Healthcare's new entrants: Who will be the industry's

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Healthcare's new entrants: Who will be the industry's
Healthcare’s new entrants:
                            Who will be the industry’s
Health Research Institute
April 2014

           Heart of the matter................................................... 2

           Executive summary................................................... 2

           An in-depth discussion.............................................. 4

             Consumers are ready to move;
             billions of dollars up for grabs..............................................4

             Bring on the new entrants...................................................7

             Democratization of care:
             Cheap, easy and close to home.............................................8

           		 Case study: CellScope......................................................8

           		 Case study: Hospital at Home...........................................9

             Clear opportunity.............................................................. 10

           		 Case study: Wal-Mart .................................................... 11

             Growth curve.................................................................... 11
           What this means for your business.......................... 13

           Conclusion.............................................................. 15

           Acknowledgments................................................... 18
Heart of the matter

                                                                                                                As healthcare’s incumbents
As the health sector’s center of gravity shifts toward                                                          inch toward a value-driven
customers, savvy new players are moving fast to                                                                 world, their customers—
                                                                                                                employers and individuals—are
capitalize on the change. These new entrants are                                                                signaling they may not wait.
poised to shake up the industry, drawing billions                                                               A new survey by PwC’s Health
of dollars in revenue from traditional healthcare                                                               Research Institute (HRI) found
                                                                                                                that consumers are willing to
organizations while building lucrative new                                                                      abandon traditional care venues
markets in the burgeoning New Health Economy.                                                                   for more affordable and convenient
                                                                                                                alternatives. Nearly one in two
                                                                                                                respondents said they would choose
Executive summary                                               These new entrants—from the retail,             new options for more than a dozen
                                                                technology, telecommunications,                 common medical procedures, such
The $2.8 trillion US healthcare                                 consumer products and automotive                as using an at-home kit to diagnose
industry is being upended by                                    industries—are fashioning the                   strep throat or having chemotherapy
companies attuned to the needs and                              contours of this expanding market.              administered at home. This simple
desires of empowered consumers.                                 They regard their global reach,                 shift in the market threatens at least
These new entrants are nibbling                                 customer insights, commitment                   $64 billion of traditional provider
at the edges of the traditional                                 to transparency and trusted                     revenue. More will follow.
healthcare ecosystem, setting the                               brands as critical assets to capture
stage for a New Health Economy.                                 and dominate the fragmented                     The neighborhood drugstore is a
                                                                health sector (see Figure 1).                   leading indicator of the consumer
                                                                                                                migration to more affordable and
                                                                                                                convenient care options. “Five
                                                                                                                years ago, hardly anyone went
                                                                                                                to a drugstore for a flu shot,”
                                                                                                                Walgreen Co. President and CEO
Figure 1: New entrants are moving first and fastest toward building a
                                                                                                                Gregory Wasson told investors at the
new health economy centered around the consumer, transparency,
convenience and prevention
                                                                                                                JP Morgan Healthcare Conference
                                                                                                                in January.1 Today, Walgreen’s share
Over time these newer players will draw billions from traditional                                               of the $10 billion immunization
healthcare systems while expanding the fitness and wellness space.                                              market is 4%, with room to grow.

                                                                                                                “We intend to continue to grow share
                                                                                                                not only in this growing pharmacy
                                                                           $267 billion                         market, but as well in the larger
                                                                          Fitness and                           and growing healthcare space,”
                                                                         wellness market                        said Wasson, whose company now
                                                                                                                               offers a wide range
                                                                                                                                 of medical services,
                                                                                                                                  from lab testing to
                $2.8 trillion                                                                                                       school physicals to
               US healthcare                                                                                                         chronic condition
                  system                                                                                                             management.

Source: HRI analysis and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services National Health Expenditures (2012)

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                                     2
HRI also found:                                follow. Within a decade, the health             For traditional healthcare
                                               business will look and feel like other          organizations:
•   Two dozen of 2013’s Fortune 50             consumer-oriented, technology-
    companies are healthcare new               enabled industries. Soon, it will               •    Always put the consumer at the
    entrants.2 Of those, seven are             have its own,                       center. Evaluate everything
    retailers; eight are technology            iconic, new economy brands.                          from operating hours to
    and telecommunications                                                                          availability of clinicians via
    companies. Two are                         What this means for                                  digital devices to transparency
    automakers, including Ford                 your business                                        of pricing and quality.
    Motor Co., which is developing
    services for chronic condition             While opportunities abound,                     •    Figure out what matters most.
    management while driving.                  healthcare remains a complex and                     Traditional health companies
                                               highly-regulated ecosystem. One of                   will find it harder to compete
•   New entrants will propel                   the biggest barriers to change, its                  on commodity services as
    the democratization and                    third-party payment system, is unlike                lower-priced options emerge.
    decentralization of healthcare,            that of any other industry. Success                  Decide whether to chase
    empowering consumers to                    will require an understanding of                     commodity revenue or develop
    access care anywhere.                      market needs, consumer desires,                      new revenue models anchored
                                               regulatory requirements and                          on core capabilities while
•   Consumer interest in price and                                                                  investing in new ones.
                                               reimbursement complexities.
    quality transparency has sown a
    hot new market. This is the fertile        •    Focus on the business model. Base          For new entrants:
    ground that produced Castlight                  business models on generating
    Health, which provides employers                                                           •    Develop a new value equation.
                                                    value in the New Health Economy.
    and employees easy-to-use cost                                                                  Don’t be discouraged by
    and quality dashboards. The                •    Not all innovation is created                   traditional ways of thinking
    startup debuted with a value of                 equal. Aim for disruptive leaps                 about healthcare. Focus on
    more than $3 billion in its initial             as customers will reward truly                  the customer, who wants
    public offering in March.3                      transformative services and                     and needs change and is
                                                    products. Embrace a fast, frugal,               critical to enabling it.
•   New players are reshaping and                   frequent, failure model to
    expanding the $267 billion US                                                              •    Emphasize quality. Match or
                                                    quickly develop and test ideas.
    fitness and wellness industry,                                                                  beat incumbents on quality by
    which presents rapid paths                 •    Turn the tables. Consider a                     using innovative approaches
    to market, abundant sources                     consumer-to-business (C-to-B)                   such as virtual networks of
    of data and opportunities to                    strategy, using consumer data                   experts for second opinions.
    create new market segments.                     to refine business models,
    (See “About this Research” on                                                              While the US healthcare system
                                                    enhance customer experience
    page 18 for more information.)                                                             is famed for producing life-saving
                                                    and earn greater loyalty.
    Cash-based and less regulated                                                              medical interventions, it has failed
    than much of healthcare, this              •    Engage risk management early. The          to create efficient business models
    market features lower barriers-                 traditional rules of healthcare still      that deliver outcomes commensurate
    to-entry and fewer risks.                       apply. Involve regulatory, legal           with costs. As the system moves in fits
                                                    and compliance counsel early.              and starts into a consumer-oriented
Early glimmers of healthcare’s                                                                 digital future, the race is on to become
versions of OpenTable and Hotwire              •    Collaborate. Blend the                     the of healthcare.
can be seen in upstarts such as                     best of emerging ventures
ZocDoc and iTriage, while others                    and incumbents, filling
are pitching 24-7, flat-fee online                  skill and asset gaps.
evaluation and treatment. Fortune
                                                                                                   A new entrant is a disruptive,
50 telecommunications companies                •    Think bigger than a website.
are constructing the networks to                    Healthcare’s next-generation                   recent arrival to a market or
link stakeholders and their data.                   consumer is mobile and lives                   industry. These may include
                                                    online. It will take more than                 companies whose core businesses
Incumbents face critical decisions                  a website and a handle on                      reside entirely outside of the
about whether to compete with these                 a social media service such                    new industry, or businesses
emerging healthcare players, or                     as Twitter to thrive in the                    expanding into new roles.
align with them. Consolidation will                 New Health Economy.

