Page created by John Andrews

                             FOUND BY SCANNING

If I have learned anything from 2021, it is
that no matter how much you plan, there
is only so much I can control. If there is
a change to our offerings and activities,
we will do our best to communicate those
changes to you quickly and clearly.
Ways you can help us out are by doing a
self-assessment for any symptoms prior
to drop off, and remember that if your
child doesn’t feel well or has any of the
Covid related symptoms to please keep
them home. Additionally please keep in
mind if you’ve been around anyone who
has any of these symptoms or anyone
who has tested positive please keep your
camper home. Please review the camp
handbook for any additional information
and guidance as needed.                                                                       Register B
                                                                                                  April 8 re
Thank you for the opportunity to spend                                                          and Save
time with your children this summer.
Heather Hawkins                                           PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGES
Director of Child Development                       TO THE NEWARK REGISTRATION PROCESS
Buckeye Valley Family YMCA
                                                   REGISTRATION FOR SUMMER CAMP BEGINS MARCH 14
                                                      REGISTRATION PACKETS MUST BE FILLED OUT
There’s truly no place like Day Camp. The                            IN ADVANCE!
YMCA Day Camp fosters an environment where
campers can grow and mature. Each summer, life     NEWARK EARLY REGISTRATION MARCH 14 - APRIL 8
long friendships are built and nurtured.           IN THE MITCHELL CENTER (MEMBERSHIP & PACKETS AT

We are excited for the 2022 Day Camp season to        Monday-Thursday from 11:30am-1:00pm
begin! Camper safety is our priority. Counselor       Tuesday & Thursday from 7:15am-9:00am
training will cover topics that focus on CPR and      Thursday evening from 4:30pm-6:00pm
First Aid, communicable disease recognition,
child abuse/neglect recognition and prevention,
supervision, swim safety and character             NEWARK REGULAR REGISTRATION BEGINS APRIL 11
                                                   IN THE CHILD CARE CENTER (MEMBERSHIP & PACKETS AT
                                                      Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Join us this summer at The Buckeye Valley Family
YMCA’s Day Camp. Our team is looking forward
to building meaningful relationships with you
and your family.                                     FORMS AND INFO CAN BE FOUND
Zach Hammonds,                                         BY SCANNING THE QR CODE
School Age & Camp Coordinator                                TO THE RIGHT!

The Buckeye Valley YMCA has three
great camp locations to meet your
470 West Church Street • Newark, OH 43055
740-345-9628 •

6623 Summit Road • Pataskala, OH 43062
740-975-2989 •

1425 Newark Road • Zanesville, OH 43701
740-454-4767 •

Our mission is to put Christian principles into
practice through programs that build healthy
spirit, mind, and body for all.                     CAMP HOURS
The YMCA movement is unique. We fill a void in
the community by giving witness to Christian       Monday – Friday
principles. We welcome and support individuals
and families. We help develop and instill values   Before Camp 7:00am–8:30am
of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
The YMCA is a place for people of ALL AGES,               Camp 8:30am–3:30pm
                                                    After Camp 3:30pm–6:00pm
The Buckeye Valley Family YMCA is a member          TABLE OF CONTENTS
service organization committed to providing
programs and services to meet the needs of
our community. We are committed to providing        General Program
quality programs and services with the               Information......................3-9
highest level of professionalism. We endeavor
to provide clean, safe and age appropriate           Camp Programs............. 10-15
facilities and materials. We always seek
to exceed members expectations at every

SAFE                                                      AFFORDABLE                               FUN
• 1:6* staff to child ratio for 5-6 year olds            • Become a Buckeye Valley               • Campers choice skill activities
     (Between the hours of 8:30-3:30)                        Family YMCA full member               • Large group games
• 1:8 for 7- 8 year olds                                    and save!
     (Between the hours of 8:30-3:30)                                                              • Team building activities
                                                          • Financial assistance &
• 1:10 for 10 -12 year olds                                                                       • Environmental education
     (Between the hours of 8:30-3:30)                        Scholarships available
                                                                                                   • Opening and closing ceremonies
• 1:18 staff to child ratio                              • Breakfast and afternoon
     (Between the hours of 7:00-8:30 and 3:30-6:00)          snack provided at no                  • Discussions about values
• Staff are all certified in CPR, AED,                      additional cost                       • Sports
   First Aid, Child Abuse training, and                   • Before and After Care                 • Small group activities
   Communicable Disease Recognition                          (7:00-8:30am, 3:30-6:00pm)            • Arts & Crafts
• Y Day Camp meets the American Camping
                                                          • Many camp options                     • Swimming
   Association Accreditation
                                                             (Traditional, Specialty, LIT)
• Qualified counselors who receive training                                                       • Special Guests
   in behavioral guidance, strategies to                  • Benefits: friendship, decision
   help campers feel comfortable in a new                    making and problem solving
   environment, how to make friends and                      skills, team building and
   much more!                                                more!
*N ote: When there is a mixed age group,
  the staff-to-child ratio will be adjusted to
  the youngest camper in the group.

    Children should wear simple, non-restrictive              n   Swimsuit and Towel            n Concession Stand Money (optional)
    clothing. Toys are permitted at camp as well              n   Reusable Water Bottle         n Non-restrictive clothing
    as any equipment/materials that pertains to               n   Extra Snack (optional)        n A
                                                                                                   thletic Shoes and Socks
    the camp your child is enrolled in.                                                            (open-toed shoes are not permitted)
                                                              n   Backpack or shoulder bag
            PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS. Unclaimed lost items will be donated to a local charity after one week.
                                        Please see the parent handbook for a list of restricted items.

