Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life

Page created by Cheryl Nichols
Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
headway                                  SPRING 2021

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Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
     headway magazine

     715 SW Ankeny Road
     Ankeny, IA 50023                                                                                                          Letter from the CEO

     On With Life experts clockwise from top left
                                                                                                            STILL MUCH TO
     (name and years of service):
     Tammy Miller (24 years); Kim Reed (21 years)                                                              CELEBRATE
     Carla Dippold (14 years) and Dave Anders (18 years)
     Photos by Images by Brice.

     Thomas J. Friedman, Chair
     Donna Walter, MBA, Vice Chair
     Arthur Filean, MBA, Treasurer
     Kate Benson Larson, MA, CRC, CDMS, Secretary
     Gail Boliver, JD, MBA, MS
     Mark Dearden, DO, FAAFP
     Marc Harding, JD, DO
     Carl Harris, FSA, MAAA, FCA
     Sara Johnston, PhD, CRC
     Meredith Lamberti, JD
     John Ledvina, MS, CPA
                                                           2020             was a year for the books.
                                                                            We are grateful to be on
                                                           the other side of this tumultuous year
                                                                                                        But we must always look to the future
                                                                                                        and ask how we can better serve families
                                                                                                        and persons served. We must enhance
     Jeb Lee, MHA
                                                           as a stronger organization. And despite      outpatient services to better meet the
     Vilia M. Tarvydas, PhD, CRC
                                                           what curveballs 2021 throws at us, we        many different populations needing
     Eli J. Wirtz, JD
                                                           still have much to celebrate.                our care. We will enhance services in
     Eli J. Wirtz, JD, President                                                                        the areas of Parkinson’s disease, stroke,
                                                           In 2021, we will celebrate our 30th
     Sybil Finken, BA, Vice President                                                                   complex concussion, mental health, and
                                                           anniversary. With these momentous
     Jean Shelton, MBA, FACHE, Secretary/Treasurer                                                      respite care. We know there are gaps
     Diana Hoogestraat, MSW, LISW                          achievements, we stop to thank our
                                                                                                        that must be filled, we must proactively
     Kate Benson Larson, MA, CRC, CDMS                     founding families for the firm and solid
                                                                                                        look at ways we can support our persons
     John Snyder, AIA                                      foundation upon which they built this
                                                                                                        served in their efforts to achieve their
     ON WITH LIFE SUPPORTIVE                               organization. That foundation held us
                                                                                                        best possible life. As we celebrate this
     HOUSING, CORP.                                        up through what was likely our most
     Meredith Lamberti, JD, President                                                                   year and look forward to our future, I am
                                                           challenging year in our 30-year history.
     Jean Shelton, MBA, FACHE, Vice President                                                           counting on you to support us and move
                                                           We are proud to carry on the work they
     Donna Walter, MBA, Secretary/Treasurer                                                             forward together.
     Arthur Filean, MBA                                    began and use our expertise to continue
                                                           serving individuals whose lives are
     Jeffrey Lamberti, JD, President                       impacted by brain injury or neurological
     Gail Boliver, JD, MBA, MS, Vice President             conditions.
     Andrea Woodard, Secretary                                                                          Sincerely,
     Thomas J. Friedman, Treasurer                         This year marks our 8th year as a top
     Libby Crimmings                                       workplace, and I could not be more
     Arthur Filean, MBA                                            proud of our team! Our staff
     Carl Harris, FSA, MAAA, FCA                                   are extraordinary people, and
     Jean Shelton, MBA, FACHE                                      together we have built an
     Steve Van Oort                                                                                     Jean Shelton, CEO
                                                                   amazing place to work.
     Douglas A. West, CFP

     Headway Magazine is published bi-yearly by
     On With Life, a not-for-profit organization and a
     Midwest leader in brain injury rehabilitation.
     Email change of address information or request
      to be removed from our mailing list to
Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
Spring                         20

                                               LETTER FROM
                                                                     THE EVOLUTION OF
                                               OUR CEO               REHABILITATION

                                                                     Q&A PELVIC FLOOR

                                               2020 YEAR IN REVIEW
                                                                     FOUNDATION FEATURES

                                               PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT-    16
                                               CORALVILLE            A NOTE FROM OUR
                                               CAMPUS                DEVELOPMENT

                                               THEN & NOW            17
                                                                     YOUR DONATIONS
                                                                     AT WORK

                                               REPORTS FROM          18
When COVID cancelled the yearly                THE COMMUNITY         PHILANTHROPY IN
holiday shopping trip to Target, our                                 ACTION
inpatient therapy team brought Target
to On With Life! A store was created
in our therapy gym, complete with a
                                               PEOPLE MAKING A       20
Starbucks coffee station. To read more
                                               DIFFERENCE            2020 DONORS
about this one-of-a-kind experience, visit

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Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life

                                             WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS!
                    On With Life is pleased to announce the addition of four new members to On With Life’s board of
                 directors. Please help us welcome Sara Johnston, Associate Professor of Drake University’s Occupational
                      Therapy Doctorate Program; Dr. Mark Dearden, Medical Director of Special Needs Initiatives
                     and Complex Health Solutions at Optum; Jeb Lee, Executive Director of Clinical Operations and
                      Compliance Officer for McFarland Cllinic; and John Ledvina, Lending Manager at Wells Fargo.

                                Added in 2019                                         Added in 2020

                         DR. MARK
                                           SARA JOHNSTON                        JEB LEE           JOHN LEDVINA

                PANDEMIC UPDATE
                On With Life continues to thrive amidst
                the pandemic. On With Life received the
                vaccine, and staff and persons served were
                encouraged to be among the first in the                           Brain
                state to be vaccinated. “I got the vaccine to                    Injury
                protect our team and my family,” said CEO                       Awareneh
                Jean Shelton. “With constant exposure                             Mont
                it will be reassuring to know I have done
                everything possible to protect myself and
                those around me.”                                          BRAIN INJURY
                                                                           AWARENESS MONTH
                All programs continue to serve throughout                  Join us in March as we celebrate Brain
                the pandemic. Our staff have big ideas and                 Injury Awareness month! Our theme this
                big solutions, like transforming a gym into a              year is “Watch Me Thrive,” as we share
                Target store and adding more opportunities                 stories of past persons served as they
                virtually for persons served and families.                 thrive after a TBI, stroke, concussion,
                                                                           Parkinson’s disease or other neurological
                The support from the communities
                through donations, meals and
                words of encouragement
                                                                           Learn how you can join us in our
                continues to encourage our staff.
                                                                           social media campaign, fundraisers
                If you’d like to support the                               or advocacy on our website at
                On With life team, please visit                            ONWITHLIFE.ORG/BIMONTH.

Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
            In fiscal year 2020 (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020), On With Life's continuum served 883 individuals. The following is a
           snapshot of On With Life's outcomes; visit onwithlife.org/outcomes to see a complete overview of outcomes achieved.

                                                     POST-ACUTE INPATIENT NEURO REHABILITATION

                      SERVED                                                                              Length                NET
                    WERE FROM
                                                                                                          of Stay            PROMOTER
                                           4.2                                                                                 SCORE

                      4                                                          OF PERSONS

                                           HOURS                                                                           A MEASURE OF CUSTOMER
                                                                                                                         LOYALTY AND REPRESENTS THE

                                                                                 SERVED                                   PERCENTAGE OF CUSTOMERS
                                                                                                                          WHO PROMOTE ON WITH LIFE.

                                                                                                                           HEALTHCARE AVERAGE 40

                                     AVERAGE THERAPY
                                         PER DAY
                                                                                 TO HOME                    DAYS
                                                                                                                           PERSONS SERVED

                       OUTPATIENT NEURO REHABILITATION                        LONG-TERM SKILLED CARE                     SUPPORTED

                      58%                       5 97%
                                                                           NURSING HOURS                                   LIVING
                                                                            PER PERSON

                                                                              PER DAY

                      OF THE INDIVIDUALS                 RATED ON
                                                         WITH LIFE

                      SERVED IN OUR
                      OUTPATIENT PROGRAM
                      RECEIVED MORE THAN
                                                         OR GOOD IN           5.89               100%                    HOURS
                      OCCUPATIONAL, SPEECH                                                                              PROVIDED TO 40
                                                SERVED   SURVEYS                                 OF PERSONS
                                                                              ONE OF THE         SERVED
                                                                           HIGHEST SKILLED       MAINTAINED

                                                                           NURSING FACILITY      OR IMPROVED

                                                         MORE THAN          NURSING RATIOS       THEIR RANGE

                                                7 70%
                                                                             IN THE STATE        OF MOTION, THE                 77%
                      OF THE INDIVIDUALS                                                         MEASUREMENT

                      SERVED IN OUR                                                              OF THE AMOUNT
                      OUTPATIENT PROGRAM                                                         OF MOVEMENT           OF GOALS WERE MET IN
                                                         MET LONG-

                      RECEIVED MORE THAN                                                         AROUND A
                      ONE THERAPY: PHYSICAL,
                                               PERSONS   TERM GOALS
                                                SERVED                          PERSONS          SPECIFIC JOINT
                      OCCUPATIONAL, SPEECH                                       SERVED          OR BODY PART.