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                      3
An in-depth discussion

 Abundant opportunity in the expanding health
 sector is attracting new players from far afield,
 from Fortune 50 retailers and telecom companies to
 fledgling startups backed by venture capital. These
 new entrants are moving fast with fresh ideas about
 how to satisfy consumers’ appetites for better health
 and more convenient, affordable, high-quality care.

They are in the vanguard of the               on computer algorithms.                         of delivering care are available
New Health Economy, the next                  They are striving to be the                     now, or are under development.
era in the health sector’s slow               disruptors that transform health,
transformation to a truly consumer-           similar to the shakeups sparked by              Respondents were asked how
centered, competitive market. In              Netflix, and Apple.                  likely they would be to opt for an
short order, a company’s success will                                                         alternative, such as diagnosing
depend on its ability to compete,             Consumers are ready                             strep throat using an at-home kit or
deliver results and focus on the                                                              having chemotherapy administered
customer’s needs and desires.
                                              to move; billions of                            at home. They also were told the
                                              dollars up for grabs                            new options would cost them less
Consumers already are primed                                                                  than traditional ones such as a
to abandon traditional modes                  Consumers are ready to abandon                  hospital or physician’s office.
of care for new ones, suggesting              traditional care models for ones
billions in healthcare revenue                that echo experiences in banking,               About half indicated they were
are up for grabs now, according               retail and entertainment.                       likely to choose these alternatives
to a December 2013 consumer                                                                   for themselves. More than 50%
survey commissioned by HRI.                   In HRI’s new consumer survey                    said they would opt for home or
                                              respondents were presented with                 online services for minor services
Non-traditional players are creating          a series of familiar medical tests              such as a having a rash evaluated.
these new modes of care—from                  and treatments, from strep throat               More than one-third would consider
home diagnostic kits that snap into           diagnosis to administration of                  alternatives for more sophisticated
smartphones to online services that           chemotherapy, in new settings                   care such as infusion therapies (see
triage and prescribe treatments based         closer to home and often enabled                Figure 2 on the following page).
                                              by technology. These new ways

  PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                   4
Figure 2: New entrants are creating options consumers want, threatening
  billions of dollars in hospital and physician revenue
  How likely would you be to choose these options, if they cost less than the traditional            54.5%
  choice. Percent of respondents answering “Very likely” and “Somewhat likely.”
                                                                                                         Check vital signs at
                                                                                                         home with a device
                                                                                                         attached to your phone

58.6%                    Ah                      49.1%
  Use an at-home                                        Have a wound or pressure
  strep test purchased                                  sore treated at a clinic in
  at a store                                            a retail store or pharmacy                       Have stitches or
                                                                                                         staples removed
  $150 million*                                         $796 million                                     at a clinic in a
                                                        for debridement                                  retail store or

54.8%                                                                                                46.9%
  Send a digital photo                                                                                   Check for an ear
  of a rash or skin                                     Do urinalysis test at                            infection at home using
  problem to a dermatologist for an opinion             home with a device                               a device attached to
                                                        attached to your phone                           your phone
  $358 million
  for evaluation of contact
                                                        $694 million for urinalysis
                                                        by dipstick or tablet reagent                38.6%
  dermatitis and other minor rashes

                                                                                                         Have a live visit
                                                                                                         with a physician via
43.6%                                                                                                    an application on your
  Have an electrocardiogram at home using
  a device attached to your phone, with
  results wirelessly sent to your physician                                                               $42.1 billion
                                                                                                          for office and outpatient
  $2.9 billion for routine ECG                                                                            clinic visits

42.6%                                                                            36.7%

  Have a pacemaker or defibrillator checked                                           Have chemotherapy at home
  at home wirelessly by your physician
                                                                                      $3.3 billion
  $110 million                                                                        chemotherapy administration
  for pacemaker evaluation

26.2%                                                                            34.4%

  Have dialysis at a medical clinic in a retail store                                 Get an MRI at a clinic in a retail
                                                                                      store or pharmacy
  $1.9 billion
  for hemodialysis                                                                    $11.6 billion
                                                                                      for MRI without contrast

  *Strep revenues also included in office and outpatient visits.
  Source: HRI consumer survey, 2013 and 2011 Truven Health MarketScan® Research Databases. See “About this research” on page 18 for more information.

