GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald

Page created by Ian Leon
GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald

Weddings                                   FEBRUARY 10, 2018

                              The National Herald


      NA                 RA

        TIO          E
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GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald
2                                                                                      Greek American Weddings                                                        THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018

The National Herald
   A weekly publication of the
(ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ), reporting the
   and addressing the issues of
       paramount interest
     to the Greek American
 community of the United States
           of America.
      Antonis H. Diamataris
Assistant to Publisher, Advertising
         Veta H. Diamataris
      Special Section Editor Eleni
    Production Manager Chrysoula
37-10 30th Street, Long Island City,
           NY 11101-2614
     Tel: (718)784-5255 • Fax:

Democritou 1 and Academias Sts,
      Athens, 10671, Greece
Tel: • Fax:
                                        Greek-American Weddings
                                        By Eleni Sakellis                                        said “no children allowed.” Where would they leave         mom is helping already, or maybe not, your cousins
                                                                                                 them when everyone they know who could babysit             and friends who have already tied the knot are
                                        Welcome to The National Herald’s annual Greek-           will be at the wedding?                                    probably very knowledgeable on the subject. Get their
                                        American Weddings special issue! We hope you enjoy       Family is vital to a Greek wedding, which is why           advice over coffee, borrow their wedding planning
                                        the articles and information we have gathered for you    mothers and daughters fuss over the guest list and the     binder, you know which friend has one, and if needed,
                                        and wish those couples planning their big day all the    seating arrangements. Do you really want to hear           hire a professional wedding planner. There is a wealth
                                        best for a long and happy life together! The Greek       complaints from your theia about where she sat at the      of information available online and in TNH as well. A
                                        wedding and all its traditions celebrate love, life,     wedding? Just keep in mind that you will hear those        glance through the archive of our weddings special
                                        faith, and family.                                       same complaints at every family gathering for the          issues will show how some things have changed and
                                                                                                 next twenty years at least, if not longer, God willing.    others have stayed the same in planning a wedding.
                                        Those of us from the average, usually large, Greek       The church, the reception hall, the food, the music,       What remains constant is the love that brings the
                                        family will undoubtedly have attended numerous           the decor, the dress, every little aspect of the wedding   happy couple together in the first place.
                                        weddings throughout a lifetime. We may take for          day can add up to a lot of stress for the happy couple,    Above all, take a moment to appreciate how truly
                                        granted the ceremony and tradition that make Greek       mostly the bride, but with some forethought, and a         blessed you are to have found the person you will
                                        weddings so special. I recall being shocked and          few ideas from TNH, we hope to ease some of the            spend the rest of your life with. Your family and
                                        saddened to hear that one of my classmates (non-         burden.                                                    friends are also there to share in your happiness, so
                                        Greek) had never attended a wedding in her life at       While it can be hectic, we hope you enjoy the process      make sure to thank them. Time spent with your loved
                                        the ripe old age of 12 or 13. By that age, most Greek-   of planning the wedding as much as possible. Keeping       ones is always precious. The close personal
                                        Americans have been to at least three or four            things in perspective can help. Remember, you are not      relationships we share are what make life truly worth
                                        weddings and have probably participated as a flower      the first or the last person to get married, and very      living, so remember to make some happy memories
                                        girl or ringbearer in at least one or two. Most Greeks   few people plan an entire wedding on their own. Ask        on your special day and throughout your lifetime.
                                        would never imagine sending out an invitation that       questions and ask for help when you need it. Whether       We wish you all the best!

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THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018   Greek American Weddings   3
GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald
4                                                                                  Greek American Weddings                                                              THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018

      Greek Wedding Traditions
By Eleni Sakellis                                                                                                                                                   ter the bride is ready, includes wrapping a red
                                                                                                                                                                    sash around the bride’s waist for fertility while
    The Greek wedding has taken on mythic pro-                                                                                                                      music is played and all her relatives give her a
portions in the popular imagination worldwide,                                                                                                                      blessing. The red sash is also draped around the
thanks in no small part to the film My Big Fat                                                                                                                      groom’s waist at his house, and then the kapnistiri
Greek Wedding, even if it is nearing sixteen years                                                                                                                  takes place during which a censor is used to bless
since its release.                                                                                                                                                  the bride and groom.
    Greek-Americans have done their part in ex-                                                                                                                         When the bride is about to exit her parent's
panding the idea of the Greek wedding in all its                                                                                                                    home, her parents break a large wedding pretzel
grandeur, from the huge guest list to the impres-                                                                                                                   or “nifopsomo” over her head and give all those
sive reception menu, but the traditional aspects                                                                                                                    in attendance a piece so they can wish all the
of the Greek wedding are what make it truly                                                                                                                         best to the bride for a happy marriage, health,
unique and special. Those of us from the average,                                                                                                                   and wealth.
usually large, Greek family will undoubtedly have                                                                                                                       In many regions of Greece, a procession to the
attended numerous weddings throughout a single                                                                                                                      church takes place with traditional songs per-
lifetime. I recall being shocked and saddened to                                                                                                                    formed for the bride and her family and the
hear that one of my classmates (non-Greek) had                                                                                                                      groom and his family along the way. A band some-
never attended a wedding in her life at the ripe                                                                                                                    times escorts the bride to the church and everyone
old age of 12 or 13. By that age, most Greek-                                                                                                                       in the community follows and dances all the way
Americans have been to at least three or four                                                                                                                       to the church. Traditionally, the groom waits out-
weddings and have probably participated as a                                                                                                                        side of the church for the bride’s arrival and then
flower girl or ring bearer in at least one or two.                                                                                                                  gives her the bouquet before they walk down the
There a lot of Greek wedding traditions and from                                                                                                                    aisle together. The father of the bride or her
one region to the next, there are many variations.                                                                                                                  brother gives the bride away to the groom outside
The traditional music varies, too, who has at-                                                                                                                      the church.
tended several Greek weddings of those from var-                                                                                                                        The wedding ceremony begins with the bless-
ious parts of the country will attest.                                                                                                                              ing of the couple’s engagement and the rings. As
    The traditions actually begin well before the                                                                                                                   noted in Manhattan Bride, “The betrothal service
bride and groom have even met. The tradition of                                                                                                                     recognizes the engagement of the couple by the
the prika, or dowry, begins with the mother of                                                                                                                      church and includes the priest’s blessing of the

