GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.

Page created by Brad Cole
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.
JAN•FEB ’22 | Vol. 63 No. 

   Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine

            4    DISCOVER – Coyotes Are Among Us
             9   EXPLORE – Programs and Events
            7   ENJOY – A Centennial Tour Adventure
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.
Your Metro Parks are funded by a small Summit County real-estate tax.
                                                                          This magazine is an example of your public dollars at work.

Our parks are like green islands
in an urban landscape.                                                Board of Park Commissioners
Trail Treasures: Ice Formations  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Coyotes Are Among Us  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
Try Snowshoeing in SMP  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  8
Programs & Events  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  9
A Centennial Tour Adventure  .  .  .  .  .  .  7
SMP in the Community  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
Winter Sports  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 20

Herb Newman Chair
Joel D. Bailey
Tonya Block                                                    Joel D. Bailey   Tonya Block    Mark A. Spisak     Tina Ughrin    Herb Newman
Mark A. Spisak
Tina Ughrin                                                         The park district’s governing body is appointed by the Summit County
Lisa M. King Executive Director                                     Probate Judge. Commissioners serve overlapping three-year terms and
                                                                   are assisted by the executive director, who oversees the work of full-time
EDITORS                                                                  and part-time employees, seasonal workers and volunteers.
Stephanie Walton Chief of Marketing & Communications
Mike Greene Community Engagement Manager
Lindsay Smith Brand Manager

Jennie Levy Graphic Designer
                                                                                          Recycle Your
Karl Simonson Graphic Designer

Summit Metro Parks
975 Treaty Line Rd., Akron, OH 4433-5837
                                                             The park district “recycles” residential Christmas trees by chipping
Administrative Offices: 330-867-55
F.A. Seiberling Nature Realm: 330-865-8065                   them into mulch. Drop off your tree, cleaned of all decorations and
Liberty Park Nature Center: 330-487-0493
Summit Lake Nature Center: 330-864-843                      tinsel, through January 3 at the following locations:
Seasonal Information: 330-865-8060
Volunteer Information: 330-865-8047                                                     FIRESTONE METRO PARK
                                                                                        Little Turtle Pond | 2400 Harrington Rd., Akron
Photos contributed by:
Rob Blair • Jerry Cannon • Christy Counterman                                           FURNACE RUN METRO PARK
Doug Dawes • Jeff Hill • Kate Kunze • Marlo Perdicas                                    Brushwood Area | 4955 Townsend Rd., Richfield
JJ Prekop Jr. • Denny Reiser • Bob Roach • Frances
Simonson • Karl Simonson • Bethany Wallace                                              GOODYEAR HEIGHTS METRO PARK
                                                                                        Main Entrance (rear lot) | 2077 Newton St., Akron
This magazine is mailed free of charge to Summit County
residents. To join the mailing list, send your name and
mailing address to                                         NIMISILA RESERVOIR METRO PARK
or call 330-867-55.                                                                   Lot SM2 | 553 S. Main St., Green
Green Islands can be downloaded online:                                                 SAND RUN METRO PARK                                                                    Treaty Line Area | 995 Treaty Line Rd., Akron

                                                                                        SILVER CREEK METRO PARK
                                                                                        Big Oak Area | 599 Medina Line Rd., Norton

  2     ©202 Summit Metro Parks                                                                                                                # SMP00
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.
Discover                                                          YOUR back yard

                                                                                                                     Trail treasures
                               When the mid-winter deep freeze                 extending your adventure an additional
                               envelops Northeast Ohio, geology, water         quarter mile north on Front Street. Follow
                               and temperature unite to create spectacular     the sidewalk to High Bridge Glens Park and
   Rebecca Zak, Interpretive
                               icicles in Gorge Metro Park. On a cold,         view the grand finale: a 250-foot stretch of
                               sunny day, hike Glens Trail — a one-way         colorful icicles draping over one hundred feet
                               trail with a .8-mile-roundtrip that is worth   of rock walls above our “crooked river.”
                               every slippery step.

                               Equip yourself with crampons, hiking poles
                               and winterwear and keep your eyes to the
                               east. Across the Cuyahoga River, you will
                               notice icicles dangling from rock ledges.
                               Continue along to view ice formations that
                               grow in both quality and quantity, coalescing
                               into ice columns covering rock walls. Once
                               you reach the end of Glens Trail, consider

# SMP00                                                                                                                               3
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.


               Coyotes have adapted to our
               environment and have learned
               to avoid conflict with humans.

GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.
We’re Your Back Yard ~ JAN•FEB 2022

Are Among Us
                                         Michael Johnson, Chief of Conservation

                                         Coyotes have been a part of Ohio fauna          A few years ago, Summit Metro
                                         for at least a century. It is believed they     Parks teamed with our partners at

           Coyotes are out               migrated from the west into the Midwest         the Cuyahoga Valley National Park,

                                         and Northeast when humans eliminated            Ohio Division of Wildlife, Cleveland
       there. They live in each of       wolves from our region. Since then,             Metroparks, The University of Akron

                                         coyotes have been living alongside people       and The Ohio State University to
   our Metro Parks. They live along
                                                                                         conduct an in-depth study of coyotes
                                         mostly unnoticed and in relative peace.
       railway lines, gas and electric                                                   within the greater Cuyahoga Valley
                                                                                         region. For three years, park staff
                                         Summit Metro Parks biologists have
     rights-of-way. They live in small                                                   humanely trapped and radio-collared
                                         been studying coyotes in our parks for
                                                                                         over 40 study animals. Using both radio
     woodlots and even around the        many years. For over two decades, we
                                                                                         telemetry and GPS technology, we
                                         have monitored coyote populations
 stormwater ponds in the center of                                                       were able to watch coyotes in real time.
                                         with our Citizen Science Coyote Calling
                                                                                               Watch a short documentary
                                         Study. Periodically, trained volunteers
  most new housing developments.                                                                   on this research:
                                         and park staff go out at night and           

     In many respects, they are the      play recorded coyote calls. Staff can           We mapped territories, studied how
                                         gauge the presence of a resident                juveniles disperse and watched how
   biggest wildlife problem we have
                                         coyote population based on the reply            coyotes move around our urbanized

                          never had.     call numbers and intensity that the             landscape. Most importantly, we were
                                         recordings solicit from any nearby              able to study how coyotes reacted to
                                         animals.                                        people within our parks.

                                                                                                                    continued on page 6

# SMP00                                                                                                                                  5
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.

               continued from page 5

               Research conducted by Summit Metro          than other canine species living among
               Parks has shown the following:              us. A quick internet search for how
                                                           many people were attacked by coyotes
                . Coyotes are present in all our parks
                                                           last year compared to how many people
                   and natural areas.
                                                           were attacked by domesticated dogs can
                2. Coyotes go to great lengths to avoid
                                                           confirm this.
                   people within the parks. During the
                   day and at times of high visitation,    Coyotes have been very successful in
                   coyotes move away from trails,          our region because they have adapted
                   parking lots and other areas humans
                                                           to our environment and have learned
                   are likely to be present.
                                                           to avoid conflict with humans. Coyotes
                3. Coyotes live in family groups and
                                                           generally do not scavenge human food
                   the alpha pair restrict the size of
                                                           waste, they have become nocturnal (not
                   the family within their territory (so
                                                           their natural state) to avoid being seen
                   they are not going to grow out of
                                                           by people, and they generally have a
                                                           healthy fear of humanity.
                4. They feed mostly on smaller prey
                   items like mice, voles and rabbits.     The best way to avoid conflict with
                   They occasionally scavenge roadkill.
                                                           coyotes while you are in the Metro
                   They especially love dead beavers!
                                                           Parks is to stay on designated trails!

