Grow South Island 03 04 22 - Spring 2021 - Ballance
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03 10 16 Contents Stay on top of policy Which N is best? Testing above ground 04 11 17 Get more out of N More now, less later K response on brassicas 06 12 18 Nitrogen: More profit, less loss Is more intensive better? friend or foe? 13 19 Phosphorus near seed Sustainable soil tests 14 20 Two sides of copper Is calcium needed? 15 21 07 What’s in it? Spotlight on fertigation Legumes for N on hills 22 08 Clippings N reporting made easier 23 09 Sustainable productivity Nitrogen alternatives Ballance Agri-Nutrients is one of Since its inception in the SealesWinslow is a recognised New Zealand’s leading fertiliser 1980s, Super Air has evolved leader in the production of manufacturers. A 100 percent into one of New Zealand’s high-performance compound farmer-owned co-operative, the leading agricultural aviation feeds and feed additives. company has approximately companies. In addition to aerial A fully owned subsidiary of 18,000 shareholders and sells fertiliser application, Super Ballance, SealesWinslow has around 1.5 million tonnes of Air has developed a world- manufacturing sites located product each year, representing class reputation for aircraft in Morrinsville, Ashburton a turnover close to $900 million. engineering and innovation. and Whanganui, and supplies Its products include imported Wholly owned by Ballance, custom-blended pelletised and locally manufactured Super Air services most of feed to farmers throughout fertilisers, the majority of which the North Island, and from New Zealand. It also provides attract a rebate for shareholders. February 2021 is also molasses feed blocks, feed servicing the South Island. supplements and additives. 0800 222 090 0800 787 372 0800 287 325 02 /
Animal Water Plant Soil Stay on top of policy A round up of what’s been Farm environment plans happening in the environmental The Government is engaging with Applying for N cap consent policies space. primary sector representatives, iwi If you cannot meet the N cap Māori, regional councils, environmental rules, you will need to apply for More time for N cap consent organisations and other interested a resource consent. Regional groups to develop new regulations for councils can only approve the People who can’t meet the nitrogen (N) farm environment plans. These plans cap rules that started on 1 July 2021 consent if it satisfies one of two will be rolled out on a prioritised basis, options: have more time to obtain a resource with N impacted catchments first in line. consent (see box). Option 1: You create a synthetic A resource consent must now be Biodiversity policy delayed N reduction plan, showing how applied for by 31 December 2021 synthetic N use will be reduced Decisions on the National Policy (instead of the previous requirement for each year, so the rules can be met Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity, a resource consent before 1 July 2021). from 1 July 2023. In effect, this originally due in April 2021, are now provides farms with an extra year expected to be released by the end of to adjust their practices in order to Intensive winter grazing 2021. comply with the rules. restrictions deferred Know your greenhouse gas Option 2: You have a report from Intensive winter grazing rules due to a suitably qualified expert such come into force in May this year have numbers as a farm planner or nutrient been deferred until 1 May 2022. Ahead of all farmers and growers advisor, describing the good needing to know their greenhouse gas practices used to apply the N In the meantime, the 2021/22 Intensive numbers by the end of 2022, He Waka fertiliser, as well as the rate N Winter Grazing Module, a tool to help Eke Noa: the Primary Sector Climate would leach under the 190 kg/ people make immediate improvements Action Partnership has released farm ha/year cap if these practices to intensive winter grazing practices, is planning guidance, and an assessment were used. This report must show available at of tools and calculators for calculating that the rate at which N will leach Rules preventing the expansion of the greenhouse gases, both of which are from non-complying N fertiliser area used for intensive winter grazing available at applications is not greater than the (to no more than was used for the rate it enters water from applying practice between 1 July 2014 and 30 FOR MORE INFORMATION N fertiliser at 190 kg/ha/year, as June 2019) still apply. stated in the rules. policy Grow South Island / 03
Animal Water Plant Soil Get more out of N Help is at hand to get the most Total N soil test Although not often used, it provides out of nitrogen (N) fertiliser The first step in using My Pasture valuable information on the potential Planner to optimise the placement and pasture response rate to applied N (see under the new rules. Figure 1). rate of N is to identify the varying levels The new N fertiliser cap rules mean of N in the soil in different management The Total N test can be incorporated using N wisely to get the best pasture areas on farm. This is done via a Total N into a regular soil testing regime, response from applications is more soil test. and involves testing each different important than ever. management block on farm to a depth As the name suggests, the test Applying N fertiliser uniformly across all measures the total pool of N in the soil – of 75 mm. It only needs to be repeated management areas on farm or following the combination of mineral N, available once every 4 to 6 years, as the total N the cows and applying a set amount N and immobilised (mainly organic) N in the soil changes slowly over time if of N shortly after each grazing can be pools. Total N results can vary across land management has not changed inefficient. the farm due to variations in soil type, significantly. topography and farm management. Different management areas on farm Using the Total N test results have varying levels of total soil N How do the Total N test results help to available for plants to use. This is partly optimise N application? why plants respond differently if N fertiliser is applied uniformly. This is where My Pasture Planner comes in. It incorporates the scientific Uniform applications of N fertiliser expertise of AgResearch, who across a farm can result in N being conducted a series of trials throughout applied where pasture response is the country to understand the pasture low, leading to both economic and response rates to applied N at different environmental impacts. Total N soil test levels. With N cap rules in force, My Pasture Planner – a decision support tool designed to optimise pasture response to applied N fertiliser – helps to get the best response from your N fertiliser purchase. same amount for less of pasture N use Only a small percentage of N in the soil is able to be used by plants. OR more from the pasture same N use My Pasture Planner was developed with the aim of growing the same (or similar) amount of pasture with less N applied, or more pasture with the same amount of N applied. 04 /
