Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips

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Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips

Global report

Healthcare hits reset
Priorities shift as healthcare leaders
navigate a changed world

The Future Health Index is commissioned by Philips
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips

 03                      05                                  21
                              Emerging from the
      Research premise        pandemic, healthcare                Conclusion
                              leaders reassess their needs

 04   Foreword
                         10   Unlocking the
                              power of data                  23   Glossary of terms

                         17   How predictive analytics
                              can supercharge care           25   Research methodology

                                                                       Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset   2
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips
Research premise

This is the largest global survey analyzing the top
priorities and concerns of healthcare leaders*.
The Future Health Index 2022 report – now in its seventh year – is based on
proprietary research conducted in 15 countries.

In 2022, the Future Health Index focuses on how data and advanced analytics are
giving healthcare providers new tools which enhance their ability to deliver care to
all sectors of their communities, both in and out of a traditional hospital setting.                                                                                                                      Countries included in the research

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Australia​            India​                    Russia​

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Brazil​               Indonesia                 Saudi Arabia​
       Responses from almost                                                                 Across

       3,000                                                                             15
                                                                                                                                                                                                          China​                Italy                     Singapore​

                                                                                                                                                                                                          France​               Netherlands​              South Africa​
           healthcare leaders                                                                                                                                                                             Germany               Poland                    United States

*   Healthcare leader is defined as a C-suite or senior executive decision maker/influencer working in a hospital, medical practice, imaging center/office-based lab, ambulatory center or urgent care facility                                Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset   3
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips

Over the past two years, pressure on the          The Future Health Index 2022 report provides        Finally, unlocking the power of big data and
healthcare industry has been unrelenting.         a detailed picture of the most pressing             predictive analytics has presented some
The pandemic has continued to challenge           priorities for today’s healthcare leaders – and     of the most significant opportunities for
resources, systems and the provision of care      reveals what they plan to do about them. Top        healthcare leaders to improve the quality,
at every turn and in every country around         of the list are staff satisfaction and retention,   cost and speed of care. But the pace of
the world. Today, as we emerge from               which have become increasingly difficult to         development is slow, and leaders recognize
the pandemic, we see healthcare leaders           maintain in a sector facing widescale labor         the need to strengthen their investments
embarking on a reset – refocusing on a            shortages. Next is the drive to extend care         with strong strategic partnerships, staff
number of new and existing priorities, from       delivery beyond hospital walls, which has           training and governance in order to
addressing staff shortages, to extending care     been accelerated by the pandemic, and               maximize their returns.
delivery, to leveraging big data and predictive   continues to fuel investments in digital health
analytics, as they navigate new realities in                                                          In summary, this 2022 report reflects a
                                                  technologies and capabilities.
medical management.                                                                                   resetting of priorities and of care delivery   As we emerge from the pandemic,
                                                  Meanwhile, as we highlighted in last year’s         itself, as healthcare leaders navigate a       we see healthcare leaders embarking
                                                  report, a sharp focus on social responsibility      fundamentally changed world.                   on a reset.
                                                  has had a positive effect in promoting greener
                                                                                                                                                     Jan Kimpen
                                                  healthcare systems. However, for some, the                                                         Philips Chief Medical Officer
                                                  change has not been fast enough, with our
                                                  latest research revealing that many leaders are
                                                  now accelerating their sustainability plans, in
                                                  line with the evolving expectations of patients.

                                                                                                                                                                      Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset   4
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips
                                                             Emerging from the pandemic,
                                                             healthcare leaders reassess their needs
                                                             A much-needed refocus on staff                        Evolving the approach to care delivery

                                                             The pandemic has exacerbated the difficulties         The pandemic has led healthcare leaders to act
                                                             faced by healthcare leaders before the crisis.        with agility, build resilience and adopt smarter
                                                             Today, healthcare leaders face a human                ways of working to help future-proof care. It
                                                             capital crisis: the 'great resignation' has serious   has also pushed them to rethink how care is
                                                             consequences for the industry, leading to the         delivered. In many cases, healthcare leaders
                                                             closure of facilities, in some cases. This is an      have continued to use care practices that were
                                                             issue that must be addressed in order to fix          adopted more widely during the pandemic,
                                                             other challenges.                                     including virtual care.

                                                                                                                   The following chapter explores the current
In the hospital sector, the COVID situation hit us hard...
                                                                                                                   priorities for healthcare leaders and how their
future investments fell behind a bit... we are now clearly
                                                                                                                   planned investments in digital technology can
looking to the future again.
                                                                                                                   support these priorities.
Operation Room Department Head
Urban hospital, Germany
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips
Chapter 1 Emerging from the pandemic, healthcare leaders reassess their needs

                                                                             Healthcare leaders refocus on
                                                                             staff satisfaction and retention
                                                                             Tackling the human capital crisis is top of mind                                   This may explain why staff satisfaction and retention are, together,           Three countries stand
                                                                             Employee retention is a serious issue in healthcare systems across                 top of healthcare leaders’ priority lists, both today and three                out as prioritizing staff
                                                                             the world: global demand for healthcare workers is predicted to                    years from now (30% today, 28% in three years). However, the                   satisfaction and
                                                                             rise to 80 million staff by 2030*. With supply of healthcare workers               underlying reasons behind this vary from country to country. In the            retention the most
                                                                             expected to reach just 65 million over the same period, this leaves                United States, for example, it is driven by the 'great resignation'            three years from now
                                                                             a significant** 15 million shortfall. Driven by aging populations and              and competing salaries from other sectors. In India, it is the ever-
                                                                             economic and population growth, this demand is anticipated to be                   increasing demand for more healthcare professionals that is the
                                                                             highest in middle-income countries.                                                driver, while in China the priority is focused around the specific
                                                                                                                                                                need for doctors and nurses.
                                                                             Coupled with this is the departure of staff: more than half of all
                                                                             healthcare workers worldwide are experiencing burnout that,                        Investing in technology can help alleviate the burdens faced
                                                                             if not addressed, could cause many to leave their fields***. The                   by healthcare professionals
                                                                             consequences of poor staff retention are severe and include high                   The Future Health Index 2020**** report found that younger                                41%
                                                                             costs associated with replacing staff, which affect patient care and               healthcare professionals who work in smart facilities are more likely                       France
                                                                             staff morale.                                                                      than their peers in both digital and analog facilities to be satisfied
                                                                                                                                                                in their work. By placing such an emphasis on technology in their
                                                                             Staff satisfaction and retention ranks as the highest priority                      facilities, leaders are likely to be simultaneously improving staff
                                                                             for healthcare leaders                                                             experience and satisfaction.

