Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021

Page created by Florence James
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021

Health, Wellbeing and Place:
How landscape delivers positive
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			           3

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Place: How landscape delivers positive change CPD event
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• Reception – this is where you can see details about the event including the agenda
• Stage – this is the main conference stage and is where the speaker sessions will be
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• Sessions – this is where the breakout sessions will be taking place
• Networking – this is where speed networking will be taking place
• Expo – this is where you can visit our sponsors

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We hope you enjoy Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive
change CPD. If you need any assistance or have any questions on the day, please feel
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Landscape Institute
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
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          27 January 2021 Agenda                                                                           27 January 2021 Agenda

08:50 Sponsor showreel                                                                        10:00 Session 2a: Creating healthy communities: Evidence, policy, practice
      Conference room: Stage
                                                                                                      The evidence linking green infrastructure and health is compelling. We now need
09:00 Welcome and opening remarks                                                                     to rethink how we understand and communicate the diverse uses and benefits of
                                                                                                      our green assets. This workshop will discuss the role green infrastructure plays in
        Jane Findlay CMLI PLI                                                                         promoting and protecting the health and wellbeing of the population, and how it
        President of the Landscape Institute                                                          can be used not only to meet public health objectives, but wider local priorities. We
                                                                                                      will also uncover new and upcoming resources that give practical support for the
        Paul Lincoln                                                                                  development and maintenance of good quality GI.
        Landscape Institute                                                                           Carl Petrokofsky, Public Health England

        Laura Schofield CMLI                                                                          Chair: Jane Findlay CMLI PLI, Landscape Institute
        Landscape Institute                                                                           Conference room: Stage

        Conference room: Stage                                                                        2d. Breakout Session
                                                                                                      Building with nature: Putting people and wildlife at the heart of development
 09:05 Session 1: Keynote: From movement to memories: How landscape shapes                            Understand the Building with Nature benchmark for high quality infrastructure,
 our health and wellbeing                                                                             developed to accredit both physical development and policy documentation.
                                                                                                      This session will draw upon the rich evidence that exists to support a nature-
        Landscape Architects have an important role to play. The causes of ill-health today           friendly approach to development and realise our potential as healthy and happy
        are different from those 50 years ago, and we must continue to shape places that              communities.
        support the mental and physical health of 21st century populations. Uncover the               Dr Gemma Jerome, Building with Nature
        research available in this keynote session, such as the ‘Putting Health into Place’
        report from the Healthy New Towns project, which provides extensive practical                 Chair: Laura Schofield CMLI, Landscape Institute
        advice on how to build the healthiest places possible.                                        Conference room: Sessions
        Julia Thrift, Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA)

        Chair: Jane Findlay CMLI PLI, Landscape Institute
        Conference room: Stage

09:45 Break and sponsor exhibition
      Conference room: Expo
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
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          27 January 2021 Agenda                                                                            27 January 2021 Agenda

        2c. Virtual Site Visit                                                                         3b. Breakout Session
        Exploring Bankside Urban Forest                                                                Tackling health inequality with intelligent digital design
        A virtual tour of Bankside Urban Forest. At this session you will find out how                 This session will explore how to tackle health inequality with intelligent digital
        landscape partnership coordinated by Better Bankside is transforming the                       design. Landscape has the potential to positively impact on the health, wellbeing
        network of streets and spaces across Bankside through a range of large, small,                 and resilience of our less socially, economically and physically mobile people, if
        temporary, permanent and tactical projects with green infrastructure and creative              suitably targeted.
        placemaking at their heart. We will discuss how a partnership approach is                      How can we help local authorities with this urgent task? Could intelligent landscape
        delivering transformative change to the public realm in an inner-city environment.             design combine with digital mapping to provide a way to speed up the delivery and
        This session will then uncover how green infrastructure is being successfully                  enable positive change? Alison and Diana will explore some of the issues and
        woven into Bankside’s medieval street pattern. You will also find out how local                potential solutions. Diana will consider how GIS analysis can support and inform
        workers are actively participating in maintaining these projects, and the health and           prioritisation of landscape interventions, and will explore the range of data available
        well-being benefits this brings.                                                               to Local Authorities and landscape professionals to identify priorities at a strategic
        Valerie Beirne, Bankside Urban Forest                                                          level. Alison will discuss projects in Thamesmead and Glasgow where delivery of
                                                                                                       quality, accessible green space is having a measurable impact.
        Chair: Paul Lincoln, Landscape Institute                                                       Alison King CMLI, LUC & Diana Manson, LUC
        Conference room: Sessions
                                                                                                       Chair: Laura Schofield CMLI, Landscape Institute
11:05 Break and sponsor exhibition                                                                     Conference room: Sessions
      Conference room: Expo
                                                                                                       3c. Breakout Session
11:30 Session 3a: Exploring health impact assessment                                                   Transforming places, transforming Lives
                                                                                                       In this session, the Land Trust will uncover the ways in which their approach to
        What are Health Impact Assessments (HIA) and how can they support landscape                    green space management transforms the mental and physical wellbeing of users.
        and land use planning? This session will introduce the concept and methodology                 As supporting evidence, Alan will unpack the Trust’s innovative ‘Health for Life’
        of HIAs and consider how (and why) HIA can support the interpretation of Health                project, run in partnership with the Countess of Chester Hospital, and dissect the
        & Well-Being within the context of landscape/land use planning. This is particularly           impact of the Green Angels volunteer training programme, amongst other health
        important now more than ever following Covid-19 and how the focus needs to                     initiatives led by the national land management charity.
        shift to enable ‘A Green Recovery’. Presentation and discussion.                               Alan Carter, Land Trust
        Lee Parry Williams, Public Health Wales
                                                                                                       Chair: Paul Lincoln, Landscape Institute
        Chair: Jane Findlay CMLI PLI, Landscape Institute                                              Conference room: Sessions
        Conference room: Stage
                                                                                               12:35 Closing remarks