Animal Water Plant Soil My Pasture Planner uses Total N soil mapping capability, and the MyBallance customers can register for MyBallance at test information to identify strategic N integration means easy access to a To become a Ballance fertiliser applications so you can tailor fertiliser recommendation, mapped out customer contact the Customer both N fertiliser placement and rates for the farm. Services team on 0800 222 090 or email on a monthly basis. My Pasture Planner can help you to grow more pasture for My Pasture Planner was developed in the same amount of N use, or the same collaboration with AgResearch, and Note: My Pasture Planner is not calibrated amount of pasture for less N use. It can partly funded by the Ministry for Primary for peat soils. also be used to help meet pasture feed Industries’ Primary Growth Partnership. demand or grow feed to conserve, such Used exclusively by Ballance, it is free FOR MORE INFORMATION as hay, silage and balage (see example for Ballance customers registered with output). MyBallance, and available via a Ballance Nutrient Specialist. Existing Ballance Ballance Nutrient Specialists can use My Pasture Planner to guide annual N fertiliser plans and show where response to N applied is likely to be less and greater. You can input certain constraints (such as when N must or must not be applied and the application rate) or let the model do its own thing. My Pasture Planner also provides some financial comparisons of its current recommendations to previous years’ N use. The tool uses the Total N soil test, a digital farm map and regional pasture growth data to predict pasture response, so N can be used more efficiently – the right product, in the right place, at the right rate and times – with less impact on the environment. This could translate into reduced N Figure 1 Pasture dry matter response to applied N at increasing total soil N. leaching and nitrous oxide emissions as A lower total soil N has a larger pasture response, and higher total soil N a smaller modelled by Overseer. pasture response. My Pasture Planner does not recommend a specific product, and the ‘right product’ will depend on season and other nutrient factors, and can be discussed with your Ballance Nutrient Specialist. Farmers can easily access outputs from My Pasture Planner which is integrated into the MyBallance platform. An annual plan can easily be created using the What do I need to run My Pasture Planner? ü MyBallance account set up with a farm map at the paddock scale ü Total N test for each management block on farm ü Current OverseerFM nutrient budget producing reports ü The previous year’s N use on a monthly basis for the whole farm An example of a My Pasture Planner output. Grow South Island / 05
Animal Water Plant Soil Nitrogen: friend or foe? Consider the facts behind nitrogen (N) before deciding to avoid it altogether. “The new synthetic N cap for pasture Fact: N can help with feed can make it seem like N fertiliser is shortages on any farm Deficiency in pasture best avoided,” says Ballance Science In N deficient pasture, older leaves Rather than seeing N as a fertiliser, Extension Officer Katie Aitkenhead. yellow first. The plant cannot it could be considered as a “But N is essential for growth and has a supplementary feed source. Using N produce enough chlorophyll, so valuable part to play. In some instances to grow additional pasture is generally moves the N from older leaves the way it’s used can cause problems, more cost-effective than buying to new growth where it is most but it’s wise to weigh up the facts before supplementary feed. needed. writing N off altogether.” As all plants (except legumes) are N deficient1, N can be used strategically Fact: Good N use has minimal Fact: Pastures need N and sustainably on both sheep and beef impact on waterways To grow properly pasture plants need and dairy farms to provide extra feed to large quantities of N – in greater lift or maintain animal performance at Used in the right place, at the right time amounts than any other nutrient. critical times of the year. and rate, N fertiliser has little direct Nitrogen is a major component of plant effect on the environment. and animal tissue, and also essential for At most times of the year (excluding dry processes such as photosynthesis. summer or cold winter conditions) N In New Zealand, urine from farm stimulates a short term increase in grass animals, not N fertiliser, is the main In pastoral systems, most N in the soil growth which, with effective grazing source of N entering waterways2. As comes from natural processes, such management, can be very helpful in the N in urine is deposited on a small as legumes converting N from the air overcoming feed shortages. area in high concentration, the pasture into plant available forms, soil microbes cannot take it all up, and some leaches converting organic N into plant available For sheep and beef, N is typically into groundwater. Leached N eventually mineral N, and also in most cases from applied in late winter to early spring reaches waterways, where if present animal urine and dung. Nitrogen can to provide extra feed for calving and in excessive amounts, it can promote also be added via synthetic or biological lambing, or in autumn to provide extra excessive growth of algae. fertiliser (see page 9). feed before and during mating, and to help carry stock through the winter. Nitrogen fertiliser does however produce small amounts of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. 1 Moot D 2019. Overcoming the weakest link in pastoral farming – a lack of nitrogen. The Journal March 2019: 12-18 ² Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment 2013. Water quality in New Zealand: Land use and nutrient pollution FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact your Ballance Nutrient Specialist. 06 /
Animal Water Plant Soil Legumes for N on hills Legumes are part of the solution for nitrogen (N) deficient hill country. Nitrogen deficiencies in much of New Much research over the last decade Zealand’s hill country farmland mean has looked at the establishment and Legume legwork pasture cannot effectively use available management of legumes such as To thrive, legumes need: soil moisture. lucerne, annual clover and white or red clover, and also their suitability for • to be suitable for the farm “A lot of hill country is summer-dry, and various farm systems. system and environment N deficiency only compounds the issue • higher soil fertility than grass as pasture can’t make full use of the Bonavaree Farm in Malborough limited rainfall,” says Ballance Sheep has demonstrated the significant » adequate levels of and Beef Programme Lead Richard improvements in farm performance phosphorus, sulphur, Draper. that can be achieved by switching to a potassium and magnesium lucerne based system (see Table 1). » the micronutrients “The good news is that hill country is molybdenum, boron and very responsive to N, and overcoming Similarly impressive results have been copper N limitation improves the productivity of recorded at Bog Roy in Omarama, pastures and animals.” where, following the development of • a pH of 5.8-6.2 lucerne based pastures and grazing/ • grazing management (via Aerial application of N fertiliser to hill management systems, ewe flock subdivision and