                                                       Among the traditions: “The stefana, or crowns, are
the bride buying items or making them by hand                                                                                                                       rings. He also alternately blesses the bride and
for her daughter’s future wedding, linens, cloth-                                                                                                                   groom three times.”
ing, household items, and usually storing them
in a large chest over the course of many years. In     linked with a ribbon that symbolizes the union of                                                                As noted on, “The ste-
                                                                                                                                                                    fana, or crowns, are linked with a ribbon that
the past, young women showed off their skills in
embroidery and other crafts in the items they          two people into a married couple"                                                                            symbolizes the union of two people into a married
                                                                                                                                                                    couple and are placed on a table in front of the
made by hand for their dowry. Today, most of the                                                                                                                    bridegroom, along with the Bible, the wine, and
items a bride needs are purchased.                                                                                                                                  the rings.
    In the past, engagement rings in Greece were       wed. Sunday is traditionally the preferred day for    make the bed at the soon-to-be husband and                 “The koumbaro or koumbara exchanges the
usually not the diamond solitaire type we associ-      weddings, but more and more couples choose            wife’s house for good luck and fertility. After the    rings three times and swaps the stefana three
ate with them today. The Greek engagement ring         Saturday, and some now even choose to marry           bed is made, flowers, money, and koufeta are           times, before he places them on the couple's
was a gold band worn on the left ring finger after     on weekdays. The Thursday before the Sunday           thrown on top, and finally a baby is also set on       heads. This is a physical demonstration of their
the engagement blessing and then the same ring         wedding was when the dowry or prika was deliv-        top of the bed. Whether it’s a baby girl or boy        spiritual bonding (the couple and koumbari).”
served as the wedding ring, moved from the left        ered to the couple’s soon-to-be home. In the days     will supposedly determine what the firstborn child         When the priest begins the wedding blessings,
to the right hand during the appropriate moment        leading up to the delivery, it was a custom for the   will be. The preference is traditionally for a baby    he joins the couple’s right hands. Then the priest
of the wedding ceremony. In some villages, the         dowry to be on display in the bride’s parents’        boy. In some regions, rice is also thrown on top       blesses the stefana blessing, reads the Gospel of
engagement is still an important separate cere-        home so visitors could admire it wish the bride       of the bed.                                            the Wedding in Cana (Jesus' first miracle), then
mony, though it is also how the wedding service        well in her marriage. The dowry is no longer com-         On the day of the wedding, the koumbaro or         pours wine into a single cup or glass, and gives it
begins, but more on that later.                        mon, but in many places where Greeks have set-        best man shaves the groom as part of the dressing      to the couple to take three sips each from it. The
    Setting the date is another aspect of the tradi-   tled, the parents of the bride sometimes give the     for the wedding tradition. Meanwhile at the            couple drinking from a single glass symbolizes
tional Greek wedding that should not be over-          gift of a house or help with buying a house which     bride’s home, her maid of honor or koumbara            their commitment to sharing their life and expe-
looked if you’re planning a church wedding. There      has, to some extent, come to replace the dowry        leads the bridesmaids in helping the bride dress       riences for the rest of their days.
are certain times of the year when weddings are        of the past.                                          for the wedding. In some regions, the names of             The Greek Orthodox wedding ceremony has
not performed at all, namely during fasting peri-          Choosing the koumbaro and koumbara who            the single bridesmaids are written on the soles of     remained the same since the 11th century. “It is a
ods like Great Lent, the two weeks before the          are “sponsors” of the wedding is another Greek        the bride’s shoes and the names that are worn off      ‘blessed union’ that implies this must be a per-
Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15, August        tradition. The groom’s godparent is asked first,      by the end of the night are those of the ladies        manent union,” said Fr. Robert Stephanopoulos,
29- the commemoration of the beheading of St.          then the bride’s godparent, if they decline or sim-   next to be married.                                    Dean Emeritus Archdiocesan Cathedral of the
John the Baptist, September 14- the Elevation of       ply cannot do it, close friends and family are then       Another shoe related custom is that the groom      Holy Trinity, as reported in Manhattan Bride.
the Holy Cross, and the 40 days leading up to          asked. The role is a serious one since the koum-      is supposed to buy the bride’s shoes for the wed-          The two parts of the Greek Orthodox wedding
Christmas.                                             baro and koumbara participate in the wedding          ding day. Either he or the koumbaro or best man        service are the betrothal and the marriage service.
    In ancient times, January was considered the       ceremony and then are expected to baptize the         delivers the shoes and the bride is supposed to        A small table on which a special tray is placed
best month to marry since it was the month ded-        couple’s first child, a huge responsibility.          pretend that they are too big and don’t fit her.       with the wedding crowns, betrothal rings, can-
icated to the goddess of marriage and fertility,           Another tradition usually a few days before       The koumbaro then places coins in the shoes for        dles, goblet of sanctified wine, and the book of
Hera. The Roman version of Hera is Juno, which         the wedding is the making of the marital bed.         good luck and to help them, supposedly, fit better.
made her month of June the preferred month to          The family and friends are invited to a party to          The Cypriot tradition is called stolisma and af-   Continued on page 13

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GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald
THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018        Greek American Weddings                                5

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GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald
6                                                                                                      Greek American Weddings                                                                            THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018

     TΝΗ Tracks the Top Wedding
TNH Staff

Though many brides choose a traditional style for their wedding, it can be fun and memorable to incorporate some of the current trends into
the celebration. The National Herald searched through the top wedding trends for 2018 to compile the following list of ideas you might want
to use for the big day.