OUR CAUSE                                                                      WHAT EVERY CAMP PARENT
We are a powerful association of men, women, and children,                         SHOULD KNOW!
joined together by shared commitment to nurturing the
potential of kids, promoting healthy living and fostering a                  Because we’re outside all day having
sense of social responsibility.
                                                                                tons of fun, your child may be:
We believe that lasting personal and social changes can
                                                                           • Hungry (We provide a sack lunch & afternoon snack for
only come about when we all work together to invest in
                                                                              each camper. Feel free to pack extra food for your child in
our kids, our health, and our neighbors. That’s why, at the
                                                                              case they get hungry throughout the day)
Y, strengthening community is our cause. Everyday, we
work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that                     • Dirty (Campers will be outdoors all day rain or shine,
everyone, regardless of age, income, or background, has                      please send your child in old clothes)
the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.                                • Thirsty (Please send a water bottle with your child’s
The Buckeye Valley Family YMCA Camps focus on creating                        name on it daily)
memories, building relationships , and a sense of belonging                • Tired (We love to run, swim and play games at camp)
through personal achievement.
                                                                           • Missing Items (Please label your child’s items and check
                                                                              the lost and found regularly for any misplaced items)

4                     Belonging. Achievement. Relationships.
                             OF A YMCA CAMPER
Each day at camp brings an exciting new adventure for our campers. The following is a sneak peek
of what a typical day may look like for our campers.

7:00am - 8:30am — BEFORE CAMP
Campers can be dropped off as early as 7:00am. During this time, campers will engage in small table top
games, group games, and other structured activities with the whole group. Morning snack is provided during
this time. If your child is dropped off before 8:30am and they are NOT enrolled in the Before Camp program,
your account will be charged $29.00 for that day.

9:00am - 9:30am — GOOD MORNING! Opening Ceremony
Campers will get to sing/shout to the top of their lungs, play silly camp games, possibly watch a goofy
counselor skit or lead the ceremony themselves! The Campers will also engage in a group discussion about the
theme and expectations for the day. Campers will then split into their age groups.

9:30am -11:00am — GROUP ACTIVITIES
Campers will play fun camp games, learn a new skill, or make a themed craft to take home! We have prepared
each weekly schedule for the summer so kids will continually play new games and learn new enrichment skills.

11:00am -12:30pm — SWIM TIME
12:30pm — LETS EAT!
During Lunch time we will enjoy great food as we fuel our minds and stomachs with food and great

1:00 - 2:45pm— GROUP ACTIVITIES
In the afternoon, we will swim, play group games and have structured activity time. The campers will
participate in these activities as well as more games and crafts. Each week, we will participate in a large group
activity centered on the week’s theme! We have structured our day camp to be a very full and busy day for
our campers. For Specialty Campers, their activities will be structured to fit the Specialty Camp Theme. We
designate some time for our campers to take a break and enjoy some quiet cool-down time. Campers can read
a book, play board games, take on an art project or participate in spirit-mind-body talks.

2:45-3:15pm— SNACK TIME
After a busy afternoon campers will eat a snack and reflect on that day’s events.

3:15pm - 3:30pm — WHAT A GREAT DAY! Closing Ceremony
Campers will be able to give “Camper and Counselor Shout Outs” to the group. We will close with a quote,
skit, story, song, or dance. If your child remains at camp after 3:30pm and is NOT enrolled in the After Camp
program, your account will be charged $35.00 for that day.

3:30pm –6:00pm — WE WILL SEE YOU TOMORROW! After Camp
Parents will sign their child out and hear all about the awesome day they had.

              This is a sample schedule. Schedules are subject to change.
       • More detailed information will be discussed at Camp Open House on June 2, 2022!

    “TRADITIONAL” DAY CAMP                                TRAINING
    Ages 5–12 (must have completed Kindergarten)
                                                          LEADERS-IN TRAINING (LIT)
    Join YMCA Day Camp for one week or for an             For children going into 8th grade – 16 years
    entire summer of fun! We focus on caring,             old. Our Leader in Training program focuses
    honesty, respect and responsibility in all of our     on developing strong leaders through training,
    activities. We provide fun-filled activities that     discussion, observation and practices. This is a
    allow for physical involvement, social interaction,   program for teens serious about learning to work
    educational opportunities, leadership building,       with children and improving their leadership skills.
    personal growth and creativity. Day campers           Teens learn teamwork, service, child guidance
    will be divided into groups by age with activities    and decision making skills through activities
    appropriate to the interests and needs of each        and mentoring during the summer. We believe
    group. All children should bring a water bottle,      the future of our camp lies within you! The most
    swimsuit, and wear closed-toed shoes to camp          important part of this training program is the
    each day.                                             hands on experience teens will have working with
                                                          campers while being guided by camp leaders. We
                                                          train you and give you the tools needed to be a
                                                          great counselor. Youth can sign up for one week or
                                                          all ten weeks.
    SPECIALTY CAMPS                                         Fee: L IT (13, 14 & 15 years) $50 (M) $75 (N)
                                                                   $10 deposit required per week of camp
    Ages 5–12 (must have completed Kindergarten)

    Is your child a sports enthusiast, a cooking          TRAINING: May 21, 2022 from 10am–2pm
    guru or maybe a master fisherman? If your child       (Teens are required to attend) Location TBD. Lunch
    has a specific interest or hobby, we may have a       provided.
    specialty camp for them! Our specialty camps
    focus on introducing different hobbies and
    nurturing the skills campers already possess in
                                                          COUNSELORS-IN-TRAINING (CIT)
    that subject area. The rest of the day they will      Teens 16 yrs of age will have the designation of
    enjoy the traditional Y day camp activities like      counselors in training. These CITs work closely
    swimming, arts and crafts, games and more.            with counselors to learn the leadership roles
    Specialty camps require an additional payment         required to be a camp counselor.
    that varies per camp.
                                                           Fee: CIT (16 years) FREE (Membership Required)
                                                          TRAINING: May 21, 2022 from 10am–2pm
                                                          (Teens are required to attend) Location TBD. Lunch

Get a Fun Job
                                                                This Summer!

