Helping People, Shaping Society - Strategic development of the German Red Cross, 2011-2020 - Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
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Foreword The German Red Cross (GRC) successfully imple- mented its Strategy 2010plus from 2004 to 2010. As a result, the GRC now enjoys unity of action and the ability to coordinate nationwide improvement pro- cesses within the organization, without restricting the federal autonomy of member organizations. The strategy presented here – “Helping People, Shaping Society” – formulates 15 specific goals to be achieved by 2020. The focus is on people in dif- ficult circumstances: those in need of care and the ill; overburdened parents; children and young people heavily loaded with public expectations in their capa- bility; the marginalized; and, of course, those in need around the world. This strategy will help the GRC continue to enhance its profile and gain socio-polit- ical relevance, thereby strengthening our foundation of volunteers and staff, our members, donors, blood donors and supporters in the state and society. I would like to thank everyone involved in this pro- cess and wish us all the strength and determination to reach our goals smoothly and efficiently. Dr. h.c. Rudolf Seiters President
Table of contents 1. Foreword.................................................................................................................................. 9 2. Summary................................................................................................................................ 10 3. Our strategic aims................................................................................................................. 12 3.1 We strengthen civil protection and preserve the environment................................... 12 3.2 We help people live in socially secure, safe and healthy conditions......................... 14 3.3 We support a culture of non-violence and peace........................................................ 16 3.4 We accomplish the organizational basics for 2020..................................................... 18 4. Basic principles of the strategic aims................................................................................. 20 4.1 We strengthen civil protection and preserve the environment................................... 20 4.1.1 International cooperation......................................................................................... 20 4.1.2 Domestic disaster management.............................................................................. 22 4.1.3 Ambulance and rescue service................................................................................ 25 4.1.4 Public first-aid training and awareness.................................................................... 27 4.1.5 Conserving the environment.................................................................................... 29 4.2 We help people live in socially secure, safe and healthy conditions......................... 32 4.2.1 Support for the elderly............................................................................................. 32 4.2.2 Supporting and protecting children, young people and their families..................... 34 4.2.3 Services for the ill, ensuring the supply of blood..................................................... 37 4.2.4 Participation and inclusion for the disabled and disadvantaged............................. 40 4.3 We support a culture of non-violence and peace........................................................ 43 4.3.1 Dissemination work.................................................................................................. 43 4.3.2 Integration of migrants............................................................................................. 45 4.3.3 Reuniting families and the tracing service............................................................... 48 4.4 We accomplish the organizational basics for 2020..................................................... 50 4.4.1 Developing human resources in the voluntary and full-time sectors....................... 50 4.4.2 Donors and members............................................................................................... 54 4.4.3 Controlling, transparency and resources................................................................. 56 List of abbreviations.................................................................................................................. 58 Table of contents 7
1. Introduction The strategic aims for the coming decade come un- period. The dominant megatrend for all development der the heading “Helping People, Shaping Society” issues will be demographic shifts in the population and is the German Red Cross‘s (GRC) contribution to structure. The top three goals to be achieved by Strategy 2020 “Saving Lives, Changing Minds” from 2020 have been derived from this trend, and form the International Federation of Red Cross and Red the basis of the GRC‘s contribution to overcoming Crescent Societies (IFRC). the ensuing societal challenges: The starting point for the strategy is an analysis of the 1. We strengthen civil protection and preserve the challenges facing Germany in the coming 35-year environment; 2. We help people live in socially secure, safe and healthy conditions; 3. We support a culture of non-violence and peace. In wide-ranging discussions and intensive coordi- nation, these three sets of objectives evolved into twelve specific goals. To place the GRC in a posi- tion to systematically fulfil these goals, a further set of objectives was drawn up and approved under the heading: 4. We accomplish the organizational basis for 2020. The process of coordination took place under the guiding document for this strategy, the Green Paper from the Governing Board of the German Red Cross. Introduction 9
2. Summary In accordance with the Fundamental Principles and services. The GRC actively tackles the humanitarian ideals of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Socie- challenges of climate change and engages with the ties, the GRC will, by the end of this decade, be in areas in which it has committed itself to preserve and training in the care-giving professions and in matters range of services, from clarifying the fates of rela- a position to take the services it already provides to protect the environment. relating to the blood supply; as part of this we pro- tives and reuniting families, to providing information people in need and adapt these to rapidly changing vide innovative concepts to counteract problematic after catastrophes, according to current needs. To societal conditions in Germany brought about by an In the sphere of social welfare and health, the GRC developments in rural areas. make this vision a reality, the GRC first needs to ac- aging population and high rate of immigration. As takes care of many people in need of assistance in complish the necessary basis. Volunteers and staff one of the highly productive members of the move- the form of care and attention. We are able to work The GRC disseminates international humanitarian of the GRC will only genuinely be able to master the ment, the GRC will also play an active