Health System Review PORTUGAL - APRIL 2018 - SNS
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APRIL 2018 Health System Review PORTUGAL Phase 1 Final Report European on Health Systems and Policies a partnership hosted by WHO
Health System Review © World Health Organization 2018 (acting as the host organization for, and secretariat of, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies). All rights reserved. The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies be liable for damages arising from its use. The views expressed by authors, editors, or expert groups do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies or any of its partners.
Phase 1 Final Report Contents page Introduction 7 Background 8 DOMAIN 1: HEALTH AND ITS DETERMINANTS 9 DOMAIN 2: NHS SECTORIAL REFORMS AND HUMAN RESOURCES 15 DOMAIN 3: PERSON-CENTRED, BETTER INTEGRATED NHS 21 DOMAIN 4: NHS FINANCING 27 Conclusions and Recommendations 35 References 39 3
Health System Review Abbreviations EU European Union GBD Global Burden of Disease GP General Practitioner IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation IT Information technology MoH Ministry of Health NHP National Health Plan NHS National Healthcare System NPAPP National Physical Activity Promotion Program OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PPP Public Private Partnerships WHO World Health Organization 4
Phase 1 Final Report List of figures, tables and boxes Figures page Figure 1. Fertility rates in Portugal 1960 – 2014 10 Figure 2. Evolution of Monetary Poverty in Children and the Elderly, 2006 – 2014 10 Figure 3. Population at risk of poverty by working condition in Portugal 2003 – 2015 10 Figure 4. Unemployment rates in Portugal, seasonally adjusted, December 2016 11 Figure 5. Burden of Chronic Disease in Portugal, 2016 11 Figure 6. Multimorbidity in Portuguese population, by age group and gender 12 Figure 7. Depression among PHC (NHS) users in Portugal by health region. DGS, 2016 12 Figure 8. Healthy life expectancy at age 65, in European countries 12 Figure 9. Therapeutic cost of controlled diabetic patients in family health care units, by type of unit, and health region 15 Figure 10. Long-term care services, by typology and health regions, 2017 16 Figure 11. Number of beds in Portuguese hospitals 16 Figure 12. Number of visits to the Emergency Departments (ED) per 100 population in Portugal 2002 – 2014 17 Figure 13. Doctors/nurses ratio in Portugal 18 Figure 14. Comparing health literacy across selected European countries 22 Figure 15. Health literacy levels by age and educational levels 22 Figure 16. Health expenditure as a percentage of GDP 27 Figure 17. Public Health expenditure 2010 – 2015 27 Figure 18. NHS expenditures in medicines in million Euros, 2003 – 2016 29 Figure 19. Out-of-pocket expenditure in the NHS market 30 Figure 20. Number of packages dispensed in the NHS market 30 Figure 21. Policy interventions related to medicines: Survey of measures taken in European countries during 2010 – 2015 30 Figure 22. Average growth of the pharmaceutical market 30 Figure 23. Expenditure on pharmaceuticals per capita, 2014 (or nearest year) 31 Figure 24. Average medicines prices, 2003 – 2017 31 Figure 25. Generics Share, 2010 – 2016 31 Figure 26. Number of MEAs celebrated in the inpatient and outpatient settings 32 Table Table 1. Current and capital expenditure in health 29 Box Box 1. Persons centred NHS upgrade – main dimensions 24 5
Phase 1 Final Report Introduction First, the initial findings of the assessment were discussed with a panel of national and selected international experts and decision makers. The aim of In November 2016, the Ministry of Health of Portugal, this discussion was to identify key priorities and actions the European Observatory on Health Systems and for strengthening the Portuguese health system which Policies, and the Regional Office for Europe of the World could serve as a basis for policy development and Health Organization (WHO) initiated an assessment policy implementation. of the Portuguese health system in relation to its For each of the four issues described above, a review performance on key challenges and opportunities in was made with the aim of framing the issue and the post-financial crisis recovery period. The programme describing the Portuguese context. Then, a review of the of work included a review of the National Healthcare ongoing responses was made, followed by a discussion System (NHS) strengths and challenges. To provide of further actions in order to face the challenges focus, four key domains were used: identified when the issue was made. Whenever possible, • Domain 1: Health and its determinants examples of good practices and international guidelines were integrated in this report. • Domain 2: NHS sectorial reforms and human resources The review was conducted by a team of international and Portuguese health policy experts, and included • Domain 3: Person-centred, better integrated NHS extensive consultation with stakeholders from • Domain 4: NHS financing government, healthcare employees and academia. The preliminary findings from this review formed the In addition, the current Portuguese priorities were basis for a policy dialogue in May 2017. This report considered in the development of this report. There presents the findings of this review, taking on board is ongoing public health reform, aiming at revitalizing the comments and contributions of Portuguese and public health services and public health delivery in international experts in the Policy Dialogue. Portugal. A new strategy for the National Health Plan (NHP) is also a priority. Efforts have been made to provide more and better quality person-centred care in the NHS as a part of the strategies of the New Public Health. This could be achieved using a two-fold strategy: focusing on the local implementation of the NHP on the one hand and on the promotion of health literacy on the other hand. However, achieving a more person-centred NHS is strongly dependent on the progress of key sectorial NHS reforms. Another priority is the digital transformation of the NHS, allowing for both professionals and users to access information and also tools which contribute to integrative care and people centredness. The digital transformation would also contribute to increase the transparency of the NHS, which is a good practice for governance. 7
Health System Review Background Similarly to other European countries, the health system in Portugal faces substantial challenges. These include demographic changes, patterns of deprivation and childhood poverty, unhealthy ageing, multimorbidity and physical inactivity and consequences of the financial crisis in the Portuguese NHS. This report is divided in to four domains: • Domain 1: Health and its determinants • Domain 2: NHS sectorial reforms and human resources • Domain 3: Person-centred, better integrated NHS • Domain 4: NHS financing Each of these domains is further described below and framed in the Portuguese context, together with a summary of the key challenges encountered in each one of them, followed by a summary of the main actions already taken in Portugal and suggestions for further actions to overcome the remaining challenges. 8