stock water) to country can be economic, and can be performance improved 45 per cent control: considered as a way to provide strategic between 2008 and 20142. feed for key times such as lambing. » stock pressure and prevent Responses of up to 20 kg of dry matter While lucerne may be a great option for ‘grazing-out’ due to per kg N/ha have been recorded on hill cultivatable dryland, significant work preferential grazing country on both islands1. on establishing and managing annual » timing of grazing to prevent clovers (such as subterranean clover) shading by grasses Legume advantages on dryland hill country has shown » annual reproduction to “A cost-effective long term solution to similarly impressive results. In higher replenish reserves. overcoming N deficiency on hill country rainfall environments, red and white may be through legumes such as clovers are more likely to thrive, and will lucerne or clovers, which typically fix 30 produce comparable results. kg N/ha per tonne of dry matter,” says “The key is to identify the best legume 1 Ballance Agri-Nutrients 2015. Nitrogen on hill Richard. for your environment and system and to country fact sheet 2 Moot DJ, Anderson PVA, Anderson LJ, Anderson Besides their ability to fix N from the air manage it appropriately to drive animal DK 2019. Animal performance changes over 11 to power pasture growth, legumes offer and farm production. years after implementing a lucerne grazing system on Bog Roy Station. Journal of New Zealand other advantages over grasses. “This is an exciting area with Grasslands 81: 75-80 “Legumes are more moisture efficient, considerable potential to drive on-farm and grow greater amounts of dry matter production and profit,” says Richard. when moisture is limited on hill country. They’re also a higher quality feed, with FOR MORE INFORMATION a higher protein concentration than Contact your Ballance Nutrient grasses, so also contribute to improved Specialist. livestock performance.” Table 1 Improvements in key performance indicators at Bonavaree Farm from switching to a lucerne based system 2002 2012 Increase Lambing (%) 117 145 24% Lamb weights (kg) 13.3 19 43% Gross trading profit (ha) $317 $792 149% Source: Moot & Avery, 2013 Grow South Island / 07
Animal Water Plant Soil N reporting made easier A new nitrogen management Limit Management tool for MyBallance, tool will make it easier to track making tracking and reporting N use Rules recap much easier. • If a paddock is used for both and report nitrogen (N) fertiliser grazed pasture and: applications. All you need to do is enter your proof of application data (either automatically via » ungrazed crops, the N cap Under the N cap rules, pastoral farmers your spreader subscription, or manually applies only to the pasture are now required to track and record in MyBallance). » grazed crops, the N use on their N fertiliser applications. the paddock is not capped, The Nitrogen Limit Management tool but is included towards the Dairy farmers will also need to report can help you stay on track and make farm’s average, so any use their N fertiliser use for the current any necessary adjustments so you meet over 190 kg N/ha/year on period – 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 the N cap. these areas must be offset – and beyond. The first report is due At the end of the period MyBallance by less N use in other grazed at regional councils by 31 July 2022, does the tricky bit for you, transforming areas. shortly after the current period ends. your application data into a council- • If you cannot meet the N cap The rules are complex, so in spring ready N usage report for you to submit rules, you need to apply for a 2021 Ballance is launching a Nitrogen to your regional council. resource consent (see page 3). Features to help you stay on track Get ready to use it Get ready to use the Nitrogen Limit Management tool when it’s released in spring. ü If you’re new to MyBallance, head to to activate your account. ü Check you have your digital farm map in MyBallance How your average (or email N use is tracking to have it uploaded). Your farm throughout the average N season compared ü Ask your spreader which subscription applied on to your planned N their spreading hardware supports, A heatmap makes it easy to grazed areas applications and let Ballance Customer Services see N applied on know on 0800 222 090. each paddock If you're a Ballance customer, you'll get an that will be email letting you know when the tool is included in the N cap limit available. FOR MORE INFORMATION You can easily specify the locations of: For guides that explain the rules visit • crops, and whether policy they’ll be grazed or harvested Contact your Ballance Nutrient • any non-productive Specialist to find out how My Pasture areas that don’t Planner can help optimise your N use. receive N See page 22 for more on MyBallance. 08 /
Animal Water Plant Soil Nitrogen alternatives What should you consider before Carbon stimulates microbial activity, manufactured fertilisers, they have lower using alternatives to synthetic which increases competition between concentrations of N, so large volumes plants to consume N. But if the are needed to provide N in the same nitrogen (N)? carbon:nitrogen ratio is too high, plants amounts as manufactured fertilisers. With national caps on synthetic N use in compete to take up mineral N quickly, so Frequent application of large volumes of force, some are turning their attention to the total volume of mineral N in the soil is liquid wastes can damage soil structure, other sources of N to apply on farm. depleted and subsequent growth suffers. create chemical imbalances and Material with a carbon:nitrogen ratio of potentially result in excess nutrients in Biological fertilisers – dairy effluent, 20 to 30:1 is typically best and promotes nearby waterways. dairy whey, compost, and plant or rather than suppresses plant growth⁵. animal waste such as chicken manure – Is it practical to apply? contain N, but not the synthetic kind, so What about other nutrients? Synthetic N products are designed fall outside the N cap rules. Many biological fertilisers have a large to be easily applied to provide readily But before using a biological fertiliser, variation in nutrient content and rarely plant available N. Huge volumes of it’s best to consider the following. contain just one nutrient. biological fertiliser are needed to get the immediate growth boost synthetic N Testing biological fertilisers before Can plants use the N? application provides. application means their nutrient Two broad types of N are applied to and loading can be understood and found in the soil, but plants can only use recorded. This helps to account for FOR MORE INFORMATION one type (see Figure 1). other nutrients added to the farm, and Contact your Ballance Nutrient to ensure all nutrients are supplied to Specialist. the farm system to meet maintenance requirements. Does it contain heavy metals? 