127                   PERSONS
                                         OF PERSONS
                                         SERVED ARE
                                         BETWEEN THE
                                                                                          10          PERSONS

                                                                                          THIS PROGRAM IS FOCUSED
                                                                                          ON WORKING WITH

                                         AGES OF 18-64            GLOVES                  INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE
                                                                                          SUSTAINED A BRAIN INJURY
                                                                                          AS THEY LEARN STRATEGIES
                                                                                          TO SUPPORT THEIR RETURN

                                                                                          HOME AND TO THEIR           DISCHARGED HOME

                                                               23,321                        93%
                        SATISFACTION RATE OF                      N95 AND
                    PERSONS SERVED AND FAMILIES                SURGICAL MASKS
                                                                                             OF FAMILIES RATED ON WITH LIFE EXCELLENT

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Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life

     Our specialized programs         Concussion Clinic see indi-       Our extensive neurological       Stroke can affect many aspects
     and team of neuro-               viduals at all levels of recov-   services include physical        of life, including movement,
     rehabilitation experts focus     ery – those suffering from        therapy, occupational            communication, reasoning,
     on slowing the progression       an initial acute concussion       therapy, speech therapy and      balance, swallowing, speech
     of Parkinson’s disease,          and those whose symptoms          clinical counseling. These       and even breathing. At On
     preventing falls and             have continued past the           services, combined with          With Life, we understand
     helping you get the most         normal two to four-week           specialized expertise in         that because each individual
     out of each day.                 recovery period. The trans-       brain injury rehabilitation,     is different in how the stroke
                                      disciplinary team includes        offer you the optimal            has affected them, that each
     DAVE SAYS:                       rehabilitation therapists         opportunity to achieve your      rehabilitation plan needs to
     I am a resident of California    (physical, occupational, and      goals and get your life back     be different. The focus of
                                      speech), neuropsychologist,       on track.                        the our stroke rehabilitation
     with numerous relatives
                                      psychologist, and medical                                          program, accredited by CARF,
     in the Iowa City area so
                                      providers who provider            DERRICK SAYS:                    is to identify personal goals
     having this facility offered     tailored assessments and                                           and needs and prioritize
     me the opportunity to be a       interventions. This team          On With Life                     interventions in a manner
     part of the program. I was       assesses each individual’s
                                      symptoms and needs within
                                                                        is an amazing                    designed to support improved
                                                                                                         outcomes and community
     very impressed with the
     staff’s patience, persistence,   our uniquely developed            healing place.                   involvement.
                                      seven domains of care and
     positivity and passion for my                                      My therapists are amazing.
                                      will address vestibular
     success. I still continue my     and balance dysfunction,          I credit my progress to their
     therapy virtually through        functional vision rehabilita-     skills, emotional support, and
     the weekly Cognitive Fitness     tion, assistance with return      working with them to be the
     class.                           to work and school with           best I can be. I am so thank-    MARK SAYS:
                                      necessary accommodations,         ful for this opportunity. +
                                      cognitive evaluation and
                                                                                                         The most wonderful therapists I
     Everyone at On With Life
                                      rehabilitation and support                                         can think of. I really appreciate
     has shown me that the miles
                                      and education regarding                                            their knowledge and expertise.
     between us doesn’t matter.
                                      concussion and recovery.                                           It’s enough to go through
     Their genuine                                                                                       surviving a stroke and then to
     caring and                                                                                          experience the rehabilitation at
                                                                                                         On With Life – I’m just in awe
     compassion has                                                                                      of the personnel. The people
     built a bridge                   SUE SAYS:
                                                                                                         here are just excellent. +

     of hope for me.                  I knew this place was at a
                                      whole different level from
     I feel so much better now to                                                                        To learn more about our newest
                                      day one. The staff is so easy
     be part of the On With Life                                                                         Outpatient Clinic, visit
                                      to work with, and it’s clear
     family. +                                                                                           ONWITHLIFE.ORG/CORALVILLE.
                                      they care about you both as
                                      a patient and person. +
Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
While the interior of our main
             Ankeny campus has gone
             through a few updates, the
             exterior has relatively stayed
             the same.

             While gardening has always
             been a part of rehabilitation
             at On With Life, our beautiful
             Ankeny and Glenwood therapy
             grounds have just been
             developed over the last few

             Since we opened, we have
             updated our platform near
             the pond to include a shelter,
             making it the perfect spot for
             persons served to fish.

             On With Life began its
             outpatient program serving
             30 individuals in the first
             year with two staff in a 2200
             square foot modular home. The
             program now serves almost
             600 individuals per year in two
             locations with 24 therapists

             Return to walking is always a
             major goal our persons served
             have, and thirty years later
             we have better technology to
             assist them with this goal.

             We didn’t always have Lolo
             and Boo, our in-house therapy
             dogs, but pet therapy has
             always played an important
             role in our persons served’s

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Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
Reports from
        the Community

                                                       Second Chances
                                                       OUTPATIENT NEURO REHABILITATION

                                                     “The best gift in life is a            “
     KATIE                                            second chance.

     WOODWARD                                              his quote, which resides on 2nd Life Marketing’s
                                                           website, is the reason Katie Woodward decided to
                                                      follow her dreams and create her own business after
                                                      suffering a concussion in September 2018. She has always
                                                      had a passion for marketing, but it wasn’t until her time at
                                                      On With Life that Katie took the next step.

                                                      Katie was struggling with headaches, dizziness, vision and
                                                      movement of her neck after she hit her head on a garden
                                                      shed while helping her mom clean. A doctor diagnosed her
                                                      with Post Concussive Syndrome and referred her to On
                                                      With Life’s outpatient rehabilitation program. Katie spent
                                                      five months strengthening her eyes, neck and memory, and
                                                      figuring out what was to come next in her life.

                                                      As Katie, her mom and her therapists brainstormed
                                                      what Katie was going to do once she discharged from
                                                              On With Life, her therapists suggested she try
                                                              creating a website to see if she could get started in

                                                              “It took a while to make that first website and
                                                              it wasn’t the best one I’ve ever made, but I did
                                                              it,” said Katie. “That’s when my mom suggested
                                                              focusing on creating websites going forward.”

                                                              Katie’s therapists worked with her to ensure she
                                                              was set up for success as she returned to work and
                                                              created her new business. They worked together
                                                              on her resume, website, research, and made
                                                              accommodations to her computer to reduce strain
                                                      on her eyes.
                        To learn more about
                                                      Katie now owns 2nd Life Marketing, where she often
                        On With Life’s complex
                                                      assists other individuals starting a new life with their
                        concussion programs, visit    website and social media marketing needs.
                                                      “At On With Life, your recovery is geared towards you,”
                                                      said Katie. “It’s not the easiest or most fun process to go
                                                      through, but I wouldn’t be where I am right now, on my
                                                      own and living a new life, without it.” +

Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
CALEB                                                                 To learn more about On With Life’s
                                                                                                     Brain Injury program, visit

