Heading for "financial sustainability": the signficance of Minsky's ELR then and now

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Macroeconomics Applications                                         Università degli Studi di Bergamo a.a. 2019-2020

                     Heading for «financial
                     sustainability»: the signficance of
                     Minsky’s ELR then and now

                                                                                   Anna Maria Variato
                                                         Università degli Studi di Bergamo - DSAEMQ
                                                                                                 25 ottobre 2019

                                       The Financial Instability Hypothesis and the concept of
                                       Employer of Last Resort are independent pieces of
                                       macroeconomic theory? This paper addresses the issue from
                                       two perspectives. First it goes back to the original work of
                                       Hyman Minsky and to his definitions. Then it focuses on the
                                       theoretical link of the two ideas. Taking as a privileged focus ELR
                                       (which is less popular than FIH), the thesis suggested in the
                                       paper is that FIH and ELR are not independent, being in contrast
                                       the pillars of a coherent and comprehensive macroeconomic
                        Abstract       paradigm; this is valid both in Hyman Minsky and from the
                                       purely theoretical point of view. Furthermore the underlying
                                       methodological vision is holistic and (at the very least implicitly)
                                       compatible with the understanding of capitalistic systems as
                                       complex and adaptive. While addressing the corollary question
                                       of intrinsic coherence of Minksy’s research programme, the
                                       paper attempts to show why this reflection matters to the
                                       solution of nowadays capitalism crisis, qualifying the emergent
                                       economic paradigm as a «paradigm of financial sustainability».

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Macroeconomics Applications                                   Università degli Studi di Bergamo a.a. 2019-2020

                        About sudden Minsky’s            Question 1: FIH and ELR are
                        posthumous popularity            independent research topics
                                                         in Minsky?

                        Question 2: Which are the
                        relevant interdependencies (on          Question 3: The significance
                        theoretical independence                of ELR then and now: just a
                        between ELR and FIH?                    minor issue in Minsky or the
                                                                key toward a new paradigm
                                                                of «financial sustainability»?

                      Conceptual map of the presentation
                      and suggested theses


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Macroeconomics Applications                                     Università degli Studi di Bergamo a.a. 2019-2020

                                         Minsky's contribution was not significantly
                                         appreciated while the author was alive, but
                                         after 2007 he suddenly became "popular"
                                           The first channel of popularity was
                                           determined by the fact that many became
                                           supporters of the Financial Instability
                                         Is it possible to state that finally the idea
                                         finance permanently affects real
                                         macroeconomic variables has become a
                     Premise             standard?
                                           The second channel of popularity came later,
                                           as a result of the persistence of the crisis.
                                           Then the proponents of "job creation plans"
                                           have also appeared (often without attributing
                                           adequate paternity to the concept)
                                         Is there any real tension towards the goal of
                                         tight full employment?

                                       In dealing with the subject of the State as Employer
                                       of the Last Instance (Employer of Last Restort: ELR)
                                       some selective choices are made:
                                       A) reference only to Minsky's contributions (which
                                       does not imply denying the importance of
                                       subsequent interpretations)
                                       B) prevalent use of Minsky's contributions contained
                    premise            in the collection of posthumous essays "Ending
                                       Poverty, Job not Welfare" (2013) because:
                                       B1) contain all the essential topics useful to the
                                       characterization of the concept
                                       B2) cover an interesting historical period which can
                                       be subdivided into three phases (crucial for the
                                       argumentation that will follow

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                          Minsky time and its relevance for our times

                                                                                                         Phase 3:
                                                                     Phase 2: Keynesian
                                                                     Mainstream Crisis                   • AS and MP dominant,
                                                                                                           flexible exchange ratesi,
                                                                       • AS led inflation, crisis of       unrestricted finance
                                                                         keynesian model, increasing     • Minsky 1994
                                                                         criticism (from monetarism to
                                                                         Lucas), towards fixed
                                                                         exchange rates
                                 Phase 1: Keynesian                      abandonment, restricted
                                 Mainstream                              finance
                                 • AD eFP dominant, AD led inflation • Minsky 1972, 1975
                                   (if any), prevailing fixed exchange
                                   ratesi, restricted finance
                                 • Minsky 1965, 1968, 1969, 1969bis

