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COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. Italian Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics Management of obstetrics and gynaecological patients with COVID-19 M. Franchi1, M. Bosco1, S. Garzon2, A. S. Laganà2, A. Cromi2, B. Barbieri1, R. Raffaelli1, E. Tacconelli3, G. Scambia4, F. Ghezzi2 1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AOUI Verona, University of Verona, Verona, Italy 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, "Filippo Del Ponte" Hospital, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy 3 Department of Infectious Diseases, AOUI Verona, University of Verona, Verona, Italy 4 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy ABSTRACT SOMMARIO The widespread SARS-CoV-2 implies the application of L’ampia diffusione del SARS-CoV-2 rende mandatorie l'ap- procedures aimed to detect, isolate, and appropriately plicazione di procedure volte a rilevare, isolare e gestire i manage affected patients in the setting of obstetrics and gy- pazienti affetti, sia nel pronto soccorso ostetrico-ginecolo- naecologic emergency room and in inpatient setting, such gico sia in regime di degenza, come durante il travaglio, il as during labour, delivery, and postpartum. Here we report parto e il postpartum. Per tale ragione, qui riportiamo rac- specific recommendations for the management of sus- comandazioni per la gestione in ostetricia e ginecologia di pected and confirmed gynaecologic and obstetrics patients casi sospetti o confermati di COVID-19. La checklist svilup- with COVID-19. The checklist developed by the Società pata dalla Società Italiana di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali Italiana di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali (SIMIT-2, available (SIMIT-2, disponibile in inglese, italiano, cinese) rappre- in English, Italian, Chinese) represents the first step to clas- senta il primo passo per classificare i pazienti che devono sify patients who need to be managed following the SIMIT- essere gestiti seguendo lo schema SIMIT-1 e applicando 1 flowchart, applying all the appropriate infection control tutte le procedure necessarie per il controllo delle infezioni. procedures. In this scenario, the management of pregnant In questo scenario, la gestione della donna in gravidanza women needs to follow the same procedures as the general deve seguire le stesse procedure della popolazione gene- population. Nevertheless, as for other potentially severe rale. Tuttavia, come per altre infezioni respiratorie poten- respiratory infections, pregnant women could be more vul- zialmente gravi, le donne in gravidanza potrebbero essere nerable. In this regard, the maternal and foetal interests can più vulnerabili. Di conseguenza, gli interessi materni e fe- be conflicting, such as the choice of the time and mode of tali possono contrastare, come la scelta del momento e della delivery or the use of steroids for foetal maturation. More- modalità del parto o l'uso degli steroidi per profilassi della over, available evidence suggests a maternal-foetal trans- prematurità fetale. Inoltre, i dati disponibili sembrano mission via contact with respiratory secretions and seems escludere la trasmissione intrauterina del SARS-CoV-2 sug- to exclude in utero transmission. Therefore, the appropriate gerendo invece la possibilità di un'infezione post-partum. management of breastfeeding is unclear, and the tempo- Pertanto, la gestione appropriata dell'allattamento al seno è rary separation of the infant from the mother could be an incerta, e la separazione temporanea del bambino dalla ma- option. Finally, in general, delivery represents a moment of dre potrebbe essere necessaria. Infine, in generale, essendo a high risk of infection for healthcare providers, and spe- il parto un momento ad elevato rischio di infezione per gli cific behaviours are mandatory. operatori sanitari, comportamenti specifici sono obbliga- tori. Corresponding Author: Simone Garzon Key-words: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV, Obstet- rics and Gynaecology, Pregnancy, foetus, delivery, pneumonia, Copyright 2020 protocol. DOI: 10.36129/jog.32.01.01
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. INTRODUCTION symptoms at presentation are not specific and the disease usually presents with respiratory In December 2019, a novel coronavirus was symptoms such as fever, cough, and dyspnea identified as the cause of some pneumonia cases (2,9). Pneumonia seems to be the most frequent in Wuhan, a city in the Hubei Province of China serious manifestation of infection, and it pre- (1). In the following weeks, the infection rapidly sents with bilateral infiltrates on chest imaging spread across China and other countries around (1). From a Chinese report of 44,500 confirmed the world.