GupShup: An Annotated Corpus for Abstractive Summarization of Open-Domain Code-Switched Conversations

Page created by Virginia Bailey
GupShup: An Annotated Corpus for Abstractive Summarization of
                                                              Open-Domain Code-Switched Conversations ∗
                                               Laiba Mehnaz2 , Debanjan Mahata1 , Rakesh Gosangi1 , Uma Sushmitha Gunturi2 ,
                                         Riya Jain2 , Gauri Gupta2 , Amardeep Kumar2 , Isabelle Lee3 , Anish Acharya4 , Rajiv Ratn Shah2
                                                         Bloomberg, USA, 2 MIDAS Lab, IIIT-Delhi, 3 University of Washington, USA 4 University of Texas at Austin, USA
                                             {dmahata,rgosangi}, {laibamehnaz,gaurigupta.315,adkr6398}

                                                                         Abstract                               2019).

                                                 Code-switching is the communication phe-
                                                 nomenon where speakers switch between dif-                       Leon: kya tujeh abhi tak naukari nahi mili?
                                                                                                                  Arthur: nahi bro, abhi bhi unemployed :D
arXiv:2104.08578v1 [cs.CL] 17 Apr 2021

                                                 ferent languages during a conversation. With                     Leon: hahaha, LIVING LIFE
                                                 the widespread adoption of conversational                        Arthur: mujeh yeh bahot acha lagta hai, dopahar ko jagata
                                                 agents and chat platforms, code-switching has                    hoon, sports dekhta hoon - ek aadmi ko aur kya chahiye?
                                                 become an integral part of written conver-                       Leon: a paycheck? ;)
                                                 sations in many multi-lingual communities                        Arthur: mean mat bano ...
                                                                                                                  Leon: but seriously, mere dosth ke company mein ek junior
                                                 worldwide. This makes it essential to de-                        project manager offer hai, tujeh interest hai?
                                                 velop techniques for summarizing and under-                      Arthur: sure thing, tere pass details hai?
                                                 standing these conversations. Towards this ob-                   Leon: 
                                                 jective, we introduce abstractive summariza-                     English Summary: Arthur is still unemployed. Leon sends
                                                 tion of Hindi-English code-switched conversa-                    him a job offer for junior project manager position. Arthur
                                                                                                                  is interested.
                                                 tions and develop the first code-switched con-
                                                 versation summarization dataset - GupShup,                     Table 1: An example of a code-switched Hindi-English
                                                 which contains over 6,831 conversations in                     conversation and the corresponding English summary.
                                                 Hindi-English and their corresponding human-                   Color coding: English words are in , transliterated
                                                 annotated summaries in English and Hindi-                      Hindi words are in , and language agnostic words
                                                 English. We present a detailed account of                      such as named entities and punctuations are in ( )
                                                 the entire data collection and annotation pro-
                                                 cesses. We analyze the dataset using vari-
                                                 ous code-switching statistics. We train state-                    One of the biggest challenges in summarizing
                                                 of-the-art abstractive summarization models                    written conversations has been the lack of large
                                                 and report their performances using both au-                   datasets with human-annotated summaries. Most
                                                 tomated metrics and human evaluation. Our                      researchers evaluate their conversation summariza-
                                                 results show that multi-lingual mBART and                      tion techniques on transcriptions of AMI (Car-
                                                 multi-view seq2seq models obtain the best per-
                                                                                                                letta et al., 2005) or ICSI meeting corpus (Janin
                                                 formances on the new dataset1 .
                                                                                                                et al., 2003) using meeting topics as a proxy for
                                                                                                                the summary. These corpora are very useful for
                                         1       Introduction
                                                                                                                various speech-related research problems, but they
                                         Conversation summarization is the process                              are not representative of written conversations in
                                         of generating a condensed version of a given                           chat applications. Recently, (Gliwa et al., 2019)
                                         conversation while preserving the most salient                         published the SAMSum corpus, which contains
                                         aspects. With the widespread use of various                            over 16,000 written English conversations with
                                         chat applications such as messaging apps and                           their corresponding manually annotated summaries.
                                         virtual assistants (Klopfenstein et al., 2017), there                  Though these conversations were not extracted
                                         has been a growing interest in the abstractive                         from actual chat applications, they were created
                                         summarization of written conversations (Mehdad                         by linguists to replicate natural conversations. To
                                         et al., 2014; Goo and Chen, 2018; Zhao et al.,                         our knowledge, this is the largest summarization
                                                                                                                dataset for written conversations.
                                              Authors 1,2,3, and 4 have equal contributions                        The SAMSum corpus is completely monolingual
                                              We are in the process of making the dataset pub-
