Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning

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Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning

 Xiong Zhang1 *, Hongsheng Huang2 , Jianchao Tan3 , Hongmin Xu4 ,
 Cheng Yang1 , Guozhu Peng1 , Lei Wang1 , Ji Liu3
 YY Live, Baidu Inc., 2 Joyy Inc., 3 AI Platform, Kwai Inc., 4 OPPO Inc.,

 Abstract Stack - 1 Stack - 2 Stack - K
arXiv:2107.11646v2 [cs.CV] 28 Jul 2021

 Analyzing and understanding hand information from Input

 multimedia materials like images or videos is important
 for many real world applications and remains active in re-
 search community. There are various works focusing on re-
 covering hand information from single image, however, they
 usually solve a single task, for example, hand mask segmen-
 tation, 2D/3D hand pose estimation, or hand mesh recon- Figure 1. Hand Image Understanding. The figure illustrates the
 struction and perform not well in challenging scenarios. To fundamental idea of this work. We derive the 2D hand pose, hand
 further improve the performance of these tasks, we propose mask, hand mesh (including 3D hand pose) representation simul-
 a novel Hand Image Understanding (HIU) framework to ex- taneous from a monocular RGB image of the hand object in a
 tract comprehensive information of the hand object from a coarse-to-fine manner.
 single RGB image, by jointly considering the relationships
 between these tasks. To achieve this goal, a cascaded multi-
 65, 26, 30, 12, 20, 19] or synchronized multi-view im-
 task learning (MTL) backbone is designed to estimate the
 ages [3, 16, 44, 49, 57] to deal with the aforementioned
 2D heat maps, to learn the segmentation mask, and to gen-
 challenges. As a consequence, most of those methods are
 erate the intermediate 3D information encoding, followed
 impractical in real-world situations where only monocular
 by a coarse-to-fine learning paradigm and a self-supervised
 RGB images are available.
 learning strategy. Qualitative experiments demonstrate that
 For the monocular RGB scenario, the main obstacles re-
 our approach is capable of recovering reasonable mesh rep-
 side in three-folds. Firstly, the lack of high-quality large-
 resentations even in challenging situations. Quantitatively,
 scale datasets with precise annotations. Existing datasets
 our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art
 are either synthesized using software [71, 17, 33], or labeled
 approaches on various widely-used datasets, in terms of di-
 in a semi-automated manner [72, 25], or collected in a con-
 verse evaluation metrics.
 trolled experimental environment [64, 66, 48]. Secondly,
 the incapability of the current datasets makes the trained
 models not generalize well to various wild images, espe-
 1. Introduction cially under self occlusions and complex configurations,
 Hand image understanding (HIU) keeps active in both which may hinder its applications. Thirdly, contemporary
 computer vision and graphics communities, aiming to re- approaches fail to exploit unlabeled images, which is more
 cover the spatial configurations from RGB/depth images, widely distributed than those with annotations.
 including 2D/3D hand pose estimation, hand mask segmen- The above obstacles motivate us to bring out two ques-
 tation and hand mesh reconstruction, which have been em- tions: Can the existing multi-modality data be harnessed
 ployed in various domains [47, 31, 21, 23, 28, 50]. Recov- comprehensively to tackle the aforementioned difficulties?
 ering the spatial configurations is still challenging, due to Can the tremendous wild images without labels be exploited
 the inherent depth and scale ambiguity, diverse appearance well enough to favor the HIU?
 variation, and complicated articulations. While a bunch In this work, we demonstrate the answers to be yes, and
 of existing works have considered markerless HIU, most the fundamental idea is illustrated in Figure 1. Specifically,
 of whom require depth camera [35, 60, 49, 39, 24, 13, an innovative multi-task learning (MTL) framework is de-
 signed to tackle the HIU problem, which follows the cas-
 * corresponding author, zhangxiong@yy.com cade coarse-to-fine design manner. Concretely, the frame-

Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
work consists of a backbone and several regressor heads 2. Related Work
corresponding to different tasks. The backbone aims to
learn the various elementary representations from hand im- Due to the extensive scope of related works, it is hard to
ages, including 2D pose estimation, hand mask segmenta- summarize all of them comprehensively. We only discuss
tion, and 3D part orientation field (POF) encoding. To re- works that are strongly related with our framework settings.
construct the whole hand mesh efficiently, we exploit the 3D Hand Pose Estimation. The pioneering work [71]
generative hand model MANO [42], and employ the regres- firstly applies the deep learning technique to estimate the
sor heads to regress MANO’s parameters based on the se- 3D hand pose from a single RGB image. Since then, 3D
mantic features of the elementary tasks. To efficiently fuse hand pose estimation draws a great deal of attention from
beneficial semantic-features among various tasks, we con- the community [36, 33, 5, 22, 46, 63, 6, 53, 69, 45, 11].
ceive the task attention module (TAM) to aggregate the se- Those methods either target to solve the perspective ambi-
mantic features across individual tasks and derive compact guity problem by introducing geometry-constraints of hand
high-level representations by removing redundant features. articulation [71, 36, 33, 45], to investigate intricate learn-
Note that the 3D hand joints can be achieved as a side out- ing strategies to achieve better performance [46, 22, 5, 63,
put in MANO. With these designs together, one can obtain 6, 53, 11], or to tackle the challenge of lacking sufficient
the 2D/3D hand pose, hand mask, and hand mesh from a high-quality hand data [71, 33, 63, 69]. Despite the signifi-
RGB image simultaneously. cant progress have been achieved, estimating 3D hand pose
 It is clear that the whole framework can be trained with from a monocular RGB image remains to be challenging,
generic supervised learning by leveraging existing multi- and the lacking of sufficient well-labeled data is still one of
modality datasets. The self-supervised learning strategies the main obstacles.
can be adopted by leveraging the implicit relationship con- Hand Mesh Recovery. Besides the hand pose estima-
straints maintained among the reasonable predictions from tion, hand mesh recovery is another essential and active
each task. For instance, the mask rendered from the hand research topic. One line of works focus on reconstructing
mesh with proper camera parameters, shall match the one the hand mesh representation in a general situation. For
that is estimated by the backbone; the coordinates of the instance, some works [4, 1, 68, 72, 25, 70, 61] capture
re-projected 2D hand pose shall be close to the integral of the hand mesh representation by regressing the generative
locations encoded in the heat-maps. The self-supervised hand model MANO’s parameters, while others [14, 32] in-
learning make it possible to exploit enormous wild images, stead turn to estimate the 3D mesh vertices directly in order
which can improve the accuracy of the framework, and en- to learn nonlinear hand shape variations. Another line of
hance the generalization capability. Additionally, consid- works [17, 2, 20] attempt to reconstruct the hand mesh in the
ering the absence of a large-scale hand dataset with well- hand-object interaction environment, in which the hand and
labeled hand mask and 2D pose, we collect a high-quality object are reconstructed jointly by introducing interactive
dataset with manually labeled 2D hand pose and hand mask. relationship constraints. Though the above approaches can
 To summarize, our main contributions are as bellows: recover reasonable hand mesh in experimental benchmarks,
 in practice, we find that approaches [4, 17, 32, 14, 68, 70],
• We design an innovative cascade multi task learning with the publicly released code and pre-trained model, do
 (MTL) framework, dubbed HIU-DMTL, for hand image not work well across different datasets or generalize well to
 understanding, which can exploit existing multi-modality the real-world situations.
 hand datasets effectively. Multi-Task Learning. Multi-task learning (MTL) is
• The self-supervised learning (SSL) was firstly introduced one methodology to improve the performance of tasks by
 to alleviate the insufficient data problem for HIU, and the utilizing the limited training samples and sharing the ben-
 effectiveness of which has been verified through exten- eficial information among all tasks, which has been suc-
 sive experiments comprehensively. cessfully adopted in many domains [9, 15, 43]. One
 broadly employed MTL method is hard-parameter shar-
• We propose a simple while effective task attention mod- ing, which trains one shared encoder, followed by multi-
 ule (TAM), targeting to aggregate semantic features ple task-specific decoders for different tasks. Some of them
 across various tasks, which proves to be instrumental for also further design a decoder-fusing module to distill infor-
 MTL on the HIU tasks. mation of different tasks to refine the final tasks’ predic-
 tion. Recent works [41, 37, 29, 54, 56, 10, 8] have applied
• Our HIU-DMTL framework outperforms contemporary
 such multi-task framework into pose estimation tasks and
 hand mesh recovery approaches [17, 14, 4, 68, 70, 32],
 achieved state-of-the-art performance. Our approach fol-
 and demonstrates new state-of-the-art performances on
 lows general settings of previous multi-task learning meth-
 widely used benchmarks [66, 71, 48, 72, 44], in terms of
 ods, which makes use of an encoder, several certain task-
 various evaluation metrics.
 specific decoders, and a features fusing module. Solving
Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
Stack - 1 Stack - 2 Stack - K


 ⨁ ⨁ ⨁ Mask



 Cam Shape Pose

 Cam Shape Pose

 Cam Shape Pose

 Hand Hand Hand Task
 Model Model Model Attention

 , , , 

Figure 2. Framework Architecture. The whole pipeline follows the classical cascade coarse-to-fine design paradigm, which consists of
two main components: (1) a novel multi-task learning backbone aiming to estimate heat-maps that encode the 2D hand pose, to learn
the hand segmentation mask, and to generate the POF encoding that covers 3D information, (2) the regressor heads aiming to regress 3D
parameters Θ = {θ, β, R, T }, based on the multi-task features, of the parametric hand model MANO [42] and the perspective camera.

