HAPPENINGS - HomeShare Vermont

Page created by Sidney Mejia
HAPPENINGS - HomeShare Vermont
HomeShare                                                                                                          March 2022

40      years
                      A     Warm Welcome in Westford
          former business owner who has lived in his West-   the Democratic Republic of Congo who works for a care-
          ford home since 1985, Scott, age 60, wants to      giving agency, has been with HomeShare Vermont since
          remain in his home                                                                2011. Neil lived in various
for as long as he can. He has                                                               homeshare matches over the
put a lot of sweat equity into                                                              past decade, providing him
his home and truly loves the                                                                affordable housing options
place. Plus, his father and                                                                 while he was enrolled in col-
cousin both live down the                                                                   lege courses. “Homesharing
road, and Scott has been                                                                    has a lot of benefits. It was a
involved with the family                                                                    good experience to meet
maple-sugaring and rasp-                                                                    new people and I learned a
berry farm. Years of moto-                                                                  lot from living with them,”
cross and enduro racing                                                                     Neil explained. He recently
took a toll on him physi-                                                                   reached his goal of getting
cally, so it’s a challenge find-                                                            his own apartment.
                                                                                          Photo by Gillian Randall

ing work that won’t be too                                                                      Scott also has Shams, 52,
taxing on his body. Extra                                                                   as a homesharer. A native of
rental income from home- Neil, Scott & Shams                                                India, he left his career in
sharing is important since                                                                 the airline industry during
he’s currently not working, so he rents out two rooms in     the pandemic and found a job as a postal worker in Ver-
his home.                                                    mont. Since he was from out-of-state, Shams needed
    While financial reasons are a priority for sharing his   HomeShare Vermont’s help finding affordable housing
home, Scott does enjoy having other people around and        in the area. Having travelled to 65 countries while work-
liked the idea of sharing a meal or watching a show          ing for the airlines, Shams is adaptable and was ready to
together sometimes. It was important to him to find          give homesharing a try. Scott has provided a welcoming
housemates who shared his desire for a neat, clean, and      place as he gets to know Vermont.
peaceful home. With two rooms available, that adds               Now Scott is eager to see if his fifth housemate with
another layer of complexity since the two homeshare          HomeShare Vermont, who just moved in earlier this
guests need to be compatible as well.                        month, will be as good as the others. “This program works
    Until very recently, one of those housemates was Neil,   for me. The staff has been awesome, and all the housemates
a long-time homesharer himself. Neil, 52, a refugee from     are very good. It’s just a great program,” Scott said.

                 HomeShare Vermont (802) 863-5625 www.HomeShareVermont.org
HAPPENINGS - HomeShare Vermont
Home & Away Raffle
                          We have two great prizes for two lucky winners of our Home & Away Raffle.
HomeShare Happenings      One raffle prize is a $500 gift certificate to Gardener’s Supply! They have wonderful
     March 2022
                          stores in Vermont, and an amazing catalog of all sorts of home and garden items. So,
BOARD OF DIRECTORS        whether you live in Vermont or far away, you can enjoy this gift. (gardeners.com)
      PRESIDENT           The second raffle prize is a 2-night stay for up to 4 people in a cottage on Lake Cham-
  Margaret Cicchetti
                          plain’s Missisquoi Bay, located in Swanton, Vermont. Relax and decompress, watch the
    VICE-PRESIDENT        beautiful sunset, enjoy swimming, kayaking, or fishing the best bass and northern pike ter-
    Hobart Popick
                          ritory on the Lake. Located 1 hour from Burlington or Montreal, immediately adjacent to
     Brian Stark
                          great hiking in the Missisquoi Wildlife Refuge.
                                       (Value $800)
    David Porteous
     Frank Driscoll       Raffle tickets are $20 each or 6/$100.
    Alison Friedkin       We will only be selling 250 raffle tickets!
    Mary Harwood
                          The last day to purchase raffle tickets will be
   Elizabeth Meyer
                          Tuesday, April 12 and we will announce the
    Lis Mickenberg
                          winners at our storytelling event on April 14th.
  Radetta Nemcosky
 Maria Pietrafesa-Kind
     Ingrid Pixley
      Meg Pond
  Kelly Stoddard Poor                                  In Remembrance
                          Vermont recently lost an amaz-                                   I find it thrilling to see how
                          ing woman and volunteer. Ruth                                    people learn and work things
    Cathy Bergeron
                          Barenbaum was the driving                                        out. HomeShare hosts and
  Barbara Buchanan
                          force of bringing homesharing                                    guests come to us with various
    Marty Garrett         services to the residents of Ad-                                 issues they are looking to solve,
    Connie Kenna          dison County. She saw a need,                                    staying at home or finding a
  Radetta Nemcosky        contacted HomeShare Ver-                                         home they can afford. It’s very
     Joan Palmer          mont, and wouldn’t take no for                                   rewarding,” Ruth said back in
     Rene Rubbins         an answer. She worked tirelessly                                 2008.
                          on outreach and recruitment Photo by Karen Pike                       Ruth also volunteered with
        STAFF             and training of other volunteers. Due in large     Meals on Wheels and became a Tai Chi in-
      Kirby Dunn          part to Ruth’s efforts, HomeShare Vermont          structor at age 80! She was a collage artist
      Amy Jelen           has now served Addison County since 2006.          and avid gardener. For 25 years, she was an
    Kathy Johnson             Ruth also worked with the program as a         instructor and literacy tutor, helping adults
   Aaron Retherford       Staff Volunteer, interviewing participants,        learn to read and write. She was featured in
    Joyce Touchette       often in their homes, attending case confer-       a New York Times article in 1989 for an inno-
                          ence meetings with volunteers and staff, and       vative program she helped establish to
                          creating and sustaining successful homeshar-       encourage her students to become authors as
                          ing matches for 13 years.                          a way for them to learn to read and write.
                              “Each of us has something to give to our            We will miss Ruth but know the world
                          community. It’s our responsibility as citizens.    is a better place for all of her good work.