                                                                   Colorful Florals
                                                                   F   loral arrangements are going colorful in 2018 with
                                                                       dramatic shades and textures adding interest to
                                                                   centerpieces, decorations, and bouquets. Dramatic color
                                                                   palettes are a big trend this year with darker hues including
                                                                   shades of purple and increased use of greenery taking center

Plants and                                                                                                                         Texture and                                                        Destination
Green,                                                                                                                             Translucent                                                        Weddings
Living Bars                                                                                                                        T      he linens at most weddings can be a little boring with
                                                                                                                                          white or off-white being the obvious choices. Textured
                                                                                                                                                                                                      T   he trend continues, but more and more couples are
                                                                                                                                                                                                          embracing the local traditions at their destination
                                                                                                                                   linens, featuring laser-cut designs are a great way to

A    s an alternative to cut flowers, think about decorating the
     aisle with potted plants that can be donated to the church
or given away to guests at the end of the ceremony. Wrap the
                                                                                                                                   personalize the look of the reception. Translucent decorations
                                                                                                                                   are also a trend this year with see-through elements and clear
                                                                                                                                                                                                      weddings. Greek weddings feature many traditions you might
                                                                                                                                                                                                      want to incorporate into your destination wedding in Greece,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      including the procession to the church with live music and the
                                                                                                                                   tents bringing light and clean design to the modern wedding.
pots with fabric to blend seamlessly into the décor for the                                                                                                                                           traditional wedding songs. Some regions of Greece also have
wedding, and/or tie a bow around the pots for a pretty effect.                                                                                                                                        pinning money to the bride, or the bride and groom, traditions,
The green, living bar trend brings a touch of nature to the bar                                                                                                                                       but don’t worry about ruining your dress; the money is usually
area where the bar itself can be covered with greenery, living                                                                                                                                        pinned to the other bills, making a sort of chain or money
plants or vines. A simple bar cart can be transformed with                                                                                                                                            necklace for the bride and the groom.
fresh plants or bushes and painted latticework.

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GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald
THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018                                                                  Greek American Weddings                                                                                                                     7

Trends for 2018                                                                                                                                                                                           Face &   Body Spa
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Day Spa Salon

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Come as you are,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and leave FABulouS

Smaller                                                                                                                The After-
Wedding                                                                                                                Party
Parties                                                                                                                W      hile the reception is still central to the wedding
                                                                                                                              day, more and more couples are having after-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Special Occasions
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ■ For the Bride and
                                                                                                                       parties as part of their celebration. With destination                           ■ The Blushing RosePackage

T    his trend may not be possible for a Greek wedding
     since so many cousins will be upset by not being
included in your wedding party. Still, the smaller
                                                                                                                       weddings growing ever more popular, the festive
                                                                                                                       atmosphere can continue for days with everyone
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ■ The Orchids and Lace Package
                                                                                                                                                                                               ■ The Boutonniere ■ The French Tulip Package
                                                                                                                       enjoying a holiday as well as the special event. The after-        
wedding party has some advantages since it can be                                                                                                                                              40-21 23rd Ave. | Astoria, NY 11105 | 718 204 9390
                                                                                                                       party can have a more casual vibe with fun foods, adult
difficult to coordinate the schedules of 12 or more
                                                                                                                       beverages, and dancing into the early hours of the
people these days and it will save time during the                                                                     morning.
wedding if there are only two or three bridesmaids
walking down the aisle and being announced at the start
of the wedding reception. Some brides choose to have
no bridesmaids at all and instead they include the
children on both sides of the family as flower girls and
                                                                                                                                                                                           We invite you to indulge your
ring bearers.                                                                                                                                                                              guest with culinary excellence
                                                                                                                                                                                           in our exceptional facilities.

                                                           Creative                                                                                                                        Plan your
                                                                                                                                                                                           Wedding/Engagement Party

                                                           Place                                                                                                                           Rehearsal
                                                                                                                                                                                           Dinner/Post-Wedding Brunch
                                                           Cards                                                                                                                           Anniversary/Birthday
                                                                                                                                                                                           parties with us

                                                           T   he trend in place cards is creative and often edible.
                                                               Among the ideas for place cards to spice up your
                                                           wedding, adding names to small containers with
                                                                                                                                                                                                     for a memorable

                                                           flavored breadsticks or cheese and crackers so guests can                                                                                        Seating 75
                                                           snack on hors d'oeuvres as well as find out where they                                                                               Proprietors: Vasilia & George Vastardis
                                                           will be seated. A mandarin orange or clementine,

                                                           wrapped in paper, and tied with a bow and a name tag                                                                                      Tel: (908) 233-0052
                                                           can also be a fun place card. The fruit makes a nice                                                                                  235 North Avenue, West Westfield, NJ 07090
                                                           snack between courses too.                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Follow us on Facebook:
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The National Herald / Eθνικός Κήρυξ

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8   Greek American Weddings   THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018
GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald
THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018           Greek American Weddings                               9

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GREEK-AMERICAN The National Herald
10                                                                        Greek American Weddings                                       THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018