               Are coyotes dangerous? We get this          Coyotes are generally trying to avoid

               question all the time. The simple answer    you. It is hard for them to do that if you

               is they are predators and they are          are adventuring through a natural area

               physically capable of causing harm (much    far away from the public trail. Another
               like a 25 to 40 pound dog) — but they       tip is to keep your pets on a leash and
               rarely do. They are far less dangerous      under control. In the few instances of

6                                                                                             # SMP00
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.
We’re Your Back Yard ~ JAN•FEB 2022

coyote-dog encounters in the Metro           and holidays) and let them know. We            you can call the Ohio Division of Wildlife
Parks, it was the dog that was off-leash     may have to close a trail every now and        and ask for a list of expert nuisance
and galloping into coyote territory.         then during the short denning period.          trappers. They are able to remove
                                                                                            individual animals, but be aware that
Finally, be aware that spring is when        Coyotes are a permanent part of
                                                                                            there is already another coyote waiting
coyotes give birth and for the first few     our fauna. Many people have tried to
                                                                                            to move in and take the place of the one
weeks of their lives, the pups are not       eliminate them from the landscape and
                                                                                            that was removed.
mobile. During this sensitive time, mom      all attempts have failed. They have been
and dad are especially anxious and may       hunted, trapped and poisoned and yet           If you see a coyote in Summit Metro
howl at you if you get close to their den.   their populations are still thriving. When
                                                                                            Parks, appreciate the rare opportunity
If this happens, just turn around and call   it comes to your own home, you have
                                                                                            to view these truly magnificent and
Summit Metro Parks rangers at 330-           to decide what is acceptable coyote
                                                                                            successful animals!
867-55 (weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4:5 p.m.)     behavior. If you are experiencing conflict
or 330-475-0029 (after hours, weekends       with a coyote on your private property,

# SMP00                                                                                                                                 7
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.

    TRY   Snowshoeing IN SMP
               Joe Malmisur, Interpretive Naturalist

                                                       Snowshoeing dates back over

                                                       6,000 years to when the Mongols

                                                       came across the Siberian land

                                                       bridge into North America. The

                                                       ability to navigate in deep snow

                                                       was paramount to hunting and

                                                       surviving the harsh winters.

                                                       Mimicking the exceptionally large

                                                       feet of snowshoe hares and lynx,

                                                       snowshoes have evolved from big

                                                       pieces of bark latched to hunters’

                                                       feet to the high-tech aluminum or

                                                       carbon fiber versions that are on

                                                       the market today.

                                                       If you can walk, you can snowshoe!

                                                       Come to Liberty Park Nature

                                                       Center   (9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg)

                                                       where we loan snowshoes at no

                                                       cost when the snow is at least six

                                                       inches deep. Try it out on your own

                                                       or attend one of several naturalist-

                                                       led snowshoe hikes scheduled

                                                       during the winter months.

8                                                                                   # SMP00
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.
Explore                                                                    Programs & Events

Saturday, January , 6 a.m. –  p.m.
Hit the trail any time during the month of
January for a nature-themed game of Eye Spy!
Begin by downloading or printing this month’s
Eye Spy list from our “Educational Activities
& Resources” page under the “Things to
Do” tab, then enjoy a stroll southbound
on the Bike and Hike Trail in search of
towering rock ledges, plants and animals
along the way. You can also complete your
search using the January 3 Instagram post
(@summitmetroparks). BHT/Boston Heights:
35 W. Boston Mills Rd., Boston Heights

                                                                 Sunday, January 2, 5:30 – 7 p.m.                          Monday, January 3, 0 – :30 a.m.
Sunday, January 2, 2 – 2 p.m.
                                                                 CONSTELLATION                                             WINTER BIRD WALKABOUT
DISTANCE HIKE                                                    CONVERSATIONS – WINTER SKY                                Start your birding year off with a naturalist-
Break in the new year with a hearty hike of                                                                                led hike through our most recently added
                                                                 Gather with family and friends for
more than four fast miles through meadows                                                                                  and restored property: the Valley View Area.
                                                                 conversations about our winter constellations.
and forests. Meet at Tallmadge Meadows                                                                                     Meet at the lodge, dressed for the weather
                                                                 Creating stories about the night sky is a
parking lot. The pace will be quick and the                                                                                and with binoculars and bird guides ready!
                                                                 tradition spanning all of human history across
breaks will be few! MF/Tallmadge Meadows:                                                                                  Hot cocoa will be available back at the lodge
                                                                 the entire globe. Who were the seven
088 North Ave., Tallmadge                                                                                                 when we review our bird list for the day.
                                                                 sisters? Who was Cassiopeia? Do the Greeks,
                                                                 Japanese and Native Americans share the                   CV/Valley View: 22 Cuyahoga St., Akron
                                                                 same celestial stories? The program will
                                                                 begin on Seneca Deck before practicing                    Wednesday, January 5
                                                                 some naked-eye stargazing, so dress for                   0 –  a.m. &  – 2 p.m.
                                                                 the weather. Hot cocoa will be available.
                                                                 FASN/Seneca Deck: 828 Smith Rd., Akron
                                                                                                                           VIRTUAL: NATURE DRAWING
                                                                                                                           FOR ADULTS
                                                                 Monday, January 3, 0 a.m. – 2 p.m.                      Join our interpretive artist for this
                                                                                                                           entertaining virtual lesson in nature drawing.
                                                                 HISTORY HIKE: DEEP LOCK                                   No experience is necessary; all you need
                                                                 QUARRY                                                    are pencils, paper and a sense of humor.
                                                                 Take a trip back in time to the 800s as we                   A Zoom invitation will be emailed to
                                                                 hike to the remains of a sandstone quarry                 participants after registering. (2/22)
                                                                 that operated for nearly 00 years. Along
                                                                 the way we’ll view part of the Ohio & Erie
                                                                 Canal and learn how quarries, canals and
                                                                 railroads weave together our area’s rich
                                                                 history. DLQ: 5779 Riverview Rd., Peninsula

 Key                         Call: 330-865-8065 Advance registration required,
                             beginning at 0 a.m. on the date in parentheses.
                                                                                                Key in the Meeting ID number.
                                                                                                                                               Online registration.

                                     BHT Bike & Hike Trail               F Firestone            G Gorge             NR Nimisila Reservoir   SLNC Summit Lake Nature Center
 (date) Registration start date      CV Cascade Valley                   FR Furnace Run         HH Hampton Hills    ONW O’Neil Woods        SR Sand Run
     $ Fee                           DLQ Deep Lock Quarry                FT Freedom Trail       LP Liberty Park     SC Silver Creek         TT Towpath Trail
                                     FASN F.A. Seiberling Nature Realm   GYH Goodyear Heights   MF Munroe Falls     SFB Springfield Bog     WH Wood Hollow

Please visit or call 330-865-8065
for the latest information on COVID-9 protocols.                                                                                                                             9
GREEN ISLANDS Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine - JAN FEB '22 | Vol. 63 No.
Explore                                                                                        Programs & Events ~jan 2022