A Y membership is a great value. A membership                                     Commit by March 31
gives you full access to the Buckeye Valley                                         to be eligible for
Family YMCA and the Buckeye Valley Family                                          incentive bonuses.
YMCA Western branch. Having a membership                                               Contact us for
                                                                                      more information!
gives you access to a variety of free classes
and programs, reduced rates on swim classes,            Join the YMCA team for sun, fun, adventure and
youth sports, preschool classes and                     the opportunity to make a difference in the life
DISCOUNTED PRICING ON YMCA DAY CAMP!                    of a child. We are looking for highly motivated,
When you join the Y, you’re joining an                  enthusiastic, positive role models to provide
organization that’s committed to strengthening          value-based leadership camps. Counselors must
our community - together.                               be at least 18 years of age.
                                                        HOW TO APPLY Deadline to apply May 2, 2022
We’re happy to welcome you to the Y!
Visit or call 740-345-9622              Pick up an Application for employment at the child
                                                        care office or the front desk of the YMCA. All
for more information.
                                                        interviews will be held at the YMCA. Here is what
                                                        you’ll need to do:
MEMBERSHIP                                                1. Fill out an application
PRICING                                                   2. Schedule an interview
                                                          3. Complete the YMCA hiring process
For information regarding your YMCA
location’s pricing, please visit             4. Attend all required counselor trainings

SCHOLARSHIPS                                             ACA ACCREDITED
Partial and full scholarships are available to youths
                                                         The Buckeye Valley Family
who might benefit from a camping experience and
                                                         YMCA Summer Day Camp
who are unable to afford the full cost. We ask that
                                                         has been accredited by the
you first seek assistance through Job and Family
                                                         American Camp Association
Services, then apply through the YMCA Financial
                                                         (ACA), a community of camp
Assistance Program. Forms are available at the
                                                         professionals who have joined together to share
YMCA front desk. Please return ASAP to ensure your
                                                         knowledge and experience and to ensure the
child can start camp. This process can take up to 2
                                                         quality of camp programs. For nearly 100 years,
weeks. No youth is turned away because of family
                                                         ACA has worked to preserve, promote and improve
                                                         the camp experience, accrediting over 2,400
                                                         camps nationwide.
REFUND POLICY                                            In order to receive official accreditation, the
                                                         YMCA must meet a minimum of 80% of the total
The YMCA is unable to refund any portion of camp         standards established by the ACA, including Site,
fees unless the YMCA cancels the session. Credit         Food Service, Transportation, Health & Wellness,
will be given to any camper unable to attend an          Operational Management, Human Resources,
entire week due to illness (physician’s excuse           Program Design & Activity, and Program Aquatics.
REFUNDABLE.                                              No weapons of any kind are permitted at camp.
    A complete parent handbook with all policies and additional information can be found at
    or request a printed copy at your local Y. Below is a quick overview of several highlighted policies.

                      Camp Open House
                      Meet staff, explore our camp area and learn about the program for 2022. Camp open house
                      will be on June 2 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the camp grounds.

                      Recreational Swim Time
                      All children will have the opportunity to swim daily, weather permitting. Each pool is staffed
                      by certified YMCA lifeguards. Every child will be given a wristband according to their height
                      which will determine the area of the pool they are permitted to be in. Campers must be in
                      third grade or higher in order to access the deep end of the pool. A swim test is required for
                      any third grade or higher camper that would like to access the deep end of the pool.

                      Pick Up and Drop Off
                      Children are required to be checked in and out on a daily basis either in the staff cabin or at
                      the picnic table located in the loop at camp. Anyone dropping off a child after 8:45am must
                      walk the child into the staff cabin to check them in. Two pick up passes will be given at the
                      time of registration, these passes grant permission for pick up. A pick up pass or photo
                      identification is required in order for the Y to release a child.

                      Absent Policy
                      Please call the Y by 9:00am on the days your child will be absent from camp. It is important
                      for us to know where your child is on days they are enrolled in the program. No refunds
                      will be given due to non-attendance. Additional information can be found in the parent

                      Illness/ Injury
                      The health and safety of your child is a priority! Our staff are trained in emergency first
                      aid, CPR, communicable disease recognition and child abuse prevention training. If an
                      illness or injury happens during the camp day, we will provide basic first aid as needed.
                      Parents will be notified of minor injuries at the time of pick up. For more serious injuries we
                      will make every attempt to contact the parent or guardian using all numbers provided on the
                      enrollment form. A child may be required to be picked up from camp. If an injury warrants,
                      we will call emergency personnel who will then decide the proper medical care necessary.
                      Please view the parent handbook for more details about illness, injury or medications.

                      Behavior, Conduct and Discipline
                      We expect all campers to behave according to our guidelines. Please read over character
                      development and guidelines in the parent handbook as well as signing the behavior contract
                      in the registration packet. No cell phones or electronics of any kind are permitted at camp.

                                    Buckeye Valley FAMILY YMCA                                        June 2 • 6:30–7:30pm

                     GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                 Located at opening circle
                                                                                                           on the camp grounds.
                                                                                                     4 Meet counselors

                                                                                                     4 Ask questions
                                                                                                     4 Get ready!

 Registration Dates: March 14 Early Registration
                                                     April 8 Regular Registration
 Registration forms and all fees must be taken to the YMCA Childcare front desk. All campers must have completed kindergarten.
 Summer full youth memberships are available for $80, this membership enables you to register at the full member rates.
 A nonrefundable or transferable deposit for each week is required with registration forms. This will hold your child’s place in traditional
 or specialty camp. Deposits are deducted from the total price of camp. If choosing to have your camp fees drafted from either a credit
 card or bank account, deposits will not be due at time of registration but will be drafted the Friday prior to the week of camp. The
 deposit will still be drafted in the event of cancellation or non-attendance. Payment for each week is required by 5pm the Friday prior
 to the week of care provided, those paying a balance after Friday at 5pm will be charged a $15 late payment fee-no exceptions. Any
 new registrants (those who have not attended camp yet this summer) will have a two business day turn over period for paperwork.
 Therefore, your child must be registered by Wednesday at 12pm prior to the Monday of the week attending. Any registration received
 after this time will be subject to the two business day wait period.

1. P
    ay with automatic weekly deduction. Your fee will be deducted on the Friday before the week of camp you child is registered.
   A completed automatic payment form is required to be on file.
2. Pay by credit card at the YMCA self pay portal at Select the "Register for Programs" link. Login using the email or
    phone # of the parent who filled out the camp or forms or create an account using the information for the parent who filled out
    the forms. Once logged in select "My Account" in the upper right corner to manage your payment.
3. Pay by check or money order. You will need to bring your payment to the child care office. Payments are not accepted at the
    camp location.
				                                IMPORTANT: A
                                                ll payments are due the Friday before the week of camp your child is registered
                                               for. If payment is not made by end of day Friday then a $15.00 late fee will be
                                               added to each late payment. Campers who have a balance as of Monday morning
                                               will not be allowed to attend camp until the balance is paid.
 Camp hours are from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Before and after camp options are available at an additional charge. If your child needs
 dropped off between 6:30–8:30am they must register for Before Camp. The cost for this program is $29 per week in addition to the
 weekly tuition. If your child arrives at camp before 8:30am and is NOT enrolled in Before Camp, your account will be charged $29 for
 that day. If your child will need picked up between 3:30-6:00pm they must be registered for after camp.
 				The cost is $35 per week in addition to the weekly tuition. If your child remains at camp after
                                       3:30pm and is not enrolled in After Camp, your account will be charged $35 for that day.
 • When you sign your child up for camp a $25 deposit is required for each week.
 • Deposits are not due at the time of registration for participants enrolling in the bank draft option.
 • Should your child choose not to attend camp or switch camps, this deposit is non-refunadable and non-transferable.