HIU tasks under cascade multi-stack MTL framework still gated high-level representations from the preceding TAM
remains less explored in community, our work demonstrates together as inputs. For the first MTL block (denoted as stack
such combination can achieve SOTA performance. 1 in Figure 2), since no preceding MTL block exists, the
 high-level semantic features remain 0 with a proper size.
3. Framework Heat-Map Decoder. The purpose of heat-map decoder
 branch is to perform 2D hand pose estimation. Similar
 The primary goal of this work is to design a unified to recent methods [5, 14, 4, 68, 70, 32], we employ the
framework to provide comprehensive information of the 2D Gaussian-like heat-maps H ∈ RK×H×W to encode
hand object from a single RGB image, including 2D hand the 2D hand pose, where K indicates the number of joints
pose, 3D hand joints, hand mask, and hand mesh represen- and {H, W } are the resolution size. Each key point cor-
tation. To achieve this goal, a multi-stacked multi-branch responds to a heat-map. The pixel value at (x, y) is de-
backbone is designed to learn various elementary repre- 2
 y )2
 fined as exp{− (x−bx) 2σ+(y−b
 2 }, where the (b
 x, yb) refers to
sentations of hand object, then the mesh reconstruction is
 the ground-truth location, corresponds to the confidence
achieved by estimating parameters of the parametric model
 score of the key point locating in this 2D position (x, y).
MANO [42] based on the elementary representations. The
 With this heat-map, one may derive the kth key point with
whole framework is illustrated in Figure 2.
 arg max{h,w} H(k,h,w) , or in a differentiable form,
3.1. Backbone H X
 W H X
 X X
 The backbone consists of a stem module and several H(k,h,w) (h, w)/ H(k,h,w) . (1)
MTL blocks sharing the same structure. Each MTL block h=1 w=1 h=1 w=1

consists of an encoder that is shared by all task-specified de- Mask Decoder. The hand mask branch proves to be in-
coders in that block, several certain dedicated decoders that dispensable in HIU tasks, because the segmentation mask
aim to tackle individual primary task, and a TAM that ag- may further boost the performance of key point detection
gregating features across various tasks. In practice, we take and vice versa [55, 67, 18]. More importantly, the hand
the 2D hand pose, the hand mask, and the POF encoding as mesh may deform to best fit joint locations and may ig-
the learning target of the intermediate elementary tasks. nore hand geometrical properties, leading to an unreason-
 Stem Module. The stem module aims to extract low- able hand mesh representation when imposing supervision
level semantic features that are shared by succeeding mod- over 2D/3D hand pose only [4, 68, 70]. Fortunately, the
ules. To keep the stem module as simple as possible mask branch not only exploits samples that are labeled with
while be capable of covering sufficient information, we masks which lead to better performance, but also refines the
implement the stem module with two 7 × 7 convolution hand mesh and camera parameters by penalizing the mis-
layers with stride 2, which may quickly downsample the alignment errors between the rendered mask and the esti-
feature-maps to reduce the computation while obtaining mated segmentation mask via self-supervised learning.
wide enough receptive field. POF Decoder. To bridge the gap between the 2D se-
 Encoder. The encoder targets at generating high-level mantic features and the 3D information, we introduce the
features to support various individual tasks, which takes part orientation field (POF) to encode the 3D orientation
the low-level features from the stem module and the aggre- of the articulated structure in 2D image space. In practice,
Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
 deformation BP (θ) : R15×3 7→ RN ×3 is applied to the
 ℱ!" mean template T̄. Then we can obtain final mesh by ro-

 S Z
 softmax Aggregate ⊕
 tating each bone part around joints J(β) with the standard

