GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund

Page created by Bernard Klein
GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund

       Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018
        Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019


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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
1.      Introduction to PROCESS ................................................................................................................ 4
     1.1       About the Research Centres ................................................................................................... 5
     1.2 PROCESS AND MSCA ..................................................................................................................... 6
     1.3 Indicative Timeline for Calls for Proposals .................................................................................... 6
     1.4.      Training & Development Opportunities through PROCESS .................................................... 7
        1.4.1.         Secondment to Industry.................................................................................................. 7
2.      About the PROCESS Fellowships ..................................................................................................... 7
        Duration of the Fellowships ............................................................................................................ 7
        2.1. Eligibility Requirements ........................................................................................................... 7
3.      Applying to PROCESS..................................................................................................................... 11
     Publication of Call for Proposals ....................................................................................................... 12
        The Proposal ................................................................................................................................. 13
        PROCESS strongly recommends all applicants to submit at least 24 hours ahead of the call
        deadline. ....................................................................................................................................... 13
        Eligibility Screening ....................................................................................................................... 13
        International Peer-Review Evaluation .......................................................................................... 13
        Invitations to Interview and the Interview Process ...................................................................... 14
        Final Funding Decision .................................................................................................................. 15
        Redress Process............................................................................................................................. 15
4.      Employment as a PROCESS fellow ................................................................................................ 15
     4.1 Visa information for non-EU/EEA researchers............................................................................ 15
     4.2 Financial aspects ......................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A: Templates for PROCESS Proposal ..................................................................................... 17
Appendix B: User Guide for Submission on SULIS portal ...................................................................... 36

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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
Pease read this document CAREFULLY before registering as an applicant
                          Important Dates

      Application deadline Call 1      4 March 2019 11.59h Irish Standard Time (IST)
      Peer review                      March/April 2019
      Interviews*                      June 2019
      Fellowships Start in UL          1st October 2019
                *Please note these dates are indicative and subject to change.*

        Revision History

        Version 1.0                        Released on Call 1 open date, 4th December 2018

                                         This project has received funding from the European
                                         Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation
                                         programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant
                                         agreement No. 801165



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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
1. Introduction to PROCESS
The overarching research theme of PROCESS is Advanced Manufacturing of high value-added products
and engineering solutions for related industries, with emphasis on particulate product processing for
new products within the dairy and pharmaceutical sectors. During the programme (2018-2023), 26
postdoctoral fellowships will be offered in a broad range of research areas incorporating, but not
limited to, process modelling and integrated process control, Process Analytical Technologies (PAT),
heat, mass and momentum transfer, hybrid processing and subsequent smart data management, to
promote processing agility and flexibility within an Industry 4.0 framework. Each 2-year fellowship
will consist of three phases: an initial phase at UL, a mandatory secondment period in the non-
academic sector between 3-6 months (may be international), and a final return phase at UL.
Secondments must be relevant to the Fellow’s research project and to his/her own career

PROCESS will adhere to the COFUND principle of “individual-driven mobility” meaning that applicants
will have the freedom to choose their research project within the wide interdisciplinary research areas
of the three Centres, their supervisor and secondment organisation. All fellows will be based in
Ireland at the University of Limerick and must select a supervisor affiliated with one of the three
research centres. Projects proposing fundamental or applied research will be eligible, and inter-or
multi-disciplinary proposals are strongly encouraged.

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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
The broad themes within PROCESS are listed in the figure below. If you are interested in applying but
are unsure about where your research may fit, please email to register your
interest and seek clarification.

1.1 About the Research Centres
Three world-leading and complementary Centres, headquartered at UL, form the PROCESS
Fellowship Programme, namely the Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre (SSPC), the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology Centre (PMTC), and the
Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC),

                        The SSPC is a global hub of Pharmaceutical Process Innovation and Advanced
                        Manufacturing, and is a unique collaboration between 24 industry partners,
                        9 research-performing organisations (RPOs) and 12 international academic
                        collaborators. It is the largest research collaboration in Ireland with total
                        research income of >€65m, and is one of the largest globally within the
                        pharmaceutical area, supporting 43 post-docs and 60 PhD students.

                        The DPTC’s research agenda is driven by the long-term growth opportunities
                        for the dairy sector. DPTC has a total research income of >€25m funding 30
                        post-docs, and focuses on cost competitiveness in dairy processing, process
                        quality and safety by design, and environmental sustainability towards a zero
                        emissions Irish dairy industry. The DPTC has 8 industry partners and 9 RPOs.

                        The PMTC is focused on pharmaceutical process innovation, advanced
                        manufacturing, rapid micro-analytical techniques, control of continuous
                        processing, soft-sensor modelling tools and active pharmaceutical
                        ingredients (API) real-time release. The total research income to date is
                        >€11m with 32 industry partners and 8 RPOs.

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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
The PROCESS Fellowship Programme is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND
action (MSCA) led by three Research Centres hosted at the University of
Limerick: Synthesis and Solid State Pharmaceutical Centre, which is funded
by Science Foundation Ireland, the Dairy Processing Technology and the
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology Centre, both Enterprise Ireland
technology centres. Candidates awarded a PROCESS fellowship will have the
opportunity to develop their research activities at these Research Centres
whilst gaining the long-term benefits of being part of the prestigious group of
MSCA fellows.

The MSCA, and through it the PROCESS Programme, aims to provide researchers with the necessary
skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or the private sector.
The MSCA programme responds to the challenges sometimes faced by researchers, offering them
attractive working conditions and the opportunity to move between academic and other settings.

