Page created by Marion Chapman



TEACHING PROGRAM : General and Applied Nursing Sciences

Year of study: First

Semester: First

Total credits: 7

Teaching Program       Scientific disciplinary sector     Modules                                  Professor               Locality/   CFU   Hours
General and Applied    MED/45                             Phylogeny and structure of the nursing   Spadola Milena          RN          3     36
Nursing Sciences                                          discipline
                                                                                                   Montalti Sandra         CE

                       MED/45                             Applied nursing methodology              Mele Costanza           RN          4     48

                                                                                                   Lucchi Casadei Sandra   CE
Contents of teaching: Phylogeny and structure of the nursing discipline

 PREREQUISITES                TRAINING GOALS                  PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                            TEACHING              VERIFICATION           BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                                                                                            METHODS               METHODS
                              The student has to achieve      From the concept of health care to the      Interactive frontal     The assessment of      Wilkinson J.M, Processo
                              these goals/target:             birth of the nurse                          teaching                the knowledge          infermieristico e pensiero
                              He/she acquires the                                                         methodology             acquired by the        critico 3° Edizione, Casa
                              knowledge of:                                                               (Classroom lessons).    student is based on    editrice Ambrosiana Milano
                                                                - Hints of health care : evolution of the Group work and          2 tests:               2013
                                - the historical path of          concept of health care and nursing care exercises for nursing
                                   nursing care                 - Florence Nightingale : thought and      care planning           -written exam with     Motta P.C, Introduzione
                                -The historical path of the        works                                                          30 multiple-choice     alle             scienze
                                  birth of the nurse            - birth and development of the nurse in                           questions for access   infermieristiche Carocci
                                - the phases of the               Italy                                                           to the oral exam.      Faber, Roma 2002
                                   professionalization          - The evolution of nursing education :                            The test is
                                   process                         role and functional                                            considered to be       Autonomia-competenza-
                                 - the governmental and                                                                           passed from 21         responsabiltà
                                   non governmental                                                                               correct answers out    infermieristica
                                   nursing associationism                                                                         of 30.                 IPAVSI Collegi provinciali
                                                              The process of professionalization                                                         Regione Emilia-Romagna,
                                - the ethical and                                                                                 The total agreed       2009
                                  deontologycal                                                                                   time for the written
                                  principles                    - The evolution of legislation in the                             test is 30 '.           Codice         deontologico
                                 of the nursing                    practice of nursing                                                                    dell'infermiere 2009-
                                 profession                     - the concept of profession and                                   -oral exam to           Federazione Nazionale
                                                                   professionalization process                                    evaluate the degree Collegi IPAVSI, Roma 2009
                                 - The concepts of              - Ethical and deontological aspects of                            of deepening of the
                                  responsibility                   the nursing profession                                         contents addressed Nursing: Storia illustrata
                                                                - Professional practice : areas of                                in the program and dell'assistenza
                                 - The epistemological             competence and responsibility                                  the ability to link the infermieristica- M.P.
                                 aspects of nursing             - The nursing associationism and the                              different contents      Donahue, Antonio Delfino
                                   discipline                      professional culture                                           together. It consists Editore, 1991 Roma
                                                                 - OPI : professional order nurses                                of the oral
                                 - The informative and                                                                            presentation of two
                                   operative tools of the                                                                         topics, each from a
                                   nursing care and           Epistemological aspects of nursing                                  different section of
                                   responsibilities of the        discipline                                                      the program,
                                   nurse in the compilation                                                                       randomly extracted
                                   of the documentation         - Definition of discipline, the paradigms                         from the student
                                                                   of the nursing discipline                                      from a list of 15
                                 - the stages of the birth      - The concept of wellness and disease                             questions.
                                   and evolution of the         - The concept of a person according to
                                   national health care            the biomedical, systemic, holistic
                                   service                         approach
                                                                - Theories - models and concepts of
nursing discipline

From the scientific method to the
    nursing care process

  - the method of nursing discipline: the
      scientific method, the problem solving,
      the nursing care process
   - the nursing care process and its
  - The initial evaluation according to the
      Gordon model
  - The nursing care process and nursing
      diagnostic taxonomies (NANDA-I,
      NOC and NIC)

Informative and operative tools of
     nursing care

   - The medical record, the nursing
     record, the integrated record, the
     computerized record.
   - Guidelines, protocols, procedures
   - The responsibility of the nurse in the
     compilation and management of
     health records

Birth and evolution of the national
     health care service

   - from mutuals to SSN
   - reorganization of the health discipline
   - priority health problems and health
   - health care system planning
   - hints of the national collective labor
   - hints of the code of conduct and data
Contents of teaching: Applied nursing methodology

PREREQUISITES                TRAINING GOALS                    PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                             TEACHING               VERIFICATION             BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                                                                                              METHODS                METHODS
                             The student has to achieve        Process of the nursing care                    Interactive frontal    the assessment of        Saiani L., Brugnolli A.,
                             these goals/target:                                                              teaching               the knowledge            Trattato        di       cure
                                                                                                              methodology            acquired by the          infermieristiche.  Sorbona,
                                                                                                              (Classroom lessons).   student is carried out   Napoli, 2010
                             He/She has to possess an          the relationship in the care process                                  on 2 tests:
                             understanding of functional
                             health models and know the            - The communication process                                                                Craven R.F.,Hirnle C.J.,
                             nursing methodology to                - The types of communication                                                               Principi         fondamentali
                             respond progressively to the          - The nurse-patient relationship of help                          written test             dell’assistenza
                             different levels of health care       - Acquisition of communicative                                    (preparatory to the      infermieristica, 4° edizione
                             complexity that the person /      competence in                                                         oral exam): 29           Ambrosiana, Milano, 2011
                             family / community presents.            the nursing field ( information to the                          multiple choice
                                                               user)                                                                 questions (4 options)
                                                                   - Admission and discharge of the                                  + 1 closed question Judith        M. Wilkinson,
                                                               patient                                                                                     Processo infermieristico e
                                                                   - The medical examination                                                               pensiero critico , CEA,

                                                                                                                                                              infermieristica      medico
                                                                                                                                                              chirurgica,     vol.     1,
                                                               Measurement of vital signs.                                                                    Ambrosiana, Milano, 2017
                                                                                                                                     Oral exam
Daniels R., Grendell R.N.,
                                             Wilkins       F.R.,     Basi
Deepen the methods and tools for             dell’assistenza
evaluating hemodynamic parameters            infermieristica,      Piccin,
                                             Padova, 2014
   - arterial pulse
   - blood pressure
   - body temperature                        Barbara       K         Timby.,
   - breath frequency                        Fondamenti di assistenza
   - blood sample                            infermieristica concetti e
                                             abilità cliniche di base, Mc
body care and hygiene.                       Graw Hill, Milano, 2013

Learn the knowledge to apply nursing
care to the person with self-care deficit    L.Sasso, C.Gagliano, AM.
                                             Bagnasco.,          Scienze
    - social and cultural meaning of body    infermieristiche generali e
care                                         cliniche,     3°   edizione,
    - alterations in personal care           McGraw Hill, Milano, 2013
    - care treatment of self care deficit
    - guiding principles in body care
    - hygiene and body care in the
    - oral and dental hygiene

Exercise, mobility and treatment of its

Deepen the methods and tools to
evaluate physical exercise, tolerance
and intolerance to physical activity.
Learning the correct procedures for the
mobilization of the person with
impaired physical function.