                                                                                                       Jane Findlay CMLI PLI, Landscape Institute
                                                                                                       Paul Lincoln, Landscape Institute
                                                                                                       Laura Schofield CMLI, Landscape Institute
                                                                                                       Conference room: Stage

                                                                                               13:00 Close
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
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          Speakers                                                                                            Speakers
                            Jane Findlay is a Landscape Architect, the founding director         Julia Thrift is Director of Healthier Place-making at the
                            of Fira and President Elect of the Landscape Institute. She is       Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA). She works
                            an experienced masterplanner and designer of the large and           to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration to create well-
                            complex projects, particularly experienced in the design of the      designed places, spaces and buildings that make it easier for
                            healing landscape for healthcare and delivered some of the           people to live healthier lives. Earlier in her career, Julia was
                            most complex healthcare projects in the UK. Jane is passionate       a Director at the Commission for Architecture and the Built
                            about promoting the psychological and physical benefits that         Environment (CABE).
Jane Findlay CMLI           quality landscape design plays in all aspects of the public realm.
PLI                         She has developed a specialism in symbolism and remembrance                                                                                Julia Thrift
President of the            through landscape design. Jane continues to advise the National                                                                            Town & Country
Landscape Institute         Memorial Arboretum in South Staffordshire.                                                                                                 Planning Association

                            Paul Lincoln is Executive Director, Creative Projects and            Carl Petrokofsky is a Public Health Specialist who has worked
                            Publishing at the Landscape Institute and Commissioning              for the NHS, Department of Health and Public Health England
                            Editor for Landscape, the LI’s quarterly journal. Paul managed       for over 40 years. Between 2013 – June 2018, he led and
                            the LI’s 90th Birthday Festival in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic       managed the ‘Healthy Places’ programme, focusing on how
                            Park and at Chelsea Flower Show. He has curated three                spatial planning of the built and natural environment and the
                            exhibitions with the Building Centre, including Beyond the           design of housing and the public realm, active travel and
                            Green Belt and Rethinking the Urban Landscape. He also led           transport, and access to green infrastructure can promote
Paul Lincoln                the Capability Brown 300th Anniversary Festival project on           better health and wellbeing. Carl is a Visiting Professor at the      Carl Petrokofsky
Landscape Institute         behalf of the LI.                                                    University of the West of England (UWE) working with the              Public Health England
                                                                                                 WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments.

                            Laura is the LI’s Membership Development Manager.                    Dr Gemma Jerome is the Director of Building with Nature.
                            Prior to joining the LI, Laura built up her career in multi-         Gemma has been developing the benchmark with a team of
                            disciplinary consultancy, specialising in the delivery of            industry and research specialists since 2015 and is establishing
                            Landscape Management projects and services. As an                    Building with Nature as the ‘how to’ quality standards for the
                            experienced landscape professional and Chartered Member              design, delivery and long-term management and maintenance
                            of the Landscape Institute, Laura brings her knowledge,              of nature-rich development. Gemma is a qualified town
                            understanding and passion for the landscape profession to the        planner. Through her doctoral studies she examined the role
Laura Schofield             role. She has supported LI on a range of membership initiatives      of stewardship in the longevity and resilience of community-           Dr Gemma Jerome
CMLI                        and projects such as new Entry Standards, Registered Practice        scale green infrastructure, with a focus on health and social          Building with Nature
Landscape Institute         scheme, Fellows campaign, and Training Partnerships. She is          outcomes associated with access to nature at the residential
                            also engaging with members and practices including through           scale.
                            events, the LI’s branches, and sector leadership forums.
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
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           Speakers                                                                                                 Speakers
                                With a passion for cities and their people, places and wildlife,       Diana Manson leads LUC’s GIS & Visualisation team. Diana
                                Valerie Beirne has 20 years’ experience of working within              has over 15 years’ experience, gained in both the UK and
                                the fields of urban regeneration, placemaking and landscape            South Africa, and a passion for using GIS to support sustainable
                                urbanism. A landscape architect by training, Valerie has worked        planning. Her combination of planning and GIS skills means
                                with central London business improvement district Better               she is well-placed to lead in the preparation of robust evidence
                                Bankside, managing its placemaking strategy Bankside Urban             studies. Diana has extensive expertise in open space and play
                                Forest since its launch in 2008. Prior to that Valerie worked in       assessments as well as green infrastructure studies. She has a
Valerie Beirne                  local government, and for local and national environmental             good awareness of the types of data that can support planning          Diana Manson
Bankside Urban                  charities. Valerie is a member of Urban Design London Design           for ‘healthy’ open spaces and where GIS and data analysis can          LUC
Forest                          Review Panel for Streets and Public Realm and sits on the              add value to these assessments.
                                Advisory Panel for Greenspace Information for Greater London

                                Lee Parry Williams has worked in the field of public health            Alan Carter is the Director of Portfolio Management for The
                                since 2001 before joining Wales Health Impact Assessment               Land Trust. Alan is responsible for the charity’s estates portfolio,
                                Support Unit (WHIASU) in 2015. Following graduation worked             ensuring that sites are managed safely and efficiently and
                                as a community health development practitioner on a number of          are delivering measurable and sustainable impact for local
                                Welsh Government funded health improvement programmes                  communities. As part of this, Alan is working on a number of
                                before joining the North Wales Public Health Team in 2008. He          significant national partnership programmes with members and
                                was first introduced to HIA in 2006 and has since applied HIA          stakeholders and is responsible for ensuring that fundraising
Lee Parry Williams              across various settings including the voluntary sector, planning,      projects deliver increased charitable outcomes and social value.       Alan Carter
                                health and local authorities. As part of the WHIASU team Lee           Alan is a qualified Chartered Surveyor and prior to his current        The Land Trust
Public Health Wales             is involved in delivering HIA training, supporting and facilitating    role, worked for British Waterways (now the Canal and River
                                HIA’s, and advocacy of HIA.                                            Trust) as a Business Development Manager.