                       A cutting-edge research environment to develop PROCESS researchers as the
  PROCESS              scientific leaders of tomorrow
    will               High quality, researcher-specific scientific training to Fellows to make sure they
  provide:             have the skills to meet their career goals
                       Excellent training in transferable skills
                       Industry-specific training and placements in the dairy and pharmaceutical
                       sectors. This is a unique opportuntity for PROCESS fellows.
                       An attractive and supportive working environment

1.3 Indicative Timeline for Calls for Proposals

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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
1.4. Training & Development Opportunities through PROCESS

Like all MSCA actions, PROCESS will focus on the career development of its fellows. Formal structures
are in place to support this training such as a support committee composed of a formal supervisor and
a non-academic supervisor.

In most cases, the non-academic supervisor will be an experienced industrialist based in one of the
industry partner companies and who will host the fellow during the mandatory secondment period.
For those choosing an international secondment outside of Ireland, a different non-academic
supervisor may be selected with the approval of the academic supervisor.

PROCESS fellows will also develop a unique Career Development Plan (CDP) at the start of the
fellowship that includes plans for technical and non-technical training, with advice and support from
their supervisors. The Career Plan will be reviewed quarterly to ensure the training needs for the
fellow are met.

The University of Limerick will also provide opportunities for further career and training mentoring
through its Centre for Teaching and Learning and Graduate Studies Office. For example, the mentoring
scheme links fellows with other members of staff to provide additional support, informal meetings on
a one-to-one basis to share experiences and to offer advice at from the viewpoint of different career

    1.4.1. Secondment to Industry

Training and development is not restricted to the laboratory or the classroom. PROCESS supports
career development that provides fellows a number of experiences, including a 3-6 month mandatory
secondment to industry. This is a unique opportunity for fellows to pair their research interests with
real-life, current research challenges. Working side-by-side with industrialists enables the fellow to
put research into practice and widens their professional networks. The SSPC, PMTC and DPTC all have
strong ties to industry across the PROCESS research themes. A letter of support from industry to host
the secondment is required as part of the application, and the proposed supervisor should assist the
applicant in securing this before submission.

Career development opportunities will also be provided through ‘Meet the Industry’ events where
fellows can engage with members of partner companies where networking and workshop activities
with a goal to facilitate new ideas and collaborations.

    2. About the PROCESS Fellowships
Duration of the Fellowships
Each fellowship will be funded for a period of 24 months. In this time, the fellow will conduct a
research project and a mandatory secondment to industry.

2.1. Eligibility Requirements
2.1.1 Eligibility of Applicants (all criteria must be met).

       Researchers can be of any nationality.
       At the close of Call 1 (4 March 2019), the applicant must meet the requirements of an MSCA
        ‘experienced researcher’. An experienced research is one who is in possession of a doctoral
        degree or with at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience at the time of
        the PROCESS Call 1 deadline (4 March 2019).

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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
o   There will be three application categories: general applications, career restart, and
                reintegration applications. A relaxed mobility requirement applies to applicants who
                fall under the career restart and reintegration categories.
            o   General Fellowship Applicants are those who do not meet the Career Restart or
                Reintegration Fellowships. General Fellowship applicants must come from outside of
                the Republic of Ireland to meet mobility requirements, as required by H2020 rules.
                This means General Fellowship Applicants must not have resided or carried out their
                main research activity in the Republic of Ireland for more than 12 months in the 3
                years prior to the PROCESS Call 1 deadline (4 March 2019).

Please Note: Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays should not be taken into
account when calculating the mobility timeframes.
                               Table 1 Criteria for Mobility for PROCESS Fellows

         Research                 Application                 Additional Eligibility            Mobility
        Experience                 Category                       Considerations             Requirement
                              General                        Not applicable                Applicants may
                                                                                           not have resided
                                                                                           or carried out
 All incoming fellows                                                                      their main activity
 must be in possession of a                                                                (e.g. work, study)
 PhD degree or have at                                                                     in the Republic of
 least four years full-time                                                                Ireland for more
 equivalent research                                                                       than 12 months in
 experience.                                                                               the 3 years
                                                                                           immediately prior
                                                                                           to the call
                              Career Restart                 In order to be considered
                                                             within the ‘Career
                                                             Restart’ category, the
                                                             applicant must have           Applicants may
                                                             undertaken a career break     not have resided
                                                             in research (i.e. he/she      or carried out
                                                             must not have been active     their main activity
                                                             in research for at least 12   (e.g. work, study)
                                                             months immediately prior      in the Republic of
                                                             to the call deadline).        Ireland for more
                              Reintegration                  In order to fall within the   than 3 years in the
                                                             ‘Reintegration’ category,     5 years
                                                             the applicant must be a       immediately prior
                                                             national or long-term         to the call
                                                             resident of an EU MS or       deadline.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst a relaxed mobility rule applies for candidates who fall under the career
restart/reintegration category, there will only be one selection process for all applications (i.e.
separate selection panels will not exist for career restart/reintegration applications). All applications
will be assessed under the same selection process.

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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
Equal Opportunities

PROCESS will provide clear and transparent information for all potential applicants. The University of
Limerick is an equal opportunities institution and welcomes applications from a diverse range of
groups. Through its equal opportunities policy, UL will not discriminate on grounds such as gender,
civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race, or membership of travelling
community. Applicant researchers with disabilities will be facilitated by the Disability Support Services
at UL, where required.

UL has recently been designated a “University of Sanctuary”, which commits UL to an action plan with
a focus on encouraging, promoting and enabling refugees and asylum seekers to access third-level
education. Dedicated support services will be offered to such candidates, including the following

1) the option for the candidate to submit an application by post where online applications would not
be possible;

2) revised application of eligibility criteria to ensure researchers who have suspended their activities
while seeking refugee status are not disadvantaged, e.g., not counting as residency the time spent by
applying for refugee status in Ireland;

3) additional supports during the Fellows integration phase including the 1:1 support of the PROCESS
Researchers at Risk
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) enable displaced researchers moving to Europe to continue their
careers through the provision of funding and support.

