Health and Biosciences - CANADA'S ECONOMIC STRATEGY TABLES - Innovation, Science and Economic ...

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Health and Biosciences - CANADA'S ECONOMIC STRATEGY TABLES - Innovation, Science and Economic ...

                                    Health and

    From the discovery of insulin to the invention of the pacemaker, Canada has had a
    strong record of health innovation. In a time of rapid technological change and
    global interconnectedness, we have an opportunity to leverage our health-care
    system and to achieve even greater impact through our advances in the life sciences.
    With commitment and bold action, Canada can be a destination for investment
    and talent, growing our health and biosciences firms to support a more sustainable
    health system while advancing Canada’s prosperity.

       Canada needs to unlock the
       full potential of its innovations                            By 2025, Canada will double
       and accelerate the pace of                                   the size of the health and
       commercialization to ensure a                                biosciences sector and become
       sustainable, globally competitive                            a top-three global hub by:
       health ecosystem with a robust
                                                                    leveraging and advancing
       innovation economy and
       improved health outcomes.
                                    Karimah Es Sabar
                                                      ”             innovative technologies;
                                                                    attracting and retaining capital,
                          Chair, Health and Biosciences             skills and talent; and ensuring
                               Economic Strategy Table
                                                                    a vibrant ecosystem that will
                                                                    unleash the full potential of
                                                                    the sector and lead to
                                                                    improved health outcomes.

     Canada ranks fourth in global health and biosciences hubs, according to measures identified by the U.K.
     BioIndustry Association. That puts Canada behind the U.S., U.K. and Germany. To double the sector and
     break into the top three, we’ll need strategic action to strengthen every facet of the sector.

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
2    Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
TARGETS                                                                      The Canadian health and biosciences sector’s
                                                                                        historical growth rate of 4% leads us to predict
                                                                                        that business as usual will lead to annual exports
                                                                                        of approximately $17 billion by 2025. However, we
                Double health and biosciences                                           believe that by rejecting the status quo and taking
                        exports to                                                      ambitious steps, we can change our trajectory and
                                                                                        double our exports to $26 billion by 2025, which

                              $26B                                                      is equivalent to a 9% annual growth rate.
                                                                                        The ecosystem currently consists of some 900 firms.
                                                                                        This encompasses pharmaceutical multinational
                       Double the number of                                             enterprises, generics firms, biopharmaceutical SMEs,
                                                                                        contract research and manufacturing organizations
                       health and bioscience                                            and medical technology manufacturers. With bold
                              firms to                                                  actions that eliminate barriers and drive growth, our
                                                                                        2025 target is to double this number to 1,800 firms,

                           1,800                                                        with each creating knowledge-intensive jobs. Within
                                                                                        this total, we have a particular focus on high-growth
                                                                                        firms. Canada currently boasts 40 such firms, and we
                    Double the number of                                                believe that the proposals in these pages will enable
                                                                                        us to create twice as many. These high-growth firms
                    health and bioscience                                               will commercialize innovations, penetrate new mar-
                   high-growth firms to                                                 kets and serve as regional leaders.

Total Exports

                           Increase Health and Biosciences goods and service
                           exports to $26 billion by 2025
                                                                                                     $13 billion in 2017


                         Pharmaceuticals          Medical Technologies     Health and Biosciences sector



           15                                                                                                                                    Run Trend



                1995   1997   1999         2001     2003      2005       2007   2009      2011     2013     2015     2017   2019   2021    2023       2025
                                                                                                                                    Source: Statistics Canada

                                                              The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                                               Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences              3
❚❚ WHAT WE NEED                                               ❚❚ WHAT WE NEED
        TO OVERCOME                                                    TO BECOME
    Addressing processes that stifle innovation                   Bold ambitions have to be supported by
    and hinder the adoption of promising                          more than just good intentions. A number
    innovations in the health-care system                         of structural and cultural conditions must
    is key to advancing Canada’s global                           be in place to enable the transformative
    competitiveness and meeting our growth                        growth we are seeking:
    targets. The following barriers stand in
                                                                  ƒƒ A health policy environment that sees the health-care
    the way of us achieving our health and
                                                                     of Canadians and economic growth of the health
    biosciences goals:                                               and biosciences sector as mutually reinforcing
    ƒƒ Complex regulatory, reimbursement and                      ƒƒ A public health-care system that is an early adopter
       procurement processes impede the                              and is incentivized to support innovation adoption
       adoption of innovations
                                                                  ƒƒ Agile and streamlined regulatory and procurement
    ƒƒ A risk-averse procurement culture prioritizes                 approaches to support access to value-based
       short-term focus on cost rather than broader                  innovations
       considerations of value
                                                                  ƒƒ Nationally robust, digitalized, interconnected and
    ƒƒ Disconnected digital health systems inhibit                   patient-centred health data infrastructure
       the collection, connection and analysis of data
                                                                  ƒƒ A large and vibrant life sciences capital market that
       needed to inform innovation decision making
                                                                     invests significantly in Canadian companies
    ƒƒ Skills shortages and lack of access to executive-
                                                                  ƒƒ A knowledge-intensive sector that fosters future-
       level talent hinder the sector’s competitiveness
                                                                     oriented skill development and delivers world-class
    ƒƒ Limited access to capital leads many Canadian                 research and development (R&D)
       firms to exit the market through mergers or
       acquisitions rather than accrue value domestically

    “We need to strengthen the entire ecosystem to get Canada on the
     trajectory to become a world leader.”

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
4    Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
“Economic growth and improved health outcomes are not mutually
 exclusive. They should go hand in hand.”

