Healthyyou mind, body, spirit

Page created by Tracy Little
Healthyyou mind, body, spirit
mind, body, spirit                                       SPRING 2021 VOL. 21 ISSUE 2

Mask Up                  Top 10 Tips for a          Listen Up! Using Sound-
What to Know about       Successful Virtual         Based Meditation for
Proper Mask Use during   Interview                  Stress Relief
the Pandemic             Adapting interviews to a   Examining alternate forms of
                         virtual format             meditation through music and sound
Healthyyou mind, body, spirit
                                                 mind, body, spirit
                                                     SPRING 2021 VOL. 21 ISSUE 2

                                 DAVID B. FALK COLLEGE OF SPORT AND HUMAN DYNAMICS
                                                   Diane Lyden Murphy

                                         VICE PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE
                                                         Rob Hradsky

                                         ASSOCIATE PROVOST FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS
                                                       Chris Johnson

                                                        EDITORIAL DIRECTOR
                                                      Luvenia W. Cowart, Ed.D.,R.N.

                                                    STUDENT MANAGING EDITOR
                                                           Cate Willing

                                                        STUDENT COPY EDITOR
                                                           Kinley Gaudette

                                                          GRAPHIC DESIGNER
                                                             Bob Wonders
                                                             Executive Art

                                               STUDENT EDITORIAL BOARD
                                   Amanda Burnes, Kinley Gaudette, Alessia Martini, Cate Willing

                                                   CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS
                                                            Janet Pease
                                           Former Head of Collection and Research Services
                                                    Syracuse University Libraries

                                                          Caitlin Mogan ’20
                                         David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

                                                         Soleil Sferlazza ’21
                                         David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

                                                           EDITING SUPPORT
                                                           George S. Bain G’06

                                                            CONTACT US
                                                     Healthy You Newsmagazine
                                         David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
                                                   White Hall, Syracuse NY 13244

                                      Healthy You welcomes letters to the editor and story ideas

Healthy You is a student-run health magazine of the Department of Public Health. It is a jointly funded publication of the Syracuse University
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics and the Divisions of Undergraduate Studies, and Enrollment and the Student
Experience. This publication enhances, broadens and supports the academic and social experiences of students.
The Student Editorial Board is responsible for providing work structure for the magazine’s production, which includes the content, design,
production and distribution. The information contained in this publication is not to be constructed as medical advice. Readers should consult
a medical professional before engaging in any activity described. The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted without the expressed
consent of the editorial director.
Healthyyou mind, body, spirit
healthy you

2    In the Know
     New research in health and wellness

3    Public Health Faculty Spotlight
     A conversation with public health Assistant Professor Miriam Mutambudzi
4    Mindfulness at Your Fingertips: Using Technology
     for Mental Health
     An in-depth look at the Sanvello app and its benefits
5    Listen Up! Using Sound-Based Meditation for Stress Relief
     Examining alternate forms of meditation through music and sound
6    Creating Opportunities: It’s All About Communication
     Building your professional networks and portfolio
7    Top 10 Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview
     Adapting interviews to a virtual format
8    Can You Hear Me Now?
     The art of listening
9    Read This Now or Later: Overcoming Procrastination

10 Misalignment from Your Computer Assignments?
     How prolonged computer use can impact skeletal health and
     what to do about it
11 Mask Up: What to Know About Proper Mask Use
     During the Pandemic
     A conversation with Dr. David Larsen
12 Unpacking Antioxidants: Be in the Know
     The importance of antioxidants in your diet
13 Navigating Food Choices on Campus
     Creating a mindful approach to fast-food selections
14 Exploring Medicaid and its Importance to College Students
     Health literacy in action
15 The Value of the Orange Fruit
     The benefits of including oranges in your diet
16 Take a Hike
     The physical and mental benefits of hiking
17 “Water” You Drinking These Days?
     Learn more about the benefits of drinking water

18 I’m Sorry for Your Loss: A Guide for Friends
     Coping with loss within a campus community
19 Redefining Community Service: A Public Health Perspective
     Transitioning to new volunteer strategies during the pandemic

                                                                           Spring 2021/ page 1
Healthyyou mind, body, spirit
healthy you

IN THE KNOW                                                                                                 Discover new research
                                                                                                            in health and wellness

By Cate Willing and Kinley Gaudette
Public Health Students
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

ZOOM FATIGUE                                         READING FOR RELAXATION
                                                     Did you know that reading can be               book, you know how easy it is to forget
At this point in the work- or school-from-           used as a form of medicine? It’s called        that you don’t know the characters in
home environment, we all are familiar with           bibliotherapy, and it can mean two             real life. When you read, the connection
the feeling of “Zoom fatigue,” a term coined         things:                                        you feel to certain characters can be
during the COVID-19 pandemic that                    1. Reading in a structured or clinical         strong enough to allow you to feel
describes the exhausting strain that constant            setting as a form of prescribed therapy,   what they’re feeling. That emotional
video calls and school work can have on                  or                                         response can be healthy for the brain. In
us. Zoom fatigue refers more generally               2. An individual struggling with an illness    today’s world, it can be hard enough to
to the mental and physical toll that video               like anxiety or depression using reading   find time to read our required texts for
calls can have. In an article in the American            on their own to improve wellness.          classes, much less read for enjoyment.
Psychological Association’s Technology,                                                             However, reading for enjoyment has so
Mind, and Behavior journal, the unnatural            Regardless of whether bibliotherapy is
                                                     done in a program or independently, it         many benefits and can truly be effective
elements resulting from work or school from                                                         in treating mental health concerns. So,
home were studied. In a normal meeting or            can have huge health benefits, especially
                                                     for those who struggle with mental             whenever you have the chance, pick up
class, you would not be looking at yourself                                                         a new book and let the story take you
and your classmates or co-workers the entire         illness. Studies have also shown that
                                                     reading fictional stories can improve          away for a while.
time, and you would have some liberty to be                                                             Source: Psychology Today www.
creative and walk around without seeming             mental health, as they evoke feelings
                                                     of empathy and allow the reader to   
disrespectful. In Zoom meetings, sitting still                                                      about-men/201905/can-reading-
with camera on and listening is the common           resonate with the lived experiences of
                                                     characters. If you’ve ever read a good         books-improve-your-mental-health
courtesy that can be draining, both mentally
and physically. To combat this as a meeting
participant, hiding self-view, so you do not
fixate on your face but rather concentrate on
the speaker, can help. As we move forward
with virtual work, there is a call for teachers
                                                  THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING
and those running meetings to creativity          Utilizing the power of positive thinking is        can help you look happier externally and
combat the fatigue that comes from long           more important now than ever. We have              think more positively internally. Second,
video calls, including frequent breaks and        spent over a year in the pandemic, coping          reframing is a concept that helps to shift
more social discussions. For now, hiding          and adapting to dramatic changes in every          your outlook on life and to look on the
self-view, incorporating a cover photo for        aspect of our lives. Recognizing the value         bright side. When things may not be
when you do have to turn your camera off,         that thinking positively can have on your          going your way, reframing the situation to
and walking around for quick breaks can           own situation will help you in reaching            recognize what you are grateful for shifts
help. Engaging in fruitful discussions with       your goals and maintaining good mental             your mindset to think more positively.
your peers and teachers on how you think          and physical health. According to Johns            Lastly, becoming more resilient will benefit
online class can be more interactive and less     Hopkins Medicine, people with a family             coping strategies to unfavorable situations.
draining can also provide some short-term         history of heart disease who had a positive        One suggestion from Johns Hopkins
solutions on a case-by-case basis.                outlook on life were one-third less likely to      Medicine is to act on situations that may
    Sources: The Washington Post and the          have a heart attack or related event within        frustrate you, rather than letting them
American Psychological Association                five to 25 years than those with a more            build up over time. Taking small actions to
                                                  negative outlook. It’s proven: Mindset             achieve a more positive outlook on life is
                                                  directly correlates to health outcomes, but        beneficial today to your mental well-being
                                                  how? Positive thinking varies from person          as well as benefiting your health tomorrow.
                                                  to person, but starting with smiling more              Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine

                                                                                                                      Spring 2021/ page 2
Healthyyou mind, body, spirit
healthy you


By Cate Willing                                                          other hand, the opportunities you have now are going to impact
Junior, Public Health                                                    your health.” This bi-directional relationship was the light bulb for
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics                        Mutambudzi as she expanded her public health studies.
                                                                             Perspective is key to Mutambudzi. Living in Africa, Europe

            iriam Mutambudzi, a recent addition to the public health     and now the United States has allowed her to “objectively look at
            department in the David B. Falk College of Sport and         something without the emotion, without the attachment to a history,
            Human Dynamics, attributes much of her ability to think      a story or legacy.”
critically on public health issues to her past.                              A key difference, from a public health angle, between the U.S.
    Mutambudzi’s story does not start with                                                          and Europe is the health care system. Living
her. It begins with the powerful women                                                              in both a countries with universal health
in her family who came before her. Her                                                              care and then in the U.S., where many do
grandmother, born and raised in a rural                                                             not have access to care, was perplexing to
village in Zimbabwe, lives a simple life. Fast-                                                     Mutambudzi. “Having access to health care
paced, modern life gives stark contrast to                                                          is an absolute human right,” she says. “It was
Mutambudzi’s 103-year-old grandmother                                                               perplexing that it is considered a privilege,
who spent her time taking care of her 10                                                            in a system that ignores historical, structural
children, tending to the garden which they                                                          and systemic factors, which make it difficult
ate solely from and going to church. Her                                                            for some groups to access this level of
lifestyle can undoubtedly be traced to her                                                          privilege.”
good health, even at 103 years old.                                                                     Mutambudzi’s narrative on issues like
    Mutambudzi’s mother, raised in the same                                                         health care, education and other systems
small village, left for the United Kingdom                                                          that are tied to health outcomes is well
after high school and was faced with a                                                              taken. In her course Health Disparities
dramatically different life than she once                                                           and Underserved Communities, these
lived. In Zimbabwe, the family had its own                                                          are addressed with updated contextual
property, grew its own food and had no                                                              discussions of the pandemic, which, she
debt. In the U.K., however, her mother was                                                          says, has prompted an “accumulation of
met with what she called “the poverty of the paycheck”—the idea          disadvantage that nobody’s really talking out.” The long-term effects
that being able to eat or pay for housing is dependent on a monthly      of stress from economic and health challenges will be detrimental.
paycheck—and the threat this posed to security and overall health.           While the pandemic exacerbated many systemic issues,
    This observation is key in understanding the structural              Mutambudzi sees a light at the end of the tunnel. “The issues around
determinants of health, in Mutambudzi’s eyes. The experiences of         structural and social determinants of health are being taken more
her grandmother and mother taught Mutambudzi early on that “the          seriously,” a step in the right direction.
value of healthy lifestyles and quality of life was so different from        Mutambudzi teaches courses relating to inequalities, structural
the mainstream” and that being healthy isn’t one-dimensional.            issues and global health. She is working on research assessing
    Structural issues, one of Mutambudzi’s specialties, were always      chronic health outcomes in the refugee community in Syracuse,
a topic of interest for her, but she didn’t connect these interests to   diving deeper into what makes chronic disease more prevalent
public health until later in life. From an early age Mutambudzi was      in communities of low socioeconomic status. Additionally, she
interested in examining structural issues and how these correlate        suggests reading Sir Michael Marmot’s work if social and structural
to opportunities individuals are afforded, affecting potential health    determinants of health are of interest to you.
outcomes and overall quality of life.                                    Miriam Mutambudzi is available at more information
    “Health is going to impact your opportunities, the opportunity       regarding her background, visit
of your children and future generations,” she says, “and on the