 ^ ⨂
 blend skinning function W (·):
Figure 3. Task Attention Module. The figure illustrates the data M (β, θ) = W (T (β, θ), J(β), θ, W), (3)
flow of the task attention module, where Fgp and Ff c represents T (β, θ) = T̄ + BS (β) + BP (θ), (4)
the global average pooling and the fully connected layers.
 where W refers to the skinning weights.
 In the skinning procedure, not only the hand mesh can
we introduce the standard hand skeleton hierarchy S data be obtained, but also the 3D hand joints can be achieved by
structure, which consists of a set of ‘(parent, child)’ pairs. rotating joints J(β) with the pose parameters θ. Thus, an
For a specific bone (A, B) ∈ S, where A and B are two alternative way to estimate 2D hand pose is to project 3D
 −−−→ −−−→
joints, and denote AB3d and AB2d as the normalized ori- hand joints with proper camera parameters. Particularly, in
entation from joint A to joint B in 3D and 2D domain re- this work, we assume an ideal pinhole camera setting, with
spectively. Then, for the bone (A, B), its POF, represented the projection matrix represented as,
as L(a,b) ∈ R3×H×W , encodes the 3D semantic informa-  
tion as a 3-channel feature-map, and the value of La,b at f 0 p0
location x is defined as, Q =  0 f q0  , (5)
 ( −−−→ −−−→ 0 0 1
 (AB2d , AB3d .z) x ∈ bone
 L(a,b) (x) = (2) where f is the focal length and (p0 , q0 ) is at the image cen-
 0 otherwise.
 ter position, making f the only unknown variable.
We shall point out that, POF values are non-zero only for the Note that, instead of replicate K regressor heads with
pixels belonging to the current target bone part, and we em- stand-alone training parameters, we make the K regressors
ploy a different but more appropriate definition, comparing share a global group of training parameters, similar to the
with [59], because our POF encoding can exploit numerous strategy adopted in [58].
wild training samples with only 2D labels.
 Task Attention Module. The TAM aims to bring to- 3.3. Training Objective
gether semantic features across individual tasks, which The differentiable property of the backbone, regressor
can be formalized as a transformation, RN ×C×H×W 7→ heads and MANO makes our HIU-DMTL framework end-
RC×H×W , where N refers to the number of tasks, and to-end trainable. The overall loss function can be divided
{C, H, W } denotes the spatial resolution of the feature- into three categories, targeting at backbone training, the re-
maps. Figure 3 demonstrates the structure of TAM (with gressor heads optimizing, and self-supervised learning (loss
N = 2 for simplicity). Frankly speaking, our design is weights are ignored in the following discussions).
motivated by SKNet [27], but with several meaningful and Training the Backbone. The target of the backbone is
reasonable modifications from original setting. The begin- to derive certain kinds of instrumental representations from
ning element-wise addition step is replaced by a global av- the hand image, including the 2D heat-maps, hand mask,
erage pooling and a feature concatenation. Such modest and the POF encoding. To train the backbone, the outputs of
but necessary adjustments make the TAM more suitable to three branches in every MTL block are directly supervisely
select critical semantic features among various tasks at the trained. Specifically, the training objective is defined as:
expense of additional but negligible computation burden. Lbackbone = Lhm + Lpof + Lseg , where Lhm makes the
 estimated heat-maps close to the ground truth, the Lpof as
3.2. Regressor Heads
 well. And the Lseg makes use of the classical cross-entropy
 The goal of the regressor heads is to reconstruct the hand loss often used in semantic image segmentation task.
mesh surfaces. To achieve this goal, we exploit the gener- Training the Regressor Heads. The regression mod-
ative hand model MANO[42], and estimate the parameters ule aims to regress the camera parameters {R, T } and
of MANO that governs the mesh representation. mesh parameters {β, θ} of MANO. However, it is imprac-
 The mesh surface of MANO can be fully deformed and ticable to obtain the ground-truth labels. Fortunately, the
posed by the shape parameters β ∈ R10 and pose param- regressors can be trained with widely-available samples
eters θ ∈ R15×3 , where β models hand shape and θ rep- with 3D/2D annotations through weakly-supervised learn-
resents joints rotation. Given a pair of parameter {β, θ}, ing. Concretely, the loss function comprises three terms,
the shape deformation BS (β) : R10 7→ RN ×3 outputs the Lregressor = L3d + L2d + Lmask , where L3d measures the
blended shape to characterize the identity subject and pose orientation similarity between the estimated bones and the
Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
Input Ours Moon et.al Zhang et.al Zhou et.al Hasson et.al Boukhayma et.al Ge et.al

Figure 4. Qualitative Evaluation. The first column exhibits the RGB inputs that cover widely used benchmarks [66, 71, 72, 44] (2nd - 5th
rows) and wild situations (1st row). The following columns demonstrate the reconstruction results of ours, [32], [70], [68], [17], [4], and
[14] respectively. To make a fair comparison, all methods are evaluated on the public available pre-trained checkpoints.

