Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth

Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth
Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth
                                                               Daniel Schwalbe-Koda,1 Zach Jensen,1 Elsa Olivetti,1 and Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli1, a)
                                                               Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
                                                               MA 02139
                                                               (Dated: 11 March 2021)

                                                          Predicting and directing polymorphic trans-               groups of pairwise structural relationships: recrystalliza-
                                                     formations is a critical challenge in zeolite                  tion, diffusionless transformations, formation of compet-
                                                     synthesis1–4 . Although interzeolite transforma-               ing phases, and intergrown phases (see Fig. 1a-d and the
arXiv:1812.02685v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 10 Mar 2021

                                                     tions enable selective crystallization5–8 , their de-          Supplementary Information for full definitions).
                                                     sign lacks predictions to connect framework simi-                 By statistical analysis of the collected pairs, it was
                                                     larity and experimental observations. Here, com-               found that neither the framework density nor the
                                                     putational and theoretical tools are combined to               common-CBU hypothesis by themselves explain the re-
                                                     data-mine, analyze and explain interzeolite re-                ported phase relations. Fig. 1e shows the tally of trans-
                                                     lations. It is observed that building units are                formations reported between zeolite pairs that share a
                                                     weak predictors of topology interconversion and                given number of common CBUs. At least 35% of recrys-
                                                     insufficient to explain intergrowth. By introduc-              tallization, competing and diffusionless relations have ini-
                                                     ing a supercell-invariant metric that compares                 tial and final zeolites without any common CBUs. In con-
                                                     crystal structures using graph theory, we show                 trast, 95% of the unique intergrown zeolites pairs have
                                                     that topotactic and reconstructive (diffusion-                 at least one common building unit. Still, nearly 65%
                                                     less) transformations occur only between graph-                of these pairs do not share the same set of CBUs (see
                                                     similar pairs. Furthermore, all known instances                Supp. Fig. 1). This data-driven view suggests that the
                                                     of intergrowth occur between either structurally-              common-CBU rule is not a predictor of interzeolite tran-
                                                     similar or graph-similar frameworks. Backed with               sitions, despite its roles on crystallization rates and topo-
                                                     exhaustive literature results, we identify promis-             logical description. Common CBUs only partially drive
                                                     ing pairs for realizing novel diffusionless trans-             intergrowth.
                                                     formations and intergrowth. Hundreds of low-
                                                     distance pairs are identified among known zeo-                    Changes in framework densities (∆FD) do not provide
                                                     lites, and thousands of hypothetical frameworks                significant trends for each transformation in the litera-
                                                     are connected to known zeolites counterparts.                  ture. Similarities in density are very common, as evi-
                                                     The theory opens a venue to understand and con-                denced by the distribution of all pairwise density differ-
                                                     trol zeolite polymorphism.                                     ences in Fig. 1f. Hence, it is not a selective predictor.
                                                        Traditionally, zeolites are compared according to their     In recrystallization processes and competing phases, we
                                                     framework density9 or set of constituent units10 . It is       identified a broader distribution for ∆FD than in other
                                                     typically understood that the crystallization of certain       transformations, as low-density frameworks such as FAU
                                                     species during interzeolite conversion is faster when the      or LTA are usually crystallized first in hydrothermal syn-
                                                     seed and the product zeolite share composite building          thesis. Their wide commercial availability also make
                                                     units (CBUs)5,8 . The increased stability of denser frame-     them a popular silicon source for seed-assisted conver-
                                                     works is also usually described in terms of Ostwald’s          sion of zeolites, which may skew the diversity of data
                                                     rule9 . This has led to a formulation of heuristic rules       available in the literature. On the other hand, more di-
                                                     such as the common-CBU hypothesis to design organic            rect diffusionless transformations and intergrown zeolites
                                                     structure-directing agents (OSDAs)-free routes through         tend to have smaller differences of framework density.
                                                     hydrothermal treatments.5,11                                     The presence of one or more common CBUs or low
                                                        Most interzeolite transformations reported in the lit-      ∆FD, thus, can help rationalize results, but is not pre-
                                                     erature can be described as recrystallization under hy-        dictive of interzeolite relations. We propose that comple-
                                                     drothermal treatment. Other less common types of ze-           mentary, richer descriptors based on topology and struc-
                                                     olite conversion have not been as thoroughly compiled          ture can achieve improved explanatory and predictive
                                                     and investigated. We searched through more than 70,000         power for some classes of experimental relations. Graphs
                                                     articles related to zeolites with a combination of natural-    are well-known representations to encode the topology
                                                     language processing and human supervision and identi-          of zeolites12–15 . Frameworks are represented as multi-
                                                     fied 374 experimental reports of polymorphic pairwise          graphs, or crystal graphs, that label T-O-T (T = Si,
                                                     relations. We classified these pairs into four major           Al etc.) covalent bonds as edges and capture periodic
                                                                                                                    boundaries (Fig. 2a). To compare different topologies, a
                                                                                                                    metric of distance between graphs is necessary. We first
                                                                                                                    looked at graph isomorphism, which verifies if two graphs
                                                     a) Electronic mail:                             are equivalent up to a relabeling of their nodes16 . Start-
                                                     1   Pre-peer review manuscript                                 ing from the set of 245 known zeolites from the Interna-
Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth

a recrystallization (CR)               b competing phases (CO)                    e
                                                                                                                 CR          DL                             114
                                                                                                                 CO          IG
        LTA                SOD                                                                    0.8            ALL

                                                                           Normalized frequency

                                                                                                                                            # pairs
                                                                                                                                                                  11   17
                                                                                                  0.4                                                  CR CO DL        IG


c diffusionless (DL)                    d intergrowth (IG)                                               0    1         2          3          4              5          6
                                                                                                                  Number of common CBUs
         GME               AFI                                                    f

                                                                     OFF                           5

                                                                                 FD (T/1000 Å3)

        CDO                FER                                                                     3

                                                                     ERI                           2


                                                                                                        CR       CO               DL                  IG           ALL

FIG. 1. Types of zeolite transformations and classical explanations. a-d, Diagrams of interzeolite transformations
found in the literature. Colored substructures depict CBUs. e, Fraction of pairs experimentally observed within interzeolite
transformations and their number of common CBUs. e (inset), Histogram of the literature extraction. The number above the
bar corresponds to the number of unique pairs found in the literature under that category. f, Statistical distribution of differences
of framework density (∆FD) between the source and the target zeolite for each transformation. The white dot indicate the
median of the distribution. The bottom and top of the thicker solid lines are the first and third quartiles, respectively, while the
whiskers indicate the maximum and the minimum of the range. For e, f, the zeolite conversions are abbreviated as following:
recrystallization (CR), competing phases (CO), diffusionless (DL), and intergrowth (IG). For comparison, the distributions for
all pairs of known zeolites (ALL) are also shown.