Wedding Dress, Hair, and Makeup Trends for 2018
TNH Staff                                                                                                                                                 Classic looks for wedding
                                                                                                                                                      hair styles include updos and
    The trends in wedding                                                                                                                             half updos which are always in
dresses for Fall 2018 seem to                                                                                                                         style, though today’s updates
be continuing the trends from                                                                                                                         on the classics add texture for
last year, but on a new level.                                                                                                                        a more casual updo. Chic pony
Capes made an appearance last                                                                                                                         tails are also a trend this year
year, in the form of the capelet,                                                                                                                     that might work with your
and the trend continues with                                                                                                                          individual style and Greek-
princess capes. Jackets are a                                                                                                                         inspired goddess looks can
trend this year with special                                                                                                                          incorporate elements of the
emphasis on moto jackets for                                                                                                                          casual updo or half up, half
the bride in a variety of fabrics                                                                                                                     down looks plus accessories
from lace to leather.                                                                                                                                 woven into a loose braid or
    The very flattering off-the-                                                                                                                      bun. Beachy waves and loose
shoulder look is still going                                                                                                                          braids, and floral accents can
strong with designers creating                                                                                                                        create a romantic look for the
new looks with various sleeve                                                                                                                         bride.
options including ones that
detach which give the off-the-                                                                                                                           Among the makeup trends
shoulder look to a dress that is,                                                                                                                     for 2018 are glossy lips, pink
in fact, completely strapless.
Poof sleeves and bell sleeves
were also seen on the runways.
    As for lengths in 2018, tea-
length gowns offer a ladylike
choice designed by Ellie Saab,
Savannah Miller, and Oleg
Cassini, among many others.
The trend is a classic
reinvented with a whimsical
touch for the modern bride. If
the midi-length is not for you,
shorts have also made an
appearance on the runways for
the fashion-forward bride.
Pants by various designers
including Monique Lhuillier,                                                                                     only options. While black,
Lela Rose, Hayley Paige, Justin                                                                                  navy, and grey suits are classic,
Alexander, and Victor & Rolf                                                                                     modern grooms are choosing
Mariage, may be perfect look                                                                                     more colors for the big day.
for the chic city hall wedding.                                                                                  Among the colors the grooms
High-low hems, miniskirts, and                                                                                   and groomsmen are choosing
shorts suits were also on the                                                                                    these days are burgundy, forest
runways for 2018.                                                                                                green, and even shades of
    Shoulder bows are also in                                                                                    mauve. Textures including
for this year while many                                                                                         casual tweeds and herringbone
designers opted for sleek,                                                                                       patterns can add a distinct look
modern looks recalling the                                                                                       for the guys.
minimalism of the 1990’s.
Plunging v-necklines were also                                                                                      When it comes to hair for
big on the runways as well as                                                                                    the big day, make sure you           lips, pearly shimmer for a dewy
side cutouts for the more                                                                                        consult with your stylist well in    glow, earth tone eye makeup in
daring brides.                                                                                                   advance and try out some test        warm browns, and the “no
                                                                                                                 hairdos to make sure they            makeup” makeup look which
   In terms of color, the                                                                                        work with your dress and veil        includes glowing skin, light
varying shades of blush are on                                                                                   or whatever hair accessories         blush, and lip tints in nude
trend this year from peach to                                                                                    you may choose to wear. Try          shades for a barely there
soft nude tones lending a                                                                                        not to experiment with a             suggestion of color. Always
romantic look to wedding                                                                                         drastic change in hair color,        start with clean, exfoliated,
dresses. Black accents for                                                                                       style, or cut at the last minute,    and moisturized skin. The
wedding dresses, like a belt at                                                                                  since it can add unnecessary         trends and the “natural” look
the waist, or a bow hanging                                                                                      stress if it doesn’t come out just   may not work for everyone, so
down the back, or black opera                                                                                    right on your special day. The       test it out with your makeup
gloves worn with traditional-                                                                                    same goes for makeup, too,           artist, and remember that
style gowns also made an                                                                                         always try it out first with your    minimal makeup with a pale
impression on the runways.                                                                                       makeup artist and try some           colored dress can wash out the
                                                                                                                 test photos, too. The hair,          bride, especially in the many
   For men, the traditional suit                                                                                 makeup and dress should all          photos and under different
colors and textures are not the                                                                                  work together.                       lighting conditions.

                                                                                                                                      According to research:
                                                                                                                       Couples that read together...
                                                                                                                              stay together!
                                                                                                                                    The National Herald
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THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018                             Greek American Weddings                                                                                             11

Renaissance Event Hall’s Teresa Lisson Speaks to TNH
TNH Staff

   The Renaissance Event Hall in Long Island
City, NY is a convenient location for events and
weddings, particularly in Queens. Located close
to Astoria and Manhattan, couples can enjoy their
reception without worrying about guests having
to travel long distances, especially when they
choose to have the ceremony in one of the many
churches in Astoria.
   For those interested in outdoor photos, the
hall is also located near Astoria Park, Socrates
Sculpture Park, Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Free-
doms Park, and Gantry Plaza State Park for dra-
matic views.
   Renaissance Event Hall was recognized in the
last three years (2015, 2016, and 2017) with Wed-
ding Wire’s “Bride’s Choice” and The Knot’s “Best
of Weddings” Awards. The National Herald spoke
with Teresa Lisson, Renaissance GM and partner,
for the latest information on the wedding venue.
   TNH: What makes the Renaissance Event Hall
a good choice for a wedding?
   TL: We host only one event at a time. Our
space is newly renovated and in summer 2018
we will also open our backyard for ceremonies.
   TNH: How have weddings changed at the Re-                                                                                                             Courtesy of renAissAnCe event HAll
naissance since the time you started until now?                                   Interior views of the Renaissance Event Hall in Long Island City, NY.
   TS: We used to have many inquiries for all-in-
clusive packages where the flowers, DJ, and pho-
tographers are included. Now a days the couples                                      For couples interested in planning their wed-    ceiling flanked by two spacious, yet cozy bal-
like to customize their event alone to give a per-                                ding at Renaissance Event Hall, appointments are    conies. The perfect setting for any stylish event,
sonal touch to the special occasion.                                              available 11:30am – 6:30pm, 7 days a week. A        from a wedding ceremony, reception, to corporate
   TNH: How many guests attend an average                                         baby grand piano is available to rent by the hour   functions, award dinners, fundraisers, filming,
wedding at your venue?                                                            to be played by a pianist the couple provides or    photo shoots and fashion shows.”
   TS: 125-400 guests.                                                            the Renaissance can provide the pianist as well,        The 12,000 square foot wedding venue also
   TNH: How far in advance should couples begin                                   for an additional fee.                              features a full-service kitchen providing catering
planning their wedding at the Renaissance?                                           As noted on the website, “Guests are greeted     options for buffet and plated dinners, capacity
   TS: It should be 9-12 months, however, we                                      in the lobby bar, its simple elegance punctuated    for parties up to 350 seated guests and 450 cock-
had couples book less than 3 months in advance                                    by a baby grand piano. The room flows to a grace-   tail guests, state-of-the-art audio visual system.
and they had a lovely celebration. I suggest if you                               fully curved staircase. Marble steps descend to         The hall’s event coordinator and team can as-
have never planned any event before, give your-                                   reveal the neoclassic decor of the main reception   sist with the details. More information is available
self at least a year..                                                            hall and hardwood dance floor below. The soaring    at