Domain 1: Health and its determinants DOMAIN 1: HEALTH AND ITS DETERMINANTS 1.1 Demography In Portugal the number of babies born alive have been decreasing in the last decades for several reasons, Portugal, in line with other European countries, has including the lack of policies that support parenthood had profound demographic changes, reflected in and, formerly, the economic crisis. Portugal had the the increase in longevity and the elderly population lowest fertility rate in the European Union in 2014, and in the reduction of the birth rate and the young 1.23 babies per woman, and was also the Member State population. The number of elderly people tripled in that registered the biggest births fall from 2001 to 2014. the last 20 years, and this trend is expected to increase in the coming years. The population of Portugal 1.2 Childhood and overall poverty, and rose to 10.57 million in 2010, but has since fallen to employment patterns 10.34 million (Simões et al. 2017). The Portuguese population is expected to decrease to 7.5 million Studies conducted in several countries demonstrate by 2080, with a sharp increase in the proportion of the impact of child poverty in areas as diverse as the older population. The number of births has also physical and psychological health, education and been decreasing in the last decades. Portugal was the qualifications, aspirations and expectations, wages in European Union (EU) country with the lowest fertility adulthood, unemployment or dependence on social rate in 2014 (1.23 children per woman) and was also security (Eurochild & EAPN, 2013; UNICEF, 2007). the Member State that registered the highest reduction Children growing up in poverty are more likely to fall ill in births between 2001 and 2014. The lack of policies throughout their lives and to die younger than children to support parenthood coupled with the economic crisis growing up in better financial conditions; they are also may have contributed to this reduction. more likely to suffer from a chronic illness or a disability. The World Bank Group (UNICEF, 2016) notes the impact Migration is also a key element in demographic changes. of poverty on well-being, employment prospects and The study “Migration and macroeconomic performance: expectations of poor children. They can develop low an exploratory analysis of the Portuguese case” found motivation, have low aspirations, hopes and dreams. that the current crisis may ultimately cause lasting inflections in migration flows. In recent years there has In Portugal, the phenomenon of child poverty was been a gradual decline in immigration coupled with studied by Bastos and Nunes between 1995 and 2001 a sudden increase in emigration. These changes can (Bastos e Nunes, 2009). They confirmed the vulnerability be attributed to a need to escape from the economic of children and the increased risks of poverty, especially crisis experienced by the Portuguese population. among children who belong to single parents and in However, this increase in emigration will have important families where there is unemployment. Portugal has consequences for the Portuguese macroeconomic historically had relatively high levels of deprivation and performance in the long run, in particular through poverty, and continues to have overall poverty rates the “brain drain” associated with the combination above the EU average. This is particularly the case for of increased emigration, ageing of the Portuguese children, and rates of child poverty rose significantly population and a reduced immigration. Portugal faces a during the financial crisis period. This contrasts with the double challenge: preventing brain drain and attracting lower and generally declining risk of poverty in older qualified immigration. people, as can be noted in Figure 1. 9
Health System Review Figure 1. Fertility rates in Portugal 1960 – 2014 The poverty risk rate for the elderly population increased again in 2015, with 18.3% (17.0% in the previous year). On the other hand, a new reduction in the risk of 3.2 poverty for those under 18 years of age was recorded 3.0 in 2015: 22.4%, which is -2.4 percentage points (pp) 2.8 compared to 2014. The poverty rate for adults was 2.6 18.2%, down 0.6 percentage points from the previous 2.4 year (18.8% in 2014). 2.2 2.0 2014 (1.23) Figure 3. Population at risk of poverty by working 1.8 condition in Portugal 2003 – 2015 1.6 1.4 Portugal 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Source: Pordata, INE, Indicadores Demográficos, Anual. The child poverty rate in 2015 was measured by the proportion of inhabitants with income lower than 5 268 euros per year (439 euros per month). In 2015, families composed of 2 adults and 3 or more dependent children and families with one adult and at least one dependent child have the highest risk of poverty (42.7% and 31.6%, respectively). (Report “Inequality of Income Source: EU-SILC. and Poverty in Portugal, the social consequences of the adjustment program” of the Francisco Manuel dos The risk of poverty for the unemployed population was Santos Foundation, in September 2016). 42.0% in 2015, maintaining the value registered in the previous year. The risk of poverty for the employed Figure 2. Evolution of Monetary Poverty in population was 10.9% in 2015, unchanged from 2014. Children and the Elderly, 2006 – 2014 In 2015, the risk of poverty increased in the retired population, with a rate of 16.0% compared to 14.4% 30% in 2014 (+1.6 pp). However, it has maintained the 28% decreasing trend observed in the series for this indicator: 25.5% 25.6% minus 10 percentage points since 2003. 25% 24.4% 22.8% 22.9% 22.4% 22.4% 24.8% If we consider the at-risk-of-poverty rate before social 21.8% 23% 20.9% transfers, the rate remains almost stable between 2013 20% 22.3% and 2014 in the EU-28 while it rises a bit more in some 22.0% 20.1% 20.0% EU Member States, with the largest increases registered 18% in Belgium, Finland, Portugal (each 1.2 percentage 15% 17.4% 17.0% points) and Sweden (1.4 percentage points). 15.1% 13% 14.7% Finally, the report “Inequality of Income and Poverty in Portugal, the social consequences of the adjustment 10% program” of the Francisco Manuel dos Santos 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Foundation, in September 2016, concludes that one Children Elderly of the most affected vulnerable groups were “young families with children” and that in “2014 it is possible Source: National Institute of Statistics. to verify that 58.4% of the poor population belongs to households with children.” The “at-risk-of-poverty” rate in 2015 corresponded to Unemployment in Portugal is high by EU standards, the proportion of people with an annual net monetary with only 5 of the EU 28 countries having higher income, per adult, equivalent or less than 5 268 euros unemployment. This feeds both directly and indirectly (439 euros per month). This threshold, or poverty line (through associated poverty) into health needs. corresponds to 60% of the median (8 780 euros) Young adults are at particular risk of unemployment monetary income. and precarious work. According to the Monthly The risk of poverty is much lower among working Provisional Employment Survey, the seasonally adjusted people, and unemployment is higher in Portugal unemployment rate (15 to 74 years) was 10.5% in than the EU average. Additionally, rates of precarious December 2016, with a clear trend towards further employment are high in Portugal particularly among decline, see Figure 4). younger workers. 10