 TRADITIONAL CAMP                  Specialty camps require additional fees payable with your weekly camp fee.*
  Full Member Before April 8:                                          Full Member After April 8:
   • Daycamp 8:30-3:30                          $103/week*             • Daycamp 8:30-3:30                           $120/week*
   • Before & Daycamp 7:00-3:30                 $132/week*             • Before & Daycamp 7:00-3:30                  $149/week*
   • Daycamp & After 8:30-6:00                  $138/week*             • Daycamp & After 8:30-6:00                   $155/week*
   • Before, Daycamp, After 7:00-6:00           $167/week*             • Before, Daycamp, After 7:00-6:00            $184/week*
   *Non Members tuition is $25 more per week.
   ODJFS participants must pay specialty camp fees at the time of registration
  WEEKLY                                                Week 5: July 5-8                               Week 9: Aug 1-5
                                               Camp Mayhem                                     Camp’s Got Talent
TRADITIONAL                                    Be prepared to get messy and go crazy           Let your inner performer shine at the
CAMP THEMES                                    this week doing activities that aren’t so
                                               ordinary! We will be doing a wide variety
                                                                                               YMCA’s very own Talent Week. Whether
                                                                                               it’s singing, performing or magic; we’ve
                                               of off the wall activities, such as boys vs     got the space to celebrate each camper’s
                                               girls competitions, food fights, fear factor    talents! Find your moment in the
       Week 1: June 6-10                       challenges and our seventh annual mud           spotlight with activities like a lip-sync
                                               day! This camp will include recreational        challenge, dance off and improv skits.
 Camp Sampler                                  swim and outdoor activities.                    Campers and counselors will practice
                                                                                               throughout the week to perform on
 School’s out for summer! Let’s celebrate                CLOSED JULY 4                         Thursday at our camp wide talent
 by having you choose most of the                                                              show. Families are welcome to join us
 activities throughout the week. Do you
 have an awesome new game to share
                                                       Week 6: July 11-15                      Thursday for the performance.

 with friends? Have you been dying to
 play “Adam ball” all school year? Let’s
 take this week to reconnect with old          We will be bringing back one of our                 Week 10: August 8-12
 friends and meet new ones as we kick off      camper and counselor favorites, Olympic
 our summer at Y camp.                         Week! This week will be full of camp-wide
                                               competitions and challenges that will
                                                                                               Summer Wrap Up
       Week 2: June 13-17                      test campers and counselors alike both          Did you love all of the water games
                                               physically and mentally. Will your team         during H2-Woah week? Did you want to
 Science Galore and More                       win the kickball tourney? Tug of War? Even
                                               if you don’t take home the gold, you will
                                                                                               get your GAME ON just one more time
                                                                                               this summer? Then you’re in luck! Spend
 Campers will get to explore the wide world    have a great time creating memories with        the last week of camp revisiting all of our
 of science with tons of exciting activities   your teammates! At the end of the week          favorite activities and games as we put
 this week. This is a full five days of        there will be a ceremony for performance        the entire summer on rewind.
 summer science camp including hands-          and creativity! Win or lose, everyone will be
 on games, experiments with ooey gooey         having a ton of fun!
 materials, stem activities, and science
 make and take ideas. This summer science
 galore camp is perfect for any aged kid!             Week 7: July 18-22

       Week 3: June 20-24                      H2-Whoa
                                               No summer heat will be slowing this
                                               camp down! As an escape from the
 GAME ON!                                      summer heat, this week has tons of
 Campers will participate in a variety of      water activities planned for campers to
 games throughout the week. We will            enjoy while cooling down in the process.
 play yard, card and board games as well       There will be water game relays, sponge
 as Minute to Win It challenges. The           tag, water balloons, a slip n’ slide and
 ultimate test will come when the campers      more. We will also enjoy a frozen treat
 play Are you Smarter than your Camp           or two throughout the week!
 Counselor? Campers will also have the
 ability to create their very own games. As
 well as obstacle courses, and maybe even
 some messy surprises.
                                                       Week 8: July 25-29

     Week 4: June 27 - July 1                  Exploring through Time
                                              Start up your DeLorean, hop in your
                                                                                                      Traditional Camp
 Color Craze                                  TARDIS or jump into that portal

                                                                                               SPECIAL GUESTS
                                              because we are leaving this decade.
 Campers will use the shades and hues of      Travel through time with themed days
 nature to create a tapestry of eye-catching and activities from a different decade
 creations. Campers will learn this week that every day! Destinations may include
 our own backyard can be our pallet. We will the Wild West, Medieval Times, a 50’s               • Jim Basketball Jones
 play games, get a little messy and most of Sock-Hop or even a groovy Tie-Dye                    • Realm of the Reptile
 all have fun as explore the rainbow. Take a Day. And don’t forget to come back to
 spin around the color wheel and get ready    2022!                                              • Magician, Rick Smith Jr
 for a bright and colorful week!