            Get informed
12                                                                               Greek American Weddings                                                             THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018

The Institution of Marriage
in Ancient Greece
By Eleni Sakellis                                    evidence, and examples from Homer
                                                     specifically, suggest that it was
    If planning your wedding is stressing you out,   more common in ancient Greece
take a deep breath and be thankful you aren’t        for a man to have one legal
living and planning that wedding in ancient          wife, his “lawfully wedded
Greece. To say we’ve come a long way since           wife,” and then keep a
then is a bit of an understatement when you          concubine, or more than
learn a few facts about the institution of           one concubine.
marriage in ancient Greece. Most people                  Girls were often
probably know that marriage was not viewed in        married off in their
the romantic sense until very recently in human      teens, at about age 14
history. It is only in about the last 150 years or   to 16, to an older man,
so that the idea that people could or even           who was often about
should marry for love has taken root in the          30. There were no
popular consciousness. Marriages in the past         specific ages that
were mostly arranged by the parents of the           people could marry,
persons to be married. Whether the bride and         but generally parents
groom liked each other or not might make no          waited until their                                                                                                was now the bride’s kyrios, taking over that
difference at all in the negotiations since they     daughters were of                                                                                                title and duty from her father, as noted in
were marrying for practical reasons, continuing      childbearing age until                                                                                          Robert Flaceliere’s Daily Life in Greece.
the family line, extending land holdings, or         the arranged marriage                                                                                              If things did not work out for the married
securing alliances between families. Money           would take place. In                                                                                          couple in ancient Greece, either the husband
more than romantic ideals was the deciding           Sparta, women rarely                                                                                        or the wife could initiate a divorce, but the
factor in the arranged marriage. It was more a       married before age 20, as                                                                                   husband had a much easier time of it. All a
business deal rather than the ending of a            noted in the book Spartan                                                                                   husband had to do to divorce his wife was send
romantic comedy.                                     Women by Sarah B. Pomeroy,                                                                                  her back to her father’s house along with her
    Though each city-state in ancient times had      which also points out that Spartan                                                                          dowry. If the now-ex-husband did not return the
its own laws regarding marriage, most were           girls were educated along with boys                                                                         dowry, he would have to pay 18 percent interest
arranged by the parents, and lawmakers viewed        and were allowed to go where they                                                               wedding     on it every year, as Pomeroy wrote in Goddesses,
it as a duty of each person for the public           pleased while Athenian women were rarely                                                    ceremony-       Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical
interest. The laws of Sparta were particularly       seen outside the house.                                                               the epaulia. Ritual   Antiquity.
specific on the point of marriage being to raise         The bride’s dowry was a major factor in a                          bathing, offerings made to the          Demosthenes noted that in case a wife was
legitimate children who would be healthy and         man’s decision to wed, along with her expected        goddesses Artemis and Aphrodite, and feasting         discovered to have committed adultery, her
productive members of the state. There are           fertility, and skills including weaving. Gifts were   were part of the ceremonies along with an             husband would have to divorce her or face
examples in the laws of Lycurgus of Sparta           exchanged to show the approval of both families       unveiling of the bride and the bride cutting a        losing the right to vote. For a woman to initiate
requiring legal action against people who            for the bride and groom and for their alliance.       lock of her hair as a rite of passage. The            a divorce, she had to appear before the archon
married too late in life, unsuitably, and even           Winter weddings were very popular for the         bathwater for the bride-to-be’s ritual bath was       and because women could not be citizens of
against confirmed bachelors, as noted in             ancient Greeks with January as the most               brought in with the loutrophoros, a special           Athens, a male relative had to represent her.
Plutarch’s Life of Lycurgus.                         popular month since it was sacred to Hera the         ceramic vessel with two handles and an                   If a young woman was the only heir to her
    Childbearing was so important in Sparta that     goddess of marriage. Marrying during the full         elongated neck. The ceramic vessel was also           father’s estate, and she married but did not
Xenophon notes the suggestion that if a Spartan      moon was also considered lucky for ancient            placed in the tombs of unmarried people. Many         produce a male heir with her husband, upon her
woman has no children with her husband, she          Greek weddings.                                       examples were found at the Kerameikon in              father’s death, her closest male relative could
should be allowed to move in with another man.           The Ancient Greek wedding ceremony lasted         Athens, some of which are in the National             force her to divorce her husband in order to
Extending the family line was a priority and it      three days and indeed in some parts of Greece         Archaeological Museum of Athens.                      marry him or another male relative and keep the
occasionally meant someone like Spartan King         and Cyprus weddings can last three days even             The feasts were held at the bride’s parents’       estate or property in the family. Demosthenes
Anaxandridas II could have two wives, in             today depending on the customs of the local           house and men would be served first, and once         noted that in Athenian law, the father of the
separate homes, in spite of the fact that bigamy     villages. The first day consisted of a pre-           they finished eating, the women would be              bride/heiress had the power to dispose of her in
was not a tradition in Sparta or in Hellenic         wedding ceremony- the proaulia, followed by           served. Once the bride stepped over the               his will, as did a husband in his will for his
culture in general, as Herodotus noted in The        the gamos- the actual wedding ceremony on the         threshold into her husband’s home the marriage        widow since even in death the husband was still
Histories, Book 6, chapter 39 and 40. The            second day, and the third day was the post-           was considered legally binding and the husband        the rightful guardian of his widow.