                                                     Wednesday, January 5                              Saturday, January 8, 6 a.m. –  p.m.
                                                     5 – 6:30 p.m. & 7 – 8:30 p.m.                     SELF-GUIDED STORYBOOK
                                                     INTRO TO ARCHERY                                  TRAIL: A DAY SO GRAY
                                                     FOR FAMILIES                                      Bundle up and bring the family out for some
                                                     Archery is one of the oldest skills still         exercise and fun exploration as you follow
                                                     practiced today, and it’s more accessible         a self-guided story trail based on the book
                                                     than ever. Families with children age 9 and       “A Day So Gray.” Program will be available
                                                     older can learn international-style target        along Rock Creek Trail from January 8 to 23.
                                                     archery together at our indoor range.             FR/Brushwood: 4955 Townsend Rd., Richfield
                                                     Beginning and practiced archers are welcome.
                                                     All equipment and hands-on instruction            Friday, January 4, 6 a.m. –  p.m.
                                                     provided. Must be 50 inches or taller. Cost:
                                                     $5/family. F/Coventry Oaks: 40 Axline Ave.,
                                                                                                       SELF-GUIDED: WINTER TREE ID
                                                               (2/27) $                               Learn how to identify winter trees by using
     KINDEREALM:                                     Akron
                                                                                                       bark, buds and branches. Explore the lowland
     winter trees                                                                                      riparian zone and upland forests of Oxbow
                                                     Thursday, January 6, 0 – :30 a.m.              Trail from January 4 to January 2 and
     VIRTUAL: Children ages 3 to 6 and               HOMESCHOOLERS: SNOW                               be able to identify a tree in any season!
     their adult companions are invited to join      Fluffy, shiny and cold, snow is a magical thing   CV/Oxbow: 06 Cuyahoga St., Akron
     us online to discover all about trees in        that transforms the landscape into a winter
     wintertime.                                     wonderland. Kids ages 7 to 0 years, join us      Monday, January 7, 0 –  a.m.
                                                     as we explore the science behind the slush.
     Tuesday, January 4, :30 – 2 p.m.               Don’t forget to dress for the weather to
                                                                                                       VIRTUAL: MLK DAY OF SERVICE –
         Zoom meeting ID: 896 2325 79              stay warm as we explore this cool                 MAKING SEED BALLS
                                                     world! FASN/Seneca Deck: 828                     Martin Luther King Jr. continues to inspire
     Thursday, January 20, 6:30 – 7 p.m.
                                                     Smith Rd., Akron      (2/27)                     communities with the work he did half a
         Zoom meeting ID: 874 683 852
                                                                                                       century ago. Pick up a kit to make seed
                                                     Thursday, January 6                               balls with and join a naturalist online for an
                                                      – 2:30 p.m.                                     informative hour celebrating Dr. King and his
     IN PERSON: Children ages 3 to 6 and                                                               legacy.     A Zoom invitation will be emailed to
     their families are invited to join us near a    HOMESCHOOLERS: SNOW                               participants after registering.   (/7)
     toasty fire while we learn all about trees      Fluffy, shiny and cold, snow is a magical thing
     in winter, then explore the nearby trees        that transforms the landscape into a winter
     along the trail. Please be prepared to be                                                         Monday, January 7,  – 4 p.m.
                                                     wonderland. Kids ages  to 4 years, join us
     outdoors for the entire program.                as we explore the science behind the slush.       SNOWSHOE OPEN HOUSE
                                                     Don’t forget to dress for the weather to          Join a naturalist to learn about the history of
     Friday, January 7, 0 –  a.m.
                                                     stay warm as we explore this cool world!          snowshoeing, try on a pair and maybe even
     FASN/Seneca Deck: 828 Smith Rd., Akron
                                                     FASN/Seneca Deck: 828 Smith Rd., Akron           walk around Bluebird Trail! Hot chocolate and
     Saturday, January 22                               (2/27)                                        a campfire will keep us warm. Snowshoes are
     0 –  a.m. &  – 2 p.m.                                                                         available free of charge on a first-come, first-
     FASN/Seneca Deck: 828 Smith Rd., Akron         Friday, January 7, 9:30 – 0 a.m.                 served basis. LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty
                                                                                                       Rd., Twinsburg
     Saturday, January 29, 2 – 3 p.m.                WINTER NATURE TALES
     LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg   Young children and their adult companions         Monday, January 7,  – 3 p.m.
                                                     can bring a blanket to bundle up together
                                                     near the fire to enjoy this interactive,          CHICKADEE
                                                     winter-themed story time. Be prepared: this       FEEDING & CAMPFIRE
                                                     program is all outdoors! Make it a fun, family-   All ages: warm up by the fire while learning
                                                     friendly morning by exploring the park after      about Ohio’s well-adapted resident birds,
                                                     the program. LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty       then hit the trail to hand-feed chickadees
     Wednesday, January 5, 0 – :30 a.m.           Rd., Twinsburg                                    and their friends. Bird seed will be provided.
                                                                                                       FASN/Campfire Area: 828 Smith Rd., Akron
     Come celebrate National Bird Day with           Friday, January 7, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
     a stroll through Liberty Park as we talk        STAR STORIES FOR FAMILIES                         Monday, January 7, 4 – 5:30 p.m.
     everything bird! We’ll learn, listen and look   Calling all families with young children! Enjoy   WHO’S NAPPING?
     for all of our winter inhabitants. Dress for    a warm campfire and listen to stories of          Nature lovers of all ages are invited to
     the weather and bring binoculars if you have    how the night sky came to be. Hot cocoa will      dress in PJs for this program during which
     them! Stop inside Liberty Park Nature Center    be available, while supplies last. Meet at the    we’ll explore the winter sleep strategies
     afterward to warm up by the fire. LP/Nature     Campfire Area. Program will be moved to           of woodland critters. Following a short
     Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg             Seneca Deck if it rains. FASN/Campfire Area:      evening hike, enjoy some nighttime tales and
                                                     828 Smith Rd., Akron                             marshmallows by the glow of a campfire.
                                                                                                       LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg

10                                                                                                                                               #SMP00
Explore                                                                                             Programs & Events ~jan 2022