Perfect for the nature lover! Have fun
                                                       BEAUTY BOOT CAMP
                                                       Want to learn ways to keep your skin looking                     NEWARK
outdoors while you learn basic survival skills
such as creek life and track identification.
                                                       healthy, proper hygiene and make dazzling
                                                       jewelry? This camp is made for the princess
                                                       in you. Enjoy a manicure and hairstyle from
Campers will work on refining their
cooperative skills while “roughing” it                 the stylist at Studio Design. Learn how to
outdoors. This camp will also include                  make your own beauty supplies and scrubs.
recreational swim and outdoor activities.              This camp will focus on promoting a healthy
                                                       self-image and building confidence. This
   5-7 grade: July 25-29                               camp will also include recreational swim and
   Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal
                                                       outdoor activities.
   of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)      3-4 grade: July 25-29
   8:30-3:30     $118       $143      $135      $160      5-7 grade: July 11-15
   7:00-3:30     $147       $172      $164      $189      Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal
                                                          of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
   8:30-6:00     $153       $178      $170      $195
                                                          8:30-3:30     $123       $148      $140      $165
   7:00-6:00     $182       $207      $199      $224
                                                          7:00-3:30     $152      $177       $169      $194

MUCK & SLIME SAFARI                                       8:30-6:00     $158      $183       $175      $200
                                                          7:00-6:00     $187      $212       $204      $229
Creep on over for a week of collecting bugs,
tracking animal prints, building dirt castles,
making creepy crafts and exploring the                 LEGO® CONSTRUCTION                                      PICASSO’S PLAYGROUND
world of mud! Make sure to wear clothes
you do not mind getting dirty because this             If you enjoy Legos, this camp will be just              Do you have a passion for art? This camp
camp is going to be messy! This camp will              the right fit for you! Make every brick                 is a wonderful way to show off your artistic
also include recreational swim and outdoor             count as you build your masterpiece. We                 ability. Learn how to paint, sketch, design
activities.                                            will display these works of art in the main             crafts and mold art projects. Campers will
                                                       building for everyone to enjoy. This camp will          be working hard all week to create their
   1 & 2 grade: July 5-8
                                                       also include recreational swim and outdoor              very own masterpieces. This camp will
  Hours        Early     Early     Normal    Normal    activities.                                             also include recreational swim and outdoor
  of Care      Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                           1 & 2 grade: July 25-29                             activities.
  8:30-3:30      $113      $138       $130      $155
                                                           3 & 4 grade: July 25-29                                1 & 2 grade: July 11-15
  7:00-3:30      $142      $167       $159      $184                                                              3 & 4 grade: July 11-15
                                                          Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal
  8:30-6:00      $148      $173       $165      $190      of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)       5–7 grade: June 6-10
  7:00-6:00      $177      $202       $194      $219      8:30-3:30      $118      $143      $135       $160
                                                                                                                  Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal
                                                          7:00-3:30      $147      $172      $164       $189      of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)

CARD SHARK                                                8:30-6:00      $153      $178      $170       $195      8:30-3:30      $128      $153      $145      $170

Campers will spend the week learning the in               7:00-6:00      $182      $207      $199       $224      7:00-3:30      $157      $182      $174      $199
and outs of winning (and sometimes losing)                                                                        8:30-6:00      $163      $188      $180      $205
while playing a variety of card games.
Campers will strategize and compete in                 CULINARY CREATIONS                                         7:00-6:00      $192      $217      $209      $234

tourneys to see who the ultimate winner is             Learn the basics of cooking and good
each day! This camp will include recreational          nutrition at the Y! Campers will experiment             THE GREAT BAKE OFF
swimming and outdoor activities                        with different cooking themes and make fun              Roll up your sleeves and get ready to spend
   5-7 grade: July 11-15                               finger foods, delicious dessert creations, and          time creating some delicious treats. Campers
                                                       crazy cuisines. No oven required. In a fun              will measure, prep, mix, and decorate their
   Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal
   of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)   environment, campers will make a cookbook,              creations as they learn the ins and outs of
   8:30-3:30      $113      $138      $130      $155
                                                       go on field trips and learn the values of               baking. Campers will bake desserts from
                                                       eating fruits, vegetables, whole grain and              another country, as well as some good old
   7:00-3:30      $142      $167      $159      $184
                                                       more! This camp will also include recreational          fashioned favorites. This camp will also
   8:30-6:00      $148      $173      $165      $190   swim and outdoor activities.                            include recreational swim and outdoor
   7:00-6:00      $177      $202      $194      $219      1 & 2 grade: July 18-22                              activities.
                                                          3 & 4 grade: June 27 - July 1                           5-7 grade: June 20-24
                                                          5-7 grade: July 25-29                                   Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal
                                                          Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal        of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                          of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)       8:30-3:30     $133      $158       $150      $175
                                                          8:30-3:30     $128       $153      $145      $170       7:00-3:30     $162      $187       $179      $204
                                                          7:00-3:30     $157       $182      $174      $199       8:30-6:00     $168      $193       $185      $210
                                                          8:30-6:00     $163       $188      $180      $205       7:00-6:00     $197      $222       $214      $239
                                                          7:00-6:00     $192       $217      $209      $234

NEWARK                                                     BASEBALL & SOFTBALL
                                                            Tailored to beginning and intermediate

SPECIALTY                                                   players, this program teaches skills required
                                                            for success in youth baseball and softball.