We propose sector-wide actions that will unleash Canadian innovation and place our
health and biosciences firms on a higher trajectory. Based on research, global best
practices and insights from Table members and our industry peers, we propose five
areas of focus to transform the life science ecosystem in Canada:

     Accelerate               Design                    Harness                    Develop &                    Create
     Innovation                Agile                     Digital                    Attract                     Anchor
      Adoption              Regulations                Technology                   Talent                       Firms
      By employing             By adopting               By creating a              By equipping             By mobilizing late
      value-based           international best      national digital health    Canadians for highly        stage capital, scaling
  procurement across      practices, eliminating    strategy featuring an     skilled jobs, eliminating      up high-potential
    Canada’s health        duplication across        interoperable digital          hiring barriers       firms, and broadening
 systems and establish-        jurisdictions            health platform           and streamlining              research and
   ing a procurement         and decreasing                                          government                 development
   innovation agency           review times                                        skills programs             tax incentives

Accelerate innovation adoption by employing
value-based procurement within Canada’s
health systems and establishing a procurement
innovation agency
A primary barrier to the adoption of innovative products and services is the traditional
cost-focused bulk-buy procurement approach favoured by health systems in Canada.
For the best health innovations to gain adoption in our health system, we need a systemic
shift to a procurement approach that moves beyond price to value. Purchasers must be
empowered to consider price alongside other critical factors such as improved patient
outcomes, reduced demand for more expensive health services, increased quality of life and
economic benefits. A health procurement innovation agency would help facilitate this approach
by de-risking adoption of breakthrough Canadian health products and building
the evidence base for translating innovative products for use within health systems.

                                           The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                            Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences     5
WHY THIS MATTERS                          WHAT WE RECOMMEND
                                             Health-care procurement decisions         Value-based procurement
                                             in Canada hinder innovation               We recommend the use of
                                             adoption by emphasizing price             value-based procurement
                                             over other measures of value              across Canada’s health sys-
    VALUE-BASED                              such as improved outcomes and
    PROCUREMENT                                                                        tems to increase innovation
                                             reduced demand for additional             uptake and foster a more
                                             medical services. As a result,            efficient health-care system.
    EUROPEAN UNION                           firms that have developed innov-
    The EU developed the “most                                                         We call on the federal government
    economically advantageous
                                             ative products with a strong value
                                                                                       to begin work immediately with
    tender” (MEAT) model to maximize         proposition may find it exceedingly
                                                                                       the provinces and territories and
    value to systems and patients,           difficult to have their products
    rather than only seeking the
                                                                                       with the private sector and others
                                             adopted by Canadian health sys-
    lowest price. The model is                                                         to develop the tools needed to
                                             tems if they have higher upfront
    now being used to inform                                                           support the use of value-based
                                             costs. Purchasing in Canada tends
    procurement practices:                                                             procurement. We recommend that
                                             to be driven by minimizing cost
    ƒƒ Stockholm County Council                                                        the Government of Canada lead
                                             for each silo that delivers health
       tendered for wound-care                                                         a joint federal/provincial/territorial
       products by examining both            care rather than the value realized
                                                                                       effort to implement value-based
       the care delivery costs and           by delivering an outcome over an
                                                                                       procurement approaches for con-
       price of products                     episode of care—which means
                                                                                       ditions that pose a high disease
                                             hospitals view new innovative
    ƒƒ A regional health authority in                                                  burden for Canadians (e.g., cancer,
                                             products as a cost driver rather
       Norway focused on purchase                                                      heart disease, chronic obstructive
       price along with failure rates        than taking a more holistic view
                                                                                       pulmonary disease, diabetes)
       and patient-reported pain in its      of potential value and impact. In
                                                                                       by 2025.
       procurement of IV catheters.          contrast, value-based procure-
                                             ment models have the potential to         We recommend that the federal
                                             simultaneously drive improvements         government demonstrate
    The Netherlands established
    a foundation for value-based             to health quality and outcomes            leadership by adopting value-
    procurement in the form of a             while supporting economic growth          based procurement for its
    network of hospitals that is             and accelerating Canadian-made            areas of health responsibility.
    measuring patient outcomes,              solutions within the health system.
    as well as a national registries                                                   In particular, one or more federal
                                             This would also align with leading        departments with a direct role in
    platform for patient-reported
    outcomes. The Ministry of Health         jurisdictions around the world            health services should immediately
    recently announced that they will        that are rapidly transitioning to         develop and pilot value-based
    procure 50% of the disease               value-based health-care models.           procurement models that improve
    burden by value-based health-care
                                             Here at home, Ontario, Quebec and         care and support economic
    by 2021.
                                             Alberta have begun a shift toward         growth, with a view to spreading
                                             value-based procurement, but the          and scaling successes to other
                                             majority of health procurement            departments and jurisdictions
                                             groups lack the holistic picture of       by 2025. The pilot should:
                                             the clinical environment necessary        ƒƒ Design value-based procurement
                                             to employ this approach. Devel-              approaches and models, with
                                             oping the frameworks to support              a view to demonstrating how these
                                             value-based procurement will                 models could be effectively applied
                                             enable Canadian innovators to get            to the federal procurement context
                                             their products adopted in the mar-
                                             ket and enable the Canadian health
                                             system to assess and procure
                                             valuable products.

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
6    Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
ƒƒ Provide procurement                   ƒƒ Supporting innovation pull
   professionals with training              through pre-market engagement
   and education to ensure that             that enables SMEs to under-
   they are well-equipped to apply          stand needs within health
   value-based procurement                  systems and participate in
ƒƒ Build and collect data/evidence          health-care procurement by
                                            developing solutions to fit                MISSED OPPORTUNITIES
   on the effectiveness and impact                                                     IN CANADIAN
   of different approaches to               these needs
   value-based health care               ƒƒ Building evidence for high-value           PROCUREMENT
                                            innovations through technology             Intellijoint Surgical of Waterloo,
Procurement innovation
                                            demonstration projects, includ-            Ontario, has commercialized
                                            ing potentially providing funding          Intellijoint HIP, which gives
We recommend that a new or
                                            in partnership with industry               surgeons real-time, intraoperative
existing health organization                                                           measurements to precisely select
                                            and the health sector to
be given a joint health and                                                            and position orthopaedic implants
                                            enable testing
economic mandate and estab-                                                            during total hip arthroplasty.
lished as a health procurement           ƒƒ Measuring outcomes, including              Despite improved patient out-
innovation agency.                          patient-reported outcomes, and             comes that have reduced cost
                                                                                       and post-operative complications,
                                            disseminating scalable insights
The new or existing entity,                                                            the company has struggled for
                                            based on real-world evidence               Canadian hospitals to adopt
potentially one or more of the
pan-Canadian health organiza-            ƒƒ Working with provincial and                their technology, leading to
                                                                                       minimal sales in Canada. In
tions, would be responsible for             territorial organizations on a
                                                                                       contrast, hospitals abroad have
bringing together relevant partners         clear deadline for making                  been quick to adopt the new
across Canada to tackle persis-             decisions about adoption                   technology, recognizing the
tent procurement challenges. The            once regulatory and health                 potential to improve quality and
agency should be given dedicated            technology assessments                     reduce the overall cost of care.
funding in line with international          have been completed
examples and approaches to
supporting procurement and adop-
tion (i.e., U.K.’s NHS Innovation          TRACKING SUCCESS
                                           Canada placed ninth out of
The agency would lead a network            11 peer countries in the 2017
of partners that includes represent-       Commonwealth Fund ranking                   U.K. NATIONAL HEALTH
atives from provincial and territorial     of health-care system                       SERVICE INNOVATION
health departments, pan-Canadian           performance. We are aiming
health organizations, health-care          for a top-five spot by 2025.                This entity works in partnership
providers, academic institutions,                                                      with the U.K.’s Academic Health
the private sector and the public.                                                     Science Networks to support the
                                                                                       adoption and promotion of
The agency would change the cul-                                                       proven, value-based innovations,
ture of health-based procurement                                                       aligning goals with NHS national
in Canada by identifying innova-                                                       priorities and local needs. Since
tions that strongly demonstrate                                                        its inception in 2015, it has
immediate and significant value to                                                     supported the scale up of dozens
                                                                                       of innovations into use in over
the health-care system and building
                                                                                       1000 NHS organizations. Each
the real-world evidence to support                                                     of these innovations has demon-
their procurement and adoption.                                                        strated greater quality outcomes
Specific actions would include:                                                        at lower health system costs—
                                                                                       and many are now marketed