Domain 1: Health and its determinants Figure 4. Unemployment rates in Portugal, 1.4 Multimorbidity and mental health seasonally adjusted, December 2016 Multimorbidity is closely related to age and socio- economic conditions and most adults attending primary health care have more than one chronic condition. Studies on the epidemiology of multimorbidity show that its prevalence increases with age, its onset is 10 to 15 years earlier in those living in deprived areas compared with the more affluent ones and is strongly associated with mental health disorders (Barnett et al., 2012. Ageing means that more people are living with multiple chronic conditions (Rechel B, 2013). This has important implications for care delivery, since in most cases the treatment of one disease will be in the context of other chronic conditions. Figure 5 shows the distribution of the burden of chronic diseases in Portugal, with 41% of Source: Eurostat the NHS users having multimorbidity (more than one chronic disease). The percentage of the population in a precarious work situation in European countries is 12.3%. However, Figure 5. Burden of Chronic Disease in Portugal, countries like Portugal, Spain, Poland, Slovenia and the 2016 Netherlands have a far higher rate, more than 20%, young people are most affected because they cannot find a permanent job. Between 2000 and 2015, more than 75% of 22% employment contracts were considered precarious by the International Labour Organization – the same rate as in Spain, Slovenia and Greece. Precarious work has 41% several consequences, both for companies, workers and 41% multimorbidity the social economy itself, leading to less innovation, 8% lower productivity, a risk to the sustainability of social security systems, difficulties in accessing credit and postponement in the decision to start a family. 11% 1.3 Obesity and physical inactivity 18% Levels of obesity are rising, related to both unhealthy diets and low levels of physical activity. Of the ■ No Chronic diseases ■ 1 Chronic disease ■ 2 Chronic diseases population aged between 25 and 74 years old, 28.7% ■ 3 Chronic diseases ■ 4 or more Chronic diseases are obese, and 38.9% pre-obese. There is a strong Note: Percentage of NHS users with chronic diseases. socio-economic gradient with 43.1% of adults with only basic education being obese, but only 14.7% of 22% of the population has 3 chronic conditions and those with a university education. Portugal already 4% has 5 or more. Diabetes is an example of a chronic has a system for identifying, managing and combating disease which is associated with multimorbidity, posing pre-obesity in primary health care to prevent it from major challenges to health systems across Europe. The developing into more severe clinical conditions (PAI – rate of diabetes provides a useful indicator of the Pre-Obesity / DGS). However, the system is still in the success of population level interventions. In Portugal, the very early stages of implementation and only 5.2% prevalence of diabetes in the adult population increased pre-obese are registered in primary health care. The from 11.7% in 2009 to 13% in 2013. It will probably prevalence of childhood obesity at 8 years old in rise with population ageing and may increase as a result Portugal, measured by the same method (COSI / WHO of higher prevalence of obesity. The mortality rate from study) seems to be stable over the last 3 measurements diabetes has been decreasing in the last years. over 6 years. Physical activity levels in Portugal are among the lowest in Europe, in adults and particularly in teenagers. Up until 2016, physical activity promotion did not have a dedicated program at the Portuguese Health Ministry. This was changed with the creation of the National Physical Activity Promotion Program (NPAPP) which was introduced in June 2016. 11
Health System Review Figure 6. Multimorbidity in Portuguese population, In 2014 the life expectancy at 65 years was 19.2 years by age group and gender (17, 3 years for men and 20, 7 years for women). The overall life expectancy at 65 years in 2015 was 19.3 90 years (PORDATA, 2017). 80 70 Figure 8 Healthy life expectancy at age 65, in European countries % with multimorbidity 60 50 40 30 20 18 20 16 10 14 Healthy years 0 12 [0;10] [10;20] [20;30] [30;40] [40;50] [50;60] [60;70] [70;80] [80;90] [90;150] 10 ■ Men ■ Women Age groups 8 6 4 16.3 15.3 15.3 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.1 10.3 10.3 10.1 10.0 9.7 9.4 9.2 9.2 8.3 8.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.7 6.2 5.9 5.3 4.1 4.0 2 0 Mental illness has been identified as a problem that en No nd er y Ire y De and ite Bel k ng m F m itz ce th nd m s O urg 25 ec Fin n Re d Po ic Sl nd Au ia G ia e Po aly Hu gal Es ry a Sl via ia G wa an xe nd ar ec ni ai lan bl en r ak a d giu do st Sw ran ed ela Ne erla D la It t Sp to rtu ng nm bo pu La m re Lu erla l r ov ov EC Sw Ic Ki needs better services. There has been a shift away h Cz Un ■ Total ■ Male ■ Female from hospital treatment of mental illness and there is evidence, in some diseases, of an increased use of Note: Countries are ranked in descending order of healthy life expectancy for the whole population. Source: Eurostat Database 2017 medication. As is common in EU countries, there are Source: Eurostat Database, 2017. identifiable gaps in mental health care. Note: Countries are ranked in descending order of healthy life expectancy for the whole population. Portugal has the highest per capita prescription of anti-depressants in the EU, with 60% of the DDD of Selected recent and ongoing developments psychiatric drugs prescribed in the NHS, at a national level, of 341 604 888. The increase was 5% compared In the budget for 2017 the government introduced a to 2014 (the lowest in relative terms since 2011), new tax for sweetened beverages, the tax is based on and this value does not pose similar concerns to the sugar content (Law 42/2016, de 28 de November, those of the previous group. The antipsychotics, also articles 212.