As a MSCA programme, PROCESS will support applications from researchers who are at risk/who are displaced
by conflict, or whose situation makes it difficult for them to pursue their research careers. Support will be
provided on a case-by-case basis, both during the application process and during the fellowship programme.

Available support may include:

       Application submission by post where online application requirements may discriminate against the
        researcher’s circumstances.
       Application of the eligibility criteria appropriately to ensure researchers who have suspended their
        activities whilst seeking refugee status are not disadvantaged.
       For applicants who applied for or who are applying for refugee status in Ireland, the time spent in that
        process will not count as time resident in Ireland.

Contact the Programme Manager for further information on any of these options

Gender Equality

                                  The Athena Swan Charter promotes the advancement of women
                                  working in STEMM areas within higher education throughout the UK
                                  and Ireland.

                                UL holds a Bronze Award from Athena SWAN 2015, established to
                                encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of
women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in research.
UL received funding in 2014 for GEM “Gender Equality in Decision-Making” - an EU project supporting

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GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS - 2018 Call 1 Opens: 4 December 2018 Call 1 Closes: 4 March 2019 - PROCESS Cofund
the principles of Athena SWAN and aimed at developing initiatives to support achievement of gender
balance in decision-making roles. All decision makers will be briefed in gender equality, including how
to avoid unconscious gender bias.

2.1.2 Eligibility of Proposals (all criteria must be met).

       All proposals must use the templates provided on the PROCESS website. Other proposal
        formats or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
       A complete application submitted as a single PDF document consists of:
            o   A completed “Part A – Administrative Information” (applicant details, keywords and abstract
                (max. 250 words).
            o   A completed “Part B – Proposal” document (max. 10 pages)
            o   A completed “Part C – CV” document (max. 5 pages)
            o   A completed “Part D- Ethics Self-Assessment” - Applicants will have to provide additional
                information on how they intend to address the potential ethics issues as required by the
                Horizon 2020 Guidance on Ethics Self-Assessment (Version 5.2 or later)2 as part of their
            o   “Part E—A signed Letter of Support from proposed academic supervisor
            o   “Part F”—A signed Letter of Support from proposed non-academic supervisor
            o   “Part G”—Referee Letters (max. 2 letters)
            o   “Part H”—Signed General Data Protection Consent Form

       It is mandatory for the researchers to contact their proposed supervisor and secondment host
        organisation(s), and to obtain their guidance during the proposal preparation stage. The
        researcher is encouraged to work closely with these parties in preparing the proposal.
       It is mandatory for the applicant to contact the PROCESS management team to ensure that
        the project idea fits the remit of the PROCESS programme (
       The main academic supervisor must be a Principal Investigator based at UL in one of the four
        participating Centres: the SSPC, the PMTC or DPTC.
       All applicants must have two supervisors: a main academic supervisor and a secondment
        (non-academic) supervisor. Academic supervisors will assist applicant in securing non-
        academic supervisor.
       All supervisors must align with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the
        Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
       The host organisations for secondments must be involved in activities relevant to the
        proposed research, and with the capacity and infrastructure to train the researcher and
        support the research work.
       Partner organisations for secondments can be located anywhere in the world.
       Total secondment time allowed: 6 months (min. 3 months), which can be divided into shorter
        mobility periods (min. 2 weeks). The secondment should significantly add to the impact of
        the Fellowship.
       Short visits to international collaborators will also be encouraged if they fit with the
        developmental needs of the Fellow and/or research project. Short visits (e.g. for lab work) will
        be distinguished from "secondments" since they have a different nature and pursue different
        objectives. Any work done will be supervised directly by the Fellow’s supervisor.
       Researchers will be required to complete an Ethics Questionnaire to capture any potential
        ethics issue
       The proposal must be in English and contain all requested documentation (see Application
        Documents section 3 Applying to PROCESS)

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    Applications must be submitted through the SULIS platform, except in cases where an
         applicant satisfies the ‘Researchers at Risk’ criteria. To register and obtain a username and
         password for the SULIS platform, please send a request to
        The proposal must be received on or before the call deadline (4 March 2019, 11.59 IST)
        Only one application per applicant may be submitted per call (resubmissions for the second
         call from unsuccessful applicants are encouraged)
        The proposals must adhere to the ethical standards applicable to MSCA
         The proposal must address one or more of the PROCESS themes: process modelling and
         integrated control; PAT; bulk solids processing; heat and momentum transfer; mass transfer
         and physical chemistry and hybrid processing and subsequent smart data

    2.1.3 Research Ethics Requirements
The PROCESS programme will be carried out in compliance with ethical principles (including the highest
standards of research integrity) and applicable international, EU and Irish law.

PROCESS will comply fully with the H2020 ethics policy, including those reflected in the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the EU and the European Convention on Human Rights and its supplementary
protocols. The programme will not fund:

              o     Research activities aiming at human cloning for reproductive purposes,
              o     Research activity intended to modify the genetics of human beings that could make such
                   changes inheritable,
              o    Research activities intended to create human embryos for the purpose of research or for
                   stem cell procurement.

Prior to the start of the fellowships, all projects will require formal ethical approval from the relevant host
university’s ethics committee.