                                                            Hitting,fielding, and base running are just a
                                                            few of the fundamentals taught. Campers will
                                                            be taking a field trip to Don Edwards Park.
                                                            Please be sure your child’s name is on their
                                                            glove and bat. This camp will also include
BUSY BUILDERS                                               recreational swim and outdoor activities.
At construction camp we’ll nurture campers with                5-7 grade: June 13-17
active and creative minds. We’ll encourage the                 Hours        Early      Early      Normal     Normal
imagination and problem-solving skills of our                  of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)    Reg (M)    Reg (N)
campers by showing them that they can learn to                 8:30-3:30       $115       $140       $132       $157
make anything they want with the help of some
                                                               7:00-3:30       $144       $169       $161       $186
wood, a hammer, and nails. Campers will create
a take-home masterpiece during this week as                    8:30-6:00       $150       $175       $167       $192
they learn some basic building skills. This camp               7:00-6:00       $179       $204       $196       $221
will also include recreational swim and outdoor
   5-7 grade: July 18-22                                   BASKETBALL
   Hours        Early     Early     Normal    Normal       This camp is designed for any child interested
   of Care      Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                           in learning the fundamental of basketball.                   VOLLEYBALL
   8:30-3:30       $128      $153      $145      $170      Shooting, dribbling, passing, strategy and
                                                                                                                        Did you know that the YMCA invented the
   7:00-3:30       $157      $182      $174      $199      more will be taught along with teamwork,
                                                                                                                        sport of volleyball? Who better to teach you
                                                           sportsmanship and the YMCA’s character
   8:30-6:00       $163      $188      $180      $205                                                                   how to serve, set and spike then? Learn the
                                                           values. Learn the sport that began at the
   7:00-6:00       $192      $217      $209      $234                                                                   rules of the sport and basic volleyball skills.
                                                           YMCA. Players will enjoy drills, scrimmages
                                                                                                                        Team work, respect, and cooperative play
                                                           and basketball contests. Campers need to
                                                                                                                        are just a few things that will be instilled
                                                           wear appropriate clothing (t-shirt, shorts
                                                                                                                        during this camp. Bump! Set! Spike! Campers
SOCCER                                                     & sneakers). This camp will also include
                                                                                                                        will be taking a trip to Don Edwards Park to
                                                           recreational swim and outdoor activities.
Learn ball handling, passing, dribbling and goal                                                                        play sand volleyball one day this week. This
                                                               1 & 2 grade: August 1-5                                  camp will also include recreational swim and
tending while acquiring the qualities of good
sportsmanship and teamwork. This camp will                     3 & 4 grade: June 13-17                                  outdoor activities.
also include recreational swim and outdoor                     5-7 grade: June 27-July 1                                   3 & 4 grade: August 1-5
activities.                                                                                                                5-7 grade: July 18-22
                                                               Hours        Early      Early      Normal     Normal
   3 & 4 grade: July 5-8                                       of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)    Reg (M)    Reg (N)
                                                                                                                            Hours        Early       Early      Normal       Normal
   5-7 grade: July 5-8                                         8:30-3:30      $113       $138        $130       $155        of Care      Reg (M)     Reg (N)    Reg (M)      Reg (N)

   Hours        Early     Early     Normal    Normal           7:00-3:30      $142       $167        $159       $184        8:30-3:30       $113        $138       $130         $155
   of Care      Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                               8:30-6:00      $148       $173        $165       $190        7:00-3:30       $142        $167       $159         $184
   8:30-3:30      $113      $138       $130      $155
                                                               7:00-6:00      $177       $202        $194       $219        8:30-6:00       $148        $173       $165         $190
   7:00-3:30      $142      $167       $159      $184
                                                                                                                            7:00-6:00       $177        $202        $194        $219
   8:30-6:00      $148      $173       $165      $190
   7:00-6:00      $177      $202       $194      $219      FOOTBALL
                                                           Hut, Hut, Hike! Would you like to tackle some
                                                           of those essential football skills? Take a week
                                                                                                                        DISC GOLF
                                                           to practice football drills with some local                  Campers will play on two local disc golf
                                                           athletes. Be prepared to work your mind body                 courses as well as creating their own course.
                                                           and soul during this camp. This camp will                    Campers will fine tune their frisbee skills as
                                                           also include recreational swim and outdoor                   they adventure around our local courses. This
                                                           activities.                                                  camp will include recreational swim and outdoor
                                                             3 & 4 grade: July 25-29
                                                             5-7 grade: August 1-5                                        5-7 grade: June 20-24
                                                                Hours        Early      Early      Normal     Normal       Hours        Early      Early       Normal      Normal
                                                                of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)    Reg (M)    Reg (N)      of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)     Reg (M)     Reg (N)
                                                                8:30-3:30       $113       $138       $130       $155      8:30-3:30      $128       $153         $145        $170
                                                                7:00-3:30       $142       $167       $159       $184      7:00-3:30      $157       $182         $174        $199
                                                                8:30-6:00       $148       $173       $165       $190      8:30-6:00      $163       $188         $180        $205
                                                                7:00-6:00       $177       $202       $194       $219      7:00-6:00      $192       $217         $209        $234