Perseverant Mindset

W       hen Caleb Deist first started outpatient therapy at On With
        Life, he could only answer yes and no questions by holding
up one finger for “yes” and two fingers for “no.” Now, five years
                                                                        “I believe Caleb was saved from his accident for a reason,” said
                                                                        Heather Chambers, Caleb’s mother. “My mindset from day one has
                                                                        been that Caleb will fully recover, and I will do whatever it takes to
after the accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury (TBI),   make that happen.”
Caleb is talking, smiling, laughing, holding two-way conversations,
                                                                        He has continued treatment at On With Life throughout the
and singing his favorite song, “Friends in Low Places.”
                                                                        past five years, including talking, bearing weight on his legs and
Caleb was diagnosed with a Diffuse Axonal Injury, a severe TBI          moving his left hand. According to Heather, this past year has
that typically leaves individuals in a disorders of consciousness,      been Caleb’s best.
after being hit by a tractor. Caleb, however, has made continuous
                                                                        “Caleb and his mom have shown us what perseverance looks like,”
improvements in the years since his accident, defying the odds for
                                                                        said outpatient physical therapist, Gail McGaughy. “He continues
someone with his diagnosis.
                                                                        to make gains year after year and I am so proud to know On With
                                                                        Life has something to do with that progress.” +

                                                  Story Telling                                   Music had always played a big role in
                                                  POST-ACUTE INPATIENT REHABILITATION             Natalie’s life, yet no matter how much she
                                                  Admit: October 2014 | Discharge: January 2015
                                                                                                  tried, she could not regain her musical
                                                  OUTPATIENT NEURO REHABILITATION                 talents, nor did she love music like she
                                                                                                  once did. But Natalie, being the strong
                                                 I  n September 2012, Natalie McDonald
                                                    created her own blog. At the time, this
                                                 blog was for sharing her thoughts and
                                                                                                  survivor she is, sought solace in other
                                                                                                  activities. The blog Natalie started just two
                                                                                                  years prior suddenly had more purpose.

                                                 decompressing. She had no idea how
                                                 important her blog and her writing would         “I write, and I tell my story,” says Natalie.
                                                 end up being.
   MCDONALD                                                                                       Not only does Natalie regularly blog
                                                 Two years later, Natalie survived a severe       about brain injury and life, she also has
                                                 car accident. She was in a Disorder of           published two articles for the TBI Hope
                                                 Consciousness for weeks and then began           and Inspiration magazine, in hopes she can
                                                 showing signs of alertness. She came to          inspire others through her words.
                                                 On With Life and began working towards
                                                 swallowing, eating, walking and talking.         “You will not always, or even often, get
  To learn more about On                         She continued her therapy in                     to where you think you should be,” said
  With Life’s Disorders of                       On With Life’s outpatient program;               Natalie. “But don’t let your misses keep
  Consciousness program, visit                   however, despite her impressive progress,        you from trying again.” +
  ONWITHLIFE.ORG/DOC.                            Natalie struggled to regain one of her
                                                 passions: music.
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Headway - HEART 2020 YEAR - On With Life
           Making a
                                                                                                  LARRY KRUSE

                        O      n With Life’s Founder Award was created to honor individuals who
                               have made lasting and significant contributions to On With Life’s
                         development and continued success. In On With Life’s 30-year history only
                         eight individuals have received this honor, the most recent being Larry Kruse.

                        Larry was the Assistant
                        Superintendent of
                        Administrative Services at                 Larry portrayed constant and continued
                        the Glenwood Resource                      support of persons served, staff and
                        Center, where he became                    facilities and On With Life as a whole.
                        familiar with On With Life
                        through board members who
                        also worked at the center. He
                        joined the board himself in
                        November 2014, where he          that currently resides in          “Through the years, Larry
                        quickly assumed the role of      Glenwood. He went to a lot of      portrayed constant and
                        treasurer.                       work to get approval for the       continued support of
                                                         program through the state and      the persons served, staff,
                        “Larry always gave the best      acquired the funding to make       facilities and On With Life
                        financial reports with great     it a reality.                      as a whole,” said Jeni Lewis,
                        detail,” said fellow board                                          administrator of the long-term
                        member, Diana Hoogestraat.       Larry suffered a severe stroke
                                                                                            program. “His knowledge and
                        “He knew what he was             in February of 2020 and has
                                                                                            understanding of the facility,
                        talking about and was able to    stepped down from his role on
                                                                                            both financial and otherwise,
                        explain the finances in a way    the board. While he may no
                                                                                            made him an invaluable asset
                                                         longer be serving, he remains
                        that was easy to understand.”                                       to our On With Life family.” +
                                                         an important part of On With
                        Larry, a native of Glenwood,     Life’s past, present and future.
                        Iowa, played an integral role
                        in establishing On With Life’s
                        Long-Term Care program

Administrator Pat
                                                                        “It’s important to us to give back to the
                                  Stilwill (left) and
                                                                        organizations in our communities that are
                                  Planner Cindy                         important to our members, and On With
                                  Friedrichsen (right)                  Life certainly is one of those.”
                                  with Landon
                                  McPike and the
                                  new rain garden.
                                                                                               “The cause of On With Life
                                                                                               is outstanding. There’s only
                                                                                               a handful of organizations
                                                                                               across the world like On
                                                                                               With Life who are operating
                                                                                               on their own without any
                                                                                               connection to a major
                                                                                               medical center,” said Dennis,

                                   projects require helping a
          hen Landon               non-profit organization in
                                                                                               who retired from Modern
                                                                                               Woodmen as a financial
          McPike started           which a scout must plan,
                                                                                               representative. “We’ve built
                                   develop and give leadership,
researching potential                                                                          relationships with the team
                                   which Landon was able to do
                                                                      MODERN WOODMEN           at On With Life. As they’ve
                                   successfully with his project
Eagle Scout projects,              for On With Life. Landon’s
                                                                                               grown, we’ve learned more
                                                                                               about their programs and
                                   project fundraised, built and

where to do it was an                                                                          their needs and continued
                                   installed a set of rain gardens          ennis Thevenot
                                                                                               supporting their growing
easy choice.                       and a drainage swale in On
                                                                            still remembers    efforts. It’s just a good place
                                   With Life’s outdoor therapy
                                                                     the first donation his    to give back.”
                                   area on the Ankeny campus.
                                                                     Modern Woodmen            Throughout the past 20
“My mom works at On                “The goal was to mitigate
                                                                                               years, Modern Woodmen has
With Life, and I have              problems with erosion
                                                                     chapter made to           donated paint for persons
volunteered on the campus          causing lots of dirt to cover
                                                                     On With Life nearly       served rooms and new
many times,” said Landon.          the walkways in the therapy
                                                                                               additions on the Ankeny
“Doing something to help           garden after heavy storms
                                                                     20 years ago. The         campus, and given out
an organization I had been         and required regular cleaning
                                                                     ornamental pear tree      several Hometown Hero
volunteering at for so long        to fix,” said Landon. “This
                                                                                               awards to On With Life’s
felt like an obvious choice of     will keep the rain garden
                                   safer for persons served and
                                                                     sits on the north edge    volunteers.
who to do my project for.”
                                   less maintenance intensive,       of the Ankeny campus      “It’s important to us to give
Eagle Scout projects are an        as well as provide a beautiful
                                                                     and is now among          back to the organizations in
important requirement for          addition to the garden’s                                    our communities that are
receiving the Eagle rank,          plants and scenery for years      dozens of trees Modern    important to our members,
something Landon has been          to come.” +                                                 and On With Life is certainly
working toward since joining                                         Woodmen has donated
                                                                                               one of those,” said Denise
Boy Scouts in 2014. These
                                                                     to On With Life.          King, Administrator/
                                                                                               Fraternal Coordinator. “We
                                                                                               are helping non-profits who
                                                                                               can in turn help others in the
 On With Life is so proud to be the recipient of many
                                                                                               community.” +
 Eagle Scout projects. To see the other projects, visit

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                                the     EVOLUTION of
                            REHABILITATION                                                                                                                                                  On With Life opens
                                                                                                                                                                                              a 22-bed post-
                                                                                                                                                                                              acute inpatient                                On With Life
                                                                                                                                                                                               rehabilitation                               Foundation is

                                                                                                                                                                                            program in Ankeny                               incorporated
                                                                                                                                        in the making