A job that takes two people to complete                                                                      Staff satisfaction
                                                                                                             and retention
is being given to only one person to do.                                        Extending care
It must be hard for our staff.                                                  delivery beyond
                                                                                the hospital/
                                                                                                                                      Facilitating a shift to
                                                                                                                                      remote/virtual care
Department Head of Neurology                                                    healthcare facility                                   (e.g., telehealth)
Urban hospital, China

*                                                                                                                                     Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset   6
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips
Chapter 1 Emerging from the pandemic, healthcare leaders reassess their needs

Expanding care beyond hospital
walls gains momentum
                                                                                Extending care is another top priority for leaders                         To deliver this care, leaders continue to invest in      Extending care delivery has grown to be a priority
                                                                                The value of delivering care beyond hospital walls                         enabling technologies                                    today and three years from now
                                                                                was in evidence during the pandemic*, with digital                         These technologies include digital health records,
                                                                                tools such as contact tracing apps and telehealth                          telehealth and artificial intelligence (AI) tools that
                                                                                                                                                           can enhance efficiency, improve care and connect
                                                                                consultations helping to keep communities safe while
                                                                                ensuring continuity of care.                                               remote communities. Such technologies remain a top          10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               26%                            27%
                                                                                                                                                           investment for healthcare leaders, highlighting how                          Current priority                     Three years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              from now
                                                                                Today, healthcare leaders view extending care                              leaders are building on advances made during the         2021 priority
                                                                                delivery as their highest priority after staff satisfaction                pandemic when telehealth played a key role.
                                                                                and retention. This reflects the Future Health Index
                                                                                2021 report, which found that 24% of healthcare                            The pandemic spurred a huge surge in investment
                                                                                leaders would prioritize extended care in the                              in telehealth. A 2020 analysis*** by Frost & Sullivan
                                                                                following three years.                                                     found that the telehealth market in the US alone was     Digital health records and AI are the leading
                                                                                                                                                           predicted to display seven-fold growth by 2025. In       digital technology investments today
                                                                                Notably, there is also a continuing acceleration in the                    2021, 64% of healthcare leaders were investing in it.
                                                                                rise in ambulatory care, one of the fastest-growing                                                                                 Arti�cial intelligence                                           60%
                                                                                                                                                           Now, with the technology already in place, healthcare
                                                                                segments of the healthcare industry**. This focus                          leaders are looking to secure the right technology       Digital health records                                           39%
                                                                                is also closely aligned with the Quadruple Aim as it                       infrastructure to ensure they get maximum value
                                                                                meets the needs of both patients and staff, while                                                                                   HCP-to-HCP telehealth                                            29%
                                                                                                                                                           from telehealth.
                                                                                improving outcomes and considerably reducing costs.                                                                                 Voice recognition tools                                          24%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HCP-to-patient telehealth                                        24%

                                                                                We see an increasing shift in care outside of the big box
                                                                                hospital model and into the home setting.
                                                                                Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                Urban hospital, Australia

*                                                                                                Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset   7
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips
Chapter 1 Emerging from the pandemic, healthcare leaders reassess their needs

Tackling health inequalities
within the community                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Why addressing health inequalities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is on the agenda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Health inequalities have been sharply
Healthcare leaders are prioritizing social                                      Technology plays a part in tackling such disparities                             Social responsibility is a growing priority                                   magnified in the past two years.
responsibility                                                                  Over two-thirds (68%) of healthcare leaders say that the                         for healthcare leaders                                                        Those from minority communities
Health inequalities are complex and far-reaching, and                           use of predictive analytics can have a positive impact on                                                                                                      experienced disproportionate rates
affect a broad range of communities. Key factors include                        health inequality. For example, predictive analytics can                                                                                                       of illness and death due to COVID-19.
socioeconomic status, geographic location, race and
ethnicity, and gender and sexual identity.
                                                                                provide fast and accurate insights around risk scores and
                                                                                collective health issues. These insights help to proactively                         12%                       25%                                             This is attributed**** to increased
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               risk of exposure to the virus due to
                                                                                identify groups of people at risk, particularly among                                                           priority                                       living, working and transportation
The pandemic highlighted health inequalities across                                                                                                              2021 priority                                                                 situations. They also faced greater
                                                                                poorer and more vulnerable groups. Hospitals are then
society, leading to a call from the World Health                                                                                                                                                                                               risk of experiencing serious illness
                                                                                able to incorporate this information into planning for
Organization for global action to address such issues*.                                                                                                                                                                                        if infected due to higher rates of
                                                                                community health issues such as disease outbreaks and
This year’s research found that social responsibility,                                                                                                                                                                                         underlying health conditions. The
                                                                                cancer incidence, improving the healthcare delivered to
including addressing health inequalities, has become                                                                                                             Early adopters in technology are ahead in dealing with                        social and economic effects of the
                                                                                these underserved groups. Underlining this link, healthcare
one of healthcare leaders' top priorities both now and in                                                                                                        health inequality                                                             pandemic also threaten to reverse
                                                                                leaders who say they are early adopters of technology                                                                                28% 10% 41%
the future. One-quarter (25%) of healthcare leaders say                                                                                                                                                                                        progress toward gender equality,
                                                                                and predictive analytics are more likely than those who
that being a socially responsible healthcare provider is                                                                                                                                                                                       with a recent global study reporting
                                                                                are late adopters to have initiatives to deal with health                                                   37% 31% 46%
one of their primary responsibilities and, in many cases,                                                                                                                                                                                      increased disruptions in reproductive
                                                                                inequalities in place, highlighting how technology
are already acting on this sense of responsibility. Over                                                                                                           21% 57% 0%                                                                  health services, as well as finding that
                                                                                adoption can address health inequality.
half (58%) say they either have initiatives in place to                                                                                                                                                                                        women have experienced negative
help tackle health inequity or are currently developing                         With two-thirds of the world's population lacking access                                                                               We intend to            social and economic***** impacts
such initiatives. A recent snapshot** of the ways US                                                                                                                                                                   develop initiatives
                                                                                to basic medical imaging technology***, one initiative that                                                                                                    to a greater extent than men. At a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in next 3 years
hospitals are working to limit health disparities showed                        is making a difference by bringing quality care to patients                                                   We are currently                                 global level, acute issues such as poor
community outreach programs, healthy food access                                in need is PURE, a non-profit organization dedicated to                                                       developing                                       supply and limited infrastructure
schemes, volunteering, and diversity and inclusion                                                                                                                                            initiatives
                                                                                enhancing ultrasound education and use in the developing                             We currently                                                              are now under greater scrutiny, with
                                                                                                                                                                     have initiatives
planning. These activities are mirrored in private sector                       world. Participating physicians in the US and Europe use                                                                                                       healthcare leaders and governments
hospitals around the world.                                                     tele-ultrasound to support emergency medicine residents                            Global average       Early adopters of digital   Late adopters of digital   under increasing pressure to respond.
                                                                                in Kigali, Rwanda, who in turn share their learning with                                                health technology and       health technology and
                                                                                                                                                                                        predictive analytics        predictive analytics
                                                                                healthcare professionals in rural areas, boosting the
                                                                                country's emergency medicine facilities.
**                                                                                    Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset   8
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips
Chapter 1 Emerging from the pandemic, healthcare leaders reassess their needs