                                                                                                                     Spring 2021/ page 3
Healthyyou mind, body, spirit
healthy you

By Kinley Gaudette                                                                                     says Ruiz. “And once you click on the
Sophomore, Public Health                                                                               topics, you can post anything that’s
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human                                                               on your mind and others can react to
Dynamics                                                                                               it. They can like your post, comment,
                                                                                                       save or share, and it’s so nice to see

  n college, it can be easy to lose touch with                                                         those interactions.”
  yourself. First priorities are schoolwork                                                                 A great feature on Sanvello is goal-
  and socializing, and there are only so                                                               setting and tracking, where users can
many hours in a day. Self-care often slips                                                             set specific goals for themselves and
between the cracks. However, there are                                                                 track their progress. The app makes
easy ways to stay mindful that don’t include                                                           recommendations for videos and
two-hour hot yoga classes or crystal energy.                                                           exercises based on the goals the user
One great resource for Syracuse University                                                             sets. For busy college students, this is
students is an iPhone app called Sanvello.                                                             a great way to stay on track and keep
While Sanvello normally costs money, it is                                                             personal goals prioritized. Since its
free to University students if they create an                  How are                                 services range from goal planning to
account with their school email.                                                                       CBT exercises to group conversation,
    As an employee at the Barnes Center at                      you?                                   Sanvello is a great fit for anyone. It can
the Arch Health Promotion, Yhanelly Ruiz                                                               meet the users where they are at and
’23 is well-versed in practicing mindfulness.                                                          help reduce anxiety through whatever
She works as a member of the SAMHE                                                                     means are most relevant.
team, which stands for Students Advocating                                                                  After you log in to Sanvello with a
Mental Health Empowerment.                                                                             University email account, your profile
    “The Sanvello app has helped me                                                                    will sync with the University and your
practice mindfulness because it reminds me                                                             home page will contain resources for
to do so,” says Ruiz. “As silly as it sounds, I                                                        you here on campus.
forget to check in with myself, and maybe                                                                   “There are emergency resources,
others face the same issue. That’s why I like                                                          and it includes all of the resources SU
the daily reminders of checking in, logging                                                            offers,” says Ruiz. “It has the phone
in how I feel, the hobbies I’ve done for the                                                           number and email of the Barnes
day. I can look at quotes or cute phrases                                                              Center at The Arch, SU counseling,
that can distract me for a little while. It’s also                                                     Health Services, Sexual and
accessible and private.”                                                                               Relationship Violence Response Team,
    Sanvello describes its app as a toolkit of sorts, based on the     DPS, Dean of Students Office, SU Title IX Coordinator and even
contributions of experts. The app features tutorials on cognitive-     resources for staff.”
behavioral therapy (CBT). In addition to CBT exercises and video           With just a quick trip to the App Store, you can take a huge step
instructions, the app allows its users to connect via forums when      toward mindfulness and connect yourself with University resources
they are experiencing similar circumstances. This enables users to     for mental health.
feel a greater sense of community and to recognize that they are not   For more information:
    “There’s a section with different topics like gratitude, school
  stress, movies, music, relationships, YouTube and so much more,”

                                                                                                                    Spring 2021/ page 4
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By Amanda Burnes                                                                                                    Bergen-Cico says that
Senior, Public Health                                                                                           music as a broad category can
David B. Falk College of Sport                                                                                  be therapeutic: It “absolutely
and Human Dynamics                                                                                              is a form of therapy for most

                                                                                                                people.” Ranging from person
           editation is often                                                                                   to person on genre preference,
           misconstrued as an                                                                                   “[music] helps us recognize
           intensive practice,                                                                                  our emotions better through
but it’s not as complicated as it                                                                               the use of lyrics and beats.”
may seem. There are a variety                                                                                   Music has great therapeutic
of ways to practice meditation,                                                                                 and stress relieving benefits.
especially as a college                                                                                         Don’t be too intimidated to
student, that are accessible.                                                                                   try sound bath meditation. It
Regardless of whether you are                                                                                   is a simple and relaxing way of
experiencing anxiety or high                                                                                    reducing stress by surrounding
levels of stress, or just want                                                                                  yourself with sounds.
to take a break from your day,                                                                                      Tamara Goldsby, a research
sound bath meditation can be a                                                                                  psychologist studying sound
great tool for you.                                                                                             healing at the University of
    Sound-based meditation,                                                                                     California San Diego, found in
an emerging sector of meditation, uses sound as a form of therapy,       a controlled study that sound-based meditation increased feelings
aiming to improve stress and anxiety-related symptoms. Sound             of relaxation and decreased stress for those who participated.
baths are a popular form of meditation that involve surrounding          There are a lot of mental health benefits of using sound as a form
yourself with different sounds and frequencies, including gongs,         of therapy, as well as many physical health benefits. Sound-based
chimes and singing bowls. These induce a deep meditative state that      meditation has even been found to reduce bodily tension, blood
can help promote stress relief and release tension in the body.          pressure and overall stress post-meditation.
    Music as a form of meditation and therapy is on the rise, and            Sound, frequency and vibration are important components
Professor Dessa Bergen-Cico in the Department of Public Health           of sound-based therapy, which are often attributed to the use of
and coordinator of the addiction studies program at Falk College         singing bowls and gongs. However, sound-based therapy does
has taken strong interest in this field. Bergen-Cico has studied         not have to only include the individual use of instruments. There
trauma, addiction and related therapy, which have led her to explore     are more accessible versions of sound bath techniques as well as
sound baths as a form of meditation-based therapy. “Sound-based          streaming platforms like Spotify and YouTube. It’s important for
meditation is both spiritual and scientific,” she says. “This type of    everyone to incorporate music into their meditation and relaxation
meditation has a strong theoretical basis, but it has been shown to      practices, as it can have the same effect on people that a sound bath
reduce stress for many individuals.”                                     can. Take advantage of your music library and use it to relax.
    Asked how sound-based meditation can improve mental health,
                                                                         For more information:
Bergen-Cico explains that “it can help people become more familiar
with their inner selves and thought patterns. Sound meditation 
helps us self-regulate our emotions better, while also redirecting our
attention toward our inner selves. We become better at recognizing       sound-meditation
our stress.”                                                   
    Through sound meditation, you can learn to regulate your own
stress and emotions, a key factor in maintaining positive mental
                                                                                                                   Spring 2021/ page 5
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Falk Career Services                                                    information you provide in an initial attempt to request a new