                                         The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                          Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences   7
                                             Create a modern, agile regulatory
                                             system by adopting international best
                                             practices, eliminating duplication
    SUBSTANTIAL EQUIVALENCE                  across jurisdictions and decreasing
    The U.S. Food and Drug
    Administration oversees a                review times
    submission process called
    the Pre-market Notification              An effective regulatory environment ensures patient safety
    where, in lieu of an approval
    process, a class of new devices
                                             and well-being while encouraging the development and
    may be cleared for commercial            adoption of innovative new products and services. The
    distribution if the device is            regulatory system must be modernized, with the objective of
    demonstrated to be at least              ensuring that it serves as a catalyst for new products. A high-
    as safe and effective as (i.e.,
    substantially equivalent to)
                                             performing regulatory system should be predictable, efficient,
    a legally marketed device.               consistent and transparent, so as not to present barriers to
    This allows for a lighter                business investment, innovation and ultimately, economic
    regulatory burden.                       growth and improved patient outcomes.

                                             In a 2017 Business Council of             Specifically, many commentators
                                             Canada survey, only 13% of exec-          have noted that Canada’s complex
                                             utives felt the Canadian regulatory       regulatory environment and frag-
    Today, Canada’s regulatory pro-          environment was efficient and did         mented procurement processes
    cesses present significant hurdles       not impose substantial costs to           across and within Canada’s health
    for the rapid adoption of Canadian       their companies. Small businesses         systems pose unique challenges
    innovations. This may reduce             in particular struggle with the cost      and adoption at scale across
    patient access to leading-edge           burden of regulations. There is an        Canada. For instance, the 2015
    therapeutic products and harm            opportunity to produce immediate          Advisory Panel on Healthcare
    the international competitiveness        gains for health and biosciences          Innovation highlighted concerns
    of Canadian health and biosci-           enterprises by streamlining               about “the efficiency and dupli-
    ences firms. An agile regulatory         regulatory processes and                  cation of regulatory processes
    system is the fundamental back-          reducing red tape.                        governing healthcare products
    bone to reaching our growth targets.                                               and services” and noted that

                                       MEDICAL DEVICE ADOPTION PATHWAY

                                                   Regulatory approvals
                                                     (Health Canada)

                                             Health technology assessment
                                              (CADTH and PT HTA bodies)

                                                 Reimbursement decision
                                                       (Hospitals and
                                                 Regional Health Authorities)
                                                                                       This graphic represents an overview of the most
                                                       Procurement                     common pathway faced by medical devices. It
                                                    (Hospital/RHA/group                illustrates how inefficiencies at any or all of the
                                                  purchasing organizations)            successive steps can prevent timely marketplace
                                                                                       adoption for innovations.

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
8    Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
“innovators are frustrated by a           place before permitting a health            ƒƒ Greater transparency around the
multi-tiered system for regulatory        product to receive approval in their           timeline and decision to adopt
approval and fragmented purchas-          jurisdiction. Modernized regula-               following regulatory and health
ing, forcing them to seek adoption        tion and adoption processes in                 technology assessment approval
by individual healthcare institutions     Canada’s health sector at all levels           for drugs and medical devices or
and providers.” Similarly, Table          will improve the country’s com-                technologies
members repeatedly raised the             petitiveness and strengthen the
                                                                                      Council of Innovative
challenge and frustration with            perception of Canada as a place             and Competitive Health
navigating the complex innova-            for innovative businesses.                  Regulations
tion-adoption pathway.                                                                We recommend the creation
The federal government has                WHAT WE RECOMMEND                           of a regulatory council to seek
acknowledged that work needs to                                                       harmonization and reduced
                                          Regulatory modernization
be done. A significant moderniza-                                                     red tape across federal, provin-
                                          We call on the federal
tion initiative is underway through                                                   cial and territorial systems
                                          government to accelerate
Health Canada’s Regulatory                                                            and facilitate easier entry of
                                          and expand its efforts to
Review of Drugs and Devices, and                                                      innovative products into the
                                          increase regulatory agility.
in 2018 the government commit-                                                        domestic market.
ted to pursue reforms to make the         The modernization process
                                                                                      The council would immediately
Canadian regulatory system more           underway should result in
                                                                                      seek to:
agile, transparent and responsive,        increased international collabor-
                                          ation, reduced duplication and              ƒƒ Identify international best
with a focus on supporting innov-
                                          shortened review times, and                    practices with an aim to
ation and business investment.
                                          enable Canada’s regulatory                     recommend specific actions
Table members felt that these fed-
                                          outcomes to surpass leading                    to decrease health product
eral initiatives are going in the right
                                          international jurisdictions such               review times
direction to supporting a regulatory
system that better enables access         as Japan, the U.S., the European            ƒƒ Select pilots for end-to-end
to needed therapeutic products            Union and Australia on a                       mapping of the innovation
based on health-care system               product basis.                                 adoption pathway for drugs
needs. A policy reform associated         Specifically, we call on the                   and devices—with an aim to
with the Patented Medicines Price         government to include the                      examine the cumulative impact of
Review Board is also underway.            following objectives:                          regulations on firm competitive-
Table members acknowledged the                                                           ness and propose action on
                                          ƒƒ Greater use of joint reviews                specific regulatory barriers that
importance of ensuring that the
                                             as well as foreign reviews                  are inhibiting growth in the sector
proposed drug pricing changes
                                             and decisions for approval of
are not a barrier to growth and that                                                  ƒƒ Select pilots to assess regulatory
                                             drugs and medical devices
industry concerns are addressed                                                          pathways for emerging technol-
through a separate process.               ƒƒ Adoption of international best              ogies with an aim to recommend
                                             practices, consistent implemen-             actions to improve the adaptabil-
In addition to federal regulatory
                                             tation of international guidelines          ity of regulatory regimes for
processes, there are layers of
                                             and converging review practices             emerging technologies
provincial/territorial, regional and
local regulations, policies and pro-      ƒƒ Collaboration with provinces,            ƒƒ Select pilots to adapt regulatory
cedures that impact the adoption             territories and the private sector          pathways for health products
of innovative products. Efforts to           to coordinate health technology             that already have approval in
improve these processes have an              assessments and streamline                  peer jurisdictions with an aim
impact on export growth, as many             health product decisions on                 to reduce overall time to market
international jurisdictions require          reimbursement, drug listing
country-of-origin regulatory and             and procurement
reimbursement approvals to be in