Embarking on a fast
track to sustainability
Healthcare leaders are prioritizing environmental                               sustainable practices in order to attract and keep              Sustainability as a priority          Healthcare leaders in       The role of sustainability
sustainability                                                                  patients**. Equally, sustainability is increasingly             in 2021 and 2022                      Australia and Poland        in healthcare
The Future Health Index 2021 report found that                                  playing a key part in recruiting talent in areas where                                   58% 24%
                                                                                                                                                                                      are ahead of most other     With the healthcare industry
just 4% of healthcare leaders saw implementing                                  there is significant competition. However, while                                                      countries in prioritizing   being one of the most carbon-
sustainability practices as a priority, although many                           leaders in rural facilities are currently behind those in                                             sustainability              intensive industries, leaders
                                                                                                                                                    4% 24%
(58%) agreed it would become a priority by 2024.                                urban facilities in prioritizing sustainability, they are                                                                         have long faced calls to adopt
                                                                                set to surpass them in terms of the issue three years                                                                             more sustainable practices.
Today, the picture is very different. This year's findings                      from now (29% vs 25%).                                                                                                            The supply chain is one of
suggest that healthcare leaders have fast-tracked
                                                                                                                                                                        Three years                               the most important areas on
their sustainability plans. Almost one-quarter (24%)                            There are also differences in attitudes towards                                          from now                                 which to focus. Other common
are prioritizing sustainability, and the same number                            sustainability between operational and clinical
                                                                                                                                                Current priority                                                  initiatives include increased use
plan to do so three years from now. This shift may
be explained by both the public commitment
                                                                                healthcare leaders
                                                                                Clinical leaders are less likely to prioritize sustainability     2021       2022
                                                                                                                                                                                              24%                 of renewable energy, expanding
                                                                                than their operational colleagues today and this
                                                                                                                                                                                                Global            the circularity of products and
of 50 countries to develop climate-resilient and                                                                                                                                               average
                                                                                difference is even greater in the future. However, they                                                                           materials, efficient construction
low-carbon health systems as part of the COP26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  practices, and replacing harmful
Health Programme* in late 2021, and a resetting of                              can also have an impact on emissions reductions,                Operational leaders taking the
                                                                                for example by prescribing medications that are                 lead in addressing sustainability                                 chemicals with safer alternatives.
expectations as leaders embark upon implementing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Organizations such as Health Care
their sustainability plans.                                                     manufactured with a lower carbon footprint or                                            21% 27%
                                                                                advocating for equipment that has zero landfill at                                                                                Without Harm*** are leading the
Healthcare leaders in urban facilities are more                                 the end of its life. For hospitals and healthcare facilities                                                   Australia          growing demand for sustainability
                                                                                                                                                   22% 25%
likely than their peers in rural facilities to prioritize                       to achieve their sustainability goals, both clinical and                                                                          with a range of initiatives,
sustainability (26% vs 19%), demonstrating the                                  operational leaders must play an equal part in carbon                                                                             including tools for facilities to
role of patients and healthcare workers in driving                              reduction.                                                                                                                        control their waste management
sustainability. In urban areas where there is a wider                                                                                                                                                             and education programs on the
choice of facilities, healthcare leaders are more
                                                                                                                                                                        Three years
                                                                                                                                                                         from now             30%                 health impacts of climate change.
likely to feel pressure to meet patient demands for                                                                                                                                             Poland
                                                                                                                                                Current priority

                                                                                                                                                  Clinical     Operational

*                                                                                                                                                                        Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset   9
Healthcare hits reset - Priorities shift as healthcare leaders navigate a changed world - Philips
                                                    Unlocking the power of data
                                                    Confidence is high                                    Navigating the remaining frustrations

                                                    Healthcare leaders are increasingly using data in     Yet, while they acknowledge the value of data,
                                                    both operational and clinical workflows. Doing so     healthcare leaders continue to experience
                                                    helps improve efficiencies and guides swifter, more   frustrations, such as siloed data and limited
                                                    informed decision-making to help treat patients       infrastructure, in capturing and deploying that
                                                    faster. The effective use of data has become a key    data effectively. Keenly aware that they lack the
                                                    component for healthcare leaders as they look         internal resources to unlock the true potential
                                                    to tackle the organizational crises within their      of the information they have, they are looking
                                                    facilities, helping to extend and improve care.       to their peers and other partners for support,
                                                                                                          training, and knowledge sharing.
                                                    Healthcare leaders are confident that the wealth
                                                    of critical, high-quality data they have at their
                                                    fingertips can unlock enormous potential.             The following chapter explores what
It's better to prevent than to cure... there will
                                                    Analyzing this information allows them to             healthcare leaders value in data and their
be greater possibilities for prevention using
                                                    create robust healthcare strategies and unlock        current challenges to data utilization, proposes
advancements in digital [health] technology.
                                                    actionable insights that can enable new ways          solutions to those challenges and looks at how
Chief Medical Information Officer                   of predicting, diagnosing and treating diseases.      partnerships can help.
Urban hospital, the Netherlands
                                                    These insights in turn can help to fuel greater
                                                    efficiencies while reducing treatment costs and
                                                    improving the quality of care.
Chapter 2 Unlocking the power of data