                      Reference papers

                                                                                                 Phase 3:
                                                                                                 • Minsky (1994) Full
                                                                                                   employment and growth
                                                             Phase 2:                              as targets of economic
                                                             • Minsky (1972) Where                 policy. Reflections on the
                                                               economists and american             limits of capitalism
                                                               economy went wrong
                                                             • (1975) The poverty of
                                                               economic policy
                         Phase 1:
                         • Minsky (1965) The role of
                           employment policies
                         • (1968) Effects of changes in AD                      A question we will try to give an answer:
                           upon income distribution
                         • (1969) Policy and poverty                            the historical phases of the evolution of
                         • (1969bis) Macroeconomics of a                        Minsky thought are synchronized with
                           negative income tax                                  the evolution of macroecnomic thoery?

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                                       The connection
                                       between Employer of
                                       Last Resort and
                                       Financial Instability
                                       (Have they been indpendent issues in Minsky’s
                                       research program?)

                                       According to Minsky the nature of capitalist systems
                                        dynamic, incoherent, unstable;
                                        instability is the endogenous effect of the economic
                                        dynamics that involves complex (non-neutral)
                     The Nature         interactions between real and financial economics;
                                        micro dimension and macro dimension; institutions
                     of capitalistic    that act by changing the rules of the game;
                     Systems            instability is generated in conditions of stability
                                        (the seed of instability lies inside stability)
                                        Minsky's instability is represented through stratified
                     vision)            balance-sheet networks, giving rise to relationships
                                        of different nature/ solidity in terms of the ability to
                                        generate income and liquidity (i.e. the agents
                                        behave like banks, and are characterized in three
                                        types as covered units, speculative and Ponzi)

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                                       The fallacy comes as the effect of two fundamental
                                        Inability to maintain full employment permanently
                                        over time (contrary to what is assumed by the
                    Why is              Tendency of the financial component to trigger debt
                    capitalism          (deflationary) crises
                    unstable and       These are limits that cannot be "eradicated" because
                    fallacious?        capitalism is an organizational mode of society
                                       involving the assumption of liabilities (payment
                                       commitments due for sure) in advance with respect to
                                       the income flows (just expected) that (likely would)
                                       validate them  in other words, as long as capitalism is
                                       “financial” in nature there is no way to make the problem

                                       Capitalism is not a social organization always
                                       the same as itself: it evolves with increasing
                                       complexity (i.e. it cannot be understood
                    Why is             except in dynamic terms)
                    capitalism         Instability and inequalities are inherent in
                    intrinsically      capitalism because capitalism is a society
                    unstable and       organization that cannot disregard finance ...
                    fallacious?        ... which is very different from stating that
                                       finance is a useful support for improving the
                                       opportunities of an economic system

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Macroeconomics Applications                                       Università degli Studi di Bergamo a.a. 2019-2020

                            Moreover ... mainstream macroeconomic approach and (not only)
                            implies the emergence of some dichotomies, fundamental to the
                               representation and characterization of the system dynamics:

                                         Dichotomies openly           Dichotomies openly
                                         refused by Financial         refused by Employer of Last
                                         Instability Hypothesis       Resort

                                                                         Aggregate Demand
                     and                    Aggregate Demand             vs. Aggregate Supply
                     reductions:            vs. Aggregate Supply
                                                                          Resource Allocation
                                            Real side of the
                     dangerous              economy vs.
                                                                         (efficiency) vs.
                     synthesis              Monetary side                (equality)
                                            (further sub-case
                                            money vs. finance)           Employment vs.
                                            Cycle vs. Growth

                                         Therefore Minsky's position requires the adoption of
                                         a holistic perspective, which denying
                                         simultaneously all the commonly accepted
                                         dichotomies by standard macroeconomic theory,
                                         leads first of all to the methodological impossibility
                     Evidence of         to face the issue of financial stability separately
                     the link            from that of full employment
                     between             in other words, the dichotomies mentioned in the
                                         previous slide do not represent sets of real features
                     FIH & ELR           giving rise to the dynamics of existing economies;
                                         they can only occur in the abstract and under
                                         peculiar conditions (supposedly known by trained

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                                       implied by the
                                       Employer of Last Resort

                                        Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply

                                        • Opportunity to reduce unemployment and increase
                                          employment through fiscal and monetary policies
                                          (this is a structural reduction, not a temporary one)
                     of the             • Possibility of reducing poverty through increased
                                          employment (this is a social effect, not purely
                     rejection of         individual; in fact we are not talking about reducing
                     dichotomies        Allocation – Distribution

                                        • Possibility to pursue at the same time efficient
                                          allocation and equalization of income distribution
                                          (starting from the objective of equalization of
                                          income, therefore from distribution)

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Macroeconomics Applications                                     Università degli Studi di Bergamo a.a. 2019-2020

                                           Are these possibilities easy to implement?
                                           Is it enough to recognize that the model is
                                           different and have a good intuition to be almost
                                           certain of the success of the policies?