Wednesday, January 9, 0:30 –  a.m.            Friday, January 2, 0:30 – :30 a.m.             Saturday, January 22
NATURE TIKES                                      NATIONAL SQUIRREL                                  2 – 3:30 p.m.
Children ages  to 3 and their adult              APPRECIATION DAY                                   VIRTUAL: WHERE ARE
companions can join us for this exciting          Join a naturalist to celebrate this often under-   THE TURTLES?
introduction to the natural world. This month     appreciated animal! Learn to identify different    Join a naturalist to discover what happens
we will explore natural instruments and learn     types of tree squirrels and about the role         to the turtles and their reptilian relatives
songs about the world around us! We will be       they play in the environment. Visitors of all      when the cold sets in. How do they survive
outdoors, so please dress for the weather.        ages will enjoy creating a backyard squirrel       Ohio’s harsh winters? Live animals will be
FASN: 828 Smith Rd., Akron      (/0)           feeder to take home, while supplies last.          present on camera to help answer these
                                                  We will be outdoors, so please dress for the       questions!      Zoom meeting ID: 899 2977
Wednesday, January 9, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.           weather. FASN/Campfire Area: 828 Smith Rd.,       8999
                                                  Akron       (/2)
Discover resident birds that call Ohio home                                                          Sunday, January 23, 0 – :30 a.m.
all year long and some of the migratory                                                              DISTANCE HIKE
species that escape Canada’s cold for “balmy”                                                        Hike four miles on Adam Run and Spring
Ohio. Bring questions and sightings to share!                                                        Hollow trails from the bottom of a glacial
   Zoom meeting ID: 485 730 2450                                                                     valley to the Top O’ The World Area and
                                                                                                     back. Meet at the main entrance. Boots with
Thursday, January 20, 0:30 – :30 a.m.                                                             good traction or traction devices added are
COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK                                                                           strongly recommended. HH/Main Entrance:
                                                                                                     2925 Akron-Peninsula Rd., Akron
Join a naturalist on a short winter walk in
search of birds visiting the park this month.
Coffee is provided. Bring your favorite mug,                                                         Sunday, January 23
binoculars, and sightings to share. Enjoy                                                            2 –  p.m. & 2 – 3 p.m.
handfeeding the chickadees at the end of                                                             VIRTUAL: NATURE DRAWING
the program. FASN/Visitors Center: 828
                                                                                                     FOR KIDS
Smith Rd., Akron
                                                  Friday, January 2, 4 – 5:30 p.m.                  Join our interpretive artist online for this
                                                  GOING NUTTY                                        entertaining lesson in nature drawing for kids
Thursday, January 20, :30 – 2 p.m.                                                                  ages 6 to 2. All you need are a pencil and
                                                  Learn about the fluffy acrobats hanging out
VIRTUAL: SNOW FOR KIDS                            at your feeders. Do flying squirrels really fly?   paper.     A Zoom invitation will be emailed
Fluffy, shiny and cold, snow is a magical thing                                                      to participants after registering.           (/3)
                                                  Can a squirrel’s teeth grow six inches in one
that transforms the landscape into a winter       year? Learn the answers to these and other
wonderland. Join us online as we explore the      squirrel questions you may have during this
science behind the slush.      Zoom meeting ID:   hike along the Towpath. SLNC: 4 Ira Ave.,
87 3758 844                                     Akron
                                                                                                            GET FIT WHILE YOU SIT!
Thursday, January 20, 6 – 7 p.m.                  Friday, January 2, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
VIRTUAL: WATER OVER THE                                                                                       Enjoy an exercise session with a
                                                  VIRTUAL: MUSHROOMS 0                                certified BalloFlex instructor. BalloFlex is
DAM – HISTORY OF THE GORGE                        Join a naturalist to learn about the different        a seated workout that incorporates the
                   The history of Gorge           shapes, sizes, colors and families of                  elements of dance and fitness together
                   Metro Park is as deep          mushrooms. Learn basic ID skills that will              in a safe, low impact and fun system.
                   as the gorge itself. Learn     prepare you for the upcoming mushroom                   It is designed for all ages and abilities!
                   about its unique               season.     Zoom meeting ID: 876 5608 5453
                   and famous feature, its                                                                           2:30 –  p.m.
                   importance to our human        Saturday, January 22, 0 –  a.m.
                   history and future plans for                                                                       VIRTUAL             :
                   this area.    Zoom meeting
                                                  COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK                                Zoom meeting ID: 849 6465 8634
                   ID: 852 863 539              Join us for a leisurely morning bird walk at
                                                                                                                 Monday, January 3
                                                  Liberty Park Nature Center to see which
                                                  birds are out and about. We’ll also enjoy                    Wednesday, January 5
Thursday, January 20, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.                                                                           Thursday, January 6
                                                  a brief fireside discussion in the outdoor
VIRTUAL: SNOW FOR ADULTS                          shelter while sipping coffee and hot chocolate.              Wednesday, January 9
Whether you love it or hate it, falling snow      Bring your favorite travel mug and any bird                   Thursday, January 20
is a magical sight that transforms a landscape    questions you may have. Additionally, during                  Monday, January 24
into something wonderful. Join us online          this program all are welcome to help us “train
                                                                                                                Thursday, January 27
as we explore the science behind the slush.       the chickadees” to eat seed right from your
   Zoom meeting ID: 820 903 8729                 hand! LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd.,
                                                                                                                Monday, January 3

#SMP00                                                                                                                                                    11
Explore                                                                                                   Programs & Events ~jan 2022

                                                        Thursday, January 27, 0:30 – :30 a.m.                 Saturday, January 29, 2 –  p.m.
                HIKING SPREE
                                                        COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK                               VIRTUAL: NATURE ART
             SHIELD ASSISTANCE                          Join a naturalist on a short winter walk in              FOR TEENS
           Is attaching the hiking spree shield         search of birds visiting the park this                   Do you have a creative spirit? Teens ages 3
         challenging? Our volunteers will gladly        month. Coffee is provided. Bring                         to 7 can join our interpretive artist for this
              attach it for you at no charge.           your favorite mug, binoculars,                           virtual lesson in nature-inspired art.    A
          Sunday, January 30,  – 3 p.m.                and sightings to share. Enjoy                            Zoom invitation will be emailed to participants
          Friday, February ,  – 3 p.m.               handfeeding the chickadees at the                        after registering.   (/9)
         Saturday, February 9,  – 3 p.m.              end of the program. FASN/Visitors
                                                        Center: 828 Smith Rd., Akron
      FASN/Visitors Center: 828 Smith Rd., Akron                                                                Saturday, January 29,  – 2:30 p.m.
                                                        Thursday, January 27, 6 – 7:30 p.m.                      SCHOOL’S OUT COOKOUT
                                                                                                                 Let’s celebrate this winter season! Bring your
     Sunday, January 23,  – 3 p.m.                     VIRTUAL: CANVAS ART                                      own hot dogs and buns to cook over an open
     SIGNS OF LIFE HIKE                                 Do you like crafting and making your own                 fire, and we’ll provide drinks and condiments.
     Join a naturalist on a hike to discover what       fun decor? We will use recycled burlap to                Then, hike with a naturalist to investigate how
     critters are still out and about during winter.    create a wonderful canvas. Add paint to                  animals survive the winter around Summit
     Look for fur, scat, paw prints and more. Stay      create an inspirational work of art for your             Lake. SLNC: 4 Ira Ave., Akron
     after for a fire and hot cocoa, while supplies     home.      Material pickup times and Zoom
                                                        program information will be given at registration.
     last. F/Tuscarawas Meadows: 2620 Harrington                                                                 Saturday, January 29, 8 – 0 p.m.
     Rd., Akron                                            (/8)
                                                                                                                 STARS OF THE WINTER SKY
                                                        Friday, January 28, 6 – 7:30 p.m.                        Join a naturalist as we look through telescopes
     Sunday, January 23,  – 4 p.m.                                                                              at various celestial bodies in the winter sky.
     CAMPFIRE OPEN HOUSE                                WINTER WALK & FIRE                                       The waning crescent moon, several star
     Join us at Liberty Park to ward off the winter     As day descends into night, the winter woods             clusters and some galaxies should be visible.
     blues! Toast a s’more over a fire, try your        fall silent and calm. Join us as we hike through         Find the double star in the Big Dipper’s
     hand at feeding the chickadees and hit the trail   the cold and enjoy the peaceful wintry world.            handle. Learn about the constellations that
     for a self-guided game of Eye Spy. Afterward,      After the hike, warm your toes around                    show brightly only in the winter. Hear myths
     stop inside the shelter to warm up with hot        the campfire. Don’t forget to dress for the              and legends and the important roles they
     chocolate and create a winter craft. LP/Nature     weather! FASN/Campfire Area: 828 Smith Rd.,             played in their respective cultures. LP/Nature
     Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg                Akron                                                    Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg

     Tuesday, January 25, 2 –  p.m.                   Saturday, January 29, 0 –  a.m.                       Sunday, January 30,  – 4 p.m.
     COOKING IN NATURE                                  COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK                               SNOWSHOE OPEN HOUSE
     Join a naturalist for a fun cooking                Join us for a leisurely morning bird walk at             Join a naturalist to learn about the history of
     demonstration around the campfire!                 Liberty Park Nature Center to see which                  snowshoeing, try on a pair and maybe even
     Participants will learn another recipe to          birds are out and about. We’ll also enjoy                walk around Bluebird Trail! Hot chocolate and
     add to their outdoor cooking repertoire.           a brief fireside discussion in the outdoor               a campfire will keep us warm. Snowshoes
     Samples will be available while supplies last.     shelter while sipping coffee and hot chocolate.          are available free of charge on a first-come,
     FASN/Campfire Area: 828 Smith Rd., Akron          Bring your favorite travel mug and any bird              first-served basis. LP/Nature Center: 9999
        (/5)                                          questions you may have. Additionally, during             Liberty Rd., Twinsburg
                                                        this program all are welcome to help us “train
                                                        the chickadees” to eat seed right fromTAKE
                                                                                                 your        A WINTER      WALK
     Wednesday, January 26                                                                                     Monday, January 3, 0 – :30 a.m.
                                                        hand! LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd.,
     0 –  a.m. &  – 2 p.m.                          Twinsburg                                                WINTER BIRD WALKABOUT
     VIRTUAL: NATURE JOURNALING                                                                                  Start your birding year off with a naturalist-
     Join our interpretive artist for an inspiring      Saturday, January 29                                     led hike through our most recently added
     virtual lesson in nature journaling as a           0:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. &  – 2:30 p.m.                     and restored property: the Valley View Area.
     technique for practicing mindfulness.       A                                                               Meet at the lodge, dressed for the weather
     Zoom invitation will be emailed to participants
                                                        INTRO TO ARCHERY                                         and with binoculars and bird guides ready!
     after registering.   (/2)                        FOR FAMILIES                                             Hot cocoa will be available back at the lodge
                                                        Archery is one of the oldest skills still                when we review our bird list for the day.
     Wednesday, January 26, 4 – 5:30 p.m.               practiced today, and it’s more accessible        CV/Valley View: 22 Cuyahoga St., Akron
                                                        than ever. Families with children age 9 and
     COLORS OF WINTER HIKE                              older can learn international-style target
     Many people mistakenly think of winter as a        archery together at our indoor range.
     gray, colorless time of year. Hike with us along   Beginning and practiced archers are welcome.
     Seven Ponds Trail to search for some of the        All equipment and hands-on instruction
                                                                                           ASK ABOUT OUR

     beautiful hues nature provides in winter for       provided. Must be 50 inches or taller. Cost:
     those who look closely. LP/Tinkers Creek SNP:      $5/family. F/Coventry Oaks: 40 Axline Ave.,
     230 Old Mill Rd., Aurora                          Akron       (/9) $
12                                                                                         LOAN                                                         #SMP00
Explore                                                                                          Programs & Events ~ FEB 2022

                                                                                                   Friday, February 4, 2 – 3 p.m.
                                                                                                   MAKE & TAKE CRAFT
                                                                                                   Bring your love of stargazing indoors with this
                                                                                                   make and take craft! Choose from a selection
                                                                                                   of constellation templates to create your very
                                                                                                   own work of art. SLNC: 4 Ira Ave., Akron

                                                                                                   Friday, February 4, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                   LIFE ON THE SILVER RIBBON
                                                                                                   Join us for a stroll back in time when Akron
                                                                                                   was brand-new and the promise of new
                                                                                                   opportunities floated in on the “silver ribbon.”
                                                                                                   Discover how a canal shaped and changed the
                                                                                                   area and meet the people who called it home.
                                                                                                   TT/Mustill Store: 248 Ferndale St., Akron

                                                                                                   Friday, February 4, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
                                                                                                   VIRTUAL: BIRDING BY EAR
                                                                                                   Do you want to take your birding skills to
                                                                                                   another level? Join us online to learn the
                                                                                                   basics of birding by ear. Learn what to listen
                                                                                                   for as well as techniques to improve your
                                                                                                   skills. By the end of the program, you will be
                                                                                                   able to identify at least 0 species by ear. You
                                                                                                   probably already know more than you think!
                                                                                                      Zoom meeting ID: 832 2726 6465

                                                                                                   Saturday, February 5, 0 –  a.m.
                                                  Thursday, February 3, 0:30 – :30 a.m.
          FEBRUARY                                COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK
                                                                                                   COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK
                                                                                                                             Join us for a leisurely
                                                  Join a naturalist on a short winter walk in                                morning bird walk
                                                  search of birds visiting the park this month.                              at Liberty Park
Tuesday, February , 6 a.m. –  p.m.
                                                  Coffee is provided. Bring your favorite mug,                               Nature Center to
EYE SPY                                           binoculars and any sightings to share. Enjoy                               see which birds are
Hit the trail any time during the month of        handfeeding the chickadees at the end of the                               out and about. We’ll
February for a nature-themed game of Eye          program. FASN/Visitors Center: 828 Smith                                  also enjoy a brief
Spy! Begin by downloading or printing this        Rd., Akron                                                                 fireside discussion
month’s Eye Spy list from our “Educational                                                                                   in the outdoor
Activities & Resources” page under the            Thursday, February 3, 0 – :30 a.m.                                      shelter while sipping
“Things to Do” tab, then enjoy a stroll                                                            coffee and hot chocolate. Bring your favorite
along Seven Ponds Trail in search of beaver       CELEBRATE BIRDS
                                                                                                   travel mug and any bird questions you may
lodges, tracks, plants and more along the         Take a hike on the Towpath Trail to see what
                                                                                                   have. Additionally, during this program all are
way. You can also complete your search            birds are on Summit Lake and along the trail
                                                                                                   welcome to help us “train the chickadees”
using the February 2 Instagram post               during this time of year. Please dress for the
                                                                                                   to eat seed right from your hand! LP/Nature
(@summitmetroparks). LP/Tinkers Creek             weather and bring binoculars if you have
                                                                                                   Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg
SNP: 230 Old Mill Rd., Aurora                    them. SLNC: 4 Ira Ave., Akron

                                                  Friday, February 4, 2 – :30 p.m.               Saturday, February 5
Wednesday, February 2                                                                              0:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. &  – 2:30 p.m.
0 –  a.m. &  – 2 p.m.                         FEED THE CHICKADEES
                                                  Warm up by the fire as we discuss Ohio’s
                                                                                                   ARCHERY GAMES FOR FAMILIES
VIRTUAL: NATURE DRAWING                                                                            Families with children ages 9 and older will
                                                  winter birds and why they’re here. Who
FOR ADULTS                                                                                         play different games to build archery skills
                                                  stays, who goes and who’s just visiting? After
Join our interpretive artist for this                                                              together in a fun and exciting way. Participants
                                                  our warm chat we will attempt to hand-feed
entertaining virtual lesson in nature drawing.                                                     must have already taken our Intro to Archery
                                                  some of them with bird seed. FASN/Campfire
No experience is necessary; all you need are                                                       program. All equipment and hands-on
                                                  Area: 828 Smith Rd., Akron
pencils, paper and a sense of humor.      A                                                        instruction provided. Must be 50 inches or
Zoom invitation will be emailed to participants                                                    taller. F/Coventry Oaks: 40 Axline Ave., Akron
after registering.   (/26)                                                                           (/26)

#SMP00                                                                                                                                                13
Explore                                                                                          Programs & Events ~ FEB 2022