and coor- towards shaping the general conditions and legal law and the Fundamental Principles and ideals of the challenges arising from demographic change if we dinated role in bringing aid to those most in need framework within care takes place and we are able to Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement throughout ourselves represent an honest reflection of society. around the world. ensure that there is a sufficient supply of professional the population, by using all its social services to this This includes greater diversity in terms of age, gen- carers. Staff and volunteers complement one another, end. In line with this aim, the GRC actively promotes der and background in our management and execu- In the context of demographic change, the GRC will not least to relieve the strain on care-giving relatives. the integration of migrants in Germany, which also tive positions. We can only gain public and political secure its effective role in civil protection by prepar- involves encouraging an atmosphere of intercultural support in our country by setting the highest stand- ing for conflicts and catastrophes, as well as through The future of our country is in the hands of the chil- openness in the National Society itself. This policy ards of integrity, transparency and excellence in our efficient worldwide aid before, during and after ca- dren and young people of today. Through its services is targeted both at the established population and services. This demands a high level of targeted per- tastrophes and conflict situations. The Society‘s the GRC helps children and young people to be pre- at recent migrants, who we continue to encourage sonnel and management training, openness to the effectiveness, linked to the concept of the complex pared for a responsible, self-reliant life shaped by the taking an active role both in society and in the GRC. various ways in which people can become involved, relief system, is essentially based on its comprehen- Fundamental Principles and ideals of the Red Cross Among the most vulnerable groups in Germany and an open and transparent culture of communi- sive expertise in everyday assistance for civil protec- Movement. are the disadvantaged: people with disabilities and cation. We can only appeal to future and currently tion and disaster management, as well as emergency those who suffer from social marginalization. The active members, donors, supporters, voluntary and medical services on land, water and in the mountains. The principle of promoting people‘s ability to help GRC takes responsibility for these people, working full-time employees by living and acting in accord- This also includes educating the population to help themselves and each others covers all our social with them to enable them to forge a life for them- ance with our Fundamental Principles and ideals, their fellow man in need and teaching them to protect services. After all, a fundamental part of the GRC‘s selves within the community; a life as free from ex- and by being seen as an expert problem solver and themselves, as well as providing social and health contribution to health care is providing generalist clusion as possible. The tracing service provides a advocate for people in need. 10 Summary Summary 11
3. Our strategic aims Ambulance and rescue service 3.1 We strengthen The GRC is actively involved in ambulance civil protection and rescue services throughout the German regions, including mountain and water rescue. and preserve It secures its position as a qualified service provider under the variety of contracting con- the environment ditions, sets quality standards, and integrates voluntary workers. Politically, the ambulance service is an inte- International cooperation gral component of medical civil protection. The compulsory general set-up for the formation The GRC coordinates closely with the Red meets the GRC requirements of quality. Cross and Red Crescent Movement to pro- vide help around the world before, during and after catastrophes and conflicts. It supports the development of sister societies to sup- Public first-aid training and awareness port them become effective aid organizations able to provide help to particularly vulnerable The GRC is committed to nationwide training groups, and assists these organizations in es- of first-aiders, both for private individuals and tablishing themselves as influential civil society for companies; the annual training is constantly organizations. expanded, according to regional demograph- ic trends. Compulsory formation requirements are adjusted to ensure that the impact of first aid provided in emergencies has significantly Domestic disaster management improved. The GRC draws on all available resources to First-aid training often is the first contact with tackle disasters within Germany, including disas- the GRC. All GRC trainers have to be friendly ter management, emergency medical services, and knowledgeable ambassadors for our im- the tracing service, and health and social servic- age and brand, our Fundamental Principles and es1. It is prepared for self-protection in the event for the whole range of services we provide. of CBRNe2 situations. The GRC defines standard situations and their consequences – such as flooding, shortag- Conserving the environment es in the drinking water supply, pandemics and long-lasting power failures and ensures that all When it comes to preparing and reacting to cli- components are ready for action. It can draw on mate-related extreme weather events and their outstanding expertise and comprehensive knowl- consequences, the GRC is a recognized expert edge, e.g. from research projects, and places this relied upon in both domestic and foreign aid at the disposal of the state planning teams. situations. The GRC is able to determine how its own use of resources harms the environ- 1 Complex relief system ment. This knowledge is used to draw up plans 2 chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive to reduce consumption. 12 Strategic aims of the GRC Strategic aims of the GRC 13
3.2 We help people live in socially secure, safe and healthy conditions Support for the elderly Services for the ill, ensuring the sup- ply of blood The elderly and their relatives have access through the GRC to services tailored precisely The GRC‘s strong regional presence with its to their needs and living situations and, wher- hospitals, medical care services for adults and ever possible, within their social surroundings. children and schools for the nursing and care These services, beginning with preventive of- for elderly professions, needs to be maintained ferings, are invariably of the high quality one and, where possible, expanded. The GRC plays would expect from the GRC. The services are a part in solving the problem of potential medi- preferred by the beneficiaries because of the cal shortages in economically underdeveloped additional impact of the social volunteers as areas. well as the sensitivity expressed in intercultur- al situations. We make sure that our networked The GRC maintains its position as an impor- services are available nationwide and are easily tant supplier of blood and blood products. accessible to the target groups – with the em- Free blood donations remain the ideal. Further- phasis on high quality