                     On the                Is any occupational objective sufficient to
                                           generate the triggering of the virtuous
                     possibility to        mechanisms mentioned above?
                     reach the policy
                     goals implied by     According to Minsky the answer is negative to
                                          all the above questions!
                     the holistic
                     model                 Not only must the policies be well structured,
                                           timely and well received (a more restrictive
                                           condition than credibility)
                                           The objective on which to focus is tight full
                                           employment (which implies the identification of
                                           an "narrow band" evolutionary path)

                                        What happens if any economic policy
                                        authority does not commit to the goal of tight
                                        full employment?
                     Evidence of        Not only, evidently, he risks not generating the
                                        conditions for full employment stable over time
                     the link
                     between            For sure he loses the possibility of solving the
                                        problem of poverty (both relative and absolute)
                     ELR and
                     «war on
                     poverty»             Thesis 1. According to Minsky, the failure
                                          of conventional policies to achieve the
                                          objective of defeating poverty is due to the
                                          lack of consideration of the close link
                                          between poverty and full employment

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                                       1. What is the Employer of Last
                                       2. Is the ELR still relevant to
                     Questions            present days?
                     raised by ELR     3. How does it work?
                                       4. What kind of intellectual
                                          implications does come from
                                          the idea of ELR?

                                       Paradoxically, the fight against poverty is
                                       often pursued through three types of
                                         O Monetary transfers
                     Reasons of the      O Training and re-training courses
                     ineffectiveness     O Attempts to stimulate AD through tax
                     of policies           reductions which are considered effective
                     targeted at           instruments in stimulating I or modifying the
                     “war on               distribution of income
                     poverty”          Thesis 2. According to Minsky ALL these
                                       measures are doomed to failure.
                                       The correct strategy would instead be to
                                       engage in the pursuit of tight full

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                                       What is the Employer of Last

                                       In order to be able to define what (kind of
                                       institution) is the employer of last resort, we
                                       must first reflect on the ability of a capitalist
                                       system to achieve full employment
                                       Clearly, the very notion of employer of last
                     Resort»           resort involves an elementary certainty: if the
                     Institutions      intervention of an institution of "last resort" is
                     and «market       necessary, it means that the market has not
                                       been able to generate coherence between
                     clearing»         supply and demand;
                                        specifically in the labor market, this is shows
                                        up through unemployment (which in a
                                        Keynesian perspective has an involuntary

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                                       To eliminate unemployment:
                                        Wage flexibility and automatic adjustment
                                        [evergreen mainstream]
                                        Qualitative/quantitative adjustment: supply
                                        side policies: training of workers (mismatch
                                        heterogeneity). Institutions spend today to
                     Strategies         make workers employable tomorrow [current
                     meant at full      mainstream]
                     employment         "Targeted" quantitative adjustment:
                                        employer of last resort (heterogeneous
                                        workers because of intrinsic qualities). The
                                        employer of last resort hires the unemployed
                                        immediately; spends today to occupy them
                                        today with the skills/ competences they have

                                       Thesis 3. The market is not able to reach
                                       tight full employment. Public intervention is
                                       needed in the form of direct job creation (the
                     The role of       examples, being historically specific, recall
                     ELR               the policies pursued in the New Deal)
                                        the problem: defining the concept of
                                       tight full employment (and indicating the
                                       unemployment rate consistent with it).