                HomeShare Vermont (802) 863-5625               www.HomeShareVermont.org
HAPPENINGS - HomeShare Vermont
“Cheers to 40 Years”
   An Evening of Storytelling / Online or In Person
                                                                                                                                   Thursday, April 14, 2022
                                                                                                                                     Doors open at 6 pm • 7 pm Stories begin
                                                                                                                                The Double E Performance Center at the Essex Cinemas

                                                                                                                                 Moth award-winning storytellers Sue Schmidt and
                                                                                                                                     Kevin Gallagher will headline the event
                                                                                                                                          Live music by The Brevity Thing.
                                                                                                                                 Dave Ball (guitar, harp), Jom Hammack (mandolin),
     Artwork by Bonnie Acker

                                                                                                                                            Steve Goldman (upright bass)
                                                                                                                                                  Food & Drink
                                                                                                                                         Goody Bags • Dessert • Cash bar
                                                                                                                                                    Tickets      $40

                                                                                                                                          Filming by The Media Factory
                                                                     TICKET ORDER FORM
Name ________________________________________________________________                                                                                   Special thanks to our Sponsors:
Address _______________________________________________________________                                                                                              Platinum
City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                          Hickok & Boardman Insurance Group
                                                                                                                                                                   UVM Medical Center
Daytime phone _________________________ Email ______________________________
     I/We plan to attend:                                                                 Storytelling Event tickets @ $40 each = $_______                      Langrock, Sperry & Wool
                                                                  I would like to make a donation to HomeShare Vermont = $_______                                      Stark Law
     In Person o
                                                                    Home & Away raffle tickets @ $20 each or 6 for $100 = $_______                                     Silver
     Online o
                                                                                                                        Total Amount = $_______
Enclose check, payable to HomeShare Vermont, or pay by credit card.                                                                                                    EverNorth
                                                                                                                                                                   Mercy Connections
Visa/MasterCard # ___________________________________ Exp. Date _______________
                                                                                                                                                                Northfield Savings Bank
Total Amount = $ _________________________________________________________                                                                                           Peet Law Group
Cardholder’s name (please print as listed on card) ______________________________________                                                                         People’s United Bank
Signature (required only for credit card transactions) _____________________________________                                                                          Bronze
                                       The fine print on tax-deductibility: $20 for event tickets, and $0 for raffle tickets.                                   Margaret & Bert Cicchetti

                                               TO ORDER TICKETS BY MAIL:                                                                 TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR SALE:
                               HomeShare Vermont, 412 Farrell St., Suite 300                                                             On our website: HomeShare Vermont.org
                                               South Burlington, VT 05403                                                                Or by calling our office at (802) 863 -5625
HAPPENINGS - HomeShare Vermont
HomeShare Vermont: Improving lives and communities
                           by bringing Vermonters together to share homes.

                                     412 Farrell Street, Suite 300, South Burlington, VT 05403

                                                                                             Thank You Judy !
                     and Going Strong                                                                   I  n 2006, a devoted group of volunteers
                                                                                                           worked to get HomeShare Vermont
                                                                                                         services up and running in Addison
This year we are celebrating our 40th Anniversary. It all
                                                                                                         County. Shortly thereafter, Judy Sperry
started with Sally Conrad and the RSVP Program
                                                            Photo by Karen Pike

looking for ways to help older neighbors continue to
                                                                                                         Gibbs got involved as a Staff Volunteer
stay at home with a bit of help and Project HOME was                                                     with the program. She proved to have the
born! With the assistance of amazing volunteers like                                                     perfect skillset for interviewing Home-
Polly Rowe and Dorothy Black, and UVM researchers                                 share Hosts and Guests and making great matches. Judy
Fred Fengler and Nick Danigelis, they developed this                              says, “I think my combination of being a registered nurse and
program from scratch. Today we are one of the
                                                                                  a realtor was helpful. I knew my way around the county and
strongest and largest homesharing programs in the
country and provide technical assistance to others who                            I loved meeting the people and t1rying to help them.” Judy’s
want to get a program started in their communities.                               thoughtful and direct personality—combined with her dedica-
   Over this next year we will be celebrating our suc-                            tion to fitting volunteering into her busy schedule—have made
cesses and acknowledging the many people who were                                 her truly invaluable to HomeShare Vermont. Judy is now re-
so instrumental in growing this tiny but mighty pro-
                                                                                  tiring from this role, but you’ll still see her volunteering at Neat
gram. We hope you will join us either in person or on-
line for our Storytelling event on Thursday, April 14th.                          Repeats. Thank you, Judy, for the time and energy you have
                                                                                  shared for so many years!

                  HomeShare Vermont (802) 863-5625 www.HomeShareVermont.org
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