Definitions of concepts: physical
activity, physical exercise and
functional status, intolerance to activity
/ physical exercise

    - Assessment of tolerance to activity
    - Mobility and motor skills: its
- The caring treatment of the main
problems of
    - Walking with aids: walking frame,
stick and
    - Positions in bed of the person
      lying down, aids and grasps
    - Procedures: of positioning and
    - Assistance treatment of
immobilization or
      hypokinetic syndrome

Respiration and treatment of
alterations. Deepen the methods and
tools to evaluate an altered breathing

     - preparatory elements for breathing
     - pathological breaths
     - care treatment of the main
alterations in

Rest, Sleep and night-time nursing

Learning the knowledge to apply
assistance to a person with impaired
rest and sleep

    - neuroregulation of sleep / wake,
physiology of
      circadian rhythm
    - main sleep disorders: insomnia,
      of the circadian rhythm of sleep
    - sleep assessment, care treatment of
the main
sleep disorders
    - problems of sleep in the elderly,
noise in care
      settings, night-time assistance

Hydro-electrolytic balance, feeding and
treatment of alterations

deepen the methods and tools to evaluate
compromised hydration and nutrition.

    - alterations in hydro-electrolyte
       dehydration and hypovolemia,
excess volume
       of liquid, fluid overload
    - assessment of the patient's hydration
      the water balance
    - the factors influencing nutrition:
      and evaluation of nutritional status
    - alteration of nutritional status:
        obesity and overweight, anorexia
       and neoplastic cachexia dysphagia
     - feeding of the non self-sufficient
     - Nutrition as a therapy
     - the change in the way of feeding:
        feeding with SNE, SND, PEG, PEJ.

Intestinal elimination and treatment of
alterations. Deepening of the methods
and the tools to evaluate impaired
intestinal elimination.

   - the main alterations of intestinal
function: signs
and symptoms more frequent in
    - constipation and diarrhea
    - fecal incontinence
    - hemorrhoids

Assessment and treatment of
constipation, diarrhea, faecal

   - Procedures: the enema or evacuative

  - procedure: manual removal of faeces
and a

Urinary elimination and treatment of

deepening of the methods and tools for
assessing compromised urinary

    - the main alterations of urinary
function: signs
       and symptoms more frequent in
     - urinary tract infections
     - urinary incontinence
     - urinary retention

Assessment and treatment of urinary
tract infections, urinary incontinence,
acute and chronic urinary retention

   - Urinary tract infections associated
with bladder
      catheterization: epidemiology and
     procedure: application of external
     - procedure: insertion of short and
       bladder catheter and closed-circuit
     - procedures: collection of sterile

Body temperature and treatment of

     - preparatory elements of physiology
     - alteration of body temperature
     - care treatment of the person with
       temperature alteration

Treatment of acute and chronic pain

     - preparatory elements of physiology
of pain
     - pain models: acute and chronic
     - care treatment of the person with
acute and
       care treatment of the person with
acute and
       chronic pain

Treatment of end of life:
accompaniment of the person and the

     - hints of end of life care
- nursing assistance of the patient in
        terminal phase
      - death and care of the body

Learning of the fundamental concepts
and procedures to guarantee the
correct application of the therapeutic

     - drug and pharmaceutical forms,
       classification and sources of drug
     - responsibility of the nurse in the
therapy process

     - The treatment process of drug

      - the pharmacological prescription
      - distribution and storage systems:
        administration and monitoring of
      - administration of drugs through the
        commonly used routes: oral way
with SNG,
         injective, intravenous,
        subcutaneous, intradermal and
other ways
        of administration
      - monitoring of the expected
         effects, calculation skills necessary
for the
      - drugs and psychotropic substances.
      - clinical risk related to therapy and

Surgical patient:
Identification of the needs of the
person in the pre-operative phase

      - nursing diagnosis in the
preoperative phase
      - pre-operative interventions (in
preparation of
        the post-operative phase)
      - physical preparation for the
      - reception and admission into the
      - role and responsibility of the
different nursing
        figures operating in the operating
        instrumentalist, hall nurse
      - the clothing and surgical washing of
      - the surgical instrument
      - the awakening phase
      - the planning of nursing care in the
        operative phase

TEACHING PROGRAM : Surgical Medical Nursing
Year of study: second

Semester: First

Total credits: 5

Teaching Program      Scientific disciplinary sector   Modules                        Professor         Locality/   CFU   Hours
Surgical Medical      MED/45                           nursing of the surgical area   Ottaviani Marco   RN          3     36
                                                                                      Milandri Susy     CE

                      MED/45                           nursing of the medical area    Sgreccia Marina   RN          2     24

                                                                                      Senni Marco       CE

Contents of teaching: Nursing of the Surgica area

PREREQUISITES              TRAINING GOALS                        PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                           TEACHING             VERIFICATION       BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                                                                                              METHODS              METHODS
Knowledge of the        The student has to achieve these      General section                                 Interactive frontal  Oral examination   M.Gulanick, J.Myers “Piani
subjects of Anatomy and goals /target                                                                         teaching                                di assistenza infermieristica”
Physiology              He/She has to reach the               Nursing care related to the operating           methodology                             CEA
                        knowledge related to the taking in theatre:                                           (Classroom lessons).
                        charge of the person/family in the
                        the surgical area knowing it’s           - peri-operative care                                                                Brunner-Suddarth
                        priority.                                - Medical drainages: types, aim,                                                     “Infermieristica medico-
                        The student is able to identify, plan      indication and managements                                                         chirurgica” vol. 1 e 2
                        and evaluate the assistance              - SNG (nasogastric tube): type, aim,                                                 CEA
                        interventions and collaborates with        indication and managements
                        the other professional figures in the    - post-operative complications                                                       Craven Hirnle “Principi
                        diagnostic-therapeutic pathways             ( complication after operation)                                                   fondamentali dell’assistenza
                                                                 - artificial nutrition : role of the nurse                                           infermieristica” vol. 1 e 2
                                                                 - intestinal ostomies : type, aim,                                                   CEA
                                                                   indication and managements
                                                                 - Injury due to malpositioning
                                                                 - Hypothermia                                                                        Linee Guida ATLS 2014

                                                                 Abdominal surgery

                                                                     - diagnostic test/screening of the
                                                                       gastrointestinal tract

                                                                     - nursing assistance to the person
                                                                     - abdominal hernias
                                                                     - peptic ulcer
                                                                     - gastric cancer
                                                                     - neoplasm of the colon-rectum
                                                                     - diverticulitis
                                                                     - proctological diseases
                                                                     - liver diagnostic tests

                                                                 Nursing care to the person with:

                                                                     - cholelithiasis
                                                                     - pancreatic cancer
                                                                     - PEG (percutaneous endoscopic
                                                                     - neak and cheast surgery
Nursing care to the person with:

    - thyroid diseases
    - laryngeal diseases
    - breast diseases
    - pneumothorax
    - lung cancer

Vascular Surgery

 nursing care to the person with:

    - carotid stenosis
    - abdominal aortic aneurysm
    - chronic obstructive arterial diseases
    - varicose veins of the lower limbs

Emergency surgery

 nursing care to the person with:

    - acute abdomen
    - appendicitis
    - peritonitis
    - bowel obstruction
    - pancreatitis
    - digestive haemorrhage
    - intestinal infarction

 nursing care to the person with:

    - abdominal trauma
    - fracture of the femur and pelvis

Urological surgery

 diagnostic examinations of the urological

  nursing care to the person with:
- Calculoses of the urinary tract
- benign prostatic hypertrophy
- neoplasm of the prostate , kidney
  and bladder
- urological ostomy: management
  and nursing care.
- gynecological surgery
- hysterectomy
Contents of teaching: nursing of the medical area