                                          The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                           Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences   9
   Harness the potential of digital technology by
   creating a national digital health strategy featuring
   an interoperable digital health platform
   Patient-centred information and digital services, artificial intelligence, big data analytics and
   disruptive digital technologies are upending markets and economic sectors and opening
   the door to new possibilities. A national strategy is needed to guide federal investments
   in digital health and unify provincial and territorial partners around the common goal of
   leveraging digital technology to improve care and advance economic growth. We propose
   a strategy that will provide a framework for privacy and data security, data governance
   and data sharing, and increase the information available to patients so they can make
   decisions about their own health outcomes. The key to success is adoption of a plan to
   implement a fully interoperable digital health platform across two or more jurisdictions
   to demonstrate what success looks like and pave the way for a national roll-out.

   WHY THIS MATTERS                               services that facilitates
   High-performing interoperable,
   digital systems are seen as a
   critical enabler of data-driven
                                                  information sharing
                                               ƒƒ A high standard of care delivery
                                                  with centres of excellence in
                                                                                          not have

   advances in health. Artificial intel-          different disease areas (often
   ligence is already being used to               associated with major
                                                                                            more health
   create patient-centric treatment               academic centres)                         information
   plans based on a combination of             ƒƒ The ability to collect patient
   data analytics and the most recent             outcome data across a range               on their wrist
   scientific studies. Digital and data
   transformation will increasingly play
                                                  of disease types
                                                                                            than they can
                                               ƒƒ A diverse population that
   a role in finding active therapies
   for incurable or difficult-to-cure
                                                  enables improvements learned              access walking
   diseases as well as greater
   success in targeting specific
   treatments to individual patients.
                                                  here to be adapted to almost
                                                  anywhere in the world
                                                                                            into a clinic.
                                               Yet, Canada faces significant
   The result is a more personalized           challenges in implementing and
   approach to health care through             using digital health systems.
   customized treatment plans,                                                         organizations. As a result, the
                                               Variations in the implementation
   enabled by a strong digital                                                         health system still remains largely
                                               of digital standards, inconsistent
   technology ecosystem.                                                               paper-based, with doctors’ offices
                                               interpretation and application of
                                                                                       relying on the fax machine for infor-
   Canada has a number of                      privacy frameworks and legislation,
                                                                                       mation sharing. In response to a
   strengths that it should leverage           and the lack of a modern data
                                                                                       2015 Commonwealth Fund survey,
   to seize the digital and data               governance framework across
                                                                                       only 19% of Canadian doctors
   opportunity, including:                     siloed systems pose significant
                                                                                       reported being able to electronic-
                                               barriers to unlocking and lever-
   ƒƒ A single-payer health system                                                     ally exchange patient files.
                                               aging data held in jurisdictional
      for hospital and physician
                                               repositories and health delivery

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
10 Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
While Canada has invested in                        could be an important element for           We recommend that the strategy
infrastructure and developed some                   economic growth and Canada can              provide clear national guidance on
electronic health-record systems,                   move beyond having only one firm            privacy, data governance, sharing
three elements are still missing:                   in the list of Global Digital Health        and security frameworks harmon-
an interoperable set of systems,                    100 companies.                              ized across federal, provincial and
a harmonized data and privacy                                                                   territorial governments to eliminate
framework, and a “single” access-                                                               the barriers to interoperability of
ible electronic record for every                                                                health-care digital systems. Ser-
Canadian patient. A 2016 Com-                       WHAT WE RECOMMEND                           ious consideration should be given
monwealth Fund study found that                     Digital health strategy                     to using the European Union’s
not only is Canada lagging behind                   To become a global leader in                General Data Protection Regulation
its peers in the adoption of digital                health digitization, we rec-                as a starting point. In particular, the
tools but that there is considerable                ommend that the federal                     strategy should chart a clear path
variation across the provinces                      government work with the                    towards the goal of 100% of
and territories.                                    provinces and territories                   Canadians having digital access
                                                    to develop and implement                    to a 360° view of their patient
Digital Health Adoption
                                                    a comprehensive digital                     records. We believe that patient
Missing Elements
                                                    health strategy.                            engagement and health outcomes
                                                                                                will be advanced by patients hav-
                                                    To achieve this, the government
                                                                                                ing unrestricted rights to access
                                                    should leverage the expertise
                                                                                                their own health records. Moreover,
           Da arm                                   and relationships of existing
             t    o
           Fraa & P nize                            organizations such as the feder-
               me riv d
                 wo acy
                     rk                        or
                                             Rf n
                                                    ally funded pan-Canadian health                Denmark already has 100% access
                                          EH adia
                                    g l e  a n      organizations. The strategy should             to electronic health records by
                                Sinery C

                                 ev                 operationalize six guiding principles          citizens, and the Netherlands has