helpdesk right from first more, active risk controls ensure medical and contact. ethical impeccability. A nationwide network of volunteers safeguards the supervision of blood collection. Supporting and protecting children, young people and their families The GRC‘s coordinated services for children, Participation and inclusion for the adolescent and their families support and en- disabled and disadvantaged courage healthy living and self-confidence in the personal strength. We help them learn skills The GRC considers the needs of disabled and and develop abilities to promote contributively disadvantaged persons in all its services, in ac- living in the social community and mutual as- cordance with the recommendations of the rep- sistance in a democratic spirit. resentative associations concerned. The key consideration is always to enable each person Day-care facilities for children and other ser- to lead as normal a life as possible in a normal vices are expanded. The number of volunteers social environment. is increased and trained; they occupy an im- portant place in the network of these services. The disabled have the same career opportu- The German Red Cross Youth (RCY) takes the nities at the GRC as people without disabil- opportunities available to become involved in ities. The same applies for those at a social schools and beyond. disadvantage. 14 Strategic aims of the GRC Strategic aims of the GRC 15
3.3 We support a culture Integration of migrants Reuniting families and the tracing of non-violence and peace service The GRC bears special responsibility for peo- ple from a migrant background. It advocates, The tracing service is well known for its wide in particular, for refugees, asylum-seekers and range of services, from clarifying the fate of rela- people with no legal right of residency living in tives and reuniting families, to providing informa- precarious situations. tion during and after catastrophes, and it enjoys a broad acceptance from those seeking help. The GRC promotes integration processes in society, makes its services intercultural sensi- People looking for help and advice can find tive and ensures that the organization itself is someone to talk to in every district association, welcoming to migrants, who are able to be- be it an expert “tracing service advisor” or an come visibly involved in the GRC‘s voluntary employee who puts the person looking for help and staff work. in touch with an advisor. Dissemination work The GRC is an adviser to the German Federal Government on issues of international humani- tarian law, informs select target groups (such as parliamentarians, diplomats, the police, mem- bers of the armed forces, journalists) and runs training courses. Public relations work and targeted measures make international humanitarian law and the movement‘s Fundamental Principles even more accessible to a wider audience and to po- litical decision-makers at the national, regional and local levels. Each and every employee, whether voluntary or staff, is familiar with the GRC‘s special role, has basic knowledge of international humanitarian law and is able to understand and apply the movement‘s Fundamental Principles in relation to his or her specific work for the Red Cross. 16 Strategic aims of the GRC Strategic aims of the GRC 17
3.4 We accomplish the organizational basics for 2020 Developing human resources in the voluntary and full-time sector Developing human resources is one of the major internal challenges facing the GRC. The focus here is on all the people working for and committed to the GRC: voluntary and staff managers, the operational volunteers of disaster relief, water- and mountain rescue service, social volun- teering and RCY as well as all the salaried staff specialists in the various services. Comprehensive personnel development ensures highly qualified management skills in the voluntary and staff sec- tors and guarantees a sufficient supply of well-trained and highly motivated volunteer and staff employees able to provide the GRC‘s services. In the interests of diversify up Donors and members the GRC to different cultures, it has already been ensured that the proportion of people with a migrant background at Sponsoring members and donors are linked each level and in every function matches the correspond- to the GRC by concepts that are standardized ing percentage in the wider population. across all branches and chapters. The Funda- mental Principles and values of the GRC are the The head office, branches and chapters promote the next most important points of reference here. The generation in an overarching programme and ensure that number of sponsoring members is once again their managerial personnel are suitably qualified. Many el- approaching the four million mark. derly people are also encouraged to become involved in the variety of voluntary services offered by the GRC after they have finished their professional lives. Voluntary work is coordinated with the help of a volunteer management system. Attractive offers in the volunteer services pro- Controlling, transparency and vide opportunities to inspire people to become strongly resources involved in the GRC. Ideally, these people go on to be- come GRC employees. The GRC is an attractive employer The GRC provides transparency in its services to its employees. There is a systematic personnel de- and its resources used. The National Society, velopment programme across all organizations and task like the regional branches and the Federation areas. Volunteer governance and salaried managers are of Nurses‘ Associations, is properly endowed encouraged and promoted. The expertise required of di- with the human and material resources it needs rectors, supervisors, managers and leaders is defined; to carry out its managerial tasks. The over all manager development is closely dovetailed with the de- management- and controlling system is trained velopment of information and management systems and and used by every component of the GRC in instruments. order to fulfil shared strategic aims. 18 Strategic aims of the GRC Strategic aims of the GRC 19
also successfully distinguished itself as a key actor in The pivot of every one of the GRC‘s cooperation pro- 4. Basic principles humanitarian development cooperation. Donations for international disasters and the flow of funds from state jects abroad is always the national Red Cross / Red Crescent Society in the country in question, with its of the strategic aims donors remain stable at a high level. The branches are actively included in the National Society‘s programme and in partnerships with regional and local branches of ability to directly assist the most vulnerable sections of the population and indirectly exert political influence on the respective government. sister Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (NS). The GRC works bilaterally with NS and multilaterally under 4.1 We strengthen civil protection the coordination of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Inter- and preserve the environment national Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), although Tar g et s i tu ati o n i n 2 0 2 0 developing the effectiveness of the federation remains a concern. The GRC coordinates closely with the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to