                                                                    pairs are related experimentally through diffusionless
TABLE I. Pairs of known zeolites whose crystal graphs are
                                                                    transformations: CDO-FER, GME-AFI, and APC-APD.
multigraph isomorphic. Bold pairs share the same set of
CBUs.                                                               Of those, GME-AFI and APC-APD do not have the same
    CDO-FER SFO-AFR RSN-VSV AWO-UEI                                 CBUs. Thus, Tab. I contains 27% of the eleven known
     AFI-GME AHT-ATV CGF-HEU JBW-NPO                                unique diffusionless zeolite conversions. This shows that
     ABW-BCT AWW-RTE APC-APD BOF-LAU                                graph isomorphism is much more selective than randomly
     MER-PHI SBN-THO             ACO-GIS-LTJ                        guessing 11 diffusionless transformations out of 29,890
                                                                    possible pairs of known zeolites. Furthermore, most
                                                                    of the the other graph-isomorphic zeolites are report-
tional Zeolite Association (IZA) database, we checked for           edly connected through other relations, experimentally-
the existence of crystal graph isomorphism for all 29,890           derived structural models, building schemes, and simula-
pairwise combinations of zeolite graphs. If all graph rep-          tions (see Appendix B).
resentations were distinct, no isomorphism would be de-                The isomorphism test provides a powerful similarity
tected. However, we found 14 pairs and one trio of dif-             metric for zeolites, and hints at the presence of kinetic
ferent zeolite topologies with the same multigraph con-             transformation channels between crystal phases17 . The
nectivity. Table I shows the isomorphic pairs identified            perfect equivalence between graphs ensures than both
among the known zeolites. Only four of these pairs share            structures have the same number of atoms and bonds
the exact same set of CBUs, namely CDO-FER, SFO-                    inside the unit cell, so there is no net bond breaking
AFR, RSN-VSV, and AWO-UEI. All the remaining pairs                  or formation. A bijection between nodes is also guar-
have identical graph representations, but different CBUs.           anteed: for each atom in the starting crystal, there is
This suggests that graphs capture framework similarity              an equivalent atom in the final crystal with the same
in a distinctive way.                                               neighborhood. Hence, the initial and final structures are
   Inspecting the transformations extracted from the lit-           related by a local rearrangement of the atoms. The tran-
erature, we found that three of the graph isomorphic                sition between the frameworks is either purely displacive
Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth
            zeolite                       unit cell graph                      periodic graph     edge equivalences. Although the kinetic process involves
                                                                                                  bond breaking, the net number of bonds formed per unit
                                                                                                  cell is zero. Such a mechanism between the structures can
                                                                                                  be visualized by interpolating the equivalent atomic posi-
                                                                                                  tions of each crystal. Supp. Fig. 2 depicts the evolution
                                                                                                  of the GME-AFI transformation, compatible with both
b                                                                                                 the three-connected intermediate and cage compression
       Crystal A            Graph g(A)                Graph g(B)                    Crystal B     mechanisms19,20 .
                                             d1                                                      Crystal graph isomorphism has three obvious limita-
                      g                                                    g
                                                                                                  tions as a similarity metric for crystals: (i) it is a binary
                                                                                                  metric, thus unable to assign intermediate similarity val-
             M(A)                                                                         M(B)    ues for different graphs; (ii) it is a computationally ex-
                                                                                                  pensive test for large graphs; and (iii) it is not invariant
                      g                      d2                        g                          to the choice of the unit cell. To address (i) and (ii), we
                                                                                                  adapted the D-measure21 for multigraphs. This similar-
                                                                                                  ity compares graph connectivities based on distributions
    Supercell M(A)A       Graph g(M(A)A)           Graph g(M(B)B)               Supercell M(B)B   of node distances, generating a continuous metric space
                                                                                                  which recovers graph isomorphism with zero distance21 .
                                                                                                  Then, a variational approach is proposed to solve (iii).
                                                                                                  When comparing a zeolite pair, we search for two su-
