Greater New Lodge Community Festival

Page created by Catherine Cummings
Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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   Greater New Lodge Community Festival

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Programme Designed and Produced by Ashton Community Trust             
                                                         Ashton Community Trust
Greater New Lodge Community Festival
Scoil Samhraidh Mhic Reachtain 22nd July - 28th July 2018
The award winning and internationally renowned Scoil Samhraidh Mhic Reachtain festival (McCracken Summer School) will take place from Sunday 22th - Saturday 28th of
July this year. It’s a hugely popular event which attracts visitors from all over the world to North Belfast every summer. This year’s programme consists of a guided walk on
Cavehill, an adults’ language course, concerts, a film screening, singing and dancing workshops, daily traditional music sessions, International Lunch and the Night of the
Scribes. There will also be a set dancing workshop at Mc Art’s Fort with live musicians and much more. It’s easy to register for the language course and/or purchase tickets
for the nightly concerts or register for free events. Just call into Áras Mhic Reachtain, opposite the Waterworks. Or visit (SSMR 2018). Don’t hang about though,
get booking! Contact Ferdia or Daithí on (028) 90 749688 for more information.
Website: | Email: or | Find us on Facebook at Cumann Cultúrtha Mhic Reachtain
Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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Greater New Lodge Community Festival 2018                                                     Tuesday 24th July
For a long time now, the people of the New Lodge have traditionally pulled together
every August to organise a period of celebration in the form of a community festival.         Confessionals by Victoria McNulty
During the protracted years of conflict, the festival enabled us to get some respite          Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre
from the confrontations and ever present danger of those times. It also provided a            Doors open 7.00 pm.
platform to express the positivity, talent, energy, creativity, passion and resilience that   Tickets £5. This is a Bring Your Own Event.
existed in the New Lodge. Although today we live in much calmer times, as you can
see from our 2018 programme, we proudly continue with the festival tradition.
                                                                                              A reflexive solo performance by Glasgow poet Victoria
This year’s programme contains an abundance of activities including street parties,           McNulty, combining contemporary spoken word with
family fun days, theatre, literature and art shows, music gigs and concerts, exhibitions,     traditional theatre and music by folk musician Abi Normal. A
lectures, debates, sports events and more besides. As always we would like as many            coming of age character piece, it tells the story of a shift in
residents as possible to participate and support the various events in the festival and       an East End boozer, where a young barmaid encounters the
to enjoy themselves.                                                                          devastating consequences of a society riven by poverty, sectarianism and domestic
2018 is the centenary of the beginnings of the introduction of women’s suffrage in            violence. Through this she is to be lifted by activism, hope and raw human potential.
Ireland and Britain. To mark this, our festival programme will showcase a number of           Produced by ‘Sonnet Youth’. For further information contact Una Brady on 02890747114
women inspired events. This will include a celebration of the ‘Life and Work of Mary
Ann McCracken’ one of the most radical and remarkable women in Belfast’s eventful
                                                                                              Thursday 26th July
history and whose mortal remains lie in Clifton Street Cemetery on our doorstep.
2018 also marks the 30th Anniversary of Feile An Phobail. We congratulate them on
their achievements growing from very humble beginnings to becoming the largest                ‘The Relevance of the Life and Work of Mary Ann McCracken for Belfast
community arts festival in Ireland, renowned on an international scale. We are very           Today’
proud to work in partnership with them.

On behalf of the Festival Organising Committee, a big thank you to all of those involved      7.00pm Clifton House, North Queen Street
in making this programme possible, especially local community groups, workers and
volunteers. We give a special mention to Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts, for the        Mary Ann McCracken is too often seen in the shadow of her sibling Henry Joy, who was
use of their magnificent facility for so many of our events.                                  executed for his role in the 1798 rebellion. She was 28 years old when he was hanged,
Finally, we acknowledge all of those that have directly provided funding towards the          but had a long full life, living to the age of 96. Mary Ann’s temperament and tenacity
staging of events in our 2018 programme including;                                            enabled her to make a real difference in the issues closest to              her heart,
                                                                                              which were varied and ranged from children’s education, to
Belfast City Council, Clanmil Housing Association, Community Relations Council,               women’s employment and the anti-slavery movement. Mary
Newington Housing Association, The Executive Office.                                          Ann McCracken pressed for progress both within the walls of
                                                                                              the Poor House designed by her uncle Robert, and outside in
Paul O’Neill
Greater New Lodge Community Festival                                                          Belfast and beyond.