º, 213.º e 215.º). Whether this marginal maintained a growth trend (since 2013) but only 2%, increase in tax will impact on the consumer price and reaching 45 770 580 DDD, corresponding to 7% of the effect on consumption, is still to be seen. Moreover, the group of psychotropic drugs. Depressive disorders the Government introduced a law to ban sugary increased substantially in Portugal during the recent drinks and high density caloric food from the vending economic crises. machines in NHS facilities. A National Physical Activity Promotion Program (NPAPP) Figure 7. Depression among PHC (NHS) users in was introduced in June 2016, aimed at implementing Portugal by health region the recommendations laid down by the WHO European Region’s “Physical Activity Strategy 2016 – 2025” and the 12 DGS’s “National Strategy for the Promotion of Physical Activity, Health and Well-being 2016 – 2025”. The main 10 priority of the NPAPP is to establish an efficient and 8 well-resourced multi-sectorial platform that can engage, Percentage coordinate, and monitor national initiatives to promote 6 physical activity across all relevant sectors. NPAPP’s 4 specific contributions to a national Action Plan will focus 2 on the health sector, with the aim of physical activity promotion becoming an integral part of the national 0 health system, especially among primary care units. 2011 2012 2013 2014 — North — Centre — Lisbon and the Tagus Valley Public health campaigns to reduce salt and sugar usage, — Alentejo — Algarve as well as tobacco smoking have been planned. Source: DGS, 2016. A number of public health programs, within the National Plan Health framework are been implemented. For example, one of these national programs has been 1.5 Unhealthy ageing dealing with diabetes risk evaluation using FinDRisk While life expectancy has increased, data suggest that score. Its implementation in primary care units resulted relative to other comparable European countries, healthy in 1.2 million risk evaluations being performed in life expectancy has performed less well. While some of 2014 and 2015 in asymptomatic people. The screened this may reflect measurement issues, and may reflect people with medium or high risk were then referred to past deprivation levels affecting this age group, the poor a General Practitioner (GP) appointment. The national outcome compared to other countries is a concern. program to prevent diabetes developed an integrated care model based on a multidisciplinary approach. 12
Domain 1: Health and its determinants Key challenges – the way forward The National Health Plan provides a very useful basis for actions tackling these challenges, but much more is • The health system in Portugal will require long term needed in terms of: strategies to tackle the health consequences of family deprivation, unemployment and child poverty which • Linking planning at national, regional and local levels; were exacerbated during the financial crisis. • Closer working with NGOs and civil society to • Population ageing and unemployment coupled with implement public health plans, creating broader high migration of younger people of working age opportunities for public participation; contribute to an ongoing decline of the Portuguese • Further modernisation of the public health workforce population. This affects the demand and the supply and providing stronger support for the development of health services. of the local public health units; • The majority of users of the NHS have one or more • Wider use of health impact assessment to guide and chronic diseases which has important implications monitor public health actions. for the delivery of services: services are no longer provided adequately in single disciplinary approaches. The increasing prevalence of multi-morbidity also calls for more attention to be paid to improving quality of life in elderly people and community and home care settings. Closer collaboration between health care and social care organization is of fundamental importance. • There is a need for a particular focus on actions to improve healthy life expectancy, especially among older women. • Diet and physical activity are among the most pressing population health challenges in Portugal, calling for continuing the current investment on effective and more equitable health promotion and disease prevention policy and implementation. • Portugal has a strong record in development of health plans and strategies, and weaknesses in local approaches to implementation. 13
Health System Review 14
Domain 2: NHS sectorial reforms and human resources DOMAIN 2: NHS SECTORIAL REFORMS AND HUMAN RESOURCES The Portuguese NHS is organized into five health regions Figure 9. Therapeutic cost of controlled diabetic and aims to provide access to all effective medical patients in family health care units, by type of unit, services on the basis of need. Though regulation, and health region monitoring, control and financing of the public health system are within the central administration EURO competences, the principle of decentralization and 500 autonomy in the operational management of health 400 organizations has been granted since the establishment of the NHS in 1979. However during the period of the 300 Cost financial crisis, there was a set of actions and policy 200 355 313 334 436 333 318 388 346 311 352 307 267 366 314 285 measures that significantly diminished the extent of decentralization and autonomy of healthcare 100 organizations within the NHS. 0 Alentejo Algarve Centre Lisbon and North the Tagus Valley Types of primary health care unit: 2.1 Primary health care ■ non-reformed family health units ■ reformed family health unit, without performance related pay ■ reformed family health unit with performance related pay Primary health care reform has been strongly focused Source: BD NSCP (ACSS) on transforming traditional health centres into network Source: BD NSCP (ACSS). functional units, such as family health units, community health care units, others health specialties support units 2.2 Long term care and public health units. Changes in family health care units towards contracted self-managed units, with The National Network of Continuing Integrated Care performance related pay, have been made progressively (RNCCI) is defined as a response focused on providing over the last decade. The main purpose is to create care to people who, regardless of age, are in a situation more autonomous and multidisciplinary teams in of functional dependency. The purpose of the Network primary care, and incentives for better performance is the rehabilitation and social reintegration and the (e.g. better follow up of patients, notably chronic provision and maintenance of comfort and quality of life, patients, better pre and post-natal care, more cost- even in cases where no recovery is possible. effective use of medicines). By the end of 2017 there In January 2018 RNCCI is characterized by offering were approximately 390 non-reformed family health 8 224 inpatient responses and 5775 home care units versus 505 reformed one. Of the reformed health responses for adults. It also offers 10 inpatients and care units, approximately 235 benefit from performance 10 ambulatory responses for children with complex related pay, while 270 do not enjoy that benefit yet. chronic illness. Finally, it offers a diversity of inpatients home and care responses, totaling 197 beds / places, for young people and adults with severe mental illness and psycho-social dependence. Care for children with complex chronic illness and for young people and adults with severe mental illness was offered for the first time during 2017 and is therefore in the experimental year. 15