(2) On February 12th, the World cases, 81% of them were mild, 14% were severe, Health Organization (WHO) designated the dis- and 5% critical (11). The WHO on February 19th ease as COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) gave some data on the case fatality rate (CFR). (3). Although the CFR for COVID-19 has been re- Coronaviruses are an important cause of the ported significantly lower than for SARS and common cold, probably second only to rhinovi- MERS, it was estimated ranging between the ruses in frequency (4). Nevertheless, in 2002 and 1.4% and 2.1% versus the 9.6% and 40% for SARS 2012 two different coronaviruses causing severe and MERS, respectively (10). Within China, the respiratory illness in humans emerged (SARS- confirmed CFR, as reported by the Chinese Cen- CoV and MERS-CoV), and this new recently iso- tre for Disease Control and Prevention, is 2.3%, lated virus has 79% nucleotide identity to SARS- with a risk of serious illness that rises with age CoV and about 50% to MERS-CoV.(4) The ge- and with the presence of comorbidities (1). In the nomic sequence of the new virus has been early same WHO report published on February 19th, identified with laboratory confirmation achie- data based on the estimated number of total in- ved by the Chinese Centre for Disease Preven- fections calculated through modelling suggest tion and Control (CDC) before January 23rd. an overall Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) ranging Based on the phylogenetic similarity with SARS- from 0.3% to 1% (12). Although antiviral agents CoV, the Coronavirus Study Group of the Inter- are under evaluation for efficacy in COVID-19 national Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses such as remdesivir and lopinavir/ritonavir, the proposed the name Severe Acute Respiratory clinical impact is still unknown and further stud- Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) to des- ies are needed for verification (13,14). Con- ignate the 2019-nCoV virus (5). versely, recent evidence suggests a possible ap- Bats seem to be the natural reservoir of both plication of chloroquine and hydroxychloro- SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and the phyloge- quine as a molecule able to reduce the exacerba- netic analysis shows consistently data with a bat tion of pneumonia, duration of symptoms, and reservoir for also the SARS-CoV-2. Noteworthy, delay of viral clearance, with limited severe side it seems that another animal played the role of effects, although further evidence is required intermediate host between bats and humans (4). (15). However, human-to-human transmission has Regardless of adopted preventive measures, the been confirmed in China (6) and is thought to oc- number of cases is growing globally. On March cur mainly via respiratory droplets (7), with a 8th the total confirmed cases were 105,586, with preliminary estimate of the median incubation 80,859 cases confirmed in China and 24,727 cases period of 5-6 days (ranging from 0-14 days) (8). confirmed outside China and a total of 101 coun- Preliminary shedding studies have shown that tries that have now to face this new virus. On the transmission can occur during the early March 11th, the WHO made the assessment that phase of the disease in asymptomatic patients, COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic contributing to the overall diffusion (2,9). This (8). impacts dramatically on the effectiveness of In Italy, the first two cases were isolated at the screening of suspected cases and prevention end of January, and on March 8th, 5883 cases measures. with 234 deaths have been reported. Notewor- Different studies found that clinical characteris- thy, reported numbers are likely underestimates tics of COVID-19 mimic those of SARS, although since milder cases are less likely to be reported there are some clinical aspects that differentiate and tested to identify the SARS-CoV-2 by poly- COVID-19 from other respiratory infections, merase chain reaction performed on specimens such as SARS, MERS, and seasonal flue. Clinical collected from the upper respiratory airways 7
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. (nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab). RESULTS A review has been published recently giving numbers on R0 for COVID-19. It seems that the Here we report the procedures and recommen- speed of the spread is much faster than that re- dations collegially discussed and approved for ported for SARS (16). So, even if the CFR for the management of women presenting to an ob- COVID-19 is far lower than that for SARS the stetric triage unit or admitted to maternity ward. high transmissibility could eventually results in more severe cases and deaths (17). General approach (Figure 1): In this scenario of a widespread infection, only 1. Any woman visiting the A&E department the application of public health interventions, must be screened for the presence of symptoms such as early case isolation, some forms of mo- and epidemiologic risk factors with the checklist bility restrictions, social distancing, and behav- developed by the Società Italiana di Malattie In- ioural changes at the population level can be ef- fettive e Tropicali (SIMIT-2) (available in Eng- fective in controlling the spread. Additionally, lish, Italian, Chinese at there is emerging evidence that nosocomial ( transmission plays a major role in transmission, accounting for infection of 29% of affected 2. The Flowchart reported in SIMIT-1 card must healthcare providers (HCP) and 12% of hospital- be applied to each patient ized patients.