                                         licly available. Please contact Debanjan Mahata at dma-                (English); therefore, any models trained on this
                                for getting the latest updates                      dataset may not adapt effectively to multi-lingual
or especially code-switched conversations when           with 76,330 utterances, and their corresponding
speakers alternate between different languages           human-annotated summaries in English and Hindi-
within the scope of a conversation or even an ut-        English.
terance (Gumperz, 1977; Muysken et al., 2000;            • We provide a thorough analysis of the dataset and
Myers-Scotton, 1997). Code-switching is com-             performances of different state-of-the-art abstrac-
monly observed during interactions between peers         tive summarization models for the task of gener-
who are fluent in multiple languages. For example,       ating English and Hindi-English summaries from
in the Indian subcontinent, it is common for people      code-switched Hindi-English conversations.
to alternate between English and other regional lan-     • We also perform human evaluation of the au-
guages like Hindi over the course of a single conver-    tomated summaries and present quantitative and
sation. This behavior is termed as Code-switching.       qualitative analysis of the results.
It is an integral part of both written and spoken con-
versations for various multi-lingual communities         2   Background
across the world (Auer, 2013). Developing mod-
els that can accurately process code-switched text       In the linguistics community, code-switching typi-
is essential to the proliferation of NLP technolo-       cally refers to the change of language or grammat-
gies to these communities and contributes towards        ical systems from one utterance to another within
the diversity and inclusivity of language resources      the same conversation (Gumperz, 1982). On the
(Joshi et al., 2020). However, building such models      other hand, code-mixing refers to the use of linguis-
would require high-quality human-curated datasets.       tic units such as phrases, words, and morphemes
                                                         of one language in the utterance of another lan-
   This paper introduces the new task of abstrac-
                                                         guage (Myers-Scotton, 1997; Myers-Scotton et al.,
tive summarization of open-domain code-switched
                                                         2002). In other words, code-switching is an inter-
written conversations. Namely, given a multi-party
                                                         utterance, and code-mixing is an intra-utterance
conversation in Hindi-English on any topic, the
                                                         phenomenon. However, in this paper, we use the
objective is to generate a summary in English, as
                                                         term code-switching to refer to both these concepts.
shown in Table 1. These English summaries can
                                                            Code-switching has started to gain some atten-
serve as input to other downstream NLP models,
                                                         tion from computational linguists over the last few
which are often trained only on English data, to
                                                         years (Barman et al., 2014b; Das and Gambäck,
perform various other tasks such as intent classifi-
                                                         2014; Bali et al., 2014), where they have been de-
cation, question answering, item recommendation.
                                                         veloping datasets for many interesting problems
This task also introduces some exciting challenges
                                                         as listed in Table 2. In addition to these datasets,
to NLP researchers because they need to build mod-
                                                         researchers have also started to develop objective
els that translate as well as summarize a given con-
                                                         metrics that characterize the complexity of code-
                                                         switching in a given corpus (Gambäck and Das,
   To facilitate this task, we present a new corpus      2016; Guzmán et al., 2017). For a thorough review
named GupShup, which contains over 6,800 Hindi-          of datasets and other developments in this space,
English code-switched conversations and corre-           we recommend the review paper from (Sitaram
sponding human-annotated summaries in English            et al., 2019).
as well as Hindi-English. We build this dataset             Most of the code-switched datasets typically con-
by manually translating a subset of conversations        tain individual posts or comments from social me-
and summaries from the SAMSum corpus (Gliwa              dia applications like Twitter and Facebook anno-
et al., 2019) from English to Hindi-English. This        tated for different NLP tasks. There are very few
effort helped develop the first code-switched con-       code-switched datasets that contain complete con-
versation summarization corpus containing 76,330         versations, as in back and forth utterances from
utterances and also provides a parallel corpus of        multiple participants. Most notable example are:
English and Hindi-English conversations with their       (1) Bangor Miami corpus (Margaret et al., 2014),
summaries. Following are some of the main contri-        which contains audio recordings and their corre-
butions of this work:                                    sponding transcripts of informal Spanish-English
• We present the first open-domain code-switched         conversations between two or more speakers, (2)
conversation summarization dataset - GupShup,            COMMONAMIGOS corpus (Ahn et al., 2020),
containing over 6,800 Hindi-English conversations        which contains 587 human-computer code-mixed
Dataset                    Conversational    Task
          (Das and Gambäck, 2014)          7           Language identification and POS tagging
          (Barman et al., 2014a)           7           POS tagging
          (Chandu et al., 2015)            7           Question Answering
          (Jamatia et al., 2015)           7           Language identification
          (Jamatia et al., 2016)           7           Language identification
          (Banerjee et al., 2016)          7           Question Answering
          (Chakma and Das, 2016)           7           Information Retrieval
          (Patro et al., 2017)             7           Language identification
          (Bohra et al., 2018)             7           Hate-speech Text Classification
          (Gupta et al., 2018)             7           Question Answering
          (Banerjee et al., 2018)         3            Close domain conversation system
          (Chandu et al., 2018)            7           Question Answering
          (Patra et al., 2018)             7           Sentiment analysis
          (Singh et al., 2018)             7           Named Entity Recognition.
          (Bhat et al., 2018)              7           Dependency parsing
          (Bawa et al., 2018)             3            Accommodation quantification
          (Khanuja et al., 2020)          3            Natural Language Inference
          GupShup (This work)             3            Open domain conversation summarization

    Table 2: Comparison of GupShup with existing datasets on Hindi-English code-switched language tasks.