                                                                                                                                                                                             1991                                           1993

                                                                                                                                                    BY FAMILIES,                                                    responsibilities at home,” said
                                                                                                                                                    FOR FAMILIES                                                    Carla. “We know and have
                                                                                                                                                    Our Focus on Families                                           seen that the persons we serve
                                                                                                                                                    Our founding families                                           demonstrate significantly
                        When On With Life started, few imagined the world-class                                                                     wanted to create a place that                                   more progress with active
                        organization it would become. And while the growth and                                                                      combined the expertise of                                       family involvement. Having
                        development of programs is impressive, the mission and                                                                      a hospital with the heart of                                    the family house as an option
                        vision still remain true. On With Life has developed into                                                                   a family, so families have                                      for lodging has allowed more
                        a Midwest leader in neuro rehabilitation and is no longer                                                                                                                                   families to be present and
                                                                                                                                                    been an integral part of On
                        the best kept secret it once was. As we celebrate the 30th                                                                                                                                  actively engaged in their loved
                                                                                                                                                    With Life since the very
                        Anniversary of opening the doors of a one-of-a-kind brain                                                                                                                                   one’s rehabilitation.”
                                                                                                                                                    beginning. Carla Dippold,
                        injury rehabilitation program, we are reminded of the
                                                                                                                                                    director of case management,
                        ways rehabilitation has changed over that time. Four On                                                                                                                                     Stories of family members are
                        With Life experts - Dave Anders, Carla Dippold, Tammy                                                                       was instrumental in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    often recalled as some of the
                        Miller and Kim Reed - share four ways On With Life has                                                                      development of the addition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    favorites as staff look back on
                        helped to evolve rehabilitation over the last 30 years.                                                                     of the family house to On
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    their time at On With Life.
                                                                                                                                                    With Life’s Ankeny campus in
                                                                                                                                                    2016. Families were able to                                     “My first person served who
                                                                                                                                                    stay free of charge while their                                 presented in a disorder of
                                                                                                                                                    loved one was in On With                                        consciousness was a young
                                                                                                                                                    Life’s Post-Acute Inpatient                                     man who had been injured
                                                                                                                                                    Rehabilitation program.                                         in a 4-wheeler accident
                                                                                                                                                    Since opening in January                                        while working on his family
                                                                                                                                                    2016, the family house served                                   farm. His wife and family
                                                                                                                                                    approximately 130 families                                      were constantly by his side.
                                                                                                                                                    until the pandemic hit.                                         Nearly two months after his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    admission, I happened to be
                                                                                                                                                    “Families have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in his room when he abruptly
                                                                                                                                                    overwhelmingly appreciative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    turned to his wife and said,
                                                                                                                                                    of their ability to utilize the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    very quietly, but clearly,
                                                                                                                                                    family house. It reduced their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ‘Hi. I love you.’ They were
                                                                                                                                                    stress and financial burden as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the first words he’d spoken
                                                                                                                                                    they try to manage supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    since his accident,” said Dave
                                                                                                                                                    their loved ones with other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Anders, clinical director.
        12 |        ONWITHLIFE.ORG


                                                                                                          On With life partners
                                                            On With Life’s                               with the US Department
                               On With Life’s             long-term skilled                               of Housing and Urban
                          Supported Community            care program adds        On With Life post-       Development (HUD)        On With Life begins
  On With Life’s 22-bed       Living program                10 beds and is         acute inpatient           to build a 14-unit     offering outpatient
    long-term skilled       becomes the first            incorporated as On         rehabilitation         independent living       neuro rehabilitation
   care program opens      Medicaid brain injury         with Life Extended       program expands        apartment complex on         therapy on the
       in Glenwood        waiver provider in Iowa            Services, Ltd            to 26 beds           the Ankeny campus          Ankeny campus

    1996                     1997                         2000                    2004                     2005                        2011

     “That moment was the first             Along with the growth of our       FEW CAN DO
     in a series of experiences             name came the growth of            WHAT WE DO
     that taught me just what an            our staff to continue thinking     Program Development
     incredible privilege it is to          outside the box when it came       As neuro rehabilitation
     be a part of our person                to rehabilitation. In fact, some   experts, On With Life is
     served’s lives.”                       of the favorite memories           relentless in our pursuit
                                            of our staff show just how         to provide the best neuro
                                            creative our staff has been.       rehabilitation possible.
     Our staff’s expertise
                                                                               This is accomplished
     and dedication                         “Creating a prom for a
                                                                               through a dedicated team of
     One of the many opportunities          person served was the true                                              With the addition of programs
                                                                               experts who come together
     in providing high-quality brain        definition of how Recreation                                            also came the addition
                                                                               to seek out, develop and
     injury rehabilitation is found         Therapy can span through                                                of accolades for On With
                                                                               implement best practices.
     at the intersection of clinical        each discipline and how                                                 Life. On With Life is one of
                                                                               This is only possible through
     complexity and expertise.              therapy at On With Life is so                                           only two skilled inpatient
                                                                               collaboration, involvement
     Because the brain is the               meaningful and functional!”                                             rehabilitation programs in the
                                                                               in national research and
     control center for so many of          said Kim Reed, training and                                             world accredited by CARF as
                                                                               investing in our team and the
     the body’s systems, the sheer          development leader. “We                                                 Comprehensive Integrated
                                                                               technology at their disposal.
     volume of expertise areas              took something she wanted                                               Inpatient Rehabilitation
                                                                               From the addition of a full-
     essential to best address the          to do and helped her make                                               program in brain injury and
                                                                               time, on-staff physician’s

 “ We                                                                          assistant and second                 stroke for adults and the only
       have maintained a philosophy                                            neuropsychologist, to our            one in the world for children
   of care that solidifies our person-
                                               “                               growth of expertise in areas         and adults. On With Life is
                                                                               such as vision rehabilitation,       a founding organization for
     centered approach.                                                        neurodevelopmental                   FABR Brain Injury Outcomes
                                                                               treatment, cognitive                 Coalition and received the
     needs of our persons served            it happen through speech,                                               LeadingAge Caregiver of the
                                            occupational, physical,            rehabilitation and bowel and
     and families is vast. On With                                                                                  Year and National Innovation
                                            recreational and music             bladder management, we are
     Life’s rehabilitation teams                                                                                    awards. On With Life’s
                                            therapy. It sounds simple,         now better able than ever to
     have met this challenge by                                                                                     neuropsychologist and
                                            but it was magic!”                 get our persons served and
     constantly growing in                                                                                          clinical director wrote
                                                                               families on with life!
     both our depth and breadth of
                                                                                                                                  headway magazine         | 13
+   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +++++++++++++++++++
+   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +++++++++++++++
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                                                            On With Life’s Ankeny                                                                                 On With Life renews its      On With Life begins
                                                              campus undertakes                                                                                   CARF accreditation for        offering outpatient
                                                             an expansion project                                                                                 another three years, a      neuro rehabilitation in
                 On With Life adds                           to add a permanent                             On With Life’s                 On With Life opens    designation On With Life     a brand new Coralville
                  its first therapy                           outpatient therapy                         Glenwood campus                     a five-bedroom       has held since 1993. On    location and completes
                  dog, Lolo, for its                        center, a therapy pool,                      begins remodeling                  residential neuro     With Life also becomes         its one-of-a-kind
                Ankeny inpatient and                          family housing and                        to update the person              rehabilitation home     accredited by CARF for       therapy grounds on
                outpatient programs                          two additional beds                            served rooms                      in Des Moines        stroke rehabilitation        its Ankeny campus

                    2014                                        2015                                        2016                           2018                     2019                       2020