                                                                                                   committed to ensuring 100%
                                                    for investments in digital health
                                                                                                   patient access to their own
                                                    and health data:                               medical records by 2020.
                                                    1. Common data and agreed-on
                                                       technical and formatting standards
                                                    2. A patient-centric approach
                                                       that ensures health information
In addition, a critical element is                     follows the patient regardless
the need to establish universal,                       of geographic location, provider
next-generation internet access                        or organization, and ensures
for all Canadians so the benefits                      patients retain the right to
of digital health and data can                         unencumbered access to
                                                       their own health data                        Toronto’s Dot Health is commercial-
reach everyone—especially those
                                                                                                    izing a first-of-its-kind platform to
in hard-to-reach, remote and rural                  3. Interoperability across points               resolve digital interoperability prob-
communities where traditional                          of care, including common                    lems in health data. Patient privacy
health services are often lacking.                     facilitating platforms/interfaces            is fundamental to the model. The
                                                                                                    company has had to meet five sep-
In short, without reliable data, the                4. Open architecture systems that               arate privacy standards: PIPEDA
digital services that facilitate its                   enable rapid modification to                 and those of British Columbia,
collection, sharing and analysis,                      accommodate future states                    Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.
and access to quality, affordable                                                                   Before Dot Health can integrate its
                                                    5. Private–public partnerships                  platform with a hospital database,
internet, Canada will not be in a
                                                       with well-defined roles for                  each hospital and health institution
position to fully reap the benefits of                                                              must complete its own privacy
                                                       government and industry
digital transformation. With chan-                                                                  impact assessment, which can
ges to the regulatory frameworks                    6. Common privacy, data and                     take up to a year.
that block innovation, digital health                  security frameworks

                                                    The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                                     Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences   11
laying this foundation will provide     Digital infrastructure
                                               opportunities for entrepreneurs         We recommend that the
                                               to develop a range of innovative        federal government work
                                               digital health solutions.               with provinces and territories
                                               The Table considers the privacy         to build world-leading digital
ACCESS ATLANTIC                                of Canadians to be paramount            infrastructure to support the
ACCESS Atlantic is a major digital             and believes that this must be          digital health strategy and
health project being led by the                safeguarded throughout efforts          enable data-driven advances
Atlantic provinces and supported                                                       in health care.
                                               to advance digital health technology
by federal funding through Canada
Health Infoway. This initiative will           adoption. Specifically, the strategy    In particular, the Table calls for:
support patient-centred care by                should offer a way forward that puts
                                                                                       ƒƒ Establishing universal, high-
modernizing the infrastructure                 patient privacy first while fostering
used to manage information and
                                                                                          speed internet access to
                                               national health data interoperability
empowering patients with access                                                           prevent a digital divide in
                                               and reducing red tape for firms that
to their own health information.                                                          Canada, including by improving
It will also embed PrescribeIT,                develop digital health technologies.
                                                                                          internet access in rural, remote
an electronic service that sends                                                          and Indigenous communities
                                               Digital health pilot
prescriptions directly from a
                                               Consistent with the digital                and providing low-cost options
doctor’s office to the patient’s
pharmacy. This project aligns                  health strategy, we recom-                 for those in economic need
with the Table’s digital strategy              mend that a pilot project               ƒƒ Creating repositories to store,
and may serve as a launch point                be launched to implement                   retrieve and process data and
for the digital health pilot.                  a fully interoperable digital              better enable use of the latest
                                               platform regionally across                 advances in big data analytics,
                                               two or more jurisdictions.                 artificial intelligence and the
                                               This platform should enable                Internet of Things
                                               patients to have electronic access
                                               to their personal health informa-
                                                                                         TRACKING SUCCESS
                                               tion. Once the pilot’s foundational
                                               infrastructure is in place, it should
                                               connect with the work of the digital      In 2017, only one of the Global
                                               health supercluster. It should be         Digital Health 100 Companies
                                               specifically mandated to draw             was Canadian. We are aiming
                                               lessons learned that can inform           to claim 10 spots on that list
                                               alignment between governments             by 2025.
                                               on privacy, data sharing and
                                               security frameworks. The pilot
                                               should also include a plan to
                                               iteratively scale to other Canadian
                                               jurisdictions by 2025.

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
12 Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
“There are no big solutions to develop talent. It takes a long-term
 commitment that’s shared by everyone involved.”

Develop and attract world class talent by equipping
Canadians for highly skilled jobs, eliminating hiring
barriers and streamlining government skills programs
Skills and talent are vital to the sector’s growth, but there are serious shortages across all
levels of the health and biosciences landscape. With rapid technological developments and
exciting new research promising advances in the life sciences, we need new skills—and
we need them quickly—to advance our sector. From bright young graduates to seasoned
executives, the sector needs to engage top talent from home and abroad so it can compete
globally over the next several years and fuel our country’s economy.

WHY THIS MATTERS                         innovative and career-ready
Digitization, emerging new tech-         graduates; and government must
nologies and the convergence of          simplify access to skills develop-
technologies will demand new skills      ment programs and reduce
of health and biosciences workers,       barriers to hiring foreign talent.
transforming the ways medicine is        Canada has significant oppor-                    ACADEMIC/INDUSTRY
delivered. Robots will do remote         tunities to change the way it                    PARTNERSHIP IN
surgeries, diagnoses will be made        prepares students and workers                    PRACTICE
by wearable devices and precision        for the future. Today, there is a               Recognizing that many graduates
medicine will become the norm.           widening gap between the highly                 with advanced health science
Health and biosciences companies         skilled and innovative workforce                degrees lack the training and
                                         needed for Canadian firms to be                 experience to enter the private
consistently indicate that they suf-
                                         global leaders and the experience               sector, Queen’s Medical School
fer from skills shortages that hurt                                                      partnered with the pharmaceutical
their firms. Yet job openings for life   and training of today’s graduates.
                                                                                         industry to develop the Graduate
science professionals are projected      Many international jurisdictions                Diploma in Pharmaceutical
to exceed the labour supply at           have experienced success with                   Management and Healthcare
least up to 2024. If this gap is to      vocational schools, technical                   Innovation. It offers a unique train-
                                         colleges and industry-focused                   ing experience to recent MD, PhD
be closed, we need a concerted                                                           and PharmD graduates from across
effort on all fronts: industry must      university programs that produce
                                                                                         Canada to support industry needs
collaborate to identify and articu-      graduates with the knowledge and                by helping participants gain the
late the current and future needs of     experience to make an immediate                 necessary training and experience
the sector; post-secondary               impact. Canada must adopt this                  to transition to the private sector.
institutions must rapidly produce        approach or risk falling behind our
a generation of highly skilled,          peer countries.