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                         5
Respondents between the ages of 35 and 54 were most                    also were open to receiving lengthy treatments for
likely to choose the new possibilities, as were those                  serious illness or chronic conditions in new settings,
who indicated that healthcare expenses had put a                       such as having chemotherapy infused at home.
strain on family finances in 2013 (see Figure 3). These
groups—the middle-aged and consumers feeling a                         How much did US providers receive for delivering
financial pinch from medical bills—will be among                       the services highlighted in the survey in traditional
the first to adopt newer, cheaper, easier options,                     settings? HRI calculates that US hospitals, physicians
as will those in rural and emerging markets.                           and other caregivers received at least $64 billion in
                                                                       2011 for providing these services and treatments.4
In general, consumers were most comfortable with new
ways of diagnosing common ailments and receiving                       Companies developing convenient, affordable care
primary care services in new settings. Many consumers                  alternatives also will become stiff competition for
                                                                       the US diagnostic and medical laboratory industry,
                                                                       which had revenues of about $50 billion in 2013.5
Figure 3: Middle-aged consumers are most likely to
choose new options                                                     Many of these alternatives are available now, or
                                                                       are on the verge of being commercialized. The
Percent answering they would be “very likely” or “somewhat             smartphone device that captures digital images of the
likely” to choose new healthcare-style options                         ear canal goes on sale this year for $199. The Scanadu
                                                                       Scout, a Star Trek-inspired vital sign “tricorder,”
                                                                       is aimed for a place next to the thermometer in
                                                                       the family medicine cabinet and is in trials.6

                                                                       Online services already offer to evaluate digital photos
                                                                       of rashes, moles and skin conditions or connect a
                                                                       consumer with a physician within an hour for a flat fee.
                                                                       With individuals footing more of the bill through high-
                                                                       deductible health plans and insurance exchanges, the
                                                                       popularity of these low-cost alternatives will rise.
                                                           38%         The emergence of these services and technologies
                                                                       pose critical choices for traditional providers: Compete
                                                                       or partner? “Is it going to be some random startup
                                                                       or is it going to be your doctors?” asked Dr. Joshua
                                     50%                               Riff, chief medical officer of Target. “You have the
                                                                       infrastructure. You have the knowledge. You have the
    18-34 years old                                55+ years old       experts. You need to be leveraging these technologies.”

                                                                       While the survey results signal a threat for today’s
                                                                       healthcare companies, they also highlight an opportunity
                                                                       to reduce costs. A hospital with a value-based care
                                                                       contract could find it cost-effective to send patients
                                 35-54 years old                       to local retail clinic partners rather than surgeons to
Source: HRI consumer survey, December 2013                             have post-operative stitches removed, for example.

   PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                               6
Figure 4: Of Fortune 50 companies, 24 are new entrants
                                                                                                   •   AT&T opened its mHealth
                                                                                                       platform to developers in 2012,
   The top companies also include 14 traditional healthcare organizations.                             aiming to become the essential
                                                                                                       ingredient in healthcare’s
   Fortune 50 companies                                                                                future game-changing apps.11
                                                                7 Retailers                        •   Time Warner Cable Business
                                                                                                       Class announced a “virtual visit”
                                                                                                       experiment with Cleveland
                                                                                                       Clinic caregivers can interact
                                                                                                       with patients through televisions
                                                                                                       using secure video technology.12
        Traditional                                                                                •   In 2013, Google announced
        healthcare                                                    5 Technology                     the birth of Calico, a company
        companies                  24                                                                  focused on aging and associated
                                  New                                                                  illnesses. Its chief has experience
                                entrants                                                               in both healthcare and consumer-
                                                                                                       oriented technology.13

                                                                       4 Finance                   These players arrive on the health
                                                                                                   scene with strong consumer
                                                                       $$$$                        credentials. Many have deep
                                                                                                   relationships with millions of
                                                                                                   customers and rich databases of
                                                          3 Telecommunications                     information on them. Walgreen’s
                                                                                                   Balance Rewards program has data
                                                                                                   on 74 million active members.14 The
   2 Automotive                3 Consumer products                                                 program provides Walgreen Co.
                                                                                                   with “incredible insights into
                                                                                                   what our customers and patients
                                                                                                   want,” Wasson told investors.
  Source: Fortune 50, 2013
                                                                                                   And at a time when venture
                                                                                                   capital investment in life sciences
                                                                                                   is down, money is pouring into
  Bring on the new                                Moving the swiftest, in general, are
                                                                                                   startups targeting digital health,
                                                  retailers, telecom and tech companies
  entrants                                        armed with consumer prowess, brand               price transparency, workflow and
                                                  recognition and digital savvy. Many of           electronic medical records systems
  Of the 38 Fortune 50 companies with a                                                            and population health management.15
  major stake in healthcare, 24 are new           these companies combine expertise:
  entrants, from retailers to technology                                                           In some cases, these companies are
                                                  •   Earlier this year, Samsung
  companies to telecommunications                                                                  looking for a piece of the $2.8 trillion
                                                      unveiled its new Galaxy S5
  businesses to consumer products                                                                  pie. In others, they hope to entice
                                                      smartphone, complete with a
  companies. (See Figure 4). These                                                                 customers to other parts of their
                                                      built-in heart rate monitor.8 In
  are the players muscling into—and                                                                business with quality healthcare.
                                                      2013, Apple also was issued
  expanding—the health market.                                                                     Or they view health as a cost-
                                                      a US patent for a “seamlessly
  In their eyes, today’s system may                                                                cutting tool to be sold to traditional
                                                      embedded heart rate monitor”
  represent $2.8 trillion in the US                                                                healthcare purchasers or a hook
                                                      for devices such as its iPhone.9
  alone, but the New Health Economy                                                                to gather valuable data that can be
  of tomorrow will include trillions              •   CVS Caremark announced                       monetized into insights or ad sales.
  more globally as consumers shop                     it would stop selling tobacco
  for products and services online.7                  products in its 7,600 stores as              These new entrants also are creating
                                                      part of a strategy to expand its             new markets, such as services to
                                                      role as a healthcare company.10              help customers make wise, cost-