(Spanish and English) conversations between hu-         marization problem, this dataset also provides an
man users and a dialogue system, (3) DSTC2 cor-         opportunity to study some other interesting re-
pus (Banerjee et al., 2018), which contains trans-      search problems such as cross-lingual summariza-
lations of the restaurant reservation dataset to the    tion, translation, and transliteration.
code-switched version using multi-lingual annota-
tors. As shown in Table 2, there are only three         3   Problem Statement
datasets with Hindi-English code-switched conver-      We define a multi-party code-switched con-
sations, but none of them contain summaries.           versation C as a sequence of n utterances
   A large majority of research in abstractive sum-    {u1 , u2 , ..., un }, where the ith utterance ui is writ-
marization focuses on summarizing news articles        ten by pj one of the k participants. We de-
(Hermann et al., 2015; Grusky et al., 2018; Narayan    fine an utterance ui as a sequence of m tokens
et al., 2018) and scientific papers (Cohan et al.,     {x1 , x2 , ..., xm }, where the tokens could either be
2018), mainly because of the availability of large     in English or transliterated from Hindi. The goal of
benchmark datasets. The task of summarizing            the code-switched conversation task is to generate
open-domain multi-party conversations has not          a summary, a sequence of English tokens, that best
been investigated until recently with the introduc-    captures the most salient aspects of the conversa-
tion of SamSUM (Gliwa et al., 2019): a large scale     tion T . We approach this problem as an abstractive
English corpus of 16,000 conversations and human-      summarization task solved using transformer-based
annotated summaries. (Chen and Yang, 2020) ob-         encoder-decoder models. Since we have parallel
tained state-of-the-art results on the SamSUM cor-     summaries, we also consider the task of generat-
pus with their multi-view sequence-to-sequence         ing Hindi-English summaries (Section 7), although
model that encodes conversational structures by        that is not the main focus of the paper. We analyze
attending to topical flow and conversational stage     the predictions of different summarization models
flow in the decoder.                                   and present a brief analysis in the Appendix.
   To our knowledge, this work presents the
                                                        4   Challenges
first code-switched conversation summarization
dataset. We also report the performances of             Summarizing conversations comes with many chal-
many state-of-the-art models for generating En-         lenges. Being informal, verbose, repetitive, sprin-
glish and Hindi-English summaries from Hindi-           kled with false-starts, backchanneling, reconfirma-
English code-switched conversations. In addition        tions, hesitations, speaker interruptions, and many
to the proposed code-switched conversation sum-         implicit connotations (Sacks et al., 1978), it is diffi-
cult for current summarization approaches to iden-       them about the concept of code-switching and pro-
tify the most relevant and salient information from      vided them with a few reference examples anno-
the conversations (Chen and Yang, 2020). The             tated by the authors. Based on our interactions with
code-switched nature of our data poses additional        the annotators, we observed that code-switching
challenges due to the presence of multiple lan-          was an integral part of their vernacular. They also
guages. The amount and pattern of code-switching         frequently used code-switching on social media
could depend on various aspects: conversation            and chat applications.
topic, interlocutor’s linguistic repertoire, the power      Each annotator was provided with a random sam-
relationship between speakers, linguistic distance,      ple of ten conversations from the SAMSum corpus.
age, and the relative degree of fluency in the lan-      We instructed them to first go through the entire
guages involved (Weninger, 2007; Muysken et al.,         conversation and the corresponding summary in En-
2000; Gardner-Chloros et al., 2009). Speakers con-       glish. They were further instructed to translate the
versant with more than two languages can also            content to Hindi-English assuming it was an inter-
produce trilingual code-switched text, adding more       action between themselves and their friends. They
complexity. In this work, we only focus on code-         performed utterance by utterance translation. The
switching by bilingual speakers. We believe the          main focus was to preserve the meaning and topic
task’s challenging nature would encourage the de-        of each utterance in the given context of the full
velopment of better multi-lingual language models        conversation. Therefore, it is expected to have dif-
and facilitate a new direction of research in the area   ferent length conversations in the parallel data, but
of summarization, leading to innovations in model-       the number of utterances per conversation remain
ing architectures, especially for code-switched and      the same. We asked the annotators to transcribe
code-mixed text.                                         the resulting conversations only in Romanized text:
                                                         transliterate the Hindi words as shown in Table
5     Data Collection                                    3. The same process was repeated to produce the
One possible approach to developing a code-mixed         summary. Devanagari script was not used. We did
conversation summary dataset is to write sum-            not follow any strict transliteration rules during the
maries for an existing code-switched conversa-           annotation process.
tional dataset. For example, we could start from the        After the annotators completed annotating the
DSTC2 restaurant reservation dataset from (Baner-        initial random samples, we provided feedback in
jee et al., 2018), which is substantially large with     terms of format and organization of the data. Once
over 50,000 utterances. However, one of the chal-        they were comfortable with the process, we as-
lenges with this dataset is that it focuses only on      signed them random batches of conversations, and
restaurant reservations; therefore, lacks linguistic     they worked independently based on their sched-
diversity. Also, the conversations are between a         ules. The contributions of each annotator was
human and a chat bot. While this is the right candi-     mainly driven by their availability. Due to time and
date for developing task-oriented dialogue systems,      resource constraints, we chose to have only one
it is not suitable for open-domain code-switched         translation for a given source conversation. The
conversation summarization. With this in mind,           entire annotation process lasted for around three
we chose a different approach of manually trans-         months, at the end of which, we translated 6,831
lating a monolingual conversation summarization          conversations containing 76,330 utterances, mak-
corpus. As discussed earlier, the SAMSum corpus          ing it the first conversation summarization corpus
(Gliwa et al., 2019) was clearly the best option for     in Hindi-English code-switched language. To our
translation.                                             knowledge, this also makes it one of the largest
                                                         parallel corpus for code-switched Hindi-English
5.1    Annotation Process                                and English languages having 109,346 sentences
The goal of our annotation process was to build a        with 48,578 of them being code-switched.
code-switched conversation summarization corpus            Table 3 shows a sample conversation and sum-
parallel to the SAMSum corpus. To this end, we           mary in English and the corresponding code-
hired eight annotators as an intern at MIDAS Lab,        switched translations. As demonstrated in this ex-
IIIT-Delhi for a span of 3 months. All of them were      ample, the annotators did minimal paraphrasing
fluent in both Hindi and English. We first explained     during translation and preserved the use of punctu-
Karen: Hey guys! Is anyone in the office. I        Karen: Hey guys! Kya koi office mein hai. Main
            forgot my key... :/                                apni chaabi bhool gayi... :/
            John: I’ll be there in 1 hour.                     John: Main waha pe hounga in 1 hour.
            Patrick: Oh no! I’m sorry, can’t help you. I’m     Patrick: Oh no! I’m sorry, main help nahi kar
            out of office today.                               sakta. Maine office se bahar hu aaj.
            Mary: Are you by the entrance? I should be         Mary: Kya tume entrance pe ho? I should be
            there soon.                                        there soon.
            Karen: Thanks Mary, yes, I’m here.                 Karen: Thanks Mary, yes, main yaha hu.
            Mary: I think I see you. 2 minutes I’m there.      Mary: I think main tumhe dekh sakti hu. 2
                                                               minutes, main waha hu
            Karen: Thanks a lot!                               Karen: Thanks a lot!
            Karen forgot the key to the office. Mary will be   Karen apni chaabi bhool gayi office ki. Mary
            there soon to let her in.                          waha pe hogi thodi der mein usko andar aane
                                                               ke liye.