pro- The GRC‘s disaster management services cover vide help around the world before, during and preparation, provision, emergency aid, rehabilitation after catastrophes and conflicts. It supports and reconstruction, especially in the fields of capacity the development of sister societies to sup- building, health, water supply / sanitation and hygiene, port them become effective aid organizations accommodation and social infrastructure, as well as able to provide help to particularly vulnerable improving basic living conditions. The establishment of groups, and assists these organizations in es- tracing services and blood donations complement our tablishing themselves as influential civil society expertise abroad. We are also currently in the process organizations. of setting up strategic consulting for managers of our sister NS’s. Need for action The GRC maintains a high standard of effective- the GRC in expertly advising the managers of its ness in disaster relief and expands its integral ser- sister NS’s on strategic and managerial matters vices in development cooperation. To achieve this, needs to be strengthened. foreign fundraising is consolidated and access to development cooperation funds is expanded. The Records of achievement in terms of short-term Access to funding agencies such as the German effects (outcomes) and long-term consequences Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for Economic (humanitarian impact), as well as monitoring and 4.1.1 International cooperation Cooperation and Development (BMZ), ECHO, Eu- evaluation (M&E) need to be taken into account ropAid, etc. needs to be systematically improved. when improving the planning, execution, financial Raising funds from donors and companies needs management, reporting and long-term supervision Current situation to be set up on a continuous basis, not just linked of projects. to catastrophes, and joint financing with other parts A variety of organizations and institutions are active in armed conflicts and other emergencies; to prevent dis- of the movement should be encouraged. To achieve this, suitable conditions need to be cre- humanitarian aid across borders, both nationally and ease, help promote health and social welfare; to en- ated at the institutional, organizational and staff internationally. Besides the Red Cross and Red Cres- courage voluntary aid work and the constant commit- The GRC‘s core competences of disaster manage- levels to enable qualified expansion of our core cent Movement, these include the entire United Na- ment of its members, and to stimulate and consolidate ment, disaster prevention and adaptation to cli- competences. In addition to developing sound tions network and many thousands of non-governmen- a sense of global solidarity with all who require their mate change, health, water supply/sanitation and M&E concepts, it is crucial to ensure a steady pool tal organizations. protection and help. hygiene, and social infrastructure and improvement of staff and qualified delegates. It is important to of basic living conditions (livelihoods) are comple- systematically expand the availability and mobiliza- The mission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Move- The GRC‘s foreign aid is seen both by the general mented by a broad range of flexible standard pro- tion of appropriate human resources to act as Red ment is to alleviate and prevent human suffering in all public and institutional donors as one of the most ef- grammes, the long-term impact of which is tested Cross delegates for the National Society (regional places and at all times, to protect life and health and fective organizations in the field of emergency aid in by gathering experience. The core competence of branches, district branches, nurses‘ associations). to ensure respect for human dignity, especially during Germany. In addition to disaster relief, the GRC has 20 Civil protection and environment Civil protection and environment 21
the advance of globalization, which could undermine existing processes, such as integrating volunteers the prerequisites for a functioning system of disaster in line with demand. One key requirement here is prevention and management, or alter those prerequi- to prepare the GRC for potential situations and to sites through supranational initiatives. A weakening strengthen the public‘s ability to help itself. As an es- of resources, for example the loss of the ambulance tablished partner in projects with the German Federal service, must be avoided at any rates. Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and with its appointment to the Scientific Programme Board Due to the broad range of tasks administered by for Security Research, the GRC is actively involved in the branches, from caring for those in need, to the important opinion-forming processes. medical service, to psychosocial emergency care, the GRC offers a virtually complete package of the The GRC is currently not in a position to provide na- medical and social services needed to manage dam- tionwide assistance in the event of chemical, biologi- aging events. Nevertheless, it is by no means a given cal, radiological and nuclear situations (CBRNe) or at that emergency staff responsible for the most likely least to sufficiently protect its own helpers. and crucial disasters in Germany – such as flooding, drinking water shortages, pandemics and long-last- ing power failures combined with a collapse of criti- cal infrastructure – are ideally trained for the tasks at hand. The same is true for the operational readiness and coordinating capabilities of the other compo- nents. Efforts to anchor GRC delegates in state plan- 4.1.2 Domestic disaster management ning teams have not yet been uniformly successful. For this reason, the GRC has positioned itself in the Current situation field of security research in order to fill gaps in its knowledge of new challenges and be able to react to The GRC is far and away the largest voluntary aid The GRC has an ambivalent relationship with state future needs. Security research involves two themat- society for organizing civil protection in Germany. structures that provide civil protection and disaster ic constellations: developing solutions to improve management. On the one hand, the GRC – whose and strengthen critical infrastructure, and research- The GRC‘s involvement in civil protection and dis- structures are integrated into public emergency re- ing social issues and concepts in order to optimize aster management is dictated by the criteria for ap- sponse – is heavily dependent on state finances and proval and the Act on the German Red Cross. The is subject to direct orders from the state. On the oth- Tar g et s i tu ati o n i n 2020 GRC‘s civil protection services include immediate er hand, the potential of the complex relief system operational readiness in the event of an emergency, can be realized more fully in close cooperation with The GRC draws on all available resources to training and educating the public to improve resil- state actors. tackle disasters within Germany, including dis- ience in extreme situations and, finally, the ability to aster management, emergency medical servic- help oneself in everyday situations. Furthermore, demographic trends are having an ef- es, the tracing service, and