                                                                                                  percells with equal number of T atoms and minimum
                                                                                                  discrepancy in terms of lattice geometry. This allows the
       Crystal A          bond breaking           lattice distortion                Crystal B
                                                                                                  comparison between crystals with different point groups,
                                                                                                  as is the case of most transformations in the literature
FIG. 2. Graph and supercell matching. a, Representa-                                              (Supp. Tab. I), in a generalization of the coincidence
tion of a zeolite using a graph. The unit cell graph is modi-                                     lattice method for surfaces22 with a custom graph met-
fied to satisfy periodic boundary conditions by looping bonds                                     ric (see Methods). The topological distance between two
back into the unit cell. b, Graph distance between different                                      crystals is then taken as the D-measure between the best-
hypothetical crystal structures. The distance d between crys-                                     matched supercell graphs (Figs. 2b,c). Furthermore, to
tal graphs varies with the choice of the crystallographic unit                                    investigate the role of 3D atomic arrangement, we com-
cell. In the given example, the transformation matrices are                                       bined structural similarities under a single descriptor by
M (A) = 2I and M (B) = I, with I the identity matrix. With                                        using the Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP)
the choice of an appropriate metric, d2 ≤ d1 . c, Hypothetical
                                                                                                  approach23 . We observed that kernel distance is well
A-B transformation. The bond breaking step removes two ex-
tra edges from the M (A) A crystal graph to match the M (B) B
                                                                                                  correlated with framework density and with CBUs (see
crystal graph, and is followed by a diffusionless transforma-                                     Suppl. Figs. 3-6).
tion at constant graph.                                                                              Fig. 3a illustrates the distribution of the pairwise dis-
                                                                                                  tances between zeolites according to the two descriptors.
                                                                                                  When plotting all known interzeolite synthesis relations
(no covalent bonds are broken) or concerted (military),                                           from our database, all diffusionless transformations fall
resembling martensitic transitions in metallurgy18 . In                                           in the lower graph distance region (Figs. 3b-d). This
contrast, hydrothermal treatments lead to the forma-                                              advances the argument that graph similarity is a power-
tion of an amorphous phase, essentially breaking down                                             ful predictor of kinetic transformations in zeolites. The
the topology and rebooting the crystallization process.                                           only exception to this rule is the reconstructive LTA-
This implies a less selective transformation if not assisted                                      IFY transformation24 , which reportedly requires an ex-
by OSDAs. Other experimental parameters may have a                                                ternal pressure of 3 GPa to be induced. This very high
larger influence on the outcomes than the precrystallized                                         pressure suggests that diffusionless transitions between
reactants themselves, as in the case of competing phases.                                         low graph-similar zeolites require extreme conditions. A
   The relationship between graph isomorphism and in-                                             large number of intergrown frameworks also occur for low
terzeolite conversions is illustrated with the isochemical                                        graph-distance pairs. Interestingly, the SOAP descriptor
phase transition between GME and AFI. Alberti et al.                                              complements the predictions of zeolite intergrowth, by
studied this reconstructive phase transformation upon                                             capturing intergrown pairs with high structural similar-
heating and identified the existence of an intermediate,                                          ity. This indicates the intergrowth may be possible if:
“transient” phase with three-connected T atoms19 . Dus-                                           the two polymorphs have similar atomic connectivities,
selier et al. later explained this effect using powder X-ray                                      which allow nucleating them to interconnect on similar
diffraction (XRD) pattern measurements20 . They pro-                                              surfaces upon nucleation (low graph distance); or if they
posed a mechanism of 18 T-O bonds breaking under com-                                             have similar building units, through which the stacking
pression of the gme cage20 . Using the graph isomorphism                                          process can be formed (low SOAP distance). For recrys-
criterion, this transition is explained through node and                                          tallization transformations and competing phases, the
Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth

    a                          1.0                                                                                                 b                          0.5
                                                                                                    2.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CR
                               0.8                                                                                                                            0.4
  SOAP distance (normalized)

                                                                                                                                 SOAP distance (normalized)
                               0.6                                                                                                                            0.3


                               0.4                                                                                                                            0.2

                               0.2                                                                  0.5                                                       0.1

                               0.0                                                                  0.0                                                       0.0
                                     0.0        0.2       0.4        0.6          0.8        1.0                                                                     0.0               0.1                 0.2                                                      0.3                          0.4                              0.5
                                                      D-measure (normalized)                                                                                                                       D-measure (normalized)

    c 0.5                                                                                                                             d 0.3                                                                                   e

                               0.2                                                                                                                                                               CHA-GIS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Number of isomorphic hypothetical zeolites
                                                                                                                              SOAP distance (normalized)                               LIT-PHI
                                                                                                                                                                       AFI-GME        GIS-MOR
                                                                                                                                                                       JBW-SOD        EAB-SOD
SOAP distance

                               0.4                                                                                                                                                    OKO-PCR
                               0.3                                                                                                                                               CHA-LEV                                                                      300

                               0.1                                                                                                                                                             EDI-MER
                               0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                            200
                               0.5                                                                                                                                     AFX-CHA                 EDI-PHI
min(D, SOAP)

                               0.4                                                                                                                                     MER-PHI
                               0.3                                                                                                                                     ERI-OFF                                                                                100
                                                                                                                                                                       BIK-CAS     MEL-MFI
                               0.2                                                                                                                                     CDO-FER
                                                                                                                                                                       NAT-THO EON-MAZ
                               0.1                                                                                                                                     RSN-VSV       ITE-RTH
                               0.0                                                                                                                            0.0                                                                                               0
                                           CR           CO             DL               IG         ALL                                                              0.000            0.025            0.050



                                                                 Transformation                                                                                       D-measure (normalized)

 FIG. 3. Structural and graph similarities in zeolites. a, Distribution of zeolite pairs according to their (normalized)
 SOAP and graph distances. b, Distribution of experimentally known zeolite transformations in the joint SOAP-graph space and
 c, separately. Diffusionless transformations (DL) and intergrowth (IG) have smaller graph distances when compared to recrys-
 tallization (CR) and competing (CO) processes, as also evidenced by d. The only exception is the LTA-IFY transformation24 ,
 indicated by a star. In c, the white dot indicate the median of the distribution. The bottom and top of the thicker solid lines
 are the first and third quartiles, respectively. The whiskers indicate the maximum and the minimum of the range. As opposed
 to similarity in density or in CBUs, high topological similarity is rare, as evidenced by the narrow base of the ALL violin plots.
 e, Histogram of the number of hypothetical zeolites which are graph isomorphic to known frameworks. Only the eight most
 frequent codes are shown in the figure, sorted in descending order of frequency.

 majority of the pairs have higher dissimilarities across                                                                 is a strong indicator that they may be related by inter-
 both metrics. The high predictive power of the proposed                                                                  growth or diffusionless transformations, new frameworks
 metrics can be combined with the kinetic understand-                                                                     could be accessed from known ones as parent structures.
 ing of experimental processes to distinguish diffusionless                                                               We looked for isomorphic pairs in hypothetical zeolite
 transformations.                                                                                                         databases25,26 which have energy above quartz. When
   Since the topological similarity between two structures                                                                all pairwise combinations of 269,515 enumerated struc-
Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth

tures and the known zeolites are assessed with the iso-        we obtain remarkable agreement with the experimental
morphism criterion, 3,879 different hypothetical frame-        results retrieved from the literature. The metrics pre-
works are found to have at least one known isomorphic          dict hundreds of pairs of known zeolites with promis-
counterpart. Based on previous evidence of accessibility,      ing similarity and thousands of hypothetical frameworks
we suggest these structures would be strong candidates         which can have experimental relationships with known
for the synthesis of novel zeolites. This list can be fur-     topologies. Predicted pairwise relationships can lead to
ther refined according to their potential applications27 ,     the assembly of frameworks with different compositions
novelty, or availability of their parent frameworks. Fig.      and open new pathways for OSDA-free synthesis. Fur-
3e shows how many hypothetical zeolites relate to known        thermore, the method for determining zeolite similarities
ones based on frequency of isomorphism. A high num-            is atom-agnostic, and could be extended to other sys-
ber of polymorphs are graph isomorphic with APC/APD,           tems, such as metal-organic frameworks, covalent-organic
DON, SAF, AWO/UEI, *MRE, ATV/AHT and SIV.                      frameworks, as well as other systems related by diffusion-
This may be related to the richness of graph-equivalent        less transformations.
topologies that can be constructed using an orthorhom-         ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
bic unit cell within the search parameters used by Deem
et al.25 to design the zeolite unit cells. Moreover, most of      D.S.-K. acknowledges the MIT Nicole and Ingo Wender
these crystals are better characterized by chains instead      Fellowship and the MIT Robert Rose Presidential Fellow-
of just building blocks, whose regularity may play a role      ship for financial support. R.G.-B. thanks MIT DMSE
in the definition of the graph topology.                       and Toyota Faculty Chair for support. The work of E.O.
   Analogously, we propose new diffusionless transfor-         and Z.J. was partially funded by the National Science
mations for known zeolites given their graph similar-          Foundation Award #1534340, DMREF, and the Office
ity and new intergrown zeolites using the combination          of Naval Research (ONR) under Contract No. N00014-
of topological and structural descriptors. 237 pairs of        16-1-2432. D.S.-K. and R.G.-B. thank A. Corma, M.
known zeolites have normalized graph distance under            Moliner and Y. Roman for fruitful discussions.
0.01 (Supp. Tab. II), and 136 have SOAP distance
smaller or equal to 0.04 (Supp. Tab. III). This tight
threshold captures 60% of all pairs related by diffusion-      AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
less transformations and intergrowth. These pairs would
be the best starting points for further experimental ver-         R.G.-B. conceived the project. D.S.-K. and R.G.-B.
ification of graph-based relationships and to pursue new       formulated the hypothesis of graph-similar transforma-
synthesis routes or intergrown frameworks with desired         tions. D.S.-K. developed the graph and supercell match-
applications and chemical compositions. Furthermore,           ing methods, wrote their code, and performed all calcu-
leveraging differences in space groups between graph-          lations. Z.J. and E.O. performed the literature mining
similar pairs could enable martensitic transformations         and database query. Z.J., E.O. and D.S.-K. reviewed the
using anisotropic stresses28 . Finally, based on the dis-      extracted articles. D.S.-K. and R.G.-B. wrote the first
tribution of distances between zeolites, we can determine      version of the manuscript and made the figures. All au-
which known frameworks are unique in terms of structure        thors contributed to the Methods section and to the final
and topology. Supp. Figs. 9 and 10 show the distribution       version of the manuscript.
of pairwise distances between every known IZA frame-
work and enumerated hypothetical zeolites. Whereas
SOAP distances identify zeolites with lower framework          COMPETING INTERESTS
densities (see Supp. Fig. 6, 9), the graph distance also
detects exotic topologies through pairwise comparisons
                                                                 The authors declare no competing interests.
(Supplementary Fig. 10).
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Graph similarity drives zeolite diffusionless transformations and intergrowth

METHODS                                                       with two crystals A, B with lattice matrices