Table 3: Sample conversation and summary from SAMSum (Gliwa et al., 2019) (first column) and the code-mixed
counterpart in GupShup (second column).

ation and emojis in the original text. This sample             conversation has 1 utterance and the longest con-
also demonstrates different types of code-switching            versation has 31 utterances. The average length of
patterns. For example, in the first utterance, an              a conversation is 11.17 utterances.
English term office is inserted in the middle of a                Besides length, another important diversity met-
transliterated Hindi sentence. The same applies                ric is the number of atoms (ex. words) in a conver-
to the phrase 1 hour in the second utterance. In               sation, which somewhat captures the span of the
the fourth utterance, the speaker Mary switches                conversation. If the utterances are very short, the
from Hindi to English in the middle of an utterance.           dataset would not be useful for capturing natural
In the last utterance, the speaker Karen switched              human conversations. A rich conversation corpus
entirely to English though they initiated the conver-          should have diversity in terms of both conversa-
sation in Hindi-English.                                       tional length and utterance length. As shown in
   Hindi and many other Indian languages exhibit               Table 4, the original English corpus SamSUM had
inflection of verbs based on the gender of the                 28.6 words per utterance, whereas code-switched
speaker. For example, the sentence I read, when                GupShup has 31.1 words per utterance. Likewise,
said by someone of masculine gender in Hindi,                  the English conversations had 19,252 unique words,
would be: main padhtaa hoon, but when said by                  but the Hindi-English version had 25,865 unique
someone of the feminine gender would be: main                  words.
padhtee hoon. The verb padh was inflected by
the gender of the speaker. During the annotation                  We also analyzed GupShup in terms of the num-
process, we did not provide explicit instructions              ber of speakers in a conversation, which is another
about this inflection, but the annotators used the             important aspect of multi-party conversations. A
speaker’s names or conversational context to derive            large portion of the data (73.6% of conversations)
the gender and used that information for translation.          had only two participants, 18.7% of the conversa-
For example, the term hounga in the second utter-              tions had 3 participants, 5.2% had 4 participants,
ance of the conversation in Table 1 is a reflection            and the remaining conversations had more than 4
of John’s perceived masculine gender. Likewise,                participants.
the term sakti in the sixth utterance is a reflection
of Mary’s perceived gender.                                                                                SamSum   GupShup
                                                                 Number of utterances                      76,330   76,330
6     Corpus Analysis                                            Number of unique utterances               75,696   75,791
                                                                 Average number of utterances per dialog   11.17    11.17
6.1    Conversational Diversity                                  Average number of words per utterance     28.58    31.12
                                                                 Average number of words per dialog        319.28   347.77
For any multi-party conversation dataset, it is im-              Vocabulary Size                           19,252   26,865
portant to have diversity in terms of conversation
lengths: number of utterances in a conversation.               Table 4: Statistics of the subset of the English SamSum
                                                               corpus compared to the code-switched Hindi-English
Figure 1a shows the distribution of the number of
                                                               translated version.
utterances per annotated conversation. Gupshup,
in total has 76,330 utterances, where the shortest
(a) Distribution of conversation lengths (b) Distribution of named entities (c) Distribution of number of speakers

Figure 1: 1a shows the distribution over number of utterances per conversation across GupShup. 1b shows the distribution
of different named entity types across the corpus demonstrating the linguistic diversity of the utterances. 1c demonstrates the
distribution of number of speakers interacting in a conversation.