                                                                                                “I get the rare privilege                 years by reaching out to the         mind, which results in a really
                                                                                                 of spending time in                      community and meeting the            functional, beautiful space for
                                                                                                  each of On With                         needs of many individuals            rehabilitation.”
                                                                                                   Life’s programs                        needing specialized
                                                                                                                                                                               And as the campuses have
                                                                                                    every week. As                        neurological care, but on an
                                                                                                                                                                               grown – and will continue to
                                                                                                    I do, I try to see                    outpatient basis. The program
                                                                                                                                                                               grow in the next few years –
                                                                                                    the programs                          began in a modular home on
                                                                                                                                                                               the focus will remain on those
                                                                                                    through the eyes                      our campus, and eventually
                                                                                                                                                                               individuals who look to On
                                                                                                    of our founding                       the new outpatient center
                                                                                                                                                                               With Life’s as a source of hope.
                                                                                                    families and ask,                     was added onto the main
                                                                                                    ‘Would they be                        building in Ankeny. This new         “As we’ve grown our campus,
                                                                                                    proud of what                         building allowed the addition        I think about how many
                                                                                                   we’ve become?’ said                    of the aquatic therapy pool          individuals have touched
                                                                                                   Dave. “I really, truly                 and walking track system to          each part of the building and
                                                                                                  believe they would                      provide additional options to        campus. One of my favorite
                                                                                                 be.”                                     person served as well as the         memories is when a person
                 the chapter on Disorders of                                                                                              development and completion           served and I were using the
                                                                                          TOGETHER WE
                 Consciousness (DoC) for the                                                                                              of On With Life’s therapy            bathtub in the family house
                 Essential Guide Textbook                                                                                                 grounds.                             to give Dave’s dog a bath,”
                                                                                    Campus Growth
                 and staff have presented                                                                                                                                      said Tammy. “The deep down,
                                                                                    Over our 30 year history                              “The growth we’re seeing is
                 nationally and internationally                                                                                                                                belly aching laugh that came
                                                                                    we have addressed the need                            phenomenal,” said Tammy
                 on brain injury, stroke, DoC,                                                                                                                                 from the person served made
                                                                                    for services by developing                            Miller, director of outpatient
                 cognitive rehabilitation and                                                                                                                                  it all worth it. And to know
                                                                                    a continuum of inpatient                              Therapy. “In the last year,
                 neuropsychology. As our                                                                                                                                       that building has served our
                                                                                    rehabilitation, long-                                 we have grown in new and
                 programs developed, we never                                                                                                                                  outpatient persons served,
                                                                                    term skilled care, home                               different directions by adding
                 forgot our founding families’                                                                                                                                 inpatient families and now
                                                                                    and community based,                                  a new outpatient therapy
                 intent when creating On With                                                                                                                                  our corporate staff makes
                                                                                    independent living and                                clinic in Coralville and
                 Life.                                                                                                                                                         that even more special of a
                                                                                    outpatient therapy services.                          telehealth services. Each time
                                                                                                                                                                               memory.” +
                                                                                                                                          we build or add on, we do so
                                                                                    The outpatient program has                            with our persons served in
                                                                                    grown organically over the

        14 |        ONWITHLIFE.ORG
The pelvic floor musculature plays an important role in everything from bowel and
                                                               bladder health to maintaining core/trunk stability during functional movements to
                                                               breathing/swallowing. On With Life has several trained therapists on staff in our
                                                               inpatient and outpatient program in Ankeny and Coralville to address these issues.

WHAT IS THE PELVIC FLOOR?                                   WHAT ARE SOME REASONS                        that there are options for therapeutic
LM: The pelvic floor is the group                           SOMEONE MIGHT INITIATE                       treatment and we can explore those
of muscles forming the base of                              BEING SEEN BY A THERAPIST                    options together as a team. During the
your pelvis, often referred to as                           TRAINED IN PELVIC FLOOR?                     first appointment, the majority of the
the “hammock” of muscles. These                             ES: A pelvic floor trained therapist         time is spent discussing your history,
muscles form the base of your pelvis                        assesses the pelvic floor from a             concerns and goals. At the end of that
and are an important part of the core                       biomechanical and psychosocial               first appointment we will plan next
musculature–working to support                              standpoint. From a functional                steps based on your wants, needs and
the pelvis and internal organs,                             standpoint, a pelvic floor trained           desires.
and assist with stabilization of the                        therapist will collaborate with you and
                                                                                                         LM: We first perform a comprehensive
trunk for upper and lower extremity                         assess how your concerns impact your
                                                                                                         interview to determine your concerns.
movements. These muscles are also                           daily routine, community participation
                                                                                                         Often, a bowel/bladder diary is
key for bowel/bladder and sexual                            and overall quality of life.
                                                                                                         initiated in order to determine how
                                                            LM: Reasons to refer to a therapist          your eating/drinking habits affect
WHAT’S THE CONNECTION                                       can range from issues with bowel and         your toileting. We then perform
WITH BRAIN INJURY AND                                       bladder functioning (incontinence,           a movement screen including
PELVIC FLOOR?                                               constipation, etc.), issues with sexual      assessment of breathing coordination
                                                            function, pain, weakness or instability      and then perform an external and/
ES: The pelvic floor and brain have a                                                                    or internal examination of your
                                                            through the trunk. Pelvic floor
direct connection, and a brain injury                                                                    musculature. Finally, we work
                                                            therapists may also help with breath
can disrupt that connection and                                                                          with you to develop a treatment
                                                            support and coordination to improve
communication between the brain and                                                                      plan, which may include manual
                                                            breathing and voicing.
the pelvic floor causing pelvic floor                                                                    therapy techniques, environmental
dysfunction. The pelvic floor is made                       WHAT ARE SOME WAYS A                         modifications, biofeedback, a home
up of muscles, so just like any other                       PELVIC FLOOR-TRAINED                         exercise program, etc. +
muscles in the body may be affected                         THERAPIST CAN HELP?
as a result of a brain injury, the pelvic                   ES: A pelvic floor trained therapist will
floor may also become weak, tight,                          provide you a listening ear to validate
loose or lose sensation/control.                            your concerns. We want you to know

                                                                            our experts

                   Lindsay Maltas                                                                       Emily Summerfield
                   Physical Therapist                                                                   Occupational Therapist
                   Lindsay received her doctorate degree in physical therapy from the                   Emily received her graduate and undergraduate degrees
                   University of Iowa. She is certified in Neurodevelopmental Treatment, is             at the College of Saint Mary in Omaha. She is a certified
                   a credentialed clinical instructor and has received training in pelvic floor         brain injury specialist, a certified LSVT clinician and has
                   assessment and treatment through Herman & Wallace.                                   practiced in neuro rehabilitation for four years.

                                                                                                                                                headway magazine      | 15

                                                                                                On With Life Appreciates:
                                                                                    + All volunteers who are            Pharmacy which supported
       Last year brought unique                                                       dedicated to On With Life’s       last year’s virtual Celebrate
       and ever-changing                                                              mission. Congratulations to       Life fundraising event.
       challenges. Through it all,                                                    Mary and Greg Woolever, who
                                                                                                                      + Nikkel & Associates who
                                                                                      are retiring after volunteering
       our community has showed                                                                                         contributed $1,000 to the On
                                                                                      at On With Life for 29 years.
                                                                                                                        With Life Annual Fund.
       up time and time again                                                       + Those who supported our
                                                                                                                      + Pam Otto who who each year
       with encouragement and                                                         summer bike helmet giveaway
                                                                                                                        supports holiday festivities for
       donations. On behalf of the                                                    including the Clive Community
                                                                                                                        On With Life persons served
                                                                                      Foundation, Davis Brown
       board, staff and individuals                                                                                     and staff.
                                                                                      Law Firm, Vonnie and
       and families served by On                                                      Greg Esterling, Knights of      + Syverson Strege donated
                                                                                      Columbus, Optimist Club of        $2,000 on behalf of its firm
       With Life, I want to express                                                                                     and clients.
                                                                                      Ankeny and more.
       our sincere appreciation for
                                                                                    + The Community Foundation            + To support staff during a
       your continued support.                        SARA WILSON
                                                                                      of Greater Des Moines which           tough time, the Lynk family
                                                                                      granted $4,000 to On With             purchased 100 Pita Pit meals
       We will continue to                                                            Life as part of its COVID-19          for staff members at the
                                              has and will continue to play           Nonprofit Adaptation Grant            Ankeny campus.
       appreciate and rely on your
                                              an important role in meeting            Program.                            + Scheels (Jordan Creek) which
       partnership as we prepare
                                              the needs of those we serve.          + The many individuals and              blessed On With Life with a
       for the future. While we are                                                   businesses including Charlene         $4,000 donation during the
                                              We look forward to the new
       working on plans to grow in                                                    and Don Lamberti, ABB,                holiday season.
                                              year and working with you               Accumold, American Equity
       terms of capacity and scope                                                                                        + AT&T which donated
                                              to meet whatever challenges             Investment, Carmine and               $5,000 to the On With Life
       of services, our primary                                                       Steve Boal, Casey’s General
                                              lie ahead. Please feel free to                                                Foundation.
       mission remains the same:                                                      Stores, Community State
                                              connect with the Foundation             Bank, Country Landscapes,           + Dana and Jim Rheinschmidt
       “Joining hands, hearts and                                                                                           who made a significant
                                              team at                                 Edencrest and Right Dose
       minds to help persons served                                                                                         contribution in honor of On
                                              (515) 289-9611 or                                                             With Life staff.
       living with brain injury get
       On With Life.” Philanthropy

                   NEW COMMUNITY EVENTS FOR 2021
           As our programs grow, our fundraising and community awareness efforts do as well! The On With Life Foundation is excited
          to bring some fun, brand new events to the community in 2021! We originally made plans to hold these events in 2020, but we
        unfortunately had to change our plans due to COVID-19. We are hoping to move forward as planned this year, but we will continue
              to evaluate our events in light of the pandemic. Please watch your email, our website and our social media for updates.