1 Longhurst B, Rajendram G, Miller B, Dexter M 2017. Nutrient content of liquid and solid effluents Many composts contain some heavy on NZ dairy cow farms. Science and policy: nutrient management challenges for the next generation. metals, with levels depending on what Occasional Report No. 30. Fertilizer and Lime the compost is made from. This could Research Centre, Massey University be undesirable for production, especially 2 Ashekuzzaman SM, Forrestal P, Richards KG, Daly K, Fenton O 2020. Grassland Phosphorus in organic systems, so test compost and Nitrogen Fertiliser Replacement value of before application. Dairy Processing Dewatered Sludge. Sustainable Production and Consumption 25: 363-373 Could it damage soil health or the 3 Compost Use and Soil Fertility [accessed May 2021] environment? compost-use-soil-fertility Soil health can benefit from biological 4 Wiedemann SG 2015. Land Application of Chicken Litter: A Guide for Users. Australian Government fertilisers which build up organic matter Rural Industries Research and Development quickly. Corporation 14/095 5 Watkins M, Nash D 2010. Dairy Factory But care is needed to prevent liquids Wastewaters, Their Use on Land and Possible Environmental Impacts – A Mini Review. The Open such as dairy effluent or whey from Agriculture Journal 4: 1-9 damaging soil health. Compared to What’s the concentration of plant available N? This is important as it determines the response from applying it. Some N may be initially available but the rate that organic N is made available to plants is determined by composition (including carbon:nitrogen ratio, below), temperature and moisture. See Figure 2. What’s the carbon:nitrogen ratio? This is a major determinant of how fast organic N will be converted by microbes Figure 2 Estimated percentage of N applied in biological and synthetic N fertiliser into plant available mineral N. that is plant available within 1 year Grow South Island / 09
Animal Water Plant Soil Which N is best? Which produces the greatest pasture response – liquid, fine particle or granular nitrogen (N)? With heightened interest in getting the best response efficiency from N applications (kg DM/kg N applied), we look at whether different N application methods actually live up to the claims sometimes made about them. Recent research: fine particle versus granular N Fine particle application of N was not not significantly increase pasture found to improve pasture response production compared to the equivalent compared to granular N in research granular N application (see Figure 1). comparing the two methods2. The results of this research are in line with Both methods did increase pasture the 2018 research review (above). production compared to not applying any N, and the greatest response was The research assessed five produced by applying N treatments at treatments in a small plot trial on a the highest rate of growth in spring as Southland dairy farm: compared to autumn. • control (0 kg N/ha) FOR MORE INFORMATION • fine particle application of SustaiN at 25 kg N/ha and 50 kg N/ha Contact your Ballance Nutrient • granular application of SustaiN at Specialist. For more on fertigation, 25 kg N/ha and 50 kg N/ha. see page 21. To check for seasonal differences, the trial was replicated in spring and 1 Morton J, Tillman R, Morton A 2018. Review of research on pasture yield response to fine particle autumn, and pasture production was application of fertiliser in New Zealand, New measured four and eight weeks after Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research application. 2 Risk JT, Dawson AE 2019. Comparing fine particle and granular nitrogen response on Southland pastures. Nutrient loss mitigations for compliance Figure 1 Pasture response Overall, fine particle application at in agriculture. Occasional Report No. 32. Fertiliser either rate or in either season did and Lime Research Centre, Massey University (measured over two cuts)² 10 /
Animal Water Plant Soil More now, less later Gibberellic acid increases feed Canterbury and Southland, and produced within the first three weeks in the short term, but at the Northern Ireland trials were conducted of application comes at the expense of by the Agri-Food and Biosciences yield in subsequent weeks. expense of yield in subsequent Institute. weeks. Using gibberellic acid (with or without N fertiliser) to bring feed supply forward Extensive trials have shown the plant A declining difference may still be of value when there is a feed growth hormone gibberellic acid – with Overall, at first harvest plots treated deficit, provided the deficit is not merely or without nitrogen (N) – brings feed with gibberellic acid alone had a strong shifted. Rather than producing a large supply forward, but does not increase pasture response and significantly amount of additional feed, gibberellic overall pasture yield1,2,3. higher yields. But in subsequent acid has a greater role in shifting the harvests, the yield advantage of the time of the feed availability. Gibberellic acid is widely promoted as an gibberellic acid treatment declined, enhancer of pasture growth, including and after several cuts the difference So for farmers, is the benefit of extra when used with N fertiliser. Several years between gibberellic acid treated plots feed in the short term worth the costs of of local and overseas trials assessing the and control plots declined, so the treatment and less feed in subsequent effectiveness of this combination, and gibberellic acid treated plots were not weeks? of gibberellic acid alone, have shown significantly different to the control. increased pasture yield in the short term, FOR MORE INFORMATION but at the expense of reduced yield in Synergistic benefits? subsequent weeks. Contact your Ballance Nutrient To assess if adding gibberellic acid Specialist. In the trials, pasture plots received one to N fertiliser has a synergistic effect of the following: compared to using N fertiliser alone, the two treatments were compared. Figure 1 Pasture yield in response to • control - no treatment At all three NZ locations, there was no N fertiliser applications (30 kg N/ha) • N fertiliser only - granular or liquid with or without gibberellic acid (30 g significant difference in total pasture • gibberellic acid - liquid yield between N plus gibberellic acid a.i./ha). Trials conducted in Southland, • N fertiliser plus gibberellic acid - and N only treatments (see Figure 1), spring 2015 granular N and solid gibberellic acid although both treatments produced or liquid N and liquid gibberellic acid significantly more pasture than the untreated control. Similar results were Pasture was typically first harvested 21 observed in the Northern Ireland trials. to 25 days after application, to simulate grazing and assess the response, with The Northern Ireland trials included solid subsequent cuts at four to six weeks. as well as liquid gibberellic acid. Only the liquid gibberellic acid produced a New Zealand trials were conducted by significant pasture response at the first independent researchers in Waikato, cut, and the solid gibberellic acid did not produce a yield advantage at either first or second cut. This suggests foliar application of gibberellic acid is required for effective uptake by plants. Results across all locations were consistent from year to year and not affected by variables such as season and soil type, and the findings of the NZ and Northern Ireland trials were largely consistent. Overall results indicate that the benefit from gibberellic acid diminishes over multiple harvests, and that feed 1 Higgins S 2016. Comparison of the relative agronomic performance of several different plant growth promoting formulations in ryegrass-based pasture, under non-moisture limited late winter/early spring conditions, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland 2 Higgins S, Watson C 2014. Comparison of relative agronomic performance of several different plant growth promoting formulations in ryegrass-based pasture, under non- moisture limited late winter/early spring conditions, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland 3 Ledgard SF 2016. Review of research on effects of application of gibberellic acid alone or in combination with fertiliser nitrogen on pastures, AgResearch report for Ballance Agri-Nutrients Grow South Island / 11