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                         7
effective health choices. And with
the array of mobile apps, online
e-docs, neighborhood retail clinics,                              Case study: CellScope
urgent care clinics, primary care
doctors and hospital emergency                                   Based in San Francisco, CellScope was born in 2010 with
departments, the appetite for smart                              the goal of building a home medical kit of sophisticated
customer guidance will grow.                                     devices taking advantage of the smartphone’s capabilities.
                                                                 The company’s debut product is the Oto, a smartphone
As care moves closer to home,                                    otoscope that takes digital images of the ear canal.
services supporting large
healthcare institutions, from                                    “Oto is intended to turn the mobile phone into a smart
food service to laundry, may find                                medical device, meeting a really meaningful need,” CEO
their business evolving and even                                 Erik Douglas told HRI. Ear infections are responsible for
shrinking. Survival will depend                                  15 to 30 million U.S. office visits annually, Douglas said.
upon developing new ways to
service a decentralized market.                                  Registered with the FDA and on target to sell for about
                                                                 $199 later this year, Oto is one of many consumer-
                                                                 oriented diagnostic tools threatening to disrupt the health
Democratization of care:                                         sector. Taking advantage of technology that has become
Cheap, easy and                                                  cheaper, more powerful and smaller, companies such
close to home                                                    as CellScope are banking on families adding these next-
                                                                 generation diagnostic tools to their medicine cabinets.
Not long ago, Americans depended
upon local newspapers, radio and                                 CellScope is betting parents will pay for the Oto out-
television programs for news.                                    of-pocket or place the device on a baby shower gift
Digitalization democratized                                      registry. “We have been avoiding making a big bet
news, allowing virtually anyone                                  on reimbursement because it is out of our control,”
with Internet access to obtain                                   Douglas said. “We don’t have years to wait for a code.”
and share information from
anywhere at any time.                                            Physicians have been early champions of the Oto,
                                                                 Douglas said, but the company is still working out
Spotting opportunity, new entrants                               how to compensate them for time spent reading
streamed in, claiming billions                                   digital images sent by patients. “All companies of
in advertising revenue.16 Other                                  this ilk need ways for doctors to be compensated,” he
industries—music, entertainment,                                 said. “We cannot expect doctors to work for free.”
travel—have undergone similar
revolutions, learning the same                                   But, in a value-oriented environment, a tool that can
lesson: innovate, partner or fade.                               replace in-person, follow-up visits for ear infections
                                                                 could be financially worthwhile to a physician with
A similar shakeup is underway                                    a busy practice. A quick look at a digital image of a
in healthcare. Customers are no                                  healing ear could free up a slot for a higher-value visit,
longer entirely dependent on family                              and save time and money for mom and dad, too.
doctors or local hospitals for medical
expertise, or even, increasingly,
treatments. For example, technology
companies and academic medical
centers are learning to digitize and
democratize medical expertise
so healthcare systems can deliver
top care virtually anywhere.17
                                                           “We’re our own construction workers and we can do our own
Do-It-Yourself, or Nearly-Do-It-                            contracting jobs. We’re our own travel agents. We’re our own
Yourself, healthcare is growing                             movie producers. We’re accepting all of these technologies to do
as once-complex conditions and                              things for ourselves and I think healthcare is the next frontier.”
diagnoses become simpler and                               —Dr. Josh Riff, Target

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                               8
Figure 5: Consumers are ready to receive care in new ways, in new places
  Are you open to trying new, non-traditional ways of seeking medical
                                                                                                      Case study:
  attention or treatment?                                                                             Hospital at Home
                                                                                                      Whiz-bang ideas and consumers’
                         Yes, if the                                                                  love is not enough.
                        price is right
                                                                                                      The healthcare industry’s payment
                                                                                                      system remains so complex that
                                                                                                      only those armed with real-world
                                                                                                      strategies for payment will survive,
                                                                                                      as some muscular, sophisticated
                                                                                                      technology and financial services
                                                                                                      companies have already learned.