Health System Review Figure 10. Long-term care services, by typology and health regions, 2017 Health Region ARS Lisboa and Vale Typology of Units ARS Alentejo ARS Algarve ARS Centro do Tejo ARS Norte Total Convalescence Unit 135 74 251 199 157 816 Palliative Care Unit 14 – – 129 26 169 Medium Duration and Rehabilitation Unit 203 138 735 720 742 2 538 Long Term and Maintenance Unit 431 317 1 297 1 119 1 537 4 701 Pediatric Support Unit – – – 10 10 – Assisted Living – – 13 14 27 – Home Support Team – – 8 8 8 24 Integrated Continuing Care Team 566 750 846 2 072 1 641 5 875 Maximum Support Residence – – 24 – 24 – Moderate Support Residence – – 8 16 – 24 Residence of Autonomy Training – – 19 – 19 – Residence of Autonomy Training – Type A – – – 12 6 18 Integrated Pediatric Care Unit – Type 1 – – – 10 10 – Socio-Occupational Unit – – 30 25 55 – Socio-Occupational Unit – Childhood – – 20 10 30 – and Adolescence Total 1 349 1 279 3 175 4 351 4 186 14 340 2.3 Hospital care In Portugal, there are 113 public and 96 private hospitals. In 2002, private hospitals provided 16.5% of the total In 2013 there were 25,000 beds in public hospitals and number of visits to Portuguese hospitals (around 10,500 in private hospitals. There has been a reduction 1.6 million visits), while in 2013 they accounted for 29% of 1,659 beds in total since 2002, but a rise in the (around 5.1 million consultations). proportion that are private. Portugal has rates of visits to emergency departments (ED) considerably higher than other OECD countries Figure 11. Number of beds in Portuguese hospitals (OECD average 30.8 visits / 100 inhabitants). That pattern has remained fairly constant over the years; however the ED visits in private facilities have risen, 35 503 contrasting with a small decline in NHS ED visits. The 0 00 40 37 162 Number of hospital beds in Portugal literature points out that part of the demand for ED 0 00 35 25 029 visits could be treated elsewhere more efficiently, 0 28 733 00 30 namely in primary care by telephone-based services 0 00 25 0 (McHale et al. 2013), these visits were designated as 00 20 0 non-urgent or inappropriate. In Portugal a study found 00 15 10 474 0 8 429 00 that up to 30% of these visits could be inappropriate 10 0 00 0 (Pereira S, 2001). The ACSS access report states that 5 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Public hospitals Private hospitals 8.6% of the user and considered frequent users (4 or more visits in a year), those 8.6% represent 27.9% of the ED visits. 16
Domain 2: NHS sectorial reforms and human resources Figure 12. Number of visits to the Emergency 2.4 Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Departments (ED) per 100 population in Portugal The creation of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) granted 2002 – 2014 more autonomy to organizations by conceding the management of service units of care to private entities, 80 72 73 71 73 73 75 74 75 75 74 71 72 74 or by the joint investment between them and the State (Barros, Machado & Simões, 2011). According to the Number of visits to ED / 100 population 70 60 current Portuguese PPP legal framework (Decree-Law 50 n.º 111/2012, of May 23rd), a PPP is defined as “(…) a 40 contract or union of contracts through which private 30 entities, designated as private partners, oblige, in a 20 durable way, before a public partner, to assure, upon 10 0 payment, the development of an activity tending 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 to the satisfaction of a collective need, in which the Year in analysis responsibility for the investment, financing, operation, Total ED visits NHS ED visits Private ED visits and associated risks, falls, in whole or in part, to the private partner”. Research has shown that PPP hospitals are generally Concerning the reorganization of the hospital network, efficient, in particular the hospitals of Braga and Cascais, there is still a major gap of evidence regarding which presented outstanding positive results. However, the efficiency gains obtained by the merging and it was not possible to identify statistically significant concentration of services, hospitals and management differences between the results of the PPP and the boards. Likewise, the internal and intermediate non PPP subgroups. management of NHS hospitals also needs to be improved, since their autonomy has been reduced by Results indicated that most PPP hospitals have on the measures taken in the context of the economic and average a higher capacity for surgeries than the other financial adjustment plan (Simões et al.,2017). comparable public hospitals, while they mostly present a lower than average percentage of hip fractures Hospitals are paid on global budgets based on surgically repaired within 48 hours. Yet, all PPP diagnosis-related groups, with the possibility to hospitals presented a higher than average percentage reallocate resources across cost-categories. In addition of outpatient surgeries on planned surgical care for to the transfers from the government, hospitals ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, which means a generate their own revenue, through flat rate user better performance than comparable hospitals, with charges for outpatient and diagnostic services, special significant statistical difference between groups. As services (e.g. individual private rooms) and from far as the fulfilment of the maximum waiting times privately insured patients. The contract covers several imposed by law is concerned, PPP hospitals presented areas, like consultation, inpatient care, and emergency a better performance than comparable hospitals in the care, among others. A new system of incentives for case of surgeries, but a generally worse performance hospital performance was created in 2017, which regarding first outpatient appointments. values comparisons and positive competition among institutions, identifying the differences in care 2.5 Human resources performance