Page created by Samuel Ellis

                      OVID-19 has wreaked havoc the world        healthcare workers. We all went on our balconies,
                      over. It has not only caused millions      rooftops, and sidewalks to perform a nightly ritual
                      of deaths but also has increased the       of clapping or banging pots and pans. Gradually the
                      prevalence of anxiety, depression,         cheering stopped, and the number of pandemic deniers
                      loneliness, social isolation, and post-    increased.
   traumatic stress disorder. Emotional well-being is               In mid-April 2021, Kendall Skuta, a B.C. nurse,
   being challenged like never before by the psychological       posted an emotional plea on Instagram after watching
   consequences of coronavirus.                                  a 60-year-old patient die of COVID-19. Skuta wrote:
      As the world battles the pandemic, recent data             “Please, I’m begging you all. Stay home, wear a
   shows that the hardest hit are the front-line healthcare      mask, and get vaccinated if you’re eligible. We are all
   workers1 and, particularly, nurses.2 The pressure on          exhausted, and I don’t know how much more pain my
   nurses has been unrelenting since the beginning of the        heart can take.”
   pandemic. Aside from the anguish of watching their               Christine Sorensen, the BC Nurses’ Union, said:
   patients struggle with and die of a deadly virus, they also   “Before the pandemic, nurses were being greatly
   face the fear of infecting family.3                           impacted by the nursing shortage and burnout due to
      This article explores their experience of anguish          high workloads.”4 According to Sorensen, even long
   amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and suggests a                   before the current health crisis, nurses “have been
   therapeutic strategy to help these professionals. The         suffering in silence for too long.”
   aim is to offer a diagnostic clarification and a homework        A survey conducted by researchers at the University
   assignment conveyed with a particular therapeutic             of British Columbia showed a strong link between
   language to heal the emotional pain caused by the             the COVID-19 pandemic and nurses’ deteriorating
   pandemic.                                                     mental health.5 According to this survey, burnout and
                                                                 anxiety have increased among nurses with high levels
   SUFFERING IN SILENCE                                          of emotional exhaustion. Dr. Farinaz Havaei, the head
   At the beginning of the pandemic, every day at 7 p.m.,        researcher and an assistant professor at the UBC school
   people around the world cheered for their front-line          of nursing, says the findings show “trends of worsening

The pressure on nurses has
                                                                                              been unrelenting since the
                                                                                              beginning of the pandemic.
                                                                                              Aside from the anguish
                                                                                              of watching their patients
                                                                                              struggle with and die of a
                                                                                              deadly virus, they also face
                                                                                              the fear of infecting family.

mental health among B.C.’s front-line     of distress that does not offer anything       happen no matter what they do. They
nurses.” This study revealed that 80      positive.6 It is a continuous feeling          become convinced that it is useless to
per cent of nurses are fearful about      of discomfort, a state of negative             do anything about the state of affairs.
contracting the virus at work and 86      expectation regarding future events,              Unlike anxiety, which is more
per cent are concerned about bringing     with the conviction that things will           associated with the state of arousal
it home. Moreover, about half of nurses   inevitably get worse.                          and panic, anguish is associated with a
reported not having confidence in their      Individuals struggling with anguish         depressive state. They feel no matter
personal protective equipment.            feel they are faced with a punishment          how much they combat the present or
                                          from which they cannot escape and live         the immediate future, they will never
ANGUISH IS NOT ANXIETY                    in a state of subjugation waiting for it to    win the battle.
In the light of the above information,    take place. This feeling of helplessness          The studies on depression have
I would like to address the differences   and defeat leads to a depressive crisis.       highlighted that at the centre of this
between anxiety and anguish.              They feel unable to change their               disorder lies an attitude characterized
Often these two disorders are used        situation and harbour expectations of          by resignation.7 When there is no
interchangeably, and confusion about      an inevitable and impending doom.              possibility to overcome certain
them may lead to inexact diagnosis and    Their pessimistic outlook causes them          obstacles, individuals surrender
inappropriate treatments.                 to expect the worst to happen.                 themselves to a present that is
   While anxiety is an adaptive              Moreover, they feel incapable of            unbearable. They give up and succumb
activation of our organism that becomes   preventing or stopping their own               to the torment of the agonizing present
pathological when it exceeds a certain    catastrophic prophecies. They feel             moment.
threshold, anguish is an intense state    certain that bad things are going to              Thus, depression is the most frequent

                                                                                        INSIGHTS MAGAZINE | FALL 2021 31
corresponding symptomatology of
anguish with its specific psychosomatic
effect. While the solar plexus is the seat
of anxiety, the abdominal area acts as the
nest of anguish.