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                                           Wheredo we want to go?
                                           That is
                                           A particular kind of macroeconomic
                                           «The single most important step toward ending
                                           poverty in America would be the achieving and
                    Definition of «Tight   sustaining of tight full employment. Tight full
                     Full Employment»      employment exists when over a broad cross-
                                           section of occupation, industries, and locations,
                                           employers at going wages and salaries, would
                                           prefer to employ more workers than they in fact

                                                        (Minsky, original 1965, 2013 p. 3)

                                           Is the ELR still relevant to present

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                                               Minsky recalls Roosevelt policies:
                                               a)   WPA (Work Progress Administration)
                                               b)   CCC (Civilian Conservative Corps)
                                               c)   NYA (National Youth Administration)

                          ELR and              Should we consider the same kind of programs
                         New Deal              even today?
                                               It would be quite anachronistic…

                                               What does still survive, anyway?
                                               The idea that the intervention on job creation is neither
                                               generic or slavish, rather it is an articulated program of
                                               interventions addressed to specific sectors or segments of
                                               the labor market ...

                                    Timeliness of the Employer of Last Resort

                                                    Pros                      Cons

                      Moreover, in the 1960s at least the "war on poverty" was discussed as an explicit goal
                      of economic policy. Today it is not (at most a talk about absolute and “extreme” poverty)

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                                                   Thesis 4. Income from work is a
                                                   fundamental pillar of individual
                     Who is going                  dignity
                     to benefit
                     from the
                     presence of
                     the ELR?                      Thesis 5. The ELR is also a
                                                   channel through which public
                                                   legitimacy is strengthened

                                    Benefits coming from direct job creation

                                                               The         Reducing the
                                                         distribution of   emphasis on
                                                             income         investment     More degrees
                       Elimination of    Relevance of
                                                            naturally          would       of freedom for
                      poverty due to    the concept of
                                                              moves        contribute to      economic
                      unemployment      family income
                                                            towards        the reduction   policy makers
                                                              lower         of financial
                                                           inequality         fragility

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                                                   Inflation risk

                                         Public Debt               BP
                                        Sustainability        Sustainability

                                       How does the ELR work?

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                                                                  • No because of
                                               Active labour
                                                                    «gestation time» too

                     Mister NO…
                                                 Monetary         • Do not solve the
                     Minsky and                  Transfers          problem of social
                     “conventional”              policies?          marginality
                     labor policies
                                              Policy addressed    • Articulated explanation
                                             towards high tech      of the negative attitude
                                                investment?         towards this measure

                                            Indeed they implicitly consider:

                                             Work as homogeneous and fluid (whereas it
                                             is not easy to train a worker, given that the
                           Explanation:      process is expensive both in economic and
                     Criticism towards       temporal terms)
                           active labour     Moreover they imagine high degree of
                           policies (and     substitution between different workers and
                          structuralists)    between inputs (or production techniques),
                                             but obviously these possibilities of
                                             substitution are limited.

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                                           Close to full employment the two levers are
                                           substantially similar, but not far from full
                                           employment (especially if part of the
                                           residual unemployment derives from
                                           structural change);
                     What kind of fiscal
                                policy?    While generalized tax cuts have limited
                     Higher G or lower     power to target specific occupations, public
                                     TA    spending can be targeted (as demonstrated
                                           historically by the Roosvelt’s work plans)

                                           High technology investment support policies? No

                                           1.   Tax incentives exacerbate the inequality of workers
                                                and savers
                     Explanation:          2.   Investment income encourages opulent consumption
                     Criticism against          and imitative behavior from poorer f people (demand
                     policies targeted          led inflation risk)
                     towards high tech I   3.   The inequality between workers is accentuated
                     (as a measure for          (because the incentives are sectorial)
                     full employment)
                                           4.   Financial fragility increase (as the policy implies a
                                                natural incentive to decrease safety margins  the
                                                tax cut increases the confidence of entrepreneurs,
                                                but also the confidence of external lenders who rely
                                                on the persistence of fiscal policy)

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                                          What kind of intellectual
                                          implications come from the idea of

                                           Which target unemployment rate: like atrazine in
                                           the water? (Minsky, 1965)
                     Challenges of         First focusing on poor workers then dealing with re-
                     phase 1:              training (1965)
                                           Income from work: essential social dimension
                     mainly definitions    (individual identity and inclusion of the worker’s
                     of targets and        family) (1965)
                     phenomena             Relative poverty is more ambiguous concept than
                                           absolute poverty (a question leading to the
                     also evidence of      recognition of the issue of impoverishment) (1969)
                     an impicit vision     Economic policy cannot be improvised and need
                     where                 pragmatism: good intentions are not enough
                     interdependencies     (1969)
                                           Explicit characterization of the dynamic link
                                           between poverty, financial instability and economic
                                           policy (1969)