                                Alison King sees landscape and public realm design as playing
                                an important role in addressing the UK’s health inequality crisis.
                                She has designed schemes across a range of sites, including
                                city parks and schools. Understanding the importance of
                                high-quality local landscape and access to nature for all city-
                                dwellers, Alison has developed a monitoring and evaluation
                                method to assess the health and wellbeing impacts of LUC
Alison King CMLI                projects, working with the likes of Peabody and The Royal
LUC                             Parks to generate data and a growing evidence base. Alison
                                has spoken at many conferences including Healthy Streets
                                International Summit, and the WHO Health Cities.
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
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          28 January 2021 Agenda                                                                                28 January 2021 Agenda

08:50 Sponsor showreel                                                                             10:00 Session 2a: Designing for an active future
      Conference room: Stage
                                                                                                           Creating a built environment to support healthy active ageing is essential. Working
09:00 Welcome and opening remarks                                                                          with the Heart Foundation and experts across Australia, HASSELL have found
                                                                                                           a solution. Informed by World Health Organisation frameworks, international
        Marcus Grant CMLI                                                                                  evidence and Australian policy, this session will provide an in-depth exploration
        Cities & Health                                                                                    of HASSELL’s internationally-recognised Healthy Active By Design (HABD) tool.
                                                                                                           Now with an active ageing integration, an expansion of existing design principles
        Carolin Göhler FLI                                                                                 to encompass a whole life-span approach, the tool provides a strong foundation for
        Landscape Institute Vice President                                                                 constructing an exemplary and inclusive built environment.
                                                                                                           Robina Crook, Hassell
        Paul Lincoln
        Landscape Institute                                                                                Chair: Marcus Grant CMLI, Cities & Health
                                                                                                           Conference room: Stage
        Conference room: Stage
                                                                                                           2b. Breakout Session
 09:05 Session 1: Keynote: The role of GI standards in the promotion of healthy                            The role of social prescribing  
 places                                                                                                    Join Sarah Preston of Natural England and learn of her strategic work in connecting
                                                                                                           communities with the natural environment, including efforts to embed social
        This interactive session will explore the health and wellbeing benefits through                    prescribing into the NHS.
        ecosystems services, and how GI can be designed to deliver these benefits. It                      Sarah Preston, Natural England
        will introduce the National Framework of GI Standards, a 25-Year Environment
        Plan commitment being developed by Natural England with stakeholders to help                       Chair: Carolin Göhler FLI, Landscape Institute Vice President
        enhance the nation’s green infrastructure provision so that it can play a vital role in            Conference room: Sessions
        greening our towns and cities and in the nation’s green recovery from Covid-19.
        This session will also look at the evidence for the health and wellbeing benefits                  2c. Virtual Site Visit
        of green infrastructure. It will discuss the purpose, rationale and content of the                 Creating an inspirational neighbourhood: The story of Coin Street
        emerging National Framework of GI Standards, process maps, GI’s mapping                             Community Builders
        and analyses, design guidance and signposting to other relevant standards. You                     Coin Street Community Builders create live, work and play spaces to support
        will get an awareness of the opportunities to use the National Framework of GI                     community development and inspiring places. They’ll talk about their story and
        Standards by local authority planners, neighbourhood planning groups, developers                   their work as a social enterprise. The session will also explore the redevelopment
        and parks to enhance GI and to deliver health and wellbeing benefits and address                   of Bernie Spain Gardens and the riverside walkway as well as giving an overview
        inequalities as part of placemaking.                                                               on their Covid-19 experiences.
        Jane Houghton, Natural England                                                                     Iain Tuckett, Coin Street Community Builders

        Chair: Marcus Grant CMLI, Cities & Health                                                          Chair: Paul Lincoln, Landscape Institute
        Conference room: Stage                                                                             Conference room: Sessions

09:45 Break and sponsor exhibition
      Conference room: Expo
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
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          28 January 2021 Agenda                                                                        28 January 2021 Agenda