and efficiency that now occurs in hospitals with similar characteristics, providing operational In 2014, the Ministry of Health employed 124 260 levers to encourage improved performance. This new people, of which 97% were related to institutions mechanism considers a set of objectives that are used to providing primary and hospital care and 3% to central make comparisons of performance among the hospitals and regional technical and administrative services. of the NHS, organized in benchmarking groups, focusing Nurses are the professional group in healthcare with on the areas of access, quality and efficiency. the largest number of workers, accounting for about one-third of all Ministry of Health (MoH) workers Hospitals are reimbursed for the comprehensive (38 089), although numbers are low when compared treatment provided to patients for several chronic to international standards. The next largest group is diseases: HIV infection, multiple sclerosis, pulmonary medical staff (26 645, 22%), followed by operational hypertension, different lysosomal storage diseases, assistants (24 600, 20%). In the case of medical doctors, familial amyloid polyneuropathy and selected about 67% are specialists and 33% interns. oncological diseases (i.e. breast cancer, cervical cancer, colo-rectal cancer). The price for the comprehensive treatment was based on the clinical guidelines for each disease. It includes medicines, consultation, medical tests, etc. The aim was to make providers familiar with the guidelines and quality of care (Lourenço, 2016a). The independent assessment for the HIV / AIDS showed positive results. 17
Health System Review Figure 13. Doctors / nurses ratio in Portugal EU average: 3.6 20 Practising nurses per 1 000 population, 2015 (or nearest year) Doctors Low Doctors High Nurses High Nurses High DK 15 FI DE IE LU NL SE 10 BE SI FR EU average: 8.4 EU UK MT AT CZ LT HU EE RO IT Portugal PL HR 5 LV ES BG SK CY EL Doctors Low Doctors High Nurses Low Nurses Low 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Practising doctors per 1 000 population, 2015 (or nearest year) Note: In Portugal and Greece, data refer to all doctors licensed to practice, resulting in a large over-estimation of the number of practising Source: OECD doctors / European (e.g. ofon Observatory around Health30% in Portugal). Systems In (2017). and Policies Austria and Greece, the number of nurses is under-estimated as it only includes those working in hospital. Note: In Portugal and Greece, data refer to all doctors licensed to practice, Source: resulting in Eurostat Database. a large over-estimation of the number of practising doctors (e.g. of around 30% in Portugal). In Austria and Greece, the number of nurses is under- estimated as it only includes those working in hospital. The emigration of Portuguese health professionals is In the period 2002 – 2013, the number of registered also stimulated by the difficulty for recently graduated nurses increased continuously, with a total increase of nurses, dentists and diagnostic and therapeutic about 24,000 professionals. This increase was equally technicians to find employment, the low salaries strong for both women and men (an increase of offered in both the public and private sectors, heavy 58% for women and 56% for men compared to the workloads, remuneration not being performance-related base year). The ratio of nurses per 1,000 population and limited career prospects. Further, the dynamics increased from 4.0 in 2002 to 6.3 in 2013. The number of medical school graduates and the retirement of of doctors per thousand inhabitants also increased Medical Doctors will generate a surplus that may in the same period, from 3.2 to 4.3. In 2014 the role not be absorbed by the healthcare system by 2025 of family nurse was created (Decree-Law 118/2014). (Santana, 2014). From 2009 until 2015, the nurses Council estimates that 12.500 nurses emigrated (Pereira, 2015). The occurrence of the burnout syndrome in Portuguese health professionals is frequent, being associated with Three quarters of nurses work in acute settings and a the perception of poor working conditions and reduced quarter in the community. A further shift to community professional experience. The incidence of the burnout settings will be needed if chronic diseases are to be syndrome shows regional differences which may be effectively managed outside of hospitals. associated with different and suboptimal conditions The distribution of health resources does not match for health care delivery. At the national level, between population characteristics. There is no correlation 2011 and 2013, 21.6% of health professionals presented between variables such as total number of physicians, moderate burnout and 47.8% burnout. The perception nurses, hospital beds, primary care units, and the ageing of poor working conditions was the main predictor index. Municipalities with a higher ageing index do not of the occurrence of burnout in Portuguese health get more resources, resulting in more limited access professionals (Marôco, 2016). Promoting retention to health care from those populations. Rural areas, strategies that increase satisfaction with opportunities especially interior areas with low density of population for career advancement among Portuguese nurses (and in many cases declining populations) are poorly has the potential to override individual characteristics provided with skilled human resources (Simões, 2017). associated with increased turnover intentions (Leone, 2015). 18
Domain 2: NHS sectorial reforms and human resources An improved strategy for staff retention and motivation • reduction in the medium term in the number of is needed. (Ribeiro, 2014). Promoting retention strategies people with functional dependency – adoption of that increase satisfaction with opportunities for career the strategy for active and healthy aging (already advancement among Portuguese nurses has the submitted). potential to override individual characteristics associated with increased turnover intentions (Leone, 2015). Several initiatives of decentralization and autonomy in the health system have occurred recently. Examples The discussion about skill mix in the NHS only include the change in the status of several NHS emerged recently. Despite, the exceptional training and hospitals to public enterprises, and the creation of qualifications of several health professions, the health Responsibility Centres, which increased the degree system continues to be focused on physicians. As of autonomy in the day-to-day decision-making an example, the recent created role of Family Nurses of organizations and services, especially in terms of requires more government measures (Simões et al. acquisitions and recruitment. The XXI constitutional 2017). Government introduced the principle of free access and circulation (FAC) for users in the SNS (Order No. 2.6 