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                                       The economic crisis is reflected in the crisis of the
                                       theoretical macroeconomic paradigm (1972)
                                       The paradigm shift occurs when simultaneously the
                                       weakness of the existing model is combined with a
                                       real problem (but there is a "valid" alternative)
                     Challeges of      The most important limitation that characterizes
                     phase 2:          macroeconomists is the failure to recognize the
                                       substantial role of finance in capitalist dynamics
                     what happens
                     during crisis     Power and distribution should be the key words of
                                       the macroeconomist game (1972)
                                       Attention to distribution leads to an increased
                                       attention towards «green» and «cooperation»
                                       Concentrations and oligopolies are harmful and this
                                       obviously applies to banking concentrations too

                                       Resonance between 1933 and 1993: Clinton as
                     Phase 3           Roosevelt? (1994)
                     challenges:       Modern capitalism enters a crisis more easily than
                                       in the past, not surprisingly (1994)
                     a new model for   The target of tight full employment is not
                     capitalism?       implemented substantially due to lack of political
                                       will (sloth, ignorance, individualism) ... and in so
                                       doing we lose a possibility of endogenous
                     a battle lost     stabilization
                     already or a
                                       Capitalism transformed itself (not in the direction
                     match still to    desired, also because the policy choices that were
                     engage with?      made went in the opposite direction suggested by
                                       Minsky) (1994)

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                                            In order to be successful, economic policy
                                            design should provide simultaneous
                    In order to pursue      coordination among three levers:
                    macroeconomic                Direct job creation (ELR)
                    stabilization (as far
                                                 Proper AD management (Big Government)
                    as possible)
                                                 Financial Regulation (LLR)

                                            1.   Commitment to tight full employment (just to
                                                 simplify, pay attention to the issue of work) [long
                                            2.   Implementation of adequate policies to address
                                                 aggregate demand (fiscal policy, with a
                     The design                  preference for public spending over taxation and
                     and the                     transfer) [medium term]
                     sequence of            3.   Implementation of stabilization policy in the
                                                 financial sector, through the presence of a lender
                     economic                    of last resort (which legitimates supervision and
                     policy                      regulation  monetary policy extensively
                                                 understood) [medium term]
                                            4.   Monetary policy (in strict sense) comes last and
                                                 is consistent with previous steps [short term]

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                               Minsky time and his intellectual coherence

                                                                                        Phase 3:
                                                       Phase 2: Keynesian
                                                       Mainstream Crisis                • Capitalism as a
                                                                                          complex adaptive
                          Phase 1: Keynesian           • There is an economic             system, always poised
                                                         crisis, but it is above all      between stability and
                          Mainstream                     on the intellectual              instability, but
                          • "Golden" era: the most       crisis that Minsky               endowed with a
                            favorable context for        focuses this phase of            resilience that
                            the reception of             his research                     historically other
                            Minskian ideas             • He understands that              systems have not
                          • Minsky plays on the          the most serious                 demonstrated
                            definition of the            limitation is the lack of      • This is why it is
                            primary objective of         an idea of substantial           worthwhile to face the
                            PE, on its                   finance and he begins            challenge of amending
                            implementation               to concentrate mostly            capitalism
                            methods and on the           on the Financial
                            link with income             Instability Hypothesis

                                                 «Long ago Abba Lerner summed up the view put
                                                 here arguing that success brings into play market
                                                 developments that breed failure. The problem of
                                                 discovering and putting in place institutions of a
                                                 successful capitalism cannot be solved once and
                                                 for all. Success is transitory. Future generations
                     Conclusion                  will have to confront later version of the
                                                 problem we now face: to turn a failing
                                                 capitalism into a succesful capitalism».

                                                               Hyman Minsky (2013 p. 177-178, original paper 1994)

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                                       Minsky believed that the war that an
                                       economist should fight was the war on
                                       poverty ...
                                       ... the poverty of which he spoke was
                                       evidently that of material and moral
                     Conclusion        And this is a battle that not all economists
                                       are able to face directly, while sharing its
                                       … However as an intellectual he has
                                       tirelessly fought a war no less important,
                                       the one against the poverty of ideas. He
                                       left us a fruitful legacy and this attests to
                                       his personal and lasting victory.

© Prof. AnnaMariaVariato – Fall 2019                                                                    23
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