    3. Applying to PROCESS

Figure 1 Summary of Call for Fellowships: Steps from Application to Fellowship Offer

Researchers should register interest in the PROCESS programme well in advance of the call deadline
to confirm eligibility and alignment to the research remit. To do so, please submit a PROCESS
Applicant Registration form, which can be found on the website.

Once registered, you will receive a username and temporary password to the submission portal:

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The following sections provide an indicative timeline and steps involved from preparation of the
proposals to the fellowship start date. Please consult the PROCESS website (www.process- for updates to this Guide for Applicants, as well as information posted on the FAQ and
News sections for the latest application information.

                •Check your eligibility
                •Register your interest in PROCESS by completing a PROCESS
                 Applicant Registration Form
                 (Abstract and Keywords required)
                •Contact your preferred academic supervisor(s) from our list of
                 PROCESS PIs
                •Start preparing your proposal and CV
                •Contact the PROCESS team to ensure that your proposed research
                 idea fits within the PROCESS theme.
                •Work with your proposed academic supervisor to contact and
                 obtain the support of your preferred non-academic secondment
                •Obtain Letters of Support from your proposed academic supervisor
                 and secondment host(s)
                • Obtain 2 referee letters
                •Submit your application (Parts A-H) on the SULIS platform in
                 advance of the deadline.
                •Sections A and H should be submitted as separate PDFs.
                 Sections B-G should be submitted as a single PDF.

                    HOW DO I GET STARTED WITH AN
                      APPLICATION TO PROCESS?

Publication of Call for Proposals

Call 1 for PROCESS will open on 4 December 2018. The call will close 4 March 2019, 11.59h Irish
Standard Time (IST).

The PROCESS website ( will also launch on 4 December 2018 and will
provide information about PROCESS, the research centres, the participating Principal Investigators
(PIs) and all application documents and templates.

Applicants should contact the PROCESS team any time during the open call period with questions
on the PROCESS programme, relevant documentation, eligibility or accessing the SULIS platform.

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The Proposal
Once you have confirmed your eligibility and research alignment, you should begin preparing the
research proposal. Please note that it is your responsibility to contact the PROCESS academic
supervisor to discuss your proposal and to gain support for your application. This is important as you
can only submit your fellowship application once such support has been obtained.

It is crucial that you use the templates provided on the PROCESS website. Proposals that do not
use the required template will not be eligible for funding consideration.

PROCESS strongly recommends all applicants to submit at least 24 hours ahead of the call

Eligibility Screening
Following the closing date for Call 1 (4 March 2019), the PROCESS Project Manager will conduct
eligibility screening on all applications received. Eligible applications will be submitted to the
international peer review panel for evaluation.

International Peer-Review Evaluation
Three international experts (based outside Ireland) will be selected by the Programme Committee
from the PROCESS international reviewer database to review each application, and will be allocated
based on a good match between the proposal topic and the expertise of the reviewer. The panels
will be balanced in terms of gender and of the relevant academic and non-academic sectors.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
Table 2 Proposal Evaluation Criteria

 Excellence                                         Impact                              Implementation

 Quality and credibility of the                     Enhancing the potential and         Coherence, effectiveness and
 research/innovation project; level of novelty,     future career prospects of the      appropriateness of the work
 appropriate consideration of                       researcher                          plan
 inter/multidisciplinary and gender aspects and
 relevance to the PROCESS research theme.

 Quality and appropriateness of the training and    Quality of proposed exploitation    Appropriateness of the
 of the two-way transfer of knowledge between       and dissemination of results, and   allocation of tasks and
 the researcher, host and industry partner          relevance to industry.              resources

 Quality of the supervision and of the              Quality of the proposed measures    Appropriateness of
 integration in the team/institution of the host,   to communicate the project          management structure and
 secondment host and partners                       activities to different audiences   procedures, including risk

 Capacity of the researcher to reach or reinforce                                       Appropriateness of the
 a position of professional                                                             institutional environment

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Scoring will be awarded as described in Table 3:
Table 3 International Peer Review Scoring

 Score    Description
 0        Proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed owing to missing or incomplete information.
 1        Poor. The criterion is inadequately addressed, or there are serious inherent weaknesses.
 2        Fair. Proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses.
 3        Good. Proposal addresses the criterion well, but a number of shortcomings are present.
 4        Very Good. Proposal addresses the criterion well, but a small number of shortcomings are present.
 5        Excellent. Proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion. Any shortcomings are minor.

The PM will apply weightings to the score awarded by the reviewers following their remote consensus
meeting as summarised in Table 4.
Table 4: Weighting and priority of PROCESS scores

                 Excellence                                     Impact                            Implementation

                                        Weighting and Priority ex aequo of scores

               50% (Priority 1)                            30% (Priority 2)                       20% (Priority 3)

Each proposal will receive a maximum score of 5 from each reviewer. The scores from the 3 reviewers
will be averaged to produce an average review score. The scores for all proposals will be ranked for
selection for interview. There will be no individual criterion threshold, but an overall threshold score
of 70% (3.5/5) will be required to progress to interview stage. Proposals with scores below this will
not proceed.
Reviewers will be asked to provide comments to underpin their scores in a constructive and
transparent manner. The PM will compile a Consensus Report for each proposal containing the scores
and reviewer comments, plus any comments from the Research Ethics Committee.

Invitations to Interview and the Interview Process
Applicants selected for interview will informed via email no later than 10 May 2019 (Call 1).

All interviews will be conducted in English. Interviews may be carried out face-to-face or via video/web
conferencing. No advantage is conferred to those who attend the interview in person.

Important: It is the candidate’s responsibility to organise the necessary web/video conferencing
facilities to participate in remote interview session.