ground-truth bones in aforementioned skeleton hierarchy S,
while L2d and Lmask refer to the re-projection loss of 2D
joints and hand mask, as in [4, 68, 14].
 Achieving Self-Supervised Learning. For a well re-
constructed hand mesh, the projected mask shall be con-
sistent with the silhouette, and such constraint has been ex-
ploited when training the regressor heads. However, more
implicit constraints shall be maintained among the reason-
able predictions. For instance, the rendered hand mask shall Figure 5. Comparisons between HIU-Data and FreiHAND
match the mask estimated by the backbone; the coordinates dataset. The first three columns demonstrate samples from the
of the re-projected hand pose shall be close to the one in- HIU-Data, and the last three columns present examples in Frei-
ferred from the heat-maps of the backbone. Such consisten- HAND [72]. For each sample, the center cropped hand image, the
cies enable us to exploit unlabeled hand images to achieve segmentation mask, and the 2D hand pose are visualized.
self-supervised learning. In practice, the re-projected differ-
 tation, and hand mesh reconstruction tasks over several pub-
entiable hand mask is obtained via differentiable renderers
 licly available datasets. Finally, we perform several ablation
contained in Pytorch3D [40], and Equation 1 is adopted to
 studies to evaluate the importance of different design strate-
derive the differentiable 2D pose from the heat-maps.
 gies and analyze the impact of the hyper-parameters. Due
 to the limited space, the implementation details of exper-
4. Experiments iments are provided in the supplemental materials, please
 To demonstrate the effectiveness of our HIU-DMTL refer it for more details.
framework, we first present qualitative comparison over our
 4.1. Experiment Settings
recovered hand mesh with the results from recent works.
We then quantitatively evaluate the superiority of HIU- Datasets. We mainly leverage two kinds of datasets,
DMTL on 2D/3D hand pose estimation, hand mask segmen- i.e., publicly available benchmarks and our newly annotated
Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
Input Overlay Side View Input Overlay Side View
 4.3. Quantitative Evaluation
 We quantitatively evaluate the superiority of HIU-
 DMTL on 2D/3D hand pose estimation, hand mask segmen-
 tation, and hand mesh reconstruction tasks respectively.
 Comparisons of 3D Hand Pose. To be consistent with
 [4, 68, 17, 14, 70], 3D PCK is adopted to evaluate the per-
 formance of 3D hand pose estimation. All the compari-
 son methods are evaluated on STB, RHD, Dexter, and Frei-
Figure 6. Mesh Recovery Results. We demonstrate the perfor-
 HAND datasets, and Figure 7 reports the overall experimen-
mance of our method under several typical challenging scenarios. tal results. On the STB dataset, the 3D PCK curves remain
For each sample, the overlay results between reconstructed hand intertwined because the STB dataset is relatively small and
and input image, and the side-view rendering results are presented. lacks diversity. Our method achieves competitively results
 among newly launched approaches [4, 68, 14, 63, 1, 59, 69],
 Method DeepLab v3 [7] Fast-SCNN [38] HIU-DMTL
 which is reasonable when considering the saturated perfor-
 mIoU ↑ 96.6% 96.2% 97.5% mance on this dataset [68, 70, 59, 62, 22]. On the RHD
Table 1. Hand Segmentation. The table presents the mIoU of [7],
 dataset, which is relatively complex and more diverse, our
[38], and our HIU-DMTL on HIU-Data. method outperforms all existing approaches [25, 68, 1, 14,
 63, 69] and achieves state-of-the-art performance. On the
 Dexter Object dataset, our method dramatically outper-
dataset. For public datasets, we evaluate our method on forms existing works [2, 59, 1, 22, 33] and remains com-
CMU Panoptic Dataset (CMU) [44]; the Rendered Hand parable with [48], which exploits additional depth infor-
dataset (RHD) [71]; the Stereo Hand Pose Tracking Bench- mation to calibrate the joint locations. On the FreiHAND
mark (STB) [66]; the FreiHAND [72]; and the Dexter Ob- benchmark, our approach outperforms contemporary meth-
ject (Dexter) [48] dataset. Since no accessible datasets con- ods [17, 4, 72] by a large margin, and obtains slightly better
tain high-quality hand masks, making it difficult to perform performance comparing with [32], while [32] exploits the
training directly on aforementioned HIU tasks. additional ground truth hand mesh to fulfill mesh recovery.
 HIU-Data. Regarding above concern, we manually col- Comparisons of Hand Mesh. We perform apple to ap-
lect 33,000 hand images in challenging scenarios to be our ple comparison with these approaches [32, 70, 68, 14, 4,
new dataset, namely HIU-data, For each sample, both the 17], containing accessible source code/checkpoint, which
2D hand pose and hand mask are manually annotated rather are focused on hand mesh recovery task under various eval-
than generating approximate labels automatically as did in uation metrics. Specifically, we take the IoU PCK of the re-
[72, 59, 64]. As Figure 5 demonstrates several samples projected mask, the 2D PCK of re-projected hand pose, and
with the corresponding labels, one may observe that our the 3D PCK of per-vertex reconstruction error as the eval-
dataset achieves better annotation accuracy than the newest uation metrics, and evaluate the aforementioned methods
released automatically annotated FreiHAND [72] dataset. on the HIU-Data, CMU, and FreiHAND, as shown in Fig-
 ure 8. Regarding the 2D PCK of the re-projected 2D hand
4.2. Qualitative Evaluation pose, our method outperforms [32, 70, 68, 14, 4, 17] by a
 wide margin. Regarding the IOU PCK of the re-projected
 To visually evaluate the quality of the recovered hand hand mask, our approach retains a significantly higher PCK
mesh representation and the robustness of HIU-DMTL in score, which is also already demonstrated in Figure 4 that
various cases, we illustrate several representative samples in our recovered hand mesh overlays with the input images
Figure 4 and Figure 6. As shown in Figure 4, the recovered better. Regarding the 3D PCK of per-vertex reconstruction
hand mesh of HIU-DMTL have better overlays with the in- error, our framework obtains the minimum misalignment,
put image than the those reconstructed by other contempo- comparing to [32, 72, 4, 17]. Note that the method [32]
rary approaches [32, 70, 68, 17, 4, 14]. Furthermore, HIU- additionally exploits the ground truth hand mesh in Frei-
DMTL demonstrates superior robustness and generalization HAND dataset for training.
capability on in-the-wild unseen images, which is infeasible Comparisons of Hand Mask. For the hand mask seg-
for previous existing methods. For example, Figure 6 shows mentation, we compare our approach with general SOTA
that our method is robust enough to conduct hand meshes segmentation methods [7, 38]. Table 1 reveals that our
recovery in several challenging situations, such as exag- method is more suitable than general sophisticated ap-
gerated hand articulations, extremely unconstrained cam- proaches for the task of hand mask segmentation. As the
era views, the existence of image truncations, heavy self- certain representative samples shown in Figure 9, our ap-
occlusions, and hand object interaction. proach can estimate a precise mask even in the texture area
Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
 Ours (AUC=0.995)
 Zhang(2019 ICCV) (AUC=0.995) 0.9
 0.9 Yang(2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.991) 0.8 0.8
 Baek(2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.995)
 Xiang(2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.994) 0.8
 0.8 Zhao(2020 CVPR) (AUC=0.987) 0.6 0.6
 Boukhayma(2019 CVPR) (AUC=None) Ours (AUC=0.964)