  The Festival Committee would like to thank the following.                                   On the anniversary of her death in 1866 let us acknowledge
                                                                                              one of the most remarkable women in Belfast history. Talk
                                                                                              delivered by Aaron McIntyre, (Heritage and Marketing
                                                                                              Belfast Charitable Society), and chaired by Paula Reynolds
                                                                                              Chairperson of the Belfast Charitable Society.

                                                                                              The event is free but booking is essential. Please phone 028 90 997 022.

Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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Friday 27th July                                                                    Brassneck Theatre Company, in association with ‘The
                                                                                    Balloon Factory’, present Pearse Elliott’s ‘Man in the Moon’.
History of New Lodge Youth Centre, A                                                A hilarious rollercoaster with a dark twist, Man in the Moon
Celebration:                                                                        is the tender story of one man’s resolve to overcome
                                                                                    everything that life has to throw at him. Doors Open
New Lodge Youth Centre Uper Meadow Street
This event includes the unveiling of art work by
                                                                                    For Tickets and Information contact: Una Brady at
local young people reflecting the history of the
                                                                                    Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre – 028 90 747114 or Paul
Youth Centre. The celebration will also include food, music and discussion.
                                                                                    O’Neill at the Ashton Centre – 028 90 742255
For information contact Paul Dynes 028 90 751 358

                                                                                    Monday 30th July
Saturday 28th July

                                                                                    Women of Art Exhibition
Community Fun Day in the Waterworks
                                                                                    Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts
12.00- 3.00
                                                                                    Daily Viewing from 9.00am
This is a day of free, family fun for all ages.
Come along to take part. Arts & Crafts, Music,
Bouncy Castles, Bring Your Own Picnic. There                                        Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts is delighted to showcase
will also be boating events where young and                                         the talent of local artists. Eimear O’Caoilte and Chloe Dougan
old can try their hand at rowing and flavour                                        are Artists in Residence who will be presenting ceramics,
some of the most beautiful hand built boats of                                      fashion and textile art along with photographic work by Evie
our maritime heritage. This will include boating                                    Williamson, fresh from her collaboration in the South East
competitions between young people from across Belfast. A bandstand from ‘Feile      Regional College Year End Photographic Exhibition.
Unplugged’ will also feature.
Event Organised by New Lodge Arts, supported by Feile. For information contact      Visitors will enjoy work that reflects a range of issues that the artists are passionate
Karen Smyth 028 90 742255.                                                          about, touching on mental health and social barriers and isolation. Also available will
                                                                                    be hand crafted pieces of ceramic and textile jewellery for purchase. The exhibition
Irish Traditional Folk Night                                                        will run from Monday 30th July to Friday 10th August. Group visits should be arranged
Cassidy’s Bar                                                                       with staff at Duncairn Culture and Arts we look forward to seeing you here.
Doors Open 8.00pm - Late Entrance
Fee £5                                                                              For information Una Brady at Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre – 028 90 747114
A night of ‘Ceol agus Craic’ with Belfast Balladeer Terry
O’Neill performing a range of popular Irish folk classics.                          New Lodge Youth Centre Senior Summer Scheme

For information contact Paddy Doyle 90742255                                        Registration is open for the Senior Summer Scheme from the 13th July. The scheme
                                                                                    will start on Monday 30th July and run for 4 weeks concluding on Friday the 25th
Man in the Moon Play                                                                of August. Various activities are planned including roller discos, World Cup party’s
Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre: Doors 7:30pm                                      funday’s, BBQ’s, trips out, outdoor pursuits, water sports and go-karting.
Tickets £10
From the producers of smash-hit shows The Holy, Holy Bus and A Night With George,   For information Contact Paul or Ryan 028 90 751 358

Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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Monday 30th July continued                                                              For information contact Joe Donnelly
                                                                                        07849324360, E-mail:
The Belfast Summer School of Traditional Music-Remembers the Belfast                    Facebook tamhi_fc
Harp Festival of 1792
                                                                                        Embrace Film
Duncairn Culture & Arts Centre: Doors Open 8.00pm Tickets: £12                          Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre 7.00pm
                                                                                        Tickets £2.50
Tonight we pay tribute to The Belfast Harpers Assembly July                             Embrace is a 12A movie
1792 organised by merchant class Presbyterians Dr. James
McDonnell, Robert Bradshaw and Henry Joy, (proprietor of                                As part of the ‘Empowering Women’ theme in this year’s
the Belfast News-Letter and uncle to Henry Joy McCracken).                              Festival we are screening the social impact documentary
Its purpose was to revive an interest in harp music, collect the                        “Embrace” exploring the issues around body image and
music of the harpers and note their style of playing for future                         the constant battle women and girls face being judged
generations. Edward Bunting (1773-1843) was employed to write                           on their appearance and their body.
down the music of the harpers and to make notes on their instrumental techniques.       It’s a funny, touching, gut wrenching and above all a very powerful and life changing
Bunting dedicated the rest of his life to collecting and preserving Irish music. He     documentary. This film showcases the story of Taryn and how she went from a body
published three volumes of music, collectively known as the Ancient Music of Ireland.   hater to a body lover and explores her campaign against body shaming in society.
                                                                                        Embrace uncovers why poor body image has become a global epidemic and what
Musicians: Mary Bergin, Seamie O’Dowd, Edel Fox, Dermot Byrne, Úna Monaghan,            women everywhere can do to have a brighter, happier future and relationship with
Conor Lamb, Liz Doherty, Siobhán O’Donnell, Martin Dowling.                             their body.

For further information contact: Una Brady at Duncairn Culture                          This is not to be missed! Please bring your daughter, your mother, your sister and
and Arts Centre – 028 90 747114                                                         your friends. Let’s spread the body love and start learning to love ourselves more! For
                                                                                        booking and ticket reservations contact Cailin c/o the Ashton Centre on 02890742255
Star Neighbourhood Summer Scheme for School Age Children
Running from Monday 30th July until 10th August. Contact Maria McCafferty               Wednesday 1st August
90 740 693
                                                                                        Free Yoga Session
Tuesday 31st July                                                                       Duncairn Culture & Arts Centre 11.00am - 12.00noon

Peace Kicks Programme                                                                   Keen to try Yoga but have never done so?
Age 5 to 15 - Football Camp 10.00am – 1.00                                              Tried it a few times and enjoyed it? No matter the level
pm Daily Tuesday 31st July, Wednesday                                                   you are welcome at our free Yoga Taster Session.
1st August and Thursday 2nd August:                                                     This session will introduce some basic yoga poses
Girdwood Community Hub                                                                  and breathing techniques. It’s a great work out and
                                                                                        excellent for helping with posture and flexibility. All levels
This three-day programme brings young                                                   of fitness welcome. This is a Free Event.
people from across the communities
in Belfast to engage in positive sporting                                               For further information Information contact: Una Brady at Duncairn Culture and Arts
activity and promote good relations.                                                    Centre – 028 90 747114
Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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Wednesday 1st August continued                                                            Sounds Like a Boy’s Life
                                                                                          Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts
Trouble Songs Stuart Bailie                                                               7.00pm Free Event
Duncairn Culture & Arts Centre 7.00pm                                                     Derry Author Tony Doherty has just released
                                                                                          the second volume of his memoirs, The Dead
Stuart Bailie will be reading from his new book Trouble Songs.                            Beside Us. This Man’s Wee Boy was released
A Belfast- based music journalist and broadcaster, Stuart                                 in 2016 and charted growing up in Derry in the
has spoken to over 60 participants and reveals many untold                                1960s and early 1970s, while The Dead Beside
histories. Trouble Songs is an alternative hearing of the conflict                        Us picks up where This Man’s Wee Boy finished, with the horrifying impact of Bloody
plus a testament to music’s value as a persuader, agitator                                Sunday on the Doherty family. Tony does readings from his memoirs accompanied to
and peacemaker. Trouble Songs is related by Bono, Christy Moore, the Undertones,          music from members of Ulster Orchestra specially arranged by the Ulster Orchestra’s
Stiff Little Fingers, Orbital, Kevin Rowland, Terri Hooley, the Rubberbandits and the     Philip Walton.
Miami Showband survivors, Musicians from punk, folk, rave and rock have responded
to violence, bigotry and shocking events. The soundtrack includes remarkable work         For information contact: Una Brady at Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre – 028 90
by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Sinead O’Connor, the Pogues, the Cranberries and          747114
Elvis Costello. This event is FREE
For further information contact: Una Brady at Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre
– 028 90 747114                                                                           Friday 3rd August