(18) In this regard, obstetrics and ( gynaecologic departments have to cope with a consistent flow of patients presenting every day 3. Early recognition of COVID-19 suspect cases at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) unit and at the triage entrance is vital to immediately im- in the delivery room. The presence of a proce- plement infection control procedures. This is dure with the goal of prompt detection and ef- particularly true for women presenting with an fective triage and isolation of potentially infec- obstetric urgency-emergency (19). tious patients is essential to prevent exposure among patients, HCP and visitors. Moreover, 4. Any case has to be classified in one of three obstetricians and gynaecologists have to con- main groups in order to identify suspect cases. sider how to manage pregnant women and in- fants in the case of suspected infection, particu- Group 1: Asymptomatic patient AND epidemi- larly in the delivery room and during breast- ologic risk factors. feeding. On that basis, the presence of a multi- disciplinary team responsible for implementing Epidemiologic risk factors are defined as at least procedures to face this new situation is of para- one of the following during the 14 days prior to mount importance as well as the development of symptom onset: specific protocols and recommendations, such as those here reported that has been accepted for - History of travel to or residence in China the management of suspected and confirmed during the 14 days prior to symptom on- COVID-19 cases at our institutions. set. - History of travel or frequentation of a “red zone” (high prevalence setting ac- MATERIALS AND METHODS cording to national indications). - Close contact with a confirmed or proba- A thorough consultation of medical literature ble case of SARS-CoV-2 infection. and of public health authorities and scientific so- - Worked in or attended a health care fa- cieties guidance documents was performed. A cility where patients with confirmed or multidisciplinary team composed of the heads of probable SARS-CoV-2 acute respiratory Obstetrics and Gynaecologic, Paediatrics, Infec- disease patients were being treated. tious Diseases, Intensive Care Unit, and Public Health Departments discussed and developed These women have no indications for admission, the recommendations. and there is no indication to perform a 8
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. nasopharyngeal swab to asymptomatic patients. (fever of any degree, cough, and dyspnoea) Clinicians must stress the importance of: AND with no other aetiology that fully explains the clinical presentation AND at least one of the - Checking body temperature every day following during the 14 days prior to symptom and paying attention to the possible on- onset: set of symptoms. In the case of symp- toms, patients must contact the Health - History of travel to or residence in China Services to ask for a consultation and to during the 14 days prior to symptom on- receive specific instructions. A specific set. phone contact must be provided. - History of travel or frequentation of a - Notifying the case sending an email to “red zone” (high prevalence setting ac- the Hygiene and Public Health Service. cording to national indications). - Close contact with a confirmed or proba- ble case of SARS-CoV-2 infection. - Worked in or attended a health care fa- cility where patients with confirmed or probable SARS-CoV-2 acute respiratory disease patients were being treated. Definition of close contact includes a person in- volved in any of the following situations that must have taken place 14 days before or after the beginning of symptoms in the confirmed COVID-19 case: - HCP or people providing direct care for SARS-CoV-2 patients who have NOT USED personal protective equipment (PPE) and laboratory personnel who has NOT USED personal protective equip- ment during specimen handling. - Working or sharing the same closed en- vironment with SARS-CoV-2 patients. - Living in the same household as a SARS- CoV-2 patient within a 14‐day period af- ter the onset of symptoms in the case un- der consideration. - Aircraft passengers who were seated in the same row as the case, or in the two rows in front or two rows behind a con- firmed COVID-19 case, trips close con- tacts, crew members. Group 3a: Symptomatic patient WITHOUT epi- Figure 1. Flow chart for the general management of a pa- demiologic risk factors. tient referring to the obstetrics and gynaecologic depart- ment. If a patient presents with fever > 37.5°C and cough, even if without a clear epidemiologic risk Group 2: Symptomatic patient AND epidemio- factor, it will be managed as a suspect case. logic risk factors. Group 3b: Inpatient women with onset of symp- These women represent suspect cases. toms during the hospital stay WITHOUT epide- Patient with a severe acute respiratory infection miologic risk factors. 9