Digital transformation 5911-B/2016). With the implementation of FAC, the The development of eHealth in Portugal over the years patient who needs a specialty hospital consultation, was an important tool to improve governance, and the may, together with the family physician responsible availability of data is now much better than a decade for the referral, opt for any of the NHS hospital units ago. Nevertheless, the available data are not always where the specialty in question exists. Before, there used to improve process and results. The eHealth was a network of pre-defined hospitals for referral market started in the late 80s and it has been evolving from primary care, based on the place of residence. since then. Sometimes this is more market driven In principle this measure might increase efficiency and and other times more centralized in public providers. equity in the NHS. Simultaneously, the NHS started to However, it is clear that Portugal is now in the forefront release more information about waiting times. The of eHealth in Europe. All the primary health care most recent estimates show that approximately 12% providers have electronic health records, most hospitals of referred patients chose another hospital than the have electronic health records, there is already some one previously assigned. interoperability between different software. Key challenges – the way forward Selected past and ongoing efforts 1. F uture initiatives should take into consideration the Current priorities for the primary health care reform may balance between the central functions of policy be summarized as follows: guidance and monitoring; and the autonomy of delivery health care organizations. The decrease in • Enhancing primary health care response, by gradually autonomy and the centralization of decision-making strengthening their professional capacity in areas diminishes the capacity to find solutions adapted to such as oral health, psychology and nutrition and the different organizations, and their unique contexts. improving acute care management; Therefore, the decentralization of functions in the NHS, • Implementing a new contacting model for the from central services to hierarchically inferior levels, primary health care functional units, more adapted namely for regional health administrations, hospitals to respond to the current need to improve primary and health centre groups should be discussed in health care performance; order to optimize (Gulbenkian, 2015). Recognising that some of the recent centralisation was a response • Improving the culture and tools for better health and to external pressures, it is necessary to define more clinical governance in primary health care, taking clearly what roles are useful at the regional level and advantage of further developments of the Business to develop the structures and systems to allow these Intelligence system now taking place. roles to be developed. The following developments are taking place in the 2. There is a need to improve the current pace of the Portuguese long-term care network: primary health care reform, in order to provide similar quality of care to the entire Portuguese population as • increase of responses in extension and diversity – soon as possible. Also, the integration of primary care a strategy of increasing the number of responses, network with other levels of care remains a challenge, with priority for home care, is underway. The diversity requiring measures to improve the continuum of of responses to areas that lack some specificity care and the efficiency of the health system (see also (strategy for the care of people with dementia – Domain 3). already delivered) is being prepared; 3. An approach is needed to implement policy – • greater integration of the Network with social currently there remains a large gap between some responses – although the current response is already clear policy directions and the mechanisms for integrated, this needs to be deepened, namely with implementing policy and managing change. multiple social responses such as home support services and residential structures for the elderly; 19
Health System Review 4. T here is a need to clarify the policy goals in the interface of public and private provision, and to integrate the different sectors more effectively. 5. S ystematic evaluation and review of service delivery models will be useful and timely. Gaining full advantage of these new models may require more autonomy of providers and will have some implications for local and national governance arrangements and their balance. It is likely that the best options will involve further moves to integrate care provision and to simplify the ways in which people access care. 6. Despite significant changes in skill mix, service provision in Portugal remains very doctor centred, and there is a need for a wider set of skills and a better configuration of professionals to meet the growing needs of people with multiple and complex chronic diseases. 7. In line with most European Union countries, human resource policy making and planning for service provision and management needs to be placed clearly ahead of the needs curve. 8. T here is also a need to reduce outward migration of health care professionals and to examine in particular the incentives for retention and motivation of staff. While it can be difficult to compete on salaries with some other employers, the wider working conditions are important for motivation. 9. P ortugal can be proud of progress in terms of the use of information and communications technologies in the health sector. This provides a good basis both for more efficient operation of the system and also to further develop the role of patients and families. It is important to retain the focus on these developments as drivers and facilitators of better service delivery and to make the best use of the potential for wider use of the data in research, monitoring, quality assurance and service development. 20