12 These dates, times and activities are tentative and may be subject to change without notice.
Would you like to learn the basics of roller
                                                         Electric Slide? Macarena? Chacha Slide? Do                             NEWARK
skating? This week of camp is made for
you! All week campers will walk over to the
Roll-A-Way skating center to enjoy an hour
                                                         you enjoy any of these dances? If so come
                                                         join us for Dance Camp! Campers will utilize
                                                         the aerobics studio daily to receive special
and a half of private skating. This camp
will also include recreational swimming and
outdoor activities.
                                                         instruction and practice their routine. The
                                                         campers will perform their dance routine
                                                         on Friday at closing circle. This camp will
  1 & 2 grade: June 6-10                                also include recreational swim and outdoor
                         & June 20-24
                                                         activities.                                                   SAFETY AROUND WATER
  3 & 4 grade: June 6-10
                                                            1 & 2 grade: June 20-24                                    CAMP (S.A.W.)
                         & June 20-24                       Hours        Early      Early       Normal      Normal     Teaching children how to be safe around
                                                            of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)     Reg (M)     Reg (N)
                                                                                                                       water is not a luxury; it is a necessity. The
   Hours       Early      Early     Normal    Normal
   of Care     Reg (M)    Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                            8:30-3:30       $118       $143        $135        $160    YMCA’s Safety Around Water program can
                                                            7:00-3:30       $147       $172        $164        $189    help you make sure they learn essential
   8:30-3:30     $123        $148      $140      $165
                                                            8:30-6:00       $153       $178        $170        $195
                                                                                                                       water safety skills, which can open up a
   7:00-3:30     $152       $177       $169      $194                                                                  world of possibilities for them to satisfy their
                                                            7:00-6:00       $182       $207        $199         $224   curiosity safely. This camp will also include
   8:30-6:00     $158       $183       $175      $200
   7:00-6:00     $187       $212       $204      $229
                                                                                                                       recreational swim and outdoor activities.
                                                         CHEER                                                            1 & 2 grade: June 20-24
                                                         Give me a Y, give me a M, give me a C, give me                   3 & 4 grade: June 13-17
                                                         an A – What’s that spell? YMCA! Yea YMCA!
                                                                                                                          Hours        Early       Early      Normal       Normal
                                                         This camp teaches the fundamentals of                            of Care      Reg (M)     Reg (N)    Reg (M)      Reg (N)
                                                         cheerleading, including motions, jumps,
                                                                                                                          8:30-3:30       $118        $143       $135         $160
                                                         basic tumbling and stunting. Campers will
                                                         learn cheers, and gain basic skills in hand                      7:00-3:30       $147        $172        $164        $189
                                                         and arm formations. This camp is a great                         8:30-6:00       $153        $178       $170         $195
                                                         way for young people to exercise, express                        7:00-6:00       $182        $207       $199         $224
                                                         themselves, develop self-esteem and get
                                                         physically fit. This camp will also include
                                                         recreational swim and outdoor activities.
                                                            1 & 2 grade: July 25-29
                                                            3 & 4 grade: June 13-17
                                                            Hours        Early       Early      Normal       Normal
                                                            of Care      Reg (M)     Reg (N)    Reg (M)      Reg (N)
GYMNASTICS                                                  8:30-3:30       $118        $143       $135         $160
Flip and tumble the day away! Whether you                   7:00-3:30       $147        $172        $164        $189
are new to the sport or a more experienced                  8:30-6:00       $153        $178       $170         $195
gymnast, you are sure to gain new skills                    7:00-6:00       $182        $207       $199         $224
by working with our instructors. You will
learn basic routines on: bars, beam, vault                                                                             JUNIOR LIFEGUARD
and floor. Gymnastics builds self-esteem,                NERF® OR NOTHING                                              Knee’s weak, arms are heavy, Whistles on,
self-discipline, flexibility and strengthens             Dust off your blasters and goggles and                        Guards are ready. This is your kids chance
muscles. Please wear shorts and a t-shirt                gear up for an epic week of creating battle                   to be the safest role model of the summer!
for this camp. This camp will also include               grounds for wars, target practice, and plenty                 This is not official lifeguard training but a
recreational swim and outdoor activities.                of live NERF® wars with your fellow campers                   full week to better prepare your camper as
   1 & 2 grade: June 27-July 1                           and counselors. Darts and eye protection                      they enjoy their time at the pool this summer.
   3 & 4 grade: July 18-22                               will be provided, but campers are welcome to                  Campers will learn new games, safety skills
                                                         bring their own special blaster from home.                    and the ins and outs of what it takes to be a
   Hours       Early      Early     Normal    Normal     This camp will also include recreational swim                 lifeguard in the future. This camp will include
   of Care     Reg (M)    Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)    and outdoor activities.                                       recreational swim and outdoor activities.
   8:30-3:30      $118       $143      $135       $160      1 & 2 grade: July 18-22                                        5-7 grade: June 27-July 1
   7:00-3:30      $147       $172      $164       $189      3 & 4 grade: June 27-July 1                                  Hours        Early      Early       Normal      Normal
   8:30-6:00      $153       $178      $170       $195      5-7 grade: June 6-10                                         of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)     Reg (M)     Reg (N)

   7:00-6:00      $182       $207      $199       $224                                                                   8:30-3:30      $118        $143        $135        $160
                                                           Hours        Early      Early       Normal      Normal
                                                           of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)     Reg (M)     Reg (N)       7:00-3:30      $147       $172         $164        $189
                                                           8:30-3:30      $128       $153         $145        $170       8:30-6:00      $153       $178         $170        $195
                                                           7:00-3:30      $157       $182         $174        $199       7:00-6:00      $182       $207         $199        $224
                                                           8:30-6:00      $163       $188         $180        $205
                                                           7:00-6:00      $192       $217         $209        $234

NEWARK                                                         SUPERHERO ACADEMY
                                                             POW! Ka-zam! SPLAT!
SPECIALTY                                                  Join forces with fellow campers as you tap
                                                           into your inner powers. Heros will be creating

  CAMPS                                                    capes, symbols and plotting to take over
                                                           camp. This camp is all about imagination,
                                                           team work and ensuring justice. This camp will
                                                           also include recreational swim and outdoor
                                                              1 & 2 grade: June 13-17
                                                               Hours        Early      Early      Normal     Normal
                                                               of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)    Reg (M)    Reg (N)
                                                               8:30-3:30      $118        $143       $135       $160
                                                               7:00-3:30       $147       $172       $164       $189
                                                                                                                       YMCA NINJA WARRIOR
                                                                                                                       Our little ninjas will focus on fitness and
                                                               8:30-6:00      $153        $178       $170       $195
                                                                                                                       discipline in the spirit, mind and body.
                                                               7:00-6:00      $182        $207       $199       $224   Campers will be enjoying time in the Mitchell
                                                                                                                       Center working on their strength and speed,
                                                                                                                       gymnastics tumbling and “ninja” style moves
                                                           POKEMON® ADVENTURE                                          in this week long camp. This program is skill
PRINCESS 101                                               Pikachu I choose you! This camp is designed                 based, fast-paced and geared for any kids
                                                           to train campers in their quest to become                   that want to become a warrior. Come work
This camp has everything the princess inside                                                                           off some energy and tap into the warrior
you will love... Pretend, music, dress up, a tea           world class Pokemon Masters. Our Pokemon
                                                                                                                       inside of you. This camp will also include
party, crafting and lots of sparkles! Bring                trainers will teach campers about this widely
                                                                                                                       recreational swim and outdoor activities.
your imagination and we’ll provide the pixie               enjoyed card game as well as how to properly
dust. Jump into a world of magic and prepare               care for their cards and the rarity of each                    1 & 2 grade: June 6-10
to be enchanted! This camp will also include               card. The counselors will also incorporate the                 3 & 4 grade: July 11-15
recreational swim and outdoor activities.                  four core values into each game play as well
                                                           as facilitating fair card trading. This camp will              Hours        Early     Early     Normal    Normal
   1 & 2 grade: June 13-17                                                                                                of Care      Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                           also include recreational swim and outdoor
                                                                                                                          8:30-3:30      $123       $148      $140      $165
    Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal       activities.
                                                                                                                          7:00-3:30      $152      $177       $169      $194
    of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                              1 & 2 grade: June 27-July 1
    8:30-3:30      $128      $153      $145      $170                                                                     8:30-6:00      $158      $183       $175      $200
                                                              3 & 4 grade: July 18-22
    7:00-3:30      $157      $182      $174      $199                                                                     7:00-6:00      $187      $212       $204      $229
                                                               Hours        Early      Early      Normal     Normal
    8:30-6:00      $163      $188      $180      $205          of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)    Reg (M)    Reg (N)
    7:00-6:00      $192      $217      $209      $234          8:30-3:30      $123        $148       $140       $165
                                                                                                                       FULL S.T.E.A.M. AHEAD
                                                               7:00-3:30      $152        $177       $169       $194
                                                                                                                       Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead camp is a week designed
TRENDY TWEENS                                                  8:30-6:00      $158        $183       $175       $200
                                                                                                                       to enhance and encourage curiosity and
                                                               7:00-6:00      $187        $212       $204       $229   enthusiasm for science, mathematics,
From bracelets, lanyards and necklaces to
henna tattoos, tie dying and purses the                                                                                engineering, art, and technology. Campers will
                                                                                                                       experience a variety of hands on activities
design possibilities are endless. Turn old                 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR JEDI®                                     throughout the week that promote teamwork
shirts and duct tape into new things to wear
and create other wearable art from a variety               Star Wars fan are you, hmm? Send your                       and collaboration. Technology and art are a
of materials. Let’s take the ordinary to the               Padawan to our Jedi training camp and                       part of this experience, along with problem
extraordinary! This camp will also include                 let them learn all the ways of the force.                   solving, challenges, cooperative activities and
recreational swim and outdoor activities.                  Campers will defend the galaxy through daily                contests. Campers will be challenged this
                                                           Star Wars camp activities and all things                    week as they participate in fun and creative
   5-7 grade: June 13-17                                   outer space. The force is strong with this                  activities. This camp will include recreational
                                                           one. This camp will also include recreational               swim and outdoor activities.
   Hours        Early     Early     Normal    Normal
   of Care      Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)      swim and outdoor activities.
                                                              3 & 4 grade: June 6-10                                      1 & 2 grade: July 11-15
   8:30-3:30      $128      $153       $145      $170
                                                                                                                          3 & 4 grade: June 20-24
   7:00-3:30      $157      $182       $174      $199         Hours        Early      Early      Normal     Normal
                                                              of Care      Reg (M)    Reg (N)    Reg (M)    Reg (N)       5-7 grade: June 27-July 1
   8:30-6:00      $163      $188       $180      $205
                                                              8:30-3:30      $118        $143       $135       $160        Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal
   7:00-6:00      $192      $217       $209      $234
                                                              7:00-3:30      $147       $172        $164       $189        of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)