Animal Water Plant Soil More profit, less loss Phosphorus (P) losses, which amount of water soluble P to boost can affect farm profits and pasture growth immediately. waterways, can be reduced. The Pasturemag range also contains SustaiN, an N fertiliser that reduces N “New Zealand soils are naturally low lost as ammonia gas by around 50 per in P, an essential nutrient for growth, cent (compared to standard urea)1. so it’s added in order to grow pastures and crops,” says Ballance Agri-Nutrients FOR MORE INFORMATION Environmental Management Specialist Ian Power. Contact your Ballance Nutrient Specialist. “But like nitrogen (N), if too much P is lost and ends up in waterways it can result in excessive aquatic plant growth Driver Risk factor Mitigation and algal blooms.” Avoid applying P fertiliser when How P is lost risk of high rainfall Timing of P Unlike N, which is mainly lost via Soluble P runoff Use a fertiliser with low levels of application leaching, P does not normally leach. water soluble P e.g. Serpentine Instead, most P losses to water occur via Super, Pasturemag runoff from pastoral land, carrying soil Pugging Increased runoff Minimise pugging of soil particles with P attached. Runoff carries P “Sediment and P losses literally go hand Tracks, lanes and Divert runoff from tracks, lanes, and sediment to in hand. Loss of topsoil is problematic races and races to paddocks waterways for farmers, and also for waterways as it reduces water clarity and light for aquatic Light soils Prone to erosion Avoid grazing heavy stock on plants and animals.” (sandy, pumice) these soils and maintain pasture Phosphorus is also lost as soluble Reduced infiltration, cover Heavy clay soils P (from fertiliser or high fertility soil increased runoff particles) that dissolves in water. Keep Olsen P to optimal levels “This water soluble P can be the more Increased loss High Olsen P Use a fertiliser with low levels of concerning in certain situations, as it’s of P attached to levels water soluble P e.g. Serpentine immediately bioavailable for unwanted sediment Super, Pasturemag algae and aquatic weeds.” High effluent Increase effluent block area and/ The drivers, risk factors and mitigations Increased runoff application or reduce application rate for P and sediment loss are often the same (see Table 1). Dung directly Stock (mainly deposited in Reducing P fertiliser losses cattle and deer) waterways Exclude stock from waterways “If it rains directly after a fertiliser Bank erosion containing mainly water soluble P, such as superphosphate or diammonium Plant suitable trees, spaced phosphate, is applied, some fertiliser P Landslide and appropriately, on at risk slopes Steep slopes is inevitably lost. But the good news is surface erosion Graze with smaller cattle or sheep that fertilisers with low levels of water soluble P, such as Serpentine Super and Install wetlands and/or detention Pasturemag, can help to reduce these bunds losses,” says Ian. Runoff leading to Heavy rainfall Use a fertiliser with low levels of sediment and P loss Most of the P in Serpentine Super and water soluble P e.g. Serpentine the Pasturemag range releases over Super, Pasturemag a period of months into the soil, thus retaining more, meaning less lost to the Table 1 Drivers and risks of P and sediment losses and mitigations environment. Both also contain a small 1 Zaman M, Saggar S, Stafford AD 2013. Mitigation of ammonia losses from urea applied to a pastoral system: The effect of nBTPT and timing and amount of irrigation. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 75: 209-214 12 /
Animal Water Plant Soil Phosphorus near seed Crops with the right nutrients Research commissioned by Ballance at sowing and during has shown the yield benefits in Drilling starter fertiliser brassicas by placing P close to seed1. enhances establishment establishment are more likely to Compared to broadcasting, P drilled meet their yield potential. with the seed increased yield by almost • With no-tillage cropping, 2 t DM/ha. Broadcasted P, however, is drilling starter fertiliser Phosphorus (P) is one of the most makes up for the lack of soil better than no P at all, and increased critical nutrients for early plant mineralisation that comes with yield by almost 2 t DM/ha compared to development (the other being nitrogen). cultivation. the control, and by more than 2 t DM/ Phosphorus helps with early root and ha when it was incorporated into the • In cultivated soil, starter shoot development. The effects of soil (see Figure 1). fertiliser enhances seedling P deficiency on plants include poor establishment because These findings can be applied to help cultivation often brings low seedling establishment and root improve nutrient use efficiency (t DM fertility soil to the surface development, stunted top growth grown/nutrient applied) and reduce where small seeded crops are and spindly stalks, leading to delayed nutrient losses. sown. maturity and poor seed and fruit set. Phosphorus is a relatively immobile Products for proximal P nutrient in the soil. Poor growth placement Cropzeal Boron Boost is ideal. These conditions during early stages can Starter fertilisers drilled close to seeds crops all require boron, and Cropzeal impair the plant’s ability to forage for place high concentrations of the Boron Boost can be drilled next to the nutrients, making it even harder for nutrients critical for a good start in the seed with relative safety at rates of crops such as brassicas, which are best position (see Table 1). up to 150 kg/ha without harming the already poor foragers of nutrients. seed. It can also be broadcast at higher Ideal for cereals, the compound fertiliser rates. Molybdenum, also important Application method makes a YaraMila Actyva S is easy to drill, with for brassicas, is best addressed in the difference smooth, free flowing granules less regular fertiliser programme as required. prone to clogging drilling equipment. It Starter fertiliser placed in close As compound fertilisers, both YaraMila also spreads well, with tests showing it proximity to the seed provides the P Actyva S and Cropzeal Boron Boost can be spread up to 32 m bout widths for early root development and growth. have a specific ratio of nutrients in each on well calibrated spreaders. Seedlings can access these nutrients granule, so provide nutrients evenly, much more easily than if fertiliser is For fodder beet and shallow rooted promoting even growth and reduced broadcast on the soil surface. brassicas such as turnips and swedes risk of striping. Fodder beet in a cultivated paddock with Olsen P 30, with DAP broadcast (on left) and DAP drilled next to seed (on right) Figure 1 Effect of P application method on kale yield Table 1 Starter fertilisers that can be drilled for cereal crops, brassicas and fodder beet Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Sulphur Also Crop Fertiliser % % % % contains Cereals YaraMila Actyva S 15.0 7.0 12.5 3.0 Magnesium Brassicas and fodder beet Cropzeal Boron Boost 16.0 19.5 0.0 1.0 Boron 1 Fletcher A, Wilson D, Maley S, Sinclair K, Arnold N, de Ruiter J, Armstrong S 2008. Crop & Food Research Confidential Report No 2225: Yield responses of forage brassicas to phosphorus rate and placement at sowing and to nitrogen application Grow South Island / 13