11:05 Break and sponsor exhibition                                                                 3c. Breakout Session
      Conference room: Expo                                                                        Retrofitting health and wellbeing product demonstration
                                                                                                   This session will consider the use of engineered systems and innovations to
11:30 Session 3a: Holistic healthy design: A look at Cranbrook’s healthy new                       maximise the potential of our urban environments to deliver health and wellbeing
town                                                                                               outcomes.
                                                                                                   The following situations will be considered:
        How can a health-led approach create a better understanding of sustainable                 - Opportunities for rooftop level innovation to store water, provide amenity and
        development? The Cranbrook Healthy New Town pilot programme has been                       places for exercise
        working with health services to identify the ways urban form affects health                - Providing recreation and leisure space that also manages water
        and wellbeing. This session will uncover the robust evidence pinpointing how               - Retrofitting healthy streets – tree pits and SuDS for enhanced wellbeing
        collaboration, big data and a ‘whole person’ approach can transform the ways we            By the end of this session, you will know about challenges and opportunities of
        design for and develop communities.                                                        rooftop design, Tree Pit and Retrofit SuDS designs and overcoming challenges
        Kenji Shermer, East Devon District Council                                                 of retrofitting existing street scenes. It will also uncover how sports and leisure
                                                                                                   spaces can be used for multifunctional purpose.
        Chair: Marcus Grant CMLI, Cities & Health                                                  Charlotte Markey, Polypipe
        Conference room: Stage
                                                                                                   Chair: Paul Lincoln, Landscape Institute
        3b. Breakout Session                                                                       Conference room: Sessions
        Beyond biodiversity: The hidden health benefits of the urban green roof
        Green Roofs are often a hidden gem within urban environments, offering so          12:35 SPEED NETWORKING – Meet our speakers and sponsors
        much more than the obligatory points and scoring system of sustainability and
        biodiversity. They offer spaces to rest and relax alongside the added benefit of   13:05 Closing remarks
        viewing the world from an elevated perspective. Within this session the types of
        green roofs that are currently in development will be highlighted, alongside the           Marcus Grant CMLI, Cities & Health
        benefits of green roofs and the considerations to make when specifying a green             Carolin Göhler FLI, Landscape Institute Vice President
        roof.                                                                                      Paul Lincoln, Landscape Institute
        Mark Wood, Green-tech                                                                      Conference room: Stage

        Chair: Carolin Göhler FLI, Landscape Institute Vice President                      13:30 Close
        Conference room: Sessions
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change - #LICPDDAY Landscape Institute CPD day I 27 & 29 January 2021
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          Speakers                                                                                               Speakers
                            Marcus Grant is the past deputy director of the World Health            Jane Houghton works at Natural England, where she is
                            Organization Collaborating Centre for Healthy Cities, Bristol.          project managing the development of a National Framework
                            With a background in ecological systems and urbanism, Marcus            of Green Infrastructure (GI) Standards, for launch in 2022. This
                            is an urban designer and Chartered Landscape Architect.                 is a commitment in the Government’s 25 Year Environment
                            Starting practice in 1986, Marcus worked in consultancy on rural        Plan to green our towns and cities, connect people with
                            and urban projects, specialising in sustainable development and         the natural environment, improve health and wellbeing and
                            population health through joining a WHO Collaborating Centre in         address inequalities. In 2020, Jane led on the publication
Marcus Grant CMLI           1996. Marcus has worked with built environment professionals            of an evidence review of the health and wellbeing evidence            Jane Houghton
Cities & Health             globally, specialising in the role of city-region spatial frameworks,   for the GI Standards. Before joining Natural England, Jane            Natural England
                            neighbourhood interventions and biodiversity. Marcus is also a          worked at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, in local authorities
                            Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health in the UK.                       as a country park manager, and in NGOs.

                            Carolin Göhler has over 30 years’ experience working as                 Robina Crook is a Senior Associate at HASSELL and has led the
                            a Chartered Landscape Architect and Horticulturalist, with              development of the three collaborative phases of the HABD
                            projects mainly delivered for public and third sector clients           tool since 2013. Her town planning training, urban design
                            and employers spanning diverse green spaces, historic,                  expertise and urban strategies understanding has informed
                            botanic and play gardens. For over a decade as CEO,                     the production of the HABD tool. Robina’s experience in the
                            Carolin ran a charity with a diverse portfolio of countryside           private and local government sectors informs all her decision
                            and heritage properties. Her particular interests include the           making. A member of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA)
Carolin Göhler FLI          promotion of hardy herbaceous perennials, green roofs and               and previously Vice President of the Western Australian               Robina Crook
Landscape Institute         usage of ornamental native species within the public realm.             branch of PIA and policy officer has also informed a deep
Vice President              Currently Carolin works as a Gardens Consultant for the                 understanding of the needs of those designing and creating
                            National Trust, runs her own landscape consultancy and is the           great public realm.
                            LI’s Vice President.

                            Paul Lincoln is Executive Director, Creative Projects and               Sarah Preston is Senior Adviser for the ‘Connecting People
                            Publishing at the Landscape Institute and Commissioning                 with Nature’ initiative at Natural England and has worked
                            Editor for Landscape, the LI’s quarterly journal. Paul managed          for the organisation since 2006. Currently, she specialises
                            the LI’s 90th Birthday Festival in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic          in strategic work, connecting people and their communities
                            Park and at Chelsea Flower Show. He has curated three                   with the natural environment for positive physical and mental
                            exhibitions with the Building Centre, including Beyond the              health outcomes. Sarah is working closely with NHSE
                            Green Belt and Rethinking the Urban Landscape. He also led              to embed this approach more systematically, particularly
                            the Capability Brown 300th Anniversary Festival project on              through the mechanism of social prescribing. Sarah is also             Sarah Preston
Paul Lincoln                behalf of the LI.                                                       Grant Manager for Natural England’s Growing Care Farming
Landscape Institute                                                                                                                                                        Natural England
                                                                                                    project, which is being delivered by Social Farms & Gardens.
                                                                                                    She has previously worked on a number of other Natural
                                                                                                    England programmes including Walking for Health and
                                                                                                    Access to Nature.
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           Speakers                                                                                             Speakers
                                Iain Tuckett is Group director of Coin Street Community            Carlotte Markey has an MSc in Urban Planning and 15 years
                                Builders, a social enterprise that believes in mixed uses, a       experience working to integrate green infrastructure and
                                diverse economy and a diverse community. “We want our              SUDs into the built environment. She has worked on several
                                neighbourhood to be a place where people connect with each         EU funded projects focused on evaluating the impact of green
                                other, where they can build their confidence and skills, and       urbanisation innovations on air quality, urban heat island and
                                feel they belong. Most importantly we want our community           water management.
                                and neighbourhood to be resilient to life’s challenges.”Iain
Iain Tuckett                    has overseen all Coin Street developments to date including                                                                             Charlotte Markey
Coin Street                     completion of the South Bank riverside walkway, refurbishment                                                                           Polypipe
Community Builders              of Oxo Tower Wharf for mixed uses, and construction of Coin
                                Street’s neighbourhood centre, ‘The Green Room’ restaurant.