Literature extraction Papers describing interzeo-                                             
                                                                                   A = a1 a2 a3 ,                     (1)
lite transitions were found from a database of over 2                                          
million material science and chemistry articles using a                            B = b1 b2 b3 ,                     (2)
natural language processing (NLP) pipeline29 . First, a
subsection of approximately 70,000 papers related to          with ai , bj lattice vectors associated to each of the crys-
zeolite materials was extracted by searching for variants     tals. Each unit cell given by A, B contains a number
of the word “zeolite” within the text of each paper.          nT      of T atoms in it. Given the lattice and the atomic
Then, papers containing interzeolite transitions were         positions, we can construct a graph GX = g(X) for the
found by searching for pairs of zeolite materials with        crystal X using the crystal graph constructor g : C → G.
different IZA structures within the title, abstract, and      This maps the space of crystal structures (made from
synthesis paragraphs of the paper, as determined by           lattice and atomic basis) C to the space of graphs G. As
the NLP pipeline30 . These sections were also searched        demonstrated by the isomorphism, the constructor g is
for keywords relating to interzeolite transitions such        not necessarily injective.
as “inter-*”, “intergrowth”, “topological”, “reconstruc-         Ultimately, we want to compare the topology between
tion”, and “ADOR”. More than 540 papers contained             two graphs with the same number of nodes. This deter-
at least one pair of structures and at least one keyword      mines a scaling m(A,B) necessary to equalize the mass of
match. They were manually checked to determine the            both supercells,
type of transition and pairs of zeolites involved in the
inter-zeolite transition.                                                                     
                                                                                                (A)  (B)
                                                                                           LCM nT , nT
                                                                              m(A,B) =                       ,        (3)
Database of zeolites A database of 245 known zeolite                                             (A,B)
frameworks was downloaded from the Database of
Zeolite Structures, kept by the Structure Commission of
                                                                         (A)  (B)
                                                              where LCM nT , nT     is the least common multiple
the International Zeolite Association (IZA)31 , including
                                                                        (A)          (B)
interrupted and partially disordered frameworks. Their        between nT and nT . We can then look for the trans-
framework density and CBUs was also extracted from            formation matrices M (A,B) that minimize the graph dis-
the website.     We selected the hypothetical zeolite         tance dG (GA , GB ) between two graphs GA , GB created
database generated and optimized using the Sanders-           using the function g,
Leslie-Catlow (SLC) force field32 by Deem et al.25,26 .
From the complete database with about 314,000 entries,                                                         
we removed those whose energies were lower than quartz,         d(A, B) =      min         dG g M (A) A , g M (B) B ,
                                                                            M (A) ,M (B)
ending up with 269,515 zeolite structures. All zeolites
are considered in their pure silicate form.                                                                           (4)

                                                              subject to the constraints
Construction of zeolite multigraphs We adopted a
multigraph representation of crystals satisfying periodic
boundary conditions33 for pure zeolite silicate structures.                      det M (A,B) = m(A,B) ,               (5)
To maximize the amount of information embedded in the                                  (A,B)
graph while minimizing its size, we removed the oxygen                                mij       ∈ Z.                  (6)
atoms from the graph. Each crystal graph contains as          The resulting supercells are described by the matrices
many nodes as Si atoms in its input unit cell. Nodes are      M (A,B) . The crystal A, B supercells have lattice matri-
connected if and only if their correspondent Si atoms         ces given by M (A) A, M (B) B plus the resulting atomic
share an oxygen atom. This avoids errors from the usage       basis. A practical implementation is described in the
of nearest-neighbors search using Voronoi diagrams for        Supplementary Information.
porous materials. No node or edge labels are included in
the graph.                                                    SOAP For each atomic environment Xi in the crys-
                                                              tal structure, a SOAP power spectrum p(Xi ) is
Comparing crystal graphs Multigraph isomorphism               calculated23,35 using rcut = 10, radial basis size of 8 with
is performed using the VF2 algorithm16 as implemented         Lmax = 5 as hyperparameters. Instead of adopting the
at NetworkX34 . The graph similarity D-measure is im-         regularized entropy match kernel36 to compare crystal
plemented as reported by Schieber et al.21 . As the graph     structures, we opt for the average SOAP fingerprint given
complement cannot be computed for multigraphs, the            by
alpha-centrality is taken with respect to the graph with-
out parallel edges. This still preserves notions of connec-
tivities and distances.                                                                      1 X
                                                                                 p(Z) =          p(XiZ )              (7)
   The variational approach for the graph similarity starts                                  N i

for each crystal structure Z. This allow us to simplify   similarity,
the analysis to hundreds of thousands of zeolites with
varying number of atoms.
                                                                                            K(A, B)
The unnormalized average structure kernel K can be de-                  K̄(A, B) = p                     .    (9)
fined as the inner product of their power spectra,36                                   K(A, A)K(B, B)

                                                          This kernel induces a metric dkernel given by36

               K(A, B) = p(A) · p(B),               (8)                                    q
                                                                        dkernel (A, B) =    2 − 2K̄(A, B).   (10)
leading to the normalized kernel equivalent to a cosine
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