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. If a woman develops fever > 37.5°C and respira- implement infection control procedures as far as tory symptoms while inpatients the case must be possible (19). managed as a suspect case. Regarding the infection control procedures by The clinical suspect must rise only in women HCP during the interaction with suspect/con- with no other possible symptoms cause, and iso- firmed cases, the standard surgical-style mask lation must be respected until the final swab re- can able to prevent both the acquisition and the sult. transmission of SARS-CoV-2, limiting the rec- ommended use of FFP2 or FFP3 facemask by 5. Infection control procedures. HCP during procedures generating aerosol.(20) Once the suspect case is identified, the infection These recommendations are based on evidence control procedures must be immediately imple- supporting the droplet transmission as the main mented in order to prevent SARS-CoV-2 diffu- transmission route of the SARS-CoV-2, similar to sion. HCP should immediately adhere to Stand- other respiratory viruses such as influenza (20), ard Contact and Droplets Precautions upon pa- with controversies about the role of airborne tient arrival and during visit. transmission route (21). Conversely, the prophylactic continuous use of I. The suspect case: the surgical-style mask to prevent the transmis- - Must wear a surgical mask. sion of respiratory disease is supported by more - Must be isolated in a single room at a limited evidence.(22) This because a comprehen- negative pressure with a minimum of 6 sive and appropriate application of all the infec- air changes per hour (if not available the tion control procedures is required to appropri- patient can be isolated in a room with ad- ately limit the transmission (22). However, equate air changes). prophylactic continuous use of the surgical-style - It must be kept at least 2 meters during mask, at least by HCP, can be considered an ap- the interview. propriate recommendation based on local situa- tional analysis of supplies and prevalence of pa- II. The health care providers: tients affected by COVID-19. The actual proportion of asymptomatic patients - Must wear a facemask, favouring FFP2 affected by SARS-CoV-2 is still undefined, with based on local situational analysis of sup- evidence supporting asymptomatic patients as a plies (FFP2 or FFP3 facemask are recom- possible source of infection with viral load com- mended if handling airways generating parable to symptomatic patients (9,20,23) More- aerosol such as nasopharyngeal swab, in- over, the prophylactic use of the surgical-style tubation, bronchoscopy, broncho aspira- mask might improve the perception of safety, re- tion, etc.) ducing stress and frustration among HCP, and - Must wear a non-sterile gown. may help to improve adherence to other infec- - Must wear two pairs of gloves. tion control procedures acting as a physical bar- - Must wear eye protection. rier to prevent touching the face (24). - Must perform correct and scrupulous On that basis, the prophylactic use of the surgi- hand hygiene. cal-style mask by HCP can be recommended to - Must implement staff cohorting (the sus- prevent the acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 from any pect case should be assisted by the same patient regardless of symptoms, as well as pre- team of HCP). vent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, being any III. The number of contacts must be reduced to a asymptomatic HCP a potential source of infec- minimum. No visitors are allowed. tion (9,20,23). Similarly, prophylactic use of the surgical-style mask by all patients could be rec- IV. All non-dedicated, non-disposable medical ommended (25). equipment used for patient care should be cleaned and disinfected. 6. Notification and diagnosis. Guidance from local health authorities for the V. Even in the case of an obstetric ur- definition of suspect case must be followed. gency/emergency the staff should firstly Whenever possible, an infectious disease 10
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. specialist should be involved in the decision In Italy, at the moment, the final confirmatory whether a patient has signs and symptoms com- test is performed at the National Institute for In- patible with COVID-19 and whether the patient fectious Diseases Spallanzani, Rome. The sus- should be tested. pect case can be confirmed only after this official In any suspect case, three steps must be imple- confirmation. Repetition of sampling is needed mented: to confirm microbiological recovery. In general, a patient can be considered negative only after 2 I. Immediate notification of the case. consecutive negative results within 24 hours. II. Immediate implementation of contact tracing The current indication is to repeat a second sam- measures: ple, in patients with resolution of symptoms, af- ter 7 days from the first positive results. - All the people entering the room must be registered. They will have to monitor their signs or symptoms for the follow- 8. Choice of inpatient or outpatient manage- ing 14 days. ment. - Close contacts must be identified and must be informed that they will have to I. Outpatient management: undergo active monitoring, including re- - After consultation with the Infectious striction from work in any healthcare set- Diseases Specialist, a patient confirmed ting until 14 days after their last expo- with COVID-19 but with mild or moder- sure. In the case of symptoms, they ate symptoms (and no other Obstetric or should immediately notify and self-iso- Gynaecological indication for admission) late. can be considered for home care if the III. Collection of the diagnostic respiratory spec- residential setting is suitable. imens (nasopharyngeal swab). - The patient must inform its general prac- titioner about its clinical situation by tel- - This specimen must be collected using ephone call. the PPE