                                         The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                          Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences   13
Coordinated effort needs to take            ƒƒ Updating K-12 and post-sec-          part-time or short-term basis—that
   place to better match skilled                  ondary curricula to emphasize        are in limited supply. This would
   workers with unmet job needs. The              future-focused competencies          help them grow into successful,
   Government of Canada supports a             ƒƒ Driving the expansion of work-       innovative firms. It could also
   range of career development, skills            integrated learning opportunities,   facilitate opportunities for workers
   and training programs, and recent              including by promoting the           who wish to expand their skillsets
   developments indicate the time                 development of vocational            in different company settings, tap
   is ideal to streamline and simplify            programs and the establishment       into retired talent and create flex-
   these programs so that employers               of industry-focused education        ible work opportunities that foster
   can easily access them. Attention              streams, including at the            greater workforce participation
   will also need to be paid to the               graduate level                       among underrepresented groups
   requirements of businesses, par-                                                    such as women and older workers.
   ticularly SMEs that require different       ƒƒ Promoting mid-career inter-          A sector-wide talent repository
   skillsets and talents at different             change opportunities across          would become a one-stop shop
   phases of product lifecycles.                  major sectors to strengthen the      that brings together supply and
                                                  connections between industry,        demand to better calibrate hiring
                                                  academia and public service          processes. The digital repository
                                               ƒƒ Creating and subsidizing             could be hosted by the skills hub
   Skills hub                                     reskilling programs that enable      and harmonize the ongoing efforts
   We recommend that the                          technology adoption                  of organizations such as BioTalent
   Government of Canada, the                                                           Canada, which hosts the PetriDish,
                                               ƒƒ Promoting careers in the
   health and biosciences sector,                                                      a national bilingual bio-economy
                                                  sector and conducting
   academia and provincial/                                                            job board.
                                                  targeted outreach to
   territorial governments
                                                  underrepresented groups              Optimize immigration
   together establish an empow-
   ered and accountable hub to                 As an early action, the hub would       We recommend the
   drive the necessary changes                 spearhead a redesigned curricu-         reduction of barriers to
   to skills and talent programs,              lum pilot between industry and a        hiring highly skilled foreign
   and to equip Canadians for                  group of up to five post-secondary      talent and enhancements
   highly skilled jobs in the sector.          institutions, based around robust       to the system for foreign
                                               work-integrated learning and the        credential recognition.
   Key performance indicators
                                               attainment of in-demand skills in       Immigration is a valuable tool for
   and relevant metrics will ensure
                                               the sector. The skills hub would        addressing skills shortages but
   accountability and ongoing evalu-
                                               also help ensure that STEM (sci-        more needs to be done to better
   ation of the success of the hub’s
                                               ence, technology, engineering           employ the skills of newcomers to
   activities and programs. The hub
                                               and mathematics) and digital            Canada and reduce administrative
   should focus on:
                                               skills are emphasized more at the       barriers to hiring them. In many
   ƒƒ Developing a roadmap for                 pre-college stage, recognizing          cases, immigrants have in-de-
      the jobs of the future and the           that these competencies are             mand skills but struggle to find
      skills and competencies they             foundational to building the            employment commensurate with
      will require                             innovative workforce of the future.     their training. At the same time, in
   ƒƒ Creating an evergreen data               Talent repository                       a globally competitive landscape,
      collection strategy, including           We recommend the creation               streamlined immigration processes
      research and industry surveys,           of a digital repository of              are an essential element of acquir-
      to act as a focal point for              skilled workers.                        ing top global talent. Progress
      gathering and disseminating                                                      has been made, including efforts
      labour market information                This would benefit SMEs by giving       through the federal government’s
                                               them flexible and timely access to      Foreign Credential Recognition Pro-
                                               workers with various skills—on a        gram and initiatives to accelerate

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
14 Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
processing of work-permit appli-            Federal skills programs
                                      cations through the Global Skills           We recommend streamlining
                                      Strategy. Nonetheless, given the            federally funded programs for
                                      importance of the issue to access-          skills development and train-
                                      ing critical talent, these efforts must     ing through a single body to
EXECUTIVE TALENT                      be strengthened and enhanced. For           manage outcomes and reduce
PROGRAMS IN CANADA                    example, initiatives that assist with       duplication and overlap.
ONTARIO EXPORTERS FUND                job placement for accompanying
This helps SMEs cover the                                                         The wide range of federally-funded
                                      spouses would address a common
cost of hiring an experienced                                                     initiatives demonstrates the gov-
                                      challenge and enhance Canada’s
export manager.                                                                   ernment’s commitment to career
                                      reputation as a destination for
                                                                                  and skills development, including
QUEBEC TAX HOLIDAYS FOR               top talent.
                                                                                  in the health and biosciences
This helps firms recruit candidates   Access to C-suite talent                    sector. Unfortunately, the various
who are highly qualified to carry     We recommend the                            offerings have differing processes
out innovation projects. Eligible     development of initiatives                  and eligibility criteria, making them
foreign experts or researchers are    to improve the affordability                confusing to navigate. Consolida-
granted a reduction in Quebec
                                      of C-suite or other senior                  tion would improve data collection
income tax over 60 months.
                                      executive talent for SMEs.                  and facilitate strategic interventions
MARS EMBEDDED                                                                     to improve access. This includes
                                      Canadian firms are at a
EXECUTIVE FUNDS                                                                   creating one source of information
This helps place a C-level or other   disadvantage in the global
                                                                                  on program availability and helping
senior-level executive with an        marketplace for C-suite talent due
                                                                                  ensure benefits are well known
Ontario-based technology venture      to our relatively low levels of com-
for six months to support achiev-                                                 throughout the sector. As part of
                                      pensation. A relatively small sector
ing their next growth milestone.                                                  these efforts, programs could be
                                      coupled with lower compensation
                                                                                  revised to improve alignment with
                                      and a high cost of living poses sig-
                                                                                  current and upcoming industry
                                      nificant challenges for global talent
                                                                                  needs. Program outcomes could
                                      acquisition and retention. This chal-
                                                                                  be assessed to ensure they are
                                      lenge is particularly stark for health
                                                                                  supporting skills development
                                      and biosciences SMEs as they
                                                                                  that truly helps the sector and
                                      have difficulty accessing capital.
                                                                                  align with efforts to advance the
                                      Without mechanisms to increase
                                                                                  inclusion of women and other
                                      the affordability of executive talent,
                                                                                  underrepresented groups in the
                                      businesses can’t attract and retain
                                                                                  health and biosciences sector.
                                      the top global business leaders who
                                      might drive their firms to scale.