Animal Water Plant Soil Two sides of copper Too little or too much copper (Cu) can cause problems. Copper (Cu), an essential micronutrient, is frequently added with fertiliser, but deficiency in both plants and animals is increasingly widespread as farming Plants Animals removes soil’s natural Cu reserves. Copper is needed by plants for photosynthesis, transpiration and nitrogen fixation. Animals also need Simple deficiency Cu for functioning of the nervous and Low Cu levels in soil Low Cu levels in pasture immune systems, bone growth and hair or wool pigmentation. Possible causes Induced deficiency Some caution is needed, however, as excessive Cu intake can cause Cu Alkaline (high pH) soils, soil Molybdenum, iron, sulphur toxicity in animals. compaction, drought, very and zinc affecting Cu wet soils, heavy liming (may absorption and utilisation Copper deficiency be a short term effect) Low Cu soil or pasture levels can cause Cu deficiencies in both plants and animals (‘simple deficiency’) and deficiencies can also be induced, for • Young stock Sands, marine and river example when a high soil pH decreases Risk • Grazing on brassicas (Cu factors silts, peats, podzols, Cu availability to plants (see Table 1). limestone soil with high pH levels usually too low for animal health) Animal Cu deficiencies are more common in young stock, and deer and cattle have greater Cu requirements Joint inflammation, bone than sheep. fractures, osteochondrosis, • Stunted growth, wither Pasture testing is required to diagnose tip (tip goes white) loss of co-ordination Symptoms in hind legs, chronic a simple deficiency in both plants include • Clovers and other and animals (see page 16 for more diarrhoea in spring (peat legumes more sensitive scours), change in hair information on herbage testing for Cu). than grasses Visual diagnosis is insufficient, as a pigmentation, reduced number of other issues produce similar immunity to disease symptoms, and soil testing does not indicate Cu levels of pasture. Simple deficiency Copper toxicity Pasture testing Excessive Cu intake from drenches, Diagnosis licks, or from eating pasture recently fertilised with Cu additives can cause Induced deficiency Cu toxicity, especially in sheep, which If pasture testing indicates Cu deficiency are more sensitive to Cu toxicity than Soil testing (under 4 mg/kg DM) test blood or liver cattle and goats. samples to confirm if deficiency is also induced Symptoms in affected animals include depression, lethargy, weakness, jaundice, anorexia and thirst. • Veterinary treatment Apply • Supplements e.g. Seales Winslow Cattle Some supplements such as Palm Kernel Treatment Cu with Winter Crop Block Expeller (PKE) can have high Cu levels, fertiliser and if fed in large amounts can push • Applying trace elements to pasture cows into the toxic range (especially if Cu levels in the pasture are already Table 1 Cu deficiency in plants and animals high), making them more vulnerable to death during stressful times such as calving. FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact your Ballance Nutrient Specialist. 14 /
Animal Water Plant Soil What's in it? We take a look at the nutrient content of some of Ballance’s key products. N P K S Mg Ca N P K S Mg Ca SustaiN 45.9 - - - - - SOA (Nrich SOA) 19.5 - - 22.0 - - SustaiN 20K 27.5 - 20.0 - - - SustaiN Ammo 30N 29.8 - - 13.7 - - N P K S Mg Ca Cropzeal 15P 13.2 15.0 12.5 0.8 - - N P K S Mg Ca Cropzeal 20N 18.6 10.5 - 11.5 - - SurePhos* - 7.8 - 9.5 2.0 22.0 Cropzeal Boron Boost 16.5 19.5 - 1.0 - + Boron N P K S Mg Ca N P K S Mg Ca Serpentine Super - 6.8 - 8.4 5.0 16.5 PhaSedN 25.3 - - 28.5 0.1 5.7 Serpentine Super 10K - 5.4 10.0 6.7 4.0 13.2 PhaSedN Quick Start 31.3 - - 17.0 - 2.3 Kieserite Granular - - - 16.0 16.0 Calmag - - - - 38.0 1.7 Triple Superphosphate - 19.0 - - - 13.0 Muriate of Potash - - 50.0 - - - N P K S Mg Ca Sulphate of Potash - - 41.0 17.0 - - Superten - 9.0 - 10.5 - 22.0 DAP 17.6 20.0 - 1.0 - - Superten 10K - 7.2 10.0 8.4 - 17.6 N P K S Mg Ca N P K S Mg Ca Yaramila Actyva S 15.0 7.0 12.5 3.0 1.2 - PastureSure 10K* 7.6 4.9 10.0 6.0 1.3 14.0 15-7-12.5 PastureSure 15S* 9.5 5.9 - 15.0 0.8 15.8 YaraMila 12-10-10* 13.0 10.5 10.0 2.0 1.0 - PastureSure Impact* 12.1 5.7 - 7.0 1.5 16.2 YaraMila Complex 12.0 5.0 15.0 8.0 1.6 - YaraBela CAN 27.0 - - - 2.0 4.0 FOR MORE INFORMATION N P K S Mg Ca For the nutrient content of all Ballance products, see the price list at Sulphurgain Pure - - - 90.0 - - N P K S Mg Ca Pasturemag 6.9 5.8 - 7.1 4.3 14.0 Pasturemag 10K 5.5 4.6 10.0 5.7 3.4 11.2 * North Island only Grow South Island / 15
Animal Water Plant Soil Testing above ground Herbage testing is valuable for identifying issues This is because plant uptake of micronutrients can be that soil testing cannot. affected by factors such as soil type, soil compaction, soil pH and soil moisture. Herbage testing can also measure “If productivity is less than expected, a macro- or micronutrient plant concentrations of macronutrients, and thus reflect the deficiency, or both, could be the issue,” says Ballance nutritional intake of grazing animals. Environmental Management Specialist Ian Power. What type of herbage sample? Regular soil testing identifies macronutrient deficiencies, but what about micronutrients? Different types of samples serve different purposes (see below). When taking a sample prior to grazing, avoid atypical “For micronutrients, soil testing is only suitable for boron, and areas such as urine patches, fence lines, gateways and close to the only way to accurately assess if other micronutrient levels troughs, hedges and trees. are adequate for production is by herbage testing.” What are you testing for? Nutrient deficiency Nitrogen deficiency Nutritive value of plant to animals Take a clover only sample Take a grass only sample Take a mixed pasture sample Understanding herbage test results Herbage test results provide a lot of information, as shown in this example. “Generally, below optimum nutrient Level of Level of nutrient nutrient Optimum range compared to levels in clover samples could mean Sample type of nutrient pasture growth is being restricted, and in sample optimum nutrients may need to be applied,” says Ian. “However, other issues may be Analyses undertaken impacting the clover’s nutrient uptake, such as soil compaction, insect and other pests, pH and other nutrient levels. For example, if manganese (Mn) Analyses as % of sample levels in the clover are low the soil pH may be high and restricting Mn uptake. If an issue with nutrient uptake is suspected, then herbage tests results should be looked at in conjunction with a soil test and a site inspection for factors that could reduce nutrient Analyses as uptake.” mg/kg FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact your Ballance Nutrient Specialist. The mixed pasture sample has: The white clover sample has: • 0.39% phosphorus (3.9 g phosphorus in each kg of dry matter) • 0.36% phosphorus (3.6 g phosphorus in each kg • 8 mg/kg copper (0.008 g copper in each kg of dry matter) of dry matter) • below optimum nitrogen, calcium and copper, and all the other • 9 mg/kg copper (0.009 g copper in each kg of nutrients at or above optimum. dry matter) • all the nutrients at or above optimum. 16 /