by the person who provides care - The Hygiene and Public Health service to the patient and in the same room must be informed about this choice. where the patient is isolated. - Patients can be discharged with medical - The specimen can be stored at 4°C for up charges exemption 5G1. to 72 hours. - The woman is advised to go immediately - The notification form must be sent to the home by her own personal transport, to laboratory along with the specimen. self-isolate, and to wait for specific indi- - Given varying differential diagnosis in cations from the Hygiene and Public people presenting respiratory symp- Health service. Any appointment will be toms, testing for other respiratory patho- rebooked in 14 days (19). gens is encouraged. The following recommendation has to be pro- 7. Nasopharyngeal swab interpretation. vided for the home care of the patients with sus- From the collection of the diagnostic respiratory pected COVID-19: specimens until the result, the patients must be - A single separate room, well ventilated, monitored in isolation. must be reserved for the patient. I. Negative result: With a negative result, there is - The number of visitors must be reduced. no indication to swab repetition, and the patient - Family members must use different can be discharged with medical charges exemp- rooms without sharing spaces. tion 5G1. - A dedicated bathroom with windows must be used if possible. II. Positive result: If the test results positive, the - Caregivers should use precautions while infection is confirmed. looking after the patient. 11
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. - Thorough hand hygiene must be re- 9. Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection. spected. Routine cleaning and disinfection procedures are important for SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare set- Based on the gestational age, a daily phone fol- tings. A cleaning service must be available for low-up to monitor obstetric symptoms, such as this procedure. Noteworthy, after the usual ob- fetal movements, vaginal discharges, uterine stetric and gynaecologic evaluation of suspect or contractions, should be considered in pregnant confirmed COVID-19 patient, ultrasound trans- women with COVID-19. ducers should be cleaned and disinfected based In case of emergency, the pregnant woman will on the manufacturer specifications as well as be transferred to the hospital calling the emer- other surfaces. gency number (118), with neither husband nor another trustworthy person should accompany her. Before arriving at the hospital, the triage Specific situations: Pregnancy, labour, and nurse should be informed, calling the number delivery. provided to the patient in order to allow HCP to get organized. 1. General management of pregnant women. In the absence of specific vaccine or treatment, the only available public health tools to control II. Inpatient management: person-to-person transmission are isolation and quarantine, social distancing and community Patients critically ill must be immediately trans- containment measures (26). Moreover, consid- ferred to an Intensive Care Unit setting for ade- ered the fact that nosocomial transmission plays quate support. Patients with mild or moderate an important role in diffusion, it is important to COVID-19 symptoms, but with an Obstetric or try to reduce as much as possible the attendance Gynaecological indication for admission should for routine/non-urgent antenatal care in women be managed as follows: with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. This could be done with woman cooperation. Routine - Confirmed cases must be transported appointments for women with suspected or con- from the room of first evaluation to the firmed COVID-19 should be rearranged until the final designed room using short and pre- end of the recommended period of isolation. defined routes, always respecting pre- More urgent appointment rearrangements will cautions. need the discussion with a senior obstetrician to - If elevators are used to move infected pa- balance risks and benefits. tients these must be sanitized immedi- The same can be said for planned inductions of ately after the use. labour or planned caesarean sections in women - Appropriate rooms must be identified with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. An in- for the isolation of the patient in the Ob- dividual assessment should be made to deter- stetric ward, Gynaecological ward, and mine whether it is safe to delay the appointment Delivery Room. with the aim to minimize the risk of infectious - Staff providing patient care should be the transmission to other women, HCP and, postna- same during each shift. tally, to her infant.(19) If obstetric care cannot be - If a surgical operation is necessary for ob- delayed all precautions should be adopted in or- stetric or gynaecologic reasons precau- der to reduce transmission. tions as for other infective diseases 2. Management of pregnant women with should be adopted. It is paramount to COVID-19. alert and inform the anaesthesiologist given its high exposure risk during air- Much is unknown about COVID-19 in preg- ways management. In operation sched- nancy with less than 20 reported cases.(27,28) uling, it would be appropriate to perform The management of pregnant women with the surgical intervention last in the oper- COVID-19 (suspected or confirmed) should be ative list. similar to the management of non-pregnant 12