PREREQUISITES                TRAINING GOALS                       PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                     TEACHING                 VERIFICATION    BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                                                                                         METHODS                  METHODS
 Anatomy of the              The course aims to develop the       Respiratory pathology                  Interactive frontal  Oral verification   Brunner-Suddarth
cardiocirculatory,           ability of the student to plan and                                          teaching                                 “Infermieristica medico-
respiratory, neurological,   manage the nursing care of              - BPCO (bronco chronic              methodology                              chirurgica”VI
gastrointestinal and         people with medical conditions            obstructive pulmonary disease)    (Classroom lessons).                     edizione,casa editrice
renal system                                                                                                                                      ambrosiana, vol.1 e 2 .
                                                                                                         Discussion of clinical
                                                                  Cardiovascular pathology               cases
                                                                     - hypertension                                                               NANDA International
Management of venous                                                 - heart failure                                                              Diagnosi Infermieristiche
access, oxygen therapy                                               - acute pulmonary edema                                                      Definizioni e classificazione
and aerosol therapy                                                                                                                               2018 – 2020
                                                                                                                                                  Undicesima edizione Casa
                                                                  Neurological pathology                                                          editrice Ambrosiana

                                                                     - ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
                                                                     - Parkinson's disease
                                                                     - Alzheimer
                                                                     - Delirium

                                                                  Renal pathology

                                                                     - chronic renal failure
                                                                     - renal biopsy

                                                                  Endocrine and metabolic pathology

                                                                     - viral hepatitis
                                                                     - liver biopsy
                                                                     - cirrhosis of the liver
                                                                     - type 1 and 2 diabetes
                                                                     - obesity

                                                                  Hints of onco-haematological

                                                                  Bone marrow biopsy

                                                                  Immunological pathology
- HIV and AIDS

Gastrointestinal pathology

    - constipation
    - chronic intestinal diseases
    - colonoscopy and gastroscopy
    - diverticulitis
TEACHING PROGRAM : Community Nursing Sciences

Year of study: second

Semester: second

Total credits: 5

Teaching Program        Scientific disciplinary sector   Modules                                Professor           Locality/   CFU   Hours
Community Nursing       MED/45                           Evidence applied to clinical Nursing   Montalti Marilena   RN          1     12
Sciences                                                 practice

                                                                                                Caminati Annita     CE

                        MED/45                           Nursing of chronicity                  Dionisi Antonella   RN          2     24

                                                                                                Agosta Salvador     CE

                        MED/45                           Nursing of the community               Ottaviani Marco     RN          2     24

                                                                                                Caminati Goria      CE

Contents of teaching: Evidence applied to clinical practice

TRAINING GOALS                           PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                          TEACHING METHODS            VERIFICATION             BIBLIOGRAPHY
The student has to achieve these          - Definition, methods and tools of EBP     Classroom Lesson            Searching for a scientific Evidence Based Nursing-
goals /target                               and queries of research                                              article through the        Paolo Chiari e Antonella
He/She has to: know the decision-                                                    Exercises in the computer   formulation of a           Santullo- McGraw-Hill
making model of EBN (evidence             - Caracteristics of the biomedical         room                        research question with
based nursing).                             literature                                                           PICOM

- reflect on the practice and identify    - projects of the studies                                                                       L’infermieristica basata su
the areas /camp where there is                                                                                                            prove di efficacia. Guida
uncertainty and make questions            - Strategies for the management of the                                                          operativa per l’evidence
about them in order to get the right        scientific literature                                                                         Based Nursing- Paolo
answers.                                                                                                                                  Chiari; Mosci Daniela;
                                          - Research in the main databases of                                                              Naldi Enrico, 2006,
-know the databases, do research in         primary and secondary studies                                                                  McGraw-Hill
the literature to find those studies
which can be of help for getting the      - Caracteristics of systematic reviews                                                          Tutorial PubMed
responce to the query
                                          - Criteria for defining the quality of a
                                            systematic review

                                          - Guidelines; characteristics of
                                            evidence-based guidelines, criteria
                                            for evaluating guidelines
Contents of teaching: Clinical Nursing and rehabilitation in chronicity

TRAINING GOALS                        PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                           TEACHING METHODS   VERIFICATION       BIBLIOGRAPHY
The student has to achieve these     Definition of chronicity, fragility and disability        Classroom Lesson       Oral examination   Brunner-Suddarth
goals/target.                                                                                                                            “Infermieristica medico-
The student must possess the          - Chronic diseases and their characteristics                                                       chirurgica” vol.1 e 2 Casa
knowledge related to the                                                                                                                 editrice Ambrosiana, Milano;
methodology, to organizational and    - Innovative aspects for chronicity management                                                     2006 terza edizione
clinical care models for the taking
charge, management and continuity     - GNNN system for the assistance planning in                                                       Santullo A. “Le scale di
of the assistance in situations of       chronicity with the use of international                                                        valutazione in sanità” Casa
chronicity . He /She develops the        taxonomies                                                                                      Editrice McGraw Hill 2009
knowledge related to the therapeutic
education and also knows the         Organizational and clinical-care models for taking                                                  M.Baccini, R.Berardi,
resources of the family and the      charge                                                                                              N.Marchionni, M.Paci
community                                                                                                                                “Riabilitare la persona
                                       - A paradigm of waiting medicine (hospitalized citizen)                                           anziana” Casa Editrice
                                        - and of initiative medicine ( a model of assistance
                                          that meets and helps the citizen before illnesses                                              Manuale delle procedure
                                           arise or worsen by focusing on prevention and                                                 infermieristiche- 2° edizione
                                          education).                                                                                    minerva medica-S.Agosta

                                         - organizational models : self management , disease                                             M.Mongardi “l’assistenza
                                           management and case management , chronical                                                    all’anziano”Casa Editrice
                                           care model, primary nursing                                                                   McGraw Hill

                                         - integrated management of the multidisciplinary team

                                         - Concept od empowerment and promotion methods                                                  Ministero della salute,
                                                                                                                                         Direzione generale della
                                         - Principles of the assistance complexity                                                       programmazione sanitaria
                                                                                                                                         “Piano nazionale delle
                                        Management and continuity of care in situations                                                  cronicità” maggio 2016
                                      of chronicity
                                         - Acute and protracted needs                                                                    NANDA International
                                         - Hospital and territory integration (home care, health                                         INFERMIERISTICHE
                                           houses , community hospitals)                                                                 definizioni e classificazione
                                                                                                                                         2018-2020 - Casa Editrice
                                         - Care pathways and nursing skills withing the care                                             Ambrosiana, Milano 2018
                                           network: PDTA, Intermediate care, core continuity
                                           hospital territory (NUOT)                                                                     Marjory Gordon DIAGNOSI
  - Care pathways in the elderly person with fracture of    so e applicazioni – Casa
    the femur and in the myelolated person, support         Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano
    devices and aids                                        2013
                                                            J. McCloskey Dochterman,
  - Palliative care: tools and processes of care            G. M. Bulechek
    evaluation                                              Classificazione NIC degli
                                                            interventi infermieristici-
  - Assessment tools for taking care of the fragile         Casa Editrice Ambrosiana,
    patient: Braden scale, Barthel, Brass, IADL, Morse      Milano 2013

Therapeutic Education                                       S. Moorhead, M. Johnson,
                                                            M. Maas Classificazione
   - Skills and responsibilities of the nurse in            NOCdei risultati
     therapeutic education                                  infermieristici – Casa Ed.
                                                            Ambrosiana, Milano 2013
   - Pedagogical approach to ETP
                                                            Piano Nazionale
   - The stages of the educational process:                 prevenzione 2016-2018
     methodology and application
                                                            legge n° 135/2012
Knowledge of family and community resources
                                                            regolamento n°70 del 2
   - The ICF classification (International classification   aprile 2015
     on functioning, disability and health)
                                                            ISTAT, sistema informativo
   - Effective relational models for functional             anziani Popolazione e
     relationships                                          famiglie, stili di vita e salute,
                                                            indcatori demografici 2017

                                                            M. Koloroutis, a cura di:
                                                            “Cure basate sulla
                                                            relazione”, Casa ed.
                                                            Ambrosiana, Milano, 2015

                                                            P. Chiari, A. Santullo;
                                                            “l'infermiere Case
                                                            Manager”, Ediz. McGraw
                                                            Hill, 2°edizione, Milano 2011

                                                            J. Francois d'Ivernois; R.
                                                            Gagnayre “Educare il
                                                            paziente”, 2° edizione,
                                                            Edizioni McGraw-Hill,
                                                            Milano, 2006
                                                            A. Ferraresi; R. Gaiani; M.
Manfredini “Educazione
terapeutica”, Edizioni
Carocci Faber, Roma, 2006

legge n°24 dell'8 marzo

G. Nebuloni: “Assistenza
infermieristica alla persona
anziana”, 2°edizione, Casa
Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano

B. L. Yoost, Lynne R.
concettuali per l'assistenza
infermieristica”, Casa Ed.
Ambrosiana, Milano 2018.


http://www.quadernidellasal 17 pagineAree
3685 listaFile itemName 5
ale/temi/p2 6.jsp?