                                                                               Healthcare data
                                                                               proves its worth
                                                                               Healthcare leaders are confident in the value that data can bring         Con�dence in data utilization
                                                                               to their work
                                                                               Data plays a crucial role in delivering healthcare, helping to drive
                                                                               smarter clinical decisions and encourage greater operational
                                                                               efficiency. Actionable insights provide healthcare leaders with            71%                                69%                                65%
       Mixed views from patients on data sharing                                                                                                                       My hospital/                       The data available                 The value that
                                                                               operational forecasting and clinical predictions, and enhance both the
       The Lancet's 2020 study, Public perceptions                                                                                                                     healthcare facility                to my hospital/                    data brings to
                                                                               patient and staff experience. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of healthcare                     is able to extract                 healthcare facility                my hospital/
       on data sharing: key insights from the UK                               leaders believe the value data brings in areas such as digital health                   actionable insights                is accurate                        healthcare facility
       and the USA, examined public attitudes                                  records, patient monitoring and medical devices makes the time and
                                                                                                                                                                       from the data we                                                      is worth the time
                                                                                                                                                                       have available                                                        and resources
       towards data sharing*, data access and                                  resource investments required worthwhile.                                                                                                                     invested
       the use of AI in healthcare. Most of those
       questioned were happy to share their data                               Trust in the insights provided by data is also strong across both
       with their doctor. However, there was a                                 clinical and operational settings, while confidence in data utilization   Clinical leaders are more likely to show con�dence in data utilization than
       suggestion that patients were concerned                                 is particularly high among clinical leaders, who are more likely to       operational leaders
       that data might not be protected from                                   have a positive outlook on data than their peers who work on the             73% 69%                     71% 66%                     71% 64%                     67% 63%
       commercial end-use. Respondents were                                    operational side.
       less probable to be willing to share their
       details with an institution that was likely to
                                                                               Lack of trust is among the lowest barriers to
       use the data for commercial purposes (e.g.                              using data
       insurance company) than a public body
       (e.g. government, research institution). The                                                                                                       My hospital can           The data available           My hospital has            The value data
       implication is that more needs to be done                                                                                                          extract actionable        to my hospital/              the digital health         brings is worth
       to educate, inform and reassure the public
       on how their health data is used.
                                                                                   17%                       Lack of trust in insights
                                                                                                             provided by data
                                                                                                                                                          insights from data        healthcare facility
                                                                                                                                                                                    is accurate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 needed to fully
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the time and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            resources invested
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 utilize data
                                                                                                                                                           Clinical leaders     Operational leaders

*                                                                                                                              Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 11
Chapter 2 Unlocking the power of data

Regardless of their rate of technology adoption,
healthcare leaders still encounter data challenges
Despite their confidence, many leaders are                                  healthcare leaders in small- (56%) and medium-sized                     With data considered the bedrock of so many               Ransomware: an invisible yet growing
frustrated about the lack of progress in embedding                          (51%) hospitals (based on the number of locations),                     digital technologies that underpin efficiencies, care     threat for healthcare systems
data throughout care pathways                                               than for their peers in larger hospitals (39%). This                    outcomes and patient and staff experiences, these         A type of malicious software designed to
Limited technology infrastructure; staff reluctance                         suggests that multi-site facilities are, by necessity,                  obstacles can impact leaders' ability to deliver on       block access to computer systems until a
or data illiteracy; the sheer amount of data to                             taking more action to address the issue of data silos.                  key priorities, like expanding care and improving         sum of money is paid, ransomware attacks
be processed: most of these barriers have been a                                                                                                    staff morale.                                             represent a significant risk to healthcare
constant presence for healthcare leaders since the                          Data security and policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                              organizations. The Federal Bureau of
Future Health Index research began in 2016.                                 One in five (21%) leaders say that data policy and/
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Investigation’s (FBI) 2021 Internet Crime
                                                                            or regulations impede their ability to use data to its                  Top barriers to effective use of data
Technology infrastructure limitations                                                                                                                                                                         Report* found that the healthcare sector
                                                                            full potential, with the same number citing concerns
Almost one-quarter (23%) of healthcare leaders                                                                                                      Technology infrastructure limitations               23%   faced the most ransomware attacks in 2021
                                                                            about data privacy and security. This is not surprising
say this is the top impediment. However, with                                                                                                       Resistance among staff to upgrade                          compared to any other critical infrastructure
                                                                            considering the volume and scale of reported                                                                                23%
technologies like digital health records close to the                                                                                               technology                                                sector. A heavy reliance on technology
                                                                            healthcare data breaches.
top of leaders' investment priority lists, it is also clear                                                                                         Concerns related to data privacy/security           21%   to treat patients, coupled with the high
that they are trying to address this.                                       Staff knowledge and mindset                                                                                                       volume of data typically held by hospitals
                                                                                                                                                    Data policy/regulations                             21%
                                                                            Today's healthcare leaders report inadequate staff                                                                                and healthcare facilities, means they are
Siloed data                                                                 understanding of how to use data (20%) and staff                        Staff's lack of knowledge about data                 20%   especially vulnerable to being targeted
Just over half (51%) of healthcare leaders say that data                    feeling overwhelmed by the volume of data (55%).                                                                                  by hackers. Such attacks create delays in
silos hinder their ability to utilize data effectively. This                Staff resistance to using more advanced technologies                                                                              medical procedures, can lead to longer
is closely linked to the fact that 20% of healthcare                        can present challenges too. Healthcare leaders see                                                                                patient stays and increase patient mortality
leaders have difficulties managing a high volume                                                                                                                                                              rates, as well as requiring extensive funds
of data and 19% have difficulties obtaining data.
                                                                            staff development as vital, with about one-fifth (22%)
                                                                            saying that training and educating staff would most                        46%                      of leaders view data
                                                                                                                                                                                as more of a burden           to resolve the impacts of the attack – a
Grouped with frustrations surrounding technology                            support them in using data.                                                                         than an asset                 ransomware attack on the Irish healthcare
infrastructure and staff knowledge, leaders may                                                                                                                                                               system in May 2021 resulted in costs of more
struggle to resolve data access and management                                                                                                                                                                than €100 million**.
challenges. Siloed data is a greater issue for

*                                                                                                                                                           Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 12
Chapter 2 Unlocking the power of data