                      GOLF CHARITY EVENT                                                     CELEBRATE SUMMER
                           Monday, June 7, 12:30 p.m.                                            Sunday, June 13, 4-7 p.m.

              We will be looking for foursomes, hole sponsors and pin prizes to    Mark your calendar to celebrate summer with food, music, family
                 support our new Coralville clinic. For now, save the date!        activities and fun in support of On With Life’s long-term program!

                     Learn more at ONWITHLIFE.ORG/GOLF.                           Learn more at ONWITHLIFE.ORG/CELEBRATESUMMER.

                                                       AT WORK
                                   To help us pivot our
                                   service model during the
                                   pandemic, we received
                                   several donations and
                                   grant dollars to implement
                                   telehealth. Thanks to the
                                   Iowa Department of Human
                                   Services, Modern Woodmen
                                   Chapter 108, the Iowa
                                   Economic Development
                                   Authority and others.

                                                                                       We raised more than
                                                                                       $2,000 on Giving Tuesday
                                                                                       2020 to help keep our
                                                                                       staff spirits bright.

      Thanks to the support of many community contributors,
      On With Life was able to give away 600 bike helmets as
      part of our Helmet Awareness Month last summer.

                                       Polk County Board of
                                       Supervisors, Kreg Tool Company,
                                       Cindy and Tom Friedrichsen,
                                       Lynette and Kurt Rasmussen,
                                       JMT Trucking and All Star
                                       Concrete all made contributions          Eagle Scouts
                                       in support of the Friedrichsen           On With Life was the
                                       Workshop, which was completed            recipient of multiple
                                       last year as part of the                 Eagle Scout projects in
                                       therapeutic grounds.                     our therapy gardens.

Walking Track                                                            To support On With Life, visit
Chris Norton Foundation granted $12,000 to
help purchase a ceiling-mounted walking track
for the Coralville Outpatient Clinic.

                                                                                                   headway magazine   | 17
FOUNDATION FEATURES   Philanthropy in Action

                                AMERICAN PROSTHETICS & ORTHOTICS

                                F    or several years, American
                                     Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
                                (APO) has been a champion for On
                                                                             In addition to providing annual
                                                                             contributions to the On With Life
                                                                             Foundation through the years, APO
                                With Life’s mission and philosophy of a      supported the Therapeutic Grounds
                                person served centered approach. The         Project by serving as a named sponsor
                                organization’s philanthropic views have      for the Putting Green. The creation of
                                always tied back to being a responsible      this outdoor space provides numerous
                                community partner and cultivating            physical, psychological and social
                                wonderful long-term relationships with       benefits, as working within this type
                                other organizations that share similar       of outdoor setting helps rehabilitation
                                approaches to providing care to those        become even more like real-life.
                                that they serve.
                                                                             “It’s a perfect match. Not only do
                                “Our collective goal, with other             many of those who work at APO love
                                members of the rehab team, is to see         golf, one of the sport’s attractions is
                                our patients return to their career and      that it’s available to people of all ages
                                enjoy their families and lives to the        and abilities,” stated Ron. “Knowing a
                                fullest extent. We are proud to support      patient we have fit has been given their
                                many organizations that assist the           complete life back through On With
                                people we care for, as it is a positive      Life brings all of us great joy and brings
                                extension of what we do,” said Ron           what we do full circle.” +
                                Cheney, CPO, President of APO.

                                JANE AND CRAIG ELSASSER

                               I   n 2015 Craig Elsasser
                                   experienced a
                               hemorrhagic stroke
                                                               before transferring into the
                                                               care at On With Life.
                                                                                                 walk and talk.

                                                                                                 “As Craig showed progress,
                                                               “We had heard great things        the team at On With Life
                               that changed his and
                                                               about the program but             would encourage him to
                               his families’ lives in an
                                                               never imagined all they           go a little farther and do
                               instant. The stroke caused
                                                               provided until Craig joined       a little more during his
                               weakness on his right side
                                                               the On With Life family,”         therapy sessions,” says
                               and a loss of the ability
                                                               shared Jane, his wife.            Jane. “The team treated
                               to speak, eat and walk.
                                                                                                 Craig with respect and gave
                               He spent four months            Craig’s ability to eat came
                                                                                                 him independence when
                               in a local hospital and         back, but he had to work
                                                                                                 appropriate. I was also
                               rehabilitation facility         hard to regain his ability to     {continued on page 19}

                                                                                                continued on next page


     R     uss Hansen started researching
           philanthropic opportunities
     years ago for some clients who were
                                                   On With Life serves, he decided to start

                                                   “On With Life is the best facility in
     looking to make substantial donations
                                                   the Midwest specific to brain injury/
     versus giving a substantial amount of
                                                   neuro,” said Russ. “And they help
     money away. As part of his research, he
                                                   people from the whole gamut…people
     realized he personally wanted to give
                                                   of different ages, different abilities,
     to organizations that do not pertain
                                                   different financial situations, different
     to just one segment of the population.
                                                   locations…that’s why I give.”
     He wants to support organizations
     that fulfill needs for all demographics,      Russ has been generous with annual
     socioeconomic status and social               contributions to the On With Life
     characteristics. Through the years,           Foundation as well as the Celebrate Life
     he has stuck with this philanthropic          annual fundraising event. And because
     philosophy when considering where to          Russ believes so strongly in supporting
     donate his charitable dollars.                On With Life and all who need the
                                                   program now and in the future, he has
     Meanwhile, Russ has known several
                                                   arranged a planned gift to benefit On
     people – whether a client, friend or
                                                   With Life down the road.
     family member – who have been a
     recipient of services from On With            “You never know when a brain injury
     Life. Knowing what an impact the              will hit or who it’s going to hit,” Russ
     organization has had on those he cares        said. “All people need the same help,
     about as well as the diverse population       and On With Life offers that help. I’m
                                                   happy to support the organization.” +

   {continued from page 18}

involved in his therapy, which   help others see the “WOW”           Life’s dedication to helping      says. “And we want to support
prepared us for the transition   factor of On With Life as an        those individuals with a brain    that passion.”
to life at home.” When the day   organization and a program          injury.” For these reasons,
                                                                                                       Each day is a new day. Every
arrived for Craig to graduate    for brain injury rehabilitation.    Jane and Craig decided to
                                                                                                       new day has challenges to
from On With Life and head                                           become Circle of Life Society
                                 “On With Life blends the                                              overcome. The Elsassers know
home, Jane and Craig had                                             members back in 2017 and
                                 strengths and insights of all                                         that slow and steady are just
the knowledge and skills to                                          continue to make an annual
                                 fields, treating the whole                                            the thing that Craig needs, as
continue with their next steps                                       philanthropic donation to the
                                 person – emotionally,                                                 he continues to slowly gain
in their life at home.                                               On With Life Foundation.
                                 physically and spiritually,” said                                     more and more strength.
With a passion for giving back   Jane. “The fact that patients       “We feel that the staff view      Their love and support are
to others in the community,      are addressed as ‘persons           their work not as a job, but      what help them get on with
Jane and Craig strive to         served’ exemplifies On With         rather a passion in life,” Jane   life – together. +

                                                                                                                         headway magazine   | 19
FOUNDATION FEATURES                                    Our Donors

       The On With Life Foundation is grateful to the many individuals, corporations and foundations – those named below and those who have asked to remain
       anonymous – who supported On With Life’s mission through charitable donations and grants received between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020.
       It is the Foundation’s goal to be 100% accurate in the spelling and inclusion of all contributors. If you have any questions or concerns about a listing, please
       contact the Foundation office at 515-289-9611 or by email at FOUNDATION@ONWITHLIFE.ORG. More information on ways to give can be
       found online at ONWITHLIFE.ORG/FOUNDATION.