                                                      Sunday, February 6,  – 3 p.m.                    Thursday, February 0, 5 – 6 p.m.
                                                      READING THE FORESTED                              BOTANICAL VALENTINES
                                                      LANDSCAPE                                         Show your love for the environment by
                                                      Ever wonder if the landscape around you           making it a “mix tape!” With the help of a
                                                      always looked the way it does now? Chances        naturalist, create a seed mix tape to plant in
                                                      are it hasn’t! Join a naturalist to learn some    your garden this spring. All materials with be
                                                      skills that can be used to read the forested      supplied. FASN/Visitors Center: 828 Smith Rd.,
                                                      landscape. SC/Big Oak: 599 Medina Line Rd.,      Akron       (/3)
                                                                                                        Saturday, February 2, 0 –  a.m.
                                                      Sunday, February 6, 2 – 3:30 p.m.                 COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK
                                                      BACK YARDS GONE WILD:                             Join us for a leisurely morning bird walk at
                                                      DIY BLUEBIRD BOXES                                Liberty Park Nature Center to see which
     KINDEREALM CAMPFIRE:                                                                               birds are out and about. We’ll also enjoy
                                                      Kick off this monthly series focused on
     Bird Love                                        creating nature-friendly back yards! Pick
                                                                                                        a brief fireside discussion in the outdoor
                                                                                                        shelter while sipping coffee and hot chocolate.
                                                      up a free bluebird box kit, courtesy of the
                                                                                                        Bring your favorite travel mug and any bird
     IN PERSON: Children ages 3 to 6 and              Ohio Department of Natural Resources, at
                                                                                                        questions you may have. Additionally, during
     their families can drop by and fall in love      the nature center between 2 and 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                        this program all are welcome to help us “train
     with birds. Warm up next to a toasty             Included with your kit is a video link with
                                                                                                        the chickadees” to eat seed right from your
     fire, learn about birds that brave Ohio’s        step-by-step instructions and information
                                                                                                        hand! LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd.,
     winters, and take a winter walk in search        on how to invite bluebirds to your own back
     of our avian neighbors. Hot cocoa will           yard. Participants must register to receive a
     be available, while supplies last.               kit; limit one per household. LP/Nature Center:
                                                      9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg    (/27)             Saturday, February 2, 2 –  p.m.
     Saturday, February 5,  – 3 p.m.
                                                                                                        VIRTUAL: NATURE ART
     LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd.,
                                                      Monday, February 7, 0 – :30 a.m.               FOR TEENS
     Wednesday, February 23,                          WINTER BIRD WALKABOUT                             Do you have a creative spirit? Teens ages
                                                      Join a naturalist for a hike in search of our     3 to 7 can join our interpretive artist for
     0 a.m. – 2 p.m.                                                                                  this virtual lesson in nature-inspired art.
                                                      hardy winter birds and special rarities. Meet
     FASN/Campfire Area: 828 Smith Rd., Akron                                                              A Zoom invitation will be emailed to
                                                      at the Tallmadge Meadows shelter, dressed
     Friday, February 25, 5 – 7 p.m.                  for the weather and with binoculars and           participants after registering. (2/2)
     FASN/Campfire Area: 828 Smith Rd., Akron        bird guides ready! Hot cocoa will be available
                                                      back at the shelter when we review our bird
                                                      list for the day. MF/Tallmadge Meadows: 088
     VIRTUAL: Children ages 3 to 6: fall in           North Ave., Tallmadge
     love with birds. Learn about birds that
     brave Ohio’s winters and take a virtual
     winter walk in search of our avian               Wednesday, February 9, 0:30 –  a.m.
     neighbors.                                       NATURE TIKES
     Friday, February 25, 2 – 2:30 p.m.               Children ages  to 3 and their adult
        Zoom meeting ID: 838 4480 0384                companions can join us for this exciting
                                                      introduction to the natural world! This month     Saturday, February 2,  – 2:30 p.m.
                                                      we will be exploring basic shapes and their
                                                      presence in our environment. We will be
                                                                                                        SCHOOL’S OUT COOKOUT
                                                      outdoors, so please dress for the weather!        Let’s celebrate this winter season! Bring your
     Saturday, February 5, 5 – 7 p.m.                 FASN/Visitors Center: 828 Smith Rd., Akron       own hot dogs and buns to cook over an open
     TEEN ADVENTURE SERIES:                              (/3)                                         fire, and we’ll provide drinks and condiments.
                                                                                                        Then, hike with a naturalist to investigate
     SNOWSHOE HIKE & FIRE                                                                               how animals survive the winter around
     Ages 3 to 7 are invited to explore the         Thursday, February 0, 0:30 – :30 a.m.         Summit Lake. SLNC: 4 Ira Ave., Akron
     winter season on snowshoes. Afterwards           COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK
     we’ll warm up by a fire, enjoy marshmallows
                                                      Join a naturalist on a short winter walk in       Sunday, February 3
     and hot chocolate, and learn how
                                                      search of birds visiting the park this month.     2 –  p.m. & 2 – 3 p.m.
     snowshoeing progressed from a means of
                                                      Coffee is provided. Bring your favorite mug,
     survival to a popular sport. LP/Nature Center:
                                                      binoculars and sightings to share. Enjoy          VIRTUAL: NATURE DRAWING
     9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg     (/26)
                                                      handfeeding the chickadees at the end of the      FOR KIDS
                                                      program. FASN/Visitors Center: 828 Smith         Join our interpretive artist online for this
                                                      Rd., Akron                                        entertaining lesson in nature drawing for kids
                                                                                                        ages 6 to 2. All you need are a pencil and
                                                                                                        paper.     A Zoom invitation will be emailed to
                                                                                                        participants after registering.   (2/3)

14                                                                                                                                                #SMP00
Explore                                                                                               Programs & Events ~ FEB 2022