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THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018                                                 Greek American Weddings                                                                                                             13

Food Trends for Weddings and a Traditional Recipe
TNH Staff                             up the food on the spot.              for dramatic wedding cakes are        sonal touch to your cake.              Gamopilafo                          cook until both the lamb or goat
                                         Another trend in hors d’oeu-       a big trend this year. Metallic           Traditional foods for wed-                                             and the chicken are done about
    The trend in foods for wed-       vres is mini-comfort foods in-        touches like gold leaf and gold       dings include koufeta (Jordan                                              about one hour. Remove the
dings is more casual and per-         cluding mini cheese and spinach       dust create a stunning look for       almonds) handed out to each            • 2 pounds lamb or goat             cooked meats from the pots and
sonalized. While signature cock-      bites, tiny baked potato bites,       wedding cakes.                        guest. The number of koufeta is        • 1 whole chicken, 3-4 pounds       set aside.
tails have long been a trend at       bite-sized soft pretzels, mini lob-      Looking good is only part of       always an odd number, symbol-          • 3 cups rice                           Measure five cups of the
wedding receptions, signature         ster potpies, mini macaroni and       the equation for the wedding          izing the couple’s life together       • 2 tablespoons Greek extra         cooking liquid and place in a
foods are just starting to take       cheese bites, mini ham and            desserts and creating special fla-    which cannot be divided in half          virgin olive oil                  large deep pot. Add the rice,
off. His and hers entree options      cheese rolls, and lasagna bites.      vor combinations can be a great       and will likely be bittersweet         • 3 tablespoons fresh lemon         lemon juice, salt and pepper to
can be a fun way to personalize       Served in little individual           way to personalize the cake.          like the almonds coated in               juice                             taste.
the menu. Signature appetizers        ramekins, the appetizers look         Chocolate and vanilla are classic     sugar.                                 • Greek sea salt to taste               Cover the pot and allow to
named for the bride and groom         adorable and taste delicious.         but may seem a bit tame when              Traditional Greek wedding          • Freshly ground pepper to          come to a boil, then reduce heat
can also add a personal touch            While the guests are dancing       compared to flavors like bour-        cakes featured honey, sesame             taste                             to medium low and simmer un-
to the cocktail hour. Presenta-       the night away, instead of forc-      bon and mocha. For fruit fla-         seeds, and quince, symbolizing                                             til the rice absorbs the liquid.
tion, something we hear about         ing them off the dance floor for      vors, figs are apparently very        the couple’s commitment.                  Rinse the lamb or goat and       Serve the rice with the meat im-
all the time in cooking competi-      the cake, passed cake pops can        hot as a garnish for wedding          Cypriot glystarkes, a type of          chicken in cool water. Place the    mediately and enjoy with a driz-
tion shows, is another food           be a fun way to enjoy dessert at      cakes in 2018, though Greek           bread is also traditionally served     lamb in a pot and cover with        zle of olive oil on top. The Cre-
trend for weddings. Make the          the wedding reception. Colorful       people have been onto the fig         at weddings, hearkening back           water. Place the chicken in a       tan version includes goat’s milk
reception extra special with in-      cakes are another trend in wed-       trend since prehistoric times at      to the ancient tradition of bread      large deep pot and cover with       butter sautéed and poured over
stallations of hors d’oeuvres         ding foods, especially hand-          least.                                at the wedding. Gamopilafo is          water. Bring both pots to a boil,   the top of the cooked rice at the
hanging dramatically, or foods        painted desserts for an extra            Whimsical cake designs can         a traditional Greek wedding            skimming any foam that may          end of the cooking process. For
cooked on an open fire during         special touch.                        add fun to the special event and      food made with meat and rice.          collect on top.                     added flavor, sprinkle with the
the reception or a chef plating          Hand-painted floral elements       cake toppers can also add a per-      The recipe follows.                       Reduce heat to a simmer and      grated cheese of your choice.

                                                       Greek Wedding Traditions
Continued from page 4                 ued, “It recounts the wedding of      than respect) her husband.” In        which cannot be divided in half        from the islands) like the peren-   cases pretending not to hand
                                      Cana in Galilee, where the first      Greece, when the cantor reads         and will likely be bittersweet like    nial favorite “Tou Gamou” sung      over items leading to attempts
the Gospels serves as the “mat-       miracle of the New Testament          that phrase, the attendees turn       the almonds coated in sugar.           by Yiannis Parios.                  at “stealing” an item from the
rimonial altar,” Manhattan Bride      was performed and water was           their attention to the bride's feet      At the reception, the bride             For some weddings, the tra-     other side.
reported.                             turned into wine.” As the wine        in case she steps with her right                     and groom dance         dition of pinning money to the          On Saturday night, usually
    After the stefana are in place    was drunk in Galilee, the bride       foot on the groom’s left foot,                               first,  fol-    newlyweds’ clothing continues.      the night before the wedding,
on the bride and groom’s heads,       and groom take three sips each        demonstrating who will ac-                                                   As the couple is dancing, guests    gifts are given to the koumbaro
the dance of Isaiah takes place.      from the same cup of wine, sym-       tually be in charge dur-                                                     approach them, wishing the cou-     and koumbara which in the past
The priest leads the couple for       bolizing the sharing of every-        ing the marriage.                                                            ple “Na zisete,” and pinning the    included wine and a sheep or
their first walk together as man      thing in their lives.                     In some areas of                                                         money to their clothes. The tra-    goat and led to a feast with tra-
and wife around the table with            The Dance of Isaiah, follows,     Greece, the new-                                                             ditional wedding gift is cash and   ditional wedding songs sung.
the koumbaro or koumbara fol-         and then three hymns of praise        lywed couple                                                                  the “money dance” is often a       The gifts for the koumbaro today
lowing the couple while holding       are sung, asking blessings “to        only leaves the                                                                      means of gathering the      vary widely, though the gamok-
the ribbon of the stefana. They       grant you length of days, fair        church after                                                                             gift envelopes from     oulouro, a decorated sweet
walk around the table three           children, progress in life and        giving       the                                                                             the guests during   bread, continues to be a part of
times and when the priest re-         faith,” as noted in Manhattan         koumbara or                                                                                    the reception     the gifts.
moves the stefana from the cou-       Bride.                                koumbaro a                                                                                       and on their        The drinking of raki or tsik-
ple's heads, he says “What God            A final blessing is given by      gift. The bride                                                                                    way out.      oudia is part of the celebration
has joined together, let no man       the priest, the stefana are re-       and       groom                                                                                        I     n   as are kserotigana, fried
put asunder.”                         moved, and the dismissal prayer       and the wed-                                                                                        Crete, the   dumplings with honey for
    The reading of two passages       concludes the ceremony.               ding party line                                                                                      weddings    dessert. The single guests are
from the Bible follows the ste-           After the ceremony, the ste-      up by the church                                                                                     include     served honey and walnuts.
fana. The first reading is the        fana are placed in a stefanothiki     exit to receive                                                                                     the entire       Roasted meats, lamb, goat,
Epistle of St. Paul to the Eph-       that is placed in the couple’s bed-   the congratu-                                                                                      community     pork, and local favorites are tra-
esians, which emphasizes the          room above their bed. Various         lations of the                                                                                   and last for    ditionally served at Greek wed-
union of the bride and groom          materials can be used to make         guests. Rice,                                                                                 days. The day      dings. Lamb youvetsi is one of
into one being. “There are basic      the stefana which can be elabo-       symbolic of fertil-                                                                        before the wed-       the favorite dishes. Wine, ouzo,
themes interwoven throughout          rate and include beading to           ity and wealth, and flower petals     lowed by their parents and                           ding, family and      and soumada- a drink made
every prayer recited,” Fr.            match the bride’s or they can be      are traditionally thrown at the       closest relatives, who take turns                  friends gather at the   from almonds, are also served at
Stephanopoulos said, as re-           made of flowers.                      newlyweds as they exit the            leading the dance. At some wed-        bridegroom’s home for a festive     weddings.
ported in Manhattan Bride,                Among the words spoken by         church. Gamopilafo (wedding           dings, the groom's parents and         dinner with plenty of food and          A recently married Greek
adding that, “One such theme is       the priest during the ceremony        rice) is common dish at the din-      relatives start the first dance        wine. Also before the wedding,      bride told Manhattan Bride,
mutual fulfillment, as seen in the    is the line in the wedding missal     ner following the church service.     with the bridegroom. The second        the bride and her parents assem-    “There was so much symbolism
reading, ‘Husbands should love        that exhorts the husband to love      Bombonieres, a small wedding          dance is for the bride's parents       ble a basket with all the groom’s   and ritual in our ceremony.
their wives as their own bodies.      his wife as himself and the wife      favor with koufeta (Jordan al-        and their relatives. Popular di-       necessities and clothing for the    Everything meant something. Af-
He who loves his wife, loves him-     to respect her husband. The           monds) is handed out to each          motika wedding songs include           wedding while the groom and         ter the crowning, you and your
self.’                                phrase in Greek includes a word       guest.                                tsamika, Epirotika (Epirus),           his parents do the same for the     husband are coming into this
    “The second reading is from       that can be translated as “fear”          The number of koufeta is al-      Thrakiotika (Thrace), zeim-            bride. The relatives on each side   whole new world together, and
the Gospel According to St.           so it is lightheartedly thought of    ways an odd number, symboliz-         bekika, Kalamatiana, Kritika           deliver the baskets, greeting       it really is an amazing experi-
John,” Stephanopoulos contin-         as “the woman shall fear (rather      ing the couple’s life together        (Crete) and nisiotika (songs           each other warmly, and in some      ence.”