                                                                        opportunity. If you say too much, relevant details might be skipped,
            hen it comes to resume experiences, there is a              or your message filed indefinitely away for future review. If you say
            perception, often reinforced all through high school,       too little, the request to connect will lack necessary context and
            that there is a finite set of opportunities, all of which   require your reader to reach out to you for clarification, a step that
must be listed…somewhere. In other words, it is a linear path from      they may or may not take.
choosing off a menu, applying and getting. Reality, in this case, is        Give thought, then, to what minimal information (no more than
both more complicated and more promising. At a recent panel, one        a page) this busy professional needs to take an initial interest.
Syracuse alumna described her path from student experience to           Your goal is to lay out a role or project that will serve both their
post-graduation employment like this:                                   organization and you. Be mindful that it should minimally be time-
                                                                                                             neutral for them, in that they will
“With the exception of the first
  internship I did, each position                                                                            get at least enough benefit out
  I’ve held hasn’t quite existed…                                                                            of your work to justify the time
  During my first exercise science                                                                           they will need to put in to train
  class, I was introduced to an                                                                              and supervise you. Certainly,
  individual… He had never had                                                                               they may adjust this assessment,
  interns before. I said, really,                                                                            but a starting point is better than
  ‘Just let me come help, let me                                                                             expecting them to take their time
  learn from you…’ and so he did                                                                             to create it for you. You should
  that. And then…during my last
  semester at Syracuse…I wrote
  up a plan for a work study posi-                                                                           •  What you hope to gain from
  tion [that] got approved… [At]                                                                               the role, as framed around your
  the University of Michigan, I                                                                                future professional goals (even
  just cold-called the director here                                                                           if they are not set in stone);
  and…they ended up opening an                                                                             •  What value you hope to provide
  additional GA position… and
  throughout the course of that…                                                                              to the individual or organization,
  I made my case for [a full-time]                                                                            as framed around the skills
  position and I’ve been here ever                                                                            and experiences you possess
  since.”                                                                                                     that are directly relevant to the
‑Katlyn Haycock, ’11                                                                                         imagined role (do not simply
  (see the full panel here:                                                                                   rewrite the resume you will                                                                        likely attach) and:
                                                                        •  Only those parts of your personal story that directly relate to the
    The important point, here, is that a world of opportunities can
                                                                          needs or interests of your desired employer or faculty mentor.
be created—whether research, internship, volunteer or full-time
employment—if you just make the right case for them. Of course,             Once you take your shot, remember that even if the answer is
success is not guaranteed. Haycock likely received her fair share of    “no,” this is still a new connection for you who knows about your
“no’s” along the way, but you will miss all of these potential growth   professional interests. Keep in touch with them periodically, as
opportunities if you restrict yourself to only what is listed.          you never know when conditions will change, and the answer may
    How, then, can you inspire others to take a chance on you? The      become a “yes.” Avoid repeated requests, but reach out to them
answer often comes down to communication, but there is more             about their work or achievements, or to seek advice about an
involved than Haycock has let on. Creating a position for a student     academic or professional decision you need to make. This outreach
is a leap of faith, but not one that faculty or employers will take     will help keep you fresh in their mind. They may even connect you to
lightly. Ideally, you will already have a relationship formed with      a similar opportunity elsewhere.
whoever you ask for a professional development opportunity              Need more information about any of this or help crafting this outreach?
(network early). However, if you are reaching out to someone new,       Falk Careers is here to help.
you’ll need to think carefully about what information you provide.      Connect with us at If not, take some time to consider
    Strangely, a central consideration to all of this is time. Most     your interests, build your personal, professional message and get out there to
professionals, whether professors or managers, are short on             create the opportunities you seek.
this resource. This should help to guide your selection of what
                                                                                                                        Spring 2021/ page 6
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Falk Career Services                                                        5. Test everything ahead of time. Make a call on the same program

                                                                               (Zoom, Teams, etc.) to a friend a couple of hours or days in
        he sun is shining, the snow has melted (at least for now),             advance so you can fix any problems. Make sure you have good
        and it is once again that time of year when students of all            lighting, sound and connection speed.
        majors look for ways to gain experience over the summer.
Unfortunately, this spring, like last, will probably feature many
virtual interviews and meetings with prospective employers. Here,
                                                                            DURING THE INTERVIEW
                                                                            6. Lay out your resources. One advantage of virtual interviews is
then, are 10 quick recommendations to make sure you put your best
                                                                                that you can lay out a copy of your resume, some notes about the
foot forward in a virtual setting.
                                                                                employer and your list of talking points and questions. Be sure to
    First, however, it is important to
                                                                                                             avoid reading a script, as this comes
remember that experience comes
                                                                                                             across poorly for a range of reasons.
in many forms. Internships are just
                                                                                                             However, just knowing that all these
one way. Volunteering, leadership in
                                                                                                             important details are easily accessible,
clubs or activities, and job shadowing
                                                                                                             should you need them, can help boost
are all just as valuable for exploring
                                                                                                             confidence as you speak naturally.
your interests and gaining relevant
                                                                                                             7. Look the part. Your choice of
skills. For any of these, don’t forget
                                                                                                             clothing will depend on the type
to network and actively reach out to
                                                                                                             of employer you are speaking to.
possible employers, as many may be
                                                                                                             However, as a general rule, think
open to working with you in a variety
                                                                                                             business professional for an interview
of ways, even though they have not
                                                                                                             (collared shirt/blouse and jacket,
formally posted these opportunities
                                                                                                             possibly with a tie). For an informal
on a website or job board.
                                                                                                             chat to explore opportunities,
    That said, whether you are
                                                                                                             think business casual (a collared
reaching out to inquire about
                                                                                                             shirt or blouse). This sounds
opportunities or scheduled for an interview,
                                                                                 strange, but don’t forget the pants. If you need to stand for an
here are some tips to Zoom professionally:
                                                                                 unexpected reason, pajama pants may earn you an awkward
BEFORE THE INTERVIEW                                                             moment or two.
                                                                            8. Get the right angle. Make sure your camera is about level with
1. Set the stage. Success in the interview depends a lot on attitudes
   that form ahead of time. Check your social media. If the employer            your eyes. It can be awkward for people to look at your ceiling
   searches you online, will the you they find line up with the version         (and, incidentally, up your nose). As you talk, try to make eye
   you present in the interview? If not, modify your privacy settings           contact with the camera rather than staring at the image of the
   so that only connections can view your posts.                                other person (though do keep an eye out for their nonverbal cues).
2. Do your homework. Remember that you are more than a                          If you are naturally self-conscious, turn off the view of yourself to
   collection of your skills and experiences. Employers can train skills,       avoid the distraction.
   so they will want to hear about whether you are a good fit with          9. Keep the spotlight on you. Avoid sharing your screen to show off
   their organizational values and culture. Research the organization           a resume or digital portfolio unless this work is the basis of your
   before the call and make those personal/values connections in the            case for employment. Technical difficulties and side tasks are likely
   interview, as well.                                                          to throw you off your train of thought. Instead, let your words be
3. Practice talking about yourself. Many people are uncomfortable               the focus and save time at the end to provide a link or attachment
   with this, but employers need to hear it. Think ahead of time                for these additional resources.
   about the key skills, values and interests you want to highlight.        10. Follow up. Don’t forget to write down names and contact
   What are your professional goals (note that they do not need to              information for anyone you speak to. Send a note within a day
   be set in stone)? With these in mind, you can practice answering             or two to thank them for their time and express your continued
   common interview questions on camera with Big Interview, at                  interest. Avoid the temptation to provide better answers for, by creating a free account with your              anything that tripped you up during the call. Let the note convey
   SU email address.                                                            your professionalism and interest, not a lack of confidence.
4. Choose the right space. Find a quiet location with a professional           If you have questions about any of this, don’t forget that
   backdrop (no beds, towels, dressers, etc.). Make sure that anyone        Falk Careers is here to help. Be sure to review some additional
   sharing your space knows what you will be doing, so they stay            advice on our website, You can also make an
   out and stay quiet. If you don’t have a reliable space, reach out to     appointment to speak with us via Handshake (syr.joinhandshake.
   Career Services to use one of Falk’s interview rooms or sign out a       com/appointments/) or by emailing us at
   private space in the library.
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Healthyyou mind, body, spirit
healthy you