6.2    Language Tagging                                             Vocabulary size                                    26,865
                                                                    Code-Mixed English vocabulary                      11,616
                                                                    Romanized Hindi language vocabulary                12,016
Since GupShup is a code-switched corpus, it is also
                                                                    Others vocabulary                                  1,031
important to analyze and quantify the complexity                    Total utterances                                   76,330
of code-switching in the corpus. This requires iden-                Unique utterances                                  75,791
tifying the language associated with each token in                  Other utterances                                   1,359
                                                                    Code-mixed utterances                              43,407
the code-switched conversations. Since this is a                    Romanized Hindi language utterances                13,760
parallel corpus, we used the source utterance to                    English utterances                                 17,804
identify English, and that also readily identifies                  Avg. length of utterances                          10.07
                                                                    Avg. no. of code-mixed utterances per dialog       6.35
non-English tokens in the translated utterance.                     Percentage of code-mixed utterances                56.86%
   More precisely, for a given pair of utterances (En-              Percentage of romanized Hindi utterances.          18.02%
glish and Hindi-English written in Roman script),                   Percentage of English utterances                   23.32%
                                                                    No. of code-mixed utterances with Hindi matrix     45,644
we first removed all the punctuations, emojis, and                  No. of code-mixed utterances with English matrix   2,934
numerical tokens. We then identified all the named                  No. of Hindi insertions into English Matrix        2,810
entities in the English utterance, and if these enti-               No. of English insertions in Hindi Matrix          38,539
                                                                    No. of alternations                                6,853
ties also appeared in the translated utterance, the
corresponding tokens were excluded from the lan-                   Table 5: Detailed statistics of the GupShup dataset.
guage tagging process. Of the remaining tokens
in the Hindi-English utterance, if any of them ap-
peared in the corresponding English utterance, we                for when the annotators introduced a new English
tagged them as English. We repeated the same                     token. E.g., in one of the conversations, the phrase
process on the remaining tokens but with their lem-              "I have been thinking for a while" was translated to
matized versions. This is because we observed that               "Main kaafi time se soch rahi hu", where the Hindi-
in some translations, the annotators used the En-                English version introduced the token time. How-
glish word from a source utterance in a different                ever, we observed that this was a rare phenomenon
part of speech. For e.g. the phrase "a few years                 and would not sway the analysis significantly.
after we graduated" was translated to "graduation
ke kuch saal baad". Here graduation can be ac-                   6.3    Code-mixing statistics
curately tagged as English using lemmatization.                  Using the token-level language tagging approach
Lastly, the remaining tokens in the Hindi-English                described above, we further analyzed the code-
utterance were tagged as Hindi. We didn’t perform                switched utterances to quantify the mixing. We
lemmatization for the romanized Hindi words as                   observed that 18.15% (13,760) of the utterances
there are no existing resources for doing so. Also,              were entirely in romanized Hindi, as in all the to-
since there are no standard spellings for romanized              kens were classified as romanized Hindi. 23.49%
Hindi words, it is possible that the high number of              (17,804) of the utterances were entirely in English.
vocabulary is due to two very different spellings                The majority of the utterances, 58.86% (43,407),
for the same word.                                               were code-mixed: had a combination of romanized
   We observed that this algorithm captured most                 Hindi and English tokens. We refer the reader to
English tokens in the translated utterances, except              Table 5 for more detailed code-mixing statistics of
the corpus.                                             fine named entity as one identified both in English,
   One approach to quantify code-switching is           using Spacy’s named entity detection algorithm,
through matrix language (Myers-Scotton et al.,          and the translated Hindi-English utterance based
2002), which represents the underlying language         on token matching with the entity identified in the
choice, therefore, driving the grammatical struc-       English utterance. Figure 1b shows a distribution
ture of a sentence. Determining the matrix lan-         of different types of entities identified in the corpus.
guage would ideally require sentence-level human        The most frequently mentioned entity type is Per-
annotations. However, since this is a costly pro-       son, which is expected considering the nature of
cess, we instead relied on the heuristics proposed      the conversational data where references to other
in (Dhar et al., 2018). In particular, we define any    participants are very common.
sentence as Hindi if (a) the majority of the tokens
are romanized Hindi, (b) we detect the use of any       7     Empirical Benchmarks
romanized Hindi verbs, or (c) we detect the use of
                                                        The main goal of our experimental work is to val-
any romanized Hindi bi-grams. Per this definition,
                                                        idate some of the state-of-the-art abstractive sum-
the matrix language of 45,644 sentences was Hindi,
                                                        marization models on the new dataset. We expect
and 2,934 sentences were in English. Please note
                                                        these results to serve as empirical benchmarks for
that these numbers are specified at sentence-level
                                                        future researchers. To this end, we experimented
and not utterance-level: they correspond only to
                                                        with various encoder-decoder transformer models
the 43,407 code-mixed utterances, where each ut-
                                                        to generate English summaries from code-switched
terance can have multiple sentences. Based on the
                                                        conversations. Most of these transformer models
matrix language, one can further quantify the com-
                                                        were pre-trained on English corpora, except for
plexity of code-switching in the corpus using the
                                                        mBART, which was trained on multilingual data.
metrics proposed in (Gambäck and Das, 2016).
                                                        7.1    Experimental Settings
             I-index     Cc      Cavg
               0.14     63.25    13.57                  For this benchmarking effort, we experimented
                                                        with the following models: GPT-2, BART, PE-
Table 6: Code mixing metrics for the code-switched      GASUS, T5, multitask T5, and mBART. We also
Hindi-English conversations (GupSHup)                   applied the multi-view seq2seq model (Chen and
                                                        Yang, 2020), which achieved the state-of-the-art
   The utterance level code-switching complexity        performance on the SamSum corpus. We trained
Cu depends on the number of foreign language to-        all the models for 3 epochs, with evaluation on vali-
kens, language switch points, and the total number      dation set after each epoch. We used 5,831/500/500
of language dependent tokens in the utterance. Cu       conversations as our train, dev and test splits, re-
will be 0 if the utterance is monolingual or contains   spectively. For mBART, a smaller scale mBART
only language independent tokens. The higher the        with 12-layer encoder and 6-layer decoder was
Cu metric, the more complex is the utterance’s          implemented due to lack of computing resources.
code-mixing.                                            We’ve also tried two different training approaches
   Using Cu , we can calculate the code-switching       of T5, a pre-train-then-fine-tune approach as well
complexity at the corpus level. Cavg is the average     as multi-task training approach (T5 MTL), in which
of Cu values of all the utterances of the corpus.       we train for both the tasks of summarization and
Cc is a slight modification of Cavg , where (Baner-     translation. All models were trained using the Hug-
jee et al., 2018) remove the assumption that the        gingface’s transformer library, on Google colab
language with maximum tokens is the matrix lan-         GPU enabled platform. All the models were trained
guage. We also calculate I-index(Guzmán et al.,         using the basic colab account available for every-
2016) which can be calculated simply by comput-         one.
ing the number of switch points in the corpus. It          To fully characterize the dataset, we’ve sought
quantifies the integration of different languages in    both automatic and human evaluation. For Auto-
the corpus. On our corpus, we estimated that Cc         matic evaluation, we considered ROUGE (R1, R2,
was 63.25 and Cavg was 13.57 (Table 6).                 RL) (Lin, 2004), BLEURT (Sellam et al., 2020),
   We further analyzed the data in terms of named       BERT-score (Zhang* et al., 2020), BLEU (Pap-
entities mentioned during conversations. We de-         ineni et al., 2002), and METEOR (Banerjee and
Model           R1         R2       RL      BLEURT        BERTScore    BLEU       METEOR
         mBART          43.14      16.83    33.87     -0.46           0.9        9.96       26.74
         Multi-view     41.21      16.16    39.80     -0.43           0.9       11.45       28.75
         PEGASUS        41.6       15.72    32.91     -0.44           0.9        8.91       25.55
         T5 MTL         40.84      15.50    30.38     -0.47           0.9       11.05       30.8
         T5             37.52      12.60    27.55     -0.56          0.89        8.12       26.92
         BART           39.75      14.09    31.52     -0.52           0.9        6.92       23.73
         GPT2           13.52      2.59     10.5      -1.03          0.84        2.21       12.05