Thursday 2nd August                                                                       Inspiring Women of History
                                                                                          Girdwood Community Hub 1.00 pm
Mindfulness Taster Session                                                                You might know your history - but do you know HER story?
Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts                                                        Come along for this fascinating talk on 3 influential and
11.00am - 12.00pm                                                                         inspiring women in Irish History. Hear the fascinating behind
                                                                                          the scenes story of Winifred Carney, Grace Gifford-Plunkett
With all the craziness of the summer and with                                             and Mary-Ann McCracken. These women were selected by a
kids off school this is a great way to introduce you
                                                                                          group of young women from New Lodge Youth Centre who
to mindfulness to learn to wind down and relax.
                                                                                          will give a talk and presentation on their chosen heroines.
This simple yet effective practice will help you learn basic tips to live a happier and
healthier life.
For further information Information contact: Una Brady at Duncairn Culture                You will hear all about the fascinating woman that was Winifred Carney who was a well
and Arts Centre – 028 90 747114                                                           known suffragist, trade unionist and Irish Independence activist in the early 1900s. The
                                                                                          story of Grace Gifford-Plunkett is one of the great romantic yet terribly tragic stories in
Tar Isteach Family Fun Day                                                                our history - you’ll hear all about this revolutionary young woman and her contribution
North Queen Street Park 1.00pm - 4.00pm                                                   to the Republican movement of the time. And last but not least the story of Mary-Ann
Free Event                                                                                McCracken the famous social reformer and her somewhat radical activism - for that
Fun for all of the family including – Play Bus,                                           Music and refreshments
Bouncy Castles, Football Shoot In, Games,
Magician, Face Painting, Music, Fire Engine,                                      For Information contact Mary Madine on 90751358
Burgers and Drinks All Free. For information contact Tommy Quigley 028 90 746 664
Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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Friday 3rd August continued                                                               Bring along the kids and enjoy music, fun and games, food
                                                                                          and refreshments. For information contact Tina Davis 028
A Day at New Lodge Beach                                                                  90 323945
Star Neighbourhood Centre. 1.00 – 4.00 Free Event
For one day the area outside the Star Neighbourhood                                       Ten-Hole Foot-Golf 4 Wellbeing Competition
Centre will be transformed into a beach. We will                                          Girdwood Community Hub, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
provide sand, buckets and spades deck chairs                                              No golf clubs just feet required. To all you twinkle toed
and paddling pools. There will also be a barbeque
                                                                                          footballers out there let’s see if you’ve got what it takes to
street games and music.
                                                                                          win in this game golf with a twist. This awesome game is played in groups of four.
                                                                                          Open to all but register your interest if you want to be sure of a place. For information
For information contact Maria Valente 028 90 740 693
                                                                                          contact Joe Donnelly 07849324360
                                                                                          E-mail: Facebook tamhi_fc
The Sounds of Freedom: Lajee Music Group Palestine
Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts : Doors Open 6.30, Free Event.
16 young people from the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem perform                           Monday 6th August
a show of Palestinian and Arab music and dance.
Speakers from the group will narrate as they show
films made by youth in Aida camp. This event will                                         Screening: Audrie & Daisy