                                         Yes, regardless
                                                                      No, regardless
                                                                                                      Take Hospital at Home, a care model
                                            of price                                                  that is consumer-centered, home-
                                                                         of price
                                                                                                      based and technology-equipped.
               64%                                                                                    The Hospital at Home model enables
                                                                                                      patients with diagnoses such as
                                                                                                      congestive heart failure to avoid
                                                                                                      inpatient admission by supporting
                                                                                                      them at home with technology
                                                                                                      and clinician visits. Studies found
                                                                                                      it is popular with patients and
                                                                                                      produces equal or better outcomes
                                                                                                      to similar inpatients. Costs were
                                                                                                      lower than inpatient care, too.20
                                                      18%                              17%
                                                                                                      Yet Hospital at Home has failed to
                                                                                                      spread widely since it was developed
                                                                                                      by Johns Hopkins geriatrician Dr.
  Source: HRI consumer survey, December 2013                                                          Bruce Leff and his team, starting in
                                                                                                      1994. The problem? The industry’s
                                                                                                      bias toward facility-based care and
  cheaper to manage at home. Witness                       Every player in this democratized          a lack of financial incentives for
  retail shelves of over-the-counter                       health system will be connected            adoption in a fee-for-service world,
  pregnancy tests, HIV tests and proton                    wirelessly by telecommunications           said Leff, director of the Center on
  pump inhibitors. Or the evolution                        companies, which have developed            Aging and Health-East at Johns
  of the threat of Streptococcus                           cloud storage, big data analytics          Hopkins Medical Institutions.
  infections, from health menace in                        and security services, often with
  the pre-antibiotic era to curable                        embedded telemedicine and other            The rise of value-based models may
  disease on the brink of being able                       care services. Niche players will          change that as systems seek ways
  to be diagnosed at home by mom.                          proliferate, using technology to           to provide cheaper, good quality
                                                           cater to specific needs of small           care, he said. But today, Medicare
  Patients always will be limited in                       “orphan” patient populations.              fee-for-service still dominates,
  what they can do in their own homes,                                                                and just a handful of systems
  but many will jump at the chance                         These DIY tests and treatments could       offer Hospital at Home, including
  to “co-produce” their care. Even                         divert millions of patients away from      Presbyterian Healthcare Services in
  parents with smartphone otoscopes                        physicians’ offices, urgent care clinics   Albuquerque and several Veterans
  won’t be diagnosing ear infections                       and emergency rooms (see Figure 5).        Affairs hospitals. “I have been at
  or prescribing antibiotics, said Dr.                     Researchers developing a simple            this almost 20 years,” Leff told
  Roni Zeiger, CEO of Smart Patients,                      test for adult sore throats caused by      HRI. “I am hoping this happens
  an online patient community.                             group A strep calculated their tool        in a big way before I need it.”
                                                           could prevent 780,000 doctor visits
  “Instead, it makes the mom more of a                     annually.18 That’s about $94 million
  partner or a collaborator in a process,”                 in physician revenue a year.19
  Zeiger said in an interview. “The big
  opportunity is working together,
  playing to all of our strengths.”

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                      9
Clear opportunity                            Competition is stiff. In its initial
                                                                                            public offering filing with the US
                                               The market for services offering             Securities and Exchange Commission,
                                               transparency in healthcare pricing           Castlight lists new entrant
                                               and quality is embryonic, yet growing.       competitors such as Truven Health
                                               New entrants and traditional                 Analytics, Healthcare Bluebook
                                               businesses, particularly insurers, are       and HealthSparq, plus traditional
                                               grappling for share in this new area. In     insurers such as Aetna, Cigna,
                                               three years, venture capital firms have      UnitedHealth Group and WellPoint.23
                                               invested $400 million in start-ups
                                               targeting price transparency, while          The hunger for transparent
                                               companies such as Aetna, Cigna and           pricing may partially explain the
                                               UnitedHealth Group have launched             popularity of retail clinics, which
                                               their own tools for members.21               prominently display price lists. In
                                                                                            2007, just 9.7% of respondents to an
                                               Most of these services allow                 HRI consumer survey had visited
                                               consumers to compare prices                  a retail clinic.23 By 2013, 35% of
                                               and various quality measures for             survey respondents reported they
                                               healthcare services, physicians, drugs       had visited one in the past year.
                                               and procedures. Some offer Yelp-style
                                               user reviews. Still to come: a national      Open vistas remain. Respondents to
                                               comprehensive shopping option.               HRI’s consumer survey who wished
                                                                                            to shop for medical care preferred
                                               One early mover is Castlight Health,         “an online healthcare shopping
                                               with its personalized out-of-pocket          website that offers different options
                                               cost estimates, clinical quality data,       at different prices” over other choices,
                                               real-time deductible information             such as calling providers or using
                                               and more. In 2013, the company               insurance companies’ websites.
                                               had revenues of $13 million,                 Yet the American public awaits
                                               listing clients such as Microsoft            an healthcare
                                               and Mondelez International.22                shopping website (see Figure 6).

                                              Figure 6: More than half of consumers want to shop for healthcare...
                                              but their preferred method of doing so doesn’t exist yet
                                              Which way would you prefer to shop for health and medical services, such as
                                              doctors, procedures and hospitals?

                                                                             of people prefer to use an online
                                                                             healthcare shopping website

                                Source: HRI consumer survey, December 2013

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                   10
Growth curve
   Case study: Wal-Mart                                                           Americans spent $2.8 trillion on healthcare in
                                                                                  2012, an oft-cited figure that ignores another
   When Wal-Mart debuted its $4-generic drug program                              lucrative health market—fitness and wellness.25
   in 2006, the pharmacy world looked a lot like the
   rest of the health sector, with opaque pricing, said                           HRI estimates the nation spent another $267
   Marcus Osborne, Vice President of Health and                                   billion in 2012 on health-related goods and
   Wellness Payer Relations at Wal-Mart Stores.                                   services such as fitness classes, Fitbits, sports
                                                                                  apparel, organic foods, nutritional supplements
   “We just wanted to make price matter in                                        and massage therapy (see Figure 7).
   pharmacy,” Osborne said. “The consumer
   reaction was they voted with their feet, and we                                Free of heavy regulatory constraints and
   picked up a significant share of pharmacy.”                                    reimbursement complexities, this growing
                                                                                  market occupies a unique space. Barrier
   Now Wal-Mart is exploring whether it can do the same                           to entry is lower than, for example, in the
   thing for basic medical care, a perennial concern of                           insurance industry, where the founders of the
   its cost-conscious customers, Osborne said. “How do                            startup Oscar had to raise $55 million just to
   we introduce service and access at fundamentally                               obtain an insurance license in New York.26
   transformative price points so there is no one in
   America who can’t have access to care?” he said.                               The path to market is direct, with fewer
                                                                                  regulatory constraints, allowing companies
   Last year, partnering with Kaiser Permanente,                                  to quickly place products into consumers’
   the retail giant opened micro-clinics called                                   hands for feedback. Consumers already expect
   Kaiser Permanente Care Corners in two stores in                                to pay out-of-pocket for these products and
   California. Each has basic diagnostic equipment                                services, simplifying business models.
   such as blood pressure cuffs and offers telemedicine
   connections to Permanente clinicians.                                          New entrants such as Nike and Jawbone sell
                                                                                  wearable devices to monitor basic fitness markers,
   Each mini-clinic is about 300 square feet, with                                offering useful, shareable information while
   nurses and physicians available for telehealth                                 gathering valuable consumer health data. Yet
   video appointments. Appointments are open to                                   few in the healthcare industry have used this
   shoppers who are Kaiser Permanente members                                     tsunami of data to deliver more personalized care
   and Wal-Mart employees and their dependents.                                   and experiences. But the opportunity is there.
   Osborne said the company also is exploring other                               This path to market also can serve as a launching
   primary care clinic models, with plans to run more                             pad for forays into more complex regions of
   tests, learning what works before expanding on                                 healthcare. This is the strategy of the startup
   a large scale. “There is a new world order coming                              Jiff, which developed a digital exchange
   and it does require investment in base delivery                                for employee wellness programs and has its
   of services that don’t exist,” he said. “I think it                            sights set on building a digital health assistant
   will be a new healthcare service offering, heavily                             to help individuals evaluate symptoms.
   technology-enabled, dead simple to engage with.”
                                                                                  “If Jiff goes out and builds a virtual digital health
                                                                                  assistant first, there are all kinds of technical
                                                                                  problems to solve to get from point A to point
                                                                                  B,” said Jiff founding CEO Derek Newell.