health and social fect on the voluntary services that need to be pro- services1. It is prepared for self-protection in the The GRC provides a range of services at all levels of vided to prevent, provide for and manage damaging event of CBRNe2 situations. the organization, and particularly in the disaster pre- events. For one thing, there will be fewer and few- paredness, mountain rescue and water rescue. The er young, physically fit people available for volun- The GRC defines standard situations and their resources available in the GRC‘s health and social teer work; for another, major efforts will need to be consequences – such as flooding, shortages services, and the voluntary social services have the made to integrate migrants. In addition to this, the in the drinking water supply, pandemics and potential to effectively complement the aid society‘s group of especially vulnerable people in need of long-lasting power failures and ensures that resources – and vice versa. This would require ap- assistance will change in quality and quantity. One all the components are ready for action. It can propriate, methodical coordination of all the services consequence of this will be an inability to maintain draw on outstanding expertise and comprehen- administered by the volunteer associations, which the existing aid delivery structures in certain regions sive knowledge, e.g. from research projects, and does not occur smoothly at this time. The same ap- due to a lack of volunteer helpers living in that areas. places this at the disposal of the state planning plies to networking the service providers in the health Moreover, both the content and quality of services teams. and social sector, which, combined with the emer- will need to be adapted to new target groups (e.g. 1 Complex relief system gency medical service and blood donations, turn the for people suffering from dementia). Added to this, 2 chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear aid society into a complex relief system. there will be legal and economic changes linked to 22 Civil protection and environment Civil protection and environment 23
Need for action Awareness of the complex relief system, the dis- and inpatient medical care, outpatient and inpa- aster directive and the results of the care service tient nursing care, healthcare, including blood pilot project needs to be raised significantly both donation services, and rehabilitation – need to be inside and outside the GRC. It is imperative to fo- included in the system. cus on the objectives formulated therein. The GRC is expanding its specialist expertise The subdivisions of the GRC are given support with regard to CBRNe situations. Future-oriented in training emergency staff, among other things. training concepts will be developed for providing Action guidelines need to be developed to ensure assistance in the event of CBRNe situations and that the specific local disaster management re- measures need to be taken to protect personnel quirements are reflected in the local ability to pro- deployed in these situations. This also includes vide assistance. It is necessary to review and pos- upgrading the technical equipment needed. sibly improve cooperation between the National Society, the branches and the local chapters, on Security research works on an interdisciplinary ba- the one hand, and public authorities, on the other, sis to deal with issues that are relevant to the or- at the various levels of civil protection and disaster ganization, thereby promoting the implementation 4.1.3 Ambulance and rescue service control in the areas of prevention, preparation and and strengthening of the complex relief system. deployment. Particularly with regard to the struc- This reinforces the GRC‘s unique selling point as tures deployed in the field of public emergency a leading actor in civil protection. In order to reach Current situation response, we need to check that the principle of and penetrate each sphere of action and every independence remains guaranteed. The inherent organization, security research needs to be net- The emergency medical service on roads (am- able to manage damage situations of any size. In its potentials in the complex relief system that are not worked horizontally and vertically within the GRC bulances), on water and in impassable terrain is a pre-clinical, emergency medical care function, the yet an integral part of overall emergency prepared- and be integrated into interdisciplinary information cornerstone of the complex relief system. By dove- emergency medical service is an integral component ness – such as psychosocial support, outpatient exchange at the national and regional levels. tailing the emergency medical service with qualified of health care and civil protection. The scope of ser- voluntary experts active in civil protection, we are vices provided is determined by the severity of illness or trauma. The separation of legislative competence for social insurance and civil protection at the federal level and legislative competence for disaster protection and emergency medical services at the state level results in a variety of different advance plans. Tar g et s i tu ati o n i n 2 0 2 0 The GRC is actively involved in ambulance and rescue services throughout the German regions, including mountain and water rescue. It secures its position as a qualified service provider under the variety of contracting conditions, sets quality standards, and integrates voluntary workers. Politically, the ambulance service is an integral component of medical civil protection. The com- pulsory general set-up for the formation meets the GRC requirements of quality. 24 Civil protection and environment Civil protection and environment 25
Although certain areas can be separated from one The task facing legislators is to create a legal foun- another on a functional level – i.e. medical care of dation for the emergency medical service and its the population and protecting the civilian population financing that complies with federal and European against disasters of a military or non-military nature law. The health insurance companies point to a gen- – the resources needed here are not easily divisible. eral upward trend in health costs and rising costs in When it comes to the tasks and services provided by the emergency medical service, as well as the insur- the emergency medical service, this principle of sep- ance premium stability that is specified by law. The aration is, although not impossible, perhaps mean- cost bearers are calling for both competition and ingless given that the emergency medical service is cost-effectiveness in the emergency medical service. seen as an integral part of civil protection at the re- gional, district and local levels. The GRC is an integral part of a national and interna- tional emergency response system and is committed The German Red Cross is involved in emergency to the principle of subsidiarity. In the full knowledge medical services, operating within the framework of that protecting the population is a responsibility as- the state governments‘ regulations. For the GRC, the signed to the state by the constitution, and that the applicable special and ancillary laws are particularly state provides for an integrated emergency prepar- important in