Driving data adoption
across care settings
Leaders pinpoint key measures to improve adoption        Top factors that would support healthcare leaders in fully utilizing data
of data technologies
                                                         More clarity how data is being used within
Healthcare leaders are considering several initiatives   my hospital/healthcare facility
to help drive uptake of data-centric healthcare          Availability of data specialists to manage
technologies, including staff training, improved         and analyze data
tracking, and the addition of data specialists to        Tracking performance metrics/KPIs to
                                                         measure impact
manage and analyze data.
                                                         Investing in technology infrastructure
                                                         within my hospital/healthcare facility
Just over one-fifth (21%) of all healthcare leaders
surveyed say that implementing data security and         Training/educating staff on usage                                    22%
privacy systems would be most helpful, a need            Investing in cloud-computing tools
that also ranked highly in the Future Health Index       and services
2021 report. Interestingly, despite data privacy and     Addressing interoperability/data standards                          22%
security being concerns for these leaders, this isn’t
                                                         Integrating health/IT informatics as a core
a significant priority for them, either today or three                                                                       22%
                                                         operating function
years from now.

Healthcare leaders in Europe (32%) are more likely       Healthcare leaders in Europe are most likely to seek clarity on how their
to want more clarity on how data is being used           data is being used
compared to those in Asia (24%) or the Americas
(23%), reflecting stricter data privacy regulations

                                                                32%                                   24%               23%
in the European Union. This is observed in the fact
that healthcare leaders in the Netherlands are more
likely to want clarity than their peers in most of the            Europe                                 Asia           Americas

countries surveyed.
                                                         Europe – France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Russia
                                                         Asia – China, India, Indonesia, Singapore
                                                         Americas – Brazil, the US

                                                                                                                                     Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 13
Chapter 2 Unlocking the power of data

The divide between early
and late technology adopters
                                        There is a gap between early- and late-adopting           Investment priorities differ too                          Differences in current priorities between early
                                        hospitals and healthcare facilities when it comes         Late adopters are more likely to be investing in          and late adopters of digital health technology
                                        to data technology                                        voice recognition tools (35% vs. 20%), perhaps
                                                                                                                                                            Improving technology                                  18%
                                        Unlike early adopters, late adopters feel that in order   because many are still catching up when it comes          infrastructure in my hospital                         26%
                                        to succeed with new data strategies, they need:           to digital health records. Many hospitals that are
                                        more clarity around how data is being used, greater       still in the process of adopting digital health records   Staff satisfaction and                                 31%
                                                                                                                                                            retention                                             23%
                                        access to data specialists and better tracking of         rely on manual record-keeping, and therefore have
                                        performance metrics and KPIs. One way of addressing       a greater need to invest in voice recognition to help
                                        these concerns could be through forging mentoring         save time.
                                        partnerships with early adopters in other hospitals                                                                 Differences in barriers to using data between early
                                                                                                  Indeed, late adopters are more likely to prioritize       and late adopters of digital health technology
                                        and healthcare facilities.
                                                                                                  improving the technology infrastructure in their          Resistance among staff to                              21%
                                        Late adopters are more likely to report having issues     hospital (26% vs. 18%) and driving efficiencies in        upgrade technology                                    32%
                                        among staff when it comes to upgrading technology         the hospital (27% vs. 20%). On the other hand, early
                                        (32% vs. 21%), suggesting early adopters may have                                                                   Lack of data interoperability                         18%
                                                                                                  adopters have moved on to prioritize more recent          across tech platforms                                 25%
                                        more systems in place to help their staff adjust to       needs in healthcare, like telehealth (27% vs. 20%)
                                        changes in technology. Late adopters are also more        and staff satisfaction and retention (31% vs. 23%).
                                        likely to experience a lack of data interoperability                                                                  Early adopters of digital health technology
                                        across technology platforms (25% vs. 18%). When it                                                                    Late adopters of digital health technology
                                        is difficult for late adopters to upgrade technology
                                        due to challenges with training staff, they are also
                                        less likely to resolve interoperability issues. These
                                        hospitals could benefit from multifaceted solutions
                                        that help train staff for an easier transition to
                                        advanced technology, enabling them to use data
                                        more effectively.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 14
Chapter 2 Unlocking the power of data

A growing need for
collaboration with peers
                                                                             Healthcare leaders know they can’t do it alone               Learning from peers                                        Early adopters of technology are investing heavily
                                                                             In the Future Health Index 2021 report, more than            It is clear that healthcare leaders place significant      in the right expertise today
                                                                             one-third (41%) of healthcare leaders said they              value in what they can learn from their peers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     19% 31% 2%             49% 60% 15%                30% 9% 74%
                                                                             believed strategic partnerships were the best way to         particularly in relation to data. Over one-third (37%)
                                                                             successfully implement digital health technologies.          today say that other hospitals and healthcare facilities
                                                                                                                                          would be the external partner of preference to help
                                                                             Such partnerships offer rich opportunities to access         them fully utilize data, and more than one-quarter of
                                                                             skills, knowledge and expertise from technology              healthcare leaders say that success stories from other
                                                                             companies. They also enable a more bespoke                   hospitals or healthcare facilities would strengthen
                                                                             approach for each hospital or healthcare system              their trust in predictive analytics.                       We have all of the      We have some             We have a minimal
                                                                             and present less risk.                                                                                                  expertise needed        of the expertise         amount of the
                                                                                                                                          The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many strong                                      needed                   expertise needed
                                                                             Today, research shows the need for partnerships              healthcare partnerships that improved the agility of         Global average
                                                                             is even more pressing, regardless of where leaders           – and access to – the healthcare sector. Collaboration       Early adopters of digital health technology
                                                                             are on their adoption journeys. Fewer than one-              with hospitals and healthcare systems, once                  Late adopters of digital health technology
                                                                             fifth (19%) say they have all the expertise they need        considered competitors*, demonstrated the power
                                                                             internally to make full use of the available data. And,      of partnerships in advancing patient care.
                                                                             there are still 69% of early adopters who do not yet
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Healthcare leaders in Singapore and the
                                                                             have all of the expertise they need to fully utilize data.                                                              United States are most likely to say they
                                                                                                                                                                                                     have all the internal expertise they need

                                                                                                                                                                                                        50%                     43%                      19%
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Singapore             United States               Global

*                                                                                                                           Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 15
Chapter 2 Unlocking the power of data