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                    11
Figure 7: Growing the $267 billion wellness and fitness market
In 2012, Americans spent more than $2.8 trillion on healthcare, and another
$267 billion on other health-related products and services, such as dietary
supplements, weight loss programs, sporting equipment and gym memberships.

                                                                                                             $59.20B                                                   $45.40B
                                                                                                             Sporting goods                                            Natural & organic food
                                                                                                             and apparel

                                                                                                                                                                       Vitamins & nutritional
             $3T US total                                                                                    Nutrition
             health sector                                                                                                                                             $16.80B
                                                                                                                                                                       Functional beverages

                                                                                                             $11.25B                                                   $1.02B
                              US Health-                                                                     Alternative                                               Nutrition and energy bars
                                                   Health and wellness and fitness

                             care system                                                                     medicine

                               services                                                                      $61.6B                                                    $25.27B
                                 $267B                                                                       Weight loss                                               Gym membership

                                                                                                                                                                       Personal trainers

                                                                                                             $40.33B                                                   $6.85B
                                                                                                             Fitness                                                   Pilates and yoga studios

                                                                                                                                                                       Boxing gyms and clubs

                                                                                                             $1.30B                                                    $0.26B
                                                                                                             Mobile health apps                                        Fitness DVD production

                                                                                     Source: HRI analysis, please see “About this research” on page 18 for more information.

$3 trillion
Americans spent nearly $3 trillion, or almost
$10,000 a person, maintaining health and
wellness in 2012.

  PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                                                                          12
What this means for your business

In coming years, consumers will move billions of dollars               •    Engage risk management counsel early. Innovation
to businesses offering more affordable, simpler, more                       requires striking the right balance of involvement
convenient care. Health organizations will compete with                     by regulatory and legal counsel. Too much risk
industries such as travel, entertainment and retail for                     aversion can hamper experimentation. Airbnb
discretionary dollars. Here’s how to help your business take                launched its travel rental business in 2008 before
advantage of these New Health Economy opportunities.                        many communities had decided whether it fit
                                                                            local ordinances.28 Today Airbnb has served more
•   Start with the consumer and work backwards.                             than 11 million guests in 192 countries.29 30
    Consumers will abandon companies unable to
    deliver care on their terms. Health organizations                       Yet regulatory risks are real. 23andMe, a genetic
    should understand consumers’ needs and desires,                         testing service, learned this last year when it received
    creating new options for access, information                            a warning letter from the U.S. Food and Drug
    and products and services. Consider rethinking                          Administration (FDA). The agency cited an alleged
    operating hours, availability of clinicians via digital                 lack of communication from the company over how
    devices and transparency of pricing and quality.                        it marketed its saliva collection kit and personal
                                                                            genome service.31 The company stopped offering its
    For example, Walgreen Co. draws a third of its                          health-related genetic tests to new customers.32
    vaccination traffic in off-hours.27 Other companies
    offer near-instant evaluations, via phone or online,               •    Don’t go it alone. Success will require inside knowledge
    round-the-clock. As these services proliferate,                         of the complexities of the fragmented healthcare
    customers will come to expect the convenience and                       system, technological prowess and strong ties to
    transparency they take for granted as they shop, bank                   consumers. Few organizations possess all of these.
    or book vacations. Health companies should compete
                                                                            Traditional health players should consider
    on experiences provided, not just services delivered.
                                                                            strategic partnerships with new entrants, which
    As Nasrin Dayani, Executive Director for AT&T                           also may possess broad distribution networks.
    ForHealth Solutions, told HRI, “We believe the                          Aligning with new entrants may transform a
    ultimate jury of that game-changing app and that                        potential competitor into a future collaborator.
    game-changing device are the consumers themselves.
                                                                            Newer players can also benefit from smart alliances.
    It will not be decided by the providers or payers.”
                                                                            As partners, traditional healthcare companies can
•   Be flexible. All organizations should develop strategies                serve as guides to the regulatory and payment maze.
    for both fee-for-service medicine and value-based
                                                                       •    Compete in cyberspace. Eighty percent of Americans
    models. Traditional healthcare companies must
                                                                            aged 18 to 34 own a smartphone; half of American
    prepare to move from B-to-B to B-to-C-to-B, utilizing
                                                                            adults do.33 Developing efficient, affordable ways to
    customer data to personalize experiences and care.
                                                                            deliver care to consumers’ devices is critical, as is
                                                                            finding solutions to regulatory, privacy and security