 Ge(2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.998) 0.7 Kulon (2020 CVPR) (AUC=0.956)
 Iqbal(2018 ECCV) (AUC=0.994) Baek (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.926)
 0.7 Spurr(2018 CVPR) (AUC=0.983) Ge(2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.920) 0.4 Ours (AUC=0.78) 0.4
 Mueller(2018 CVPR) (AUC=0.965) 0.6 Zhang (2019 ICCV) (AUC=0.901) Baek (2020 CVPR) (AUC=0.70)
 Z&B(2017 ICCV) (AUC=0.948) Zhao (2020 CVPR) (AUC=0.872) Xiang (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.70) Ours (AUC=0.860)
 0.6 Panteleris(2018 WACV) (AUC=0.941) Cai(2018 ECCV) (AUC=0.856) 0.2 Baek (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.65) 0.2 Moon (2020 ECCV) (AUC=0.854)
 CHPR(2015 CVPR)(AUC=0.839) 0.5 Yang (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.849) Iqbal (2018 ECCV) (AUC=0.56) Zimmermann (2019 ICCV) (AUC=0.783)
 ICCPSO(2014 CVPR) (AUC=0.748) Spurr(2018 CVPR) (AUC=0.849) Mueller (2018 CVPR) (AUC=0.70) Boukhayma (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.351)
 PSO(2011 BMVC) (AUC=0.709) Z&B(2017 ICCV) (AUC=0.675) Sridhar (2016 ECCV) (AUC=0.81) Hasson (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.735)
 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0
 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50
 Error Thresholds (mm) Error Thresholds (mm) Error Thresholds (mm) Error Thresholds (mm)

 (a) 3D PCK on STB [66] (b) 3D PCK on RHD [71] (c) 3D PCK on Dexter [48] (d) 3D PCK on FreiHAND [72]
Figure 7. Quantitative Evaluation. The plots present the 3D PCK on the STB, RHD, Dexter, and FreiHAND datasets, respectively.

 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6


 Ours (AUC=0.708)
 0.4 Ours (AUC=0.704) 0.4 Ours (AUC=0.763) 0.4 Moon (2020 ECCV) (AUC=0.456) 0.4
 Moon (2020 ECCV) (AUC=0.457) Moon (2020 ECCV) (AUC=0.605) Zhou (2020 CVPR) (AUC=0.405)
 Zhou (2020 CVPR) (AUC=0.416) Zhou (2020 CVPR) (AUC=0.518) Zhang (2019 ICCV) (AUC=0.315) Ours (AUC=0.856)
 0.2 Zhang (2019 ICCV) (AUC=0.459) 0.2 Zhang (2019 ICCV) (AUC=0.493) 0.2 Boukhayma(2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.512) 0.2 Moon (2020 ECCV) (AUC=0.850)
 Ge (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.520) Hasson (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.636) Hasson (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.349) Zimmermann (2019 ICCV) (AUC=0.783)
 Boukhayma (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.505) Ge (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.578) Iqbal(2018 ECCV) (AUC=0.45) Boukhayma (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.738)
 Hasson (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.463) Boukhayma (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.622) Z&B(2017 ICCV) (AUC=0.21) Hasson (2019 CVPR) (AUC=0.736)
 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
 0 10 20 30 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40 50
 Error Thresholds (pixel) Error Thresholds (IOU) Error Thresholds (pixel) Error Thresholds (mm)