By Janet Pease
Former Head of Collections and Research Services
Syracuse University Libraries
POP QUIZ: What is the difference between hearing and listening?
ANSWER: Hearing is the physical process of perceiving sound by
the ear. Listening is an active mental process by which we attempt
to make meaning of what we hear.

        uthor and psychotherapist Gwen Randall Young writes
        that “the most important communication skill is the ability
        to really listen and yet is also the most difficult.” Young
explains that although we are living in a high-tech, high-speed, high-
stress world, effective human communication remains an art, and
one that most of us are not good at.
   According to research published in the Harvard Business
Review, many of us spend as much as 70 percent to 80 percent of
our waking hours in some form of communication and we spend
the bulk of it (45 percent) supposedly listening. As for the rest,
estimates are that we spend about 9 percent writing, 16 percent
reading and 30 percent speaking.

One reason we are not good listeners is that while we have had
formal training on other communication skills—writing, reading and
speaking—not many of us have had much training on honing our
listening skills.
    Another reason for our poor listening skills is that we can think a
lot faster than someone else can speak to us. According to researchers
at the University of Missouri Extension, we can listen to people at
a rate of between 125 and 250 words per minute, but we have the
mental capacity to understand someone speaking at 400 words per
minute. This means that we are only using about 25 percent of our         FOR MORE INFORMATION
mental capacity when someone is talking to us. The other 75 percent       AND MORE TIPS,
of our brain is freed up to think about other things, such as what to     See “Become a Better Listener: Active Listening,” psychcentral.
have for dinner, what to wear tomorrow, etc. No wonder it’s such a        com/lib/become-a-better-listener-active-listening/
challenge to pay attention when someone is talking to us.

WHAT CAN WE DO?                                                            TIPS FOR MASTERING
Even when we really try to pay attention, it is easy to get distracted     EFFECTIVE LISTENING
and not just by our overactive, multitasking brain. There is also our      • Face the speaker and make eye contact.
environment to contend with, background noises and the buzzing             • Lean toward the speaker, smile and nod to show you are
and chirping of our mobile devices, just to name a couple.                   engaged.
    One way to improve on this is to practice active listening, Active
                                                                           • Occasionally paraphrase and summarize what you heard.
listening is about building rapport, understanding and trust. By
learning and practicing active listening, we become better listeners,      • Focus on what the speaker is saying instead of planning your
not just paying attention but communicating our understanding of             reply.
what is being said instead of what we think is being said or what we       • Ask open questions that require more than a yes or no answer.
want to hear.                                                              • Allow for comfortable silence to give a person time to think as
    So, look smarter and improve your interpersonal relationships            well as talk.
by learning how to be an active listener.                                  • Practice, practice, practice.

                                                                                                                   Spring 2021/ page 8
healthy you

By Janet Pease                                                            thoughts that can come from putting off tasks, of waiting until the
Former Head of Collections and Research Services                          last minute and doing them poorly.
Syracuse University Libraries                                                 Procrastination can also lead to poor grades and negatively
                                                                          impact job performance and hold you back from accomplishing

        re you a part of the procrastination nation? If so, you are in    personal and professional goals.
        good company. According to the American Psychological
        Association between 80 percent and 95 percent of college          IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO CHANGE:
students procrastinate in their schoolwork.                               All is not lost. Procrastination doesn’t have to be a lifestyle choice,
    While everyone occasionally puts something off (called                but it takes persistence, practice and patience to change habits.
situation procrastination), chronic procrastinators have perpetual        You can do things right now to develop good patterns of behavior
problems finishing tasks. Joseph Ferrari, one of the pioneers of          that will carry forward.
modern research on procrastination, has found that as many as 20          • Try to identify what your procrastination triggers are.
percent of people may be chronic procrastinators.                         • Ask questions to be sure you know what to do and you understand
                                                                            the task’s objective.
WHY PEOPLE PROCRASTINATE:                                                 • Eliminate distractions and interruptions. Clear your workspace,
Tim Pychyl, author of Solving the Procrastination Puzzle,                   shut down email alerts and stay off social media.
identified six triggers that cause procrastination: The task is boring,
frustrating, difficult, lacking personal meaning, not structured          • Put deadlines on a calendar.
enough or not enjoyable.                                                  • Do the most unpleasant task first so you can cross that off your list
    Debbie Rosemont, an author and certified professional                   of to-dos.
organizer, writes that the No. 1 cause of procrastination is              • Break a big task into smaller pieces so it doesn’t seem so
perfectionism. According to Rosemont, “A perfectionist                      overwhelming. Small victories provide encouragement.
will put off starting something they worry they can’t                             • Commit to just 15 minutes and then reward yourself by
do perfectly, and they will put off finishing a task                                taking a short break to do something else you enjoy.
because it never seems ‘good enough.’”                                                • Download an app for your phone to help you stay on
    Other experts suggest that some                                                    track with assignments.
procrastinators wait until the last minute to do
                                                                                       • Remember that done is usually better than perfect
things because they think (usually incorrectly)
                                                                                       when you have a deadline.
that they work better under pressure and enjoy
the adrenaline rush that comes with that.                                           For more information, look at Solving the Procrastination
                                                                                    Puzzle by Tim Pychyl.
Whatever the reason is for it,
procrastination has been shown
to have negative effects on both
physical and mental health.
Procrastination can lead to stress
and health problems such as
sleep issues. It can also hinder
self-esteem, due to guilt,
shame or self-critical