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. women, with the consideration that pregnant infections, and early mechanical ventila- women, as for other potentially severe respira- tion in the case of respiratory failure. tory infections, such as influenza, SARS, or - Close monitoring of maternal-foetal MERS, could be more vulnerable to developing wellbeing: severe sequelae. Data on illness associated with a) Maternal observation with vital signs other virulent coronaviruses can provide insight monitoring. If a woman develops signs into COVID-19 effects during pregnancy.(29) of sepsis, it is important to consider the However, given the limited available evidence wide range of possible differential diag- on COVID-19 in pregnancy,(27,28) it is not clear nosis and investigate the possible aetiol- if pregnant women with COVID-19 will suffer ogy, following the protocol for sepsis in from a more severe disease.(29) In consideration pregnancy. of the possible impact of the disease on pregnant b) Given the high rate of foetal compromise women, The Clinical Practice Guidelines no. observed in the reports of cases with 225(30) for SARS during pregnancy stressed the COVID-19 in pregnancy (27,28), a preg- importance of informing the woman about: nant women with COVID-19 should have her foetuses monitored with contin- - Possible effects of SARS-CoV viremia on uous electronic monitoring during la- the foetus. bour (19). - Possible foetal risks caused by maternal respiratory failure. - Option of termination of pregnancy in Moreover, specific aspects to take into ac- the event of severe maternal compromise count in a pregnant woman affected with up to 22 weeks of gestations (originally COVID-9 are: 24 weeks). a) Changes on foetal heart rate patterns can - Obstetrical management between 24 and be an early sign of maternal respiratory 34 gestational weeks or after 34 gesta- deterioration. tional weeks, including discussion about b) The target of blood oxygen saturation in the mode of delivery, type of anaesthe- spontaneous breathing is 92-95% when sia, possible use of antibiotics and corti- oxygen therapy is needed for severe res- costeroids (betamethasone), possible piratory conditions (31). preterm delivery in the case of severe c) WHO advises against the use of cortico- maternal impairment, and possible peri- steroids on clinical management of se- mortem caesarean delivery in the case of vere acute respiratory infection unless fatal maternal complications. indicated for another reason (32,33). After the admission of a suspect or confirmed However, given the benefits of betame- case of COVID-19 in a pregnant woman, a mul- thasone for foetal lung maturation, and tidisciplinary meeting should be set in order to the lack of evidence of harm in women plan the management. The woman should be in- with COVID-19, this therapy should be formed about the conclusions, and a discussion administered when indicated (19). with her should be conduct (19). Available liter- d) Given the wide differential diagnosis in ature addressing the topic of COVID-19 man- people presenting with acute respiratory agement in pregnancy reports the following symptoms, the Infectious Disease Spe- general principles regarding the management of cialist could decide to start an antiviral or pregnant women with confirmed or suspected antibiotic therapy, especially before test COVID-19 (29): results for COVID-19 (31). e) At the moment, some antiviral agents are - Early isolation and implementation of in- under evaluation for the treatment of fection control procedures. COVID-19 but no data are available in - Careful evaluation of specific needs, pregnancy. Remdesivir is being studied such as oxygen therapy, antibiotic ther- in a randomized controlled trial in pa- apy to prevent bacterial secondary tients with SARS-CoV-2 and it has been used in one case in the USA. Nothing is 13
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. known on the passage of this drug into - Foetal heart monitoring should be con- breastmilk, but data from a patient tinuous since the high rate of foetal com- breastfeeding with Ebola shows no ad- promise reported in pregnant women verse effect in the infant (34). with COVID-19. (19) f) Imaging investigations (such as chest X - If the caesarean section is needed, it must ray and computed tomography) should be performed in a specifically designated be performed as for non-pregnant operation room and by the same team women, implementing all the measures providing patient care during labour. to protect the foetuses from radiations It is unknown if the delivery can provide some exposure (19). benefit to a critically ill mother with COVID-19. g) If maternal stabilisation is needed, this Therefore, the decisions regarding timing of de- has to be considered a priority before de- livery should consider the gestational age, bal- livery, as in other maternal emergencies ancing the risks and benefits (29). About (19). COVID-19, despite the scarcity of available data, 3. Management of labour and time of delivery in it seems that caesarean section should be per- patients with confirmed or suspected COVID- formed only based on obstetric indications. 