                                Kenji Shermer has worked as Urban Designer for East Devon
                                District Council for the past 6 years and was Cranbrook Built
                                Environment Lead for the NHS England Healthy New Town
                                Pilot, focussing on evidence to find ways to address the wider
                                determinants of ill-health in commercially-led development.
                                Kenji has a background in design, planning and psychology and
                                is interested in the way our environments affect health and
Kenji Shermer                   happiness and how this relates to what we like or dislike about
East Devon District             the spaces we live in.

                                Mark Wood is the Business Development Director for Green-
                                tech Ltd, a leading supplier of products that protect, enhance
                                and Improve the landscape environment. With over 20 years’
                                experience of working within the landscaping and construction
                                industries, Mark has witnessed the market develop
                                from large price-driven projects to more environmentally
                                aware developments that Improve urban environments,
Mark Wood                       communities and the daily life of residents and workers. Mark
Green-tech                      sits on the committee of Gro (UK Green Roof Organisation)
                                and was recently involved in the development of the first
                                British Standard for roof garden substrates.
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          29 January 2021 Agenda                                                                             29 January 2021 Agenda

08:50 Sponsor showreel                                                                          10:00 Session 2a: International responses to a green Covid recovery
      Conference room: Stage
                                                                                                        Romy gives us an overview of the insight that Vestre has gained during the
09:00 Welcome and opening remarks                                                                       last 9 months into the Covid-19 response across Scandinavia, the UK, the USA
                                                                                                        and Germany. The session will explore the similarities and differences in the
        Professor Anna Jorgensen                                                                        countries’ approach to the pandemic and its impact on the public realm. It will
        University of Sheffield                                                                         also cover Vestre’s learnings about the re-distribution of streets and public
                                                                                                        space will be presented. The session will cover several aspects of sustainable
        Adam White FLI PPLI                                                                             recovery - the environmental (including greening cities to improve air quality); the
        Immediate Past-President, Landscape Institute                                                   economic (reviving areas that have been severely impacted by Covid-19); and
                                                                                                        social (ensuring previous societal inequalities are not worsened post-Covid).
        Conference room: Stage                                                                          Romy Rawlings CMLI, Vestre

 09:05 Session 1: Keynote: Creating healthy places – the Singapore experience                           Chair: Professor Anna Jorgensen, University of Sheffield
                                                                                                        Conference room: Stage
        The global pandemic has put health infrastructure under the spotlight in every
        country in the world. This doesn’t just mean hospitals, but also community-                     2b. Breakout Session
        based health which is crucial to caring for our ageing population, opportunities                How well considered design can improve wellbeing  
        for integrating wellbeing into our parks and green spaces. Ed Baker will present                As we adjust to life with the risk of coronavirus, the great outdoors has never
        Singapore as a case study looking at the interrelationship between urban planning,              been more important. Join us from the safety of your own home for a virtual
        landscape design, the countries and strategic health initiatives and in the context             presentation discussing how adding green infrastructure through well considered
        of the Covid-19 response.                                                                       design can make cities healthier places to live, which will enhance wellbeing. You
        This session will also include a recent case study – the Broadway Malyan planned                will hear an enlightening presentation from industry expert Euan Taylor (Kinley),
        Health City Novena. Commissioned by Singapore’s National Healthcare Group and                   with live Q&A at the end of the session.
        the Singapore Health Ministry, it is an integrated “health city”, a 17-hectare mixed-           This interactive session will discuss the value of green space and the impact
        use built around and existing hospital in central Singapore incorporating healthcare,           this has upon wellbeing. It will uncover the landscaping futures: the impact of
        medical education and community uses, as well as the National Centre for                        landscape design on community confidence. You will also be inspired by Kinley’s
        Infectious Diseases (NCID) which has become the centre of Singapore’s Covid-19                  landscape edging and raised planter solutions.
        response.                                                                                       Euan Taylor, Kinley
        Ed Baker, Broadway Malyan
                                                                                                        Chair: Darren Bowie, Kinley
        Chair: Professor Anna Jorgensen, University of Sheffield                                        Conference room: Sessions
        Conference room: Stage

09:45 Break and sponsor exhibition
      Conference room: Expo
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          29 January 2021 Agenda                                                                                29 January 2021 Agenda

        2c.Breakout Session                                                                                3b. Breakout Session
        Play in the place: the positive impact of community play on                                        Health, wellbeing and sustainable urban design
        children’s development and wellbeing                                                               This presentation will discuss how towns and cities will continue to change in
        Enhancing green spaces and play within the public realm is key to ensure that                      the coming weeks and months in response to the Covid19 crisis. During this
        children have the right tools to improve their development. In this session we will                session Howard will draw on David Rudlin, Director of URBED and past Chair of
        discuss the social, mental and physical benefits of play for children, from using                  the Academy of Urbanism expertise and work recently completed for the Quality
        nature’s own source - water, wind, light to adding informal play offerings in green                of Life Foundation and on the Government’s National Model Design Code. David
        spaces. We’ll explore the history of children’s roaming within in cities, discuss                  will try and find solutions on what needs to be done to promote healthy places
        why it’s critical to ensure that there are a variety of play experiences for children in           which contributes to our quality of life. Also discussing the constraints with
        any play space and review the social, physical and mental benefits of play spaces.                 current guidance, we often know what good looks like but struggle to achieve it.
        Mark Grimshaw, Timberplay                                                                          By the end of this session, you will know the range of best practices for so-called
                                                                                                           #Covid19Streets and how these will impact our streets and public spaces. You will
        Chair: Adam White FLI PPLI, Immediate Past-President, Landscape Institute                          find out about the ways in which people move, interact and transact in buildings
        Conference room: Sessions                                                                          and urban places. We will also uncover Healthy streets approach - discussing range
                                                                                                           of resources available that will assist in planning and designing of our necessary
11:05 Break and sponsor exhibition                                                                         green spaces.
      Conference room: Expo                                                                                David Rudlin, URBED