Table 7: Performances on automatic metrics for generating English summaries from Hindi-English conversations.

         Model           R1         R2       RL      BLEURT        BERTScore    BLEU       METEOR
         Multi-view     50.65      25.04    40.13     -0.30          0.92       18.34       39.04
         PEGASUS        50.53      25.77    41.94     -0.28          0.92       17.47       36.64
         mBART          49.69      24.36    40.40     -0.35          0.91       14.37       32.44
         T5             45.62      21.65    35.25     -0.46          0.91       14.95       38.24
         BART           46.47      21.79    37.74     -0.39          0.91       14.37       32.44
         GPT2           15.78      5.42     13.58     -0.98          0.84        2.78       14.75

   Table 8: Performances on automatic metrics for generating English summaries from English conversations.

                      Model          Coherence       Consistency    Fluency    Relevance
                      mBART            0.81             0.63          0.85       0.65
                      Multi-view       0.83             0.65          0.86       0.65
                      PEGASUS          0.84             0.58          0.87       0.60
                      T5 MTL           0.70             0.55          0.77       0.55
                      T5               0.67            0.532          0.77       0.54
                      BART             0.73             0.56          0.74       0.55
                      GPT2             0.37             0.36          0.52       0.33

Table 9: Human evaluation of the generated summaries (English) from code-switched Hindi-English conversations.

         Model            R1      R2       RL       BLEURT    BERTSCORE         BLEU       METEOR
         Coherence       0.86    0.82      0.89       0.93        0.8            0.57       0.18
         Consistency     0.86    0.93        1        0.93        0.8            0.71       0.32
         Fluency         0.86    0.82      0.79       0.93       0.67            0.75       0.46
         Relevance       0.89    0.96      0.96       0.96        0.8            0.86        0.5
         Overall         0.89    0.96      0.96       0.96        0.8            0.86        0.5

Table 10: Correlation between human judgement and automatic metrics for English summaries generated from
code-switched Hindi-English conversations.

Lavie, 2005). Then, these metrics were compared           formed best on recall based summarization metrics,
against human evaluation for correlation as well          R1, R2, and RL. Since mBART is the only model
as interpretation with respect to human judgement.        trained on multiple languages, it may have learned
The human evaluation was conducted for 4 possi-           the location of English and Hindi switching better
ble metrics: coherence, consistency, fluency, and         than other models exclusively trained on English.
relevance.                                                On precision based BLEU, BLEURT, and RL, as
                                                          well as in human evaluation, Multi-view performed
7.2   Results                                             the best overall. Though it was pre-trained on En-
The final results of the experiments evaluated on         glish corpora, its decoding strategy that focuses
automatic metrics are shown in Table 7. On the            on various aspects, or “views" on the conversation
automatic metrics, mBART and Multi-view per-              proved to be effective in understanding the conver-
Models          R1        R2       R3      BLEURT       BERTScore       BLEU     METEOR
          mBART          19.98     2.89     16.7      -0.88         0.83           1.60     10.42
          PEGASUS        35.69     11.01    28.78     -0.72         0.86           6.16     20.91
          Multi-view     21.92     4.55     18.16     -0.83         0.85           2.27     9.94
          BART           36.28     11.45    28.92     -0.70         0.87           5.96     21.82
          T5             31.85     7.90     24.13     -0.72         0.86           5.51     20.6