                                      The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                       Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences   15
“ We need to reorient and incentivize companies to build to scale,
    not build to flip.”

   Drive the creation of anchor firms                                                      Since 2001, in Quebec alone, a

   by mobilizing late-stage capital,                                                       total of 11 life sciences companies
                                                                                           with market values in excess of
   scaling-up high potential firms,                                                        $250 million have been acquired
                                                                                           by foreign entities—mostly from
   and broadening research and                                                             the U.S.—for an aggregate value
                                                                                           of $15.2 billion.
   development tax incentives
   Canada’s innovative life sciences industry has the essential
   components to compete globally and has achieved a
   successful track record of fostering start-up health and
   biosciences firms. Yet in spite of this potential, Canada does not
   currently have any homegrown global anchor firms in the health
   and biosciences sector. This must be tackled head on. With                              SPOTLIGHT ON THE U.S.
   supportive scale-up programs, we can stem the tide of foreign                          The top four U.S. biotech
   acquisitions within the sector and allow Canadian life sciences                        companies are Amgen,
   companies to grow into globally competitive anchor firms.                              Celgene, Gilead and Biogen:
                                                                                          ƒƒ They have a collective
                                                                                             valuation of $378 billion
                                                                                             (larger than the collective
   WHY THIS MATTERS                            growth capital presents a missing             valuation of Canada’s
   Access to capital and industry              link in the life science innovation           Big Six banks)
   expertise from specialized venture          ecosystem and creates negative
                                                                                          ƒƒ They each employ an average
   capital (VC) and private equity             feedback loops that stifle innovation
                                                                                             of 10,000 people
   funds is an essential prerequisite          and growth potential.
   for entrepreneurs and life sci-             Consolidation through mergers              ƒƒ They generate strong economic
                                                                                             growth by each investing an
   ences companies to maximize                 and acquisitions is a global reality          average of $4 billion per year
   their business and growth poten-            within health and biosciences, and            (20% of their annual revenues)
   tial at all stages of development,          it is not about to change. Scaling            in private sector R&D
   from start-up through later stage           up Canadian firms would help
   development and commercialisa-              stem their acquisition by foreign
   tion. However, the vast majority            entities, instead allowing scaled-up
   of Canadian life science venture            Canadian firms to become the            life sciences companies so they
   capital funds are concentrated              anchors that acquire firms within       can fill their innovation pipeline
   on early-stage financing rounds.            Canada. This shift in the sector        with new assets and technologies,
   Canada also suffers from the lack of        would be a game changer, as             thereby building their own capacity
   a robust Canadian stock-exchange            anchor firms attract, recruit and       while providing a strong source of
   on which life science companies             develop talented managers who           funding for the domestic innovation
   can raise growth capital by becom-          often become entrepreneurs of           ecosystem. Jobs, innovation, intel-
   ing publicly traded in Canada. The          spinoff biotech start-ups. They         lectual property and other benefits
   lack of local access to later-stage         also acquire small and mid-sized        would remain in the country.

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
16 Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
Initiative (VCCI), available through        funds to help them successfully
                                         the Business Development Bank               compete against foreign multi-
                                         of Canada (BDC), has become                 national companies and financial
                                         an important vehicle to secure              investors in such acquisition
                                         early-stage VC funding for high-            processes. Metrics for evaluating
SPOTLIGHT ON QUEBEC                      growth firms, but its mandate               which firms would qualify for con-
                                         must be expanded.                           centrated support could include:
Quebec’s Biomed Propulsion
Program provides financial               We recommend the creation                   ƒƒ Three-year compound annual
support for Quebec life sciences         within the VCCI of a dedicated                 growth rate
companies with strong growth
                                         envelope that would support                 ƒƒ Number of international and/or
potential to help them commer-
cialize the results of their research    and invest in the creation and                 domestic partnerships
while encouraging private investors      development of later-stage
to actively contribute.                  venture and private equity cap-             ƒƒ Demonstrated pipeline of
                                         ital funds that are specifically               innovations in development
                                         focused on life sciences.                   ƒƒ Amount of revenue
                                         ISED and VCCI should encourage              ƒƒ Amount or number of VC-private
                                         large Canadian institutional and               equity investments
                                         pension funds to invest as limited
                                         partners in these dedicated later-          Toronto Stock
                                         stage venture capital and private           Exchange listings
                                         equity funds and also to more               We recommend the
                                         actively co-invest with these               Government of Canada
                                         Canadian-based funds on lar-                work with securities
Denmark reserves 20% of its
                                         ger rounds of financing of more             administrators to develop
health-care budget for investment in
information, communication and           advanced Canadian companies (in             policies and mechanisms
medical technologies, including          particular when being targeted for          that reduce barriers and
medical devices. The goal is to          acquisition by foreign multinationals).     increase incentives for
create an environment that helps                                                     Canadian life sciences firms
companies thrive and produce the         Own the Podium
                                                                                     to pursue dual listing on
best value-for-money technolo-           We recommend the
gies. They are home to numerous                                                      the TSX and U.S. exchanges.
                                         Government of Canada
global health-care anchor firms,         enhance its existing support                Access to U.S. public markets,
including Novo Nordisk, Coloplast
                                         for firm scale-up by identifying            especially the NASDAQ, is recog-
and Leo Pharma.
                                         high-potential health and                   nized worldwide to be a key factor
                                         biosciences firms, keeping                  for growth, providing a wide range
                                         them based in Canada and                    of new and deeper sources of cap-
                                         giving them opportunities                   ital. Often, Canadian firms focus
WHAT WE RECOMMEND                        to grow into anchor firms                   only on listing in the U.S., as listing
                                         for the sector.                             on both U.S. and Canadian stock
Late-stage capital
                                                                                     exchanges demands time and
The relative lack of Canadian            ISED’s Accelerated Growth Service
                                                                                     resources and introduces com-
late-stage funds results in earlier      initiative provides a strong founda-
                                                                                     plexity. Barriers must be reduced
exits to foreign investors, ultimately   tion upon which to build an “Own
                                                                                     so Canadian firms can more easily
resulting in fewer self-sustaining       the Podium” approach. When a
                                                                                     list on the TSX—leading to new
Canadian anchor companies. We            Canadian high-potential firm is tar-
                                                                                     capital opportunities, increased
must stem the loss of potential          geted for acquisition by a foreign
                                                                                     public investor familiarity with
multi-billion-dollar firms due to        entity, the program should include
                                                                                     life sciences companies in Can-
insufficient access to local sources     mechanisms for the government to
                                                                                     ada and improved domestic and
of VC and private equity fund-           provide strategic financial support
                                                                                     international visibility of Canadian
ing. The Venture Capital Catalyst        to Canadian late-stage capital
                                                                                     firms. This would foster greater