focus on Palestine’s rich culture and diverse artistic                                    Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre 7.00 pm, Free Event.
expression and creativity, and its place and importance                                   Audrie & Daisy is an American documentary film about three cases of rape.
in contemporary Palestinian life today.                                                   The documentary includes the stories of two American high school students, Audrie
                                                                                          Pott and Daisy Coleman. At the time of the sexual assaults, Pott was 15 and Coleman
For information contact Una Brady at Duncairn Culture
                                                                                          was 14 years old. After the assaults, the victims and their families were subjected to
and Arts Centre – 028 90 747114
                                                                                          abuse and cyberbullying. The documentary follows their outcomes through time,
                                                                                          social media, court documents and police investigations. The film directors Bonni
Saturday 4th August
                                                                                          Cohen and Jon Shenk, a husband-and-wife team who have teenage children of
                                                                                          their own, had been fascinated by the role of social media in teenage lives and were
Open Day Clifton St Cemetery with Local
                                                                                          attracted to the subject of the Daisy Coleman story as “a modern-day ‘Scarlet Letter’
History Guides
                                                                                          story”. Heart wrenching, thought provoking and a real eye opener to the issues our
Clifton Street Cemetery 10.00 am- 4.00 pm. Free
                                                                                          young women face around sexual assault and sexual bullying.
                                                                                          Category Age: 15+ For information contact: Cailin Hardy on 90742255
Clifton Street Cemetery is the final resting place of
numerous historical figures including the Presbyterian                                    Tuesday 7th August
United Irish leaders, political radicals and intellectuals such as Henry Joy McCracken,
Mary Ann McCracken, William Steel Dickson and William Drennan. It was Drennan
who first coined the term, “The Emerald Isle”. Come along and find out more about         Killing Gaza : Documentary
                                                                                          Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts: 5.00pm -7.00p
the incredibly rich vein of history resting at your doorstep. Free Event.
                                                                                          Free Event.
For information contact the History Project 0289 90 322289                                In Killing Gaza, independent journalists Max Blumenthal
                                                                                          and Dan Cohen documented Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza. The makers of
Monday 6th August                                                                         this film regard it as much more than a documentary about Palestinian resilience and
                                                                                          suffering but as a chilling visual document of war crimes committed by the Israeli
                                                                                          military, featuring direct testimony and evidence from the survivors.
Community BBQ and Funday
Carlisle Playpark, Near the Recy 1.00pm - 3.00pm Free Event                               For information contact James Quigley 077 5985 7212
Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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New Lodge Festival of Fun
Wednesday 8th August 2.00pm-5.00pm                               T-Rex running loose in the New Lodge – maybe you’ll catch a sighting!!
St Patricks Primary School, Churchill Street
Come join us for a festival of fun for the                       There’s a bandstand and a BBQ, we’ll have pack lunches for the kids and a Slushie
whole family!                                                    machine to cool off if it’s sunny – and a marquee incase it rains! It’s Belfast after all.
                                                                 We’ll have face painters and sword swallowers, pirates, a magician and more!
We’ve got all age groups covered with soft                       Best of all the event is FREE ! Festivities will run from 2pm-5pm. Bring your family
play areas, interactive dancing and games, a                     along for a fantastic fun day out!
kids disco, inflatables, carnival rides, circus
acts, fire dancing, music, DJs, games, sweet                     Bandstand
treats and much more.                                            Lepper Street 2.00pm - 4.00pm