Table 11: Performances on automatic metrics for generating Hindi-English summaries from Hindi-English conver-

sations. Perhaps, we may investigate incorporating         Roman script which enabled us to use monolingual
additional Hindi corpus to pre-training Multi-view         models, which appear to be good contextualizers
seq2seq model as a next step.                              in this case. We would further like to explore using
   The T5 MTL model performed significantly bet-           Devanagari script for the Hindi text in the code-
ter than the T5 model on all the automatic met-            switched conversations for the multilingual model,
rics as well as human evaluation. We applied the           to find out if the Devanagari helps the model de-
Wilcoxon-signed rank test, using which we calcu-           duce better meaning of the text, given mBART is
lated the p-value to be 7.1e-16 at a confidence level      pre-trained on Hindi written in Devanagri script.
of 5%, indicating that there is a statistically sig-          We also generated Hindi-English summaries by
nificant difference between the ROUGE-1 scores             training the models that performed well in the gen-
produced by both the models on 500 test examples.          eration of English summaries. Except BART, none
This also indicates that due to the multi-lingual and      of the models performed as well as they performed
parallel nature of the dataset, the summarization          while generating the English summaries showing
task would benefit from the translation task. It           a significant drop in their performances. What
would be interesting to try out other models in a          is more surprising is that the mBART, which is
multi-task learning setup and investigate more in          the only multilingual model in the list, seems to
the future.                                                perform the worst when it comes to generating
                                                           code-switched summaries. Given it is a multilin-
   For a better understanding of the complexity of
                                                           gual model, it should have been easier for mBART
the task at hand, i.e. summarizing conversations,
                                                           to decode in a language other than English as
we also trained these pre-trained encoder-decoder
                                                           it is pre-trained on 25 languages and has shown
models for summarizing the parallel English con-
                                                           good performance on cross-lingual transfer learn-
versations into their respective English abstractive
                                                           ing. Overall drop in the performance for all the
summaries. Table 8 shows the results for this sum-
                                                           models was expected as the current state-of-the-
marization task. We observe that the performance
                                                           art models might not be capable of understanding
of all the models increases by a good margin. This
                                                           code-switched Hindi-English text as they are not
highlights that code-switching could be one of the
                                                           trained on such data. This is certainly a direction
factors impacting the performance of the models
                                                           that needs a serious effort in the near future if we
for the task of summarization. Multi-view seq2seq
                                                           want our models to understand and generate code-
seems to be the best performing model in this case
                                                           switched language.
as well, compared to summarizing code-switched
Hindi-English conversations to English summaries.
                                                           7.3   Human Evaluation
Pegasus also has a comparable performance. It is
surprising to see that mBART is still competent            To qualify the comparison and results, we’ve con-
with the other models when used for monolingual            ducted human evaluation on a randomly selected
data alone. The gap between the scores of BART             100 summaries from our test set as shown in Table
and mBART also seems to be much lesser when                9. Following (Fabbri et al., 2020), we considered 4
only English data is used for summarization. It is         metrics: consistency, coherence, fluency, and rel-
unclear if the superior performance of mBART is            evance. These were measured on a scale of 1 to
due to its multilinguality, or that it is pre-trained on   5, with 1 as poor and 5 as perfect. The meaning
more English data when compared to BART. The               of these metrics are briefly summarized. (a) Co-
Hindi text in the code-switched conversations are in       herence: the collective quality of overall sentences.
Measures how well the summaries are organized          evaluation of the state-of-the-art neural models for
and structured, (b) Consistency: measures how well     the task of generating English summaries of Hindi-
the factual information was transferred, (c) Flu-      English conversations using automatic metrics as
ency: the grammatical quality and naturalness of       well as human evaluation. Multi-lingual mBART
individual sentences, (d) Relevance: the selectivity   and multi-view seq2seq models performed the best
of summary information by importance. The sum-         in generating English summaries, whereas the same
mary should only contain significant information       models showed poorer performance in generating
from the input.                                        Hindi-English summaries indicating their inabil-
   On human evaluation, Multi-view, mBART,             ity to process Hindi-English code-switched text.
and PEGASUS achieved comparably good perfor-           Multi-task learning setup showed promise and we
mances, with Multi-view achieving the best perfor-     would like to look more into it in the near future.
mance. Intuitively, mBART should be the best at        We are also looking forward to using our dataset
identifying the transition points between English      for the purposes of translation and data augmenta-
and Hindi as mBART has been trained on multi-          tion, using the 74,798 parallell Hindi-English and
lingual corpora, which means that it may recog-        English sentences, derived from the 6,831 Hindi-
nize non-English words. Similarly, PEGASUS,            English and English conversation pairs. We be-
which is trained for summarization on masked cor-      lieve that our dataset along with its challenging
pus, may recognize romanized Hindi phrases as a        task will prove to be a new benchmark for develop-
type of “gaps" or masked-tokens embedded in En-        ing sophisticated NLP models with capabilities of
glish corpus. On the other hand, Multi-view model      understanding code-switched text.
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                                                               Generated by Each Model
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  comes. Oxford University Press on Demand.               tom 10 summaries generated in terms of ROUGE
1. The following sections present the overall obser-   B.3   BART
vation for each model.                                 B.3.1 Top 10
                                                          • The highest scoring summaries have a
B.1     mBART
                                                            ROUGE 1 score of 1.0. All the summaries
B.1.1    Top 10                                             in top 10 belong to conversations that are
   • The highest scoring summaries have a                   very small. Like mBART and PEGASUS,
     ROUGE 1 score of 1.0.                                  BART also produces a few summaries where
                                                            wrong speakers are associated with wrong ac-
   • All of the top 10 summaries belong to very             tions/events.
     small conversations with an average of just 5     B.3.2 Bottom 10
     utterances in the dialogue. We still notice a
                                                          • Bottom 10 summaries belonged to conversa-
     few cases where wrong speakers are associ-
                                                            tions with varying lengths. Some were very
     ated with wrong actions/events.
                                                            long and some very short. The level of code-
      Example:                                              mixing varied hugely as well. We will look
      Eric: Wya?                                            into more concrete factors that make these
      Eve: College Green                                    conversations inherently tougher for BART.
      Eric: wahi reh, I’ll pick you up
                                                       B.4   Multiview Seq2Seq
The best scoring summary of T5 belongs to a         Nick: Opinions required! Gas ya induction
very long conversation. Following is the particular   hob?
example:                                              Ben: Bahut time se ek induction hob use kar
                                                      raha huu, mai convinced nahi huu..
Jamal:                                    Ruth: induction- bahut sleek hai jadi garam
Terry: Taj Mahal!                                     ho jaata hai!
Maria: Yes, we visited it today with Jamal            Ben: but voh constant temperature maintain
Ken: yeh bahut sundar mosque hai!                     nahi karta! Kya saare induction aise hee hai
Maria: it’s not a mosque!                             yaa maine purana waala liya tha?
Ken: what?                                            Ruth: they pulse agar proper pans nahi use
Maria: it’s a mausoleum                               karte hum
Ken: mujhe hamesha lagta tha it’s a mosque            Ben: proper se tumhara kya matlab? Kya
Jamal: bahut logo ko lagta hai                        tumhara matlab better aur bhari?
Maria: it is a mausoleum that an emperor commis-      Ruth: yeah, simply suitable
sioned for his favourite wife                         Ben: and mujhe lagta hai mujhe usse chalana
Maria: shayad uska naam Mumtaz Mahal tha              seekhna padega..
Jamal: correct! :D what a good pupil!                 Ruth: yeah, yeh gas se alag hai
Maria: haha, because it’s such a romantic story       Christian: gas, bina kisi saval ke- aur koi
Maria: 20000 logo ne Taj Mahal banaya, it’s so        cheez tumhe control nahi deti!
monumental                                            Nick: Mai usme interested huu jisme mujhe
Ken: iss naam kaa kya matlab hai?                     mere hissab se consistent heat mile
Maria: Taj is a short version of Mumtaz               Mary: with induction tumhe usse shuru aur
Maria: and Mumtaz Mahal means "Crown of the           band karna padega to regulate temperature..
Palace"                                               Kate: induction- yes, gas- no kyuki paani
Ken: wow                                              ubalne mein sadiyaan lag jaati hai!
Maria: Jamal was an amazing guide today               Tim: tum jaante ho naa tum ek electric kettle
Ken: I wish I was there with you                      use kar sakte ho?
                                                      Kate: haha! Yeh funny nahi hai!
  Gold summary: Maria and Jamal visited Taj           Kate: yeh saaf karne mein bhi aasan hai.
Mahal today. It’s a mausoleum that an emperor         Harry: mai induction lunga kyuki voh khaana
commissioned for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.               banane ke baad bhi usse garam rakhta hai
  Predicted summary: Maria and Jamal visited          Tom: Induction! 100%
the Taj Mahal today. The mausoleum was com-           Susan: humara induction bahut ganda tha I
missioned by an emperor for his favourite wife,       think it’s common!
Mumtaz.                                               Emma: induction ke liye ek aur vote!
                                                      Ruth: All chefs seem to say gas!
B.5.2 Bottom 10
                                                      Tom: mai gas se zyaada induction hobs
   • Bottom 10 summaries belonged to conversa-        bechta huu! yeh popular hota jaa raha hai
     tions with varying lengths. Some were very       aur mai dekh ssakta huu kyu!
     long and some very short. The level of code-     Emma: humne humara waala John Lewis
     mixing varied hugely as well. We will look       outlet se liya so it was ex display aur isliye
     into more concrete factors that make these       bahut sasta tha!
     conversations inherently tougher for T5.         Nick: tumhari raaye ke liye thanks! Great
C    Few Interesting Examples                         talk! Mujhe lagta hai mai Induction lunga.