The interview panel will consist of a minimum of 5 members, to include the following (of which at
least 2 international):

   Chair of interview panel: Padraig McPhillips (CEO of DPTC – not directly linked to research projects)
   UL HR Research Administration Officer: Janet Clifford
   Marie Curie-Skłodowska Actions National Expert or NCP (Irish Universities Association)
   Representative from the target PROCESS industry community, e.g. a senior R&D executive
   2 PIs from the Centres not linked to the proposal

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The interview will last 50 minutes, including a 10-minute presentation from the candidate on their
proposal. The presentation should also cover their career development plan and expected impacts.

The remaining time will be used for the panel to ask questions to assess the candidate’s ability,
motivation and suitability. The interviews will take place preferably face-to-face, or via video
conferencing to avoid long-distance travel or other difficult circumstances. The interviewers will assess
the candidate using the same scoring system as for the reviews, and will produce an overall score.

The project manager will compile an Interview Report with the score and any comments from
interviewers. After the interview, the project manager will add up the final weighted score for the
peer review process and the consensus score from the interview. The final mark for the applicant will
therefore be composed equally from the evaluation of the written proposal (50%) and the interview
(50%). This will lead to a final score between 0 (very poor) and 10 (excellent).

Final Funding Decision
Letters of Offer will be issued by the University of Limerick HR Department following the Final
Funding Decision. Acceptance letters must be returned within four weeks of issue. Fellowships
awarded in Call 1 will start 1 October 2019.

Redress Process
All applicants will have recourse to redress. Redress requests can only be made with regard to
procedural issues or perceived incorrect application of eligibility criteria, and not with regard the
scientific judgments of the remote reviewers and members of the interview panels. The PM will
forward the redress requests to the Redress Committee (RC). The RC will either reject or accept it; in
the latter case, a new remote peer review with ethics check and/or interview will be arranged.
Applicants will be informed about the results of redress within 30 days of their request.

The RC will manage redress requests from unsuccessful applicants, made within 30 days of an
evaluation result. The RC will inform applicants of their decision within 30 days.

   MSCA National Contact Point, Ireland
   A Senior Researcher/ Lecturer from UL who is not related to the project
   A representative from UL’s Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation

    4. Employment as a PROCESS fellow
Following approval of the final funding decision, successful candidates will be offered an employment
contract for the duration of the fellowship from the University of Limerick. The fellow will be employed
by his/her host university under the same employment conditions as other externally funded
researchers employed at the university. Applicants wishing to know the terms and conditions
associated with the employment contracts should contact the University of Limerick Human Resource
department. The employment contracts will be in line with Irish Law and the Terms of Employment
(Information) Acts 1994 and 2001.
    4.1 Visa information for non-EU/EEA researchers
   Non-EU/EEA nationals require permission to work and/or study in Ireland. As a PROCESS fellow,
    you will be able to avail of a range of services offered by the EURAXESS office in Ireland. EURAXESS
    provide free advice to researchers and their families coming to work/study in Ireland -information
    on a range of issues and areas affecting researchers, including immigration, visas, employment
    law, healthcare, childcare, social services, and life in Ireland are available.
   Researchers may contact EURAXESS Ireland for guidance. It also operates the Irish Hosting
    Agreement Scheme, which is a visa scheme designed for non-EU/EEA researchers wishing to work

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in Ireland. Under the scheme, visas are issued rapidly and traditional work permits are not
     required. For more details, see the EURAXESS website.

     4.2 Financial aspects
The PROCESS fellows will receive the gross salaries (living and mobility allowance are included)
detailed in table. These figures have been calculated in accordance with the Irish Universities
Association (IUA) researcher salary scale guidelines for start dates in October 2019.

                       Category                                    Gross salary (per annum)

                       Fellow with family1                         €50,421

                       Fellow                                      €47,421

Please note that salaries received by the fellow will be liable for taxes and/or other deductions.
Information on Irish taxation can be found at the Office of Revenue Commissioners website.
Contributions towards the cost of conducting the research (e.g. towards consumables, travel) and
towards the management and training/development activities directly related to the funded research
project will be provided by the PROCESS programme.

1 The programme will apply the family definition as in the MSCA Work Programme 2016-2017: Family is defined as persons
linked to the Fellow by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation
of the country where this relationship was formalised; or (iii) dependent children who are actually being maintained by the
Fellow. Qualification for this allowance is at the time of recruitment.

                                                                                                              Page 16 of 40
Appendix A: Templates for PROCESS Proposal

                          Important Dates

Application deadline Call 1       4 March 2019 11.59h Irish Standard Time (IST)
Peer review                       March/April 2019
Interviews*                       June 2019
Fellowships Start in UL           1st October 2019
          * Please note these dates are indicative and subject to change.*

  Revision History

  Version 1.0                        Released on Call 1 open date, 4th December 2018

                                   This project has received funding from the
                                   European Union's Horizon 2020 research and
                                   innovation programme under the Marie
                                   Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 801165



                                                                                   Page 17 of 40
                                     “PART A”—ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

 Please complete all sections of this form. Do not leave any section blank. If not relevant,
                        please enter ‘N/A’ in the appropriate field.
 NB* Successful candidates will be required to provide documentary evidence to back up
                           the information provided in this form.









 University degree by which you became eligible to pursue a PhD degree

 Degree:                                    Awarding     institute/body
                                            and country:

                                            Date of award (or expected
                                            date of award):


                                                                                Page 18 of 40
                                                   “PART A”—ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

    If claiming 4 years full-time researcher experience

    Date of qualification by which you became                Qualification and Awarding institute/body and country:
    eligible to pursue a doctorate

                     Details of full-time research experience (Please add additional rows, as needed.)