Before suggesting a strategy to treat
anguish, I will give a short introduction
of the model behind this intervention.
The technique and its corresponding
communication style are based on
Brief Strategic Counselling (BSC).
The BSC model uses a structured and                                                                    A SURVEY
                                                                                                    CONDUCTED BY
pragmatic approach to the treatment
                                                                                                 RESEARCHERS AT THE
of psychological problems. The focus         does this problem persist?” and “What               UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH
of therapy is on the client’s attempted      is required to change it?”                         COLUMBIA REVEALED THAT

solutions, which maintain or even
exacerbate the problem.8 For clients
                                                 Strategic counsellors aim at breaking
                                             the dysfunctional cycle created by                      80%
                                                                                                OF NURSES ARE FEARFUL
struggling with anguish, common-             clients’ unhelpful actions. The goal is             ABOUT CONTRACTING
sense solutions such as distraction          to provide effective tools for clients               THE VIRUS AT WORK.
and avoidance of pain are often              to take control of their life. The
self-defeating. Generally speaking,          recommended strategies are not the
attempted solutions fall into three          result of strokes of counsellor ingenuity
                                                                                              86 PER CENT ARE CONCERNED
categories: action is necessary but not      in moments of creativity. These are               ABOUT BRINGING IT HOME.
taken, action is taken when it should        the fruit of a complex theory and           ABOUT HALF OF NURSES REPORTED NOT
not be, and action is taken at the wrong                                                 HAVING CONFIDENCE IN THEIR PERSONAL
                                             painstaking forms of investigation
                                                                                                PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT.
level.9                                      dedicated to developing effective and,
   As proposed by Paul Watzlawick and        at the same time, apparently simple
his collaborators at Mental Research         solutions to complicated problems.
                                                                                         cycle: “I am better with the medication,
Institute of Palo Alto, a strategic          Thus, the strategic intervention
                                                                                         but I feel even more powerless because
clinician follows a four-step process:10     proposed in this article belongs to
                                                                                         my physiological reactions are numb.”
1) A clear definition of the problem in     an internationally recognized and
                                                                                             Among the most common
    concrete terms,                          evidenced-based model.
                                                                                         dysfunctional attempted solutions
2) An investigation of the solutions                                                    of front-line nurses who suffer from
                                             THE THERAPEUTIC HOMEWORK
    attempted so far,                                                                    anguish is to avoid looking at “the
                                             Although in some cases
3) A clear definition of the concrete                                                   beast that devours the soul.” Although
                                             pharmacotherapy can be helpful,
    changes to be achieved, and                                                          distractions may offer temporary relief,
                                             sedation of the physiological symptoms
4) The formulation and implementation       is not the most appropriate solution        it is hardly ever the solution. Contrary
    of plan to produce this change.          to anguish. The clinicians must help        to conventional wisdom, the most
    In the BSC model, the search for a       their clients change their perception       appropriate course of action is just
solution is not directed toward the past     of considering themselves as a victim.      the opposite: clients must dedicate a
but rather is focused on the present.        Furthermore, in these cases, when           specific space, time, and procedure
The key questions are not “Why does          sedation reduces the symptoms, it           to face their anguish. Namely, in the
this problem exist?” or “Why does the        could inhibit the individual’s resources,   morning, they must foresee all the most
client have this disorder?” but “How         thus, initiating a vicious pathological     terrible and most feared outcomes and

write them down and describe them           these clients to follow through the         nurses are beginning to see the end
in detail on paper. Then, they let the      above homework.                             of their fierce battle with this virus.
day pass and, at night, check if those          Since each person is unique, there      However, the COVID-19 variants and
catastrophic predictions have been          are no universal canned phrases to          possible mutations still haunt front-line
fulfilled.                                  utilize with our clients. However,          nurses. Since this battle seems to be a
   Checking at night which of their         here are few aphorisms and evocative        long one, counsellors must hone their
dire predictions have been fulfilled is     imageries for counsellors to incorporate    skills to be ready to help individuals
a way of dismantling the mechanism          in their dialogue to validate their         affected by the psychological impact of
of catastrophic thinking. Even if their     clients’ experience of anguish:             this daunting crisis. As Marcel Proust
catastrophic predictions come true,                                                     said, “The real voyage of discovery
this procedure makes those negative         The exercise of writing ominous             consists not in seeking new landscapes
thoughts more acceptable and easier
                                            expectations allows individuals             but in having new eyes.” ■