Contents of teaching: Nursing of the community

TRAINING GOALS                         PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                     TEACHING METHODS               VERIFICATION             BIBLIOGRAPHY
The student has to achieve these        - Health as a dynamic, individual, multidimensional   Interactive frontal teaching   Written test with open   M.Gulanick, J.Myers “Piani
goals /target                             and social process in current demographic,social,   methodology                    and closed questions     di assistenza
He has to reach the knowledge             legislative and health policy scenarios.            (Classroom lessons).                                    infermieristica”CEA
related to the epidemiological
aspects, the methodologies and          - Priority health problems
models of intervention for the                                                                                                                        Brunner-Suddarth
promotion of health, health             -Public health models and reference                                                                           “Infermieristica medico –
education for the individual and the     figure                                                                                                       chirurgica” vol. 1 e 2 CEA

                                        - health care education , prevention, screening                                                               Craven Hirnle “Principi
                                          and vaccines                                                                                                fondamentali dell’assistenza
                                                                                                                                                      infermieristica” vol. 1 e 2

                                        - family nurses, community,                                                                                   Mortari I., Filosofia della
                                          prison ( the healthcare                                                                                     cura, Raffaello Cortina
                                          assistant of the family,                                                                                    Editore, 2015
                                          community, prison).
                                                                                                                                                      J.F. D'Ivernois. R.
                                                                                                                                                      Gagnayre. Educare il
                                        - Diagnostic notes NANDA on                                                                                   paziente . Un approccio
                                          health and wellness                                                                                         pedagogico. Mc Graw-

                                        - Culture, health and wellness

                                        - Health Literacy
TEACHING PROGRAM : Clinical Science of the infant-maternal area

Year of study: second

Semester: second

Total credits: 3

Teaching Program          Scientific disciplinary sector   Modules                               Professor          Locality/   CFU   Hours
Clinical Science of the   MED/45                           nursing of the infant-maternal area   Solaroli Manuela   RN          3     36
infant-maternal area

                                                                                                 Spiga Martina      CE
Contents of teaching: nursing of the infant-maternal area

TRAINING GOALS                         PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                            TEACHING METHODS              VERIFICATION                BIBLIOGRAPHY
The student has to achieve these       Obstetrical-ginecological area                                -Classroom lessons            Written and oral             “Con ragione e
goals/target.                                                                                                                      assessment of               sentimento . Le cure
He/She has to reach the knowledge         - Birth Path                                               -Tutorials on the proportions knowledge                   neonatali a sostegno dello
related to the child care, help the                                                                  for the administration of     The total time agreed       sviluppo”.Grazia Colombo
family with the taking charge of the      - Definition of: physiological pregnancy ,                 drugs                         for the exam is of 30       Biomedia, 2011
child and recognize the priority            pregnancy at risk                                                                      minutesfor the written
health problems of the infant-                                                                       -Analysis of clinical cases   test and 10 minutes for     “Assistenza infermieristica
maternal area.                            - Nursing care to the woman with: gestational                                            the oral examination        in pediatria”. Seconda
The educational and preventive              diabetes and gravid hypertension, detachment of          - Evaluation during the path which includes the           edizione. P. Badon, S.
aspects are of primary importance in        placenta and placenta previa, twin pregnancy,                                          calculation of a            Cesaro. Casa editrice
this area.                                  maternal fetal incompatibility , premature rupture of                                  pharmacological             Ambrosiana 2015.
The student is able to identify , plan      the membranes (PROM), miscarriage, voluntary                                           proportion
and evaluate the assistance                 interruption of pregnancy IVG.                                                         The assessment is           “Assistenza infermieristica e
interventions and collaborates with                                                                                                based on the analysis of    ostetrica in area materno-
the other professionals in the            - Neonatal care in the delivery room: APGAR index,                                       a clinical case, in which   infantile”. Seconda
diagnostic-therapeutic pathways             extrauterine adaptation, early breast feeding .                                        the student must define     edizione . P. Di Giacomo,
and in the educational project.                                                                                                    and develop the main        L.A. Rigon. Casa editrice
                                          - Diagnostic and prenatal screening : trisomi 18-21,                                     nursing diagnoses,          Ambrosiana. 2016
                                            neural tube defects                                                                    describing the nursing
                                                                                                                                   interventions and the        “Diagnosi infermieristiche
                                           - cord blood donation, Rooming in, postpartum                                           expected outcomes           con NOC e NIC”.J. M.
                                             depression, inflammatory diseases of the breat.                                                                   Wilkinson. Casa editrice
                                                                                                                                                               Ambrosiana 2005
                                       Pediatric- neonatal area
                                                                                                                                                               “Infermieristica in area
                                           - Nursing care to the healthy newborn, hygiene of                                                                   materno-infantile” .G.
                                             the skin and navel, neonatal screening , neonatal                                                                 Marchioni, S. Salerno,
                                             jaundice, breastffeding and artificial , discharge of                                                             S. Scalorbi, P. Quarella.
                                             the newborn,education of the family on the                                                                        McGraw Hill., 2014
                                             management of the newborn at home, sudden
                                             infant death Syndrome SIDS                                                                                        “Diagnosi Infermieristiche.
                                                                                                                                                               Definizione e classificazione
                                           - Classification of newborns                                                                                        2015-2017”. Decima
                                                                                                                                                               edizione. Casa editrice
                                           - Nursing care to the newborn at term in neonatal                                                                   Ambrosiana. 2015
                                             intensive care,respiratory diseases, jaundice,
                                             hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, hypoglycemia,                                                                    “Saturazione sensoriale :
                                             seizure (convulsion ), presence of bacteria or micro                                                              semplice ed efficace contro
                                             organismsin the blood (sepsis), born from a                                                                       il dolore procedurale del
                                             diabetic woman, alcoholic, smoker and toxic addict                                                                neonato”C. V. Bellieni, M. G.
                                                                                                                                                               Alagna, G. Buoncore.
- Nursing care to the premature infant in neonatal        . Dipartimento di Pediatria,
  intensive care , physiological characteristics,         Ostetricia e Medicina
  monitoring of risks and possible complications,         Riproduttiva, Università di
  characteristics of environment of care, the care        Siena.
  and the N.I.D.C.A.P., postural care and cutaneous
  containment, assistance to the newborn in the            “Il trattamento specifico con
  incubator, ROP, NEC,BDS, evaluation and control         emla in pediatria”.
  of pain, communication, involvement and support         Infermiera C. Biavati.
  to the family of the premature neonate, milk bank       Ospedale Sant’Orsola
- Nursing care to the child, Family-centered care,
  reaction of the child to hospitalization, card          “Promozione dell’uso di latte
  (charter) of the rights of the child in the hospital,   materno nelle unità di tin ed
  characteristics of pediatric wards, main pathologies    accesso dei genitori ai
  of the respiratory system, gastroenteritis, fever and   reparti”.Raccomandazione
  febrile convulsions, head trauma, burns, type 1         congiunta di tavolo tecnico
  diabetes, abuse and mistreatment, assessment            operativo
  and control of pain                                     interdisciplinare...ministero
                                                          della salute
- Nursing management of drug therapy in neonatal
  and pediatric fields, dilution of drugs, calculation    “Ridurre il dolore da prelievo
  of drug dosage and administration of therapy            capillare nel neonato:
                                                          confronto tra 6 dispositivi
- Management of vascular systems                          pungidito ( to reduce pain to
                                                          heel prick in newborn :
- surgical path                                           comparison with 6 lancet
                                                          devices)”. G.Ballardini, A.
- Assistance to the oncohematological child               Spruzzola, L.Boneschi,
                                                          R.Visentin, L.Boscardini,
- Planning of nursing care on clinical cases              M.Barbaglia, A.Guala. Ped.
                                                          Med. Chir. (Med. Surg.
                                                          Ped.), 2012, 34: 182-185