Degree        (s)      Degree and          Awarding                   From:                To:                  Date     of         Duration
obtained    after      details of the      institute and              dd/mm/yyyy           dd/mm/yyyy           award:              of research
the    university      research            country:                                                             dd/mm/yyyy          activities
degree by which        activities                                                                                                   expressed
you      became        carried out:                                                                                                 in months:
eligible       to
pursue a PhD
Doctorate              PhD details:        Awarding                   From:                To:                  Date     of         Duration
                       (e.g. thesis)       institute and              dd/mm/yyyy           dd/mm/yyyy           expected            of research
                                           country:                                                             award:              activities
                                                                                                                dd/mm/yyyy          expressed
                                                                                                                                    in months:

Other research         Position and        Institute/Organisa         From:                To:                                      Duration
experience             details of the      tion and country           dd/mm/yyyy           dd/mm/yyyy                               of research
                       research                                                                                                     activities
                       activities                                                                                                   expressed
                       carried out:                                                                                                 in months:

Applicants may not have resided or carried out their main activity (e.g. work, study) in Ireland for more
than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline2. A relaxed mobility rule applies
for “career-re-start” and “reintegration” applications3. In such cases, applicants may not have resided
or carried out their main activity in Ireland for more than 3 years in the 5 years immediately prior to
the call deadline.

2 Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status (under the
1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 Protocol) are not taken into account. Short stays are characterised by the type of activity rather
than by a specific number of days. A period can only be considered as a short stay if the researcher did not reside or did not have their
main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland during that period (such as holidays).
3 In order to be considered within the “career restart” category, the applicant must have undertaken a career break in research – must not

have been active in research for at least 12 months immediately prior to the call deadline. To be considered within the “reintegration”
category, the applicant must be a national or long-term resident of EU Member States or Associated Countries who wish to return and
reintegrate in a longer-term research position in Europe; the applicant must move or have moved directly to Ireland. Long-term residents
are defined as researchers who spent a period of full-time research activity of at least five consecutive years (without breaks in research)
in one or more Member States or Associated Countries.

                                                                                                                         Page 19 of 40
                                     “PART A”—ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

Please provide details regarding the location of your work/study for the period from 4 March 2016 to
4 March 2019 (include details such as the institution/organisation where you worked/studied,
location and dates; if you resided in different locations during this period please provide details for
each location):


If you wish to be considered under the “career-restart” or “reintegration” application category and
avail of the relaxed mobility rule, please provide the following details:

Did you have a career break in research (e.g. paternal leave, working outside research) for at least 12
months in the last 5 years? (Please use the call deadline as reference date)


Please provide details of any period of inactivity in research: (include dates and nature of activities
undertaken in each period):

Are you a national or long-term resident of an EU member state or associated country who wishes to
return and reintegrate in a longer-term research position in Europe?


If you wish to apply under the reintegration category, please provide details of the research activities
undertaken in EU member states, in associated countries and in countries outside Europe: (include
research institution, dates, position, and country for each period entered):

                                                                                          Page 20 of 40
                                   “PART A”—ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

Please provide details for two referees. Please note referees will only be contacted if you are
successful in obtaining a fellowship offer and once you have provided consent for same.
 Name               Organisation       Email              Phone number       Please explain their
                                                          (include country   relationship to you
                                                          code)              (e.g. supervisor,

                                                                                   Page 21 of 40

                                      Page 22 of 40
                                             “PART B”—PROPOSAL ACRONYM XXXX

Guidelines (shown highlighted in grey throughout this document):

In drafting the proposal, applicants must follow the structure outlined below.
This page and all similar instructions in highlighted italics should be deleted.
    a. The uploaded document must include the proposal title in the header. Applicants must use the
       following formatting constraints: Arial, at least font size 10, margins (2.0cm side, 1.5cm top and
       bottom), single line spacing.
    b. References should be listed in footnotes, Arial font size minimum of pt. 8.
       All references will count towards the page limit.

ABSTRACT (max. 2,000 characters including spaces). This will not count towards the page limit.

Start page count

10 pages maximum comprising of sections:

1. Excellence

2. Impact

3. Implementation

Stop page count

GANTT CHART. This will not count towards the page limit.

    c. Delete all text highlighted in grey before submitting your proposal.

Please ensure that sections 1-3 do not exceed the limit of 10 pages. It is up to the applicant to decide how
many pages to allocate to each section within the 10-page limit.


Max. 2,000 characters

                                                                                              Page 23 of 40
                                                           “PART B”—PROPOSAL ACRONYM XXXX

1. Excellence4

1.1. Proposed research
In this section, you must provide a detailed description of the scientific and technical aspects of the
proposal, demonstrating the originality and novelty of the research, the proposed research
methodology and its potential impact.

            Introduction, state-of-the-art and objectives – Provide an overview of the proposal. Discuss
             the state of-the-art. Specify the objectives of the proposal, in the context of the state-of-the-
             art in the field. When describing the envisaged research, it should be indicated how and why
             the proposed work is important for the field and what impact it will have, if successful. Specify
             any particularly challenging or unconventional aspects of the proposal, including multi- or
             inter-disciplinary aspects (if relevant).
            Describe the proposed methodology.
            Originality and novelty of the research - Explain the contribution that the proposed research
             is expected to make to advancements within the research field. Describe any novel concepts,
             approaches or methods that will be employed.
            Provide details on the proposed secondment to the non-academic sector. State whether the
             secondment is fully agreed or if it is envisaged. It is mandatory for the researchers to contact
             their proposed supervisor and secondment host organisation(s), and to obtain their guidance
             during the proposal preparation stage. The researcher will be encouraged to work closely with
             these parties in preparing the proposal.