                                                                                                                       Spring 2021/ page 9
healthy you

By Amanda Burnes                                                                                             When sitting at a desk
Senior, Public Health                                                                                   and looking at a computer,
David B. Falk College of                                                                                it’s important to keep your
Sport and Human Dynamics                                                                                chin tucked, I learned from
                                                                                                        a conversation with medical

           ur lives are centered                                                                        engineer Lee Burnes. Asked about
           around technology.                                                                           good computer posture, Burnes
           From navigation,                                                                             recommended that everyone
work, school and relaxation,                                                                            keep their backs straight and
computers and related                                                                                   chins tucked down. He also
technologies have dictated                                                                              recommended that people invest
what we do. Our dependence                                                                              in standing desks, or urge their
on technology, especially                                                                               employer to do so, to create a
since the beginning of the                                                                              more ergonomically correct work
COVID-19 pandemic, has                                                                                  environment. Burnes owns one of
only increased, and our bodies                                                                          these standing desks and when
are just beginning to feel the                                                                          working at home prefers to use it
impact of these changes.                                                                                to keep his posture straight and
Spending extended time on the                                                                           his neck unbent. These types of
computer, sitting hunched over                                                                          desks adjust to the user’s preferred
for hours, will have a long-term                                                                        height and make it difficult to
impact on our skeletal health,                                                                          slouch, promoting better posture.
but there are ways to combat                                                                            Investing in smaller items like a
this today.                                                                                             computer stand and back pillow
    How we sit at desks or                                                                              for your desk chair can provide
look at our laptops can lead                                                                            small improvements in posture
to poor spinal health and                                                                               over time as well.
neck protrusion. According                                                                                   There are many ways to help
to Harvard University, our backs have three natural curves: the       prevent poor posture when using technology. Being aware of the
forward curve of the neck, backward curve of the upper back and       way you are sitting and how this translates to how you stand is one
the forward curve of the lower back. These curves help to keep our    of the most important things you can do. Moving around frequently
weight balanced to reduce strain and pressure on our joints. Poor     and taking walks between breaks, doing yoga and stretching can
posture can lead to back and joint pain, as well as other issues.     also help overall physical health and posture. Even if working from
Extended use of technology is not good for our bodies in the long     home will never fully go away after the pandemic, addressing back
run, as it can ruin this balance and encourage poor posture.          and posture issues now will prove beneficial long term.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased our reliance on               For more information:
technology because of the shift to a virtual environment for school www.ncbi.nlm.
and work. Many people have been working from home for over a
year at this point, spending hours looking at their computers and
phones while sitting.

                                                                                                               Spring 2021/ page 10
healthy you

MASK        UP:
By Alessia Martini                                Q: Does the material of the mask matter?        It’s so easy to do, and as long as we wear them
Sophomore, Public Health                          A: From Larsen’s perspective, we should         tightly around our face to maximize their
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human          focus on a mask or a face covering as a         protection, they are excellent prevention
Dynamics                                          policy and normalize that. That being said,     tools.

                                                  he says we should try not to scrutinize
         t this point in the pandemic, it is                                                      For additional information:
                                                  the type of mask people wear. Larsen lists
         hard to imagine a time where we          the following combinations from most  
         weren’t wearing masks. Masks             protective to less protective: N95 (with
have become a crucial tool for us to              goggles for maximum protection); nylon          html
continue to do things like go to the grocery      sleeve and cloth mask or surgical mask on
store, attend in-person class and be around       top; cloth mask and surgical mask on top;
others. But as new best practices of mask         nylon sleeve or surgical mask (similar levels
wearing come out, how do you make the             of protection); and finally, the cloth mask.
    “Double masking” is a term that seems         Q: Are there certain times where it
new. In reality, researchers have been            is more important to be wearing a
studying the benefits of double masking           mask?
since the pandemic began. Using two               A: Assessing your level of comfort
masks has shown to be more effective in           and gauging the area you are
maximizing protection against COVID-19            going to, whether it’s a crowded
and its variants.                                 grocery store or a walk outside,
    David Larsen, professor of public health      is important in understanding
and researcher at Syracuse University, has        risk. Larsen says a dense crowd of
focused his work recently on combatting           people is the best place to double
the COVID-19 pandemic. He answered                mask.
some questions.                                   Q: How can the public make sure
Q: What is our current understanding of           they are up to date on the best ways
masks?                                            to wear a mask?
A: Masks have become a common standard            A: From the beginning of the pandemic,
to help stop the spread of COVID-19 since         wearing a mask has been a social policy
the early stages of this pandemic. Washing        we have all adapted to. The public
our hands more, wearing a mask and social         should get their information from
distancing are all a part of our new norm.        sources like the Centers for Disease
Larsen says wearing masks could be the            Control and Prevention and their local
single most important tool we have to             health department. Larsen acknowledges
prevent the spread of the virus.                  the credibility of these websites and says,
Q: What is the difference between                 “They are much more reputable than your
wearing one mask and two?                         friend on Facebook.”
A: The logic is clear. The general principle is   Q: What advice do you have for students
the more filtration we have of the air that we    on campus regarding mask wearing?
are breathing, the safer we’ll be and the more    A: Keep the masks on. It finally seems
we can protect others. Wearing a second           as if there is some hope for an
mask not only helps with filtration, but also     end with vaccines being
with the fit of the mask. Wearing two masks       administered daily, but it’s
can also reduce entry of the pathogens            still important we wear our
because it can improve the fit of the mask.       masks for the time being.