11:30 Session 3a: The healing landscape: An evidence-based approach to                                     Chair: Howard Gray, GreenBlue Urban
designing for healthcare                                                                                   Conference room: Sessions

        Explore the theory behind healing landscapes. Learn about the historic precedents                  3c. Breakout Session
        for linking nature and wellbeing and how, through research, evidence-based design                  FMS: The secret to lasting active lifestyles
        has become the foundation for landscape-oriented healthcare. Uncover some                          Greenspace has always been identified with health and wellbeing. But how can
        contrasting project examples that illustrate integral healing landscape principles.                we make these places work harder to develop key skills from an early age that will
        Jane Findlay CMLI PLI, Landscape Institute                                                         encourage life long active lifestyles? How can we ensure the opportunity for active
                                                                                                           lifestyles is available even in the most green-deprived areas?
        Chair: Professor Anna Jorgensen, University of Sheffield                                           Kristina Causer, Jupiter Play
        Conference room: Stage                                                                             Chair: Adam White FLI PPLI, Immediate Past-President, Landscape Institute
                                                                                                           Conference room: Sessions

                                                                                                   12:35 Closing session

                                                                                                           Professor Anna Jorgensen, University of Sheffield
                                                                                                           Adam White FLI PPLI, Immediate Past-President, Landscape Institute
                                                                                                           Conference room: Stage

                                                                                                   13:10 Close
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			          24    Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			      25

          Speakers                                                                                           Speakers
                            Anna Jorgensen is the Head of the Department of Landscape           Romy Rawlings is a Chartered Landscape Architect
                            Architecture at the University of Sheffield. Anna holds a           and Commercial Director for Vestre Ltd, a Norwegian
                            professorship in urban natural environments, health and             manufacturer of street furniture. Romy’s entire career has
                            wellbeing. Anna recently led the RCUK-funded research project       been based in the landscape sector, and she is passionate
                            Improving Wellbeing through Urban Nature ( and      about the impact of good design upon those using outdoor
                            is currently working with partners in Europe and Latin America      space. She believes that landscape architects are well placed
                            on a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project entitled          to counter many of today’s global issues, including climate
Professor Anna              CONEXUS: Co-producing NBS and restored ecosystems -                 change, air and water quality, social inequalities etc. Romy is       Romy Rawlings
Jorgensen                   transdisciplinary nexus for urban sustainability.                   an active member of the LI, and has previously been a Board           CMLI
University of                                                                                   member, Technical Committee member, and Chair of their                Vestre
Sheffield                                                                                       Diversity & Inclusion working group.

                            Adam White is the Immediate Past President of the                   Euan Taylor has had over 5 years of on-site experience within
                            Landscape Institute (LI). Adam was made a Fellow of the             the landscape arena. Having been raised in suburban London,
                            LI for his influential role changing how UK play spaces are         Euan’s innate connection and understanding of connecting
                            designed to now take a more natural and landscape led               nature and urban environments, presented itself early in his
                            approach. Adam is also a Chartered Landscape Architect              career. From working with sustainable materials from the
                            and in 2008 he established Davies White Ltd with fellow             outset, intertwined with practical on-site experience, Euan’s
                            landscape architect Andrée Davies. Their projects focus on          knowledge of mixing these elements is unrivalled.Join
Adam White FLI              reconnecting children with nature through play. Adam is             Kinley’s Euan Taylor for a discussion on how great design can         Euan Taylor
PPLI                        the author of the Play England publication Managing and             enhance wellbeing from ground level to roof terraces.
                            Maintaining Nature Play Spaces. During 2019 they worked                                                                                   Kinley
Past-President,             with HRH The Duchess of Cambridge to co-design four high
Landscape Institute         profile RHS.

                            Ed is a qualified master planner, urban designer and landscape      Darren Bowie has over 10 years of experience in the
                            architect with over 20 years’ experience. Currently based in        construction industry. During this time Darren has formed
                            Broadway Malyan’s Singapore studio, Ed is a creative designer       a number of strong working relationships with many key
                            with extensive experience leading a number of high profile          influencers within the landscaping sphere, mainly landscape
                            international projects in Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe and     contractors and landscape architects. As Business
                            Africa. Ed’s passion lies in the creation of sustainable places:    Development Director at Kinley, Darren is proud to have
                            new city planning, the regeneration of urban districts, designing   worked with a number of BALI award winners on their
                            city parks and transit oriented development. Ed regularly           prestigious projects.                                                  Darren Bowie
Ed Baker                    speaks at conferences on a range of planning, urban design                                                                                 Kinley
Broadway Malyan             and landscape design related subjects including resilient cities,
                            transit oriented development, mixed-use development and
                            place making.
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY		                26    Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			        27