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                    13
concerns. Consumers will reward those who make                     •   Rethink the value proposition. The growth of new
    healthcare as easy and affordable as online shopping                   price and quality transparency services will place
    for travel, consumer goods and entertainment.                          pressure on drug manufacturers as stakeholders gain
                                                                           the power to compare different products’ values.
    Mobile will be crucial in the New Health                               Pharmaceutical and life sciences companies must
    Economy. All players should understand how                             re-evaluate pricing models and develop new ways to
    to create new value propositions based on                              add value, perhaps by partnering with new entrants
    social, mobile, analytic and cloud technology,                         targeting patients with relevant diseases or conditions.
    generating positive customer experiences.34
                                                                       For new entrants:
•   Integrate. Skeptics point out that an a la carte medical
    system will undermine efforts to integrate care                    •   Get paid. New entrants must know how to adapt
    if data are not readily available to all caregivers.                   to current and prospective payment systems. The
    Retail clinics have been criticized by some physician                  business model is as important as the technology
    groups, citing lack of access to information                           or service. As Zeiger of Smart Patients put it,
    about patients. Customers have not embraced                            “We don’t need more technology. We mostly
    universally-accessible personal health records.                        need faster evolutions of the business.”
    Integration and accessibility of data will be key to
    building a seamless, coordinated health system.                        The digital world has trained consumers to
                                                                           believe they don’t need to pay much for many
For traditional healthcare                                                 online services, such as content and social media.
organizations:                                                             Companies must be creative in designing business
                                                                           models that hook others into paying for value.
•   Triage sources of revenue. As cheaper options emerge,
    especially for commodity services, traditional                         Business model innovation is a complex process
    healthcare companies should evaluate which services                    with no single recipe for success. Companies
    are worth defending. The loss of less-lucrative                        should create a defined business innovation
    services could free space and time for higher-value                    process first, using business model simulation as
    offerings. Consider partnering with new entrants.                      a tool. Simulations can help fine-tune projects
    Experiment before revenue starts to disappear.                         before they are tested in the real world, allowing
                                                                           for rapid, low-cost, low-risk improvement.
•   Rethink marketing. As consumers shift to DIY
    medicine and new providers, drug makers must                       •   Know the stakeholders. New entrants need to
    adjust marketing to reach consumers where they                         understand the interactions and roles among
    live—online and at home.35 Patients are becoming                       insurers, pharmaceutical and life sciences companies,
    influential opinion leaders. Companies will need                       providers, manufacturers and patients and how to
    to determine how to address the growing diversity                      tap new channels to enter the market, especially
    of influencers in their marketing campaigns.                           as it becomes increasingly consumer-oriented.

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                14
Dramatic change has been predicted for the                             organizations providing the best value, whether it’s an
health industry many times over. This time, the                        academic medical center, a tech company with a great
environment is finally ripe for that transformation.                   app or a healthcare shopping website (see Table 1).

Revenue will circulate differently, to many new players.               Within a decade, healthcare will feel very different
Consumers, spending more of their own money, are                       than it does today. The players may be different, with
exerting greater influence and going beyond the traditional            partnerships between new entrants and traditional
industry to find what they want and need. In the New                   organizations. And this New Health Economy will
Health Economy, purchasers increasingly will reward                    have its Uber, its Netflix, its

Table 1: The health ecosystem is changing swiftly

  Where are you on the journey?                                                       10 years
  Consumer engagement             Digital presence is through organization             Two-way communication with consumers,
                                  website; maybe Twitter accounts                      seamless integration, business is
                                                                                       organized around consumer, digital
                                                                                       engagement is part of corporate DNA,
                                                                                       care reaches consumers where they are

  Data                            New data sources, but fragmented and                 Analytics integrated into core of
                                  lacking in standardization; fledgling                business, standardization, data driving
                                  analytic capabilities and usage of data              behavior modification of consumers

  Innovation                      Pilots and experiments testing ideas; business       Successful pilots knitted into core business;
                                  model simulations; incubators supporting             strategic partnerships driving innovation
                                  fast-frequent-frugal-failure cycles

  Regulation/compliance           Experimentation                                      Mature programs, approvals by
                                                                                       regulators, fully compliant

  Business model/                 Working within dominant fee-for-                     Scales have tipped toward value
  payment                         service /B to B and nascent value-                   and direct-to-consumer
                                  based model/direct-to-consumer

  Care delivery                   Centered around the hospital                         Centered around consumer, close to
                                  complex and physicians’ offices                      home, through digital devices

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                       15

                                         1    Gregory Wasson speech, JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, Jan. 15, 2014.
                                              Transcript courtesy of Thomson Reuters.
                                         4    Includes payments from commercial insurers and Medicare. For more detail on the
                                              analysis, see “About this research” at the end of this report.
                                         6    Scanadu is among 30 teams competing for the $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder
                                              XPRIZE, a global competition to create “spur radical innovation in personal health
                                              care technology.” Winners will be announced in 2015.
                                         9    U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Patent No. 8,615,290.
                                         10 In a statement on its website, CVS/Caremark elaborated on its decision: “By
                                            removing tobacco products from our retail shelves, we will better serve our patients,
                                            clients and health care providers while positioning CVS Caremark for future growth
                                            as a health care company.”
                                         11 Interview, Nasrin Dayani, executive director of AT&T ForHealth Solutions, AT&T.
                                         14 Walgreen Co. President and CEO Gregory Wasson speech, JP Morgan Healthcare
                                            Conference, Jan. 15, 2014. Transcript courtesy of Thomson Reuters.
                                         15 According to the February 2014 PwC and National Venture Capital Association
                                            MoneyTree Report, “Medtech Slowdown,” life sciences captured 23% of total
                                            venture dollars in 2013, down from 2009 when life sciences took 32% of venture
                                         16 Since 2006, newspapers have suffered advertising losses for 25 quarters in a row,
                                            according to the Newspaper Association of America.