                                                                                                                   Spring 2021/
                                                                                                                   healthy        page 11
                                                                                                                           you | SPRING 2021 | 11
healthy you

By Amanda Burnes                                                         Brennan is a big proponent of eating fruits and vegetables that are
Senior, Public Health                                                    “vitamin-rich,” and typically these foods provide antioxidants as
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics                        well. If eating antioxidant-rich foods is not an option, using topical
                                                                         skin care products containing antioxidants can provide similar

  t is easy to resort to topical products and assume they are the only   benefits.
  factor that affects your skin. What we eat also has a significant          What we eat directly influences the quality of our skin, so it is
  impact on how our skin looks. Antioxidants, which protect cells        important to consume a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables to
from oxidation, have proven benefits for our skin, especially in         maintain positive skin and physical health. A poor diet can reflect
anti-aging. It’s important to consume a balanced diet of fruits and      onto the appearance of your skin. In addition to eating more
vegetables and other foods high in antioxidants, because they can        antioxidant-rich foods, limiting your sun and UV exposure is an easy
help reduce the damage that aging and sun exposure causes.               way to prevent the oxidation of your skin cells.
    The most common antioxidant-rich foods are raspberries,                  Doing all these things, according to Brennan, can help reduce
blueberries, dark chocolate and artichokes. Other food groups,           skin damage and improve the appearance of your skin. It’s in our
such as leafy greens like kale and spinach, also provide antioxidant     best interest to be aware of what we eat and its impact in our body.
benefits. Additionally, many skin care products containing vitamin       Including a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables in your diet,
A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B3 and other vitamins/minerals act      particularly those high in antioxidants like leafy greens and berries,
as great antioxidants for the skin, topically. The use of these foods    will naturally protect your body from harmful external exposure.
and products is beneficial for skin, as they reduce free radicals that   For more information:
build up from oxidation, potentially causing harm or disease.  
    Nutrition student and teaching assistant Nicole Brennan ’21
encourages students to read up on antioxidants because they
“have great benefits for the skin, especially after a lot of sun  
                                                                                                                       Spring 2021/ page 12
healthy you

By Alessia Martini                                                    SU Dining Services offers each day’s entire menu online with a
Sophomore, Public Health                                              breakdown of what is in each meal. Along with this, in the dining
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics                     halls they have nutrient analysis codes, which you can scan with
                                                                      your phone to get the nutrition information of each menu item. Tools

         s college students, there can be pressure to eat a healthy   like this are useful in understanding what makes up your food so
         diet, but what does healthy really mean? While on-campus     you can make mindful choices. The cafes on campus offer grab-and-
         options can all be good                                                                             go bites, which can also be a
in moderation, promoting                                                                                     healthy option.
mindfulness at fast-food                                                                                        “Look for protein combined
restaurants can also be                                                                                      with fruits and veggies such
beneficial. With our fast-paced                                                                              as hummus, or string cheese
lives, choosing healthy and                                                                                  and crackers, and also Greek
quick fast-food options can be                                                                               yogurt is great. Read labels
a challenge.                                                                                                 and try and get 7 to 15 grams
    The recent renovations to                                                                                of protein so it’s filling,”
the Schine Student Center                                                                                    Uzcategui says.
have expanded the dining                                                                                        Cox runs a health social
options on campus. Most of                                                                                   media page that encourages
these restaurants offer healthy                                                                              college students to focus on
options to grab before class,                                                                                mindful eating and physical
but sometimes it isn’t clear                                                                                 activity. She wants to
which options are best. Student                                                                              encourage students to start
health activist Nicki Cox ’22                                                                                “thinking about how food
suggests planning ahead.                                                                                     makes you feel.” As a student
“Knowing what you want [to                                                                                   whose diet is plant-based, she
order] before going into a                                                                                   chooses food that makes her
fast-food place” can help give                                                                               body feels best. Uzcategui
you a better understanding of                                                                                seconds this, adding, “Don’t
what you are putting into your                                                                               be too self-critical; planning
body, especially at restaurants                                                                              and mindfulness are two
where the nutrition breakdown                                                                                helpful tools.” The transition
is unclear, she says.                                                                                        between home and college
    Nutrition Professor Jane                                                                                 can be tough for many
Uzcategui cautions the heavy                                                                                 students, but there are many
use of sodium in fast food. She                                                                              options to maintain healthy
agrees that looking over the                                                                                 eating habits on campus.
menu beforehand can promote                                                                                For more information:
mindful choices.                                                                                 
    The dining services at
Syracuse University can be
helpful in planning meals.

                                                                                                              Spring 2021/ page 13
healthy you

By Cate Willing                                                            differently by state, mental health issues and diagnoses are not
Junior, Public Health                                                      limited to specific geographic areas. We have seen a dramatic
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics                          increase this year in mental health issues because of COVID-19.
                                                                           Yet, access to care, especially in the Medicaid program, has not