           Speakers                                                                                                Speakers
                                Mark Grimshaw is passionate about engaging with the                   Howard Gray is the PR & Specification Consultant Team Leader
                                environment and wants children to develop via natural play            for GreenBlue Urban. He has been planting trees in urban
                                opportunities. Mark holds a degree in Geography from                  areas for over 40 years and is passionate about ensuring that
                                Lancaster University, and a Masters in Urban Regeneration             every tree has the same opportunity of realising its species
                                and Development from University of Manchester. His role at            potential. Understanding the many conflicts, both financial and
                                Timberplay has seen him working with Landscape Architects on          engineering, with planting in our congested towns and cities,
                                play projects across the UK - most recently on, the LI Excellence     Howard works with designers and contractors to achieve the
Mark Grimshaw                   in Public Health and Wellbeing award nominee project, Catherine       best result. Having worked on a number of SuDS schemes               Howard Gray
Timberplay                      Street Inclusive Play Park. Prior to joining Timberplay he spent      across Europe, Howard is uniquely positioned to present the          GreenBlue Urban
                                the previous 12 years in a project management capacity                GreenBlue Urban vision - enabling sustainable cities through the
                                at a Community Interest Company leading their landscape               use of green and blue infrastructure.
                                contracting division.

                                Jane Findlay is a Landscape Architect, the founding director          Kristina Causer has been creating playful environments for
                                of Fira and President Elect of the Landscape Institute. She is        over 16 years, working in partnership with Local Authorities
                                an experienced masterplanner and designer of the large and            and landscape architects in the UK and Sweden. Passionate
                                complex projects, particularly experienced in the design of the       about the right of all children to play, Kristina was one of the
                                healing landscape for healthcare and delivered some of the            founding authors of the PiPA (Plan Inclusive Play Areas) toolkit
                                most complex healthcare projects in the UK. Jane is passionate        - a publication to help guide better inclusive design which is
                                about promoting the psychological and physical benefits that          now widely used in procurement processes in the UK. Kristina
                                quality landscape design plays in all aspects of the public realm.    leads the Innovation Hub of research and creative development        Kristina Causer
Jane Findlay CMLI                                                                                     at Jupiter Play, tackling key issues such as sustainability in the
                                She has developed a specialism in symbolism and remembrance                                                                                Jupiter Play
PLI                                                                                                   supply chain as well as championing the Sustainable Shoots
                                through landscape design. Jane continues to advise the National
President of the                                                                                      programme.
                                Memorial Arboretum in South Staffordshire.
Landscape Institute

                                David Rudlin is the director of URBED, past Chair of the
                                Academy of Urbanism and Honorary Professor at Manchester
                                University. In 2014 he was the winner of the Wolfson
                                Economics Prize and last year published his third book Climax
                                City written with Shruti Hemani through RIBA Publishing. He
                                also writes a monthly column for BD Magazine. David is one
                                of the principle authors of the National Model Design Code for
David Rudlin                    MHCLG and the Quality of Life Framework for the Quality of
URBED                           Life Foundation, both published in January 2021
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			       29

  Tree-lined streets in urban                                                                Sponsors
  areas create a strong sense of
  community and civic pride.
                                                                                GreenBlue Urban

                                                                                Founded in 1992 Greenblue Urban was set up to research and provide solutions for
                                                                                assisting trees in their battle to establish in urban spaces. Onsite manufacturing using
                                                                                100% recycled materials allows global distribution along with continuous product
                                                                                development ensures that specifiers and clients alike are using the best tree pit package
                                                                                products available in the world.

                                                                                The GreenBlue Urban Arborsystem brings together the key elements of successful tree
                                                                                pit design and simplifies the planning and installation process. Landscape professionals
                                                                                can combine SUDS, root management, structural soil components, aeration, irrigation
                                                                                and chose an appropriate above ground surface grille and vertical guard in a single

Fletton Quays, Peterborough

                       We enable sustainable
                       cities for improved
                       quality of life.
                       World’s leading provider of tree pit solutions.
                       Building a greener environment for future generations.
                       SuDS solutions for flood risk management.
                       Advisors in urban design offering on-site support.
0800 018 7797
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			      31

Helping to create                                                   Green-tech Specifier

beautiful, sustainable                                              Green-tech Specifier is the specification team within Green-tech that focuses on
                                                                    technical specification and creates landscape solutions for Landscape Architects,

and biodiverse
                                                                    Contractors and Garden Designers. Green-tech Specifier was established to meet the
                                                                    growing demand of Landscape Architects and Contractors who needed assistance at the
                                                                    specification, estimating and drawing stages of their projects.

landscapes                                                          The specialist team have the product knowledge and technical expertise to provide
                                                                    advice and recommendations for landscape designs and have the know-how to source
                                                                    the best solutions for your project, working within your budget while providing support
Green-tech Specifier offer technical                                with pricing and provision of CAD services for Architects who require assistance with
advice, design and onsite support
at the specification and installation
stages of your landscaping project.

Green-tech Specifier
is proud to sponsor:

Technical advice / CAD Drawings / Specifications / Product Supply

T: 01423 332 114

Green-tech Specifier is a trading style of Green-tech Ltd
We care about health and wellbeing,
social inclusion, climate resilience, heritage and sustainably-                         Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			      33

managed multifunctional landscapes... and have done since
our very first project over fifty years ago.                                                         Sponsors


                                                                                        LUC is an award-winning environmental consultancy providing landscape and urban
                                                                                        design, planning, impact assessment and ecology services to a wide range of public and
                                                                                        private sector clients.

                                                                                        With a track record of over 50 years and a team of 190 skilled professionals, we bring a
                                                                                        passion for the environment and a determination to achieve sustainable development on
                                                                                        behalf of our clients.

                                                                                        We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of innovative thinking, successfully
                                                                                        resolving even the most complex of issues. We care about the legacy we leave and
                                                                                        hope to make a real difference through the work we do.