                                                           “Protocollo di individualized
                                                          developmental care
                                                          secondo il metodo
                                                          NIDCAP (ALS, H., 2000)”.
                                                          A cura di : N. Bertoncelli,
                                                          Novembre 2008

                                                           Gravidanza fisiologica.
                                                          Aggiornamento 2011.
                                                          Linee Guida nazionali
“L’allattamento al
seno:protezione ,
incoraggiamento e
sostegno. L’importanza del
ruolo dei servizi per la

TEACHING PROGRAM : Mental health sciences

Year of study: third

Semester: First

Total credits: 2

Teaching Program         Scientific disciplinary sector   Modules                      Professor       Locality/   CFU   Hours
Mental health sciences   MED/45                           Nursing of mental health     Pierboni Lara   RN          2     24

                                                                                       Ballanti Luca   CE

Contents of teaching: Nursing of mental health

PREREQUISITES TRAINING GOALS                         PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                        TEACHING               VERIFICATION         BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                                                                                               METHODS                METHODS
Knowledge of        The student has to achieve        - Mental illness: epidemiological, historical and        Interactive frontal  Written test in quiz   Andews G. Hunt C. Jarry
the signs and       these                               legislative aspects.                                   teaching methodology                        M. Morosini        P. Roncone
symptoms of the     goals/target.                                                                              (Classroom lessons).                        R.Ribaldi G.,
main                He/She has to reach the           - Evolution of the nursing profession in the             Analysis of cases                           Disturbi                mentali.
psychiatric         knowledge related to the care       pathological addictions and mental health                                                          Competenze          di    base,
pathologies         of the person and the family        services.                                                                                          strumenti e tecniche per
                    in the context of specific                                                                                                             tutti gli operatori, Ed. Centro
                    priority health problems with     - The department of mental health and                                                                Scintifico Editore,
                    particular regard to the            pathological addictions.                                                                           Torino 2004
                    preventive rehabilitative and
                    educational aspects also          - The main models of reference in the                                                                Barelli P., Spagnoli E.,
                    within the community. The           psychiatric field.                                                                                 Nursing di salute mentale,
                    student develops the                The bio-psycho-social paradigm in the psychiatry                                                   Carocci Faber, Roma, 2004.
                    therapeutic relationship.            of community: psychiatric rehabilitation and the
                    He /She identifies , plans and       concept of recovery.                                                                              Carozza        P., Principi di
                    evaluates assistance                                                                                                                   riabilitazione     psichiatrica,
                    interventions collaborating       - The classification of mental disorders.                                                            Ed. Franco Angeli, Milano
                    with the other professional                                                                                                            2006.
                    figures in the diagnostic-        - The nursing process in the field of mental health
                    therapeutic pathways                and pathological addictions.                                                                       Chiari    P.   Santullo A.,
                                                                                                                                                           L’infermiere case manager
                                                      - Care planning applied to the main clinical cases:                                                  dalla teoria alla prassi, Ed.
                                                        mood disorders, psychotic disorders and anxiety                                                    McGraw Hill,
                                                        disorders.                                                                                         Milano 2011

                                                      - Responsibilities and specific skills of the nurse in                                               Sasso L.,         et       al.,
                                                        pathological addictions and mental health                                                          Infermieristica generale e
                                                        services.                                                                                          clinica per problemi prioritari
                                                                                                                                                           di salute, McGraw         Hill,
                                                      - Taking charge of the person with mental disorder                                                   Milano, 2003
                                                        the role of the team and case manager.
                                                                                                                                                           Straticò E. L’empowerment e
                                                      - The helping relationship and the concept of                                                        i servizi di salute mentale .
                                                        empowerment                                                                                        Manuale per gli operatori.
                                                                                                                                                           Ed.          CIC       Edizioni
                                                      - Principles of nursing in aggressive behavior,                                                      internazionali, Roma 2009.
                                                        suicidal behavior and in substance’s abuse.
                                                       Collaborative problems in the use of psychotropic                                                   Tacchini M.G., Professione
                                                        drugs.                                                                                             infermiere    nei   servizi
Masson, Milano 1998.

                                            Andewws G. Hunt C. Jarry
                                            M. Morosini P. Roncone
                                            R.Ribaldi G.,
                                            Disturbi             mentali.
                                            Competenze       di    base,
                                            strumenti e tecniche per tutti
                                            gli operatori, Ed. Centro
                                            Scientifico Editore, Torino

TEACHING PROGRAM : Critical area Sciences

Year of study: third
Semester: First

Total credits:4

Teaching Program          Scientific disciplinary sector     Modules                          Professor                    Locality/   CFU     Hours
Critical area Sciences    MED/45                             Ethics and deontology            Di Giacomo Patrizia          RN          2       24

                                                                                              Grisanti Erica               CE

                          MED/45                             Nursing of the critical area     Ciurlia Maria Luisa          RN          2       24

                                                                                              Gabetti Annalisa Maria Evy   CE

Contents of teaching: Critical area Sciences

                   The student has to achieve       - Concept of critical area : Nursing care          Interactive frontal          Written test with open M.g. Balzanelli, A.
                   these                                                                               teaching methodology         and closed answers     Gullo     Manuale di
                   goals/target.                     in critical area;                                 (Classroom lessons).         time 30/60 minutes     medicina             di
                   He/She must develop the                                                                                                                 Emergenza e Pronto
                   skills to plan and manage        - The extra- hospital emergency legislative        Discussion of clinical                              Soccorso III edizione
                   the nursing care of a critical     references and the main regional algorithms;     cases.                                              CIC            Edizioni
                   patient                                                                                                                                 internazionali
                                                    - Organizational aspects of the intra and extra    Use of specific videos and
                                                      hospital emergency; the triage process;          movies                                              Roberto,      Cosentini,
                                                                                                                                                           Stefano Aliberti , Anna
                                                    - Nursing care to the person with polytrauma;                                                           Maria Brambilla ABC
                                                                                                                                                           della       ventilazione
                                                    - Nursing care to the person with shock;                                                               meccanica            non
                                                                                                                                                           invasiva in urgenza 2°
                                                    - Nursing care to the person with : SCA, stroke,                                                       edizione Ed McGraw
                                                      pulmonary embolism, acute pulmonary edema,                                                           Hill
                                                      acute BPCO and acute renal failure;
                                                                                                                                                           G.D.             Giusti,
                                                    - Neurological, haemodynamic and respiratory                                                           M.Benetton
                                                      monitoring. EGA                                                                                      Guida al monitoraggio
                                                                                                                                                           in Area Critica
                                                                                                                                                           Maggioli Editore

