Hemophilia care in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Hemophilia care in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Eva M. A. Fontes,1 Luiz Amorim,1 Silvia M. Carvalho,1 and Miguel B. Farah 2 ABSTRACT In the developing countries of the world, few people with hemophilia receive adequate care. Nevertheless, Brazil has made significant advances in the treatment of hemophilia over the last decade. The provision of factor concentrates imported by the Government of Brazil is gradu- ally increasing, and patients receive the concentrates for free. A national register was estab- lished as well as a coordinated program for comprehensive care. Of the 6 297 persons with he- mophilia in Brazil who were registered as of January 2001, 689 of them (11.1%) were registered in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Of those 689, 664 of them were being monitored at the state’s coordinating blood transfusion center, which is located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Among those 664, factor VIII inhibitors were identified in 81 of them (12.2%). Among 653 of the Rio de Janeiro patients who were tested for transfusion-transmitted diseases, the overall prevalence found was 41.5%, with the specific rates being 13.3% for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 2.9% for hepatitis B virus (HBV), and 39.4% for hepatitis C virus (HCV). The state of Rio de Janeiro has adopted a comprehensive hemophilia management approach that in- cludes medical, psychological, and social care. As a result, the quality of life of hemophilia pa- tients has improved noticeably. For example, the rate of hospitalization among patients fell by 30% between 1998 and 2001, and there has also been a decline in the school and work activi- ties that they have missed. Key words Hemophilia, health services, Brazil. The management of hemophilia in technology (1). The factor VIII and fac- (the capital city of Brasília). As of De- developed countries changed dramat- tor IX concentrates now available are cember 2000, the population of the ically in the last two decades of the safe, since they are subjected to sev- country was 170 million (4). Various 20th century, and it now focuses on eral viral inactivation steps during the groups have contributed to the current replacement of absent coagulation production process. Though this ther- ethnic mix found in Brazil. Among the factors produced either by plasma apy is very effective, most developing most important of these groups have fractionation or through recombinant countries cannot afford it due to the been Europeans (notably the Por- extremely high costs (2–3). tuguese discoverers and subsequent In this piece we will describe im- immigrants), African slaves, and na- 1 Hemocentro do Rio de Janeiro (HEMORIO), Rio provements in hemophilia care in one tive Indians. de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Send correspon- developing country, Brazil, with par- Until the mid-1990s most Brazilian dence to: Eva Fontes, Setor de Hemostasia — HEMORIO, Rua Frei Caneca, 8 — Centro, CEP ticular attention to the progress that hemophilia patients were treated by 20211-030, Rio de Janeiro, RJ — Brazil; fax: 5521 has been made in the state of Rio de cryoprecipitate infusion. There was a 25493476; e-mail: evamfontes@uol.com.br 2 Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento Janeiro. Brazil is a federal republic small plasma fractionation center in de Patologia, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. with 26 states and a federal district the city of Rio de Janeiro that pro- 124 Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 13(2/3), 2003
duced intermediate-purity factor VIII São Paulo, where there are seven coor- ceiving, storing, and distributing the concentrate. Until it closed in 1996, the dinating centers), 2) regional blood products to all their hemophilia care center supplied around 10% of Brazil’s transfusion centers (from 3 to 20 per centers. total requirements. The remaining 90% state), and 3) transfusion services Hemophilia patients receive the fac- was covered by transfusions of cryo- (nearly 2 500 around the country). The tor concentrates free of charge, and any precipitate and the administration of transfusion services and the regional hemophiliac is entitled to receive the factor VIII concentrate imported ei- blood transfusion centers report to the product, even those patients under pri- ther by state governments or by indi- respective state coordinating centers. vate hospital care. Even unregistered vidual hospitals providing hemophilia In total, there are 300 facilities that col- patients can obtain enough factor VIII care. Also in the mid-1990s more than lect blood and 2 500 transfusion ser- or factor IX to cover a 48-hour period 60% of the people with hemophilia vices in Brazil. Most of the services while their attending physician fills were serum-positive for both human that collect blood also perform pre- out the pertinent registration forms. immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and transfusion tests and transfuse blood The Government of Brazil has im- hepatitis C virus (HCV). In response to components. ported increasing quantities of factor this situation, the Ministry of Health Twenty out of the 33 coordinating VIII and factor IX concentrates. In 2001 decided to establish a coordinated na- centers have laboratories equipped to the Ministry of Health purchased fac- tional program for hemophilia. perform the required tests for hemo- tor concentrates at a rate of 30 000 philia care, including: 1) prothrombin units per hemophiliac per year (8). The time, 2) activated partial thromboplas- Government has also begun importing HEMOPHILIA CARE IN BRAZIL tin time (APTT), 3) factor VIII assay, activated and nonactivated prothrom- 4) factor IX assay, 5) screening for in- bin complex, von Willebrand–enriched Identification of persons with hemo- hibitors, 6) von Willebrand factor