                                            to develop an emotional
to manage. The act of writing, as
numerous investigations have shown,11
                                            distance precisely because they             Arthur Rowshan, MC, RCC, PhD, is a
immerses us completely in our
                                            accept its inexorability.
                                                                                        counsellor in private practice in Kelowna. He
suffering but also allows us to get away                                                also offers training courses in Brief Strategic
from it.
   The exercise of writing ominous             “You feel that there is no way to
expectations allows individuals             escape from this beast that devours
to develop an emotional distance            your soul.”
                                                                                           1 Cai, H., Tu, B., Ma, J., Chen, L., Fu, L., Jiang, Y.,
precisely because they accept its              “You remind me of a character in            & Zhuang, Q. (2020). Psychological impact and
                                                                                           coping strategies of frontline medical staff
inexorability. The description makes        The Book of Amos: “You flee from a             in Hunan between January and March 2020
                                                                                           during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019
the dire situation more acceptable and      lion, and a bear meets you; and you            (COVID-19) in Hubei, China. Medical science
progressively desensitizes the anguish.     take refuge in your house, but as you          monitor: international medical journal of
                                                                                           experimental and clinical research, 26, e924171-1.
In one of his poems Fernando Pessoa         lean your hand on the wall, a serpent          2 Galehdar, N., Kamran, A., Toulabi, T., & Heydari,
wrote, “When I write what I feel, I         bites you.”                                    H. (2020). Exploring nurses’ experiences of
                                                                                           psychological distress during care of patients
reduce the fever of feeling.” Repeating        As Honoré de Balzac said:                   with COVID-19: a qualitative study. BMC
                                                                                           psychiatry, 20(1), 1-9.
this exercise daily gives clients the       “Resignation is a daily suicide.”
                                                                                           3 Galehdar, N., Kamran et al, (2020)
ability to accept the unacceptable.            The poet Robert Frost, once said,           4
Moreover, daily transcription of            “The best way out is always through.”          news/2020/nurses-ptsd-anxiety-burnout-rates-
suffering creates a habituation effect.12                                                  5
The repeated exposure to distressing        THE BATTLE AHEAD                               shows-links-between-covid-19-pandemic-and-b-c-
stimuli lessens their impact on the         Although counsellors can help
                                                                                           6 Nardone, G. (2016). El miedo a decidir: cómo
individual and provides further relief.     healthcare workers deal with their             tener el valor de elegir.

                                            anguish, other changes must also be            7 Muriana, E., Pettenò, L., & Verbitz, T. (2011). I
                                                                                           volti della depressione. Ponte alle grazie.
COMMUNICATION STYLE                         implemented as preventive measures.
                                                                                           8 Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J. H., & Fisch, R.
Aside from being highly empathic            One study revealed that front-line             (2011). Change: Principles of problem formation
                                                                                           and problem resolution. WW Norton & Company.
and creating a safe environment for         nurses have asked to be included
                                                                                           9 Watzlawick et al, (1974).
these clients, clinicians must speak the    in decision making and for visible             10 Watzlawick et al, (1974).
language of anguish to consolidate client   leadership during this turbulent time.13       11 Pennebaker, J. W. (1997). Writing about
trust. Those living with anguish need a     The same study found that healthcare           emotional experiences as a therapeutic
                                                                                           process. Psychological science, 8(3), 162-166.
non-judgmental space, as well as strong     workers have five key requests to their        12 Nardone, G., & Salvini, A. (Eds.).
emotional validation; otherwise, they       organizations during the pandemic: hear        (2019). International dictionary of psychotherapy.
will not follow the assignment because      me, protect me, prepare me, support            13 Shanafelt, T., Ripp, J., & Trockel, M. (2020).
they are afraid of facing their pain.       me, and care for me.                           Understanding and addressing sources of anxiety
                                                                                           among health care professionals during the
For this reason, clinicians must use           As COVID-19 vaccine doses                   COVID-19 pandemic. Jama, 323(21), 2133-2134.

evocative language to gently persuade       continue to be administered, front-line

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