the context of issues raised by Europe- edness system, the GRC has set up the complex re- an competition law, namely questions concerning lief system both as part of this preparedness system the legal classification of the emergency medical and as an independent set of instruments. As such, service. This legal uncertainty is currently greater the GRC is distinct from other aid organizations, the than ever before. The federal states have committed fire services and private companies. themselves to safeguarding the emergency medical 4.1.4 Public first-aid training and awareness service, as they have long done in other areas of The GRC exerts political influence at the federal and public safety for which they have sole responsibility. regional levels in order to encode in law its involve- The majority of the costs here are borne by the health ment as a national aid organization in the emergency Current situation insurance companies. medical service in every region. Person-to-person assistance forms the foundation The contents and duration of the courses of instruc- of humanitarian thought and action. Public first-aid tion, as well as the requirements for the training training and awareness, consisting of basic and ad- centres, are specified by third parties and comply Need for action vanced training in first aid, swimming and lifesaving, with legal regulations (e.g. driving licence act) or and preparing the public for disasters, conforms to quasi-legal regulations (e.g. the accident insurance People with political and executive responsibility at Furthermore, the GRC must continue to lead opin- this guiding principle and the Fundamental Principles companies). The target groups are defined accord- every federal level need to recognize the important ion on matters relating to the emergency medical of the Red Cross. All organizational levels are involved ingly (future drivers, first-aiders in companies). Al- role the emergency medical services play in civ- service and it must remain the innovation, quality in the first aid programme. While the district associ- though at present teaching is aimed at the situation il protection and disaster control – an importance and market leader in this field. In the interests of ations carry out the courses themselves, the regional currently facing the emergency medical service, underlined by academic findings and supported by continuous further development, critical areas need associations train and educate the teaching staff. The greater allowance for demographic trends in the valid data – and create the appropriate supporting to be pinpointed and rectified – not least so that National Society publishes the teaching and training general populace and the increasing frequency of legal basis. For example, the legal regulations at the they cannot be used against the GRC‘s emergency material, sees to the financing of the training (e.g. natural disasters will have to be made when devel- federal and regional levels should define pre-clini- medical service for political or publicity purposes. from federal funds, through framework agreements) oping the training in the future. cal, emergency medical care of the population as a and specifies the general guidelines (e.g. training reg- link between civil protection and public health and The regional associations coordinate economic ulations). The accident insurance companies have The GRC has a market share of more than 60 per provide a contractual basis for reimbursement by consolidation and effectiveness in public award set up an established, stringent quality assurance cent in the area of first-aid training as a whole. The the cost bearers. The medical aspect needs to be procedures for their member organizations within system. The federal government is calling for 55,000 market share of other aid organizations is about 30 brought home to healthcare actors if we are to over- their territory. For their part, the operative entities children and young people to be trained in first-aid in per cent, with the remaining 10 per cent accounted come the legislative blockades. with their emergency medical service providers op- schools each year by 31 December 2014. for by private, commercial providers. Competition timize all cost and service resources for the award in this field is constantly growing. First-aid training The National Society provides the necessary data, procedures, including in terms of costs that need to Each year, approximately 15,000 mainly younger vol- currently takes a purely functional approach that is while the individual associations ensure a supply of be shared and optimum organizational conditions. untary and part-time trainers instruct about 1.1 mil- based exclusively on communicating skills and abili- standardized, coordinated information and academ- lion people in first aid. For many people, this training ties. However, if first-aid training is to encourage new ic expertise to continuously develop emergency ser- Proper use of volunteers in the emergency medical is their first direct contact with the GRC. It provides members to join the GRC and nurture commitment to vices in line with demographic and societal demand. service must be ensured at every level. the opportunity to disseminate the Red Cross ideals the organization, trainers should act as friendly and to the general public. competent ambassadors for the GRC. 26 Civil protection and environment Civil protection and environment 27
4.1.5 Conserving the environment Current situation Climate change attracts interest both within the Na- years, the campaign also focuses on the humanitarian tional Society and in the Red Cross Youth (RCY). The implications of global warming in Germany and be- GRC deals with the humanitarian consequences of yond. In addition to the impact of climate change in climate change in its international projects, especially the realms of health, migration, civil protection and in terms of the rise in extreme weather events in devel- education, the RCY is also compiling demands con- oping countries. The organization has recognized the cerning climate protection measures to be implement- need to support measures for adjusting to a chang- ed by the National Society. The GRC Headquarters ing climate. Experience gained in the area of disaster has also addressed the subject, specifically the issue preparedness is especially important here. Climate of reducing the organization‘s own CO2 emissions. change is taken into consideration when planning long-term projects in international cooperation. The humanitarian consequences of climate change are communicated to different target groups in a va- In 2012, the RCY started a nationwide campaign ad- riety of ways (via publications, presentations, events dressing climate change. Set to run for two and a half and training courses). Need for action The need for action should be identified in the course of a strategic analysis; specific aims and schedules need to be negotiated throughout the organization, and the governing board and the federal body of the National Society should be informed of how to implement the targets with- in the context of controlling the main task areas. Targ e t s it u at io n in 20 2 0 Negotiations have to be held with the federal gov- ernment to ensure that part-financing of special The GRC is committed to nationwide training training courses from federal funds continues of first-aiders, both for private individuals and beyond 31 December 2014. Special programmes for companies; the annual training is constantly have to be implemented for and by older people expanded, according to regional demograph- to support medical care, especially in areas that ic trends. Compulsory formation requirements suffer from shortages. are adjusted to ensure that the impact of first aid provided in emergencies has significantly In addition to their functional training, instructors improved. also need to learn the essentials of the Red Cross movement, its Fundamental Principles and what First-aid training often is the first contact with the GRC has to offer in Germany. the GRC. All GRC trainers have to be friend- ly and knowledgeable ambassadors for our Model plans within the GRC need to be viewed, image and brand, our Fundamental Principles assessed and, if suitable, be used as templates and for the whole range of services we provide. for a strategic concept. 