of eight of the
                                                                            most influential, longest-running periodicals of the period are
                                                                            offered, with all color content scanned in full color. The titles
U.K. HISTORY                                                                are: Britannia and Eve (1929–1957), The Bystander (1903–1940),
                                                                            The Graphic (1869–1932), Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic
Nowhere else can students and researchers use such a variety
                                                                            News (1874–1970), Illustrated War News [WW2 edition] (1939),
of sources to discover the most comprehensive insights and
                                                                            The Sketch (1893–1959), The Sphere (1900–1964), The Tatler
information related to one of history’s most influential cultures.
ProQuest’s multi-format collections are designed to work together,
enabling scholars at every level to explore six centuries of history     • British Periodicals Collection IV: Continues the expansion
in the U.K., from the early modern period through the latest                into the 20th century with the complete runs of ten major
breaking issues and events that dominate today’s headlines.                 publications from the period, again digitized in full color from
Coverage spans such topics as arts and literature, religion and             print originals. Titles include: Answers to Correspondents (1888–
philosophy, government and politics, colonization, diplomacy and            1965), The Field (1850–2005), Halfpenny Marvel (1893–1922),
war, society and social movements.                                          The Highway (1907–1959), Humorist (1922–1940), Picture Show
                                                                            (1919–1960), Top Spot (1958–1960), Tribune (1937–2005), War
                                                                            Weekly (1939–1941), Wide World Magazine (1898–1965).
                                                                       Cecil Papers
                                                                       ProQuest has teamed with The Hatfield House Archives to digitize
                                                                       their privately held collection of documents gathered by William
                                                                       Cecil (1520–1598), Lord Burghley and his son Robert Cecil (1563–
                                                                       1612), First Earl of Salisbury. This important collection includes
                                                                       16th- and 17th-century state papers, grants from the Crown, legal
                                                                       documents, treaties, correspondences, and political memoranda.
                                                                       One of Elizabeth I’s closest advisors, William Cecil was both Lord
                                                                       High Treasurer and Secretary of State—a position also held by
                                                                       his son, who continued to serve Elizabeth’s successor, James I.
                                                                       Occupying some of the highest offices of state in the land, these
                                                                       men were at the heart of events during one of the most dynamic
                                                                       periods in western history.

                                                                                                                    Historical Collections 11

                                                                         U.S. HISTORY
                                                                         From 1789 to present, ProQuest’s primary source collections on
                                                                         U.S. history are comprehensive and cover the transformation of
                                                                         America, from the nation’s early years through its development
                                                                         into a world power.
                                                                         ProQuest’s multi-format collections are designed to work together
                                                                         for the most comprehensive scholarship of American history
                                                                         and culture, from colonization and the founding of the U.S. to
                                                                         the latest breaking issues and events dominating the headlines.
                                                                         Coverage spans such topics as government and politics,
                                                                         colonization, slavery, military and war, industry and labor, social
                                                                         movements, arts and literature, diplomacy and international
                                                                         relations, and more. These materials support detailed, in-depth
Colonial State Papers
                                                                         research on specific historical people, places and events in
Produced in collaboration with the UK National Archives, Colonial
                                                                         isolation or together for a sweeping looking at how U.S. history
State Papers makes available handwritten documents and
                                                                         and culture developed over time.
bibliographic records from 1583–1757 full-text page images from
their collection CO 1 (full name: Privy Council and related bodies:
America and West Indies, Colonial Papers) in a digital format for
the first time. These papers were presented to the Government and
relate to England’s governance of, and activities in the American,
Canadian and West Indian colonies. The complete Calendar of
State Papers, Colonial: North America and the West Indies 1574–
1739 is also incorporated into the resource.

Country Life Archive
This comprehensive archive of the quintessential English lifestyle
magazine captures UK culture across the 20th century, particularly
fine art and architecture, the great country houses, and rural living.
Country Life Archive presents a chronicle of more than 100 years of
British heritage with the content of every page fully searchable.

Queen Victoria’s Journals
The product of a unique partnership between ProQuest, the
Bodleian Libraries and the Royal Archives, the 141 volumes of
Queen Victoria’s personal diaries are available to view, search
and explore. Every page of every journal is presented as a high-
resolution, full-color digital image, with detailed transcriptions of
handwritten entries for easy reading and powerful searching.             HISTORY VAULT: Thomas A Edison Papers
                                                                         Thomas A. Edison Papers documents the life, work, and vision of
John Johnson Collection                                                  Thomas Edison in laboratory notebooks, diaries, business records,
This digital archive broadens access to a wide array of rare archival    correspondence, and related materials. Inventor, businessman,
materials documenting various aspects of everyday life in Britain in     scientist, industrialist, entrepreneur, engineer, Thomas Alva Edison
the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Each item is presented as a     developed many of the technologies that have shaped the modem
full-color, high-resolution facsimile. Researchers can find:             world. Perhaps more than anyone else, Edison integrated the
                                                                         worlds of science, technology, business, and finance; and his work
  • Printed advertising material
                                                                         laid the foundation for the age of electricity, recorded sound, and
  • Playbills and programmes for theatrical entertainments               motion pictures.
  • Broadsides relating to executions
                                                                         HISTORY VAULT: Law and Society Since the Civil War:
  • Book and journal prospectuses                                        American Legal Manuscripts from the Harvard Law Library
                                                                         This module consists of 11 collections from the Harvard Law
Annual Register                                                          School Library, highlighting three Supreme Court Justices, the first
The Annual Register is an invaluable year-by-year record of world        Black federal judge, high-profile cases, and insights into developing
events from James Cook’s landing on the shores of Australia to the       ideologies and laws, as far back as 1861 with the Papers of Oliver
inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States.          Wendell Holmes, which span from the Civil War to the Great
This classic reference work provides historians and students with        Depression. The Papers of Louis D. Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter
information on the major and minor events spanning 250 years,            provide a behind-the-scenes view of the Supreme Court between
with historical context and perspective, and a mass of biographical      1919 and 1961. The Frankfurter Papers are of special note because
information.                                                             they reveal how the Supreme Court approached the Brown v. Board
The online version transforms this collection of print volumes into a    of Education decision, the landmark school desegregation case that
vast database of historical information.                                 is well documented in other History Vault modules.