           ental health and health care coverage in the United             expanded to meet these emerging needs.
           States is complicated and often nonsensical.                        Medicaid originated as an extension of federally funded
               As college students, many of us may not recognize           programs to assist the poor. Since its inception, Medicaid has
the disparities in health care coverage. Currently, about 30% of           expanded to cover a larger number of low-income Americans.
young adults are uninsured, higher than any other group. Because           Medicaid puts much emphasis on coverage for children and their
of COVID-19 and accompanying job loss, many young Americans                mothers.
are now seeking Medicaid                                                                                                Under the Affordable
coverage. The passage of the                                                                                        Care Act, states were
Affordable Care Act in 2013                                                                                         required to expand
was a step in addressing                                                                                            Medicaid to nearly all low-
health care disparities in the                                                                                      income residents who didn’t
United States, but we still                                                                                         make enough money to buy
have a ways to go.                                                                                                  insurance. A Supreme Court
    With the inception of the                                                                                       decision in 2012, however,
2008 Mental Health Parity                                                                                           left it up to individual states
and Addiction Equity Act,                                                                                           to decide whether they
an extension of the Mental                                                                                          wanted to offer expanded
Health Parity Act of 1996,                                                                                          Medicaid. Many states,
mental health and substance                                                                                         including some of the least
use disorder treatments                                                                                             healthy Southern states and
were legally required to                                                                                            others in the West, opted
meet the same level of care                                                                                         against it. That created life-
as medical/surgical. Despite                                                                                        threatening inequities across
these parity laws, mental                                                                                           state lines.
health care is often harder to access than traditional physical health         COVID-19 has portrayed the true value of health care,
care, especially when looking at Medicaid coverage.                        especially preventive health care. As the pandemic lengthens,
    There is great variation across states regarding the availability of   new or worsening mental health conditions seem to arise,
mental health care and how it is administered and financed. Most           demonstrating an emerging need for expansion in all 50 states.
mental health care in the Medicaid program operates on a waiver                For college-age students, health care and health issues in the
basis. States apply for waivers from the Centers for Medicare              future seem far off, but they are closer and more important than
& Medicaid Services; waivers can both expand and limit what                we may think. It is important to keep up with developments in
Medicaid covers federally. Waivers demonstrate an emergent need            Medicaid expansion and talk with your family about health care
for mental health care because they work to cover gaps in                  coverage options.
the system.                                                                For more information:
    Many federal Medicaid regulations are not sufficient in treating
individuals with mental illness or substance use disorders, as             Protections/mhpaea_factsheet#:~:text=The%20Paul%20Wellstone%20
they are primarily focused on physical health treatments and               and%20Pete,favorable%20benefit%20limitations%20on%20those
subsequent surgeries.                                            
    While mental health care’s coverage by Medicaid is constructed         waivers-the-current-landscape-of-approved-and-pending-waivers/

                                                                                                                     Spring 2021/ page 14
healthy you

By Kinley Gaudette                                                       Heading into the fall, it will be especially crucial to take care
Sophomore, Public Health                                              of our immune systems. Oranges are a great way to do that, since
David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics                     they contain so much vitamin C. Vitamin C can be damaged when
                                                                      exposed to air, so eat your orange quickly after peeling it. This

        ere at Syracuse University, we bleed Orange. Orange           shouldn’t be hard, since they are generally considered to be pretty
        is everywhere we look: in our stadium benches, on our         tasty. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, which can really help
        clothing and scattered elsewhere around campus. It is         during cold and flu season.
difficult to find an event where Otto isn’t running around, or even      In addition to being full of vitamins, oranges are jam-packed
scootering, but the orange is more than just a mascot. Despite the    with antioxidants. Antioxidants are great for the skin and help
heavy presence of the orange in our community, we may not realize     you achieve a healthy, natural glow. Antioxidants help the skin by
the value of the actual orange fruit. We know about the Syracuse      reducing the effects of aging. Signs of aging are often a result of free-
Orange, and we know it signifies strength, spirit and community.      radical damage, which antioxidants help stop. If you want to stay
But what does the orange mean in a day-to-day context?                looking young, eat more oranges in addition to keeping up your skin
    Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, which reduces risk of    care routine. Sunscreen and a diet with oranges can work magic.
colon cancer. Vitamin C also supports the formation of collagen,         Next time you see Otto on his scooter, it can serve as a
which strengthens the skin and bones. A single orange contains        reminder to eat more oranges. Your skin will be glowing, you’ll be
more than 100% of the daily intake of vitamin C. Perhaps a good       more prepared to fight off a cold, and your eyes will be healthier.
game day snack might be an orange, to cheer on the Orange!            Including oranges in your diet is a sure-fire way to make sure you
    Oranges are rich in carotenoid and vitamin A, which promote       look and feel your game day best. Go Orange.
eye health and good vision. Integrating oranges into your diet        For more information:
can really pay off when your game day tickets are way up in the
nosebleeds. An important tip to remember is that oranges produce      eat-oranges/articleshow/4662391.cms
more juice when they are warmer, and rolling them under your
hands can also make them juicier.
So, if you’d rather get your
orange intake by
making juice or a
smoothie, keep
that in mind.

                                                                                                                 Spring 2021/ page 15
healthy you

By Janet Pease                                                            hips and lower legs. In other words, hiking is a total body workout.
Former Head of Collections and Research Services                             Add to this, being outside in the sunshine helps your body
Syracuse University Libraries                                             produce vitamin D, which is important for the growth and
                                                                          development of bones and teeth and improves resistance to certain

 f someone tells you to take a hike, you might this it’s an insult. But   diseases.
 maybe you are getting some good advice. Research has shown
 that hiking is good for your health—and not just your body.              MENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS:
Hiking is beneficial to your mental health as well.                           It’s not all about the physical, though. Hiking has positive effects
                                                                          on mental health as well.
PHYSICAL BENEFITS:                                                            According to a study from Stanford University, time spent
    One of the more obvious benefits of hiking is that it burns           in natural environments calms activity in the parts of the brain
calories, which is important if you are trying to lose or maintain your   that are linked with anxiety and depression. According to Greg
weight. Just an hour of hiking can burn well over 500 calories.           Bratman, one of the authors of the study, “There is mounting
    Hiking is a great cardio workout. And if you include hills in         evidence that nature experiences increase positive mood and
your route, the incline will force your heart to work even harder.        decrease negative mood.”
According to Gregory Miller, former president of the American                 Hiking experts encourage hikers to use the buddy system to
Hiking Society, a 5 percent to 10 percent incline equals a 30             increase safety. Hiking with someone else or a group increases
percent to 40 percent increase in calories burned.                        your social interactions and sense of community. A partner can
    The uneven terrain of a trail helps to engage the core muscles        encourage, motivate and push you out of your comfort zone. There
in your torso and improves your balance and stability. According          is also greater sense of accountability if you hike with someone
to Dr. Aaron Baggish, director of the Cardiovascular Performance          else. It is not as easy to decide to be a couch potato for the day
Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, “You usually don’t get         if someone is counting on you. And of course, there is the added
that type of lateral motion from walking on a treadmill or riding a       benefit of having someone to help if you get hurt.
bike.”                                                                        The next time someone tells you to take a hike, say thanks and
    Besides your core, hiking can boost your bone density and build       hit the trail.
strength in your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and muscles in your       For more information, visit

                                                                                                                     Spring 2021/ page 16
You can also read