    • This conversation has a lot of content in
      English except the word “buy”, because          Gold summary:Nick decided to buy an
      of which all the models produce wrong           induction hob.
      summaries except for mBART, which is also       mBART: Nick wants to buy an induction hob.
      our only multilingual model.                    He thinks induction is better than gas.
                                                      Pegasus: Ben, Ruth, Tom, Emma and Kate
                                                      are debating whether or not they should use
gas in their induction.
 T5: Ruth and Christian are interested in
 induction. They use a heat band to regulate
 the temperature. Kate is interested in the idea
 of induction, but she doesn’t like it.
 T5 Multitask setup: Ben and Ruth use
 induction hobs, but they don’t maintain a
 constant temperature. Nick and Kate are
 interested in induction. Harry uses induction,
 but he doesn’t like it.
 BART: Ruth, Nick, Mary, Tom, Emma and
 Emma are interested in induction hobs.
 Multiview Seq2Seq: Ruth, Ben, Tom, Tom
 and Ben are not convinced about the induction
 hob. They want to know if it is better to use
 gas or induction.

• This conversation is present in top 10 in both
  PEGASUS and BART, but BART confuses
  between the entities:
  Emir: Etna ki financial statement bhej sakti
  Britta: Sure, konsa saal?
  Emir: 2017
  Britta: Ok
  Emir: English mei please

 Gold summary: Britta will send Emir Etna’s
 2017 financial statement in English.
 PEGASUS: Britta will send Emir the finan-
 cial statement from Etna in 2017 in English.
 BART: Emir will send Britta the financial
 statement for 2017 in English.

 Apart from this, PEGASUS, BART, and
 mBART have 7 common examples in their
 top 20. PEGASUS and mBART have 9 ex-
 amples that are common in top 20. BART
 and PEGASUS have 9 examples common as
 well. BART and mBART have 11 examples
 common in their top 20.
  Overall, similar pattern is observed in top 10
  examples for all the models(mBART, PEGA-
  SUS, BART, and Multiview seq2seq) except
  for T5. T5 is the only model that has high scor-
  ing summaries for very long conversations.
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