anti- factor VIII concentrates, and recombi- philia remains a major problem in gen (vWF:Ag), and 7) ristocetin cofac- nant factor VIIa. Patients also receive developing countries. The limited clin- tor assay (vWF:RCoF) (7). Most of the these products for free. ical awareness that health care profes- hemophilia patients have been diag- The protocols that facilities and sionals have, along with inadequate nosed and treated at these coordinat- physicians apply in treating persons laboratory facilities, results in a low ing blood transfusion centers. In the with hemophilia follow national guide- number of registered patients when state of Rio de Janeiro, for example, all lines issued by the Ministry of Health compared to the estimated prevalence persons with hemophilia have been (9). These protocols are based on the (5). Among the first steps of the Brazil- diagnosed at the coordinating blood recommendations of the World Feder- ian program were the development of transfusion center, which is located in ation of Hemophilia (10). a national register of people with he- the city of Rio de Janeiro. Some 96% of mophilia and the organization and the people with hemophilia in the state qualification of laboratory services. are followed up at that center. The re- HEMOPHILIA CARE IN THE Based on an incidence of about 1 in maining individuals are followed up at STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO 10 000 male births (6), it can be as- other public or private facilities. sumed that the expected prevalence The features offered by facilities that As of the last census, in 2001, the among the Brazilian population is ap- treat persons with hemophilia vary state of Rio de Janeiro had 15 million proximately 8 500 persons with hemo- among the different states. States people. There were an estimated 750 philia. As of January 2001 the national where the health care infrastructure is persons with hemophilia, but the ac- register listed 5 411 individuals with most developed also have reference tual numbers of registered individuals hemophilia A and 886 persons with laboratories and a specialized organi- with hemophilia A and hemophilia B hemophilia B. Thus the number of reg- zation for the management of hemo- were 589 and 100, respectively (11). istered persons with hemophilia is philia patients. All the hemophilia patients in Rio smaller than the estimated number, When the national register and the de Janeiro have been diagnosed at the which may be due to the unavailabil- laboratory network were consolidated Rio de Janeiro Blood Transfusion Cen- ity of adequate laboratory tests in some in the mid-1990s, Brazil’s Unified ter (RJBTC) (Hemocentro do Rio de parts of the country. Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, Janeiro, or HEMORIO), which is the Brazil has a network of 33 state or SUS) began to import factor VIII state coordinating blood transfusion blood transfusion coordinating cen- and factor IX concentrates for hemo- center. Of those diagnosed patients, ters, all reporting to the National philia treatment at a rate of 10 000 96% of them are treated at the RJBTC, Health Surveillance Agency (Agência units of factor VIII concentrate per he- with the remainder being treated at Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, or AN- mophiliac per year. The national gov- other institutions. VISA). The network in each state con- ernment also organized the distribu- RJBTC has a laboratory that quali- sists of three types of facilities: 1) the tion of the factor concentrates. In each fies as a “comprehensive coagulation coordinating blood transfusion center state, the coordinating blood trans- laboratory,” according to criteria of the (one per state, except for the state of fusion centers are responsible for re- World Federation of Hemophilia (7). Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 13(2/3), 2003 125
TABLE 1. Age distribution of people with tients with blood disorders, including practiced in Brazil, due to its high costs. hemophilia monitored at the Rio de Janeiro hemophilia. If persons with hemo- Secondary prophylaxis (the prophylac- Blood Transfusion Center, state of Rio de philia have medical problems, they are tic use of factor VIII or IX concentrates Janeiro, Brazil, 2001 advised to go to this ER for evaluation for persons with hemophilia at a high Age range (years) No. % and treatment. risk of bruising) is sometimes per- Cryoprecipitate has not been used in formed to prevent recurrent bleeding 0–10 142 21.4 the last 6 years in the state of Rio de into target joints. 11–20 155 23.4 Janeiro. The treatment of hemorrhagic A program for home infusion of fac- 21–30 115 17.3 31–40 103 15.5 episodes consists of the administration tor concentrates for selected patients 41–50 79 11.9 of high-purity factor VIII or IX concen- began two years ago in Rio de Janeiro. 51+ 70 10.5 trates. Since February 2002 a national These patients receive special training Total 664 100 law has banned the use of cryopre- in identifying early symptoms of hem- cipitate or fresh frozen plasma for orrhage and in factor infusion. The pa- treating hemorrhages in persons with tients take the early treatment at home, hemophilia because of the ready and on the following day they visit the availability of industrial concentrates hemophilia service to be evaluated and The laboratory performs screening throughout the country. The Ministry to replace the emergency home dose (8). tests for bleeding disorders, correction of Health only buys and dispenses Among the 653 persons with hemo- studies, factor assays (VIII, IX, I, II, V, plasma derivatives, except for a small philia in the state of Rio de Janeiro VII, X, XI), inhibitor assays, platelet amount of recombinant factor VII, who have been tested, the overall function tests, von Willebrand factor which is used for treating some pa- prevalence of transfusion-transmitted antigen determination, and ristocetin tients with factor VIII inhibitor. diseases is 