Sunday, February 3,  – 3 p.m.                      Thursday, February 7, 0:30 – :30 a.m.           Friday, February 8, 0 a.m. – 2 p.m.
SUPERB OWL SUNDAY                                    COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK                          SCHOOL’S OUT
Need to kill time before the big game? Or            Join a naturalist on a short winter walk in         SCAVENGER HUNT
maybe you’re not into sports. Either way, stop       search of birds visiting the park this month.       Calling all kids: school’s out! Pick up a
by during this outdoor open house to learn           Coffee is provided. Bring your favorite mug,        scavenger hunt from the front desk, then hit
about the amazing predatory birds that call          binoculars and sightings to share. Enjoy            Cherry Lane Trail with your family in search
our parks home and even meet a live owl              handfeeding the chickadees at the end of the        of odd objects hidden in the woods. Return
ambassador! Whoo is interested? LP/Nature            program. FASN/Visitors Center: 828 Smith           with a complete list and earn a nature-
Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg                  Rd., Akron                                          discovery themed prize! FASN/Visitors Center:
                                                                                                         828 Smith Rd., Akron
Sunday, February 3, :30 – 2:30 p.m.                Thursday, February 7
TREE COOKIE CHRONOLOGY                               0:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                  Using Aldo Leopold’s               HOMESCHOOLERS:
                  “Good Oak” essay as                WINTER BIRDS
                  inspiration, join a naturalist     Homeschoolers ages 7 to : February is for
                  to explore our personal            the birds! Learn bird calls, discover their hardy
                  histories using tree               adaptations, and hand-feed birds for an up-
                  cookies. Measuring time            close look. Program will be mostly outdoors,
                  with tree rings can be a           so please dress for the weather. F/Coventry
                  fun and reflective way to          Oaks: 40 Axline Ave., Akron      (2/7)
                  mark the passage of time.
                  This hands-on activity will
                  take place at the Campfire
                                                     Thursday, February 7,  – 3 p.m.                   Friday, February 8, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
Area with hot cocoa in front of a toasty fire.       HOMESCHOOLERS:                                      FERRIS WHEELS, ROLLER COAST-
FASN/Campfire Area: 828 Smith Rd., Akron            WINTER BIRDS                                        ERS, & 25,000 VISITORS – OH, MY!
                                                     Homeschoolers ages  to 4: February is for        A naturalist will unlock the hidden secrets of
Monday, February 4, 9:30 – 0:30 a.m.               the birds! Learn bird calls, discover their hardy   what it was like at Summit Lake 00 years
VIRTUAL: VALENTINES DAY                              adaptations, and hand-feed birds for an up-         ago, from huge crowds to unusual stunts!
                                                     close look. Program will be mostly outdoors,        Come join us on a stroll along the Towpath
IS FOR THE BIRDS                                     so please dress for the weather. F/Coventry
Join us online to help give the birds in your                                                            Trail. Please dress for the weather. SLNC: 4
                                                     Oaks: 40 Axline Ave., Akron      (2/7)              Ira Ave., Akron
back yard a Valentine’s Day to remember!
We’ll make pine-cone feeders to hang outside
and learn about some of the birds you may                                                                Friday, February 8, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
see visiting it. A list of materials needed will                                                         VIRTUAL: WINTER BIRDS
be emailed to participants after registering.              GET FIT WHILE YOU SIT!                        Enhance your enjoyment of watching
   Zoom meeting ID: 8 3642 037.        (2/4)
                                                                                                         winter birds and sharpen your skills for this
                                                              Enjoy an exercise session with a           weekend’s Great Backyard Bird Count by
Wednesday, February 6                                  certified BalloFlex instructor. BalloFlex is     joining us online to learn about the lives of the
0 –  a.m. &  – 2 p.m.                               a seated workout that incorporates the           feathered friends that you might encounter
                                                         elements of dance and fitness together          this time of year.     Zoom meeting ID: 896
                                                          in a safe, low impact and fun system.          7266 6577
Join our interpretive artist for an inspiring             It is designed for all ages and abilities!
virtual lesson in nature journaling as a
technique for practicing mindfulness.       A                       2:30 –  p.m.                       Saturday, February 9, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Zoom invitation will be emailed to participants                                                          GREAT BACKYARD
after registering.   (2/9)                                           VIRTUAL         :                   BIRD COUNT HIKE
                                                            Zoom meeting ID: 849 6465 8634
                                                                                                         Become a citizen scientist! Join a naturalist to
Wednesday, February 6, 7 – 8:30 p.m.                          Wednesday, February 2                     observe and count birds along the trail during
FULL MOON HIKE                                                   Thursday, February 3                    the Great Backyard Bird Count, an annual
Hike by the light of a full moon for a fun                       Monday, February 7                      event that creates a real-time snapshot of
night of exploring and listening for cold-                      Thursday, February 0                    birds across the continent. All levels of birding
weather, night-time critters. Campfire and                                                               experience welcomed and encouraged.
                                                                Monday, February 4                      Please bring binoculars if you have them.
marshmallows will be available following the
hike! SFB: 400 Portage Line Rd., Springfield Twp.
                                                               Wednesday, February 6                    Shortly afterwards, warm up fireside and
                                                                Thursday, February 7                    enjoy more birding at our “Coffee with the
                                                                Monday, February 2                      Birds Walk” program! LP/Nature Center:
                                                                Thursday, February 24                    9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg

                                                                Monday, February 28

#SMP00                                                                                                                                                      15
Explore                                                                                             Programs & Events ~ FEB 2022

     Saturday, February 9, 0 –  a.m.
     Join us for a leisurely morning bird walk at
     Liberty Park Nature Center to see which
     birds are out and about. We’ll also enjoy
     a brief fireside discussion in the outdoor
     shelter while sipping coffee and hot chocolate.
     Bring your favorite travel mug and any bird
     questions you may have. Additionally, during
     this program all are welcome to help us “train
     the chickadees” to eat seed right from your
     hand! LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd.,

     Saturday, February 9, 2 – 3:30 p.m.               Wednesday, February 23, 7 – 8 p.m.                 Thursday, February 24, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
     GORGE HISTORY HIKE                                 VIRTUAL: TEEN TRIVIA NIGHT                         VIRTUAL: WINTER BIRDS
     Old rocks? Let’s roll! Celebrate some old          Calling all teens! Gather friends, assemble        FOR ADULTS
     rocks on a hike with a naturalist as we            your A-Team and join us virtually to test your
     explore the cultural and geological history                                                           Adults can join us online to discover Ohio’s
                                                        nature trivia skills. Which Ohio mammal can        winter birds. We’re talking adaptations,
     of the Gorge. From caves to roller coasters,       hear a watch ticking from a football field
     there is plenty of hard-hitting history to                                                            migration and how we can experience the
                                                        away? Compete to answer this question and          joy of our neighborhood feathered friends.
     unpack. G/Main Entrance: 60 Front St.,           more!        Zoom meeting ID: 852 4890 7943           Zoom meeting ID: 84 8380 6888
     Cuyahoga Falls

                                                        Thursday, February 24, 0:30 – :30 a.m.          Friday, February 25, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
     Sunday, February 20, 2 – 4 p.m.
                                                        COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK                         SUNSET HIKE & FIRE
     SNOWSHOE HIKE & FIRE                               Join a naturalist on a short winter walk in
     Come take a hike through a (hopefully                                                                 Snow crunching beneath our feet, the crackle
                                                        search of birds visiting the park this month.      of a warm, cozy fire, maybe even the howl of
     snowy) winter wonderland and enjoy the             Coffee is provided. Bring your favorite mug,
     sights and sounds mother nature has to offer.                                                         a coyote in the distance — what other sounds
                                                        binoculars and sightings to share. Enjoy           will we discover? Join a naturalist for a walk to
     Learn how animals cope with cold conditions        handfeeding the chickadees at the end of the
     and why wind chill doesn’t affect plants. Hot                                                         view the sunset and search for animals waking
                                                        program. FASN/Visitors Center: 828 Smith          up for the night, then enjoy the warmth of a
     chocolate and a warm fire will be waiting          Rd., Akron
     when we return. Snowshoes are available                                                               fire, marshmallows and hot cocoa. LP/Nature
                                                                                                           Center: 9999 Liberty Rd., Twinsburg
     for loan (free of charge) on a first come, first
     served basis. LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty
     Rd., Twinsburg                                                                                        Saturday, February 26, 0 –  a.m.
                                                                                                           COFFEE WITH THE BIRDS WALK
     Monday, February 2                                                                                   Join us for a leisurely morning bird walk at
     5 – 6:30 p.m. & 7 – 8:30 p.m.                                                                         Liberty Park Nature Center to see which
     ARCHERY GAMES FOR FAMILIES                                                                            birds are out and about. We’ll also enjoy
                                                                                                           a brief fireside discussion in the outdoor
     Families with children ages 9 and older will
                                                                                                           shelter while sipping coffee and hot chocolate.
     play different games to build archery skills
                                                                                                           Bring your favorite travel mug and any bird
     together in a fun and exciting way. Participants
                                                        Thursday, February 24, :30 – 2:30 p.m.            questions you may have. Additionally, during
     must have already taken our Intro to Archery
                                                        VIRTUAL: WINTER BIRDS                              this program all are welcome to help us “train
     program. All equipment and hands-on
                                                                                                           the chickadees” to eat seed right from your
     instruction provided. Must be 50 inches or         FOR KIDS                                           hand! LP/Nature Center: 9999 Liberty Rd.,
     taller. F/Coventry Oaks: 40 Axline Ave., Akron     Kids ages 7 to  can join us online to discover   Twinsburg
        (2/)                                          Ohio’s winter birds. We’re talking adaptations,
                                                        migration and how we can experience the
                                                                                                           Monday, February 28, 0 – :30 a.m.
     Monday, February 2, 6 – 7 p.m.                    joy of our neighborhood feathered friends.
     VIRTUAL: WHITE HOUSE,                                 Zoom meeting ID: 849 8525 3779                  WINTER BIRD WALKABOUT
                                                                                                           Join a naturalist for a hike in search of our
     GREEN PRESIDENTS                                                                                      hearty winter birds and special rarities. Meet
                                                        Thursday, February 24, 5 – 6 p.m.
     This Presidents’ Day, we’ll dig into some of the                                                      at the lodge, dressed for the weather and
     most “green” and environmentally friendly          FURNACE RUN HISTORY HIKE                           with binoculars and bird guides ready! Hot
     policies, acts and bills to come out of the        Join a naturalist for a leisurely evening hike.    cocoa will be available back at the lodge when
     White House, and explore the presidents            Learn the intriguing history of Furnace Run,       we review our bird list for the day. CV/Valley
     behind them!       Zoom meeting ID: 857 0230       observe nature in late winter, and hopefully       View: 22 Cuyahoga St., Akron
     6546                                               enjoy a beautiful sunset. FR/Brushwood: 4955
                                                        Townsend Rd., Richfield