                                                                                        Individuals, Organizations & Corporations

          DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTE $1,000
          ANNUAL FUND ARE DESIGNATED AS                                                  ABB/BIS, Inc.                     Robert Boarman                  Anna Colgan
                                                                                         Abendroth & Russell Law Firm      Judith and James Boes           Ben Collins
                                                                                         Accu-Mold, LLC                    Abby and Jared Bogaards         Community Foundation
                                                                                         Ace Hardware - Ankeny             Dawn Bohrer                     of Greater Des Moines
                                                                                         Karin and John Ahrold             Janeen and Gail Boliver         Community Pharmacy
                                                                                         Joetta and Jerry Akers            Laura and Tracy Bollin          Community State Bank
                                                                                         Karla Albaugh                     Felix Borge                     Brenda and Greg Conklin
                                                                                         Megan and Mike Albaugh            Sally and Ron Bowden            Megan Conklin
                                                                                         Taylor Albaugh                    Sue and Don Boyce               Deb Conley
                                                                                         Dianne Alber                      LeAnne and Dennis Bradley       Janelle and Jim Conley
                                                                                         Alderson Electrical Sales, LLC.   Samantha Braune                 Kari and Derek Conley
                                                                                         Rabija Alicehajic                 Susan Bravard                   Renee and Dana Conley
                                                                                         Melissa Allen                     Max Bridgewater                 Angie Cook
                                                                                         Barbara Alley                     Broadlawns Medical Center       Michael Cook
                                                                                         Alliant Energy Foundation         Bonnie and Douglas Brown        Nancy Cook
                Debra and David Anders              Dee and Gary Lynk                                                                                      Amy Cooke
                                                                                         Suzanne and Kent Allison          George Brucks
                Janeen and Gail Boliver               Sharron Martin                     American Equity Investment        Karen and Brad Brunia           Paula Cordes
                 Laura and Tracy Bollin               Michael Mincy                      Life Insurance Company            Rachel Bruns                    Costco Wholesale Corporation
               Rikki and Ron Cheney (in         Corey and Patrick Morrison               Cathy and Bob Amfahr              Carla Burgin                    Carol and Leo Crall
               memory of Tracy Cheney)               Monte Nuehring                      Debra and David Anders            Jen and Andy Burke              Libby Crimmings
                Kevin Doherty (in honor                                                  Megan and Rockford Anderson       Sharon and Michael Burke        Angela Cruz
                                              Judy and Carroll Ose Family (in
                    of Tim Doherty)            honor of Lindsey Ose Weber)
                                                                                         Vicky and Larry Anderson          Mary Ann Burris                 Cynthia Cruz
              Michelle and Chris Doubleday                                               Amy and Dave Andreesen            Linda and Bryan Butler          Sharon and Dave Cubit
                                               Pamela Otto (in memory of
                                                                                         Ankeny Chamber of Commerce        Sharon and Jay Butterfield      Gail Cudworth and
                Jane and Craig Elsasser         Mike Ford and Chris Otto)
                                                                                         Ankeny Sanitation                                                 Eddie Hatfield
               Cynthia and Steven Ewald         Phyllis and Marc Peterson
                                                                                                                           Cabaret Ankeny, LLC
                                                                                         Anthem                                                            Kyle Culp
                                                                                                                           Mindy Campbell
                  Gloria and Art Filean        Stephanie and Bruce Poitry                Taylor Arnold                                                     Samantha Cumings
                                                                                                                           Leticia Campos
                Tammy and Jim Foreman               Dori and Brad Pote                   AT&T                                                              Jessica and Jason Dagel
                                                                                                                           Sherry Lynn Carder
                 Janet and Randy Freel        Dana and Jim Rheinschmidt (in              Jean and Kelly Ault                                               W.T. & Edna M. Dahl Trust
                                                                                                                           Ruth and Richard Carey
              Cindy and Tom Friedrichsen       honor of On With Life Staff)              Mary and Bryan Baker                                              Davis Brown Law Firm
                                                                                                                           Andrea Carico
                                                Ann and Darwin Rohlfsen                  Carol Bakkie                                                      Doris Dawson
                  Jane and Craig Funk                                                                                      Tasha and Matthew Carl
                                                                                         Susan Ballard                                                     Minda and Mark Dearden
                 Susan and Kevin Funke         Sally and William Schroeder                                                 Leslie Carlson
                                                                                         Amber Banwell                                                     Amy and Brian deBuhr
            Robert Michael Greenwood Family            Jean Shelton                                                        Lynne Carlson
                                                                                         Jennifer Barbour                                                  Barbara and Ross deBuhr
                Mo and Jacque Grotjohn                 Travis Sisson                                                       Casey’s General Stores, Inc.
                                                                                         Jeff Barnes                                                       Darlene and David Decklever
                                                Jamie and Matthew Steen                                                    Lizz Cassler
                    Russell Hansen                                                       Sarah Barthole                                                    David Demarest
                                                                                                                           Central Iowa Dignity Memorial
                     Norma Harris                 Tricia and Chad Tramp                  Mandy Beason                                                      Robin and Mark Denkinger
                                                                                                                           Archana and Robin Chalise
                  Sally and Carl Harris           Steve Van Oort Family                  Sarah and Jeff Becker                                             Cristina DePriest
                                                                                                                           Rebha Chalise
               Courtney and Jacob Huber          Donna and Terry Walter                  Justin Beede                                                      Matthew Diercks
                                                                                                                           Carla and Todd Chambers
                                                 Rebecca and Joe Walters                 Benevolent Patriotic                                              Carla and Steve Dippold
               Carrie Huff (in memory of                                                                                   Cora and Albert Chan
                                                                                         Order of Does #25                                                 Julie Fidler Dixon and
               Verneal “Bunny” Traver)             Carol and Tim Wilson                                                    Debra Chandler
                                                                                         Dale Bickenbach                                                   Dr. Dennis Dixon
               Charlene and Don Lamberti           Marilyn and Eli Wirtz                                                   Kerry and Rod Chase
                                                                                         Amy Bishop                                                        DLR Group
                    Jeffrey Lamberti           Andrea and Grant Woodard                                                    Shaylee Cheers
                                                                                         Madelyn Bjork                                                     Kevin Doherty
                                                                                                                           Amanda and Brian Cheese
                                                                                         June Blackford                                                    Tim Doherty
                                                                                                                           Chris Norton Foundation
                                                                                         Chelsey and John Blough                                           Melissa Donoghue
                                                                                                                           Laura and David Chumbley
                                                                                         Jess and Peter Blough                                             Michelle and Chris Doubleday
                                                                                                                           Joan and Tom Clark
                                                                                         Carmine and Steven Boal                                           Alice Draper
                                                                                                                           Kathy and Al Cole
                                                                                                                                                           Vicki and Glen Draper