19. However, for the most severe cases of SARS in pregnancy, caesarean delivery and general en- The Clinical Practice Guidelines for SARS dur- dotracheal anaesthesia were elected in order to ing labour and delivery could be considered for avoid emergency airway issues and to minimize a patient with COVID-19 (30). exposure risk for HCP.(30) The same could be - A multidisciplinary team consisting of considered also for COVID-19 critically ill pa- Obstetrician, Nurses, Paediatricians, In- tients. fection Control Specialist, Anaesthesiolo- Moreover, both general and locoregional anaes- gist should be identified in each unit and thesia could be used during caesarean section in be responsible for the organization and pregnant women with COVID-19, as well as implementation of management proto- neuraxial analgesia is allowed for intrapartum cols. pain control.(30) In particular epidural analgesia - Preventive measures should always be should be offered and recommended early in la- respected while taking care of women bour in order to reduce the need of general an- with confirmed COVID-19 or under in- aesthesia if urgent/emergent delivery was vestigation. The use of FFP2 or FFP3 face needed, this allows to reduce the risk of virus mask is recommend at least during the spreading via aerosol associated with Entonox second and third stages of labour based breathing system use.(19) on local situational analysis of supplies. 4. Vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2. - The team providing care during labour and delivery includes Obstetricians, Whether a pregnant woman with COVID-19 can Midwifes, Anaesthesiologists, and Neo- transmit SARS-CoV-2 to her foetus or neonate natologists. All of them should be trained by vertical transmission is still unknown. A re- about all the preventive measures. port of 18 pregnant women with confirmed - Whenever possible, dedicated health COVID-19 or under investigation shows that care providers should be designated to there is no evidence of a positive laboratory test care for known or suspected COVID-19 that proves vertical transmission to the new- patients. Moreover, based on the obstet- borns.(27,28) Similarly, experience from SARS rics conditions, women should be as- and MERS in pregnancy shows no confirmed in- sisted by the minimum required number trauterine coronavirus transmission from of HCP limiting traffic around the room. mother to fetuses (35). Moreover, a report of - Maternal vital sings monitoring should three cases has recently been published giving continue. Oxygen saturation should be data on clinical characteristics and placental pa- checked every hour and should be > 95%. thology of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy. (19) From Pathological studies, no morphological 14
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. changes were found in the placentas and all sam- decision to adopt a routine precautionary sepa- ples were negative for the nucleic acid of SARS- ration has a relevant impact on bounding and CoV-2. Given the importance of this information feeding, and the risks and benefits must be bal- in understanding the modality of virus transmis- anced. Indeed, breast milk is the best source of sion, it is important to send for pathological in- nutrition for most infants and provides protec- vestigation any product of conception (36). tion against many other illnesses. Moreover, the Additionally, data from infections in newborns virus that causes COVID-19 has not been found can give an insight in the mode of transmission. in colostrum of women with COVID-19; con- Three cases of infection in newborns have been versely, antibodies anti-SARS-CoV were found reported. The first one has been diagnosed with in at least one case (27,33,38). On that basis, COVID-19 when he was 17-day-old, after many given the most likely mechanism of transmission close contacts with his mother and grandmother, and the available data, some authors suggest both confirmed with COVID-19. The second one that breastfeeding benefits outweigh potential was diagnosed 36 hours after he was born; how- risks of transmission of the virus through ever, the possibility of close contact history can- milk.(19,29) Moreover, in the case of temporary not be ruled out and the way and timing of in- separation of the infant from the mother, breast fection are still unclear. A third case was diag- milk should be favoured if allowed by maternal nosed 30 hours after birth suggesting the possi- clinical conditions. bility of in utero transmission. However, insuffi- The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecolo- cient information is available to rule out peri- gists has recently published advices for the post- natal or postnatal modes of transmission (27). natal management. Given the limited evidence, Based on these cases, it is more likely that the ba- the mother and the healthy infant should be kept bies have been infected after birth from the envi- together in the immediate postpartum period, ronment, instead of having a vertical transmis- unless other reasons for separation are present sion (35). However recently a research letter (19). The mother should be informed on the ben- published on JAMA by Dong, L. et al reported a efits and risks of breastfeeding (linked to the new neonatal case where elevated