41.5%. The specific rates for cofactor assay. Primary prophylaxis (factor VII or fac- HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), and The RJBTC monitors a total of 664 tor IX replacement done two or three HCV are 13.3%, 2.9%, and 39.4%, re- persons with hemophilia. Their age times per week on a regular basis) is not spectively (Table 3). Among the HIV- distribution is shown in Table 1, and their type of hemophilia and its se- verity is shown in Table 2. A multidisciplinary approach, with the involvement of a variety of health TABLE 2. Distribution of hemophiliacs, by severity and type of hemo- philia, monitored at the Rio de Janeiro Blood Transfusion Center, state care professionals, ensures that the of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001 medical, social, educational, and psy- chological needs of persons with he- Type mophilia are met. At the time of diag- Hemophilia A Hemophilia B nosis, hemophilia patients are seen by Severity No. % No. % a specialized physician for the first clinical evaluation. The attending phy- Severe 349 61 49 53 sician sends the patient to a nurse who Moderate 86 15 11 12 Mild 137 24 32 35 talks about the disease and provides Total 572 100 92 100 information on such procedures as receiving and using products, mak- ing appointments with physicians, and coming to the emergency room. The nurse also refers the patient to a den- tist, a psychologist, a social assistant, TABLE 3. Prevalence of viral infections among people with he- mophilia monitored at the Rio de Janeiro Blood Transfusion and a physiotherapist. Center, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001a Each patient is then scheduled for clinical and laboratory follow-up at Serological test result least twice a year. During this follow- Positive Negative up, patients are also taught about home Virusb No. % No. % care and self-infusion, and they are re- ferred to other specialists as needed. HIV 87 13.3 566 86.7 The level of patients’ compliance HBV 19 2.9 634 97.1 HCV 257 39.4 396 60.6 with this comprehensive management is around 90%. The RJBTC has an a Of the 664 hemophilia patients monitored at the Rio de Janeiro Blood Transfusion Center, 11 of them (1.66%) have not been tested for viral infections. emergency room (ER) open 24 hours b The three viral infections shown in the table are: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), per day and dedicated solely to pa- hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). 126 Fontes et al. • Hemophilia care in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
TABLE 4. Prevalence of inhibitors among 664 people with hemophilia Improvements in the quality of life monitored at the Rio de Janeiro Blood Transfusion Center, state of Rio of persons with hemophilia in Rio de de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001 Janeiro are estimated through such indicators as a decrease in the rate of Inhibitor absenteeism at school and at work, Hemophilia type No. of patients No. % a decreased number of hospital days, a Hemophilia A 572 80 14.0 lower rate of long-term joint compli- Hemophilia B 92 1 1.1 cations, and the patients’ rate of return Total/Overall 664 81 12.2 to regular life activities. As a result of the comprehensive management, the rate of hospitalization in Rio de Janeiro fell 30% between 1998 and 2001, and the patients’ return to regular activi- ties improved significantly, since they TABLE 5. Classification of inhibitors among 81 patients with hemophilia monitored at the were less prone to missing school and Rio de Janeiro Blood Transfusion Center, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001 work. No. of High Low Transient patients with responders responders inhibitor Hemophilia type inhibitor No. % No. % No. % CONCLUSIONS Hemophilia A 80 27 34 28 35 25 31 Hemophilia B 1 1 100 0 0 0 0 The comprehensive management of hemophilia is feasible even in de- veloping countries, provided there is safe and effective therapy for these patients. The approach adopted in the state positive patients, 86.4% are also sero- amount of factor VIII concentrates in of Rio de Janeiro has proved to be suc- positive for HCV. patients with inhibitor, in order to mod- cessful, both in terms of diagnostic The RJBTC has identified inhibitors ulate the immune response and to sup- accuracy and of coverage with the in 81 hemophilia patients, or roughly press inhibitor production. Such a pro- proper therapy, and it has significantly 12% of the 664 whom it monitors. The gram is still not affordable for Brazil improved the quality of life of the af- prevalence among the patients is since it would significantly increase the fected persons. shown in Table 4, and Table 5 classifies country’s demand for these products. The next target for Brazil’s Uni- the inhibitors. The costs of managing hemophilia fied Health System is the pursuit of Hemorrhagic episodes in patients in Brazil, including supplying factor self-sufficiency in factor VIII and fac- with inhibitors are primarily treated VIII and factor IX concentrates and ac- tor IX, that is, supplying factor VIII by infusion of prothrombin complex tivated prothrombin complex, are fully and factor IX obtained exclusively or activated prothrombin complex. In covered by Brazil’s Unified Health from the plasma of Brazilian donors. severe cases, if there is no response to System. The purchase of concentrates The ultimate goal is to maximize this treatment, recombinant factor VIIa by the Ministry of Health amounts to the cost-effectiveness of this therapy is used. There are no patients in im- some US$ 70 million annually, or a and to see that the System applies mune tolerance induction programs in mean cost of about US$ 11 100 per per- state-of-the-art standards in managing Brazil. These programs use a very large son with hemophilia per year (12). hemophilia. Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 13(2/3), 2003 127
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