We have some special guest Super Heroes                          2.00pm - DJs Paul Woods and Paddy Gormley accompany some young budding local
and Disney Princesses coming along to join                       DJs from New Lodge Youth Centre.
in the fun and there is a rumour there’s a
                                                                 3.00pm - Traditional music session featuring local balladeer Terry O’Neill and other
                                                                 well-known performers.

                                                                 Buses to Planet Love 4.30pm
                                                                 Buses to Falls Park, see back page for full details.

Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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Wednesday 8th August                                                                      need to get matched up and should contact –
Wheelchair Hurling
Girdwood Community Hub 10.00am                                                            Book Day at the Duncairn
This event is open to anyone, if interested contact Shane McCann 07920528793              Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts:
                                                                                          Free Event.
                                                                                          10.30 am - 12.30 pm Fighting Words Belfast
Thursday 9th August
                                                                                          creative writing workshop [age 9-12]
                                                                                          2.00pm – 3.00pm Shared Reading taster - a
Wheelchair Basketball facilitated by Disability Sport NI                                  relaxed and social way to enjoy short stories and poems, [adults / teens]
Girdwood Community Hub 2.00pm – 4.00pm                                                    “You need it, you just don’t know you need it”. Shared Reading group member
                                                                                          For Information contact Marnie Kennedy 028 90 747114
Event open to the public, if interested contact

                                                                                          Youth Football Festival
Big Multi-Sports Event                                                                    Girdwood Community Hub 6.00pm - 9.00pm
Girdwood Community Hub 12noon - 3.00pm                                                    Calling on local youth groups to get a team of young people
Open to all young people.                                                                 aged 11 to 14 and enter into our Six A Side Youth Football
For information contact Joe Donnelly                                                      Tournament.
07849324360, E-mail: tamhi2011@                                                           For information contact Joe Donnelly 07849324360                                                                               E-mail: tamhi2011@
Facebook tamhi_fc                                                                         Facebook tamhi_fc