28 Civil protection and environment Civil protection and environment 29
External influences are the result of a verifiable rise in The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement‘s Cli- the number and severity of extreme weather events mate Centre published its Climate Guide in 2007. Need for action and the related increase in potential risk to the popu- This is intended to help National Societies integrate lation at home and abroad. This raises new challeng- climate issues within their task areas. The Internation- To achieve the objectives set out above, suitable measures into effect for adapting to climate es for both national and international disaster man- al Federation‘s Strategy 2020 indicates the need to conditions need to be created at the institution- change in developing countries and should devel- agement, such as an increased need for emergency take measures to adapt to climate change and to con- al, organizational and staff levels to enable im- op and communicate strategic specifications for assistance, the ramifications for critical infrastructure tribute to climate protection within the Red Cross and plementation of climate change adaptation and climate change adaptation in Germany. In addition, and heightened concern among groups that are par- Red Crescent Movement. climate protection measures. There is the political the National Society should develop a strategy for ticularly vulnerable to catastrophes. Other external will within the GRC to implement not just measures reducing greenhouse gas emission and commu- influences are the result of international and national In 2008, the GRC commissioned the German Com- to deal with climate adaptation but also to protect nicate this within the organization. In accordance developments in environmental policy, especially in- mittee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) to analyse the the climate. To achieve this, the GRC participates with the 2011 pledge, the National Society needs ternational climate agreements, which have an effect effects of climate change on its work abroad and in social initiatives to preserve and protect the en- to start developing and implementing a concept on environmental and climate policy at the German at home and to draw up an action plan as part of a vironment, acting as a role model in this area. to reduce CO2 emissions, which is intended for federal and regional levels and at the EU level. Par- wide-ranging study.4 There is a policy paper on disas- adoption by the GRC member associations. ticularly worthy of mention here is the “German Strat- ter preparedness in the light of climate change adapta- To improve the GRC‘s profile, an appropriate pool egy for Adaptation to Climate Change” and its reper- tion for the GRC‘s international cooperative projects.5 of expertise relating to climate change adaptation All members of the GRC entrusted with this is- cussions on civil protection.3 needs to be created in the fields of international sue need an increased awareness of future cli- At the 2011 International Conference of the Red Cross cooperation work and civil protection, as well as in mate risks in their fields of activity and a greater In the areas of disaster preparedness and adaptation and Red Crescent, the GRC submitted a pledge com- the GRC‘s youth care and welfare services. Tying consciousness of measures for adapting to these to climate change, the GRC is seen as a competent mitting itself to compile and implement a climate pro- in with this, the GRC asserts its humanitarian po- risks. These findings are taken into account in pro- organization by its competitors on the stage of inter- tection strategy for the DRC General Secretariat, on sitions, focussing on protecting population groups ject and programme work and in strategic plan- national cooperation. It is an organization with a broad the one hand, and to strengthen measures for adapt- who are particularly at risk due to the increase in ning. The member organizations adapt the strate- range of measures and innovative approaches to its ing to climate change in its international cooperative extreme weather events. gic specifications for climate change adaptation in name in the field of adapting to climate change. The projects, on the other. Germany to match their own context, implement GRC works together closely with the IFRC and other 4 DKKV [ed.]: Herausforderung Klimawandel. Auswirkungen auf das Deutsche The National Society needs to strengthen the these specifications within their sphere of influ- Rote Kreuz, national und international. Bonn 2009 National Societies when it comes to international cli- 5 GRC General Secretariat: Rotkreuz und Klimawandel. Katastrophenvorsorge als GRC‘s international cooperation by putting ence and, where necessary, provide staff. humanitäre Herausforderung. Berlin 2009. mate change adaptation. Compared to its competitors, the GRC needs to im- prove its integration of climate change adaptation in the national context within the framework of civ- il protection and youth care and welfare. In the area of climate protection, the GRC should raise its profile within the tasks arising from its mandate. 3 The Federal Government: German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. Adopted by the German federal cabinet on 17th December 2008. Here pages 42-43.. Targ e t s it u at io n in 20 2 0 When it comes to preparing and reacting to cli- mate-related extreme weather events and their consequences, the GRC is a recognized expert relied upon in both domestic and foreign aid situations. The GRC is able to determine how its own use of resources harms the environment. This knowledge is used to draw up plans to reduce consumption. 30 Civil protection and environment Civil protection and environment 31