        Important note: As part of the PROCESS programme, fellows will undertake a 3-6 month
        secondment to the non-academic sector. The secondment must be relevant to the proposed

1.2. Transfer of knowledge
Training in a variety of technical and non-technical skills will be provided as part of the PROCESS
programme. In this section, you should describe briefly:

            How you as an experienced researcher hope to take advantage of the training offered, and
             any skill areas you feel would you would benefit from in particular
            Outline any previously acquired knowledge or capability that you may transfer to the research
             group you will join, the wider group within your hosting Centre (DPTC/SSPC/PMTC/), and to
             your community of peers on the PROCESS programme

1.3. Proposed supervision

            Relevance of the proposed supervision – Provide information regarding the prospective
             supervisor that relates to your research proposal (e.g. their expertise in the proposed topic,
             their track record in the field, main international collaborations, participation in relevant
             projects, relevant publications). Provide evidence of the match between your proposed
             research and the capabilities of the research group you will join. Provide similar details for the
             secondment supervisor/secondment organization).

    References should be listed in footnotes, Arial, font size minimum pt. 8. All references will count toward page limits.

                                                                                                                              Page 24 of 40
                                         “PART B”—PROPOSAL ACRONYM XXXX

2. Impact

2.1. The potential impact of the research and the expected impact of the fellowship on the applicant’s
     career prospects

       Describe the contribution that the proposed research is expected to make to advancements
        within its field. What is the potential impact of the research if successful?
       Provide a brief outline of your career objectives/goals.
       How does the fellowship improve your career prospects? Explain how the fellowship will
        contribute to furthering your professional development as an independent/mature
        researcher. If you have career objectives are outside of research/academia, explain the
        relevance of the fellowship in contributing to these objectives.

2.2. Proposed measures for communication and results dissemination

       What is your communication and results dissemination strategy? Outline how you will
        disseminate the results of your research and how you will communicate the new knowledge
        generated during the fellowship (e.g. publications, conference attendance, poster
        presentations, reports, workshops, outreach activities).

3. Implementation

3.1. The work plan

       Describe your research work plan. Include any work packages, tasks, deliverables and
        milestones required for the completion of the proposed research/fellowship. The proposed
        secondment and the proposed dissemination and communication activities should also be

        The fellowship duration is 24 months. The proposed project must be feasibly undertaken
        within the fellowship duration.

        Important note: A Gantt chart must be provided at the end of this document reflecting your
        work plan. It should give the schedule for work packages, deliverables, milestones,
        secondment and dissemination and communication activities. The schedule should be in
        terms of number of months elapsed from the start of the fellowship. Please see example
        provided at the end of this document.

3.2. Management, progress monitoring mechanisms and risk management

       Describe any management structure/procedures and progress monitoring mechanisms you
        will adopt to ensure that the research/fellowship objectives are reached.
       Describe any potential risks associated with the research project implementation. Describe
        your proposed contingency plans.

                                                                                        Page 25 of 40
                                         “PART B”—PROPOSAL ACRONYM XXXX

3.3. Institutional environment (infrastructure)

       Describe the infrastructure and facilities (e.g. any equipment; specialist software) required to
        carry out the proposed research based on what is available in the University of Limerick or
        through its hosting centres (DPTC/SSPC/PMTC). Describe any other necessary resources
        required (e.g. specialized computer/software).
       If you require additional resources and support not currently in situ at the University of
        Limerick, explain where they will be acquired and detail any additional sourcing costs.

                                                                                          Page 26 of 40
                                                                                         “PART B”—PROPOSAL ACRONYM XXXX

Please include a Gantt chart reflecting your work plan described in section 3.1. The Gantt should give the schedule for work packages, deliverables,
milestones, secondment, and dissemination and communication activities. The schedule should be in terms of number of months elapsed from the start of
the fellowship.

Please see example below. You may modify the example (e.g. add/delete rows; rename work packages) or add your own chart.


        The titles of the WPs indicated in the Gantt example do not have to be followed or included in your Gantt. Adapt the Gantt example as needed or add
         your own chart.
        The number of WP’s provided below is an example only. Add or remove WP’s as needed.
        Add as much detail as needed to reflect your work plan.

                         Work Package Title                1   2   3   4    5     6       7     8   9   10 11    12   13 14    15    16    17   18   19   20     21    22    23    24
                             WP1       Management                                 D1.1                                                                                            M1.1

                             WP2       Experimental Work                                 M2.1                                       D2.1

                             WP3       Field work                                        M3.1                                                                    M3.2 D3.1

                             WP4       Research part x

                             WP5       Research part y
                                       Dissemination and
                             WP6                                           D6.1                           D6.2          D6.3                              D6.4

                             WP7       Secondments

                              …        …

       Milestone     M

       Deliverable   D

                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 27 of 40
                                                           “PART C”—CV

Guidelines (shown highlighted in grey):

    d.     Applicants must use the following formatting constraints: Arial, at least font size 10,
    e.     Your CV should be limited to 5 pages maximum.
    f.     Examples/guidelines are shown highlighted in grey. These should be deleted.
    g.     Applicants must follow the structure outlined below:


Please ensure the PhD year and/or number of years of full-time equivalent research experience is clear and
verifiable. If appropriate to your experience level, please also include details of history of supervision (Numbers of
current and completed MSc and PhD students or other staff, directly under your supervision.)



e.g. previous industry collaborations, patents, spinouts. Please distinguish between patents applied and under
review versus patents granted

Please list your key research achievements (e.g. prizes and awards; recognitions; invited presentations to peer-
reviewed/internationally established conferences; funding received so far; any other relevant details that can
support your application.