Leaders are keen to partner with
healthcare technology companies
Partnering with healthcare technology companies is seen to offer            The support healthcare leaders seek from health
numerous benefits                                                           technology companies
Last year's research found that 36% of healthcare leaders wanted to
                                                                            Specialized healthcare management
collaborate with health IT or informatics companies to help drive digital   consulting services                                           27%
transformation. This trend continues in 2022, with one-third (33%) of
                                                                            Strategic vision                                              27%
healthcare leaders citing health technology companies as a partner
                                                                            Integration of technology systems
of preference.                                                              within my hospital                                            27%

There are particular areas of knowledge that leaders want to tap into       Access to innovative technology                               26%
with these partnerships. They seek extensive support from strategic         Guidance/services for data analysis                           26%
partnerships with health technology companies, in areas including:
                                                                            Flexible payment models                                       25%
strategic vision, specialized healthcare management consulting
services, guidance/services for data analysis, access to innovative
technology, and flexible payment models. The varied range of areas
that leaders are looking for support with implies that partnering with      Differences between what early and late adopters
companies with broad healthcare expertise would be most beneficial          of predictive analytics want from a partnership
in order to collaborate in all of these priority areas.
                                                                            22% 24% 18%               27% 25% 30%
Unsurprisingly, they also look to health technology companies to                                                           Global average
support their staff, with over one-quarter (26%) citing staff training                                                     Early adopters of
and education as the most important benefit from such a partnership.                                                       predictive analytics
                                                                                                                           Late adopters of
Partnership requirements also vary depending on the maturity of                                                            predictive analytics
technology adoption. For example, healthcare leaders who are early
adopters of predictive analytics are more likely to seek guidance on          Guidance on             Specialized healthcare
regulatory issues from a partnership than their late-adopting peers,          regulatory issues       management consulting
who express greater preference for healthcare management consulting.

                                                                                                                                                  Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 16
                                             How predictive analytics
                                             can supercharge care
                                             Huge potential across healthcare                         Without support, implementation lags behind

                                             Healthcare leaders recognize the potential of            Building trust around data capture, storage and
                                             predictive analytics to drive a step change in their     governance, while encouraging more widespread
                                             ability to achieve their key priorities. At a clinical   and consistent adoption of predictive analytics,
                                             level, predictive analytics can help healthcare          are some of the key concerns of healthcare
                                             providers deliver the right care, to the right           leaders highlighted in the research findings.
                                             patient, at the right time. Operationally, it equips     The gap between the significant improvements
                                             healthcare systems with the ability to identify          to healthcare that data analytics can provide,
                                             trends, enhancing care and reducing costs. But           and the reality of how it is used today, suggests
                                             our study suggests that, regardless of their stage       that more technological support is needed
                                             of adoption, healthcare leaders are still struggling     to turn predictive analytics into a platform to
A physician using AI will be a much better   to unlock its full value.                                supercharge care.
physician than one without AI.
Department Head of Radiology
Urban hospital, the Netherlands
Chapter 3 How predictive analytics can supercharge care

Leaders focus on the benefits
of predictive analytics
Predictive technologies are seen to improve care                        Healthcare leaders believe patients will see the
and lessen the administrative burden                                    biggest positive impact from predictive analytics
A broad term used to describe advanced analytics that makes             in clinical settings
predictions about future events, behaviors and outcomes,
                                                                        Health outcomes                                                        72%
predictive analytics increasingly plays a key role in advancing
care, improving patient outcomes and the staff experience.              Patient experience                                                     72%
Offering both real-time and future clinical decision support, from
                                                                        Staff experience                                                        70%
diagnosis to prognosis and treatment, predictive technologies are
a valuable tool across healthcare settings. This was reflected in the   Cost of care                                                           69%
Future Health Index 2021 report, where healthcare leaders cited
                                                                        Population health management                                           69%
predictive technologies as an important way of preparing for the
future, and something they planned to invest in during the next         Health inequality                                                      68%
three years (40%).
                                                                        Value-based care                                                       67%

Today, many leaders have already embarked on this journey,
with 56% reporting they have already adopted, or are in the
process of adopting, predictive analytics in some form, in their        Healthcare leaders believe predictive analytics will have
hospital or healthcare facility.                                        a positive impact across operational work�ows too

Healthcare leaders are generally united in their recognition of         Predicting healthcare
                                                                        professional variability
the potential of predictive analytics to improve care outcomes
                                                                        Scheduling and utilization                                             23%
and deliver on their other priorities. The areas they feel predictive
analytics could most benefit their hospital or healthcare facility      Maintenance prediction                                                 22%
are broad and span both clinical and operational spheres. They
                                                                        Remote patient monitoring                                              21%
include expanding access to healthcare and driving healthcare
transformation more generally, for example through improving            Treatment planning and                                                 19%
scheduling and remote patient monitoring.

                                                                                                   Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 18
Chapter 3 How predictive analytics can supercharge care

The promise of predictive analytics is still
out of reach for many healthcare leaders
Uptake of predictive analytics remains uneven                   However, there are pockets of experience that         Predictive analytics adoption by operational                                 Rates of predictive analytics adoption
Predictive analytics promises to transform healthcare.          leaders can draw on for guidance as they look         vs. clinical leaders                                                         by country
But, while healthcare leaders acknowledge the                   to drive adoption of predictive analytics in their                                                                                 Those who have already adopted or are currently in
                                                                                                                      24%    27%     21%      32%    30%    34%      22%    23%    20%
benefits of the technology, its uptake remains uneven,          own facilities. Healthcare leaders in Asia report                                                                                  the process of adopting predictive analytics
with Singapore, the US and Brazil far ahead of most             the highest rates of adoption. At a global level,
                                                                healthcare leaders in clinical positions have                                                                                      Global average                                      56%
European countries. There is also a marked difference
in adoption rates between developed and emerging                higher rates of adoption than their peers in                                                                                       Singapore                                           92%
countries (28% vs 20%).                                         operational roles, particularly those working
                                                                                                                                                                                                   China                                               79%
                                                                in radiology (31%), where predictive analytics
Those healthcare leaders who are furthest along                 is being used as one of several tools to help         Already adopted         In the process of      Plan to adopt predictive      Brazil                                              66%
in their adoption of predictive analytics do not                clinicians analyze and diagnose images more           predictive analytics    adopting predictive    analytics within the next
                                                                                                                                              analytics              1-3 years                     United States                                       66%
think they are making the most of its potential. For            quickly. Given the preference of many healthcare
example, about one-fifth (21%) of first-to-innovate                                                                     Global average        Clinical professions    Operational professions      Italy                                               65%
                                                                leaders to learn from their peers, such leaders are
leaders see predictive analytics as delivering the most         well placed to share learnings and best practice                                                                                   Indonesia                                           65%
impact in remote patient monitoring, yet just 12% are           with those in the earlier stages of adoption.         Stage of adoption of predictive analytics by country type                    France                                              64%
using it in this area. It is likely that the barriers to data
                                                                                                                      24%    28%     20%      32%    37%    28%      22%    21%     22%            India                                               59%
adoption, highlighted in the previous chapter, are
fueling this gap between current and potential use of                                                                                                                                              Netherlands                                         59%
predictive analytics. Unless leaders are able to address
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Australia                                           55%
them, their adoption journeys are likely to stall.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Germany                                             54%