 (a) 2D PCK on HIU-Data (b) IOU PCK on HIU-Data (c) 2D PCK on CMU [44] (d) Mesh PCK on FreiHAND [72]
Figure 8. Quantitative Evaluation. The figures demonstrate the 2D PCK of the re-projected hand pose on HIU-data, IOU PCK of the
re-projected hand mask on HIU-data, 2D PCK of the re-projected hand pose on CMU, 3D per-vertex PCK on FreiHAND, respectively.

 Input Ours DeepLab Fast-SCNN GT 2D Pose 2D Pose† Hand Mask Hand Mask† 3D Pose Hand Mesh
 V3 4-Stack 0.866 0.704 0.974 0.770 0.860 0.856
 2-Stack 0.857 0.701 0.969 0.765 0.857 0.853
 1-Stack 0.837 0.686 0.948 0.752 0.852 0.842

 Table 2. Ablation of CD Paradigm. The table presents the ab-
 lation results across different stacking arrangements under vari-
 ous evaluation metrics, where † indicates inferring the pose/mask
 by projecting the 3D pose/mesh with proper camera parameters.
 The 3D hand pose/mesh are quantified on FreiHAND benchmark,
 while the 2D pose/mask are evaluated on the HIU-Data, since the
 quality of masks in FreiHAND benchmark is not good enough.

Figure 9. Hand Segmentation. The figure presents several results
of mask segmentation task from our HIU-DMTL, [7], and [38]. ber of the network stack in our framework.
 Cascaded Design Paradigm. The CD paradigm has
 been widely adopted in 2D pose estimation task [34, 58, 51,
with high-frequency, which is incapable in [7, 38]. Besides, 52], while the multi-branched cascaded MTL design for
[7, 38] may generate unreasonable hand masks that violates HIU tasks remains less explored. Similar to [34], we in-
the biomedical appearance of hand. However, our approach vestigate the impact of the number of MTL blocks. Specif-
can avoid such a dilemma by fully exploiting SSL and using ically, we construct three models, which contain 1, 2, and
priors that are comprised in hand mesh. 4 MTL blocks respectively. Meanwhile, the three models
 are designed to have similar FLOPs for a fair comparison.
4.4. Ablation Study
 As shown in Table 2, changing from 1 stack to 4 stacks, the
 The superior performance of HIU-DMTL mainly at- performance of 2D hand pose and hand mask tasks can im-
tributes to the cascaded design (CD) paradigm, the multi- prove substantially. We also investigate how performance
task learning (MTL) setup, the task-attention module improves, according to the increases of MTL block. Table
(TAM), and the self-supervised learning (SSL) strategy. 3 presents the performance of each intermediate stack in a
In this section, we perform ablation studies to better un- 8-stack HIU-DMTL framework, where we take same eval-
derstand the importance of these different design choices. uation metrics as in Table 2. We can conclude that from
Also, the ablation studies deeply analyze the impact of some stack 1 to stack 4, the performance increases rapidly, and
parameters related with network structure, such as the num- then this growth trend gradually flattened in later stacks.
Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
Stack 2D Pose 2D Pose† Hand Mask Hand Mask† 3D Pose Hand Mesh 2D Pose 2D Pose† Hand Mask Hand Mask† 3D Pose Hand Mesh
 Stack-1 0.818 0.661 0.915 0.712 0.824 0.819 4-stack 0.866 0.704 0.974 0.770 0.860 0.856
 Stack-2 0.855 0.685 0.954 0.744 0.845 0.834 4-stack§ 0.793 0.662 0.957 0.739 0.813 0.808
 Stack-3 0.865 0.700 0.968 0.764 0.854 0.847 1-stack 0.837 0.686 0.948 0.752 0.852 0.842
 Stack-4 0.867 0.704 0.975 0.769 0.857 0.853 1-stack§ 0.821 0.648 0.935 0.739 0.841 0.826
 Stack-5 0.867 0.706 0.975 0.771 0.859 0.855
 Stack-6 0.868 0.706 0.976 0.773 0.860 0.857 Table 5. Ablation of TAM. The table presents the ablation results
 Stack-7 0.869 0.705 0.976 0.771 0.861 0.857
 of the TAM under various evaluation metrics, where § denotes to
 Stack-8 0.870 0.707 0.977 0.773 0.861 0.859
 not employ the TAM, and † shares similar definition as in Table 2.
Table 3. Ablation of Intermediate Stacks. The table presents the
performance of the intermediate stacks under various evaluation 0.90 1.00