Contents of teaching: Ethics and deontology
PREREQUISITES TRAINING GOALS                           PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                      TEACHING              VERIFICATION               BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                                                                                               METHODS               METHODS
Contents of the    The student has to achieve           The professional responsibility from the               Interactive frontal   The assessment              Fry S T & Johnstone M.J.
teaching of        these                               application of the rules to ethical and                 teaching              within the integrated      (2004) Etica per la pratica
phylogeny and      goals/target.                       deontological principles.                               methodology           course provides two        infermieristica, Casa editrice
structure of the   He/She has to be able to                                                                    (Classroom            tests:                     Ambrosiana Milano
nursing discilpline.
                   highlight the ethical issues                                                                lessons) on the
                   in situations present in clinical         - Contents, method and tools in nursing           main theoretical       - Ethical analysis of     Cattorini P (2011) Bioetica.
Knowledge of the practice and use ethical and                  responsibility in taking care of and caring     contents.                a clinical case         Metodo e elementi di base per
deontological code deontological references.           for                                                                              according to the        affrontare problemi clinici
of the nurse 2009 The student is also able to                 the person .                                     Analysis of cases        methodology             Elsevier Milano
                   apply the ethical principles                                                                and problems             experimented in
                   and the professional values in            - Normative references based on the               through classroom-       the classroom.          Le cure e la persona:
                   the relationship with the                   professional responsibility of the nurse.       led work and group                               i problemi etici in Di Giacomo
                   person assisted, with                                                                       work with review       - five open questions     P., Rigon L. Assistenza
                   colleagues and in the                   - The deontological codes, with particular          and integration .        on the contents of      infermieristica e ostetrica in
                   different operating settings.             reference to the contents of the                                           the course (related     area materno-infantile 2 ed.
                                                       deontological                                                                    to the code of          Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
                                                             code of the nurse ( IPAVSI 2009 and ICN ):                                 ethics, normative       2016 pp.17-24 (dispensa del
                                                             analysis of values and principles and their                                references, ethical     docente)
                                                             meaning in clinical practice.                                              principles, ethics of
                                                                                                                                        nursing, end-of-life    Mortari L & Saiani L (2013)
                                                                                                                                        decisions,              Gesti e pensieri di cura. Mc
                                                       Ethics and Bioethics                                                             application of          Graw Hill
                                                                                                                                        ethical principles or   Milano
                                                             - The main approaches to ethics, the                                       other specific
                                                               classical ethical theories and the ethical                               topics) with a time     Sala R.(2003) Etica e Bioetica
                                                               principles for the decision making in the                                available of 30         per l’infermiere-capitoli 1,2 e 3
                                                               conflict/ethical dilemma.                                                minutes for the first   Carrocci editore Roma
                                                                                                                                        trial and 30
                                                             - Methodology and tools for ethical analysis                               minutes for the         Sala R. (2014) Filosofia per i
                                                               and the decision-making process in                                       second.                 professionisti della cura
                                                       nursing                                                                          The evaluation is in    Carocci Faber Professioni
                                                               practice between the position of the                                     thirtieths for each     Sanitarie
                                                               professional and the autonomy of the                                     test and each test
                                                       assisted                                                                         must reach at least     Fondazione Lanza
                                                               person.                                                                  18/30 to be             Metodologia dell'analisi etica
                                                                                                                                        considered passed       dei casi clinici. Il Protocollo
                                                             - The current epistemological debate in                                                            della Fondazione Lanza
                                                               bioethics its influences on the life sciences                         The final evaluation is
                                                               and in particular on the beginning and end                            the average of the two     /documenti
                                                       of                                                                            tests.
                                                               life.                                                                 The student can request
                                                                                                                                     an oral examination to  Di Giacomo P, Ferri C, e
                                                             - Ethical aspects of the research and the                               improve the vote or it  Franzini a cura di (2011)
ethics                                                    can be proposed by the         autonomia, competenza,
         committees.                                      teacher if he/she thinks       responsabilità 2 ed.
                                                          it is appropriate to           Coordinamento Collegi
                                                          facilitate the evaluation      IPAVSI Regione Emilia
                                                          of the written test.           Romagna Bologna
The Ethics of “care”                                      In the event that the          escluso Codice Deontologico)
                                                          assessment of one of
         - The ethical principles for practice nursing:   the two tests is               Di Giacomo P.(2008),
           advocacy, competence, cooperation and          insufficient the student       Un’analisi della responsabilità
           caring.                                        can repeat it in the next      infermieristica: riferimenti
                                                          appeal and keep the            normativi e giurisprudenziali
         - The ethical meaning of the gestures of         evaluation of the test         Scenario 25 (3): 35-43
care.                                                     sufficient.
                                                           (valid only for the           Di Giacomo P. (2012)
         - Welfare aspects of ethical significance        calendar year)                 Metodi e strumenti per
aimed                                                                                    l’esercizio della
        at promoting and guaranteeing the                                                responsabilità- area
protection                                                Alternatively, the             infermieristica e ostetrica n
        and security of the patient his autonomy          assessment may                 3/2012 MaPS – Management
and                                                       include a written test         per le professioni sanitarie
        his rights.                                       (5 questions) and an
                                                          oral test, but it will still   ICN Codice deontologico degli
                                                          be presented and               infermieri del consiglio
                                                          agreed in the classroom        internazionali degli infermieri
                                                          with the students.             (ICN) revisione del 2012

                                                                                         Riferimenti bibliografici per

                                                                                         Barbieri G & Pennini A.
                                                                                         (2015) La responsabilità
                                                                                         dell’infermiere 2 ed. Carrocci
                                                                                         editore Roma

                                                                                         Buzzi Elisa (2013) Etica della
                                                                                         cura medica
                                                                                         La scuola editrice Milano

                                                                                         Di Giacomo P. (2012)
                                                                                         Responsabilità professionale
                                                                                         fra integrazione, autonomia e
                                                                                         attribuzione i n 3/2012 MaPS-
                                                                                         Management per le
                                                                                         professioni Sanitarie
Di Giacomo P.,Lami D, Corsi
                                                                                      A.(2010) le decisioni di fine
                                                                                      percezione di medici e
                                                                                      infermieri, Scenario 2, 26-36.

TEACHING PROGRAM : Health Organization and caring processes

Year of study: third

Semester: First

Total credits:4

Teaching Program       Scientific disciplinary sector   Modules   Professor   Locality/     CFU          HOURS
Health Organization         MED/45                                 Introduction to research                        Di Giacomo Patrizia              RN                2           24
and caring processes
                                                                                                                   Ceccarelli Paola                 CE

                            MED/45                                 Organizational models                           Ridolfi Luciana                  RN                2           24

                                                                                                                   Fabbri Cristina                  CE

Contents of teaching: Introduction to research

PREREQUISITES TRAINING GOALS                            PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                     TEACHING METHODS VERIFICATION                          BIBLIOGRAPHY
Knowledge of the      The student has to achieve           - The importance of the research in nursing         Interactive frontal        The assessment, within      Gaeta      L.    (2010)
contents of the       these                                                                                    teaching methodology       the integrated course,      Lettura critica degli
modules of            goals/target.                        - Purposes and areas of the nursing research        (Classroom lessons)        includes one of the 2       studi     clini,   Aras
Evidence applied      He/She has to acquire                                                                    Presentation of            underlying proposals, to    edizioni, Fano
to the nursing        knowledge and skills related         - Identification of the problems from which it is   problems in plenary;       be shared in the
practice and of the   to the research process and            possible to formulate research questions in       individual exercises/in    classroom:                  Polit, DF & Beck, CT
statistics and        to the main study drawings;            the field of nursing                              pairs in the computer                                  trad it a cura di Palese
computer                                                                                                       room.                                                  A. 2 ed. Fondamenti di
laboratory.           He /She must possess tools       - Introduction to the degree thesis                     Work in small groups       Bibliographic research      ricerca infermieristica.
                      and methods for choosing the                                                             with sharing in plenary.   report on a                 McGraw Hill Milano
                      thesis topic and the                                                                                                specific PICOS
                      subsequent elaboration.      The research process                                                                   identified by the teacher   Sironi C.Introduzione
                                                                                                                                          on a shared scheme in       alla            ricerca
                      The student is able to identify      - knowledge of the research process and of the                                 the                         infermieristica . 1°
                      possible problems and                  main research methods and designs available                                  classroom;                  edizione.
                      research hypotheses in the             in the literature.                                                                                       Capitoli : Torino:Casa
                      field of nursing.                                                                                                                               editrice Ambrosiana,
                                                           - The research process and its phases                                                                      2010
                      The student knows how to                                                                                            elaboration of a
read, evaluate and use the         - Hypothesis and research’s question (PICOS)           synthesis respect to the
research for the purposes of                                                              specific research          Fain J.A. La ricerca
its application in nursing     The main research drawings and their                       question on a              infermieristica        :
practice and the elaboration   characteristics                                            predefined scheme and      leggerla, comprenderla
of ones thesis.                                                                           shared in the              e     applicarla.     2°
                                    - The research protocol                               classroom.                 edizione.        Milano:
                                                                                                                     McGraw-Hill,       2004
                                    - Research methods                                                               Fondamentale