Concept for The National Maritime Museum, Greenwich

                          Bristol                     Landscape Design
                          Edinburgh                   Strategic Planning & Assessment
                          Glasgow                     Development Planning
                          London                      Urban Design & Masterplanning
                          Manchester                  Environmental Impact Assessment
                                                      Landscape Planning & Assessment
                                                      Landscape Management
                           Historic Environment
                                                      GIS & Visualisation
                                                          Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY

                   With landscape                                      Sponsors
                    architects to
                  achieve great play                      Timberplay

                        value.                            Timberplay are one of the most respected names within the play industry. Preferred
                                                          supplier to many Landscape Architects, Timberplay offer a huge range of over 700 play

                                                          Timberplay believe the landscape is key in creating exceptional play areas and are
                                                          adept at working collaboratively on projects with their own in-house team of Landscape

                                                          Partners of world-renowned Richter Spielgeräte, Timberplay are proud to offer
                                                          educational CPDs, site visits and intensive study tours to support the development of a
                                                          greater understanding of the world of play.

+44 (0)114 282 3474 info@timberplay.
               Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			         37



               Vestre is a Scandinavian manufacturer of beautiful, inclusive, and durable urban furniture.
               For more than 70 years, we have helped create caring meeting places for millions of
   Design:     We never compromise when it comes to material quality, lifespan and the environment;
               our products are manufactured only in Scandinavia and Vestre is the first company to
Lars Tornøe    manufacture carbon-neutral outdoor furniture (we’ve done so for over 10 years).
& Atle Tveit   In addition, we have made a long-term commitment to sustainability in all parts of our
               operations and have embedded nine of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals within
               our business plan.
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY		          38    Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			        39

           Sponsors                                                                                         Sponsors
Jupiter Play                                                                                   Kinley

Designing Play Spaces That Create a Sense of Wonder. An independent family run                 Innovation is in our DNA at Kinley. Let us inspire your landscape projects. When you’re
business who have the ambition to inspire children, families, and the wider community to       planning your next outdoor development, think Kinley. You’ll be inspired by our innovative
lead more active lifestyles by designing great outdoor spaces.                                 landscape edging and terrace systems, and find the answers to your outdoor architectural
                                                                                               design challenges.
Celebrating 20 years in the play industry, Jupiter Play is renowned for its bespoke design
capabilities, our integration of inclusiveness into our design process and the high quality,   We’ve taken the hassle out of our processes so that you can easily develop amazing spaces
low maintenance products that make our projects sustainable. Our product portfolio is          that you are proud of – right from concept design and specification through to construction
one of the most comprehensive in the UK market and our experienced team will help you          and installation. Find out more about our excellent range of environmentally sustainable
make the most informed choices for your project.                                               products, all designed and engineered following our rigorous quality management system.

                                                                                               INSPIRED PL ACES MADE POSSIBLE
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY		           40    Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			   41

           Sponsors                                                                                          Sponsors
The Land Trust                                                                                  Polypipe

The Land Trust vision is to improve the quality of people’s lives by creating sustainable,      Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation is part of the Polypipe Group plc. From its two
high quality green spaces that deliver environmental, social and economic benefits.             manufacturing centres - Loughborough and Horncastle – the company produces the
Passionate about identifying cost effective solutions to deliver high quality and sustainably   UK’s most comprehensive range of infrastructure, sustainable water management and
maintained open space,                                                                          integrated landscape and green asset solutions for every sector of the construction
The Land Trust work with land owners who, for a variety of reasons, want to pass on
responsibility (and often liability) for the management of an area of land. Ahead of taking     Enhancing resilient development, Polypipe partners within both customers and suppliers
responsibility and ‘ownership’ we will identify and secure appropriate long-term funding        to minimise the environmental impact of its products, maximising the use of recycled
(often in perpetuity) and management regimes, ensuring that the site has a sustainable          materials and renewable energy wherever possible. The company currently re-processes
future as green open space and crucially that it delivers against our charitable objectives.    over 16,000 tonnes of plastic waste each year in the manufacture of its products

Now having ownership or long term management responsibility for over 2,000 ha of land
with more than 60 spaces across England, The Land Trust are currently working on taking
our first sites in Scotland.
Health, Wellbeing and Place: How landscape delivers positive change #LICPDDAY			          43

                                                                       LI Events
                                                          Continuing professional development, or CPD, is a crucial aspect of professional body

                                                          The LI asks all our corporate members to complete a minimum of 25 hours’ CPD
                                                          activity per year. This is to help members uphold the highest standards of professional
                                                          competence and knowledge.

                                                          LI CPD days are an excellent and affordable way for LI members and landscape-related
                                                          professionals to develop their professional knowledge and expertise.

                                                             What’s coming up for CPD
                                                             Greener Recovery Festival
                                                             22 - 26 March 2021, Online

                                                             LI Webinar
                                                             Register Now

                                                             LI Webinar: Technology, People & Place
                                                             2 February 2021

                                                             LI Webinar: Inclusive play in natural environments
                                                             16 February 2021

                                                             LI Webinar: Thamesmead, Living in the Landscape
                                                             18 February 2021

Improve your
skills with Landscape
Institute CPD
                                                          Subscribe to Vista email to hear about the latest LI events

                                                          If you would like to stay up to date with the latest news, events and other information
Digital skills, landscape-led planning, natural capital   from the LI, follow the link to where you can subscribe to Vista, our email newsletter.
                                                          Whether you work as a landscape professional or you’re just interested in the sector,
accounting, human skills, plant health. Explore the       Vista has you covered.
2020 - 2021 programme:

Landscape Institute
85 Tottenham Court Road,
London, W1T 4TQ
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