12 Historical Collections

HISTORY VAULT: Records of the Children’s Bureau
Though it’s one of the lesser-known federal agencies, the Children’s
Bureau is one of the richest sources for understanding American
society and social welfare. The Bureau’s correspondence, research
reports, radio scripts, brochures, bills and laws, court hearings and
speeches represent the largest collection of primary material for
the study of the family and the health and well-being of children in
the 20th century; as well, they throw a fascinating light on the way
welfare policies affected women.

HISTORY VAULT: New Deal and World War II: FDR Office
Files and Records of Federal Agencies
The centerpiece of this module is President Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s Office Files. Roosevelt’s Office Files constitute the
heart and soul of the administrative record of the Roosevelt
White House. They highlight the domestic and foreign concerns
of the President and his administration. Roosevelt’s policies,
                                                                        HISTORY VAULT: FBI Confidential Files and Radical
responses to crises, and plans for the future were all based on
                                                                        Politics in the U.S.
both classified and nonclassified information that he received
                                                                        This module contains records from the FBI and the Subversive
and digested from all levels of government and the public.
                                                                        Activities Control Board. Under the leadership of the infamous
The office files represent the materials deemed especially
                                                                        J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI vigorously investigated and tracked the
important by the President on the basis of content and source.
                                                                        activities of Communist groups, Communist-front groups, and
Major topics covered in the files are the Great Depression, the
                                                                        other radical organizations in the United States. Highlights include
New Deal, America’s involvement in World War II, the internal
                                                                        Hoover’s office files; documentation on the FBI’s so-called “black
workings of the Roosevelt administration, and Roosevelt’s
                                                                        bag jobs,” as they were called before being renamed “surreptitious
personal leadership style.
                                                                        entries”; and the “Do Not File” File. Prominent subjects covered in
HISTORY VAULT: American Politics in the Early Cold War—                 the “Surreptitious Entries” file pertain to the Socialist Workers Party
Truman and Eisenhower Administrations                                   and the Weather Underground, both dating from the early 1970s.
The Cold War takes center stage in the Truman files on                  The records of the Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB),
international relations, and the stalling of Truman’s Fair Deal         an invaluable resource for the study of left-wing radicalism of the
program are documented in the files that pertain to domestic            1950s and 1960s, are also included in this module.
concerns. The Eisenhower files focus on national defense, Cold
                                                                        HISTORY VAULT: Students for a Democratic Society:
War preparedness, the Soviet Union, economic issues, and tariff
                                                                        Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and the Anti-Vietnam
negotiations. With the publication of this module, History Vault will
                                                                        War Movement
include, in different modules, White House files for the presidents
                                                                        Key collections offer new opportunities for research on the 1960s
from Franklin D. Roosevelt through Richard M. Nixon.
                                                                        through the lens of two influential anti-war organizations. In its
HISTORY VAULT: American Politics and Society from JFK                   heyday, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) emphasized
to Watergate                                                            participatory democracy, community building, and creating a
An exceptional compilation of document types from the                   political movement of impoverished people. As U.S. involvement in
Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon presidencies as well as records             the Vietnam War escalated, SDS became involved in the anti-war
from federal agencies. Issues of the challenging times                  movement, before splintering and disbanding by 1970. Vietnam
chronicled span women’s rights, environmental issues, urban             Veterans Against the War (VVAW) organized major national
renewal, rural development, tax reform, civil rights, space             protests, including Operation Dewey Canyon III (1971), which
exploration, international trade, War on Poverty, and the               catapulted VVAW to a position of leadership within the antiwar
Watergate trials. Kennedy files include documents from the              movement. Following Dewey Canyon, an ideological split led to a
1960 presidential campaign and cover the major issues of the            decline in membership; however, VVAW survived to the end of the
Kennedy presidency including women’s rights, urban renewal,             Vietnam War by focusing on veterans’ benefits and, after 1987, on
rural development, tax reform, civil rights, space exploration, and     the Agent Orange health issue. In addition to the SDS and VVAW
international trade.                                                    collections, this module contains documents of 10 other anti-
                                                                        Vietnam War organizations.
A collection of Associated Press Wire Copy on the assassination
of President Kennedy rounds out the Kennedy era materials in            HISTORY VAULT: Progressive Era: Robert M. La Follette
this module. The Johnson administration collections chronicle           Papers
the seven years of tumult and unparalleled change from the Civil        Congressman, Governor, and United States Senator Robert
Rights Bill of 1964 and the War on Poverty to civil unrest and          Marion La Follette is one of the pivotal figures of the Progressive
fighting in Vietnam. Nixon administration materials consist of          Movement of the early 20th century. La Follette’s papers focus on
Nixon’s White House files as well as a collection of the official       his fight to reform corruption and injustice in Wisconsin’s political
transcripts of proceedings in the U.S. District Court for the           system, correspondence with Andrew Carnegie, William McKinley,
District of Columbia in the four major Watergate-related trials.        Theodore Roosevelt and other major figures of the Progressive Era.

                                                                                                                   Historical Collections 13
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