metrics, where † shares similar definition as in Table 2. 0.82 0.92

 2D Pose Hand Mask Hand Mesh 2D Pose Hand Mask 3D Pose Hand Mesh 0.74 0.84

 3 7 7 0.752 - - - 0.66 0.76
 7 3 7 - 0.863 - -
 7 7 3 - - 0.802 0.801 Ours (AUC=0.624) Ours (AUC=0.715)
 0.58 Ours (AUC=0.671) 0.68 Ours (AUC=0.750)
 3 3 7 0.791 0.875 - - Ours (AUC=0.812) Ours (AUC=0.959)
 Ours (AUC=0.843) Ours (AUC=0.968)
 7 3 3 - 0.891 0.816 0.813 0.50 0.60
 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
 3 7 3 0.795 - 0.812 0.808 Ratio of Supervised Sample Ratio of Supervised Sample
 3 3 3 0.802 0.907 0.821 0.817
 (a) 2D AUC on HIU-Data (b) IOU AUC on HIU-Data
Table 4. Ablation of MTL Setup. The table presents the compar- Figure 10. Ablation of SSL Strategy. The plots present the
isons of different task combinations on FreiHAND dataset. comparison of with and without applying self-supervised learning
 strategy over the various portions of samples that are used for su-
 pervised learning, ‡ denotes to apply self-supervised training over
 Multi-Task Learning Setup. Table 4 reports the in- the remaining samples that are not chosen to do supervised learn-
fluences of jointly learning the hand mask segmentation, ing, † shares the similar definition as in Table 2.
2D hand pose estimation, and hand mesh recovery tasks.
One may observe two conclusions: first, when jointly train-
ing of any two tasks together, each task’s performance is jecting the 3D hand joints are two factors evaluated in this
better than training any stand-alone task; second, when comparison. One may observe that: when no samples are
jointly learning the whole three tasks, each task’s perfor- used for supervised training (x=0), the self-learning strategy
mance is better than when training in any other configura- can improve baseline performance dramatically. As all sam-
tions. This is because the aforementioned relationship con- ples are under supervised training mode (x=1), the vacancy
straints among elementary tasks can improve performance of self-supervised learning results in no influence over fi-
with each other. For instance, the priors comprised in the nal performance at all. Similarly, the right side of Figure
hand mesh can correct the unreasonable estimations of hand 10 plots the comparisons of hand mask, which also demon-
mask/pose that violate the hand’s biomedical appearance. strates that SSL strategy can significantly improve the per-
 Task Attention Module. To investigate the effective- formance of hand mask. The above observations also ex-
ness of the TAM, we conduct ablation experiments on 2D plain the generalization capability of HIU-DMTL on un-
hand pose estimation, hand mask segmentation tasks over seen in the wild images (Figure 6) from another aspect.
the HIU-Data, as well as 3D hand pose regression, hand
mesh recovery tasks on the FreiHAND benchmark. For the 5. Discussion
baseline model without the TAM, we employ a concatena-
tion followed by a 3×3 convolution to aggregate the feature- In this work, we proposed a novel cascaded multi-task
maps from individual tasks. As shown in Table 5, we com- learning (MTL) framework, namely HIU-DMTL, to tackle
pare the baseline with and without TAM module in 1-stack the hand image understanding tasks in the coarse-to-fine
and 4-stacks setting. As we can see, the TAM significantly manner. Our approach can efficiently exploit existing multi-
improves the performance of individual tasks in both single- modality datasets due to the MTL tactics and can harness
stack mode and multi-stacks mode, which means TAM is enormous in-the-wild images through the self-supervised
not only beneficial to the aggregation of feature representa- learning strategy, making it more practicable than previous
tions for regressor branch but also helpful to the transition methods. The performance of our HIU-DMTL framework
of feature representation between cascaded stacks. have been verified by extensive quantitative and qualitative
 Self-Supervised Learning Strategy. To verify the ef- experiments. Besides, most of the components are well
fectiveness of the SSL paradigm, we take the AUC of 2D explored and discussed in various ablation studies, which
hand pose and hand mask as the evaluation metric and com- make it straightforward to explain why our framework can
pare the performance of framework with and without SSL. achieve good performance over HIU tasks. For further
As plotted in Figure 10 (left), the 2D hand pose retrieved work, we hope the core designs of our HIU-DMTL frame-
from the backbone and 2D hand pose that derived from pro- work can be adopted generally to other research domains.
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