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Saudi Arabia                                        48%
                                                                                                                       Already adopted         In the process of       Plan to adopt predictive
For us, predictive analytics is part of our roadmap. When we talk about analytics,                                     predictive analytics    adopting predictive     analytics within the next   Russia                                              37%
                                                                                                                                               analytics               1-3 years
we want it to be predictive. We want it to be proactive in its ability to provide real                                                                                                             South Africa                                        33%
                                                                                                                        Global average        Developed countries       Emerging countries
time data that we can action.                                                                                                                                                                      Poland                                              9%

Chief Information Officer, suburban hospital, United States

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 19
Chapter 3 How predictive analytics can supercharge care

Security and privacy concerns remain
as roadblocks to progress
Data security and privacy are critical factors for                            healthcare, policy-making and research, while                Trust in predictive analytics by region across clinical settings              Data security is key
healthcare leaders as they seek to foster trust in                            ensuring strict protection of the privacy of citizens.                                                                                     to unlocking trust in
predictive analytics among staff and patients                                                                                                 71%          87%           71%          69%           60%
                                                                              Such programs can help to address these concerns                                                                                           predictive analytics
Around the world, healthcare data breaches are on                             and hopefully improve the safe adoption of                                                                                                 in both clinical and
the rise. Over 90% of global healthcare organizations                         technologies like predictive analytics.                                                                                                    operational settings
have reported at least one security breach within the
last three years*. It is against this global backdrop that                    It is clear that while there is a desire to invest in
healthcare leaders are citing greater data security                           predictive analytics, healthcare leaders are still keen to
                                                                              ensure the human touch is not lost. Over one-quarter           Global     Asia-Paci�c    Europe      Americas***   Middle East
and privacy systems and protocols as the top way                                                                                            average                                              and Africa
to strengthen trust in predictive analytics in both                           (29%) say that increased human involvement, where a
operational and clinical settings.                                            human always makes the final decision, is one of the

Those in developed countries (29%) are more
                                                                              top factors that could potentially enhance their trust
                                                                              in predictive analytics.                                     Healthcare leaders cite improved data security/privacy as                            38%
likely than those in emerging markets (25%) to                                                                                             one of their top means to increase trust in predictive
cite increased transparency in how insights are                                                                                            analytics in clinical settings
determined on the operational side. This is likely due
to the European countries in our research where                               In healthcare, I don't think there's any data                   38%          41%           40%          37%           32%
stringent European data regulations like GDPR
place a lot of responsibility for data protection
                                                                              that's worth protecting more than patient                                                                                                         35%
and responsible data use on healthcare providers.
                                                                              health data.                                                                                                                                     Operational

Developed countries are also more likely than                                 Chief Operating Officer
emerging countries (28% vs 23%) to want improved                              Urban hospital, Germany
regulations related to data security and privacy.                                                                                            Global     Middle East     Europe     Americas***   Asia-Paci�c
                                                                                                                                            average     and Africa
Initiatives like the European Health Data Space**
– a European Commission-led project to promote
health data exchange across Europe – improve

*                                                                           Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 20
*** US and Brazil only
Jan Kimpen, Philips Chief Medical Officer

The Future Health Index 2022 paints a
picture of a sector that has seen dramatic
transformation in recent years, which
has accelerated rapidly over the past 12
months. Rather than continuing to focus       Improving the staff experience                             Bridging the gap between the promise of predictive        Addressing threats to healthcare data security
                                              With the sector facing a significant 15 million labor      analytics and current usage                               With the industry experiencing record surges in data
solely on the pandemic, we see today’s                                                                   From data silos and interoperability concerns to
                                              shortfall by 2030, improving the staff experience has                                                                breaches, one in five leaders now cite data privacy
healthcare leaders radically shifting their   become a top priority for today’s leaders. This year’s     technology infrastructure limitations, many factors are   and security as top concerns. This year’s report has
priorities to meet new realities in medical   report has shown that leaders believe increased            to blame for the uneven uptake of predictive analytics    shown how effective initiatives like the European
                                              training in digital health technologies will be key        to date. The good news is, we’re now seeing a number      Health Data Space can be in addressing such concerns.
management. Specifically, leaders have
                                              to progress, helping staff feel less overwhelmed by        of leaders pioneering this technology and inspiring       However, the future of healthcare data security will
indicated three key priorities for 2022       data-centric processes and more ready to embrace           others to drive adoption in their own facilities. As      depend as much on educational initiatives for leaders
and beyond:                                   new workflows. However, increased training is just         more organizations reap the rewards of machine-           as it will on vendors following security-by-design
                                              one piece of the puzzle – fixing the labor crisis in the   generated insights in both clinical and operational       principles – infusing security from product design
                                              long term will ultimately depend on the successful         settings, such as enhanced decision-making and            and development through testing and deployment,
                                              coordination of governments, regulators and the            lowered administrative burdens, we expect to see          with robust policies and procedures for monitoring,
                                              industry as a whole to improve working conditions          increased demand for peer-to-peer mentorships             updates and incident response management, as has
                                              across the board.                                          between early and late adopters, as well as strategic     long been standard practice in other industries like
                                                                                                         partnerships with health technology companies,            financial services.
                                                                                                         bringing the whole sector up to speed.