for certain services, the GRC can produce impres- this way for home emergency call services. Further- 4.2 We help people sive results. more, a concept for a nationwide counselling centre has been agreed upon. live in socially secure, For example, the GRC is the overall market leader in the field of home emergency calls and it has been safe and healthy conditions offering meals on wheels for years, although some regions are experiencing negative trends in this area. In the course of developing the main task area for out- patient care, numerous strategic development and controlling instruments have been created and tried out, taking as their basis the experiences of success- ful member organizations. For example, some valu- able marketing instruments have been developed in Tar g et s i tu ati o n i n 2020 The elderly and their relatives have access through the GRC to services tailored precisely to their needs and living situations and, wherever possible, within their social surroundings. These services, beginning with preventive measures, are invariably of the high quality one would ex- pect from the GRC. The services are preferred by the beneficiaries because of the additional impact of the social volunteers as well as the sensitivity expressed in intercultural situations. We make sure that our networked services are available nationwide and are easily accessible 4.2.1 Support for the elderly to the target groups – with the emphasis on high quality helpdesk right from first contact. Current situation In the area of help for the elderly, the GRC runs 500 Due to demographic trends, demand for care will in- residenttial homes for elderly with about 32,000 plac- crease enormously, as will the need for preventive Need for action es, 500 outpatient care service stations, 450 home measures to keep the ever growing number of older emergency call services, 350 meal delivery services people healthy. At the same time, there is a down- All the individual service packages have to be con- like the best practice of “Social Service” initiative and 38 schools training geriatric nurses, including ap- ward trend in the labour market, resulting in staff nected to a service framework, out of which the from the Rhineland-Palatinate branch. prenticeship training places for carers. It is also worth shortages. Added to this, current sources of financ- customers can choose exactly what they need. This mentioning the various courses, activities and leisure ing will struggle to cope with the expected demand. can be done by creating GRC complete solutions Management processes need to be trained for the opportunities provided for seniors. All these services By contrast, there is great potential in interlinking the for “networked assistance to the elderly”. The in- main task areas of coordination and improvements employ about 50.000 staff. Furthermore, thousands of services provided by the various associations and and outpatient services have to be developed to throughout the whole organization. Another field of volunteers in the welfare and social work sectors pro- mobilizing older people to provide voluntary services high quality and financial sustainability. Particular improvement are services of the volunteers mainly vide assistance to elderly, ill and vulnerable people. An for their own and other age groups. attention should be paid to the issues of preven- to lead the elderly out of loneliness and desperation. expanding range of services is currently available for tion, geriatric psychiatry and dementia. An effective, An important issue is to expand the counselling and older people, based around the twin product pillars of All our competitors are facing the same new chal- functioning system of prevention, assistance and training opportunities available to employees as outpatient and inpatient care; these are therefore reli- lenges. However, with its existing regional structures, support needs to be developed and made available. well as attractive offers for new staff. ant on the present financing structures. The services the GRC has a good chance at improving the way The focus has to be the personal need of the elderly on offer differ greatly in their scope and quality. many services are designed. In specific regions and 32 Social security and health Social security and health 33
family life. For instance, contact to other children and young people is something that increasingly has to Tar g et s i tu ati o n i n 2 0 2 0 be actively brought about. The falling percentage of young people in society has increased expectations The GRC‘s coordinated services for children, of the young. Global networking, increased mobility adolescent and their families support and en- and social, environmental and economic problems courage healthy living and self-confidence worldwide all have consequences for future gener- of the personal strength. We help them learn ations. They entail risks but also a variety of oppor- skills and develop abilities to promote con- tunities and new tasks. The education system has tributively living in the social community and so far failed to meet the challenges of the future and mutual assistance in a democratic spirit. prevent or eliminate discrimination. Day-care facilities for children and other ser- However, there is a growing social consensus on vices are expanded. The number of volunteers the belief that children and young people can only are increased and trained; they occupy an im- develop fully if family upbringing and an all-round portant place in the network of this services. education complement one another, aided by child, The German Red Cross Youth (RCY) takes the youth and family assistance services. Language opportunities available to become involved in skills play a key role here. It is also widely recog- schools and beyond. nized that increasingly diverse family structures 4.2.2 Supporting and protecting children, young people and their families Current situation The child, youth and family assistance services family work is providing day-care for children: about have varying focuses, but all concentrate on foster- 94,000 children are cared for and educated, many ing the development of young people and helping over the course of several years, in the GRC‘s 1,302 families to fulfil their roles and tasks competently day-care facilities. These place special emphasis and confidently. on ensuring the child‘s well-being and making sure that no child is left out. To do this, the GRC provides children‘s day-care centres, child-rearing assistance, youth social work In GRC nurseries, parents benefit from flexible and services for children and the adolescent. In opening hours, have access to expert advice on addition to these, the GRC has a nationwide pres- many issues relating to family life and they have the ence in schools (school medical service) and offers opportunity to meet other families. a variety of opportunities to link up with the youth work carried out by the local chapters. The servic- Through its committee work, lobbying and public es for (prospective) parents and families include relations, the GRC campaigns at the national, re- pregnancy advice and debt counselling for fami- gional and local levels on behalf of children‘s rights lies, family education in a variety of forms, babysit- and for decent living conditions for children, the ter services, outpatient and inpatient child-rearing young and families. assistance and residential courses of treatment for mothers and children. The most important and larg- Demographic change has a major effect on how est field of activities in the GRC‘s child, youth and children and young people grow up and in shaping 34 Social security and health Social security and health 35
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