Katie Dredske                Nancy Greening                  Preston Inrachavongsa            Kate Benson Larson             Michaela Moore               Jim Pullen
Kim and Kevin Drew           Robert Michael                  Insurance Strategies             and Ross Larson                Pamela Moore                 Magen Rainey
Matthew Easley               Greenwood Family                Consulting, LLC                  Mary Lawyer                    Patricia Moore               Lynette and Kurt Rasmussen
Edencrest at Beaverdale      Erik Gregersen                  Iowa Economic                    Dawn and Tom Ledin             Corey and Patrick Morrison   Travis Rasmussen
Edencrest at Green Meadows   Claire Gripenberg               Development Authority            Rebecca and Jeb Lee            Sherry Mullins               Roxanne and Martin Rathje
Edencrest at Riverwoods      Mo and Jacque Grotjohn          Iowa Health Care Foundation      Darla Lehmkuhl                 Carol Murken                 Raygun
Edencrest at Siena Hills     Katie and Kelly Grove           Iowa Medicaid Enterprise         Ann Lenaghan                   John Murphy                  Marie Redig
Edencrest at The Legacy      Liz and Jake Gruver             Iowa Senior Planning             Sheila and Ron Lenker          Pat and Larry Murphy         Geri Reed
Sally Ehlert                 Liz Gurnett                     Landon Jacobs                    Dennis Lensch                  Landan Myers                 Kim and Alex Reed
Terri Ellison                Marlene and Jim Gustafson       Lisa Jarosh                      Barbara and Michael Lewis      Nancy Aldera                 Randy Reid
Mary and Jim Elrod           Peg and Gregg Gustafson         Debra and Scott Jaspers          Jeni Lewis                     Charitable Trust             Ryan Reimer
Heather Elsasser             H.P.C., LLC                     Jeannie Jastorff                 Evelyn Libby Arnot             Nationwide                   Annette Renaud
Jane and Craig Elsasser      Lynn and Howard Hagen           Sarah Jeffries                   Sara Lindaman                  Laurie Navin                 Reynolds & Reynolds, Inc.
Megan and Zach Elsbecker     Maurine Hale                    Jim Hughes Real Estate           Marsha and Gary Lohmann        Janice Needels               Tony Rhoads
EMC Insurance Companies      Norma Hanke                     JMT Trucking                     Dawn Ludwick                   Barb and Scott Nessa         Therese Richardson
Jackie and Ron Eppert        Russell Hansen                  John Deere                       Tong Luvan                     Newport Group Inc.           Sonni Ricklefs
Vonnie and Greg Esterling    Marc Harding                    Angie and Scott Johnson          Glenys Bittick Lynch           Nikkel & Associates, Inc.    Right Dose Pharmacy
Jo Marie and Steven Evans    Christy and Michael Harger      Dr. and Mrs. Jarod Johnson       Dee and Gary Lynk              Jillian Noah                 Vernette Riley
Cynthia and Steven Ewald     Jillian Harrington              Marva and Allen Johnson          Daniel Lynn                    Melissa Norman               Bobbi Jo and Ian Rinker
Liz Fenstermacher            Jordyn Harris                   Megan Johnson                    Carol and Greg Madsen          Northwest Bank               Janine Rinker
Jayne and Grant Ferguson     Sally and Carl Harris           Jennifer Johnston                Magee’s Irish Pub, LLC         Elaine and Charles Notis     Jackie Roberts
Jake Feuerhelm               Harris Golf Cars                Sara and Bob Johnston            Lindsay Maltas                 Monte Nuehring               Nick Robertson
Gloria and Art Filean        Jerica Harvey                   Dea and Mike Jones               Angela Manley                  Leslie Oba                   Aubrey Robins
Sybil Finken                 Mary Hastie                     Jillian Jones                    Jillian Manley                 Amy and Joshua O’Brien       Rocky Mountain Baldor
Kelsey Finocchiaro           Laura Hatcher                   Allison Jordan                   Kristi and Paul Manley         Kayla O’Donnell              Peter Roeder
First National Bank          Emma Hayden                     Charlotte Jordan                 Alycia Marler                  Cleojean Olson               Tara Rogers
Julie Fleming                Dave Heaton                     Wendy Jorgensen                  Laura Martin                   Susan and Gene Olson         Ann and Darwin Rohlfsen
Kathryn and Elliot Florer    Josh Heitkamp                   Sheku Kawa                       Sharron Martin                 Sue and Dick O’Neill         Madison Rollefson
Marcia and Donald Flory      Angela Heldt                    Jo-Linda and Dennis Keith        Heather Matson                 Kathy and James Orsland      Johanna Mayer and
Tammy and Jim Foreman        Teri Henderson                  Sharon and Jack Keller           Matt Rainey, Allstate Agency   Pamela Otto                  Joel Rosenthal
Abi Fortsch                  Beverly and Ronald Herman       Katie and Kelly Grove,           Karen McCarthy                 Verna and Jack Ouverson      Phyllis Ross
                             Jessica Hernandez               Snap-On Tools
Barbara and Craig Foss                                                                        Ruth and Gary McConeghey       Charlene Overturf            Andrea and Aaron Rothrock
                             Connie and Monty Herrick        Marietta and James Kennedy
Gary Foster                                                                                   Susan and Doug McCoy           Stephenie Owen               Eric Rounds
                             Kathy Herring                   Stephanie Kidney
Judith Franc                                                                                  Daune and David McCulloch      Kayla Paris                  Andrea and Douglas Rowe
                             Jan and Jim Herzberg            Taylor Kilstrom
Jody and Ken Franzen                                                                          Kim McCulloch                  Kathy and James Parker       Sarah and Steve Roy
                             Sarah Hiemer                    Megan Kirchert
Janet and Randy Freel                                                                         Dorothy McDermott              Rosemary and                 Carol and Dave Rupiper
                             Terry Hirst                     Joan and Gary Kirke                                             Jonathan Parson
Kara and David Freeman                                                                        Corliss McDonald                                            Jackie Russ
                             Elaine Hites                    Amy and Ronald Klemm                                            Carol Patterson
Kathy French                                                                                  Regina McDonald                                             Mary Beth Russell
                             Andrea Hitzel                   Taylor Klimiuk                                                  Tiffany Paulsen
Joanne and Tom Friedman                                                                       Deb and Steve McEachron                                     Ryun, Givens & Co., P.L.C.
                             Hailey Hogrefe                  Echo and Scott Klumpers                                         Cyndi and John Pederson
Cindy and Tom Friedrichsen                                                                    Kara and Matthew McGarvey                                   Sue Sandahl
                             G David and Trudy Holman Hurd   Knights of Columbus                                             Lynda Perry
Nora Frigo                                                                                    Gail and Shayne McGaughy                                    Paula and Tom Sandmeier
                                                             Council 6977-Our Lady
Elizabeth Funk               Diana and Tom Hoogestraat                                        McGough Construction           Amy Peters                   Patricia and Everett Sather
                                                             of the Holy Rosary
Jane and Craig Funk          Amy Hopp                                                         Madison McInroy                Carole and Doug Petersen     Gladys and Gerald Sawyer
                                                             Knights of Columbus OLIH
Galligan Reid, P.C.          Lisa Hostetler                                                   Andrea and Mark McKinley       Mary Peterson                Mary Scarpino
                                                             Knights of Columbus St. Mary
Barbro Garland               Mark Houk                       - Holy Cross Council 15347       Laura McPike                   Phyllis and Marc Peterson    Scheels (Jordan Creek)
Patrick Garvey               Kelsee Hove                     Mikhayla Korpela                 Raina Meads                    Michelle and Andy Pett       Stephanie and Jason Schmid
Philip Gassman               Howard Charitable               Marilyn and Lowell Kramme        Debra and Mario Menchaca       Marianne and Dean Phelps     Lisa and Todd Schmidt
Sheri and Jeff Gatchel       Foundation                      Josie Krause                     Barbara and William            Sarah Pimlott                Bailey Schwarck
Mollie Giller                Courtney and Jacob Huber        Brady Krischel                   Mengeling                      Joyce and Brad Pingel        Sheldahl United Methodist
Mary Jo and Tom Glanville    Jim and Monica Hughes           PJ and Michael Kruger            Midwest Heritage               Amy Points                   Church Women
                             Jade Hunt                                                        Financial Services             Stephanie and Bruce Poitry   Jean Shelton
Valerie Glenn                                                Peggy and Larry Kruse
                             HyVee Reusable                                                   Ethan Miller                   Erin and Dwight Porter       Suzy and John Shierholz
Glenwood State Bank                                          Julie and Dan Kuecker
                             Bag Program                                                      Linda and Joseph Miller        Dori and Brad Pote           Martha Sinclair
Cathy Glynn                                                  Cassa and Dean Kuhn
                             HyVee, Inc. (Westown Pkwy)                                       Megg Miller                    Kerri Potthoff               Sheila Sinclar
Janet and Olin Goldsmith                                     Kym Kuper
                             IA District Optimist                                             Tammy Miller                   Kaye and Dennis Price        Travis Sisson
Kris Goodlin                 International                   Charlene and Don Lamberti
                                                                                              Shelby Rae Minnmann            Principal Charity Classic    Megan Smith
Celia Goodman                Megan and Daniel Ihrke          Jeffrey Lamberti
                                                                                              Modern Woodmen                 - Birdies for Charity        Smithfield Foods, Inc.
Granger Assumption Knights   In The Bag, Inc.                Meredith Lamberti
                                                                                              of America                     Principal Financial
of Columbus, Chapter 12130                                   Lamberti, Gocke & Luetje, P.C.                                                               John Snyder
                             Angie Ingle                                                      Modern Woodmen Of              Group Foundation
Greater Horizons                                             Rejean Landt                                                                                 Pam and Roger Snyder
                                                                                              America Chapter 18060
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