                                    - Secondary literature: systematic reviews                                       The      chapters       of
                                                                                                                     interest of the indicated
                                    - The qualitative research                                                       texts will be indicated
                                                                                                                     by the teacher during
                                    - Ethical aspects in research                                                    the lesson

                                    - Use the search
                                                                                                                     * Ulteriori riferimenti
                                    - Reading, evaluation and use of research                                        bibliografici/pubblicazio
                                                                                                                     ni saranno fornite dai
                                    - Bibliographic research                                                         docenti

                                    - Critical analysis of a scientific article

                               The research project

                                    - Preparation of a coherent and consistent
                                      research project, developing in particular the
                                      structure of the literature revision, oriented to
                                      the degree thesis

                                    - Methodology to develop a literature review

                                    - Elaboration of a summary
Contents of teaching: Organizational and management models of assistance

PREREQUISITES TRAINING GOALS                          PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                  TEACHING METHODS VERIFICATION                  BIBLIOGRAPHY
Main normative       The student has to achieve          - The Hospital and territorial health organization Interactive frontal    Written assessment    Santullo A. L’infermiere e
references           these                                                                                  teaching methodology   test with closed      le innovazioni in sanità 2°
concerning the       goals/target.                       - The structure of usl Romagna:                    (Classroom lessons)    answer.               ed. McGraw Hill Milano,
health profession:   He/She must know and be               The Nursing/technique Management of the                                                       2005-Cap.9,10
                     able to identify the main             company;                                                                n. 15 questions + 1
Professional         models of nursing care                                                                                        supplementary         Pennini A. Modelli
profile of the       management and the various          - hints of accreditation / certification;                                 question valid for    organizzativi in ambito
nurse;               organizational possibilities                                                                                  praise, with n. 4     ospedaliero . Innovare
                     that can affect the quality of      - The organizational models of assistance:                                possible choices.     con l’intensità di cura e la
Deontological        the care process                      functional and professional:case                                                              complessità
code of the nurse                                          management, CCM, primary nursing, model                                                       assistenziale . McGraw
2009,           L.   The student must acquire              for intensity/complexity of care;                                                             Hill Education, 2015-
42/1999;        L.   knowledge on the                                                                                                                    Cap.3, 4
251/2001;       L.   governance and outcome of           - Intermediate care, Health houses, nucleus of
43/2006.             the health professions                primary care                                                                                  Santullo A. Le scale di
                                                                                                                                                         valutazione in sanità 1°
1°-2°-3°             He/She has to know the                                                                                                              ed. McGraw Hill 2009
Health Reform        responsibility in the               - Social-health integration;                                                                    Milano-Cap. 1
                     management and use of the
main information tools;        - The components of the organizational models      Calamandrei C.,
nursing folder and               of nursing care:roles and functions, tools for   Orlandi C. - La dirigenza
assessment scales                integration, methods and tools for measuring     infermieristica. Manuale
                                 the intensity and complexity of care;            per la formazione
The student must also know                                                        dell'infermiere con
the Nursing Organization and   - Main aspects of the CCNL considering the         funzioni manageriali, 2°
the contractual and              new regulatory aspects;                          ed. McGraw Hill,
management aspects                                                                Milano 2015
                               - The concept of professional competence
                                 and the supporting tools; the path of the new    CCNL Maggio 2018
                                 employee;                                        -Contratto Collettivo
                                                                                  Nazionale del Lavoro
                               - The employment relationship in the public        -Comparto Sanità
                                 sector: access to public fixed-term and
                                 permanent employment, the disciplinary           Formazione continua-
                                 responsibility, the evaluation.                  Accordo Stato-Regione
                                                                                  Febbraio 2017
                               - The employment relationship and the main
                                 regulatory aspects concerning working hours;     L. 151/2001 – Testo unico
                                                                                  delle disposizioni
                               - The continuing education: the state-region       legislative in materia di
                                 agreement year 2017;                             tutela e sostegno della
                                                                                  maternità e della paternità

                                                                                  D.P.R. 2013, N.62 –
                                                                                  Codice di comportamento
                                                                                  dei dipendenti pubblici

                                                                                  D.Lgs. 30 marzo 2001, n.
                                                                                  165 – Norme generali
                                                                                  sull’ordinamento del
                                                                                  lavoro alle dipendenze
                                                                                  delle amministrazioni

Teaching Program   Scientific disciplinary sector   Modules                                     Professor       Locality/   CFU   hours
Nursing of pain    MED/45                           NURSING AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY AND           Dradi Umberta   RN          2     24
                                                    PALLIATION AREA (C.I) (integrated course)
TRAINING GOALS                     PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                                  TEACHING METHODS VERIFICATION METHODS                          BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                         1. Nursing of pain.                           nteractive frontal        Mid-term evaluation: multiple   Guido Orlandini La semeiotica
The student has to achieve these         2. The right not to suffer                    teaching methodology      choice tests and open questions del dolore 2° edizione Antonio
goals/target.                            o national and regional legislation           (Classroom lessons)                                       Delfino Editore
He/She must know the                     o responsibility of the nurse
pathophysiological mechanisms in         3. Pathophysiology of pain                    Clinical case discussion Final verification: multiple choice
the transmission of pain and/or its      4. Classification and characteristics of                               test
manifestations and must                      pain                                                                                                     RFCraven C J Hirnle
understand the peculiarity and role      5. The pain management process and                                                                           “Principi di fondamentali
of the nurse in the palliativecare  relationship with the nursing care process:                                                                       dell'assistenza “Volume 1
system.                                                                                                                                               capitolo 11;Volume 2 Capitolo
The student must be able to plan         o   ascertainment
nursing care for the person with         o   treatment                                                                                                RNAO Assessment &
pain, to deepen the different            o   documentation                                                                                            management of pain
strategies in the pharmacological        o   Evaluation of efficacy and side effects                                                                  novembre 2002 e
and non-pharmacological                                                                                                                               aggiornamenti successivi
treatment of acute and chronic                                                                                                                        traduzione italiana a cura
pain.                                    6. Care specificities in pain management                                                                     Centro EBN Sant Orsola
The student has also to know the         o    oncologic                                                                                               Malpighi
aids used in analgesic therapy.          o   in the elderly
                                         o   in the child
                                         o   Post operative and procedural                                                                            M Ercolani L Pasquini La
                                         7. management of the pain in an                                                                              percezione del dolore Il Mulino
emergency / urgency                                                                2007

                                                                                                                      GFT”Il triage infermieristico”
                                                                                                                      terza edizione Mc Graw Hill

                                                                                                                      Diagnosi infermieristiche :
                                                                                                                      definizione e classificazione