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14                                                                                    Destination Weddings                                                           THE NATIONAL HERALD, FEBRUARY 10, 2018

                Protelia Weddings Talks to The National Herald
By Eleni Sakellis                   far in advance a couple should                                                                                                                    TNH: What should Greek-
                                    begin planning their special day,                                                                                                              American couples be aware of
   Protelia Weddings is named       and what Greek-American cou-                                                                                                                   when they decide to plan a wed-
after the Ancient Greek word        ples can look forward to when                                                                                                                  ding in Greece? Do they need
“protelia,” which were the of-      working with the company.                                                                                                                      special paperwork or permis-
ferings the couple made to the          TNH: What can a couple ex-                                                                                                                 sion?
gods prior to their wedding to      pect when they choose Protelia                                                                                                                    MC: It depending on the type
please them and be blessed for      to plan their wedding?                                                                                                                         of ceremony and the religion of
the start of their new life to-         MC: Having more than 15                                                                                                                    the couple. In any case, we are
gether. So, Protelia is symbolic    years of experience in designing                                                                                                               willing to deal with all the bu-
of the couple’s preparation be-     and planning dreamy weddings                                                                                                                   reaucracy required to perform
fore being blessed on their wed-    and events, we pride ourselves                                                                                                                 any type of wedding ceremony.
ding day.                           on delivering the highest levels                                                                                                                  TNH: What do Greek-Ameri-
   Protelia Weddings and            of customer service for a truly                                                                                                                can couples look for the most
Events is a boutique event plan-    stress-free planning process.                                                                                                                  when they plan their wedding
ning company with over 15               As an event planning com-                                                                                                                  with you as opposed to what
years of experience in the field.   pany with an excellent knowl-                                                                                                                  Greek couples look for?
Based at the beautiful wedding      edge of the country and culture,                                                                                                                  MC: Greek-American brides
venue Kleopatra, Protelia since     we organize unique events un-                                                                                                                  give more emphasis to detail,
2002 has successfully planned       der the Greek sun, by trying to                                                                                                                are very organized, and have
and organized over 800 wed-         interpret the couple’s personal                                                                                                                impressive weddings that re-
dings, baptisms, parties and        vision of what Greece or the par-                                                                                                              main unforgettable to their
other social and business events.   ticular location they have cho-                                                                                                                guests!
   The company recently ex-         sen means to them and give                                                                                                                        TNH: Are there any major
panded their business to offer      them advice on which details                                                                                                                   differences, either in scale or
services for wedding and event      will make a difference.                                                                                                                        preferences?
planning all over Greece as well        We aim to immerse ourselves                                                                                                                   MC: Greek-American brides
as the Greek Islands. They can      in our clients aesthetic, their                                                                                                                are very interested in the excel-
create tailor-made solutions for    personality, passions, artistic                                                                                                                lent service and satisfaction of
the destination wedding of your     sensibility and then create a                                                                                                                  their guests. They place a special
dreams.                             small piece of art customized to                                                                                                               emphasis on the wedding gown.
   The National Herald spoke        their own dreams.                                                                                                                              They are real hostesses at their
with Mado Chatzipanagiotou              TNH: How far in advance         the more options we have to         nization. The usual timeframe      15 years in planning weddings,      event.
who manages Protelia Weddings       should couples begin planning       book the space that interests us    that a couple organizes their      we pride ourselves on being
and Events. Ms. Chatzipana-         for their wedding with Protelia?    at the best possible price and to   wedding abroad is 6 months to      able to organize the perfect        More information is available at
giotou told TNH about their             MC: The sooner a couple de-     organize our partners to have a     2 years. However, we at Protelia   wedding on any Greek island in
wedding planning services, how      cides to set their wedding date,    perfect result and a good orga-     due to our great experience of     much less time.