                                         The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                          Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences   17
liquidity, enhanced Canadian retail         SR&ED benefits would provide
   investment and analyst coverage             a greater incentive for health
   for publicly-traded Canadian life           and biosciences firms to fast-
   sciences firms.                             track technology development,
                                               expand their innovation pipelines
   SR&ED review
                                               and grow into anchors that will              SPOTLIGHT ON
   We recommend a review of                                                                 AUSTRALIA
                                               strengthen the Canadian innova-
   Canada’s Scientific Research &
                                               tion ecosystem. Canada should               The Australian research and
   Experimental Development Tax                                                            development tax incentive aims
                                               make every effort to relax eligibility
   Incentives (SR&ED) to allow                                                             to boost competitiveness and
                                               for SR&ED instead of seeking to
   full SR&ED access for eligible                                                          improve productivity across
                                               restrict its availability.
   Canadian-based companies                                                                the economy by providing
   regardless of whether such                  Technology in-licensing                     refundable tax offsets on R&D
                                                                                           activities undertaken in Australia.
   companies are controlled by                 We recommend that the
                                                                                           Corporations that are incorporated
   Canadian investors or traded                Government of Canada                        under an Australian law or that
    in public or private markets.              provide support for in-licensing            are incorporated under a foreign
   SR&ED is globally recognized as             of domestic technologies by                 law but are an Australian resident
                                               creating a fund that would pro-             for income tax purposes are
   a highly effective lever for promo-                                                     eligible for the R&D tax incentives.
   ting private sector R&D activity            vide matching investment
                                                                                           There are no eligibility restrictions
   as well as early-stage VC invest-           to any Canadian firm willing                based on the level of Australian
   ment and company growth in the              to grant an in-licence for                  ownership of the corporation or
   life sciences industry. However,            further development of a                    on whether the corporation is
                                               Canadian-invented discovery.                privately held or publicly traded.
   current eligibility criteria, including
   a narrow interpretation of R&D,             Venture investment in the health
   make the benefits inaccessible to           and biosciences sector has a
   many health and bioscience com-             higher inherent risk relative to         further diversification and enhance
   panies that are based in Canada.            other industrial sectors given sub-      their scale up potential as well as
   For example, Canadian-based                 stantially longer times for certain      to promote commercialization of
   companies that have greater than            products to reach the market,            Canadian-invented discoveries.
   50% ownership by non-Canadian               increasing regulatory complexity
   investors or are listed on a public         and global pricing pressures. As
   stock exchange are ineligible for           a result, investors have tended to         TRACKING SUCCESS
   the SR&ED reimbursable credit.              prioritize lower-risk investments
   The current system cuts off R&D             with earlier exit opportunities,
                                               typically businesses developing            By 2025, we are aiming for
   support at the exact instant when
                                               a single asset. This approach              doubling of the total annual
   Canadian firms are demonstrating
                                               imposes constraints on the                 amount of equity capital
   the greatest growth potential by
                                               longer-term development, risk              invested in the Canadian
   going public or attracting foreign
                                               diversification and scale-up               health and biosciences sector
   direct investment. It also removes
                                               potential of SMEs, and on their            from $1 billion to $2 billion.
   a highly effective lever for retaining
   R&D activities in Canada once a             ability to access growth capital.
   Canadian SME becomes publicly               Instead, Canadian life sciences
   traded or controlled by foreign             firms should be encouraged to
   investors and further accentu-              in-license Canadian technologies
   ates gravitational forces to move           (sourced from early-stage assets
   head offices and R&D activities             developed by academia and Can-
   outside of Canada. Expanding                adian SMEs) in order to provide

     The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
18 Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences
The Canadian health and biosciences brand
Canada’s universal health-care system is a source of national pride, and the Canadian health and biosciences
sector is a key source of high-paying, quality jobs, employing more than 91,000 people directly and some
2.1 million within the broader health system. Health and biosciences is also a significant contributor to
Canada’s economy. The industry contributed $7.8 billion to Canada’s GDP in 2016 and has tremendous
growth potential. Areas poised for growth include digital health, which is due to be a $233-billion global
market by 2020, and precision medicine, which is set to be an $88-billion market by 2023. Our Canadian
health and bioscience companies are well aware of the brimming opportunities in the sector, and have
world-class solutions.
All over the country, Canadians are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to bring about the health solutions
of tomorrow. Our researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs are following our strong tradition of innovation
and developing breakthrough products—but we don’t do enough to shine a spotlight on our successes.
Here at home, the public needs to be more aware of the brilliant innovations being developed right here in
Canada. Our public health systems need to have the confidence to back Canadian innovations, as well as
the capacity to reach out to our innovators for Canadian-based solutions to issues related to services delivery
and care. We need to let our homegrown talent shine and grow, knowing that once we give them the scope
to expand in Canada, they can then succeed globally.
Further afield, attracting skilled talent from around the world would be expedited if we did more to ensure
that Canada is rightfully recognized abroad as an economic powerhouse and a place to contribute to health
solutions with global impact. We recommend that industry collaborate with federal, provincial and
territorial governments to raise the profile of the health and biosciences sector among the
Canadian public, governments and institutional investors, as well as the global marketplace.

                                       The Innovation and Competitiveness Imperative: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
                                                        Report of Canada’s Economic Strategy Tables: Health and Biosciences   19
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