IgM antibod- close contact rather than to milk itself from what ies (that don’t cross the placenta) to SARS-CoV- we know so far) and should also be instructed 2 have been found in the newborn two hours af- on the hygiene measures that must be adopted ter birth. The mother had been diagnosed with to reduce the risk of transmission. A mother with COVID-19 23 days before the delivery. This re- confirmed COVID-19 or who is a symptomatic sult could cast doubt of possible vertical trans- person under investigation should take all pos- mission. Despite this RT-PCR for viral RNA on sible precautions to prevent infant exposure, in- neonatal swab tested negative. At the moment cluding washing her hands before touching the there is no evidence that delayed cord clamping infant and wearing a face mask, if possible, dur- should be avoided after birth, except for other ing breastfeeding. In the case of breast milk with indications. Moreover the baby can be dried and a manual or electric breast pump, the mother cleaned as usual, while the cord is still intact (19). should wash her hands before touching any From SARS guidelines on neonatal management pump or bottle parts and follow recommenda- it was only indicated that the baby should be tions for proper pump cleaning after each use rapidly cleaned from maternal fluids (37). (33,39). In general, whether and how to start or continue breastfeeding should be determined by the 5. Breastfeeding mother in coordination with her family and HCP. Breastfeeding could be considered in What we know from pandemic H1N1 and from women with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 available Chinese literature on COVID-19 is that with mild symptoms if they wish (33). The pos- temporary separation of the infant from the sible decision for separation, when appropriate, mother has been adopted in order to reduce the should be taken based on the benefits and risks risk of transmission to the baby. This can be con- related to the separation in consultation with in- sidered in some cases, but no data are available fectious control experts and neonatologists (29). to guide the length of separation. However, the In any case, a baby born from a mother with 15
COVID-19 in obstetrics and gynaecology M. Franchi et al. suspect or confirmed COVID-19 should be ob- nia. Today, the number of cases is growing served closely and should be tested for COVID- worldwide due to a widespread diffusion of the 19 (19). virus and probably the reported numbers are likely underestimated. In this scenario, the ap- Regarding home care, it can be considered for plication of public health interventions is man- mothers after delivery in the case the residential datory to limit the spread of the infection. Since setting is suitable for outpatient management of very little is known about effect of COVID-19 on COVID-19. Consultation with an Infectious Dis- pregnant women and infants, a pressing need ease Specialist is suggested also to understand has emerged to gather information specific to the specific management of the neonate at home in maternity setting. Noteworthy, the management order to reduce the risk of trans-mission. of an obstetric patient can be more challenging given the characteristics of this special popula- 6. Quarantine tion and limited reported data. For these rea- sons, after thorough consultation of the litera- Quarantine has been reported having a psycho- ture and public health authorities and scientific logical impact both for patients and HCP (24). societies guidance documents, we outlined and Alcohol abuse, dependence symptoms, and reported here a procedure and recommenda- avoidance behaviours have been reported asso- tions for the management of the obstetric and ciated with the experience of quarantine as well gynaecologic patient approved by a multidisci- as to the work in high-risk areas (24). Short and plinary team. We obviously acknowledge that long term negative psychological effects, psy- current knowledge on this issue is provisional, chological distress, and disorders have been re- incomplete, and therefore subject to change as ported (24). new evidence becomes available. On that basis, the implementation of mitigation measures is of paramount importance for both DISCLOSURE STATEMENT HCPs and patients. Noteworthy, pregnant women have been reported as the category of The authors have no proprietary, financial, pro- patients caring more about the risk of getting in- fessional or other personal interest of any nature fected or becoming a source of infection for oth- in any product, service or company. The authors ers in the setting of epidemic spread of infections alone are responsible for the content and writ- (40). On that basis, appropriate counselling ing of the paper. All the authors conform the In- about the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection and ternational Committee of Medical Journal Edi- COVID-19 in pregnancy is of paramount im- tors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship, contributed portance in this category of patients. to the intellectual content of the study and gave approval for the final version of the article. DISCUSSION At the end of 2019, the novel SARS-CoV-2 was identified as the cause of some cases of pneumo- 16
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