                                              All things considered, our sector has taken stock and reprioritized in the wake of another year of transformations, and against a growing
                                              backdrop of complex challenges that will endure far beyond the pandemic, from staff shortages and security threats to the rapid rise of
                                              chronic diseases. Ultimately, we see healthcare leaders embarking on a reset to meet the demands of a fundamentally changed world
                                              – a world they hope to shape and improve with the help of data and predictive analytics.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 22
Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms
Ambulatory primary care center                                 Digital health technology                                   Health technology companies                                 Machine learning                                             Smart facilities
Outpatient care centers (e.g., urgent care, walk-in clinics,   A variety of technology that transmits or shares health     Companies that sell or provide wearables, health apps       A process of AI that provides systems with the ability       Advanced connected care technologies are used, in
etc.)                                                          data. The technology can take a variety of forms,           and other technology to the general public.                 to automatically learn and improve from experience           addition to patient data and communications being
                                                               including but not limited to home health monitors,                                                                      without being explicitly (re)programed.                      handled electronically.
Analog facilities                                              digital health records, equipment in hospitals and          Healthcare leader
Most or all patient data is handled in a paper-based           health or fitness tracker devices.                          A C-suite or senior executive working in a hospital,        Out-of-hospital procedural environments                      Social responsibility
format or using traditional communications, e.g., phone,                                                                   medical practice, imaging center/office-based lab, or       Care centers such as ambulatory surgical centers, office-    Individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best
fax, etc.                                                      Digital transformation                                      urgent care facility who is a final decision-maker or has   based labs, etc.                                             interests of their environment and society as a whole.
                                                               The integration of digital technology into all aspects      influence in making decisions.
Artificial intelligence (AI)                                   of how a healthcare business interacts with patients,                                                                   Predictive analytics                                         Staff
AI refers to the use of machine learning and other             healthcare providers and regulators.                        Healthcare professional                                     A branch of advanced analytics that makes predictions        This refers to all staff, including physicians, nurses,
methods that may mimic intelligent human behaviors,                                                                        All medical staff (including doctors, nurses, surgeons,     about future events, behaviors, and outcomes.                administrative employees, etc.
resulting in a machine or program that can sense,              Early adopters of digital health technology                 specialists, etc.), and excludes administrative staff.
reason, act and adapt to assist with different tasks.          Early adopters are defined as leaders who indicated                                                                     Predictive technologies                                      Sustainability
                                                               that, compared to other hospitals or facilities, they are   Healthcare professional-to-healthcare professional          A body of tools capable of discovering and analyzing         Meeting the environmental needs of the present
B2B health technology companies                                among the first to adopt an innovation or they adopt        telehealth                                                  patterns in data so that past behavior can be used to        without compromising the ability of future generations
Companies that sell products, equipment, or solutions          innovations before most others.                             Virtual communication between healthcare                    forecast likely future behavior.                             to meet their own needs.
to hospitals and healthcare facilities.                                                                                    professionals through sharing images, recommending
                                                               Early adopters of digital health technology and             treatment plans, etc.                                       Quadruple Aim: Philips makes value-based care                Technology infrastructure
Data privacy                                                   predictive analytics                                                                                                    principles actionable by addressing the Quadruple            Foundational technology services, software, equipment,
The culture expectations, organizational regulations           These leaders are defined as those who are the first to     Healthcare professional-to-patient telehealth               Aim:                                                         facilities and structures upon which the capabilities of
and legislation that protect personal information from         adopt innovations in digital health technology and who      Communication between healthcare professionals and          • Improved patient experience – improving the patient       nations, cities and organizations are built. This includes
unauthorized use and dissemination.                            have already adopted predictive analytics.                  their patients via video calls, patient portals, etc.          experience of care (including quality and satisfaction)   both IT infrastructure and traditional infrastructure that
                                                                                                                                                                                       • B
                                                                                                                                                                                          etter health outcomes – improving the health of          is sufficiently advanced such that it can be considered
Data security                                                  Early adopters of predictive analytics                      Interoperability                                                                                                         modern technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                         individuals and populations
Protecting data against unauthorized access.                   Early adopters are defined as leaders who indicated that    The ability of health information systems to work
                                                               their hospital has already adopted predictive analytics     together within and across organizational boundaries,       •  Improved staff experience – improving the work-life      Telehealth/virtual care
Digital facilities                                             or is in the process of adopting predictive analytics.      regardless of brand, operating system or hardware.             balance of healthcare professionals                       The distribution of health-related services and
Simple/basic technologies are used, with most or all                                                                                                                                   • L ower cost of care – reducing the per capita cost of     information via electronic information and
patient data and communications being handled                  Global non-governmental organizations                       Late adopters of digital health technology                    healthcare                                                 telecommunication technologies.
electronically.                                                A nonprofit organization that operates independently        Late adopters are defined as leaders who indicated that,
                                                               of any government.                                          compared to other hospitals or facilities, they adopt       Remote patient monitoring                                    Value-based care
Digital health records                                                                                                     innovations later than most others.                         Technology that provides care teams with the tools           The concept of healthcare professionals receiving
Technology that can store a variety of health                  Health equity or equality                                                                                               they need to remotely track the health of their patients     reimbursement based on patient health outcomes
information, including medical history, test results,          The absence of unfair, avoidable or remediable              Late adopters of digital health technology and              outside of conventional clinical settings (e.g., at          rather than on the volume of tests or procedures
health indicators, etc. Digital health records can be          differences among groups of people, whether                 predictive analytics                                        home), collaborate with the patients' other healthcare       completed.
used within a certain healthcare facility, across different    those groups are defined socially, economically,            These leaders are defined as those who are among the        professional(s) and help detect problems before they
healthcare facilities, by only the patients themselves,        demographically, or geographically or by other              last to adopt innovations in digital health technology      lead to readmissions. Examples of this include cardiac       Voice recognition tools/software
by one healthcare professional or across all healthcare        dimensions of inequality.                                   and have no plans to adopt predictive analytics.            implant surveillance, vital-sign sensors at home, etc.       A tool used to convert spoken language into text by
professionals involved in a patient's care. Electronic                                                                                                                                                                                              using speech recognition algorithms.
medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records           Health IT/Informatics companies                             Late adopters of predictive analytics                       Resilience
(EHRs) fall within the term 'digital health records'.          Companies that build communications protocols within        Late adopters are defined as leaders who have not yet       The capacity of hospitals or healthcare systems to
                                                               healthcare systems (e.g., Cerner, Epic, etc.)               adopted predictive analytics but they are planning to in    quickly recover from challenges.
                                                                                                                           the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Future Health Index 2022 Healthcare hits reset 24
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