16                                                                                                                                                #SMP00
Enjoy                            SUMMIT metro parks

 A Centennial Tour

  Lindsay Smith, Brand Manager

  Summit County resident Chuck                  wanted to add the commemorative
  Haby and his family are no strangers          leather tag to our (hiking) staffs. So, our
  to Summit Metro Parks. Haby has               challenge was to visit each of the parks
  completed more than 50 Fall Hiking            and see if we could do it all in one day. It
  Sprees — a tradition that started with        made for a great road trip, taking in not
  his parents, who were among the               only the different parks but the journey
  original hikers of the series that began in   between — taking all back roads as
  964. It was at the 202 Fall Hiking Spree    much as possible,” said Haby.
  kick-off event that he learned about the
                                                The friends started in Clinton and
  park district’s “Centennial Tour” — a
                                                worked their way north on the west
  self-guided challenge for visitors to make
                                                side of the county, then came down
  20 stops to earn a free commemorative
                                                the east side and finished at Nimisila
  leather tag in honor of the park district’s
                                                Reservoir Metro Park in Green.
  00th anniversary. Haby connected with
  an old friend, Kate Kunze, and the two        When asked if she’d recommend the

  hatched a plan that would take them 78       Centennial Tour to others, Kunze said:

  miles over seven hours.                       “Definitely!”

  “On Labor Day, Kate and I had the day         “The (Metro Parks) are gorgeous!

  off and originally planned to get some        There’s one huge boulder at Furnace

  hikes done. We decided the Centennial         Run Metro Park with deeply engraved

  Tour would be an adventure. Plus, we          letters that captivated me.


             continued from page 7

             On a return visit I ran my fingers over
             the grooves and paused to consider
             the many years that passed since the
             words were added,” she shared. Haby
             added: “We got to learn about each
             of the parks and their origins, take in
             some beautiful scenery and just enjoyed
             the nice day we had. It did take all day,
             but it was worth it.”

             One day, one motorcycle, two friends
             and 20 Summit Metro Parks locations
             makes for a jam-packed adventure! Did
             you know there’s still time to complete
             the Centennial Tour? And, it doesn’t
             have to be done in one day. Finish your
             20 stops by May 3, 2022 and collect
             your reward! Details are available at

18                                              # SMP00
We’re Your Back Yard ~ JAN•FEB 2022

                                                            Collaborating for the
                                                                             good of our community …
             Summit County                          We’ve
             Probate Court                     collaboratively
                                                 offered the
                                             Promises in the Park           Metro
                                                free wedding
                                                  program.                   rta            Akron-Summit
                                                                                            County Public
                                                                      METRO                    Library
                                                                  RTA helps SMP
                                                                                                                      We’re a Mind
                                                               offer additional rails-
                                                                                                                  Body & Sole partner
                                                                to-trails recreation                                and have worked
                            Let’s Grow                          and improved park                                  together to deliver
                          Akron helps us                           accessibility.                                   various programs.
                         provide valuable
                       program experiences
                          at Summit Lake
                          Nature Center.
   Let’s Grow                                                                                               Welcoming

     Akron                                                                                                 All members
                                                                                                              of the
                                                              In the Community
                                                                                                 partnered with
                                                                                              the Autism Society of
                                                                                             Greater Akron, LGBTQ+
                                                                                             Community, Age Friendly
                                                                                              Summit / Age Friendly
                                                                                              Akron and the Summit
                           We bring
Artsnow                  art to public
                                                                                                 County Senior
                        spaces through
                      participation in the
                      Anchor Institution
                            Group.                                        SMP Supports                   … and many more!
                                                                                                            Your park district
                 You can                                                                                    works collaboratively
                                                                                                            across sectors throughout
            find us at dozens          Community
                                                                                                            Summit County to improve
           of community events           EVENTS                                                             the quality of life for its
             and celebrations
                                                                          SMP staff                         residents. We are always
                annually.                                           have teamed up with                     looking for ways to bring
                                                                    APS, U of A students
                                                                                                            the parks to the people and
                                                                     and Summit ESC to
                                                                      enhance learning                      connect people to nature in
                                                                        experiences.                        Summit Metro Parks.

# SMP00                                                                                                                                  19
             JAN •FEB ’22 | Vol. 63 No.                                                                             U.S. POSTAGE

     GREEN ISL ANDS                                                   
                                                                                                                     METRO PARKS

       Summit Metro Parks Bi-monthly Magazine                                   @metro_parks


           975 Treaty Line Rd., Akron, OH 4433-5837                  

                                                       Please share this publication and recycle it when finished.

     As conditions permit, several winter sports can be enjoyed in the Metro
     Parks, and some locations are lighted for after-sunset fun. Visitors must
     bring their own equipment.
     To learn if winter sports areas are open, call 330-865-8060 or follow
     @metro_parks on Twitter.
     The best conditions for sledding include frozen ground with at least two
     inches of snow cover. Walk up the side of sled hills, not in the center where
     you may be in the path of moving sleds. Sledding is prohibited on trails and
     wooded hills.
     Never skate on a pond or lake unless signs indicate it is open for skating. Ice
     must be four inches thick and free of snow, and temperatures must remain
     several degrees below freezing for long periods of time. Wear properly
     fitted skates with sharpened blades for enhanced control and safety.
     Ice fishing is possible in Liberty Park’s Tinkers Creek Area, Nimisila
     Reservoir Metro Park and the lake in Silver Creek Metro Park, dawn to
     dusk as conditions allow. Users may not light fires, take motorized vehicles
     onto the ice, or build/leave structures and shelters on park property.
     Temporary shanties may be moved only by hand from the parking lot to
     the lake, and must be removed daily.
     Some areas are too steep to negotiate safely on skis. To help keep your skis
     from being damaged by sharp, uncovered stones, ski only when the trails
     have at least two inches of snow cover.
     You can borrow snowshoes – for free – at Liberty Park Nature Center.
     Snowshoes may not leave the park, may only be used on Bluebird Trail, and
     must be returned by 4:45 p.m. on the date of the loan. A signed waiver is
     Call the nature center for availability and inventory of sizes: 330-487-0493.

20                                                                                                                      # SMP00
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