The Eamon Phoenix Lecture                                                                 Alternative University - Day 1
Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts: 7.00, Free Event.                                Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts 3.00m – 4:30pm
In this lecture, historian Dr Eamon Phoenix will explore                             Intercomm in partnership with Greater New Lodge
some of the “secrets’,                                                               Festival, Féile an Phobai and the University and College
which have come to light from his reading of the state                               Union (UCU) at Queen’s present a re-edition of the
papers during the time period from the beginning                                     Alternative University. Last winter, UCU undertook its
of the Northern Ireland state until 1992. Introduction                               biggest industrial action ever for fair pensions. Parallel to the picket line, union activists
and chair: Joe Austin, Chairperson of the National Graves Association. Part of Féile’s
                                                                                     from Queen’s and UU mobilised to provide free lectures. The Alternative University
Community Engagement Programme in partnership with the Greater New Lodge             was born! During four weeks, in packed rooms, they lectured on, and discussed, an
Community Festival
                                                                                     incredibly diverse range of topics, such as arts and media, religion, Irish history, social
For information contact Una Brady at Duncairn Culture and Arts Centre – 028 90 747114inequalities, sectarianism, women’s place in contemporary society, forms of political
                                                                                     resistance, activism and participation and many more topics.
Friday 10th August                                                                   Invited to North Belfast by Intercomm this re-edition of the Alternative University,
                                                                                     intends to spread this initiative to a wider audience and give to the public the
Active Communities Day                                                               opportunity to participate and enjoy a free, endearing and subversive discussion on
Girdwood Community Hub 10.00am- 3.00pm                                               activism in our community.
10.00 am – 12.00 pm Bouncy Castles, Bubble Football, Football Darts                  Opening Panel: What does a strike do? (Owen Reidy, SIPTU; Véronique Altglas and
12.00 – 1.00 pm Lunch.                                                               Merav Amir UCU at QUB). Please refer to for a full list of talks,
1pm – 3pm Exhibition Boxing
                                                                                     times and contributors across the two days. Confirmed contributors to other sections
Boxing clubs to provide fighters who will be matched up according to ability, weight
                                                                                     include Phil Scraton, Madeleine Leonard, Peter Doak, Agustina Martire & John Barry.
and experience to ensure health and safety regulations Anyone wishing to fight would
                                                                                     For information Contact Conor Maskey on
Greater New Lodge Community Festival
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Friday 10th August continued                                                   Celebrating Sailortown
                                                                               St. Joseph’s Church 4.30pm – 7.00pm
Scribes at the Duncairn                                                        As it moves into a new era you are invited to visit
Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts 7.00pm Free Event. Free                     Sailortown to enjoy a celebration of its history and
Wine Reception                                                                 culture. This will entail two days of events in Princes’
                                                                               Dock Street as well as at St Joseph’s Church and in
The 5th Annual Scribes at the Duncairn with poet Stephen James Smith,          local bars.
novelist Lisa McInerney, and Tony Doherty, writer and Bloody Sunday justice
campaigner. Music by Stephen Hall                                              Included are live performances, films and photography
                                                                               of local scenes/heritage, music, craic local food at
Stephen James Smith is a Dublin poet and playwright                            St. Joseph’s Church and other Sailortown venues.
central to the rise of the vibrant spoken word scene in                        Featuring Byzantium Choral Film.
Ireland today. Stephen is a co-founder of LINGO Festival,
Ireland’s only spoken word festival, and poetry curator of                     For information contact Terry McKeown -02890751094
the annual First Fortnight Festival. He co-produced Dublin:                    - Facebook - save St Joe’s, Friends of St Joseph’s Church
A Year in Words poetry video series for Dublin UNESCO                          Sailortown, Twitter - St joes Belfast or Gerard Rosato at
City of Literature.                                                            Clanmil 028 90 876000 or gerard.rosato
Lisa McInerney’s is a novelist and contributing editor at The
Stinging Fly.                                                                  Hot August Night Older Peoples Event
                                                                               Star Neighbourhood Centre 7.00pm
Her work has featured in The Guardian, Granta and BBC                          This very popular annual cross
Radio 4 and in the anthology The Long Gaze Back. Her                           community event will provide a night of
story, Navigation, was longlisted for the 2017 Sunday                          Music and Craic for Senior Citizens. Listen
Times EFG Short Story Award. Lisa’s debut novel The                            to Elvis, Neil Diamond and Michael Buble.
Glorious Heresies explores salvation, shame and the legacy                     Followed by Pado’s Disco. For information
of Ireland’s twentieth-century attitudes to sex and family.                    contact Maria at the Star (028) 90 740 693
It won the 2016 Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction and the
2016 Desmond Elliott Prize. Her new novel, The Blood was                       Saturday 11th August
longlisted for the 2018 Dylan Thomas Prize and was joint
winner of the 2018 RSL Encore Award.                                           Community Pampering and Well Being Day
                                                                               New Lodge Youth Centre, Upper Meadow
Tony Doherty’s memoir, This Man’s Wee Boy was released                         Street. 12.00pm - 2.00pm. Free Event
in 2016 and charts growing up in Derry in the 1960s and                        For Women and Men! Come in, relax and
early 1970s. His second book, The Dead Beside Us picks                         enjoy a few hours to yourself. Our Pampering
up where This Man’s Wee Boy finishes, with the horrifying                      Day includes complementary therapies
impact of Bloody Sunday on the Doherty family.                                 such as massage, as well as various beauty
                                                                               treatments, haircuts and shaves. We will
Chaired by Marnie Kennedy coordinator of Stories @ the                         also provide food and refreshments and you can
Duncairn, a volunteerled, community literature project in                      drop the wee ones at our kiddies corner with face painters, hair dressing and
North Belfast.                                                                 child entertainer.
For information contact Marnie 028 90 747114                                   For Information contact Mary Stanton phone 028 90 322289
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Saturday 11th August continued                                                       Monday 13th August