Animal Water Plant Soil K response on brassicas In what circumstances should potassium (K) be applied to a brassica crop? Brassicas take up large amounts of K – response to K added to brassicas such low. As a rule of thumb, as the soil test second only to the amount of nitrogen as swedes and turnips with adequate drops below 5 an increasing amount of (N) they take up. A kale crop removes soil K levels. K (i.e. 50-100 kg K/ha) can be applied even more K than N. to ensure any yield response is achieved For example, there was no response at low soil K levels. If soil K levels are 5 But applying K does not always improve to K application in a 2008-9 Taranaki or more, no K is required. crop yield. turnip trial at MAF QT K 52. Potassium is one nutrient that plants can A 2006 study found there was seldom FOR MORE INFORMATION take up more of than they need (luxury a response to K inputs when there was Contact your Ballance Nutrient uptake), resulting in plants containing sufficient supply of K in the soil3. Specialist. excess K. Excessive application (or poorly timed applications) of K can A response is only observed if soil K 1 SD Armstrong, RC Butler, S Gowers 2000, swede and kale fertiliser application trials 199/2000 Crop contribute to luxury uptake, and waste tests are very low. For example, in a and Food Research confidential report No. 295. money with no additional yield. 2008-9 swede trial with low soil K levels Report prepared for Southfert. (MAF QT K of 2), the response was due 2 Fletcher AL, Johnstone P, Maley S, Arnold N, Read JB, Zyskowski RF, Chakwizira E, Minchin R 2011. Brassicas are usually grazed in situ to the high yield potential and low soil Development of the Forage Brassica Calculators and often grown on soils with varying test K value at the site2. – trial results. Report prepared for Ballance Agri- levels of fertility, so the yield response Nutrients by Plant & Food Research from applying fertiliser can be variable. Recommendation for K 3 Wilson DR, Reid JB, Zyskowski RF, Maley S, Pearson AJ, Armstrong SD, Catto WD, Stafford AD While New Zealand’s young soils According to research, K is only 2006. Forecasting fertiliser requirements of forage generally have adequate levels of readily recommended to be added to a crop brassica crops. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 68: 205-210 available K for brassicas, the amount for a K response when the soil K test is of K available for plant use depends on several factors such as the soil type, past K inputs and land use. Table 1 Yields for 1999/2000 swede K fertiliser trial An initial soil test prior to planting will help determine fertiliser application Total dry matter (t/ha) for optimal yield and economic return. The challenge lies in using the soil Treatment (kg K/ha) 0 50 100 test results to decide on the types and Winton cultivar 15.66 16.58 16.22 amounts of fertilisers to apply, including how much, if any, K fertiliser to apply. Doon Major cultivar 12.66 12.35 12.73 Research on K response Least significant difference (5%) 1.3 One example of research in response to this challenge tested three levels of K on What’s this? To be real (with 95% confidence), the difference between the swedes with a soil test level of MAF QT treatments must be greater than this figure. When it isn’t, there is no significant K 41. Potassium was applied at 0, 50 and difference between treatments. 100 kg K/ha. Overall the trial showed no significant effects from added K on total dry matter yield (see Table 1). Herbage K levels, monitored four times between 7 February and 15 March, were highest on K treated plots at the first sampling date, then dropped and remained similar to each other across the remaining sampling dates (see Figure 1). This suggests that regardless of K treatment, herbage K levels were sufficient for yield, explaining why there was no response to added K at this trial site. This result is supported by other work which has found similar results of no Figure 1 Effect of adding K to leaf K levels in 1999/2000 swede K fertiliser trial Grow South Island / 17
Animal Water Plant Soil Is more intensive better? Does more intensive soil “Most importantly, farmers who are interested in all paddock testing need to have a sampling improve return on plan for how to use the data to ensure they get an ROI,” says Angus investment (ROI)? Traditional versus all paddock testing “Soil testing is known to effectively monitor soil fertility trends over time, Traditional approach All paddock testing and we’ve noticed a growing interest Approach • Soil test areas based on expected • Soil test every individual in all paddock testing and other more differences in fertility due to soil paddock intensive soil sampling,” says Ballance type/management/crop Science Extension Officer Angus Pros • Captures broad variations and • Captures more detailed Dowson. trends in soil fertility variation in soil fertility “This is largely driven by a desire to • Cost-effective (1-2 tests per • Allows for more tailored optimise nutrient inputs and crop management unit) fertiliser plan responses, and advances in GPS and Cons • Loses some of the inter-paddock • Higher cost GIS technology make it possible.” variation • Time consuming On the surface it seems logical: more When to • Soil testing history is good • Soil testing history not sampling captures more detailed use • Paddocks have not been reformed good variability in soil fertility so enables more tailored fertiliser recommendations and during farm development • Paddocks have been an improved ROI. But is this actually the • Fairly consistent long term farm/ reformed during farm case? nutrient management development/conversions • Well established soil test transects • Precision technology More not always best already used on farm A review of current soil sampling methods concluded that variability in FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact your Ballance Nutrient Specialist. soil fertility, maximum potential yield and crop value need to be considered 1 Knowles O, Dawson A, 2018. Current soil sampling methods - a review. Farm environmental planning – Science, policy and practice. Occasional Report No. 31. Fertilizer and Lime when choosing a soil sampling Research Centre, Massey University strategy1. Which approach should I use? Traditional approach “All paddock testing can be a valuable tool for farmers who are already using precision technology, such as electromagnetic soil mapping, and precision planters and fertiliser spreaders to optimise crop yields,” says Angus. “It can also be useful in situations where a farm’s base fertility is completely unknown, with no or poor soil testing history, such as after a farm purchase. All paddock testing can help All paddock testing to guide sampling in the future. “But if soil test history is good, blocks have been well established, and management is ‘stable’, traditional ‘directed’ soil sampling of blocks or land management units is perfectly adequate for creating robust fertiliser plans.” 18 /