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                    16
18 Andrew M. Fine, Victor Nizet, Kenneth D. Mandl; Participatory Medicine: A Home
     Score for Streptococcal Pharyngitis Enabled by Real-Time Biosurveillance: A Cohort
     Study. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2013 Nov;159(9):577-583.
  19 Calculated assuming $120 for an average physician office visit. PwC Health
     Research Institute, “Medical Cost Trend: Behind the Numbers 2014.”
  20 Leff, Bruce et al. “Hospital at home: feasibility and outcomes of a program to provide
     hospital-level care at home for acutely ill older patients.” Ann Intern Med. 2005 Dec
     6;143(11):798-808 and Lesley Cryer, Scott B. Shannon, Melanie Van Amsterdam,
     and Bruce Leff Health Aff June 2012 31:61237-1243; doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2011.1132
  21 PwC Health Research Institute, “Top Health Industry Issues of 2014.”
  24 PwC Health Research Institute, “Medical Cost Trend: Behind the Numbers 2014.”
  25 U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, National Health Expenditure, 2012. http://
  26 Interview, Mario Schlosser, co-founder, Oscar.
  27 Walgreen Co. President and CEO Gregory Wasson speech, JP Morgan Healthcare
     Conference, Jan. 15, 2014. Transcript courtesy of Thomson Reuters.
  28 “Airbnb’s swank digs reflect growth, but controversy grows.” San Francisco
     Chronicle, Jan. 27. 2014.
  30 Lessin, Jessica. “Thiel in talks to invest in Airbnb at $2.5 billion valuation.” The Wall
     Street Journal, Oct. 12, 2012.
  31 FDA Warning letter to 23andMe CEO Ann Wojcicki, Nov. 22, 2013. http://www.fda.
  32 23andMe blog post, Dec. 5, 2013.
  33 Pew Internet and American Life Project, Smartphone Ownership 2013.
  34 PwC Health Research Institute, “Top health industry issues of 2014.”
  35 PwC Health Research Institute, “Customer experience in the pharmaceutical sector:
     Getting closer to the patient,” November 2013

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s   17
Kent Bradley, MD                               Lawrence Leisure
Acknowledgments                                SVP, Chief Medical Officer                     Operating Partner
                                               Safeway Inc.                                   Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
                                               Nasrin Dayani                                  Derek Newell
                                               Executive Director,                            Founding CEO
                                               AT&T ForHealth Solutions                       Jiff, Inc.
                                               AT&T Inc.                                      Marcus Osborne
                                               Dave deBronkart                                Vice President of Health &
                                               Principal                                      Wellness Payer Relations
                                               e-Patient Dave LLC                             Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
                                               Walter De Brouwer                              Joshua Riff, MD
                                               CEO                                            Chief Medical Officer
                                               Scanadu                                        Target Corporation
                                               Erik Douglas                                   Mario Schlosser
                                               CEO and Co-Founder                             Co-Founder
                                               CellScope, Inc.                                Oscar Health Insurance
                                               Malay Gandhi                                   Halle Tecco
                                               Chief Strategy Officer                         Co-Founder and CEO
                                               Rock Health                                    Rock Health
                                               Bob Kocher, MD                                 Roni Zeiger, MD
                                               Partner                                        CEO
                                               Venrock                                        Smart Patients
                                               Bruce Leff, MD
                                               Director, Center on Aging and Health-East;
                                               Director, Program in Geriatric Health
                                               Services Research; Professor of Medicine
                                               Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

                                               In December 2013, PwC’s Health Research Institute commissioned a survey of 1,000 US
About this research                            adults representing a cross-section of the population in terms of age, gender, income and
                                               geography. Through its survey, HRI sought to measure consumer preferences related
                                               to delivery of care. One portion of the survey presented respondents with more than a
                                               dozen common medical procedures, treatments and services in new care settings, such as
                                               retail-based medical clinics and home, and asked respondents how likely they would be to
                                               choose each option.
                                               HRI matched each common procedure, treatment or service to diagnostic or Current
                                               Procedural Terminology codes, and then, using the most recently-available data in the
                                               Truven Health MarketScan® Databases (2011), calculated annual revenues received by
                                               US providers for commercial claims and Medicare in the databases. Approximate national
                                               revenue numbers were calculated by applying a national multiplier to these revenue
                                               HRI also estimated the size of the US health and wellness market to be $267 billion. To
                                               accomplish this, HRI established categories for this market, and then analyzed relevant
                                               reports from PwC, trade associations, IBISWorld, research2guidance, Baird and Market-
                                               data Enterprises.

                                               PwC helps organizations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a
About the PwC network                          network of firms in 158 countries with more than 180,000 people who are committed to
                                               delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and
                                               find out more by visiting us at PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one
                                               or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see
                                      for further details.

                                               PwC’s Health Research Institute (HRI) provides new intelligence, perspectives, and anal-
About the PwC Health                           ysis on trends affecting all health related industries. The Health Research Institute helps
                                               executive decision makers navigate change through primary research and collaborative
Research Institute                             exchange. Our views are shaped by a network of professionals with executive and day-to-
                                               day experience in the health industry. HRI research is independent and not sponsored by
                                               businesses, government or other institutions.

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                                     18
Kelly Barnes                                   HRI Advisory Team
PwC Health Research                            Partner
                                                                                              Vaughn Kauffman
                                               Health Industries Leader
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                                                           Paul D’Alessandro
                                               Ceci Connolly
                                               HRI Managing Director                          Mitch Beaumont
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                                               202 346 5241

PwC Health Research Institute | Healthcare’s new entrants: Who will be the industry’s                            19

To have a deeper conversation
about how this subject may affect
your business, please contact:

Kelly Barnes
Partner, Health Industries Leader
214 754 5172

Vaughn Kauffman
Principal, US Health Industries
216 363 5817

Ceci Connolly
Managing Director, Health Research
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