                                                              8:30-6:00      $153       $178        $170       $195        8:30-3:30      $128      $153      $145       $170

                                                              7:00-6:00      $182       $207        $199       $224        7:00-3:30      $157      $182      $174       $199
                                                                                                                           8:30-6:00      $163      $188      $180       $205
                                                                                                                           7:00-6:00      $192      $217      $209       $234

14 These dates, times and activities are tentative and may be subject to change without notice.
All For One camp is an inclusive program designed to give children (ages 5 through 18
still enrolled in school) with physical, cognitive and/or sensory needs an opportunity
to experience camp first hand. Campers will have fun while participating in songs, arts
& crafts, games, swimming and more, while accompanied by a counselor. Small group
activities will be included throughout the week to meet each campers needs, such as
sensory crafts, gross motor games and nature walks. The staff to camper ratio is 1:3.
An intake meeting with the All For One coordinator and the child’s parents/guardian
as well as the child’s case manager/service coordinator is mandatory for all first time
campers to ensure that we are able to accommodate the needs of every child within our
program. Space is very limited in this camp. In order to ensure your child has a space in
camp (after the intake meeting approval) ALL paperwork must be completed and turned                    SCHOOL AGE
in including any 3rd party contracts/payment plans.                                                    PROGRAMS
                                                   Hours       Early     Early     Normal    Normal    Our Before and After School program
    Camp hours are from                            of Care     Reg (M)   Reg (N)   Reg (M)   Reg (N)
                                                                                                       gives your child a caring, supportive
                                                   8:30-3:30     $103      $128       $120      $145
                                                                                                       environment outside of the classroom.
  8:30am to 3:30pm daily                           7:00-3:30     $132      $157       $149      $174   Our counselors provide your child
and is available all 10 weeks.                     8:30-6:00     $138      $163       $155      $180   guidance and space to work on
                                                   7:00-6:00     $167      $192       $184      $209   homework, have a snack and participate
                                                                                                       in games and other physical activities.
                                                                                                       Our convenient hours complement your
                                                                                                       child’s daily elementary school schedule

      NEWARK DATES TO REMEMBER:                                                                        and parent’s work schedule, including
                                                                                                       transportation to and from school.
                                                                                                       (Please check with the Child Care Office
                                                                                                       for availability.)
  June 2- Camp Open House
                                                                                                       Our Before and After school, inclement
       Think warm! Think Summer! Think Camp! Learn more about what our                                 weather, spring, winter and other school
       summer camp program has to offer. Join us as we share a general                                 break programs are specially designed
       overview of our daily schedule. Meet the directors, ask questions,                              to keep your child engaged and learning!
       interact with counselors and allow us to get you and your child excited
                                                                                                       Please contact the Child Care office
       about camp this coming summer! This open house is designed for new                              of the Buckeye Valley Family YMCA for
       campers and parents but returning campers are always welcome! Join                              more information about these programs
       us at camp from 6:30 – 7:30pm at the camp grounds.                                              at 740-345-9628.

                                       June 6
      FIRST DAY OF SUMMER CAMP!                                                                         SPECIAL
                                                                                                        THANKS TO OUR
  Registration Opens for School Age:                                                                    COMMUNITY
    July 5 for Returning Participants                                                                   PARTNERS
    July 11 Open to Public
      Before and After School programs for select Newark & Heath city
      schools will begin accepting registration today.
                                                                                                                United Way of Licking County
  August 12- Last Day of Camp
  August 15 –17 - Post Camp
      Child care is available this week prior to school starting. There
      is a $35 charge per day for full members, $45 for non members.
      Register at the child care front desk. ODJFS participants must be
      linked in order to attend.
  August 18- First day of classes for Newark City Schools
Three convenient locations to serve you

FAMILY YMCA              FAMILY YMCA              FAMILY YMCA
NEWARK                   PATASKALA                ZANESVILLE
470 West Church Street   355 West Broad Street    1425 Newark Road
Newark, OH 43055         Pataskala, OH 43062      Zanesville, OH 43701
740-345-9622             740-964-6522             740-454-4767
You can also read