Teaching Program        Scientific disciplinary   Modules                             Professor           Locality/   CFU             hours
                        sector                                                                            district
Nursing profession of   MED/45                    NURSING AND CLINICS OF INFECTIONS   Solaroli Emanuela   RN          2               24
the malnutrition                                  RELATED TO ASSISTANCE AND SKIN
                                                  PATHOLOGIES C.I.
TRAINING GOALS                         PROGRAM/COURSEWORK                 TEACHING METHODS                    VERIFICATION METHODS                  BIBLIOGRAPHY
The student has to achieve these       Role, competences and nursing      The course consists of 2 CFU,       The assessment of the knowledge       Nutrizione clinica M. Elia, O
goals/target.                          organizational models for the      corresponding to 24 hours.          acquired by the student will be       Ljungqvist, R. J. Stratton,
He/She must acquire specific           management of malnutrition, with                                       carried out in writing.               S.A Lanham- New, Casa Editrice
knowledge and general principles       particular reference to:           The lessons will take place in the                                        Ambrosiana, 2018
relating to the role of the nurse in        1. Nutrition                  classroom with the proposal of      The total time agreed for the
nutrition and in the management of      o Nutritional needs               audiovisual materials and practical examination is 30 minutes.            Craven Principi fondamentali
his alterations.                        o Effects of the route of         exercises.                                                                dell'Assistenza infermieristica,
                                          administration on nutritional                                       The exam mark/vote will be            Terza Edizione , Volume 2, Casa
The student must develop                  needs                           During the lessons, case analyzes calculated in thirtieths (the exam is   Editrice Ambrosiana, 2007
operational, intellectual and           o nutritional screening tools     and group work will be carried out considered positively passed
problem solving skills in the           o Ascertainment and nutritional   to facilitate the development of    starting from 18/30).                 Saiani L Trattato di cure
prevention, early detection and           screening tools                 care planning skills.                                                     infermieristiche, Editore: Idelson-
treatment of malnutrition.              o Anthropometric measurement                                          The evaluation will be based on       Gnocchi
                                          systems                                                             the analysis of a clinical case, in   (
He/She has to acquire He must           o Education, health promotion                                         which the student will have to        bri/editore-Idelson-Gnocchi-
acquire nursing skills in the             and counseling                                                      define and develop the main           idelson-gnocchi.htm), Seconda
management of patients                  o Nutrition in the elderly                                            nursing diagnoses, describing the     Edizione, 2014
undergoing artificial, enteral and      o Nutrition in children                                               nursing interventions implemented
parenteral nutrition                    o Cystic fibrosis                                                     as well as the expected outcomes.     Linee guida SINPE per la
                                        o Excess malnutrition: obesity                                                                              Nutrizione Artificiale Ospedaliera
                                        o Hydroelectrolytic balance
o Fasting                             Guida alla compilazione del MNA,

    2. Malnutrition
o Metabolic syndrome
o Food disorders
o Anorexia
o Bulimia
o Compulsive eating disorder
o Adverse food reactions
o Ethics and Nutrition
o Nutritional support
o Artificial nutrition:NPT
o Device management
o Administration procedures,
  surveillance and conservation
  of mixtures.
  Nursing skills in the prevention,
  early detection and treatment
  of malnutrition in some
  prevalent chronic diseases with
  a high health impact:
o Gastrointestinal tract disorders
o Liver pathologies
o Pancreatic pathologies
o Kidney diseases
o Lung diseases
o Infectious pathologies
o Cardiovascular diseases
o Oncological pathologies
o Hematological pathologies
o Immune system impairment
o Musculoskeletal system
o Nutrition in surgery and trauma
Teaching Program          Scientific disciplinary sector   Modules                                  Professor                        Locality/       CFU            hours
Nursing profession      MED/45                             NURSING PROFESSION AND CLINIC            Lorella Fabbri                   RN              2              24
related to the care and                                    OF INFECTIONS RELATED TO THE
skin pathologies                                           CARE AND SKIN PATHOLOGIES

The student has to achieve             1.   Epidemiology of ICA (care-related infections) Presentation of slides in   Profit exam, written with    Le principali linee
these                                       with reference also to skin and soft tissue   power point format          multiple choice questions,   guida/documenti di riferimento dei
goals/target.                               infections; diagnosis criteria according to                               together with the other      vari argomenti:
He/She must be familiar with the            ECDC,                                                                     subjects belonging to the
epidemiological aspects of care-       2.   Prevention measures and application of the    Clinical cases              integrated course
related infections, precautionary           Bundles for the main ICAs (surgical site                                                               Compendio CCM 2010 Ministero
isolation measures, prevention              infections, bacteremia and sepsis related                                                              salute
and application measures of                 intravascular device, urinary tract infections, Simulations
bundles for the main ICAs.                  related bladder catheter, VAP                                                   Linee Guida OMS-Clean care-
The student must identify, plan        3.   Patients colonized / infected with multi drug                                   Igiene mani versione italiana
and evaluate care interventions             resistant microorganisms (MDR): CRE,
in managing the patient with                MRSA, ESBL, Acinetobacter, Clostridium
care-related infection.                     difficile; measures to prevent the spread of                                    Raccomandazioni MRSA
                                            transmission and welfare aspects for the                                        Ministero salute
                                            management of colonized / infected patients
                                       4.   Role and precautions in the use of                                              Indicazioni sui CRE Ministero
                                            detergents and antiseptics for intact skin and                                  salute e RER
                                            damaged skin (infant / child, adult);
                                       5.   Methods of carrying out blood culture, urine                                    Memo 6 Antisepsi e disinfezione
                                            culture aimed at preventing contamination of                                    RER
                                            the sample
                                       6.   Precautionary measures of standard and                                          Definizioni e criteri di infezione
                                            contact insulation                                                              delle ICA ECDC
                                       7.    Nursing diagnoses NANDA; NIC; NOC;
                                            (NNN) concerning the compromise of skin                                         Dossier 190 Infezioni delle vie
                                            integrity and the risk of infection                                             urinarie RER
                                       8.   Some particular conditions of skin infections
                                            and transmissible parasitosis: scabies,                                         Dossier 123 Epidemie di infezioni
                                            pediculosis, chickenpox zooster,                                                correlate RER
                                            aspergillosis; transmission prevention and
                                            control measures

Teaching Program         Scientific disciplinary      Modules                                   Professor       Locality/     CFU                 hours
                         sector                                                                                 district
Holistic Nursing         MED/45                       HOLISTIC NURSING AND MEDICAL              Ciani Giorgia   RN            2                   24
                                                      HUMANITIES C.I.
The student has to achieve these      Complexity of human being-          Active teaching                       Written test           La testa ben fatta E. Morin; 20
goals/target.                         Holism                              (brainstorming, classroom                                    Raffaello Cortina Editore
He/She must be able to describe                                           exercises, lectures, case analysis,
the philosophical, epistemological    - Outline: Systemic theories,       group work.
and psychological bases of holistic   Complexity                                                                                       L'infermiere di famiglia L.Sass
nursing, their connection with                                                                                                         Gamberoni, A. Ferraresi, L.Tib
modern sciences, nursing and           - Comparing models: biomedical,                                                                 ;2005 Mc Graw-Hill
complementary therapies.              biopsychosocial, holistic
                                                                                                                                       Al di là delle cure. Interventi
The student must describe the        - The holistic approach in nursing                                                                complementari e di supporto
methodologies and tools applied to                                                                                                     oncologia. P.Pantaleo 2011
the fields of communication,       Taking charge-empathic and                                                                          Edizioni Franco Angeli
relationship, conscious presence   therapeutic relationship
aimed at enhancing personal
development and awareness in                                                                                                           “Curare chi non può guarire;
taking charge and helping            - Taking charge (care process,                                                                    Hospice:cure palliative a
relationship within multi-         difficult discharge)                                                                                approccio multidisciplinare”
professional operating contexts.                                                                                                       G. Cavicchioli, Edizioni Franco
                                     - Teamwork: multi-professional                                                                    Angeli 2015.
The student must describe the      integration tools
methodologies, the assumptions,
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