Animal Water Plant Soil Sustainable soil tests Good management can Has the prevent cadmium (Cd) from farm been accumulating to potentially tested in the last 5 harmful levels in soils. Yes years? No Cadmium is a naturally occurring element found in many phosphorus (P) fertilisers, that, at elevated levels, can be What is the Cd Conduct screening testing toxic to humans and livestock. concentration? (standard transects, 75 mm deep) Sensible fertiliser use and farm management will keep cadmium Conduct definitive testing (transects through
Animal Water Plant Soil Is calcium needed? Do we need to add calcium (Ca) according to an examination of data Table 1 Some Ballance fertilisers to our soils or not? from numerous studies.” (See page containing Ca 19 of Grow Spring 2020 for more “Plants need Ca, but deficiency is information.) Fertiliser Ca % virtually unknown in New Zealand as our soils are naturally quite high Possible pitfalls SurePhos 22 in it,” says Ballance Environmental “Besides the fact that there is sufficient PastureSure range 11.8 - 16.5 Management Specialist Ian Power. Ca in our soils, applying it can cause While an absolute Ca deficiency has animal health issues,” says Ian. Superten 22 never been reported in New Zealand for For dairy cows, a high dietary intake 11 - 19.8 Potash Superten blends pasture or crops, in some fruit at certain of Ca can cause milk fever, and it is times demand can outstrip supply. recommended to avoid lime application Sulphurgain blends 13.8 - 21 For example, Ca deficiency can cause several months before calving and to Serpentine Super 16.5 bitter pit in apples, and calcium chloride also avoid direct Ca supplementation or calcium nitrate sprays are used to during the dry period (non-lactating Potash Serpentine Super period before calving). 8.3 - 14.9 prevent it from occurring. blends “Some consultants who follow the ratio Applying Ca to the soil can also PastureMag range 6.6 - 14 theory might recommend high inputs of exacerbate the leaching of Mg. When the ratio of Ca to Mg increases, the Ca Gypsum 20 - 23 Ca,” says Ian. can displace some of the Mg bound Lime 30 - 40 The ratio theory proposes that the ratio on the cation exchange sites, so more of Ca, potassium, and magnesium Mg is in the soil solution and at risk of Dolomite 15 - 20 (Mg) are important, and that plants leaching. grow best in a soil with 60-80 per cent Ballance Dicalcic Many fertilisers applied to supply other 30.9 of the available cation exchange sites Pastoral occupied by Ca. nutrients also contain Ca (see Table 1). Reactive phosphate rock 30 - 35 (RPR) “But in most situations this is FOR MORE INFORMATION unnecessary, as there is sufficient Ca in most soils. The ratio theory also Contact your Ballance Nutrient results in inefficient use of resources, Specialist. Calcium’s role in soil and plants In soil, Ca affects soil aggregate stability (regulation of the movement and storage of air and water throughout the soil profile). In plants, Ca is a component of cell walls and membranes, is required for protein synthesis and ion uptake, mediates some enzyme reactions and is important for root and tip development. 20 /
Animal Water Plant Soil A pivot that irrigates and provides fertiliser. Spotlight on fertigation More light is being shed on using fertigation to get the most from nitrogen (N) applications. A Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) similar amounts of crude protein, Trials to date have been conducted on project is investigating if urea applied neutral detergent fibre content and cut and carry blocks, and future trials by fertigation could increase N use metabolisable energy. may also consider nutrient transfer efficiency, clover content, and pasture from grazing animals. Additional production and quality compared to Effects of season and rate measurements including N leaching solid urea. The second year of the project involved and N fixation will also be important two trials at Lincoln University during to consider under a fertigation and In the project’s first year, which involved conventional dairy farm system. two trials at Lincoln University during the 2020/21 season, looking at the the 2019/20 season, fertigation did effect of fertigation only in shoulder Ballance is collaborating with not result in an increase in pasture months, and of varying application IrrigationNZ, the Ministry for Primary production or quality across different N rates. Industries, Pāmu Farms of New Zealand treatments. One trial tested whether applying and others on this project. In the first trial, solid urea fertiliser was fertiliser only in shoulder months (as opposed to throughout the season) FOR MORE INFORMATION applied and irrigated either immediately or two days later, or was fertigated would produce similar pasture The project’s year 1 summary results (dissolved in water and applied with production and quality, due to increased report is available at irrigation) onto mixed perennial ryegrass clover content boosting production throughout the summer season. PHOTOS: IrrigationNZ and white clover pastures. Over a period of eight months, seven harvests were A second trial, looking at fertigation taken, with each of the three application application rates, compared the pasture Lincoln treatments producing similar amounts production, pasture quality and clover University of dry matter (DM). content produced by fertigation at 16 kg Masters student In the second trial, pasture production N/ha, 20 kg N/ha and 24 kg N/ha. Tommy Lee worked was compared across different on the trials. IrrigationNZ plans to release the results application frequencies. Nitrogen of these trials in spring 2021. was either fertigated once a month or weekly onto mixed perennial ryegrass Future directions and white clover pastures. An identical total amount of N was applied in both The project hopes to provide irrigators cases – 25 kg N/ha once a month with clear information for successful or 6.25 kg N/ha per week. Both fertigation, including advice on how approaches again produced similar to successfully design, install, and amounts of DM. manage fertigation systems. Irrigation systems with fertigation must generally Pasture quality was not affected by be managed differently to conventional application method, frequency or irrigation systems. rate, with all treatments producing Grow South Island / 21
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