Domain 3: Person-centred, better integrated NHS DOMAIN 3: PERSON-CENTRED, BETTER INTEGRATED NHS 3.1 Healthcare integration Although there are still challenges to be addressed regarding the success of vertical integration, recent The European Commission stresses that it is necessary studies suggest that quality indicators such as to offer alternative care models to improve quality of readmissions decreased after a vertical integration, life, health care and reduce avoidable hospitalizations especially among patients with diabetes and and costs. The integrated care model should be based complications (Lopes et al. 2017). Even though on better coordination among health and social care improvements were not found for all institutions or professionals, higher efficiency, improved healthcare condition-specific groups, this study shows that merging processes, supported by information technology (IT) acute and primary care providers is associated with and new organizational models and use of technologies reduced readmissions (Lopes et al. 2017). Vertical for remote care (e.g. at home or at work). integration, in organizational terms, between primary Care integration can be achieved with appropriate and hospital care, was introduced in 1996, as Local structures and appropriate care integration and Health Units (ULS in Portuguese), covering only a procurement tools. There has been some innovation geographical areas in the NHS. Since than a number of in contracting and procurement in Portugal (Simões projects, within and outside ULS, aiming at improving et al., 2017) that has provided experience in the use of health care integration, have been implemented in financing mechanisms that might be used as incentives Portugal. These projects focus on different aspects of for integration of care delivery, alongside the experience health care integration, including case-management of of integration of primary and secondary care delivery. highly complex patients, tele-communication between In Portugal, the integration experiences of health care, hospital and primary health care settings, more particularly between primary health care (PHC) and sophisticated referral systems between different levels secondary care already exist, but little is known about of care, home care follow-up of post hospitalization. the effectiveness of these models in improving care Interventions that include experts focused on discharge delivery. This issue thus becomes important, not only management, that include post-discharge rehabilitation because it is relevant to assess if significant efforts to and follow-up and those based on multicomponent integrate care have been made in Portugal but also strategies were most likely to be associated with because there is a particular experience of integration significant reductions in hospital use for patients with of PHC and secondary care which requires a deeper single conditions such as heart failure and chronic knowledge, specifically the model of local health unit obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). (ULS in Portuguese). Still on the issue of evaluation, and especially the evaluation of health care integration, there Remote monitoring of patients with COPD is still a need for better methodologies and metrics One of the main objectives in the treatment of COPD for measuring the integration of care and there is also is the prevention of hospital readmissions, as well as a lack of consensus on the terminology and on the the improvement of survival. This program was already concepts related to the integration of care. ongoing and this specific payment mechanism was applied in 2017, following a pre-established home protocol, according to the inclusion criteria and the objectives defined. Portugal has the second lowest asthma and COPD admissions in adults among EU21. 21
Health System Review Telemonitoring program for status after acute Figure 15. Health literacy levels by age and myocardial infarction educational levels The 30 day mortality after admission to hospital for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Portugal is 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% slightly higher than the EU21 average. Appropriate 15-25 years 12.7% 53.6% 30.9% 2.7% treatment and follow-up of AMI also reduces avoidable 26-35 years 11.8% 52.0% 32.4% 3.8% readmissions and hospital stays, as well as improves 36-45 years 11.8% 47.0% 34.9% 6.3% patient survival. In these terms, a 2014 Telemonitoring 46-55 years 45.2% Program for status after acute myocardial infarction 7.0% 40.2% 7.6% was developed. There are also implemented “vias 56-65 years 3.8% 41.9% 39.7% 14.7% verdes coronárias” that is a pathway for faster access 66-75 years 6.4% 28.2% 42.9% 22.6% to hospitals with primary angioplasty. 76+ years 2.3% 16.0% 46.6% 35.1% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 3.2 Health literacy Up to Basic 2 2.0% 32.9% 44.7% 20.4% When health literacy is compared across different European countries, Portugal appears in a less Basic 3 8.3% 48.9% 37.1% 5.7% favourable position (Figure 14). Secondary 14.4% 49.6% 33.6% 2.4% education Figure 14. Comparing health literacy across Tertiary selected European countries education 18.7% 48.5% 27.2% 5.6% ■ Excellent HL ■ Sufficient HL ■ Problematic HL ■ Inadequate HL Portugal 8.4% 30.1% 44.4% 17.0% Source: ILS-PT, 2014, CIES-IUL/ Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e HLS-EU Consortium (2012) Source: ILS-PT, 2014, CIES-IUL / Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e HLS-EU Poland 19.5% 35.9% 34.4% 10.2% Consortium (2012). Netherlands 25.1% 46.3% 26.9% 1.8% Ireland 21.3% 38.7% 29.7% 10.3% Spain 9.1% 32.6% 50.8% 7.5% Selected recent or ongoing developments Greece 15.6% 39.6% 30.9% 13.9% Since 2016 new developments are taking place in Germany 19.6% 34.1% 35.3% 11.0% Portugal concerning people centeredness and better Bulgaria 11.3% 26.6% 35.2% 26.9% health care integration. These can be summarized Austria 9.9% 33.7% 38.2% 18.2% as follows: Total 15.5% 35.3% 36.2% 13.0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Levels of health literacy by country and by total 80% 90% 100% NHS Portal ■ Excellent ■ Sufficient ■ Problematic ■ Inadequate In 2016, the new government launched the NHS portal, with information mainly targeted for the user (3 million Source: Pedro, Amarel & Escoval, 2016. views in 1 year) aiming at better governance on the basis of enhanced communication, transparency and However two distinct groups can be identified in accountability on health and health care. Users can Portugal when it comes to health literacy: elderly enrol into the “personal area” of the Portal in order to people with lower education, and a highly educated organize and manage their own health information and young population. These two groups need different receive relevant health information or take advantage strategies as a health literacy target, (elderly people with of more general information continuously updated, as lower incomes and educational resources are the most for instance waiting times in the emergency department vulnerable group) in the use of health information in and for surgeries. Mobile applications, linked to Portal’s their daily routines. Figure 15 shows health literacy levels information have developed. by age and education levels. Since early 2017 the Portal offers a health literacy library and a new collection of thematic microsites presented as attractive digital books, covering areas such as “Preventing Falls”, “Healthy Eating Habits”, “Winter Health”, “Positive Personal Relationships, Violent Behaviours and Health”. Although details on the Portal’s overall performance are not yet available, this is a step towards more informed and active users. 22
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