                                                                                                                       Wedding Receptions
                                                                                                                       at Ktima Kleopatra
                                                                                                                                               to enjoy at Ktima Kleopatra.        there any major differences, ei-
                                                                                                            By Eleni Sakellis                     The wedding and baptism          ther in scale or preferences?
                                                                                                                                               venue also has a special feature,       KK: The difference is that the
                                                                                                               Ktima Kleopatra is a charm-     the automatic sliding roof that     Greek-American couples are
                                                                                                            ing venue that combines ele-       along with the sliding glass pan-   more demanding in terms of the
                                                                                                            gance and professionalism for a    els converts the reception area     organization and decoration, just
                                                                                                            memorable wedding reception.       from an indoor heated space or      like the team from Kleopatra.
                                                                                                            Not far from Athens, Ktima         to an open outdoor one. In this         TNH: How many guests does
                                                                                                            Kleopatra is easily accessible     way, Ktima Kleopatra can ac-        Ktima Kleopatra accommodate?
                                                                                                            from Attiki Odos and Varis-Ko-     commodate your wedding re-              KK: Ktima Kleopatra can ac-
                                                                                                            ropiou Highway, and has an im-
                                                                                                            pressive range of features for
                                                                                                            the perfect wedding or baptism
                                                                                                               Ponds with running water,
                                                                                                            enchanting bridges, relaxing
                                                                                                            lounge areas, a picturesque
                                                                                                            chapel, wooden deck, pool, and
                                                                                                            waterfall are among the features

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  isBn #09638051-1-8                                                                                                                           ception in any kind of weather,     commodate 400 people indoors
                                                                                                                                               and any season.                     or outdoors.
                                                                                                                                                   The National Herald spoke          TNH: How far in advance
  offer for usA only                                                                                                                           with Ktima Kleopatra about what     should couples begin planning
                                                                                                                                               Greek-American couples can          for their wedding with Ktima
                                                                                                                                               look forward to when they plan      Kleopatra?
                                                                                                                                               their wedding at the venue.            KK: The couples should begin
                                                                                                                                                   TNH: What can a couple ex-      planning a year before their wed-
                                                                             ❚ Weddings
                                                                                                                                               pect when they choose Ktima         ding at Ktima Kleopatra to book
                                                                                                                                               Kleopatra as the venue for their    the date of their choice.
                                                                                                                                               wedding?                               TNH: What should Greek-
                                                                             ❚ Sweet Sixteens                                                      KK: For more than 17 years      American couples be aware of
                                                                                                                                               of collective experience, our       when they decide to plan a wed-
                                                                             ❚ Quinceanera                                                     team provides the highest caliber   ding in Greece? Do they need
                                                                                                                                               of services.                        special paperwork or permis-
                                                                             ❚ Bar/Batmitzvahs                                                     The Kleopatra's team special-
                                                                                                                                               izes in conceiving, designing and
                                                                                                                                                                                      KK: There is necessary paper-
                                                                             ❚ Baptisms                                                        co-ordination of inspiring event
                                                                                                                                               concepts for weddings.
                                                                                                                                                                                   work      and     documentation
                                                                                                                                                                                   needed. Each party to the mar-
                                                                             ❚ All Social                                                          Our expertise and services
                                                                                                                                               cover all aspects of your re-
                                                                                                                                                                                   riage will need a copy of the fol-
                                                                                                                                                                                   lowing documents. For a reli-
                                                                              and Corporate Events                                             quests: From the ceremony in
                                                                                                                                               our beautiful little church and
                                                                                                                                                                                   gious ceremony, plan to have two
                                                                                                                                                                                   copies each - one for the house
                                                                                                                                               reception design, pre-event plan-   of worship and one for the town
                                                                                                                                               ning, extraordinary decoration      hall:
                                                                                                                                               and styling, stationary, food and      • A valid passport
                                                                                                                                               art de la table, cakes, music and      • A birth certificate with the
                                                                                                                                               entertainment, flowers, photog-     Apostille stamp certifying the
                                                                                                                                               raphy. We can handle special re-    copy
                                                                                                                                               quests such as personalized wed-       • An official Apostille trans-
                                                                                                                                               ding website, introduction to       lated into Greek, which can be
                                                                                                                                               stylists and makeup artists, as-    certified by a lawyer, a foreign

                                                                                       DJs • MCs • Dancers                                     sistance with guests accommo-
                                                                                                                                               dation and full concierge service
                                                                                                                                                                                   ministry’s translation depart-
                                                                                                                                                                                   ment, a certified translator or the
                             Weddings • Parties • events                             Laser Lighting • Uplighting                               for you and your guests.            Greek Consulate from your home
                                                                                                                                                   We are here to provide you      country
  • 425 Lexinghton Avenue, New York, NY 10011                                        TV Screens • Monograms                                    with a stress-free planning            • Proof of freedom to marry,
  • 110 West 17th Street, New York, NY 10017                                                                                                   process and to create a com-        or affidavit of marriage, nota-
                                                                                          Light up Stages                                      pletely tailored and unforget-      rized, in both English and Greek

      tηλ: (212) 929-4226 •fax: (212) 242-5479                                                                                                 table event!                           • A decree of absolution of
               toll free: 800-422-2747                                              800.468.3562                                                   TNH: What do Greek-Ameri-
                                                                                                                                               can couples look for the most
                                                                                                                                               when they plan their wedding at
                                                                                                                                                                                   your previous marriage, if applic-
                                                                                                                                                                                      • A copy of the local news-
                                                                         Ktima Kleopatra as opposed to       paper where your intent to
                                                                                                                                               what Greek couples look for? Are    marry was published
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