Alternative University - Day 2                                                       Cross Community Get Together
Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts,10.00                                             Grounds of Baptist Church 246 Antrim Road.
am-6.30pm                                                                            4.00pm - 6.00pm Free Event
Closing Panel is at 5.30pm. - Radicalism                                             Tar Isteach and the North Belfast Christian
in the University, From 1968 France to                                               Fellowship get together to celebrate this year’s
Belfast. Today. Julie Le Mazier, Sociologist                                         Festival with a cross community BBQ and a day
at St Denis University, Sean Fearon                                                  of friendly conversation and music in the church grounds. They invite all
former President of QUB’s Student Union,                                             their friends and service users to come along and enjoy the craic.
Michael Pierce, UCU at QUB. Please refer to for a full
list of talks, times and contributors across the two days.
Contact: Conor Maskey on

Tar Isteach Music/Dance/Quiz Night
Get your thinking caps and dancing shoes on and get                                                            Get
along to Cassidy’s Bar to support this event in
support of a great community organisation, Tar
                                                                                                                      this Sum                                                  with
For information contact Tommy Quigley 028 90
                                                                                                                                                               New Lodge Arts
Sunday 12th August                                                                                                            SUMMER ACADEMY
                                                                                                                  Steal the spotlight at one of our popular drama summer schemes.
                                                                                                      There will be a showcase on the final day where you can watch your little stars perform.
Celebrating Sailortown Day 2                                                                                                        Energy and enthusiasm a must!

‘Belfast Barra’s’ Market in Barrow Square.                                                                 Please bring a packed lunch and wear comfortable clothing for moving about!

                                                                                                             23 - 27 July                  30 July - 3 August                      6 - 10 August
A place for the community to get together,                                                                 Tutors: C21 Theatre                Tutors: C21 Theatre              Tutors: Sarah and Brona
                                                                                                                Cost: £15                          Cost: £15                           Cost: £15
exchange ideas and tasters, accompanied                                                                   Venue: Girdwood Hub                Venue: Girdwood Hub              Venue: North Queen Street
                                                                                                           Time: 10-3pm daily                 Time: 10-3pm daily                  Community Centre
by live performances, children’s games,                                                                      Age: 6-8 Years                     Age: 9-12 Years                  Time: 10-3pm daily
                                                                                                                                                                                   Age: 6-11 Years
films and food with a a variety of stalls from
numerous vendors.
                                                                                                                                  Get in early and get your place booked!
                                                                                                                                Places are limited and will be allocated on a
                                                                                                                                        first come first served basis.

Little Italy Event                                                                                                    To register and make payment, please call into our enrolment
                                                                                                                                  session on Tuesday 26 June 2018 at
St. Joseph’s Church 4.00pm – 7.00pm                                                                                New lodge Arts, 5 Churchill Street, Belfast BT15 2BP between 1-3pm

This special Italian themed event is to celebrate and remember the great
contribution that Italian migrants made to the Sailortown community and                                        For further information on our programmes follow us on Facebook, Twitter,
beyond. It will include, The Little Italy Heritage Talk, Photo Exhibition, Italian                             contact us on 02890 742 255 or email

Finger food, Italian Ice Cream Vendor, Opera Renditions and Local Music. All
Wednesday 8th August

Planet Love - Falls Park
Buses leaving New Lodge 4.30pm (Pick Up points to be announced later)

This year Feile An Phobail present the massively anticipated, LOVE: 20
Years of Planet Love concert in the Falls Park, West Belfast. This will
consist of an incredible line up of stars.

The event is for people aged 16 and over. Entrance tickets for this event
will be free but only allocated to persons that are over 18 years old with
valid identification, maximum allocation of 5 tickets per person.

Free buses will be provided to and from this event. Bus tickets can also
be acquired at the same time as entrance tickets. The issuing of a ticket
will not absolutely guarantee entrance to the event or on to the bus. For
example, anyone deemed too young, misbehaving, intoxicated or at risk
could be denied entrance by security.
Under 18s attending the event must be accompanied by an adult.

Further information on tickets and bus pick up points will appear on
New Lodge Festival Facebook page from Wednesday 1st August 2018.

For further information check out our Facebook page:

20 Years of Planet Love
                                                                             Programme Designed and Produced by
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