                                                                                                     Page 28 of 40
                                                         “PART C”—CV

Publications section – max of 3 pages! Replace X with numbers/text

     Total No. of            Senior Author                        Total no. of citations:
                                                   h-Index: X                                Source of citation data: X
    Publications: X          Publications: X                                X
    Journal Articles: X      Reviews: X                      Books: X           associated               Other: X
                                             Chapters: X
                                                                              publications: X
Please list your relevant publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings,
monographs, book chapter, etc.

Follow this format: A.N.Other, J.Bloggs and J. Doe*, Title of Paper, Journal Name (Year)

*=Senior author

                                                                                                  Page 29 of 40
                                       “PART D”—ETHICS SELF-ASSESSMENT

Please complete the ethical assessment table below, indicating “yes” or “no” in the corresponding

 1. Human Embryos/Foetuses
 Does your research involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs)?                  YES   / NO
 Does your research involve the use of human embryos?                            YES   / NO
 Does your research involve the use of human fetal tissues/cells?                YES   / NO
 2. Humans
 Does your research involve human participants?                                  YES   / NO
 Does your research involve physical interventions on the study participants?    YES   / NO
 3. Human Cells /Tissues
 Does your research involve human cells or tissues (other than from human        YES   / NO
 4. Personal Data
 Does your research involve personal data collection and/or processing?          YES   / NO
 Does your research involve further processing of previously collected           YES   / NO
 personal data (secondary use)?
 5. Animals
 Does your research involve animals?                                             YES   / NO
 6. Third Countries
 In case non-EU countries are involved, do the research related activities       YES   / NO
 undertaken in these countries raise potential ethics issues?
 Do you plan to use local resources (e.g. animal and/or human tissue             YES   / NO
 samples, genetic material, live animals, human remains, materials of
 historical value, endangered fauna or flora samples, etc.)?
 Do you plan to import any material - including personal data - from non-EU      YES   / NO
 countries into the EU?
 Do you plan to export any material - including personal data - from the EU to   YES   / NO
 non-EU countries?
 In case your research involves low and/or lower middle income countries,        YES   / NO
 are any benefits-sharing actions planned?
 Could the situation in the country put the individuals taking part in the       YES   / NO
 research at risk?
 7. Environment & Health and Safety
 Does your research involve the use of elements that may cause harm to the       YES   / NO
 Environment, to animals or plants?
 Does your research deal with endangered fauna and/or flora and/or               YES   / NO
 protected areas?
 Does your research involve the use of elements that may cause harm to           YES   / NO
 humans, including research staff?
 8. Dual Use
 Does the research involve dual-use items in the sense of Regulation             YES   / NO
 428/2009, or other items for which an authorisation is required?
 9. Exclusive focus on civil applications
 Could your research raise concerns regarding the exclusive focus on civil       YES   / NO
 10. Misuse
 Does your research have the potential for misuse of research results?           YES   / NO

                                                                                       Page 30 of 40
                                      “PART D”—ETHICS SELF-ASSESSMENT

11. Other Ethics Issues
Are there any other ethics issues that should be taken into consideration?   YES   / NO
If yes, please specify in the ethics statement to be provided under
document “PART D – Ethics Self-Assessment”.
If you answered “YES” to any of the questions above, you must provide additional information
about how these issues will be addressed in your research by completing document “PART D –
Ethics Self-Assessment” which will need to be submitted as part of your application

                                                                                   Page 31 of 40

   Letter should be on University Letterhead
   Letter must be signed

                                                                          Page 32 of 40

   Letter should be on company letterhead
   Letter must be signed

                                                                         Page 33 of 40
                                        “PART G”—REFEREE LETTERS

Only two (2) reference letters are required. Additional letters will not be considered part of the

                                                                                     Page 34 of 40
                                         “PART H”—SIGNED GDPR CONSENT FORM

                                                 PROCESS Personal Data Consent Form




Official email we can use to contact you:_________________________________________________________

I, _____________________ understand the terms and conditions under which the PROCESS COFUND MSCA
programme and its representatives obtain, manage and share my personal data. I further understand my rights
under the GDPR, effective 25 May 2018, and consent to the following processing, use and sharing of my personal
data by PROCESS and its representatives (select any that apply):

        For the purposes of reviewing and evaluating the research proposal by an independent panel of
        international peer-reviewers, University of Limerick Human Resources and PROCESS management team
        to determine eligibility and funding decisions related to the PROCESS programme.

        For reporting to the EU Commission, SFI, EI or other governmental agencies to carry out legal
        obligations outlined in the PROCESS Grant Agreement, HR contracts and/or grant terms and conditions
        stipulated by the funding body. Specifically, personal data reported in the EU Portal, SESAME or SULIS,
        the PROCESS website, annual and governance reports, project updates, and financial reports.

        For data processing required to complete or verify payroll, expenses, stipends and funding allocations
        or to report information necessary to submit applications for new or continued funding.

        For communications regarding PROCESS research or other related activity, including EPE and outreach
        activities, scheduling of all meetings and reviews, communications with industry partners and their
        representatives as it relates to the research programme or employment opportunities for research
        team members.

Signature: _______________________________Date:_____________________

Note: Consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time.
From 25 May 2018, you will have several enhanced rights under the GDPR:
     To find out if we use your information and request a copy of your information
     Have inaccurate information updated/corrected
     Object to particular use of your information for our legitimate purposes
     In certain circumstances, have your personal data deleted or our use restricted
     Exercise the right to data portability
     To withdraw consent at any time where processing is based on                            consent    email

    A full GDPR Personal Data Protection Summary is available for review on PROCESS website: www.process-

                                                                                                Page 35 of 40
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